Advisory Committee Name

Pharmacy Technician Advisory Minutes
McFatter Technical Center
March 11, 2010 9:00 a.m.
Business & Industry Members Present
Rick Brustad
Jill Dennis
Sharon Dollinger
Patricia Shaw
Hospital Supervisor
Training Coordinator
District Pharmacy
Company Name
Holy Cross Hospital
Store Manager
Company Name
Atlantic Technical Center
Atlantic Technical Center
Industry Guest(s) Present
Richard Bruce
Alyssa Falise
Sara Machatka
District and School-Based Support Staff
Cory Mimbs
Barbara Lefkowitz
William Shaheen
Rachel Victor
Mary H. Smith
Susan Tretakes
Bernadette Washington
Assistant Director
Health Science
Program Counselor
Department Chair
Work Location
Atlantic Technical Center
Atlantic Technical Center
McFatter Technical Center
McFatter Technical Center
McFatter Technical Center
Atlantic Technical Center
Atlantic Technical Center
Meeting Notes/Minutes
Meeting called to order at 9:15 a.m. Members were introduced. November 19, 2009
minutes were read with corrections of student’s and R. Victor’s name added to the last
meeting she was present. W. Shaheen motioned to approve minutes with corrections, 2nd
by S. Dollinger. Motion passed.
Curriculum Components
Instructional Materials
B. Washington reported that Atlantic Technical Center continues to use the same textbooks
as last year. W. Shaheen reported that McFatter Technical Center is also using the same
textbook as Atlantic. He also reported that a blended course of 49% on-line and 51% face
to face continues to be taught, which seems to be better for students because retention of
students remains high. S. Tretakes asked what provisions were in place if students wanted
to work ahead. W. Shaheen explained that extra work is given to students to re-enforced
materials covered.
Method of Evaluation
B. Washington stated student evaluations were the same as McFatters. W. Shaheen
reported the evaluation methods have not changed; each student gets an Interim report, a
Final Student Evaluation and also receive a form to evaluate their Clinical Site. S. Dollinger
asked if there is anything in particular the clinical sites needs to show students. B.
Washington stated an objective list is given to the students and to the site. W. Shaheen
stated McFatter Technical Center gives the same list to both the student and clinical site. S.
Dollinger asked for a copy of objectives. B. Lefkowitz asked how much time was spent on
communication and interpersonal skills W. Shaheen explained students cover interpersonal
skills in CORE and in the classroom with involvement in role playing in the Community
theory and lab.
J. Dennis stated that she observed one student that was very
unprofessional, but was not from McFatter or Atlantic Tech. Center.
Skills and/or Proficiency Required for Completion
W. Shaheen reported the following:
 CORE 90 hours
 Retail theory and clinical
 Hospital clinical and theory, IV Sterile Preparation
 Pharmacology, Pharmacy Calculations, Pharmacy Law, Intro. To Pharmacy
 Basic skills 11 Math 10 Reading 10 Language
Facilities and Construction Requirements
C. Mimbs stated that there was a hold on all construction projects due to Capital
Management and fewer dollars. B. Lefkowitz invited all advisory to tour Atlantic Technical
Center classrooms and lab.
Equipment/Wish List
Atlantic Technical Center and McFatter Technical Center stated equipment sufficient at this
Industry Specific Certification Test and Recommended Agencies
W. Shaheen stated students are given mock tests in class before they graduate and before
they are scheduled for the Certification Examination in April. W. Shaheen stated students
are encouraged to take the Examination in April, so upon graduation in June, they will have
a job. The high school students will have to wait for June due to HS Diploma needed to
take Pharmacy Technician Certification Boards. B. Washington stated that she encourages
the students to sign up for the Certification Examination in September prior to graduation in
October. B. Washington also stated that students are enrolled in a ready to work, a
requirement for Workforce One. B. Washington reported that the State of Florida was also
looking at Pharmacy Programs and how they are set up. W. Shaheen stated we were in line
with FLDOE curriculum hours. W. Shaheen also explained that Pharmacy Technicians are
now required to register with the Board of Pharmacy and will be liable for their own
Impact of Green Initiatives
B. Washington reported that Atlantic Technical Center is green by taking tests on
Blackboard rather than pencil and paper. W. Shaheen reported McFatter Technical Center is
using donated bags from hospitals and online learning.
Student Enrollment
Atlantic Technical Center class started on 1/10/2010 new class with 21 students, 9 adults
and 12 high school students.
McFatter Technical Center class started in August 2009 with 18 adults, 11 high school
seniors and 13 juniors doing 3 hour blocks in morning or afternoon depending on if a
Clinical Rotations
J. Dennis stated no major issues at Walgreens. B. Lefkowitz asked J. Dennis if the need to
train was a big issue because students were coming from a school. J. Dennis stated it is
easier to teach students if enrolled in a school. S. Dollinger stated please remind students
when they come to the store “think as employees” follow dress codes, policies/procedures,
no cell phone etc.
R. Brustad stated it is important that they wear proper attire and
maintain confidentiality. B. Lefkowitz asked about tattoos. R. Brustad stated nothing
specific at Holy Cross, which states everything has to be in order and sufficient, also rules
about body piercing, black scrubs not allowed at Holy Cross. R. Brustad stated confidence is
low when they start but he puts them on a structured rotation shift with a seasoned
technician. Schedule is posted so now they know where they are assigned. R. Brustad
stated, accuracy is one of the biggest concerns at Holy Cross Hospital. W. Shaheen thanked
Holy Cross and Walgreens for providing clinical experience for students and doing such a
good job, thanked R. Brustad and Walgreens for being such a great partner.
Items Specific to Committee
Advisory Committee asked question about flyer use. B. Washington explained, how they
provide a fact sheet to interested parties at Career Fairs, recruiting and various funding
agencies. R. Victor reported that she will be visiting the following: Community Centers,
Cooper City Community School and Hollywood Hills Community School to give McFatter
Technical Center medical information to the GED students to make them aware of courses
available at the Technical Centers.
Adjournment-Date/Time of Next Scheduled Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am. Next meeting scheduled for November 18, 2010 at 9:00
am at McFatter Technical Center.