1 A Case Study on the Effects of Heterogeneous Soil Moisture on Mesoscale Boundary Layer Structure in the Southern Great Plains, U.S.A. Part II: Mesoscale Modelling Brian P. Reen Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A. David R. Stauffer Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A. Kenneth J. Davis Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A. Ankur R. Desai Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A. Corresponding Author: Brian Reen Department of Meteorology The Pennsylvania State University 503 Walker Building University Park, PA 16802 U.S.A. Telephone: 814-863-1036 Fax: 814-865-3663 Email: reenb@meteo.psu.edu Running title: Effects of soil moisture on ABL Article type: Article Keywords: Boundary layer depth, land surface heterogeneity, mesoscale modelling, soil moisture 2 ABSTRACT The importance of soil moisture inputs and improved model physics in the prediction of the daytime boundary-layer structure during the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment 1997 (SGP97) is investigated using the nonhydrostatic Fifth-Generation Pennsylvania State University / National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model MM5. This paper is part II of a two-part study examining the relationship of surface heterogeneity to observed boundary layer structure. Part I focuses on observations and utilizes a simple model while Part II uses observations and MM5 modelling. Soil moisture inputs tested include a lookup table based on soil type and season, output from an offline land surface model (LSM) forced by atmospheric observations, and high-resolution (≈800 m) airborne microwave remotely sensed data. Model physics improvements are investigated by comparing a LSM directly coupled with the MM5 to a simpler force-restore method at the surface. The scale of land surface heterogeneities is compared to the scale of their effects on boundary layer structure. The use of more detailed soil moisture fields allowed the MM5 to better represent the large-scale (~100’s of km) and small-scale (~10’s of km) horizontal gradients in surface layer weather and to a lesser degree, the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) height, which was evaluated against observations measured by Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL). The benefits of coupling a LSM to the MM5 were not readily evident in this summertime case, with the model having particular difficulty simulating the timing of maximum surface fluxes while underestimating the depth of the mixed layer. 3 1. Introduction It has long been known that surface moisture is a potentially important surface characteristic affecting boundary layer structure (e.g., Zhang and Anthes, 1982). Surface moisture content influences the partitioning of energy between sensible heat flux (SHF) and latent heat flux (LHF), which in turn helps to determine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) properties such as temperature, moisture, and ABL depth (e.g. McCumber and Pielke, 1981; Pan and Mahrt, 1987). Soil moisture can be a factor in cloud formation (Ek et al., 2004), and correctly representing soil moisture heterogeneity can be important in determining where moist convection occurs (Lanicci et al., 1987) and can even noticeably impact situations with stronger forcing such as a frontal passage (Fast and McCorcle, 1991). Modelling research suggests spatially varying soil moisture can create mesoscale circulations which may result in rainfall (e.g. Anthes, 1984; Yan and Anthes, 1988; Lynn et al., 1998). Mesoscale circulations due to land surface heterogeneities have been observed (e.g. Mahrt et al., 1994; LeMone et al., 2002) but the degree to which such circulations commonly influence regional meteorology has been questioned (Shaw and Doran, 2001). Famiglietti et al. (1998) identified soil properties, topography, type of vegetation, density of vegetation, mean moisture content, solar insolation, water table distance below the surface, and the magnitude of precipitation as factors that can be sources of soil moisture variability. Further study of the impacts of soil moisture variability on boundary layer structure and heterogeneity, and our ability to model such land-atmosphere interactions will improve our ability to design new soil moisture observing systems as well as our ability to construct effective modelling frameworks that utilize these observations. Although soil moisture content is one of several variables that can be important in determining the partitioning between SHF and LHF measured by the Bowen ratio (SHF/LHF), other surface characteristics can also be important. Soil type is potentially important as it determines important parameters such as wilting point and field capacity (e.g. 4 Wilson et al., 1987). In vegetated areas, Sun and Bosilovich (1996) note that aerodynamic roughness length, canopy resistance to water transfer, root density (or distribution), and leaf area index (LAI) are among the factors proposed to influence the Bowen ratio. The LAI (the number of layers of vegetation in a vertical column) influences the interchange of radiation and moisture among the soil, vegetation, and atmosphere (e.g. Pitman, 1994), with increases in LAI typically correlated with increased transpiration and decreased sensible heat flux (Crawford et al., 2001). While spatial variations in surface flux partitioning through factors such as soil moisture heterogeneities can cause heterogeneities in ABL properties (depth, moisture, and temperature; Desai et al., 2004 [hereafter referred to as Part I]; Doran and Zhong, 1995), other factors such as convergence, shear production of turbulence, and horizontal advection can also be important (Zhong and Doran, 1995). In addition, Mahrt (2000) indicates that the influence of surface heterogeneity is affected by various factors when he conjectures that the height at which a surface heterogeneity ceases to significantly affect the ABL is a function of the size of the heterogeneity, wind speed, thermal structure, updraft strength, and ABL depth. Since soil moisture observations are usually not available at high spatial and temporal resolution, one must determine a reasonable way to represent initial condition soil moisture in models. Some intensive study areas provide soil moisture data through in-situ measurement, such as the Oklahoma Mesonet (Brock et al., 1995), and some provide soil moisture data through remotely sensed data (e.g. Jackson et al., 1999), but data density and areal coverage are limited. Satellites such as the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I; Lakshmi et al., 1997; Jackson et al., 2002) and more recently the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on the Earth Observing System Aqua satellite (Njoka et al., 2003) are sensitive to soil moisture and can cover large areas, but with limited spatial and temporal resolution. Some models, such as the Fifth Generation Pennsylvania State University / 5 National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model, known as MM5 (Dudhia, 1993; Grell et al., 1994), can use values of surface moisture from a lookup table (Dudhia et al., 2000) based on land surface type and season, while other models use lookup tables based on monthly climatological values (van den Hurk et al., 1997). Given past observed precipitation and assuming a drying rate, one may attempt to diagnose current soil moisture through an antecedent precipitation index (API; Wetzel and Chang, 1988). Land surface models (LSMs), which represent land processes and land-atmosphere interactions, may also be run to determine temporally and spatially varying soil