www.contohsuratlamaran.com SURAT PENAWARAN (BAHASA INGGRIS) I NAMA PERUSAHAAN -jenis usaha perusahaan-alamat lengkap perusahaan-nomor telepon perusahaan- No: __________ ____ ____ (tanggal) --Mr/Mrs/Ms---alamat lengkap ---kota dan kode pos-- Dear Mr/Ms, We are pleased to send you a copy to our catalogue, which includes full details and prices for our complete kind of __________. We would particularly like to draw your attention to our new kind of __________ which is ilustrated in our catalogue. We are able to offer you a special discount (__%) until __________. You can use the special order forms we enclose in our catalogue. We hope you will be pleased with the catalogue we send you and look forward to receiving your order. Yours faithfully, www.contohsuratlamaran.com --tanda tangan-(-nama lengkap-) --jabatan--