AN ALMANAC OF SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS BY MEMBERS OF THE WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE COMMUNITY 2013-14 The faculty at Washington & Jefferson College is described in the catalog as “master teachers, mentors and advisers who take an active interest in students’ futures and preparedness for life beyond campus.” Without a doubt, this outstanding group of scholars, Fulbright Fellows, world travelers, and experts in their fields creates a first-rate learning community within a collaborative and integrated learning environment. As a liberal arts college, we tend to focus on classroom excellence and the learning environment. At the same time, however, our faculty members achieve impressive recognition for their research and scholarship, a side of their professional careers perhaps a bit less apparent to the College community. These accomplishments take many forms: publications, presentations, artistic and creative endeavors, new pedagogical methods, as well as contributions to the community outside the College. This Almanac of Scholarly and Professional Achievement brings together in one document the accomplishments of this remarkable group of teachers and scholars over the past year, along with the outstanding achievements of some of their students. It serves as a celebration, if you will; a bit of blowing our own horn, to be sure – but eminently appropriate and well deserved. We also hope this impressive list serves as a motivator, a challenge, and a stimulus for future endeavors. This integration of excellent teaching with impressive scholarship is one of the qualities which makes W&J special and about which we all should be quite proud. Congratulations to all! John E. Zimmerman, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty 1 Publications Dr. Judith K. Atzler, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, published the following: “Look at me! I am mad! – Madness as means of Escape and Individualization in Arthur Schnitzler’s Work Flucht in die Finsternis.” Proceedings of the 2012 Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference. Dr. Patrick Caffrey, Associate Professor of History, published the following: Review of William C. Summers’ The Great Manchurian Plague of 1910-1911: The Geopolitics of an Epidemic Disease. Environmental History 19.1 (January 2014): 11920. Dr. Barry Chametzky, Adjunct Instructor of Modern Languages, published the following: Chametzky, B. (2013). Generalizability and offsetting the affective filter. Grounded Theory Review, 12(2). Available from bility-and-the-theory-of-offsetting-the-affective-filter/ Chametzky, B. (2013). Offsetting the affective filter and online foreign language learners. Available from Shaw, M., Chametzky, B., Burrus, S., & Walters, K. (Winter 2013). An evaluation of student outcomes by course 2 duration in online higher education. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 16(4). Available from Chametzky, B. (2013). What is involved in meaningful elearning? Journal of Interdisciplinary Collaboration, 1(1): 41-59. Dr. Rosalie T. Carpenter, Professor of Education, published the following: “Oh the Places You Will Go.” The Current. Kappa Delta Epsilon, #82, Winter 2013. Drs. Elizabeth Bennett, Professor of Psychology, and Michael Crabtree, Professor of Psychology, published the following: Crabtree, M., Bennett, E. A., & Schaffer, M. E. (2013). Unique challenges faced by the National Guard and Reserve. In J. Barnett & B. Moore (Eds.). Military Psychologists' Desk Reference. New York: Oxford University Press. Dr. Robert Dunn, Assistant Professor of Economics and Business, published the following: Review of Charlie Karlsson and Robert G. Picard, eds., Media Clusters: Spatial Agglomeration and Content Capabilities. Review of Regional Studies. (forthcoming) Dr. Samuel Fee, Associate Professor of Computing and Information Studies, published the following: 3 Fee, S. B. (2013). Building Knowledge: Implementing PBL and Using Mobile Apps as an Approach to Learning. In Loveless, D. J., Griffith, B., Berci, M., Ortlieb, E., & Sullivan, P. (eds.) Academic Knowledge Construction and Multimodal Curriculum Development. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishing. Fee, S. B. and Griffith, C. (2013). Custom Mobile Applications for Field Data Collection. CUR Quarterly. Volume 34, Number 2. Washington, DC: Council on Undergraduate Research. Dr. James Gormly, Professor of History published the following: “The Counter Iron Curtain: Crafting an American-Soviet Bloc Civil Aviation Policy, 1943-1960.” Diplomatic History 37:1 (April 2013): 248-279. Dr. Charles Hannon, Professor of Computing and Information Studies and Associate Dean of the Faculty, published the following: “’Let Me Finish’: Mirror Neurons and Empathy in Interaction Design.” Interactions vol. 20 no.5 (September + October 2013): 38-41. “Facilitating Transfer Students’ Transition to a Liberal Arts College.” College and University 89.1 (2013): 51-56. Dr. Jennifer Riddle Harding, Associate Professor of English, published the following: "Violence Then, Violence Now." Pittsburgh Post Gazette 27 Aug. 2013: B-7. 4 "Reader-Response Criticism and Stylistics." A chapter in the Routledge Handbook of Stylistics, 2014. Dr. Mark Harris, Associate Professor of Chemistry, published the following: Harris, M. and Logan, J. (2014). Determination of LogKow Values for Four Drugs. Journal of Chemical Education. (forthcoming) Dr. Robbie Iuliucci, Associate Professor of Chemistry, published the following: Harper, J., Iuliucci, R., and Kalakewich, K. Establishing Accurate High-Resolution Crystal Structures in the Absence of Diffraction Data and Single Crystals—An NMR Approach. (2013) Crystal Growth and Design 13(12): 5391–5396. Gruber, M., Harper, J., Iuliucci, R., and Kalakewich, K. (2013). Refining crystal structures with experimental 13C NMR shift tensors and lattice-including electronic structure methods. CrystEngComm 15: 8693-8704. Hoop, C., and Iuliucci, R. (2013). 13C chemical-shift anisotropy of alkyl-substituted aromatic carbon in anthracene derivatives. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 53: 1–12. Iuliucci, R., Pacilio, J., Quiñones, R., and Tokarski, J. High Resolution Solid-State NMR: Characterization of Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Compounds. Journal of Chemical Education. (forthcoming) 5 Harper, J., and Iuliucci, R. (2014). C-13 Chemical Shift Tensors in Organic Materials. Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry. (forthcoming) Dr. Jason Kilgore, Assistant Professor of Biology, published the following: Kilgore, J., and Leege, L. (2014). Recovery of foredune and blowout habitats in a freshwater dune following removal of invasive Austrian pine (Pinus nigra). Restoration Ecology. (forthcoming) Kilgore, J., and Lindsey, A. (2013). Soil type affects Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum (Pinaceae) seedling growth in simulated drought experiments. Applications in Plant Sciences 1(8): 1300031. Dr. John P. Lambertson, Professor of Art, published the following: “The Boulevard and the Salon: Popular Theatre and Romanticism in 1824.” Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film 40(1) (Summer 2013), 15-35. Dr. Michael S. Leonard, Associate Professor of Chemistry, published the following: Leonard, M. (2013). Intermediate Organic Chemistry. A textbook that is used in his intermediate organic chemistry class. Leonard, M. (2013). Introductory Organic Reaction Mechanisms: A color-coded approach to arrow pushing.; A textbook detailing 80 mechanisms commonly encountered in introductory organic chemistry courses. This book has 6 an accompanying YouTube channel with all 80 mechanisms presented over the course of 80 short videos. Dr. Robert Litchfield, Associate Professor of Business, published the following: Gilson, L. L., Gilson, P. W., and Litchfield, R. C. An examination of the relationship between time and creativity: Applying a temporal lens to the study of creativity. In A. J. Shipp and Y. Fried (Eds.) Time and Work: How Time Impacts Individuals (Vol. 1). East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press. (forthcoming) Litchfield, R. C. (2013). Brainstorming. In E. H. Kessler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of management theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Dr. Jennifer Logan, Associate Professor of Chemistry, published the following: Harris, M. and Logan, J. (2014). Determination of LogKow Values for Four Drugs. Journal of Chemical Education. (forthcoming) Dr. Karin Maresh, Associate Professor of Theatre and Communication, published the following: “Ireland.” International Women Stage Directors. Eds. Anne Fliotsos and Wendy Vierow. (Urbana, IL: U of IL P, 2013), 187-197. Dr. Andrew Mulvania, Associate Professor of English, published the following: 7 “Sylvia Plath: A Fifty-Year Retrospective.” The Missouri Review 36(4) (Winter 2013), 177-188. Dr. Michael Pettersen, Chair and Professor of Physics, published the following: Davitt, K., Pettersen, M., and Rolley, E. (2013). Thermally Activated Wetting Dynamics in the Presence of Surface Roughness. Langmuir 29(23), 6884–6894. Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor of Biology, published the following: Shanmuganathan, A. (2013). Course-based research is effective in engaging students in ‘real’ science: soil bacterial diversity research in an undergraduate microbiology course. Abstract in Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 14: 160. Dr. Deborah Sunderland, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry, published the following: Sunderland, D.P. (2014). Studying Crystal Structures through the Use of Solid State Model Kits. J. Chem. Educ 91(3), 432–436. Dr. Robert Vande Kappelle, Professor of Religious Studies, published two books in 2013: Iron Sharpens Iron: A Discussion Guide for Twenty-FirstCentury Seekers. (Wipf & Stock). Hope Revealed: The Message of the Book of Revelation— Then and Now. (Wipf & Stock). 8 Dr. Yongsheng Wang, Associate Professor of Economics, published the following: "Teaching Econometrics: An Interdisciplinary Approach", International Social Science Review, 88(3-4), 2013. Review of P. Arestis, P. Mooslechner, and K. Wagner, eds., Housing Market Challenges in Europe and the United States. Eastern Economic Journal 39(2), 280-282. Review of R. Sun, ed., Grounding Social Sciences in Cognitive Sciences. International Social Science Review, 88(3-4). Dr. Kelly Weixel, Assistant Professor of Biology, published the following: Alzamora R., Edinger, R., Fischer O., Hallows, K., Johnson, J., Li, H., Marciszyn A., and Weixel, K. (2013). Resveratrol inhibits the epithelial sodium channel via phopshoinositides and AMP-activated protein kinase in kidney collecting duct cells. PLoS One 8(10). Presentations Dr. Amparo Alpañés, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, presented the following: “Ficción y realidad contemporánea: cómo la literatura y el cine español comentan las estructuras de poder actuals.” Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2013. 9 “Once upon a Soap Opera: Introducing Creative Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom.” Northeast Modern Language Association 2014 Convention, Harrisburg, PA, April 2014. Dr. Judith K. Atzler, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, presented “Listen to, Read about, Speak about – Write it Down!” at NeMLA, Susquehanna University, Harrisburg, PA, April 3-6, 2014. Dr. Elizabeth Bennett, Professor of Psychology, presented the following: Bennett, E. A., Crabtree, M., Schaffer, M. E. (2014, March). Improving Civilian Emergency Departments’ Ability to Identify PTSD in Reserve Component Members. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA. Crabtree, M., Bennett, E. A. (2013, September). Combat Stress Intervention Program. Presented at the Military Operational Medicine Research Program (MOMRP) Product Line Review, Fort Detrick, MD. Bennett, E. A., Crabtree, M., Schaffer, M. E. (2013, June). Civilian Health Care Settings’ Ability to Identify Combat Stress related concerns in Reserve Component Members and Their Families. Poster presented at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention, Harrisburg, PA. Dr. Rosalie T. Carpenter, Professor of Education, co-presented ABC: Always Bring Connections: School, College, Community Partnerships at the 2013 National Student Teaching and 10 Supervision Conference, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, April 2013. Dr. Barry Chametzky, Adjunct Instructor of Modern Languages, presented “A Primer to Online (E-)Learning.” Invited lecture to a foreign language methodology class at Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA, December 3, 2013 Dr. Michael Crabtree, Professor of Psychology, presented the following: Crabtree, Michael and Stange, Jeff. (2013, June). Mental Illness Potential for Violence: What Can Psychology Tell Us? Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Harrisburg PA. Bennett, E. A., Crabtree, M., Schaffer, M. E. (2013, June). Civilian Health Care Settings’ Ability to Identify Combat Stress related concerns in Reserve Component Members and Their Families. Poster presented at the Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention, Harrisburg, PA. Crabtree, Michael. (August, 2013). Protection from Sexual Predators. Maple Terrace Community Meeting, Washington PA. Crabtree, M., Bennett, E. A. (2013, September). Combat Stress Intervention Program. Presented at the Military Operational Medicine Research Program (MOMRP) Product Line Review, Fort Detrick, MD. Crabtree, Michael. (September, 2013). Mental Health and Gun Violence. Part of the W. Edward Sell Legal Forum, 2nd 11 Amendment Rights. Washington & Jefferson College, Washington PA. Crabtree, Michael. (January, 2014). Child Victim Testimony. Washington County Bar Association, Winter Bench Bar. Bennett, E. A., Crabtree, M., Schaffer, M. E. (2014, March). Improving Civilian Emergency Departments’ Ability to Identify PTSD in Reserve Component Members. Poster presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA. Crabtree, Michael. (April 2014). Legal, Quasi Legal and Psychological Response to Reports of Child Abuse. Child Abuse Awareness Program, Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, PA. Crabtree, Michael, Schaffer, Mary E. (2014, June). Using Free Assessment Instruments to Enhance Therapy and Evaluations. Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Harrisburg PA. Dr. Candy DeBerry, Associate Professor of Biology, gave the following presentations: “Pollination and Pollinators”, “Gardening for Butterflies”, “Green Your Gardening: Water Conservation”, “Green Your Gardening: Compost Happens”, and “Growing Great Garlic.” Lavender Festival at Destiny Hill Farm in Washington, PA, June 2013. 12 “Native Plants For Your Garden.” Penn State Master Gardener Program of Washington County, Canonsburg, PA, September 2013. “Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden.” 4th annual Mother Earth News Fair at Seven Springs, PA, September 2013. The Fair, sponsored by Mother Earth News magazine, is one of the premier sustainable living events in the United States, covering all aspects of living more lightly on the Earth. "Gardening to Support Pollinators." Washington County Watershed Alliance annual banquet in Washington, PA, March 2014. "Creating Wildlife Habitats." Workshop for the Master Naturalist Program of the West Virginia Department of Conservation and Natural Resources at the Good Zoo in Oglebay, Wheeling, WV, April 2014. “Why Grow Natives?” Keynote address at the 23rd Native Plants in the Landscape Conference at Millersville University, Millersville, PA, June 2014. Dr. DeBerry serves on the conference steering committee and is Assistantships coordinator for the 2014 conference. “Pollination and Pollinators.” GO Green Camp for Kids at Peters Township Public Library, June 2014. Dr. Annette Drew-Bear, Professor of English, presented the following: “Theatricality in Lust’s Dominion.” Blackfriars Conference, Staunton, Virginia, October 2013. 13 “Finding the Signals for Performance in a Shakespeare Text.” Shakespeare Association of America, April 2014. Dr. Robert East, Associate Professor and Director of Environmental Studies, presented the following: “Lessons not Learned? Sixty-Five Years after Donora.” 65th Anniversary of the Donora Smog Disaster Environmental Conference, Donora, PA, October 2013. “Agroforestry and Permaculture in Semi-Arid Western Kenya.” Association for Environmental Studies & Sciences Annual Conference, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2013. “Two-Year Trials of Biochar Applications in No-Till Agricultural Systems.” Webinar hosted by the International Biochar Initiative, February, 2014. Dr. Robert Dunn, Assistant Professor of Economics, served as session chair, discussant, and presented two papers— “Outmigration and Funding for Public Higher Education” and “A State-Level Analysis of Natural Resources and Investment”—at the 53nd Annual Southern Regional Science Association Meeting in San Antonio, TX, March 2014. Scott Frank, Professor of Theatre and Communication, wrote and directed The Spring Harvest, presented at the Olin Fine Arts Center, November 2013. Dr. Frank also directed That Good Night in a concert reading at the Region 2 Festival of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival at West Chester University, PA, January 2014. 14 Dr. Zheya Gai, Professor of Political Science and International Studies, presented the following: “China in the UN Security Council: Behaving as a ‘Responsible Stakeholder’?” Northeastern Political Science Association’s 45th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 2013. “Socialization in International Institutions and China’s Peaceful Rise: China and ASEAN.” 22nd Annual ASIANetwork Conference, Bloomingdale, IL, April 2014. Dr. Gai also mentored the work of five students (Nathan Beam, Kaitlyn Burns, Samantha Gagliardo, Frank Galizia, and Fiona Randall) who will present their work at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Political Science Association at Penn State Harrisburg, April 2014. Dr. Charles Hannon, Professor of Computing and Information Studies and Associate Dean of the Faculty, mentored the work of Emily Payne (’15), who presented her paper “How Companies Can Support Working Parents” at the Womenetics conference in Chicago, IL, November 2013. Dr. Jennifer Riddle Harding, Associate Professor of English, presented the following: “Very Punny: Puns as Narrative Pivots in Harte and Hawthorne.” Poetics and Linguistics Association Annual Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2013. 