moisture. Capehart and Carlson (1994) demonstrate that an offline LSM forced by observed meteorological conditions over a past time period produced accurate soil moisture values that could then be used as initial conditions for an atmospheric model (Smith et al., 1994). As will be described in more detail later in this paper, this study uses remote-sensing, a lookup table, as well as an offline LSM to determine soil moisture for the model simulations. In principle, the best way to represent the temporal evolution of soil moisture content within a model is to directly couple a LSM with a mesoscale atmospheric model. LSMs such as the Parameterization for Land-Atmosphere-Cloud Exchange (PLACE; Wetzel and Boone, 1995) and the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)/Oregon State University (OSU)/Air Force/Office of Hydrology (NOAH) LSM (Pan and Mahrt, 1987; Chen et al., 1996; initially the OSU LSM) have been coupled to the MM5 (Lynn et al., 2001; Chen and Dudhia, 2001a; Chen and Dudhia, 2001b). Although some studies show improvement with the use of coupled models (e.g. Chen et al., 2001), a LSM’s input requirements and uncertainty as well as the additional model physics may make it difficult for a coupled model to outperform a simpler atmospheric model (Crawford et al., 2001). This study includes an examination of the added value of a MM5-PLACE coupling. Mohr et al. (2000) ran PLACE from 9-16 July 1997 during the Southern Great Plains 6 1997 field program (SGP97; Jackson, 1997) over the Little Washita watershed and investigated issues related to modelling soil moisture and surface fluxes. The initialization scheme only accounted for soil moisture variability due to soil type, and the modelled soil moisture did not capture variability well until after significant rain. Their results indicated that the model sensible heat flux peaked later than observed, the peak SHF was too large with peak LHF too small, and the soil dried too slowly. Crawford et al. (2001) used an MM5-PLACE coupling to study various days during SGP97. Soil moisture was initialized using the API method earlier noted. They found that noncoupled experiments generally outperformed coupled experiments even when Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) derived land surface data were used to improve the coupled result. The temperatures of the PLACE runs were generally too high, surface temperature biases on the day of their study most relevant to the current study (12 July 1997) are -0.15°C for the default run, +2.59°C for the MM5-PLACE with climatological land surface data, and +1.77°C for the MM5-PLACE run with AVHRR land surface information. These results suggest that “improved” model physics may require more extensive initial conditions and calibration in order to function better than simpler model physics. This paper examines the benefits of both improved soil moisture data and more sophisticated land-surface physics for numerical simulation of ABL structure during the SGP97 time period 1200 UTC 12 July 1997 through 0000 UTC 13 July 1997. This study covers a larger area than that of Mohr et al. (2000) and evaluates a broader range of variables than Crawford et al. (2001). In addition, the scale of the land surface heterogeneities compared to the scale of their effects on boundary layer structure is also investigated. Special data used in this study include high resolution remotely sensed soil moisture data (Electronically Scanned Thinned Array Radiometer; Jackson et al., 1995), a 2D surface flux map derived from observations (from Part I), high resolution remotely sensed ABL 7 properties (Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment; Browell et al., 1997), and the Oklahoma surface mesonet (Brock et al. 1995). Few studies have compared model with lidar-derived ABL-depth and corresponding observed surface variables to the extent done in the current study. Experiments are first performed using MM5 with a simplified land-surface scheme and three different sources of soil moisture data: 1) soil moisture based on the default lookup table values (Dudhia et al., 2000), 2) values predicted by an offline LSM forced by meteorological observations (Muñoz 2002), and 3) soil moisture determined from microwave remote sensing data (Jackson et al., 1999). In addition, MM5 is coupled to a LSM (PLACE; Wetzel and Boone, 1995) in order to examine the potential benefits of more sophisticated land-surface physics. Both MM5 and PLACE are described in Section 2. Section 3 presents the experimental design by describing the sources of soil moisture used, other input changes made to the PLACE component of MM5-PLACE, and the related numerical experiments performed with these model configurations. An overview of the observed conditions for this ABL study day is provided in Section 4. Section 5 discusses results, and Section 6 summarizes the paper. 2. Model Description The MM5 modelling system used in this study utilizes inputs from an offline land-surface model (external to the MM5 and forced by observations) in some experiments. Offline PLACE will be discussed followed by a description of the MM5 using a Slab force-restore model (MM5-Slab) and the PLACE land-surface model directly coupled to the MM5 (MM5PLACE). 2.1. OFFLINE PLACE An offline version of the Parameterization for Land-Atmosphere-Cloud Exchange 8 (PLACE; Wetzel and Boone, 1995) LSM is one source of input soil moisture data for this study as well as the source for MM5-PLACE soil temperature. Results from the Project for Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterization Schemes indicate that PLACE produces adequate land-surface fields (e.g. surface radiative temperature, surface heat and moisture fluxes, and precipitation runoff) relative to other LSM’s (Chen et al., 1997). The offline PLACE is integrated here from 1 June 1997 over a domain with 36-km resolution covering much of the continental United States (Figure 1). Observed meteorological conditions used to force PLACE are obtained from the 12-hourly conventional meteorological data used to force the Soil Hydrology Model (SHM; Capehart and Carlson, 1994) that was run real-time over this time period at Penn State (Smith et al., 1994) along with 3-hourly surface data (Muñoz, 2002). There are seven PLACE soil temperature levels (0-2, 2-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15- 50, 50-90, and 90-130 cm) and five soil moisture levels (0-2, 2-5, 5-15, 15-50, and 50-130 cm) with increased resolution near the surface. The initial soil moisture profile for offline PLACE is based on the archived realtime SHM model output. Initial surface soil temperature is based on air temperature and the lower boundary soil temperature is based on climatological values used in MM5 with a vertical interpolation between these two layers to obtain the initial soil temperature profile. Parameters such as surface roughness and albedo are obtained from a lookup table based on land use / vegetation type used in MM5. Vegetation fraction is based on monthly AVHRR-based climatological values as used by MM5. Surface sensible and latent heat fluxes are computed separately for vegetated and bare-soil conditions, and the vegetation fraction is used to compute a weighted-average flux for any given grid cell. Some default parameters for offline PLACE are based on consultations with the developer of PLACE, Peter Wetzel. The LAI is set uniformly to 7 over the vegetated fraction of the cell, and root fraction is assumed to be 50 percent in the second soil moisture layer, 25 9 percent in the third layer, and 25 percent in the fourth layer. Further details regarding the setup of PLACE for this study can be found in Muñoz (2002). 