Care and Handling

Care and Handling Quiz (50 questions)
1. What are common materials used to clean floral containers?
a. Hand soap, bleach & Windex
b. Bleach, hot water & a detergent
c. Cold water, comet & vegetable oil
d. Bleach, Windex & distilled water
2. The water temperature for fresh flowers should be within what category?
a. 30 – 50 degrees F
b. 60 – 80 degrees F
c. 75 – 90 degrees F
d. 100 – 110 degrees F
3. Plastic containers are used instead of metal because:
a. Metal is too heavy to work with
b. Metal will stain the flowers natural color
c. Metal is difficult to clean
d. Metal can react with elements in the water supply or preservatives
4. Sodium ions in ______ water are generally worse for flowers than _____ water.
a. Soft; hard
b. Cold; warm
c. Hot; soft
d. Hard; soft
5. What does the abbreviation TDS stand for?
a. Total digestible salts
b. Tender dissolved silks
c. Total dissolved solids
d. Timed digested salts
6. The TDS rating of water for fresh flowers should be ________ 200 ppm
a. Greater than
b. Less than
c. Exactly
d. No where near
7. What do air bubbles do to fresh flower water uptake?
a. Cause the stems to float
b. They acquire on the sides, clouding visibility
c. Increases water uptake by 10 %
d. Causes blockage and slows water uptake
8. What do you do with cut flowers that have been stored for 4 days or more?
Throw them out
Re-cut their stems
Pull the petals off
Put them in the freezer
9. Do not let cut materials remain in the ____.
a. Cooler
b. Water
c. Sun
d. Air
10. Before using cut flowers in a design
a. Store in cooler for 6 hours to overnight
b. Cut all stems down to less than 3 inches
c. Freeze the flowers so they stay nice
d. Spray with hairspray
11. Why should fruits and vegetables not be stored with flowers?
a. They cause an odor in the flowers
b. They could produce ethylene damage
c. They produce methylene damage
d. The fruits and vegetables will spoil
12. Floral preservatives increase vase live up to _____ percent.
a. 100
b. 200
c. 50
d. 600
13. Display unit temperatures should be
a. 20 – 25 degrees F
b. 50 – 60 degrees F
c. 34 – 36 degrees F
d. 40 – 45 degrees F
14. Humidity in a display unit should be between ___ and ___ %.
a. 30; 46
b. 90; 95
c. 55; 70
d. 75; 85
15. To kill bacteria in containers add ___ ounce(s) of bleach to 5 gallons of water.
a. 1
b. 5
c. 3
d. 10
16. Ideal pH of water for fresh flowers and greens is ____.
a. 3.5 – 4.5
b. 3.0 – 4.0
c. 4.0 – 5.0
d. 6.5 – 7.5
17. The best lighting for inside a cooler is
a. Incandescent
b. Halogen
c. Black
d. Fluorescent
18. Stems should be cut
a. Diagonal
b. Underwater
c. With sharp instruments
d. All of the above
19. Foliage below the water line should be
a. Left alone
b. Removed
c. Sprayed with wax
d. Sanitized
20. Removing thorns on roses may shorten
a. Their stems
b. Their life
c. The length of their petals
d. Their cost
21. Cut flowers lose their ability to
a. Respirate
b. Grow
c. Die
d. Photosynthesize
22. Cut flowers need ________ amount of light compared to their natural conditions.
a. More
b. Less
c. The same
d. A tiny
23. Plants take Carbon Dioxide and Water and turn it into _______ and ________.
a. Sugar; oxygen
b. Sugar; salt
c. Salt; oxygen
d. Carbon monoxide; sugar
24. What does ppm stand for?
a. Parts per milliliter
b. Parts per meter
c. Phosphorous price measurement
d. Parts per million
25. Water should be tested _______.
a. Daily
b. Weekly
c. Monthly
d. Yearly
26. _________ produces the purest water.
a. Deionization
b. Distillation
c. Reverse osmosis
d. Osmosis
27. Bud opening solutions force flower blooms to open ______ than they normally
a. Faster
b. Slower
c. Longer
d. Shorter
28. Containers for cut flowers and greens should not be metal due to
a. Metal rusts
b. Metal reacts with elements in the water supply
c. Metal may react with preservatives
d. All of the above
29. Exotic flower will be come damaged when keep at temperatures below/
a. 80 degrees
b. 70 degrees
c. 60 degrees
d. 50 degrees
30. Containers with bud opening solutions should be keep in a location that is how
a. 68 degrees F
b. 66 degrees F
c. 64 degrees F
d. 62 degrees F
31. Water temperature for fresh flower flowers should be?
a. 90 – 100 degrees F
b. 100-110 degrees F
c. 110-120 degrees F
d. 80 – 90 degrees F
32. The ideal temperature of a floral cooler should be
a. 46-48 degrees F
b. 42-44 degrees F
c. 38-40 degrees F
d. 34-36 degrees F
33. When preparing cut flowers how often should one clean the tools and equipment
a. Once a year
b. Everyday
c. Once a month
d. Every 4 days
34. What is the first thing that should be done upon receiving fresh flowers?
a. Inspect for damage and accuracy
b. Immediately place in a preservative solution
c. Throw away outer wrappings
d. Remove lower foliage
35. To prepare flowers, you should?
a. Use clean, sharp knife
b. Place flowers in a preservation solution
c. Use warm water
d. All of the above
36. Why should you clean buckets after each use?
a. It’s a fun job
b. It makes them look better for display
c. Preservatives do not work well in dirty buckets
d. It kills bacteria
37. Why should water quality be checked?
a. To ensure preservation will work properly
b. To check for TDS
c. To check for harmful levels of chemicals
d. All of the above
38. What are the two most common gases found in water?
a. Oxygen and Sodium
b. Nitrogen and Sodium
c. Oxygen and Nitrogen
d. None of the above
39. What type of water should never be used as water for cut flowers
a. Softened water
b. Demonized water
c. Distilled water
d. City water
40. Light is the most important factor in the life cycle of plants. What is the most
important aspect of light?
