AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA Submarine treaty signed NEW TENDERS IN BRIEF Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon has met with US counterpart, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, to discuss capability, international security issues, joint operations and opportunities for enhanced cooperation. At the meeting Mr Fitzgibbon and Secretary Gates signed the Harold E. Holt Treaty, which extends the existing cooperation between Australia and the United States on the Harold E. Holt Naval Communication Station located at Exmouth in Western Australia. The Harold E. Holt station provides communications for US and Australian submarines. The Station was first commissioned in 1967 and in May 1999 Australia took responsibility for the facility. This new treaty sets out the terms and conditions for the joint use of the Station for the next 25 years. The remainder of the Minister’s program in Washington included discussions with several US Congress members on Defence and International security issues, current operations, interoperability and the AsiaPacific. Admin centre complete Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, Dr Mike Kelly, has officially opened the Personnel Administration Centre (PAC) in Raymond Terrace NSW. Local firm Buildev Development NSW developed the facility which Defence will lease. The PAC will pay around 21,000 service personnel, and will reduce long-term support costs to Defence by reducing the number of processing centres required from 45 in 2003 to just one major centre for processing of military pay and leave. “The processing of military pay and leave entitlements is an area where Defence has been keen to improve its services, maximise the NEW TENDERS THIS WEEK NEW TENDERS THIS WEEK efficiencies and reduce its overall costs,” Dr Kelly said. The centre will accommodate up to 150 Australian Public Service employees and to date 97 have already been recruited from outside Defence in the local area. JSF engine milestone The GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team has successfully completed Short Take Off, Vertical Landing (STOVL) testing on an F136 engine at the GE testing facility at Peebles, Ohio. The F136 engine will be available to power all variants of the F-35 Lightning II aircraft for the US military and eight partner nations, including Australia. The Fighter Engine Team also announced that it has received first deliveries of front fan frames from Magellan Aerospace in Canada, and key work packages from Dutch companies DutchAero and Atkins Nedtech. All engine test objectives were reached as planned in the Peebles testing as the engine was configured in a variety of modes, leading to STOVL testing with common hardware systems for the F-35. Testing also included the advanced controls architecture, which was demonstrated successfully in closed-loop mode operation. This important milestone was reached with the controls system developed under the Fighter Engine Team’s ongoing System Development and Demonstration (SDD) contract. The Fighter Engine Team’s recent tests were conducted with F136 engines originally produced during the pre-SDD contract. Since then, the powerplants have been updated with new fan, augmentor and controls technology designed during the SDD process. The first full SDD engine is scheduled to begin testing in early 2009, with first flight in the F-35 to follow in 2010. AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA NEW TENDERS THIS WEEK DACS/2008-07/01 SUPPLY OF SECURITY RISK AND TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SERVICES 11 AUGUST - Registration of Interest Defence Support Group seeks registrations of interest from experienced suppliers in the security and consulting market to provide a variety of services to the Directorate of Access Control and Security. Specifically, the security risk and technology services provider(s) will be involved in the review of the electronic security measures applied to the storage facilities for weapons and explosive ordnance across the Australian Defence Force. The project timeframes will be developed in more detail once the responses to the ITR have been evaluated. For planning purposes it is anticipated that stages 1-5 will be completed within FY 08-09 Defence, under the coordination of Joint Logistics Command (JLC), has embarked on a broad ranging program related to the management of weapons and explosive ordnance (W&EO), including the implementation of the Recommendations from the Weapons, Munitions and Explosives Security Performance Audit report. The Vice Chief of the Defence Force is chairing the Project Board to oversee the implementation of these Recommendations. As a part of this project, the Defence Support Group (DSG), Directorate of Access Control and Security (DAC&S) will conduct a Security Risk Assessment (SRA) of the facilities (armouries & magazines) housing W&EO across Australia. DAC&S is specifically