Parish of All Saints’ Episcopal Church 209 West 27th Street, Austin, TX 78705-5716 (512) 476-3589 Website: ANNUAL REPORT for the calendar year 2014 Annual Parish Meeting – 10:30 a.m., Sunday, January 25, 2015 PAROCHIAL POSITIONS Rector Associate Rector Curate Assistant to the Rector Executive Director of the Front Porch University Missioner Organist & Choirmaster Office Administrator Communications Director Bookkeeper/Financial Administrator Sexton/Facilities Director Assistant Facilities Director Student Center Program Coordinator The Rev. Michael K. Adams The Rev. A. Phillips Nazro, Jr. The Rev. Cynthia Caruso The Rev. Deacon Ed Woolery-Price The Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney The Rev. Beth Magill David Eaton / Gregory Eaton Marvin Jones Jerry LaPorte Jan Lindemann Mona Myers Marvin Jones Hannah Pommersheim THE VESTRY Senior Warden Junior Warden Clerk Treasurer Chancellor Elizabeth Hanna Betsy Aylin Sandra Kelley James Williamson Tom Pollan Terms Expiring 1/2015 Terms Expiring 1/2016 Terms Expiring 1/2017 Terms Expiring 1/2018 Peter Einhorn Vanessa Farrow Steve Edmonds Patti Woolery-Price Betsy Aylin Elizabeth Hanna Pittman McGehee Amy Pro Trish Conradt Stan Coppinger Tracy Cornelius Steve Lemmon Chip Harris Tim Irvine Mac McElwrath Jill Walker TABLE OF CONTENTS (2015 Budget, and 2014 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes are available upon request) I. Parish Administration.......................................................................................3-11 Parish Statistical Report 3 Senior Warden’s Report 4 Junior Warden’s Report 4-5 Treasurer’s Report 5 Vestry Authorized Land Committee 5 Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund 6 Outreach Committee: 6-11 — Carolyn T. Smith Loaves & Fishes Ministry, Meals on Wheels, Micah 6 Austin, Habitat for Humanity, Refugee Resettlement Services, El Buen Samaritano, Environmental Guild, Released Prisoner Mentoring Ministry, and Woman to Woman (Mentoring Ministry). II. Parish Groups and Organizations.................................................................11-23 Acolyte Guild 11-14 Altar Flower Ministry 14 Altar Guild 15 Choirs 15-16 Daughters of the King, St. Catherine’s Chapter 16-17 Jr. Daughters of the King 17 Heavenly Hosts 18 Lectors and Chalice Bearers 18 Men’s Group 19 Newcomer & Visitor Ministry 19 Pastoral Care at All Saints’ 19-20 — Grace Ministry, Saints On Call, Lay Eucharistic Visitation, Bridge Ministry. Usher Corps Ministry 21 Book Group 21 St. Clare’s Guild & St. Monica’s Guild 22 Twenties & Thirties (TnT) 22 Upper Crust (65+) Group 23 Women’s Group 23 III. Parish Christian Education Programs..........................................................24-25 Children’s Spiritual Formation 24 Episcopal Youth Community 24-25 Adult Education 25 IV. Resident Organizations at All Saints’............................................................26-32 Parents’ Day Out 26 The Front Porch 26-27 All Saints’ Episcopal Day School 28-31 The Episcopal Student Center at the University of Texas 32 V. Appendix Transfers In Transfers Out Confirmed/Received 33 33 34 2 I. PARISH ADMINISTRATION PARISH STATISTICAL REPORT OFFICIAL ACTS: 2012 2013 2014 Baptisms Infants/Children 23 Adults 2 Total………………………………………25 Confirmations 20 Received 8 Total………………………………………28 Marriages 15 Burials 6 23 0 23 15 8 23 7 18 23 3 26 13 9 22 12 19 2 110 7 106 5 106 239 26 127 230 40 84 231 42 68 Total Attendance for all services………………………22,274 23,997 22,864 CONGREGATION: Family Units 425 Single Units 296 Total Units (Households)…………………..…….721 414 268 682 461 338 799 1797 1377 23 15 8 24 0 0 + 70 26 13 9 23 0 0 + 71 24 14 15 0 Lost to Death 6 Total Decreases…………………………...30 - 458 18 - 490 0 12 - 27 Total Baptized Members………………………1797 1377 1421 SERVICES: Daily Offices and Others Sundays Other Days Holy Eucharist Sundays Other Days Private Communions Baptized Members Last Report….………...….1777 Increases During Year: Baptisms 25 Added by Confirmation 20 Received 9 Added by Transfer 39 Restored to Active 0 Corrections 0 Total Increases…………………………....50 Decreases During Year: Transferred Out Removed to Inactive: (Database corrections & adjustments) 3 SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT It has been my honor and pleasure to serve as the Senior Warden at All Saints’ Episcopal Church this past year, and I look forward to continuing in this capacity for my third and final year on the Vestry. Serving as Senior Warder has provided me a unique opportunity to see all the ways in which All Saints’ is such wonderful place. At its roots are all the people that fill its halls, rooms, and sanctuary - people full of kindness, joy, gratitude, and selfless giving of time and talents. As I read Mike’s Senior Warden Report from last year, it was full of anticipation at the beginning of 2014 with hopes of breaking ground on a new parking garage. A year later, we are still expectant for that to happen, but as 2014 progressed, it became clear that this dream will take time to unfold. Patience, balanced with tenacity and creativity is needed to see this project come to hopeful fruition! As we proceed on this journey, we will continue to seek the guidance of many in our community, but most importantly see how the Holy Spirit will work through this exploration and process. Even though we didn’t see as much progress as we had hoped in a new parking facility, 2014 was a great year of growth and accomplishment. We were able to see our Loaves & Fishes program expand and include health screenings for those in need of medical attention. We watched as our Front Porch program became an official Mission of All Saints’ via a Mission Grant from the Diocese. We called a new organist and choirmaster, Gregory Eaton, who appears to be ready to take us to new heights in our musical offerings. We are also pleased to see our Curate Cynthia, become our Associate Priest! Blessings have abounded, and we must be full of confident expectance that new blessings will greet us as we progress through another year. One of the most exciting events in late February will be the re-commissioning of the Episcopal Student Center and the celebration of 115 years serving the local university students. We can also look forward to revitalization and focus on Parish life activities to celebrate all aspects of the liturgical calendar, such as our All Saints’ weekend, as well as more casual events we enjoy on a weekly basis. We can also look forward to new ideas and events that will be planned for 2015 that will bring our community closer together as we worship and serve. As always, the Vestry is here and committed to serving this community with dedication and joy as we are sustained by the Grace of God and sent out to be like Christ. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Hanna Sr. Warden JUNIOR WARDEN’S REPORT This year’s Junior Warden’s responsibilities were focused on repairs and improvements but no major property upgrades, changes, or expenses. With the help of Mona Myers, former Jr. Wardens and others, we accomplished the following: ttage (painting, tub repair, etc.) is nearly completed In addition to these activities, All Saints has subscribed to the City of Austin Green Energy program which gives us special rates for commitment to renewable energy. 4 During 2014 there were several identified issues which will be carried into 2015, including replacing the double doors on the 27th Street entry to the University Ministry, protecting phone lines for this area, completing work at the church cottage, and resolving an issue with the lighting contractor. Another workday will be planned in the spring with many opportunities for parishioners to put practical skills to work. In addition to the usual on-going maintenance that comes with our aging buildings, we are always looking for ways to make the campus and Gregg House more appealing. That will be a focus in 2015. I will continue as Jr. Warden into 2015 and look forward to serving again in this role. Thanks to Mona for her tireless efforts in ensuring that issues are dealt with quickly and efficiently. And thanks to all who contributed in large or small ways to being good stewards of our properties. Respectfully submitted, Betsy Aylin Jr. Warden 2014 TREASURER’S REPORT This January marks the end of my fifth year as Treasurer of All Saints Church. Financially, 2014 was the best of those years, thanks to those of you who gave through their pledges and other offerings. My thanks also to the staff and volunteers who helped by keeping the costs of administering the church at an affordable level. We ended the year with a small surplus of $7,000. Our viability as a church is easily traced back to our All Saints’ community. When you, our members of this community, become involved with the programs and services of the church, you become willing owners and operators of the church, leading to our continuing successes. Please continue or begin pledging if you can. Offer your time to the church in some way. Share your skills, your ideas, and your passions with this community, and we will continue to grow. Thanks for the great year! Faithfully submitted, James Williamson All Saints’ Treasurer 2014 VESTRY AUTHORIZED LAND COMMITTEE All Saints’ Episcopal Church was a beneficiary of the Estate of Elizabeth Simkins Masterson in 1952. The Land Committee handles the business affairs related to the remaining real properties in Brazoria and Montgomery Counties, including the administration of the oil and gas leases on mineral interests in those counties that have been retained by All Saints’. Our only activity for the year 2014 was the execution of two oil, gas mineral leases. The first lease was made to Evergreen Energy, Inc. and covers mineral acreage owned by All Saints’ in the D.B. Daman subdivision of the A. Darst League in Brazoria County, Texas. The second lease was made to Jetta Oil & Gas, LP and covers mineral acreage owned by All Saints’ in the Jackson subdivision of the George Tennille Survey in Brazoria County, Texas. The proceeds from those leases were placed in the Endowment. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Bennett 5 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE O. V. BENNETT, JR. ENDOWMENT FUND OF ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH On behalf of the Vestry of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, the Board of Trustees continued its management of the accounts and assets of the O.V. Bennett, Jr. Endowment Fund. During 2014, the members of the Board consisted of the Rev. Mike Adams, Cynthia Bryant, Polly Moore, Carolyn Ostrom, Blake Justice, Tony Choban, and Senior Warden Elizabeth Hanna. In addition, the Board benefitted from the advice and counsel of Chancellor: Tom Pollan and of former members Dan Herd and C. Daniel Jones on matters of land management. At end of the third quarter of 2014 on September 30, the Fund’s value totaled $5,036,145. Through the end of the third quarter of 2014, distributions in the amount of $96,224 from the Fund were made for both direct ministry support and scholarships. A detailed report on all the individual accounts can be obtained by contacting Cynthia Bryant. Faithfully submitted, Cynthia Bryant Chair, Board of Trustees of the O.V. Bennett, Jr. Endowment Fund OUTREACH COMMITTEE Following our long-held tradition, members of All Saints’ parish were out in force to provide support and friendship to our less fortunate neighbors. Carolyn T. Smith Loaves & Fishes Ministry, Meals-On-Wheels, Micah 6 Austin (Food Pantry, Freeze Night, & Street Youth Ministry), Habitat For Humanity, Refugee Resettlement Services, El Buen Samaritano, Environmental Guild, Released Prisoner Mentoring Ministry, and Woman to Woman (mentoring Program), continue to receive our volunteer services and/or funding on a regular basis. The committee is always receptive to new ideas and projects, as All Saints’ parishioners are ready to generously support a worthy cause. “Let us go forth in the world, to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God!” Respectfully submitted, Bobby Wright Outreach Committee Chair (The following are reports from some of our outreach areas) Carolyn T. Smith Loaves & Fishes Ministry – Coordinator: Amy Pro, Treasurer: Billy Schultz, and Volunteer Coordinator: Robin Edmonds I. Description: The Carolyn T. Smith Loaves & Fishes Ministry is an All Saints’ Episcopal Church sponsored program. We serve families and individuals in financial and spiritual need within our community. This program operates in Kinsolving Hall every Tuesday morning. The financial and spiritual purpose of this ministry is to recognize Christ in everyone who asks for assistance and to help them find solutions they may have been too overwhelmed to discover. Volunteers repeatedly learn from and are enriched by their interactions with clients. Volunteers observe and are deeply moved by the strength, perseverance and faith of individuals burdened by extreme difficulties. 6 II. Special Event: At our L&F annual Christmas party hosted by Lila Luce, we honored Ruth Davies who “retired” as coordinator of the program at the end of 2014. Ruth took over for Carolyn Smith more than three years ago and worked tirelessly to ensure that Loaves and Fishes continued to meet its mission and to grow. Ruth will be greatly missed! III. New this year: 1. Voter registration: Michelle Carlson informs clients of their voter registration rights and completes on-site registration for those interested. In 2014, Michelle registered 237 voters. 2. Flu shots: Free flu shots were provided by Walgreens. Jessica Haskins, one of our parishioners and a pharmacist at Walgreens, administered shots on Tuesday mornings. This year, she vaccinated 103 of our clients. 3. Health care: Community Care sets up shop in the library every Tuesday morning. They offer blood sugar and blood pressure screening as well as referral assistance for additional needs. They now have an MD on site, using the choir room as an examining room. IV. Volunteers and Their Tasks: A. Client/Neighbor Interviewers & Recorders We have a group of volunteers, including All Saint’s communicants and family members, University of Texas students, Seminary of the Southwest students, and other volunteers. The majority of these volunteers serve every Tuesday morning, others serve twice a month, once a month, or once a quarter. This specific group of volunteers interviews the clients to discuss specific needs and disseminate assistance. B. Taco Guys and Prayer Room Staff A group of men get together every Monday night to prepare tacos and buy orange juice and then distribute them Tuesday morning. Deacon Ed Woolery-Price and other prayer-room volunteers meet individually with clients and offer specific prayers, spiritual guidance, and/or an attentive ear. C. Other Volunteer Duties ad pick-up at Texas French Bread: Dorothy and Kirk Rowland, -up at Russell’s Bakery: Roberta Sherfy, Josephine Sherfy -up: Kirk Rowland, Lila Luce, and Mary Coppinger – Kirk Rowland V. Program Schedule A. Mondays - Volunteer “Taco Guys” prepare breakfast tacos for Tuesday morning B. Tuesdays 6:30 a.m. Setup begins in Kinsolving Hall 7:00 a.m. Sign-in sheet is placed outside Gregg House 7:25 a.m. Clients/Neighbors are invited to attend Morning Prayer in chapel. 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer service begins 8:00 a.m. Distribution of breakfast tacos and juice 7 8:15 a.m. -in sheet are called to complete the list. The typical number served each week is 35 households. individuals do not have to return until 8:15 a.m. the following Tuesday. 8:45 a.m. Interviews begin 9:45-10:00 a.m. Interviews end. Clean-up begins. VI. Assistance Provided to Clients/Neighbors A. Financial Checks are written to pay for items such as rent, utilities, IDs, birth certificates, glasses, workbooks and prescriptions. B. Food: HEB gift cards and referrals to Micah 6 Food Pantry C. Transportation: Cap Metro bus passes 24-hour and 31-day; one time contribution toward Greyhound bus ticket D. Work boots: $40 vouchers to Payless E. Other Assistance: Referrals to other assistance agencies; alternatives to their specific situation VII. Contributors 1. All Saints’ Episcopal Church – During services on the first Sunday of each month, donations are requested for this ministry. Congregation donates money, hygiene items, greeting cards, socks, magazines and books. 2. All Saints’ Episcopal Day School - Parents donate hygiene items, money and 150 Christmas stockings for children. Value of each stocking is approximately $25. 3. Children’s Sunday School – Donation of Christmas stockings for parents. 4. Sock Challenge - Volunteers and church members donated socks during the cold winter months. Special Note We sincerely thank the congregation of All Saints’ Episcopal Church for allowing us to participate in this ministry, for supporting this ministry, and for joining us in prayer for those who come to us for help. We invite all congregation members to visit Kinsolving Hall on Tuesday mornings. We want you to see your donations at work! You are welcome to join us as we interview and visit with our neighbors in need. We always welcome new volunteers. 2014 Loaves & Fishes Volunteers Richard Apperley, Alan Barbee, Martha & Milton Bell, Nathan Griffin, Carol Brookhart, Holly Brookhart, Will Brookhart, Nina Butts, Michelle Carlson, Mike Carson, Ken Choffel, Kay Coonrod, Mary Coppinger, Ruth Davies, Tom Davies, Robin Edmonds, Alice Eichner & children, James Enelow, Charlotte Frazier, Jessica Haskins-Cummings, Barbara Hannon, Sue Ellen Hearn, Hamila Hobson, Marvin Jones, Grace Kago, Peter Kago, Dana Kuykendall, Joseph LeVan, Lila Luce, Micah Lupa, Susie Mallett, Herman Martina, Beth Mertz, Betty Newsom, Ellie Nielsen, Erik Pankratz, Beverly Pond, Amy Pro, Susan Rife, Dorothy Rowland, Kirk Rowland, Bill Schultz, Josephine Sherfy, Roberta Sherfy, Myra Williamson, Julie Witt, Tom Wood, Patti and Ed Woolery-Price. 8 Loaves and Fishes Financial Statement 2014 January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 Beginning Balance: Income: Transferred from Office Account 7747 Transferred from Office Account 0137 Transferred from Office Account 0145 $5,809.75 $62,264.66 $143.00 $749.50 ------------Total Income: $62,157.16 Expenses: Bank Charges and Check Printing Bus Passes HEB Gift Cards Housing ID’s, Birth Certificates Medical/Dental/Eye Care Miscellaneous Church Office (HEB and bus cards are not accounted for) Out-of-town Transportation Supplies (stamps, pens, paper, etc) Work Boots Utilities Electric Gas Water Telephone $118.55 $15,503.75 $12,700.00 $5,112.35 $2,552.10 $609.00 $150.69 $132.00 $2,823.68 $413.08 $1,153.90 $4,716.34 $3,644.58 $749.31 $80.00 $242.45 -----------Total Expenses: $45,853.44 $0.00 $22,113.47 Reconciliation Adjustments: Ending Balance: MICAH 6 COALITION – Brian Hopper, Board Representative email: All Saints’ is one of eleven congregations participating in Micah 6 of Austin. Our mission is to assist those in need to live a more abundant and self-sustaining life. As a non-profit organization, we answer the call of Micah 6:8 to – “…do justice through education, dialogue, and advocacy; love kindness by compassionately serving those who come to us for assistance; and walk humbly with God by providing opportunities for the spiritual growth of those we serve, our congregations and other community partners.” The Micah 6 food pantry, open on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, continues to serve the community. In 2014, we again served over 500,000 pounds of food to thousands of needy Austinites. Thanks to Capital Area Food Bank and generous donations, especially from Whole Foods and Trader Joes, and our member congregations, we are able to fill our shelves each week. 9 The tough economy and shrinking assistance continue to press our clients, so your donations are more important than ever. The Street Youth Outreach ministry continues to grow. In 2014 Micah 6 added a Director of Youth Services to better manage our offerings, and has added an additional freeze night to supplement the Lifeworks shelters that we have partnered with for years. The Drop-In Center at University Baptist Church for street youth continues to draw larger crowds of youth, giving them a secure place to sit, visit, have a hot meal, get a break from the elements, and most importantly have a place they feel they belong. Micah 6 has teams of volunteers to prepare hot meals and supervise and interact with the patrons on Sundays from 2:00-6:00. I am delighted to say that All Saints has become a regular provider of meals – thanks so much to all who participate. EL BUEN SAMARITANO – Volunteers deliver our nonperishable food items once a week to El Buen Samaritano. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the parishioners for their weekly contributions in 2014 and we ask for your continued support in 2015. El Buen Samaritano truly appreciates our efforts! MEALS-ON-WHEELS – from Bobby Wright, Coordinator, email: During 2014, All Saints’ parishioners and staff delivered approximately 4,680 meals. We have supported Meals-On-Wheels since 1984, by providing noontime food deliveries to Austin’s homebound elderly and disabled, who can no longer shop or cook for themselves. We now have 36 volunteer delivery drivers, organized into teams of four members. Each team member is responsible for picking up and delivering 10 hot, nutritious meals, one day per month. Our delivery driver also offers a friendly “hello” and checks on the person’s welfare. Sometimes, our driver is the only human contact the person receives all day. New drivers are always welcome! ALL SAINTS’ ENVIRONMENTAL GUILD – from Carolyn Croom: The All Saints’ Environmental Guild first convened in February 2013. The Guild focuses on environmental activities that benefit our church and fellow parishioners. The Guild held meetings in 2014 on the third Wednesday evening most months at the Mueller HEB and at a parishioner's home. With encouragement from the Environmental Guild, the Vestry approved a switch to Austin Energy's GreenChoice program, with the generous support of an anonymous donor. Beginning in January 2014, all of All Saints’ electricity is from renewable energy, reducing our carbon emissions by 65 percent. The Environmental Guild researched the City of Austin's programs and discovered that Austin Energy's Small Business Lighting Program is the most cost effective energy-saving program for churches that the city offers. Sanctuary and outdoor lights were changed in the spring to LEDs through that program. Austin Energy paid a 64% rebate, so the energy savings will offset the installation costs in only 21 months. That doesn’t include the savings from not having to replace bulbs twice a year since LEDs are so long-lasting. Many thanks to Mike Adams, Mona Myers, Tony Choban, and the Vestry for making this happen. For more information, you may contact Carolyn Croom at . 10 WOMAN TO WOMAN – from Jill Walker, Co-Chair, email: Started in 2014, WOMAN TO WOMAN is an All Saints’ mentoring ministry to women on parole by women of faith. Our mission is to provide financial, practical, emotional, and spiritual guidance to one woman at a time for a limited period to assist her in becoming a self-sustaining, emotionally stable, and spiritually whole person, with appropriate life skills to successfully achieve her goals. Woman to Woman team members: Carol Brookhart, Joan Burnham, Nancy Castleberry, Harriett Choffel, Robin Edmonds, Charlotte Frazier, Carolyn Powers, Ann Swingler. Jill Walker and Patti Woolery-Price, Co-Chairs. With the spiritual guidance of the Rev. Cynthia Caruso and the support of the Rev. Mike Adams. Other Outreach Ministries and contacts: FREEZE NIGHT – Carol Brookhart 512-371-7786, RELEASED PRISONER MENTORING MINISTRY– Deacon Ed Woolery-Price 512-476-7643 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY – Brian Hopper 512-899-0750, REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT SERVICES – Mary Coppinger 512-451-9401, II. PARISH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS ACOLYTE GUILD The All Saints’ Acolyte program functions as a component of our youth ministry, along with Sunday School and EYC. Acolyting presents a visible and tangible way that the youth serve the parish, as well as a way that they participate in stewardship—by offering their time and talent. The director is Patricia Goubil-Gambrell. This report highlights the organization of the acolyte corps and key events of 2014. • Acolyte Ministry The acolyte program at All Saint’s is philosophically part of our youth ministry. The emphasis is on serving the parish and acolytes rotate among four acolyte roles and between our two Sunday services. Acolytes, thus, have an opportunity to serve as Crucifer/Altar Server, Gospel Server, Gospel Torch, and Epistle Torch, as well as participate in Rite I and Rite II services. With this approach, we seek to instill in the youth that all roles at the altar are important and that serving your parish when it needs you represents true service. 11 We have a 50 page acolyte manual, detailing duties of each acolyte during the regular service as well as special services. We provide on-the-job training and coaching before each Sunday morning service. Acolytes review and rehearse their roles, focusing on how to serve with the appropriate decorum and posture. We augment this training with group training as needed. • Acolyte Sponsors Acolyte Sponsors support the acolyte program (1) by ensuring teams are ready before services and (2) by assisting with acolyte training. Additionally sponsors facilitate rapport and communication with other groups who serve at the altar—Lay Readers, Altar Guild, Choir, and Clergy. Sponsors for 2014 included Scott Brookhart, Tracy Cornelius, Nancy Crichlow, Kay Hopper, Mike McChesney, Polly Moore, and Ann Vanderburg. • Acolyte Recognition We presented our graduating seniors with a special gift at the end of the summer to acknowledge their faithful service and to remind them of their connection to All Saints’. Our graduating seniors in 2014 were Alexandra Albach, Caitlin Childe-Archuleta, and Samantha Smith. Serving for eight years, Alexandra performed virtually all the acolyte roles: Gospel Server, Epistle Torch, Gospel Torch, Crucifer, and Thurifer. She also belonged to Junior Daughters of the King. Caitlin came to All Saints’ as an experienced acolyte and served during her senior year in high school. Although she started acolyting at age 10, Samantha is something of an All Saints’ “lifer.” She has participated in just about every activity offered to young people at All Saints’—from Parents’ Day Out, the Day School, Sunday School, to Acolyting. • Trip to National Acolyte Festival Two acolytes made our tenth trip to the National Acolyte Festival (Note: NAF cancelled in 2011 because of the August earthquake). Acolytes participating were Eva Cornelius and Mary Smith. Future acolyte Karly Smith also attended. We offer a special thanks to all the adult chaperons who accompanied us and did so much to make the trip fun for all the acolytes: Tracy Cornelius who also had the honor of toting the holy hardware gun case to and from ABIA; Patricia Goubil-Gambrell, veteran trip organizer and guide; Jamie Lipton who took charge of the gun case in DC, and Sharon Smith, wrangler of the girls in DC. We also thank Jeanine Cuellar for getting the tassel on our Texas flag re-tied. As a former acolyte sponsor, she stands ready to help when we need her the most. At the 2014 National Acolyte Festival, “the great state of Texas” was welcomed, along with 20 other states (though none of them were proclaimed “great”), by the Dean of the Washington National Cathedral. This year’s festival drew approximately 700 acolytes, representing 92 parishes from 21 states. As usual there was a “one-time” attendee ringer church that came from further away than us, this time from Washington state. The Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori delivered the homily. This year we visited several Smithsonian museums and got to walk the National Mall. We saw and touched moon rocks at the National Air and Space Museum on Friday afternoon; then saw the moon rock in the Space Window at the National Cathedral on Saturday. At the Museum of American History, we viewed the flag that flew over Ft. McHenry that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the “Star Spangled Banner.” It’s really big: 30’ by 34’ (originally larger but some stars were cut off in the 1800s for souvenirs). The ruby red slippers from “The Wizard of Oz” and the Hope Diamond added some bling to our sightseeing. We enjoyed a fun change of pace at the 12 International Spy Museum on Sunday. And of course, we made our traditional trek to Tony Cheng’s for dinner, followed by ice cream at Haagen Daz. Acolyte Fundraisers Now in our eleventh year, our “parking lot ministry” fundraisers continue to cover the costs of the trip to the National Acolyte Festival. All the acolytes who went to Washington and their parents (Reinold and Tracy Cornelius and Jamie Lipman and Sharon Smith) volunteered for all of these fundraisers. In addition to parents, we especially appreciate the volunteers who did not go to NAF but staffed these fundraisers to help us: Mark Ball; Beth Busse, David and Levi Milton; Michael Carlson; Nancy Crichlow; Laura Heiligenphal and fiancé; Kay Hopper; Denise Ketcham; Paul Lupa; Charles Stuart; and Mary Wright. As always, we couldn’t do it without Mona’s help in coordinating the many moving parts that constitute this fundraiser and Marvin’s assistance kept the Day School traffic moving. We are grateful for everyone’s support of the acolyte parking fundraisers at UT MOOOVin and home UT football games. Thank you for parking here and telling your friends to park here, too. These fundraisers make it possible for any acolyte who volunteers to attend the National Acolyte Festival at little or no cost. • Thank Yous Most importantly, we recognize