The measured effects 1 Running head: THE MEASURED EFFECTS OF SIMPLE AND COMPLEX WAVES The measured effects of simple and complex waves both digital and analogue when used in a transduced and transmitted wave application of forced resonance to human biological and stress hormonal systems Gregory A O'Brien IUPUI department of Music Technology Research Methods in Music and Multimedia Music N521 C84772 Dr. Scott Deal October 06, 2008 The measured effects 2 ABSTRACT This project will be about the use of a software voice analysis program used to gain information about the human biological and hormonal systems. This software will be called vocan. The project will deal with the steps on how to get the new technology accepted and approved for use in the western medical system. The project will also cover the design and application of the peripheral devices and the validation of the test results. It will consider the development of the second generation of software and the future of DSP when applied to the analytical system of the human biological and hormonal systems. The project will also cover the application and use of bio resonance and harmonic support sound therapy to aid in the body’s natural healing mechanisms with the data obtained by the voice analysis program. The measured effects 3 INTRODUCTION With the ever growing integration of digital nonlinear signal processing as used in our everyday world, the acceptance of this new technology should be readily accepted by the main stream. This technology is being used in applications in the everyday world in ways such as microwave technology, cellular technology, heart monitors, brain scans and ultrasound screenings, MRI scans ECG/EKG scans, EEG scans, and high frequency scalpels. The MRI scan or the magnetic resonance imaging scan uses magnetism along with radio waves and a nonlinear computer processing program to paint an image of the internal condition of the human body. High frequency scalpels which are used to make precise incisions in the skin, X-ray imaging devices that look inside the body using high frequency to show the internal condition of the human body as well as other things using a procedure that involves creating a concentrated beam of electrons and smashing them into some sort of metal film. The result of that crash between the metallic film and the highly charged electrons is a concentration of high-energy electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is what is normally termed X-rays. Along with the sheet of metallic film, a second sheet serves as a filter that prevents the beam from scattering or making the image produced by the action, foggy or otherwise difficult to view. As the image appears, the portions of the body that contain metals, such as calcium enriched bones will appear outlined. Other mineral deposits help to identify the presence of growths such as tumors and also identify breaks in the bones or foreign objects in the body such as knife blades or bullets. In some instances, the patient may ingest what is known as a contrasting agent such as barium or iodine that helps to make the presence of veins and arteries and organs appear more prominently on the X-ray. . The measured effects 4 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a powerful imaging technique, it is a noninvasive test. PET scans accurately image the cellular function of the human body. The PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and CT (Computed Tomography) scans are both standard imaging tools that physicians use to pinpoint disease states in the body. A PET scan shows the biological function of the body before anatomical changes take place, while the CT scan provides information about the body's anatomy such as size, shape and location. By combining these two scanning technologies, a PET/CT scan enables physicians to more accurately diagnose and identify cancer, heart disease and brain disorders with analytical processes using the application of DSP to analytical methods. ECG/EKG or the electrocardiogram are used to record and analyze the electrical condition and wave patterns of the heart, EEG or electroencephalograph that is used to give a measurement of the brains electrical activity, ultrasonic imaging is another application of high frequency nonlinear signal processing used to gain a picture of the internal organs and systems of the body. Then there is GSR monitoring or galvanic skin resistance monitoring most commonly used in the infamous lie detector. We as a society are comfortable with the use of hardware and software based analytical programs for human biological and hormonal system analysis like the above mentioned applications. Flame spectra, arch spectra, mass spectrometry, gas chromatography, light absorption and diffraction, ocular and neurological signal processing programs are also accepted applications of DSP analysis methods. These are just a few of the successful applications of nonlinear signal analysis in the world at large. The measured effects 5 The use and application of DSP or (digital signal processing) as a respected and accepted methodology of nonlinear computer enhanced digital signal analysis of the human biological and hormonal systems, has been emerging more and more with the introduction of new technologies. With a speculative view of the new DSP methodologies and applications, they have not yet become the norm and accepted means of testing in all aspects of analysis of the biological and hormonal systems that it will eventually become. Still devices such as the harmonic scalpel are used applying new wave technology and are readily accepted by the main stream medical community. DSP APPLICATION AND COMPARISONS The use of DSP opens doors for information gathering far beyond the reach of ASP (analog signal processing) or methods that have now became antiquated. This is due to the ability of DSP methods to turn all information into mathematical algorithms that can be used for analysis of Waveforms and compiled data with the highest degree of accuracy and consistency. (Kronenburger & Sebeson, 2008) This method is enhanced by the use of computer software to do the calculation and statistical analysis and analytical comparisons. Like in the use of engineered biological systems or quantum computing and the use of the Bose-Einstein condensates or other application that are far beyond the Contemporary imagination