2.2. MM5 The nonhydrostatic Fifth-Generation Pennsylvania State University / National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model (Dudhia, 1993; Grell et al., 1994) MM5v3.3 is used to simulate the atmospheric response to heterogeneous surface moisture in this study. Figure 1 shows the locations of the three one-way nested domains of 36-km, 12km, and 4-km resolution with the inner two domains centred over the Oklahoma/Kansas, U.S.A. area that is the focus of this study. There are 62 vertical sigma layers, with the first layer 30 m Above Ground Level (AGL), 50-m resolution through the lowest 2 km (within the ABL), and the model top at 50 hPa. The initial conditions and lateral boundary conditions for the outermost domain are obtained from Eta analyses enhanced by surface and rawinsonde data via a modified successive scan objective analysis method (Benjamin and Seaman, 1985). Analysis nudging Four Dimensional Data Assimilation (FDDA; adding a small non-physical term to model tendency equations to nudge the model state towards an analysis; Stauffer and Seaman, 1990, 1994; Stauffer et al., 1991) is applied on the 36-km and 12-km domains and only above 2 km AGL (ABL-top) to provide improved large-scale lateral boundary conditions for the 4-km domain where no FDDA is applied. The 36-km and 12-km domains are both initialized at 12 UTC 11 July 1997, the 4-km domain started at 00 UTC 12 July 1997, and all three domains are integrated through 00 UTC 13 July 1997. Since the study period of 12 UTC 12 July through 00 UTC 13 July 1997 was generally dry and without significant cloudiness, the use of explicit microphysics including simple ice processes (no mixed phases; Dudhia, 1993) and the Kain-Fritsch convective parameterization (Kain and Fritsch, 1990) on the outer two domains is probably not significant. The PSU 1.5-order (level 2.5) turbulent kinetic energy (TKE)-predicting scheme 10 (Stauffer et al., 1999; Shafran et al., 2000) is used to represent turbulent processes and the height at which the predicted TKE drops below a threshold value (0.1 m2s-2 if maximum TKE in vertical column is at least 0.2 m2s-2) is diagnosed as the ABL height. Surface latent and sensible heat fluxes as well as the ground temperature are determined in MM5-Slab using MM5’s default force-restore land surface physics (Slab model) that follows Deardorff (1978) and Zhang and Anthes (1982). This model has two soil layers, a thin near-surface layer that directly interacts with the atmosphere and a deep soil substrate layer that remains at a constant temperature. As with the offline PLACE model, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 24-category land-use / vegetation characterization and the National Cooperative Soil Survey 16-category State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) soil map are used and vegetation fraction is based on monthly climatological values based on AVHRR data. Parameters such as roughness length, albedo, and wilting point are based on lookup tables. The surface moisture availability in MM5-Slab is by default defined from a lookup table based only on season and landuse type and remains constant throughout the run. In the experimental configurations described in Section 3, additional methods for initialization of soil moisture will be discussed. MM5-PLACE is configured as MM5-Slab except PLACE land-surface physics (whose offline equivalent was previously described) is used inline within MM5 (coupled) instead of the Slab force-restore model. Previous results from this coupling (e.g., Lynn et al., 2001; Muñoz et al., 2001, Crawford et al. 2001) have demonstrated its capabilities under timevarying soil moisture conditions and thus suggest that MM5-PLACE is a reasonable modelling tool to use in this experiment. The MM5-PLACE is used here to investigate the two-way interaction of the atmospheric ABL and time-varying soil-moisture heterogeneities. 3. Experimental Configurations A set of experiments is conducted to investigate the scale response of the ABL to surface 11 heterogeneity and to explore the sensitivity of the model-predicted ABL structure to the landsurface scheme (Slab or PLACE) and the source of the initial soil moisture. The general region that is the focus of these experiments is seen in Figure 2, which also shows aircraft transects and the area covered by the high-resolution soil moisture data described in the following section. The sources of soil moisture and determination of two potentially important land-surface parameters will be summarized first, followed by the MM5 experimental design. 3.1. SOURCES OF SOIL MOISTURE INFORMATION Surface moisture in MM5-Slab is measured by moisture availability which ranges from 0 (dry) to 1 (wet). In MM5 moisture availability is traditionally taken from a lookup table based on land surface type and season (Dudhia et al., 2000). The moisture availability derived by this method is used in Exp. SLABC (See Table I) and can be seen in Figure 3 to be generally limited to three different values over most of the domain, with 97% of all grid cells having moisture availabilities of 0.15 (72% of grid cells), 0.25 (9% of grid cells), or 0.30 (16% of grid cells). An alternate method to determine soil moisture uses the offline PLACE model described in Section 2.1. The MM5-Slab runs not utilizing the lookup table (Exps. SLABO and SLABOE) use a two-day average of offline PLACE soil moisture over the simulation period (11-12 July 1997) to specify soil moisture over at least part of the domain. In contrast, all of the coupled MM5-PLACE simulations use the offline PLACE soil moisture only at the initial time to specify soil moisture over at least part of the domain. The PLACE model’s soil moisture content predictions are converted to moisture availability through the following formula derived from Giorgi and Bates (1989): MA wp sat wp where M A is moisture availability, is soil moisture content, wp is wilting point, and sat (1) 12 is saturation soil moisture. The values of wilting point and saturation soil moisture for each soil type are from Garratt (1992). The offline PLACE is run at 36-km resolution (Figure 1), and moisture availability is computed and interpolated to the 12-km and 4-km domains. Figure 4 shows the offline-PLACE soil moisture availability on the 4-km domain to have generally moister conditions to the north where it had rained previously. During SGP97 an L-band passive microwave radiometer known as ESTAR (Electronically Scanned Thinned Array Radiometer) was flown on a P-3 aircraft and used to derive surface (0-5 cm) soil moisture (Jackson et al., 1995; Jackson et al., 1999). These soil moisture data have an effective resolution of 800 m and cover a limited area approximately 10,000 km2 over Oklahoma and Kansas (Figure 2). The high-resolution soil moisture content ESTAR data for 12 July 1997 are shown in Figure 5 and are used in all MM5-PLACE experiments except Exp. PLACEO. For the MM5-Slab Exp. SLABOE, the ESTAR soil moisture content is converted to soil moisture availability using the following method described by Capehart and Carlson (1994): M A 025 1 cos fc 2 (2) where: fc 075 sat and fc represents field capacity. Values for saturation based on soil type are taken from Garratt (1992). The ESTAR-derived soil moisture availability data are shown in Figure 6 and contain considerably more detail than that in Figure 3 or Figure 4 while still showing the large-scale north-south moisture gradient. 