ii. related work - Academic Science,International Journal of

Survey on Co-operative Diversity in Wireless Ad Hoc Network
Using MAC Protocol
Miss.Pagar Arati V.
Prof. A.S.Narote
Student in Department of Information technology,
Smt.Kashibai Navale College of Engineering
Pune, India
Assistant Professor in Department of Information
Technology, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering
Pune, India
ABSTRACT-Ad Hoc Network used in military and
communication effective technique to deal with the
channel fading and improve network performance, also
refers to processing of this overheard information at the
surrounding nodes and retransmission towards the
destination to create spatial diversity, thereby to obtain
higher throughput and reliability. Ad Hoc Networks can
connect different wireless devices to enable more powerful
wireless applications and mobile computing capabilities.
Co-operative approach promises improved throughput
and delay performance. This work, proposed a network
coding aware utility based relay selection strategies, to
choose the best relay in an efficient and distributed
manner. Also MAC protocol to enable co-operative relay
transmission. The trade-off between physical-layer multiuser, diversity gain and MAC-layer contentions overhead.
Focus on the MAC layer protocol design which is critical
to reap the performance gains brought from the physical
layer. Use of NCAC-MAC protocol in wireless ad hoc
networks increases the throughput and reduces delay. The
conventional Acknowledgement (ACK) frame and
Negative ACK (NACK) frame a new control frame named
Eager-To-Help (ETH) is introduced in this schema to
enable the efficient and distributed best relay selection.
Keywords— Co-operative Communication, Medium Access
Control, Network coding, RelaySelection.
A wireless ad hoc network formed by the group of the nodes,
in which each node plays the different role such as source or
destination node or relay node for transmitting data one node
another in the network. In wireless network one or two data
packet are combine that are send over the network to increases
efficiency and diversity gain. Wireless channels are a difficult
and capacity-limited broadcast communications medium in
network. Traffic patterns, user locations, and network
conditions are constantly changing in the networks.
Applications are heterogeneous with hard constraints that must
be met by the network. Energy and delay constraints change
design principles across all layers of the protocol
stack.Cooperative communication consider three element in
which source that transmit the information, destination at
which information received and relay that work both the
receive and transmit data to increase communication between
source and destination.
In cooperative MAC protocol design whom to cooperate, how
to cooperate and when to cooperate these are main issues. To
increase performance of the communication best relay
selection takes place. Selection of relay in the network two
types in which first in which relay selection process before the
direct transmission called Proactive schema and second in
which relay selection takes place when direct transmission
fails this approach called Reactive schema.
In the transmission process relay node enable to retransmit
data for source node, when deliver its separate data
continuously, Hybrid Cooperation Network Coding (HCNC)
[1]technique introduced to employ the network coding
technique in cooperative transmission process and take
advantages to the both network coding and cooperative
communication, used reactive CMAC policy. Relay selection
done by randomly and relay node assist other node and serve
their own traffic, transmission process transmission failed at
that time neighboring nodes retransmit data behalf of the
source node. In HCNC technique coding technique not
guaranteed, multirate capacity of the network does not
exploited and reduce the overall delay all this issues on the
network coding and cooperative communication on the MAC
In wireless ad hoc networks directional antennas are used
using this concept DSDMAC: Dual Sensing Directional MAC
protocol is developed. It relies on the dual sensing strategy to
identify the deafness over the network. It solves the hidden
terminal problem and avoids unnecessary blocking [2]. For
validation and verification spin tool is used. This protocol
improves the throughput and delay performance. DSDMAC
decreases the negative effect of the hidden terminal, exposed
terminal and deafness problem.
To increase throughput and improve delay performance in
wireless transmission develop a Cooperative MAC for
wireless LANs. To achieve spatial diversity in cooperative
communication by retransmit the overhead information to
destination using neighbouring node. In CoopMAC [9] two
types of nodes are used high data node and low data node.
Each low data node maintain table called as CoopTable, store
the list of helpers node that are used in assistance during
transmission in each station. In wireless LAN each AP
maintain CoopTable with corresponding destination address.