and use of such technology. The measured effects 6 THE PROBLEMS If a bold statement may be made, the problem that presents itself is that skeptics usually do not have an understanding of the existing technology, let alone its application and interpretation. Another problem is with the application of technology to new ideas and methodologies that looks at a standard set of problems from a totally new perspective or different view from the norm. In order to create acceptance and confidence in new technologies, especially when used in a diagnostic and or previously nonexistent application to the human biological and stress hormonal systems. There is no prescribed methodology applied across the board to gain acceptance and approval from the established hierarchy in the medical system. There is an application process but technically there is not an approval for class 1 and class 2 medical devices to be sold in the US, only a clearance for sale of the devices for new or emerging technologies. To be approved a predicate device is identified and then the FDA issues a clearance for the device to be sold. The common practice is for developers to apply for clearance based on preexisting equipment. This is If your device is either class I or II or if it is class III and can be considered "substantially equivalent" to a device approved before May 28, 1976, then it can be approved via a pre-market notification (also called at 510(k)). In his paper about gaining medical acceptance for a new technology, Dr. Carter talks of a new method of detoxifying the human body. He ends with the counter point of Dr. Joseph Lister; a well known example of the medical community turning on its own because the application of technological advances that looked at a problem from a different and unconventional point of view. This is an excerpt from a paper written by James P. Carter, MD; Dr PH. Dr. Carter is Professor and Head, The measured effects 7 of the Nutrition Section, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana “A summary of medical politics, turf struggles between medical specialties, and the medical economics of Oral chelation therapy is presented to answer the question, "If Oral chelation therapy is so good, why is it not more widely accepted?" Most people, including physicians, are not aware of the medical politics, legal machinations and economic sanctions that covertly control the practice of medicine in the United States. A physician who introduces an innovative and nontraditional type of therapy often becomes the target of those forces. That is especially true if a new therapy, like oral chelation: 1) involves a major shift in the scientific paradigm; 2) If acceptance of the new therapy somehow implies that currently used medical practices are inappropriate; or 3) If the new therapy threatens the financial well being of a politically powerful and well established branch of the medical profession. “ This same mentality that was applied to Dr. Lister has not disappeared with time and education. This is an obstacle to overcome with the use of vocal analysis and harmonic support. With the ever widening acceptance of nontraditional therapies like music therapy, hyperbaric oxygen treatment and nonlinear digital signal analysis applied to aid in the healing and physical recovery of the human biological system. The primary tools are in place to bring about a general acceptance of Bio – resonant harmonic support and sound therapy. The therapy uses technology that applies engineering principals and testing, with comparisons to known results. A FFT is used to analyze a sample of a person’s voice recording. Many details are gained by this process. We as a society use this technology more and more every day. Voice recognition The measured effects 8 systems, vocal dialing on the cell phone are some wide spread application to name a few. Fourier analysis is a way to use formulas to describe a sound wave or voice wave. Fourier analysis will let us describe any wave type as a mathematical algorithm. Even that of a single vowel sounds as long as the wave repeats itself no matter how complicated or small. Once this process has been applied to a voice sound and the patterns can be plotted on a graph we can look at the wave information gained and start the analytical process. Although the Fourier transform is the main method of gaining information at this time it gives a one dimensional graphing of the results. There are three other methods that have particular applications when doing signal or voice analysis and they are the Laplace transform, the Mellin transform, and Z-transform. However, a different point of view and different characteristic problems are associated with each of these four major integral transforms. But it is my intention to use these in an interpolative, cooperative and comparative manner and gain more of a three Dimensional view of vocal information for a more complete and detailed analysis of voice patterns and biological system analysis. The use of the Fourier transform has been being used now for over fifteen years in a research and study of children with autism and in analyzing all manner of dysfunction in the human biological and stress hormonal systems. The result of the voice analysis has lead to many improvements to the treatment and analysis of the particulars of clients involved in the individual cases. With the application of DSP using the FFT and other digital signal processing methods to analysis voice information a new era of analysis will come to the forefront of diagnostic tools. This project hopes to give light to the developing method of analysis and new software that Full Spectrum Sound is developing for use in Bio-Resonant Harmonic support and sound therapy. The measured effects 9 The software will be used to do studies and correlation between dynamic vocal patterns of clients with normal condition, and the group of clients who have a disorder of some sort. The disorder may not be just vocal abnormalities but other conditions. These will be compared to a control group of clients who do not have any conditions. A database of conditions and symptoms will be built to do comparisons of groups of similar disorders and condition. AUTOMATION Then an artificial intelligent or (automation) that learns from past voice prints will look at reoccurring phenomenon and anomalies and do database comparisons. For