NHS Education for Scotland - Scotland's Health on the Web

NHS Education for Scotland
NHS Scotland General Practice Resources
Managing knowledge to support the patient journey
1. Subscription Databases
2. Free Databases
3. Electronic Journals
4. Books
5. Free websites
NHS Scotland e-Library www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
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1. Subscription Databases
The following databases can be accessed from the ‘Databases’ link on the e-Library
Biomedical Reference Comprehensive Collection
Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive provides doctors, research scientists,
students, clinical specialists and managers with access to nearly 900 full text journals,
including full text for more than 850 peer-reviewed publications, covering such disciplines as
clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and the
preclinical sciences. When this citation database is viewed via EBSCOhost there is the ability
to link to full text for articles contained within the Biomedical Reference Collection:
Comprehensive database.
Use ATHENS username and password.
Clinical evidence
A continually updated international source of the best available evidence. It provides a
concise account of the evidence on the prevention and treatment of a wide range of clinical
conditions, based on thorough searches and appraisal of the literature. Updated monthly
Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library is a premier resource for information on the effectiveness of healthcare
interventions. It is a collection of information put together by, among others, the Cochrane
Collaboration and the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. This version is provided
free to the UK general public via the National Electronic Library for Health (NeLH).
EBM Reviews Full Text - Cochrane DSR, ACP Journal Club and DARE
Includes the full text of the regularly updated systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare
prepared by The Cochrane Collaboration. The reviews are presented in two types: 1)
Complete reviews - Regularly updated Cochrane Reviews, prepared and maintained by
Collaborative Review Groups 2) Protocols - Protocols for reviews currently being prepared
(all include an expected date of completion). Protocols are the background, objectives and
methods of reviews in preparation. Access is available to NHS affiliated staff and students
from all sectors.
Use ATHENS username and password.
A major biomedical and pharmaceutical database covering the following fields: drug
research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human
medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental
health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, and biomedical
engineering/instrumentation. Widely used biomedical and pharmaceutical databases because
of its currency and in-depth indexing. Coverage: 1980 - current. Access is available to NHS
affiliated staff and students from all sectors.
Use ATHENS username and password.
NHS Scotland e-Library www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
MD Consult
MD Consult contains over 40 Elsevier journals, Mosby Year Books, Clinics of North
America, over 40 of the world’s most renowned reference books, patient education handouts,
practice guidelines, educational resources, software for your PDA and much more. Clinicians
search the entire database with a single easy-to-use and fast MEDLINE search in order to get
authoritative answers. There is no other way to consult a multiple sources of medical
literature this fast. We trust that your usual discretion will be used with regard to the patient
handouts, which have not been validated by NHS Scotland, and with the practice guidelines
which are largely American in origin.
Use ATHENS username and password.
MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's (NLM) premier bibliographic database
covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care
system, and the preclinical sciences. Coverage: 1966 - current. Access is available to NHS
affiliated staff and students from all sectors.
Use ATHENS username and password.
NeLH Guidelines Finder
The Guidelines Finder has been developed in collaboration with Sheffield Evidence for
Effectiveness and Knowledge. The database currently holds details of over 600 UK national
guidelines with links to Internet downloadable versions of the guidelines and, where
available, to the NeLH Full text-guidelines collection.
ZETOC provides access to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents of current
journals and conference proceedings.
Use ATHENS username and password.
2. Free Databases
Amedeo.com: The Medical Literature Guide
A current awareness service promoting free access to bibliographic information.
BioMed Central
BioMed Central is an independent publishing house that aims to provide immediate free
access to peer reviewed biomedical literature. It publishes all articles deemed scientifically
sound simultaneously on its own websites and through PubMed Central. BioMed Central
provides a quick route on to PubMed Central for authors disenchanted with traditional
journals' slow peer review process and their practice of charging users for the finished
product. It does this in two ways through its own electronic journals and by giving groups of
scientists the ability to set up electronic journals under their own editorial control. Most of
BioMed Central's large stable of electronic journals began publishing within the past 2-3
years. All of them are indexed by PubMed, even those that are yet to publish an article.