a. Intensity
b. Duration
c. Quality
d. All of the above
41. The best source of light for plants is?
a. Incandescent
b. High intensity discharge
c. Fluorescent
d. Natural
42. What colors of the visible spectrum do plants utilize most
a. Green and Yellow
b. Red and Green
c. Red and Blue
d. Blue and Green
43. Insufficient light may cause:
a. Spindly growth
b. Loss of vegetation
c. Slow, stunted growth
d. All of the above
44. Excessive light may cause:
a. Less water used
b. Soil erosion
c. Sun scorch
d. None of the above
45. What percent of the plant is water
a. 80%-90%
b. 60%-70%
c. 50%
d. 95%
46. Which soil component holds the most water
a. Sand
b. Peat moss
c. Vermiculite
d. Clay
47. In which situation should you not water plants
a. When soil is dry to touch
b. When soil probe comes out clean
c. When the pot feels light
d. When the plant is wilting, but soil is moist
48. Relative humidity may be too low if:
a. Consumption of excessive amounts of water
b. Brown leaf tips and edges
c. Reduced flowering
d. All of the above
49. A growing medium should be kept in what Ph range
a. 8.0 to 9.0
b. 7.0 to 7.2
c. 6.2 to 6.8
d. 5.8 to 6.0
50. This pest may cause leaves to turn bronze and die. One sign of these pests are
fine webs on the undersides of leaves.
a. Two-spotted Spider Mite
b. Scale
c. Thrips
d. Aphids
51. These cause minor damage to the roots of the plant. They are found in
unsterilized soil and look like small black flies?
a. Aphids
b. Fungus Gnats
c. Mealybugs
d. Scale
52. This pest causes plants to become weak deformed and pale. These are snowwhite inscets, which can lay up to 100 eggs per month. The eggs can be found on
the underside of leaves
a. Aphids
b. Thrips
c. Whiteflies
d. Scale
53. This pest causes the foliage of a plant to appear stunted or curled. The pest
secrets honeydew, and can be found in a wide variety of colors.
a. Aphids
b. Thrips
c. Whiteflies
d. Scale
54. This pest can cause a plant to turn white and show signs of black secretions. The
eggs of this pest are injected into plant tissue, and the damage is caused by the
shredding of the leaf
a. Thrips
b. Whiteflies
c. Scale
d. Aphids
55. This pest causes plants to exhibit stunted growth, and a telltale sign is the brown
raised shell of the adult
a. Whiteflies
b. Scale
c. Fungi
d. Two-spotted Spider Mite
56. These pests weaken and slow the growth of plants. The adult insects form a white
a. Two-spotted Spider Mite
b. Mealybugs
c. Fungus Gnats
d. Aphids
57. What causes roots rots
a. Virus
b. Bacteria
c. Fungi
d. Insects
58. Which of the following plant problems is there no remedy for?
a. Fungi
b. Virus
c. Insects
d. Bacteria
59. When should buckets be cleaned
a. After each use
b. Once a month
c. Everyday
d. Bi-weekly
60. What don’t floral preservatives do?
a. Provide a food source
b. Raise pH
c. Aid in water uptake
d. Help kill bacteria
61. Which of the following should be done when preparing flowers?
a. Remove all lower foliage
b. Cut steams under water
c. Cut steams on an angel
d. All of the above
62. How long should flowers be left at room temperature after they have been
a. 4-5 hours
b. 1-2 hours
c. 2-3 hours
d. Place then directly in the cooler
63. When should you harvest garden products?
a. First thing in the morning
b. In the middle of the day
c. Late afternoon or early evening
d. At night
64. What is dry pack storage?
a. Storing flowers without of water
b. Storing flowers in a low humidity
c. Storing flowers at higher temperatures
d. None of the above
65. What is a display cooler
a. A cooler with a glass front
b. A cooler used to store dry packed flowers
c. A cooler for fruit baskets
d. None of the above
66. What should you include with each sale of flowers?
a. A free rose
b. A guarantee
c. A packet of floral preservative
d. None of the above
67. What should you tell customers when buying flower?
a. To take off any water tubes
b. To remove any dying foliage
c. To keep out of extreme temperatures
d. All of the above
68. What is light duration?
a. The amount of time a plant receives light
b. The type of light a plant receives
c. The amount of light a plant receives
d. All of the above
69. Which of the following are needed in large amounts for plant growth?
a. Macronutrients
b. Micronutrients
c. Fertilizers
d. None of the above
70. What is good soil?
a. 50% airspace, 25% solid, 25% water
b. 25% airspace, 50% solid, 25% water
c. 25% airspace, 25% solid, 50% water
d. 5% airspace, 75% solid, 20% water
71. The best way to control insects is?
a. Prevention
b. Insecticide
c. Soap and water
d. Moving plants
72. What is the most coon mistake people make in plant care
a. Over watering
b. Under watering
c. Over-fertilizing
d. None of the above