example if a voice print or (recording) is done and processed by the software and the FFT shows an irregularity at certain frequencies, DB levels and amplitude, that is not consistent with known frequencies and amplitudes and db levels of similar comparative substances that have been categorized and measured to be in the human biological system. An alert will be given so that the irregularity can be marked and identified for exact testing and measurement. Although the software will be noninvasive it will help to monitor any such irregularities by application of DSP markers and database categorizations of anomalies. Comparative database information has been in existence for a long time, with frequency charts and wave length measurements and specific molecular information given in books such as, but not limited to “The Hand Book of Chemistry and Physics College Edition” published by The chemical Rubber Company from Cleveland Ohio. The Merk Manual is also another source of information that gives the molecular and atomic weight of any substances, college physics and chemistry books also list the molecular qualities of The measured effects 10 substances. Since the atomic and molecular weights, flame and arch spectra frequency data, or gas chromatography, mass spectrometry data can be used to find frequency information. These data sets are a function of the resonant frequency of all matter, these along with wave length charts and frequency details can be used to find specific resonant frequencies and used in harmonic support. METHODS OF FINDING SPECIFIC FREQUENCIES Many texts such as physics, chemistry, elemental charts and elemental research data can be found listed online and in elemental breakdowns done by academic institutes or research institutes. These get printed in publications dealing with the elemental specifics. Once the information of frequency measurements is put in to a database and setup for query and match and cross match of symptoms and conditions, a comparison of accepted analytical methods can be made and the software can be adjusted and calibrated to show correlations to known laboratory values. Medical design technology and on line magazine, points out the ability to use and apply the virtual design techniques and testing procedures of new technology and developing technology, to the performance of medical devices. The testing and development stage has been drastically shortened due to this application of virtual design and testing. The time to get the devices to market with safer and more reliable service has been expedited. Technology and DSP derived devices has come along and revolutionized the whole medical equipment development procedure. Such tasks are supported by the use of computer simulation analysis, cad and virtual testing environments. The measured effects 11 HARMONIC SUPPORT Once the measurement capabilities of the software are established then the harmonic support mechanism can be brought into the testing and verification stage. This is a method that applies the physic principal of forced resonance to the human biological and stress hormonal systems. So what is harmonic support? The natural frequencies of musical instruments are sometimes referred to as the Harmonics of the instrument. An instrument can be forced into vibrating at one of its harmonics (harmonics as in one of its standing wave patterns) if another interconnected object infuses energy at one of those frequencies. When one object (object A) is vibrating at the natural frequency of a second object or (object B) if this forces that second object into vibrational motion, this is known as resonance or forced resonance. When this occurs energy is added to the original object or (objects B) and its frequency or substance that has the induced frequency, it becomes more molecularly excited. So all the substance that has that particular frequency becomes excited at the molecular level and the biological system begins to notice a difference. If the substance has drifted off of its normal frequency range, the forced resonance comes into play. By adding a stronger source of vibrating energy to the original substance, the weaker frequency will align with the stronger frequency, as long as it is in close proximity to the natural frequency of the substance, this is forced resonance. This can also be applied to the human biological system. With the frequency reading from the software, a guide frequency can be obtained and then the method of resonating or (resounding) the body can be used. This is done with the use of a transducer that is much like a common speaker, but without the cone to vibrate the air so no sound can be heard just a vibration at the specified frequency. The device is placed The measured effects 12 on the body so the vibration is felt by body through the skin and bones and is conducted throughout the biological and hormonal system. This will transfer the vibration over, in and through the body via the body’s own system of flesh, bone and fluids. This is a measureable and quantitative method with exact frequency measurements that can be applied to the biological system by means of the transducer, or the “Vibratrans unit” which is similar to using ultrasound methodologies. The frequency differentials are as follows. The speed of sound in bone 3500 m/sec The speed of sound in human blood is about 1560 m/sec The speed of sound in the fat tissue it is about 1460 m/sec The speed of sound in muscle mass it is 1600 m/sec The speed of sound in ambient air is 330 m/sec. Since (frequency is = 1/time) a differential for the body can be calculated and applied as needed. Then the measured effects of the harmonic support can be made and even predicted to some a great measure. This will allow for a more accurate manipulation of the correlated frequency of anomalies indicated in the voice recording and analysis. The review of the literature will show the common applications and accepted uses of frequency in the analysis of the human biological and stress hormonal systems. The measured effects 13 LITRATURE REVIEW This research paper will be about the use of (sound wave technology) and the validity and useful application of (Bio Resonant Harmonic Support and Sound Therapy). The successful application and measured effects of harmonic support therapy on the biological and human stress hormonal system. This literature review