Ans: B

陳偉補習班研究所 96 畢 12 月份線上模擬考微積分試題卷
Which of the following decision-making models is based on the belief that
human behavior is unerringly rational?
a. Behavioral
b. classical
c. Administrative
d. Bureaucratic
e. Hierarchical
Ans: B
Which of the following statements about the classical model of decision
making is FALSE?
a. All alternatives are known.
b. Certainty or the ability to create certainty exists.
c. Rational behavior on the part of decision makers is a given.
d. Decision makers will be affected by personal preferences.
e. All aspects of the decision situation will be evaluated.
Ans: D
The rational model of decision making assumes all of the following
a. the decision maker is logical.
b. the decision maker always has the best interests of the organization at
c. the decision maker has a list of alternatives both standard and creative
from which to choose.
d. the decision maker will select the least expensive acceptable
e. the decision maker will try to eliminate as much uncertainty as
Ans: D
Jorge is responsible for his department’s diversity initiative. He will have
to operate in the _____ environment.
a. internal
b. political-legal
c. task
d. general
e. economic
Ans: A
The task environment is more specific than the general environment.
includes all EXCEPT
a. customers.
b. suppliers.
c. board of directors.
d. strategic partners.
e. regulators.
Ans: C
Top management of a television production company formulated a plan to
increase the company’s revenues by creating American versions of British
television shows. This is an example of a(n) _____ plan.
a. operational
b. strategic
c. single-use
d. contingency
e. standing
Ans: B
If you want to know how an organization will attempt to compete in its
chosen industries or markets, you should look at its _____ strategy.
a. corporate-level
b. deliberate
c. business-level
d. functional
e. emergent
Ans: C
GE competes in industries ranging from medical devices, to appliances, to
television networks. GE’s mixed strategy is an example of _____ strategy.
a. corporate-level
b. long-term
c. business-level
d. functional
e. short-term
Ans: A
Which of the following is NOT a potential disadvantage associated with an
import/export operation?
a. Some products are restricted and cannot be imported or exported.
b. Products may miss the needs of a large segment of the market because
they are not adapted to local conditions.
c. There is a great deal of risk involved compared to other strategic
d. Imports/exports are subject to taxes, tariffs, and higher transportation
e. All of the above
Ans: C
10. If a U.S. company that furnishes the facilities and equipment and a Greek
firm that furnishes the operating capital join together to build ships for
international commerce, they are involved in
a. importing/exporting.
b. licensing.
c. outsourcing.
d. direct investment.
e. a joint venture/strategic alliance.
Ans: E
11. A person’s beliefs about the relative importance of the individual versus
groups to which that person belongs refer to Hofstede’s _____ orientation.
a. power
b. global
c. social
d. time
e. uncertainty
Ans: C
12. People who exhibit _____ tend to place a high premium on material
possessions, money, and assertiveness.
a. aggressive goal behavior
b. power respect orientation
c. collectivism
d. passive goal behavior
e. long-term orientation
Ans: A
13. Top executives at BBT Corporation set the strategic direction for the firm at
corporate headquarters. BBT’s local managers are then informed of these
strategies and given complete freedom to implement them. Which of the
following management functions best describes the freedom provided local
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Decision-making
d. Leading
e. Controlling
Ans: B
14. Which management function do differences between domestic and
international production quality standards fall under?
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Decision-making
d. Leading
e. Controlling
Ans: E
15. A U.S. recording company that wanted to take advantage of the fact that
European teens love everything American would find it difficult to get their
music played on French radio stations. French radio stations are required
to play at least 40 percent French-made music. This requirement indicates
one way that the ____ environment challenges international management.
a. technological
b. cultural
c. political/legal
d. economic
e. natural
Ans: C
16. A(n) _____ business is one that is primarily based in a single country but
that acquires some meaningful share of its resources and/or revenues from
other countries.
a. international
b. domestic
c. multinational
d. intercontinental
e. global
Ans: A
17. Coca-Cola is based out of Atlanta, but reaches into hundreds of countries.
The product is locally packaged but the cola inside is essentially the same
throughout the world. Coca-Cola is edging closer to being a(n) _____
a. international
b. domestic
c. multinational
d. intercontinental
e. global
Ans: E
18. Dansk is an importer/retailer of houseware founded jointly by an American
and a Dane. It imports from every corner of the world to its stores. It is
a(n) _____ business.