responsible for the implementation of Recommendation 13 from the Report. This recommendation refers to the enhancement of W&EO storage site physical security measures ie. the technology employed to secure Defence’s armouries and magazines only. The broader security aspects of policy, procedures, accounting, personnel, training etc are being addressed as separate sub-projects within the overall umbrella of the W&EO project being led out of JLC. Similarly, the broader issue of the security of the entire Defence site (eg. Base, Unit etc) is not within the scope of this SRA process. However, information and lessons learnt will be used to inform such an activity (where applicable) . Closing Date: 12.00 pm, Monday 11 August 2008 Enquiries & Copies of ROI: Mrs Rachel Gannis, Defence Support Group, Tel: (02) 6266 4470, Email: 10506/01 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 12 AUGUST - Request for Tender The Directorate of Navy Warfare Systems (DNWS) requires contractor assistance to develop and implement a Quality Management System (QMS) within the Directorate. DNWS performs Engineering tasks that requires the unit to become Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) approved in order to support and control all its Engineering delegations and tasks in compliance with the Navy Technical Regulatory Framework (NTRF) as stated in ABR6492 “Technical Regulation – Navy” DNWS management objective is to develop, implement and certify an ISO9001:2000 compliant quality management system within its operations. The main driver of the certified QMS is to enable the organisation to become an accredited engineering organisation. DNWS has started the ISO9001-2000 development, implementation and certification process by establishing a two phased project: Phase 1: Conducted an overall assessment of the organisation and business to identify the current System status, documentation and requirements. The assessment was conducted against the ISO9001 standard requirements to determine and identify all the gaps and needs to develop the system. Phase 1 documentation included an assessment report, assessment results by clause of the standard, and a system transition plan. Phase 2: This phase aims at the planning, development and implementation of a Quality Management System to meet accreditation compliance with ISO9001 and taking into consideration all the comments and issues highlighted in the phase 1 assessment report, and detailed in the statement of work. A quality management system consultant is required to be contracted to develop and deliver a quality management system (in four separate locations) in compliance with ISO9001 and taking control and the responsibility to deliver the action items listed in the Statement of Work. The consultant must be a JAS/ANZ Member. Closing Date: 12.00 pm, Tuesday 12 August 2008 Enquiries: Senior Engineer DNWS, Tel: (02) 9377 2863 or (02) 9377 3807 ASD 023/2008 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY TRAILER AND GENERATORS 14 AUGUST - Request for Tender The Department of Defence has a requirement for the conversion of a trailer into a confined space entry support trailer and the supply of two diesel powered generators to support the C-130 Hercules Aircraft Fuel Tank Maintenance activities. AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA Defence requires a contractor to: a. Modify the trailer to incorporate breathing air and electrical systems that will enable the trailer to fully support C 130 Hercules aircraft fuel tank maintenance activities; (Advice) b. Supply two 240VAC generators that will be used to power the trailer’s electrical system and the portable air conditioning unit that is normally stored in the trailer; (Advice) and c. Supply certification, maintenance and logistics related documentation for the modified trailer and the diesel powered generators. (Advice) Closing Date: 12:00 pm, Thursday 14 August 2008 Enquiries & Copies of RFT: Tim Sears, Tel: (02) 4587 2425, Email: REF NO. PRODUCTS/SERVICES CLOSING DATE EXTENSION TO CURRENT DEFENCE TENDERS PUBLISHED PREVIOUSLY 01/2008 PROVISION OF A REPLACEMENT VOICE/DATA NODAL PROCESSOR NETWORK 26 AUGUST - Request for Information The intent of this RFI is to gather information for the purpose of determining if a suitable replacement is available for obsolete voice/data communications equipment. As part of the Air Defence Ground Systems that GTESPO manage at various sites around Australia, is an integrated voice/data exchange and bandwidth manageable nodal processor called a FastLane F10 which was manufactured by a company called SCITEC. This nodal processor is used to carry and manage voice and control data from Defence Regional Operations Centres to various radio transmitter sites via terrestrial and often tactical satellite communication bearers. As supplier support for this system is now not available, Defence is interested in what new products, or technology could now replace