Syllabus - Department of Information Systems • NJIT

New Jersey Institute of Technology
College of Computing Sciences
School of Management
Course Title: Information Systems
Semester: Spring 2010
January 21 to April 29,, 20109
Course Number:MIS-645-102; MIS-645Instructor: Jerry Fjermestad, Ph.D.
852; IS-677-852
MIS-645-102 Meets Thursdays from
January 21, 2010 to April 29, 2010
Class Session & Location : On-line in
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing
Faculty Information
Jerry Fjermestad
Office: Central Avenue Building, CAB 3031
Office Hours: On-line
Telephone: 973-596-3255
Notes and Articles: in Moodle
Course Description
This course introduces the field of Information Systems; the study of how people and
organizations should use information technologies effectively. We examine the major
areas in the field, analyzing the major issues, trends and problems. We survey the role
of information systems in organizations and how these systems support organizational
objectives and organizational structure, as well as providing competitive business
advantages. We discuss basic concepts such as the systems point of view, the
organization of a system, the nature of information and information flows, as well as
how people process information and related cognitive concepts. We also examine
various types of information system applications such as e-commerce, supply chain,
decision support, and enterprise systems. Finally, we also consider critical ethics issues
including privacy, personalization and security.
Text, Readings, and Collaborative Conferencing System
Turban, E. and Volonino, L. Information Technology for Management: Improving
Performance in the Digital Economy, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-
470-28748-4 or
Content only in binder form without binder ISBN 978-04-70418284
Notes & Articles: Included in the Moodle Forums
Bloom’s Taxonomy and other material-
Moodle for assignments-
Course Objectives
The course intends to build a wide range of analytical, communication, interpersonal,
leadership, and technology skills. Students will be able to:
 Explain the technology, people and organizational components of information technology /
information systems (IT/IS) from the perspective of business users and managers.
 Understand how organizations can use IT/IS for competitive advantage.
 Explain how enterprise-wide information systems support business activities and enable a
comprehensive understanding of company data.
 Understand information systems development and management issues.
 Discuss the ethical concerns associated with information privacy, accuracy, intellectual
property rights, and accessibility.
Team Assignments
Teams will be assigned by your instructor. There will be 4 or 5 members per team.
Teams will be assigned by 2/11/10.
Look in the Teams Forum Moodle and in the Team X (you only see one)
Course Methods
Distance learning lectures, discussions and in-class exercises; text readings with class
discussions, written online homework assignments with group online virtual discussions, team
case studies and academic article reviews including distance learning presentations and
Honor Code
Any evidence of cheating in any form including plagiarism and cutting & pasting from the
Internet, will be dealt with according to the honor code of NJIT (course failure and suspension or
expulsion). Please note: There will be no warnings or chances with regard to cheating. Any
discovered case of cheating will be immediately passed to the Dean of Students for further
This is your warning now. Cheating is not worth it - you may not only fail this course, but also
be suspended from NJIT. The full text of the NJIT Honor Code is available for your review at
Regarding Participation
Class members come to MIS-645/IS-677 (these are the same course) with a myriad of
backgrounds, experiences and opinions. Some of you will have no IT/IS experience at all!
Everyone will benefit from everyone else's experiences and knowledge. We are structuring the
class to encourage discussion, both during class and on-line in-between classes. During both
types of discussions, we expect everyone to join in the discussion.
Learning Goals and Learning Outcomes
Learning Goal 4: Management of Technology
Learning Objective 4.1 Students have the ability to analyze the impact of
technology in a business environment.
Measurement: Benefits, Implementation, Justification of the technology, Critical
assessment (Compare and contrast the technology with other similar
technologies) from a business perspective.
There will be several major activities/assignments over the spring semester. Peer evaluations
are available on the team case and team article reports and presentations. All assignments are
due at 9:00 AM on the due date. Late assignments receive zero (0) credit. Late team
assignments receive zero (0) credit for each team member. All assignments are to be posted in
the appropriate bulletin board on the course Moodle at
All presentations are online in Moodle.
1. Planned on-line virtual discussions (individual) – 4 @ 5% each = 20%
Do not use attachments for discussion assignments
2. Technology (individual) 20%- Due 2/25/10 at 9:00AM
3. Team Case (Report and Presentation) 30%- Due 3/25/10 at 9:00AM
4. Team Article Review and Presentation 30%- Due 4/29/10 at 9:00AM
On-line Assignments and Virtual Class Discussions:
The purpose of this assignment is to learn from the experiences and knowledge of each other.
There will be four (4) on-line assignments on various management information systems topics
each lasting 3 weeks (10% discussions). Each individual should post the written on-line
assignment by 9:00 AM on the assigned due date. Discussion comments posted after 9:00AM
on the due date do not receive any credit. Students will not receive credit for more than two
comments posted on a single day. There are two parts to the on-line discussion. The initial part
is to post a summary and address the questions posted in the discussion bulletin board. The
Final 4 comments are for you, the student to discuss other student’s initial comment or
subsequent comments. Comments such as “I agree” do not count. You are expected to
integrate the course material in each comment. Add value!!
