teaching activities - Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Faysal Abdou Kolkailah, Ph.D., P.E.
Aerospace Engineering Department
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo CA 93407
(805) 756-2393
(805) 756-2376
Louisiana State University, Mechanical Engineering Department
Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1980-1982
Ph.D. Degree in Mechanical Engineering
“A Finite Element Analysis of High Temperature Fatigue and Creep at a Stress
Concentration.” Ph.D. Dissertation.
Majored in Solid Mechanics (Fracture Mechanics, Advanced Fatigue Analysis, Composite
Structure Analysis and Design, and Structural Mechanics).
Structure Dynamics and Optimum Design as a minor field.
University of Cincinnati, Aerospace Engineering Department
Cincinnati, Ohio. 1977-1980
Ph.D. Graduate Studies in Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Science 1978-1980
Constitutive Models for Inconel 718: Experimental and Analytical Study.
Composite Structures and Design: Analytical Study.
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering 1977-1978
“Buckling and Vibration of Circular Cylindrical Shell.” M.S. Thesis.
Majored in Aerospace Structures and Continuum Mechanics.
Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, and Heat Transfer as a minor fields.
Cairo University, Aerospace Engineering Department
Cairo, Egypt. 1972-74
Graduate Studies in Aerospace Engineering (A.B.D)
Aeroelasticity: Pressure and Velocity Distribution on an Airfoil Wing. A Wind Tunnel
Experimental Study.
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Cairo University, Aerospace Engineering Department
Cairo, Egypt. 1964-1970
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Spacecraft Design with “Rocket Design” for senior class team design and senior project.
California Polytechnic State University, Aerospace Engineering Department
San Luis Obispo California. 1984-present
Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Chairman of the Tenured Faculty
Directing post-doctoral research, doctoral dissertations, master theses, senior projects, and
independent studies and research.
Introduced, developed, and currently teaching fourteen graduate and undergraduate courses,
in the areas of Aerospace Engineering Analysis, Stress Analysis, Numerical Analysis,
Aerospace Structural Analysis, Structural Dynamics Analysis, Fatigue and Fracture
Mechanics Analysis, Fundamentals of Airworthiness and Aeroelasticity, Continuum
Mechanics, Advanced Inelastic Stress Analysis, and Composite Structures Analysis and
Developed, established, and taught nine graduate and undergraduate aerospace laboratories
in the areas of composite analysis and design, structure analysis, structural dynamics,
fatigue and fracture mechanics, aerospace engineering, numerical analysis, experimental
analysis, and aeroelasticity to serve all aircraft and spacecraft structure courses.
Developed and published twelve different “Class Notes” in the areas of Finite Element and
Finite Difference, Structural Dynamics, Continuum Mechanics, Aerospace Engineering
Analysis, Stress Analysis, Aerospace Structural Analysis, Advanced Aerospace Structural
Analysis, Inelastic Stress Analysis, Experimental Stress Analysis, Composite Material
Testing Methods and Procedure, and Advanced Composite Structure Analysis and Design.
Serving on Department, College, and University committees and the counseling of students.
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Mechanical Engineering Department
Honolulu, Hawaii. Summer 1990 and Summer 1991
Visiting Professor
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of Computer Methods in
Engineering and Advanced Engineering Analysis.
University of New Orleans, Mechanical Engineering Department
New Orleans, Louisiana. 1982-1984
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Member of the Graduate Faculty
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of Structures and Properties of
Materials, Engineering Analysis, Machine Elements Design, Machine Design, Materials
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Laboratory, Design Laboratory, Dynamics, Advanced Dynamics, Theory of Elasticity,
Continuum Mechanics, Theory of Plates and Shells, Mechanics of Composite Materials,
Fracture Mechanics, and Finite Elements Methods.
Directed master theses and independent studies and research.
Served on Department, College, and University committees and the counseling of students.
Louisiana State University, Mechanical Engineering Department
Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1980-1982
Taught Statics, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics.
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio. 1977-1979
Taught Strength of Materials, FORTRAN, Descriptive Geometry, Algebra, and Matrix
Director of International Post Doctoral and Doctoral Research Program
Founded and developed a joint post Doctoral and Doctoral Research Program with three
different universities in Egypt. 1991-present.
Post-Doctoral Research
Directed the Following Post Doctoral Research (at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA with
Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt):
“Fracture Mechanics and Vibration Control Investigation of Composite Materials.” Foreign
(American) Advisor, Post-Doctoral Study. Funded by Egypt. September 1995-1999.
“Shear Behavior of Composite Materials under Axial Loads.” Foreign (American) Advisor.
Post-Doctoral Study, Peace Fellowship. Funded by USA and Egypt. November 1994March 1995.
“Die Design and Analysis.” Foreign (American) Advisor. Post-Doctoral Study, Peace
Fellowship. Funded by USA and Egypt. November 1994-March 1995.
“Vibration Analysis for Composite Materials.” Foreign (American) Advisor. Post-Doctoral
Study. Funded by Egypt. September 1992-February 1993.
Doctoral Dissertations
Directed the following Ph.D. Dissertations with Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, Helwan
University, Cairo, Egypt, and Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt:
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“Active and Passive Damping of Smart Structure Hybrid Plates.” Foreign (American)
Advisor, Joint Advisor Program (Helwan University), funded by Egypt. September 1998 –
December 2002.
“Effect of the Passive and Active Daufling Control on the Vibrations of Composite
Structures”. Foreign (American) Advisor, Joint Advisor Program (Helwan University),
funded by Egypt. August 1996- August 1998.
“Structural Analysis for Earthquake Vibration.” Foreign (American) Advisor, Joint Advisor
Program, (Tanta University), funded by Egypt. April 1995-October 1996.
“Optimum Design of Mechanical Composite Elements.” Foreign (American) Advisor, Joint
Advisor Program, (Cairo University), funded by Egypt. August 1993-1996.
“Fracture Mechanics Investigation of Composite Materials.” Foreign (American) Advisor,
Joint Advisor Program, (Helwan University), funded by Egypt. April 1992-December
Master’s Theses Research
Currently directing the following masters theses (at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo):
“Effects of Passive Drag Reduction Devices on a Bluff Body in Ground Effect,” by Scott
“Effect of Bio-composites Embedded into Sandwich Panels under Buckling Loading,” by
Justin Tafoya.
“Fatigue Testing on Aircraft Wing Structures,” by Robin.
“Aeroelastic Analysis and Testing on Aircraft Wing Structures,” by Mateja Andrejic.
“Control Analysis of an Aircraft Wing,” by Kevin Barton.
“Vibration Analysis of Aircraft Wing Structures,” by Richard DeLuna.
“Impact Study on Aircraft Wing Structures,” by Jared Ruekberg.
“Buckling Analysis of Aircraft Wing Structures,” by Matt Paul.
“Analysis of Grand Vector Matrix on Cured Composite Laminate Plates.” By Cuauhtemoc
Directed and advised the following master’s theses (at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo):
“Effects of Low-Velocity Impact on Strength of Different Composite Sandwich Materials,”
by Jeffery Carter.
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“A Study on the Performance Characteristics of Isolators after Outgassed and Baked,” by
Alma Mendez.
“Effects of Damage Arrestment Devices on Sandwich Composite Structures under Flexural
Loading”, by Y.V. Wood.
“Delamination Detection Inside Composite Structures Plates Under Free Vibration”, by E.A.M. Rabeih.
“Effects of Impact on Sandwich Composite Fatigue Behavior with Damage Arrestment
Devices”, by Y.V. Wood.
“A Resistance Based Structural Health Monitoring System for Composite Structure
Applications”, by D.N. Boettcher.
“The Vibrational Characteristics of Impacted Composite Sandwiches with Damage
Arrestment Devices”, by K.A. Rider.
“The Flexural Behavior of Impacted Composite Sandwiches with Damage Arrestment
Devices”, by K. Rider.
“Behavior of Composite Sandwiches with Damage Arrestment Devices Under Low-velocity
Impact”, by K.A. Rider.
“Fastener Interaction in Composite Sandwich Panels Under Increased Temperatures
(Monotonic)”, by Dominic Surano.
“Arrestment Mechanism in Delaminated Composite Sandwich Structure subjected to
Buckling”, by Tony Tran.
“Fastener Interaction in Composite Sandwich Panels under Static/Fatigue Loading”, by
Richard Balatbat.
“Fastener Interaction in Composite Sandwich Panels Under Increased Temperatures
(Fatigue)”, by Dominic Surano.
“Investigation on Fatigue Life and Oscillation Frequency and Amplitude of D.A.D.
Structures Implemented with Viscoelastic Material”, by Dennis Boettcher.
“Vibration on a Composite Wing with and without a Shear Key”, by Gabriel S. Sanchez.
“Investigation of Aero Elasticity and Aerodynamic Effects on a Composite Finite Wing with
and without Shear Key”, by Albert.
“Finite Element Analysis of Rotor Blades”, by Brett.
“An Investigation and Prevention of Sea Water Degradation on Composite Sandwiches
Under a Monotonic Shear Loading”, by Thomas Woo.
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“Effect of the Impact and Three Point Bend on Mechanical Characteristic of Sandwich
Composite Structural”, by Richard Davis.
“The Study of Variable Amplitude Fatigue and Delamination on Cross Plied Carbon Fiber
Laminate Plates”, by Walter Zuluaga.
“Failure Responses of Woven Carbon Fiber Specimens with Double-Edge Notches Under
Static and Fatigue Loading,” by A.J. Amini.
“Static Characteristics of Multi-Function Composite Plates with Notches”, by Ahmad
“The effectiveness of Damage Arrestment Devices in Delaying Fastener-Hole Interaction
Failures in Carbon Fiber Polyurethane Foam Composite Sandwich Panel Subjected to Static
and Dynamics Loading Under Increased Temperatures”, by Dominic Enea Surano,
“An Investigation of Damage Arrestment Devices Application with Fastener-Hole
Interaction”, by Richard Vincent Santos Balatbat.
“An Investigation of Initially Delaminated Composite Sandwich with Delamination Arrest
Mechanism Under Buckling Loading”, by Tony Train.
“An investigation of Different Composite Structures with Multi-Functional Materials Under
Impact and Bending”, by John Parra.
“Comparison Between the Effects of Delaminations in Different Locations on Composite
Laminated Plates Under Static and Dynamic Loading”, by Lisa Saguibo,
“The Effect of Fastener of Different Configuration Composite Panels on Failure Analysis”,
by Robert Austin.
“Mechanical Optimization and Structural Analysis of Biocomposites”, by C.D. Chan and
J.M. Lopez.
“Investigation of Flexural and Bucking Characteristics of Bamboo for Bio-composite
Structural Applications”, by J.M. Lopez and C.D. Chan.
“Investigation of Aeroelastic Effects on Composite Rotor Blades”, by Cameron D. Chan and
Jay M. Lopez.
“Modal Analysis of Composite Laminated Plates Under Dynamic Loading”, by Matthew
Daniel Lopez.
“An Experimental Study of the Effects of Trailing-Edge Blowing and Suction on a Bluff
Body”, by Ernesto Aceves.
“Ferretech DAQ: The Design of a High Speed, Versatile, Compact Data Acquisition
System for Use in Vibratory Structural Analysis”, by Thomas M. Farrell.
