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(Standardisation meeting S1.AP-03) References from Standardisation meeting S1.AP-03 is written in PINK NOTE 2042/2003 (1056/2008) References from 2042/2003 (1056/2008) is written in RED NOTE EU 127/2010 References from EU no. 127/2010 is written in LILAC NOTE Part M - AMC References from Part M - AMC (up to 2010/006/R) is written in ORANGE NOTE Appendix V to AMC M.A.704 Continuing airworthiness management organisation exposition References from Appendix V to AMC M.A.704 is written in GREEN NOTE Link til hvor Anybodys (AOC) CAME kan downloades. References from Anybodys (AOC) CAME is written in BLUE NOTE Internal SLV information Internal SLV info is written in BLACK NOTE References to legislation and guidance material are for information only. For changes and/or corrections to checklist - please send e-mail to 106757277 Side 1 af 16 Ref. Text AMC M.A.704 Continuing airworthiness management exposition 1. 2. Part M / AMC reference OK See Rem. Remark The purpose of the continuing airworthiness management exposition is to set forth the procedures, means and methods of the M.A. Subpart G organisation. Compliance with its contents will assure compliance with Part-M requirements. A continuing airworthiness management exposition should comprise: Part 0 General organisation Part 1 Continuing airworthiness procedures Part 2 Quality system or organisational review (as applicable) Part 3 Contracted maintenance (for operators) Management of maintenance (liaison with maintenance organisations in the case of non commercial air transport) Part 4 Airworthiness review procedures (if applicable) Continuous Airworthiness Management Exposition I Frontispiece (Titelblad): Owner incl. address and/or authorisation number II Specimen Exposition (Type of CAME, ex. “The contents relate directly to the requirements of Part M and are based on the example of Exposition contents shown in Appendix V to AMC M.A.704.” III Contents List III-VIII List of Effective Pages IX Amendment Record X Distribution List XI Abbreviations Used M.A.704 Remarks to I to XI Part 0 General organisation SLV Notes: 0.1 Corporate commitment by the accountable manager. M.A.704, 1. Remarks to 0.1: 106757277 Side 2 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference 0.2 General information. SLV Notes: See Rem. Remark 0.2.a 0.2 0.2 --- --- Description of the Organisation Other Approvals held. General description and location of facilities Office for Personnel / Tech. Library / Doc. consultation Storage of records: damage/alteration/theft 0.2.b Relationship with Other Organisations 0.2 b.(1) Subsidiaries (If Org. belongs to a group) Explain the specific relationship with other members of group 0.2.b. (2) Consortiums (If Org. belongs to a consortium) List of other members of consortium And the scope of organisation of the consortium Note: International consortium require agreement from the respective competent authorities OK Under which conditions is Maintenance carried out. Within the Group/Consortium and/or (details of the arrangement) through contracts (See This checklist Part 3) Sub-contracted Par M G activities: (a) airworthiness directive analysis and planning (b) service bulletin analysis (c) planning of maintenance (d) reliability monitoring, engine health monitoring --------------------(e) maintenance programme development and amendments (f) any other activities … Contracts should be acceptable to the competent authority Subcontractors are to be specified on the AOC or EASA Form 14 as applicable See Checklist Part 2 & Part 5.2 --- --- 0.2 106757277 NOTE: The independent audit should ensure that all aspects of M.A. Subpart G compliance are checked annually, including all the subcontracted activities, Engine health Monitoring – subcontract require yearly