a. international
b. domestic
c. multinational
d. intercontinental
e. global
Ans: C
19. Mark & Spencer is an upscale British department store that has a few stores
in the United States and two stores in Paris. According to the classification
scheme in the text, Mark & Spencer is a(n) _____ business.
a. international
b. domestic
c. multinational
d. intercontinental
e. global
Ans: A
20. A(n) _____ business transcends national boundaries and is not committed to
a single home country.
a. international
b. domestic
c. multinational
d. intercontinental
e. global
21. Microsoft announced it would start giving employees stock shares instead of
stock options and that it would record the stocks as expenses on its books.
It was undergoing
a. organization development.
b. organization evolution.
c. organization change.
d. organization implementation.
e. organizational structure.
Ans: E
22. Which of the following factors is an internal force for change?
a. Increases in the prime lending rate
b. Increased attempts by unions to organize new companies
c. A change in attitude of workers toward unannounced layoffs
d. The development of new technology that makes your factory obsolete
e. A foreign competitor introducing a product similar to yours—but less
expensive—into the U.S. market
Ans: C
23. Derivion Corp. is a provider of data processing for banking companies. It
allows companies that bill consumers—utilities, insurance firms, and
telecommunications companies—to outsource electronic billing functions.
The company unexpectedly had to lay off about 10 percent of its workforce
when one of its major clients decided to do its billing in-house. The layoff
was an example of a _____ change.
a. functional
b. planned
c. line management
d. reactive
e. hierarchical
Ans: D
Ans: C
24. During the Lewin’s model second step in the change process
a. people resist change because of self-interests.
b. managers select a change technique.
c. the change is implemented.
d. those who adapt well to the change are rewarded.
e. the organization automates obsolete work practices.
Ans: C
25. Which of the following is NOT a reason why employees are resistant to
a. Uncertainty
b. A high level of risk propensity
c. Threatened self-interests
d. Different perceptions
e. Feelings of loss
Ans: B
26. In a bureaucracy, rules, division of labor, and hierarchies of authority
a. affect goal setting.
b. restrict the flow of information.
c. increase the number of lateral relationships.
d. improve organizational efficiency.
e. reduce the need to process information.
Ans: D
27. Which of the following is NOT a process characterized by Likert?
a. Leadership
b. Decision making
c. Planning
d. Controlling
e. Communication
Ans: C
28. McDonald’s fast-food restaurants operate in a relatively stable environment.
According to the work of Burns and Stalker, which form of organization
design is most appropriate for McDonald’s?
a. Organic
b. System 4
c. Hybrid
d. Matrix
e. Mechanistic
Ans: E
29. A decade ago there was no such thing as a company, but because of
rapid technological evolution, many companies have been created,
have been briefly successful, and have failed in a relatively short period.
Those that have remained have had to be extremely responsive to changes in
their ever-changing external environments. As a rule, you would expect companies to have a(n) _____ design.
a. organic
b. System 1
c. hybrid
d. matrix
e. mechanistic
Ans: A
30. When IBM was pursuing a defender strategy it was likely to
a. be tall and centralized.
b. have narrow spans of management.
c. take a functional approach to departmentalization.
d. follow the bureaucratic approach to organizational design.
e. All of the above
Ans: E
31. The extent to which the contributions made by an individual match the
inducements offered by the organization is referred to as the
a. person-job fit.
b. individual/task match.
c. contribution-competency fit.
d. cognitive component.
e. contribution component.
Ans: A
32. _____ is the relatively stable set of psychological and behavioral attributes
that distinguish one person from another.
a. Behavior
b. Attitude
c. Attribution
d. Personality
e. Motivation
Ans: D
33. Which of the following personality traits is NOT one of the “Big Five”?
a. Agreeableness
b. Locus of control
c. Extraversion
d. Conscientiousness
e. Negative emotionality
Ans: B
34. ____ is the term used to describe an individual’s beliefs about his or her
capabilities to perform a task.
a. Self-efficacy
b. Self-esteem
c. Self-monitoring
d. confidence
e. Machiavellianism
Ans: A
35. _____ is an attitude that reflects an individual’s identification with an
attachment to an organization.
a. Job involvement
b. Organizational commitment
c. Organizational citizenship
d. Job satisfaction
e. Job identification
Ans: B
36. When Heather learned that Jerry Lawler and Mick Foley, two WWF
professional wrestlers, had written a children’s book, she automatically
assumed that it would be too violent for her children to read. Heather is
a. organizational commitment.
b. low self-esteem.
c. stereotyping.
d. selective perception.
e. authoritarianism.