that the primary reason for the health and success of the acolyte ministry at All Saints’ arises from the commitment of the acolyte parents who encourage their children to participate in this ministry and who get them here on time, properly attired, on the Sundays that they serve. Thank you for your support. A special thank you goes to Scott Brookhart who faithfully sends email reminders to acolytes and acolyte sponsors the week they are to serve. We thank the clergy of this parish for their support of the acolyte ministry in 2014: Mike Adams, Phil Nazro, Stephen Kinney, and Cynthia Caruso. We appreciate the incredible support that we get from office staff: Jerry LaPorte who makes sure we don’t miss any Saints’ Alive deadlines and gets the acolyte names in the service sheet each week; Jan Lindemann who gets our bills paid and reimbursements made in a timely manner; Marvin Jones who directs day school traffic during the chaos of MOOOVin; and Mona Myers who always takes good care of us in the church and in the parking lot • 2014 Acolytes Youth who served as acolytes in 2014 include: Alexandra Albach, Gus Albach, John Andrews, Grace Battle, Dinah Bray, Holly Brookhart, Will Brookhart, Caitlin Childe-Archuleta, Eva Cornelius, Caileigh Dowell, Maddie Finney, Ethan Hanna, Ewan Hopper, Robert Hopper, Genevieve Ketcham, Tristan Ketcham, Stephen Lemmon, Hannah McChesney, Levi Milton, Grace Moore, Annika Ostrom, Thomas Ostrom, Duke Saenz, Francesca Saenz, Lucy Schmidt, Samantha Schmidt, Sophie Schmidt, Mary Smith, Campbell Stuart, Amanda Thomas, Taylor Thomas, Kyla Thompson, Taylor Thompson, Eli Vela, Jack Vela, and Lillian Wallace. 13 In 2014, we welcomed new acolyte Javier Vela. Our 2014 graduating seniors were Alexandra Albach, Caitlin Childe-Archuleta and Samantha Smith. • Plans for 2015 We will attend the National Acolyte Festival in Washington, DC, in October 2015. The Austin Convocation Acolyte Festival remains on hiatus, while the acolyte director lives “abroad” East of the Sabine in NY, enjoying the role of Nana to a three-year who has been assisting in lighting and extinguishing altar candles at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Pleasantville, New York. We welcome all parishioners to become involved with the Acolyte ministry, especially youth of acolyting age (11+ years old) and their parents. We are ready to help you serve in this ministry. Faithfully, Patricia Goubil-Gambrell All Saints’ Episcopal Church Acolyte Director ALTAR FLOWER MINISTRY Members of this ministry deliver the altar flowers from Sunday services, special services, Easter and Christmas to parishioners who are home bound, ill, hospitalized, or have lost a loved one, and to those celebrating a new life or otherwise in need of a little extra moral support. Volunteers work in teams of two or three. One member arranges the flowers usually on Monday and the other members deliver them on Tuesday or Wednesday along with a card for the recipients. During 2014 the members of the ministry delivered dozens of Easter lilies and poinsettias at Christmas. During the year we made weekly flower deliveries to approximately 175 appreciative parishioners. We had four teams of three (one arranger and three deliverers) each week for most of 2014, so each team pitched in every four weeks. For 201 our members were: Sandra Bosley, Harriet Choffel, Nancy Crichlow, Robin Edmonds, Olga Garza, Tracy Gossard, Ashley Lindstrom, John Lynch, Polly Moore, Beatrice Neuhold-Orth, Betty Newsom, Judy Reinhart, Amanda Schmidt, Doris Scott, Alan Stewart, and Barbara Ward. This ministry is an opportunity for parishioners to act as a link between the church and those unable to attend services. We would love to have new volunteers join us. If you would like to volunteer, please contact me at Respectfully submitted, Amanda Schmidt Altar Flower Ministry Chair 14 ALTAR GUILD The Altar Guild’s mission is to ensure the smooth functioning of the liturgical life of All Saints’ by assisting our Clergy in the performance of their ceremonial duties. To this end, we are comprised of four teams of 5-7 people who rotate weekly attending not only to the usual Sunday Eucharists, but to any other Sacramental occasion such as Nuptials, Baptisms, and funerals. We prepare and care for all of the vessels, linens, color vestments and hangings used in the course of our worship life. We find great satisfaction in this unique ministry and welcome anyone who feels called to serve. Altar Guild members during 2014: Team 1: Jeanine Cuellar, Ana Dison, Mary Irvine, Cecilia Lynch, Joe Percer, Polly Moore. Team 2: Martha Bell, Joyce Edwinson, LisaDiane Etheredge, Karen Fehr, Elizabeth Fehr, Sandra Kelley. Team 3: Jim Creswell, Pat Creswell, Jeannine Miller, John Miller, Donna Shipley. Team 4: Kay Allensworth, Cindy Keever, Nancy Leshikar, Heather McKinney, Eliza Morehead, Alan Stewart, Donald Wertz. Respectfully submitted, Donald Wertz Altar Guild Director THE CHOIRS AND MUSIC PROGRAM As of the date of my writing this report, I have been at All Saints’ for just exactly two months. I have been most gratified by the level of welcome and support I have received as I begin my ministry of music among you. I am enjoying meeting various members of the All Saints’ family, and look forward to opportunities to continue doing so. Below is an outline of where the current music program is, as well as thoughts and plans for the future: • The Choirs Both the Parish and Quin choirs are doing very good work. We have had one new member, as well as a couple of returning members in the Parish Choir. Further new and returning members are always most welcome. Ms. Erika Wuerzner has joined both choirs as a soprano section leader, and I will be working towards finding leaders for the other three sections in both choirs in the near future. Advent Lessons and Carols, very early after my arrival here, was a good success, as were the Christmas Eve services. Members of both choirs sang at both of the Christmas Eve services. It was a special joy to me to be able to work with the children of the parish at the early Christmas Eve service. In the upcoming year, we will be doing the Choral Mass on Sunday, March 8, with members of both choirs participating. The Parish Choir will resume Evensong monthly on the last Sunday of each month, beginning in April, and will sing as usual for Ash Wednesday and the special services of Holy Week. 15 Throughout all of this activity, I am working with the choirs not only on musical excellence, but to promote in both an atmosphere of joy in the making of music, the fellowship of singing together, and the important ministry of music within the liturgy of All Saints’ Church. • Instrumentalists/Bells Since my arrival, two members of the parish have participated as guest instrumentalists in worship services. It is my hope that any other members of the parish who play an instrument and might wish to be included in the parish music from time to time will feel free to contact me. I would be very glad to find ways to include any member of the parish who might be interested in the taking part in the musical portion of our worship. Along these same lines, several people have expressed interest in reviving the All Saints’ bell choir. I will be having a meeting with anyone interested after church on February 15, in order to determine the feasibility of moving forward with enough people to form a workable bell choir. • Organ Programs As many of you are aware, I came to All Saints’ after over 15 years of playing weekly concerts in my previous parish. I am interested in finding ways in which to do some sort of regular organ programs here at All Saints’. As a first step, I will be playing a Lenten organ meditation on Sunday, March 22 (the Fifth Sunday in Lent). I would welcome any ideas for how future programs might be worked into All Saints’ already generous round of parish activities. In conclusion, it is my hope to build upon the foundation of excellent music which has preceded my arrival at All Saints,’ and to find new and engaging ways in which to design the musical portion of our worship in the years to come. My thanks to the rector, the clergy, the parish staff, the choirs, and especially to all of you for your kind and warm welcome since my arrival among you. When in our music God is glorified, and adoration leaves no room for pride, it is as though the whole creation cried ‘Alleluia!’ F. Pratt Green, Hymn 420, The Hymnal 1982 Respectfully submitted, Gregory Eaton Organist/Choirmaster DAUGHTERS OF THE KING, ST. CATHERINE’S CHAPTER St. Catherine’s Chapter of The Order of the Daughters of the King is a world-wide religious order of women who take a lifetime vow of prayer, service and evangelism. We maintain a confidential prayer list compiled at monthly meetings, along with emails from parishioners, prayer requests via the All Saints’ website and prayer request cards in the pews. All prayer requests are prayed daily by St. Catherine’s members. 16 During 2014 St. Catherine’s Chapter continued to develop more hands-on service participation within our parish and surrounding community. We cooked breakfast casseroles every other month for the Street Youth Ministry’s (SYM) weekly Bible study. Each month we prepared approximately 8 casseroles providing 96 servings. In March we held our annual Lenten Quiet Day at the Episcopal Student Center which was led by our Curate, the Rev. Cynthia Caruso. In October we provided Sunday dinner to the UT students at the Episcopal Student Center. In December we once again hosted the Street Youth Ministry (SYM) Christmas Party at All Saints’ and cooked for 55+ homeless young adults along with 30 SYM volunteers. We hosted a Saturday morning coffee for women parishioners who were interested in learning who we are and what we do. Current officers are: Jill Walker – President Nanci Felice – Vice President Patty Jackson – Treasurer Sandy Apperley – Secretary Dated: January 8, 2015 Respectfully submitted, Jill Walker, President, The Order of the Daughters of the King, St. Catherine’s Chapter JR. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The St. Joan of Arc chapter of the Junior Daughters of the King is a lay order for girls ages 8-18 that works with its members to inwardly and outwardly focus on dedicating their lives and actions to prayer, service and evangelism. We are a growing group of 10 girls that get together quarterly for activities focused on the three tenets of JDOK, and learning to live in fellowship as Christ directs us. We like to hang out, pray, sing songs, play gams, giggle, eat swedish fish candy, serve others, and have fun! The group is led by Directress Lee Read with support from Linda Jaques. In the past year, our JDOK community had a lockin and candlelight "pajama" service with Mother Cynthia, cooked lunch for the Habitat Home builders, packed goodie bags and made Christmas decorations for homeless youth, and learned about the ways we can talk to God. Most recently, we had 5 JDOK attend the Diocesan JDOK retreat at Camp Allen, and we had a blast! We welcome all girls in our community to join us as we explore what God has called each of us to do. Our focus for 2015 will be Chrysalis - exploring the transforming power that God brings to each of our lives. Please contact Lee Read for more information about JDOK plans for 2015 - Respectfully submitted, Lee Read Directress, The Order of the Junior Daughters of the King 17 HEAVENLY HOSTS Heavenly Hosts is All Saints’ lay hospitality ministry whose mission is to be a welcoming and gracious presence to all who enter our doors for both celebratory and funeral receptions. Its main purpose is to involve parishioners in the preparation and staffing of these receptions and is comprised of approximately 40 volunteers who help with setup, food preparation, serving, and cleanup. Its secondary purpose is to provide parishioner assistance to our Sexton/Facilities Director, Mona Myers, who contributes to these events through scheduling, purchasing supplies, setup, and maintenance. The 2014-2015 co-chairs are Ruth Ann Lostracco and Bettie Pollan for celebratory receptions and Patti Woolery-Price for funeral receptions. Using a generous gift, we purchased a handsome and stylish set of flatware for special functions. In 2014, Heavenly Hosts planned and executed the following celebratory events: Youth Sunday, honoring our graduates in May; a farewell reception honoring David Eaton, our organist in July; the annual Lemonade in the Shade Labor Day event in September; and Lessons & Carols reception in December. The 2014 funeral receptions were: Allison Anderson and Gloria King in January; Berteil Kroeger in February; Emma Gene Gentry and Penny Burnett in April; Alpha Gonzalez and Kirk Holden in May; Frankie Monroe in September; Joan Weimer in November; and John Bagalay in December. Respectfully submitted, Ruth Ann Lostracco, Bettie Pollan & Patti Woolery-Price Heavenly Host Chairs LECTORS & CHALICE BEARERS CORPS The Lectors and Chalice Bearers continue to enhance our parish liturgy by the reading of scriptures, psalms, and prayers of the people and administering the chalice at the Eucharist. Coverage is provided for all the Sunday services by our group with the exception of the 6:30 p.m. Student Center service. We also serve at special services during Christmas, Lent, and Easter, as well as weddings and funerals. We are grateful for the help of our Seminarian Interns who assist with the 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. services on Sundays when the seminary is in session. The Lector and Chalice Bearer group currently has 30 persons who serve, as well as four emergency substitutes. We gained two new volunteers during the past year and a few have taken well-earned breaks for physical and other health reasons. We always welcome new volunteers and if you are interested, please contact Mary Hemby, Coordinator at 512-312-5310or Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, Mary Hemby Lector & Chalice Bearer Coordinator 18 MEN’S GROUP This group is open to all men that wish to participate! The events center around a Friday evening gathering for a meal and fellowship once a month. Volunteers cook the main dish; the church provides the beer; those coming are asked to bring a side dish and/or dessert - or soft drinks & water (and pitch-in on set up and clean-up). A highlight every year is the Annual Men’s Group Crawfish Boil (during Lent). During the summer, we have Open Grill Nights – (where you bring your own food item to grill), and we have an Annual SuperBowl of Chili Cook-Off, and participate in the Annual Parish Picnic, Mardi Gras, and other parish events. If you would like to enjoy some good male bonding where we promise there is never any “meeting agenda,” please contact me at 476-3589, ext 104 or at Respectfully submitted, The Reverend Mike Adams Rector NEWCOMER & VISITOR MINISTRY (Greeters) In 2014 the Greeters Ministry is made up of volunteers, act as a greeters for both the 9:00 AM and 11:30 AM services. This year the team was led by Jane Shaughness with Silvestre Silvas leading the group in September 2014 to the present. Greeters can be found each Sunday at the Greeter Table at the corner 27th St and Whitis. The primary activity of this ministry was to ensure that newcomers, visitors, and regulars are warmly greeted before and after services, answer any questions that individuals may have about All Saints’ and provide any information. The 2014 greeter corps included: Carol Barnes, Carol Brookhart, Kerry Childe, Eliot Davenport, Robin Edmonds, Steve Edmonds, Chip Harris, Shannon Harris, Sherry Hill, Christine Holcombe, Mary Irvine, Glenis Luce, Lila Luce, Liz MacPhail, Alastair MacPhail, Bill McLellan, Betty Newsom, Margie Ranc, Betsy Sammon, Jane Shaughness, Tom Shaughness, Silvestre Silvas, Sarah Vela, James Williamson. Respectfully submitted, Silvestre Silvas Newcomer & Visitor Ministry Coordinator PASTORAL CARE AT ALL SAINTS’ Grace Ministry In 2004 All Saints’ Parish developed Grace Ministry to extend the reach of our clergy’s pastoral support. The mission of this lay ministry is to offer God’s love through presence, listening and confidentiality. By referral from the clergy eleven Grace Ministers now partner regularly with parishioners. The group also meets once a month for supervision and training. A Grace Minister visits a parishioner during transitions such as a decline in health, the loss of a loved one, a divorce, relationship challenges, family issues, a new baby, caring for an aging parent, 19 loneliness -- any situation where a good listener can provide support and care through a grace partnership. In 2014 the Grace Ministers were: Michelle Carlson, Mary Coppinger, Bill Connor, Tom Davies, Charlotte Frazier, Kay Hopper, Dick LeVan, Libby McTeer, Carolyn Powers, and Bobby Wright. The Grace Ministers are grateful to Father Mike for his ongoing leadership and for the blessings we ourselves receive as we partner with others. Respectfully submitted, Dick LeVan Grace Minister Saints On Call Saints On Call was organized in 2001 with the purpose of providing lay pastoral care to All Saints’ parishioners.The care is not designed to be long lasting but to fill immediate needs such as providing food to families who have suffered the loss of a loved one or are recuperating from an illness. Or they may simply need a visit, or a call to inquire about their needs. Quite often, the care is in the form of transportation to church or to doctor’s appointments. We responded to requests in 2014 to provide transportation and to offer help to families in our parish. Calls for assistance should be made either to the church office, or directly to Milton Bell at 512-454-2395 or Joyce Edwinson at 512-288-0754. Respectfully submitted, Milton Bell & Joyce Edwinson Co-Chairs of Saints On Call Lay Eucharistic Visitation This important ministry provides Eucharist for persons in hospitals and for the homebound. During 2014, some 68 “private communions” were held for members of our parish family. Deacon Ed and our willing and able seminarian interns have joined our also very able and willing licensed Eucharistic Visitors: Bill Connor, Kathy Vail, Brian Hopper, Dick LeVan, and Deacon Ed WooleryPrice in providing this vital service. If you would like to share in this ministry, please give me a call. Respectfully submitted, The Reverend A. Phillips Nazro Associate Rector BRIDGE MINISTRY (An Addiction Recovery Ministry) The Bridge Ministry at All Saints’ is an awareness, prevention, and support lay-ministry that seeks to bridge the gaps from misunderstanding to awareness, despair to hope, isolation to community, shame to forgiveness where issues of addictions arises in families and with friends. The Bridge Ministry lay-members at the end of 2014 were: Ed Myers, Beverly Pond, and Bruce Bennett. During 2014 the Bridge Ministry lay-members have provided articles in the monthly Saints Alive! Online. The Bridge Ministry members also organized and hosted an Adult Ed Forum speaker, William Loving, MD, whose topic was “The Negative Effects of Marijuana”. Respectfully submitted, 20 The Rev. Deacon Ed Woolery-Price USHER CORPS MINISTRY The Usher Corps Ministry at All Saints’ is a group of dedicated men and women serving at the 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. Sunday services as well as special services during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, and at funerals. Six teams serve at 9:00 a.m. services and four serve at 11:30 a.m. services. The duties of the ushers include distributing Orders of Services and other literature for services, providing the clergy with the number attending each service, collecting and counting the offertory, controlling the flow of people during communion, and making sure the services run smoothly. There are currently ten ushering teams. For those who might be interested in serving in this important ministry, please contact the new coordinator, Michelle Carlson at 512-467-9977, or We are always in need of new ushers. It’s a great way to serve All Saints’ and to meet lots of new people! 