Unit 4: Ecosystem and Species Approach Chapter 10 Vocab Be able to identify the following – use your brain, book, dictionary, or computer 1. intrinsic value 2. aesthetic value 3. old-growth forest 4. tree farm 5. selective cutting 6. clear-cutting 7. strip cutting 8. creaming 9. government subsidies 10. sustainable forestry 11. surface fires 12. crown fires 13. ground fires 14. prescribed fires 15. Healthy Forests Restoration Act 16. peat bogs 17. debt-for-nature swap 18. conservation easement 19. Green Belt Movement 20. crossbreeding 21. overgrazing 22. riparian zones 23. inholdings 24. habitat corridors 25. biodiversity hot spots 26. restoration 27. rehabilitation 28. ecological restoration APES Chapter 10 Questions 1. How does the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone help make better habitat for trout? 2. How have human activities affected the earth’s biodiversity? 3. List the ecological services provided by forests. 4. List the economic services provided by forests. 5. Differentiate between an old-growth forest, a second-growth forest, and a tree farm. 6. List the harmful environmental effects of deforestation. 7. What is fuelwood? 8. Describe ways people can reduce the unsustainable harvesting of fuelwood trees. 9. What is bagasse? How is it helping people in Haiti? 10. What are the harmful effects of building logging roads? 11. Describe selective cutting? What is creaming? 12. List the advantages of clear-cutting a forest. 13. List the disadvantages of clear-cutting a forest. 14. What is the advantage of strip-cutting as compared to clear-cutting? 15. List 4 ways to manage forest more sustainably. 16. What is wrong with cutting down old-growth forests and replacing them with tree plantations? Explain. 17. Describe the three types of fires that can affect forest ecosystems. 18. List 4 ecological benefits of surface fires. 19. What is a prescribed fire? What are the benefits of prescribed fires? What is the controversy over prescribed fires? 20. Describe the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. 21. What is kenaf? How will kenaf help sustain forests? 22. How can people slow and reduce the deforestation and degradation of tropical forests? 23. Describe Kenya’s Green Belt Movement. 24. List ecological services provided by grasslands. 25. Differentiate between a rangeland and a pasture. 26. Describe the effects of overgrazing. 27. How can we manage rangelands sustainably? 28. Describe threats (stresses) faced by national parks. 29. What are habitat corridors? How are they used to help wildlife? 30. List ways you can help sustain terrestrial biodiversity. Ch. 11 Vocabulary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Endangered species Threatened species Hot spots Habitat island Habitat fragmentation 6. Environmental indicators 7. Feral 8. Precautionary approach 9. DDT 10. Bioaccumulation 11. Biomagnifications 12. Bushmeat APES Chapter 11 Questions 1. Describe the human activities which led to the extinction of the passenger pigeon. 2. Describe the three types of extinction. 3. Differentiate between an endangered species and a threatened species. 4. Describe different characteristics which make a species more vulnerable to extinction. (read what E.O. Wilson said) 5. Describe behavioral characteristics which causes the Key deer to get killed by cars. 6. List 5 species which have become prematurely extinct due to human activities. 7. What is the IUCN? What is its mission? 8. Why should we preserve wild species? Be descriptive. 9. Why should we care about bats? 10. What is ecotourism? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Explain. 11. What is HIPPO? 12. What is the greatest threat to wild species? 13. What is a habitat island? 14. Why are birds an excellent environmental indicator species? 15. Describe why the collapse of India’s Gyp vulture led to thousands of people in India to die from rabies. 16. List valuable introduced species which supply 98% of the U.S. food supply. 17. Describe problems associated with the deliberate introduction of feral boars and feral cats. 18. Describe the bioaccumulation and biomagnifications of DDT in the aquatic food chain. See p. 237 Fig. 11-15 19. Describe different wild species which are killed for their valuable parts and different species which are captured to be sold live to collectors. 20. How did the killing of prairie dogs lead to the endangerment of the black-footed ferret? 21. What is CITES? What is its purpose? 22. Describe the ESA and how it protects wild species. This is a long answer. 23. What is a habitat conservation plan? 24. How are gene and seed banks used to protect species? 25. What is a captive-breeding program? 26. How is reconciliation ecology protecting bluebirds? Unit 4 – Chapter 10: Ecosystem Approach **Case Study: Wolves & Yellowstone Endangered Species – Keystone species o o o How wolves have helped sustain biodiversity in Yellowstone. Human Impacts on Terrestrial Biodiversity 1. Human Population 2. Human Activities – 3. Direct Effects – 4. Indirect Effects – Why is BIODIVERSITY an important form of natural capital? Why should WE care about Biodiversity? Ecological Services of Forests 1. 2. 3. Economic Services of Forests 1. 3. 2. 3 Major Types of Forest 1. 2. 3. Old-Growth Forest – Second-Growth Forest – Tree Plantation – Natural Capital Degradation – Deforestation 1. 2. 3. **Case Study: Deforestation and the Fuelwood Crisis Half the people in developing countries face a shortage of fuelwood and charcoal Ways to Reduce Fuelwood Crisis 1. 