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The BNF provides UK healthcare professionals with authoritative and practical information
on the selection and clinical use of medicines in a clear, concise and accessible manner.
CAM on Pub Med
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and National
Library of Medicine (NLM) have partnered to create CAM on PubMed, a subset of NLM's
PubMed. PubMed provides access to citations from the MEDLINE database and additional
life science journals. It also includes links to many full-text articles at journal Web sites and
other related Web resources.
CDC Prevention Guidelines Database
Containing over 400 documents, the CDC Prevention Guidelines database includes guidelines
for the prevention and control of such public health threats as AIDS, cholera, disaster
response, dengue fever, suicide, vaccine-preventable diseases, lung cancer, sexually
transmitted diseases, birth defects, and malaria. It includes all of the ACIP immunization
recommendations, CDC's sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines, and the entire
"yellow book" (Health Information for International Travellers). This site is being maintained
for historical purposes, but has had no new entries since October 1998.
Clinical Trials
The National Institute of Health's combined database for clinical trials. Provides patients,
family members and members of the public current information about clinical trials. Includes
cancer trials, AIDS trials and several others.
Cochrane Abstracts
Described as "the best single source of reliable evidence about the effects of health care." (D.
Sackett). The complete, fulltext version is not freely available on the Internet, but this site
provides detailed abstracts of all the reviews published to date.
Combined Health Information Database
Composed of 16 databases in areas of interest like cancer and Alzheimer's disease but also in
hard-to-find specialities like skin disease, complementary medicine, deafness, oral health,
weight control, and more. This database is produced by the US National Institutes of Health
DynaMed (Dynamic Medical Information System)
A quick and easy-to-use medical reference system designed for use at the point of care.
DynaMed contains clinically organized summaries of nearly 1,800 topics and is updated daily
from review of the research literature. This means that the reference information is always upto- date and does not require new editions. DynaMed is a useful resource in clinical,
educational and research settings.
Health Services/Technology Assessment Text is a searchable collection of large, full-text
clinical practice guidelines, technology assessments and health information.
Medline - National Library of Medicine
National Library of Medicine's Free MEDLINE site. The most up to date MEDLINE source
currently available. Citations appear far more quickly than in the traditional MEDLINE
versions. Also includes Clinical Query filters and dynamic links with related databases.
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One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
National Electronic Library for Health
The National electronic Library for Health Programme is working with NHS Libraries to
develop a digital library for NHS staff, patients and the public. There is direct access from
computers on NHSNet. Some resources require you to use an ATHENS password provided
by your local NHS Library for access outside NHSNet.
A service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million MEDLINE
citations back to the mid-1960's.
PubMed Central
PubMed Central is an extension of PubMed and is similarly funded by the US taxpayer
through the National Institutes of Health. Whereas PubMed provides free access to
bibliographic citations and abstracts, PubMed Central provides free access to the full text of
peer reviewed articles. Few journals are currently available on PubMed Central. These
include BMJ, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Molecular Biology of the Cell,
Plant Physiology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, and 55 journals published by BioMed Central.
TRIP: Turning Research Into Practice Database
The TRIP Database (TDB) is a collection of titles and hyperlinks from a large number of
leading Internet publishers of medical information. It was originally designed to be purely an
'evidence-based' database. The database has been expanded to include peer-reviewed journals
and 'other' publications. The TRIP Database promises direct, hyperlinked access to the largest
collection of 'evidence-based' material on the web as well as articles from premier on-line
journals such as the BMJ, JAMA, NEJM etc.
Searches for leading articles in mainstream medicine Search 23 quality core medical journals
with links to abstracts and full-text where available on publisher's sites. Journals include
BMJ, JAMA, Nature Medicine and the Archives Series of the American.
3. Electronic Journals
Listed below is a list of general practice-related electronic journals that you can access
through the ‘Journals’ link on the e-Library homepage.