auditing ref. AMC 712 (b), 5. Add. Info: 4. Where an aircraft is maintained in accordance with an aircraft maintenance programme based upon the MRB report process, any associated programme for the continuous surveillance of the reliability, or health monitoring of the aircraft should be considered as part of the aircraft maintenance programme. Scope of work 0.2.c Aircraft managed – Fleet composition 0.2.d Type of Operation (i) M.A.704 (a) 6. / M.A.705 AMC M.A.705 M.A.714(d) M.A.703(c) M.A.201 (h) 2. Appendix XI to AMC to M.A.708 (c) AMC M.A.201 (h) 1, para. 2 & 5 AMC Appendix II to M.A.201 (h) 1 AMC Appendix II to M.A.201 (h) 1, 2.12 AMC M.A.201 (h) 1, para. 2. AMC M.A.201 (h) 1, para. 11. AMC 712 (b), 5. End product audit required AMC M.A.302(d) 4. Aircraft Maintenance programme compliance M.A.703(c) / M.A.704(a) 2. The minimum details are: (i) Aircraft Type Side 3 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference (ii) (iii) OK See Rem. Remark (ii) Aircraft Registration (iii) Approved Maintenance Programme reference number (iv) Contract reference number (v) Aircraft Owner details Remarks to 0.2: 0.3 Management personnel. SLV Notes: 0.3 General M.A.706+AMC / M.A.707+AMC + App. V Accountable Manager Duties, responsibilities, (financial Authority) NPH for Continuing Airworthiness (Commercial Airtransport) Duties, responsibilities, (maintenance on time/to standard) M.A.201 M.A.704(a)3. / M.A.706(a) +AMC 0.3. c) Continuing Airworthiness Coordination – Nominated Persons M.A.706(c) 0.3. c) 1 Designated Quality Manager M.A.712(a) 0.3. c) 2 Airworthiness Review Staff M.A.706(i) 0.3. d) Duties and Responsibilities M.A.706+AMC / M.A.707+AMC + App. V 0.3. d) Continuing Airworthiness Coordination – Nominated Persons AMC M.A 704, 4. 0.3. d) Designated Quality Manager M.A.712 M.A.707 AMC M.A.707(c) 0.3. e) Airworthiness Review Staff Continued validity of the Authorisation requires that the authorised Has been involved in continuing airworthiness management activities for at least six months in every two year period, or Has conducted at least one airworthiness review in the last twelve month period. Manpower Resources and Training Policy (Qualification standards) (1) Manpower Resources 0.3. e) (2) 0.3. a) 0.3. b) 0.3. d) 0.3. e) Training Policy 0.3. e) (2) 1. Qualification standards 0.3. e) (2) 2. Continuation training (2009/06/R on Fuel Tank Safety) M.A.706(d) M.A.706+AMC / M.A.707+AMC + App. V AIC B 30/2000 M.A.706(f) M.A.706(g)(h)(k) M.A.707 AMC M.A.201 (h), 4. AMC M.A.704, 4. & 11 AMC M.A.706 4. AMC 706(f) Appendix XII to AMC to M.A.706(f) and M.B.102(c) Remarks to 0.3: 0.4 Management organisation chart. SLV Notes: 0.4 a) General Organisation Chart M.A.704(4) 106757277 Side 4 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference 0.4 b) Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Chart -//- OK See Rem. Remark Remarks to 0.4: 0.5 Notification procedure to the competent authority regarding proposed changes to the organisation's activities / approval / location / personnel. (SEE CHAPTER 0.6) SLV Notes: 0.5 1. the name of the organisation. M.A.713 0.5 2. the location of the organisation. -//- 0.5 3. additional locations of the organisation -//- 0.5 4. the accountable manager. -//- 0.5 5. any of the persons specified in M.A.706(c) M.A.713 / M.A.706(i) / M.A.707(d) 0.5 6. the facilities, procedures, work scope and staff that could affect the approval. M.A.713 0.5 In the case of proposed changes in the personnel not known to the management beforehand, these changes shall be notified at the earliest oppertunity M.A.713 Remarks to 0.5: 0.6 Exposition amendment procedures SLV Notes: 0.6 Procedures M.A.704 (a) 8. & (b) M.B.706 (c) M.A.713 0.6 Issue Form 2 if amendment require change of EASA Form 14 or changes acc. to M.A.714 M.A.702 0.6 Amendments to Maintenance