aerophilately - Christchurch (NZ) Philatelic Society, Inc

Aerophilately - REFERENCE BOOKS
Reference Books
1919 Pioneer Emergency Air Mail Service in
Egypt and Palestine, The ; Gilbert, J H E ;
The London Philatelist; ; ; 9; ; Egypt; P
Abyssinia 1929-1931; Baldwin, N C ; Francis
J. Field Ltd; ; ; 16; ; Abyssinia; P
Aerogramme Airmail Entire Truth, The ; ;
Classic Philatelics; ; ; ; No 57-63; ; P
Aerogrammes; Jennings, P ; Picton
Publishing; ; 1973; 93; ; ; H
Aerophil - Aero Literature; Sanford, K ;
Aerophil; ; 1988; ; Book list; ; P
Aerophil - Aero Literature; Sanford, K ;
Aerophil; ; 1990; 13; Book list; ; P
Aerophil - Crash covers; Sanford, K ;
Aerophil; ; 1990; 5; Sale list; ; P
Aerophilatelic Flights Hawaii & Central
Pacific 1913-1946; Crampon, L J ; Hawaiian
Philatelic Society; ; 1980; 69; ; Hawaii; P
Air Age, The - a 1944 Commentary ; Phillips,
H D ; A. Phillips; ; 1944; 193; Bound volume of
1944 Air Mail Magazine; ; H
Air Letter Sheets; Hillard, F G ; Richard A
Field; ; ; 4; Insert 2pp Airpost News; GB; P
Air Mail; Monk, F V; Winter, H T ; The Percy
Press; ; 1936; 304; ; ; H
Air Mail History of The Rhodesias and
Nyasaland; Baldwin, N C ; Francis J Field,
Ltd ; ; ; 16; ; Rhodesia & Nyassaland; P
Air Mail in New Guinea; Gisburn, H G D ; ; ; ;
; Laurie Franks Library; PNG; P
Air Mail in the AEF?; ; The American
Philatelist; ; 1981; ; Photocopy; USA; P
Air Mail Notes; ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; ; No
21; ; P
Air Mail Pioneer, An ; Gisburn, H G D ;
Francis J Field, Ltd. ; ; ; 8; ; Australia; P
Air Mail Postmarks of Great Britain;
Baldwin, N C ; ; ; ; 16; ; GB; P
Air Mail Survey of Egypt, An ; ; Francis J
Field, Ltd ; ; ; 6; ; Egypt; P
Air Mail, an illustrated history 1793-1981 ;
Holmes, D B ; Clarkson N. Potter, Inc ; ; 1981;
226; ; ; H
Air Mails of British Africa 1925-1932, The ;
Baldwin, N C ; Francis J. Field; ; ; 68; ;
Br.Africa; P
Air Mails of South Africa; Baldwin, N C ;
Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 16; ; South Africa; P
Air Mails of the Sudan; Field, J C W ;
Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 12; ; Sudan; P
Air New Zealand Cargo; ; Air New Zealand; ; ;
; ; NZ; P
Air Post Collector, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; 1950; ; Vol 11, No 7, Exhibition
edition ; ; P
Air Transport Label Catalog, Vol II, Sect 3 &
4 ; Thomas, W D, compiler ; Aeronautica & Air
Label Collectors Club; ; 1976; 31; ; Australia; P
Aircraft of the World; ; Shell; ; ; ; ; ; P
Airgraph and V…- Mail; ; J. Stephens; ; 1948;
48; ; ; P
Airgraphs (V-Mails); ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ;
1956; ; Copy; ; P
Airmail Annual, The ; ; The Philatelic
Magazine; ; 1934; 56; ; ; P
Airmail Etiquettes; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ;
Part sheet; NZ; P
Airmail Postage Rates of Australia; Walker,
M ; ; ; 1988; ; ; Australia; H
Airmail Stamps; ; H. E. Harris & Co.; 2nd;
1943; 118; ; ; P
Airmail Stamps of the Republic of China; ;
Director General of Posts; ; 1973; 8; ; Taiwan;
Airmail Stamps: Fakes & Forgeries; Newall,
A S ; Newall Consultants Ltd; ; 1990; 309; ; ; H
Airmails 1870-1970; Mackay, J A ; B. T.
Batsford Ltd; ; 1971; 216; ; ; H
Airmails and Pigeon Posts of New Zealand,
The ; Collins, R J G ; Air Mail Society of NZ; ;
1931; 89; ; NZ; P
Airmails of New Zealand, Vol 1 ; Walker, D A
; Air Mail Society of NZ; 1st; 1955; 114;
Unbound originals; NZ; P
Airmails of New Zealand, Vol 1 ; Walker, D
A,ed; Hitchings,C; Stapleton, J A & J C ; Air
Mail Society of NZ; Reprint; 1985; 114; Copy
No.1; NZ; P
Airmails of New Zealand, Vol 1, Internal
Mails ; Walker, D A,ed; Hitchings,C; Stapleton,
J A & J C ; Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1955; 114; ;
Airmails of New Zealand, Vol 2 ; Walker, D A
; Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1986; 346; ; NZ; H
Airmails of New Zealand, Vol 3 ; Startup, R
M ; Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1997; 277; Review
copy; NZ; H
Airmails of the Channel Islands; Newport, W
; Channel Islands Specialists' Society; ; 1957;
12; ; Channel Is.; P
Airmails over Cyprus; Field, J C W ; Francis
J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 12; ; Cyprus; P
Airposts of South Africa, The ; Wyndham, L
A ; ; ; 1936; 126; 1 loose plate; South Africa; H
Airposts of South Africa, The ; Baldwin, N C;
Stern, M F ; Richard A Field; ; ; 24; ; South
Africa; P
Apollo Missions; ; ; ; ; ; Folder of 4 items;
Australian Air Mail Catalogue; Eustis, H N ;
H. N. Eustis; ; ; 84; ; Australia; P
Australian Air Mail Catalogue, The, Vol 1
1914-1941 ; Eustis, H N ; Review Publications
Pty. Ltd.; 2nd; 1965; ; ; Australia; P
Australian Air Mails; Rosenbaum, A A ;
Australian Stamp Monthly; ; 1931; 48; ;
Australia; P
Australian Commemorative and Air Mail
Stamps 1927-1951; ; Australian Post Office; ; ;
44; ; Australia; P
Austria - Philatelist; ; Osterreichische
Briefmarken-Zeitung; ; 1948; 72; May 1948;
Nov 1953; In German; Austria; P
BEA First Flight Covers and Airway Letter
Labels; ; British European Airways; ; ; 6; ; GB;
Aerophilately - REFERENCE BOOKS
Billig's Specialized Catalogues, Vol 8,
Rocket Mail ; Smith, S H ; Fritz Billig; 2nd;
1955; 68; 4 loose pp of price list; ; P
Billig's Specialized Catalogues, Vol 8A,
Rocket Mail, Supplement ; Kronstein, M ;
Fritz Billig; ; 1958; 24; ; ; P
Billig's Specialized Catalogues, Vol 8B,
Rocket Mail ; Kronstein, M ; Fritz Billig; ; 1965;
54; ; ; P
Bird's Eye View of Canada, A ; Baldwin, N C
; Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 12; ; Canada; P
Bridging The Pacific; Field, J C W ; Francis J
Field; 2nd; 1952; 49; ; ; P
British Air Mails 1946-1951; Baldwin, N C,
compiler ; Francis J. Field, Ltd ; ; ; 20; ; GB; P
British Commonwealth; ; Francis J. Field, Ltd
; ; 1953; 48; ; Br.Comm; P
British Empire First and Special Mail
Flights; Fields, F J, comp ; Francis J. Field
Ltd; ; ; 8; Covers broken off; Br.Comm; P
British External Airmails until 1934; Newall,
A S ; Newall Consultants Ltd; ; ; 227; ; GB; H
Bulletin; ; Internation Federation of AeroPhilatelic Societies; ; ; ; No 61,96+H5637 ; ; P
By Air, Through the Stamp Album ; ; Stanley
Gibbons Ltd; ; ; 50; ; ; P
.T.P. Ulm's Flight to New Guinea; ; ; ; ; 9;
Copy of exhibit; Australia; P
Canadian Special Airmail Stamps on Flown
Covers; Forrest, C S ; ; ; 1974; ; Laurie Franks
Library; Canada; P
Catalogue Historique & Descriptif des
Timbres de la Poste Aerieene; ; Theodore
Champion; ; 1921; 63; In French; ; H
China Airmails; ; The Laurie Franks
Collection; 2nd; ; 111; ; China; SB
Chinese Air-Post, The, 1920-1935, The ;
Starr, J; Mills, S J ; ; ; 1937; 112; ; China; H
Chronicles of Icarus; Hughes, W E ; W. E.
Hughes; ; ; ; Nos 1-5; ; P
Clipper Service Across the Pacific, The ; ; ; ;
; ; Copy of exhibit; ; SB
Commercial and Historical Atlas of the
World's Airways, A ; ; Francis J Field; ; 1925?;
84; ; ; P
Condition' in Relation to Flown Covers;
Redgrove, H S ; Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 4; ; ; P
Coronation Aerial Post 1911; Field, F J;
Baldwin, N C ; Francis J Field; ; 1934; 82; ; GB;
Crash Covers; Eisendrath, J L ; American Air
Mail Society; ; 1979; 210; ; ; H
D.Field's Priced Catalogue of Airmail
Stamps and Airposts of the World; ; D. Field;
2nd; 1934; 548; ; ; H
Deutsche Feldpost im Osten und der
Luftfeldpostdienst Osten im Sweiten
Weltkrieg, Die ; Schmitt, B; Gericke, B ; Archiv
Fur Deutsche Postgeschichte; ; 1969; 68; In
German, insert booklet with relevant maps ;
Germany; P
Duke of Gloucester Australasian Tour; ; ; ; ;
1; Only known cover, copy ; NZ; P
Ellington-Zwisler Rocket Mail Catalogue;
Ellington, J T; Zwisler, P F ; ; ; 1967; 250; ; ; H
Eurasia Aviation Corporation; Moeller, P ; ; ;
1989; 127; In German; Laurie Franks Library;
China; P
External Air Mails of Australia, The ;
Baldwin, N C ; Francis J Field, Ltd. ; ; 1965;
60; ; Australia; P
External Air Mails of New Zealand, The ;
Baldwin, N C ; Francis J Field, Ltd. ; ; ; 13; ;
Fifty Years of British Air Mails 1911-1960;
Baldwin, N C, compiler ; Francis J. Field, Ltd ; ;
; 48; ; GB; P
Fiji's Early Internal Air Services; Rodger, J
G ; Philatelic Society of Fiji; 1st; 1979; 14; ; Fiji;
First C.A.M's, The ; Davis, A ; Francis J
Field, Ltd ; ; ; 4; ; USA; P
First Flight Covers & Airway Letter Labels; ;
British Airways; ; 1974; ; Order booklet; GB; P
FISA Bulletin; ; FISA Publications; ; ; ; Nos
54,62-80,82-85,87-95,99-103,110 ; ; P
Francis J Field R.D.P.; ; British Air Mail
Society; ; 1971; 20; Souvenir, Signed by Field ;
Gambian Air Mails; Baldwin, N C ; Francis J
Field, Ltd ; ; ; 6; ; Gambia; P
Geschiedenis Van De DuivenPost;
Koelewijn, D D ; Door D. Koelewijn; ; 1990;
123; In Dutch; ; P
Grandes Archives de la Post Aerienne, Les ;
Paganini, Dr R ; Administration des Postes
Suisses; ; 1930; 64; Author signed, in French,
list of Postal Museum Archives ; Switzerland; P
Handbook of New Zealand Aviation
Cinderellas and Airmail Labels; Stapleton, J
A ; Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1989; 30; ; NZ; SB
History of Airmail in Scandanavia, The ;
Luning, O ; Sveriges Filatelist-Forbund; ; 1978;
350; In English & Swedish; Scandinavia; H
History of Helicopter Mails, The ; Baldwin, N
C ; Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 10; ; ; P
Hong Kong Airmails; ; ; ; ; 130; Laurie
Franks Collection, No 19 ; Hong Kong; SB
Imperial Airways (and Subsidiary
Companies); Baldwin, N C, compiler ; Francis
J. Field, Ltd ; ; 1950; 84; ; ; P
Inflation Air Mails of Danzig, The ; Taylor, B
C ; Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 3; ; Danzig; P
J. Stephen; ; J. Stephen; ; 1953; 7; No 62; ; P
Let's Talk Parachutes; ; The Parachute Study
Group; ; ; ; Vol 6, No 1 ; ; P
Letter carried on Faith in Australia; ; C. C.
Wakefield & Co. Limited; ; 1933; ; ; NZ; P
Mail Carried by Famous Pilots; Gould, A E ;
Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 6; ; ; P
Mail Through the Air; Kehr, E A ; American
Air Mail Society; ; ; 20; ; ; P
Malta - War Time Airmail; ; Malta Study
Circle; ; ; 25; Laurie Franks Library; Malta; P
Men Against the Sky; Harris, S F ; N. K.
Musson & Company; ; ; 24; ; ; P
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 157-206 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 82-156 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 30-81 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 1-29 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 206-282 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 82-205 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 207-250 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 251-283 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 284-316 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 317-349 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 350-401 bound; ; H
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 501-514,517-525,537,539-543,545558,566-579,581,584 ; ; P
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 1,28,29,50,89,108,113-183,185-200
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 201-8,246-259,261,262,264-300 ; ;
New Zealand Air Mail News; ; Air Mail Society
of NZ; ; ; ; 301-310,312-314,316,318-391,393500 ; ; P
New Zealand Airgraph Service; Griffiths, K A
; The Postal History Society of New Zealand; ;
1999; 87; ; NZ; SB
New Zealand Airmail Society Newsletter; ;
Air Mail Society of NZ; ; ; ; No 12,18-20,22-29
bound ; NZ; H
New Zealand Pioneer Airmails; Nielsen, J. E.