Electronic Journals
Alternative therapies in health and medicine
American family physician
American journal of family therapy
American journal of medicine
American journal of preventive medicine
American journal of public health
American journal of the medical sciences
Annals of family medicine
Annual review of medicine
Annual review of public health
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Archives of family medicine
Archives of medical research
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health
BMC family practice
BMC public health
British journal of clinical governance
British medical bulletin
British medical journal (international edition)
Canadian journal of public health
Canadian medical association journal
Clinical and investigative medicine
Clinical evidence
Clinical governance: an international journal
Clinical medicine
Clinical therapeutics
Clinics in family practice
Community practitioner
Education for health: change in training and practice
Effective health care
European journal of clinical investigation
European journal of clinical investigation - supplement
European journal of internal medicine
Evidence based health care
Evidence based health policy and management
Evidence based medicine
Executive health's good health report
Family practice management
Health affairs
Health and place
Health and quality of life outcomes
Health and social care in the community
Health expectations
Health news
Health news and review
Health news naturally
Health policy
Health progress
Health reports
Health research policy and systems
Health service journal
Healthcare forum journal
Integrative medicine
Intensive care medicine
International journal of medical informatics
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JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine
Journal of allied health
Journal of American college health
Journal of clinical epidemiology
Journal of clinical excellence
Journal of clinical investigation
Journal of community health
Journal of epidemiology and community health
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice
Journal of family practice
Journal of health and human services administration
Journal of health care compliance
Journal of health services research and policy
Journal of internal medicine
Journal of internal medicine - supplement
Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine
Journal of public health management and practice
Journal of public health medicine
Journal of quality in clinical practice
Journal of the American board of family practice
Journal of the royal college of physicians of London
Journal of the royal society of medicine
Journal of the royal society of medicine - supplement
Journal of womens health
Journal of womens health and gender-based medicine
Medical care
Medical clinics of North America
Medical update
Medicine - Baltimore
Medicine - Oxford
Mens health
Modern healthcare
Modern medicine
Modern physician
Natural health
Netherlands journal of medicine
New England journal of medicine
Pain medicine
Physician executive
Physician's management
Preventive medicine
Primary care clinics in office practice
Primary health care
Public health
Public health reports
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QJM - Quarterly journal of medicine
Quality and safety in health care
Quality in health care
Quality in primary care
Scandinavian journal of primary health care supplement
Scandinavian journal of public health
Scientific American medicine
Scottish medical journal
Sociology of health and illness
Southern medical journal
Technology and health care
Total health
Value in health
Womens health issues
4. Books
Listed below is a list of general practice-related electronic books that you can access through
the ‘Books’ link on the e-Library homepage.
ABC of Aids
Alder (5th Edition. 2001)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
ABC of antenatal care
Chamberlain, Morgan (4th Edition. 2002)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
ABC of clinical genetics
Kingston (3rd Edition. 2002)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
ABC of colorectal cancer
Kerr, Young, Hobbs (2001)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
ABC of complementary medicine
Zollman, Vickers (2000)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
ABC of liver, pancreas and gallbladder
Beckingham (2001)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
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One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
ABC of sexual health
Tomlison (1999)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
ABC of the first year
Valman, Thomas (5th Edition. 2002)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Logan (2002)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Back pain revolution
Phillips (1999)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Bellevue guide to outpatient medicine: an evidence-based guide to primary care
Link, Tanner, Ofri (2001)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Bonica’s management of pain
Loeser, Butler, Chapman (3rd Edition. 2000)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Cecil textbook of medicine
Goldman, Bennett (21st Edition. 2000)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Clinical Dermatology: color guide to diagnosis and therapy
Habif (3rd Edition. 1996)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Clinical oncology
Abeloff, Armitage, Lichter (2nd Edition. 2000)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Clinical risk management: enhancing patient safety
Vincent (2nd Edition. 2001)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Conn's current therapy
Rakel, Bope (55th Edition. 2003)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
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Drug facts and comparisons pocket version 2004
Hebel, Burnham, Schweain (2003)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Evidence-based hypertension
Mulrow (2001)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Evidence-based practice: a critical appraisal
Trinder, Reynolds (2000)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Ferri's clinical advisor: instant diagnosis and treatment
Ferri (2003)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Handbook of palliative care
Faull, Carter, Woof (1998)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Human resources in healthcare: managing for success
Fried, Johnson (2002)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Interpretation of diagnostic tests
Wallach (7th Edition. 2000)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Modern nutrition in health and disease
