The linux operating system has multi-user as well as multi-tasking features that are designed to mimic the POSIX implementation of the Unix standard. To log into your new system, type 'user1' at the login: prompt. Enter 'password' at the password prompt. This is also the root password on the default installation. You can experiment with the multi-user feature by pressing the alt and F2 keys at the same time to log into a second "virtual console". Log-in as 'user1' again and press enter. Now type 'top' and press enter. System resources and running tasks should be displayed. To exit top just type 'q' for quit. You may press alt-F1 to return to the first console. When you are finished using Linux, you need to shut down properly to avoid losing information and corrupting file systems. From the command prompt type 'halt' and press enter. Typing 'halt' and pressing enter will shut down the system so you can turn it off manually at the System halted message. The 'reboot' command will restart the machine after performing the shut down routine. Most people only access the root account when necessary because Linux will execute any valid command from root. If the command is misformed or unintended, it may damage the system to the point of no repair AND no data recovery. Remember, there is no undelete in Linux. One of the tasks requiring root access is to add a new user account. To add your personal account, type 'useradd' as root and give your new account your own login name. You can accept the default user groups and id numbers by just pressing enter when prompted. Be sure to give all of your accounts passwords for security purposes. Type 'man passwd' and enter to view the manual page on how to do it. Manual pages are intentionally terse because most people reference them to check command syntax and parameters. An important thing to remember about Linux is that its command syntax mimics unix. This means that all commands and file names are case sensitive. For example: FILE, FILe, FIle, File, and file are all different filenames. Likewise, directories are separated by forward slashes rather than the back slashes used in dos. To list directory contents with file attributes, use the command 'ls -la'. The following commands are but a small sample of those available on your system. To get more information, simply use the man command followed by the command name. For example, 'man ls' will display the manual page on the list command. ls -(lower case L, lower case S) list the contents of the current directory if no directory is specified cd -changes to the specified directory. A / must be affixed to the beginning of an absolute path less -displays specified text file with forward and backwards scrolling man -displays manual page of specified command cp -copies specified file to specified location. Also allows renaming of file mv -moves specified file to specified location while removing original file. Also allows renaming rm -removes specified files. mc -invokes Midnight Commander shell that provides features of the above commands through a graphical interface startx -invokes the twm window manager after configuring with the root 'setup' command passwd -changes the account password to restrict access reboot bootstrap halt -shutdowns system and initiates restart of the bios -shutdowns system and indicates when ready for manual power cycling. Commands available to root only useradd mount different -adds user access to system -mounts devices such as cdroms, floppy drives, and hard drive partitions to make them accessible by the filesystem umount -unmounts devices to allow changing removable media setup -system configuration utility DOCUMENTATION More documentation is available in the /usr/share/doc directory of the system and under the /docs directory on the cdrom. There is a Linux documentation project on the internet as well as sites maintained by the developers of the Fedora Linux distribution. and