the F10s function Closing Date: 12:00 pm, Tuesday 26 August 2008 Enquiries & Copies of RFI: Craig Pitt, Tel: (02) 4964 6656, Email: or Vince Browning, Tel: (02) 4964 5555, Email: AZ4234 MANAGING CONTRACTOR - ROBERTSON BARRACKS PROGRAM OF WORKS STAGE 1 28 AUGUST - Registration of Interest - Managing Contractor Contract - Project No. A4378 / A4515 / A4512 Registrations of Interest are invited from suitably qualified organisations to undertake the role of Managing Contractor for the project at Robertson Barracks in Darwin, NT The project will involve: 1. Working accommodation, including office style buildings; 2. Vehicle and equipment storage facilities; 3. Armouries; 4. Amenities and ablutions; 5. Car parking 6. Modifications and upgrades to the Barracks High Voltage reticulation system; 7. Central Emergency Power Supply and generator works; and 8. Assistance to obtain Government Approvals for elements of the Works. The project's timeframe is anticipated to be early 2009 to mid 2011. The total value of the project is estimated to be in the order of $70m. The National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry and the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme apply to this Project. Closing Date: 12.00 pm, Thursday 28 August 2008 Enquiries & Copies of ROI: Captain Ian Maas, Tel: (02) 6266 8210, Fax: (02) 6266 8103, Email: EXTENSION TO CURRENT TENDERSEXTENSION TO CURRENT DEFENCE TENDERS PUBLISHED PREVIOUSLY AZ4212 CONTRACTOR - DECOMMISSIONING, DECONSTRUCTION AND DISPOSAL OF INTERIM 19 AUGUST SF TRAINING FACILITIES AT HOLSWORTHY ARMY BARRACKS Ext. from 30 July - Request for Tender - Medium Works Contract (MW-2 2004) - Project No. A4359 Tenders are invited from suitably qualified organisations to undertake the role of Contractor for the project at the Holsworthy Army Barracks, Holsworthy NSW. The project will involve deconstruction and demolition of a number of purpose built structures previously used for Special Forces training. The training facility compound consists of three main structures, which are essentially brick, concrete block and steel clad building shells built around structural steel frames. Between these structures is an area of hard standing, which will require removal. Certain materials will be retained by Defence for future use and will therefore require careful AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA deconstruction. The majority of materials will require proper disposal off-site by the contractor. The project will include disposal of some lead / heavy metals contaminated waste in one of the buildings. The project's timeframe is anticipated to be Contract Award In mid September 2008 with project completion 12 weeks from Contract Award date. The National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry applies to this project Closing Date: 12.00pm, Tuesday 19 August 2008 Copies of the Tender Documents are available from and any enquiries regarding the Tender Documents should be directed to the Tender Administrator, Andrew Tipple, GHD Pty Ltd on Tel: (02) 8782 5680, Mob: 0405 058 943, Email: CURRENT TENDERS PUBLISHED PREVIOUSLY 5900004 PROVISION OF AIR BREATHING CYLINDERS 6 AUGUST - Request for Tender The Department of Defence has a requirement for the provision of Air Breathing Cylinders as per attached Specification DEF(AUST) 10002/Issue 3 at Attachment A. Delivery To Moorebank NSW. Closing Date: 12.00 pm, Wednesday 6 August 2008 Enquiries: Jacqueline Wheadon, Tel: (03) 9282 5996, Email: Copies of RFT: VB-M Tender Room, Victoria Barracks, Southbank Vic 3006 Tel (03) 9282 3827; Fax (03) 9282 5611, Email: 1029553 PROVISION OF HIGH OUTPUT WEAPON TORCHES 20 AUGUST - Request for Tender The Department of Defence has a requirement for the provision of Qty 130 High Output Weapon Torches. Primary weapon systems, from MP5 submachine guns to M4 assault rifles, require to be fitted with a high output waterproof torch, to enable operations to be carried out by night and day. This equipment needs to operate in all conditions and operating distances, from point blank to medium/long range in accordance with Specification in Annex A of the Statement of Work (SOW). The new High Output Weapon Torch should be fully interchangeable with the existing weapon systems without any degradation as to the performances of the weapon or its handling. Tenderers will be required to submit three (3) returnable sample High Output Weapon Torches for testing and evaluation with the Tender Response. Delivery to Moorebank NSW. Closing Date: 12.00 pm, Wednesday 20 August 2008 Enquiries: Captain Warren Coaker, Tel: (03) 9282 5063, Email: Copies of RFT: VB-M Tender Room, Victoria Barracks, Southbank Vic 3006 Tel (03) 9282 3827; Fax (03) 9282 5611, Email: NEW RFQ’s AVAILABLE THROUGH DEFENCE MELBOURNE – VICTORIA N E W R F Q S AVA I L A B L E T H R O U G H D E F E N C E M E L B O U R N E V I C AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS DEFENCE TENDERS AND NEWS NO7/10372 