LEASE BACK MOTOR VEHICLE POLICY USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES July 2009 Contents USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES ...................................................................................................... 1 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1 2. AMENDMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 1 3. ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................................................... 1 3.1 Council Standard Accessories ............................................................................................ 1 3.2 Council Non-Standard Accessories .................................................................................... 2 4. DRIVING LICENCE AND AUTHORITY TO DRIVE ...................................................... 2 4.1 Driving licence and authority to drive ................................................................................ 2 4.2 Fitness to drive ................................................................................................................... 2 4.3 Withdrawal of Authority to Drive ...................................................................................... 2 4.4 Traffic Violations ............................................................................................................... 2 5. DISPOSAL OF VEHICLES ................................................................................................... 3 5.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 3 6. EMPLOYMENT BENEFIT & LEASEBACK ARRANGEMENTS AND CRITERIA .. 3 6.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 3 6.2 Employee Contributions ..................................................................................................... 4 6.3 Variation ............................................................................................................................. 4 Leaseback Renewals ..................................................................................................................... 4 7. FLEET ALLOCATION MODEL .......................................................................................... 4 8. FRINGE BENEFITS TAX (FBT) ......................................................................................... 5 8.1 When applicable ................................................................................................................. 5 9. FUEL SUPPLIES..................................................................................................................... 5 9.1 Fuel cards to be used .......................................................................................................... 5 9.2 Fuel cards not to be used for non-official vehicles ............................................................ 5 10. INSURANCE, ACCIDENT REPORTING, REPAIR, TOWING ...................................... 5 10.1 Insurance ......................................................................................................................... 5 11. MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................... 5 11.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 5 12. RECORDS TO BE KEPT ....................................................................................................... 6 12.1 Hurstville City Council: .................................................................................................. 6 13. REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES ........................................................................................ 6 13.1 Registration ..................................................................................................................... 6 14. SUPPLY (LEASING) OF VEHICLES .................................................................................. 6 14.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 6 14.2 Vehicle replacement ....................................................................................................... 6 15. USE OF COUNCIL VEHICLES ........................................................................................... 6 15.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 6 15.2 Pooling of vehicles ......................................................................................................... 6 15.3 Occupational Health and Safety ..................................................................................... 7 15.4 Personal effects in vehicles ............................................................................................. 7 15.5 Advertising not allowed .................................................................................................. 8 Page 1 1. INTRODUCTION These instructions outline policy on the use of motor vehicles within Hurstville City Council. The policy supersedes any other policy document(s) issued in relation to motor vehicles. All staff members who drive Hurstville City Council vehicles are to understand and comply with the policy. Council will consider all vehicles base on the Environment Performance Score (EPS), Australian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) The policy provides a broad framework for entitlement, acquisition, use and management of Council’s motor vehicles, establishing Council policy and should be read in conjunction with motor vehicle management guidelines for the provision of motor vehicles as a job facility and/or benefit to employees. Council will constantly assess the cost benefit implications in maintaining a motor vehicle fleet, including payment of fringe benefit taxes. The on-going provision of specific motor vehicles may therefore change from time to time depending upon the circumstances and the overall cost-benefit to Council. 2. NOTIFICATION OF AMENDMENTS Amendments to this policy will be notified by internal Council Circular. Each amendment will be sequentially numbered. New sections or particular pages affected by amendment will accompany the Circular. Amendments are to be inserted in the policy upon receipt and any revised sections or pages are to be discarded. THE POLICY 3. ACCESSORIES 3.1 Council Standard Accessories Where not provided in the Manufacturer’s base model, the following Council standard accessories will be provided: Air conditioning, Automatic transmission, ABS brakes, Driver and front passenger air bags, Front and rear floor mats and mud flaps, Cargo barrier and blind (station wagon), Tow pack (1200Kg or 1590Kg options for 6 cylinder vehicles and 1200Kg for 4 cylinder vehicles) Electric Braking component – 1590Kg Tow Pack only (for Operational use only Additional window tint (OHS requirements) Hands free Mobile Car Kit (Council mobile phones only) First Aid Kit* and Sydney Street Directory* Page 1 * First Aid Kits and Sydney Street Directories remain the property of Council and are to be removed for transfer to replacement vehicle. All standard accessories remain the property of Council and are not to be removed or altered. 3.2 Council Non-Standard Accessories Non-standard accessories are not to be fitted to vehicles unless dictated by the particular conditions under which the vehicle must operate, and approved by the appropriate Director and/or General Manager. The cost of any approved non-standard accessories is to be met by the individual staff member. The cost will not be reimbursed, with the accessory becoming the property of Council and the accessory will remain fitted to the vehicle through to disposal. 4. DRIVING LICENCE AND AUTHORITY TO DRIVE 4.1 Driving licence and authority to drive Under no circumstances shall you drive a Council vehicle unless you hold an appropriate licence issued by the New South Wales Roads & Traffic Authority (RTA). It is your responsibility to notify Council, in writing, when an endorsement is added to your licence or when your licence is suspended or withdrawn by the RTA. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in disciplinary action in addition to any police action. 4.2 Fitness to drive All users of Hurstville City Council vehicles must satisfy the fitness to drive criteria in accordance with HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. 4.3 Withdrawal of Authority to Drive Authority to drive a Council vehicle may be withdrawn if any breach as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. It is the responsibility of all Supervisors to report the breaches listed to the Manager – Human Resources. Employees may incur penalties for repeated offences, e.g. loss of authority to drive a Council vehicle. 4.4 Traffic Violations 4.4.1 Staff are required at all times to drive in accordance with the Road Transport (Safety & Traffic) Management Act 1999, associated Page 2 Regulations and the Australian Road Rules as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. No liability will be accepted for any fine that a staff member might incur, even though he / she may have been on official business at the time. A log book must be maintained showing dates and times and to whom you loan the vehicle. If you cannot identify who was using the vehicle when a parking or camera violation is incurred, you will be held responsible for the payment of the fine. Once the appropriate driver is identified and the appropriate statutory declaration completed, fines (including road tolls) are to be paid promptly to the Police Department’s Infringement Processing Bureau. No official representations will be made to waive any fines incurred by a person driving or otherwise responsible for a vehicle. 4.4.2 Report of serious traffic offence Should a staff member be charged with a serious traffic offence (i.e. driving under the influence) and having to attend court, the matter is to be reported by the driver of the vehicle as soon as possible in writing to the General Manager. 4.4.3 Notification for Loss of Motor Vehicle Licence Staff must immediately notify their Director if their current licence or that of another person authorised to use a Council vehicle has been suspended, cancelled or restricted. If a staff member’s licence is suspended or cancelled, immediate arrangements must be made for the return of the Council vehicle. If under a Lease Back Agreement, the agreement will be terminated immediately. 5. DISPOSAL OF VEHICLES 5.1 6. General Council will manage the disposal of all vehicles and vehicle changeover cycles will be at the discretion of Council. The vehicle must be returned to depot clean and tidy with spare key and fuel card, Council will determine the appropriate vehicle replacement cycle, depending upon market conditions and leasing arrangements as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. EMPLOYMENT BENEFIT & LEASEBACK ARRANGEMENTS AND CRITERIA 6.1 General Staff positions will be allocated leaseback motor vehicles in accordance with the following criteria: 1. Motor vehicles will be allocated to the General Manager and the Executive in accordance with the agreed terms of their contract of employment. Page 3 2. 6.2 Motor vehicles will be allocated to staff positions, as approved by the General Manager by way of leaseback provisions (as documented from time to time in Council’s Leaseback Agreement) as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. Employee Contributions The General Manager and Executive contribution rates form part of their total remuneration package in accordance with their individual contracts of employment. Staff under the Leaseback Agreement arrangements will be required to enter into and sign a Leaseback Agreement, which stipulates in detail the terms and conditions of the scheme. A weekly Leaseback fee will be deducted from the post- tax rate of the employee’s weekly earnings (unless granted approval to salary sacrifice a leaseback motor vehicle in terms of the Local Government State Award and Council’s Salary Administration and Salary Sacrifice policies). Employees’ weekly leaseback fee will be reviewed by the General Manager or his delegate as required from time to time. 6.3 Variation The General Manager may apply or vary this policy in respect of the entitlement and allocation of vehicles to an employee or position. This policy will also be reviewed every three (3) years in accordance with State Government Contract Pricing Section 653. Leaseback Renewals A new leaseback agreement must be entered into and signed when a staff member is allocated either a new, replacement or transferred vehicle. Copies of all leaseback agreements will held on the staff member’s personal file and an electronic copy will be stored in TRIM. 7. FLEET ALLOCATION MODEL The following table outlines the Council’s motor vehicle profile for staff members. Group General Manager Executive Directors Senior Managers (i.e. designated direct reports to Directors) Other Designated Council Positions Vehicle Group Vehicle of choice from NSW Government Contract 653 with approval of Council Vehicle of choice from NSW Government Contract 653 to the value of their contracted entitlement with the approval of GM delegation Choice of vehicle as stated in Appendix A in the Motor Vehicle Guidelines Choice of vehicle as stated in Appendix A in the Motor Vehicle Guidelines Other Information Salary Package Salary Package Leaseback Arrangement Leaseback Arrangement Page 4 8. FRINGE BENEFITS TAX (FBT) 8.1 When applicable FBT by way of a car fringe benefit applies to passenger cars, station wagons, minibuses, panel vans, utilities and other commercial vehicles with a designed load carrying capacity of less than 1 tonne or fewer than 9 passengers owned or leased by an employer and used by or made available for any private use by a staff member or associate. A vehicle (as described above) is assumed to be available for private use on any day when: (a) the vehicle is garaged at the employees residence, or (b) the vehicle is not at the employer’s business premises and the employee has the use, custody or control of the vehicle. For the purposes of FBT some vehicles of a commercial nature are not classified as cars, but private use thereof can give rise to an FBT liability by way of a residual benefit. 9. 10. FUEL SUPPLIES 9.1 Fuel cards to be used Fuel products for vehicles are obtained under Government Contract by use of fuel cards on a 24 hour 7 day basis. Fuel readings (speedo reading) must be recorded at all transactions In accordance with HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines 9.2 Fuel cards not to be used for non-official vehicles Fuel cards are not to be used to purchase fuel for private motor vehicles whether or not they are being used on official business. Failure by staff to comply with this requirement will lead to disciplinary action against them and possible removal from Council’s Leaseback arrangements. INSURANCE, ACCIDENT REPORTING, REPAIR, TOWING 10.1 11. Insurance The risk of accidental damage to the motor vehicle fleet is carried through the Council’s motor vehicle insurer as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines and managed by HCC Finance Department. MAINTENANCE 11.1 General An officer who drives a vehicle is expected to exercise a high degree of responsibility in regard to its use, care, custody, control and maintenance. Page 5 Always do a circle check – i.e. oil, water and fuel levels, tyres, lights and body damage. When returning the vehicle, clean out the vehicle, refuel and report any damage as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. 12. RECORDS TO BE KEPT 12.1 13. REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES 13.1 14. Hurstville City Council: Council will maintain accurate and current records of the fleet as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. Registration All vehicles are registered until 15th July each year. Replacement vehicles will initially be registered up to the following 15th July as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. SUPPLY (LEASING) OF VEHICLES 14.1 General All arrangements for the supply of vehicles are to be authorised by the General Manager as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. 14.2 Vehicle replacement 14.2.1 Timing of replacement To ensure that vehicles do not incur a cost to Council, the responsible officer is to ensure that the application for a replacement vehicle is lodged with the Fleet Manager as soon as possible after advice is received that replacement is due as stated in the HCC Motor Vehicle Management Guidelines. 15. USE OF COUNCIL VEHICLES 15.1 General Council vehicles are provided to meet the essential needs of staff in the performance of their duties where this is the most economical means of transport. Vehicles are available for official use 24 hours a day. Staff are expected to make their own way to and from their headquarters. 15.2 Pooling of vehicles All vehicles, including those under a leaseback arrangement and those used by staff deemed ‘inherently itinerant’, are available for use as a pool vehicle by any Page 6 staff member required to perform official duties when the vehicle is not required by the staff member to whom the vehicle is allocated. Other than those covered by a leaseback, salary sacrifice or employment package arrangement, vehicles are to be used only for the purposes of the functions performed within Council. Whilst vehicles may be specifically allocated, staff are not to regard a vehicle that is used almost exclusively by any particular staff member as the “personal property” of that officer. Signing on and off for vehicles, including leaseback vehicles on loan to staff for business purposes is required, showing “time out of garage” and “time in garage” is to be recorded on the daily log sheet provided. Prior to leaving the Council parking area you shall record the “time out of garage”, sign the sheet, and endorse the commencing kilometres on the log sheet. On returning to the Council parking area you shall complete the log sheet entry by recording the “time in garage”, signature, kilometres travelled and faults if any. You shall inspect the vehicle before leaving and any damage to the vehicle equipment or any accessories missing shall be reported immediately to the responsible officer. Drivers when signing off on the log sheet shall report any defect or damage, in the space which is provided on the log sheets. 15.3 Occupational Health and Safety Management and all staff have an obligation to promote a safe and healthy work environment and this includes the use of motor vehicles. The following conditions and obligations will therefore apply: * All vehicles will be equipped with a First Aid kit * All station wagons will be equipped with a manufacturer cargo barrier; * SMOKING IN ALL VEHICLES AT ANY TIME IS PROHIBITED; * Drivers are required to obey all road rules, the direction of Police Officers and other authorised persons; * Where appropriate, drivers will receive training in the operation of whichever vehicle(s) they are required to drive; * Designated drivers will ensure that all vehicles undergo (at least) a monthly inspection of tyre pressure, oil level and radiator, battery and windscreen washer levels. * Staff will be aware of and understand the effects on their driving capability of pharmaceutical preparations, other drugs, alcohol and fatigue; * Hand held mobile phones are not to be used by a driver while a vehicle is in motion unless the vehicle is provided with a hands free kit. . 15.4 Personal effects in vehicles If it is necessary for personal effects to be left in an untended vehicle (or any rented vehicle) they are to be secured as best as possible and certainly out of sight of any casual observer. Insurance cover is NOT provided for the private property of staff. Page 7 15.5 Advertising not allowed Advertising or other unauthorised “stickers” are not to be displayed in or on any Council vehicles. Section: Owner: Authorised By: Recommended By: Date Created: Meeting Date: Recommended Date: Service Delivery Fleet Manager Director of Service Delivery Fleet Manager June 2009 June 2009 June 2009 Page 8