programmes M.A.708(c) 0.6 Responsible AMC 704, 5. & 6. Part 1 Continuing airworthiness management procedures SLV Notes: 1.1 Aircraft technical log utilisation and MEL application (commercial air transport). or Aircraft continuing airworthiness record system utilisation (non commercial air transport). SLV Notes: Remarks to 0.6: 106757277 Side 5 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference 1.1 a) Aircraft technical log and/or continuing airworthiness record system See note below 1.1 a) 1.1 a) 1.1 a) (1) General Purpose of system (2) Instructions for use Maintenance crew Instruction & responsibility Operating crew Instruction & responsibility Sample of Tech. Log and/or continuing airworthiness record system included in “Appendices” (3) Aircraft technical log approval (For commercial air transport) Who is responsible for submitting the aircraft technical log and any subsequent amendment to CAADK for approval and what is the procedure to be followed M.A.306(b) --- Log book approved BL 1.1 Part M(G) AMC M.A.306(a) (b) Part 145.A.50 EU OPS 1.1055. 1.1 b) M.E.L. application OPS 1.030 (1) General Description of MEL Only the authorised certifying staff, can decide, using M.A.401 maintenance data when and which rectification action shall be taken before further flight and which defect rectification can be deferred However, this does not apply when: 1. the approved minimum equipment list as mandated by the competent authority is used by the pilot; or, 2. aircraft defects are defined as being acceptable by the competent authority. (2) MEL categories Description of time constraint rectification classification (3) Application How does Maint. Crew identify a MEL limitation to crew (4) Acceptance by the crew (For commercial air transport) Procedure for accept or non accept of the MEL deferment M.A.301, 2. AMC M.A.301, 2. 1.1 b) (5) Management of the MEL time limits M.A.301, 2 1.1 b) (6) MEL Time Limitation Overrun OPS 1.030(b) AMP’s – development amendment and approval. SLV Notes: --See 1.8 1.1 b) 1.1 b) 1.1 b) Remark M.A.202(c) / M.A.801 M.A.306(c) 1.1 b) See Rem. M.A.305 / M.A.306 An operator shall ensure that the aircraft technical log is retained for 36 months after the date of the last entry. --- OK M.A.403 (b) M.A.202(c) M.A.403, (b) 1. Remarks to 1.1: 1.2 106757277 Side 6 af 16 Ref. Text Intern SLV info Dokumentet er ikke offentligt 162 Godkendelse af Vedligeholdelsesprogram Part M og BL1-1 INFO Info: CAA UK Checklist Form SRG 1724 --- --- --- Part M / AMC reference M.B.301 & M.A.302 Maintenance Programme a. AMP must be approved by NAAs for all aircraft iaw M.B.301. b. Use appendix I to AMC M.B.301 and M.A.302 as guidance on the content. c. Indirect approval is only a CAMO privilege that must be adequately controlled by the NAA: · through the CAME · through the Aircraft Maintenance Programme itself. M.B.301 & M.A.302 Maintenance Programme NAA should ensure that variations are exceptional, controlled and limited. They are not a maintenance planning tool. ·When giving such privilege to a CAMO, NAA should be satisfied with the robustness of the Continuing Airworthiness Management. NAAs may adopt national means of compliance based on JAA TGL 26. Does the CAME procedures describe 10% variation acc. EASA GAI-20 (Leaflet 26) BL 1.1 AMC M.A.301- 3. --- Is Tolerances allowed as part of MPD Audit info 1.2 a) General (Purpose of AMP or “generic” and “baseline” MPs) M.A.301, 3. / M.A.302 M.A.709 (b) M.A.803 (c) --- List of approved AMP’s ( or “generic” and “baseline” MPs) Included in CAME M.A.704 (a), 9. 