Board of Trustees Fargo Public Library Fargo City Commission Chambers 200 North 3rd Street, Fargo, ND 58102 Minutes of October 15, 2013 Present: Absent: Staff: Helen Levitt, MaryBeth Hegstad, Gary Groberg, Howard Barlow, Becky Walen Herb Snyder Tim Dirks, Ben Daeuber, Jason DeShaw, Ginny Mueller The meeting was called to order by Board Chair, Helen Levitt, and a quorum was declared. Order of Agenda A motion was made by MaryBeth Hegstad to accept the Order of Agenda. Seconded by Gary Groberg; motion carried. Minutes of September 17th Regular Meeting Howard Barlow moved to approve the minutes of the September 17th meeting. Becky Walen seconded the motion; motion carried. Staff Report Steve Hubbard presented highlights from the library: Childrens Department We are in week 6 of our 14-week Story Time o We have 3 toddler and 3 preschool story times at each location every week Regular programs are continuing o Baby Rhyme Time o Weekly chess program o Paws for Reading o Book Clubs 30 participated in the Community Baby Shower held this last Saturday Upcoming events o Star Wars Program o Pumpkin decorating Teen Department We have been concentrating on a Chemistry Series and Science Fair for Teens Adult The jazz concerns have been well received Board Chair Helen Levitt stated that she believes this is a wonderful start in teaching our kids to utilize the library. Kudos to the staff for their ideas and dedication. Director’s Report Tim Dirks referred the Board to his written report in the Board Packet. On October 8th, he attended a Primo Search Interface Webinar. Primo is our on-line catalog which will be replacing UFIND in mid-December. On October 3rd, Dirks met with the Directors from LAARL and West Fargo Public Library. We are planning on scheduling events for our circulation staff to network and learn from each other, particularly in the area of customer service. Dirks also attended the NDLA/Tri-Conference held in Sioux Falls, SD on September 25th through 27th. Of particular interest was the program presented by Kansas State Library, where they detailed their problems with Overdrive. Dirks also spoke of the potential school in the Ed Clapp Park. Given the proximity to the Carlson Library, we are watching the developments with great interest. Richard Moorhead of Image Group, who was the architect for the Carlson Library, has been contacted and will be doing a study of possible building renovation based on the projected increased in attendance. Board Chair, Helen Levitt, stated that this is another step of collaboration and partnerships with the schools. It is also an affirmation of choosing a valuable site for a library when the Carlson Library location was selected. Statistical Reports September Usage September 2013’s door count, program attendance, internet signup and web page hits are all down slightly from September, 2012. Volunteer hours are up. Total Circulation for the year is up 2.74% over last year, representing an additional 20,583 items circulated. If this trend continues, our total circulation will be over 1 million items at year-end. September Financials Donation activity was very quiet in September. After 75% of the year has lapsed, we have spent or encumbered 72.55% of our annual budget. If revenue continues at this rate, we will be under our projected revenue for 2013 by approximately $1000. Friends of the Library Report Jan Murphy was not present and therefore there was no report from the Friends of the Fargo Public Library. Old Business Mango Languages Demo Ben Daeuber, Technology and Electronic Resources Librarian, presented a demonstration on Mango Languages. This is a teaching platform located in the on-line resources of the Fargo Public Library website. New Business Recommendation Regarding Statement of Concern Jason DeShaw, Collection Development and Technical Services Manager, presented a recommendation for the Statement of Concern submitted by Stacey Piechowski on August 22, 2013 for the book Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott. The Collection Development Team recommends the retention of the book within the Teen Fiction Collection at the Library. Factors in their recommendation include: The book is widely reviewed and praised by professional young adult sources. The book has won numerous young adult awards. The book is widely held both locally and nationally and is treated as material aimed at teens. The acquisition and use of the book fits firmly within the policies and mission of Fargo Public Library. o The Access to Materials Policy states, “The library does not act in loco parentis. Responsibility for children’s and young people’s reading, viewing, and listening is that of their parents or legal guardians.” Mary Beth Hegstad stated that even though she respects the submitted Statement of Concern, she moved to approve the recommendation of the Collection Development Team. Howard Barlow seconded the motion. Discussion. Motion carried. It was noted by Helen Levitt, Board Chair, that she finds it reassuring that the Collection Development Team took time and great effort to address the Statement of Concern. Policy Review Director Dirks stated that the following policies have been reviewed by the Policy and Procedures Team and they have no recommendation for updating or changing them. Bulletin Board and Brochure Tables Upon review of the Bulletin Board and Brochure Tables Policy, Howard Barlow moved to accept the policy as printed. MaryBeth Hegstad seconded the motion. Motion carried. Media Relations Upon review of the Media Relations Policy, Mary Beth Hegstad moved to accept the policy as printed. Becky Walen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Gifts to the Library The only recommendation for change presented by Tim Dirks was substituting the word “strategic” for “long range” in the first subparagraph of the Policy. In the same paragraph, second line, the word “met” should be changed to “meet”. MaryBeth Hegstad moved to accept the policy as presented. Gary Groberg seconded the motion. Discussion. It was noted that there are gifts, such as appreciated stock, not specifically addressed in the policy. The motion and second were withdrawn. Tim Dirks will redraft and present at the next board meeting. Public Comment There was no public comment. Next Board Meeting The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19, 2013, at 4:00 PM in the City Commission room. The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ginny Mueller