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“A Standardized CubeSat Launch Vehicle Interface”, by Emily Blundell.
“An Experiment on Leading-Edge Cooling Using Metallic Foam”, by Osvaldo Ballestas.
“Thrust Vector Control via a Linear Motion System”, by Zachary E. Freeman.
“The Effect of Embedded Viscoelastic Material on the Dynamic Characteristic of a
Composite Structure”, by Alex Aranda.
“Computer Modeling of Aluminum Foams: An Investigation into Thermal Properties of
Porous Foams”, by Rogelio J. Maldonado.
“Characterization of the Internal and External Environments of the P-PoD and Test Pod”, by
Veronica Bashbush.
“Qualification Testing of Cubesat PolyPico-Satellite Orbital Deployer”, by Nicholas Alan
“Preliminary Impact Testing of Off the Shelf Motors Space Probes”, by Van Tran.
“Static and Dynamic Analysis to Optimize a Composite Propeller Design”.
“Optimizing Sensor Locations Crack Detection on Composite Plate Under Free Damped
“Active Damping of Resonant Modes in Unmanned Air Vehicles”. Sponsored Research by
“Free Vibration of Carbon/Epoxy Cantilever Beams”.
“Optimizing Sensor Location for Crack Detection”, by Elyjason C. Bolosan.
“Improving Handling Qualities of a Non-Rigid Aircraft Through Implementation of Digital
Active Control”, by James Bach.
“Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Measurement System for Cal Poly Low Speed
Wind Tunnel”, by Daniel Wait.
“Finite Element Modeling of Dynamic Structural Models for Composite Structures”.
Sponsored Research by USAF.
“Simulation of Structural Bending Modes of Large Aircraft”, by Aaron R. Munger.
“Optimizing Sensor Locations for Crack Detection on Composite Plate Under Free Damped
Vibration”, by Taikha Oh.
“Investigation of Dynamic Structural Models Suitable for the Simulation of Large Aircraft”,
by Wendy N. Hashii.
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“Transfer Function for Simulating the Structural Vibration Modes of Large Aircraft”.
Sponsored research by USAF.
“Modal Characteristics of a Loaded, Deformed Structure.” Sponsored research by NASA
“Model Analysis Presentation for the Simulation of Large Aircraft.” Sponsored research by
“Experimental and Numerical Study for Passive Damping of Smart Structure Hybrid
Plates.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames.
“Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuators for Vibration Damping: Finite Element
Analysis.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames.
“Optimization of Fiber Orientation for Laminated Plates Under Axial Compression.”
“Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuators for Vibration Damping:
Experimental Study. Sponsored research by NASA-Ames.
Analytical and
“Torsion of Laminated Fiber-Reinforced Composite Plate with Initial Twist.”
“An Investigation for Composite Structure Flaws using Modal Analysis.” Sponsored
research by NASA-Ames.
“Numerical Study of Modal Analysis.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames.
“Fracture Mechanics of Composite Structures.” Sponsored research by Cal Poly Graduate
Studies Program.
“Finite Element Analysis of an Isogrid Composite Structure.” Sponsored research by
Edwards Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, CA.
“A Study of Plasma Assisted Bullet Projectiles.” Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force
Astronautics Laboratory, CA.
“The Feasibility of Dialectics to Monitor Cure of Graphite/Epoxies.” Sponsored research by
Edwards Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, CA.
“Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials.” Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force
Astronautics Laboratory, CA.
“Applicability of Linear Elastic Fractured Mechanics to Carbon-Carbon Composites.”
Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, CA.
“Investigation of the Applicability of State-of-the-Art Flying Qualities Criteria to Advanced
Aircraft.” Research funded by NASA-Ames Research Center, CA.
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Co-Advised the following masters theses (at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo):
“Improving and Expanding the Capability of the Poly-Picosatellite Orbital Deployer,” by
David Pignatelli.
“Effect of Adaptive Tabs on Drag Reduction of a Square-Base Bluff Body,” by Brian
“Spanwise Variation of Delay of Separation on A NACA 0015 Finite Wing Model Using
Piezoelectric Synthetic Jet Actuators,” by Alan L’Esperance.
“Design, Manufacture, and Test of an Active Wingtip Vortex Control Experiment Using
Synthetic Jet Actuators,” by Peter Sudak.
Advised and Directed the following Master’s Theses (at the University of New Orleans):
“Deflections, Moments, and Shears of a Thin Elastic Rectangular Plate Loaded by a
Concentrated Normal Force.” 1983-1984.
“Solution of Plane Elasticity Problems Using Boundary Integral Techniques.” 19831984.
Senior Project Research
Directed and Advised the Following Senior Projects (at Cal Poly State University, San Luis
“Effects of the delamination on the Composite Laminated Plates under Static and Dynamic
“Experimental investigation of static behavior of different sandwich composite panels
joined by fasteners.”
“An Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Instrumental Bridges for Dynamic testing
of Composite Rocket Fin Design.”
“Design, Fabrication, Structural Testing and Numerical Analysis of a Small Scale
Composite Wing”, by Jacob David Gaunt, Joan Carlos Flores, and Vincent Andres Perry,
June 2010.
“Delamination of Sandwich Composites”, by Richard Davis, May 2010.
“An Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Instrumental Bridges”, by Jessica Lemm,
June 2008.
“Effects of the Delamination on the Composite Laminated Plates under Static and Dynamic
Loading”, by Lisa Saguibo and Lea Mak.
Experimental Investigation of Static Behavior of Different Sandwich Composite Panels
Joined by Fasteners”, by Robert Austin.
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“An Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Instrumental Bridges”, by Jessica Lemm.
“Dynamic Testing of Composite Rocket Fin Design”, by Eric Ryan Hansen.
“Effect of Hole Diameter on Stress in Composite Plates Under Bending”, by Sherrie M.
Fisher. June 2006.
“Comparison of Composite Structures”, by Daniel W. Schwaiger. November 2006.
“Structural Analysis of a Composite Aircraft Nose Section”, by Elias D. Sullwold. March
“Holding Bracket Fabrication and Analysis”, by Dwayne O. Campbell and Andrews David
Files. June 2006.
“Composite Propeller Design and Testing”, by Veal Avila, David Church and Oscar
Fernandez. June 2004.
“Effect of Different Composite Structure Beams with Passive Damping Materials on the
Dynamic Characteristics”, by Mateen Wahidi. June 2004.
“Effect on Static/Dynamic Behaviour of Multilayer Hybrid Beam”, by Benjamin Bickley,
Laurence Falwall and Genevieve Porter. June 2004.
“Aircraft Keelson Configuration Study”, by Erin Birgees. 2004.
“Metallic Foam Finite Element Analysis”, by Harold Jacosalem, 2003.
“Super Lightweight Composite Bridge”, by Brandon Bagley, Steve Freeman, Chris
McMurthry, Nick Mondero, and Paul Parinas. August 2002.
“Static and Post Dynamic Analysis for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Pressure Vessel with
Different Wind-Angle Orientations”, by Christopher Cave and Manny Zarate. May 2001.
“Optimizing Sensor Locations for Crack Detection”, by Elyjason C. Bolosan. June 2001.
“Dynamic Analysis of a Foam Core Composite Wing”, by Jeremy Rocha and Scott Britalan.
November 2001.
“Lightweight Composite Load Bearing Structure”, by Tina Jameson, Nick Johansen, Melvin
Flores and Chris Calvin. November 2001.
“Lightweight Rocket Motor Case Using Laminate Composite Materials”. by Dustin H.
Milburn and Gene P. Defranco. November 2001.
“Failure Analysis Under Dynamic Loading.” 2000-2001.
“Numerical Analysis for the Crack Detection Using the PZT as Sensors.” 2000-2001.
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“Effect of Fiberglass Reinforced Plexiglas Tube on Failure Analysis.” 2000-2001.
“Study of the Effectiveness of Using Piezoelectric Sensors to Measure the Resonant
Characteristics of Composite Plates”, by Paul Lars Mininni. November 2000.
“Effect of the Different Wind Angle of Reinforced Pressure Vessel on Mechanical
Properties and Failure Modes”, by Luis Jose Valenzuela. December 2000.
“Structural Analysis of the Polysat Launcher”, by Brian Baird and Carlos Pozo. October,
“Effects of the Passive Damping Material in Different Composite Structure Plates on
Dynamic Vibration.” 1998-2000.
“Optimum Orientation of Cross Ply Laminates for Failure Modes under Static Loading, Part
I: Experimental.” 1998-2000.
“SMART Structure of Hybrid Plate for an Electronic Equipment Mounting Shelf.” 19981999.
“Sensor Location Effect on the Dynamic Behavior of the Composite Structure with Flaw
Detection.” 1998-1999.
“Mixed Mode Stable Crack Extension Through Stiffness TPB Specimen.” 1998-1999.
“Experimental Study of Passive Damping in Composite Structures.” 1997-1998.
“Filament-Wound Composite Reinforced Pressure Vessels.” Sponsored research by NASA
Dryden 1995.
“Design and Characteristics of the Filament Winding Composite Pressure Vessels.” 19941995.
“Structural Design of Composite Materials.” 1994-1995.
“Filament Wound Composite Reinforced Pressure Vessels”, by Mohammad Rayyan. June
Preliminary Design of a Composite Spar for the Formula-One Aerobatic Racer”, by
Alejandro Silva and Veronica E. Soria. Fall 1995.
“Piezoelectric Ceramics for Structural Flaw Detention.” Sponsored Research by NASA
Dryden. 1994-1995.
“Tungsten Fiber Reinforced Superalloys.” 1993.
“Windmill-Powered Boat, Analysis and Design.” 1992-1993.
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“Mechanical Properties and Failure Modes of Cross-Ply Laminates with Different Stacking
“Preliminary Structural Design and Analysis of a 13-Foot Sailboat.”
“Study of Failure Analysis under Dynamic Load.”
“Numerical Analysis Study for the Crack Detection Using the PZT as Sensors.”
“An Investigation of the Reinforced Plexiglas Tube by Different Angle of the Fiberglass.”
“Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Double-Notched Cantilevered Composite Beams
Under Static and Dynamic Loads.”
“A Study of the Thermally Induced Curvature Response of Symmetrical Composite
Laminates.” Sponsored research by National Science Foundation. 1990-19991.
“Finite Element Analysis for Composite Structures.” Sponsored Research by Edward Air
Force Astronautics Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“Dialectics for Graphite Epoxies.” Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force Astronautics
Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“Optimum Cure Process for Large Structures.” Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force
Astronautics Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“Developing the FDEMS Sensitivity and Stability to Changes of the Resins.” Sponsored
research by Edwards Air Force Astronautics Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“The Design of a Space Vehicle Model.” 1989-1990.
“Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of Metals and Composite.” 1988-1989.
“Welding in Zero-Gravity with Space Shuttle Project, G-169.” Sponsored research by
Rockwell International, Science Center. 1988-1989.
“The Preliminary Design of a Manned Mars Lander.” 1988-1989.
“Evaluation of ASTM D3846-79, In-plan Shear Strength of Reinforced Plastics.”
Sponsored research by Aerojet Techsystems Company. 1987-1988.
“Stress Analysis of Wind Tunnel Performance on Remote Control Model.” 1987-1988.