2014 Usher Teams: (Head usher for each team in bold) 9:00 a.m. Teams: Harold Booher, Kate Clark, Phil Evans, Carolyn Ostrom, Garry Wilkison Wally Moore, Polly Moore, Betty Newsom, David Milton, George Jeffords, Mike McChesney, Robert Albach, Bettie Pollan, Tom Pollan, Steve Lemmon Mark Ball, John Barnhill, Kathleen Bay, Joan Burnham, Chip Harris, Shannon Harris Joe Lostracco, Ruth Ann Lostracco, Michelle Carlson, Catherine Best, Laura Heiligenthal Bobby Wright, Sandy Apperley, Richard Apperley, Dorothy Roland, Kirk Rowland, Trish Conradt 11:30 a.m. Teams: Bruce Bennett, Brian Baker, C. Daniel Jones, Martha McKay Jones, Rafael Vela Clarke Parris, Mimi Parris, Charlie Coward, Elizabeth Hanna, Scott Hanna, Lucy Nazro JoLynn Free, Jim Enelow, Denise Ketcham, Amanda Mitchell, Jan Triplett, Anne Simpson Tom Davies, Ruth Davies, Amy Pro, Gilbert Pro, Sondra Saenz, David Saenz Respectfully submitted, Richard Apperley Usher Coordinator BOOK GROUP …from Lanny van Allen The All Saints’ Book Group meets the third Tuesday of the month with twelve to eighteen participants, one volunteer leader, another responsible for refreshments. The books are chosen by consensus and cover a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction, sometimes an old favorite and sometimes a book on the current best-seller list, but usually one that is readily available in libraries and “used book” stores. Everyone commits to reading the book, so the discussions are lively and thoughtful, with everyone jumping in before the leader gets a chance to give the introduction! We always welcome new members, men and women, and new voices. During 2014 the group met at the home of Nancy Crichlow, and occasionally at the van Allen home. Meetings are at 7:30 p.m. If you would like to attend an upcoming Book Group meeting, please let us know. 21 ST. CLARE’S GUILD St. Clare’s Guild, stays busy crocheting, knitting, sewing and tatting. During 2014, we made 13 Baptismal blankets, 6 prayer shawls and 8 prayer monkeys. The baptismal blankets are blessed during the baptismal service and immediately given to the newly baptized. The prayer shawls are blessed during a Sunday service and then stored ready to be given as we learn of the need to either provide comfort or to celebrate a special occasion. The prayer monkeys are blessed on Senior Sunday in May and given to our graduating high school seniors and graduating seminarians. In addition to these activities, St. Clare’s also participated in several projects during the year. We crochet or tatted crosses twice this year for the newly Confirmed. We helped St. Monica’s with their Pillowcase Dresses for Malawi. We also knitted or crocheted 65 scarves for the Special Olympics, and over 41 sets of hats and scarves for the Daughters of the King December project. Because we receive no financial support, we depend on our members to buy their own supplies. Donations of washable yarn in cheerful colors will be gladly accepted. We meet with St. Monica’s Guild on the third Saturday of the month, 9:00 to noon, in the Library. For more information, please contact Carroll Patterson at 512-454-4366 or email her at ST. MONICA’S GUILD St. Monica’s Guild continues to collect fabric scraps to make flannel backed patchwork quilts. Embroidered labels are attached to the quilts. The quilts are blessed during a service and delivered to Dell Children’s Hospital or to the Shivers Cancer Center. Flannel is purchased in bolt quantities with donated funds. This year we completed 28 quilts. St. Monica’s also continued to make “Pillow Case” dresses that were sent to Uganda with Ms. Tomi Mills who heads a mission project Kids Inspire Kids. This year we sent 13 dresses. Ms. Mills makes trips periodically to Austin so we will be able to send dresses with her when she comes to town. For the All Saints’ Parish Celebration Silent Auction women pieced squares for a queen size quilt in the Floating Colors pattern. Three pillows and one bolster were included. The quilt was professionally quilted by Laura Brown of Quilt Lab. We invite women of all ages to come and join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month in the church library. Sewing experience is not necessary and there is always something that can be done if you are not in the middle of your own project. If you have any questions, contact Mary Wright at or 512-451-7662. TWENTIES & THIRTIES GROUP (a.k.a. TnT) …from Robert Wells The Twenties and Thirties group relaunched in early 2014, but it has grown quickly and is going strong. The group has been meeting weekly in a house church format which reflects the earliest traditions of the Christian faith, welcoming both regular members of All Saints’ and those who might otherwise be uninvolved in the church. In 2015, new outreach efforts to expand the group as well as larger scale events are being discussed. The first reading for the new year will be The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis. 22 Learn more by contacting Robert Wells at or 512.426.3304. UPPER CRUST GROUP (65+) …from Patti Woolery-Price Upper Crust, a group for parishioners who are at least 65, though anyone interested in our programs and activities may participate. We gather each first, third and fifth Thursdays, breaking for summer and the holiday season. On first Thursdays, a speaker presents a program of interest to the group. In 2014, speakers and topics have included Terry Cole, director of the Street Youth Ministry; Dr. David Eaton, All Saints' organist and choirmaster; parishioners: Martha Campbell on her 3 months sojourn in Italy, France, and Spain; Judy Morris, introduction to gentle yoga; Rebecca Baltzer on Canterbury Cathedral and Thomas Beckett; and Doris Scott on her life in Vienna from 1966-1971 as the wife of a Foreign Service officer. On third Thursdays we carpool to a place of interest in the community and occasionally out of town. We’ve been to museums, Episcopal churches and schools, worship venues of other faith traditions, charitable organizations, and tours of Austin landmarks and seats of government. In 2014, we went to the Texas State Library to see an exhibit on the assassination of JFK, the Bullock Museum, in March for an exhibit on the Battleship Texas and in November to see the La Belle exhibit, the Texas Medical Association archives for a forensic science exhibit, and the Ransom Center for a guided tour of the "Gone with the Wind" exhibit. On most fifth Thursdays, Upper Crusters meet for light refreshments and fellowship, usually at a member’s home. This year in January we were hosted by Bettie Pollan for a viewing of Dirk van Allen's latest film "The Bystander Theory." The highlight of the year was attending the matinee performance of "The Miracle of 34th Street: a radio play" starring our own Dirk van Allen as Kris Kringle. Anyone who is interested may come to any or all meetings, as the spirit (and the body!) moves. Thereʼs no actual mechanism for joining, but anyone whoʼd like to be notified of upcoming activities is encouraged to e-mail Patti Woolery-Price at Women’s Group …from Brianne Blevins The All Saints’ Women’s Group formed in September 2011, meeting monthly, and growing in membership, especially in 2014. Our goal is to provide a space for church women to get to know one another better and to build a supportive community. The co-leaders and a fellow parishioner provided supper at the parishioner’s home as a “thank you” to a wonderful group and as our kickoff event for 2014. Through the year we met at Cafe Express after church some months and at restaurants such as Central Market, Hyde Park Bar and Grill, and Vino Vino on weekday and Sunday evenings other months. On a Friday in July, we gathered for a Ladies Night at the Church, for pizza, games, and fellowship. On a Sunday evening in November, we held a Wine Study and Bible Tasting at the Curate Cottage with our Curate leading. This was well received and we’re continuing a monthly Bible Tasting in 2015. In December, we continued our annual tradition of gathering at the Capitol for the Holiday Sing-Along. After having served since the group formed, Brianne Blevins stepped down from a co-leader position in November, and Eliot Davenport filled that position. The group thanks Brianne and Eliot for their leadership. For more information, you 23 may contact co-leaders Carolyn Croom at or Eliot Davenport at . III. PARISH CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PROGRAMS CHILDREN’S & YOUTH CHRISTIAN FORMATION Godly Play: Pre-K through 2nd Grade Dedicated teachers Alison Gaylord, Steve Lemmon, Megan Dowell, Jessica Johnson, Sharon Smith, Cara Mueller, Nicole Oria, and Pablo Oria teach Godly Play, a Montessori-based Bible curriculum that allows children to hear a story and wonder about it. Production Company: 3rd-5th Grade Innovative teachers Sarah Peet and Merry Wheaton, assisted by Callie McKenna, teach the Bible to their students, with the goal of making a Bible theme park, and a Bible story video. Students are actors, and the entire parish enjoy their productions. This year the video was about Deborah and Jael, two strong women who defeated Israel’s enemies—rather gruesomely! Journey to Adulthood: 6th-8th Grade Silvestre Silvas leads a team of teachers for the middle school students, grades 6-8. Together they explore self and society, as Christians. Senior High: 9th-12th Grade Teacher/facilitator Jonathan Lustri leads discussions about current events. Students listen to podcasts of news programs, then discuss the issues from a Christian perspective. Vacation Bible School: Vacation Bible School had a theme of Summer of Love, and was ably led by seminarian intern Jessica Percer. Twenty children attended. Adventure Bible School: Adventure Bible School, led by Sarah Peet, explored various venues, climaxed by an overnight at Krause Spring. Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Cynthia Caruso Curate ALL SAINTS’ YOUTH PROGRAMS (6th-12th Grade) Jr. EYC (6th, 7th & 8th grades) got its start this year as a separate group from the Sr. EYC. Events during 2014 include: - Two movies: Watched Whale Rider at All Saints', and then ventured out to see Jerusalem at the Imax theatre. - Hiking at McKinney Falls State Park - Pizza and games Please contact Olivia pope at if your child would like to participate. And friends are always welcome and encouraged to join our activities. Respectfully submitted, 24 Olivia Pope Sr. EYC (a.k.a. “The Window”) got its start in September, and through the autumn and early winter months of 2014 hosted between 10 and 20 different high school students in openly discussing topics ranging from folk music to failure to hip hop to communion. Our special guests included Matt Puckett of Mother Falcon, the Hideout Theatre’s Andy Crouch, and rising Austin hip hop artist, Magna Carda. While the program was mainly attended by Episcopalian youth in 2014, some shifts started happening in December that may lead this program in new, more service-bound directions in upcoming months. We are currently making plans to expand The Window into east Austin and should have excited news to report by mid- February. Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney Executive Director of The Front Porch ADULT EDUCATION Our adult education programs continued to provide a wide range of interesting topics and engaging presenters to address our parish’s needs and concerns. All Saints’ Adult Education Committee meets quarterly to plan and confirm and present speakers for SundayAdult Forum. All Saints’ education topics include Spiritual Formation, Episcopal Life, Biblical Study, Current Issues, Life Stages, Spirituality, Creativity and the Arts; and Theology and Philosophy to name a few. Adult Education 2014 included Sunday programs such as Outreach Ministries Fair; the Annual Parish Meeting; Endowment Committee presentation; Episcopal Relief and Development; the Annual Lenten Theme series by our clergy; Wayne Sibson with Austin Blackhawks Beep baseball; Rogation Sunday with Beating of the Bounds; How Faith Informs Passion series; Summer Book Reading with Lanny Van Allen; All Saints’ Through the Year in Photos; A Christian Considers Immigration; Anglican Rebels series; Scotland series; Zombies on the Loose with Professor Tom Garza; and many, many others. We welcome new members with fresh ideas and diverse voices. Serving as a member of this committee is a great opportunity to bring knowledge and awareness to the community, and to meet speakers from across the Austin spiritual community, including Seminary Faculty, Representatives from the Interfaith community, authors, UT Faculty and other thought leaders in our community. Please contact Father Mike at ext. 104 if you would like to participate. Respectfully submitted, by the Adult Education Committee: Lay: JoAnne Christian; Steven Harris; Nancy Lynch; David Milton; Brant Pope Clergy: The Rev. Mike Adams, The Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney, The Rev. Cynthia Caruso 2014 Seminarian Interns: Christian Baron; Jodi Baron; Hunter Ruffin; Daniel Strandlund 25 IV. RESIDENT ORGANIZATIONS AT ALL SAINTS’ PARENTS’ DAY OUT (PDO) The Parents’ Day Out program is in its twenty-seventh year of operation under the direction of volunteer administrator, Wini Wood. It is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ten babies were welcomed into the nursery, cared for by Betty Cuan, Ana Flores and Isabel Flores. Shujia Pan with Victoria Trejo on Mondays and Isabel Flores on Thursdays worked and played with eight children in the 18 months-young two’s group in St. Michael’s. Estela Trejo and Candy Menjivar led the two and three year old children in Laura’s Corner from toddlerhood to preschool ready. Graciela Flores and Victoria Menjivar provided the extra assistance needed for the summer session which was filled with water play, sidewalk chalk, bubbles and other messy outdoor experimentation. Enrollment in PDO is a mix of children who are parishioners, have siblings who attend ASEDS, and children whose parents are drawn to All Saints’ by its strong reputation for quality child care/school programs. The program maintains the toys and equipment in the nursery on a regular basis. PDO assists the ASEDS with the cost of regular maintenance of the playground as well as assisting the church with maintenance of carpets and flooring in the rooms that the program shares with other church activities. Respectfully submitted, Wini Wood PDO Administrator THE FRONT PORCH PROJECT In 2014, The Front Porch rose to new heights and has gathered some major momentum. Working cohesively with the staff at All Saints’ Episcopal Church and our Board of Directors, we were able sharpen and organize both our concert series, Unplugged on The Front Porch, and our pub church Parable, into events that occur on a regular basis. We were also able to host several editions of our symposium series, Elephant in the Room, as well as create a new program for young people, which we have dubbed The Window. We earned a $60,000 grant from the Diocese of Texas, to be awarded us over the next three years, and continue to aspire toward broadening our support base enough to reach our final goal of managing a permanent space for The Front Porch in which we may pursue our goals. Parable really came into itself in 2014. A once-a-month chance for folks to gather in a pub setting. 2014 guests included music legend Ray Benson, Senator Kirk Watson, Evan Smith, Walter Moreau, Jesse Griffiths, Tom Spencer, Turk Pipkin, Rabbi Neil Blumofe, Ellen Sweets, and many others. 26 The event took place in Opal Divine’s Penn Field for the first 75% of the year, but our attendance there got so high that we had to find a bigger space, and we moved to Scholz’ Garten in August to accomodate. Unplugged on The Front Porch in 2014 developed into an every third Thursday concert hosted by mostly All Saints' parishioners. Our spring season saw performances from Nelo, Darden Smith, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Terri Hendrix, and Lloyd Maines, and was wholly acoustic. For our fall series, we decided to take Unplugged to the next level, bringing in a professional sound technician to make our concert series the finest listening space in Austin. It caught on, as Tish Hinojosa, Mother Falcon, Michael Fracasso, and Sara Hickman took the stage in front of enthusiastic crowds that ranged from 60 to 150 people from all over Austin. For our Elephant in the Room symposia in May, we hosted Becca Stevens, who helped us delve into and discuss ways to help prevent the tragedy of human slavery across the US and the world. We had hundreds of people attend this event that was held mostly at St. David’s. In November, we hosted a conversation between John Burnett and army chaplain and author David W. Peters at downtown's Brass House. We had a packed house and this conversation led to a national NPR story that featured David and his experiences during and after the Iraqi war. The Window got its start in September, and through the autumn and early winter months of 2014 hosted between 10 and 20 different high school students in openly discussing topics ranging from folk music to failure to hip hop to communion. Our special guests included Matt Puckett of Mother Falcon, the Hideout Theatre’s Andy Crouch, and rising Austin hip hop artist, Magna Carda. While the program was mainly attended by Episcopalian youth in 2014, some shifts started happening in December that may lead this program in new, more service-bound directions in upcoming months. We are currently making plans to expand The Window into east Austin and should have excited news to report by mid- February. In addition to pursuing these four tracks, we also teamed up with All Saints’ to offer last year’s Lenten Series, “Autobiographies of Redemption” and the Bailey Lectures with Peter Rollins. We made some staffing changes here and there: Tito Kohout left in August after serving a year as Project Manager. Riley Webb came on board as an intern in September. Cam Rogers is paid monthly as our Unplugged Sound Engineer. In 2014, we want to focus on developing and expanding our Board of Directors to better suit the needs of our growing Front Porch vision. We also hope to further our growing relationship with the Diocese of Texas and hone our mission to raise funds for a permanent space — as a mission and outreach of the ever astonishing All Saints’ community. Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney Executive Director of The Front Porch 27 ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL DAY SCHOOL The mission of All Saints’ Episcopal School is to encourage spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and social development of children through a nurturing and guiding relationship with teachers and family, and provide a developmentally balanced curriculum that fosters a love of learning and the teaching of Christian values and tradition. This mission is embodied in all of the work that we do. The Faculty and Staff truly reflect these values, and their love of teaching children permeates the School. Background All Saints’ Episcopal Day School has served the All Saints’ Episcopal Church and broader Austin community for over sixty years. The program began in 1946 as an educational outreach effort by several parishioners. The women of St. Margaret’s Guild sought a quality Episcopal preschool experience for their own children, in turn influencing other mothers in the parish to focus on the spiritual welfare of their children. After months of research and recruitment, a nursery school of just twenty students was formed. Later, the School would become the first stand-alone preschool to be accredited by the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES). Today, there are seventy-five students enrolled at the Day School. All Saints’ enjoys an exceptional reputation in the Austin community, and given its popularity there