CoopTable creation and updating done by listening all running
transmission. For transmission and reception station used
same frequency band. All entries in CoopTable are ordered by
timestamp value. Sender decides using CoopTable table
entries via which helper node transmit the data. When
transmission via helper node is more time efficient than direct
transmission then start the cooperative communication.
CoopMAC is simple, increases the network throughput and
reduces delay.
In cellular network single base station communicate with the
multiple users using relay node. For this relay selection is
done in efficient manner [6] i.e. single relay node help to the
source node for better transmission. Use cooperation in
cellular network to achieve optimization framework to solve
the problem of relay selection and power allocation.
In wireless network for combating multipath fading across the
multiple protocol layers develop and analyse space time coded
cooperative diversity protocol. Those node can fully decode
transmission utilizethe space time code to destination using
cooperatively relay node. Amplifyand forward and decode and
forward algorithm will extended to combat multipath fading in
large network [10]. Improve bandwidth efficiency of the
algorithm using space time code that gives the all relay node
to transmit on the same subchannel. This algorithm gives full
spatial diversity in the number of cooperative nodes.
There are two obstacles in wireless ad hoc network first signal
fading and second is interference. Conventional routing
support the cooperative delivery of data selecting intermediate
node between sender and receiver.CD-MAC protocol
evaluates system level performance in which [3]packet
delivery capability. Repetition based and Space time coded
algorithm are used. This protocol for single channel wireless
ad hoc network and exploits CD (cooperative diversity) via
DSTC (Distributed space time coding).It also exploits
cooperative communication capability and improve the
robustness. It does not require any frame format.
For distributed cooperative wireless network MAC protocol
are designed. Two main issues consider when to cooperate and
whom to cooperate. Optimal grouping strategy are used
selection of efficient helper node in the network, to achieve
and increase cooperation gain based on the optimal groping of
helpers [5]. Cooperative communication provides the
broadcast nature in wireless transmission. Cooperative rate
allocations that offer higher link utilization than direct
communication. Increases performance trade-off
multi user diversity gains.
In wireless ad hoc network using spatial diversity improved
throughput and delay performance. For this two relay based
cooperative MAC (2rcMAC) [4] protocol for a small size
network. This protocol use of spatial diversity due to the two
best relay path, to provide higher data rates than the direct
path.2rcMAC protocol directly transmit to destination node
and use relay for backup transmission.
In system, novel network coding approach used in cooperative
diversity that makes efficient use of all present resources.
Cooperative diversity achieve between two nodes by
transmitting local information and relayed information over
transmission [8]. In this transmitting nodes combine all the
data in linear combination and data from transmitting partner
node can recover using network coding.
Phoenix is a novel MAC protocol for wireless network.
Network coding improves the network efficiency and make
cooperation more efficient in wireless network [7]. This
protocol enhances the IEEE 802.11 CSMA policy without
channel negotiation. It is based on binary exponential back off
and carrier sensing. Key idea is that relay node transmit linear
combination of data packets and also data unit from its own
queue transmitted instead of retransmits the copy of former.
1. Network Coding Aware Cooperative MAC protocol
In cooperative communication network coding is the main
concept introduce in ad hoc wireless networks. Network
coding combines several package together for transmission is
very helpful to reduce the redundancy at the network and to
increase the overall throughput. For this medium access
control protocol is used. Network coding aware cooperative
MAC protocol is NCAC-MAC [1] for wireless ad hoc
networks. NCAC-MAC is to increase the throughput and
reduce the delay and also improve the network performance.
Hybrid Cooperative Network Coding (HCNC) [1] [17]
technique in this a relay node to retransmit the data for source
node, while delivering its own data simultaneously. It is to
employ the Network Coding (NC) technique into the
cooperative transmission process and gain advantages of both
NC and CC.
Reactive CMAC policy Phoenix, which based on HCNC
technique. In this, relay node can assist other nodes and serve
their own traffics simultaneously during the retransmission
process. Selection of relay node is random manner. At the
time of direct transmission fails, the neighbouring nodes
sensing free medium at the end of random back off time.
Some drawback in Phoenix are given below,
 The coding opportunity is not guaranteed.
 The multirate capability of the network is not
 The packet queuing conditions at different relay
candidates are not considered.
