Module 2
Medical plants and medical plant material containing phenolic compounds, alkaloids and various
groups of BAS.
Text test questions
1. Red colour is produced when we add alkaline solution to the extract an this tells that in extract such
compounds are present
A. Mucilago
B. Chromones
C. Flavonoids
D. Tannins
E. *Anthraquinones
2. What action 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinones have
A. Diaphoretic
B. Cholegogic
C. Sedative
D. Nephrolitic
E. *Purgative
3. What is the main action of condensed anthraquinones
A. Diuretic
B. Spasmolitic
C. Nephrolitic
D. Sedative
E. *Anticancer
4. Derivatives of emodine have purgative action. When this effect appears:
A. In 30min
B. In 1 hour
C. In 10min
D. In 5-6 hours
E. *In 8-12hours
5. What medicine from Aloe is used to treat eye diseases:
A. Sabur
B. Alcohol extract
C. Juice
D. Tablets
E. *Liquid extract
6. When rhizomes and roots of Common Madder should be collected:
A. From 3-year-old plants
B. From 5-year-old plants in summer
C. From 2-year-old plants
D. From 1-year-old plants in autumn
E. *From 3-year-old plants in autumn
7. From what MRM Purgative drug “Glaxena” is made of:
A. Herba Hyperici
B. Rhadices Rhei
C. Rhizomata et radices Rubiae
D. Rhadices Rumicis
E. *Folia Sennae
8. What medicine from Aloe is used in treatment of anaemia:
A. Alorom
B. Aloe juice
C. Liniment
D. Liquid extract
E. *Syrup with iron (III) sulphate
MRM which contain alizarin has litholitic and nephrolitic action. Choose this MRM:
A. Herba Hyperici
B. Folium Vitis idaei
C. Cortex Viburni
D. Radices Rhei
E. *Rhizomata cum radicibus Rubiae
What medicinal plant containing alizarin derivatives is cultivated in Ukraine
A. Rheum Palmatum
B. Rhumex confertus
C. Frangula alnus
D. Aloe arborescens
E. *Rubia tinctorum
Where anthraqlycosides most commonly occur in plants:
A. Phloem
B. Xylem
C. Epidermis
D. Cork
E. *Cells juice
Choose what physicochemical properties anthracene derivatives have:
A. White crystals
B. Red liquids
C. Yellow amorphous substances
D. Have haemolytic activity
E. *Yellow-brown crystals
What compound belongs to condenced type:
A. Emodin
B. Alizarin
C. Aloe-emodin
D. Sennoside
E. *Hypericin
What medicines contain Rubia tinctorum
A. Sabur
B. Cafiol
C. Regulax
D. Rhamnil
E. *Marelin
It is recommended to filtrate the prepared infusion of Senna to reduce the level of:
A. Tannins
B. Anthraquinones
C. Emodin
D. Chryzacines
E. *Resinous substances
Alizarine derivatives have nephrolitic and cholelitic action. What medicine should be used to treat
kidney diseases:
A. Cafiol
B. Regulax
C. Alorom
D. Vikalin
E. *Marelin
17. Reaction with alkaline solution is the qualitative determination of anthraquinones. The yellow colour
of the ether fraction shows the presence of:
A. Emodines
B. Aloe-emodin
C. Anthrone
D. Anthracene
E. *Chryzophanol
18. What BAS, except anthracene, Rhubarb roots contain in high doses:
A. Flavonoids
B. Emodin
C. Vitamins
D. Hormones
E. *Tannins
19. Medicines from this plant are used in ophthalmology, gynaecology, gastrointestinal diseases as
biogenic stimulators. Choose this plant:
A. Cassia acutifolia
B. Cassia angustifolia
C. Rheum palmatum
D. Frangula alnus
E. *Aloe arborescens
20. Anthraquinones are divided into emodines and alizarins due to the position of:
A. Carboxyl groups
B. Methyl groups
C. Metals
D. Alcohol groups
E. *Hydroxyl groups
21. To what family Cassia angustifolia and C. acutifolia belong to:
A. Rosaceae
B. Liliaceae
C. Rhamnaceae
D. Rubiaceae
E. *Fabaceae
22. Choose the name of Cassia angustifolia:
A. Alder Dogwood
B. Alexandrian senna
C. Chinese Rhubarb
D. Violet willow
E. *Indian senna
23. How to extract anthraglycosides from MRM:
A. With chlorophorm
B. With benzole
C. With diethyl ether
D. With hexane
E. *With water-alcohol solutions
24. How to extract aglycones from MRM containing anthraquinones
A. With water
B. With alcohol
C. With NaOH
D. With water-alcohol solutions
E. *With chlorophorm
25. “Rhamnil” has a purgative action, from what MRM it produced
A. Folia Sennae
B. Herba Hyperici
C. Fructus Sennae
D. Radices Rhei
E. *Cortex Frangulae
When plants contain the highest amount of coumarins:
A. Just after flowering
B. In late autumn
C. In early spring
D. In winter time
E. *During flowering period
Choose the English name of Aesculus hipposastanum:
A. Sweet clower
B. Pastinaca sativa
C. Psoralea drupacea
D. Bullworth
E. *Horse chestnut
About what plant we can tell: “Stem is erect, glandular, pilose to villous. Stipules lateral, 5-15 mm
long, glandular, yellow-punctate. * Leaf alternate, unifoliolately compound, petiole 5-27 mm long,
pilose and flavopunctate, leaflets 2.1-5.0 cm long, c. 2.4-6.0 cm broad, dentate, pilose and blackpunctate on both sides. Inflorescence is paniclE. * Fruit is 4 mm long and 3 mm broad, villous”:
A. Ammi majus
B. Pastinaca sativa
C. Fagopyrum sagittatum
D. Ononis arvensis
E. *Psoralea drupacea
What medicine is produced from fructus Psoraleae:
A. Ammifurin
B. 2% solution
C. Tablets
D. Flavanobol
E. *Psoralen
Choose the latin name of Mellilotus officinalis:
A. Buckwheat
B. Elder flower
C. Bullwort
D. Parsnip
E. *Sweet clover
“Pastinacin” is prodused from Pastinaca sativa and is used to:
A. Treat alopecia
B. Prevent angina strokes
C. Treat bladder problems
D. Prevent feverish conditions
E. *Treat vitiligo
Chromones are divided into 5 groups. Which of them have pharmaceutical activity:
A. Simple chromones
B. Benzochromones
C. Pyranochromones
D. They are not of great pharmaceutical importance
E. *Furanochromones
What plant has furanochromones and used to treat bronchospasm and chronic angina:
A. Anethum graveolens
B. Ficus carica
C. Ammi majus
D. Pastinaca sativa
E. *Ammi visnaga
What furochromone is a potent coronary vasodilatator ?
A. Bergapten
B. Cardenolide
C. Xanthotoxin
D. Leucoanthocyanidin
E. *Khellin
Dihydrocoumarin belongs to:
A. Coumestanes
B. Isocoumarins
C. Benzocoumarins
D. Furanocoumarins
E. *Simple coumarins
This MPM consists of furanochromones (khellin and visnagin), pyranocoumarin (visnadine); volatile
and fixed oils. It is used as coronary spasmolytic, diuretic. Described MPM is:
A. Cortex Frangulae
B. Fructus Crataegi
C. Fructus Ficusi cariacae
D. Fructus Visnagae daucoides
E. *Fructus Anethi graveolens
“The fruit is 4–5 mm long and 1 mm thick, and straight to slightly curved with a longitudinally
ridged surface”. These are macroscopical characters of:
A. Fructus Rhamni catharticae
B. Fructus Crataegi
C. Fructus Ficusi cariacae
D. Fructus Ammi majoris
E. *Fructus Anethi graveolens
“Beroxan” has strong photosensitizing properties thus is used to treat alopecia and vitiligo. From
what plant it can be produced:
A. Ficus carica
B. Psoralea drupacea
C. Ammi majus
D. Ammi visnaga
E. *Pastinaca sativa
What is the main action of “Regulax” which contain common fig:
A. Photosensitizing
B. Diuretic
C. Cholagogue
D. Sedative
E. *Laxative
What test is used for qualitative determination of coumarins:
A. Cyanidine test
B. With FeCl3
C. With lead acetate
D. With KOH
E. *Lactone test
“It grows to 36 m tall, with a domed crown of stout branches, on old trees the outer branches often
pendulous with curled-up tips. The leaves are opposite and palmately compound, with 5-7 leaflets;
the flowers are usually white with a small red spot; they are produced in spring in erect panicles
10-30 cm tall with about 20-50 flowers on each panicle. * Usually only 1-5 fruit develop on each
panicle; the fruit is a green, softly spiky capsule containing one (rarely two or three) nut-like
seeds”. Choose this plant:
A. Helicrysum arenaria
B. Tanacetum vulgare
C. Bergenia crassifolia
D. Visnaga daucoides
E. *Aesculus hippocastanum
What colour is produced in reaction with alkali and diazoreagent:
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Pink
E. *Brownish-red
What is the main action of horse-chestnut:
A. Sedative
B. Spasmolitic
C. Bactericide
D. Cardioprotective
E. *Venotonic
What is the latin name of Bishops Flomer or False queen Anne’s lace:
A. Psoralea drupacea
B. Melillotus officinalis
C. Aesculus hippocastanum
D. Ammi visnaga
E. *Ammi majus
“Aescusan”, “Aescin”, “Venitan”,”Venoplant”, “Vennen Theiss” have venotonic action and used to
treat varicose veins, they contain:
A. Fagopyrum sagitatum
B. Pastinaca sativa
C. Ononis arvensis
D. Centaurea cyanus
E. *Aesculus hippocastanum
Medicines from leaves are used to treat alopecia and vitiligo. Syrup is produced from fruits and has
smooth laxative effect. Choose this MP:
A. Parsnip
B. Bullwort
C. Khella
D. Dill
E. *Common fig
To what family Common fig belongs to:
A. Apiaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Rosaceae
D. Crossulaceae
E. *Moraceae
This drug is produced from Visnaga daucoides and has spasmolitic activity on the ureters
musculaturE. * Choose it:
A. Psoralen
B. Anethin
C. Cafiol
D. Regulax
E. *Avisan
Main action of fructus Anethi is:
A. Astringent
B. P-vitaminic
C. Diaphoretic
D. Sedative
E. *Spasmolitic
Thin-layer chromatography can be used to determine coumarins. What colour UV-light has:
A. Black
B. Red
C. Brown
D. Pink
E. *Green
The seed is compressed oval-shaped body less than 5 millimeters long. The greyish-brown mericarps
are usually separate but are sometimes attached to the carpophore. * Each mericarp is broadly
ovoid. It has five prominent ridges and six vittae. * Odour is slightly aromatic, taste very bitter.
What MRM is described:
A. Fructus Anethi
B. Fructus Ficusi caricae
C. Fructus Pastinacae
D. Fructus Psoraleae
E. *Fructus Visnagae daucoides
Infusion has expectorant and blood thinning activity. Herb is part of “Cardiophyt”:
A. Fructus Psoraleae
B. Fructus Visnagae daucoides
C. Fructus Anethi
D. Folia Hippocastani
E. *Herba Melliloti
Khellin and visnagin are:
A. Simple chromones
B. Simple coumarines
C. Furanocoumarins
D. Benzochromones
E. *Furanochromones
Fruits of raspberry have:
A. Diuretic action
B. Expectorant action
C. Anti-stress action
D. Tonic action
E. *Diaphoretic action
Folia Vitis idaea contain arbutin. What is the chemical test for arbutin:
A. With iron-ammonium alum
B. With cholesterinum solution
C. With Felling’s solution
D. With 0.1M NaOH
E. *With iron (III) sulphate
What compound is available in golden root:
A. Salycilic acid
B. Salycin
C. Formic acid
D. Cynarin
E. *Rhodioloside
Thick extract from the rhizomes of Male fern is used as:
A. Diaphoretic
B. Diuretic
C. Expectorant
D. Anti-inflammatory medicine
E. *Anthelmintic
58. To treat stomatitis, gingivitis, parodontitis we use:
A. Bearberry leaves
B. Lingonberry leave
C. Poeny roots
D. Raspberry fruits
E. *Willow bark
59. MRM of Peony is herb, rhizomes and roots. What medicine is produced from them:
A. Syrup
B. Infusion
C. Decoction
D. Tea
E. *Tincture
60. Which plant has expectorant action and is part of chest mixes:
A. Peony
B. Willow
C. Raspberry
D. Male fern
E. *Pansy
61. What is MRM of lingonberry:
A. Flores
B. Herba
C. Cortex
D. Rhizomata et radices
E. *Folia
62. To what family Arctostaphylos uva-ursi belongs to:
A. Salicaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. Grossulaceae
D. Asteraceae
E. *Ericaceae
63. What is the latin name of Willow:
A. Peonia anomala
B. Viola arvensis
C. Viola tricolour
D. Rubus idaeus
E. *Salix acutifolia
64. What plant can be collected by mistake as bearberry:
A. Rosa canina
B. Rhodiola rosea
C. Peonia anomala
D. Viola arvensis
E. *Chimaphyla umbellate
65. To what family Raspberry belongs to:
A. Asteraceae
B. Salicaceae
C. Liliaceae
D. Rhamnaceae
E. *Rosaceae
66. This plant may cause such side effects as nausea, green urine, bluish-grey skin, vomiting, fever,
chills, ringing in the ears :
A. Lingonberry
B. Artichoke
C. Pansy
D. Willow
E. *Bearberry
Due to the high content of what BAS Viola tricolour and V. arvensis have anti-inflammation action:
A. Formic acid
B. Pectines
C. Tyrozol
D. Rhodioloside
E. *Salycilic acid
Cynarin increases bile flow, from what MP it can be obtained:
A. Male fern
B. Raspberry
C. Bearberry
D. Lingonberry
E. *Artichoke
While collecting this plant we should be aware of it’s toxic properties:
A. Rowan
B. Stinging nettle
C. Shepherds purse
D. Lingonberry
E. *Male fern
What plant can be collected by mistake as Dryopteris filix-mas:
A. Cynara scolumus
B. Hypericum perforatum
C. Athyrium filix-femina
D. Rosa canina
E. *Matteucia strutiopteris
To what family male fern belongs to:
A. Polygonaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Rhamnaceae
D. Fabaceae
E. *Dryopteridaceae
About what MRM we can tell: “ the leaf is shiny green is normally 7-30mm long and 5-12mm widE.