3.2. DEFINITION OF LSM PARAMETERS The coupled MM5-PLACE requires the specification of subgrid scale soil moisture (3) 13 heterogeneity. The degree of heterogeneity in soil moisture content is demonstrated by Famiglietti et al. (1999) who found that, in the same region and time period of this study and within 0.64 km2 plots, the coefficient of variation1 for in-situ measurements of soil moisture almost always exceeded 0.1, with a mean value of approximately 0.3. This is specified in MM5-PLACE by assuming that the coefficient of variation of soil moisture remains constant until a specified maximum standard deviation is reached (Wetzel and Chang, 1988). The constant coefficient of variation and maximum standard deviation were determined based on ESTAR variability in the 36 km MM5 grid cells to be 0.33 and 0.10 m3 m-3 respectively and compare to values suggested by Wetzel and Chang (1988) of about 0.6 and 0.08 m3 m-3. The ESTAR based measures of subgrid variability were used in Exps. PLACEOE_S and PLACEOE_SN instead of the default of no subgrid variability in soil moisture used in the rest of the MM5-PLACE experiments. During SGP97 Famiglietti et al. (1999) finds that standard deviation decreases with increasing soil moisture content, which is contrary to the assumption used in representing subgrid heterogeneity in PLACE and contrary to results such as Famiglietti et al. (1998). The disagreement between ESTAR-derived statistics utilized in PLACE and those found by Famiglietti et al. (1999) may be due to the much larger temporal range (~one month versus ~one day) and much smaller spatial scale (49 measurements per 0.64 km2 vs. 1 measurement per 0.64 km2) studied by Famiglietti et al. (1999). MM5-PLACE also uses vegetative fraction and leaf area index (LAI) as inputs. Experiments that use spatially varying 4-17 July 1997 AVHRR normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to replace the climatological value of vegetative fraction and the uniform value of LAI (LAI=7) are also performed using MM5-PLACE (Exps. PLACEOE_N and PLACEOE_SN; see Section 3.3). These data are the same used by Crawford et al. (2001) but note that the LAI they report is based on the average LAI over each entire grid cell whereas the value of 7 used here is based on the average LAI within only the vegetated 14 fraction of each grid cell. The average vegetated NDVI-based LAI by comparison is ≈5.4. The originally utilized LAI value of 7 appears high compared, for example, to Norman et al. (1992) who found values generally between about 2 and 4 for LAI during 1989 in Kansas. 3.3. MM5 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Table I summarizes the MM5 experimental design. The control experiment, SLABC, uses the default MM5 configuration described in Section 2.2 with the Slab land surface scheme (MM5-Slab) and soil moisture based on the lookup table (Figure 3). Lookup table soil moisture is replaced by offline-PLACE soil moisture for Exp. SLABO. Experiment SLABOE inserts ESTAR soil moisture where available, resulting in the soil moisture field seen in Figure 6. Since the soil moisture content of the offline PLACE agrees well with that of the ESTAR data (Figure 7), SLABOE uses offline PLACE where ESTAR is not available. A similar pair of experiments to determine model sensitivity to ESTAR is run using the PLACE LSM coupled with MM5 (MM5-PLACE) in Exps. PLACEO (using offline PLACE soil moisture and temperature initial conditions) and PLACEOE (including ESTAR soil moisture in the initial conditions). Experiment PLACEOE_S adds subgrid soil moisture variability into MM5-PLACE (see Section 3.2) and PLACEOE_N uses NDVI-based vegetation fraction and LAI (see Section 3.2). Experiment PLACEOE_SN adds both sub-grid moisture variability and NDVI-based vegetation fraction and LAI. 4. Case Description This study uses data from the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment (Jackson, 1997) and the Oklahoma Mesonet (Brock et al., 1995). The daytime period 1200 UTC 12 July to 0000 UTC 13 July 1997 is chosen because of the generally cloud free conditions and weak synoptic forcing which are desirable for a boundary layer study. The only relevant Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud and Radiation 15 Testbed (ARM CART) sounding collocated with ESTAR coverage is that taken at the Central Facility in Lamont, Oklahoma (location shown in Figure 2). The soundings launched at 1428 UTC, 1727 UTC, and 2027 UTC, can be seen in Figure 8 and will be referred to as the 1500 UTC, 1800 UTC and 2100 UTC soundings respectively from this point forward. The mixed layer deepens through the day, and near the surface there is a strong superadiabatic layer. A potential benefit of the multi-grid nesting strategy used here is illustrated in the elevated mixed layer structure or “lid” advected from Mexico (e.g. Carlson et al., 1983) and seen around 700 hPa in Figure 8a and Figure 8b. On 12 July 1997 a 500 hPa ridge was in place over the eastern half of the United States and a trough was located over the West with lower troposphere flow from the southwest (Figure 8). The surface winds over the Oklahoma-Kansas study region were south-southwesterly at 5-10 ms-1 and a weak trough was analyzed over western Kansas and the panhandle of Oklahoma (not shown). This weak synoptic forcing produced minimal cloudiness over Oklahoma and southern Kansas from 1200 UTC 12 July through 0000 UTC 13 July 1997 (e.g., Figure 8). Oklahoma Mesonet surface temperatures at the beginning of the period (1200 UTC 12 July) ranged from 20 to 25°C (68 to 77°F) over Oklahoma (excluding the panhandle) and reached highs from 32 to 37°C (90 to 99°F) before 0000 UTC (not shown). The mesonet did not record any precipitation during this time period and there was no extensive cloud cover reported. Surface winds averaged about 6 ms-1 from the south to southwest over Oklahoma. The ESTAR data in Figure 5 indicate wetter soil in the north and dryer soil in the south with small scale heterogeneities including an area of relatively higher soil moisture near the southwest corner of the ESTAR data region over the Little Washita River Basin. In Part I, examination of the 12 flux sites within the ESTAR region on 12 July indicates that the Bowen ratio is more strongly correlated with soil moisture than NDVI and so soil moisture 16 effects are more dominant in determining surface fluxes in this case than vegetative distribution. A 2-D map of surface LHF and SHF was developed in Part I using a linear fit between ESTAR and station Bowen ratio. To facilitate a reasonable comparison of these “observed” ESTAR-derived surface fluxes with MM5 4-km gridded data, the ESTARderived fluxes are averaged over the 4-km MM5 grid cells and used henceforth unless otherwise noted. The averaged ESTAR-derived fluxes along all of the aircraft transects (see Figure 2 for transect locations) indicate mean SHF somewhat larger than LHF with generally higher SHF and lower LHF in the south. The P-3 aircraft that carried ESTAR made nine transects on 12 July 1997 from 1437 UTC to 1831 UTC with the closest hour of each transect used here in comparisons with other data. Oklahoma Mesonet data are used with Cressman-type weighting to obtain observed values for surface temperature and mixing ratio for each model grid cell along the transects and within 50 km of an Oklahoma Mesonet site. The north-south surface temperature structure is fairly consistent from transect to transect with a relative maximum between 36 and 37°N, a minimum around 35.5°N, and the maximum temperature located at the southern end of the transect (e.g. Figure 9a, Figure 10a). Surface mixing ratio along the transects indicates local maxima just north of 35.5° N and at about 34.75°N and a decrease in surface moisture towards the southern extreme of the transects (Figure 9b). The P-3 aircraft that carried ESTAR also contained the Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE; Browell et al., 1997) which is a water vapour differential absorption lidar (DIAL). The depth of the ABL is determined from the LASE data as described in Davis et al. (2000). The ABL depth derived from the LASE data generally showed deeper ABL depths in the south where the mesonet surface temperatures were higher and mixing ratios were lower. 