Calendar, F Block (AP Lit)

Spanish Literature AP / F Block, ‘09-10: Calendar of activities by Day
The following guide is designed to give students an idea of the general organization of
course activities and assignments, which are scheduled based on the rotation day of each
class session (ABCD, EFGA, etc.). Assignments may vary from this structure, but never
without advance notice. Please see the reverse for a copy of the rotation schedule for first
ABCD day: no class
Homework due – Turn in reading journal, including your written notes and
responses to reading questions, once a month as scheduled
In class – Brief discussion of readings (approx. 20 – 30 minutes); independent
reading / discussion time; on (approximately) one EFGA day per month, you will
take a multiple-choice and short answer format test on the content of your readings
for that month.
BCDE day: no class
Homework due – n/a
In class – Independent reading / discussion time
Homework due – n/a
In class – Independent reading / discussion time; on alternating CDEF days, you will
write a formal in-class (AP format) essay, pertaining either to assigned readings or
an unfamiliar (usually poetry) selection.
GABC day: no class
Homework due – n/a
In class – In-depth discussion of readings (approx. 1 hour), including questions and
The AP Literature in Spanish course requires a great deal of independent work, primarily inclass (unguided) reading. Please keep in mind that you are always welcome to interrupt
the AP Spanish Language class meeting at the same time, to ask for clarification of
readings, essays, assignments, etc. Your most important task is to stay current with
assigned readings (see the reverse for a reading calendar) in order to contribute to
discussions on DEFG days. Significant emphasis is also placed on practice of AP formats
(formal compositions and multiple-choice questions). You will receive a calendar with
specific discussion, journal collection, test and essay dates shortly.
Literatura en Español AP: Calendario de lecturas, semestre I (2009-10)
Note: this is a rough calendar; some adjustments will be made to due dates as the year progresses
El Medioevo / Siglos XIV – XV: 11 – 20 agosto
a. El conde Lucanor por Don Juan Manuel (1282 – 1348)
b. “Romance del rey moro que perdió Alhama” (“¡Ay de mi Alhama!”), anónimo
c. “Romance del conde Arnaldos”, anónimo
II. Siglo XVI: 21 agosto – 9 septiembre
a. Lazarillo de Tormes (1554), anónimo
b. Naufragios (1542), Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (1490 – 1564)
c. “Soneto XXIII” (1543), Garcilaso de la Vega (1501 – 1536)
III. Siglo XVII: 10 septiembre – 26 octubre
a. El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (1605), Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547 –
b. “Soneto CLXVI” (1612), Luis de Góngora y Argote (1561 – 1627)
c. “Salmo XVII” de Heráclito cristiano (1613), Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas (1580 – 1645)
d. El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra (1630), Gabriel Téllez (Tirso de Molina) (1572 –
e. “En perseguirme, Mundo, ¿qué interesas?” (fines del siglo), Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648 –
f. “Hombres necios que acusáis” (fines del siglo), Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
IV. Siglo XIX: 27 octubre – 16 noviembre
a. “En una tempestad” (1820’s), José María Heredia (1803 – 1839)
b. “Vuelva Ud. mañana” (1833), Mariano José de Mariano (1809 – 1837)
c. “Canción del pirata” (1840), José de Espronceda (1808 – 1842)
d. Rima IV “No digáis que agotado su tesoro” (1871), Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836 – 1870)
e. Rima XI “Yo soy ardiente, yo soy morena” (1871), Bécquer
f. Rima LIII “Volverán las oscuras golondrinas” (1871), Bécquer
g. “El alacrán de fray Gómez” (1889), Ricardo Palma (1833 – 1895)
h. Versos sencillos, I (1891), José Martí (1853 – 1895)
i. “¡Adiós, Cordera!” (1893), Leopoldo Alas (Clarín) (1852 – 1901)
V. Siglo XX – XXI: 17 noviembre – 8 enero
a. “He andado muchos caminos” (1903), Antonio Machado (1875 – 1939)
b. “La primavera besaba” (1903), Machado
c. “Caminante, son tus huellas” (1912), Machado
d. “Canción de otoño en primavera” (1905), Rubén Darío (1867 – 1916)
e. “Lo fatal” (1905), Darío
f. “A Roosevelt” (1905), Darío
g. “Tú me quieres blanca” (1918), Alfonsina Storni
h. “Peso ancestral” (1919), Storni
i. “Las medias rojas” (1923), Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851 – 1921)
j. “Poema 15” (1924), Pablo Neruda (1904 – 1973)
k. “El hijo” (1928), Horacio Quiroga (1878 – 1937)
l. Romancero gitano (1928), Federico García Lorca (1898 – 1936)
i. “Romance de la luna luna”
ii. “Romance de la pena negra”
iii. “Romance sonámbulo”
iv. “La monja gitana”
v. Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio”
vi. “Muerte de Antoñito el Camborio”
m. Flores del destierro, “Dos Patrias” (1933), José Martí