; ; ; 1988; ; Copy of exhibit; NZ; SB
New Zealand, The Great Barrier Island 189899 Pigeon Post Stamps ; Walker, J R ; The
Collectors Club; ; 1968; 109; ; NZ; P
Newfoundland Air Mails 1919-1939; Dalwick,
R E R; Harmer C H C ; H. R. Harmer Ltd; ;
1953; 180; ; Canada; H
Official, Historical and Experimental Flights,
List Of ; ; The Indian Air Mail Society; ; ; 11; ;
India; P
Official, Historical and Experimental Flights,
List Of ; ; The Indian Air Mail Society; ; ; 24; ;
India; P
Pan American Airways; ; ; ; ; ; Copy of exhibit;
; SB
Pan American's Pacific Pioneers; Krupnick,
J E ; Pictorial Histories Publishing Company; ;
1997; 315; Author signed; USA; H
Pan-American Airways; Baldwin, N C ;
Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; 21; ; USA; P
Pioneer Airpost Flights of the World 18301935; Kronstein, M ; American Air Mail
Society; ; 1978; 310; ; ; H
Post-War Bridging the Atlantic, 1945-50, A
Priced Supplement ; Baldwin, N C ; Francis
J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 48; ; ; P
Preludes to Australia's International
Airmails; Gibson, R J ; Quantas Airways; ;
1969; 19; ; Australia; SB
Quantas Aeriana 1920-1954; Crome, E A ;
Francis J Field; ; 1955; 195; ; Australia; H
Railway and Airway Letter Stamps of the
British Isles 11891-1971, The ; Jackson, Capt
H T ; Harry Hayes; ; 1979; 179; Laurie Franks
Library; GB; H
Recovered Mail; Nierinck, H L ; R-Editions; ;
1984; 366; In French & English, With separate
price list ; ; H
Rocket & Jet Posts; Field, F J ; Francis J
Field, Ltd. ; ; ; 40; ; ; P
Rocket Mail Catalogue, Supplement ; Smith,
S H ; Rocket Association of the Southeast; ; ; 8;
Plus 3 society bulletins; ; P
Rocket Posts in Britain, Priced Check List ; ;
Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; 12; ; GB; P
Royal Air Force Museum Flown Covers; ;
R.A.F. Museum; 2nd; 1975; 150; ; GB; P
Royal Air Force Post Offices; Townesend,
Comm E J D ; Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 6; ; GB;
Semi-Official Air Stamps of Canada 19241934, The ; Longworth-Dames, C A ; ; ; 1982;
108; ; Canada; P
South African Airways, 1939 ; ; Francis J
Field, Ltd ; ; ; 2; ; South Africa; P
Soviet Man in Space; ; Soviet Booklets; ;
1961; 72; ; Russia; P
Trans-Tasman Air Mails; ; ; ; ; 12; Copy of
exhibit; Australia; P
Twelve Years of Scottish Air Mails; Baldwin,
N C ; Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 10; ; Scotland; P
Wings Over New Zealand; Baldwin, N C ;
Francis J Field, Ltd ; ; ; 6; ; NZ; P
Zeppelin Transatlantic Record Flight & Air
Race Cover Price List; ; J. Stephen; ; 1948;
32; ; ; P
Zeppelinpost und Luftschiffbriefmarken der
UdSSR; Lukanc, I ; Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Zeppelinpost im BDPH; ; 1975; 70; In German;
Russia; P
Auction Catalogues
Aerophilatelic Price Realisations in CMA
Auctions 1973-75; ; Collectors Mail Auctions
Pty Ltd.; 1st; 1975; 48; ; ; P
Airmail Covers of the World, 27.11.86 ; ;
Phillips; ; 1986; 80; ; ; P
Airmail Stamps of American Nations &
British Colonies; ; F. W. Kessler; ; 1950; 31; ;
Airmails Auction IV; ; Charles Leski &
Associates Pty, Ltd ; ; 1992; ; ; ; P
Airmails Auction VI; ; Charles Leski &
Associates Pty, Ltd ; ; 1996; ; ; ; P
Brian Peace 1919-22 New Zealand Pioneer
Airmails; ; J.M.A. Gregson Ltd; ; 1995; 15; ;
Estate Tender; ; ; ; ; ; D.A.Walker, No 1-7 ; ; P
La Maison de la Poste Aerienne; ; Poste
Aerienne; ; 1946; 32; In French; ; P
Olympic Games; Airmails of the World,
Catalogue 1 ; ; David Feldman; ; 1999; 102;
The 'Zappeion' Collection; ; P
Pegasus Collection of Airmails of the World;
; Harmers; ; 1986; 78; ; ; P
Photograph Collection; ; ; ; ; ; D.A.Walker; ; P
Postal Covers; ; Theo Van Dam; ; 1980; ; ;
Poland; P
United States of America, British Colonies
Airmails of the World ; ; Billig & Rich; ; 1947;
72; ; ; P
Zeppelins, Foreign Countries, Great Britain,
British Commonwealth ; ; Harmers; ; 1994;
160; ; ; P
Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 1 ; ; Francois
Godinas; ; 1967; ; ; ; LL
Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 2 ; ; Francois
Godinas; ; 1967; ; ; ; LL
Air Stamp Catalogue; ; Stanley Gibbons Ltd;
3rd; 1935; 190; ; ; P
Airmail Stamps of the World; ; H E Harris; ;
1947; 159; ; ; P
Airmail Stamps of the World; ; H E Harris; ;
1948; 159; ; ; P
American Air Mail Catalogue; ; The Airpost
Journal; 1st; 1940; 718; ; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue of Air Letter
Sheets; ; American Air Mail Society; ; 1955;
173; Plus loose supp, and pasted
amendments ; ; P
American Air Mail Catalogue, 1941 Supp ; ;
The Airpost Journal; ; 1941; 127; ; ; P
American Air Mail Catalogue, 1943 Supp ; ;
The Airpost Journal; ; 1943; 67; ; ; P
American Air Mail Catalogue, Pricing
Supplement ; ; American Air Mail Society; ;
1990; 218; ; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 1 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 1971; 1966; 541; 1st
reprint; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 1 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 5th; 1974; 477; ; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 2 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 5th; 1977; 507; ;
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 2 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 4th; 1969; 637; ; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 3 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 5th; 1978; 506; ;
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 3 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 4th; 1970; 572; ; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 4 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 4th; 1971; 541; ; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 4 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 5th; 1981; 598; ; ; H
American Air Mail Catalogue, Vol 5 ; ;
American Air Mail Society; 5th; 1985; 550; ; ; H
Australian Air Mail Catalogue, The ; Eustis,
H N ; The Hawthorn Press; 3rd; 1976; 195;
Signed; Australia; H
Australian Air Mail Catalogue, The ; Eustis,
H N ; Hobby Investment Pty Ltd; 5th; 1990;
307; Signed; Australia; H
Bridging The Pacific; Field, J C W ; Francis
J Field, Ltd. ; 2nd; 1952; 52; ; ; P
British Airmails, A Chronology ; ; Francis J
Field, Ltd. ; ; 1935; 129; ; GB; P
Catalogue Historique & Descriptif des
Timbres de la Poste Aerieene, Supplement
to 6th Edition ; ; Theodore Champion; ; 1931;
100; ; ; P
Catalogue International de la Poste
Aerienne; ; Julien Clavel; 1st; 1933; 212; In
French; ; P
Catalogue International de la Poste
Aerienne; ; International Airpost & Publishing
Express Service; 2nd; 1934; 176; In French; ; P
Catalogue Mondial des Entiers
Aeropostaux; ; Francois Godinas; ; 1955; ; In
French & English; ; LL
Catalogue of Royal Air Force Museum Flight
Covers; ; P R O'Connell; ; ; ; ; GB; P
Conquete de L'Espace; ; Bernard et
Alexandre Lollini; ; 1990; 512; ; ; P
Field's Priced Catalogue Of Airmail Stamps
and Airposts of the World; ; D Field; 1st;
1932; 388; ; ; H
Flugzeugtypen auf Marken; Dahmann K;
Willberg, H ; Kurt Dahmann; ; 1952; 32; In
German; ; P
Greenland, Expeditions and Flights after
1938 including North Pole Expeditions and
Trans-Arctic Flights ; Wowern, E ; GF
Friemaerker; ; 1975; 69; Laurie Franks Library;
Greenland; P
Handbook of New Zealand Aviation
Cinderellas and Airmail Labels; Stapleton, J
A ; Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1989; 29; ; NZ; SB
Historical Air Mail Catalogue, The ; ; K
Lissiuk Philatelic Co Inc; ; 1930; 277; ; ; H
Illustrierter Luftpostmarken - Katalog; ;
Gebruder Senf; 1st; 1931; 48; ; ; P
Japan, Overseas and International Flights ;
Fields, F J, comp ; Francis J. Field, Ltd ; ;
1953?; ; Loose FD pmk; Japan; P
Katalog Der Flugpost der Neuen Deutschen
Lufthansa; ; Sieger Verlag; 12th; ; 498; In
German; Germany; P
Katalog Der Flugpost der Neuen Deutschen
Lufthansa; ; Sieger-Verlag; ; 1956; 28; In
German; Germany; P
Kessler's Catalogue of Aerogrammes, No 5;
China & Taiwan ; ; J. M. Williams; ; ; 13;
Laurie Franks Library; ; P
Luchtpostcatalogus van Nederland en
Overzeese Rijksdelen; ; Vliegende Hollander;
; 1983; 360; In Dutch; Netherlands; P
New Zealand Air Mail Etiquettes and Airmail
Labels; Stapleton, J A ; Air Mail Society of NZ;
; 1989; 7; Laurie Franks Library; NZ; P
New Zealand Air Post Cinderellas;
Stapleton, J A ; Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1992;
46; ; NZ; SB
New Zealand Airmail Catalogue, The ;
Stapleton, J A ; Stirling & Co. Ltd.; ; 1987; 36; ;
New Zealand Airmail Catalogue, The ;
Stapleton, J A ; Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1994; ;
; NZ; SB
New Zealand Airmail Etiquettes and Airmail
Labels; Stapleton, J A ; Air Mail Society of NZ;
; 1989; 7; ; NZ; P
New Zealand Airmail Label & Aviation
Cinderella Catalogue; Stapleton, J A ; Air
Mail Society of NZ; ; 1999; 68; ; NZ; SB
Poste Aerienne ; ; Theodore Champion; 2nd;
1922; 121; In French; ; H
Poste Aerienne ; ; Theodore Champion; 3rd;
1924; 240; In French; ; H
Poste Aerienne ; ; Theodore Champion; 4th;
1925; 398; In French; ; H
Poste Aerienne ; ; Theodore Champion; 5th;
1928; 331; In French; ; H
Poste Aerienne, Supplement ; ; Theodore
Champion; 6th; 1930; 100; In French; ; P
Priced Catalogue of the Pigeon Post
Stamps, Airmail Stamps and Flown Covers
of New Zealand 1932-33 ; Collins, R J G ;
Christchurch Philatelic Society; 2nd. 3rd & 4th;
1990; ; Reprint, copy 1 ; NZ; P
Priced Catalogue of the Pigeon Post
Stamps; Air Mail Stamps and Flown Covers
of New Zealand, A ; ; Verne, Collins & Co.,
Ltd ; 5th; 1934; 15; ; NZ; P
Reference Book and Catalogue of Royal Air
Force Museum Covers; ; The R.A.F. Museum;
3rd; 1976; ; With 1977-79 supplements; GB; LL
Sanabria's Air Post Catalogue; ; Nicolas
Sanabria Co.; ; 1950; 469; ; ; H
Sanabria's Air Post Catalogue; ; Nicolas
Sanabria Co.; ; 1944; 992; ; ; H
Sanabria's Air Post Catalogue; ; Nicolas
Sanabria Co.; ; 1959; 627; ; ; H
Sanabria's Air Post Catalogue; ; Nicolas
Sanabria Co.; ; 1954; 540; ; ; H
Schweizerischer Luftpost-Katalog; ;
Schweizerscher Aerophilatellisten-Verlein; ;
1969; 240; In German; Switzerland; SB
Schweizerischer Luftpost-Katalog; ;
Schweizerscher Aerophilatellisten-Verlein; ;
1969; 10; Addenda; Switzerland; P
Standard Catalogue of Air Post Stamps; ;
Nicolas Sanabria Co.; 7th; 1937; 504; ; ; H
Standard Catalogue of Air Post Stamps; ;
Nicolas Sanabria Co.; 9th; 1939; 661; ; ; H
Weltraumfahrt, Astronauten, Sputniks und
Raketen ; ; Sieger-Verlag; ; 1965; 207; In
German; ; P
World Air Mail News; ; Nicolas Sanabria Co.; ;
; ; Vol 23, No 1-6, bound ; ; P
World Air Posts; ; Francis J Field, Ltd. ; ;
1948; 44; ; ; P
World Airmail Catalogue, The ; ; Nicolas
Sanabria Co.; ; 1966; 1350; Dust jacket
repaired; ; H
Zeppelin Post Katalog; ; Sieger-Verlag; ;
1952; 230; In German; Germany; H
Zeppelin, Parse-Val & Andere Luftschiffe ;
Sollars, K ; Kuno Sollars; ; 1973; 88; In
German; ; P
Journals & Magazines
Aero Field, The ; ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ; 1926;
; Nos 1-10, 13-27 ; ; P
Aero Field, The ; ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; ; Vol
3, No 1;Vol 10, No 2; ; ; P
Aero Field, The ; ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; ; Vol
13, No 8;Vol 15, No 1; Vol 17, No 1-2,4-6; Vol
17, No 6 ; ; P
Aero Field, The ; ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; ; Vol
34, No 1; Vol 41, No 4; ; ; P
Aero Field, The ; ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; ;
Index: Vols 1&2, 35-37, 39, 41-46, ; ; P
Aero Field, The, (New Series) ; ; Francis J
Field; ; 1937; ; No 1,345,348,351-365,367-388
Aero Phila, The ; ; Takeo Ichikawa; ; ; ; No 59;
Japan; P
Aero Phila, The ; ; The Aero Phila Club; ; ; ;
No 63,69 ; ; P
Aero Philatelic Club, London, 1935 ; ; Aero
Philatelic Club; ; 1935; ; ; ; SB
Aero Philatelic Club, London, 1936 ; ; Aero
Philatelic Club; ; 1936; ; ; ; SB
Aero Philatelic Club, London, 1937-45 ; ;
Aero Philatelic Club; ; 1937; ; ; ; SB
Aero Philatelist Annals; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; July 1975-Jan 1982; ; SB
Aerophilately Articles; ; ; ; ; ; ; Australia; SB
Air Mail Entire Truth, The ; ; LAVA; ; ; ; Nos
1,6 ; ; P
Air Mail Magazine; ; A. Phillips; ; 1939; ; Nos
1-26,29,31-32,34-65,67-68 ; ; P
Air Mail Magazine, Vol 6 ; ; A. Phillips; ; 1944;
Air Mail News; ; The British Aerophilatelic
Federation; ; ; ; Vol 36, No 156 ; ; P