Each topic is worth either 10%. The topics are listed below. We will discuss these topics
sometime during the semester. There will be only one topic at a time. It will be open only up to
the due date. The requirements for each discussion will be posted in the appropriate group
discussion conference area on Moodle at
Discussions Start January 21, 2010
Planned on-line virtual discussions (individual) – 4 @ 5% each = 2%; Due on-line
Initial is worth 2 points; Final 3 is worth 1 point each.
D1: CIO- Initial- 2/11/10 Final three-2/18/10;
D2: Carr- Initial- 3/4/10 Final three- 3/11/10;
D3: Speed- Initial- 4/1/10 Final three- 4/8/10;
D4: TBA- Initial- 4/22/10 Final three- 4/29/10.
Technology Due: February 25, 2010 at 9:00AM (20%) (Tech) PowerPoint
Individual assignment: Each student will report on an IS/IT technology that they are
interested in. The students need to show that have the ability to analyze the
impact of technology in a business environment. This can be software (ex. Acrobat
Professional, SAP or other ERP, SCM, Oracle, Cognos, Windows 7, Mac OS or other
Mac product, etc.) or hardware (examples: Intel chip sets, Mac Pro, Ipod, iphone, etc ).
You will need to look at chapter 14 in the text and the SAD-tech05.pfd in the files/notes
What is expected: (10-12 PowerPoint slides)
Description (summary) of the technology (what it is used for) (3-5 bullets)
Benefits (justify why a company would buy the product)
Costs, Total Costs, easy of use, usability, etc.
Implementation Plan (Usability, resistance, Systems Analysis and
Design (SAD). How will this technology be implemented in the
Critical Assessment: Compare and contrast the technology to other similar
technologies from a business perspective (very important)
Course integration: In this section you are Integrate course concepts with
the technology. (Very Important this is in place of an exam). Show me that
you are reading the text; the articles and that you are watching the videos.
Show how the materials relate to the technology that you have chosen.
Find reviews of the technology and compare and contrast
expect to see course integration. If you are discussing SQL, I would expect to
see something from Chapter 3.
When figures or tables are cut and pasted from source cite the source below
References are not references, unless they are cited in the text. Use MISQ
format (see below)
Discuss implementation from the text and other relevant sources
I expect to see references from the appropriate chapter and articles
(COURSE INTEGRATION) and chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16. These chapters
discuss strategic planning, IT economics, and Acquiring IT, project
Your outline and subheadings should look like this for both the report and
o Summary
o Benefits
o Implementation Plan
o Course Integration
o Critical Assessment: Critique Technology (Compare and Contrast the
o Review of Technology
References (Author, Year)
References in text: These must be included in Reference section and vice versa.
References in text should be of the format (Jones et al. 1995; Smith 1996).
Ackoff, R. L. 1961. "Management Misinformation Systems," Management Science
(14:4), December, pp. 147-156.
Bonini, C. P. 1963. Simulation of Information and Decision Systems in the Firm,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Team Cases (Turban) Report and Presentation- There are two cases per
Team- Due March 25, 2010 at 9:00 AM 30% (C1)
Teams will be assigned by the instructors. Each team will be assigned two cases from the
Turban text. The team is required to prepare a 5-10 page maximum report (Total fro both
cases)and 8-10 slide MS © PowerPoint presentation (10 min.) (Total for both cases) The report
and presentation MUST include (these MUST also be subheadings in your report and
A summary of the case- Summary
Identify the problem/s and relevance of the case- Problems and Relevance
Develop an alternative solution (Think current include current information about any
companies and technologies discussed in the case.)- Alternative
Course integration: In this section you are Integrate course concepts with the
technology. (Very Important, this is in place of an exam). Show me that you are
reading the text; the articles and that you are watching the videos. Show how the
materials are relate to the case. Use MISQ format to cite the references
Lessons learned (from both your point of view and your companies’)
References (author, year)
Answer the case study questions. Present the case questions and answers. Only in the
Post in the Case 1 BB.
Team MIS Academic Article Review and Presentation from Information &
Management Due April 29, 2010 at 9:00AM 30% (C2)
Each student Team will find a relevant Information Systems article from Information &
Management and prepare an 8-10 page executive briefing report and 10+ MS © PowerPoint
presentation. The “executive briefing” and presentation MUST include (these MUST also be
subheadings in your report and presentation):
Summary of the article both the report and presentation
Research question(s) addressed by the article
Contribution of the article
Integrate course concepts in this section (Very Important, this is in place of an exam).
Show me that you are reading the text; the articles and that you are watching the videos.
Show how the materials relate to the case
Critique/analysis of the article based on course material and other articles. Look at how
the literature review section in the article is written.
Lessons learned from the article (from your point of view and your companies’).
5 to 10 business or other references. Do not use footnotes to cite the references (author,
year in the text and see the required articles below for how to cite in the reference section).