Ans: C
37. The Japanese used to have lifetime employment with one company. But in
the 90s the Japanese economy experienced serious setbacks and Japanese
workers were forced to address _____ needs previously almost guaranteed.
a. esteem
b. physiological
c. belongingness
d. security
e. self-actualization
Ans: D
38. Ron Cole enjoys many good friendships with the people he works with, but
feels a real need to achieve great things in his job. He tries everything he
can think of to get his boss to give him a meaningful project to work on and
to gain some recognition for what he does, but to no avail. Finally, he
concludes that he is wasting his time and reverts to nourishing his
friendships with coworkers. What concept from the ERG theory of
motivation would explain this renewed interest in friendships?
a. Satisfaction-progression element
b. Punishment cycle
c. Frustration-regression element
d. Equity-reduction element
e. Expectancy-decline cycle
Ans: C
39. Charismatic leadership is closely linked with
Ans: D
legitimate power.
instrumental compliance.
legitimate requests.
referent power.
coercive power.
40. Lew Plant, CEO of Hewlett-Packard’s microcomputer division, often
sermonizes to his employees about the necessity of preserving a healthy
balance between work life and personal life. He is the only CEO in Silicon
Valley to be named a Champion of Working Parents by Working Mother
magazine. According to the Michigan studies, Plant is using
job-centered leader
initiating structure
authority-compliance leader
employee-centered leader
Ans: E
41. Which of the following leadership models is a combination of the trait and
Ans: C
leader behavior approaches, with the addition of a situational element?
Path-goal theory
Vroom-Yetton-Jago model
Fiedler’s LPC model
Substitutes for leadership
Vertical-dyad linkage model
42. The new CEO at a company that manufactures scented candles and
Ans: B
potpourri mixes for aromatherapy created a team to get rid of the negative
energy in the company’s offices through the use of feng-shui. He put a
Chinese psychologist in charge of the task for which there was no precedent.
The project was ambiguous and much more complex than the group
members originally thought. Fiedler would describe this leadership situation
as having
a weak power position.
a high degree of task structure.
a low degree of task specificity.
a high degree of task accommodation.
bad leader-member relations.
43. Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of Fiedler’s
contingency model of leadership?
The LPC measure lacks validity.
Its assumptions about the flexibility of leader behavior are unrealistic.
It is unrealistic to combine the behavior and trait approaches in one
Fiedler’s data are subject to other interpretations.
Fiedler’s results are not always supported by research.
Ans: C
44. Adam is a college student who firmly believes that whatever happens to him
Ans: B
is the result of hard work and determination. Which goal situational factor
best describes Adam’s attitude toward himself?
Task structure
Internal locus of control
External locus of control
Position power
Perception of ability
45. Which of the following leadership models suggests that leaders have
different working relationships with the better performers among their
subordinates than they do with the others?
Leader-member exchange
Substitutes for leadership
Life cycle theory
46. Which of the following statements about communication and the manager’s
job is true?
Ans: B
Communication is a part of almost all managerial activities.
The planning function requires little communication.
Communication is the only thing that holds an organization together.
Thanks to electronics, the role of communication is less important now
than it was ten years ago.
Communication is so complex that managers need not try to understand
the process.
Ans: A
47. Ashley was being interviewed for a job opening when her interviewer was
interrupted by his assistant with an urgent phone message.
example of
This is an
body language.
a semantic problem.
three-way communication.
48. The biggest single drawback of written communication is
Ans: C
Ans: A
its slow feedback and interchange.
its lack of clarity.
the formal implications it carries.
the lack of time for preparation.
its lack of accuracy.
49. During which stage of group development do the members try out various
Ans: C
forms of behavior in an attempt to test the water and see what will be
acceptable in the group?
50. When the sent role is unclear, the result is
intrarole conflict.
role ambiguity.
role unreliability.
interrole conflict.
Ans: B