Inter American University of Puerto Rico Bayamón Campus Department of Humanistic Studies GEEN 1201 Course Outline I. COURSE TITLE: COURSE CODE: CREDITS: CATEGORY: MODALITY: DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH THROUGH READING I GEEN 1201 3 CREDITS BASIC SKILLS REQUIRED COURSE Professor: Yvonne Carrero Office : 138 E Days Tuesdays / Thursdays Hours 8:00 - 8:30 am 11:30 - 1:00 pm II. COURSE DESCRIPTION Development of reading skills. Refinement of English through oral presentations, paragraph writing, and vocabulary acquisition through context. Requires additional hours of language laboratory activities. Core course. REQUIREMENT: Score of 450 to 549 on CEEB English III. COURSE OBJECTIVES A. Terminal Objectives By the end of the semester, students will: 1. Develop an appreciation of the value of English as a means of communication for personal, academic, and professional purposes 2. Demonstrate ability to comprehend English in a variety of contexts 3. Demonstrate ability to express ideas orally and in writing 4. Develop reading skills in order to comprehend and analyze selected readings B. Enabling Objectives During the course students will: 1. Demonstrate understanding of oral discourse 2. Develop and deliver an articulate oral presentation 3. Develop and enrich vocabulary 4. Skim and scan for information in a reading selection 5. Predict events 6. Comprehend and analyze readings 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Recall and organize information Identify and differentiate main ideas and details Understand cause and effect relationships Draw conclusions Produce and organize ideas in sentences and paragraphs IV. Tentative Course Content BOOK UNIT AND SUPPLEMENTARY Material Grammar Points LAB ACTIVITY TIME ALLOTED 4 - 5 WEEKS Assigned Modules CHAPTER 1 DOING BUSINESS INTERNATIONALLY Dictionary Use/Skills Simple Present / Simple Past Adjective Clauses PARTS OF SPEECH CONTEXT CLUES READING STRATEGIES PREDICTING MAIN IDEAS / SUPPORTING DETAILS USING GRAPHIC ORGANIZER WRITING AN EXPOSITORY PARAGRAPH TEST I 3-4 WEEKS Coordinating Conjunctions UNIT 1 CHAPTER 2 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY PREVIEWING FOR TOPICS TRANSITIONAL EXPRESSIONS THE TOPIC SENTENCE SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION WRITING A PARAGRAPH OF ANALYSIS TEST II 3-4 WEEKS TEST III CHAPTER 3 ART HISTORY DETERMINING POINT OF VIEW GUESSING MEANING FROM CONTEXT PICTURE AND CAPTIONS ADJECTIVE CLAUSES ORDER OF ADJECTIVES PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES TRANSITIONAL EXPRESSIONS Assigned Modules CHAPTER 3 Chapter 4 Transitional Expressions The Ancient World Using Opposites Recognizing Style Finding Evidence Subordinating Conjunctions Writing a Paragraph Cause and Effect Oral Presentations Final Exam V. EVALUATION / ASSESSMENT A. Evaluation Oral presentation Daily Grade Includes attendance, class participation, bringing required materials to class, assignments, writing activities, and laboratory modules Weight 10% 10% Partial Exams 15% (ea.) Final Exam 25% Total 100% A required five-minute oral presentation(s) on any topic discussed during the course will be given during the semester. Details and evaluation criteria will be discussed at a later date. *There will be 3 partial tests. There will be no make-ups for missed tests. An absence to a test is 0. Late homework / writing activities will not be accepted. Curve: 100-90=A; 89-80=B; 79-70=C; 69-60=D; 59-0=F SPECIAL NOTES Supporting Services or Special Needs Students requiring additional services or special assistance must request these at the beginning of the course or as soon as they learn that they need them, through the appropriate register at the Bayamon Campus, Dean of Students Office. Honesty, Fraud and Plagiarism (General Student Regulations, Chapter V) The lack of honesty, fraud, plagiarism and any other inadequate behavior in relation to academic work constitute major infractions sanctioned by General Student Regulations. Major infractions, according to General Student Regulations may result in suspension from the University for a definite period of time greater than one year or the permanent expulsion from the University, among others sanctions. Use of Electronic Devices Cellular (mobile) telephones and any other electronic device that could interrupt the teaching-learning process or disrupt a milieu favorable for academic excellence will be deactivated. Critical situations will be dealt with in an appropriate manner. The use of electronic devices that permit the accessing, storing or sending of data during tests or examinations is prohibited. C. Assessment 1. 2. One-Minute Paper One sentence Summary VI. Materials / Resources A. Required textbook and dictionary Quest 2 Reading and Writing by Pamela Hartmann. New York: McGraw Hill, Second Edition 2007 ( ISBN 0-07-110335-X ) Dictionary: The Newbury House Dictionary of American English. Boston: Newbury/ Heinle, 2000 (or latest edition) B. Materials Black ink pen Index Cards 5x8 – for quizzes and / or assignments C. Audio-visual resources 1. World Wide Web 2. Recordings, CD ROMs, videos, audiocassettes 3. Magazines, journals, newspapers D. Websites About com - English as 2nd Language Improve your English skills. Find articles on conversation, listening, grammar and comprehension, plus online English lessons. http://esl.aboutcom/ English Grammar Links for ESL Students Directory of learning tools includes comprehensive grammar, idiom lists and interactive quizzes. Dave's ESL Cafe - ESL Web Guide Extensive directory lists resources for teachers and learners of English as a Second Language. Find articles, lessons and dictionaries. Ohio University-ESL Numerous readings, grammar, writing, listening and speaking exercises. httQ:// Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab httQ:I/ Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students Students test their English knowledge with these sorted quizzes. Covers homonyms, grammar and vocabulary. Dictionary .com. The Internet Dictionary Project Purdue University OWL edu/handouts/esl/eslstudent. html (Online Writing Lab) http://owl.enqlish.purdue. World Wide Web Virtual Library http://www.vlib.orq (a) SPECIAL LINKS ( To supplement classroom lessons ) OWL ESL Learning Resources Other Grammar Links Fragments Prepositions Subject / Verb Verbs Writing lab Ohio University Reading and Vocabulary Revised: January 2015 Yvonne C. Rios