CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Dr. KIPKORIR SITIENEI CHRIS SIMON DATE OF BIRTH : NATIONALITY : MARITAL STATUS : HEALTH : HOME ADDRESS : CONTACT ADRESS MOBILE : EMAIL: EDUCATION BACKGROUND 2010 - 2013 : 2005-2007 1991-1993 : 6TH OCTOBER 1963 KENYAN MARRIED GOOD Place 2x2 C/O BOX 713 KAPSABET-30300 (Kenya) Picture KENYATTA UNIVERSITY DEPARMENT OF BUSNIESS ADMINISTRATION,KERICHO CAMPUS BOX 1423 KERICHO,20200 +254 738 564 298 University of San Carlos, Cebu city Philippines Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration; Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya-MBA Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya Bachelor of Education in Arts(Economics & Geography Tenwek High School, Kenya (KACE) Kaptebeng’wet’ Secondary School, Kenya (KCE) 1988-1989 : 1984-1987 : WORK EXPERIENCE High school in Kenya: 1995-2009: High school teacher of Economics/business studies/commerce/Geography Ag Head of department, 1998-2000 Ag Deputy Principal 2000- February 2009 Higher Institutions: 2009-2010 (4 months): Part- time lecturer of Statistics and Economics at Kenya Institute of Management (Kapsabet, Kenya) 2013, June – August 2014: Part-time lecturer of Human resource management, management, strategic management, marketing management, managing change and Research methods, Laikipia University, Eldoret campus, Kenya 2014, January-Date : Part-time lecturer of monetary management, strategic business behaviour and management of strategic change , University of Eldoret, Kenya 2014, June-date: Full-time lecturer of Kenyatta University , Kericho campus, Kenya Administrative duties; August 2014-date: Kenyatta University’s coordinator of E-learning at Kericho campus in Kenya Area of specialization: Business administration Major areas of competence: Total quality management, Research methods, Human resource management, strategic management, management of strategic change and Management as a field of study. SKILLS: Guidance and leadership/administration 1 Publications in Peer reviewed journals Published articles in the Devotio journal of Business and Economic studies of University of San Carlos,Philippines ISSN 2094-8794. 1. A Study on the Extent of Efficiency of the Production Process of Chebut Tea Factory in Kenya Vol. 7, No. 2 July –Dec 2013. Co- author: Prof. Marites A. Khanser, Former Head of research, School of Business and Economics, University of San Carlos, Cebu, City, Philippines 6000.Mobile phone +639387215988,Email: 2. The effects of Globalization Policies On Food Security On Rice In the Philippines Vol. 6, No. 1 January –June 2012. Co- author: Prof. Rene Y. Paquibut, Lecturer, Ibra College of Technology, Sufalat ibra, Ash shagiyah, Oman.Mobile +968 91031628.Email: 3. A Study on The Role Of Tacit Knowledge: Weaving Of Sisal Fibres By Selected Groups In Nguutani, Mwingi, Kenya Vol. 6, No. 2 July –Dec 2012. Co- author: Prof. Marites A. Khanser, Former Head of research, School of Business and Economics, University of San Carlos, Cebu, City, Philippines 6000.Mobile phone +639387215988,Email: Published articles in Business & Economics Review of De La sale university, Philippines 1. Trade Policy Implications on Food Security in Rice and Maize in Kenya and the Philippines Vo.l 24(2) 2015, pp. 47-66 2. Co- author: Prof. Marites A. Khanser, Former Head of research, School of Business and Economics, University of San Carlos, Cebu, City, Philippines 6000.Mobile phone +639387215988,Email: In progress for publication 2015 1. Feeding Kenya 2015 And Beyond-Whose Responsibility? Journal IJNREL, India Co- author: Dr. Kenneth Kiplang’at Rono, Coordinator of Digital School, Kenyatta University, Kakamega , Kenya. Mobile phone + 254 713 158 057,Email: 2. Kenya’s County Governments: The New Platforms for Devolving Digital Opportunities for the Inclusion for All? Journal name IJNREL India Co- author: Dr. Kenneth Kiplang’at Rono, Coordinator of Digital School, Kenyatta University, Kakamega , Kenya. Mobile phone + 254 713 158 057,Email: 3. How To Raise Academic Standards In Secondary Schools In Kenya Journal name IJNREL India Co- author: Dr. Kenneth Kiplang’at Rono, Coordinator of Digital School, Kenyatta University, Kakamega , Kenya. Mobile phone + 254 713 158 057,Email: 2 Adviser of MBA Students September 2014 –date I have been assigned twenty one (21) students to advise on proposal and report writing Number of students advised and graduated Three students are graduating in July 2015 Number of students waiting for oral defense Nine students Number of students in proposal correction stage Nine students SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS June 28th 2004: Attended in Service Course on Visual teaching system at Kapsabet Boys High School. (Kenya) August 29th –3rd September 2004: Participated in the T.O.T Training on HIV/Aids Baraton University. (Kenya) st 1 October 2004: Participated in the North Rift Careers, Guidance and Counselling – Hotel Sirikwa, Eldoret (Kenya) August 22nd – 24th 2011: participated in a case writing workshop held at University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines October 8th 2011: participated and presented a journal article at the 4th Taiwan-Philippines Academic communication conference held at University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines. th - th January10 11 2013: participated in an International Freshwater Prawn conference and Festival at Bontoc Campus, Southern Leyte State University, Philippines. th February9 2013: a resource guest speaker on a topic entitled “Cultural Tourism in Kenya”, seminar at Southern Leyte State University, Sogod, Philippines REFEREES 1. Prof. Marites A. Khanser Head of research School of Business and Economics University of San Carlos P Pe Del Rosario st Cebu,City,Philippines 6000 Mobile phone +63 9387215988 Email: 2. Prof. Rene Y. Paquibut Lecturer, Ibra College of Technology, Sufalat ibra, Ash shagiyah, Oman. Mobile +968 91031628 Email: 3. Associate prof. Cecil Gantalao Lecturer School of Business and Economics University of San Carlos P Pe Del Rosario st Cebu,City,Philippines 6000 3 Mobile phone +63 9209133049 Email: 4. Dr Peter Koech Associate Dean School of Education Mount Kenya University Box342-01000 Thika, Kenya Mobile phone +254 722 558 265 Email: 5. Gladys Kimutai Department of management science Arts complex Kenyatta University 844 Building complex BOX 43844 Nairobi, Kenya Mobile phone.+ 254 722 298 913 Email 6. Dr Zacharia Samita Director Kenyatta University – Kericho Campus Box 1423-Kericho-20200 Mobile phone + 254 733 268 665 Email 4