Post the report, presentation and pdf in the Team Article BB in Moodle.
I expect to see the following sections in your report & presentation:
Research question
Course concepts
Lessons Learned
Information and Management articles can be found at:
Select library databases
Select business and management
Select Science Direct
Enter your UCIS and password
Click on Journals; click on i
6. Scroll to Information & Management and click on it.
7. Select your article from any of the volumes or articles in press
Evaluation and Grading
The following scale will be used to determine your grade for the class: A (95 - 100%);
B+ (88 - 94); B (80 - 87%); C+ (75 - 79%); C (65 - 74%); F (Below 65%). There are no
incompletes. Extra credit is not available. Assignments that are not completed on time
receive zero (0) credit.
Required Reading (use these as examples of how to do references)
These articles are posted in the Required Articles BB
1. Markus, M. L.1983. "Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation," CACM, (26: 6),
pp. 430-444
2. Nielsen, J. 1992. "The Usability Engineering Life Cycle," IEEE Computer, March,
pp. 12-22.
3. Zwass, V. 2003. “Electronic commerce and organizational innovation: aspects
and opportunities,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce, (7:3), pp. 7-37.
4. Malone, T., Yates, J., and Benjamin, R. I. 1987. "Electronic Markets and
Electronic Hierarchies," Communications of the ACM, (30:6), pp. 484-497.
5. Smith, H.A. and McKeen, J.D. 2006. "IT in 2010: The next Frontier", MISQ Exec,
(5:3), pp. 125-136.
Other Articles
6. Romano, N.C. and Fjermestad, J.2007. “Privacy and security in the age of
electronic customer relationship management,” International Journal of
Information Security and privacy, (1:1), pp. 85-106.
7. Fjermestad, J. and Saitta, J. 2005. “A Strategic Management Framework for IT
Outsourcing: A review of the Literature and the Development of a Success
Factors Model,” Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications
Research,(7:3), pp. 42-60
8. Fjermestad, J., Passerini, K., Patten, K., Bartolacci, M., and Ullman, D. 2006.
“Moving Towards Mobile Third Generation Telecommunications Standards: The
Good and Bad of the ‘Anytime/Anywhere’ Solutions,” Communications of the
Association of Information Systems (CAIS), (17), pp. 71-89.
9. Fjermestad, J. and Romano, N.C. 2003. “Electronic Customer Relationship
Management Revisiting the General Theories of Usability and Resistance: An
Integrative Implementation Framework,” Business Process Management
Journal, (9:5), pp. 572-591.
10. Patten, K.P., Fjermestad, J., Withworth, B. 2009. “How CIOs use Flexibility to
Manage Uncertainty in Dynamic Business Environments, Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco,
California, (August 6-9). Awarded Best Paper Practitioner Oriented Category
What MIS is:
Strassmann- Outsourcing
Boeing 787-
The other side of outsourcing
Firedman- The world is flat
Charie Rose- Intel President Craig Barrett
Jeff Bezos-
Non-required, but important
Understanding computers and the internet
Social networking
The Mac from 1987
Workshop on information in networks
Project Natal Xbox 360 Announcement X-box
a better interface
Knowledge Management (a little fuzzy)
Implementing Financial Information Systems
Social Networking
Bad Power Points an example
Course Schedule: The course schedule is subject to change depending on the
speed we cover the class materials. The latest copy of the syllabus will always be
available on the class Moodle site.
1: Jan 21, 2010
No Class, I am in
2: Jan 28, 2010
Intro to course
Chapter 1 ppt
Chapter 2 ppt
Strassman Video
Chapter 3 ppt
Friedman Video
Chapter 4 ppt
Chapter 5
Read ahead as much
as possible
3: Feb 4, 2010
4: Feb 11, 2010
IT Concepts &
Data Management
CAIS Paper
IJISP paper
D1 Initial
Teams assigned
5: Feb 18, 2010
Chapter 6 ppt
Wal-Mart Video
Jeff Bezos Video
D1 Final 3
6: Feb 25, 2010
Technology in class
(MIS-645-102 only)
Markus, Nielsen,
Goodwin, FjermestadBPMJ
Chapter 7 ppt
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 & 11 ppt
Boeing video
D2 Final 3
(MIS-645-102 only)
Team Cases 9:00AM
Intel Video
Chapter 12 ppt
D3 Initial
Chapter 13 ppt
The-other side Video
Chapter 14
D3 Final 3
D4 Initial
(MIS-645-102 only))
D4 Final 3
Team Article Due
7: Mar 4, 2010
8: Mar 11, 2010
March 15-21, 2010
Spring Break
9: March 25, 2010
10: Apr 1, 2010
11: Apr 8, 2010
12: Apr 15, 2010
13: Apr 22, 2010
14: Apr 29, 2010
Mobile Computing
Social Networks
Enterprise Systems
Team Case in class
Global IS Knowledge
Business Intelligence
IT Strategy
Managing Projects
Impact of IT
Acquiring IT
IT Economics
Team Article in class
D2 Initial