PROPOSED FLEET MARINE SERVICES CONTRACT 2 DECEMBER - Request for Tender The RAN’s current commercial support contract providing port services, general fleet services and support craft operations and maintenance expires in June 2010. The RAN intends to enter into a new contract for a 10 year period from that date to continue these services and meet the RAN’s future requirements. Companies intending to bid to provide these services will need to have extensive experience in providing maritime services and in operating and maintaining a range of vessels from small utility boats to large ocean going ships. The services are to be provided at all of Navy’s Australian operating sites and offshore exercise areas. The draft Statement of Work (SOW), that forms part of the RFT, contains a number of different annexes. In its aggregated form the SOW has a RESTRICTED security rating, as well as a number of individual Annexes being classified RESTRICTED, and as such can only be released to organisations that have the appropriate security clearances in place. There is an application form to receive the RFT that can be requested via the email address. It needs to completed and returned to the nominated Contact Officer to obtain the RFT Pack. Details regarding the requesting organisation’s security clearances will need to be provided. Organisations that do not have current RESTRICTED security clearances for their personnel requiring access to the RFT need to email the Contact Officer to request details on obtaining the appropriate security clearances required. There will be an Industry Briefing, referred to in the RFT as an Orientation Briefing, held during the second half of July to present the RFT to industry. This briefing AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA will provide an outline of the proposed contract and a detailed brief on the draft SOW. This will be followed by a tour of all relevant RAN Establishments around Australia, where the majority of services will be delivered, to allow prospective tenderers to familiarise themselves with the Establishment locations, layouts, work areas and facilities that have been mandated for this contract’s delivery. Further advice on this will be released in the coming weeks. A limit of attendees may need to be applied depending on the subscription for this event. Closing Date: 12:00 pm, Tuesday 2 December 2008. Enquiries: Mr Kerby Nixon, FMSC Commercial Project Manager, Navy Industry Engagement and Contracting Bureau, Tel: (02) 9377 3832, Fax: (02) 9377 3836, Email: C8002 5905-66-134-9317 800 ea 3862Z-BD5-103A 10K 4 August Resistor, variable, non-wire, wound, non-precision porm Bourns Instruments 10 PCT, 1 watt (MC:80294) or Note: Please indicate manufacturer & part no. quoted on. Avnet, Aust Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from (MC:ZK986) or Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 411/9/20558 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW British Aerospace, UK (MC:K1423) 1287019 5895-01-545-7938 10 ea ZFSC-3-13-B 8 August Power divider, radio frequency, antenna splitter, TACCS Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Ron Chapman, Email: Delivery to East Bandiana, Vic C8009 5340-66-131-6455 1000 ea 640/1/30574 11 August Cover, protective assy, size 14, c/w cover, cord & lugs BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z4986) 5340-66-131-6456 300 ea 640/1/30578 Cover, protective assy, size 18, c/w cover, cord & lugs BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z4986) BOOK NOW! For your place in Australia’s leading Defence Industry Directory. ADM’s Directory of Defence Suppliers is now taking bookings for their 30th Edition. For further information or to request a booking form please contact: Dean Boyd Tel: +61 7 3348 6966 Fax: +61 7 3348 6511 or Email: C8009 (CONT.) 5895-66-134-9277 200 kt Defence Drawing 11 August Modification kit, communication, equipment consisting of EMEI TELS T437-1 four self-adhesive labels, C1, C2, C6 & C10 (MC:Z5454) or 999/4/43079/409 BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z4986) 5340-66-143-4863 50 ea 640/2/34321/000 Pad, cushioning BAE Systems, Aust Note: Items to be manufactured with attached drawings & (MC:Z4986) parts lists. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Robert Pruden, Tel: (03) 9282 6258 Technical Enquiries: Warren McIlroy, Tel: (03) 9282 4002 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW G1957 1015-66-146-0142 200 ea Defence Drawing 11 August B/R5380033 Cover, protective, Venturi cover, 84mm anti tank gun, DE101560000 150 mm dia, 80 mm lg, Australian Disruptive Pattern. Item (MC:Z5454) belongs to gun equipment, infantry. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Maria Anastasopoulos, Tel: (03) 9282 6046 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA G2291 3444-66-026-6103 1 ea 11 August B/RPD8490042 Press, arbor, hand operated, bench type, 2 ton, w/swivel plate Part No. required: 52P or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: WO2 Mark Allanson, Tel: (03) 9282 7218 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2292 3413-66-117-1973 4 ea 11 August B/RPD8490043 Drilling machine, upright, bench mounted, 240 V, 13 mm capacity, rack & pinion table lift, round rotary table, 9 speed, single phase power to motor Part No. required: 27S-B7 or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: WO2 Mark Allanson, Tel: (03) 9282 7218 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW J8650 5340-14-383-3733 25 ea 3511 191 32811 or 11 August Battery 3511-191-32811 Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Thales Optronics, France Enquiries: Sheridah Wymark, Tel: (03) 9282 3972 (MC:F6170) Delivery to East Bandiana, Vic 2680158 7510-66-097-2643 85000 ea Defence Drawing 12 August Envelope, transparent, EE435CA EE435CA Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Gina Gauci, Tel: (03) 9282 5484 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW B1247 6140-66-148-1579 40 ea MF 27/55 12 August B/R5990005 Battery, storage, 12 volt, power pack Stanley Hydraulic Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from (MC:54252) or Enquiries: Hermiese Constable, Tel: (03) 9282 6775 Ditch Witch, Aust Delivery to Meeandah, Qld (MC:Z7490) or GPL-U1T Ryde Batteries, Aust (MC:Z8477) or equivalent G2305 6130-01-481-4423 50 ea 12 August B/RPD8490045 Battery power source, 12 VDC at 3200 peak amps & 24 VDC at 1600 peak amps, 2 x 16 AH sealed lead acid batteries, 2 x 130 cm long cables with clamps Part No. required: ES1224 or equivalent Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW PBHQ-0004/2009 7530-66-120-0709 1000 pd Defence Drawing 12 August Form, printed, AB788, Shippers Declaration AB788 Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Gina Gauci, Tel: (03) 9282 5484 Delivery to East Bandiana, Vic V1192 6640-00-855-8874 10 bx 12 August B/RPD8490044 Disk, filtering, microporous Part No. required: AAWG04700 or equivalent Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Winnellie, NT G2320 5210-21-638-0057 6 ea 13 August B/RPD8490046 Caliper, micrometer, inside Part No. required: 141-108 or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2322 5210-66-093-3277 3 se 13 August AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA B/RPD8490047 Caliper set, micrometer, inside Part No. required: 368-922 or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2325 5120-99-251-7384 8 ea 14 August B/RPD8490048 Wrench, torque, dual scale dial measuring wrench, range 40-800 nm (20-600 lb ft), increments 20 nm (20 lb ft), 3/4 in. sq drive, 1000 mm lg Part No. required: 010620 or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW L7976 4930-15-180-1931 2 ea 14 August B/RPD8490049 Reel & hose assy, lubricant dispensing Part No. required: 8440.402 or equivalent Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Edinburgh, SA 77035 5975-66-147-5406 5 ea 12756501 15 August B/R7570035 Chassis, electrical-electronic equipment, frame, OFCA reel BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z3522) 5975-66-140-6075 5 ea 004-473 or Rack, electrical equipment, dismount frame assy 12756505 Note: Additional quotes required for qty 10 for each item. BAE Systems, Aust Please cite Part No. being quoted on. (MC:Z3522) Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Cressida Fox, Tel: (03) 9282 4318 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW G2327 3460-99-517-1844 3 ea 15 August B/RPD8490051 Centre, lathe, No. 3 Morse taper, live Part No. required: 3880A or 535CL or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: WO2 Mark Allanson, Tel: (03) 9282 7218 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW Q0033 2815-66-154-3822 1 ea 15 August B/RPD8490052 Diesel fuel pump & injector test bench, c/w accessories Part No. required: EPS611 or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Bandiana, Vic C7086 5940-66-147-5869 750 ea Defence Drawings 18 August Post, binding, electrical, black, modified version of 5940- TDC 3016-1/1 & 66-104-6716 for use with 5820-66-126-7527 HCPSU TDC 3016-2/1 PP-F302 (MC:Z5454) Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Horst Eitner, Tel: (03) 9282 4855 Technical Enquiries: Warren McIlroy, Tel: (03) 9282 4002 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2338 4910-66-152-1525 4 ea 18 August B/RPD8490053 Lift, motor vehicle, system, mobile heavy duty, maximum lifting capacity 30.0 metric tonnes Part No. required: As per attached SCES 018510/1 or equivalent. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G1963 8465-66-146-0144 500 ea Defence Drawing 22 August B/R5380043 Bag, weapon equipment, carrier, 150 mm lg, 80 mm w, DE101510000 AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA 260 mm h, DP, w/1400 mm lg shoulder strap (MC:Z5454) Note: Qty 1 tender sample required Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Ingrid Washington, Tel: (03) 9282 4712 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW CURRENT RFQ’s AVAILABLE THROUGH DEFENCE MELBOURNE CURRENT RFQ’s NEC7236 5965-66-132-7558 30 ea 25336/21 24 July Earshell assy, left hand Racal Communications, UK Note: Please indicate manufacturer & part no. quoted on. (MC:K0215) or Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from 999/4/43081/022 Enquiries: Senada Cuka, Tel: (03) 9282 3840 BAE Systems, Aust Delivery to Moorebank, NSW (MC:Z4986) C7250 5985-66-140-6727 400 ea 62086 24 July Radiating assy, VHF manpack whip, elastic copper braid, LERC Laboratoires, France extended length 1.5m (approx) (MC:F3435) 5331-14-476-2281 200 ea OR18X2-70NBR769 24 July O-ring, 18mm x 2mm thk Freudenberg Simrit, France (MC:F0384) or 11664 LERC Laboratoires, France (MC:F3435) 5310-14-476-2288 1000 ea 9981303 Nut, plain, hexagon, UNC, 3/8 in. thd, 16 TPI, black LERC Laboratoires, France Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from (MC:F3435) Enquiries: Horst Eitner, Tel: (03) 9282 4855 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW G2130 4910-66-128-2330 26 ea 24 July B/RPD8490038 Jack, dolly type, hydraulic, c/w Unimog extensions, 10 tonne rated capacity, i/a/w attached DEF(AUST)8793 Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Rick Bateson, Tel: (03) 9282 6614 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2031 8345-66-125-3930 60 ea 25 July B/RPD2590005 Flag, organisational, joint service, rect, 90cm hoist x 180cm fly, full appliquéd, i/a/w attached Drawing FLG02/03 Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Adriana Malfitana, Tel: (03) 9282 5391 Technical Enquiries: Kevin Schneider, Tel: (03) 9282 6241 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW C7233 5935-66-135-1626 70 ea 22715/R 25 July Cover, electrical connector, C type, male, blackened Radio Frequency Systems, Aust (MC:Z1492) 5970-66-134-8084 50 ea DE590360162 or Insulation sleeving, electrical, special purpose, plastics, 915/9/09519/001 shrinkable, 50 mm lg, 15 mm id, 2 mm wall thk BAE Systems, Aust Items to be manufactured i/a/w attached Drawings. (MC:Z4986) or Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from 202W232-25/225-0 Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 Tyco Electronics, UK Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW (MC:K1010) C7234 5310-66-156-7345 500 ea 999/9/42983/103 25 July Washer, spring tension, wave, cres, blackened, M3 by .016 thk BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z4986) 5305-99-661-2760 1000 ea ISO4762-M4X8-A2-70 Screw, cap, socket head, ISO metric, cres, steel, 4 mm dia International Organisation x 8 mm lg, cad plate & blackened finished for Standardisation (MC:I9008) or C7234 (CONT.) M4X8-A2-70 Black Cadmium Plat# 25 July British Standards, UK (MC:K7766) or 150698 AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA Premier Precision, UK (MC:K4142) or 999-9-32501-009 or 999/9/32501/009 British Aerospace, UK (MC:K1423) or 999/9/32501/009 BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z4986) 5330-66-139-0230 200 ea 640/2/28258 Gasket, rectangular, rubber BAE Systems, Aust Items to be manufactured i/a/w attached Drawings. (MC:Z4986) Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW B1248 6920-66-134-8266 10000 ro J9688-02-PUMPKIN 25 July B/RPD5890036 Paster, target, colour pumpkin, 14mm dia, w/adhesive Escor Packaging, Aust backing, i/a/w AS 2700-1996, dispensing box of 1000 (MC:Z4385) Note: Please indicate part number quoted on. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Ayesha Thiele, Tel: (03) 9282 5156 Delivery to Meeandah, Qld J8541 8440-99-138-9384 5000 pr 28 July B/R2480064 Gloves, men's, size 2, olive drab (green), wool Ext. from 18 July 8440-99-138-9385 4674 pr Gloves, men's, size 3, olive drab (green), wool Note: One tender sample is to be provided. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Nicole Hutcheon, Tel: (03) 9282 6564 Delivery of above items to East Bandiana, Vic C7241 6145-66-142-8158 100 ea 998/4/87991/003 28 July Wire, electrical, insulated, copper, 4.6mm, black BAE Systems Aust (MC:Z4986) 5331-66-138-9894 100 ea 915/4/08753/198 O-ring, rubber, 98mm id, 2.5mm thk BAE Systems Aust (MC:Z4986) 5940-66-132-7571 100 ea 686/2/04459 Terminal cap BAE Systems Aust Note: Please indicate manufacturer & part no. quoted on. (MC:Z4986) Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Senada Cuka, Tel: (03) 9282 3840 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW C7235 5340-66-131-6460 50 ea 640/2/28029 28 July Cover, access, memory cell, RT-F100 BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z4986) 5330-66-136-4156 100 ea 640/2/28311 Packing, preformed, rubber butadiene nitrile BAE Systems, Aust Items to be manufactured i/a/w attached Drawings. (MC:Z4986) Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW C7239 4440-99-015-1390 1000 ea DEFSTAN44-2PT2-DT1M or 28 July Desiccant container, dehumidifier, 16 mm dia, 33 mm lg, DEF STAN 44-2 or w/desiccant DEFSTAN44-2PT2 