“A Composite Design of the Da Vinci Human Powered Helicopter.” 1986-1987.
“The Design of a High Speed Composite Windsurfing Board using Nomex Aramid
Honeycomb Core with Foam Reinforcement and Kevlar Skin.” 1986-1987.
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“Effects of Integral Stiffeners on the Stress Intensity Solution of a cracked Flat Plate.” 19861987.
“The Design and Testing of Space Welding Canister.” Sponsored research by Rockwell
International, Science Center. Won 2nd Place, AIM Student Conference, Phoenix AZ.
“Pressure Vessel Design Optimization with Temperature and Pressure Loading.” 19851986.
“Comparison of ASTM Standard Compression Test Methods on Graphite/Epoxy Composite
Specimen.” (Three students). Sponsored research by the Aerojet Techsystems Co. 19851986.
“Hydrotest of Advanced Composite Pressure Vessels to Assess Effects of Stress Ratio on
Performance.” Co-op program with the Rocket Propulsions Lab, Edwards Air Force Base,
CA. 1985-1986.
“Advanced Composites: Autoclave or Oven Cure?” 1984-1985.
“Stress Analysis of a Composite Aircraft Propeller.” (Four Students). Sponsored research
by the Great American Propeller Company, Arroyo Grande CA. 1984-1985.
Research Grants
“Foreign Advisor Project.” December 1991- Present
To advise selected Egyptian professors, research scholars, post doctoral and doctoral
students and international visitors from Egyptian Universities while they are at Cal Poly.
Funded by the Egyptian Government.
“Active and Passive Damping of Smart Structures Hybrid Plates.” Doctoral Study. Helwan
University, Egypt. September 1998- December 2002. Total funds allocated: $100,000.00.
“Effect of the Passive and Active Damping Control on the Vibrations of Composite
Structures”, Doctoral Study, Helwan University, Egypt. August 1996-August 1998. Total
funds allocated: $70,000.
“Fracture Mechanics Investigation of Composite Materials.” Post Doctoral Study. Helwan
University, Egypt. September 1995-September 1999. Total funds allocated: $100,000.
“Structural Analysis of Earthquake Vibration.” Doctoral Study, Banha University, Egypt.
April 1995-October 1996. Total funds allocated: $50,000.
“Die Design and Analysis.” Post doctoral study, Helwan University, Egypt. October 1994March 1995. Total funds allocated: $25,000.
“Shear Behavior of Composite Materials under Axial Loads.” Post doctoral study, Helwan
University, Egypt. October 1994-March 1995. Total funds allocated: $25,000.
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“Optimum Design of Composite Multilayered Pressure Vessel.” Doctoral study, Cairo
University, Egypt. August 1993-1995. Total funds allocated: $75,000.
“Fracture Mechanics Investigation of Composite Materials.” Doctoral study, Helwan
University, Egypt. April 1992-1995. Total funds allocated: $100,000.
“Vibration Analysis for Composite Materials.” Post doctoral study, Helwan University,
Egypt. September 1992-February 1993. Total funds allocated: $25,000.
“Damage Arrest of Composite Sandwich Panels for Naval and Aircraft Applications.”
January 2011- December 2012. Funded by ONR grants N00014-07-1-1152 and N0001408-1-1209. Total funds allocated $66,874, with Eric Kasper and Eltahry Elgandour.
“Active Control Techniques for Implementing Simplified Structural Dynamics Models into
Six Degree of Freedom Flight Simulation.” 1999-2001. Funded by USAF. Total funds
allocated: $100,000, with Dan Biezad and Jin Tso.
“Implementing Simplified Structural Models into Flight Simulations.” 1998-1999. Funded
by USAF. Total funds allocated: $100,000, with Dan Biezad.
“An Investigation of Dynamic Structural Models Suitable for the Simulation of Large
Aircraft.” 1997-1998. Funded by USAF. Total funds allocated: $67,000, with Dan Biezad.
“Modal Analysis of Embedded Passive Damping Material in Composite Plates with
Different Orientation.” 1998. Funded by NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Total
funds allocated: $20,000.
“Evolution of Low Cost Composite Tooling Technology.” 1998.
(through Integrated Composite, Inc.) Total funds allocated: $23,038.
Funded by USAF
“Experimental Study of Different Material Characteristics under Static Loading.” To
evaluate the mechanical characteristics of different materials. 1998. Funded by Integrated
Composites Incorporated in California. Total funds allocated: $25,000.
“Simulation of the Active Feedback Control for Damping the Oscillations of a Composite
Structure.” To design a simulation modal feedback active control circuit to damp any
moder of the vibration for composite structures with any size and shape. 1997. Funded by
USAF. Total Funds allocated: $30,000.
“Effect of the Passive Damping Materials of the Different Composite Structure on the
Frequency and Amplitude.” To investigate vibration characteristics of composite structures.
1996-1997. Funded by NASA Ames Research Center. Total funds allocated: $29,999.
“Active Isolation System for an Electronic Equipment Mounting Plate.” 1995-1997. To
design an Isolation Controller for an Equipment Mounting Plate in the NASA-Dryden F-15
Flight Test Fixture. Funded by NASA-Langley. Total funds allocated: $52,000.
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“Structural Flaw Detection Using Piezoelectric Sensors on a Composite Plate.” 1994-1995.
To investigate the potential of surface mounting PZT materials on a composite structure for
flaw detection. Funded by NASA-Langley. Total funds allocated: $29,669.
“Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators for Vibration Damping.” 1992-1993. To
Determine the accuracy and reliability of a Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuator combination and
optimize actuator location for maximum vibration and damping. Funded by NASALangley. Total funds allocated: $20,869.
“Experimental Study of Composite Material Characteristics at Elevated Temperatures.”
1991-1992. To characterize composite materials at elevated temperatures. Funded by
NASA-Langley. Total funds allocated: $22,622.
“Determining Composite Structural Flaws Using Modal Analysis.” 1991-1992. To explore
the advantages of using experimental modal data as means of not only detecting structural
flaws, but also locating them. Funded by NASA-Langley. Total funds allocated: $25,000.
“Material Property for Designing, Analyzing, and Fabricating Space Structures.” 19901991. Funded by NASA-Ames. Total funds allocated: $40,000.
“Finite Element Analysis for Composite Structures.” 1989-1990. To develop a finite
element model to calculate stress and displacement distributions for different composite
problems. Funded by Universal Energy Systems. Total funds allocated: $28,273.
Summer Fellow, U.S. Air Force Summer Faculty Research Program, Summer 1989. To
study and evaluate the Composite Design Research Program at the Astronautics Laboratory,
Edwards Air Force Base, CA. Total funds allocated: $20,000.
“Industry and University In-Space Technology Experiment.” 1988-1989. To evaluate the
feasibility of performing manual welding tasks in an EVA environment, joint proposal with
Rocketdyne and Rockwell Science Center. Funded by the Office of Aeronautics and Space
Technology, NASA Headquarters. Total funds allocated: $168,000.
Rockwell/Cal Poly Space Welding Project, Phase Four, 1987-1988. To evaluate the GTAW
(Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) process on candidate space station structural materials in
microgravity. Funded by Rockwell International Science Center. Total funds allocated:
Rockwell/Cal Poly Space Welding Project, Phase Three. 1986-1987. Funded by Rockwell
International Science Center. Total funds allocated: $21,969.
NASA/USRA Advanced Aeronautics Program for “VTOL/STOL Aircraft Concepts.” 19861987. Funded by NASA/University Advanced Design Program. Total funds allocated:
“Finite Element and Experimental Study of Shear in a Double Notched Specimen.” 19861987. Funded by Aerojet Techsystems. Total funds allocated: $21,200.
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“Compression Test for Composite Materials.” 1985-1986. Funded by Aerojet Techsystems.
Total funds allocated: $20,182.
Rockwell/Cal Poly Space Welding Project, Phases One and Two 1984-1986. Funded by
Rockwell International Science Center. Total funds allocated: $48,641.
“Investigation of the Applicability of State-of-the-art Flying Qualities Criteria to Advanced
Aircraft.” 1984-1986. Funded by NASA Ames Research Center. Total funds allocated:
Sponsored Mini Grants Research (up to $20,000)
“Crack Detect by Using PZT’s Sensor of Different Composite Plates under Free Vibration.”
Sponsored research by USAF. 2000-2001.
“Effect of the Random Noise on the Different Structures of Composite Plates.” Sponsored
research by SBIR of DOD. 2000-2001.
“Active Damping of Resonant Modes in Unmanned Air Vehicles.” Sponsored research by
USAF. 1999-2001.
“Finite Element Modeling of Dynamic Structural Models for Composite Structures.”
Sponsored Research by USAF. 1999-2000.
“An Investigation of Dynamic Structural Models Suitable for the Simulation of Large
Aircraft.” Sponsored research by USAF. 1998-1999.
“Investigation of Dynamic Structural Models Suitable for the Simulation of Large
Aircraft.” Sponsored research by USAF. 1998-1999.
“Transfer Function for Simulating the Structural Vibration Modes of Large Aircraft.”
Sponsored research by USAF. 1998-1999.
“Modal Characteristics of a Loaded, Deformed Structure.” Sponsored research by NASA
Dryden. 1998-1999.
“Theoretical and Experimental Study of Passive Dampign Effect on the Vibration for
Composite Materials.” Sponsored Research by NASA Ames 1997-1998.
“Modal Analysis Presentation for the Simulation of Large Aircraft.” Sponsored research by
USAF. 1997-1998.
“Experimental and Numerical Study for Passive Damping of Smart Structure Hybrid
Plates.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames. 1995-1997.
“Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuators for Vibration Damping: Finite Element
Analysis.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames. 1995-1997.
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“Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuators for Vibration Damping Analytical and
Experimental Study.” Sponsored Research by NASA-Ames, 1994-1995.
“Filament-Wound Composite Reinforced Pressure Vessels.” Sponsored research by NASA
Dryden. 1995.
“Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuators for Vibration Damping: Analytical and
Experimental Study.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames. 1993-1995.
“An Investigation for Composite Structure Flaws using Modal Analysis.” Sponsored
research by NASA-Ames. 1991-1992.
“Numerical Study of Modal Analysis.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames. 1991-1992.
“Fracture Mechanics of Composite Structures.” Sponsored research by Cal Poly Graduate
Studies Program. 1990-1991.
“A Study of the Thermally Induced Curvature Response of Symmetrical Composite
Laminates.” Sponsored research by National Science Foundation. 1990-1991.
“Finite Element Analysis for Composite Structures.” Sponsored Research by Edward Air
Force Astronautics Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“Dialectics for Graphite Epoxies.” Sponsored research by Edwards Airforce Astronautics
Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“Optimum Cure Process for Large Structures.” Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force
Astronautics Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“Developing the FDEMS Sensitivity and Stability to Changes of the Resins.” Sponsored
research by Edwards Air Force Astronautics Laboratory. 1989-1990.
“Finite Element Analysis of an Isogrid Structure.” Sponsored Research by Edwards Air
Force Astronautics Laboratory, CA. 1989-1990.
“A Study of Plasma Assisted Bullet Projectiles.” Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force
Astronautics Laboratory, CA 1989-1990.
“The Feasibility of Dialectics to Monitor Cure of Graphite/Epoxies.” Sponsored research
by Edwards Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, CA. 1989-1990.
