Old Bawn Community School Sixth Year Irish 6th Book List 2013/2014 Year Honours Students Keep books from 5th Year Text to be decided in Sept. Irish Dictionary ( An Gum) Should have from last year. Exam Papers (When available) 2 A4 Aisling Manuscript copies (Soft back) 11.99Approx 8 Euro Ordinary Level Students Keep books from 5th Year Irish Dictionary (An Gum) ( Should have from last year) Exam Papers (When available) 2A4 Aisling Manuscript copies (Soft back). 11.99Approx. 8 Euro. Ms O Connors Class Suas Forum Publications English Ms. Grenham’s Class How Many Miles to Babylon by Jennifer Johnston. Sive by John B. Keane. Film : Im Not Scared by Gabriele Salvatores. English keynotes 2014 Mentor Publications. Keep all 5th Year books 2 A4 Aisling Manuscript copies (Soft back) Exam Papers (When available) Educational Company. 21.49 Approx 11.99Approx 12.99Approx €15 approx 8 Euro. Mr. Harding /Ms. Carey Keep all books from 5th year. Sive by John B. Keane. How Many Miles to Babylon by Jennifer Johnston. Film : I’m Not Scared by Gabriele Salvatores. 2 A4 Aisling Manuscript copies (Soft back) Exam Papers (When available) Eductional Company 12.99Approx 11.99Approx 8 Euro. Ms. Jennings Class Keep all books from last year. Sive by John B. Keane. Film : I’m Not Scared by Gabriele Salvatores. Novel : Brooklyn by Colm Toibin. 2 A4 Aisling Manuscript copies (Soft back) Exam Papers (When available) Educational Company. 12.99Approx 11.99Approx 12.99Approx 8 Euro. Ms. Hickeys Class Keep all books from 5th year. How Many Miles to Babylon by Jennifer Johnston. Sive by John.B.Keane. Film : I’m Not Scared by Gabriele Salvatores. 2 x Aisling A4 Manuscript copies (soft back) Exam Papers when available (Educational Company). 11.99Approx 12.99Approx 8 Euro. Mr Horans Class Keep all books from 5th year. Drama: Sive by John B. Keane Film : Im Not Scared by Gabriele Salvatores. 2 x Aisling A4 Manuscript copies (soft back). Exam Papers when available (Educational Company). 12.99Approx 8 Euro. Maths Ordinary Level Active Maths 3 Book 2 (Exam 2014 ) Folens 30.00Approx Higher Level Active Maths 4 Book 2 (Exam 2014).Folens Ordinary and Higher Level will need all of the following Formulae and Tables. Casio Natural Display Scientific Calculator (only brand acceptable) Exam Papers (When available). A4 Hardback lined copy (Not a science hardback). Full Mathematical Geometry Set. French German Keep 5th Year books Exam Papers when available French Dictionary Display book to store handouts. Both Classes Deutsch Fur Die Mundliche Prufung (Folens) Exam Papers (When available) Keep all 5th year books/handouts INCLUDING Dictionary Geography 30.00Approx 4 Euro. 8Euro. 11.99Approx. 15.50Approx 8 Euro. Mr.Fagans Class ONLY Changing World Workbook to go with Charles Hayes L.C.Core book.Gil & McMillan.( The Core Text book the students should have from last year.) BOTH CLASSES Exam Skills by Sue Honan (Mentor Press) 2nd Edition. Changing World Human Geography (Charles Hayes & Una Nation.) Exam Papers When available (Edco) Hardback copy/Colouring Pencils/Long Ruler. History 15.99Approx 24.99Approx 8 Euro. Mr. Harding’s class: Keep all books from last year. Movement for Reform 1870-1914 M.E.Collins (Edco) (NOT THE CASE STUDY EDITION) Literacy Strategy Nation States & International Tension Sean Delap ( Folens). Exam Papers When Available (Edco ) 19.95Approx 21.50 Approx 8 Euro Ms. O’Connors Class Music Physics Biology Chemistry Business Keep all books from last year. USA & The World 1945-89 Maire de Buitleir & Stephen Tonge (Edco) Exam Papers When Available (Edco) Copies of Music Scores AND NOTES will be given to Students in September at a COST OF 20 Euro. Could each student bring their 20 Euro on the 1 st day of classes. Music Manuscript AND PENCIL. Notes Copy and Folder. Rapid Revision Music Course B(May Costello, Folens) Keep all books from 5th Year Hardback copy Graph Paper Copy Exam Papers When Available (Edco) Keep all books from 5th Year Exam Papers (When available) Keep all books from 5th Year Exams papers When Available (Edco) HONOURS ONLY: Revise wise chemistry L.C.Higher (EDCO) Keep last year’s Book and copies. Exam Papers (When available) 2 X A4 Manuscript copies. 21.95Approx 8 Euro. 15.00Approx. 8Euro. 8 Euro. 8.00 Approx. 8.95 Approx 8 Euro. Keep all 5th Year Books A4 Pad and Folder Exam Papers (When available) Home Economics Social & Scientific Engineering Technology Religion 2H pencil, compass, ring binder and pad, graph pad. Pair of Safety Goggles Past Exams papers Apron and ear protective recommended Keep all books and equipment from 5th year. Keep all notes from 5th year. Keep last Year’s Book Drawing Equipment, Scale Rule, Drawing Folio, Masking tape. Ring Binder and Refill Pad Subject Dividers Exams papers (When available) Construction Studies Appreciating Art for Leaving Cert (G & M) by Aine Ni Chartaigh & Aidan O Sullivan.( Students should have this book from last year.) Less Stress More Success Revision Book (G & M). Range of Drawing Pencils: 4H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B & 9B 12” ruler, eraser, sharpener, A3 paper/sketchbook. Coloured pencils, 2 copies, A2 folder. USB Memory Stick (2GB) available in Dunnes or Tesco. Approx 5 euro. Art, Craft & Design Design and Communication Graphics 8 Euro. Graphics, Design ,Communication David Anderson book 1 and 2 250mm adjustable set square. 45˚ set square, 60˚/30 set square, scale ruler, protractor A3 folder, masking tape, good quality compass, , T-square and Board for Homework (available in the school supply centre) or alternatively available from www.sgeducation.ie 2H pencil, HB pencil, sharpener, Eraser and colouring pencils. Exam papers(When available 8 Euro. 12.99 Approx 32.25 approx Keep last year’s books and copies. 2 x A4 Manuscript copies. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Accounting Student Journal with School Crest available in School All students will require exam papers in each subject. These will be available in the school to purchase in September. Helpful Website www.schoolbooksireland.ie