will look at different disciplines in the sciences and arts. There is no formal technology to refer to at this point for information and to do comparisons or validate theories. This research investigates several categories of topics to establish a common application of existing technology, theories and application. A comparison of the way the existing technologies are used to gain information from the human body’s physical condition. A look at the practice of using engineered methods to find qualities and quantities of information carried by the human body. In addition to the way the information has been processed and used in and analytical and applicable way to the physical, mental, stress and biological systems. PSYCHOACUSTICS The first category is the psychological effects of (sound) on the human condition. This is called Psychoacoustics. This is the term given to the subjective response to everything we hear with our ears and the way the brain will interpret the stimuli then categorize it for processing. According to an article published by incredible horizons, in the realm of psychoacoustics sound, `music, frequency and vibration are interchangeable terms when addressing any type of wave application to the human body. The process of hearing is the fundamental way sound is perceived by the body thus evoking a correlated response, but according to Perry R. Cook (Cook, The measured effects 14 1999) the traditional method in psychophysics of testing the body’s response to sound waves, was to give a sample wave or “pure stimulus” a simple tone or simple waveform called an isolated tone, and then determine the perceptual parameters related to the stimulus. Subjects expecting to hear a musical sound, found the tones to be unpleasant and felt that what they were experiencing was incorrect as far as it applies to music. An example of the traditional approach was the “Mel scale” as determined by S. Smith Stevens, where some height aspect of pitch was measured but the resulting scale did not relate to music in a fundamental way. The opposite end of the testing spectrum was to test higher pitch perception by presenting musical tones in a musical context and then give a pure tone as a probe tone. This was achieved by giving the subjects all the tones in a scale within an octave. After hearing the scale tones a probe tone was administered and the test subjects were asked to judge how well the probe tone matched the scale tones. They were giving instruction to rate the tone from 1-7 one being that the tone did not fit the scale and was unpleasant in comparison to a level seven which would be a tone that fit the scale and sounded good and pleasant to the listener. When this type of test was administered an increase in individual differences was evident. Depending on the musical back ground of the individual. It was also pointed out that people from other cultures would perceive tones in a different way due to their physical world and the way the culture has used musical scales that they have been exposed to. So different cultures will vary widely in the way their scales are constructed and the way they will perceive musical tones as well as the way that will react to the given tones or musical scale. According to cook this shows different physical responses to different tones and musical scales. The measured effects 15 According to Tadanobu Tsunoda in the book Sound System Engineering, second edition (Davis & Davis, 1997, p. 5) a specialist in hearing difficulties, believes that the two halves of the Japanese Brain process sounds differently from the western brain. He postulates the key to the differences is that the Japanese deal with all vowels in the left hemisphere, while the westerner deals with vowels in the right hemisphere. His theories are accompanied by brain scans provided by UCLA School of medicine, division of biophysics and nuclear medicine. The images show activity in different section of the brain of both Asian and westerner for both musical sounds and speech driven sounds. According to Norh Loudspeaker Ltd a high-end audio manufacturer located in Bangkok, Thailand in their article on psychoacoustics they claim that hearing takes place in the brain. They offer a simple test to prove this. The test can be taken immediately by first humming, while you are humming; place your hands over your ears. Notice the sound now appears to come from the center of your head. Without going into great detail they claim this shows that the brain processes the direction of sound by comparing in phase sounds with that of out of phase sounds and the direction of the sound event by the amount of delay with sensation to the ear and its complement of mechanical sensors. This will cause different reactions from the body and brain. They also claim that the brain plays tricks on itself due to poor auditory memory. This will cause a problem in true auditory comparisons of such devices as speakers or sound reproduction equipment. So to achieve a true a/b test or comparison of an audio systems or signal a real time test must be taken. So there claim is the brain and body will not remember the detail of audio sources if the comparison is not done in real time this will leave room for the brain to interpolate the information from a poor memory. The measured effects 16 PHYSCOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO SOUND The Physiological response to sound has been measured and categorized in an empirical method since as early as 1900, and 1933 in fact the team of Fletcher and Munson used pure tone to test the response of the human condition to loudness and measure human response to the perceived loudness of frequency. Later a second team Robinson and Dadson had empirically tested the human response to loudness and frequency and these tests have been established as an international standard of (ISO/R 226-1961). They claimed that the shape of the average hearing frequency response is determined by the mechanical characteristics of the ear. We are least sensitive to low frequencies. We are most sensitive in the 3 - 4 kHz region, corresponding with the first resonance of the ear canal. The bones of the middle ear provide amplification around 1000 Hz. Not surprisingly, most of our speech occurs in the region of maximum hearing sensitivity. AT&T determined that most of the information content of our speech is in the range of 300 – 3000 Hz and designs their equipment accordingly. The research by Robison and Dadson claim to show responses in heart rate, cognition, stress factors and the human hearing range and its ancillary factors. The main concentration of their research was on the human hearing factors. We as humans experience sounds from our ears as well as vibration through our bones and are bound at low levels by the threshold of hearing and at high levels by the threshold of pain. The Minimum Audible Field (MAF) is the threshold of hearing for young adults with normal hearing. MAF is the minimum sound pressure level at which a sound is audible with both ears to a listener in a free field, facing the source. The threshold of hearing shows a pronounced variation of amplitude with frequency, almost 80 dB The measured effects 17 differences from 20 to 4000 Hz. At higher exposure levels, this variation with frequency diminishes, i.e. the equal loudness contours become flatter. For example, the 90 phon line varies only 40 dB. Above approximately 120 dB, the average listener will begin to experience physical discomfort. At around 130 dB, depending on age and health of the hearing mechanism. The large motions of the ear drum and bone chain will cause a sensation of feeling or tickling. Over 140 dB, the sensation is painful, and is appropriately named the threshold of pain. These conditions claimed to be “repeatable and provable” by empirical testing in medical science and technological test evaluations. Which brings us to a fundamental question of what is noise and what is annoyance to sounds (wave technology) perceived by the human hearing mechanism or the human stress hormonal systems. “Noisiness” or what is considered to be “annoyances’” are subjective terms that involve individual judgments by the listener or recipient of vibration of the sound in question. Some people may like the sound of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. they may think it sounds wonderful but to others or the neighbor, it can be very annoying, especially at 2 am. Annoyance is a reaction to sound or vibration based on its physical nature and its emotional effect. Noisiness and annoyance are subjective in nature to everyone and very hard to quantify. The physical aspects of sound or vibration (wave technology) which contribute most to perceived noise are according to (Lamancusa, 2000) 1) Spectrum content and level 2) Spectrum complexity and existence of pure tones 3) Time duration 4) Amplitude and frequency of level fluctuations 5) Rise time of impulsive sounds The measured effects 18 Experimental studies have resulted in equal-noisiness contours (similar to equal Loudness contours). The unit of noisiness is the noy.1 noy is defined as the noisiness of a 1000 Hz tone at a SPL of 40 dB, 2 noys are twice as noisy as 1. SOUND FROM A MUSIC PROSPECTIVE The power of sound from a musical prospective is one that has brought about emotional and physical change in the perception of reality much like a drug. According to the article on the effects of music on the brain, the electrochemically produced waves (messages) communicate within the body regularly in time creating a rhythm of sorts. The ear picks up signal from sound waves (the rest of the body also picks up information from ambient vibrations) then changes them to electrical impulses or messages. The messages travel from neurons in the ear along axons to the dendrite or dendrite spine to a synapse. This impulse or message crosses over the space to the synapse by chemical movement and then to the next dendrite and continues moving electrically to the next neuron until it reaches its destination. This process is said to repeat itself over and over along the neurological system setting up a rhythm. It repeats itself billions of times although the body. The steady movement of these impulse are said to put them under the control of rhythm. In his book Battle for the mind by Dr. William Sargebt, a leading scientific authority on the human nervous system, writes, “Electrical recordings of the human brain show that it is particularly sensitive to the rhythmic stimulation by percussion and bright light among other things, and certain rates of rhythm can build up recordable abnormalities of brain function and explosive states of tension sufficient enough to cause convulsive fits in predisposed subjects. Of the results caused by such disturbance, the most common is temporarily The measured effects 19 impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility. The suggestion here is that when the mind and body is subjected to rhythms/sounds not in harmony with the natural state of the body and mind, the mental pictures are altered or not clear. And the body under stress begins to show signs of problems. Rhythm induced problems then begins to show up as signs in decreased performance, hyperactivity or as an increase in mistakes made at work or school and decreased decision making ability. Many display real or imagined emotional pressure, depression, and a list of physical Problems. A quote by Tolstoy seems to have a similar outlook “Music makes me forget my real situation. It transports me into a state which is not my own. Under the influence of music I really seem to feel what I do not understand, to have power which I cannot have” (Tolstoy) Research studies on effects of music on plants and animals. Much of the current research in music therapy focuses on proving that music has measurable physiological and psychological effects. Such effects are not difficult to find or to measure, and are revealed by studies of human, animal, and plant behavior, EEG recordings, hormone assays, and cellular growth patterns. Frequently these results have been misinterpreted and exaggerated by the popular media and by marketing people, which is unfortunate, since the documented effects are remarkable in themselves. The so-called "Mozart Effect" is one such phenomenon that has resulted in much confusion. The "Mozart Effect" is based on research by Frances Rauscher, who determined that listening to 10 minutes of Mozart's "Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major" briefly increased scores 48% (relative to control groups) on the paper-folding task, a component of the Stanford-Binet intelligence test that measures spatial-temporal reasoning abilities. The effects were said to be transient, lasting only about 10 minutes, and performance on non-spatial reasoning tasks was unaffected. Such results seem to be unique to the music of Mozart, whereas music not as highly structured as Mozart’s music did not have the same type of measureable The measured effects 20 effects. Other researchers have demonstrated that compositions of other classical composers such as J.S. Bach show similar benefits. Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia plays Mozart in the intensive care nurseries where it has been shown to improve the immune system of very sick neonates. THE MATHEMATICS, PHYSIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF (SOUND AND WAVE TECHNOLOGY) ON THE HUMAN BODY A look at the practice that is in general use as a medical procedure the procedure of ultrasound will show the application of wave technology to the human body. A look at the use of ultrasound will help bridge the gap of missing scientific data on the use of (wave technology) in treatment of the human condition. Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves, which are inaudible to humans as it is above the human hearing range. Audible sound waves are between the frequency ranges of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Pulses of ultrasound are between 1 and 30 M Hz. Since sound waves do not travel in vacuum Instead, the propagation of sound waves is made through a particular medium. Such as bone or blood or skin tissue the speed of a sound waves depends on both the density and compressibility of that particular medium. Different soft tissues in the human body have different speeds of sound as well as the ability to conduct wave energy. * The speed of sound in bone 3500 m/sec *The speed of sound in human blood is about 1560 m/sec *The speed of sound in the fat tissue it is about 1460 m/sec *The speed of sound in muscle mass it is 1600 m/sec *The speed of sound in ambient air is 330 m/sec. (Melayu, 2000) The measured effects 21 Because of the difference in speed of sound in various tissues, ultrasound systems have made an assumption that all the soft tissue has a single figure of speed of sound. Therefore an average speed of sound for soft tissue is 1540 m/sec. Pulse Echo Technique in Ultrasound pulses are introduced into the body and when these pulses meet different density of obstacles in the body, these pulses return back to the transducer as echoes. Therefore echoes are representations of interfaces in the body. Echoes go through various processes before the information is display on the screen. Images that are display are represented in grayscale. Structures that appear white, represents strong reflectors, while structures that appear black represent poor reflectors, meaning that some of the signal gets absorbed by the tissue and some is reflected. The amount of the reflected wave shows as different hues of black and white. The electronic receiver then paints a picture of the reflected wave on a monitoring device which is representative of the internal organs and tissue of the human body. By using wave technology, information of the human obtained. Sound Waves Parameters are describe in parameters such as period, intensity, wavelength, velocity, phase, power, amplitude, frequency and phase angle complex or simple, inverse and wave type sine, square, triangular, ramp, step wave. The military is now employing the application of wave technology in non-lethal weaponry, in a device called The Active Denial System (ADS) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force Research Labs and has made its appearance on TV in a special called weird and wacky weapons, and it is claimed to be a, “counter-personnel directed energy non-lethal weapon which can be used against human targets at distances beyond the effective range of small arms”. ADS projects a focused “High frequency beam” at a frequency of 95GHz. The emission is focused and directed at the target by a directional planar array antenna. The microwave energy is said to only penetrate living tissue (such as human skin) to a depth of 0.5 millimeter and almost The measured effects 22 instantly produces a heating sensation that within seconds becomes intolerable and forces the subject to flee, it works on the same principals as our every day microwave and it is claimed to do this without causing injury. It is claimed that the ADS could be used to stop, deter and repel hostile elements without the applying of lethal force. ADS systems were developed by Raytheon Company for the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL) and DOD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate. As of January 2007, the system has entered extended user evaluation phase, and is currently deployed with the Air Force's 820th Security Forces Group (SFG) at Moody air force base in Georgia, USA. The system will be evaluated in assisting troops in securing base perimeters, checkpoints and entry control points during peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance, and crowd dispersal. ADS uses high power microwave energy transmission, it is claimed that the sensation immediately ceases when the individual moves out of the beam or when the beam is turned off. Despite the sensation, the beam does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of energy at this wavelength and the low energy levels used. It exploits the human natural defense mechanism that induces pain as a warning to help protect from injury. It is further claimed that human effects experts have determined there are no long-term health effects associated with ADS, and research involving more than 600 volunteers and 10,000 exposures has proven there is a less than a one tenth of 1 percent chance of even a very minor injury. The LRAD is another of these “wave technology” devices used in a measured way to apply acoustic energy in a non-lethal weapon. It is claimed to be a directed acoustic device designed to communicate with” authority and exceptionally high intelligibility” this statement is meant to say “Extremely Loud” in a 15-30 degree beam. The IODM Defense magazine claims The measured effects 23 the LRAD can issue a verbal challenge with instructions in excess of 500 meters and has the capability of following up with a warning tone to influence behavior or determine intent. The application of wave technology is now in a full scale mockup and low production run weapons usage stage according