DELHI DEVELOMENT AUTHORITY OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E) ELECTRICAL DIVISION NO.5 CENTRAL NURSERY SECTOR-5 DWARKA NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION NO.03 /15-16. Executive Engineer, Electrical Division No.5/DDA on behalf of DDA invites sealed quotations from agencies. The quotations should reach in the office of the Executive Engineer, Electrical Division No.5 on or before 10.06.2015 upto 3.00 PM. The sealed quotations shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 PM. The quotationers or his authorized representatives may be present at the time of the opening of the sealed quotations. Name of work: M/O works pertaining to completed closed scheme Dwarka zone. SH: Operation of Lifts, Electric driven Fire Pump set, Diesel Engine driven Pump sets for Fire Fighting System, P.A. System, D.G. set and Clear water booster P/sets, Common area lighting at 198 HIG (M.S.) houses in Sector-12, Pkt.8, Dwarka. Estimated cost: E3,66,594.00 Time allowed: Three Months. SCHEDULE AND CONDITIONS AS PER SHEET ATTACHED EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (El) ELECTRICAL DIVISION NO.5 No. A/Cs/EE/El.D.5/DDA/NIQ/15-16/ 746 Dated:08.06.2015 Copy to: 1. The FO to CE (E), DDA, D-3, V. Kunj. (2) SE (E)-1, The Office Complex Manglapuri, DDA. (3) The EE (QCC)-E, DDA, Vikas Sadan. (4) AAO/El.D.5/DDA. (5) H/C/El.D.5/DDA. (6) AE (P)/El.D./DDA. (7) AE(E)- I/El.D.5/DDA. (8) Elect. Engrs. Contractors Association 2362/1 Maharaja Complex West Patel Nagar, N. Delhi. 5“Visit DDA Website – or Dial39898911. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (El) INVENTORY Booster Pump Sets & DG set at 198 HIG M.S. Houses, Sec.-12, Pkt.-8, Dwarka. Part A a) 25 HP centrifugal pump set 2 Nos. b) 20 HP centrifugal pump set 2 Nos. c) 5 HP vaccum pump set 1 No. d) Dewatering pump set 1 No. e) Control panel comprising of main switch starter, 1 Set Ammeter voltmeter etc. Part B a) DG set 62.5 KVA 1 Set b) Control panel comprising of complete accessories 1 Set INVENTORY AT 198 (MS) HOUSES IN SECTOR-12 PKT-8, DWARKA 1. 8 Passenger capacity lift OTIS make : 4 Nos. 2. 10 Passenger capacity lift OTIS make : 2 Nos. 3. 13 Passenger capacity lift OTIS make : 1 No. 4. Machine Room with accessories : 3 Nos. 5. Controller Panel in Machine Room : 7 Nos. 6. Telecom System in lifts & Machine Room & Control Room : 7 Nos. 7. 125 KVA DG set with control panel & accessories : 1 Set Terms And Conditions 1. The wok comprising of operation of lifts at 198 HIG Multistoried houses, Pkt. 8 in Sector-12, Dwarka. 2. The agency has to take over the complete installation as per inventory before starting the work and hand over the same in good working condition after close of contract. If any discrepancy is found the contractor has to make the good at his own cost otherwise recovery will be made from the contractor bill. Decision of Engineer In-charge will be final and binding on the contractor. 3. The Agency shall inspect the installation before quoting and also immediately after the award of work as to arrange the material required for keeping the installation always in good working condition for which nothing extra shall be paid. 4. The contractor should be eligible for the similar work i.e. operation of lifts, pump sets and DG sets. The agency should enclose the experience certificates of completed three similar works each costing 40 % of estimated cost OR two similar works each costing 60 % of estimated cost OR one similar work costing 80% of estimated cost put to quotation during last seven years ending last of the month previous to the one in which applications are invited. 5. The contractor shall depute the following staff under the contract. a. For operation of lifts Lift Operator –5 nos., - 2 Nos. in each shift i.e from 6 AM to 2 PM and from 2 PM to 10 PM, & One no. in night shift i.e. 10 PM to 6 AM. b. For operation of pump sets and DG sets i) Pump operator/ DG set operator/ Electrician – 3 Nos. - one no. in each shift i.e from 6 AM to 2 PM and from 2 PM to 10 PM, & One no. in night shift i.e. 10 PM to 6 AM. ii) Khallasi – 1 NO. during day time or as per the decision of Engineer-in-charge. 6. The staff engaged by the contractor shall be sufficiently trained and experienced to meet the emergency of wok during period of contact as follows. a. Operator i) Should have passed minimum 10 th class standard. ii) Must have minimum practical experience of 2 years in similar field. 7. The following shall be deemed to be included within the scope of work. a. Responsibility to ensure safety of installation against pilferage and damage. . b. General cleaning of lighting fixture, ceiling / Exhaust / electrical controller panels and other relevant installations. 