The Counseling Psychologist - Major Contributions/Themes 1969 to

The Counseling Psychologist - Major Contributions/Themes 1969 to August 2011
(*next to date represents the Outstanding Contribution to TCP)
August 2011 Training in Counseling Psychology
July 2011 Whatever Happened to Counseling in Counseling Psychology?
May 2011 No special focus
April 2011 White Dialectics
February 2011 Motivation and Autonomy in Counseling
January 2011 Sexual Objectification of Women
November 2010 No special focus
October 2010 Interventions in counseling psychology
August 2010 No special focus
July 2010 Interventions with children
May 2010 Asians and Asian Americans
April 2010 Research with lesbian, gay, & bisexual people of color
February 2010 No special focus
January 2010 No special focus
November 2010 No special focus
October 2009 – Counseling Chinese — Indigenous and Multicultural Perspectives
August 2009 - Contextual factors in training and practice
July 2009 – Counseling psychology model training values statement addressing diversity
May 2009 – Current issues in training
April 2009 – Meta-analysis of clinical judgment
February 2009 - Research on Asians and Asian Americans
January 2009 – Multiculturalism and social justice
November 2008 - New frontiers in multiculturalism
September 2008 - Research and assessment in counseling women
July 2008 – Internalized Heterosexism
*May 2008 –Men’s gender role conflict: 25-year research summary
March 2008 – International Forum
January 2008 – HIV and vocational psychology
November 2007 - Culturally Relevant Prevention
September 2007 - Culturally Sensitive Health Care
*July 2007 - Best Practice Guidelines on Prevention
May 2007 - Qualitative Issues and Analyses in Counseling Psychology: Part IV
March 2007 - Qualitative Issues and Analyses in Counseling Psychology: Part III
January 2007 - Race-Based Traumatic Stress
November 2006 - Quantitative Issues and Analyses in Counseling Psychology: Part II
*September 2006 - Quantitative Issues and Analyses in Counseling Psychology: Part I
July 2006 - Emerging Issues in Counseling Psychology: Research and Practice
May 2006 - Clinical Judgment or Mathematical Formulas: A Debate About Accuracy
March 2006 - Positive Aspects of Human Functioning: A Cornerstone of Counseling Psychology
January 2006 - Strength-Based Counseling for Youth
November 2005 - Online Counseling: Challenges for the Information Era
September 2005 - Academic Training in Counseling Psychology
July 2005 - Perspectives on Race in Counseling Psychology Practice, Training, & Research
May 2005 - Perspectives on Research in Counseling Psychology
*March 2005 - Vocational Psychology: A Proposal to Move Toward Social Justice
January 2005 - Practice/Science Integration
November 2004 - Integrating Psychology and Social Justice: A Training Model
*September 2004 - Religious Beliefs and Sexual Orientation
July 2004 - Career Decisions and Family of Origin: Implications for Vocational Counseling
May 2004 - Problem Solving and Human Adjustment
March 2004 - Counseling Psychology and School Counseling
January 2004 - The Forth National Counseling Psychology Conference: Houston 2001
*November 2003- Counseling Psychology and Adoption
September 2003 - Evidence-Based Scientist-Practitioner Training
July 2003 - Internationalization of Counseling Psychology
May 2003 - Social Justice and Multicultural Competence in Counseling Psychology
March 2003 - Work-Oriented Midcareer Development Model
January 2003 - Building a Bridge From the Past to the Future
November 2002 - Reinvigorating Vocational Psychology
September 2002 - Counseling Psychology and Schools
July 2002 - Heterosexual Identity
May 2002 - Client Perspectives on Multicultural Counseling Competence
*March 2002 - Empirically Supported Interventions
January 2002 - Feminist Identity Development
*November 2001 - Multidimensional Facets of Cultural Competence
September 2001 - Eating Disorders
July 2001 - Multicultural Psychology: Creating A Contextual Framework
May 2001 - Legacies and Traditions in Counseling Psychology
March 2001 - Work and Relationships
January 2001 - Current Directions in Chicana/o Psychology
November 2000 - Prevention in Counseling Psychology
September 2000 - Counseling Psychology Training
*July 2000 - Suicide
May 2000 - Legacies & Traditions in Counseling Psychology
March 2000 - Ethical Issues in Managed Care
January 2000 - Globalization of Counseling Psychology
November 1999 - Invisibility Syndrome
September 1999 - Trainee Impairment
July, 1999 - Advanced Quantitative Method II
May 1999 - Advanced Quantitative Methods
March 1999 - Racism and Psychological Health
January 1999 - 30 Years of the Counseling Psychologist
