CSR in Parliament - All-Party Parliamentary Corporate

Annual Report
The All Party Group on CSR is supported by Business in the Community,
together with Camelot.
Secretariat: Church House Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3AZ
Tel: 0207 222 1265 ▫ Fax: 0207 222 1250
E-mail: patricia.constant@centrallobby.com ▫ Internet: www.bitc.org.uk/parliament
I am delighted to introduce this Annual Report – the second of the Parliament
elected in 2005. As before the Report includes a summary of the meetings we have
held throughout the Session as well as a record of our current membership.
Our programme in this session has differed from the norm in that we departed from our
routine of monthly meetings in order hold an inquiry, which considered the way in which
businesses respond to the needs of vulnerable customers. Under this theme we held a
series of meetings which focussed on the way in which different sectors respond to the
challenges and opportunities that vulnerable customers create. We benefited greatly from
the experience of Mallen Baker, the Development Director of Business in the Community,
who acted as the expert adviser to the inquiry team, and we are grateful to him for his
assistance in compiling the inquiry report.
I greatly look forward to working with the Officers and members to ensure that we
hold a stimulating programme of meetings in 2007-08. We welcome suggestions
about subjects to be discussed at future meetings and I hope that members will not
hesitate to let us know if they have any suggestions for the Group’s work in the next
Baroness Greengross, Chairman 2006-07
Meetings held 2006 - 2007
Winter Reception – November 2006
In November 2006 the Group held a reception in the Jubilee Room of the House of
Commons at which the Group’s Chairman, Baroness Greengross, announced the
launch of an inquiry into the needs of vulnerable customers.
Dianne Thompson, Chief Executive of Camelot plc, the Group’s sponsor in 2006 and
2007, spoke about the theme of the reception, “Who are the winners in responsible
business practice?”, and suggested we all are: shareholders, customers, suppliers
and staff.
Climate Change event – March 2007
On 7 March the Group showed Al Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth” to
Parliamentarians and invited guests, and followed the film with a panel-led
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discussion and a short reception. We were delighted to hold this event jointly with
the external Corporate Responsibility Group.
Panel members included: Baroness Greengross, Martin Horwood MP, Lord Newby,
Ben Stimson of BSkyB and Adrian Hosford of BT.
APPG on CSR inquiry
At its AGM in July 2006, the Group had decided to hold an inquiry to consider the
way in which businesses respond to the needs of vulnerable customers and make
recommendations. During the autumn of 2006 the inquiry team membership was
finalised and the precise remit of the inquiry was agreed. The inquiry team decided
to focus on three areas of particular interest: new technology, body image and
health; and financial services.
The members of the inquiry team were: Baroness Greengross, Baroness Gibson of
Market Rasen, Justine Greening MP, Lord Haskins, Lord Hastings of Scarisbrick,
Susan Kramer MP, Lord Newby, Lord O’Neill of Clackmannan, John Robertson MP
and Lord Sheppard of Didgemere. The inquiry team’s expert adviser was Mallen
Baker, Development Director of Business in the Community.
December 2006 – examples of best practice
At their first meeting on 11 December, the inquiry team listened to examples of best
practice from a number of firms regarded as exemplars of companies which have
considered the needs of vulnerable customers and acted to address the challenges
they represent. Presentations were given by Barclays Bank, Camelot, Diageo and
January – new technology
The advent of new technology creates new challenges for companies seeking to
ensure that their products and services are not abused or used inappropriately by
young people. The inquiry team heard presentations from a number of expert
witnesses who explained some of the challenges and opportunities in this field.
Presentations were given by the National Consumer Council, Ofcom, the UK
Children’s Charities Coalition on Internet Safety and Vodafone.
February – body image and health
The inquiry team decided to look at how business responds to the needs of
vulnerable customers in the field of body image and health against a background of
increasing concern about the incidence of food disorders in the UK and pressure on
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the fashion industry to consider the impact on young people of the images they
celebrate. Presentations were given by BEAT! (formerly known as the Eating
Disorders Association), the Food Standards Agency and Cadbury Schweppes. The
Group also received written advice from Unilever about Dove’s marketing policies
and from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.