* The entire leaf is obovate with smooth margins. The leaf is obtuse or retuse at its apex. The lamina
is thick and coriaceous. The venation, pinnate and finely reticulate, is clearly visible on both surfaces.
The adaxial surface is marked with sunken veinlets, giving it a characteristic grainy appearancE. *
Only the young leaf has ciliated margins. Old leaves are glabrous”:
A. Raspberry
B. Artichoke
C. Male fern
D. Lady fern
E. *Bearberry
What is the main biological action of Artichoke:
A. Sedative
B. Stimulant
C. Have anthelmintic action
D. Diuretic
E. *Increases bile production
From Male fern roots can be produced:
A. Juice
B. Decoction
C. Tincture
D. Chophytol
E. * Thick extract
What is the MRM of Cynara scolumus:
A. Rhizomata
B. Radices
C. Herba
D. Flores
E. *Folia et anthodia
If the person has kidney diseases what plant should be used instead of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi as
diuretic and antiseptic drug:
A. Raspberry
B. Willow
C. Wild Pansy
D. Aaron’s root
E. *Mountain cranberry
For the determination of chemical group of saponins we use 0.5M solutions of NaOH and HCl. If the
foam is stable in alkaline and acid mediums we can make the conclusion that saponins are:
A. Steroid
B. Mixture of steroid and triterpene saponins
C. Cardiac
D. Hydrolysed
E. *Triterpene
Plant, containing saponins as major active principles, is…
A. Sylibum marianum
B. Adonis vernalis
C. Convallaria majalis
D. Rubus idaeus
E. *Panax ginseng
Which plant is a source of steroid saponins:
A. Sophora japonica
B. Hippophae rhamnoides
C. Mentha piperita
D. Senna acutifolia
E. *Dioscorea nipponica
Foam forming and haemolytic activity indicate that in medicinal plant materials are present:
A. Volatile oils
B. Vitamins
C. Chromones
D. Anthraquinones
E. *Saponins
Choose the substance from what steroidal hormones cortisone and progesterone can be synthesised:
A. Aescin
B. Shikimic acid
C. Atropine
D. Catekhin
E. *Diosgenin
What colour saponins give in Lafon test:
A. Red
B. Green
C. Blue
D. Yellow
E. *Blue-green
When we determine the chemical group of saponins we use two solutions- alkaline and acid. In what
medium foam of triterpenoid saponins is stable:
A. Acid
B. Neutral
C. Alkaline
D. Both
E. *Acid and alkaline
Which drugs are traditionally used for their antitussive and expectorant properties:
A. Iridoid-containing
B. Sesquiterpene lactone- containing
C. Vitamin K- containing
D. Galactan- containing
E. *Saponin- containing
What action do Herba Equiseti arvensis and Folia Orthosiphonis staminei exhibit:
A. Sedative
B. Adaptogenic
C. Cathartic
D. Astringent
E. *Diuretic
What colour is produced when saponins react with vanillin and sulphuric acid:
A. Yellow
B. Purple
C. Blue
D. Violet
E. *Red
Panax ginseng, Aralia mandshurica, Eleuterococcus senthicoccus are CNS stimulants and they are
members of:
A. Agavaceae
B. Fabaceae
C. Zygophyllaceae
D. Dioscoreaceae
E. *Araliaceae
Infusion of what MPM is used as sedative, hypotensive and diuretic:
A. Rhizomata et Radices Echinopanacis
B. Radices Glycyrrhizae
C. Folia Agavae
D. Folia Orthosiphonis staminei
E. *Herba Astragali dasyanthi
What plant is used for the production of steroidal hormones :
A. Liquorice root
B. Java tea
C. Ginseng root
D. Milk vetch
E. *Folia agavae
Which of the characteristics is indicative for saponins :
A. Optical rotation
B. Biological units
C. Refractive index
D. Ether value
E. *Haemolytic index
Choose the Latin name of Yam:
A. Glycyrrhiza glabra
B. Aralia mandshurica
C. Panax ginseng
D. Astragalus dasyanthus
E. *Dioscorea nipponica
92. Steroidal saponins are used for the production of corticosteroids and in treatment of:
A. Gout
B. Bronchitis
C. Hypertension
D. Hypotension
E. *Atherosclerosis
93. The main constituents of this plant are gecogenin, manogenin and gitogenin, choose the plant:
A. Liquorice root
B. Manchurian aralia
C. Java tea
D. Field Restharrow
E. *Agave
94. About what MPM we can tell: ” Subcylindrical roots, somewhat spindle-shaped, fleshy, and
frequently 2- to several branched in lower portion, up to 12 cm in length and up to 2.5 cm in
thickness, the upper portion with a crown showing one or more stem scars and annulations, fracture
short, internally pale yellowish to yellowish-brown and exhibiting a broad, soft, whitish bark, a dark
brown cambium line and a distinctly radiate, hard wood; scattered through the bark and wood are
numerous oil and resin canals; odour slightly aromatic, taste sweetish, aromatic, mucilaginous and
slightly bitter”:
A. Manchurian aralia
B. Liquorice root
C. China root
D. Tansy
E. *Ginseng root
95. This medicine is used for the treatment of trichomonadal colpitis:
A. Glycyrrham
B. Glycyrrhiza extract
C. Saparal
D. Yokhimbe-extract
E. *Glycyrrhinol
96. What is the main constituent of Yam:
A. Ursolic acid
B. Araliin
C. Gecogenin
D. Gitogenin
E. *Dioscin
97. Choose the Latin name of century plant:
A. Tanacetum vulgare
B. Adonis vernalis
C. Tribulus terestris
D. Citrus limonum
E. *Agava americana
98. The main uses of this MPM is demulcent, expectorant and as flavouring agent:
A. Radices Araliae mandshuricae
B. Radices Ginseng
C. Herba Astragali dasyanthi
D. Folia Orthosiphonis staminei
E. *Radices Glycyrrhizae
99. What is the English name of Orthosiphon stamineus:
A. Ginseng root
B. Japanese Pagoda tree
C. Chokeberries
D. Buckwheat
E. *Java tea
What are the main uses of saparal tablets which are produced from Aralia mandshurica:
A. To treat hypertension
B. To treat gout
C. To treat cystitis
D. As diuretic
E. *To treat hypotension and depression
What colour appears when we do the chemical test for tannins:
A. Lilac
B. Pink
C. Light-blue
D. Green
E. *Black-blue
Brusniver has diuretic and nephrolitic action. From what MP it can be produced:
A. Marigold
B. Bearberry
C. Artichoke
D. Bilberry
E. *Cowberry
From the list below choose the hydrolysable tannins:
A. Rutin
B. Riboflavin
C. Diphenylethylenes
D. Sugars
E. *Gallitannins
Where is the highest amount of tannins:
A. Vacuoles
B. Cells juice
C. Leaves
D. Petals
E. *Dead or dying cells
To what family smokebush belongs:
A. Saxifragaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Betulaceae
D. Apiaceae
E. *Anacardiaceae
What is the main role of tannins in plants:
A. Atractive
B. Purifying
C. Sedative
D. Colorant
E. *Protective
The positive result of reaction with iron alum and gelatine solution characterizes the presence of:
A. Anthraquinones
B. Coumarins
C. Flavonoids
D. Vitamins
E. *Tannins
What main groups of tannins, which differ by their structure, as well as their biogenic origin are
generally distinquished? Choose the most correct answer:
A. Condenced tannins and oxystylbens
B. Pyrogallols and pyrocatechins
C. Flavan-3-ols and flavan-3,4-diols
D. Oxystylbenes and phlobaphenes
E. *Hydrolysable and condensed
What type of compounds consists of gallic and hexahydroxydiphenic acids and their derivatives
esterified with glucose:
A. Condensed tannins
B. Phenolic alcohols
C. Khalkones
D. Flavonoids
E. *Hydrolysable tannins
What plant material contains both condensed and hydrolysable tannins:
A. Cocoa
B. Oak bark
C. Turkish galls
D. Chinese galls
E. *Tea
From what material pharmaceutical tannin is prepared:
A. Cassia pods
B. Wattle
C. Myrobalans trees
D. Quebracho
E. *Oak galls
These tannins give red colour with vanillin and concentrated HCI:
A. Hydrolysable
B. Gallitannins
C. Ellagitannins
D. Condenced and hydrolysable
E. *Condenced
Condensation of at least two flavan-3-ols or flavandiols-3,4 results mostly in formation of:
A. Hydrolysable tannins
B. Anthraquinone dimers
C. Coumarin
D. Salicylic acid
E. *Non-hydrolysable tannins
Due to what reaction may two principal groups of tannins be distinguished?
A. Precipitation with gelatine solution
B. Precipitation of solutions of alkaloids
C. Wilson’s reaction
D. Boerntraeger’s test
E. *Reaction with ferric salts
Astringent action forms the basis for therapeutic application of tannins…:
A. In acute infections
B. As a sedative
C. In kidney stone disease
D. As an expectorant
E. *In the gastrointestinal tract and on skin abrasions
Choose the English name of Rhus coriaria:
A. Smoketree
B. Siberian tea
C. Black alder
D. Cashew
E. *Sumach
Horizontal rhizome is ramified, 1.5-3 cm in width and up to 2m long, dark reddish-brown, lightbrown insidE. * What MPM is described :
A. Radices Rhei
B. Rhizomata cum radicibus Rubiae
C. Rhizomata et radices Rhodiolae roseae
D. Rhizomata et radices Peoniae anomale
E. *Rhizomata Bergeniae
Because of their precipitating qualities, solutions of tannins are utilized in the laboratory as
reagents for detection of:
A. Flavonoids
B. Coumarins and chromones
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Monoterpenoids
E. *Proteins and alkaloids
Extracts of what fruits are used to treat diarrhoea in children and acute enterocolitis in adults:
A. Rhamnus cathartica
B. Crataegus monogyna
C. Foeniculum vulgare
D. Polygonum hydropiper
E. *Vaccinium myrtillus
What family does Quercus robur belong to:
A. Fabaceae
B. Ericaceae
C. Saxifragaceae
D. Anacardiaceae
E. *Fagaceae
What part of Vaccinium myrtillus is used with the medicinal purposes:
A. Rhizomata
B. Radices et Rhizomata
C. Fructus et Alabastrae
D. Flores
E. *Fructus et Folia
Leaves of this plant are used to get tannin, which is part of Galascorbin and Novikov’s liquid:
A. Bergenia crassifolia
B. Alnus incana
C. Quercus robur
D. Foeniculum vulgare
E. *Rhus coriaria
Suppositories Kamilal have antihaemorrhoidal activity. Choose MPM they are produced from:
A. Cortex Quercus
B. Fructus Myrtilli
C. Folia Rhois coriariae
D. Rhizomata Bergeniae
E. *Fructus Alni
What MPM is a source of obtaining tannin:
A. Rhizomata Bergeniae
B. Fructus Anisi vulgaris
C. Folia Uvae ursi
D. Flores Centaurea cyani
E. *Folia Rhois coriariae
Decoction of the bark is used externally as an astringent due to the content of tannins and antiinflammatory agent in treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis, burns and frostbites. The described
plant is:
A. Frangula alnus
B. Potentilla erecta
C. Rhus coriaria
D. Bergenia crassifolia
E. *Quercus robur
What is the extragent for tannins:
A. Cold water
B. Alcohol
C. Organic solvents
D. Gelatin
E. *Hot water
What is the pharmacopoeial method for quantitative determination of tannins:
A. Iodometry
B. Chromatography
C. Boertranger’s test
D. Wilson’s reaction
E. *Permanganatometry
Flacumin contains up to 75% of flavonoids and has cholagogue action. From what plant it can be
A. Elephant’s ears
B. Siberian tea
C. Black Alder
D. English Oak
E. *Common smoketree
This medicine is used as anti-inflammation and pain-killing drug to treat indigestion and is
obtained from Fructus Alni:
A. Flavonobol
B. Kamilal
C. Arphazetin
D. Galascorbin
E. *Altan
Choose the latin name of speckled alder:
A. Alnus glutinosa
B. Quercus robur
C. Bergenia crassifolia
D. Rhus coriaria
E. *Alnus incana
“Alternate, simple, leaves with entire margins, oval to obovate shape, leaf tip rounded or notched,
veins are parallel coming off the midrib, long petioles, up to 3.5cm long, leaf colour is bluishgreen”. Choose this MPM:
A. Folia Sennae
B. Herba Bidentis
C. Folia Rhois coriariae
D. Folia Aloes
E. *Folia Cotini coggygriae
Extracts of what fruits, enriched in anthocyanins, are ingredients of drugs used to treat the
functional symptoms of venous and lymphatic vessel insufficiency, nyctalopia and myopia?
A. Cotynus coggygria
B. Ammi majus
C. Sophora japonica
D. Tilia cordata
E. *Vaccinium myrtillus
What compound belongs to isoflavonoids:
A. Rutin
B. Flavonol
C. Quercetin
D. Arbutin
E. *Isoflavon
What colour is produced with lead acetate:
A. Red
B. Green
C. White
D. Blue
E. *Yellow
Choose the latin name of bachelor’s button:
A. Ononis arvensis
B. Sophora japonica
C. Citrus limonum
D. Bidens tripartita
E. *Centaurea cyanus
About what MP we can tell: “Stems are grey-green branched. The leaves are lanceolate, 1-4 cm
long. The flowers are most commonly an intense blue colour, produced in flowerheads (capitula)
1.5-3 cm diameter, with a ring of a few large, spreading ray florets surrounding a central cluster of
disc florets”.
A. Tilia cordata
B. Fagopyrum sagittatum
C. Ononis arvensis
D. Leonurus cardiaca
E. *Centaurea cyanus
Choose the latin name of red leg:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Polygonum hydropiper
C. Crataegus sanguinea
D. Gnaphalium uliginosum
E. *Polygonum persicaria
What medicine can be produced from Polygonum persicaria:
A. Decoction
B. Solid extract
C. Tincture
D. Infusion
E. *Liquid extract
What are the main actions of Motherwort:
A. Diuretic
B. Diaphoretic
C. Laxative
D. Diuretic and cholagogic
E. *Sedative and hypotensive
To what medicine Leonurus cardiaca is included:
A. Flavanobol
B. Aromelin
C. Ascorutin
D. Rutes
E. *Biovital
What is the main constituent of Sophora japonica:
A. Arbutin
B. Cyanidin
C. Gesperidin
D. Riboflavin
E. *Rutin
What plant has P-vitaminic action:
A. Elder flower
B. Lime flower
C. Cornflower
D. Field restharrow
E. *Buckwheat
Choose the latin name of Lime flower:
A. Bachelor’s button
B. Field restharrow
C. Hypericum perforatum
D. Bluebottle
E. *Tilia cordata
What part of Ononis arvensis is used in medicine:
A. Flores
B. Herba
C. Folia
D. Fructus
E. *Radices
What colour is produced in cyaniding test for flavonols:
A. Orange-red
B. Brown
C. White
D. Green
E. *Red
Liquid extract of hawthorn is part of:
A. Aromelin
B. Rutes
C. Brusniver
D. Cynarin
E. *Cardiovalenum
Aspalinat is produced from:
A. Leonurus cardiaca
B. Citrus limonum
C. Bidens tripartita
D. Rheum palmaticum
E. *Scutellaria baicalensis
Which plant raw material can cause fagopirysm:
A. Gnaphalium uliginosum
B. Leonurus cardiaca
C. Polygonum persicaria
D. Scutellaria baicalensis
E. *Polygonum hydropiper
To what family Crataegus sanguinea belongs to:
A. Polygonaceae
B. Asteraceae
C. Lamiaceae
D. Rosaceae
E. *Hypericaceae
Content of rutin in flower buds of Sophora japonica is:
A. 0.01-1.5%
B. 1.5-2%
C. 5-8%
D. 8-13%
E. *15-20%
What substances are used to treat capillary and venous disorders: alone or in combination with
other drugs, they are common ingredients of vascular protective agents and venous tonics:
A. simple phenols
B. Anthraquinones
C. Lignans
D. Naphtoquinones
E. *Flavonoids
What compounds are able to decrease capillary permeability and fragility and are refered to as Pfactors:
A. Lignans
B. Simple phenols
C. Xanthones
D. Hesperitin
E. *Flavonoids
What action do flavonoids of Helichrysum arenaria possess?
A. Sedative
B. Photosynthesizing
C. Laxative
D. Astrigent
E. *Cholagogic
What plant has the positive effect on myocardial contractility, enhances blood circulation and has
hypotensive activity:
A. Rubia tinctoria
B. Ammi majus
C. Rhamnus cathartica
D. Polygonum avicularae
E. *Crataegus sanguinea
Phytopharmaceuticals of what plant are traditionally used to enhance urinary elimination functions,
to enhance renal excretion of water:
A. Humulus lupulus
B. Strophantus combe
C. Aronia melanocarpa
D. Rhus cariaria
E. *Equisetum arvense
Among listed MPM choose one with the highest content of rutin, that is used as P-vitaminic
A. Fructus Sennae
B. Fructus Myrtilly
C. Cortex Frangulae
D. Fructus Psoraleae
E. *Fructus Aroniae melanocarpae recentes
What dosage form is produced from Marshpepper knotweed:
A. Powder
B. Tablets
C. Syrup
D. Drops
E. *Liquid extract
Rutin and quercetin are examples of:
A. Simple phenols
B. Lignans
C. Saponins
D. Naphtoquinones
E. *Flavonoids
159. About what MP we can tell: “The leaves are flattened, the lower ones being elliptical in shape, the
upper ones are linear. They are wooly on both sides. The flower heads are arranged in loosely, a
cross between umbel and corymb. They are 3 to 4 mm wide of bright golden yellow florets”:
A. Tansy
B. Chokeberries
C. Buckwheat
D. Elder flower
E. *Dwarf everlast
160. One of the representatives of flavones is:
A. Apigenin
B. Salicylic acid
C. Aloe-emodin
D. Ergocalciferol
E. *Arbutin
161. Semi-synthetic drug “Aspalinat” is produced from:
A. Helichrysum arenaria
B. Tanacetum vulgare
C. Bergenia crassifolia
D. Visnaga daucoides
E. *Baical scullcap
162. To what family Gnaphalium uliginosum belongs to:
A. Lamiaceae
B. Polygonaceae
C. Hypericaceae
D. Equisetaceae
E. *Asteraceae
163. What is the main action of medicines from Helichrysum arenarium:
A. Diuretic
B. Diaphoretic
C. P-vitaminic
D. Sedative
E. *Cholagogic
164. What is the main action of Flavanobol? :
A. Sedative
B. Taenicide
C. Diuretic
D. Disinfectant
E. *Anabolic
165. To what family Ononis arvensis belongs to:
A. Asteraceae
B. Tiliaceae
C. Caprifoliaceae
D. Polygonaceae
E. *Fabaceae
166. “Plant is a little-branched, glabrous herb often with reddish stems and producing a cymose paniculate
inflorescence with pink or white flowers. Dark green leaves, paler on the lower surface, are
broadly triangular in outline, cordate-saggitate and acuminatE. * The main constituent is rutin”.
Choose this plant:
A. Aronia melanocarpa
B. Sambucus nigra
C. Ammi majus
D. Gnaphalium uliginosum
E. *Fagopyrum sagittatum
167. The infusion from this plant can be used to treat bladder and kidney problems, blood in the urine,
ulcerative colitis, externally is used to treat alopecia. What is this plant? :
A. Euisetum arvensis
B. Tilia cordata
C. Centaurea cyanus
D. Ononis arvensis
E. *Bidens tripartita
168. What part of Field restharrow has uses in medicine:
A. Radices
B. Flores
C. Cortex
D. Folia
E. *Herba
169. Due to diaphoretic action the infusion from Elder flower is used to treat:
A. Varicose veins
B. Bladder problems
C. Alopecia
D. Vitiligo
E. *Flu and cold
170. Flowers of cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) contain 0.6-1% of:
A. Tannins
B. Pectines
C. Rutin
D. Alkaloids
E. *Antocyanes
171. Choose the English name of Bidens tripartita:
A. Field horsetail
B. Tansy
C. Red leg
D. Hurtsickle
E. *Burr Marigold
172. Lime flower due to its diaphoretic action is used for treatment of catarrh and indigestion. What part
of this plant we use:
A. Cortex
B. Radices
C. Herba
D. Folia
E. *Flores
173. Choose the English name of Capsicum annuum:
A. Makino
B. Century plant
C. Ma huang
D. Lilly-of-the-Valley
E. *Chilli
174. There are different reactions of precipitation for alkaloids. What colour is produced with
Dragendorf’s reagent:
A. Yellow precipitate
B. Orange-red precipitate
C. Brown sediment
D. Green colour
E. *Orange-red or brick-red sediments
175. These substances are complex organic compounds of basic nature containing nitrogen in their
structurE. * Choose their name:
A. Tropane alkaloids
B. Phenols
C. Anthraquinones
D. Lipids
E. *Alkaloids
176. Choose the Latin name of Ma huang:
A. Capsicum annuum
B. Atropa belladonna
C. Colchicum autumnale
D. Datura stramonium
E. *Ephedra equisetina
177. In what structures of the cell alkaloids often occur:
A. Cytoplasm
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosome
D. Chloroplast
E. *Vacuoles
178. Internally infusion of this MP can be used to induce appetite and normalize indigestion, but in high
doses it can irritate gastro-intestinal system. Choose this plant:
A. Ephedra equisetina
B. Datura stramonium
C. Colchicum autumnale
D. Agava americana
E. *Capsicum annuum
179. Theophedrine, ephatin spray and solutan are produced from Ephedra equisetina. What is the main
action of them? :
A. Pain-killing
B. Diuretic
C. Cholaqoque
D. Diaphoretic
E. roncholitic
180. Choose the English name of Colchicum autumnale:
A. Belladonna
B. Ma huang
C. Liquorice root
D. Manchurian aralia
E. *Autumn crocus
181. “The plant is a perennial, but usually grown as an annual, with a densely branched stem. The plant
reaches 0.5–1.5 m (20–60 in). Single white flowers bear the fruit which is green when unripe,
changing principally to red, although some varieties may ripen to other colours including brown
and purplE. * Taste is hot spicy.” Choose the plant described:
A. Atropa belladonna
B. Colchicum autumnale
C. Hyoscyamus niger
D. Hippophae rhamnoides
E. *Capsicum annuum
182. If antastman is not available from the pharmacy what you can give to the customer with bronchial
asthma? :
A. Colchamin
B. Capsiol
C. Espol
D. Espumisan
E. *Solutan
183. Infusion of what MPM capsin, espol and capsitrin contain:
A. Herba Ephedrae
B. Herba Violae
C. Rhizomata et radices Rhodiolae roseae
D. Cormi Uvae ursi
E. *Fructus Capsici
184. What is the MPM of autumn crocus:
A. Herb
B. Leaves
C. Flowers
D. Roots
E. *Corm
185. The herb of this plant contains about 2% of alkaloids and the main is L-ephedrine, choose this plant
from the list below:
A. Crocus
B. Belladonna
C. Chilli
D. Makino
E. *Ma huang
186. What is the main application of Zelenin drops:
A. To reduce the lipids level in blood
B. To increase the stamina
C. To treat stomatitis
D. To treat hemorrhoids
E. *To treat heart neurosis
187. Choose the English name of Atropa belladonna:
A. China root
B. Bearberry
C. Naked lady
D. Foxberry
E. *Belladonna herb
188. What is the main application of oil of henbane:
A. To reduce cholesterol level
B. To treat acute angina
C. To cause sweating
D. To treat sore throat
E. *To treat neuralgia and rheumatism
189. What medicine is used to treat climacteric violations? :
A. Anusol
B. Beloid
C. Belalgin
D. Belataminal
E. *Acliman
190. Anusol and betiol have anesthetic action and thus are used to treat hemorrhoids, from what MP it
A. Datura stramonium
B. Ephedra equisetina
C. Capsicum annuum
D. Hyoscyamus niger
E. *Atropa belladonna
191. What is the MPM of chilli? :
A. Leaves
B. Seeds
C. Rhizomes
D. Roots
E. *Fruits
192. Choose the Latin name of henbane:
A. Datura stramonium
B. Colchicum autumnale
C. Rhodiola rosea
D. Viola tricolor
E. *Hyoscyamus niger
193. What drug is used to treat cancer? :
A. Theoephedrine
B. Colchicin
C. L-ephedrine
D. Scopoletin
E. *Colchamine
194. There are different reactions of precipitation for alkaloids. What colour is produced with Marmer
A. White sediment
B. White or yellowish sediment often insoluble in the excess reagent
C. Yellowish sediment
D. Yellowish sediment often insoluble in the excess reagent
E. *White or yellowish sediment often soluble in the excess reagent
195. What substance can be used to stimulate CNS after morphine and scopolamine poisoning? :
A. Hyosciamine
B. Colchamine
C. Colchicin
D. Aromatic acids
E. *Ephedrine
196. Choose the Latin name of thornapple:
A. Hyoscyamus niger
B. Ephedra equisetina
C. Capsicum annuum
D. Dioscorea nipponica
E. *Datura stramonium
197. What is the MPM of Ephedra equisetina:
A. Leaves
B. Seeds
C. Flowers
D. Corm
E. *Herb
198. This plant is a bushy annual attaining a height of about 1.5 m and having a whitish root and
numerous rootlets. The erect aerial stem shows dichasial branching with leaf adnation. The stem
and branches are round, smooth, green. The flowers are solitary, axillary and short-stalked. They
have a sweet scent. What MP is described?
A. Astragalus dasyanthus
B. Hyoscyamus niger
C. Mentha piperita
D. Senna acutifolia
E. *Datura stramonium
199. There are different reactions of precipitation for alkaloids. What is the result of the reaction with
Wagner and Bushard reagent:
A. Brown colour
B. Yellow sediment
C. Red colour
D. Orange-red sediment
E. *Fulvous sediment
200. If henbane oil is not available from the pharmacy oil of what plant you can offer to the customer:
A. Castor oil
B. Sunflower oil
C. Peach oil
D. Fish oil
E. *Thornapple oil
201. What is the MPM of Atropa caucasica:
A. Rhizomes
B. Bulbotuber
C. Fruits
D. Bark
E. *Dried leaves, flowering tops and roots
202. What is the MPM of henbane:
A. Flores
B. Tuber
C. Rhizomata cum radicibus
D. Bulbotubera
E. *Folia, herba
203. There are different reactions of precipitation for alkaloids. What is the result of the reaction with
silicone tugsten acid:
A. Yellowish sediment often insoluble in the excess reagent
B. White or yellowish sediment often soluble in the excess reagent
C. Yellow sediment
D. Green colour
E. *Whitish precipitate
204. What is the main action of besalol, belastesin and becarbon? :
A. Diuretic
B. Carminative
C. Antimicrobial
D. Anaesthetic
E. *Antispasmodic
205. What is the MPM of thornapple:
A. Flores
B. Herba
C. Semina
D. Cortex
E. *Folia
206. There are different reactions of precipitation for alkaloids. What colour is produced with
Zonnenshtein reagent:
A. Yellowish sediment often insoluble in the excess reagent
B. Green precipitate
C. Blue precipitate
D. White or yellowish sediment often soluble in the excess reagent
E. *Yellowish amorphous precipitate, getting dark-blue or green colour
207. To confirm the presence of alkaloids in Chelidonium grass was conducted the qualitative reaction
with Dragendorph reagent. What colour will appear:
A. cream sediment
B. yellow sediment
C. brick-red sediment
D. brown sediment
E. *red-brown sediment
208. Which of the following plants has cholagogic action:
A. Thermopsis lanceolata
B. Securinega suffruticosa
C. Glaucium flavum
D. Papaver somniferum
E. *Berberis vulgaris
209. Which of the following drugs have anti-cough properties:
A. ukrain
B. sanguirythrine
C. omnopon
D. morphilong
E. *codterpinum
210. Which of the following drugs has analgesic properties:
A. ukrain
B. glaucine
C. broncholytin
D. papazol
E. *omnopon
211. Which of combined drugs include papaverine:
A. codterpinum
B. broncholytin
C. sanguirythrine
D. kodtermopsis
E. *pafilin
212. Choose the plant, the medicinal raw material of which is grass:
A. Securinega suffruticosa
B. Papaver somniferum
C. Berberis vulgaris
D. Stephania glabra
E. *Chelidonium majus
213. What medicinal raw material is used for obtaining the anti-cough tablets "Glaucine":
A. Capitata Papaveris
B. Herba Macleayae
C. Herba Chelidonii
D. Herba Hyoscyami
E. *Herba Glaucii flavi
214. Which of the mentioned alkaloids of isoquinoline series has anti-cough action and does not have a
side narcotic effect:
A. papaverine
B. codeine
C. thermopsin
D. thebaine
E. *glaucine
215. The drug from Ungernia victoris is effective at cerebral palsy. Choose this drug:
A. lycorini hydrochloridum
B. pachicarpini hydroiodidum
C. strychnini nitras
D. morphini hydrochloridum
E. *galantamini hydrobromidum
216. Choose the non-narcotic substitute of codeine:
A. thebaine
B. thermopsin
C. chelidonium
D. berberin
E. *glaucine
217. The addiction to the drug is possible at prolonged application of tablets:
A. glaucine
B. ukrain
C. pafilin
D. nicoverinum
E. *codterpinum
218. At smooth muscle spasms of the abdominal cavity organs use the drug containing alkaloid from
opium, which does not cause the addiction. Choose this drug:
A. papazol
B. pafilin
C. codterpinum
D. omnopon
E. *morphilong
219. Codeine phosphate is used to calm the cough. Which medicinal raw material is the source for its
A. Herba Glaucium flavum
B. Herba Macleayae
C. Herba Chelidonii
D. grass Equisetum arvense
E. *bolls of Papaver
220. The roots of Berberis contain berberin. What type of alkaloids they belong to:
A. alkaloids of benzyl isoquinoline type
B. alkaloids of aporfine type
C. alkaloids of morphinan type
D. alkaloids of protopine type
E. *alkaloids of protoberberin type
221. Opium contains morphine, codeine, thebainE. * What type of alkaloids they belong to:
A. alkaloids of protoberberine type
B. alkaloids of benzyl isoquinoline type
C. alkaloids of aporfine type
D. alkaloids of protopine type
E. *alkaloids of morphinan type
222. What is the specific organic acid contained in opium in the free state:
A. chelidonic
B. chinnic
C. aconitic
D. lactic
E. *meconic
223. From the shoots of Securinega produce the drug with tonic effect, which is used for treatment of
neurasthenias, paralysis, sexual impotence that appeared on the basis of functional nervous
disorders. Choose this drug:
A. Berberini bisulfas
B. Galantamini hydrobromidum
C. Lycorini hydrochtoridum
D. Codeini phosphas
E. *Securinini nitras
224. From the herb of Sophora pachycarpa produce the drug which is used for birth activity strengthening.
Choose this drug:
A. Galantamini hydrobromidum
B. Lycorini hydrochloridum
C. Codeini phosphas
D. Securinini nitras
E. *Pachicarpini hydroiodidum
225. From the leaves of Ungernia victoris produce the drug with broncholytic effect, which is used as an
expectorant at acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi. Choose this
A. Berberini bisulfas
B. Galantamini hydrobromidum
C. Strychnin! nitras
D. Securinini nitras
E. *Lycorini hydrochloridum
226. Alkaloids of galantamine type can be obtained from the following plants:
A. Chelidonium majus
B. Stephania glabra
C. Papaver somniferum
D. Vinca minor
E. *Galanthus woronowii
227. The juice of fresh grass and roots of this plant are used for the treatment of condyllomas and
papillomas. Choose this plant:
A. Berberis vulgaris
B. Glaucium flavum
C. Vinca minor
D. Hyoscyamus niger
E. *Chelidonium majus
228. Chelidonine, homo-, oxy-, methoxychelidonine are the main alkaloids of medicinal plant that grows
throughout UkrainE. * Choose this plant:
A. Berberis vulgaris
B. Glaucium flavum
C. Vinca minor
D. Hyperzia selago
E. *Chelidonium majus
229. Herb of Sophora pachycarpa contains alkaloids. What qualitative reaction confirms it?
A. reaction with alkali
B. reaction with cholesterol solution
C. reaction with ferric ammonium alum
D. reaction with alkali and diasoreagent
E. *reaction with Dragendorph reagent
230. Leaves of Berberis contain alkaloid berberin. What qualitative reaction confirms it?
A. Regal's reaction
B. Raymond's reaction
C. Rosenheinrs reaction
D. with Pheling reagent
E. *with Dragendorph reagent
231. Choose the medicinal raw material containing isoquinoline alkaloids and is used as cholagogic agent:
A. herb of Glaucium flavum
B. herb of Macleayae
C. bolls of Papaver somniferum
D. leaves of Berberis
E. *roots of Berberis
232. Choose the medicinal raw material containing isoquinoline alkaloids and is used as an anticancer
A. grass of Glaucium flavum
B. roots of Berberis
C. grass of Macleayae
D. leaves of Berberis
E. *grass of Chelidonium
233. Choose the medicinal raw material containing isoquinoline alkaloids and is used as a styptic at uterus
A. grass of Glaucium flavum
B. roots of Berberis
C. grass of Macleayae
D. grass of Chelidonium
E. *leaves of Berberis
234. The composition of dry cough medicine for adults includes:
A. extract of Thermopsis grass and Glycyrrhiza roots
B. extract of Althaea roots and Glycyrrhiza roots
C. extract of Glycyrrhiza roots
D. extract of Althea roots
E. *extract of Thermopsis grass
235. What qualitative Pharmacopoeic reaction is used for proving the authenticity of Chelidonium grass?
A. reaction with Stahl reagent
B. reaction with Pheling reagent
C. reaction of price-formation
D. Reaction with ferrous sulfate (II)
E. *reaction with Dragendorph reagent
236. The drug ''Cytitonum" has analeptic action. Choose medicinal raw material - the source for obtaining
alkaloid cytisinum on basis of which is produced "Cytitonum":
A. leaves of Berberis
B. roots of Berberis
C. shoots of Securinega
D. grass of Chelidonium
E. *seeds of Thermopsis lanceolata
237. Most alkaloids are colorless crystalline substances. Rarely, they are painted. Choose alkaloid which
is yellow:
A. cheledonium
B. morphine
C. codeine
D. pachicarpine
E. *berberin
238. Choose the plant from Papaveraceae family that contains opium alkaloids:
A. Berberis vulgaris
B. Glaucium flavum
C. Chelidonium majus
D. Rauwolfia serpentina
E. *Papaver somniferum
239. In pharmacy there is not anti-cough drug "Codterpinum". Choose the drugs with similar effect:
A. "Cytitonum"
B. "Diplacinum"
C. "Bepasalum"
D. "Vincapanum"
E. *"Glauvent"
240. What medicinal raw material is the source for obtaining the antitumor drug "Ukrain"?
A. Folium Belladonnae
B. Herba Thermopsidis
C. Fructus Capsici
D. Herba Macleayae
E. *Herba Chelidonii
241. Choose the plant containing isoquinoline alkaloids:
A. Securinega suffruticosa
B. Coffea arabica
C. Camellia sinensis
D. Catharanthus roseus
E. *Berberis vulgaris
242. What biologically active substances of plant origin give a positive reaction with iron alum solution?
A. Fatty oils
B. Saponins
C. Polysaccharides
D. Bitters
E. *Tannins
243. Burnet raw material (Sanguisorba officinalis) contains tannin. What method should be used to determine
tannin content according to State Pharmacopoeia 1 ledd:
A. Spectrophotometry
B. Chromatography
C. Photoelectrocolorimetry
D. Nephelometry
E. *Permanganatometry
244. Pharmaceutical enterprises produced Tannin from medicinal raw material. What kind of medical plants
can be the source of Tannin?