Shils, Olson, Shike (9th Edition. 1999)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Neonatal formulary 3
Hey (3rd Edition. 2000)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Oxford textbook of medicine
Warrell, Cox, Firth (4th Edition. 2003)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Oxford textbook of public health
Detels, McEwen, Beaglehole (4th Edition. 2002)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
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One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
Pain: causes and management
Hawthorn, Redmond (1998)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Pediatric cardiology for practitioners
Park (4th Edition. 2002)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Pediatric primary care: ill child care
Baker (2001)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Pediatric primary care: well child care
Baker (2001)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Practical guide to the care of the medical patient
Ferri (5th Edition. 2001)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Primary care medicine
Goroll, Mulley (4th Edition. 2000)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Researching cultural differences in health
Kelleher, Hillier (2002)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Riechel's care of the elderly
Gallo, Busby-Whitehead, Rabins (5th Edition. 1999)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
Stroke rehabilitation: a collaborative approach
Fawcus (1999)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Textbook of family medicine
Rakel (6th Edition. 2002)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Textbook of natural medicine
Pizzorno, Murray (2nd Edition. 1999)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
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One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
Textbook of pain
Wall, Melzack (4th Edition. 1999)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Textbook of primary care practice
Noble (3rd Edition. 2001)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password.
Wills eye manual
Rhee, Pyfer (3rd Edition. 1999)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password.
5. Free Websites
Clinical Governance Research and Development Unit
http://www.le.ac.uk/ cgrdu/
The Clinical Governance Research and Development Unit (CGRDU) carries out research
relating to Clinical Governance, including methods of implementing change in professional
behaviour and performance; methods for the professional development of individuals, teams
and Primary Care Groups; development and evaluation of ways of involving patients in
clinical governance; and the dissemination of information and advice on approaches to
clinical governance. The website provides information on CGRDU and its projects. There is
information on audit protocols, some of which are available online or to download as Word
file, or in PDF format (requiring Adobe Acorbat Reader). The patient survey tools Patient
Career Diary and Dialogue, and manuals for each, are available online or to download as PDF
or Word files. Tables of contents from the Journal of Clinical Governance are also available
as PDF files.
Family Medical Practice Online
Family Medical Practice Online is an international peer reviewed journal of Family Practice
and American Family Physicians. It provides full-text articles on issues relating to general
practice and primary care. It is published by Priory Lodge Education.
General Medical Council
The General Medical Council (GMC) is the regulatory body for doctors in the UK. It registers
doctors who are qualified, giving them the legal right to practise medicine. It aims to promote
high standards and protect patients. The website provides information on the GMC,
registration, education and complaints. There is a facility for searching the GMS register, and
guidance on the duties of a doctor, good medical practice and local regulation.
General Practice Administration System for Scotland
The General Practice Administration System for Scotland (GPASS) supports the NHS by
supplying software systems and services that promote the best use of IT in patient care. The
website focuses on issues facing the Primary Care community. It includes the information on
new GPASS releases, news, a discussion forum and help, training and support with the
GPASS system.
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GP premises web
This site provides information for GP practices and those involved in GP and primary care
premises issues, to enable users to find best practice solutions to accommodation problems
within their premises and procurement routes available for new or extended facilities. It
covers how to evaluate premises, guidance on the essential characteristics of primary care
premises provision, how to progress a premises development proposal and examples of good
practice for new build and conversion, and suggests appropriate sources of more detailed
advice with links to related resources. The site is maintained by the Scottish Executive Health
GP-UK discussion list
This site provides an archive of the GP-UK mailing list provided by JISCmail, with messages
on aspects of General Practice in the UK. Messages can be browsed by date or searched. To
post messages registration is required.
Involving People
The Involving People project is part of the Scottish Executive Health Department's
commitment encouraging and developing public and patient involvement in Primary Care,
following the publication of Patient Focus and Public Involvement, Fair for All and Our
National Health. The website provides information on training, initiatives or projects, access
to publications, web links and reading materials and links to relevant Scottish Executive
Irish College of General Practitioners
The Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) is the professional body for General
Practice in Ireland, and aims to serve the patient and the General Practitioner by encouraging
and maintaining the highest standards of general medical practice. It is the representative
organisation on education, training and standards in General Practice, the recognised body for
the accreditation of specialist training in General Practice in Ireland and the representative
academic body for the specialty of General Practice. It promotes continuing education,
professional development and research, and provides practice management support. The
website provides information on ICGP and its activities, education, training, research and
news. Additional features are accessible only to members.