November 1998 - Multicultural Assessment
September 1998 - Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Affirmative Training
July 1998 -Reconceptualizing Multicultural Counseling
May 1998 - Male Reference Group Identity Dependence
March 1998 - Social Cognitive Model of Counselor Training
January 1998 - Multicultural Training
October 1997 – Consensual qualitative research
July 1997 – School-to-work transition
April 1997 – Social-counseling interface: Impediments and solutions
January 1997 – Research training Environments
October 1996 – Wellness
July 1996 – Adolescence
April 1996 – Multicultural challenges: Theory, evaluation, and training
January 1996 – Ethics
October 1995 – Social psychology applications
July 1995 – Attachment theory
April 1995 – Delayed memory debate
January 1995 – Culture and counseling
October 1994 – Wife abuse
July 1994 – Counseling with children
April 1994 – Multicultural training
January 1994 – The counseling relationship
October 1993 – Ecocounseling psychology
July 1993 – Sports psychology
April 1993 – White American researchers and multicultural counseling
January 1993 – Feminist counseling and therapy
October 1992 – Counseling psychologists and neuropsychologists
July 1992 – Toward science-practice integration in brief counseling and therapy
April 1992 – Major social theories of aging and implications
January 1992 – New and early professionals
October 1991 – Counseling the HIV-infected client
July 1991 – Counseling psychology and health applications
April 1991 – Counseling lesbian women and gay ment
January 1991 – Counseling international students
October 1990 – Counseling centers of the 1990s
July 1990 – Systematic training
April 1990 – Testing and assessment
January 1990 – Group therapy
October 1989 – Religious faith across the life span
July 1989 – Interactional counseling
April 1989 – Psychological nigrescence
January 1989 – Alternative research paradigms
October 1988 – Victimization
July 1988 – Third national conference for counseling psychology: Planning the future
April 1988 – Cognitive approaches
January 1988 – Cognitive-behavioral treatments of anxiety
October 1987 – The Counseling Psychologist: A retrospective
July 1987 – Personal problem solving
April 1987 – Internship
January 1987 – Dual-career families in perspective
October 1986 – Stress counseling
July 1986 – Adaptive counseling and therapy
April 1986 – Paradoxical interventions
January 1986 – Research training in counseling psychology
October 1985 – Cross-cultural counseling
July 1985 – Consultation
April 1985 – The relationship in counseling and psychotherapy
January 1985 – Counseling for health
December 1984 – Career development of women
September 1984 – Ethical decision making in counseling psychology
June 1984 – Counseling psychology and aging
March 1984 – Counseling psychology: A historical perspective
December 1983 – Computer assisted counseling
September 1983 – Family counseling psychology
June 1983 – Counseling psychology in the justice system
March 1983 – Supervision in counseling II
December 1982 – Research in counseling psychology II
September 1982 – Business and industry
June 1982 – Counseling psychology: The next decade
March 1982 – Supervision in counseling
December 1981 – Parenting counseling
September 1981 – Leisure counseling
June 1981 – Adult transitions
March 1981 – Professional certification in counseling psychology
December 1980 – Counseling psychology in the year 2000 A.D.
September 1979 – Research in counseling psychology
June 1979 – Ego and self
March 1979 – Counseling women III
December 1978 – Counseling men
September 1978 – The behavior therapies – circa 1978
June 1977 – Professional identify
March 1977 – Rational-emotive therapy
December 1977 – Developmental counseling psychology
September 1976 – Career counseling II
June 1976 – Counseling women II
March 1976 – Counseling adults
December 1975 – Assertion training
September 1975 – Marriage and family counseling
June 1975 – Carl Rogers on empathy
March 1975 – Sex counseling
December 1974 – Gestalt therapy
September 1974 – Career counseling
June 1973 – The healthy personality
March 1973 – Counseling women
December 1972 – New directions in training, Part 2
September 1972 – New directions in training, Part 1
June 1972 – Integrity group therapy
March 1971 – Individual psychology
December 1971 – Deliberate psychological education
September 1971 – Existential counseling
June 1970 – Encounter groups
March 1970 – Black students in higher education
December 1969 – Behavioral counseling
September 1969 – Student unrest
June 1969 – Client-centered therapy
March 1969 – Vocational development theory