A. Radix Sanquisorbae officinalis
B. Cortex Quercus roburis
C. Rhizoma Bergeniae crassifoliae
D. Herba Hyperici perforati
E. *Folium Rhus coriariae
245. A patient with heart failure induced by a long-term coronary vessel disorder can be administered a
drug produced out of the following herbal raw material:
A. Berberis roots
B. Calendula flowers
C. Ginseng roots
D. Aralia roots
E. *Hawthorn fruit
246. A patient appealed to the pharmacy's phytodepartment with a request to give him diuretic medicine.
What medicinal raw material it is better to use?
A. Radix Araliae
B. Fructus Sophorae
C. Herba Leonuri
D. Herba Ledi palustris
E. *Herba Equiseti arvensis
247. To identify senna leaves pharmacist- analyst carried out the qualitative reaction on extract of herb with
10% sodium hydroxide solution (red color). What group of biologically active substances exist in the
crude drug?
A. Mucilage
B. Alkaloids
C. Fatty oils
D. Tannins
E. *Anthracene derivatives
248. Pharmacy has got a plan to collect horsetail (equisetum) herb. What species of horsetail is officinal,
used in medicine and should be collected.
A. Hefba Equiseti palustris
B. Herba Equiseti hyemalis
C. Herba Equiseti sylvatici
D. Herba Equiseti pratensis
E. *Herba Equiseti arvensis
249. Rutin has P-vitamin activity. What medicinal raw material should be used for manufacturing of rutin?
A. Herba Polygoni avicularis
B. Fructus Hippophaes
C. Flores Helichrysi arenarii
D. Herba Bidentis
E. *Fructus Sophorae japonicae
250. To determine the identity of the Japanese pagoda tree fruit hydrochloric acid and powder of metallic
magnesium were added to the extract. Observed pink-red color, indicates the presence of:
A. Saponins
B. Tannins
C. Coumarin
D. Derivative of anthracene
E. *Flavonoids
251. To identify medicinal plant material pharmacist-analyst prepared water extract and shook intensively a
test tube, stable and abundant foam appeared. What biologically active substances was present at the
raw material?
A. Fatty oil
B. Tannins
C. Alkaloids
D. Derivatives of anthracene
E. *Saponins
252. For determination of authenticity few drops of solution of iron chloride ware added to decoction of
oak bark. Appearance of dark-blue colour confirms presence:
A. Anthracene derivatives
B. Vitamin K
C. Carottiioids
D. Flavonoids
E. *Tannins
253. A patient came to a drugstore and ordered cowberry leaves. Which of the available herbal raw
materials can be offered as a substitute?
A. Radix Taraxaci officinalis
B. Rizoma Calami
C. Rizoma et radix Sanquisorbae officinalis
D. Herba Achilleae millefolii
E. *Folium Uvae ursi
254. Party of medicinal raw material of senna leaves was received by pharmacy warehouse. Content of what
active agents is the characteristic of quality according to the requirements of Pharmacopoeia:
A. Volatile oils
B. Tannins
C. Flavonoids
D. Coumarins
E. *Anthrocenederivatives
255. The batch of the oak bark (Cortex Quercus) was received by pharmacy warehouse. Content of what
active agents is the characteristic of quality according to the requirements of Pharmacopoeia:
A. Coumarins
B. Anthracene derivatives
C. Flavanoids
D. Extractive substances
E. *Tannins
256. Terms of collection influences on qualitative and quantitative composition of biological active
compounds, there fore the optimum term for collection of alder buckthorn bark is:
A. During rest, in winter
B. During fruiting
C. During blossoming
D. During falling of leaves
E. *During the period of sap movement
257. On the base of licorice root different drug dosage forms are produced, notably tablets, powders,
syrups, teas. The only unused form is injection solution. Licorice roots exhibit haemolytic
properties typical for the following active substances:
A. Polysaccharides
B. Alkaloids
C. Essential oils
D. Iridoids
E. *Saponins
258. Preparations made of ginseng roots have tonic and adaptogenic properties, improvemental and
physical performanc. If the ginseng tincture cannot be found in a pharmacy, it can be substituted
by the analogous preparations made of the following raw material:
A. Radices Rhei
B. Radices Valerianae
C. Radices Inulae
D. Radices Ononidis
E. *Radices Eleutherococci
259. Preparations of Rauwolfia roots are used for treatment of hypertension. Standardization of this
medicinal herbal drugs bases on the content of:
A. Adonitoxin
B. Atropine
C. Hyoscyamine
D. Vinblastine
E. *Reserpine
260. Preparations of ergot (Secale cornutum) are used in gynaecological practice and for сardio-vascular
diseases. Standardization of this medicinal herbal drugs bases on the content of:
A. Ajmaline
B. Atropine
C. Hyoscyamine
D. Reserpine
E. *Ergotoxin
261. Great valerian [Polemonium caeruleum] rhizome and roots contain saponins. What method of analysisis
used to detect levels of saponins content?
A. Saponification value
B. Acid number
C. Ester number
D. Iodine number
E. *Foaming index
262. Medicines «Passit», «Novopassit» are used as tranquilizers, sedative and sleeping pills. These medicines
are obtained from:
A. Common perivincle herb
B. Tickseed herb
C. Sage leaves
D. Elecampane herb
E. *Passionflower herb
263. If the internal surface of buckthorn rind is moistened with 5% alkaline solution, it becomes cherryred colouring. This is the evidence of presence of the following substance:
A. Tannins
B. Alkaloids
C. Saponins
D. Flavonoids
E. *Anthracene derivatives
264. Phytomedicine «Aromelin» exhibits P-vitamin activity. What kind of medicinal plant material is used
to obtain «Aromelin»?
A. Hawthorn fruit
B. Mountain ash fruit
C. Elder black fruit
D. High cranberry fruit
E. *Chokeberry fruit
265. Phytomedicine «Silibor» is used as a hepatoprotective remedy. The source of this phytomedicine is:
A. Equisetum herb
B. Cornflower flower
C. Tansy flower
D. Hawthorn flower
E. *Holy thistle seed
266. Alder buckthorn (black dogwood) bark is used as purgative drug. Alkaline solution was added to
alder buckthorn bark. Red colour appeared that confirmed presence of:
A. Phenol alcohols
B. Saponins
C. Tannins
D. Flavonoids
E. *Anthracene derivatives
267. The medical plant material of Rhamnus cathartica is used as a purgative agent. Choose the medical
plant material of the plant.
A. Corms
B. Leaves
C. Bark
D. Roots
E. *Fruits
268. Leaves of belladonna, henbane and datura containing tropane alkaloids must be stored according to
the following list requirements:
A. List of substances equivalent to narcotics
B. A list (poisonous drug substances)
C. General sales list
D. Essential oil materials list
E. *B list (these drug substances require caution in handling, storage or use)
269. What medicinal plant material should not be tasted during the commodity research (butch quality)
A. Plant materials, which contain vitamins
B. Plant materials, which contain essential oils
C. Plant materials, which contain polysaccharides
D. Plant materials, which contain bitter glycosides
E. *Plant materials, which contain poisonous matters
270. Buckthorn bark contains anthraquinones. When the harvested bark allowed using?
A. In 6 months after harvesting
B. Freshly harvested
C. In 1 month after harvesting
D. Immediately after drying
E. *In 1 year after harvesting
271. The MPM with such characteristics is received for analysis: parts of cylinder roots of various length
covered with longitudinally wrinkled cork. Cleared material is of light-yellow to brown-yellow colour,
light-yellow at fracture, very fibred. Taste is very sweet, slightly irritating. Specify the analyzed MRM:
A. Radices Ginseng
B. Radices Taraxaci
C. Radices Berberidis
D. Radices Araliae mandshuricae
E. *Radices Glycyrrhizae
272. Choose a reagent which pharmacist-analyst should use to identify alkaloids in plant material.
A. Trimm-Hill's reagent
B. Bromine water
C. Alkali solution
D. Stahl's reagent
E. *Dragendorff’s reagent
273. Developing the analytic and normative documentation on the new plant material containing flavonols
pharmacist have to choose qualitative reaction for these substances:
A. Reaction with Wagner's reagent
B. Test for lactones
C. Reaction of sublimation
D. Reaction with quinine hydrochloride
E. *Reaction of cyanidin formation
274. Medicines of horse sorrel [Rumex confertus] roots have both purgative and astringent effects. It is
caused by presence of the following biologically active substances.
A. Iridoids and vitamins
B. Flavonoids and essential oils
C. Essential and fatty oils
D. Coumarins and phenolic glycosides
E. *Anthracene derivatives and tannins
275. Tannins may be used as antidotes for treatment of alkaloid poisonings. Choose a correspondent drug.
A. Elecampane Root
B. Sweetflag rhizome
C. Marshmallow root
D. Madder rhizomes and roots
E. *Tormentil cinquefoil rhizome
276. Tannins have astringent effect and are used for treatment of colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea. What
herbal raw material contains a lot of tannins?
A. Fructus Frangulae
B. Fructus Sambucci nigri
C. Fructus Ribes nigri
D. Fructus Rhamni catharticae
E. *Fructus Myrtilli
277. Emodin, an anthracene derivative, has a purgative effect. Large quantities of
anthracene-derived groups of emodin are contained in the fruits of the following plant:
A. Sorbus aucuparia
B. Elder
C. Blackcurrant
D. Blueberry
E. *Alder buckthorn
278. Motherwort [Leonurus spp] phytomedicines are hypotensive and sedative remedies. The harvesting of
the material should be carried out:
A. every year
B. once 2 years
C. once 3 years
D. once 10 years
E. *once 5 years
279. Bearberry [Arctostaphylos uva- ursi] leaf is used as an uroseptic drug. Allowed admixture to the
material is:
A. leaves shepherd's purse leaves
B. foxglove leaves
C. smoke-tree [Cotinus coggygria] leaves
D. nettle leaves
E. *cowberry [Vaccinium vitis idaea]
280. Analyzing flowers of sandy everlasting [Helichrysum arenaria] it was received a positive result for
formation of cyanidin. This reaction is evidence for occurrence of:
A. alkaloids
B. polysaccharides
C. coumarins
D. saponins
E. *flavanoids
281. An infusion and liquid extract, obtained from flowers and fruits of hawthorn, are used as cardiotonic
drugs. By spectrophotometry is determined in the material the content of:
A. Cytisine
B. Lipids
C. Atropine
D. Papaverine
E. *Flavonoids
282. Batch of material Radix Ononidis was delivered to the factory for its tincture production.
Quantitative standardization of the plant material is expressed as:
A. Alizarine
B. Hyperoside
C. Quercetin
D. Rutin
E. *Ononin
283. At microscopic analysis of bark cross section were observed presence of wide dark-red cork layer,
tangential collenchyma, calcium oxalate aggregates and bast fibres with the crystal sheath,
medullary rays. The identified MPM is:
A. Manna Ash
B. Birch bark
C. Common buckthorn bark
D. Willow bark
E. *Alder buckthorn bark
284. The medicinal plant material of Rhamnus cathartica is used as a laxative. Choose the impermissible
admixture for Common buckthorn?
A. Alder buckthorn fruits
B. Rhineberry leaves
C. Common buckthorn bark
D. Rhineberry flowers
E. *Alder buckthorn bark
285. The analyzed MPM comprises black shiny drups, up to 6-8 mm in diameter, a stone is large, very
solid, spherical, light brown, with one seed; taste is sweetish, slightly astringent. This MPM should
be diagnosted as:
A. Hawthorn fruits
B. Bilberry fruits
C. Black chokeberry fruits
D. Common buckthorn fruits
E. *Bird cherry fruits
286. Medicinal plant materials are stored as various groups and under special conditions in the
pharmacy. Point out the material which belongs to the general storage group:
A. Valerian rhizome
B. Belladonna roots
C. Spring Adonis herb
D. Strophantus seed
E. *Oak bark
287. Immortele flowers [Flores Helichrysi arenarii] are collected at the beginning of blossom. Specify
phytocenoses for the medicinal plant material collection.
A. Ponds
B. Forestry
C. Meadow
D. Wasteland
E. *Steppe
288. Horse sorrel [Rumex confertus] roots are collected in the particular period of vegetation. Choose it:
A. bud forming
B. blossoming
C. unripe fruiting
D. stems forming
E. *After disappearing of overground portion
289. Industrial plant material for obtaining tannin is:
A. Rhizomata Bergeniae
B. Rhizomata Bistortae
C. Rhizomata et radix Sanguisorbae
D. Fructus Viburni
E. *Folium Cotini coggygriae
290. The tincture and extracts of which plant material are included in complex pharmaceuticals
«Bellataminalum», «Becarbonum», «Besalolum», «Bellalginum»?