to scientist and advisers to the military community. Now we are seeing them use in war zones, these Directed-energy weapons take the form of lasers, high-powered microwaves and particle beams. All of which use the application of wave technology. With new weapons in the terahertz range being developed now. These devices and weapons are be used for ground, air, sea, and space warfare using the electromagnetic spectrum, and wave propagation. This seems to be the outlook of one of the most respected people in the field J. Douglas Beason, author of the recently published book "The E-Bomb: How America’s New Directed Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Wars Will Be Fought in the Future." Beason previously served on the White House staff working for the president’s science adviser under both the Bush and Clinton administrations. Dr. Yu Zhang and Dr. Jack J. Jiang of the Department of Surgery, Division of Otolaryngology head and neck surgery, University of Wisconsin Medical School, medical science center Relates in their study of using voice or vocal analysis to determine abnormalities in subjects with diseases such as respiratory, laryngeal, articulatory aspects of phonation. The two doctors have done research in appling mathematical nonlinear dynamic analysis in vocal and/or voice analysis to determine and display condition in disordered voices. According to the doctors, a nonlinear dynamic analysis is a valuable method of describing the complexities of systems and has been applied to describe disordered voices from patients with symptoms of laryngeal pathologies, including Parkinson’s, Dysarthria, vocal polyps and laryngeal paralysis. They point out that nonlinear vocal folds models allows simulation of a The measured effects 24 wide range of phonation phenomena and has been used to predict information about the dynamics of the disordered voices associated with laryngeal pathologies. In their research they employ nonlinear techniques to examine the disordered voices in the area of these diseases. They also point out that although the importance of the nonlinear dynamic methods in analysis and modeling are clear, few studies have been performed to explore the dynamic mechanism of vocal tremors from a nonlinear point of view. They used a cross section of patients to study and used vocal recordings from a national data base of voices with and without disorders for a comparison from the Massachusetts Eye and ear infirmary voice speech lab. The methods they used for analysis was discussed and shown in the charts of their research. To investigate the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of the tremor voice time series s(ti)t Phase space reconstruction and correlation dimensions are employed. They explain that the frequency spectrum of the voice is obtained using the Fourier transform with the hamming window. The voice information is gained during voice production, the vocal folds act as the sound source radiate sound waves which travel along the vocal tract. The vocal tract modulates these sound waves and outputs a signal. Multiple harmonic components can be observed in the amplitude spectrum voice samples. They show that in comparison to normal voices, pathological voices from the patients with tremors may display low frequency modulation and voice irregularities. They show that in voice science studies that voice signals can be classified as type 1, 2, 3 signals, Where type 1 signals are nearly periodic and type 2 are signals that contain strong frequency modulations or sub-harmonics, and the type 3 voice pattern is a-periodic and irregular The measured effects 25 and display anomalies. In their research they show that the nonlinear method used can be used as an analytical method on all three types of voice signals as opposed to the traditional method Of perturbation measurements which can be used on type one only. In order to quantify the low frequency modulation and irregular tremor voice and to determine how many degrees of freedom or variable numbers might be needed for modeling vocal folds vibrations nonlinear dynamic Analysis like correlation dimension analysis is necessary. (Zhang & Jiang, 2007) The measured effects 26 According to the book “Who is Fourier, A Mathematical Adventure”. Written by Transitional College of LEX and Translated by Alan Gleason for the Language Research Foundation of Boston “ the FOURIER Mathematics series is a powerful means of analyzing Phenomena, such as light, sound, vibration, and Heat conduction that take the form of wave energy and wave movement” ( wave technology). Words uttered by human beings are of course a kind of sound wave they point out and therefore can be analyzed using the Fourier mathematic series. For example the sustained vocal sound such as a vowel, consists of repetitions of the same wave pattern. Fourier formulas come in handy when we wish to analyze the structure of the sounds we would hear from a signal, this analysis would be from a mathematics point of view. Furthermore the book points out that there is a way to see the sounds of language as a series of complex waves. And they point out that if sounds can be seen as waveforms, then they could be measured as physical quantities. In the studies that were undertaken at the college of LEX. In the analysis of data the beginning of samples were taken on the Japanese vowels AH EE UU EH OH as spoken by many different individuals. It was found that no two people’s voices displayed the same vowel distribution, yet a very clear pattern began to emerge. (Transitional College of LEX, 1995, p. 17) The measured effects 27 THE NEXT STEP With the development of the new “VOCAN” software and the “Vibratrans” body box hardware by Full Spectrum Sound and V.A.S.T. Inc. By adding in up to three other means of analysis and adding in other means of quantifying the gather information and to categorizing the information for search and retrieval aided by a computer analysis automated pattern recognition software system the voice analysis program now being used will progress by leaps and bounds. With this system in place, the analysis process that took three hours of personal attention by a medical practitioner will now be automated so it will take only a few minutes of time. This freeing up the time of the practitioner will also result in an analysis that will be overall less expressive; more directed