“Fracture Mechanics of Composite Materials.” Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force
Astronautics Laboratory, CA. 1989-1990.
“Welding in Zero-Gravity with Space Shuttle Project, G-169.” Sponsored research by
Rockwell International Science Center. 1988-1989.
“Evaluation of ASTM D3846-79, In-plan Shear Strength of Reinforced Plastics.” Sponsored
research by Aerojet Techsystems Company. 1987-1988.
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“Applicability of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics to Carbon-Carbon Composites.”
Sponsored research by Edwards Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, CA. 1986-1988.
“The Design and Testing of Space Welding Canister.” Sponsored research by Rockwell
International, Science Center. Won 2nd Peace, AIM Student Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
“Investigation of the Applicability of State-of-the-art Flying Qualities Criteria to Advanced
Aircraft.” Sponsored research by NASA-Ames Research Center, CA. 1985-1986.
“Comparison of ASTM Standard Compression Test Methods on Graphite/Epoxy Composite
Specimen.” Sponsored research by the Aerojet Techsystems Co. 1985-1986.
“Hydrotest of Advanced Composite Pressure Vessels to Assess Effects of Stress Ratio on
Performance.” Co-op program with the Rocket Propulsions Lab, Edwards Air Force Base,
CA. 1985-1986.
“Stress Analysis of a Composite Aircraft Propeller.” (Four students). Sponsored research by
the Great American Propeller Company, Arroyo Grande, CA. 1984-1985.
Research Equipment and Materials
Structure Dynamic Laboratory Donation. This fund was a donation from the aerospace
graduate student’s family to support the equipment and pay students helping in the lab.
Total funds allocated are $23,500.00, with Eltahry Elgandour.
Negotiated a donation of modal analysis equipment, valued at $44,800, from the Office of
Naval Research under NASA’s Consortium Bailment Agreement NCA2-736, for the A/C
Structures and Composite Structures Laboratories in the Aerospace Engineering Department
at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, 2001. The equipment is being used to enhance both
undergraduate and graduate studies as well as funded composites, fracture mechanics, and
structural dynamics research.
Negotiated a gift of an autoclave, value in excess of $50,000, for the Composite
Laboratories in the Aerospace Engineering Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, 1997.
This autoclave is to enhance the aerospace structure, composite, and structure dynamics
laboratories and composite, fatigue, fracture mechanics, and structure dynamics research.
Negotiated a gift to the Aerospace Engineering Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo,
1985 to present. Continuing supply of composite materials (value in excess of $50,000.)
from Phillips Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base. This material is being used to enhance
aerospace structure, composite, and structure dynamics laboratories and composite, fatigue,
fracture mechanics, and structure dynamics research.
Negotiated a donation of $10,019 off the price of a “Cobra” Bench Model 11A Filament
Winder for the Composite Laboratory in the Aerospace Engineering Department 1987-1988.
The Filament Winder was purchased in 1988 and is being used to enhance the aerospace
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structure, composite, and structure dynamics laboratories and composite, fatigue, fracture
mechanics, and structure dynamics research.
Negotiated a gift to the Aerospace Engineering Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo,
1987-1988. Wilson Mechanical Instrument Model 3JR-FB Micro-Hardness Tester (value in
excess of $20,000). The gift was received from the Science Center, Rockwell International
Corporation in March 1988 and is being used to enhance the aerospace structure, composite,
and structure dynamics laboratories and composite, fatigue, fracture mechanics, and
structure dynamics research.
Negotiated a gift to the Aerospace Engineering Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo,
May 1985 of an Instron Universal Testing Instrument and Lindberg Muffel Furnace (value
in excess of $50,000) from Aerojet Techsystems. Gift received May 1985 and is being used
to enhance the aerospace structure, composite, and structure dynamics laboratories and
composite, fatigue, fracture mechanics, and structure dynamics research.
Unfunded Grant Proposals
“Natural Materials Application in Aerospace/ Architecture Structures are Using BioComposites” with Eltahry Elgandour, for $20,865, proposals submitted to External Funding
Initiative EFI, October 2012.
“An Optimum Design of High Performance Shipping Container with Multifunctional
Materials” with Bing Qu, and Eltahry Elgandour for $189,934, proposal submitted to
Maersk/Fraunhofer, eCOTM, 2011.
“Fiberglass Reinforced Structures with Environmentally Clean Materials” with Eric Kasper
and Eltahry Elgandour, for $59,933.00, proposals submitted to California Central Coast
Research Partnership, July 2010.
“Numerical Analysis and Modeling of the Creep Behavior of Composite Multilayered
Cylindrical Pressure Vessels.” Chapter Four in Numerical Analysis and Modeling of
Composite Materials, a book published by Blackie Academic and Professional, an imprint
of Chapman and Hall, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Page 78-104. 1996.
Journal Papers
“A Theoretical and Design Analysis of The Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels.”
with B.S. Azzam, M.A. Muhammed, And M.O. Mokhtar. An invited paper, the Journal of
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol. 4, No. 2, Page 73-1987. December
“Bodner-Partom Constitutive Model and the Non-linear Finite Element Analysis.” with A.J.
McPhate, the ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, JEMT, Vol. 112,
No. 3, P. 287-291. July 1990.
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“A Finite Element Analysis of Cyclic Plastic Deformation at a Stress Concentration.” with
A.J. McPhate, the International Journal of Science and Technology, IJST, Vol. 2, No. 2, P.
5-11. Fall 1989/Winter 1990.
“Numerical Representation of Bodner Viscoplastic Constitutive Model for Inconel 718.”
with A.J. McPhate, the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, P.223-230. February
A Numerical Analysis of the Materials Parameters for Inconel 718” with A.J. McPhate, the
Muslim Scientist Journal, Vol. 16, No. 14 P. 28-35. Jan-December 1987.
“A Finite Element Analysis of an Optimum Design of Dissimilar Material Multilayer Shrink
Fitted Vessels with Creep Relaxation.” the Muslim Scientist Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1-4 P.
191-201. Jan-December 1986.
“A Finite Element Analysis of High Temperature Fatigue and Creep at a Stress
Concentration.” Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University. August 1982. The Library
of Congress (TX 1-1566829) 6-1083.
Conference Papers
“A Study on the Performance Characteristics of Isolators after Outgassed and Baked,” with
Alma Mendez, Eltahry Elgandour, and Eric Kasper. Proceedings of the SAMPE 2014
Conference & Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, June 2-5, 2014.
“Effects of Low-Velocity Impact on Strength of Different Composite Sandwich Materials,”
with Jeffery Carter, Eltahry Elgandour, and Eric Kasper. Proceedings of the SAMPE 2014
Conference & Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, June 2-5, 2014.
“Effect of Bio-composites Embedded into Sandwich Panels under Buckling Loading,” with
Justin Tafoya Eltahry Elgandour, and Eric Kasper.Proceedings of the SAMPE 2014
Conference & Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, June 2-5, 2014.
“Effects of Damage Arrestment Devices on Sandwich Composite Structures under Flexural
Loading”, with Y.V. Wood, R.A. Davis, E.I. Elghandour, and E. Kasper. Proceedings of the
SAMPE 2013 Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“Delamination Detection Inside Composite Structures Plates Under Free Vibration”, with
E.-A.M. Rabeih, and E.I. Elghandour. Proceedings of the SAMPE 2013 Conference &
Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“Effects of Impact on Sandwich Composite Fatigue Behavior with Damage Arrestment
Devices”, with Y.V. Wood, E.I. Elghandour, and E. Kasper. Proceedings of the SAMPE
2013 Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“A Resistance Based Structural Health Monitoring System for Composite Structure
Applications”, with D.N. Boettcher, and E. Elghandour. Proceedings of the SAMPE 2013
Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
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“Mechanical Optimization and Structural Analysis of Biocomposites”, with C.D. Chan, J.M.
Lopez, and E. Elghandour. Proceedings of the SAMPE 2013 Conference & Exhibition.
Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“Investigation of Flexural and Bucking Characteristics of Bamboo for Bio-composite
Structural Applications”, with J.M. Lopez, C.D. Chan, and E. Elghandour. Proceedings of
the SAMPE 2013 Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“The Vibrational Characteristics of Impacted Composite Sandwiches with Damage
Arrestment Devices”, with K.A. Rider, E.I. Elghandour, and E. Kasper. Proceedings of the
SAMPE 2013 Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“The Flexural Behavior of Impacted Composite Sandwiches with Damage Arrestment
Devices”, with K. Rider, E. Elghandour, and E. Kasper. Proceedings of the SAMPE 2013
Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“Behavior of Composite Sandwiches with Damage Arrestment Devices Under Low-velocity
Impact”, with K.A. Rider, E.I. Elghandour, and E. Kasper. Proceedings of the SAMPE 2013
Conference & Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 6-9, 2013.
“The Effectiveness of Damage Arrestment Devices in Delaying Fastener/Hole Failure in
Variable Thermal Environments”, with Dominic Surano, Eltahry Elgandour and Eric
Kasper. Proceedings of the BEM/MRM33. New Forest, UK, June 28 to June 30, 2011.
“Arresting Delamination in Composite Sandwich Structures Under Buckling”, with Tony
Tran, Eric Kasper and Eltahry Elghandour. Proceedings of the BEM/MRM33. New
Forest, UK, June 28 to June 30, 2011.
“Fastener Interaction in Composite Sandwich Panels Under Increased Temperatures
(Monotonic)”, with Dominic Surano, Eric Kasper and Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of
the 80th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May
23-26, 2011.
“Arrestment Mechanism in Delaminated Composite Sandwich Structure subjected to
Buckling”, with Tony Train, Eric Kasper and Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 80th
International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 23-26,
“Fastener Interaction in Composite Sandwich Panels under Static/Fatigue Loading”, with
Richard Balatbat, Eric Kasper and Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 80th International
SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 23-26, 2011
“Fastener Interaction in Composite Sandwich Panels Under Increased Temperatures
(Fatigue)”, with Dominic Surano, Eric Kasper and Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the
80th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May 23-26,
“Failure Responses of Woven Carbon Fiber Specimens with Double-Edge Notches Under
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Static and Fatigue Loading,” with A.J. Amini, Eric Kasper, and Eltahry Elgandour.
Proceeding of the 80th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach,
California, May 23-26, 2011.
“An investigation of E-Glass Structure with Different Filler Materials Under Vibration and
Bending Loading”, with John Parra, Eric Kasper and Eltahry Elghandour . Proceeding of
the 76th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach, California, May
25-28, 2009.
“An Experimental and Numerical Study for the Effect of Different Constraints on the
Dynamic Characteristic of a Cantilever Plate”, with Matthew Lopez and Eltahry
Elghandour. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Composite and Nano
Engineering ICCE15. Hikou, Hainon Island, China. July 14-21, 2007.
“Computer Modeling of Aluminum Foam: An Investigation into Thermal Properties of
Porous Metals”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the International Conference on
Composite and Nano Engineering. ICCE12. Tenerife, Canary Island, Spain. August 1-6,
“Monotonic Load Ratio Effect on the Damages of Composites,” with Katherine Thomson
and Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the Ninth International Conference on Composites
ICCE9. San Diego, California. July 1-6, 2002.