1.2 b) Content (Appendix I to AMC M.A 302 (a) and M.B.301(d)) AMC M.A 302 (a) M.B.301 1.2 c) Development M.A.302 1.2 c) 1.2 c) 1.2 c) 106757277 (2) Responsibilities (Annually review) (3) Manual amendments, ensuring: (Continuing validity) (Relevant use of Sources) (periodic review of current data from sources) (4) Acceptance by the authority Remark List of agreed practices. (Standardisation meeting S1.AP-03) AP.M.008a Report to CAADK of when & why the use of variation is used (1) Sources See Rem. List of agreed practices. (Standardisation meeting S1.AP-03) AP.M.007a --- 1.2 c) OK M.A.301(M.A.304 & M.A.401) M.A.302 (d) & (f) + AMC M.A.709(a) + AMC M.A.301.3 AMC M.A.302, 3. M.A.708 (b), 1. & 2. M.A.302 (b), (c),(d) M.A.302 (g) M.A.302 (f) See this list: 1.2 b) M.A.302 (b) / M.B.301(a) Side 7 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference --- Policy regarding accumulation Appendix I to AMC M.A:302 & M.B.301(b), Para. 4 --See 1.6 AMP skal inkludere inspektioner udsendt som Mandatory eller Recommended SB, SL & SI BL 1.1, para. --- AMP shall include CVR/FDR annual inspection ICAO Annex 6 --- AMP shall include compass check AIC B 21-02 1.3 Time and continuing airworthiness records, responsibilities, retention, access. SLV Notes: 1.3 a) Hours and cycles recording (Access to current FH & FC) M.A.305 (h) / M.A.708 (b) 7 & (b) 9. --- M.A.801 or 145.A.50 CRS shall be entered in the Aircraft cont. airworth. records as soon as practical but in no event more than 30 days after the day of maint. action M.A.305(a) 1.3 b) Records Required records and Record retention time M.A.714 + AMC M.A.714 M.A.305(b), (d) & (e) + AMC M.A.305 (d) (M.A.801 / M.A.802) M.A.305(h) 1.3 c) Preservation of records Computer systems backup (24H) / other location than main syst. Computer system safeguard (prevention of alteration of database) M.A.714 + AMC M.A.714 AMC M.A.714(5) AMC M.A.714(5) 1.3 d) Transfer of continuing airworthiness records M.A.307 / M.A.714(g)&(h) AMC M.A.714, 2. OK See Rem. Remark Remarks to 1.2: Remarks to 1.3: 1.4 1.4 a) 1.4 b) 1.4 c) 106757277 Accomplishment and control of airworthiness directives. Demonstration of comprehensive system for the management of AD’s Airworthiness directive information (AD information source) (AD Recipient) Airworthiness directive decision (Analyse method & Personnel) (Distribution of information) Airworthiness directive control (Ensure that all applicable AD’s are perf. on time.) SLV Notes: M.A.401 (b) 1. AMC Part M App. II to M.A.201(h)1 – 2.9 AMC M.A.708 (c) 3. M.A.301, 5(i) / M.A.303 M.A.708, (b)5 / M.A.708, 8 (M.A.501(b), M.A.503) Side 8 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference 1.4 General (AD status: AD Records content.) AD Records Archive (Aircraft & components withdrawn from service) M.A. 305(d),1 M.A. 305(h),5 1.5 Analysis of the effectiveness of the maintenance programme(s). SLV Notes: --- General M.A.301, 4 / M.A.302(f),(g) 1.5 Describe tools used for analyse (Who perform the analyse) (How is analyse performed) (Analyse result decision process – Action) OK See Rem. Remark Remarks to 1.4: Remarks to 1.5: 1.6 ----See 1.2 c) Non mandatory modification embodiment policy. SLV Notes: Responsible for assessment (need / operational experience) Main criteria for decision Who takes the decision for implementing (or not) M.A.301, 7 + AMC M.A.304 State the maximum SB evaluation time AMP skal inkludere inspektioner udsendt som Mandatory eller Recommended SB, SL & SI BL 1.1, para. 1.7 Major modification standards. SLV Notes: 1.7 Procedure for the assessment of the approval status of any major modification before embodiment. Accomplishment of mods. & repairs in acc. to M.A.304-------------Assessment of damage and mod. & repairs acc. approved dataManagement the approval of modifications and repairs------------- M.A.301, 6. (M.A.710, 6.) M.A.304 M.A.708 (b) 3. --- See 1.9 Anvendelse af Form SLVLD101 skal beskrives. BL1-1 4.7 & 4.8 1.8 Defect reports. SLV Notes: --- General M.A. 202 / M.A.403 / M.A.708 (b) 6. Remarks to 1.5: Remarks to 1.7: 106757277 Side 9 