Considering all these issues develop a novel Network Coding
Aware Cooperative Medium Access Control (NCAC-MAC)
Propose a novel Network Coding Aware Cooperative Medium
Access Control (NCAC-MAC) protocol. Focus on the MAC
layer protocol design which is critical to reap the performance
gains brought from the physical layer. Increasing the
throughput and reducing delay we propose novel HCNC-based
reactive CMAC policy namely NCAC-MAC based on the
IEEE 802.11 CSMA policy without channel negotiation for
Acknowledgement (ACK) frame and Negative ACK (NACK)
frame a new control frame named Eager-To-Help (ETH) [1] is
introduced in this schema to enable the efficient and
distributed best relay selection.
Collision Free relay selection strategies [1]:
1) Group Contention-based Relay selection
In GC-RS each relay candidate contents for retransmitting
through three contention periods that are intergroup
contention, intragroup contention and recontention. Relay
node enter into the intergroup contention receiving the NACK
frame. Partition the intergroup contention period into G
groups.Each relay candidate calculates its group index g. Node
with low group index is assigned a high priority to access the
channel. If no Group Indicator (GI) is overheard from lower
index groups, the nodes in group g send GIs and enter into
intragroup contention period. In Intragroup,divide the
intragroup contention period into M time slots each relay node
in theselected group g calculates its member index m. There
are two possible outcomes after the intragroup contention
ends. The first outcome is that single relay node sends
he case that there is only one node with group index g and
member index m, the destination node sends out a feedback
signals ( FB1) equal to 1. Upon receiving FB1, the selected
relay node broadcasts an ETH frame after SIFS, and performs
the retransmission immediately. In the second case, two or
more relay nodes send MIs in the same time slot, we employ a
recontention period to randomly select a best relay node
among the collided optimal relay nodes.
1) Splitting Algorithm-Based Relay Selection
In SA-RS only those relay nodes whose utility value lie
between two thresholds transmit. The threshold is updated on
every node independently round by round based on feedback
from the destination node. At every time slot, each relay
candidate checks its utility value. If it lies between the current
two thresholds, the node broadcasts a Relay Indicator (RI),
otherwise, it keeps silence. When the current time slot ends,
the relay candidates wait for the feedback from the destination
node. If no feedback is received, it means that no relay node
sends RI at the current time slot.
Introducing NCAC-MAC protocol take the advantages of both
network coding and cooperative communication can be
exploited. A network coding aware utility based relay
selection strategies to select best relay in an efficient and
distributed manner. Group contention based relay selection
and splitting algorithm based relay selection are the two
collision free strategies are used to improve throughput,
efficiency and delay.
I am extremely thankful to my guide Prof. A. S. Narote for
suggesting the topic for literature survey and providing all the
assistance needed to complete the work in this area. She
inspired me greatly to work in this area.
[1]FeilongTang ,JieLi,Xiaoyan. Wang, “Network Coding Aware Cooperative
MAC protocol for wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[2]A.A.Abdullah,F.Gebali,LinCai, “DSDMAC:Dual sensing Directional
MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Network with Directional Antennas”, IEEE
61,NO.3,MARCH 2012.
[3] ChansuYu,SangmanMoh, “A Cooperative Diversity Based Robust MAC
Protocol in wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[4] In-ho Ra,M.Khalid,Ravi Sankar,Y.wang, “Two Relay-Based Cooperative
MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[5]H.Shan,Ho Ting Cheng,W.Zhuang, “Cross-Layer
Cooperative MAC
Protocol in Distributed Wireless Networks”,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[6]R.Adve,S.Kadloor, “Relay selection and Power Allocations in Cooperative
Efficient through Network Coding In wireless Networks”, IEEE
[8]D.J.Costello,JorgKliewer,Lei Xiao,T.E.Fuja,“A Network Coding Approach
[9] Pei Liu, Zhifeng Tao, Sathya Narayanan, ThanasisKorakis, and Shivendra
S. Panwar, ”CoopMAC:A Cooperative MAC for Wireless LANs.”IEEE
[10] G.W.Wornell,J.n.Laneman,”Distributed Space-Time-Coded Protocols for
Diversity in