15 “Figurative Prominence: Similes and Puns in Literary Narrative.” International Society for the Study of Narrative Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March 2014. Dr. Ryan Higginbottom, Associate Professor of Mathematics, moderated a session entitled “Non-lecture methods in introductory courses” at the Allegheny Mountain Section NExT meeting at Slippery Rock University, September 2013. Dr. Higginbottom also mentored Kimberly Phillips (’15), who presented “Tiling m-deficient mutilated chessboards with mpolyominoes” at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore, MD, January 2014. Dr. Robbie Iuliucci, Associate Professor of Chemistry, presented the following: Chemical Shift Anisotropy Measurements and Applications Towards Crystal Structure Refinement. ACS Student Member 27th Annual Symposium, Duquesne University, April 2013. Visual insight to the chemical shift from shielding and current density maps. Dipartimento di Chimica, UniVersita` degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, June 2013. Visualizing Magnetic Shielding Anisotropy by Current Density Maps. University of Central Florida Physical Chemistry Seminar, October 2013. Dr. Jason Kilgore, Assistant Professor of Biology, presented the following: 16 Kilgore, J., and B. Dolan. Getting ahead of the front: Evaluating impacts of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) on forest vegetation in eastern North America. Poster presentation at EREN All Members Meeting, Rock Island, IL, June 2014. Kilgore, J., and L. Leege. Long-term recovery of dune systems following pine invasion and management. Conservation of Great Lakes Natural Areas: MiCOB 2013 Annual Meeting, Albion, MI, Sept 2013. Dolan, B., and J. Kilgore. Ecology in the cloud: undergraduate students driving inter-institutional collaborative research. Poster presentation at 98th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 2013. Dolan, B., and J. Kilgore. Ecology in the cloud: undergraduate students driving inter-institutional collaborative research. Poster presentation at EREN All Members Meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 2013. Dr. Carolyn Kyler, Professor of English, presented the following: “Dawn in Harlem: Exploring the Origins of the Harlem Renaissance through Image and Text.” College English Association National Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2014. “Measures of Greatness: Teaching the Harlem Renaissance in Word, Image, & Object.” Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Harrisburg, PA, April 2014. 17 Dr. John P. Lambertson, Professor of Art, presented “The Culture of Patriotism in the Early American Republic,” as Chair and Commentator for a session at the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Oxford, MS, February 2014. Dr. Michael Leonard, Associate Professor of Chemistry, mentored the work of Andrew T. Pingitore (’14) who presented “Hammett study of the transesterification of para-nitrophenyl benzoates” at the 247th American Chemical Society national meeting in Dallas, TX, March 2014. Dr. Tuan Viet Le, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, presented the following: Le, T. (2012). Freedom of the Press and Equity Returns: Empirical Investigation in Emerging Markets. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Economic Association, Columbus, OH, March 2013. Le, T. (2012). Corruption Heterogeneity and Foreign Direct Investment. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Economic Association, Columbus, OH, March 2013. Le, T. (2012) Freedom of the Press and Equity Returns: Empirical Investigation in Emerging Markets. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Economic Association, Columbus, OH, March 2013. Le, T. (2013). Does FDI from Corrupted Countries Increase Corruption in Recipient Countries. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Economic Association, Columbus, OH, March 2013. 18 Dr. Le also served as chair for session 9E, “Policy and Regulation in Open Economy,” at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Economic Association; discussed two papers in two different sessions at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Economic Association; and discussed one paper at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association. Dr. Robert Litchfield, Associate Professor of Business, presented the following: Litchfield, R. C., Gilson, L. L., Shalley, C. E., & Maynard, M. T. (2013). The link between spontaneous, face-to-face interaction and creativity: Myth or requirement? Symposium presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA. Gilson, L. L., Litchfield, R. C., & Gilson, P. W. (2013). Too much time, too little time, or just the right amount of time to be creative. Paper presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL. Carter, M. R., Karakitapoðlu-Aygün, Z., Gumusluoglu, L., Litchfield, R. C., & Hirst, G. (2013). Connecting the dots from team innovation to performing managerial objectives. Paper presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL. Dr. Jennifer Logan, Associate Professor of Chemistry, mentored the work of Lauren Fisher (’14), who presented “Assessing contaminants in water near Marcellus shale drilling and hydrofracking” and “More than the eye can see: Using chemistry to analyze a painting” at the 247th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2014. Dr. Logan also mentored the work of Joshua Tropp (’15), who presented “Chemistry of art: Analysis of an 19 unknown painting” at the 247th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Dallas, TX, March 2014. Dr. James M. Longo, Professor of Education, presented the following: President’s Day at W & J. Master of ceremonies for W&J Education Department-sponsored series of activities for elementary and secondary students – an art contest open to elementary students; a Gettysburg Address oratory competition for middle school students; and an essay challenge designed to encourage high school students to write about the first lady who, in their opinion, represents all that is best about the United States of America. Washington, PA, February 2014. “Connecting the World of Research to the World of Children.” Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2013. “ABC—Always Bring Connections: School, College, Community Partnerships.” 