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference --- Occurrence reporting (mandatory reporting) M.A. 202 + AMC / AMC-20 / BL 8-10, 5.5 --See 1.1 Only the authorised certifying staff, can decide, using M.A.401 maintenance data when and which rectification action shall be taken before further flight and which defect rectification can be deferred However, this does not apply when: 1. the approved minimum equipment list as mandated by the competent authority is used by the pilot; or, 2. aircraft defects are defined as being acceptable by the competent authority. M.A.403 (b) 1.8 a) Analysis 1.8 a) defect control system (commercial Airtransport) rectification to an officially recognised standard of any defect and damage affecting safe operation------------------------------------------------by an appropriately approved maintenance organisation.--------------- 1.8 a) CAMO process for defect reports provided by AMO 1.8 a) 1.8 b) --- 1.8 c) Analysis of defects To give inputs to: Maintenance programme evolution & Non Mandatory modification policy Liaison with manufacturers and regulatory authorities Type related defect policy BL 8-10 (procedure) Procedures supplied to Contractors/Subcontractors from CAMO Deferred defect policy Outstanding deferred defects affecting operation contained in log Outstanding deferred defects not affecting operation Monitor on a continuous basis deferred and carried forward defects. Monitor on a continuous basis Repetitive incidents & defects OK See Rem. Remark AMC M.A.301 - 2M.A.301, 2. (AMC M.A.403 (b)) M.A. 202(c) / M.A.708 (b) 6. M.A.708(c) AMC Part M App. I (AMC M.A.403 (b)) AMC M.A.301, 2 (a) M.A.301, 4. AMC M.A.301 - 4M.A.708 (c) AMC M.A.202 (a) M.A.301, 5. (iv) / BL 8-10 M.A.306, (a) 4. M.A.403 (c) & (d) AMC M.A.301, 2 (c) AMC M.A.301, 2 (b) Remarks to 1.8: 1.9 Engineering activity. SLV Notes: 1.9 Engineering activity. (Approval of modifications and repairs - Procedure) (Part 21 DOA capability - if applicable) M.A.301, 6. / M.A.304 --- See 1.7 Anvendelse af Form SLVLD101 skal beskrives. BL1-1 4.7 & 4.8 Reliability programmes. (For Airframe, Propulsion & Components) SLV Notes: General Appendix I to AMC M.A.302 and AMC Remarks to 1.9: 1.10 106757277 Side 10 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference OK See Rem. Remark M.B.301 (b), para. 6 Approval of reliability programmes Use AMC M.A.302(d) and para 6 of Appendix I to AMC M.B.301 & M.A.302 as guidance MP based on maintenance steering group logic or on condition monitoring, shall include a reliability programme. -extent and scope of the operator's reliability programmes, ---develop and control a MP for the aircraft managed including any applicable reliability programme List of agreed practices. (Standardisation meeting S1.AP-03) AP.M.022 1.10 -specific organisational structure, duties and responsibilities, See above 1.10 -establishment of reliability data, See above 1.10 -analysis of the reliability data, See above 1.10 -corrective action system (maintenance programme amendment), See above 1.10 -scheduled reviews - reliability meetings, the participation of the competent authority. - Presentation of information to the competent authority … ensure that the aircraft maintenance programme tasks are effective and their periodicity is adequate. Appendix I to AMC M.A.302, para 5 (M.A.302 (d) (i)) Appendix I to AMC M.A.302, para. 6.5.8 Appendix I to AMC M.A.302, para. 6.5.9 AMC M.A.302 (f), 3. Pre-flight inspections. SLV Notes: General M.A.301.1. + AMC M.A.301 -1- ----1.10 M.A.302 (f) + AMC M.A.302 (f) M.A.708 (b) 1. Remarks to 1.10: 1.11 --- 1.11 Responsible: Pilot in command or In case of commercial air transport: The Operator Preflight check performed by Operating crew is consistent with Part 145 AMO scope of maintenance (Compare Checklist from A/C with AMP, for content & rev. status) 1.11 