testing of specific symptoms of the client. Once the initial testing results are calibrated to traditional lab test results, then less invasive analysis regimes will be required. This should bring about the paradigm shift by the masses to try and use the new voice analysis methods that are being developed. It should then put the software and hardware on track to gain FDA approval of such a new concept in analysis of the human bio-logical and stress hormone systems. The measured effects 28 PROJECT TOOLS AND RESOURCES To develop of this project software and hardware the project will require development software like Microsoft visual development suite, Java development software, A hi speed internet connections, web commerce application and development software web commerce development team, and multiple laptops and desktop computers, office space, three full time software development programmers, a project coordinator, test and research personnel. Laboratory testing and comparisons access, multiple frequency analyzers hard ware and software based, RTA analyzer, new technology recording software and interfaces, studio Setups and test of multiple microphones and types, a hardware development engineering team. A central server, website construction, travels budget, prototype and testing equipment. The resources to hire teams as needed for a 16 month project. The first team needed is a “Vibratrans unit” prototype development team and a testing center compliant with UL laboratory specifications. Resource materials for product development of new hardware, prototype and beta testing budget, PILOT STUDY This project will be both software and hard ware based and the pilot study of this method has been taking place for the last 10 years with over 3500 participants of all ages and all manner of conditions. Since the software is not for sale commercially the data gathered is The measured effects 29 empirical and the new software being developed will be put into testing and setup for a double blind study by the company Full Spectrum Sound With guidance from various medical Doctors who have been involved in similar work and application of new technologies to the analysis of the human biological and stress hormone systems. As stated earlier on in the research paper. The used of cad and virtual design and development environment used to test and validate software analysis will help bring this product to successful competition within the next 16 months. The hardware design will take a new road to a smaller and more portable transducer method. So it will be redesigned to be about the size of an 80 gig Ipod. With the transducer element placed in the programmable tone generating device so one is no longer tied to the electrical system of 110 volts common wall supply. The user can now become portable and tone programs can be used at any time. PROJECT EVLAUTION The ultimate project evaluation will take place over the next three years with the submission of the software and hard ware to the FDA in first Korea and then in The United States to US FDA for product approval. The next step would be the implementation into the health care system and social conciseness. First step of evaluation is the completion of the beta version of the new software called V.A.S.T. vocal analysis systems technologies. After preliminary testing and calibration, the comparative testing with laboratory results will take place. This will be followed by the system software calibrations to match lab results. The development and testing of the new hardware called the “Vibratrans unit” for safe operation The measured effects 30 within the Underwriters laboratory specifications for sale and marketing in the USA will be taking place as of January 2009. SUMMARY In this literature review research, I have looked at several different technologies that in themselves “alone” do not prove the ability to use voice analysis and vibrational-bio-feedback to help and aid the human biological system and/ or the stress hormonal systems. Topics such as: Psychoacoustics - a branch of science dealing with the perception of sound, the sensations produced by sounds, and the problems of communication. Physiological response to sound - characteristic of /or appropriate to an organism's healthy or normal functioning. Sound from a musical perspective - the emotional and mental aspects of tones or sounds and their effects. Math, Physic and bio-chemistry of sound wave technology – Here a look at current application of the sciences behind the use of voice analysis and wave technology in the generally accepted Scientific and public realms. It is in looking at each and every singular aspect of the topics and then synthesizing these areas of arts and sciences together that leads to the hypothesis of “Bio resonance harmonic support” as a viable and complementary method to be use in a general application of health diagnostics and supplemental health support. The biggest obstacle to the bringing mass attention and acceptability to the amalgamation of these areas under a heading of Bio-Resonance harmonic support is not the proving of the analytical methods by itself. We see this from the The measured effects 31 voice analysis methods used on patients with disordered voices to gain biological information and direction to treat the biological condition, the use of voice recognition systems and such technologies. To prove the fact that the vibrational wave technology is used to cause biological change in the human biological system or the human stress hormonal systems weather for lethal or non-lethal outcomes is not only an accepted fact but one that is capitalized on, and is now in deployment in active military conflicts by governments with a future view to developing more and updating existing technologies using wave and molecular excitation. The obstacles seems to be, but not limited to 1) Reliable hardware and equipment 2) Updated software and support 3) Secondary test validation 4) Public education on the applicable technologies 5) Acceptable convention in application of new methodologies. With these things in mind the next step would be to develop software that gains the acceptability by the bio-resonance harmonic support community and the medical and insurance communities. Then how to setup and do studies on the feedback methods for validation. 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