“Optimum Sensor Location to Detect Cracks Under Dynamic Load”, with Eltahry
Elghandour. Proceeding of the 46th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition.
Long Beach, California., May 6-10, 2001.
Invited paper, “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Fracture Mechanics and Composite
The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods and
Experimental Measurements, CMEM 2001. Alicante, Spain. June 4-6, 2001.
“The Study and Investigation of Optimizing Sensor Location for Crack Detection,” with
Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Computational
Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM 2001. Page 535-544. Alicante, Spain.
June 4-6, 2001.
“Active Control Techniques of Structural Modes using Piezoelectric Actuators”, with
Daniel Biezad, Eltahry Elghandour, and Jin Tso. Proceeding of the 10th International
Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM 2001.
Page 851-857. Alicante, Spain. June 4-6, 2001.
“Experimental Study of Stacking Sequence Orientation of Cantilevered Composite Beams
with Different Stacking Sequence”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference CHEM 2001 Computational Method and Experimental
Measurements. Alicante, Spain. June 4-6, 2001.
“The Study and Investigation of Enhancing Damping Characteristics of Various Structural
Elements”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference
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CMEM 2001 Computational Method and Experimental Measurements. Alicante, Spain.
June 4-6, 2001.
“Effect of Filament Reinforced Plexiglas Pressure Vessel on Failure Analysis”, with Eltahry
Elghandour. Proceeding of the 46th International SAMPE Conference. Page 1283-1294.
Long Beach, California. May 6-10, 2001.
“Experimental Study of Cantilevered Composite Beams with Different Stacking Sequence”,
with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 46th International SAMPE Conference. Page
740-751. Long Beach, California. May 6-10, 2001.
“Optimum Sensory Location for Detect Cracks Under Dynamic Load”, with Eltahry
Elghandour. Proceeding of the 46th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition.
Long Beach, CA. May 6-10, 2001.
“The Study of Empirical Methodology to Observe Damping Characteristics of Various
Laminate Composite Plates”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 46 th International
SAMPE Conference. Page 2355-2365. Long Beach, California. May 6-10, 2001.
“Numerical Study on Stacking Sequence Orientation of Cantilevered Composite Beams”,
with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 46th International SAMPE Conference. Long
Beach, CA. May 6-10, 2001.
“Active and Passive Vibration Control of a Cantilever Plate”, with Khaled Alsweify.
Proceeding of AL-AZHAR Engineering Sixth International Conference. Cairo, Egypt.
Page 669-681. September 1-4, 2000.
“Effects of the Passive Damping Material in Different Composite Structure Plates on
Dynamic Vibrations”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of SACAM 2000, International
Conference on Applied Mechanics. Durban, South Africa. Page 527-534. January 11-13,
“Optimum Orientation of Cross-Ply Laminates for Failure Nodes under Static Loading, Part
I: Experimental”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference
on Composite Science and Technology (ICCST/3). Page 59-66. Durban, South Africa.
January 11-13, 2000.
“An Investigation of Dynamic Structural Models Suitable for the Simulation of Large
Aircraft”, with Dan Biezad, Eltahry Elghandour, Wendy Hashii, and Aaron Munger.
Proceeding of the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibits.
Page 390-399. Portland, Oregon. August 9-11, 1999.
“Transfer Function for Simulating the Structural Vibration Modes of Large Aircraft”, with
Dan Biezad, Eltahry Elghandour, Wendy Hashii, and Aaron Munger. Proceeding of the
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibition. Page 329-340. Portland,
Oregon. August 9-11, 1999.
“Sensors Location Effect on the Dynamic Behavior of the Composite Structure with Flow
Detection”, with Eltahry Elghandour and A.H.I. Mourad. Proceeding of the 44th
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International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Page 349-358. Long Beach, California.
May 23-27, 1999.
“Mixed Mode Stable Crack Expansions through Stiffened TPB Specimens”, with Eltahry
Elghandour and A.H.I. Mourad. Proceeding of the 44th International SAMPE Symposium
and Exhibition. Page 2358-2360. Long Beach, California. May 23-27, 1999.
“Location Effect of Passive Damping Material in Cross-Ply Laminates on Natural
Frequency and Mode Shape”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 9th International
Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM ’99. Page
473-482. Sorrento, Italy. April 27-29, 1999.
“Experimental Comparison between Accelerometer and Piezoceramic Transducers
Measurements as Sensors”, with Khaled Al Sweify. Proceeding of the 2nd Assiut University
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Technology for
Industrial Production. Assiut, Egypt. March 2-4, 1999.
“Optimum Staking Sequences of Cross-Ply Composite Laminates Plate under Vibration
Testing”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the International Conference on
Advanced Composite IAC ’98. Page 115-124. Hurghada, Egypt. December 15-18, 1998.
“Structural Flaw Detection using Piezoceramic Transducer’s Sensors on Laminated Plate”,
with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the “CAR & FOF ’98, 14th Conference on
CAD/CAM, Robotics, and Factories of the Future. Coimbatore, India. Page 465-472.
December 1-3, 1998.
“Constrained Layer Damping System for Plates”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of
the AIA ’98, 2nd Annual Ankara International Aerospace conference. Ankara, Turkey. Page
149-153. September 9-11, 1998.
“Active and Passing Damping Control of Intelligent Structure Vibration”, with Khaled
Alsweify and Said Farghaly. Proceeding of the 43rd International SAMPE Symposium and
Exhibition. Anaheim, California. Page 413-425. May 31-June 4, 1998.
“Dynamic Response of Carbon/Epoxy Cantilever Plate with Passive Damping”, with
Khaled Alsweify, Cecilia Booker, Eltahry Elghandour, and Said Farghaly. Proceeding of
the 43rd International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Anaheim, California. Page 426430. May 31-June 4, 1998.
“Study of the Passive Damping Materials Location of Cross Ply Laminates on the Vibration
Characteristics.” 11th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Advanced
Design, Testing and Analysis. Oxford, UK, June 30-July 3,1998.
“Failure Modes of Composite Structure with Different Stacking Sequence”, with Eltahry
Elghandour. Proceeding of the 1st TSS/ASTA International Conference on Technology
Park and Transfer.” Tunis-Tunisia. Page 77-79. July 22-24, 1996.
“Structural Flaw Detection Using Piezoelectric Sensors on a Carbon Fiber Plate.” with J.R.
Cavalli, John Fong, and Eltahry Elghandour. Proceeding of the 1st TSS/ASTA International
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Conference on Technology Park and Transfer. Tunis, Tunisia. Page 80-1982. July 22-24,
“An Investigation into the Failure Modes of the Filament-Wound Composite Pressure
Vessels”, with Badr Azzam, M.A. Muhammad, and M.O. Mokhtar. Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/3). New Orleans, Louisiana.
Page 85-87. July 21-26, 1996.
“Optimum Design of Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shells by Multi-Objective Non-linear
Programming”, with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceedings of the 6th
Conference on Mechanical Design and Production (MDP-6), Cairo, Egypt. Page 79-1985.
January 2-4, 1996.
“A Comparison Between the Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Analysis of an
Optimum Design of a Composite Pressure Vessel”, with Badr Azzam, M.A. Muhammad,
and M.O. Mokhtar. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Mechanical Design and
Production (MDP-6), Cairo, Egypt. Page 323-332. Jan 2-4, 1996.
“Design and Analysis of the Die Drawing of Polymers”, with Eltahry Elghandour and
Noaman E. Bekhet. Proceedings of the 27th International SAMPE Technical Conference,
Albuquerque, New Mexico. Page 738-745. October 9-12, 1995.
“Bi-Criteria Optimum Design of Laminated Plates under Shear and Deflection Loadings”,
with Shahir Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceedings of the 27th International
SAMPE Technical Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Page 731-737. October 9-12,
“A Study of the Effect of the Location and the Size of a Crack and the Different Orientation
of a Composite Material on the Stress Intensity Factor”, with Eltahry Elghandour, Said
Khalil, and Suher Naga. Proceeding of the Interfacial Phenomena in Composite Materials.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Page 121. September 11-13, 1995.
“Experimental Analysis for an Optimum Design of the Filament-Wound Composite
Pressure Vessels”, with B.S. Azzam, M.A. Muhammad and M.O. Mokhtar. Proceeding of
the Interfacial Phenomena Composite Materials 1995. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Page
122. September 11-13, 1995.
“Structural Flaw Detection Using Piezoelectric Sensors on a Carbon Fiber Plate”, with J.R.
Cavalli, J. Fong, and E. Elghandour. Proceeding of the Interfacial Phenomena Composite
Materials 1995. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Page 112. September 11-13, 1995.
“Optimum Design of Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels with Creep
Relaxations”, with B.S. Azzam, M.A. Muhammmad, and M.O. Mokhtar. Proceeding of the
4th International Conference on Automated Composites (ICAC `95). Nottingham, United
Kingdom. Page 23-33. September 6-7, 1995.
“Optimization of Fiber Orientations for Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shells Under
Uniform Load”, with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohammed. Proceeding of the
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10th International Conference on Composite Material (ICM-10). British Columbia, Canada.
Volume V, Page 81-1985. August 14-18, 1995.
“Finite Element Analysis of an Optimum Design of Filament-Wound Composite Pressure
Vessel with Creep Relaxation”, with B.S. Azzam, M.A. Muhammed and M.O. Mokhtar.
Invited Paper. Proceeding of the International Conference on Computational Engineering
Analysis (ICCES-1995). Mauni Lani, Hawaii. Page 2244-2249. July 30-August 3, 1995.
“Bi-Criteria Optimum Design of Fibrous Laminated Plates Under Axial Compression and
Shear”, with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Invited paper. Proceeding of
the International Conference on Computational Engineering Analysis (ICCES-1995), Maui,
Hawaii. Page 2202-2207. July 30-August 3, 1995.
“Optimum Design of Fiber Reinforced Plates by Multi-Objective Nonlinear Programming”,
with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceeding of the 16th International
SAMPE European Conference/Exhibition. Salzburg, Austria. Page 259-266. May 30-June
1, 1995.
“A Finite Element Presentation of an Optimum Design for the Filament-Wound Composite
Pressure Vessels”, with B.S. Azzam, M.A. Muhammad and M.O. Mokhtar. Proceeding of
the 4th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Anaheim, CA. Page 867-19880.
May 8-11, 1995.
“Bi-Criteria Optimum Design for Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shell Under Buckling and
Vibration”, with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceeding of the 4th
International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Anaheim, CA. Page 861-19866. May 811, 1995.
“Optimization of Stress Concentration Around Elliptical Hole for Different Composite
Materials”, with Eltahry Elghandour, Suher Naga, Said Khalil, and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed.
Proceeding of the 26th International SAMPE Technical Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Page
35-47. October 17-22, 1994.
“Optimization of Fiber Orientations for Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shells under Lateral
Vibration”, with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceeding of the 26th
International SAMPE Technical Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. Page 48-53. October 1722, 1994.
“Effect of Stacking Sequence of Laminated Composites with Different Cure on Fracture
Mechanics at Elevated Temperature”, with Eltahry Elghandour, Said Khalil, and Suher
Naga. Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Structural and Functional
Gradient Materials. Lousanne, Switzerland. Page 122. October 10-12, 1994.