17 5. Results Overall model accuracy in the ABL is evaluated first followed by sections which investigate the added value of more detailed soil moisture, more sophisticated physics, and the scale response to soil moisture heterogeneity. Results will focus on the 4-km model domain because the ESTAR data do not cover a significant portion of either the 12-km or 36km domain. The ESTAR-derived fluxes averaged to MM5 grid cells indicate latent heat flux peaking approximately 2.5-h later than sensible heat flux in the average over all 12 flux sites (Table II). The site-averaged maximum three-hour mean (MTHM) SHF was observed to occur at 1730 UTC compared to Slab runs that peak on average at about 1800 UTC (≈0.5 h late) and PLACE runs that peak at about 1900 UTC (≈1.5 h late). Slab model results were consistent with observations of site-averaged MTHM LHF occurring at ≈2000 UTC whereas PLACE model runs indicate a peak between 1600 and 1700 UTC (3-4 h early). Table II also shows that MTHM SHF is overestimated by 44 to 104 W m-2 with PLACE runs generally producing larger SHF than the Slab runs. LHF MTHM is overestimated by inline PLACE by 22 to 56 W m-2 whereas the Slab runs range from being nearly correct for SLABC to being underpredicted by 71 W m-2 for SLABOE. The observed and model mean values of ABL height over all nine aircraft transects are listed in Table III and the mean errors are shown in Table IV. The observed LASE ABL height over all nine transects (1500-1800 UTC) averages 1084 m but all of the model experiments underestimate this value by 121 to 368 m. The Slab runs predict mean ABL heights better than the inline PLACE experiments. The Slab run that utilizes ESTAR (SLABOE) does the best in predicting mean ABL depth with a mean error of -121 m while the subgrid inline-PLACE experiments (PLACEOE_S and PLACEOE_SN) produce the largest errors and strongly underpredict the height of the ABL with mean errors of -368 and - 18 362 m respectively. Based on Oklahoma Mesonet data, Table IV shows the mean surface temperature error along the transects ranges from -1.0 to +1.3 °C for all experiments, and all experiments underpredict the transect-mean surface water mixing ratio by 0.4 to 2.8 g kg-1. This surface bias in the model may be partially due to the strong vertical gradient in mixing ratio near the surface related to the superadiabatic layer that can not be resolved well by the model (Figure 8). Model results range from underpredicting ABL average LASE mixing ratio by 0.6 g kg-1 to overestimating ABL average mixing ratio by 1.1 g kg-1. Table IV shows that the experiment that best predicts ABL height (SLABOE) still underpredicts it by 121 m and yet overpredicts surface sensible heat flux by 55 W m-2 and surface temperature by 1.3 °C. Comparison of the closest observed sounding (Central Facility at Lamont, Oklahoma, Figure 8) with the skew-T from Exp. SLABOE (not shown), indicates that the moisture in the ABL is well mixed (except very near the surface) whereas the model skew-T moisture profile dries somewhat with height in the boundary layer. This moisture profile suggests that the model is not mixing as vigorously as the atmosphere on this day and this may have resulted in lower modelled ABL heights. Other work has shown that increasing the mixing length scales within the TKE scheme can reduce this tendency of the model to underestimate ABL mixing (Schroeder, 2002; Deng and Stauffer, 2004). Although Experiment SLABOE best predicts the ABL height, it underpredicts moisture fields such as surface latent heat flux (-67 W m-2), surface mixing ratio (-2.8 g kg-1), and ABL average mixing ratio (-0.6 g kg-1) and overpredicts surface sensible heat flux (≈55 W m-2). Consequently, surface latent heat flux is underpredicted in order to maintain surface energy balance. This suggests that perhaps the model runs that best predict ABL height such as SLABOE may have soil moistures that are still somewhat too dry which may be the result of not calibrating the conversion of soil moisture content to moisture availability. 19 Nevertheless, the spatial structures of the various model fields are still valuable for studying scale interactions and model sensitivities to more detailed soil moisture inputs. 5.1. UTILITY OF DETAILED SOIL MOISTURE INPUT The addition of offline-PLACE and ESTAR-derived soil moisture into the model initial conditions provides the MM5 with soil moisture data with different transect mean values as well as different spatial variations. Table III shows that the average soil moisture availability over all the transects in the Slab experiments changes little with the addition of the offline PLACE soil moisture in Exp. SLABO, as compared to the values in the default lookup tables in Exp. SLABC. However, average soil moisture availability decreases significantly (0.222 to 0.151) with the addition of the ESTAR soil moisture availability data in Exp. SLABOE. The inline PLACE runs also show a decrease in soil moisture content with the addition of ESTAR data (Exp. PLACEO to Exp. PLACEOE) but the decrease is not as significant. The dry and warm bias of Exp. SLABOE may indicate that the mean soil moisture availability is simply too low as suggested earlier. Although differences in model results due to different mean soil moisture can be important, this study focuses on the ability of the model to reproduce the “signatures” of various fields (i.e., their spatial structures, their local maxima and minima) as an important potential benefit of better soil moisture data. To quantitatively evaluate signature fit, the mean absolute error is calculated after removing the mean error and is referred to as an adjusted mean absolute error, with results summarized in Table V. The percentage reduction in the adjusted mean absolute error indicates a large improvement for surface temperature, surface mixing ratio, and surface latent and sensible heat flux with near neutral effects in ABL-average mixing ratio and ABL height with the addition of the ESTAR soil moisture data in the Slab experiments. Much smaller improvements due to ESTAR are found in the inline PLACE experiments. The improvements seen in LHF and SHF must be interpreted 20 carefully since the “observed” fluxes are based on the same soil moisture field used to drive the model fluxes. Subjective evaluation of spatial structure will focus on fields shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10 from aircraft transects 3 and 8. For example, one can see for transect 3 improvements in signature or trend due to the addition of ESTAR in surface mixing ratio (Figure 9b) and surface temperature (Figure 9a). The surface temperature improvements are particularly noticeable in the northern portion of the transect where the observations indicate nearly constant surface temperature but SLABO shows a gradient of 2.5 °C / degree latitude compared to a SLABOE gradient of less than 0.5°C / degree latitude. However, the model ABL height generally decreases southward between 36 and 35 N while the model and mesonet temperatures become cooler and have similar gradients, but the observed ABL height for transect 3 does not decrease southward. Although ABL height does not show clear improvements over this transect with the addition of ESTAR soil moisture data, subjective improvements are apparent on other transects such as transect 8. The mixed layer depth is often correlated with soil moisture and surface temperature. However, consider the transect 8 ABL height (Figure 10c) and soil moisture (Figure 10d) for Exps. SLABO and SLABOE. Although model and observations agree that ABL height is generally higher farther south where it is drier and warmer, the observed signature in ABL height with a secondary maximum near 37°N is not expected, with the locally higher soil moisture field there. This ABL feature is better simulated with the use of ESTAR soil moisture in SLABOE than without it in SLABO (and better simulated than with the ABL model of Part I). Surface temperature and mixing ratio patterns are also simulated better in SLABOE than SLABO. It should also be noted that less benefit from the ESTAR data is apparent near the edges of the ESTAR coverage at the ends of the transects as expected. 