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(2000) Native American Women and Coerced Sterilization: On the Trail of Tears in the 1970’s. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 24 (2), 1-22. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/torpy.pdf Group Six: Gamble, Vanessa Northington. (2006) Under the Shadow of Tuskegee: African Americans and Health Care. In E. Whitaker (Ed.) Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective. (pp.418-426). New Jersey: Pearson/ Prentice Hall. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/gamble.pdf Group Five: Farmer, Paul. (2006) Social Scientists and the New Tuberculosis. In E. Whitaker (Ed.) Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective. (pp.372-384). New Jersey: Pearson/ Prentice Hall. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/farmer2.pdf Group Four: Scheper-Hughes, Nancy. (2006) Keeping an Eye on the Global Traffic in Human Organs. In E. Whitaker (Ed.) Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective. (pp.563-568). New Jersey: Pearson/ Prentice Hall. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/scheperhughes.pdf Group Three: Johansen, R.E.B.. (2006) Care for Infibulated Women Giving Birth in Norway: An Anthropological Analysis of Health Workers’ Management of a Medically and Culturally unfamiliar Issue. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 20 (4), 516-544. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/johansen.pdf Group Two: Taylor, Janelle S. (2003) The Story Catches You and You Fall Down: Tragedy, Ethnography, and “Cultural Competence”. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 17 (2), 159-181. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/taylor.pdf Group One: Kleinman, Arthur. (1997) Writing From the Margin: Discourse Between Anthropology and Medicine. Berkley: University of California Press, pp. 147-172, 281282. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/kleinman.pdf Lorber, Judith. (2005) Women Get Sicker, but Men Die Quicker. In G. Henderson, et. al. (Eds.), The Social Medicine Reader (pp.164-190). Durham, NC: Duke University Press. http://www.oc.ctc.edu/ereserve/chartse/lorber.pdf