8. The contractor shall supply the list of staff along with experience certificate to be engaged on the installation immediate on issue of work order. Engineer – in – charge shall have the right to reject any staff employed by the contractor. 9. The staff employed by the contractor shall wear proper uniform and wear badges displaying their name, father’s name , address, date of birth name of the agency with address and telephone no, site for which employed and period of validity. A copy of the identity cards shall be given to the engineer – in – charge within 10 days of award of work. 10. The contractor shall employ staff throughout the period of contract including Saturdays, Sundays, gazetted holidays and national holidays. 11. Following records are to be kept at site of work. a. Printed log book for recording operation. b. Attendance register for staff deployed. c. Complaint / inspection register. . d. Daily log sheet. Note: - The contractor shall get the register authenticated from Engineer – In – Charge before use at site. 12. Coordination and follow up action with electric supply agency shall be done by the contractor in case of failure / fault in supply / fluctuation in voltage. 13. The contractor shall intimate the engineer – in – charge about the major breakdown or failure of Electric supply in time. 14. Watch and ward shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Any loss due to theft or pilferage etc. Shall be borne by the contractor. 15. If any staff employed by the contractor is found absent the contractor shall liable to pay sum of Rs. 1000.00 per person per shift and shall be recovered from the contractor’s bill. 16. All allied accessories / installations shall be kept in working order and in case any damages / loss is done to the pumping installations due to negligence of the operational staff deployed by the contractor. The contractor shall have to make good the damage / loss at his own cost. In case the contractor fails to rectify the damages / loss within reasonable time, the same shall be got rectified / replaced by department at the risk and cost of the contractor. 17. The contractor shall keep all the necessary spares and T & P at site required for operation and maintenance to be carried under his contract. 18. In case of any disobedience or misbehavior by the operational staff of the contractor the Engineer – in charge may ask the contractor to dispense with the service of such staff with immediate effect. The contractor shall provide suitable substitute simultaneously. 19. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be inclusive of all taxes (excluding service tax). Duties and Govt. Levies etc. However, in respect of service tax, same shall be paid by the contractor to the concerned department on demand and it will be reimbursed to him by the Engineer-in-Charge after satisfying that it has been actually and genuinely paid by the contractor. 20. Any injury to the operational staff in case of any mishap, during duty hours will be the liability of contractor. 21. The contractor shall provide mobile phone to the operator and intimate the mobile no. to the Engineer-in-charge. 22. The Engineer-in-charge can deploy the staff / workers deployed on this work to any other work , as per his discretionary power. 23. The work order shall be for three months. 24. The contractor has to deposit the earnest money @2% of estimate cost in the shape of Demand Draft (in favour of Sr. AO , CAU , Dwarka ) at the time of submitting their quotation at the office of EE (E)/ELD-5. 25. Security @ 10% shall be deducted from the bill. 26. All the cleaning material i.e. soap, duster etc. shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. If cleaning of installation is found unsatisfactory at any time, a recovery of Rs. 200 per occasion shall be made from the bill. SCHEDULE OF WORK Name of work: M/O work pertaining to completed/closed scheme of Dwarka Zone. SH: Operation of Lifts, Electric driven Fire Pump Set, Diesel Engine driven Pump Sets for Fire Fighting System, P.A. System, D.G. Set and clear water booster P/Sets, common area lighting at 198 HIG (MS) houses in Sector-12, Pkt.-8, Dwarka. Description of Rate (in Amount (in S.No. Qty. Unit item Rs.) Rs.) Operation of lifts 7 Nos. as per Per 3 1 inventory, terms Month and condition attached. Operation and maintenance of 125 KVA DG set , Electrioc Driven Fire Fighting pump set, Diesel Engine Driven pump set, PA Per 3 2 System , Clear Month weter booster pump sets and its allied accessries and common area lighting as per inventory , terms and condition attached. TOTAL