School Committee Bogra - Greater Bogra Association

Greater Bogra Association in the UK
97 Glenwood Gardens IIford Essex IG2 6XX Tel.020 8551 8846
Website: E-mail:
Charity Registration no. 1115642
Name & Address
Mr. Md. Abdur Rahim
BCS. Bsc Ag(Hons) Msc(Ag)
House # 834, Jaleshwaritola, Bogra-5800
Mobile: 01711-069167
Dr. A. H. M. Mushihur Rahman
MBBS (Dhaka) D.S. (Viena)
“Bogra Nursing Home”,
Seujgari, Bogra-5800
Phone : 051-78445 Mobile : 01711-016870
Mr. Muhammad Abdur Rouf
General Secretary
Bsc.(Hons) Msc. (Statistics)
“Pilsuz” !8/B Shabujbag, Bogra-5800
Phone : 051-66684 Mobile : 01713-202390
E-mail -
Mr. Muhammad Anwarul Islam-Jt-Secre.
M.A. in English ( karachi University), High.
Deploma on Health & Hospital Management.
Higher Diploma in Accounting, State
University, New York
“Aziz Kutir” BonomaliDev Lane,
Suttrapur, Bogra-5800
Phone : 051-66691 Mobile : 01733-998282
Former Secretary-Ministry of Religion Affairs G o Bd.
Former Secretary-Ministry of Jute, Govt. of Bangladesh
Former Chairman-Bangladesh Agri. Development Corp.
Former D. G. –Rural Development Academy, Bogra, Bd.
Ex Deputy Commissioner & Dist. Magistrate Shariatpur
Ex Deputy Commissioner & Dist. Magistrate Faridpur
Ex Add. Deputy Comm. & Dist. Magistrate, Rajshahi
Ex Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDO), Thakurgon.
President Dist. Anti Corruption Preventive Comm., Bogra
President Rtd. Govt. Servant’s Welfare Association, Bogra
Prominent Human Rights Worker & Social Worker
President- “Justice” (Human Rights& Legal Aid Org.).
Vice-President - “Better Life Foundation, Bogra.
Vice-President- “Shujan “ Bogra Committee.
Advisor – Bangladesh Legal Aid Services Trust, Bogra Unit
Chairman- Bogra Division Implementation Committee
Founder President-Bogra Art College.
Founder President-Bogra Anti Drug Society.
Founder Member- Bogra krishi College, Boga.
Life Member- Red Crescent Society Bangladesh,Bogra Unit
Life Member-Bangladesh Medical Association.
Life Member- Bangladesh Family Planning Association
Founder Principal-Hat karoi College, Nandigram, Bogra
Founder Secretary-Taposi Rabeya Girls’ H.School, Bogra
President- “Gram Bikash Shangstha” -GBS
( Leading NGO working with Disable People)
General Secretary- SWID Bangladesh, Bogra Branch.
General Secretary- “Justice” (Human Rights& Legal Aid Org.)
General Secretary- “Better Life Forum” Bogra.
General Secretary- “Shujan “ Bogra Committee.
Life Member- Red Crescent Society Bangladesh,Bogra Unit
Life Member-Apex Bangladesh(International. Service Club)
Life Member–Society for the Intellectually Disabled, Bd.
Prominent Human Rights Worker & Social Worker
Residence of USA from 1986-2008. Former Financial
Consultant, Queens Hospital Center, New York. Former
President, Bangladeshi American Public Affairs Front Inc.
Former Director-Sports &Cultural Affairs Bd. Society of
New York Inc. Chief Patron, Bogra Society of North
American Inc. New York
Name & Address
Former Head of the Department of Physics, Govt. Azizul
Haque University College, Bogra.
Prof: Md. Mozammel Haque –Treasurer
Secretary Dist. Anti Corruption Preventive Comm., Bogra
Bsc. (Honos), Msc. (Physics)
Secretary Rtd. Govt. Servant’s Welfare Association, Bogra
Sabujbag, Bogra-5800
Vice President- “Shujan”, Bogra Committee.
Phone : 051-67699 Mobile : 01712-106441
Execu. Member-Environmental Development Comm. Bogra
Executive Member- Station Club, Bogra.
Former Special Superintendent of Police, Criminal
Mr. Md. Akhtar Ali -Project Director
Investigation Dept. Bangladesh.
Gondogram, Bogra.
Superintendent of Police-Narail District, Bangladesh.
Phone : 051-78493 Mobile : 01711-011288
Member of Human Rights Association, Bogra.
Managing Partner – Touch & Take, Bogra
Proprietor- Tassel International
Proprietor- Bari furniture, Bogra
Mr. Rezaul Bari Isa
Bsc (Hons) Msc (Chemistry)
Past President –Rotary Club, Bogra Karatoa.
“Touch & Take” Jaleshwaritola. Bogra.
President- community Policing Forum, Word-7, Bogra.
Phone: 051-60887(O), 51272.(R)
Secretary- Business Samity, Jaleshwaritola, Bogra.