“Optimization of Fiber Orientation for Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shells Under Axial
Compression”, with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceeding of the 1st
International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE-1). New Orleans LA. Page 265266. August 28-31, 1994.
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“Static Behavior of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy for Different Laminates”, with Eltahry Elghandour,
Said Khalil, and Suher Naga. Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Composite
Engineering (ICCE-I). New Orleans, LA. P. 877-19878. August 28-31, 1994.
“Optimum Design of Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels”, with B.S. Azzam,
M.A. Muhammed, and M.O. Mokhtar. An invited paper. Proceeding of the International
Conference on Design and Manufacturing Using Composites (ATMAM). Montreal,
Canada. Page 66-1980. August 10-12, 1994.
“Cure Effect on the Fatigue Characteristics in Composite Material at Elevated
Temperatures”, with Eltahry Elghandour, Said Khalil, and Suher Naga. An invited paper.
Proceeding of the International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Using Composites
(ATMAM). Montreal, Canada. Page 468-480. August 10-12, 1994.
“Effect of Cure on Composite Material Characteristics at Elevated Temperature”, with
Eltahry Elghandour, Said Khalil, and Suher Naga. Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Experimental Mechanics. Lisbon, Portugal. Page 825-19830. July 18-22,
“Optimization of Fiber Orientation for Laminated Plates Under Shear”, with Shahir
Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceeding of the 7th International SAMPE
Electronics Conference. Pasippang, New Jersey. Page 18-25. June 20-23, 1994.
“A Study of Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy with Different Cure
Temperature”, with Eltahry Elghandour, Said Khalil, and Suher Naga. Proceeding of the
5th International Conference on Composites Interfaces (ICCI-V). Gotenborg, Sweden.
Page 12-20. June 20-23, 1994.
“Optimization of Fiber Orientation for Laminated Plates under Uniformly Distributed
Lateral Load”, with Shaher Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceeding of the 39th
International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Anaheim, CA. Page 2875-2881. April
11-14, 1994.
“Effects of Cure of Different Laminate Composite Materials on the Mechanical Behavior”,
with Eltahry Elghandour, Said Khalil, and Suher Naga. Proceedings of the 3rd Japan
International SAMPE Conference. Chipa, Japan. Page 421-426. December 7-10, 1993.
“An Optimum Design and Finite Element Analysis for Composite Material Multilayered
Shrink Fitted Vessels with Creep Relaxation”, with Eltahry Elghandour. Proceedings of the
3rd Japan International SAMPE Conference. Chipa, Japan. Page 41-47. December 7-10,
“Optimization of Fiber Orientation for Laminated Plates Under Axial Compression”, with
Shahir Kassaimih and Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Proceeding of the 38th International SAMPE
Conference. Anaheim, CA. Page 888-19891. May 10-13, 1993.
“A Finite Element Presentation of an Optimum Design for Composite Multilayered
Cylindrical Pressure Vessels with Creep Relaxation.” Proceedings of the Advanced
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Composites 1993 International Conference. Wolongong, Australia. Page 209-214. February
15-19, 1993.
“A Finite Element Presentation of an Optimum Design for Composite Multilayered
Cylindrical Pressure Vessels.” Proceedings of the 2nd Japan International SAMPE
Conference. Chipa, Japan. Page 455-462. December 11-14, 1991.
“An Optimum Design of Composite Projectile”, with Kim Thomas and Jim Koury.
Accepted for Presentation and Publication in the Proceeding of the 2nd Japan International
SAMPE Conference. Chipa, Japan. December 11-14, 1991. (Was not presented or
published for lack of security clearance.)
“Finite Elements Applications in Composite Mechanics.” Proceeding of the International
Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM/VIII. Honolulu, Hawaii. July 15-19, 1991.
“Welding in Space.” Proceeding of the 16th Annual Conference of the Association of
Muslim Scientists and Engineers, AMSE. Detroit, Michigan. Page 73-79. October 26-28,
“Advancement Toward Educating Students in Composites”, with Jim Koury, Jim
Wancheck, Brian Wilson, and Craig Price. Proceeding of the 35th International SAMPE
Conference. Anaheim, CA. Vol. 35, Page 46-48. April 2-5, 1990.
“Finite Element Analysis of Stress Intensity Factor for Crack Propagation.” Proceeding of
the ASME Conference. San Francisco CA. PVP-Vol. 184, Page 67-71. December 10-15
“CAEDS: Finite Element Applications in Mechanics.” Proceeding of the ASME
Conference. Hawaii. Vol. 147, Page 201-207. July 23-27, 1989.
“Bodner-Partom Constitutive Model and the Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis”, with A.J.
McPhate. Proceeding of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting. Chicago IL. PVP-Vol. 153,
Page 3340. November 27-December 2, 1988.
“The Potential of a G.A.S. Can”, with David Tamir, Proceeding of the 5th Annual
Symposium of the Get Away Special (GAS) Team of the National Aerospace and Space
Administration (NASA). Cocoa Beach, FL. Page 89-1996. September 27-30, 1988.
“A Finite Element Presentation of an Optimum Design for Multiple Material Multilayered
Cylindrical Pressure Vessels with Creep Relaxation.” Proceeding of the ASME Pressure
Vessels and Piping Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. PVP-Vol. 146, Page 97-101. June 20-24,
“Numerical Analysis of the Materials Parameters for Inconel 718”, with A.J. McPhate.
Proceeding of the 13th Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Scientists and
Engineers, AMSE. Plainfield, IN. Vol. 16, Page 28-35. October 9-11, 1987.
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“Finite Element and Experimental Comparison of Compression Test Methods on
Graphite/Epoxy”, with Clyde R. Pascual and Christina C. Gedney. Proceeding of the 32nd
International SAMPE Conference. Anaheim CA. Page 1015-1024. April 6-9, 1987.
“Hydrotest of Advanced Composite Pressure Vessels to Assess Effects of Stress Ratio on
Performance”, with Scott Stagliano. Proceeding of the 32nd International SAMPE
Conference. Anaheim CA. Page 1025-1034. April 6-9, 1987.
“Tungston Inert Gas Welding in a Micro Gravity Environment”, with Blake Welcher.
Proceeding of the Get Away Special (GAS) Conference. Washington, D.C. Page 23-29.
October 7-9, 1986.
“A Numerical Finite Element Analysis of a Stress Concentration at High Temperature”,
with A.J. McPhate. Proceeding of the ASM Conference, Metals/Materials Technology
Series, 8517-008. Salt Lake City, Utah. Page 279-283. December 2-6, 1985.
“Expansion of Cavities in Layered Elastic System”, with M. Hamed and S. Sayed.
Proceeding of the 19th Midwestern Mechanics Conference. Columbus, Ohio. Page 470471. September 9-11, 1985.
“A Numerical Analysis of Bodner-Partom Viscoplastic Constitutive Model for Inconel
718”, with A.J. McPhate. Proceeding of the ASM Conference, Metals/Materials technology
Series, 8517-008. Salt Lake City, Utah. Page 279-283. December 2-6, 1985.
“Uni-Axial Bodner-Partom Data and 2-D FEM”, with A.J. McPhate. Proceeding of the
Western Michigan Conference of Mechanical Engineering. Kalamazoo, Michigan. Page
206-212. October 26-27, 1984.
“A Numerical Representation for the Bodner Viscoplastic Time Dependent Constitutive
Model for Inconel 718”, with A.J. McPhate. Proceeding of the 5th ASCE-EMD Specialty
Conference. Laramie, Wyoming. Page 1021-1024. August 1-3, 1984.
Technical Reports
Final Report of “Implementing Simplified Structural Models into Flight Simulations” Phase
III for the U.S. Air Force. December 1999-December 2000.
Progress Report of “Implementing Simplified Structural Models into Flight Simulations”
Phase III for the U.S. Air Force. December 1999-December 2000.
Final Report of “Implementing Simplified Structural Models into Flight Simulations” Phase
II for the U.S. Air Force. December 1998-December 1999.
Progress Report of “Implementing Simplified Structural Models into Flight Simulators”
Phase I for the U.S. Air Force. December 1998-December 1999.
Final Report of “An Investigation of Dynamic Structural Modes Suitable for the Simulation
of Large Aircraft” for the U.S. Air Force. December 1997-December 1998.
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Final Report for Ph.D. Candidate, Khaled Alsweify, for the Egyptian Cultural and
Educational Bureau. September 1996-September 1998.
Final Report of “Evaluation of Low Cost Composite Testing Technology” for the U.S. Air
Force (through Integrated Composite, Inc.) April 1998-June 1998.
Progress Report of “An Investigation of Dynamic Structural Modes Suitable for the
Simulation of Large Aircraft” for the U.S. Air Force. December 1997-December 1998.
Final Report for “Modal Analysis of Embedded Passive Damping Material in Composite
Plates with Different Orientation” for NASA Ames, Interchange NC22-5031. January 1997January 1998.
Progress Report for Ph.D. Candidate, Khaled Alsweify, for the Egyptian Cultural and
Educational Bureau. September 1996-September 1997.
Progress Report for “Modal Analysis of Embedded Passive Damping Material in Composite
Plates with Different Orientation” for NASA Ames, Interchange NC22-5031. January 1997January 1998.
Final Report of “Structural Vibration Damping Using Piezoelectric Sensors on a Composite
Plate” for NASA-Ames, Interchange Number NCC2-5031. January 1995-1997.
Progress Report of “Structural Vibration Damping Using Piezoelectric Sensors on a
Composite Plate” for NASA-Ames, Interchange Number NCC2-5031. January 1995-1997.
Final Report for Ph.D. Candidate, Ayman Saleymah, for the Egyptian Cultural and
Educational Bureau. April 1995-October 1995.
Final Report for Ph.D. Candidate Badr S. Azzam for the Egyptian Cultural and Educational
Bureau. August 1993-1995.
Post Doctoral, Final Report for Dr. Noaman Bekhet for the Egyptian Cultural and
Educational Bureau. October 1994-March 1995.
Final Report of “Structural Flaw Detection Using Piezoelectric Sensors on a Composite
Plate.” for NASA-Ames, Interchange Number NCC2-5031. January 1994-1995.
Progress Report for Ph.D. Candidate Badr S. Azzam for the Egyptian Culture and
Educational Bureau. August 1993-1994.
Final Report for Ph.D. Candidate Eltahry I. Elghandour for the Egyptian Culture and
Educational Bureau. April 1992-1994.
Progress Report for Ph.D. Candidate Eltahry I. Elghandour for the Egyptian Culture and
Educational Bureau. April 1992-1994.
Final Report on “Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators for Vibration Damping.” for
NASA-Ames; Interchange Number NAC2-779. March 1993-September 1993.
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Progress Report on “Optimizing Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators for Vibration Damping.”
for NASA-Ames; Interchange Number NAC2-779. March 1993-September 1993.
Final Report for Dr. Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Khakil for the Egyptian Cultural and Educational
Bureau. August 1992-February 1993.
Final Report on “Determining Structural Flaws Using Modal Analysis.” for NASA-Ames,
Interchange Number NCA2-694. September 1991-1992.
Final Report on “Experimental Study of Composite Material Characteristics at Elevated
Temperatures.” for NASA-Ames, Interchange Number NCA2-694. March 1992-September
Final Report on “Material Property for Designing, Analyzing and Fabricating Space
Structures.” for NASA-Ames, Grant Number NAG2-637. November 1989-December 1991.