Air Mail News; ; British Air Mail Society; ;
1981; ; Vol 23, No 108 ; ; P
Air Post Collector, The ; ; R. E. R. Dalwick; ;
1928; ; Nos 2,23, 26, Duplicates ; ; P
Air Post Collector, The ; ; R. E. R. Dalwick; ;
1928; ; Nos 1-29; ; P
Airmail Magazine and Philatelic Price List; ;
J. Stephen; 2nd; ; ; No 1; ; P
Airpost Journal, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; Vol 1, No 9; Vol 2, No 1-5; Vol 7,
No 6-7,9-10,12; Vol 8, No 10; Vol 9, No 4-8,1112; Vol 10, No 4-6,11-12 ; ; P
Airpost Journal, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; Vol 11, No 4-5,9,12; Vol 12, No
9,11-12; Vol 13, No 5,7,10,12; Vol 14, No 23,6-9; Vol 15, No 4,7; Vol 19, No 1-4,6-12; Vol
20 ; ; P
Airpost Journal, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; Vol 21-23; Vol 24, No 1-7,9-12;
Vols 23-30 ; ; P
Airpost Journal, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; Vol 31-35; Vol 36, No 1-9; Vol 37,
No 1,6-11; Vol 38, No 2-11; Vols 39-40 ; ; P
Airpost Journal, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; Vol 41-43; Vol 44, No 1-9; Vol 45,
No 6-9; Vol 46, No 9; Vol 49, No 4 ; ; P
Airpost Journal, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; Vol 52, No 1,3,5; Vol 55, No 4; Vol
52, No 1,3,5; Vol 55, No 4; Vol 56; Vol 57, No
1-6 ; ; P
Airpost Journal, The ; ; American Air Mail
Society; ; ; ; Index Vols 1-50; 1-14; ; P
Australian Aerophilatelist; ; Australian Airmail
Society; ; ; ; 1990, Jan ; Australia; P
Biblioteca de Filatelia; ; Federacion Argentina
de Entidades Filatelicas; ; ; ; Vol 4, No 4 ; ; P
Bulletin; ; The British Aerophilatelic
Federation; ; ; ; No 73; ; P
De Aero-Philatelist; ; De Vliegende Hollander;
; ; ; 1966, Nos 5,6, 9; 1967, No 1,1972, No 3;
in Dutch ; Netherlands; P
Far East Aero Philately; ; ; ; ; ; No 76,96 ;
Asia; P
Monthly Airmail; ; John S. Davis; ; 1931; ; Vol
2, No 5-6,9; Vol 3, Nos 3-5,11-12; Vol 4, No 8 ;
New Zealand Airmail Society News, Vol 2 ; ;
Air Mail Society of NZ; ; 1941; ; ; ; H
Philately (Air Mail Issue); ; Stamp Collecting; ;
1947; 36; ; ; P
Sieger-Post; ; H. E. Sieger-Verlag; ; 1932; ;
No 32-39, in German ; ; P
Non Philatelic
50th Anniversary Air Pageant; ; Marlborough
Aero Club (Inc); ; 1978; 28; ; NZ; P
50th Anniversary First Tasman Flight; ;
Paparua County Jaycee Inc.; ; 1978; ; ;
Australia; P
50th Anniversary of Flight at Wigram; ;
Royal New Zealand Air Force; ; 1967; ; ; NZ; P
Aeroplane; ; Temple Press Ltd; ; ; ; Vol 114; ;
Air France; ; Air France; ; ; ; No 4,6 ; France;
Air New Zealand; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ;
1978, April-Dec; 1979, Jan,Feb,Mar ; ; P
Air New Zealand's First 50 Years; ; Air New
Zealand; ; 1970; ; ; NZ; H
Air Transport Manual; ; Temple Press Ltd; ;
1933?; 184; ; ; H
Air-Dropped Propaganda Currency;
Auckland, R G ; John W. Baker Ltd.; ; 1972; 48;
Airline Emblems; ; Cadbury Limited; ; ; ;
Cards A,B,C, ; ; P
Airline Review; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; 1965; 15; Vol 5, No 33,
cover picture NZ stamps ; ; P
Airline Review; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; ; ; No 1-4,6-14,1622,23-27,29-40,42-72 ; ; P
Airways; ; Quantas Airways Ltd; ; ; ; Vol 13,
No 11; Vol 19, No 10; Vol 20, No 9;Vol 25, No
8,9; Vol 26, No 1,5-12 (airmail article); Vol 2729 ; ; P
Airways; ; ; ; ; ; Vol 30, No 1-8,12-12; Vol 32;
Vol 33, No 2-12; Vol 34; Vol 35, No 5-12; Vol
36, No 1-10 ; ; P
Airways; ; ; ; ; ; Vol 37, No 1-11; Vol 38, No 18; Vol 39, No 1-6,8; Vol 40; Vol 41, No 1,3-6; ;
Airways; ; ; ; ; ; 1977, Mar; 1979, Mar,Nov;
1980, Sep,Nov ; ; P
Airways in New Zealand; ; National
Magazines Ltd; ; 1938; 40; ; NZ; P
Alcock & Brown Exhibition Catalogue; ; City
of Manchester; ; 1969; 32; ; ; P
Amy Johnson, Lone Girl Flyer ; Dixon, C ;
Sampson Low, Marston & Co ; ; 1930?; 151; ; ;
Annual Report; ; Air New Zealand; ; 1985; 36;
Annual Report; ; Air New Zealand; ; 1986; 36;
Astronautics & Aerospace; ; Newsweek
International; ; 1967; 24; ; ; P
Auckland International Airport; ; Auckland
International Airport; ; 1965; 72; Official
Souvenir Programme; NZ; P
Australian Aviators; Carroll, B ; Cassell; ;
1980; 170; ; Australia; H
Australia's Pioneers of the Skyways; ;
Atlantic Union Oil Company Pty; ; 1958?; 20; ;
Australia; P
Aviation Historical Society of New Zealand
Journal; ; Aviation Historical Soc of NZ; ; ; ;
Vol 5, No.8; Vol 8, No 11; Vol 9, No 2 ; NZ; P
Britain's Imperial Air Routes 1918 to 1939;
Higham, R ; G T Foulis & Co Ltd; 1961; 1960;
407; ; GB; H
Cartes des Lignes Postales Aeriennes
Internes et Internationales; ; Universal Postal
Union; ; 1934; ; 3 large route maps in folder; ; P
Cartes-Annexes A La 1re Partie, Des
Documents ; ; Universal Postal Union; ; 1933;
; Route maps; ; P
Charles Kingsford Smith; Davis, P ;
Lansdowne Press; ; 1977; 159; ; Australia; H
Christchurch International Airport, New
Zealand ; ; Canterbury Public Relations Office;
; ; 24; ; NZ; P
Civil Aviation in New Zealand; Rendel, D ;
A.H. & A.W. Reed; ; 1975; 188; ; NZ; H
Club Pacific; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ;
Introduction brochure; ;
Complete Microlight Guide, The ; Welch, A ;
EP Publishing Ltd; ; 1983; 160; ; ; H
Dragon's Wings, The ; Leary, W M ; The
University of Georgia Press; ; 1976; 278;
Author signed; China; H
Empire Airways; ; Qantas Empire Airways
Limited; ; ; ; Vol 7, No 9,11,12; Vol 8, No 8 ; ; P
Famous Fighter Planes of World War II; ;
Time Life Books; ; 1977; ; Folder of 6 plates; ;
Farnborough Story; McLeavy, R; Allward, M
F ; Fetter Publications Ltd.; ; ; 64; ; GB; P
First 50 Years of Pan Am, The ; ; Pan Am; ; ;
28; ; USA; P
Flight & Adventures of Parer & McIntosh;
Parer, R J P ; J Roy Stevens; ; 1921; 352;
Includes 8 loose photos; ; H
Flight Guide; ; Quantas Airways Ltd; ; 1970;
26; ; ; P
Flight Guide; ; Quantas Airways Ltd; ; 1973;
25; ; ; P
Flight Guide; ; Quantas Airways Ltd; ; 1971; ; ;
Flight of the Kiwi; Tait, C ; Whitcombe and
Tombs Ltd; ; 1970; 181; ; NZ; H
Flightpath South Pacific; Driscoll, I H ;
Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd; ; 1972; 303; ; NZ;
Fly Friendship Jet-Prop with NAC; ; National
Airways Corporation; ; ; ; Advertising foldout;
Aerophilately - NON PHILATELIC
Fly Friendship Jet-Prop With NAC; ; New
Zealand National Airways Corporation; ; ; ;
Foldout; ; P
Flyers; Brown, D ; Hamlyn; ; 1981; 93; ; ; H
Flying Doctor Calling; Hill, E ; Angus &
Robertson Ltd; ; 1947; 156; ; Australia; H
Flynn of the Inland; Idriess, I L ; Angus &
Robertson Ltd; 2nd; 1932; 306; ; Australia; H
From Waggon Wheels to Wings; ; ; ; ; 16;
Quantas; Australia; P
From Wagon Wheels to Wings; ; Quantas
Airways; ; 1965; ; ; Australia; P
George Bolt, Pioneer Aviator ; Harvie, E F ;
A.H. & A.W. Reed; ; 1974; 176; ; NZ; H
Golden Wing; ; Ansett; ; ; ; No 59,60 ; ; P
Greatest Air Race, The - England-Australia
1919 ; Eustis, H N ; Rigby Ltd; ; 1968?; 188; ; ;
High Adventure; Stannage, J ; ; ; 1944; 196;
Author signed; NZ; P
High Adventure, From Balloons to Boeings
in New Zealand ; Alexander, R T ; NAC; 2nd;
1972; 111; ; NZ; P
History of Early British Aeronautics, The ;
Broke-Smith, Brig P W L ; The Royal Engineers
Journal; ; ; ; ; ; P
History of New Zealand Aviation, The ;
Ewing, R; Macpherson, R ; Heinemann
Publishers (NZ) Ltd; ; 1986; 287; ; NZ; H
Ice Crash; McKee, A ; Granada; 1981; 1979;
400; ; ; H
Illustrated History of Air Travel, The ;
Walters, B ; Crescent Books; ; ; 185; ; ; H
In Flight Gift Shop; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ; No
1; NZ; P
In Flight with Air Niugini; ; Air Niugini; ; ; ; ;
International Air Race 1953; ; Canterbury
International Air Race Council; ; 1953; 52;
Souvenir Programme; NZ; P
Jet Fighters & Bombers; Anderton, D A ;
Books for Pleasure; ; 1976; 127; ; ; H
Jetaway; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ;
17,20,22,23,25,30,37,42,46; 1981 Sep; 1982
Mar,Jul,Sep,Nov;1983 Sep ; ; P
Jungle Pilot; Hitt, R T ; Hodder and
Stoughton; ; 1960; 303; ; Ecuador; H
Karewa Point, Chatham Islands ; ; Ministry of
Works and Development; ; 1981; 1; Foldout;
Last Great Air Race; ; Christchurch
International Airport; ; 1986; ; Promotional
sheet; ; P
Liste Des Lignes Aeriennes, Des Pay
Desservis, Des Surtaxes Aeriennes, etc ; ;
Universal Postal Union; ; 1934; 483; ; ; P
Mac's Memoirs; Cunningham, G H ; A.H. &
A.W. Reed; ; 1937?; 160; ; NZ; H
Man In Space, Vol 5 ; ; Petersen Publishing
Co; ; 1974; 144; ; USA; P
Man on the Twenty Dollar Note; McNally, W ;
A.H. & A.W. Reed; ; 1976; 216; Sir Charles
Kingsford-Smith; Australia; H
Morning Flight; Brathwaite, E ; ; ; 1970; 13; ;
Mount Cook Airlines, ; ; Mount Cook Airlines;
; ; ; Various press releases in folder; NZ; P
My Life; Batten, J ; The Aviation Book Club;
1939; 1938; 304; Jean Batten; ; H
NAC Air Atlas; ; National Airways Corporation; ;
; ; ; NZ; P
NAC Air Atlas of New Zealand; ; New
Zealand National Airways Corporation; ; ; ; ;
NAC Twenty-One Years; ; New Zealand
National Airways Corporation; ; ; 14; ; NZ; P
NAC's New Zealand; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; ; ; Nov 1965 - Dec 1967;
NAC's New Zealand; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; ; ; No 73-75,87,100-102
National Geographic; ; National Geographic
Society; ; 1981; ; Space Shuutle mission, back
cover loose ; USA; H
New Zealand Aviation - 100 Years; Martyn,
E W ; Aviation Historical Soc of NZ; ; 1972; 56;
; NZ; P
New Zealand Book, The ; ; Air New Zealand; ;
1985; 50; ; NZ; P
New Zealand National Airways Corporation
Annual Report; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; 8th; 1954; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand National Airways Corporation
Annual Report; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; 1960; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand National Airways Corporation
Annual Report; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; 1961; ; ; NZ; P
Observer's Book of Aircraft; Green, W ;
Frederick Warne & Co Ltd; 22nd; 1973; 287; ; ;
Observer's Book of Manned Spaceflight;
Turnill, R ; Frederick Warne & Co Ltd; ; 1972;
191; ; ; H
Observer's Book of Unmanned Spaceflight;
Turnill, R ; Frederick Warne & Co Ltd; ; 1974;
191; ; ; H
Octopus Colour Encyclopedia of Aircraft;
Macknight, N & N ; Octopus Books Ltd; ; 1980;
224; ; ; H
Offer Document; ; Air New Zealand; ; 1989; ;
Wallet of material; NZ; P
Opening Tomorrow's Airways; ; Royal
Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs; ; 1956; 44; ;
Denmark; P
Our Transatlantic Flight; Alcock, J; Brown A
W ; William Kimber; ; 1969; 195; ; ; H
Pacific Way; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ; 1984,1-9;
1985, Feb-Sep,Nov,Dec; 1986, Feb-Oct,De ;
1986 Jun-Dec; 1987-1989, Feb,Mar,May,JulDec; 1990; 1992,Mar,Apr,Jun ; ; P
Paper Napkin; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ; ; NZ; P
PDL Mistral Airshow; ; Christchurch
International Airport; ; 1987; ; Poster; ; P
Perilous Descent, The ; Carter, B ; Penguin;
1969; 1952; 171; Junior, fiction ; ; P
Pictorial Report; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; 1968; ; ; NZ; P
Programmed from the Golden Jet Girls of
Ansett-ANA; ; ; ; 1960; 2; ; Australia; P
Qantas Airways, Report ; ; Qantas Airways
Limited; ; 1968; ; ; Australia; P
Qantas Story, The ; ; ; ; ; 19; ; Australia; P
Qantas, Australia's Round-The-World
Airline ; ; ; ; 1965; 8; ; Australia; P
Rate Chart; ; US Air Postal Service; ; ; 8; ;
Richard Pearse, New Zealand's Pioneer
Aviator ; ; New Zealand National Airways
Corporation; ; ; 1; Fact sheet; NZ; P
Riddle of Richard Pearse, The ; Ogilvie, G ;
A.H. & A.W. Reed; ; 1973; 251; Author signed;
Routes of the Valkyries, The ; Pickering, John ;
Picton Publishing; ; 1977; 96; ; Australia; P
Schiphol 50; ; NV Luchthaven Schipol; ; 1970;
99; In English; Netherlands; H
Schiphol Airport; ; ; ; ; ; Envelope of
information on construction, reports etc. ;
Netherlands; P
See New Zealand with NAC; ; New Zealand
National Airways Corporation; ; ; ; ; NZ; P
See New Zealand with NAC; ; New Zealand
National Airways Corporation; ; ; ; Japanese
edition; NZ; P
Send For The Artist; Harrison, P ; Random
House; ; 1995; 194; ; NZ; H
Shower of Spray and We're Away!; Ladd, F ;
A.H. & A.W. Reed; ; 1971; 233; ; NZ; H
Signature; ; Diners Club (NZ); ; ; ; 1990, AugDec ; ; P
Singapore Airlines 1947-1977; ; Singapore
Airlines; ; ; ; ; Singapore; P
Sir Henry Wigram; Noble, L M ; Whitcombe
and Tombs Ltd; ; 1952; 145; ; NZ; H
Ski-Plane Adventure; Wigley, H ; A.H. & A.W.