Evolution of the pre-flight inspection content and the maintenance programme are concurrent, each time necessary ---1.11 Assure that related procedures are consistent with the continuing airworthiness activity procedures: a) Preparation of aircraft for flight b) Sub-contracted ground handling function c) Security of Cargo and Baggage loading d) Control of refueling, Quantity/Quality --- 106757277 Control that consumable fluids, gases etc. uplifted prior to flight are of the correct specification, free from contamination, M.A.201(d) BL 3-6 - Tankning af luftfartøjer m.m. AMC M.A.301 -1- Continuing airworthiness tasks, para. (c) Side 11 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference OK See Rem. Remark and correctly recorded. ---1.11 e) Control of snow, ice, residues from de-icing or antiicing operations, dust and sand contamination to an approved standard AMC M.A.201(h)2. AMC M.A.301-1(f) AMC M.A.306(a) --- commercial air transport, an operator should publish guidance to maintenance and flight personnel and any other personnel performing pre-flight inspection tasks, AMC M.A.301 -1- Continuing airworthiness tasks --- Contracted – accomplishment is subject to M.A.712 Are the pre-flight checks correctly performed? AMC M.A.301 -1Appendix XIII to AMC M.A.712(f) --- The training standard for personnel performing the pre-flight inspection. AMC M.A.301 -1- Continuing airworthiness tasks --- Part of MP - Details of pre-flight maintenance tasks that are accomplished by maintenance staff. Appendix I to AMC M.A.302 and AMC M.B.301 (b), 1.1.10 1.12 Aircraft weighing. SLV Notes: 1.12 General M.A.708 (b), 10 ---1.12 State occasions which require aircraft weighing ---1.12 Who performs A/C weighing and to which procedures ---1.12 Who calculates the new weight and balance and How is the result processed into the organisation SLV Regler for vejning og vejeintervaller EU-OPS subpart J ((EC)859/2008) 1.13 Check flight procedures. (Criteria for performing a check flight is normally included in the AMP) SLV Notes: --- General --- Check Flights are carried out under the control of the operator. ---1.13 Explain how check flight procedures is established to meet its intended purpose (Fx. After mods. Painting, other requirements) Remarks to 1.11: Remarks to 1.12: 106757277 M.A.301, 8 Appendix II to M.A. 201 (h) 1 : Subcontracting of continuing airworthiness management tasks 2.16 Side 12 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference ---1.13 Release procedures to authorise such a check flight --- copy of the check flight report AMC M.A.904 (a)-2 Part 2 Quality system SLV Notes: Info only Guidance from CAA UK Quality review Organisation review CAA UK – EASA Part-M Subpart G --- General M.A.201 (h), 3 M.A.712 / AMC M.A.712 --- Non commercial – Small organisation Organisational review (Up to 5 full time staff) M.A.712 (f) + AMC M.A.712 (f) AMC Appendix XIII --- In case of commercial air transport the M.A. Subpart G quality system shall be an integrated part of the operator's quality system. M.A.712 (e) 2.1 Continuing airworthiness quality policy, plan and audits procedure. M.A.712 (a) &(b) 2.1 a) Continuing airworthiness quality policy ---formal Quality Policy statement; OK See Rem. Remark Remarks to 1.13: 2.1 b) 2.1 c) --- 2.1 d) 106757277 Quality plan ---show how the quality plan is established. ---auditing of subcontractors All aspects of M.A. Subpart G Compliance is checked annually Quality audit procedure Detailed quality audit procedure, from the preparation to the conclusion. show the audit report format explain the rules for the distribution of audits reports in the organisation Feedback system to AM Independence of Audits Regular quality meetings: Progress on rectification Overall performance & findings of non-compliance Quality audit remedial action procedure