21 The secondary maximum in ABL height illustrates that local soil moisture alone cannot explain all of the observed boundary-layer structure in this case. Figure 11 shows the Exp. SLABOE potential temperature structure along this transect with its secondary maximum in ABL height towards the left (north). The secondary maximum in ABL height coincides with a region of maximum upward vertical motion (Figure 12) in the warm air and a baroclinic zone immediately to the north. This is evidence of a secondary circulation, although the along-transect wind does not reverse direction due to the strength of the background flow. This circulation appears to be the result of the soil moisture gradient observed near this location by ESTAR and utilized in Exp. SLABOE since Exp. SLABO, which differs from Exp. SLABOE only in the soil moisture used, shows only a very small secondary maximum in ABL at this location (Figure 10) and a much weaker secondary circulation (not shown). Thus the model produces an inland breeze circulation (e.g., Mahrt et al. 1994), forced by the surface moisture heterogeneity and consistent with the observed ABL structure. The Little Washita River Basin can be seen in the ESTAR derived soil moisture availability field seen in Figure 6 as the area of higher soil moisture availability near the southwestern edge of the ESTAR data region, but the offline PLACE resolution is too coarse to capture this. The flux site LW07 is located in this region and Figure 13 shows that SLABOE does much better in modelling the SHF and LHF here than SLABO. These Little Washita flux values are representative of a local effect and indicate the potential benefit of high resolution soil moisture to predicted surface variables such as fluxes. 5.2. UTILITY OF MORE SOPHISTICATED PHYSICS Inline-PLACE explicitly models processes not included in the Slab MM5 experiments and thus provides the possibility for more accurate representation of land surface processes 22 by allowing for temporally varying soil moisture. Differences between MM5-PLACE and MM5-Slab can be seen in Table IV, which shows the mean error (ME) statistics, and Table VI, which indicates the mean absolute errors. First, note that because the ESTAR data are used only as initial conditions in inline PLACE, its influence is much less than that in Slab. This can be seen by comparing differences between Experiments SLABO and SLABOE with those between PLACEO and PLACEOE in Table IV. Also note the differences in ME between MM5-PLACE and MM5-Slab experiments. The magnitude of the mean sensible heat flux error in PLACEO (16 W m-2) is approximately the same as that in SLABO (15 W m-2), but the sensible heat fluxes in PLACEO and PLACEOE MTHM peak ≈1.5 h late (≈1900 UTC) compared to 0.5 h late (≈1800 UTC) for SLABO and SLABOE (Table II). The inline PLACE runs more closely match observed surface temperatures than their Slab counterparts in the mean. Experiment PLACEO is only slightly too cold (-0.2 °C) contrasted to SLABO’s somewhat larger warm bias (+0.7 °C), and PLACEOE is slightly warm (+0.1 °C) compared to SLABOE’s more substantial warm bias (+1.3 °C). In spite of this, PLACE experiment ABL heights are significantly worse than those in corresponding Slab experiments. The latent heat flux was nearly correct for SLABO (mean error -5 W m-2) and much smaller for SLABOE (mean error -67 W m-2) but was too high for both PLACEO and PLACEOE (mean error +49 and +39 W m-2 respectively). The MTHM LHF peaks occur ≈4 h early (≈1600 UTC) for PLACEO and PLACEOE in contrast to the Slab experiments which on average peak very close to the observations (≈2000 UTC; Table II). As compared to the Slab experiments, surface and ABL mixing ratios are higher in the inline PLACE experiments with the surface still too dry but the ABL now too moist. Summarizing the MM5-PLACE versus MM5-Slab differences, the inline PLACE makes the model ABL too moist and cools the surface temperatures such that they are closer to observations, but this results in a predicted ABL height much lower than that in Slab and 23 thus even lower than observations. In comparing MM5-PLACE and MM5-Slab, the “signature” spatial structure for surface sensible and latent heat flux, surface mixing ratio, and surface temperature for MM5-PLACE fits the observed signatures more poorly than the MM5-Slab experiments (Table V). These differences between MM5-Slab and MM5-PLACE motivated further attempts to improve the results of MM5-PLACE. As indicated in Section 3.2, NDVI data are utilized to determine vegetative fraction and LAI for Exps. PLACEOE_N and PLACEOE_SN. The addition of NDVI data does not significantly affect the mean errors (Table IV) and so does not significantly improve or degrade the model results, including mean absolute errors. As was discussed in Section 4, surface fluxes appear to be more strongly correlated with soil moisture than NDVI for 12 July 1997 in this region as reported by Part I, which is consistent with the minimal effect of NDVI data in this case. The addition of subgrid variations in soil moisture (Exp. PLACEOE_S), however, generally increases the mean errors (Table IV) as well as the mean absolute errors (not shown). Larger mean errors are seen in PLACEOE_S versus PLACEOE sensible heat flux (43 W m-2 vs. -5 W m-2), surface temperature (-1.0 °C vs. +0.1 °C), latent heat flux (+95 W m2 vs. +39 W m-2), ABL average moisture (+1.1 g kg-1 vs. +0.3 g kg-1), and ABL height (-368 m vs. -258 m). The timing of the SHF MTHM showed little change whereas a slight improvement was seen in the LHF MTHM with mean error decreasing from ≈-4.0 h to ≈-3.5 h (Table II). Surface mixing ratio is also improved (Table IV) but there is not a clear overall improvement in the simulations with the addition of subgrid soil moisture data. 5.3. SCALE RESPONSE TO SOIL MOISTURE HETEROGENEITY Since SLABOE has the best soil moisture input and reproduces the spatial “signature” of model fields well, it will be used to examine the atmospheric response to surface heterogeneities from the smallest resolvable scale (~10’s of km) to larger scales (~100’s of 24 km). Observations in this study indicate that surface temperature is generally positively correlated with ABL height on scales of 100’s of kilometres and indicate that surface mixing ratio and ABL-average mixing ratio are negatively correlated with ABL height as expected since available moisture will mix through a larger volume if ABL height is higher. Transect 8 is of particular interest because it is one of the longer transects, providing more spatial coverage, as well as being one of the later transects (≈1800 UTC), and thus providing data when surface heterogeneities have had longer