Reed; 1977; 1965; 222; ; NZ; H
Skyway; ; Air New Zealand; ; ; ; 1979 Apr-Dec;
1980-83; ; P
Skyway is Today's Highway, The ; ; Quantas
Empire Airways Ltd; ; ; 12; ; Australia; P
Song of the Canterbury Flying School, The ;
; ; ; 1918; 1; ; NZ; P
Sound of Wings, The Biography of Amelia
Earhart ; Lovell, M S ; Hutchinson; ; 1989; 472;
Southern Cross Flies Again, The ; Barr, J &
M ; ANZ Banking Group (New Zealand)
Limited; ; 1990; 24; ; NZ; P
Southern Skies; ; Ansett New Zealand; ; ; ;
1989, Jan,Jun,Aug,Dec; 1990, Feb,Apr-Dec;
1991; 1992; 1993, Feb,Mar,Apr-Aug,Oct,Dec;
1994, Feb,Mar-Jul,Dec ; ; P
Souvenir of Trans Tasman Commemorative
Flight; ; New Zealand Aerospace Industries
Ltd.; ; 1978; 4; ; NZ;
Soviet Moon Rockets; ; ; 2nd; 1960; 66; ; ; P
Speedbird Book, The ; Cooper, B, editor ;
British Overseas Airways Corporation; ; 1962;
144; ; ; H
Story of NAC, The ; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; ; ; 16; ; NZ; P
Story of NAC, The ; ; New Zealand National
Airways Corporation; 2nd; ; 15; ; NZ; P
TAA Air Atlas; ; Trans-Australia Airlines; ;
1972?; ; Route maps; Australia; P
Thirty Years of Service; ; Trans World
Airlines; ; 1955; 66; ; ; P
To Fly a Desk; Holmes, N ; A.H. & A.W. Reed
; ; 1982; 196; ; NZ; H
Venture the Far Horizon; Harvie, E F ;
Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd; ; 1966; 192; ; NZ;
Vickers Magazine, The ; ; Vickers Group; ;
1956; 32; Spring issue, includes article on
airmail ; ; P
Viking Story, The ; Rosen, M W ; Panther;
1957; 1956; 192; ; USA; P
Vogelvlucht; ; KLM; ; ; ; 1983/3; ; P
War Birds, Diary of an Unknown Aviator ; ;
Angus & Robertson Ltd; 15th, 1936 ; 1926;
216; ; GB; H
Water Under My Wings; Tait, C ; Hamilton
Publishers; ; 1980; 268; ; NZ; H
Waves; ; Institute for Space and Terrestorial
Science; ; ; ; Vol 3, No 2 ; ; P
We Flew to Christchurch; Scholte, H ; The
Hague; ; 1954; 95; Incl. Flight Cover, news
cutting & signed, in slip case ; ; H
Whites Air Directory, No.7 ; ; Whites Aviation
Ltd; ; 1955; 152; ; NZ; P
Whites New Zealand Air Directory, Vol 37 ; ;
White's Aviation; ; 1986; 256; ; NZ; P
Whites New Zealand Air Directory, Vol 38 ; ;
White's Aviation; ; 1987; 264; ; NZ; P
Wings Across the World Exhibition; ;
Auckland International Airport Limited; ; ; 4;
Loose map of Jean Batten's flight; NZ; P
Wings to the Orient; Cohen, S ; Pictorial
Histories Pub. Co.; ; 1985; 214; Pan American
Clippers; ; P
Wingspread; White, L ; Whites Aviation Ltd; ;
1945; 192; ; NZ; H
World Air Travel Guide 1980-81; Hickman, R
H & M E ; Elm Tree Books; 1980; 1979; 560; ; ;
Wright Brothers, The ; Kelly, F.C. ; Panther;
1958; 1944; 192; ; USA; P
Price Lists
Aerogramme Nachrichten aus Aller Welt; ;
Philatelic Service; ; ; ; No 12; ; P
Aerophilatelic Price Realisations in CMA
Auctions 1973/75; ; Collectors Mail Auctions
Pty Ltd.; 1st; 1975; 47; ; ; P
British Air Mails 1784-1946, 1st Supplement
; ; Francis J Field, Ltd. ; ; ; 8; ; GB; P
British Air Mails 1784-1946, 2nd & 3rd
Supplements ; ; Francis J Field, Ltd. ; ; ; 6; ;
Catalogue des Aerogrammes du Monde
Entier; ; Frank Muller; ; ; ; Pages 82-228,325420, in French ; ; P
J. Stephen; ; J. Stephen; ; 1939; 48; Incl selfaddressed envelope; ; P
Japan Overseas and International Flights;
Field, J C W ; Francis J. Field Ltd; ; ; ; Laurie
Franks Library; Japan; P
Price List of Aerials; ; Wilcox Smith Co; ;
1940; ; No 15,23 ; ; P
Rocket-Post Price List; ; Casa Filatelica
Antillana; ; ; 28; ; ; P
Sanabria's Air Post News; ; Nicolas Sanabria
Co.; ; ; ; Mar 1948; Vol 15, No 1; Vol 17, No 13; Vol 20, No 1; Vol 21, No 1-2 ; ; P
Stationery - PRICE LISTS
Zeppelin Posts; ; Roger Koerber; ; 1985; 128;
Zeppelin Transatlantic Record Flight & Air
Race Cover Price List; ; J. Stephen; ; 1948;
32; ; ; P
Stationery - BY COUNTRY
Ascension; Attwood, J H; The Pall Mall Stamp
Company Ltd; ; 1981; 71; ; ; Ascension; H
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Stamp
Publications Pty. Ltd; 11th; 1975; 80; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Stamp
Publications Pty. Ltd; 12th; 1976; 96; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Stamp
Publications Pty. Ltd; 13th; 1977; 112; Cover
loose; Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Stamp
Publications Pty. Ltd; 14th; 1978; 112; Cover
loose; Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Stamp
Publications Pty. Ltd; 15th; 1979; 112; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Stamp
Publications Pty. Ltd; 16th; 1980; 120; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Stamp
Publications Pty. Ltd; 17th; 1981; 126; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 18th; 1982; 136; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 24th; 1990; 176; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 26th; 1994; 206; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 19th; ; 152; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 21st; ; 160; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 19th; ; 152; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 22nd; ; 168; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 23rd; ; 168; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Australasian Stamp Catalogue, The; ; Seven
Seas Stamps Pty. Limited; 20th; ; 158; ;
Catalogue; Australia; P
Catalogue of Australian Pre-Stamped
Envelopes, The; Parker, C R; Philatelic
Consulting Services; ; 1981; 64; ; ; Australia; P
Modern Prestamped Envelopes of Australia;
Sparks, K; Ken Sparks; ; 1989; ; ; ; Australia;
Official Handbook of the Post Office
Registration Labels of the States and
Commonwealth of Australia; ; The Philatelic
Stationery Society of Australia; ; 1945; 9; ; ;
Australia; P
Official Handbook of the Post Office
Registration Labels of the States and
Commonwealth of Australia; ; Philatelic
Stationery and Thematic Society of Australia; ;
1958; 18; ; Catalogue; Australia; P
Philatelic Gallery; ; Philatelic Gallery; ; 1984; ;
7th April; Auction; Australia; P
Postal Stationery of the Commonwealth of
Australia, Part 1, Postcards; ; ; ; 1976; ; ;
Catalogue; Australia; LL
Postal Stationery of the Commonwealth of
Australia, Part 2, Letter Cards; ; ; ; 1976; ; ;
Catalogue; Australia; LL
Postal Stationery of the Commonwealth of
Australia, Part 3, Pre-stamped Envelopes; ; ;
; 1977; ; ; Catalogue; Australia; LL
Postal Stationery of the Commonwealth of
Australia, Part 4, Registered Envelopes; ; ; ;
1978; ; ; Catalogue; Australia; LL
Scenic Letter Cards of Australia 1911-24;
Leitch, A; Webster F & G Auctions; ; 1978; ;
Laurie Franks Library; ; Australia; P
Western Australia, The Postal Stationery to
1914; Pope, B; Thomas, P; The Western
Australia Study Group; ; 1982; 141; ; ;
Australia; H
World Postal Stationery Catalog; ; Classic
Philatelics; ; 1984; ; ; Catalogue; Australia; LL
Watson Postcards, The; Lowe, R; Pall Mall
Stamps; ; ; 24; ; ; Br.Comm; P
Canada & Newfoundland Postal Stationery
Catalogue; Webb, J F; Jim F. Webb; 1st; 1971;
56; Laurie Franks Library; Catalogue; Canada;
Canada & Newfoundland Postal Stationery
Catalogue; Webb, J F; Jim F. Webb; 2nd;
1974; 72; Laurie Franks Library; ; Canada; P
Stamps of British North America; Jarrett, F;
Quarterman Publications, Inc.; ; 1975; 595;
Laurie Franks Library; ; Canada; H
Catalogue of Postal Stationery Issues of the
Japanese Occupation of China, Parts 2-5;
Spaulding, R M; ; ; ; 23; Laurie Franks Library; ;
China; P
Catalogue of the Postal Stationery Issues of
the Japanese Occupation of China, Part 1,
Manchuria; Spaulding, R M; ; ; 1952; 16; ; ;
China; LL
Han's Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese
Postal Stationery Items; Han, H; ; 1st; 1978;
224; ; ; China; P
Shanghai Local Post; ; The Laurie Franks
Collection; 5th; ; 81; ; ; China; SB
Stationery - BY COUNTRY
Danmark Slesvigs Dansk Vestindiens
Islands, Helsager, Ganzsachen, Postal
Stationery; Ringstrom, S; ; ; 1985; 212; Text in
Danish, English Postal Rates and vocab;
Catalogue; Denmark; H
Priced Catalogue of Envelopes and
Wrappers, Post Cards & Letter Cards; ;
Stanley Gibbons Ltd; 11th; 1897; 280; ;
Catalogue; Foreign; H
Air Letter Sheets; Hillard, F G; Richard A
Field; ; ; 4; Insert 2pp Airpost News; ; GB; P
British 'Georgian' Stamp Banned by The
Postmaster General!, A; Weston, H E; British
Guiana Philatelic Society; ; 1920; 8; ; ; GB; P
British Postal Stationery; Huggins, A K; The
Great Britain Philatelic Society; ; 1970; 188; ; ;
Check List and Price List of Great Britain
Aerogrammes; ; Andrew A. Whitworth; ; 1984;
22; ; Price List; GB; P
Check List of the Post Cards and Reply
Cards Issued by the Post Office of Great
Britain for Inland Use During the Reign of
Queen Victoria; Ogle, J; ; ; 1978; 3; ; ; GB; P
Collect Post Office Cards; ; B B Publications
Ltd.; 1st; 1982; 64; ; Catalogue; GB; P
Philately 150 Years Ago; Ogier, B; ; ; 1990; ;
Display pages; ; GB; SB
Postal Stationery; Melville, F J; The Philatelic
Institute; ; ; 12; ; ; GB; P
Red and Black, The Duty and Postage
Stamps Impressed on Newspapers 17121870 and on 'The Times' or Its Postal
Wrappers from 1785-1962; ; The Times
Publishing Company Ltd.; ; 1962; 22; Original
purchase receipts loose; ; GB; P
Gibraltar Postal Stationery; Jackson, W; The
Gibraltar Study Circle; ; 1976; 64; Laurie
Franks Library; ; Gibraltar; P
Postage Stamps and Stationery of the
Hawaiian Islands; Luff, J N; Howes, C A;
Richards, C F; ; ; 1915?; 21; ; ; Hawaii; P
Hong Kong Postal Stationery, Part 1; ; ; ; ;
117; Laurie Franks Collection, No 20; ; Hong
Kong; SB
Hong Kong Postal Stationery, Part 2; ; ; ; ;
164; Laurie Franks Collection, No 21; ; Hong
Kong; SB
Postage Stamp & Postage History
Catalogue of Hong Kong; ; N.C.Yang Stamps
& Coins; 9th; 1985; 157; ; Catalogue; Hong
Kong; P
Postage Stamp Catalogue of Hong Kong; ;
N.C.Yang Stamps & Coins; 1st; 1972; 70; ;
Catalogue; Hong Kong; P
Postage Stamp Catalogue of Hong Kong; ;
N.C.Yang Stamps & Coins; 4th; 1976; 126; ;
Catalogue; Hong Kong; P
Postage Stamp Catalogue of Hong Kong; ;
N.C.Yang Stamps & Coins; 5th; 1978; 128; ;
Catalogue; Hong Kong; P
Postage Stamp Catalogue of Hong Kong; ;
N.C.Yang Stamps & Coins; 6th; 1979; 130; ;
Catalogue; Hong Kong; P
Guide to the Postal Stationery of India 18561977, A; Vol 1; Lang, D, ed; The India Study
Circle; ; ; ; Laurie Franks Library; ; India; SB
Handbook of Irish Philately; Feldman, D;
David Feldman; ; 1968; 175; ; ; Ireland; P
Italy & Related Areas; ; Classic Philatelics; ; ;
8; ; Price List; Italy; P
Catalogue of Postal Stationery Issues of the
Japanese Occupation of China, Parts 2-5;
Spaulding, R M; ; ; ; 23; Laurie Franks Library; ;
Japan; P
Catalogue of the Postal Stationery Issues of
the Japanese Occupation of China, Part 1,
Manchuria; Spaulding, R M; ; ; 1952; 16; ; ;
Japan; LL
Korea; ; ; ; ; ; Photocopy of H & G stationery
pages; ; Korea; P
Provisional Listing of North Korean Postal
Cards 1947-1950; Cartafalsa, J; Rogers, M;
Michael Rogers; ; ; 8; ; ; Korea; P
1932 Provisionals of New Zealand, The;
Samuel, R D; Philatelic Foundation
Christchurch; ; 1995; 47; ; ; NZ; SB
Education Department Postal Stationery;
Gregory, O B Y; ; ; ; ; ; Catalogue; NZ; P
Embossed Postal Stationery of New
Zealand 1900-1938; Samuel, R D; ; ; ; ;
Exhibit, India 89, London 98, Shorex 90; ; NZ;
Kiwi Catalogue of New Zealand Postal
Stationery; ; Stirling & Co. Ltd; 1st; 1983; 12; ;
Catalogue; NZ; P
Kiwi Catalogue, The; ; Stirling & Co. Ltd; ;
1979; 58; ; Catalogue; NZ; P
New Zealand Official Postal Stationery;
Berry, A P; ; ; 1990; ; ; ; NZ; SB
Stationery - BY COUNTRY
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue;
Samuel, R D; Shades Stamp Publications; ;
1985; ; ; ; NZ; LL
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 1 - Postcards; Samuel, R D; Christchurch
Philatelic Society; ; 1976; 71; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 1 - Postcards; Samuel, R D; Shades
Stamp Publications; ; 1988; 103; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 2 - Lettercards; Samuel, R D;
Christchurch Philatelic Society; ; 1976; 54; ; ;
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 2 - Lettercards; Samuel, R D; Shades
Stamp Publications; ; 1989; 62; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 3 - Registered Envelopes; Samuel, R D;
; ; 1977; 79; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 3 - Registered Envelopes; Samuel, R D;
Christchurch Philatelic Society; ; 1978; 79; ; ;
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 3 - Registered Envelopes; Samuel, R D;
Shades Stamp Publications; ; 1992; ; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 4 - Post Office Envelopes; Samuel, R
D; Shades Stamp Publications; ; 1993; ; ; ; NZ;
New Zealand Postal Stationery Catalogue,
Part 5 - Private Envelopes; Samuel, R D;
Shades Stamp Publications; ; 1993; ; ; ; NZ; P
New Zealand Postal Stationery Embossed
Envelopes; Samuel, R D; ; ; 1981?; ;
Unpublished manuscript; ; NZ; SB
New Zealand Postcards, Rates &
Regulations to 1939; Jackson, A; Postal
History Society of New Zealand; ; 1984; 36; ; ;
New Zealand, A Philatelic Handbook; Collins,
R J G; Verne & Co; ; ; 88; ; ; NZ; P
Postage Stamps of New Zealand Vol 1;
Collins, R J G; Fathers, H T M; The Royal
Philatelic Society of New Zealand Inc; ; 1938;
678; No 648; ; NZ; H
Postage Stamps of New Zealand Vol 2;
Collins, R J G; Watts, C W, ed; The Royal
Philatelic Society of New Zealand Inc; ; 1950;
411; No 648; ; NZ; H
Postage Stamps of New Zealand Vol 6;
Naish, D E G' McNaught, K J; The Royal
Philatelic Society of New Zealand Inc; ; 1977;
479; No 649; ; NZ; H
Postal Stationery; ; Higgins & Gage; ; ; 22; ;
Catalogue; NZ; LL
Postal Stationery Dies; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; NZ; SpB
Postal Stationery of New Zealand; ; Postal
History Society of New Zealand; ; 1966; 80; ;
Catalogue; NZ; P
Robert Samuel's Postal Stationery
Newsletter; ; Robert Samuel; ; ; ; Vol 2, No
2,10-12; Vols 3-5; Vol 6, No 1,3,4; Journal; NZ;
World Postal Stationery Catalog; ; Classic
Philatelics; ; 1984; ; ; Catalogue; NZ; LL
Postal Stationery of Samoa, The German
Administration 1900-1914 and the New
Zealand Occupation Period 1914-1920;
Samuel, R D; ; ; ; ; ; ; Samoa; P
Postal Stationery of Western Samoa 18951920; Samuel, R D; Christchurch Philatelic
Society; ; 1986; ; ; ; Samoa; SB
Sudan, The Stamps and Postal Stationery
1867-1970; Stagg, E C W; Harry Hayes; ;
1977; 144; ; ; Sudan; H
Sverige-Katalogen 1979-80; ; Svergiges
Filatelist-Forbund; ; 1979; 431;
English/Swedish; Laurie Franks Library;
Catalogue; Sweden; P
Postal Stationery of the People's Republic
of China 1949-1965; ; Harry Hayes; Reprint; ;
33; ; ; Taiwan; P
Postal Stationery of the People's Republic
of China 1949-1965; ; Harry Hayes; Reprint; ;
33; Laurie Franks Library; ; Taiwan; P
Descriptive Catalogue of the Postage
Stamps and Post and Letter-Cards of Siam
1883-1919; ; Siam Philatelic Society; ; 1920;
129; ; PH; Thailand; H
Postal Stationery of Siam, 1883-1935;
Linneman, H S; American Philatelic Society; ;
1938; 36; Review copy; ; Thailand; P
Catalog of the 19th Century Stamped
Envelopes and Wrappers of the United
States; ; United Postal Stationery Society; ;
1984; 344; Chart in back pocket; ; USA; H
Mint Set of Definitive Stamps and Postal
Stationery; ; United States Postal Service; ;
1984; ; ; ; USA; P
Oval Envelope Stamp Dies of 1950; Perry, T
D; Slawson, G C; The American Philatelist; ;
1952; 12; ; ; USA; P
Postal Stationery United States
Possessions; Slawson, G C, ed; United Postal
Stationery Society; ; 1957; ; Laurie Franks
Library; ; USA; P
United States Commemorative Stamped
Envelopes 1876-1965; ; ; ; ; ; Part photocopy,
Laurie Franks Library; ; USA; P
United States Stamp Catalog; ; Scott
Publications, Inc; 23rd; 1945; 519; ; Catalogue;
Westpex 90; ; ; ; 1990; ; Souvenir card; ; USA;
Stationery - BY COUNTRY
Aerogrammes; Jennings, P; Picton Publishing;
; 1973; 93; ; ; ; H
Air Mail Entire Truth, The; ; LAVA; ; ; ; Nos
1,6; Magazine; ; P
Catalogue and Price List; ; Stanley Gibbons
Ltd; 3rd; 1882; 69; Rebound; Catalogue; ; H
Catalogue and Price List; ; Stanley Gibbons
Ltd; 6th; 1888; 136; Rebound; Catalogue; ; H
International Reply Coupon is 75 Years Old;
; Union Postale Universelle; ; 1982; ;
Photocopy; ; ; P
Judging of Postal Stationery Exhibits at
National Philatelic Exhibitions; Samuel, R D;
; ; 1987; ; ; ; ; P
Kessler's Catalogue of Aerogrammes, No 5;
China & Taiwan; ; J. M. Williams; ; ; 13; Laurie
Franks Library; Catalogue; ; P
Kessler's Catalogue of Aerogrammes, Vol 2;
; Aerogram Catalogue Publishing Co., Inc.; ; ; ;
Laurie Franks Library; Catalogue; ; LL
Kessler's Catalogue of Aerogrammes, Vol 3;
; LAVA; ; ; 117; Laurie Franks Library;
Catalogue; ; LL
Liechtenstein, Handbuch und Katalog; ;
Sieger-Verlag; ; 1943; 212; ; ; ; H
Pantograph of Postal Stationery; ; United
Postal Stationery Society; ; ; ; Vol 6, No 2,6;
Vol 8, No 1-5; Journal; ; P
Pantograph of Postal Stationery, Vol 7; ;
United Postal Stationery Society; ; 1978; ; ;
Journal; ; SB
Philatelic Stationery Jounal of Australia; ;
Philatelic Stationery Society of Australia; ; ; ;
1937 Syllabus; Vol 1, No 1,2; ; ; P
Postal Stationery; ; United Postal Stationery
Society; ; ; ; Nos 182-199; Journal; ; P
Postal Stationery - The Early Days; Watts, J;
The Philatelic Foundation; ; ; 5; Photocopy; ; ;
Priced Catalogue, Appendix; ; Stanley
Gibbons Ltd; 6th; 1888; 92; Rebound;
Catalogue; ; H
What Do You Know About Postal
Stationery; Mott, R L; United Postal Stationery
Society; ; ; 7; ; ; ; P
What is Postal Stationery?; ; United Postal
Stationery Society; ; 1986; 39; ; ; ; P
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section
1/A; ; Classic Philatelics; ; 1982; ; ; Catalogue;
; LL
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section
17/T; ; Classic Philatelics; ; 1981; ; ; Catalogue;
; LL
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section
2/B; ; Classic Philatelics; ; 1986; ; ; Catalogue;
; LL
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section 3;
; Classic Philatelics; 2nd; 1974; ; ; Catalogue; ;
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section
5/E; ; Classic Philatelics; ; 1982; ; ; Catalogue; ;
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section
7/G; ; Classic Philatelics; ; 1986; ; ; Catalogue;
; LL
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section
8/H; ; Classic Philatelics; ; 1980; ; ; Catalogue;
; LL
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section FM; ; Classic Philatelics; ; ; ; ; Catalogue; ; LL
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section NP; ; Classic Philatelics; ; ; ; ; Catalogue; ; LL
World Postal Stationery Catalog, Section RS; ; Classic Philatelics; ; ; ; ; Catalogue; ; LL
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
THEMATICS – By Subject
Animal Children; ; Nelson Doubleday, Inc; ;
1963; 64; ; N/P; ; P; Animals
Animals on Stamps; Strom, H; Lewy, L H;
Philart Productions Ltd; 4th; ; 383; North Otago
PS; ; ; P; Animals
Animals on Stamps; Strom, H; Lewy, L H;
Philart Productions Limited; ; 1967?; 383; ;
Catalogue; ; P; Animals
Cardy; Williams, T; Strong, T; Dominion and
Sunday Times; ; ; 48; ; N/P; NZ; P; Animals
Keeping a Terrarium; Schmitz, S; Lutterworth
Press; ; 1973; 44; ; N/P; ; H; Animals
Mammals of the World on Stamps; Wagner,
R; Stanley, W F; American Topical Association;
; 1973; 74; ; ; ; P; Animals
Philatelic Horses & Horse Relatives;
Wetmore, R Y; American Topical Association; ;
1990; 210; ; ; ; P; Animals
Some Australian Animals; ; Bank of New
South Wales; 8th Reprint; 1968; 17; ; N/P;
Australia; P; Animals
Some Australian Animals; ; Bank of New
South Wales; 4th ; 1979; 21; ; N/P; Australia; P;
Stamp Zoo, The, Part 1, Beasts; Renouf, L P
W; Stanley Gibbons, Limited; ; 1936?; 58; ; ; ;
P; Animals
Wild Animals in New Zealand; ; Bascands
Ltd; ; 1974; ; ; N/P; NZ; P; Animals
Wildlife America, A Collection of U.S.