Final Report on “Finite Element Analysis for Composite Structures.” for Universal Energy
System UES, Contract Number UES-5738. November 1990.
Final Report on the “Study and Evaluation of the Composite Design Research Program at
Edwards Astronautics Laboratory.” for Universal Energy Systems, UES, Contract Number
F49620-1988-C-0053. September 1989.
Periodical Report on “The Study and Evaluation of the Composite Design Research
Program at Edwards Astronautics Laboratory.” for Universal Energy Systems, UES
Contract F49620-1988-CC-0053. July 1989-September 1989.
Final report of “EVA Welding Experiment.” for Rocketdyne. Contract # 25R3245151.
October 1988-August 1989.
Final Report on “The Potential of a Gas-Can.” for Rockwell. Contract #5756. September
Periodical Report on “Gas Tungsten Arc Welding in Microgravity Environment.” for
Rockwell. Contract #5756. September 1985-1987.
Final Report on “Composite Compression Test.” for Aerojet. Contract #5751. June 1986.
Final Report on the “Stress Analysis of Composite Aircraft Propeller.” for the Greater
American Propeller Company. 1984.
Papers Reviewed
“Melt Infiltration Kinetics of Organic Paraffin in Porous Silica”. Aerospace Science and
Technology Journal, 2010.
“The Transferability of Fracture Toughness Characteristics from Point of View of the
Integrity of Components with Defects.” (CMEM 2001.)
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“Experimental Testing and Numerical modeling of AM50A Magnesium Alloy for
Structures Subjected to Large Defraction.” (CMEM 2001.)
“Interactive Experimental Numerical Procedure to Design Riveted Joints for Airframe
Crashworthiness.” (CMEM 2001.)
“Stochastic Modeling in Aero Elasticity.” (CMEM 2001.)
“A Possibility of Vibration Surveillance of Linear Unsteady Systems at Algebraic
Performance Index.”
Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental
Measurements (CMEM 2001.)
“An Analysis of the Rail Balance Devise Vibration Surveillance at Algebraic Performance
Index.” Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM
“Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Flexural Behavior of Stainless Steel Beam.”
Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2001.)
“A Test for Concrete Fracture Material Model Parameters.” Conference on Computational
Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2001.)
“Swirling Turbulent Wakes: Results of Numerical Experiments.”
Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2001.)
Conference on
“Toward the Accurate Determination of Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficients.” Conference
on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2001.)
“Experimental and Finite Elements Study of Temperature State of the Block-Braked Solid
Wheel Railway Vehicle.” (CMEM 2001.).
“On the Mesh Motion for ALE Modeling of Metal Forming Processes.” The International
Journal of Finite Element in Analysis and Design. 2000.
“Recent Advances in the Numerical Modeling of Constitutive Relation.” The International
Journal of Applied Finite Element and Computer Aided Engineering. 1998.
“Proposition of Mechanical Behavior Modeling of Composite Pipes.” ASME, PVD 1998.
“Proposition of Mechanical Behavior Modeling of Composite Pipes: General Hypotheses.”
ASME PVP 1996.
“Recent advances in the Numerical Modeling of Constitute Relations.” The International
Journal of Applied Finite Elements and Computer Aided Engineering, 1995.
“Combined Machining of USM and EDM for Advanced Ceramics.” Journal of Advanced
Materials 1994.
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“Thermal Stability of Aramid Fiber Reinforced Honeycomb Core for Thermoplastic Face
Sheet Applications.” Journal of Advanced Materials 1994.
“The Effect on Adhesion Stiffness Due to Bonded Surface Contamination.” Journal of
Advanced Materials 1994.
“Comparison of Tg Values for a Graphite Epoxy Composite by Thermomechanical Analysis
(TMA) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA).” Journal of Advanced Materials 1994.
“Process Study for Making High Density Bulk Silica from Silicone Resin.” Journal of
Advanced Materials 1994.
“Electro-Chemical Treatment of Pitch-Precursor Carbon Fibers.” Journal of Advanced
Materials 1994.
“Processing and Characterization of a Novel Integral Dielectric Heat Sink Material.” Journal
of Advanced Materials 1994.
“Stress Analysis of Thick Laminated Conical Tubes with Variable Thickness.” Journal of
Composites Engineering 1994.
“Stress Analysis of an Infinite Elastic Solid Subjected to a Band of Internal Hydrostatic
Pressure on a Circular Hole.” ASME 1990.
“Nonlinear Response of Composite Tubes Under Combined Thermomechanical Loading.”
ASME 1989.
“Effect of Delimitation on the Nonlinear Behavior of Composite Laminated Beams.” ASME
“Local Effects and Defect Criticality in Homogeneous and Laminated Structures.” ASME
“Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Plane Stress Problems using Linearized Yield Surface and
Mixed Hardening Rule.” ASME 1988.
Conferences and Seminars Participation
The Composites and Advanced Materials Expo (CAMX). Orlando Florida. October 13-16
The 81st International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Seattle, Washington. May 6-9,
The 80th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Baltimore, Maryland. May 2124, 2012.
The 79th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach, California. May
23-26, 2011.
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The 78th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. April
Invited speaker and session chairman, 15th International Conference on Composite and Nano
Engineering (ICCE15). Hikou, Hainon Island, China. July 14-21, 2007.
Invited speaker: 12th International Conference on Composite and Nano Engineering
(ICCE12). Tenerife, Canary Island, Spain. August 1-6, 2005.
The 9th International Conference on Composite Engineering San Diego, California. July
Invited Session Chairperson: 10th International Conference on Computational Methods and
Experimental Measurements (CMEM 2001). Alicante, Spain. July 4-6, 2001.
Speaker: 46th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Long Beach, California.
May 6-10, 2001.
Invited Session Chairperson: South African International Conference on Applied Mechanics
(SACAM 2000). Durban, South Africa. January 11-13, 2000.
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference Exhibition, Portland, Oregon.
August 9-11, 1999.
The 44th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. May
23-27, 1999.
Invited Session Chairman: 9th International Conference on Computational Methods and
Experimental Measurements (CMEM ’99). Sorrento, Italy. April 27-29, 1999.
Invited Speaker: International Conference on Advanced Composite (CAC ’98). Hurghada,
Egypt. December 15-18, 1998.
Invited Session Chairman. CAR & FOF ’98, 14th Annual Conference on CAD/CAM,
Robotics, and Factories of the Future. Two sessions. Coimbatore, India. December 1-3,
Invited Speaker. 2nd Annual Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, Turkey.
August 9-11, 1998.
Invited Judge for Ph.D. Paper Competition, The 43rd International SAMPE Conference,
Anaheim, California. May 31-June 1, 1998.
Invited Speaker. U.S./Egypt Cooperation Board Meeting. Cairo, Egypt. November 1997.
Invited Judge for Ph.D. Paper Competition, The 42nd International SAMPE Conference,
Anaheim, California. May 4-8, 1997.
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Invited Speaker, 1st TSS/ASTA International Conference Technology Parks and Transfer of
Knowledge. Tunis, Tunisia. July 22-24, 1996.
Speaker of the Interfacial Phenomenon in Composite Material.
Netherlands. September 11-13, 1995.
Eindhoven, The
Invited Speaker: 4th International Conference on Automated Composites (ICAC 195).
Nottingham, U.K. September 6-7, 1995.
Invited Speaker and Session Chairman: 2nd International Conference Composite
Engineering (ICCE/2). New Orleans, Louisiana. August 20-24, 1995.
Invited Speaker and Session Chairman: 1st International Conference on Computational
Engineering Analysis, (ICCES-1995). Hawaii. July 30-August 3, 1995.
Invited Session Chairman: SAMPE Workshop (Tapping the Markets for Industrial
Applications - II). NASA-Ames. Sunnyvale, California. Jan 26, 1995.
Invited Speaker. The 6th Conference on Mechanical Design Production MDP-6. Cairo,
Egypt. Jan 2-4, 1995.
Invited Speaker and Session Chairman: 1st International Conference Composite
Engineering (ICCE/1). New Orleans, Louisiana. August 28-31, 1994.
Invited Speaker: International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Using Composites,
(ATMAM 1994) Montreal, Canada. August 10-12, 1994.
Invited Speaker: 18th Annual Conference of AMSE and the 21st Annual Conference of
AMSE. East Lansing, Michigan. October 30-November 1, 1992.
Session Chairman and Judge for a student paper competition: the 36th International SAMPE
Conference. San Diego, California. April 15-18, 1991.
The 27th International SAMPE Technical Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico. October
9-12, 1995.
Session Chairman: ISNA 27th Annual Conference. Dayton, Ohio. August 31-September 2,
Chairman: ISNA West-Zone Annual Conference. Pomona, California. June 29-July 1,
Session Chairman: ASME Winter Annual Conference.
December 10-15, 1989.
San Francisco, California.
Session Chairman: ISNA 26th Annual Conference. Dayton, Ohio. September 1-3, 1989.
Session Chairman: ASME Winter Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November 27December 2, 1988.
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Session Chairman: ISNA West-Zone Annual Conference. Stanford, California. July 1-3,
Invited Speaker: 6th ISNA Annual Conference. Stanford, California. July 1-3, 1988.
Session Chairman: ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference.
Pennsylvania. June 20-24, 1988.
Session Chairman: ASME 12th Annual Conference. Plainfield, Indiana. October 17-19,
Session Chairman: ISNA West-Zone Annual Conference. Campbell, California. July 3-5,
Invited Speaker: 32nd International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition.
California. April 6-9, 1987.
Invited Speaker: SAMPE Conventional Meeting. Sacramento, California. March 19, 1987.
Invited Speaker: 1st SAMPE “California/Nevada Composites in Academic Sabbatical”
Meeting. Sacramento, California. Jan 22, 1987.
Invited Speaker: Short course on Composites at Aerojet Strategic Company. Sacramento,
California. June 3-5, 1986.
Invited Speaker: 31st International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition.
Nevada. April 7-10, 1986.
Las Vegas,
Invited Speaker: 30th National SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Anaheim, Califonia.
March 19-21, 1985.
Chair, Board of Directors, Egyptian Eye Academy. Cairo, Egypt. 2007-present.
Invited Lecturer: Short Intensive Courses.
Hampton, U.K. 1999-Present.
Wessex Institute of Technology.
External Member: Foundation for Research Development (FRD). To evaluate the research
work of individuals for funded research. Pretoria, South Africa. 1995-present.
External Member: to evaluate the research work of university professors in the K.S.A. for
promotion to the full Professor rank. 1995-present.
External Member: to evaluate research work of university professors in Egypt for promotion
to the full Professor rank. 1995-present.
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Member, International Scientific Advisory Committee, 10th International Conference on
Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM 2001, Alicante, Spain.
June 2001.
Reviewer, Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, CMEM
2001, Alicante, Spain. June 2001.
Invited Co-Author, “Numerical Analysis and Modeling of Composite Material.”
Castle, U.K. 1995.
Professional Engineer, Registered with the Association of Engineers. Cairo, Egypt. 1970.
Director and Advisor of Cal Poly SAMPE Composite Workshop, Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo, California. 2012-2014.
Invited to Composite Analysis and Design Workshops, CAMX, Orlando, Florida. 2014.
