MARCH FOR BABIES 2008 SAMPLE E-MAILS Send weekly e-mail messages to recruit co-workers for March for Babies and encourage fund-raising efforts. Keep them posted about the upcoming March for Babies kickoff and other activities, and also thank them. E-MAILS TO RECRUIT WALKERS With your support, there’s hope for saving babies from premature birth. That’s why it’s so important to join March for Babies. When you do, you’re helping the March of Dimes fight a problem which affects more than half a million babies in the U.S. every year and is the #1 killer of newborns. Please contact (insert Team Leader name/e-mail address/phone number) for more information and to join today! Join March for Babies! It’s not too late to help the March of Dimes continue its fight to save babies from premature birth. Surveys show that most people don’t even realize what a devastating problem prematurity is: that it is the leading cause of newborn death; that it has reached epidemic proportions; and that it’s escalating. To walk to save babies, contact (insert Team Leader name/e-mail address/phone number) for more information or to join our team today! E-MAILS TO UPDATE WALKERS Here’s an idea to help you raise money to save babies from premature birth. Ask 10 friends, neighbors or relatives to sponsor you with a $20 donation each — and raise $200. Congratulations! Your compassion will help save babies from the serious consequences of premature birth. By raising money for March for Babies, you’re a partner with the March of Dimes in its efforts to find answers to why more than half a million babies are born too soon in the U.S. every year. (Add information about kickoff or other activities.) March for Babies Day is almost here! But there’s still time to raise money to support research and programs that will help save babies from premature birth. Ask friends, family members, neighbors, your doctor, lawyer, dentist, etc., to sponsor you by making a donation. By walking and raising money, you show you care and give hope that the March of Dimes will defeat premature birth and other threats to babies. -MORE- MARCH FOR BABIES E-MAILS – PAGE 2 E-MAIL TO THANK WALKERS Thank you, team! We (exceeded our March for Babies goal of $____ by $____) (raised $ ___ in March for Babies). Thanks to your efforts, the money we raised will help the March of Dimes fund research and programs to save babies from premature birth. Because you care, more babies will be saved. E-MAILS ABOUT MARCH OF DIMES MISSION Did you know that March of Dimes advances in the treatment of premature babies, like surfactant therapy and specialized care in newborn intensive care units (NICUs), have helped thousands of premature babies survive? Our MARCH FOR BABIES team is working to raise $(____) to fund more March of Dimes research to find out why preterm labor happens and how it can be prevented. By starting an e-mail or letter-writing campaign, you can raise lots of money to help us reach our goal and save babies. Contact your local Team Leader for more information. ###