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Appealing Solutions Presents An Online Workshop
Supervisor Training that Meets the BACB Requirements to Provide Supervision
From the Supervisor Training Curriculum OutlineA BCBA “This curriculum outline is a task list of the knowledge and skills required for the effective
supervision of those who deliver behavior-analytic services and those who are pursuing
BACB certification. After December 31, 2014, only individuals who complete a training
experience based on this curriculum outline will be permitted to supervise individuals
pursuing the BCBA or BCaBA credentials or practicing BCaBAs.
All Type 2 ACE Providers who hold the BCBA credential are eligible to offer supervision
training based on this curriculum outline. The cumulative duration of training must be at
least 8 hours (but may be offered in units as brief as 1 hour) and include opportunities for
trainees to demonstrate verbal or practical competence of the curricular areas below.
Training may be conducted in person or online. Training providers must provide a link to
the BACB Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline and include the following text in all
online and print materials for their training program:
“This training program is based on the BACB Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline but is
offered independent (sic) of the BACB.”
Workshop Objectives from the BACB’s Supervisor Training Curriculum
The supervisor will describe the 6 reasons for effective, evidence-based supervision.
The supervisor will describe the 5 potential outcomes of ineffective supervision.
The supervisor will describe or demonstrate the 12 components of effective, evidencebased supervision.
The supervisor will describe and demonstrate the 8 components of behavioral skills
training of the supervisee.
The supervisor will describe the 4 formats for providing behavioral skills training with
individuals and groups of supervisees.
The supervisor will apply behavioral skills training across relevant skill areas including,
but not limited to those outlined in the task list.
The supervisor will describe and demonstrate the three components of performance
The supervisor will describe the 8 ways of providing feedback.
The supervisor will describe the 3 methods to evaluate supervisory effectiveness.
The supervisor will describe the 8 methods for his/her ongoing professional
development as a supervisor.
The supervisor will describe the 7 methods for the ongoing professional development of
the supervisee.
Workshop Training Procedures
This workshop will provide a variety of training aids including case studies, practice cards,
practice exercises, project worksheets, job aids, and computer-based charting software.
This workshop is for supervisors “of those who deliver behavior-analytic services and those
who are pursuing BACB certification” and will satisfy the 8-hour training requirement for
BCBA supervisors. Attend this workshop to meet the BACB’s new 8-hour training requirement
for BCBA supervisors and to learn the skills you need to ensure that staff are effective in
helping clients achieve their goals! Earn a total of 9 CEs for completing both days.
About the Presenter
Guy Bruce, Ed. D., BCBD-D. earned his Ed. D. in Educational Psychology from the
Behavior Analysis in Human Resources program at West Virginia University. Since then, Dr.
Bruce has taught behavior analysis in both undergraduate and graduate programs and
worked as consultant to for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. He has supervised
students completing their intensive practicum training for BCBA certification. He is the
author of “Instructional Design Made Easy,” a workbook for designing more efficient
learning programs and PARSE™, a data-based process that can be used by schools to help
their students achieve desired learning outcomes. His goal is to help individuals and
organizations achieve desired results through the use of positive methods to improve their
Workshop Dates and Times
Dates and Times To Be Determined by Participants
Workshop Costs
$200, which includes all materials and 9 CEs
Click Here to Register
Questions: E-mail or call 309-303-1527