2013 National Student Teaching and Supervision Conference, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, April 2013. “Theory and Practice of Universal Education – Making Mentoring a Two Way Relationship.”Oxford Education Research Symposium, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University, UK, March 2013. Dr. W. Thomas Mainwaring, Chair and Professor of History, served as the moderator for two panels at the annual Western 20 Pennsylvania Phi Alpha Theta history conference held at Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA, March 2014. Dr. Karin Maresh, Associate Professor of Theatre and Communication, was Panel Chair and Presenter for “Motherhood and Theatre” at the Association for Theatre in Higher Education conference, Orlando, FL, August 2013. Dr. Kathleen McEvoy, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of English, presented “Accountability: Helping Students Understand that Privilege Comes with Responsibility” at the College English Association Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2014. Dr. Susan Medley, Associate Professor of Music, and the Pittsburgh Concert Chorale were featured performers in the Festival Concert of the National Convocation of The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Oakland, PA, July 2013. Dr. Medley also conducted the Junior Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh and members of the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra in two performances of Mozart’s Requiem in November 2013. The concert was later broadcast on WQED-FM. Dr. Stuart J. Miller, Professor of Sociology, presented the following: Address to the Japanese Association of Human Relations at the new Katushika campus of the Tokyo University of Science (TUS), November 2013. The association currently is working to ameliorate the human problems caused by the Fukushima tsunami and nuclear disaster. Many of the association’s members are also high school counselors who deal with problems such as those resulting from the 21 Fukushima tsunami and with trauma problems of juvenile bullying and victimization in high schools. Address to high school counselors about the W&J English Language Institute, assisted by W&J Japanese alumni Junichio Kato ’94 and Rei Yoshimura ’02 as well as recent Japanese exchange student Takeshi Goto. These former members of the W&J community, along with Professor Minonu Itoh of TUS, also worked with the high school counselors on how to address bullying in schools they serve. Address to Samukawa International Exchange Association (SIEA) which is supported, in part, by Edward Greb, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, and which has provided home stays for several hundred W&J College students in their Intersession trips to Japan. Dr. Andrew Mulvania, Associate Professor of English, presented “Freedom and Constraint in Three Poems: The Emancipatory Power of Limitation, in Poetic Form or Social Condition” at the Conference on Critical Pedagogy & The Creative Writing Workshop, Manhattanville College, June 2013. Dr. Gregg Osborne, Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy, presented "A Crucial Passage in Kant's First Analogy" at the 23rd World Congress of Philosophy, Athens, Greece, August 2013. Patrick Schmidt, Associate Professor of Art, participated in two exhibitions. The first was at Allegany College entitled “Performity,” in which Schmidt installed a wall drawing using cloth tape, wallpaper of his own making, and a small steel sculpture. The second exhibition was with the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh, where Schmidt exhibited three new paintings. 22 Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor of Biology, presented the following: Shanmuganathan, A. “Bacteria in the dirt: an inquirybased lab curriculum in the first biology core course.” Poster at the American Society of Microbiology’s Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASM-CUE) meeting in Danvers, MA, May 2014. Shanmuganathan, A. “Selective flipping: a problem solving-based approach to teaching DNA replication.” Poster at the American Society of Microbiology’s Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASM-CUE) meeting in Danvers, MA, May 2014. Dr. Shanmuganathan also mentored the work of Christine Dee (’15) and Christopher Casagrande (’15), who presented the poster “A four-year assessment of soil bacterial diversity in SW Pennsylvania” at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY, April 2014. Dr. Dana Shiller, Associate Professor of English, presented the following: “Reviving the Master: The Reanimation of Henry James.” Northeast Modern Language Association, Harrisburg, PA, April 2014. Dr. Shiller also chaired a panel on “Reviving and Revising Henry James” at this conference. “Teaching ‘Famous Men’ in Context.” Northeast Modern Language Association, Harrisburg, PA, April 2014. 23 Kyle Simpson, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music, presented the following: “Feeling Comfortable with Improvisation.” Lawrence University Jazz Weekend, Appleton, WI, November 2013. Composer-participant at the Charlotte New Music Festival in Charlotte, NC, July 2013. “Urgency”—for flute, violin, and marimba, and “Between Two Worlds”—for flute, violin, cello, and percussion. Two new classical works for chamber ensembles. Co-leader and co-founder of the The Jazz Conspiracy Swingtet that Presents new concerts of Swing and BigBand music in the Northside of Pittsburgh every month at the Elks club. Dr. Sharon Taylor, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, presented "Torment and Rebirth in Le Livre d'Emma by MarieCélie Agnant" in a seminar session titled “Affect, Trauma, and Memory in Contemporary Postcolonial Poetics” at the Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, Harrisburg, PA, April 2014. Dr. Katherine Ternes, Associate Professor of Modern Languages, presented the following: “Cinematic Scenarios in Mexican Vanguard Literature: Mechanization in Moderation.” Faculty Colloquium, W&J College, Washington, PA, November 2013. 24 “The Impact of International Service Learning on Intercultural Competence.” ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo in Orlando, FL, November 2013. Dr. Linda Troost, Chair and Professor of English, presented the following: “Pride and Prejudice in its Own Time: Reading the Newspaper in 1813.” Jane Austen Society of North America, Minneapolis, MN, September 2013. “Text-Mining Pride and Prejudice,” Chawton House Centre for Early Women Writers, Chawton, England, July 2013. “Read Like it’s 1813,” Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary Conference, Cambridge University, England, June 2013. Dr. Timothy M. Wagner, Adjunct Faculty in Education, presented “American Studies,” a panel presentation at Bridges Across Cultures International Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Umbra Institute, Perugia, Italy, June 2013. Dr. Wagner also chaired the panel, Pedagogic Studies, at this conference. Dr. Yongsheng Wang, Associate Professor of Economics, presented "The Economic Impact Analysis of Marcellus Shale Development for Washington County in PA—An Overview from 2004 to 2013," at the inaugural State of the Economy Conference of Washington County, PA, February 2014. Dr. Susan Woodard, Professor of Music, presented "Mozart and Freemasonry" for the Canon- McMillan School District Music Department faculty on November 5, 2013. Members of the Canon-McMillan faculty joined Dr. Woodard and her MUS 255 25 class for a lecture-presentation on the composer's rich repertory of Masonic music. Fellowships and Grants Dr. James Benze, Associate Professor of Political Science, Dr. Jennifer Harding, Associate Professor of English, Dr. Thomas Mainwaring, Professor of History, Dr. Karin Maresh, Associate Professor of Theatre and Communication, and Dr. Mark Swift, Chair and Professor of Music, received the first Mellon Seminar Grant to develop an interdisciplinary program in American Studies during the summer of 2014. Dr. Robert East, Associate Professor and Director of Environmental Studies, and Dr. Yongsheng Wang, Associate Professor and Director of Financial Economics, were awarded a grant by the ASIANetwork and Freeman Foundation to lead six students, Naomi Bick (’16), Conor Crowe (’15), Max Chomas (’15), Hannah Hill (’16), Jake Meyers (’15), and Emma Russell (’16), in research examining sustainable practices and economic efficiency among automobile manufacturers in China and Japan. The fieldwork will be conducted during summer 2014. Dr. Robbie Iuliucci, Associate Professor of Chemistry, was principal Investigator for a RUI NSF Chemistry award, “Measuring and Modeling the Chemical Shift Anisotropy in Materials.” Dr. Alice G. Lee, Professor of Biology, served as Program Director for W&J’s 2008-2013 Howard Hughes Medical Institutes (HHMI) Undergraduate Biology Program Grant. This is the third HHMI program grant to W&J, totaling $2.3 million since 1996. Dr. Lee has directed all three grants. 26 Dr. James M. Longo, Professor of Education, directed the Benedum Master Teacher Grant, 2013-2014. Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor of Biology, and Dr. Anne McGrain, program coordinator in Biology, were awarded funding by the ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Foundation to host a two-week residential summer science camp for underserved and underrepresented middle school students. W&J is the only small college to receive this funding. Kyle Simpson, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music, was a commissioned composer as a part of Lawrence University Jazz Weekend, November 2013. Simpson was commissioned to write a new jazz piece entitled Unknown Pathway. W&J College, West Virginia University, University of Wisconsin Platteville and St. Olaf College Jazz Ensembles subsequently performed the new work. Dr. Kelly Weixel, Assistant Professor of Biology, received funding from the Dean’s Innovation Fund, Summer 2013. Research Projects Dr. Ronald Bayline, Chair and Associate Professor of Biology, continued research investigating gene expression during Manduca sexta muscle development with Miguel García Ortegón, Rafael Blanco Dominguez, and Jesús Lavado García, Spanish exchange students, in the Fall of 2013. Anthony Bocchine (’14) and Antonio Farias Alves (an exchange student form Brazil) also carried out projects investigating neural control of muscle development and function in Manduca. Dr. Barry Chametzky, Adjunct Instructor of Modern Languages, conducted research in the areas of Online Learning; Classroom 27 Management; and Anxiety and the Online Foreign Language Learner. Dr. Michael Crabtree, Professor of Psychology, conducted research on Cognitive Enhancement Therapy. Dr. Robert East, Associate Professor and Director of Environmental Studies, continued collaborative research with the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, examining the role of agroforestry in mitigating forest encroachment around the Amani Nature Reserve in Tanga Region, Tanzania. Originally jump-started by a summer Mason Grant awarded to Dr. East, the project has since received supplemental funding from the International Council for Research in Agroforestry. Dr. East’s current role is assisting in the design of a handbook for NGO field staff on Participatory Action Research methodologies suitable for the East Usambara Region. Dr. Zheya Gai, Professor of Political Science and International Studies, signed a book contract with Bloomsbury Academic in March 2014 as a coauthor of a book entitled China’s Peaceful Rise, to be published in 2015. She is working on the proposed book during her sabbatical leave in Spring 2014, including a research trip to China in February 2014. Dr. Robbie Iuliucci, Associate Professor of Chemistry, collaborated with Professor Harper at University of Central Florida on NMR Crystallography. Dr. Iuliucci also participated in Integrated Computational and Experimental REU Site at Duquesne University. Dr. Jason Kilgore, Assistant Professor of Biology, led the development of the W&J Campus Arboretum and recognition of W&J as a Tree Campus USA 2013, sponsored by Arbor Day 28 Foundation and Toyota. In Summer 2013, Dr. Kilgore and Lindsey Dove (’16) evaluated campus trees with funding from Dean’s Fund for Innovation and Development. In Fall 2013, the Arboretum Advisory Committee was formed by Dr. Kilgore and Jim Mirage (Grounds Supervisor, Facility Services / GCA) to guide the planning and development of the Campus Arboretum; members include Dean Michael Shaughnessy, Dean Catherine Sherman, Dr. Robert East, Julie Throckmorton, Kyle Karwatski (’14), Lindsey Dove (’16), and David Kraueter. The Campus Arboretum website ( was developed and launched by Kyle Karwatski (’14), and a brochure with arboretum map was developed by Emily Kauffman (’14). Dr. Tuan Viet Le, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, researched the topics of Corruption and Monetary Policies Efficiency and Corruption and Inflation: An Empirical Test. Dr. Alice G. Lee, Professor of Biology, continued as a coinvestigator with faculty from Carnegie Mellon University to develop and implement Cognitive Genetics Tutor programs. This is the 10th year of Dr. Lee’s involvement in the project, which is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Dr. Michael S. Leonard, Associate Professor of Chemistry, mentored the research of the following students in independent studies: Joshua D. Etzel (’14), on the topic, “Progress Toward the Synthesis of (+)-Laburnamine.” Sarah J. Nainar (’14), on the topic, “Developing a Betulin Isolation Lab for the Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory.” 29 Andrew T. Pingitore (’14), on the topic, “Studying the Cleavage of Esters Using the Hammett Equation. Joshua Tropp (’15), on the topic, “Progress Toward the Synthesis of the Choi Framework.” Dr. James Longo, Professor and Chair of Education, traveled to Monte Verde, Costa Rica, Intersession 2014, researching English as a Second Language (ESL) methods at the Cloud Forest School in Monte Verde, Costa Rica. Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor of Biology, mentored the research of Christine Dee (’15) and Christopher Casagrande (’15) characterizing soil bacterial communities at the Abernathy Field Station using culture-independent approaches. Kyle Simpson, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music, is working with professor John Cantine of Pittsburgh Filmmakers in scoring Cantine’s 2014 short film, Aftermath. Dr. Deborah Sunderland, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry, mentored the research of James Aldridge (’15), on the topic, "Synthesis of Some Novel Pyrochlores." Dr. Yongsheng Wang, Associate Professor of Economics, conducted the following research: "The Economic Impact Analysis of Marcellus Shale Development for Washington County in PA." With D. Stares. "Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Economics and Impacts." Book Co-edited with W. Hefley, forthcoming in Fall 2014 by Springer Publishing. 30 "A Trendy Design or a Wise Business Solution: An Analysis of LEED Commercial Buildings in Top 20 U.S. Cities." With J. Stanley. "Economics, Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility." With M. Chomas (’15). Dr. Kelly Weixel, Assistant Professor of Biology, researched “The Endosomal & Recyling Itinerary of ENaC” at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Summer 2014 Other Honors and Activities Dr. Judith K. Atzler, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, organized “Write it Down! Teaching Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom” at NeMLA, Susquehanna University, Harrisburg, PA, April 2014. Dr. Ronald Bayline, Chair and Associate Professor of Biology, received the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Distinguished Service Award. The Service Award is given to recognize individuals who have made outstanding efforts towards the continuing development of FUN as an organization. Dr. Bayline was recognized for the four years that he served as treasurer-elect and treasurer for the organization. Patrick Caffrey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, served as a peer reviewer for Environmental History. Dr. Rosalie T. Carpenter, Professor of Education: Attended the 21st Annual South Eastern Healthcare Volunteer Association Leadership Conference in Nashville, 31 Tennessee: “Tune with the Challenge of Excellence,” March 2014. Kappa Delta Epsilon Collegiate Writing Award Presented to Gamma Omicron in recognition for the outstanding contributions to The Current, November 2013. Volunteer/Participant at the West Virginia Hospital Association Leadership Conference, White Sulfur Springs, WV, September 2013. Dr. Barry Chametzky, Adjunct Instructor of Modern Languages: Completed Ph.D. in Education, Northcentral University, April 2013. Nominated for Dissertation of the Year. Peer reviewer for MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 2013-present. Mentor and editor for doctoral students and candidates at Northcentral University, 2011-present. Peer reviewer for the International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 2013-present. Dr. Candy DeBerry, Associate Professor of Biology, Attended Earth Perfect?: Nature, Utopia, and the Garden, a conference at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, June 2013. Dr. DeBerry also created and serves as administrator of the W&J Biology Facebook page. Scott Frank, Professor of Theatre and Communication, received the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ Gold Medallion, for work as the Regional Chair of the National 32 Playwriting Program for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, 2013. Professor Scott also received the KCACTF Certificate of Merit for the ensemble acting of the cast of The Spring Harvest, which he directed in 2013, and the KCACTF Certificate of Merit for directing the concert reading of That Good Night at the Region 2 Festival in 2014. Dr. Zheya Gai, Professor of Political Science and International Studies, serves as Chair of Board of Directors at ASIANetwork, a consortium of over 160 liberal arts colleges in North America to promote Asian Studies, 2013-2014. Dr. Lori Galley, Associate Professor of Economics and Business: Audit, Tax, Valuation & Business Technology, Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP Group, South Point, Canonsburg, November 13, 2013. Women’s Leadership Council Breakfast – Westin Convention Center, September 12, 2013, United Way Council. Accounting Education Conference (PICPA) – July 19, 2013 – Hershey, PA – panel supervisor. Assessing Learning & Cost in Course redesign, Cengage Learning Webcast, May 7, 2013. Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve, NACVA & the CTI Group Webinar, June 6, 2013. Preparing & Reporting on Cash & Tax Basis Financial Statements, the Mandray Group, Webcast, July 22, 2013. 33 Fraud Risk Valuation, Consulting Training Group Webinar, July 29, 2013. Recurring Deficiencies in Compliance Accounting, Review Engagements and How to Avoid Them, The Mandray Group Webcast, July 29, 2013. The Truth, The Whole Truth & Nothing But Persuasion, American Institute of Expert Financial Accounting Webcast, July 30, 2013. Making Horses Thirsty & Increasing Motivation in Accounting Students, Webcast, Cengage Learning, August 12, 2013. Intelligent Response Technology in Accounting, Best Practice in Accounting Technology, McGraw Hill Webcast, September 13, 2013. Connect Accounting Lear Smart & Smart Book: Best Practice in Accounting, Webinar, McGraw-Hill, October 20, 2013. Going Concern Issues: Implications for Auditors, Reviewers & Complications, October 23, 2013. Getting Down to Business: Using Electronic resources to Support Business Programs, Cengage Learning Webcast, October 29, 2013. Independence Issues: Current Practice Considerations & Upcoming Changes, The Mandray Group Webinar, November 6, 2013. 