NetDoctor is a UK independent health information website, with content written by doctors
and health professionals. It has 'health centres' on various health topics, providing information
and advice. It also provides an 'encyclopaedia' to browse health information by disease,
examination/procedure or treatment. Other services include an 'Ask the Doctor' page, with
previous answers available online, news, online health tests, discussion forums and a Medline
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NetDoctor News
Claims to be the UK’s leading independent health website. You can subscribe to a free news
service, and every weekday morning NetDoctor.co.uk will email you a brief overview of the
very latest health-related news stories from the UK and abroad. Registration (e-mail address)
is required.
Patient Partnership Group, RCGP
The Patient Partnership Group (PPG) at the Royal College of General Practictioners (RCGP)
maintains links with patients and their concerns, to help in the development of general
practice. It includes GPs and lay members and provides advice and guidance to RCGP. The
website provides reports of PPG meetings, PPG publications, a list of medical abbreviations
used by GPs and general information.
Patient UK
Patient UK is an Internet patient information resource which aims to provide good quality
information about health and disease. It includes patient information leaflets, information on
self help groups, a web directory and information on books. Each section has alphabetical and
category lists, and there is a search facility.
Primary Care Information Services : PRIMIS
Primary Care Information Services (PRIMIS) is a free service to primary care organisations to
help them improve patient care through the effective use of their clinical computer systems. It
provides GP practices with training in information management skills and recording for data
quality; analysis of data quality, and a comparative analysis service focused on key clinical
topics; feedback and interpretation of the results of data quality and comparative analyses;
and support in developing action plans to improve data quality. The website provides
information on PRIMIS, its training and information services, conferences, news and links to
related resources. PRIMIS is funded by the NHS Information Authority and is based in the
Division of Primary Care at the University of Nottingham.
ReSearch GP
A search engine enabling searching of UK and Ireland General Practice departmental Web
pages, covering research projects and also work in progress. Produced by the Department of
General Practice at St. Georges Medical School.
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is a professional
organisation responsible for General Practice standards, education and training in Australia. It
also works with government and other organisations on health and medical issues, aiming to
improve health care, including issues of rural and remote areas, Aboriginal people, people of
low socio-economic status, people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and
people with chronic health care problems. The website provides information on the College,
research, news and events. It also has information on GP issues, the RACGP library and
publications including guidelines available online. Additional features are accessible only to
NHS Scotland e-Library www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
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Royal College of General Practitioners
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RGCP) is a UK academic organisation for GPs,
which aims to maintain the standards of general medical practice and represent general
practitioners on education, training and standards issues. The website provides information on
the RCGP and its activities, quality and standards, education and conferences, membership
and examinations and research. There is also news and access to the British Journal of
General Practice, with contents and abstracts (members and subscribers can access full-text
Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners is a professional and educational
organisation which provides educational support and training for general practitioners and
sets standards for general practice in New Zealand. The website provides information on the
College and its education and quality programmes. It also provides full-text access to
publications including newsletters and New Zealand Family Physician journal, with articles
downloadable as PDF files, and links to related resources.
Royal College of General Practitioners Information Services
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RGCP) is a UK academic organisation for GPs,
which aims to maintain the standards of general medical practice and represent general
practitioners on education, training and standards issues. This site provides information on
general practice, primary care and the College. It has publications, and information on its
library services and resources. Additional services are accessible only to members.
Royal College of General Practitioners – Information Sheets
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RGCP) is a UK academic organisation for GPs,
which aims to maintain the standards of general medical practice and represent general
practitioners on education, training and standards issues. This site provides information sheets
on related issues, including general information, education and training, the NHS, prescribing
and specific kinds of general practice.They are downloadable as PDF files, requiring Adobe
Acrobat Reader.
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