St Michaels vision refresh output - St Michael's C.E. (C) Primary School

St Michael’s School – Refresh the Vision – 6th September 2010
Excited about learning
Why important:
We are committed to providing an exciting Learning – core purpose
learning experience rooted in Christian
Christian values – Church school
values, enabling all children to be the best
Potential – self esteem and confidence
that they can
Do things the St
Why important:
Behaviours and actions:
Michael’s way!
 To empower risk taking  To ensure a common and
consistent approach to learning
 To instil a love of
For the “St
and teaching
learning that will last a
Michael’s Way” to
 To continually reflect and
be celebrated as an  To lead instead of
evaluate to improve what we do
 To ensure the curriculum,
ambitious and
environment and teaching style
 To create an
creative approach to
provide space and opportunity
environment for
learning and
for innovation
learning that others
aspire to
 Reach for the stars. To release the full potential of all members of the learning
 To develop the “St Michael’s Way” which applies excellence in all areas (systems,
practices and procedures) which others aspire to
 To evaluate ourselves as continuously ‘outstanding’
 To enjoy learning
 To be recognised as innovative, ambitious and create risk-takers
Unique, valued
Why important:
Behaviours and actions:
individuals achieving
 Pupils and staff feel
 Team building activities
fulfilled and happy in
 Confidence to change to
their environment in
meet needs of individuals
 Happy school
order to achieve more
and give people ownership
community; secure,
 Recognise and celebrate
of decisions
confident individuals
individual talents
 Respect each others’ skills
 Reaching potential,
 Celebrate change
and abilities
 To inspire a love of life Celebrating and valuing
 Celebrating diversity
long learning
individual characters
 To enable all children to realise their potential
 To reflect, adapt and celebrate change. The face the future with confidence.
 To ensure that all children are happy and secure
 Celebrating diversity so that every person feels special and valued
 To be one big family and to understand that everyone is special in their own way
Effective 2-way
To be so effective
in communication
that all members of
the school family
have access to all
Why important:
To ensure clarify of info
Staff morale
Parent relationships
Organisation and running
of the school
Safety, negotiation
Behaviours and actions:
 ‘Letter boxes’ for info
 Keep LP updated
 Keep school website updated
 Meetings but all stakeholders
together (1 x term)
 Letters (but not too many)
 Consistent School Council
 Ensure understanding and  Electronic info screen in school
information and a
feelings of value
valued voice
 To be so effective in communication that all members of the school family have access
to all relevant information and a valued voice
 Achieve excellence in learning, assessment and communication through the Learning
 To use modern technologies to improve the efficiency of communication to inform
and engage our whole school community
St Michael’s: an asset
Why important;
Behaviours and actions:
to the community
 Establish links with newspapers
 Reputation
 Promote ourselves within the
To be widely
 Respected
recognised and a
 Recognised
 Being the best we can
valued member of the
 To have a voice
 Revamp family newsletter
community by
 Keeping the website and learning
platform up to date
demonstrating the
 Continue and look for new links
impact on children’s
within the community
 Effectively communicate the impact of our involvement within the community → the
envy of other schools
 To encourage standards of respect and behaviour which make our school a key
member of the community
 To be a widely recognised and valued member of the community
Resource, create,
Why important:
Behaviours and actions:
 A creative curriculum
 Parent audit (what skills can
they share)
 Interesting learning
To enhance the
 Somebody to take
curriculum by being
responsibility for community
 Community cohesion
creative and innovative  Tight budget
projects (free contributions to
in the sourcing and use  To utilise resources we
school e.g. Tesco, Co-Op),
of resources
 Audit existing resources in
whole school
 Be creative and efficient with all resources available, to maximise return with
minimum waste
 To involve all stakeholders in the provision and use of resources
 Excite and engage everybody as learners through creative and effective use of
resources every day
Why important:
Behaviours and actions:
We care for one another in  Because we want to be
 Compassion
school, our community and
treated kindly so treat
 Justice
the wider world
others in that way
Why important:
Behaviours and actions:
We respect one another
 Develops relationships
 Trust
and act with trust and
and happiness
 Respect
 Honesty
 Humility
Why important:
We believe in ourselves
 So we can live life to the
and strive to be the best we
full in our God-given
can be
 Resilience
 Wisdom
 Respect
 Honesty
 Inspire
 Friendship and fellowship within a Christian ethos
 To believe in ourselves and be the best we can be!!
Behaviours and actions:
 Hope
 Self-belief
 Inspiration