March – financial services
By the time the inquiry team held its meeting on financial services, the issues of
access to financial services and financial capability had risen to the top of the
political agenda. Ed Balls, the Economic Secretary to the Treasury, had to withdraw
at a late stage due to the requirements of Parliamentary business. The inquiry team
benefited, however, from the expert advice of John McFall MP, Chairman of the
House of Commons Treasury Select Committee, and representatives of the Royal
Bank of Scotland and the Nationwide Building Society.
The inquiry team’s report, “How businesses respond to the needs of vulnerable
customers”, was launched at the Group’s summer reception on 16 July 2007.
Annual General Meeting 2007
The Group’s AGM was held on 3 July in the House of Lords. All the Officers, with
the exception of David Drew, agreed to be re-nominated and were elected
unopposed. David resigned after several years as an Officer and has been replaced
by John Robertson MP. Baroness Greengross expressed the Group’s thanks to
David for all his support for the Group. Members reviewed the 2006-07 programme
and congratulated Baroness Greengross on leading the Group through another
successful year.
Summer Reception – July
The Group’s summer reception is being held in the Jubilee Room of the House of
Commons on 16 July. Members of the Group will be joined by invited guests,
including many of the speakers who gave presentations to the Group’s inquiry team.
Baroness Greengross will launch the report of the inquiry team, which has been
looking into the way in which businesses in the UK respond to the needs of
vulnerable customers. The inquiry report will be available on the Group’s website at:
www.bitc.org.uk/parliament after the reception.
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Membership of the APPG on CSR
Baroness Greengross OBE (Crossbench)
Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen (Labour); Lord Holme of Cheltenham CBE
(Liberal Democrat); John Robertson MP (Labour); Lord Sheppard of Didgemere
(Conservative); Jo Swinson MP (Liberal Democrat) and Ian Taylor MBE MP
Hon. Secretary:
Martin Horwood MP (Liberal Democrat)
Tony Baldry; Ed Balls; Gregory Barker; Rt Hon John Battle; Miss Anne Begg; Peter
Bottomley; Dr Vincent Cable; Rt Hon David Cameron; Colin Challen; Rt Hon
Kenneth Clarke; Michael Connarty; Rosie Cooper; Jim Cousins; Ian Davidson;
Parmjit Dhanda; Jonathon Djanogly; Nigel Evans; Dr Hywel Francis; Linda Gilroy;
Michael Gove; Rt Hon John Gummer; Stephen Hammond; Dr Evan Harris; Stephen
Hesford; Paul Holmes; Phil Hope; Chris Huhne; Rt Hon Michael Jack; Barbara
Keeley; David Kidney; Susan Kramer; Ashok Kumar; David Lammy; Mark
Lazarowicz; David Lepper; Tim Loughton; Andy Love; Ian Lucas; Fiona Mactaggart;
Sarah McCarthy-Fry; Rt Hon John McFall; Jim McGovern; Rt Hon Michael Meacher;
Rt Hon Alun Michael; Madeleine Moon; Margaret Moran; Jessica Morden; Eddie
O'Hara; Lembit Opik; Andrew Pelling; Bridget Prentice; Adam Price; Jamie Reed;
John Robertson; Paul Rowen; Barry Sheerman; Anne Snelgrove; Anthony Steen;
Ian Stewart; Jo Swinson; Gareth R Thomas; Ed Vaizey; and Rudi Vis.