2. 3. Kenya’s Green Belt Movement – Harmful Effects of Logging Roads 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Harvesting Trees Benefits of Selective Cutting Trade-Offs of Clear Cutting Forests Advantages of CC 1. 2. 3. Disadvantages of CC 1. 2. 3. Solutions for Sustainable Forestry **Case Study: Forest Resources and Management o o o Forest Fires Depending on their intensity, … o o 3 Types of Fires 1. 2. 3. Fire Management To Reduce fire damage: o o o Prescribed Burning Grassland Management – Longleaf Pine & Grassland Forest of the Southern Coastal Plain (SOUTH GA) – an endangered ecosystem Healthy Forest Restoration Act Controversy over Logging in the US National Forests There has been an ongoing debate over whether US National Forests should be primarily used for: o o o o Trade-Offs for Logging in US National Forests Advantages of Logging 1. 2. 3. Disadvantages of Logging 1. 2. 3. WAYS we use wood inefficiently 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solutions: Reducing Demand for Harvest Trees Kenaf – Primary cause of Tropical Deforestation & Degradation Examples of Cash Crops 1. 2. 3. Ways to Protect Tropical Forests 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ecological Services (Grasslands) Effects of Overgrazing Rangeland Management: A Sustainable Approach National Parks Countries have established more than 1100 national parks, but most are threatened by human activities. o o o o **Case Study: Stresses on US National Parks Nature Reserves Large and medium-sized reserves with buffer zones help … Costa Rica has consolidated its parks and reserves into … Benefits of Habitat Corridors 1. 2. 3. Problems associated with Habitat Corridors (threats to isolated populations) Examples of ecological restoration 1. 2. 3. 4. How do scientists “SPEED UP” the recovery of ecosystems? Restoration – Rehabilitation – Replacement – Creating Artificial Ecosystems – Ecological Restoration Five basic science-based principles for ecological restoration: o o o o o __________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 4 – Chapter 11: Species Approach Species Extinction Species can become extinct: o Locally o Ecologically o Globally (biologically) Endangered and Threatened Species: Ecological Smoke Alarms Endangered species – Threatened species – Characteristics that make some species vulnerable to extinction: 1. 2. 3. 4. HIPPO ? What can you do? – Invasive Species 1. 2. 3. Characteristics of Successful Invader Species Characteristics of Ecosystems Vulnerable to Invader Species Overexploitation **Case Study: Rising Demand for Bushmeat in Africa Protecting Wild Species: Legal and Economic Approaches International treaties have helped reduce the international trade of endangered and threatened species, but enforcement is difficult. o **Case Study: US Endangered Species Act One of the world’s most far-reaching and controversial environmental laws is the 1973 US Endangered Species Act (ESA). Protecting Wild Species: The Sanctuary Approach The US has set aside 544 federal refuges for wildlife, but many refuges are suffering from environmental degradation. Pelican Island – Gene Banks, botanical gardens, and using farms to … Zoos and aquariums can help … Reconciliation Ecology Involves finding ways to share places we dominate with other species o o o Using Reconciliation Ecology to Protect Bluebirds What can you do? – Protecting Species __________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the three articles “Deforestation: the Unkindest Cut”, “Profiles in Sustainable Forestry: Mendocino Redwood Company: Restoring California’s Coastal Forests”, and “Justice in the Forest: rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement”. In addition, make sure that you answer the questions associated with each article below. You may complete the articles in any order that you wish, just make sure to label each section clearly!!! “Deforestation: the Unkindest Cut” 1) What kind of pressures are contributing to tropical rainforest destruction? 2) Describe the correlation between square area and species diversity in tropical forests. 3) Describe the rate of tropical rainforest destruction in general. 4) What factors were indentified in the Brazilian case study in 1969 as main contributors to rainforest destruction? 5) How does fuel wood contribute to deforestation? 6) What are some of the typical negative environmental impacts of modern industrialized timber operations? 7) Describe the selective cutting harvesting technique. 8) What is an old growth forest? 9) Examine the diagram on pg. 3 of the article. From an economic standpoint which enterprise (timber, ranching, or harvesting natural produce) is the most profitable? Which do you think is the most sustainable? 10) How is rainforest destruction correlated to species extinction? 11) What influence can deforestation have on climate and atmospheric dynamics? 12) Assume you are a senior at the University of Oregon, and a part of a senior project you spend 6 months studying abroad in tropical South America. As part of your assignment, you are flown to the tropical forests of Bolivia, where you will work with local government, industry, indigenous people, etc. to come up with a plan to prevent future deforestation in sensitive areas in the region. The mayor of the town asks you to develop a four part plan to be presented at the next stakeholder meeting of all involved parties. Outline the four parts of your plan to reduce rainforest destruction! “Profiles in Sustainable Forestry: Mendocino Redwood Company: Restoring California’s Coastal Forests” 1) Read the article, and in a paragraph summarize the impacts that the Mendocino Redwood Company has had on Coastal Forests in California, and how they were able to accomplish this. “Justice in the Forest: rural livelihoods and forest law enforcement”. 