System in place to assure timely implementing of corrective actions Follow up on result from corrective action AMC M.A.712 (b), 9. AMC M.A.712 (b), 5 AMC M.A.712 (a) M.A.712(a) AMC M.A.712 (b), 8. AMC M.A.712 (a) 5. M.A.712(a) AMC M.A.712 (a) 3. AMC M.A.712 (b) 5. & 7. Side 13 af 16 Ref. 2.2 2.3 Text Monitoring of continuing airworthiness management activities. Periodically review of Part 0 personnel activities and how they fulfil their responsibilities Monitoring of the effectiveness of the maintenance programme(s). Procedure to Periodically review that analyse of the effectiveness of the MP is performed Part M / AMC reference OK See Rem. Remark M.A.712 (b) 1. & 3. M.A.712 (b) 2. 2.4 Monitoring that all maintenance is carried out by an appropriate maintenance organisation M.A.708 (b) & (c) 2.5 Monitoring that all contracted maintenance is carried out in accordance with the contract, including sub-contractors used by the maintenance contractor. M.A.712 (b) 2. AMC M.A.201(h)1, 10. 2.6 Quality audit personnel. Independency M.A.712 (a) AMC M.A.712 (b) 2. --- The records of these activities (in M.A.712 (b)) shall be stored for at least two years. M.A.712 (c) Remarks to 2: Part 3 Contracted Maintenance M.A.706 and M.B.702 (a) Personnel Requirements Enforce M.A.706. Ensure adequate authority of CAMO over the MO, especially when maintenance is contracted out. Enforce Enforce M.B.701, 702 & M.A.708(c). Ensure during initial approval that contracts and all subsequent amendments are submitted for maintenance and that contracts are approved iaw AMC Annex XI. Contracted Maintenance: Appendix XI to AMC to M.A.708(c) List of agreed practices. (Standardisation meeting S1.AP-03) AP.M.009 List of agreed practices. (Standardisation meeting S1.AP-03) AP.M.006 Intern SLV info Dokumentet er ikke offentligt Checklist part M EASA - Contracted Maintenance M.A.201 (h) 2. & (i) 2. AMC M.A.201 (h) 2 --- The contract should specify whether a particular type of material or component comes from the operator's or the Part-145 approved organisation's store, which type of component is pooled, etc... Appendix XI to AMC to M.A.708(c), 2.11 3.1 Maintenance contractor selection procedure. M.A.708(c) AMC M.A..201 (h) 1 AMC M.A..201 (h) 2 3.2 Quality audit of aircraft. AMC M.A. 712(b), 3. Airworthiness review procedures M.A.901 --- --- AMC M.A.708(c) 1. Remarks to 3: Part 4 106757277 Side 14 af 16 Ref. Text Part M / AMC reference 4.1 Airworthiness review staff / Flight permit staff M.A.706(f),(h),(i) &(j) M.A.707 4.2 Review of aircraft records. M.A.710 4.3 Physical survey. M.A.710(b) & (c) 4.4 Additional procedures for recommendations to competent authorities for the import of aircraft. M.A.903 & M.A.904 + AMC M.A.901(d) 4.5 Recommendations to competent authorities for the issue of ARC. M.A.901(d) & (g) AMC M.A.901 (d) and (g) M.A.711(b),2. 4.6 Issuance of ARC. M.A.901(c) & (e) M.A.711(b),1 4.7 Airworthiness review records, responsibilities, retention and access. M.A.710 M.A.714 AMC M.A.305(h) OK See Rem. Remark Remarks to 4: Part 4B Permit to fly procedures 4B.1 Conformity with approved flight conditions 4B.2 Issue of permit to fly under the CAMO privilege 4B.3 Permit to fly authorised signatories 4B.4 Interface with the local authority for the flight 4B.5 Permit to fly records, responsibilities, retention and access. M.A.711(c) Remarks to 4B: Part 5 Appendices 5.1 Sample documents. 106757277 Side 15 af 16 Ref. Text 5.2 List of airworthiness review staff. 5.3 List of sub-contractors as per AMC M.A.201(h)1 and M.A.711(a)3. 5.4 Part M / AMC reference OK See Rem. Remark List of approved maintenance organisations contracted. 5.5 Copy of contracts for sub-contracted work (appendix II to AMC M.A.201 (h)1). 5.6 Copy of contracts with approved maintenance organisations. Remarks to 5: 106757277 Side 16 af 16