A. Celandine herb
B. Lily of the valley herb
C. Locoweed herb
D. Tickseed herb
E. *Belladonna herb
291. Dust of some medicinal plant materials, containing saponins, can irritate mucous membranes
during processing, drying and grinding; therefore, it should be taken care while working with:
A. Rhizomata et radices of Rubiae
B. Rhizomata Tormentillae
C. Radices Araliae
D. Rhizomata Bistortae
E. *Rhizomata et radices Polemonii
292. Pharmacy network carry out determination of reserve [stocks] of bistort rhizome. The periodicy of
possible year harvesting of the material comprise:
A. once in 7 years
B. once in 2 years
C. every year
D. once in 5 years
E. *once in 20 years
293. Parsnip fruits are used for production of hypotensive and photosensitizing remedies. The quality of the
MPM concerns the content of:
A. Vitamins
B. Polysaccharides
C. Lignans
D. Alkaloids
E. *Furocoumarins
294. It is known, that beggar-ticks (bur-marigold) herb is used as a diuretic and sudorific. Officinal species
A. Bidens orientalis
B. Bidens cernua
C. Bidens radiata
D. Bidens frondosa
E. *Bidens tripartita
295. Processing of chromatogram of Belladonna leaf extract developed with Dragendorff’s reagent results in
orange-red spots on the yellow background. It confirms occurence of:
A. Phenolic glycosides
B. Saponins
C. Tannins
D. Cardiac glycosides
E. *Alkaloids
296. Medicine «Ammifurinum» contains furocoumarins. To obtain the substance of these biologically
active substances is used:
A. Angelica rhizome with roots
B. Scurfy pea fruit
C. Parsnip fruit
D. Khella fruit
E. *Ammi fruit
297. A phytopreparation "Flacarbinum" has spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and antiulcer effect. This
preparation is produced out of the following plant:
A. Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis)
B. Jacob's ladder blue (Polemonium caeruleum)
C. Buckeye (Aesculus)
D. Mountain angelica (Aralia mandshurica)
E. *Licorice (Glycyrrhiza)
298. Medicine «Cratalum» is used as a cardioprotective remedy. The herbal source of the medicine is:
A. Peppermint leaves
B. Peony herb
C. Foxglove leaves
D. Lily of the valley leaves
E. *Hawthom fruit
299. Flavonoids are the major active substances of hawthorn fruits. What pharmacological effects they
A. Spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory
B. Laxative (cathartic) and sedative
C. Tonic and anticonvulsive
D. Diuretic and antihaemorrhagic
E. *Hypotensive and sedative
300. To determine the identity of immortelle flowers (sandy everlasting), hydrochloric acid and magnesium
powder were added to the extract. The developed red colour indicates the presence of:
A. Vitamins
B. Polysaccharides
C. Tannins
D. Alakaloids
E. *Flavonoids
301. To determine the identity of the plant material, magnesium powder and concentrated hydrochloric acid
were added to the extract of hawthorn flowers (Flores Crataegi). The developed pink colour indicates
occurence of:
A. Alkaloids
B. Coumarins
C. Tannins
D. Mucilage
E. *Flavonoids
302. Analyzing flowers of sandy everlasting, there was received a positive result of the cyanidine test. The
carried out reaction confirms presence of:
A. Alkaloids
B. Polysaccharides
C. Coumarins
D. Saponins
E. *Flavanoids
303. What medicinal plant material is a source of a laxative drug “Senadexinum”?
A. Herba Hyperici
B. Herba Meliloti
C. Fructus Ammi majoris
D. Fructus Pastinacae sativae
E. *Folia Sennae
304. The major active substances of Folia Sennae and Fructus Sennae are exemplified by sennosides A, B,
C and D. Which type of biologically active compounds do they belong to?
A. Thioglycosides
B. Phenolic acids
C. Flavonoids
D. Iridoids
E. *Anthracene-derivatives
305. Buckthorn fruits contain anthracene derivatives. What qualitative reactions do confirm presence of these
compounds in MPM?
A. Reaction with Foehling's reagent
B. Reaction with Dragendorff’s reagent
C. Reaction with iron alum solution
D. Reaction with ferric sulphate
E. *Reaction with alkali solution
306. The alkaloid codeine is prescribed as an antitussive. Which MPM contains this alkaloid?
A. Tea leaves
B. Plume Poppy herb]
C. Celandine (Killwort) herb
D. Common periwinkle herb
E. *Opium poppy capsules
307. What alkaloid containing phytomedicine is used for the treatment of neurasthenia, insomnia,
limacteric disorders?
A. Vinblastin
B. Ergotamin
C. Glaucine hydrochloride
D. Securinine nitrate
E. *Novopassit
308. A laboratory received some herbal raw material for analysis. It is a composition of ovoid-pointed
leaves up to 25 cm long and 20 cm wide; the leaf base is cuneate, the leaf edge is emarginate, The
cutting is long and cylindric. The leaf venation is pinnatisect; the midrib and the first-order veins
project significantly on the inferior surface of the leaf. The superior leaf surface is dark green, the
inferior surface is light green. The plant has a weak narcotic smell. The taste cannot be
determined. The plant is poisonous! The described herbal raw material relates to the following
A. Salvia officinalis
B. Passiflora incarnata
C. Chelidonium majus
D. Vinca minor
E. *Datura stramonium
309. What raw material, is harvested from the Bearberry?
A. Herb
B. Roots
C. Flowers
D. Seeds
E. *Leavs
310. Rhizomata, as medicinal plant material, is harvested from the plant:
A. Vaccinium vitis idaea
B. Filipendula ulmaria
C. Cetraria islandica
D. Silybum marianum
E. *Dryopteris filix mas
311. By the admixtures fore Bearberry are the following plants:
A. Silybum marianum
B. Dryopteris filix mas
C. Filipendula ulmaria
D. Cetraria islandica
E. *Vaccinium vitis idaea
312. Reason of mountain Cranberry leaves darkening of usual is:
A. Presents of admixtures
B. Natural drying
C. Artificial drying
D. Wrong transportation
E. *Wrong harwesting
313. Choose reagents, used to find out phenolic constituents in medicinal plant material
A. Solution of methylene blue
B. Concentrated HCl
C. Molish reagent
D. Potassium hydroxide
E. *Dinitroreagent
314. What Pharmacopoeial method is used to determine contents of arbutin in MPM?
A. Permanganatometry
B. Gravimetry
C. Chelatometry
D. Spectrophotometry
E. *Iodometri
315. What bioactive phenolic components besides simple phenols in the leaves of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
are contained?
A. Enzymes
B. Sterine
C. cardiac glycosides
D. Alkaloids
E. *Gallotannins
316. Nominate a major pharmacological effect, typical for preparations of Vaccinium vitis idaea:
A. Restorative
B. Styptic
C. Sudorific
D. Sedative
E. *Diuretic
317. Chromones are natural products that have the following sceletion:
A. α-pyrone and benzene rings
B. β-pyrone and benzene rings
C. Quinones structure
D. Isoprene structure
E. *γ- pyrone and benzene rings
318. Select the reaction for detection of coumarin derivatives:
A. With gelatine solution
B. Foam formation
C. With formalin and hydrochloric acid
D. Libermann-Burshard reaction
E. *Nitrodye formation
319. Scutellariae baicalensis grows widly in:
A. North Africa
B. North Europe, in montains
C. Eastern Asia
D. Ucraine, in Carpathian region
E. *Wet woods of Siberia and China
320. The following reagent is used for histochemical detection of antraquinones and their derivatives in
A. Sudan-III
B. Methylen blue
C. Iodine solution
D. zinc chloride with iodine
E. *Alkali solution
321. Choose method for quantitative determination of anthraquinone derivatives according to the
Pharmacopoeia Monograph
A. Spectrophotometric
B. Polarographic
C. Gravimetric
D. Densitometry
E. *Photocolourimetry
Test questions to figures
1. What plant is illustrated on Fig.89:
A. Cinchona succirubra
B. Valeriana officinalis
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Cotinus coggygria
E. *Papaver somniferum
2. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.89 contains?
A. Xanthones
B. Polysaccharides
C. Flavonoids
D. Iridoids
E. *Alkaloids
3. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.89):
A. Folia
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Cortex
D. Herba
E. *Capitata
4. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.1:
A. Passiflora incarnata
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Valeriana officinalis
D. Glycyrrhiza glabra
E. *Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
5. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.1 contains?
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Polysaccharides
C. Anthraquinones
D. Iridoids
E. *Simple phenols
6. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.1):
A. Cortex
B. Tubera
C. Tubera cum radicibus
D. Bulbotubera
E. *Folia and cormi
7. What plant is illustrated on Fig.27:
A. Valeriana officinalis
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Glycyrrhiza glabra
D. Passiflora incarnata
E. *Crataegus sanguinea
8. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.27 contains?
A. Anthraquinones
B. Polysaccharides
C. Iridoids
D. Cardiac glycosides
E. *Flavonoids
9. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.27):
A. Folia
B. Cortex
C. Tubera cum radicibus
D. Herba
E. *Fructus, flores
10. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.27:
A. Primula veris
B. Taxus baccata
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Glycyrrhiza glabra
E. *Crataegus sanguinea
11. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.27 contains:
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Anthraquinones
C. Iridoids
D. Polysaccharides
E. *Flavonoids
12. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.27):
A. Folia
B. Cortex
C. Tubera cum radicibus
D. Herba
E. *Fructus, flores
13. What plant is illustrated on Fig.3:
A. Glycyrrhiza glabra
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Taxus baccata
D. Primula veris
E. *Rhodiola rosea
14. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.3 contains?
A. Flavonoids
B. Iridoids
C. Tanins
D. Coumarins
E. *Simple phenoles
15. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.3):
A. Folia
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Herba
D. Flores
E. *Rhizomata et radices
16. What plant is illustrated on Fig.5:
A. Glycyrrhiza glabra
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Rhodiola rosea
D. Primula veris
E. *Paeonia anomala
17. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.5 contains?
A. Flavonoids
B. Iridoids
C. Tanins
D. Coumarins
E. *Simple phenoles
18. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.5):
A. Folia
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Corme
D. Flores
E. *Rhizomata et radices
19. What plant is illustrated on Fig.6:
A. Paeonia anomala
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Rhodiola rosea
D. Primula veris
E. *Rubus idea
20. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.6 contains?
A. Alkaloids
B. Iridoids
C. Tanins
D. Coumarins
E. *Simple phenols and flavonoids
21. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.6):
A. Folia
B. Rhizomata et radices
C. Corme
D. Flores
E. *Fructus
22. What plant is illustrated on Fig.7:
A. Paeonia anomala
B. Rubus idea
C. Rhodiola rosea
D. Primula veris
E. *Cynara scolymus
23. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.7 contains?
A. Alkaloids
B. Iridoids
C. Tanins
D. Coumarins
E. *Simple phenols and flavonoids
24. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.7):
A. Fructus
B. Rhizomata et radices
C. Corme
D. Flores
E. *Folia et anthodia
25. What plant is illustrated on Fig.9:
A. Paeonia anomala
B. Rubus idea
C. Rhodiola rosea
D. Cynara scolymus
E. *Dryopteris filix-mas
26. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.9 contains?
A. Alkaloids
B. Iridoids
C. Tanins
D. Coumarins
E. *Simple phenols
27. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.9):
A. Fructus
B. Folia
C. Corme
D. Flores
E. *Rhizomata
28. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.46:
A. Glycyrrhiza glabra
B. Primula veris
C. Valeriana officinalis
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Gnaphalium uliginosum
29. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.46 contains?
A. Saponins
B. Polysaccharides
C. Iridoids
D. Phenols
E. *Flavonoids
30. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.46):
A. Folia
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Flores
D. Cortex
E. *Herba
31. What plant is illustrated on Fig.30:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Valeriana officinalis
C. Primula veris
D. Glycyrrhiza glabra
E. *Scutellaria baicalensis
32. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.30 contains:
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Polysaccharides
C. Anthraquinones
D. Iridoids
E. **Flavonoids
33. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.30):
A. Flores
B. Folia
C. Tubera cum radicibus
D. Cortex
E. *Radices
34. Choose the substance illustrated on Fig.4:
A. Salicylic acid
B. Codeine
C. Ascorbic acid
D. Thebaine
E. *Flavan
35. To what group of biologically active substances the compound illustrated on Fig.4 belongs? :
A. Anthraquinones
B. Lipids
C. Vitamins
D. Phenols
E. *Flavonoids
36. What plant is illustrated on Fig.25:
A. Valeriana officinalis
B. Glycyrrhiza glabra
C. Taxus baccata
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Tanacetum vulgare
37. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.25 contains?
