VITA Meghan M. Parkinson Department of Human Development College of Education 3304 Benjamin Building University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 Tel (301) 405-1304 Fax (301) 405-2891 EDUCATION B.A., Psychology with Honors Minor in English Mount Holyoke College, 2003 Doctoral Program, Human Development Specialization in Educational Psychology University of Maryland, College Park Anticipated graduation 2010 RESEARCH INTERESTS I am interested in studying reading from a cognitive and motivational perspective. EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Date Institution Responsibilities Fall 2008-Present University of Maryland Instructor Language Development and Reading Acquisition EDHD 425 Plan and deliver classes; create syllabus, assignments, and exams. Fall 2007-2008 Univeristy of Maryland Instructor Lifespan Development—EDHD 320 Plan and deliver classes; create syllabus, assignments, and exams. Summer 2006— 2007 University of Maryland Graduate Assistant, Professional Development Schools Assisted the director of the program in efforts to facilitate the relationship between UMD and county schools. Fall 2005—2006 University of Maryland Graduate Assistant Conducted data collection, analyzed data, and wrote papers for several projects; assisted in teaching 2 sections of EDHD 425. Fall 2003—2005 University of Maryland Instructor Advocates for Children Colloquium—CPSP 118C Advocates for Children Colloquium—CPSP 259C Planned and delivered class lectures, activities, and discussions; created syllabus; created and graded assignments; advised students; chaperoned field trips (enrollment 75). Fall 2001—2003 Mount Holyoke College Laboratory Instructor Introduction to Psychology—PSYCH 100 Supervised lab activities; led lab discussions and introduced new material; graded exams and assignments; conducted review sessions (enrollment 15). Spring 2002 Mount Holyoke College Research Assistant Psycholinguistics Laboratory Assisted in research activities; coded digital data. EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Date Institution Responsibilities Spring 2009 Present University of Maryland Research Project Coordinator – Deconstructing Performance Judgments Disciplined Reading and Learning Research Lab Develop and organize research project on performance judgments. Responsible for data collection. Coordinate data analysis and writing responsibilities associated with the project. Spring 2009 Present University of Maryland Research Project Coordinator – Pre-service Teachers’ Developing Conceptions of Reading Comprehension Disciplined Reading and Learning Research Lab Develop and organize research project on preservice teachers. Coordinate data collection at two sites, data analysis, and writing responsibilities associated with the project. Fall 2008 Present University of Maryland Research Project Coordinator – Calibrating Calibration Disciplined Reading and Learning Research Lab Develop and organize review of existing literature on calibration. Coordinate analysis and writing responsibilities associated with the project. Spring 2008 Present University of Maryland Laboratory Team Member Disciplined Reading and Learning Research Lab Assist in ongoing research activities, including conceptualization, data collection, data analysis, and writing responsibilities. Fall 2005 Summer 2006 University of Maryland Research Project Coordinator – First Year Project Department of Human Development Developed and organized a research project on beginning readers’ phonemic awareness and reading self-concept. Coordinated data collection in schools, data analysis, and writing responsibilities. HONORS, AWARDS, and RECOGNITIONS Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship, awarded by the University of Maryland Graduate School, April 2009. Human Development Graduate Student Travel Award, awarded by the University of Maryland Department of Human Development, March 2009. SPARC Graduate Student Research Award, awarded by the University of Maryland College of Education, April, 2008. Lily East Conference Grant, awarded by the University of Maryland Center for Teaching Excellence, March, 2008. AERA Division C Graduate Student Seminar, April 2007, Chicago, IL. PUBLICATIONS Alexander, P. A., Dinsmore, D. L., Fox, W. E., Grossnickle, E. M., Loughlin, S. M., Maggioni, L., Parkinson, M. (2009). Higher-order thinking and knowledge: Domain-general and domain-specific trends and future directions. Manuscript in preparation. Dinsmore, D. L., Loughlin, S. M., Parkinson, M. M., & Alexander, P. A. (2008). The effects of persuasive text on metacognitive monitoring and strategic processing. Manuscript in preparation. Maggioni, L., & Parkinson, M. M. (2008). The role of teacher epistemic cognition, epistemic beliefs, and calibration in instruction. Educational Psychology Review, 20, 445-461. Parault, S. J., & Parkinson, M. M. (2008). Sound symbolic word learning in the middle grades. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, 647-671. Parault, S. J., Parkinson, M. M., & Rogers Haverback, H. (2008). Creating a classification system for the clues children encounter in narrative and expository text. Manuscript in preparation. Parkinson, M. M. (2009) "What did I learn?" and "How did I do?" The relation between metacognition and word learning. Manuscript in preparation. Parkinson, M. M., Dinsmore, D. L., & Alexander, P. A. (2008). Calibrating calibration. Data collection. Parkinson, M. M., Dinsmore, D. L., & Rogers Haverback, H. (2008). Deconstructing performance ratings. Data analysis. Parkinson, M. M., & Rogers Haverback, H. (2009). Preservice teachers' developing conceptions of reading comprehension. Data collection. Research in Progress Alexander, P. A., Chae, S. E., Dinsmore, D. L., Fox, E., Grossnickle, E. M., Loughlin, S. M., Maggioni, L., Parkinson, M. M., Winters, F. I. (in progress). Knowledge, information, and truth in an online world: Unraveling their relations in online contexts. Manuscript is under preparation. PRESENTATIONS Conferences Parkinson, M. M., Dinsmore, D. L., & Rogers Haverback, H. (2009, August) Deconstructing performance ratings. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto. Dinsmore, D. L., Loughlin, S. M., & Parkinson, M. M. (2009, April) Effects of reading persuasive text and thinking aloud on metacognition. In P. A. Alexander (Chair), Metawhat? Measuring Monitoring and Control. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego. Parkinson, M. M. (2009, April) "What did I learn?" and "How did I do?" The relation between metacognition and word learning. In P. A. Alexander (Chair), Meta-what? Measuring Monitoring and Control. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego. Parault, S. J., Rogers Haverback, H., & Parkinson, M. M. (2007, April) Creating a classification system for the clues children encounter in text. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Parkinson, M. M. (2006, July) Early reading self-concepts. Poster presented at the SELF Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. Parkinson, M. M., & Parault, S. J. (2006, July) Reading motivation and phonemic awareness in beginning readers. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC. Parault, S. J., Rogers Haverback, H., & Parkinson, M. M. (April, 2006) Context Clues and the Learning of Unknown Words: An Analysis of Text. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. Donnelly, J. A., & Parkinson, M. M. (2002, December) Do self-efficacy and goal behaviors differ between female athletes and non-athletes? Paper presented at Mount Holyoke College Psychology Department Senior Research Seminar, South Hadley, MA. Donnelly, J. A., & Parkinson, M. M. (2002, April) What are the effects of mood and state on verbal memory? Paper presented at Mount Holyoke College Undergradutate Psychology Conference, South Hadley, MA. Departmental Colloquia Maggioni, L., & Parkinson, M. M. (2008, December) The Role of Teacher Epistemic Cognition, Epistemic Beliefs, and Calibration in Instruction. Paper presented at the Educational Psychology Colloquium, College Park, MD. Parkinson, M. M. (2008, April) Adult Readers' Calibration of Word Learning. Project presented at the Educational Psychology Colloquium, College Park, MD. Parkinson, M. M. (2007, December) Factors Contributing to Readers' Calibration of Word Learning. Paper presented at the Department of Human Development's Research Team Colloquium, College Park, MD. Guest Lectures Perception and reading, 2008: Lecture to EDHD 460. Reading First Policy, 2006: Lecture to EDHD 230S. Intelligence and IQ Testing, 2006: Lecture to EDHD 460. SERVICE Service to Research Community Student Editorial Board Advisory Member, Fifty-eighth Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, 2009 Editorial Board, The New School Psychology Bulletin, 2008 - present Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal: TLHD, 2008 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2007, 2008 Conference Reviewer, National Reading Conference, 2008, 2009 Conference Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, 2006 - present Campus and Departmental Service AERA Division C department liaison, 2009 – present Presenter at the Great Expectations Campaign, 2008 Assistant Educational Psychology Colloquia Coordinator, 2006 College Park Scholars Service Day, 2003-2005 Community Service Children’s Developmental Clinic at the University of Maryland, Spring 2005 Read Across America Day, 2004, 2008 Massachusetts Career Development Institute Adult Basic Education Tutor, Fall 2002 PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Division 15, American Psychological Association American Educational Research Association, Division C Society for the Scientific Study of Reading National Reading Conference HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology