RMIT University


Position Description – Statistics Lecturer

Position Details

Position Title: Statistics Lecturer

Position Number:



Campus Location:


Science Engineering and Technology

Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences

Based at the City campus, but may be required to work and/or be based at other campuses of the University.

Classification: Academic B

( S a lary Schedule:;ID=ewhtlt73t01 )

Employment Type: Full time

Time Fraction: 1.0

RMIT University

RMIT University is one of Australia’s longest-established educational institutions. It is a global university of technology with its heart in the city of Melbourne. RMIT creates and disseminates knowledge that meets the needs of industry and community and fosters in students the skills and passion to contribute to and engage in the world.

RMIT is now the largest dual-sector education institution in Australia, offering programs ranging from apprenticeship and traineeship training to doctoral programs. The strong professional and vocational orientation of

RMIT’s programs prepares graduates for employment and active participation in their communities.

RMIT is one of the most successful providers of international education in Australia. RMIT is a member of the

Global U8 Consortium and, with a campus in Vietnam and significant teaching partnerships in Hong Kong, China,

Malaysia and Singapore, has a strong educational presence in the Asia-Pacific Region.

The Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Portfolio encompasses the discipline areas of Aerospace,

Chemical, Electronic, Electrical, Civil, Mechanical & Systems Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Applied Physics,

Environmental, Computer, Food and Geospatial Sciences; Mathematics and Statistics; Biotechnology and

Environmental Biology, Psychology and Disability studies; Complementary Medicine, Medical Sciences, Nursing,

Midwifery, Allied Health and Dental Auxiliary Services. Within the SET Portfolio there will be 10 schools delivering programs at apprenticeship, certificate, bachelor, Masters and PhD levels. Many programs articulate between

TAFE and Higher Education creating pathways for further study. The new schools will facilitate cross-disciplinary work, deepen the discipline base of the University and develop an environment in which academic work and capabilities of staff can flourish.

There is a vibrant research community attracting funding from a range of government and industry sources. The

Portfolio employs nearly 1,240 staff providing both on- and off-shore programs to approximately 20,000 students.

The School of Mathematical & Geospatial Sciences was created in 2004 from the former Department of Geospatial

Science and the former Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The School thus brings together disciplines involving the observation and understanding of systems through modelling and visualisation in a unique amalgam of expertise and application.

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As well as teaching its own undergraduate science degrees in Geomatics, Mathematics, Multimedia Cartography,

Statistics and Surveying, the School is a key provider of service teaching to other Schools of the RMIT University.

The School has over 60 postgraduate research students and 40 academic staff. RMIT is also a founding member of the Australasian Mathematical Sciences Institute. Amongst its areas of academic expertise, the School includes the following:

Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research, Information Security, Geomatics, Surveying and multimedia cartography, Property/land development, and Satellite image analysis.

Position Summary

The Statistics Lecturer is expected to contribute to the teaching and research efforts of the School, in particular that of the Statistics Discipline. More specifically, the Lecturer is responsible for carrying out teaching activities of particular relevance in the key Statistics areas such as Inferential Statistics, Multivariate Analysis and Sample

Survey/ Design (and possibly service teach in some areas of Medical Statistics) and for maintaining and advancing their scholarly, research and/or professional capabilities relevant to this discipline. They may also be required to teach into Masters and Graduate Diploma programs. The Statistics Lecturer is also expected to actively promote the program by establishing and maintaining memberships, links and partnerships with academic, industry and professional communities. The Statistics Lecturer is expected to work collaboratively and collegially with fellow academics within the teaching team, and update colleagues and students on developments in their subject area or specialisation.

A key component of this position will be to work closely with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and senior members of the university, in a consulting capacity to coordinate analysis of data collected by the university. The position will also supervise research students in postgraduate research programs, including project supervision in these areas; contribution to the School research efforts, including research publications and competitive grant applications; and effective participation and leadership in the development of online courses.

Reporting Line

Reports to: Head of Discipline

Direct reports: None

Organisational Accountabilities

Where applicable, provide a healthy and safe workplace for staff and/or students under your control, including adequate instruction, information, supervision and training for them to perform their work in a safe manner.

Contribute to a healthy and safe environment for yourself and others and comply with all safe working procedures and instructions including RMIT policies and procedures.

 Uphold RMIT's conviction that inclusiveness enriches the quality of our academic community. Embrace diversity and equity across the University workforce; encourage cross-cultural awareness and understanding and produce an environment that is culturally sensitive, inclusive and socially responsible.

 Acknowledge, appreciate and encourage differences, valuing people for their skills, competencies, and contributio n to RMIT’s continuing success.

Key Accountabilities

 To actively participate in the implementation of the strategic directions for the University particularly related to the Academic Plan and university survey data. This will involve extensive collaboration with the Deputy Vice-

Chancellor and other senior members of the University in analysing course survey data and making key recommendations.

With the guidance of more senior staff, develop, promote and deliver high quality Statistics programs which address the desired graduate attributes of RMIT by practising sound teaching, quality assurance measures, and maintaining an effective understanding of national needs and opportunities.

Participate in a research team and conduct a program of personal research and development which yields measurable outcomes such as publications, government funding support, and industry sponsorship.

Participate effectively in industry-linked and non-industry linked project activities.

 Contribute to the School’s earnings through leadership of contract research and development, consulting and training for industry and government bodies, both nationally and internationally.

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Keep abreast of international research trends and outcomes which make significant contributions to the advancement of Statistics knowledge and its applications.

Maintain and extend contact with relevant departments of universities and other Institutions and liaise actively with industry, commerce and government to further enhance the strategic direction of the Statistics and

Operations Research scholarship group..

Participate in programs of continuing education for industry when required.

Assist in the development of strategic directions for the Mathematics and Statistics group.

Prepare and deliver lectures, tutorials, practical classes and demonstrations using innovative, flexible and stimulating course material for students undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs.

Successful supervision of Masters and PhD research degree students.

Carry out academic administration activities of the School.

Promote self development through personal research and teaching and learning contributions.

Contribute to the commercial activities of the School through consulting, training and research.

Key Selection Criteria

1. Demonstrated ability to prepare and deliver Statistics courses and programs at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including the ability to produce high quality curriculum and program materials at tertiary level.

2. Proven ability to develop innovative approaches to course delivery and student-centred learning that successfully exploits new technologies, with a commitment to continuous quality improvement through ongoing training and development.

3. Demonstrated capacity to work effectively with and to negotiate sensitively with students especially on issues related to effective learning.

4. Ability to supervise Masters and PhD research degree programs.

5. Demonstrated ability to undertake independent research which will contribute to existing Discipline and School research areas evidenced by publications, development of new research initiatives, competitive research funding, and building industry links.

6. Demonstrated ability or potential in analysing large survey data.

7. Excellent interpersonal and communications skills appropriate for interacting with students, staff and industry, together with a strong commitment to teamwork and multidisciplinary collaboration.

8. Evidence of ability to carry out academic administration to perform the full academic responsibilities of, and related administration for, the coordination of an award program, year or course.

9. Demonstrated ability to generate alternative funding projects through effective liaison with industry, government and industry .


Mandatory: PhD (or equivalent) in Statistics.

Preferred: Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning (if the appointed candidate does not hold this qualification or equivalent, they will be supported to complete this qualification as a requirement to fulfill their probation).

Endorsed: Approved: Signature:

Name: Prof. Panlop Zeephongsekul

Title: Program Leader

Date: 15 April 2020


Name: Prof. John Hearne

Title: Head of School


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