to influence the ABL. Transect 3 is also examined since it covers the southern section of transect 8 two hours earlier. The ESTAR soil moisture (used by SLABOE) indicates that soil moisture shows a decrease from north to south (Figure 10d). As expected, surface temperature and ABL height also generally increase toward the south (Figure 10a,c) and surface and ABL averaged mixing ratios decrease towards the south (Figure 10b and Figure 14). The strong gradients in some fields (e.g., ABL height; Figure 10c) at the southern boundary are not well represented in the model, possibly due to the proximity of the edge of the ESTAR data region. Note that not all features that occur in the detailed soil moisture field are reflected in these other fields, thus suggesting some scale at which heterogeneities in soil moisture become significant for affecting the low-level atmospheric structure. Even though soil moisture is low and relatively uniform to the south of 36.5° N in SLABOE (Figure 10d), noticeably lower ABL-average mixing ratios (Figure 14) and higher ABL heights (Figure 10c) are seen between 34.5 and 35° N, indicating that the spatial structure of ABL properties is dependent on other factors besides surface moisture. These factors may include the depth of the ABL, local gradients, local winds, and advection. In general, however, one sees that a large scale (here ~400 km) soil moisture gradient results in similar large scale gradients in surface fields and to a lesser degree ABL fields. The area of higher resolution ESTAR soil moisture is clearly visible in the modelled 25 surface flux fields (Figure 15), but the scale of the heterogeneity in the ABL height field is much larger than that of the surface fluxes (Figure 16). Surface fluxes are clearly affected by small scale soil moisture features as partially demonstrated by the LW07 flux evaluation and discussed in Section 5.1. If the soil moisture feature is “small” (10’s of km) it may not noticeably affect other variables such as ABL depth or ABL average mixing ratio. Examining transect 3 suggests that features such as the local maximum in soil moisture availability at about 36.1° N (Figure 9d) with an approximate width of 18 km do not appear to have a noticeable signature in the observed mesonet surface mixing ratio (Figure 9b) or temperature (Figure 9a) but this may be due to the limited resolution of the mesonet stations. The SLABOE model surface mixing ratio (surface temperature) does appear to show a very small local maximum (minimum) near this location. The higher resolution of the LASE ABL-average mixing ratio (not shown) and ABL height fields (Figure 9c) may show some effect from this local maximum but these fields are less likely to show a difference because vertical mixing strongly influences them. Another soil moisture maximum is seen in Figure 9d along transect 3 at approximately 34.9° N and is about 20 km in length. Observations (Figure 9b) and SLABOE show a local maximum surface mixing ratio at this location but a relatively constant mesonet surface temperature (Figure 9a). SLABOE appears to simulate a local minimum in surface temperature near this location. The ABL height and ABL-averaged mixing ratio are again not as noticeably affected by this small-scale soil moisture maximum. The largest surface moisture anomaly on transect 3 is approximately 30 km in length and located in the area around 35.6° N where surface mixing ratio (Figure 9b) shows a clear maximum in observations and SLABOE. Experiment SLABOE and the mesonet also show a local minimum surface temperature near this soil moisture maximum (Figure 9a). The observed ABL height trend (Figure 9c) shows a clear local minimum in transect 3 at 35.6° N 26 and extending further north to 35.8° N (downwind) while SLABOE shows ABL height to be lower than that just north of the soil moisture maximum. Two hours later, part of transect 8 covered the same area as transect 3 and the features at 35.6 and 34.9°N can be seen again (Figure 10d). The observed ABL height (Figure 10c) may also be showing the effects of these two soil moisture maxima. The 4-km smoothed ABL height field shows a relative minimum immediately downwind (northward) of 35.6° N. Also, there is a large gradient in observed ABL height towards the south at the southern end of the cross section that becomes flat with a local minimum just downwind of the 34.9° N soil moisture maximum. Thus model results and observations suggest that small-scale soil moisture maxima may be causing small-scale features in surface and ABL structure in these regions, although the signals are rather subtle. 6. Summary and Recommendations for Future Research This study investigated the potential benefits on simulated ABL structure of a better specification of soil moisture and related parameters within a mesoscale model with different land-surface physics options. In general, comparisons between experiments revealed a large degree of intervariable consistency, where changes in one variable were usually accompanied by the expected changes in other variables. It was found that slightly overheating the model surface (≈1 °C) was necessary to approach observed ABL height in this case. This may be caused by too little parameterized mixing which may be mitigated in the future through increasing the mixing length scales in the TKE ABL parameterization (Deng and Stauffer, 2004). Offline PLACE LSM soil moisture values compared well with grid-averaged ESTAR on 12 July 1997 and validated ESTAR as an attractive source of high-resolution soil moisture data. The addition of more detailed ESTAR soil moisture produced noticeable improvements in the model’s representation of surface temperature and mixing ratio gradients. Gradients in 27 fields strongly affected by mixing such as ABL height and ABL average mixing ratio showed smaller, more subtle differences due to the addition of ESTAR. Mean model fields other than ABL height were not generally improved by ESTAR but this may be due to model biases related to the soil moisture content to soil moisture availability conversion, because no calibration of the surface fluxes with the moisture availability was done. Ignoring the biases in the model-simulated fields revealed much improved spatial structures in the experiments using ESTAR. This improvement included a local maximum in model ABL height in one transect due to a mesoscale circulation (inland breeze). This demonstrates an advantage of using a 3D mesoscale model rather than a 1D ABL model that is unable to recreate features such as local circulations (as in Part I). Although PLACE provided more sophisticated land-surface physics, the coupled MM5-PLACE experiments in general did not match observations as well as experiments using the simpler force-restore Slab model. This result emphasizes the difficulties involved in effectively utilizing a LSM in a mesoscale model due to the additional input parameters that must be well defined in order to produce improved model output. Attempts were made unsuccessfully to improve MM5-PLACE results through better specification of LAI, vegetative fraction, and subgrid effects. Large-scale differences (~100’s of kilometres) in soil moisture were often associated with expected atmospheric responses in the model and observations such as deeper, drier boundary layers along with higher surface temperatures and larger Bowen ratios under drier soil moisture conditions. Homogenization of the ABL apparently resulting from vertical mixing and advective effects minimizes the atmospheric structure caused by smaller scale (~10’s of kilometres) surface moisture anomalies. Nevertheless, it appears that observed and