1) What is FLEG and why was it enacted by international agencies and governments? 2) What are some of the major goals of the FLEG program? 3) How has the enforcement of FLEG affected the rural people that depend on the forest? 4) How have much of the legislation and laws regarding forestry management sent a “contradictory” message? 5) In developing countries, which has been favored large scale forestry or smaller community based forestry? Why do you think this is the case? 6) How are forest goods destined for the black market and their practices (illegal logging, bush meat harvesting, etc.) often woven into the fabric of the society of various tropical forest countries? 7) Do you favor “soft” or “hard” enforcement of forest policies? Why? 8) What is often the result of closing markets to illegal forest product imports? How might forest certification play a role in resolving this? 9) Do you think that modernized, industrial scale forestry operations can coexist with locally controlled, community based forestry operations? Why or why not? APES Forestry Practices Harvesting and Sustainable Forestry Practices Internet Activity Directions: Follow the various links as outlined on this page and answer any questions on a separate sheet of paper. http://www.fscus.org/about_us/ 1. Describe in a few sentences the purpose of the Forest Stewardship Council. http://www.fsc.org/types-of-certification.html 2. Describe the types of certification the FCS provides. How do you think this certification will influence the demand for “certified” wood products? http://www.fscus.org/images/documents/FSC_brochure.pdf Be sure to read over the entire pdf file so you can answer the questions! 3. List the 10 basic principles and criteria under which the FCS operates. 4. Rank the top three principles in order of importance in your view, and defend each choice. 5. What kind of products does FCS certify? 6. What are the differences between FCS 100%, FSC Recycled, and FCS Mixed Source, product certifications? rd 7. In your opinion, do you think independent, 3 party, certification of forest products would influence your decision to purchase wood based products of any kind? 8. Do you think sustainable wood product certification would have much impact on the general public’s purchasing habits? Why or why not? 9. In your mind, would a company that utilizes only certified products be making a big financial mistake, or a shrewd business move in light of more emphasis on “green” products? Butterfly's Tale http://www.circleoflife.org/education/kids/butterflys_tale.htm The Julia “Butterfly” story is an account of her recollections, feelings, impressions and motivations for her stand against the destruction of old growth forests. It is a compelling example how a single individual can be a catalyst for environmental awareness or social change. After or while reading the article, respond to the prompts below: 1. Describe Julia “Butterflies” basic motivation for her actions and personal quest. 2. Where and what is the “Lost Coast”? 3. List three characteristics Julia “Butterfly” demonstrates that you respect as an individual. 4. Are there any reasons why you might doubt Julia “Butterfly’s” credibility? 5. Describe some of the forestry harvesting Julia “Butterfly” witnessed first hand. 6. What is your own position on non-violent, civil disobedience in a case like this? Can you provide any other examples where non-violent, civil disobedience would be justified in your opinion? 7. Describe the living conditions Julia “Butterfly” experienced during her tree-sitting experience. 8. How does the role of mass media and media coverage play into the story of “Luna” and Julia “Butterfly”? 9. How does this story influence your own opinions of forestry practices and harvesting techniques as discussed in chapter 10 of Miller? Visit the site http://www.circleoflife.org/inspiration/luna/today.htm to see how Luna fares today. ____________________________________________________________________________ Endangered Species Act 1. What is the purpose of the ESA? 2. Who is responsible for the administration of the ESA for terrestrial and freshwater organisms? For marine wildlife and anadromous fish? 3. List the 5 factors used to evaluate a species for listing. 4. What is “take”? 5. What is “critical habitat”? 6. How does a HCP benefit a species? ESA Recovery Program 1. List the conservation tools the USFWS uses to “recover” an endangered or threatened species. 2. Describe how landowners in the Southeast participate in the Safe Harbor Agreements for the redcockaded woodpeckers? 3. What is an experimental population? Why was it necessary to define the gray wolf as an experimental population when it was reintroduced into Yellowstone NP? Brown Pelican 1. How many pounds of fish does a brown pelican need to eat each day? 2. Why are pelicans able to survive a 70 foot dive into the ocean? 3. At what age, do brown pelicans begin to reproduce? 4. Are brown pelicans an r-selected or a K-selected species? Support your answer with several examples. 5. Why were pelicans hunted in the late 19th and 20th centuries? 6. How did the widespread use of DDT contribute to the dramatic decrease in the pelican population?