Commemorative Stamps; ; United States
Postal Service; ; ; 56; ; ; USA; P; Animals
Zoology in Postage Stamps; Way, W D;
Stanley, O D; Harvey and Blythe Ltd; ; 1951;
113; ; ; ; H; Animals
St. Paul's Cathedral; ; The Dean and Chapter
of St. Paul's; ; ; 40; ; N/P; ; P; Architecture
Art in Soviet Postage Stamps; ;
Mezhdunarodnaya; ; ; 16; ; ; Russia; P; Art
Art of Laughter; ; Journal of Animation Art; ; ; ;
Vol 3, No 3; N/P; ; P; Art
Chronological List of Feature Articles from
Fine Arts Philatelists Journal, Vol 1-23;
Sonderegger, J G; ; ; 1979; ; ; ; ; SB; Art
F.A.P. Journal; Vols 23-25; ; The Fine Art
Philatelist; ; ; ; ; Journal; ; H; Art
F.A.P. Journal; Vols 26-29; ; The Fine Art
Philatelist; ; ; ; ; Journal; ; H; Art
FAP Journal; ; The Fine Art Philatelist; ; ; ; Vol
21, No 4; Vol 26, No 3,4; Journal; ; P; Art
Fine Arts Philatelist; ; American Topical
Association; ; ; ; Vol 8, No 1; ; ; P; Art
Fine Arts Philatelist, Vol 8-13; ; American
Topical Association; ; ; ; ; ; ; H; Art
b; Waterhouse, E; Spring Books; ; 1958; 296; ;
N/P; ; H; Art
Library of Art; ; Time-Life International; ; ; ;
Folder of prints; N/P; ; P; Art
Painters & Paintings by Artists Checklist; ;
The Fine Art Philatelist; ; 1972; 174; ; ; ; SB; Art
Paintings on Japanese Postal Issues;
Marcus, M; The International Society for
Japanese Philately, Inc; ; 1972; 56; ; ; Japan;
P; Art
ACTA XX Congressus Internationalis
Ornithologici, Supplement, Programme and
Abstracts; ; New Zealand Ornithological
Congress Trust Board; ; 1990; 552; ; N/P; ; P;
Another Penguin Summer; Pettingill, O S;
Charles Scribner's Sons; ; 1975; 80; ; N/P; ; H;
Another Way of Looking; Forde, M; David
Bateman; ; 1989; 215; ; ; NZ; H; Birds
Auceps Bird-Catcher; ; Herbert Timmermann;
; ; 1116; ; Catalogue; ; LL; Birds
Auction List; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; ; ; No
8,10-25,30,31; Auction; ; P; Birds
Audoban's Birds of America; Peterson, R T &
V M; ; Reprint; ; ; ; N/P; ; H; Birds
Beginner's Guide to Budgerigars; Marsden,
P; Pelham Books; ; 1968; 111; ; N/P; ; H; Birds
Bird Stamps of All Countries; ; Gosset &
Dunlap; ; 1935; 57; ; ; ; H; Birds
Bird Theme; ; David Cox; ; ; ; No 10,12,13;
Price List; ; P; Birds
Birds of the Antarctic; Wilson, E; Blandford
Press Ltd; Reprint; 1987; 191; ; N/P; ; H; Birds
Birds of the New Zealand Shore;
Stonehouse, B; A.H. & A.W. Reed; ; 1968; 122;
; N/P; NZ; H; Birds
Book of the Huia, The; Phillips, W J;
Whitcombe and Tombs; ; 1963; 159; ; N/P; NZ;
H; Birds
Collect Birds on Stamps; Eriksen, J & H;
Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd; 1st; 1983;
282; ; Catalogue; ; P; Birds
Collect Birds on Stamps,. Supplement; ;
Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd; ; 1983; 22; ; ;
; P; Birds
Collecting Bird Stamps; Jackson, C E; H. F.
& G Witherby Ltd; ; 1977; 118; ; ; ; H; Birds
Duck Stamps; Weidensaul, S; Gallery Books; ;
1989; 165; ; ; USA; H; Birds
Encounter with Birds, Bird Watching in New
Zealand; Anderson, S I; John McIndoe Ltd; ;
1982; 91; ; N/P; NZ; P; Birds
Encyclopedia of Vanished Species, The;
Day, D; McLaren Publishing (Hong Kong)
Limited; Reprint; 1981; 288; ; N/P; ; H; Birds
Flight; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; ; ; Vol 2, No
3,4; Journal; ; P; Birds
Flight, Vol 10; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ;
1995; ; ; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 11; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ;
1995; ; Missing issues 3,4; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 13; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ;
1998; ; ; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 3; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; 1989;
; Missing Issues 1-3; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
Flight, Vol 4; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; 1989;
; ; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 5; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; 1990;
; Missing issue 1; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 6; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; 1991;
; ; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 7; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; 1992;
; ; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 8; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; 1993;
; Missing issue 3; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Flight, Vol 9; ; The Bird Stamp Society; ; 1994;
; Missing issues 1,2; Journal; ; SB; Birds
Native Birds of New Zealand; Braithwaite, D
H; Bascands Ltd; ; 1974; ; ; N/P; NZ; P; Birds
New Zealand Kiwi, The; Francis, K E;
Whitcoulls Ltd; ; 1971; ; ; N/P; NZ; P; Birds
Penguin; Matthews, L H; Peter Owen; ; 1977;
167; ; N/P; Polar; H; Birds
Some Australian Birds; ; Bank of New South
Wales; 2nd; 1967; 17; ; N/P; Australia; P; Birds
Some Australian Birds; ; Bank of New South
Wales; 4th; 1979; 17; ; N/P; Australia; P; Birds
Stamp Zoo, The, Part 2, Birds, Fish,
Reptiles; Renouf, L P W; Stanley Gibbons,
Limited; ; ; 58; ; ; ; P; Birds
Trust Bank Calendar; ; Trustbank; ; 1989; ; ;
N/P; ; P; Birds
Watching Birds; Pasquier, R F; Houghton
Mifflin Company; ; 1977; 301; ; N/P; ; H; Birds
Water-Colour Painting of Endemic Birds of
Taiwan; Yang, A; ; 1st; 1989; 183; Boxed,
Author signed; N/P; Taiwan; H; Birds
Wild Natives; Morse, P; The Halcyon Press; ;
1994; 120; Author signed; N/P; NZ; H; Birds
Wildfowl; Madge, S; Burn, H; Christopher
Helm; ; 1988; 298; ; N/P; ; H; Birds
Wildlife Stamp & First Day Cover Collection;
; Stanley Gibbons (Australia) Pty. Ltd; ; ; 6;
Promotion leaflet; ; ; P; Birds
Brookman Stamp Prices for the Disney
World of Postage Stamps; ; Brookman,
Barrett & Worthen; ; 1990; 120; ; Catalogue; ;
P; Cartoon
Christmas Stamp Checklist to 19711-72; ;
Christmas Philatelic Club; ; 1971; ; ; ; ; SB;
Yule Log; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ; ; ; Vol
18, No 1-2,5-6; Vol 19, No 3-4,7-8,9-10;;
Magazine; ; P; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 10; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ;
; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 11; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ;
; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 12; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ;
; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 14; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ;
; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 1-4; ; Christmas Philatelic Club;
; ; ; Laurie Franks Library; Magazine; ; H;
Yule Log, Vol 15/1; ; Christmas Philatelic
Club; ; ; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 15/2; ; Christmas Philatelic Club;
; ; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 16; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ;
; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 17; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ;
; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 5; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ; ;
; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 6; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ; ;
; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 7/1; ; Christmas Philatelic Club;
; ; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 7/2; ; Christmas Philatelic Club;
; ; ; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 8; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ; ;
; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Yule Log, Vol 9; ; Christmas Philatelic Club; ; ;
; ; Magazine; ; SB; Christmas
Conservation Week Activity Sheet; ; Scout
Association of New Zealand; ; 1986; 1; ;
Journal; ; P; Energy
Explorers; Wilcox, D; British Broadcasting
Corporation; ; 1975; 224; ; N/P; ; H; Explorers
Sixteen Explorers of Australia; ; Bank of New
South Wales; 4th, 6th Reprint; 1967; 17; ; N/P;
Australia; P; Explorers
Sixteen Explorers of Australia; ; Bank of New
South Wales; 8th; 1977; 17; ; N/P; Australia; P;
TAA Presents Explorers of Australia;
Hudson, H; Trans-Australia Airlines; ; ; 58; ;
N/P; Australia; P; Explorers
Checklists; ; American Topical Association; ; ;
; ; ; ; P; Fauna
Stamp Zoo, The, Part 2, Birds, Fish,
Reptiles; Renouf, L P W; Stanley Gibbons,
Limited; ; ; 58; ; ; ; P; Fish
Whale's Tale as Told on Postage Stamps,
The; Schmitt, F P; Picton Publishing; ; 1975;
69; Laurie Franks Library; ; ; P; Fish
Flags and Arms Across The World; Smith,
W; Cassell; ; 1980; 256; ; N/P; ; H; Flags
Flags of New Zealand; Sutherland, A; ; ; ; ; ;
N/P; NZ; H; Flags
Observer's Book of Flags, The; Evans, I O;
Frederick Warne & Co; 3rd; 1966; 208; ; N/P; ;
H; Flags
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
Biogeography; Tivy, J; Oliver and Boyd; ;
1971; 394; ; N/P; ; H; Flora
Bio-Philately; ; Biology Unit of the American
Topical Association; ; ; ; Vol 25; Journal; ; P;
Catalogue de Timbre Poste, Les Fleurs; ; ; ;
1979; 151; In French, Laurie Franks Library;
Catalogue; ; P; Flora
Catalogue de Timbres-Poste les Fleurs; ; A
V; 15th; 1988; 241; In French; ; ; P; Flora
Constance Spry Encyclopedia of Flower
Arranging, The; ; Ward Lock Limited; ; 1972;
192; ; N/P; ; H; Flora
Flowers on Stamps; Patterson, D; American
Topical Association; ; 1968; 53; ; ; ; P; Flora
Home of the Rose, The; ; Frank Cant & Co; ;
1924; 64; ; N/P; ; P; Flora
Kakteen und Andere Sukkulenten in der
Philatelie; ; Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft; ;
1989; ; In German; Catalogue; ; LL; Flora
Natural History, Britannica Home Study
Guide; ; Encyclopedia Britannica Ltd; ; 1958;
16; ; N/P; ; P; Flora
New Zealand Birds and Flowers; ; A.H. &
A.W. Reed; Reprint; 1971; 32; ; N/P; NZ; P;
Pocket Encyclopaedia of Cacti in Colour;
Lamb, E & B; Blandford Press Ltd; Reprint;
1978; 217; ; N/P; ; H; Flora
Wildflowers of New Zealand; Wilson, H;
Bascands Ltd; ; 1974; ; ; N/P; NZ; P; Flora
New Zealand Insects and their story; Sharell,
R; William Collins Publishers Ltd; Revised;
1982; 268; ; N/P; NZ; P; Insects
About Lighthouses, Information Bulletin; ;
Ministry of Transport; ; ; 33; ; N/P; NZ; P;
As Darker Grows the Night; Taylor, P;
Hodder and Stoughton; ; 1975; 153; ; N/P; NZ;
H; Lighthouse
Capt. F. G. Moore, Mariner and Pioneer;
Ross, J O; Wanganui Newspapers Ltd; ; 1982;
178; ; N/P; NZ; H; Lighthouse
Green and Golden Island; Sutherland, J H;
Miller, E D N; ; ; 1979; 125; ; N/P; NZ; H;
Lighthouse of New Zealand; Ross, J O'C;
The Dunmore Press; ; 1975; 152; ; N/P; NZ; H;
New Zealand Lighthouses; Churchman, G B;
Government Printing Office; ; 1989; 148; ; N/P;
NZ; P; Lighthouse
Literature and Stamps; Gould, A E; Stanley
Gibbons Ltd; ; ; 58; ; ; ; P; Literature
Chess on Stamps; Burnett, P C; Picton
Publishing; ; 1972; 45; ; ; ; P; Games
Collecting Antique Maps; Tooley, R V;
Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd; Reprint;
1978; 32; ; N/P; ; P; Maps
Small Display of Maps and Plans, A;
Klinefelter, W; The Prairie Press; ; 1962; 83; ; ;
; H; Maps
Geologie; ; DMG Motivgruppe; ; ; ; No 45,49;
Journal; ; P; Geology
Medical Philately of Australia; Pearn, J; ; ;
1978; 32; ; ; Australia; P; Medicine
Medical Subjects on Stamps; ; American
Topical Association; ; ; 20; ; ; ; P; Medicine
Medicine Told by Stamps; Ash-Upmark, E;
Harry Hayes; ; 1976; 116; Laurie Franks
Library; ; ; H; Medicine
Philatelic Therapy; Cochran, E E; ; 2nd; 1966;
123; Author signed; ; ; H; Medicine
Red Cross on Stamps, The; Swanker, W A;
American Topical Association; ; 1955; 22; ; ; ;
P; Medicine
Endeavour and Achievement; ; Bank of New
South Wales; 14th; 1979; 30; ; N/P; Australia;
P; History
History Through Stamps; Keep, D; David &
Charles; ; 1974; 110; ; ; ; H; History
25 Questions & Answers on the Whangarei
Refinery; ; Caltex Oil; ; ; 29; ; N/P; NZ; P;
Collect Butterflies and Other Insects on
Stamps; Coles, A; Phipps, T; Stanley Gibbons
Publications Ltd; 1st; 1991; 178; ; Catalogue; ;
P; Insects
Form of Prayer; ; St. Paul's Cathedral; ; 1902;
19; Thanksgiving service for Restoration of
Peace; ; GB; P; Military
New Zealand Army, The; Wicksteed, Maj M R;
; ; 1982; 101; ; N/P; NZ; P; Military
New Zealand Wars and the Pioneering
Period, The, Vol 1; Cowan, J; Government
Printing Office; Reprint; 1983; 466; ; N/P; NZ;
H; Military
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
New Zealand Wars and the Pioneering
Period, The, Vol 2; Cowan, J; Government
Printing Office; Reprint; 1983; 633; ; N/P; NZ;
H; Military
RSA Review; ; Returned Services
Association; ; ; ; 1986, June. 70th Anniversary
Supplememnt; N/P; NZ; P; Military
Spink's Catalogue of British and Associated
Orders, Decorations and Medals; Joslin, E C;
Webb & Bower (Publishers) Limited; ; 1983;
191; ; ; GB; H; Military
Baton, The; ; Philatelic Music Circle; ; ; ; No
46-56; Journal; ; P; Music
Check List of Postage Stamps About Music;
Grimsey, A H R; A.H.R. Grimsey; ; 1980; ; With
supps for 1981-83; ; ; LL; Music
Check List of Postage Stamps About Music;
Grimsey, A H R; A.H.R. Grimsey; ; 1990; 224; ;
; ; LL; Music
Check List of Postage Stamps About Music;
Grimsey, A H R; A.H.R. Grimsey; ; 1977; 119;
Laurie Franks Library; ; ; LL; Music
Checklist of Musical Instruments; ; Fine Arts
Philatelist; ; ; ; ; ; ; P; Music
Distant Music, A; Thomson, J M; Oxford
University Press; ; 1980; 239; Alfred Hill; N/P;
NZ; H; Music
Encyclopedia of Music Philately; Miller, N A;
American Topical Association; ; 1963; 91;
Laurie Franks Library; ; ; P; Music
Music on Stamps, Part 1, A-B; Peat, S;
Picton Publishing; ; 1971; 57; ; ; ; P; Music
Music on Stamps, Part 2, C-F; Peat, S; Picton
Publishing; ; 1972; 61; ; ; ; P; Music
Music on Stamps, Vol 1-3; Peat, S; Picton
Publishing; 2nd; 1975; ; ; ; ; H; Music
Music on Stamps, Vol 4-6; Peat, S; Picton
Publishing; ; 1973; ; ; ; ; H; Music
Philatelic Sheet Music; Collins, P; Robson
Lowe Ltd; ; ; 6; ; ; ; P; Music
Story of Music in Monaco, The; Lawford, I;
Philatelic Music Circle; ; ; 7; ; ; ; P; Music
Wonderful Wetlands; ; Fish & Game New
Zealand; ; 2000; ; Folder of pamphlets; N/P; ;
P; Nature
British Statesmen; Barker, E; William Collins;
; 1941; 48; ; N/P; ; H; People
Burns Bicentenary 1996; ; British Philatelic
Bulletin; ; 1996; 16; ; ; GB; P; People
Captain Cook; Gould, R T; Gerald Duckworth
& Co. Ltd; ; 1978; 128; ; N/P; NZ; H; People
Captain Cook and the South Pacific; ; British
Museum Publications Ltd; ; 1979; 249; ; N/P;
NZ; H; People
Captain Cook, School Project; ; ; ; ; 4; Plus
insert; N/P; ; P; People
Captain James Cook, Navigator; ; ; ; ; ;
Folder of material; N/P; ; P; People
Churchill, Man of the Century; Sparrow, G;
Horwitz Publications Inc; ; 1965; 144; ; N/P; ; P;
Cine Post, Dabke to Dzerzhinski; ; ; ; ; 32; ; ; ;
P; People
Cook Centenary, Celebration Souvenir; ;
Photo News; ; 1969; 48; ; N/P; NZ; P; People
Die Leniniana in Sowjetischen Briefmarken;
; Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga; ; ; ; In English; ; ; P;
Endeavour, The; ; Southdown Press Pty Ltd; ;
; 48; ; N/P; ; P; People
Fellowship of Three; Beasley, A W; Kangaroo
Press; ; 1993; 80; Captain Cook, John Hunter,
Jos. Banks; N/P; ; H; People
Finest Hour; ; International Churchill Society; ;
; ; No 33; ; ; P; People
Gainsborough; Waterhouse, E; Spring Books;
; 1958; 296; ; N/P; ; H; People
George Washington 1732-1932; Peursem, Dr
J H; Brinkman, J H; Philatelie En Geschiedenis;
; 1932; 20; ; ; USA; P; People
Gypsy Moth Circles the World; Chichester, F;
Hodder & Stoughton; ; 1987; 269; ; N/P; ; P;
In the Wake of Cook; Mackay, D; Victoria
University Press; ; 1985; 216; ; N/P; NZ; H;
JAPOS Bulletin; ; Journalists Authors Poets
on Stamps; ; ; ; No 29,; Journal; ; P; People
Kupe, Te, Vol 2; ; New Zealand Scoutds &
Guides Philatelic Club; ; 1995; ; ; Journal; ; SB;
Leaders of the World; ; Stanley Gibbons Ltd; ;
; 12; Advertising blurb; ; ; P; People
Leniniana; ; Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga; ; ; ; In
English; ; ; P; People
Leniniana, USSR Postage Stamps
Commemorating V. I. Lenin; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; P;
National Geographic; ; National Geographic
Society; ; ; ; 1971, Sept; Article on Captain
Cook; N/P; NZ; P; People
Native Races of the Stamp Album; Gould, A
E; Stanley Gibbons Ltd; ; ; 58; ; ; ; P; People
Native Races on Stamps; Gould, A E; Stanley
Gibbons Ltd; ; ; 58; Title page missing, hand
bound; ; ; H; People
People of All Nations, Vol 1; ; ; ; ; 724; ; N/P; ;
H; People
People of All Nations, Vol 2; ; ; ; ; ; ; N/P; ; H;
Philatelic Nudes; Deane, F P; American
Topical Association; ; 1966; 39; Laurie Franks
Library; ; ; P; People
Portrait Stamps; Arsenius, F; ; ; 1937; 206; ; ;
; P; People
Portratt-Frimarken; Arsenius, F; ; ; 1930;
139; In Swedish; ; ; P; People
Presidents of the U.S.A. Profile and
Pictures; ; Bantam Pathfinder; ; 1966; 233; ;
N/P; USA; P; People
Te Rauparaha, An Old New Zealander; Buick,
T L; Capper Press; Reprint; 1976; 352; Reprint
of 1911 edition; N/P; NZ; H; People
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
Who's Who on Postage Stamps; Johnson, S
C; A. & S. M. Dixon (Accessories) Ltd; ; ; 62;
Front cover loose, no back cover; ; ; P; People
With Captain Cook in New Zealand; Axford,
E; Wilson and Horton Ltd; ; 1969; 64; ; N/P; NZ;
P; People
National Geographic; ; National Geographic
Society; ; ; ; Vol 164, No 1; N/P; ; P; Polar
Biggest Locomotive Collection in the World,
The; ; Stanley Gibbons Promotions ; ; ; 6;
Advertising blurb; ; ; P; Rail
Catalogue Bureaux Ambulants 1845 - 1965,
Cachet de Gares 1854 - 1960; ; La Poste aux
Lettres; ; 1978; 71; In French; Catalogue;
France; P; Rail
Centenary of Napier & Napier Railway 18741974; ; New Zealand Railways; ; 1974; ;
Display programme; N/P; NZ; P; Rail
Checklist of Railway Post Office Routes in
the United States; ; National Highway Post
Office Society; ; 1964; 12; ; Catalogue; USA; P;
Collect Railways on Stamps; Burkhalter, H;
Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd; 1st; 1986;
260; ; Catalogue; ; P; Rail
Great Central Railway Timetable; ; Main Line
Steam Trust Limited; ; 1974; 2; ; N/P; GB; P;
Highway Post Office Service; ; Mobile Post
Office Society; ; ; 3; ; ; ; P; Rail
Lake Baikal Pacific Railway, The; ; Novosti
Press Agency Publishing House; ; 1976; ; ;
N/P; ; P; Rail
Locality Guide; ; New Zealand Rail; ; 1974;
15; ; N/P; NZ; SB; Rail
Newsletter; ; The Railway Philatelic Group; ; ; ;
1975, Mar,Jun,Sept,Dec; Journal; ; P; Rail
Pleasant Point Mail, The; ; Pleasant Point
Railway & Historical Society; ; ; ; No 1; N/P;
NZ; P; Rail
Railway Philately; ; The Railway Philatelic
Group; ; ; ; Vol 8; Vol 9, No 2-4; Vol 10, No 1;
Index Vol 8; Journal; ; P; Rail
Railway Theme in Spanish Philately, The;
Nathan, S; Spanish Philatelic Society ; ; 1978;
98; Laurie Franks Library; ; Spain; P; Rail
Railway Theme, The; Hart, C A; The Railway
Philatelic Group; ; 1970; 46; ; ; ; P; Rail
Railway Timetables; ; New Zealand Railways;
; 1970; 126; ; N/P; NZ; P; Rail
Railways Information; ; New Zealand Rail; ;
1974; 18; ; N/P; NZ; SB; Rail
Railways on Stamps, Vol 1 (Eastern Europe
(1); Goodbody, A M; Hart, C A; Picton
Publishing; ; 1974; 49; Author signed; ; Europe;
P; Rail
Railways on Stamps, Vol 1 (Eastern Europe
(2); Goodbody, A M; Hart, C A; Picton
Publishing; ; 1975; 63; Author signed; ; Europe;
P; Rail
Railways on Stamps, Vol 1 (Western
Europe, (3); Goodbody, A M; Hart, C A; Picton
Publishing; ; 1975; 68; Author signed; ; Europe;
P; Rail
Railways on Stamps, Vol 1 (Western
Europe, (4); Goodbody, A M; Hart, C A; Picton
Publishing; ; 1975; 58; Author signed; ; Europe;
P; Rail
Rimutaka Rample; Tenquist, J D; Featherston
Jaycee; ; ; 8; ; N/P; NZ; SB; Rail
Second Class - Free Ticket; ; New Zealand
Railway; ; 1923; 1; ; N/P; ; P; Rail
Talyllyn Railway Train Services 1975; ;
Talyllyn Railway; ; 1975; 4; ; N/P; GB; P; Rail
Talyllyn Railway, Official Guide; ; Talyllyn
Railway Preservation Society; ; ; 32; Loose
1867 Timetable; N/P; Wales; P; Rail
TPO; ; T.P.O. and Seapost Society; ; ; ; Vol 7,
No 3-6; Vol 8, No 1; Journal; ; P; Rail
United States Highway Post Office Cover
Catalog; ; National Highway Post Office
Society; ; 1962; 33; ; Catalogue; USA; LL; Rail
Coros Chronicle; ; Collectors of Religion on
Stamps; ; ; ; Vol 16, No 6; ; ; P; Religion
History of Religion of Postage Stamps, A,
Vol 1; Morse, F H; American Topical
Association; ; 1963; 98; North Otago PS; ; ; P;
History of Religion of Postage Stamps, A,
Vol 2; Morse, F H; American Topical
Association; ; 1963; ; North Otago PS; ; ; P;
Memorial Card; ; Church Army; ; 1933; 1; ;
N/P; ; P; Religion
Methodist Philatelic Society Newsletter; ;
Methodist Philatelic Society; ; ; ; Nos. 1-28, 3143; Magazine; ; P; Religion
Service of Thanksgiving; ; Gisborne; ; 1945?;
1; ; N/P; ; P; Religion
Service of Thanksgiving for 25 Years Reign;
; St. Paul's, London; ; 1935; 8; ; N/P; ; P;
St. Paul's Cathedral; ; The Dean and Chapter
of St. Paul's; ; ; 40; ; N/P; ; P; Religion
Youth Rally; ; The Christchurch Inter-Bible
Class Council; ; 1931; 1; ; N/P; ; P; Religion
25 Years A King; Chamberlain, Sir A, comp;
A. & C. Black, Ltd; ; 1935; 95; North Otago PS;
N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Berkswell's The Royal Year; ; Berkswell
Publishing Co Ltd; ; 1977; ; Vol 4; N/P; GB; P;
Britain's Kings & Queens; Bellow, Sir G;
Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; 1972; 24; ; N/P; GB; P;
British Monarchy PLC; ; New Statesman; ; ; ; ;
N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Charles Prince of Wales; ; Purnell & Sons Ltd;
; 1969; 32; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
Charles, 21st Prince of Wales; ; Pitkin
Pictorials; ; 1973; 23; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Coronation of Their Majesties King George
VI & Queen Elizabeth, The; ; Oldhams Press
Limited; ; 1937; 32; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Crowning of the King & Queen, The; KingHall, S; Evans Brothers Limited; ; 1937?; 42; ;
N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Diana, Princess of Wales 1961-1997; ;
Woman's Day; ; 1997; 24; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Duke of Edinburgh, The; Thomson, M;
Odhams Press Ltd; ; ; 128; North Otago PS;
N/P; GB; H; Royalty
E II R, royal Tour Souvenir, 1953-1954; ; ; ; ; ;
; N/P; NZ; P; Royalty
Edward the Seventh; Judd, E; Futura
Publications Ltd; ; 1975; 207; ; N/P; GB; P;
Elizabeth and Philip, Our Heiress and Her
Consort; Wulff, L; Samson Lowe. Marston &
Co., Ltd; ; 1947; 64; ; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Elizabeth Our Queen; Dimbleby, R; Hodder &
Stoughton; ; 1953; 188; North Otago PS; N/P;
GB; H; Royalty
Elizabeth, Our Queen; Davis, R; Collins; ;
1976; 159; ; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Fact Magazine; ; ; ; ; ; Vol 5, No 2; N/P; ; P;
George the Faithful, The Life and times of
George V; Gibbs, Sir P; Hutchinson & Co
(Publishers) Ltd; ; ; 534; ; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
H.R.H. Princess Margaret in Italy; ; H. A. &
W. L. Pitkin Ltd; ; ; 32; ; N/P; Italy; P; Royalty
H.R.H. The Princess Margaret 20th Birthday
Book; Packard, H; H. A. & W. L. Pitkin Ltd; ; ;
32; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Her Majesty Commands, The Story of the
Opening of Parliament; ; School Publications
Branch; ; ; 36; ; N/P; NZ; P; Royalty
Her Majesty the Queen; Stead, W T; Review
of Reviews; ; 1897; 170; ; N/P; ; H; Royalty
His Majesty King George VI; Pudney, J;
Hutchinson; ; 1952; 112; North Otago PS; N/P;
GB; H; Royalty
King Edward VIII - Duke of Windsor; Bolitho,
H; Peter Owen Ltd; Revised; 1954; 225; ; N/P;
GB; H; Royalty
King George V, His Life and Reign; Nicolson,
H; Constable & Co. Ltd; ; 1952; 570; ; N/P; GB;
H; Royalty
King Henry VIII; Woodward, G W O; Pitkin
Pictorials Ltd; ; 1972; 24; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Kings & Queens of England and the United
Kingdom; ; Franklin Watts; Reprint; 1971; 96; ;
N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Kings and Queens of Britain; Lambert, D;
Gray, L; Harper Collins Publishers; ; 1991; 250;
North Otago PS; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Kings and Queens of England and Great
Britain; Delderfield, E R; David & Charles; 2nd;
1972; 160; North Otago PS; N/P; GB; P;
Life and Times of King George VI, The; ;
Odhams Press Ltd; ; ; 160; North Otago PS;
N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Majesty, Elizabeth II and the House of
Windsor; Lacey, R; Book Club Associates; ;
1977; 382; ; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Majesty, Elizabeth II and the House of Windsor;
Lacey, R; Hutchinson of New Zealand; ; 1977;
