Invitation International Seminar of Physical Education and Sports Theme: Asiatic Understanding in Physical Education and Sports Manila, February 3-5, 2012 December 16, 2011 Dear We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Seminar of Physical Education and Sports Organized by the Center for Sports Development and Physical Education Department of the Philippine Normal University in cooperation with the Pan-Asian Society of Sports & Physical Education(PASSPE) and the International Society of Eastern Sports & Physical Education (ISESPE). The seminar will be held at Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines on February 2-5, 2012. Papers for presentation with cross-cultural themes are encouraged. For inquiries, please e-mail to the following persons : 1. Prof. Lordinio A. Vergara, Director, Center for Sports Development, 2. Dr. Salve A. Favila, Head, Physical Education Department 3. Prof. Lee, Jong-Young, Asian Chief Editor, Below are some important details for your reference: Official language of the Seminar: English Dates to remember: February 2 (Thurs.-Arrival), February 3-5 (Seminar, including Tour) Venue: Philippine Normal University, websites: & We look forward to seeing you in this International seminar. Thank you. Very truly yours, ESTER B. OGENA, Ph.D. President Telefax No.: 527-0375 E-mail: Website: - International Seminar of Sport & Physical Education Theme : Asiatic Understanding Hosted by Center for Sport Development & Physical Education Dept., Philippine Normal University Cooperated by Pan-Asian Society of Sport & Physical Education (PASSPE) Venue : Philippine Normal University -located on Manila downtown, nearby Manila city hall Dates : Feb. 3(Fri) ~ 4(Sat), 2012 Feb 2 is arrival Feb. 5 is cultural tour Feb. 6 is departure Hotel : Indah hotel - nearby the Venue…about 40 usd per room per day with two beds Below is just sectional main topics. Other detailed prospectus & presenters are not listed here. This seminar consists of workshop, special lectures, presentation, field-trip, cultural program, etc. <A> Pedagogical perspective on Contemporary Sport & Physical Education, including K12 PE Teaching Method Moderated by Prof./Dr. John Saunders (Catholic University, Australia) - keynote speaker(lecture) “Sport pedagogy and Technology” by Prof./Dr. Tom Browne (Nanyang Technological Univ, Singapore) by Prof./Dr. Ki-Cheon Lee (Korea University, South Korea) by Porf. Lordinio Vergara (Philippine Normal University) <B> Philosophical perspective - Asiatic understanding on Sport & Physical Education : The East & the West Moderated by Prof./Dr. Jerzy Kosiewicz (Josef Pilsudski University, Warsaw, Poland) –keynote speaker(lecture) by by <C> Business perspective of Sport & Physical Education Moderated by Prof./Dr. Mohammad Ehsani (Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran) –keynote speaker(lecture) “Critical review on business sports in Asia” by Prof./Dr. Susan Kim (Korea National Sport University) by by <D> Global, Recreational perspective concerning Sport & Physical Education Moderated by Prof./Dr. Peter Yang (Taiwan National Sport University, Taichung, Taiwan)-keynote speaker(lecture) “Case studies in the Philippines” by Prof. Lordinio Vergara (Philippine Normal University, Manila) by by <E> Sport & National Development Moderated by Prof. Wadie Yassin Mohammad (University of Mosul, Iraq) “Role of Sport & Physical Education in developing countries” by by <F> Traditional sports & mega sports in Asia Moderated by Prof./Dr. Joel Tubera (Angeles University Foundation, Philippines) “Ethnic & traditional sports in Mindanao State, Philippines” by Prof. Henry Daut (Mindanao State University, Philippines) by by <G> The Western influences on Sport & Physical Education of Asian countries Moderated by Prof./Dr. K, Chandrasekaran (Kamaraj University, India) Colonial Cross-cultural /trans-national/ Acculturation Religious Standardized sports & physical education & global sports ? <H> genuine meaning of Sports science in Asian countries - Physiological, biomechanical, bio-chemical, sport medical Moderated by Prof./Dr. Sang University) by by * contact: (Asian chief editor) 9165479644 (prof. Vergara’s mobile in the Philippines) Yeon Woo (Soonchunhyang