Jason Mendes
Engl. 102
A True Friendship
I got a buddy of mine named Martel Smart. Seriously, his last name was Smart. I used to
call him Smartel in middle school, he was pretty smart, but that's not why we called him that.
Anyway, we have been friends for a long time and I don't see anyone else I know that I'm more
compatible with. In middle school we didn't get along all too well, I men there was a deep seated
enmity for the guy. However, during our four years together we inevitably became friends.
After a while we became the best of friends. We would goof off all the time, and I even
remember this strange language we made up so people couldn't understand us. We made middle
school much much easier or each other, especially with it being an all boys school.
“Wow”, I said. “What are you doing here!!”
“I got transferred over here from Trinity Catholic. I hated that place”, Martel said.
“So they put you her at the Burke of all places.”
“Yea look don't get me started, it's not all bad though. At least I can earn myself some
easy A's.
“You are definitely not lying bout that, these classes here are cake.”
I was amazed at how quickly things began to change for me as a student there. I was no
longer shy and nervous in this new environment filled with strange faces. Somehow, my
friendship with Martel made a significant impact on my confidence. Soon enough we were
making friends with underclassmen and upperclassmen alike. We were untouchable. Like
middle school, high school turned out to be a breeze and I was excited about who I'd become.
To no surprise, me and Martel sort of drifted apart. Mainly because I went on to College
and he stayed behind to finish in the summer. Fortunately though, he was able to get his GED
anyway. Martel not graduating with me dealt a heavy blow to our friendship. I always
wondered if he resented me for it. All in all, I feel there are many things that can cause a
friendship to change whether they're good or bad, it all depends on how both parties handle it.