A. Iridoids
B. Cardiac glycosides
C. Polysaccharides
D. Phenols
E. *Flavonoids
38. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.25):
A. Herba
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Folia
D. Cortex
E. *Flores
39. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.23:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Glycyrrhiza glabra
C. Primula veris
D. Valeriana officinalis
E. *Helicrysum arenarium
40. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.23 contains?
A. Iridoids
B. Polysaccharides
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Vitamins
E. *Flavonoids
41. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.23):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Fructus
C. Folia
D. Herba
E. *Flores
42. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.19:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Helicrysum arenarium
C. Primula veris
D. Valeriana officinalis
E. *Centaureae cyanus
43. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.19 contains?
A. Iridoids
B. Polysaccharides
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Vitamins
E. *Flavonoids
44. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.19):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Fructus
C. Folia
D. Herba
E. *Flores
45. What plant is illustrated on Fig.45:
A. Primula veris
B. Glycyrrhiza glabra
C. Valeriana officinalis
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Equisetum arvense
46. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.45 contains?
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Polysaccharides
C. Iridoids
D. Vitamins
E. *Flavonoids
47. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.45):
A. Folia
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Cortex
D. Fructus
E. *Herba
48. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.75:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Cinchona succirubra
C. Glycyrrhiza glabra
D. Macleaya microcarpa
E. *Atropa belladonna
49. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.75 contains?
A. Flavonoids
B. Cardiac glycosides
C. Polysaccharides
D. Iridoids
E. *Alkaloids
50. What parts of this plant are used in medicine (Fig.75):
A. Folia
B. Cortex
C. Tubera cum radicibus
D. Fructus
E. *Folia, herba, radices
51. What plant is illustrated on Fig.80:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Taxus baccata
C. Primula veris
D. Valeriana officinalis
E. *Hyoscyamus niger
52. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.80 contains?
A. Xanthones
B. Lignans
C. Flavonoids
D. Lipids
E. *Alkaloids
53. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.80):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Folia
C. Cortex
D. Herba
E. *Folia, herba
54. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.81:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Valeriana officinalis
D. Cinchona succirubra
E. *Datura stramonium
55. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.81 contains?
A. Phenols
B. Polysaccharides
C. Vitamins
D. Coumarins
E. *Alkaloids
56. What part of this plant is used in medicine? (Fig.81):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Cortex
C. Fructus
D. Herba
E. *Folia
57. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.82:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Valeriana officinalis
D. Cinchona succirubra
E. *Datura innoxia
58. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.82 contains?
A. Phenols
B. Polysaccharides
C. Vitamins
D. Coumarins
E. *Alkaloids
59. What part of this plant is used in medicine? (Fig.82):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Cortex
C. Fructus
D. Herba
E. *Folia, semina
60. What plant is illustrated on Fig.83:
A. Valeriana officinalis
B. Primula veris
C. Cinchona succirubra
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Scopolia carniolica
61. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.83 contains?
A. Iridoids
B. Tannins
C. Lipids
D. Phenols
E. *Alkaloids
62. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.83):
A. Fructus
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Folia
D. Cortex
E. *Rhizomata
63. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.73:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Valeriana officinalis
C. Taxus baccata
D. Primula veris
E. *Ephedra equisetina
64. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.73 contains :
A. Chromones
B. Anthraquinones
C. Flavonoids
D. Phenols
E. *Alkaloids
65. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.73):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Cortex
C. Folia
D. Fructus
E. *Herba
66. What plant is illustrated on Fig.41:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Valeriana officinalis
C. Taxus baccata
D. Primula veris
E. *Vinca minor
67. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.41 contains?
A. Lipids
B. Vitamins
C. Chromones
D. Coumarins
E. *Alkaloids
68. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.41):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Cormi
C. Folia
D. Cortex
E. *Herba
69. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.14:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Aesculus hippocastanum
C. Juglans regia
D. Macleaya microcarpa
E. *Strychnos nux vomica
70. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.14 contains?
A. Vitamins
B. Tannins
C. Phenols
D. Lipids
E. *Alkaloids
71. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.14):
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Cortex
C. Cormi
D. Flores
E. *Semina
72. What plant is illustrated on Fig.95:
A. Valeriana officinalis
B. Taxus baccata
C. Macleaya microcarpa
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Passiflora incarnate
73. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.95 contains :
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Flavonoids
C. Lipids
D. Vitamins
E. *Indole alkaloids
74. What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.95):
A. Folia
B. Cortex
C. Tubera cum radicibus
D. Flores
E. *Herba
75. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.97:
A. Primula veris
B. Macleya microcarpa
C. Passiflora incarnata
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Rauwolfia serpentina
76. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.97 contains?
A. Phenols
B. Vitamins
C. Tannins
D. Flavonoids
E. *Alkaloids
77. What part of this plant is used in medicine (Fig.97):
A. Semina
B. Folia
C. Flores
D. Herba
E. *Radices
78. What plant is illustrated on Fig.63:
A. Passiflora incarnata
B. Taxus baccata
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Macleaya microcarpa
E. *Quercus robur
79. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.63 contains:
A. Flavonoids
B. Cardiac glycosides
C. Alkaloids
D. Anthraquinones
E. *Tannins
80. What is the MPM of the plant (Fig.63):
A. Herba
B. Folia
C. Semina
D. Radices
E. *Cortex
81. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.74:
A. Adonis vernalis
B. Atropa belladonna
C. Datura stramonium
D. Erysimum canescens
E. *Colchicum speciosum
82. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.74 contains?
A. Flavonoids
B. Vitamins
C. Lipids
D. Coumarins
E. *Alkaloids
83. What part of the plant illustrated on Fig.74 is used in medicine?
A. Folia
B. Herba
C. Semina
D. Radices
E. *Bulbotubera
84. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.53:
A. Potentilla erecta
B. Origanum vulgare
C. Arnica montana
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Cassia acutifolia
85. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.53 contains?
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Monoterpenoids
C. Xanthones
D. Phenols
E. *Anthraquinones
86. What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig. 53?
A. Leaves
B. Flowers
C. Fruits
D. Herb
E. *Pods and leaves
87. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.39:
A. Artemisia absinthium
B. Achillea millefolium
C. Arnica montana
D. Acorus calamus
E. *Polyqonum aviculare
88. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.39contains?
A. Saponins
B. Alkaloids
C. Tannins
D. Volatile oils
E. *Flavonoids
89. What is the MPM of this plant illustrated on Fig. 39?
A. Leaves
B. Flowers
C. Radices
D. Seeds
E. *Herbs
90. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.38:
A. Artemisia absinthium
B. Achillea millefolium
C. Arnica montana
D. Acorus calamus
E. *Polyqonum aviculare
91. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.38contains?
A. Saponins
B. Alkaloids
C. Tannins
D. Volatile oils
E. *Flavonoids
92. What is the MPM of this plant illustrated on Fig. 38?
A. Leaves
B. Flowers
C. Radices
D. Seeds
E. *Herbs
93. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.69:
A. Artemisia absinthium
B. Achillea millefolium
C. Arnica montana
D. Acorus calamus
E. *Polyqonum hydropiper
94. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.69contains?
A. Saponins
B. Alkaloids
C. Tannins
D. Volatile oils
E. *Flavonoids
95. What is the MPM of this plant illustrated on Fig. 69?
A. Leaves
B. Flowers
C. Radices
D. Seeds
E. *Herbs
96. What plant is illustrated on Fig.42?
A. Panax ginseng
B. Dioscorea nipponica
C. Agava americana
D. Humulus lupulus
E. *Tilia cordata
97. What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.42 contains?
A. Saponins
B. Volatile oils
C. Alkaloids
D. Iridoids
E. *Flavonoids
98. What part of the plant illustrated on Fig. 42 is used in medicine?
A. Seeds
B. Leaves
C. Herb
D. Rhizomes
E. *Flowers
99. Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.70:
A. Rosa canina
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Arnica montana
D. Origanum vulgare
E. *Capsicum annuum
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.70 contains?
Cardiac glycosides
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig. 70?
What plant is illustrated on Fig.84?
Lamium album
Thea sinensis
Levisticum officinale
Calendula officinalis
*Senecio platyphylloides
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.84 contains?
Volatile oils
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig. 84 is used in medicine?
*Rhizomata cum radicibus and herba
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.62:
Betula pendula
Salvia officinalis
Valeriana officinalis
Polygonum bistorta
*Alnus incana
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.62 contains?
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig. 62?
Rhizomata cum radicibus
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.61:
Atropa belladonna
Inula helenium
Valeriana officinalis
Convallaria majalis
E. *Polygonum bistorta
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.61 contains?
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Anthraquinones
C. Vitamins
D. Flavonoids
E. *Tannins
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig. 61?
A. Flores
B. Strobili
C. Folia
D. Herba
E. *Rhizomata
What substance is illustrated on Fig.18?
A. Lantosid B
B. Quinine
C. Cinchonine
D. Ginkgotoxin
E. *Rutin
To what group of biologically active substances compound illustrated on Fig.18 belongs?
A. Monoterpenoids
B. Tannins
C. Xanthones
D. Cardiac glycosides
E. *Flavonoids
What plant contains compound illustrated on Fig.18?
A. Capsicum annuum
B. Acorus calamus
C. Digitalis lanata
D. Rosa canina
E. *Aronia melanocarpa
Choose the substance illustrated on Fig.10:
A. Lanatoside A
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin A
D. Luteine
E. *Coumarine
To what group of biologically active substances compound illustrated on Fig.10 belongs?
A. Isoquinoline alkaloids
B. Cardiac glycosides
C. Xanthones
D. Monoterpenoids
E. *Coumarins
What plant contains compound illustrated on Fig.10?
A. Cinchona succirubra
B. Agava americana
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Digitalis lanata
E. *Melilotus officinalis
Choose the substance illustrated on Fig.21:
A. Methanol
B. Chromone
C. Benzene
D. Glaucin
E. *Coumarine
To what group of biologically active substances compound illustrated on Fig.21 belongs?
A. Xanthones
B. Monoterpenoids
C. Isoquinoline alkaloids
D. Cardiac glycosides
E. *Coumarines
What plant is illustrated on Fig.93:
A. Convallaria majalis
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Glycyrrhiza glabra
D. Potentilla erecta
E. *Chelidonium majus
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.93 contains?
A. Cardiac glycosides
B. Xanthones
C. Monoterpenoids
D. Phenols
E. *Isoquinoline alkaloids
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig.93 is used in medicine?
A. Flores
B. Cortex
C. Semina
D. Folia
E. *Herba
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.94:
A. Convallaria majalis
B. Glycyrrhiza glabra
C. Potentilla erecta
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Berberis vulgaris
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.94contains?
A. Phenols
B. Xanthones
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Flavonoids
E. *Isoquinoline alkaloids
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.94?
A. Tubera
B. Folia
C. Flores
D. Herba
E. *Folia, radices
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.85:
A. Convallaria majalis
B. Glycyrrhiza glabra
C. Potentilla erecta
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Thermopsis lanceolata
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.85contains?
A. Phenols
B. Xanthones
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Flavonoids
E. *Quinolizidin alkaloids
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.85?
A. Tubera
B. Folia
C. Flores
D. Folia, radices
E. *Herba, semina
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.88:
A. Convallaria majalis
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Potentilla erecta
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Securinega suffruticosa
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.88contains?
A. Phenols
B. Xanthones
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Flavonoids
E. *Quinolizidin alkaloids
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.88?
A. Tubera
B. Folia
C. Flores
D. Folia, radices
E. *Cormi
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.2:
A. Securinega suffruticosa
B. Thermopsis lanceolata
C. Potentilla erecta
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Claviceps purpurea
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.2contains?
A. Phenols
B. Xanthones
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Flavonoids
E. *Indole alkaloids
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.2?
A. Tubera
B. Folia
C. Flores
D. Folia, radices
E. *Cornuti
What compound is illustrated on Fig.44:
A. Lantoside A
B. Mevalonic acid
C. Matricin
D. Purpureaglycoside A
E. *Glaucin
To what group of biologically active substances compound illustrated on Fig.44 belongs?
A. Phenols
Cardiac glycosides
What part of the plant containing the substance illustrated on Fig. 44 is used in medicine?