Mobile: 01715-057419
Secretary- Family Planning Asso. of Bangladesh, Bogra
Life Member- Diabetic Association, Bogra
Life Member- Red Crescent Society Bogra Unit.
life Member – Patient Welfare Association-Md. Ali Hospital
President-Bangladesh Manobadhikar Commission,Bogra.
Mr. Md. Mamdudur Rahman Shipon
President-Baitul Hafiz Jamey Mosjid, Altafunnesa Play Gr.
Graduate-Rajshahi University
Past President- Rotary Club of Bogra.
M.R. Brothers,College Road,
Past Deputy Governor- Rotary International, District-3280
Kalitola, Bogra-5800
Life Member- Bangladesh Rifles Club.
Phone: 051-66776 (O), 051-65844(R)
Executive member-Bangladesh CNG Association, Raj. Div.
Mobile: 01711-875694, 01711-528263
Exe. Member-Bd. Petro. Pumps & Tank Lorry Owners Asso.
Advisor- Bogra Theater, Bogra
He joined the Pakistan Air Force as a Flight Cadet in 1961.
In 1965 I took part in the war between India and Pakistan.
Served in the PAF as a Fighter Pilot up to 1972 as a Flight
Lieutenant. After the war of liberation he joined Bangladesh
Air Force (BAF) as a Flight Commander in No 5 Squadron
Group Captain (Retd)
of MIG-21 fighter aircraft. He was promoted to the rank of
Graduated from the PAF Academy in 1963 Squadron Leader and posted as the Squadron Commander
as a Pilot Officer in GD (P) branch. Carried of the same squadron. He was Wing Commander and posted
out Junior Commanders Course in the
as the Base Commander BAF Base Bashar ( Dhaka ) in
Indian Air Force in 1977. Graduated from
1977. He was Group Captain and posted again as Base
the Advanced Staff College, RAF Bra knell, Commander BAF Base Bashar. In 1981. He was Assistant
UK in 1979.
Chief of Air Staff (Operations & Training) and retired from
E-mail :
the BAF in 1982.
Cell : +88-01711-566339
He was Chief Executive Officer / Chairman, Tourism
Phone : +88-02-8962720,
Corporation for about 3 years, Chairman, Civil Aviation
Authority for 3 years and Managing Director, Biman
Bangladesh Airlines for over 3 years.
Fax : +88-02-8962804
He joined GETCO Ltd in 1994 as an Adviser and serving
there till date. Additionally he has been appointed as the
Managing Director of a national private Cargo Airline
known as the Easy Fly Express Limited of which GETCO
Ltd has taken over the management.
Name & Address
Mr. Asif Iqbal Shiper
In the IFA namely Industrial Promotion Service he held the
position of Project Officer dealing mostly with preparation
of feasibility studies of leading industrial projects both in
the East & West Pakistan.
In the Water Development Board he worked in the position
of Project Economist and worked with Canadian General
Consultant mainly with the tasks of examining and
scrutinizing Flood control and Water resources projects
financed by World Bank and other internal donor agencies.
In the National Tourism Organization he started with
planning and implementation of tourism development
projects of newly constituted tourism sector in Bangladesh
and held in different positions during 28 years of service
and successfully implemented and managed more than
dozens of projects concerning planning, designing,
implementation including financial management. Worked
also as Principal of National Hotel
Vice President
Mobile: 01711-363953
Delta Life Insurance Co Ltd
Mr.Shafiqul Bari Nafru
Mobile : 01711- 898827
E-mail :
Dr. Moniruzzaman Manik (Joipurhat)
Dr. Nurun Nahar
MBBS (Chittagong)
Reaz Kazi lane,Suttrapur, Bogra-5800
Phone: 051-69240 (R)
Mobile: 01712-639288
Medical Doctor, Lecturer Zia Medical College Bogra
Past Deputy Director & Principal-Inst. of Health Technology
Past Asst. Director- Institute of Public Health, Dhaka
Past Civil Surgeon –Bogra District, Bogra
Proprietor- M/S, Datta Traders, Jhawtola, Bogra-5800
I.P.P. Rotary Club of Bogra
P.Vice President-Bogra Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Member-Federation of Bd. Chambers of comm. & Industry
Life Member- SAARC Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Life Member-Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chamber of
Commerce & Industry. Life Member-Rifle Club Bogra.
Life Member-Diabetic Association, Bogra
Managing Partner-`Red Chilles’ Restaurant & Guest House
Mr. Nazrul Islam Selim
M.A.-Political Science
Member Rotary Club of Bogra
“Aleya” Maotinagar High Road, Bogra-5800 Member - TIB (CCC) Bogra Unit.
Phone : 051-61545 (R), Off. 69777, 62277 Member- Community Policing, Dist. Committee, Bogra.
Mobile: 01711-875876
Exec. Committee Member- Bhai Pagla Mazar Complex.
Mr. Shamir Datta
M/S Datta Traders,
749, Jhawtola, Bogra-5800
Mobile: 01711-411136
Phone: 051-63317(R), 051-65368, 65080 (B)
E-mail :