or Items to be manufactured i/a/w attached Drawings. SD2-201078-1 Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Ministry of Defence, UK (MC:K0851) or Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 DT1M Delivery to Moorebank, NSW Brownell, UK (MC:K3649) or BL/D1397/01 Enviro-Tronics, Aust (MC:Z9J04) or CC-207002-1 Selex Communications, UK AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA (MCU2248) or SCHEDULE1A Part 3 Sect H Item# or TBA SEC H NO 17 Thales Air Defence, UK (MC:K2525) or 418-9-37030-001 GEC Marconi Defence, UK (MC:K6036) C7240 5330-66-132-7590 1000 ea 686/2/04464 28 July Gasket, neoprene rubber, black, 95 mm id, 133 mm od, British Aerospace, UK 1/16 in. thk, w/4 equi-spaced 12 mm dia holes & 4 equi- (MC:K1423) spaced 7.5 mm dia holes 5975-66-139-3616 10 ea 675/2/39843/000 Spacer insulator, nylon, rectangular, 120 mm lg, 17 mm w, BAE Systems, Aust 14 mm thk, w/1 mtg hole 5 mm dia (MC:Z4986) Items to be manufactured i/a/w attached Drawings. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW FV8045 5340-14-519-1392 5 ea V14401042 28 July Seat, helical, compression spring Meritor/Axletech Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Paul Groves, Tel: (03) 9282 6111 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2153 4720-66-148-2605 100 mr 28 July B/R2590007 Hose, non-metallic, 38mm polyurethane, lay flat, blue Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Mark Moles, Tel: (03) 9282 6451, Fax: (03) 9282 3853 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2156 6230-99-665-3584 2 ea 28 July B/RPD2590008 Floodlight, portable, rectangular shape, Dragon Max 6230-66-146-7962 2 ea Tripod floodlight, aluminium Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Mark Moles, Tel: (03) 9282 6451, Fax: (03) 9282 3853 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW G2160 6530-01-498-4821 1 mr 28 July B/RPD6790004 Mat, floor, rubber, terracotta, non-slip, multi purpose antifatigue, chemical resistant, grease proof, bevelled edge 900mm wide, 1500 mm lg Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Mark Moles, Tel: (03) 9282 6451, Fax: (03) 9282 3853 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW C7243 5305-66-131-6643 500 ea 999/9/32472/025 29 July Screw, machine, ISO metric, cres steel, pan head, slot BAE Systems, Aust drive, 2.5 mm dia x 6 mm lg (MC:Z4986) 5935-66-130-4612 800 ea 16BNC-50-3-6/100SE Connector, plug, electrical, BNC, right angle-shape, 50 ohms, Huber & Suhner, Switzerland matt black, chrome plated brass (MC:S4773) or Items to be manufactured i/a/w attached Drawings. Huber & Suhner, Aust Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from (MC:ZF901) or Enquiries: Senada Cuka, Tel: (03) 9282 3840 531/9/04516/001 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW BAE Systems, Aust (MC:Z4986) PD1370979 2610-21-908-3851 300 ea 29 July B/R1040063 Michelin pneumatic truck tyres 328/85 R16 XML Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Maria Carnovales, Tel: (03) 9282 4046 Delivery to Bandiana, Vic R1932 3416-66-153-6993 5 ea 30 July B/RPD84800147 Lathe, engine, Hafco Metalmaster, 510 x 1500mm, geared head, 12 speed, c/w taper turning attachment AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Lorinda Mahoney, Tel: (03) 9282 3833 Technical Enquiries: Tom Beattie, Tel: (03) 9282 5342 Delivery to various locations within Australia 7780436 8465-66-148-2561 200 ea 31 July Field pack, medical, camouflage pattern, empty, i/a/w Drawing Series DE84085000 as per Attachment A Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Nicki Bear, Tel: (03) 9282 5355 Delivery to Kingsford, NSW C7245 5985-99-638-1857 200 ea 7201D 31 July Equipment box Clark Masts Teksam, UK Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from (MC:K3456) Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW 6790003 6665-66-146-6609 1 ea 83 13 025 31 July Probe, sampling, gas indicator, telescopic probe, extendable, Miniwarn Gas Monitor 6630-12-347-8151 2 ea 64 05 060 Zubehoerausstattung, ancillary, chip measuring system Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Dina Aarons, Email: Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW J8472 8415-66-148-9803 120 ea Defence Specification 31 July Hat, camouflage pattern, size x-small, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 broad brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Australian Defence Apparel (MC:Z1844) 8415-66-148-9804 380 ea Defence Specification Hat, camouflage pattern, size small, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 broad brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Australian Defence Apparel (MC:Z1844) 8415-66-148-9805 2300 ea Defence Specification Hat, camouflage pattern, size medium, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 broad brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Australian Defence Apparel (MC:Z1844) 8415-66-148-9806 1850 ea Defence Specification Hat, camouflage pattern, size large, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 broad brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Australian Defence Apparel (MC:Z1844) 8415-66-148-9807 1600 ea Defence Specification Hat, camouflage pattern, size x-large, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 broad brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Australian Defence Apparel Enquiries: Samantha Morrison, Tel: (03) 9282 5233 (MC:Z1844) Delivery of above items East Bandiana, Vic J8518 8415-66-148-9808 230 ea Defence Specification 31 July B/R2480046 Hat, camouflage pattern, size x-small, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 narrow brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Australian Defence Apparel (MC:Z1844) 8415-66-148-9810 3600 ea Defence Specification Hat, camouflage pattern, size medium, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 narrow brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Australian Defence Apparel (MC:Z1844) 8415-66-148-9811 3200 ea Defence Specification Hat, camouflage pattern, size large, version 3, DPDU, ARMY(AUST)6822 narrow brim, (op stock only) (MC:Z0083) or Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Australian Defence Apparel Enquiries: Nicole Hutcheon, Tel: (03) 9282 6564 (MC:Z1844) Delivery of above items East Bandiana, Vic C7249 5995-99-630-4975 10 ea SDB218811 4 August Cord assy, electrical, key telegraph Qinetiq, UK Note: Please indicate manufacturer & part no. quoted on. (MC:K0835) or AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from 640-1-14514 Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 GEC Marconi, UK Delivery to Moorebank, NSW (MC:K6036) or 640/1/14514 British Aerospace, UK (MC:K1423) FV8048 5340-01-564-8160 52 ea C-938-48 4 August Slide, drawer, extension, heavy duty General Devices Co (USA) Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Paul Groves, Tel: (03) 9282 6111 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW FV8047 2530-01-549-1226 2 ea 605035 4 August Rim, wheel, for pneumatic tyre Titan Wheel & Rims Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Paul Groves, Tel: (03) 9282 6111 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW G2032 8345-66-015-9188 100 ea 5 August B/RPD2590006 Flag, identification, RAEME workshops, 60 cm hoist, 90 cm fly, i/a/w attached Drawing FLGRAEME9188 Note: A sample of past work showing similar construction required by the drawings is required. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Adriana Malfitana, Tel: (03) 9282 5391 Technical Enquiries: Kevin Schneider, Tel: (03) 9282 6241 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW C7247 5940-66-151-8353 500 ea 703/9/12404/000 8 August Post, binding, electrical, 0.138 in. dia, 39mm o/a/ h, BAE Systems Aust modified for use with radio set ASKY/RT-F500 (MC:Z4986) 5365-66-128-6556 150 ea 686/2/10615/000 Bushing, non-metallic, chloroprene rubber, black, 16.8mm BAE Systems Aust od, 3mm id. To be manufactured i/a/w attached Drawings. (MC:Z4986) Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Kate Foley, Tel: (03) 9282 7122 Delivery of above items to Moorebank, NSW G2282 7105-66-024-2343 1500 ea Defence Drawing 15 August Stool, folding, camp, 450 mm lg x 330 mm w, lightweight ADE(M)203-1 aluminium tubular frame - 19 mm od x 16 swg, seat 270 (MC:Z5454) gsm, olive green, cotton duck. Item to be manufactured i/a/w DEF(AUST) 8369 Issue 1. Note: This RFQ can only be obtained from Enquiries: Costa Villani, Tel: (03) 9282 6577 Technical Enquiries: Mark Burkitt, Tel: (03) 9282 5273 Delivery to Moorebank, NSW CURRENT NEW ZEALAND TENDERS E1940 NON-LINEAR JUNCTION DETECTOR 8 AUGUST – Request for Tender - New Zealand Defence Force The New Zealand Army requires three (3) Non Linear Junction Detectors to search voids and areas where they are unable to gain physical or visual access, in order to detect electronic components and devices. Closing Date: 1:00 pm, Friday 8 August 2008. Enquiries: Mark McKeag, Project Manager, Directorate of Equipment Procurement, Army General Staff, Logistics Executive, Messines Army Centre, Private Bag 901, Upper Hutt 5140 New Zealand. Tel: +64 4 527 5934, Fax: +64 4 527 5784, Email: E2100 CABLE DETECTION EQUIPMENT 15 AUGUST – Request for Tender - New Zealand Defence Force The New Zealand Army requires quantity four (4) cable detectors, in order to detect hidden cables, possibly connected to explosives, or other devices. The cable detector can be a proven commercial or military off the shelf product. Closing Date: 1.00 pm, Friday 15 August 2008 Enquiries: Mark McKeag, Directorate of Equipment Procurement, Army General Staff, Messines Army AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE NEWS 23 JULY 2008 Compliments of EDA Projects Pty Ltd - AUSTRALIA Centre, Somme Road, Private Bag 901, Upper Hutt 5140, New Zealand. Tel: +64 4 527 5934, Fax: +64 4 527 5784, Email: CNT NEW ZEALAND TENDERS E N D E R SENT DEFENCE TENDERS PUBLISHED PREVIOUSLY