382; Author signed; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Mark & Anne; Phillips, P; Battersea Books; ;
1973; 96; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
New Zealand Journey; ; Government Printing
Office; ; 1954; ; ; N/P; NZ; H; Royalty
Our Queen and Her Consort, Vol 1; ; Pitkin
Pictorials Ltd; ; ; ; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Our Royal Family Annual 1951; ; Littlebury &
Company Limited; ; 1951; ; ; N/P; GB; P;
Our Royal Family, Part 1, October 1949January 1950; ; Littlebury & Company Limited;
; ; ; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Our Royal Family, Part 3, April-July 1950; ;
Littlebury & Company Limited; ; ; ; ; N/P; GB; P;
Post Office Communications for Press Party
Royal Tour; ; NZ Post Office; ; 1953; 58;
Loose insert; ; NZ; P; Royalty
Prince of Wales' Book, The, A Pictorial
Record of the Voyages of H.M.S. 'Renown
1919-1920; ; Hodder & Stoughton; ; ; ; ; N/P;
GB; H; Royalty
Princess Anne; ; Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; 1973;
32; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Princess Elizabeth's Wedding Day; Knox, C;
H. A. & W. L. Pitkin Ltd; ; ; 24; ; N/P; GB; P;
Princess Margaret's 19th Birthday Book;
Birt, C; H. A. & W. L. Pitkin Ltd; ; ; 32; ; N/P;
GB; P; Royalty
Queen in New Zealand, The; Hardingham, J;
A.H. & A.W. Reed; ; 1954; 262; ; N/P; NZ; H;
Queen Mother, The; ; Colour Library Books
Ltd; ; 1983; ; ; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Queen of To-Morrow; Wulff, L; Sampson
Lowe, Marston & Co., Ltd; ; 1946; 192; ; N/P;
GB; H; Royalty
Queen's Silver Jubilee, The; Hedley, O; Pitkin
Pictorials Ltd; ; 1976; 32; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Royal Cavalcade; Nickolls, L A; Macdonalnd
and Co. (Publishers) Ltd; 2nd; 1949; 128; ; N/P;
; H; Royalty
Royal Encyclopedia; Allison, R; Riddell, S,
eds; Macmillan Press; ; 1991; 632; ; N/P; GB;
H; Royalty
Royal Families of Europe, The; Hindley, G;
Chartwell Books Inc.; ; 1979; 160; ; N/P;
Europe; H; Royalty
Royal Family at Home and Abroad, The;
Lemoine, S; Colour Library International Ltd; ;
1976; 144; ; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Royal Line of Succession, The; MontagueSmith, P W; Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; 1972; 24; ;
N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Royal Progress; ; Christchurch Press
Company, Ltd; ; 1977; 48; ; N/P; NZ; P; Royalty
Royal Review; ; Wilson and Horton Limited; ;
1970; 64; ; N/P; NZ; P; Royalty
Royal Silver Jubilee Year, Programme of
Daily Conducted Sightseeing tours; ;
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
Universal Travel Bureau Lted; ; 1935; 14; ; N/P;
; P; Royalty
Royal Tour of Kenya, The; ; Pitkin Pictorials
Ltd; ; ; 32; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Royal Tour Trains, Their Postal History and
Postmarks; Hill, N; Harry Hayes; ; 1977; 23; ; ;
Br.Comm; P; Royalty
Royal Tour, The, Part One - Outward Bound;
; Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; ; 32; ; N/P; GB; P;
Royal Tour, The, Part Two - New Zealand; ;
Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; ; ; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Royal Visit to New Zealand, The; ; A.H. &
A.W. Reed; Reprint; 1954; 80; ; N/P; NZ; H;
Royal Visit to South Canterbury, Timaru,
25.1.1954; ; Langwood Studio Photographers; ;
; ; ; N/P; NZ; P; Royalty
Royal Visits on Stamps from Queen Victoria
to Queen Elizabeth; Rossotti, Renzo; ; ; 1977;
33; Laurie Franks Library; ; ; P; Royalty
Royalty in New Zealand; Loughnan, R A;
Government Printing Office; ; 1901; 391; ; N/P;
NZ; H; Royalty
Silver Wedding Souvenir; ; Pitkin Pictorials; ;
1972; ; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Silver Wedding, The Record of Twenty-five
royal Years; Wulff, L; Sampson Lowe, Marston
& Co., Ltd; ; 1948; 128; ; N/P; GB; H; Royalty
Six Wives of Henry VIII, The; ; Pitkin Pictorials
Ltd; ; 1974; 24; ; N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Stamp Portraits of the Queen; Parsons, C R
H; Stanley Gibbons Ltd; ; 1959; 31; ; ; ; P;
Sun, The - 1838 Coronation Issue; ; H. A. &
W. L. Pitkin Ltd; ; 1953; 4; Facsimili edition;
N/P; GB; P; Royalty
Windsor Story, The; ; Bonar Books; ; ; ; ; N/P;
GB; P; Royalty
Gold Fever; Kutz, K J; Gold Fever Publishing; ;
1987; 400; ; ; ; H; Science
Modern Science, Britannica Home Study
Guide; ; Encyclopedia Britannica Ltd; ; 1958;
31; ; N/P; ; P; Science
13th World Scout Jamboree Japan 1971,
The; Morris, R; ; ; ; 50; Laurie Franks Library; ;
; P; Scouts
8th Australian Jamboree, Victorian
Contingent; ; ; ; 1967; 4; Advertising blurb;
N/P; ; P; Scouts
Arrangements for Rally, Wolf Cubs; ; ; ;
1931; 3; ; N/P; ; P; Scouts
Boy Scout and Girl Guide Stamps of the
World; Entwistle, G; Cassell; ; 1957; 82; ; ; ; H;
Bulletin; ; Scout Stamp Collectors Club; ; ; ;
1970 Apr-Dec; 1971; 1972 Nos 2-5; 1973 Nos
1,2; Vol 5, No 1-4; Vol 6, Nos 1-5; Vol 7, Nos 15; Vols 8,9; Vol 10, No 1; Journal; ; P; Scouts
Catalogue of Scout & Guide Stamps;
Nicholson, A H; Howard L. Fears; ; 1965; ; ;
Catalogue; ; LL; Scouts
Certificate, Attendance at Rally for Lord
Baden-Powell; ; Boy Scouts Association,
Addington Branch; ; 1931; ; ; N/P; ; P; Scouts
Christmas Greetings; ; W.H. Montgomery; ; ;
1; Metropolitan Commissioner; N/P; ; P; Scouts
Church Parade Notice; ; Boy Scouts
Association; ; 1931; 1; Christchurch Cathedral;
N/P; ; P; Scouts
Conservation Week Activity Sheet; ; Scout
Association of New Zealand; ; 1986; 1; ;
Journal; ; P; Scouts
Facts on World Scouting; ; Boy Scouts
International Bureau; 2nd; 1961; 90; ; N/P; ; P;
Founder's Day Service; ; ; ; ; 1; 1931,1932;
N/P; ; P; Scouts
Girl Guides 75th Anniversary, St. Martin's
Australian Fund-Raising Run; ; Soloman
Islands Post Office; ; 1985; ; Publicity leaflet; ;
Solomon Is; P; Scouts
Internationale Pfadfinder - Briefmarken Austellung; ; ; ; 1967; 16; ; ; ; P; Scouts
Journal; ; Scout Stamps Collectors Club; ; ; ;
Vol 11, No 2,5,6; Vol 12, No 2-4,6-9; Journal; ;
P; Scouts
Letter confirming Troop Membership; ; St.
Michael's Troop; ; 1928; 1; ; N/P; ; P; Scouts
Scout and Guide Stamp Society Journal; ;
Scout and Guide Society, Australia; ; ; ; Vol 2,
No 1-5; Vol 3, Nos 1-4; Vol 4, No 2,4,5; Vol 5,
No 1; Vol 7, No 5; Vol 8, No 1,2; ; ; P; Scouts
Scout Stamp Catalogue; ; Edizioini
Scautismo; ; 1970; ; In Italian, French, English;
; ; LL; Scouts
Scout Stamp Catalogue, Errata 1970-83; ;
Edizioini Scautismo; ; 1986; ; In Italian, French,
English; ; ; LL; Scouts
Scout Stamp Catalogue, Supplement; ;
Edizioini Scautismo; ; 1971; ; In Italian, French,
English; ; ; LL; Scouts
Scout Stamp Catalogue, Supplement; ;
Edizioini Scautismo; ; 1984; ; In Italian, French,
English; ; ; LL; Scouts
Scout Stamp Catalogue, Vol 2, The
Americas; ; Edizioini Scautismo; ; ; ; In Italian,
French, English; ; ; LL; Scouts
Scout Stamp Catalogue, Vol 3, Asia; ;
Edizioini Scautismo; ; ; ; In Italian, French,
English; ; ; LL; Scouts
Scout Stamp Catalogue, Vol 4, Africa; ;
Edizioini Scautismo; ; ; ; In Italian, French,
English; ; ; LL; Scouts
Scout Stamps, Scout Seals; ; Harry D.
Thorsen, Jr; ; 1961; 48; ; Catalogue; ; P;
Second Class - Free Ticket; ; New Zealand
Railway; ; 1923; 1; ; N/P; ; P; Scouts
Sossi; ; Scouts on Stamps Society
International; ; ; ; Vol 25, No. 3-4; Journal; ; P;
Te Kupu; ; New Zealand Scout and Guide
Philatelic Club; ; ; ; Vol 8, No 3,4; Vol 9;;
Journal; ; P; Scouts
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
Vignettes Francaises Scoutes, Part 1 19121947; ; Scoutisme et Collections; 1st; 1988; 52;
In French; ; ; P; Scouts
Vignettes Francaises Scoutes, Part 2, 19481987; ; Scoutisme et Collections; 1st; 1988; 52;
In French; ; ; P; Scouts
World Jamboree 1967; Duck, P; Jefferies, D;
Morris, R; Scout Stamps Collectors Club; ;
1967; 30; ; ; ; P; Scouts
Australian and New Zealand Shipwrecks &
Sea Tragedies; Edwards, H; Philllip Matthews,
Publishers; ; 1978; 136; ; N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Book of Old Ships, The; Grant, G; Culver, H
B; Bonanza Books; ; 1924; 306; ; N/P; ; H;
British Ports and Harbours; Walmsley, L;
William Collins; ; 1962; 48; ; N/P; GB; P; Ships
British Ships and Shipbuilders; Blake, G;
Collins; ; 1946; 48; ; N/P; ; H; Ships
Century of Style, A - Great Ships of the
Union Line 1875-1976; Brewer, N H; A.H. &
A.W. Reed; ; 1982; 238; ; N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Cutty Sark, The; ; Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; 1973;
24; ; N/P; ; P; Ships
Dictionary of Disasters at Sea During the
Age of Steam, 1824-1962; Hocking, C; The
London Stamp Exchange; 2nd; 1989; 779; ;
N/P; ; H; Ships
Eight Minutes Past Midnight, The Wreck of
the S.S. Wairarapa; Locker-Lampson, S;
Francis, I; Rowfant Books; ; 1981; 160; ; N/P;
NZ; H; Ships
Encyclopaedia of the America's Cup in
Stamps, The; ; Philatelic International; ; 1987;
44; No stamps; ; Solomon Islands; H; Ships
Endeavour, The; ; Southdown Press Pty Ltd; ;
; 48; ; N/P; ; P; Ships
Epic Voyage of Sir Francis Chichester, The;
Carr, F G G; Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; 1967; 24; ;
N/P; ; P; Ships
Famous Ships of the World; Kemp, Com P;
Frederick Muller Ltd; ; 1956; 144; ; N/P; ; H;
Great Sea Rescues, Vol II; Middleton, Comm
E W; Heritage Publications; ; 1976; 143; ; N/P; ;
P; Ships
Gypsy Moth Circles the World; Chichester, F;
Hodder & Stoughton; ; 1987; 269; ; N/P; ; P;
Lighthouses; Macpherson, D & M; Hamish
Hamilton; ; 1983; 38; ; N/P; ; H; Ships
Marine Department Information Bulletin, 5,
About Lighthouses; ; New Zealand Marine
Department; ; ; 16; ; N/P; NZ; P; Ships
Merchant Fleets in Profile, Vol 4, The Ships
of the Hamburg America, Adler and Carr
Lines; Haws, D; Patrick Stephens; ; 1980; 208;
; N/P; ; H; Ships
Navigators and Shipwrecks; ; Australia Post;
; 1985; 36; ; ; Australia; P; Ships
Navy In New Zealand, The; Howard, G; A.H. &
A.W. Reed; ; 1981; 170; ; N/P; NZ; H; Ships
New Zealand Shipwrecks 1795-1970; Ingram,
C W N; A.H. & A.W. Reed; 4th; 1972; 448; ;
N/P; NZ; H; Ships
New Zealand Shipwrecks 1795-1982; Ingram,
C W N; A.H. & A.W. Reed; 6th; 1984; 490; ;
N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Observer's Book of Ships, The; Dodman, F
E; Frederick Warne & Co; ; 1973; 192; ; N/P; ;
H; Ships
Ocean Ships; Moody, B; Ian Allen Ltd; 6th;
1978; 349; ; N/P; ; H; Ships
Old Ship Prints; Chatterton, E K; Spring
Books; 2nd; 1967; 182; ; N/P; ; H; Ships
Pacific Liners 1927-72; Emmons, F; Leonard
Fullerton Limited; ; 1973; 135; ; N/P; NZ; H;
Painted Ocean; Arrow, N; The Caxton Press; ;
1961; 174; ; N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Passenger Ships of Australia & New
Zealand, Vol 1 1876-1912; Plowman, P;
William Collins Publishers Ltd; ; 1981; 224; ;
N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Passenger Ships of the World, Past and
Present; Smith, E W; George H Dean
Company; 2nd; 1978; 1097; ; N/P; ; H; Ships
Pride in Their Ports; Ross, J O'C; The
Dunmore Press; ; 1977; 213; ; N/P; NZ; H;
Prince of Wales' Book, The, A Pictorial
Record of the Voyages of H.M.S. 'Renown
1919-1920; ; Hodder & Stoughton; ; ; ; ; N/P;
GB; H; Ships
Sail Change, Tall Ships in New Zealand
Waters; Morris, R; David Bateman; ; 1981; 48;
; N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Sailing Boats of the World; Budd, R, ed;
Prentice-Hall Inc.; ; 1974; 1237; ; N/P; ; H;
Sea Breezes; ; ; ; ; ; No 347; Magazine, N/P; ;
P; Ships
Shape of Ships, The; McDowell, W;
Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd; 2nd; 1952;
232; ; N/P; ; H; Ships
Shaw Savill Line, One Hundred Years of
Trading; Waters, S D; Whitcombe and Tombs;
; 1961; 158; ; N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Ships Monthly; ; Endlebury Publishing
Company Limited; ; ; ; Vol 3, No 12; Vol 4, No
1,2,4; Magazine, N/P; ; P; Ships
Ships of Canada; ; Canada Post; ; 1978; 96;
No stamps; ; Canada; P; Ships
Ships on Stamps; Hill, R H; Stanley Gibbons
Ltd; ; 1939?; 51; ; ; ; H; Ships
Ships on Stamps, Vol 1-5; Argyle, E W;
Picton Publishing; 2nd; 1971; ; ; ; ; H; Ships
Ships on Stamps, Vol 6-10; Argyle, E W;
Picton Publishing; ; 1975; ; ; ; ; H; Ships
Shipwrecks on Middleton Reef; Belcher, B;
William Collins Publishers Ltd; ; 1979; 190; ;
N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Suez, De Lesseps' Canal; Pudney, J; J. M.