modelled surface mixing ratio and temperature were affected by small-scale soil moisture features at least 20 km in length as long as the magnitude of the soil moisture maximum was 28 sufficiently large. The effects of these 20- and even 30-km soil moisture features on ABL height are more subtle but generally consistent with the anomalies in surface temperature, surface mixing ratio, and the prevailing low-level wind direction. It should be noted that the results of this paper are based on one case day involving limited vegetation and generally cloud-free conditions. Generalization of the results found here would involve further exploration of the scale interactions between surface and atmospheric properties, particularly through field campaigns such as the International H2O Project (IHOP; Weckwerth et al. 2004). Although ESTAR data are not available for IHOP, a multitude of other data should allow for detailed study of surface-atmospheric interactions over multiple case days. 29 Acknowledgments The authors thank Ricardo Muñoz for providing both the coupled MM5-PLACE model and the offline PLACE results and Peter Wetzel for assistance with PLACE parameter specifications. The authors also acknowledge George Young for helpful discussions. Funding for this research was provided by NASA Grant NAG5-8735 and Oklahoma Mesonet data was provided through this grant. 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The dominant soil moisture availability values are 0.15 (72% of cells), 0.25 (9% of cells), and 0.30 (16% of cells). Figure 4. Soil moisture availability derived from soil moisture content predicted by offline PLACE for 11-12 July 1997 and interpolated to the 4-km model domain. Outline shows area of ESTAR coverage. Figure 5. ESTAR derived soil moisture content (%) for 12 July 1997. Figure 6. Soil moisture availability for the 4-km domain on 12 July 1997 resulting from the use of ESTAR data where available and offline PLACE data elsewhere. The outline shows the approximate area that contains ESTAR data. Figure 7. Soil moisture content comparison between 12 July 1997 ESTAR data (≈1400-1900 UTC) and 1500 UTC 12 July 1997 Offline PLACE (layers one and two averaged) both processed to the 4-km MM5 model domain. Each point plotted represents the soil moisture averaged across the east-west width of the ESTAR data area. Figure 8. Soundings taken at the ARM-CART Central Facility on 12 July 1997 at (a) 1428 UTC, (b) 1727 UTC, and (c) 2027 UTC. Wind is represented as in the standard station model with one full barb indicating 5 ms-1. 42 Figure 9. Model-predicted transects for Exps. SLABO and SLABOE at t = 16 h (1600 UTC 12 July 1997) along transect 3. (a) surface temperature (°C) compared to Oklahoma Mesonet, (b) surface mixing ratio (g kg-1) compared to Oklahoma Mesonet, (c) diagnosed ABL height (m) compared to LASE observations, and (d) soil moisture availability. Figure 10. Model-predicted transects for Exps. SLABO and SLABOE at t = 18 h (1800 UTC 12 July 1997) along transect 8. (a) surface temperature (°C) compared to Oklahoma Mesonet, (b) surface mixing ratio (g kg-1) compared to Oklahoma Mesonet, (c) diagnosed ABL height (m) compared to LASE observations, and (d) soil moisture availability. Figure 11. Model-predicted cross section of potential temperature (K) for Exp. SLABOE at t = 18 h (1800 UTC 12 July 1997) along transect 8. Potential temperature contours are solid lines (contour interval of 0.5 K) and the heavy dashed line indicates the top of the modeldiagnosed ABL. Figure 12. Model-predicted cross section of vertical motion (ms-1) for Exp. SLABOE at t = 18 h (1800 UTC 12 July 1997) along transect 8. Vertical motion contours (contour interval of 0.1 ms-1) with solid contours representing neutral and upward motion and dashed contours representing downward motion. The heavy dashed line indicates the top of the modeldiagnosed ABL. Figure 13. Observed and model-predicted surface fluxes (W m-2) (a) sensible heat flux and (b) latent heat flux at Little Washita River Basin (LW07) at t = 13-22 h (1300-2200 UTC 12 July 1997) for Exps. SLABO and SLABOE. Figure 14. Observed and model-predicted Exp. SLABOE boundary layer averaged mixing ratio at t = 18 h (1800 UTC 12 July 1997) along transect 8. Figure 15. Model-predicted surface fluxes (W m-2) for Exp. SLABOE at t = 18 h (1800 UTC 43 12 July 1997). (a) latent heat flux (W m-2) and (b) sensible heat flux (W m-2) at 1800 UTC 12 July 1997. Contour interval is 100 W m-2 and heavy solid line indicates the location of transect 8. Figure 16. Model-predicted ABL height (m) for Exp. SLABOE at t = 18 h (1800 UTC 12 July 1997). Contour interval is 200 m and heavy solid line indicates the location of transect 8. SLABOE PLACEO PLACEOE PLACEOE_N PLACEOE_S PLACEOE_SN X X X X X X X X X SLABO SLABC X X X Name X 4 12 Experiment 36 Resolution (km) X X PLACE Table X Offline Lookup X X X X X PLACE+ESTAR Offline Initial Soil Moisture Table I. Experimental Design. X X X Slab X X X X X PLACE Land Surface X X Yes X X X X X X No Subgrid Var. X X Yes X X X X X X No NDVI 44 45 Table II. Site-averaged maximum three hour mean (MTHM) surface heat flux timing and magnitude. Site-Averaged MTHM Surface Heat Flux Timing (UTC) Magnitude (W m-2) SHF LHF SHF LHF SLABC 1800 2000 289 364 SLABO 1800 1950 296 338 SLABOE 1810 2000 328 292 PLACEO 1920 1610 347 385 PLACEOE 1850 1620 336 393 PLACEOE_N 1930 1620 335 408 PLACEOE_S 1900 1650 287 419 PLACEOE_SN 1910 1650 293 419 Observed 1730 2010 243 363 46 Table III. Model and observed mean values over all the transects. Soil moisture availability (SMA) is denoted by the “*” superscript and soil moisture content (SMC) is denoted by the superscript “+”. Mean Values SLABC SLABO SLABOE PLACEO PLACEOE PLACEOE_N PLACEOE_S PLACEOE_SN Observations SHF Sfc. Temp ABL Ht. LHF Sfc. QV ABL QV SMA* Wm-2 C m W m-2 g kg-1 g kg-1 SMC+ 258 251 290 220 230 228 192 192 236 30.1 31.4 32.0 30.5 30.8 30.8 29.7 29.7 30.7 831 893 964 805 827 828 717 722 1084 268 261 199 315 305 309 361 362 266 16.2 15.0 14.5 16.0 15.7 15.7 16.8 16.7 17.2 15.0 13.8 13.4 14.6 14.4 14.4 15.1 15.1 14.1 0.216* 0.222* 0.151* 0.215+ 0.200+ 0.201+ 0.193+ 0.193+ X 47 Table IV. Model mean errors and observed mean values over all the transects. Mean Errors SHF W m-2 SLABC SLABO SLABOE PLACEO PLACEOE PLACEOE_N PLACEOE_S PLACEOE_SN Observations 22 15 55 -16 -5 -7 -43 -44 236 Sfc. Temp ABL Ht. C -0.6 0.7 1.3 -0.2 0.1 0.1 -1.0 -1.0 30.7 m -253 -191 -121 -279 -258 -256 -368 -362 1084 LHF Sfc. QV ABL QV W m-2 g kg-1 g kg-1 2 -5 -67 49 39 43 95 96 266 -1.1 -2.2 -2.8 -1.3 -1.5 -1.5 -0.4 -0.5 17.2 0.9 -0.2 -0.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 1.1 1.0 14.1 48 Table V. Adjusted mean absolute error over all of the transects after adjustment to eliminate mean error. The percent reduction (%R) in error due to the addition of ESTAR is shown by positive values. Adjusted Mean Absolute Error SLABO SLABOE %R PLACEO PLACEOE %R SHF (W m-2) 77.0 29.6 62 118.2 114.6 3 -2 LHF (W m ) 94.1 38.3 59 150.6 147.3 2 0.82 0.44 46 1.39 1.28 8 Sfc. Temp. (C) -1 Sfc. QV (g kg ) 0.87 0.73 16 1.35 1.28 5 -1 ABL Avg. QV (g kg ) 0.92 0.89 3 0.98 0.99 -1 ABL Height (m) 228 234 -3 212 213 0 49 Table VI. Model mean absolute errors and observed mean values over all the transects for experiments relevant to the examination of the differences between inline PLACE and Slab results. SHF W m-2 SLABO 15 SLABOE 55 PLACEO 119 PLACEOE 115 Obs. 236 Mean Absolute Errors Sfc. Temp ABL Ht. LHF C 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.3 30.7 m 283 254 322 302 1084 W m-2 95 82 154 148 266 Sfc. QV g kg-1 2.3 2.8 1.8 1.9 17.2 ABL QV g kg-1 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.0 14.1