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.48:
Eucalyptus globulus
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Acorus calamus
Potentilla erecta
*Frangula alnus
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.48 contains?
Cardiac glycosides
Isoquinoline alkaloids
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.48?
What plant is illustrated on Fig.51:
Convallaria majalis
Eucalyptus globulus
Zea mays
Potentilla erecta
*Rumex confertus
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.51 contains?
Cardiac glycosides
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig. 51 is used in medicine?
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.50:
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Potentilla erecta
Eucalyptus globulus
Convallaria majalis
*Rhamnus cathartica
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.50 contains?
Isoquinoline alkaloids
Cardiac glycosides
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.50:
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.39:
Eucalyptus globulus
Potentilla erecta
Zea mays
Convallaria majalis
*Hypericum perforatum
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.39 contains?
Isoquinoline alkaloids
Cardiac glycosides
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig.39 is used in medicine?
What plant is illustrated on Fig.55?
Zea mays
Hypericum perforatum
Mentha piperita
Marrubium vulgare
*Rubia tinctorum
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.55 contains?
Cardiac glycosides
Isoquinoline alkaloids
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.55?
*Rhizomata et radices
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.64
Convallaria majalis
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Acorus calamus
Petroselinum sativum
*Potentilla erecta
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated Fig.64 contains?
Cardiac glycosides
Isoquinoline alkaloids
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig.64 is used in medicine?
What plant is illustrated on Fig.65:
Convallaria majalis
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Capsicum annuum
Acorus calamus
*Vaccinium myrtillus
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.65 contains?
Cardiac glycosides
Isoquinoline alkaloids
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig.65 is used in medicine?
Rhizomata cum radicibus
*Fructus, folia
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.59:
Convallaria majalis
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Cinchona succirubra
Capsicum annuum
*Bergania crassifolia
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.59 contains?
Isoquinoline alkaloids
Cardiac glycosides
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.59:
Tubera cum radicibus
What plant is illustrated on Fig.60
Passiflora incarnata
Capsicum annuum
Cinchona succirubra
Convallaria majalis
E. *Sanguisorba officinalis
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.60 contains?
A. Iridoids
B. Cardiac glycosides
C. Phenols
D. Xanthones
E. *Tannins
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.60?
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Herba
C. Folia
D. Cortex
E. *Rhizomata et radices
What plant is illustrated on Fig.57:
A. Convallaria majalis
B. Cinchona succirubra
C. Taxus baccata
D. Agava americana
E. *Rhus coriaria
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.57 contains?
A. Vitamins
B. Lipids
C. Cardiac glycosides
D. Xanthones
E. *Tannins
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.57:
A. Fructus
B. Cortex
C. Tubera cum radicibus
D. Herba
E. *Folia
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.52
A. Convallaria majalis
B. Passiflora incarnata
C. Agava americana
D. Cinchona succirubra
E. *Cotinus coggygria
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.52 contains?
A. Sesquiterpenoids
B. Phenols
C. Iridoids
D. Vitamins
E. *Tannins
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig.52 is used in medicine:
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Herba
C. Cortex
D. Fructus
E. *Folia
What plant is illustrated on Fig.17:
A. Cotinus coggygria
B. Passiflora incarnata
C. Lobelia inflata
D. Cinchona succirubra
E. *Ammi visnaga
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.17 contains?
A. Tannins
B. Coumarins
C. Lipids
D. Phenols
E. *Furanochromones
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.17:
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Folia
C. Herba
D. Cortex
E. *Fructus
What plant is illustrated on Fig.15:
A. Pimpinella anisum
B. Ammi visnaga
C. Ammi majus
D. Angelica archangelica
E. *Pastinaca sativae
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.15 contains?
A. Tannins
B. Coumarins
C. Lipids
D. Phenols
E. *Furanocoumarins
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.15:
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Folia
C. Herba
D. Cortex
E. *Fructus
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.78:
A. Cotinus coggygria
B. Taxus baccata
C. Althea officinalis
D. Acorus calamus
E. *Ficus carica
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.78 contains?
A. Sesquiterpenoids
B. Iridoids
C. Phenols
D. Xanthones
E. *Coumarins
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig.78 is used in medicine:
A. Semina
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Cortex
D. Herba
E. *Folia, fructus
What plant is illustrated on Fig.22:
A. Cotinus coggygria
B. Cinchona succirubra
C. Galega officinalis
D. Taxus baccata
E. *Aesculus hippocastanum
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.22 contains?
A. Vitamins
B. Volatile oils
C. Phenols
D. Coumarins, saponins
E. *Coumarins
What is the MPM of the plant illustrated on Fig.22
A. Tubera cum radicibus
B. Rhizomata cum radicibus
C. Cortex
D. Folia
E. *Semina, folia
Choose the substance illustrated on Fig.43:
A. Salicylic acid
B. Flavan
C. Ascorbic acid
D. Thebaine
E. *Arbutin
To what group of biologically active substances the compound illustrated on Fig.43
A. Anthraquinones
B. Lipids
C. Vitamins
D. Flavonoids
E. *Simple phenols
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.100:
A. Cotinus coggygria
B. Taxus baccata
C. Acorus calamus
D. Althea officinalis
E. *Ononis arvensis
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.100 contains:
A. Sesquiterpenoids
B. Monoterpenoids
C. Simple phenols
D. Coumarins
E. *Flavonoids
What part of the plant illustrated on Fig. 100 is used in medicine:
A. Folia
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Herba
D. Fructus
E. *Radices
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 8:
A. Ononis arvensis
B. Taxus baccata
C. Acorus calamus
D. Althea officinalis
E. *Cynara scolymus
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 11:
Aesculus hippocastanum
Cinchona succirubra
Galega officinalis
Taxus baccata
*Crataegus sanguinea
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 12:
Cotinus coggygria
Taxus baccata
Althea officinalis
Acorus calamus
*Aesculus hippocastanum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 13:
Pimpinella anisum
Ammi visnaga
Ammi majus
Angelica archangelica
*Aesculus hippocastanum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 16:
Ammi visnaga
Passiflora incarnata
Lobelia inflata
Cinchona succirubra
*Senna acutifolia
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 16:
Ammi visnaga
Passiflora incarnata
Lobelia inflata
Cinchona succirubra
*Ficus carica
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 24:
Cotinus coggygria
Passiflora incarnata
Agava americana
Cinchona succirubra
*Helichrisum arenarium
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 28:
Convallaria majalis
Rhus coriaria
Taxus baccata
Agava americana
*Crataegus sanguinea
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig29:
Rhus coriaria
Cinchona succirubra
Taxus baccata
Agava americana
*Leonurus cardiaca
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig29:
Rhus coriaria
Cinchona succirubra
Taxus baccata
Agava americana
*Crataegus sanguinea
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 34:
Melilotus officinalis
Agava americana
Eucalyptus globulus
Digitalis lanata
*Frangula alnus
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 35:
Aronia melanocarpa
Acorus calamus
Digitalis lanata
Rosa canina
*Catharanthus roseus
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 36:
Rhus coriaria
Cinchona succirubra
Taxus baccata
Agava americana
*Leonurus cardiaca
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 36:
Rhus coriaria
Cinchona succirubra
Taxus baccata
Agava americana
*Crataegus sanguinea
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 49:
Melilotus officinalis
Agava americana
Eucalyptus globulus
Digitalis lanata
*Frangula alnus
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 54:
Ammi visnaga
Passiflora incarnata
Lobelia inflata
Cinchona succirubra
*Senna acutifolia
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 56:
Rosa canina
Eucalyptus globulus
Arnica montana
Origanum vulgare
*Rubia tinctorum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 66:
Panax ginseng
Dioscorea nipponica
Agava americana
Humulus lupulus
*Thermopsis alterniflora
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 67:
Artemisia absinthium
Achillea millefolium
Arnica montana
Acorus calamus
E. *Ephedra equisetina
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 67:
A. Artemisia absinthium
B. Achillea millefolium
C. Arnica montana
D. Acorus calamus
E. *Glaucium flaum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 68:
A. Artemisia absinthium
B. Achillea millefolium
C. Arnica montana
D. Acorus calamus
E. *Glaucium flaum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 72:
A. Rosa canina
B. Eucalyptus globulus
C. Arnica montana
D. Origanum vulgare
E. *Capsicum annuum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 76:
A. Achillea millefolium
B. Dioscorea nipponica
C. Agava americana
D. Humulus lupulus
E. *Atropa beladonna
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 77:
A. Panax ginseng
B. Dioscorea nipponica
C. Arnica montana
D. Humulus lupulus
E. *Atropa beladonna
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 79:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Dioscorea nipponica
C. Agava americana
D. Humulus lupulus
E. *Atropa beladonna
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 86:
A. Polyqonum hydropiper
B. Achillea millefolium
C. Arnica montana
D. Acorus calamus
E. *Thermopsis lanceolata
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 87:
A. Potentilla erecta
B. Origanum vulgare
C. Cassia acutifolia
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Equisetum arvense
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 87:
A. Potentilla erecta
B. Origanum vulgare
C. Arnica montana
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Hypericum perforatum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 87:
A. Cassia acutifolia
B. Origanum vulgare
C. Arnica montana
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Poligonum aviculare
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 90:
A. Primula veris
B. Macleya microcarpa
C. Passiflora incarnata
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Papaver somniferum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 91:
A. Rauwolfia serpentina
B. Macleya microcarpa
C. Passiflora incarnata
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Papaver somniferum
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 92:
A. Papaver somniferum
B. Macleya microcarpa
C. Passiflora incarnata
D. Eucalyptus globulus
E. *Macleaya cordata
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 96:
A. Eucalyptus globulus
B. Strychnos nux vomica
C. Juglans regia
D. Macleaya microcarpa
E. *Passiflora incarnate
What medicinal plant used as a component of drug on fig 98:
A. Passiflora incarnata
B. Strychnos nux vomica
C. Juglans regia
D. Macleaya microcarpa
E. *Rauvolfia canescens
The fig 26 shows the fruits of hawthorn in the standard packs. What use are they?:
A. As antispasmodic
B. As hemostyptic
C. As cholagogue
D. As diuretic
E. *As cardiotonic
The fig 32 shows the “Quercitin” in the standard packs. What use are they?:
A. As antispasmodic
B. As hemostyptic
C. As cholagogue
D. As diuretic
E. *As protection of capillaries(vitaminP)
The fig 33 shows the “Quercitin” in the standard packs. What use are they?:
A. As antispasmodic
B. As hemostyptic
C. As cholagogue
D. As diuretic
E. *As protection of capillaries(vitaminP
The fig 40 shows the “Arfazetin” in the standard packs. What use are they?
A. As antispasmodic
B. As hemostyptic
C. As cholagogue
D. As diuretic
E. *As hypoglycemic
The fig 71 shows the “Capsicum annuum” in the standard packs. What use are they?
A. As antispasmodic
B. As hemostyptic
C. As cholagogue
D. As diuretic
E. *As irritant agent
What plant is illustrated on Fig.20:
A. Cinchona succirubra
B. Valeriana officinalis
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Cotinus coggygria
E. *Angelica archanqelica
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.20 contains?
A. Xanthones
B. Alkaloids
C. Flavonoids
D. Iridoids
E. *Coumarines
What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.20):
A. Folia
B. Tubera cum radicibus
C. Cortex
D. Herba
E. *Rhizomata cum radicibus
What plant is illustrated on Fig.31:
A. Cinchona succirubra
B. Angelica archanqelica
C. Eucalyptus globulus
D. Cotinus coggygria
E. *Sophora japonica
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.31 contains?
A. Xanthones
B. Alkaloids
C. Coumarines
D. Iridoids
E. *Flavonoids
What is the MPM of this plant (Fig.31):
A. Folia
B. Rhizomata cum radicibus
C. Cortex
D. Herba
E. *Alabastrae
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.37:
A. Artemisia absinthium
Achillea millefolium
Arnica montana
Acorus calamus
*Polyqonum persicaria
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.37 contains?
Volatile oils
What is the MPM of this plant illustrated on Fig. 37?
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.58:
Artemisia absinthium
Polyqonum persicaria
Arnica montana
Acorus calamus
*Cottinus coggygria
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.58 contains?
Volatile oils
What is the MPM of this plant illustrated on Fig. 58?
What drug is made from plant on Fig.47?
Choose the plant illustrated on Fig.99:
Artemisia absinthium
Polyqonum persicaria
Arnica montana
Acorus calamus
*Sambucus nigra
What group of biologically active substances the plant illustrated on Fig.99 contains?
Volatile oils
What is the MPM of this plant illustrated on Fig. 99?
* Flowers