Invited to Composite Analysis and Design Workshops, International SAMPE Conference
and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. 2013.
Invited to Composite Analysis and Design Workshops, International SAMPE Conference
and Exhibition, Long Beach, California. 2011.
Co-Founder, Board of Trustees of the Millennium International University (MIU). 2009present.
Vice Chair and Treasurer, Board of Directors of the Millennium International Univerysity
(MIU). 2009 to present.
Member, National Science Foundation (NSF) and Oak Ridge Associated Universities
(ORAU) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). 1995-present.
Member, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
Academic Advisory Council. 1990-present.
Member, American Association of University Professors (ASEE). 1987-present
Member, Composite Curriculum Committee. 1985-present.
Member, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE).
Member, Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). 1984-present.
Member, Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers (AMSE). 1984-present.
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Member, Egyptian Association of Professional Engineers. 1970-present.
Member, the Board of Trustees of the Islamic Teaching Center (ITC). 1991-1992.
Member, the Executive Council of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). 19881991.
Reviewer, Academic Press, Inc. Publishers for new professional journals. 1990.
Reviewer, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. June
Reviewer, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. July 1989.
Reviewer, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. June
Member, Board of Directors, Central Coast Clergy and Laity for Justice (CCCLJ), San Luis
Obispo, 2010 to present.
Member, San Luis Obispo Ministerial Association, (SLOMA), San Luis Obispo, 2010present.
Founder and President of the Board of Directors, AL-AQSA Islamic School, San Luis
Obispo. 1991-1994 and 1999-2003.
Interviewed by local television and radio stations regarding Islam, Muslims, immigration,
and the Middle East. 1991-present.
Interviewed by local newspapers on the topics of Islam and Muslims. 1989-present.
Invited Speaker to different middle and high schools to address Islam and Islamic issues.
Invited Speaker to different churches to address Islam in the USA and the Middle East.
Member, The Board of Trustees, Islamic Society of the Central Coast. 2000-present.
Founder and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Islamic Society of the Central Coast.
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Islamic Center of the Central Coast.
Founder and President, Executive Committee of the Islamic Society of North America of
San Luis Obispo (ISNA-SLO). 1988-1998.
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Founder and Vice-Chairman, Board of Trustees of the Islamic Society of San Luis Obispo.
Founder and Director of the Muslim Arab Youth Association of San Luis Obispo (MAYASLO). 1988-1998.
Founder and Advisor of the Muslim Youth of North America of San Luis Obispo (MYNASLO). 1988-1998.
Cal Poly Muslim Visiting Clergy at California Men’s Colony, San Luis Obispo. 1985-1995.
Founder and Vice-President, Executive Committee of the ISNA-SLO. San Luis Obispo.
Founder of the Islamic Society of North America of San Luis Obispo (ISNA-SLO). 1985.
Founder of the Islamic Center of San Luis Obispo. 1985.
California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly)
Equity Facilitator, Human Resources, San Luis Obispo. 1995-present.
Director, International Post Doctoral and Doctoral Research Program, San Luis Obispo,
Member, the Campus Chaplains Council, San Luis Obispo. 1988-present.
Special Consultant, University Writing and Rhetoric Center. 1986-present.
Founder and Faculty Advisor of the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process
Engineering (SAMPE) Cal Poly Student Chapter, San Luis Obispo. 1984-present.
Member, Grievance Committee, San Luis Obispo. 2006-present.
Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, San Luis Obispo, 2006-2008.
Member, Faculty Dispute Review Committee, San Luis Obispo. 2006-2008.
Chairman, the Fairness Board, San Luis Obispo, 2003-2007.
Member, Cal Poly Plan Steering Committee, San Luis Obispo. 2005-2006.
Faculty Advisor of the Solar Car Club (SCC), San Luis Obispo, 2002-2003.
Founder and Faculty Advisor of the Association of Muslim Engineers and Scientists
(AMES), Cal Poly Student Chapter, San Luis Obispo. 1988-2002.
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Founder and Faculty Advisor of the Cal Poly Space System (CPSS) Student Chapter, San
Luis Obispo. 1987-1999.
Faculty Advisor of the AIAA Get Away Special Student Group, San Luis Obispo. 19871998.
Member, the Academic Senate, San Luis Obispo 1994-1996 and 1985-1989.
Founder and Faculty Advisor of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Cal Poly
Student Chapter, San Luis Obispo. 1986-1995.
Member, Faculty Status Grievance Peer Review Panel, San Luis Obispo. 1993-1995.
Member, the Academic Senate Faculty Ethics Committee, San Luis Obispo. 1990-1991.
Member, the Academic Senate Personnel Policies Committee, San Luis Obispo. 1988-1991.
Interviewed by the University Newspaper on topic of Islam and Muslims in the USA, San
Luis Obispo. 1989-1990.
Letters to the Editor (University Newspaper) on various religious and moral issues, San Luis
Obispo. 1989-1990.
Chairman and Coordinator: Series of Lectures, Dialogues, and Trialogues on Comparative
Religions. Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1977-1989.
Member, the Academic Senate Library Committee, San Luis Obispo. 1985-1987.
Founder and Faculty Advisor of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) student chapter.
San Luis Obispo. 1984-1986.
Member, College of Engineering, International Exchange Program Coordinator, Cal Poly,
San Luis Obispo, 2002-present
Member, Professional Leave Committee. 2010-2014.
Chairman, College of Engineering Peer Review Committee for Retention, Promotion, and
Tenure, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1997-2000, 2001-2006, and 2008-2010.
Chairman, Professional Leave Committee, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, 2003-2005 and 20072010.
Member, College of Engineering Litton Excellence in Research and Development Award,
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1997-2005.
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Chairman, College of Engineering Sabbatical Leave Committee, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
2000 and 2001.
Member, College of Engineering Student Scholarship Committee, Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo. 1997-1998.
Member, College of Engineering Performance Salary Step Increase (PSSI) Committee, Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1997.
Member, College of Engineering Peer Review Committee for Promotion Consideration, Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1986-1988 and 1995-1997.
Member, College of Engineering Professional Leave Committee, Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo. 1986-1990 and 1993-1996.
Member, College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award Committee, Cal Poly, San
Luis Obispo. 1994-1995.
Liaison, Educational Equity Committee, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1987-1991.
Member, Lockheed Professorship Pre-Selection Committee, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Member, College of Engineering Student Evaluation of Faculty Form Committee, Cal Poly,
San Luis Obispo. 1987-1989.
Member, Tenured Faculty Committee, Industrial Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San
Luis Obispo. 1987-1989.
Member, College of Engineering Committee to select an Interim Dean and Interim
Associate Dean, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1986-1987.
Member, College of Engineering Biotechnology Study Committee, Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo. 1985-1987.
Member, College of Engineering Committee of meritorious Performance and Professional
Promise Awards, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1984-1985.
Facilitator, Employment Equity, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo, 2002-present.
Faculty Coordinator, International Exchange Program, Aerospace Engineering Department,
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 2003-present.
Member, Tenured Faculty Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San
Luis Obispo. 1986-present.
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Facilitator, Affirmative Action, Aerospace Engineering Department Representative, Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1986-1991, 1996-2002, and 2004-present..
Chairman, Tenured Faculty Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San
Luis Obispo. 1986-1987, 1989-1991, 1993-1999, 2000-2009, and 2014-2015.
Chairman, Retention, Promotion, Tenure, and Post Tenure Committee, Aerospace
Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1986-1988, 1989-1991, 1993-1994,
1995-1997, and 2006-2009.
Chairman, Faculty Search Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San
Luis Obispo. 1989-1992, 1995-1997, and 2004-2007.
Chairman, Faculty Merit Increase (FMI) Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department,
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1999-2007.
Chairman, Executive Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo. 1992-1995.
Chairman, Annual Evaluation Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly,
San Luis Obispo. 1986-1988, 1989-1991, and 1993-1995.
Acting Chairman, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Summer
Chairman, Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1986-1991.
Acting Chairman, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 19891990.
Coordinator, Graduate and Undergraduate Students, Aerospace Engineering Department,
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1989-1990.
Acting Interim Chairman, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
Peer Reviewer, State Faculty Support Grant Proposal, Aerospace Engineering Department,
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1988-1989.
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal Poly, San
Luis Obispo. 1985-1989.
Member, Department Chair Search Committee, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cal
Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1987-1988.
Chairman, Drop-Add Course Investigation Committee, Mechanical Engineering
Department, University of New Orleans. 1982-1984.
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Coordinator, Mechanical Engineering Design Courses, Mechanical Engineering
Department, University of New Orleans. 1982-1984.
Coastal Water Technologies, Inc., California. 1997-2000.
Technical Advisor: Structural and Composite Analysis and Design.
Arata & Associate and the Airship Development Corporation, Santa Maria, California.
Technical Advisor: Composite Structures Fabrication, Testing, Analysis, and Design for
Aerospace Applications.
Raychem Corporation, Menlo Park, California. 1987-1988.
Consulting: Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Analysis for Leaking Pressure Vessels to
Predict the Safe Life to Failure.
Price Manufacturing Company, Pacoima, California. 1986-1988.
Consulting: Studies to design and develop new approaches to commercial aircraft and
helicopter seating to provide fire blocking layers to suppress the flame and smoke
propagation and increase passenger egress time by two minutes and/or design a seat bottom
and seat back eliminating all polyurethane foam cushions by using a new product from E.1.
Du Pont “Dymetrol” seating support.
Occidental Exploration and Production Company, Bakersfield, California. 1986-1987.
Consulting: Finite Element Analysis of the Fracture Mechanics for Pipeline in the Country
of Columbia.
Education and Career Information Bureau (ECIB), Plainfield, Indiana. 1985-1988.
Advisor: To serve the developing needs of educational and other institutions in Arab,
African, and Asian Countries.
Greater American Propeller, Arroyo Grande, California. 1984-1987.
Consulting: The analysis and testing of a new composite propeller design. The report in the
New Propeller Design Newspaper has been used in obtaining additional contracts for the
Wings West Airlines, San Luis Obispo, California. 1984-1986.
Consulting: The structural analysis and design of an engine test stand.
Egypt Air, Cairo, Egypt. 1970-1977.
Aerospace Engineer: Composite Structures and Fracture Mechanics Specialist, working on
Boeing Aircraft.
Egyptian Air Force, Cairo, Egypt. 1970-1975.
Airforce Captain: Head and Director of different military aircraft divisions.
Who’s Who in Engineering Academic. 2003-present.
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Who’s Who in America. 2003-present.
The recipient of the Certificate of Appreciation and Recognition, Student Affairs, Cal Poly,
San Luis Obispo, 2010.
The recipient of the Engineering Student Council Recognition and Appreciation Certificate,
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2001.
The recipient of the Northrop Grumman and College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching
and Applied Research Award, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 2000.
The recipient of the Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Academy Medallion, Egyptian
Cultural & Educational Bureau, Washington, DC. 1997.
The recipient of the Litton Excellence in Research Award, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
The recipient of four consecutive Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise
(MPPP) Awards, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 1985-1989.
Letter of Congratulations and Commendation from the Chancellor of the California State
University, Long Beach, for NASA grant awarded. 1989.
Four Letters of Congratulations and Commendation from the President of California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, for grants awarded. 1985-1988.
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