Dent & Sons; ; 1968; 242; ; N/P; Egypt; H;
U.S.C.S. Log; ; Universal Ship Cancellation
Society; ; ; ; Nos 642-669,671-8,680-699;
Laurie Franks Library; Journal; USA; P; Ships
Thematics - BY SUBJECT
U.S.C.S. Log; ; Universal Ship Cancellation
Society; ; ; ; Nos 394,417-57,459-568,570-673;
Journal; USA; P; Ships
Union Fleet 1875-1975; Farquhar, I J; New
Zealand Ship and Marine Society; 2nd; 1976;
61; ; N/P; NZ; P; Ships
Union Line, A Short History of the Union
Steam Ship Company of New Zealand
Limited 1875-1951; Waters, S D; ; ; ; 148; ;
N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Wall of England - The Channel's 2000 Years
of History; Bradford, E; Country Life Limited; ;
1966; 112; ; N/P; GB; H; Ships
Warships of World War II; Lenton, H T;
Colledge, J J; Ian Allen Ltd; 2nd; 1973; 653; ;
N/P; ; H; Ships
Wreck Book, The; Locker-Lampson, S;
Francis, I; Millwood Press Ltd; ; 1979; 117; ;
N/P; NZ; H; Ships
Footprints on the Moon; ; Wilson and Horton
Limited; ; 1969; 56; ; N/P; ; P; Space
Man on the Moon; ; Myron Fass; ; 1969; 68; ;
N/P; ; P; Space
Moonslaught; ; Purnell & Sons Ltd; ; 1969; 30;
; N/P; ; P; Space
Nasa Facts, The Planet Venus; ; National
Aeronautics and Space Administration; ;
1978?; 8; ; N/P; ; P; Space
Space Exploration in Soviet Postage
Stamps; ; Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga; ; ; ; ; ; ; P;
Space Stamp Reproductions; ; Air BP; ; ; 5;
Sheets in folder; ; ; P; Space
Space Stamp Reproductions; ; Air BP; ;
1963?; ; Folder of 6 sheets of reproductions; ; ;
P; Space
Space Stamps; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1962; 44; ; ; ; P; Space
Space Stamps; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1966; 59; ; ; ; P; Space
1936 Olympic Games, The - A Philatelic
History; Danner, J A; ; ; 1972; 69; Laurie
Franks Library; ; ; SB; Sport
1948 Olympics at Wembley, The; Stitt
Dibden, W G; W. G. Stitt Dibden; ; 1959; 14; ; ;
; P; Sport
Ball Games on Stamps; Halm H S;
Kobylanski, J K; S. A. Mundas; 1st; 1968; 209;
; ; ; P; Sport
Encyclopedia of Sports Stamps, The;
Bateman, R; Stanley Paul; ; 1969; 173; ;
Catalogue; ; H; Sport
Fiji, 6th South Pacific Games Handbook;
Yarrow, E; ; ; ; 128; ; N/P; Pacific; P; Sport
Games Review; ; Christchurch Press
Company, Ltd; ; 1974; ; ; N/P; ; P; Sport
Guinnes Book of Olympic Records, The;
McWhierter, N & R; Penguin Books; ; 1972;
203; ; N/P; ; P; Sport
Journal of Sports Philately; ; Sports
Philatelists International; ; ; ; Vol 19, No 6;
Journal; ; P; Sport
Official Report of the Olympic Games 1968;
Phillips, B; The British Olympic Association; ;
1968; 104; ; N/P; ; P; Sport
Olympia; ; Sieger-Verlag; ; 1966; 336; In
German; Catalogue; ; P; Sport
Olympic Games; ; Robson Lowe Ltd; ; 1973;
20; Ernest Trory collection; Auction; ; P; Sport
Olympic Games; Airmails of the World,
Catalogue 1; ; David Feldman; ; 1999; 102;
The 'Zappeion' Collection; Auction; ; P; Sport
Olympic Review; ; Crabtree Press, Ltd; ; ; ;
Nos 1-4; Journal; ; P; Sport
Olympic Stamp Souvenir Collection; ;
Canada Post; ; 1976; ; ; ; Canada; P; Sport
Sport in Soviet Postage Stamps; ;
Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga; ; ; 16; ; ; Russia; P;
Sports and Recreation; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1962; 34; ; ; ; P; Sport
Sports Stamps; Enhangen, C; Stanley Paul; ;
1961; 275; ; Catalogue; ; H; Sport
Tee Time; ; International Philatelic Golf
Society; ; ; ; No 1-3; ; ; P; Sport
XI Olympiad, Part 6, (Kiel 1936); Trory, E; ; ;
1970; 32; Author signed; Laurie Franks Library;
; ; P; Sport
XIVth Commonwealth Games, Licensing
Programme; ; ; ; 1990; 14; ; N/P; NZ; P; Sport
50th Anniversary of APPM; ; Jezebel Press; ;
1986; ; ; N/P; Australia; P; Timber
Alfa 33; ; Alfa Romeo; ; 1984; ; Presentation
Folder with FDCs etc; ; Italy; P; Transport
American Automobile, The; Georgano, N;
Multimedia Books Ltd; ; 1992; 288; ; N/P; ; H;
Antique Automobiles as Seen on Postage
Stamps; Schnering P B; Antique Automobiles;
; ; 11; Photocopy; ; ; P; Transport
Bicylce and the Postage Stamps, The;
Sudbury, R F; Harry Hayes; ; 1976; 62; ; ; ; P;
Clang, Clang, Clang Went the Trolley Mail
Car; ; St. Louis Post Dispatch; ; 1966; 1;
Photocopy; ; ; P; Transport
Land Transport in the Stamp Album; Gould,
A E; Stanley Gibbons Ltd; ; 1936?; 58; ; ; ; P;
Motor Philatelics; ; Automotive Study Group; ;
; ; Nos 1-8; Journal; ; P; Transport
Stamps Trace Man's Evolution from Pedal
to Petrol and Piston; Thomas, D; Old Cars; ;
1974; 1; Photocopy; N/P; ; P; Transport
Trams in Colour Since 1945; Joyce, J;
Blandford Press Ltd; ; 1970; 160; ; N/P; ; H;
Thematics - GENERAL
957 Topical Digest; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1957; 70; ; Journal; ; P;
Advenurous Journey, The; Fewster, R; South
Australian Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited;
; 1975; 62; ; N/P; ; H;
Art and the Postage Stamps; Purvis, J R W;
The Hawthorn Press; ; ; 8; ; ; Australia; P;
Australia in Stamps; Struthers, J; John
Struthers; ; 1981; 186; ; ; Australia; P;
Australian Impressionists, Our Heritage in
Stamps; ; Australia Post; ; 1989; 32; ; ;
Australia; H;
Canada, A Brief History through its Stamps;
Struthers, J; ; ; 1980; 164; ; ; Canada; P;
Cine Post, Gabin to Huxley; ; ; ; ; 64; ; ; ; P;
Collect topical Stamps for Fun and
Relaxation; Groet, J H; American Topical
Association; ; 1963; 18; North Otago PS; ; ; P;
Collect Topicals and Have Fun; Kehr, E A;
American Topical Association; ; 1955; 38;
North Otago PS; ; ; P;
Collections Catalogue also including
Olympic Games, Airmails, Thematics, ets; ;
David Feldman; ; 1994; 112; Laurie Franks
Library; Auction; ; P;
Discrimination and Selectivity in Topical
Collecting; Mueller, B R; American Topical
Association; ; ; 6; ; ; ; P;
Disneymation; Silvester, W; ; ; ; ; No 1-29;
Journal; ; P;
Drink & the Victorians; Harrison, B; Faber
and Faber; ; 1971; 510; ; ; ; H;
Empire on Stamps, The; Hamilton, P; ; ; 1941;
223; ; ; Br.Comm; H;
Explore Australia Through stamps;
Hornadge, B; Review Publications Pty. Ltd.; ; ;
64; ; ; Australia; P;
First Australians, The; ; Australia Post; ;
1984; 36; ; ; Australia; P;
Folk Art & Crafts. An American Collection; ;
U.S.Postal Service; ; 1988; 40; ; N/P; USA; H;
Greenland, Expeditions and Flights after
1938 including North Pole Expeditions and
Trans-Arctic Flights; Wowern, E; GF
Friemaerker; ; 1975; 69; Laurie Franks Library;
Catalogue; Greenland; P;
Guidelines for Exhibiting Topical
Collections; ; Thematic Society of Australia; ;
1982; 24; ; ; ; P;
Guidelines for Thematic Judges and
Exhibitors at Local and Federation Level;
Rapkin, F; British Philatelic Trust; ; 1989; 23; ; ;
; P;
Guidelines to the Regulations for the
Evaluation of Thematic Exhibits; ; F.I.P.; ; ;
8; ; ; ; P;
Heraldry in Philately; Milne, G; Fred J
Melville; ; ; 65; ; Price List; ; P;
History and Geography with Stamps of the
British Commonwealth; Roberts, Col F L; ; ;
1948; 61; ; ; Br.Comm; H;
History from the Stamp Album; Melville, F J;
The Philatelic Institute; ; ; 16; No cover, pages
loose; ; ; P;
History of Southern Africa based on
Stamps, A; Struthers, J; ; ; 1980; 177; ; ;
Africa; P;
History Through Stamps; Keep, D; David &
Charles; ; 1974; 110; Laurie Franks Library; ; ;
Information Sheets; ; New Zealand Marine
Department; ; ; ; Bundle on NZ lighthouses;
N/P; NZ; P;
Introducing Thematic Collecting; Lee, A;
National Philatelic Society; ; 1983; 34; ; ; ; P;
Introducing Thematic Collecting; Lee, A;
National Philatelic Society; Reprint; 1990; 34; ;
; ; P;
Judaica Philatelic Journal; ; Judaica
Historical Philatelic Society; ; ; ; Vol 16, No
2,3,4; Journal; Israel; P;
Kings and Queens of Great Britain; ; Thomas
Nelson and Sons Ltd; ; 1970; ; Chart; N/P; GB;
Malaysia, Crests of States of Malaysia;
Struthers, J; ; ; 1981; 104; ; ; Malaya; P;
Men Against the Sky; Harris, S F; N. K.
Musson & Company; ; ; 24; ; ; ; P;
Mint Set of Definitive Stamps; ; United States
Postal Service; ; 1987; 32; ; ; USA; P;
New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide
Tables for the Year 1965, Section 6, Light
List; ; Marine Department; ; 1965; ; ; N/P; NZ;
New Zealand Through Its Stamps; Struthers,
J; ; ; 1982; 224; ; ; NZ; P;
Notes on Subject and Thematic Collecting;
Richards, J R; New Zealand Stamp Collectors'
Club; ; 1956; 5; ; ; ; P;
Postage Stamps and the Empire's Story;
Crane, A O; Stanley Gibbons Ltd; ; ; 48; ; ;
Br.Comm; P;
Postage Stamps and the Empire's Story;
Crane, A O; Stanley Gibbons Ltd; ; ; 58; ; ;
Br.Comm; P;
Postal Stationery For Use in Thematic
Collecting; Postal Markings Applicable to
Thematic Collecting; Types of Stamps Used
in Thematic Philately; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; V;
Private Sale Sheet; ; Betty Salter; ; ; 2; ; Price
List; ; P;
Royal Line of Succession, The; MontagueSmith, P W; Pitkin Pictorials Ltd; ; 1972; 24; ;
N/P; GB; P;
Sailing Ships of the High Seas; ; Time Life
Books; ; ; ; Folder of 4 plates; N/P; ; P;
Special Event Postmarks of the United
Kingdom; Pearson, G R; George R. Pearson;
2nd; 1973; 120; Laurie Franks Library; ; GB;
Special Event Postmarks of the United
Kingdom; Pearson, G R; British Postmark
Society; 3rd; 1984; 276; ; Catalogue; GB; P;
Sports and Recreation; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1962; 34; ; ; ; P;
Stamp Centenaries; Armstrong, J S; ; ; ; ;
1964, Aug; Price List; ; P;
Stamp Journey Through Sweden, A; ;
Swedish Post Office; ; 1984; 24; ; ; Sweden; P;
Stamp Out Kiwis; Eastgate, N; John McIndoe
Ltd; ; 1976; ; ; ; NZ; P;
Thematics - GENERAL
Sweden, A Nation Through Stamps; ;
Swedish Post Office; ; 1973; 15; ; ; Sweden; P;
Thematic & Topical Stamp Collecting;
Branston, A J; B. T. Batsford Ltd; ; 1980; 176; ;
; ; H;
Thematic News; ; Thematic Philatelic Society
of Victoria; ; ; ; 1982, Sep; 1983; 1984,
Mar,Jun,Sept; Journal; ; P;
Thematic Stamp Collecting; Morris, M;
Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd; ; 1977; 32; ; ;
; P;
Thematic Stamp Collecting; Morris, M;
Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd; Reprint;
1979; 32; North Otago PS; ; ; P;
Theme Polaire; Dupraz, G; Grillon, B; Laroze,
G; Repertoire International; ; 1986; 190; In
French; ; Polar; P;
Themenz; ; Thematic Association of New
Zealand; ; ; ; No 1-21; Journal; ; P;
Themes; ; Thematic Society of Australia; ; ; ;
Vol 5, No 4; Vol 6, No 5; Journal; ; P;
Themescene; ; The British Thematic
Association; ; ; ; Nos 15-23; Journal; ; P;
Topical Book Advertisements; ; American
Topical Association; ; ; ; ; ; ; SB;
Topical Digest; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1957; 70; ; Journal; ; P;
Topical Digest, No 1; ; American Topical
Association; 2nd; 1965; 47; North Otago PS;
Journal; ; P;
Topical Digest, No 2; Mitz, A; Zarling, P, eds;
American Topical Association; ; ; 55; North
Otago PS; Journal; ; P;
Topical Digest, No 3; ; American Topical
Association; ; ; 67; North Otago PS; Journal; ;
Topical Digest, No 4; Richter, J H, ed;
American Topical Association; ; 1962; 63; ;
Journal; ; P;
Topical Digest, No 5; Richter, J H, ed;
American Topical Association; ; 1963; 63;
North Otago PS; Journal; ; P;
Topical Digest, No 6; Richter, J H, ed;
American Topical Association; ; 1969; 43; ;
Journal; ; P;
Topical Digest, No 7; Richter, J H, ed;
American Topical Association; ; 1972; 47;
North Otago PS; Journal; ; P;
Topical Digest, No 8; Richter, J H, ed;
American Topical Association; ; 1978; 59; ;
Journal; ; P;
Topical Issues of 1960; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1960; ; ; Catalogue; ; P;
Topical Issues of 1963; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1963; 20; ; Catalogue; ; P;
Topical Time; ; American Topical Association;
; ; ; Vol 2, No 2,4,6; Vol 3, No 1-5; Vol 4-6; Vol
7, No 2-6; Vol 8-9; Vol 10, No 1,-3,56; Journal;
; P;
Topical Time; ; American Topical Association;
; ; ; Vol 11-13; Vol 14, No 3-6; Vol 15, No 1-4,6;
Vol 16; Vol 17, No 1,3,4,6; Vol 18-20; Journal; ;
Topical Time; ; American Topical Association;
; ; ; Vol 21-30; Journal; ; P;
Topical Time; ; American Topical Association;
; ; ; Vol 31-40; Journal; ; P;
Topical Time; ; American Topical Association;
; ; ; Vol 41-48; Vol 49, No 1-4; Journal; ; P;
Topical Time Index ; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1971; 12; ; ; ; P;
Topical Time Index ; ; American Topical
Association; ; 1972; 4; ; ; ; P;
Topical Time Publications 1982; ; American
Topical Association; ; 1982; 4; ; ; ; P;
Topical Time Publications 1983; ; American
Topical Association; ; 1983; ; ; ; ; P;
Topical Time Publications 1985; ; American
Topical Association; ; 1985; ; Photocopy; ; ; P;
Topical Time Reprint; ; American Topical
Association; ; ; ; Vols 1-21; North Otago PS;
Journal; ; H;
Topical Time, Vol 14-15; ; American Topical
Association; ; ; ; Nos 77-88; Journal; ; H;
Topical Time, Vol 16-17; ; American Topical
Association; ; ; ; Nos 89-100; Journal; ; H;
TPO; ; T.P.O. and Seapost Society; ; ; ; Vol 13,
No 6; Vol 17,18; Vol 19, No 1-3,5,6; Vol 20;
Journal; ; P;
TPO; ; T.P.O. and Seapost Society; ; ; ; Vol
21,22; Vol 23, No 1,2,4-6; Vol 24, No 1,2; Vol
26, No 4-6; Vol 27, No 3-5; Journal; ; P;
TPSV News; ; Thematic Philatelic Society of
Victoria; ; ; ; 1982, Jun, Sep, Dec; 1983, Mar,
Jun; Magazine; ; P;
World Refugee Year Commemorative
Stamps; ; ; ; 1960; ; French/English; ; ; P;