34 Preparing & Reporting on Cash & Tax, Basic Financial Statements, The Mandray Group Webinar, November 18, 2013. What You Don’t Know About Annuities Can Hurt You Financially, Legend Financial Advisors, Webinar, February 12, 2014. Strategies and Tips for Engaging Today's Students, Cengage Webinar, March 18, 2014. Last Minute Tax Planning Tips and Surprises for 2013, Legend Financial Advisors Webcast, March 17, 2014. William Mitchell, Esq. – Economic Analysis Expert Witness Case Analysis Consultant. PICPA Student Writing Competition Faculty Sponsor. Dr. Charles Hannon, Professor of Computing and Information Studies and Associate Dean of the Faculty, attended the annual meetings of the American Conference of Academic Deans and Association of American Colleges & Universities, Washington, DC, January 2014. Dr. Hannon also continues to serve on the Visiting Committee for the Department of English, West Virginia University. Dr. Jennifer Riddle Harding, Associate Professor of English, was invited to join the International Review Board for the Language, Style, and Literature book series published by Palgrave MacMillan. Dr. Jason Kilgore, Assistant Professor of Biology, co-developed and co-manages the Permanent Forest Plot Project Collaborators’ Website as part of the Ecological Research as Education Network. 35 Dr. Kilgore also led an edible plants workshop at Mingo Creek County Park in April 2013, and leads the annual Springs Wetland Walk for Chartiers Creek Watershed Association. Dr. John F. Krol, Associate Professor and Chair of the Sociology Department, attended Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2014. Dr. Carolyn Kyler, Professor of English, is a national board member of the College English Association. Dr. Jennifer L. Logan, Associate Professor of Chemistry, participated in “Couture, Cosmetics, & Chemistry Workshop” for young students, organized by the Greater Pittsburgh Area Women Chemists Committee, University of Pittsburgh, April 2014. Dr. Gregg Osborne, Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy, served as a referee for the journal "Synthese." Dr. Osborne also served as co-organizer of the fourth annual Pittsburgh Area Philosophy Colloquium, chaired a working group that met as part of this conference, and provided extensive written and oral comments on a paper presented at this conference. Pat Maloney, Professor of Art, is the recipient of the 2012 Rotary International Service Award for her many humanitarian efforts in Africa, India, and Haiti. Dr. Karin Maresh, Associate Professor of Theatre and Communication, directed two plays: Summer of Love, Valley Players of Ligonier, Ligonier, PA; and Murdered to Death, Apple Hill Playhouse, Delmont, PA. 36 Dr. Kathleen McEvoy, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of English, was appointed to the Peters Township Library Board. Dr. Susan Medley, Associate Professor of Music, organized and conducted the second annual Pittsburgh Sings: The Pittsburgh Concert Chorale’s Festival of Choirs in October 2013. The education outreach event featured four choirs in concert at Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland and concluded with a performance by the combined choirs led by Dr. Medley. The W&J Camerata Singers, led by Dr. Medley, will sing the National Anthem at PNC Park for a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game in April 2014. Dr. Stuart Miller, Professor of Sociology, hosted, on behalf of the College, an address by Dr. Edward Latessa, a nationally and internationally known expert on “What Works and What Doesn’t Work” in corrections for law enforcement, court and supportive agencies of the criminal justice system in Washington County. Pat Maloney, Professor of Art, attended the 36th Annual Fulbright Association Conference with the theme, "Fulbright in Action," in Washington, DC, October 2013. Patrick Schmidt, Associate Professor of Art, attended a mosaic workshop at the Magic Garden in Philadelphia, PA, September 2013. Dr. Anupama Shanmuganathan, Assistant Professor of Biology, served as a peer reviewer for soil microbial ecology manuscripts received by the open-access journal, PLoS ONE. 37 Dr. Dana Shiller, Associate Professor of English, completed 15 months of participation in the Washington Civic Leadership Institute, a project funded by W&J and the Benedum Foundation and facilitated by the Coro Institute in Pittsburgh. Dr. Catherine Sherman, Assistant Dean for Academic Advising, attended the annual meetings of the American Conference of Academic Deans and Association of American Colleges & Universities, Washington, DC, January 2014. Kyle Simpson, M.M., Assistant Professor of Music, was a 2013 semi-finalist for the American Prize in Composition for his newest orchestral work, 1845 They Stepped Through The Fire. Dr. Robert Vande Kappelle, Professor of Religious Studies, is listed in the 68th edition of Who’s Who in America, 2013. Dr. Timothy M. Wagner, Adjunct Faculty, Education Department, earned an Ed.D. in administrative and policy studies specializing in school leadership from the University of Pittsburgh (August 2013). Dissertation title: Supporting Refugee Children in Pennsylvania Public Schools. Dr. Wagner was also appointed middle level English Language Curriculum Leader for the Upper St. Clair School District, August 2013. Dr. Kelly Weixel, Assistant Professor of Biology, delivered a special studies section at the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York: “The Alchemist in the Kitchen,” July 2014 Dr. Susan Woodard, Professor of Music, along with members of her Spring 2013 Chamber Music Class, was featured at a Suites Before Lunch concert at First Presbyterian Church on May 1, 2013. Students Rebeca Miller ('14, violin), Luke Gatten ('14, piano) and Hannah Russell ('13, cello) joined Dr. Woodard and Adjunct 38 Instructor in Violin, Richard DiAdamo, in a program of music by various composers for duos and trios as part of the grantsupported Chamber Music Project at W&J. 39