Lord Alton of Liverpool; Baroness Andrews; Lord Bhatia; Baroness Blood; Lord
Brennan; Lord Brett; Lord Browne of Madingley; Baroness Buscombe; Lord Butler of
Brockwell; Baroness Chalker of Wallasey; Lord Clement-Jones; Lord Corbett of
Castle Vale; Baroness Cumberlege; Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Fylde; Lord
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Faulkner of Worcester; Lord Freeman; Lord Gavron; Baroness Goudie; Baroness
Gould of Potternewton; Lord Harrison of Chester; Lord Haskel; Lord Haskins; Lord
Hastings of Scarisbrick; Baroness Hayman; Baroness Hooper; Lord Howarth of
Newport CBE; Baroness Howe of Idlicote; Lord Howell of Guildford; Lord Joffe; Lord
Jones; Lord Judd; Lord Lester of Herne Hill; Lord MacGregor of Pulham Market; Lord
Marshall of Knightsbridge; Baroness McIntosh of Hudnall; Baroness Miller of
Chilthorne Domer; Lord Mitchell; Lord Newby; Lord Newton of Braintree; Baroness
Noakes; Baroness Northover; Lord O'Neill of Clackmannan; Lord Paul; Lord Peston;
Lord Phillips of Sudbury; Baroness Pitkeathley; Baroness Prashar; Baroness
Prosser; Lord Puttnam; Baroness Richardson of Calow; Lord Sharman; Baroness
Sharp of Guildford; Lord Sheldon; Lord Simon of Highbury; Lord Stevenson of
Coddenham; Lord Stone of Blackheath; Lord Taylor of Warwick; Baroness Warwick
of Undercliffe; Baroness Whitaker; Baroness Wilcox; Lord Williamson of Horton; and
Lord Wolfson.
The Group’s Supporters
The All Party Group on Corporate Responsibility is supported by Business in the
Community and Camelot.
Business in the Community
Business in the Community is a unique movement of more than 750 member
companies committed to continuous improvement of their positive impact on society.
It is an independent charity with twenty years experience of achieving its charitable
purpose “to create a public benefit by working with companies to improve the
positive impact of business in society”. It is a business led organisation, involving
some 200 member companies in leadership teams that develop responsible
business practice. It is the largest UK national organisation, with a network of
international partners. Its member companies employ 12.4m people in over 200
countries, including 20% of the UK workforce.
Business in the Community supported the creation of the APPG on CSR and has
supported the Group ever since, not least through the practical support of its staff
and member companies, many of whom have been represented at Group meetings.
Further information about Business in the Community is available at: www.bitc.org.uk
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Camelot has run the UK National Lottery since 1994 and operates under a licence
awarded by the National Lottery Commission. It is responsible for developing and
running lottery games to raise money for Good Causes, defined by the Government.
Camelot works closely with Government and the fifteen National Lottery Distribution
Bodies, which allocate funds to Good Causes. Stakeholder engagement and
consultation lie at the heart of Camelot’s approach to managing corporate
responsibility. Camelot has identified eight principal stakeholder groups, with whom it
needs to build close and mutually-rewarding relationships if it is to continue to
succeed in delivering a successful and respected National Lottery.
Camelot has succeeded in returning a higher proportion of lottery revenue to society
than any other major lottery in the world. It has succeeded in raising over £20 billion
for Good Causes, benefiting over 250,000 projects across the UK. At the same time,
it has run the National Lottery in a socially responsible way to minimise the risk to
more vulnerable groups. Despite these self-imposed checks and balances, lottery
sales topped £4.9 billion in 2006/07.
Camelot was ranked as the leader in its sector in BITC’s 2007 Corporate
Responsibility Index, and the Group is very pleased to be associated with this
successful and responsible company.
Finance and Registration
The Group is officially registered with the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
and it is on the Approved List as a recognised All Party Parliamentary Group.
All MPs and Peers are entitled to attend meetings of the Group and nonParliamentarians attend as guests by invitation.
The Group has incurred no costs directly and does not charge Members a
membership fee. The Group’s costs are met by Business in the Community, largely
through the generous sponsorship, since January 2006, of the Camelot Group plc.
Further information about the Group, including records of past meetings, is available
at: www.bitc.org.uk/parliament.
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