Universal Competencies A. Protects the patient from physical harm Midterm 1. Identifies client before engaging in any proposed care plan June 15: Checked client’s identification by asking for employee ID card prior to B/P & PAD screening. . 2. Protects the patient/client from physical harm at all times Identifies potential safety threats in the clinical setting and proposes solutions for safety. May 12; while on a tour of the facility I noted that the AED’s had passed the expiry date and I informed the Occupational Health Office. Takes preventative action within any clinical setting — on actual threats to client safety, safety devices are in place. Is able, when asked, to state agency safety procedures. May 31: I was able to correctly inform the safety officer about what to do in case of a fire at the plant. Follows body substance precautions. Met Not Met Met Not Met Not Met Met Not Met X X X Met B. Protects the patient/client and significant others from psychological harm. a. Uses CNO guidelines for standards of practice, ethical framework, and consent to treatment and nurse/client therapeutic relationship in clinical practice. June 17: While counseling a client about the importance of maintaining her diabetic diet, I actively listened and did not criticize her failure to comply previously. I asked for her input as to how we could make thing easier for her to follow the recommended food regimen. She asked many questions and I explained and had her tell me in her own words so that I knew she understood. Final X Comments: 1. Ensure that your example is specific and relevant to the competency. Read each competency carefully before you write the example. 2. Date each entry as in the above examples. 3. Write in a different colour of ink. I usually respond in red ink so avoid that colour. 4. For competencies such as # 14, you do not need an example for each bullet point. Only respond to those that are relevant for your placement and experience. However for each of the 51 competencies, you will need to provide an at least one example. The lists are provided to give you some assistance in formulating your examples. 5. Once I have read your CPE, I will make recommendations if necessary and ask you to make the corrections. These comments will appear on your returned CPE directly below the example. Be sure to watch your email for notification that there is an assignment in the Drop Box. 6. Once your example is OK, I will initial it. Then I will direct you to change the ink to black and, erase my comments. At Midterm and at Final Evaluation, you will place an “X” in the appropriate column. At Midterm that is the “Meeting” Column and at Final that will be the “Met” Column. The Columns “Not Meeting” and “Not Met” indicate a problem. These do not mean that you have not had an opportunity to provide an experience for a competency. Leave that column blank if you have not had a chance to meet the competency. We will look at any problem areas together. 7. We will continue in this manner until you have met all the competencies. Unless a problem arises during your clinical experience, once you have met a competency it is essentially completed. However, you may provide as many examples as you wish. 8. All CPE forms are to be placed in the Drop Box on Clew in your folder. I will return your CPE to the folder in which it was submitted. 9. At the completion of the semester, you will submit the entire CPE to the Drop Box in my site and to the Assignment section on the main site (Prof. Yiu’s site). 10. If you are having difficulty with meeting any of the competencies, let me know and I can help you with the interpretation. Sometimes you will have to think outside of your placement area— for example, during clinical conferences and within the community at large.