OCR A2 UNIT F214 COMMUNICATION Specification: 1. Outline the need for communication systems within multicellular organisms, with reference to the need to respond to changes in the internal and external environment and to co-ordinate the activities of different organs 2. State that cells need to communicate with each other by a process called cell signalling 3. State that neuronal and hormonal systems are examples of cell signalling 4. Define the terms negative feedback, positive feedback and homeostasis 5. Explain the principles of homeostasis in terms of receptors, effectors and negative feedback 6. Describe the physiological and behavioural responses that maintain a constant core body temperature in ectotherms and endotherms, with reference to peripheral temperature receptors, the hypothalamus and effectors in skin and muscles Why Multicellular Organisms need Communication Systems The majority of animals and plants are multicellular with different organs and tissues carrying out specific functions To ensure that these organisms are efficient, it is vital that the activities of different cells, tissues and organs are co-ordinated Cell signalling and interactions between cells, tissues and organs was referenced in unit F211 In this section, the emphasis is on cells detecting changes in the external or internal environment (stimuli) so that a response can be brought about In multicellular animals, the endocrine system (hormone production) and the nervous system are responsible for co-ordinating the activities of different cells, tissues and organs In multicellular plants there is no nervous system but plant cells do produce chemicals with hormone type effects called plant growth regulators (this is covered in F215) 1 Co-ordination between cells, tissues and organs depends upon cell signalling. This is the communication between cells so that they work together to coordinate the activities of different organs to bring about a response In multicellular animals, coordination brought about by the nervous system and the endocrine system works by cell signalling Definitions: TERM Homeostasis DEFINITION Maintenance of a constant internal environment of an organism within narrow limits, despite greater fluctuations in the external environment This refers to the air, water or soil environment that living organisms are exposed to. A change in this environment may cause a living organism stress eg temperature changes In multicellular animals, the blood and tissue fluid bathe cells and are the immediate environment around cells A mechanism to ensure that any change from the optimum condition in the internal environment is detected, corrected and returned to the optimum, constant/steady state condition This mechanism is less common. It occurs when a change in the optimum condition is detected and moved further away from the constant/steady state condition A change in the internal or external environment that causes a response Receptors may be cells or molecules within plasma membranes that detect a change from the internal optimum steady state condition (detect a stimulus) A change in behaviour or physiology as a result of the environmental change (stimulus) Effectors are cells, tissues or organs that respond to cell signalling and bring about a change to maintain the optimum condition (this response would involve the negative feedback mechanism) External environment Internal environment Negative feedback Positive feedback Stimulus Receptor Response Effector 2 Features of an Efficient Communication System in Multicellular Animals Cover the whole organism Allow cell to cell communication Allow specific communication Allow rapid communication Result in both short term and long term responses Some Physiological Factors that must be controlled in Mammals Physiological Factor Reason for Control Organs detecting Changes Effector Organs Core body temperature Blood plasma glucose concentration Blood plasma water potential Blood pressure Blood plasma CO2 and urea concentrations 3 Co-ordinating Systems Feedback Mechanism Principles of Negative Feedback This feedback mechanism involves the following cell signalling processes: Stimulus Receptor Communication Pathway Effector Response (nervous or hormonal systems) Principles of Positive Feedback Positive feedback may be beneficial or harmful. Some examples are detailed below Beneficial Positive Feedback Mechanisms - Effect of Oxytocin in Childbirth and Breast Feeding Oxytocin is a hormone secreted from the posterior pituitary gland Oxytocin causes contractions of the uterus muscles that start labour, at the end of pregnancy Although oxytocin causes the uterine muscle contractions, these muscle contractions (response) stimulate the release of more oxytocin 4 and this increased hormone release stimulates more uterine contractions Oxytocin also stimulates the release of milk from the nipples during breast feeding. The stimulus for this hormone release is the baby sucking the nipples. The more the baby sucks (stimulus) the more oxytocin is released and the more milk is ejected from the nipples Harmful Positive Feedback Examples 1. Too Low Body Temperature Changes in body temperature change enzyme activity If body temperature is too low, enzyme activity will fall. The exergonic reactions (respiration) that release thermal energy will be slower and less heat will be released. The body will cool still further and enzyme reactions will be far too slow to support life 2. Too High Body Temperature If body temperature is too high, enzyme activity increases. The exergonic reactions in respiration that release thermal energy will be faster and more heat will be released. The body will heat up still further 3. Breathing in Air containing a High Concentration of CO2 Breathing in air containing a high concentration of CO2 increases the blood plasma CO2 concentration. Chemoreceptors detect the high plasma CO2 concentration. The response is to breathe more rapidly to remove the CO2 at a faster rate. In turn, more CO2 enters the blood causing the breathing to be even more rapid 5 Importance of Body Temperature Control Changes in body temperature affect the structure and activity of globular proteins including enzymes Comparison of Endotherms and Ectotherms – two groups of animals with different body temperature control mechanisms Comparative Feature Endotherms Ectotherms Types of animal Mammals and birds All animals except mammals and birds Are physiological methods used? Yes – many mechanisms are used Less likely Is change of metabolic rate a major part of temperature control? Are behavioural methods used? Yes No Yes A constant body temperature is maintained within narrow limits Yes Body temperature is maintained above external temperature Yes Yes – these are the main mechanisms for controlling body temperature. Ectotherms aim to maximise heat exchange directly with their environment No – body temperature fluctuates with changes in external environmental temperatures No Temperature Regulation (Thermoregulation) in Endotherms Mammals and birds are endotherms that maintain a constant body temperature within narrow limits Endotherms control their body temperature by both physiological and behavioural methods. Unlike ectotherms, they can alter their metabolic rate as a major part of their temperature control Endotherms balance heat input and heat output – as shown on page 7 6 Summary of Radiation, Conduction and Convection as Mechanisms of Heat Transfer 7 Physiological Mechanisms to Control Body Temperature of Endotherms Body Structure Involved Sweat glands in skin Response if Core* Body Temperature is too High Hairs on skin Arterioles leading to capillaries in skin Liver cells Skeletal muscles Lungs, mouth and nose Secrete more sweat onto skin Water in sweat evaporates using heat from blood to supply latent heat of vaporisation Erector muscles relax to flatten hairs against skin to reduce the insulating air layer (important in hairy mammals) More heat loss from skin by radiation and convection Vasodilation of arterioles allows more blood to flow into skin capillaries More heat radiated from skin Response if Core* Body Temperature is too Low Less sweat is secreted onto skin Less evaporation of water Less loss of latent heat Erector muscles contract to raise hairs to trap a layer of insulating air close to the skin (important in hairy mammals) Reduces heat loss from the skin Vasoconstriction of arterioles allows less blood to flow into skin capillaries Less heat is radiated from skin Rate of metabolism is Rate of metabolism is reduced increased (stimulated by adrenaline and thyroxine) Less heat generated from exergonic reactions More heat generated from such as respiration exergonic reactions such as respiration and transferred to the blood No spontaneous contractions Spontaneous contractions (shivering) generates heat as muscle cells respire more Panting increases evaporation No panting therefore less loss of of water from lungs, tongue latent heat and other moist surfaces, using latent heat of vaporisation Core body temperature is the temperature in body organs and tissues. The temperature control centre is in the hypothalamus and this monitors core body temperature 8 9 Behavioural Mechanisms to Control Body Temperature of Endotherms Behaviour if Too Hot Behaviour if Too Cold Move to shade or hide in a burrow Move into a warmer place– bask in the sun Orientate body to decrease surface area exposed to sun Orientate body to increase surface area exposed to sun and heat gain from radiation In shade, spread out limbs to increase surface area for heat loss by conduction and radiation In extreme cold, reduce body surface area by rolling into a ball to reduce heat losses by radiation and conduction. Humans can wrap their arms around them and huddle up Remain inactive to reduce internal heat generation Move about to generate heat in muscles Humans can wear fewer clothes Humans can put on more clothes to increase insulation of body surface Humans eat cool salads and drink iced drinks Humans can eat hot food or drink hot drinks Advantages and Disadvantages of Endothermy Advantages of Endothermy Disadvantages of Endothermy Maintains a constant body temperature despite fluctuating external temperatures A significant part of energy intake is needed to keep the body warm in colder climates Activity possible regardless of external temperatures Animal must consume more food to supply energy needs Enables mammals and birds to inhabit colder parts of the planet Less of the food consumed is used for growth 10 Control of Temperature Regulation The thermoregulatory control centre is in the hypothalamus, at the base of the brain Temperature receptors in the hypothalamus monitor blood temperature as blood flows through the organ and detect changes in core body temperature (for humans this should be 37oC) The hypothalamus also receives impulses from peripheral temperature receptors in the skin (see skin diagram page 9). This indicates to the hypothalamus that the external environment is very cold or very hot and is a warning that core body temperature may change shortly The hypothalamus sends nerve impulses along motor neurones to the muscles and liver to control internal heat input. Nerve impulses are also sent to the skin to control heat output Temperature Regulation in Ectotherms What types of animals are ectotherms? ............................................. ………………………………………………………………………………. Ectotherms obtain most of their body heat from the external environment. They do not generate large amounts of heat inside the body The body temperature of an ectotherm fluctuates with the external temperature. 11 Ectotherms mainly use ……………………. mechanisms to control their body temperature Temperature regulation relies upon increasing the exchange of heat with their environment Advantages of being an Ectotherm Use less food in respiration Disadvantages of being an Ectotherm Less active in cooler temperatures. Need to warm up in the morning to be active Need to find less food. Can survive for long periods without eating At greater risk of predation when less active More energy from food used for growth Will need energy stores to survive in the winter without eating Adaptation How it regulates temperature Example Expose body to sun/ lie on a warm surface to warm up More heat is absorbed by radiation/ conduction Orientate body to sun to warm up Exposes larger surface area Locust, Lizard for increased heat absorption Orientate body away from sun to cool down Less surface area exposed and less heat absorbed Locust Hide in a burrow to cool down Reduces heat absorption by keeping out of the sun Lizard Alter body shape by contracting or expanding its rib cage Exposes more or less surface area to the sun to increase or decrease heat absorption Horned lizard Increased breathing movements Evaporates more water. More heat loss through latent heat of evaporation Locust 12 Snake