are a large number of applicants in a waiting pool. As a result, the School gives priority to parishioners in the admissions process above other criteria. The All Saints’ Episcopal Day School Board of Trustees is governed by nine members, the Chairman being Father Mike Adams. Cindy La Porte, our Day School Head, serves as an ex-officio member. The Board meets monthly as a whole, and more frequently within various sub-committees. Parishioners currently serving on this board include Allison Bassetti, Chris Mabley, Liz MacPhail, Michael Griffith, and Eric Ostrom. Reverend Mike Adams and Cindy La Porte also represent the Church on the Board. Also serving as Trustees are current and former Day School parents Bob Ryland, Carmin Way, Cathleen Eclarinal and Marie Timmermann. Father Mike continues to be a strong supporter of the Day School, as he regularly helps foster the strong relationship between the Church and the Day School communities. The relationship between the two remains strong, as we work together to ensure that we remain true to the mission that the School founders envisioned over sixty years ago. Cindy La Porte is in her fifteenth year as the Head of the Day School. She maintains an exceptional Staff and Faculty who are dedicated to the spiritual, emotional, social, and educational needs of our children. The School continues to thrive under Cindy’s leadership. The Day School community is highly supportive of Cindy as she consistently represents its spiritual mission and Episcopal identity. We are proud to have Cindy serving as a resource in the larger Episcopal school community. She regularly uses her expertise to answer questions and provide support to other schools and heads in Austin and beyond, and she serves diligently on the Standards Committee of SAES and on the Board of Directors of SAES. The Board of Trustees supports Cindy, together developing mutually agreed upon goals that keep the best interest of the School and its students at heart. 28 Strategic Planning To ensure the continued success of All Saints’, the Board adopted a three year Strategic Plan for the School in March of 2009 and again in 2012. In June of 2012, Board members spent two days working with a representative of SAES in an effort to create a plan to guide the next three years. The plan is a framework to help the Board, Head, and the Church provide the necessary leadership, vision, and management to run the School well. The following seven strategic priorities were addressed: • Program • Leadership/Governance/Faculty • Financial Stability and Sustainability • Episcopal Identity • Diversity • Marketing and Enrollment Management • Facilities/Campus Finances The Day School continues to be financially sound. In almost every year since Cindy has been Head, the generous gifts of our parents, alumni, All Saints’ parishioners and friends of the School have helped to achieve a small budget surplus. Over time, many small surplus deposits and the interest they earned eventually grew to a healthy reserve fund, a portion of which was earmarked for buildings and grounds needs. The Board is confident that the reserve funds will remain strong, due in part to our commitment to fund depreciation. Per Board policies, we transfer an amount equal to the budgeted depreciation amount into the capital reserve funds at the end of each year. This practice will continue to ensure we are putting aside the necessary funds to replace capital equipment and make critical buildings and grounds repairs and improvements. Each school year, the Board Development Committee organizes an Annual Fund Drive. The Annual Fund covers expenses not paid for by tuition alone, and allows each of our children to experience Spanish, Music, Physical Education, Library, Chapel, and Spiritual Formation instruction. As of now, we have raised 68.5% of our goal and we anticipate further donations. This year, we continue to receive several matches from local companies such as Dell that are increasing our overall amount. All Saints’ Association of Parents The All Saints’ Association of Parents (ASAP), formed in 1996, is currently being co-chaired by Day School parents Melody McCaig and Jennifer Skloss. The Chairs hold meetings once a month, coordinating several “fun” raising activities such as Taco/Doughnut Breakfast, Fall Festival, Christmas Pageant Reception, Graduation Reception, as well as a number of classroom activities. These events are well attended by the All Saints’ community. In addition, ASAP organizes two fundraisers: (1) Book Fair, which results in book donations to the School Library, and (2) Silent Auction, whose proceeds go toward tuition assistance for families who want an All Saints’ education for their children but find the full cost of tuition prohibitive. It also helps fund continuing education and professional development for the full Faculty and Staff. This year the fall Book Fair was held at Barnes & Noble; people could purchase items from the Sunset Valley location or on-line. A Scholastic Book Fair will be held on campus in February. The current Silent Auction committee is already working diligently on this special event to be held on 29 Wednesday, April 8, 2014 at the Umlauf Sculpture Garden. ASAP will also do an online auction in the weeks preceding the event. Community Service Another fundamental aspect of our program is a commitment to outreach and service on the part of our parents, faculty, and students. This effort has expanded exponentially under the influence and guidance of Cindy LaPorte. Her vision of service is an admirable model for all of the adults and children in our community. The Day School has served both the Loaves & Fishes and the El Buen Samaritano ministries of the Church for many years. For Loaves & Fishes, Faculty and classroom representatives coordinate monthly donations to the program of toiletries, small personal items, and HEB gift cards. This Christmas All Saints’ Day School families filled 100 stockings, each with $25 worth of goodies for children ages infant through high school and gave them to Loaves & Fishes to distribute. The children of All Saints’ attend Chapel twice weekly, and each time they offer canned goods, staples, and other nonperishable items for God’s people served by El Buen Samaritano. Each of these opportunities allows the Day School families to not only teach their children the Christian principles inherent in such giving, but to also model these actions for them on a daily basis. Serving others is an integral part of the Day School’s early childhood experience. As is a yearly custom, the School made a contribution to the scholarship fund at St. James Episcopal School, Austin. This year All Saints’ also made a donation to NAES Jubilee School Fund. This fund will support the Episcopal Urban School Alliance, help fund supporting and growing partnerships with schools in Haiti, and fund scholarships and dues adjustments for schools in financial need. All Saints’ received recognition for the contribution at the NAES Biennial Conference in November in Anaheim. Program The Day School continues to offer a strong academic program that prepares students for any school they wish to attend after leaving All Saints’. In the past, Cindy has conducted surveys among administrators at local schools that asked them to identify the skills and knowledge they expect students to have upon entering their schools. The survey results help to communicate to parents that All Saints’ is meeting and in many cases going beyond the expected subject matter. All Saints’ is proud to offer Chapel, Spanish instruction, Music, Library, Spiritual Formation and Growth, and Physical Education for our students during the regular school day. In addition, to Before School Care beginning at 7:45am and After School Care from 1:45 until 5:30, the School also offers After School Enrichment Classes in cooking, drama, science, art, and yoga. Lastly, All Saints’ is in its eleventh year of providing our students with catered hot lunches. Our current lunch provider is San Miguel Management. This is a special treat for the children and the parents, as the company prides itself on serving kid friendly food using only the best natural, organic ingredients found locally. There are no hidden ingredients in these meals, so those students with food allergies are able to discern which meals are best for them. All Saints’ Episcopal Day School is blessed with many bright, dedicated, and experienced individuals serving our children. The individuals who passionately carry out the mission of our 30 program, along with our solid history and exceptional students, are all responsible for the program’s high regard in the Austin community. Day School Faculty for 2014-2015 Head: Cindy LaPorte Administrative Assistant: Olivia Pope Kindergarten: Gigi Khalsa and Taylor Cervenka Yellow Door Room: Melanie “Mo” Kowalik and Gabriel Martinez Green Door Room: Anna Swanson and Kelly O’Mara Blue Door Room: Jamie Fierro and Ashley Porter Red Door Room: Linda Hatch, Diane Hanus and Zach Hatch Chaplain: Melanie “Mo” Kowalik Spanish: Jamie Martinez and Zach Hatch Librarian: Gigi Khalsa Music: Gigi Khalsa Motor Development: Coach Bob McLucas from Stretch and Grow Drama: Jamie Martinez and Mo Kowalik Art: Anna Swanson and Kelly O’Mara Cooking: Gigi Khalsa and Kelly O’Mara Science: Gigi Khalsa and Diane Hanus Yoga: Anna Swanson and Kelly O’Mara After School Care: Zach Hatch, Ashley Porter, Lynette Porter and Clara Duffy For more information about All Saints’ Episcopal Day School, please visit or contact Cindy La Porte at 512-472-8866. Respectfully submitted, Marie Timmermann President, All Saints’ Episcopal Day School Board of Trustees 31 THE EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Serving Colleges and Universities in the Austin Area “Students inviting students to grow in Christ” 2014 was another banner year for the Student Center community. Students continue to take ownership over all components of life in our community. Serving as small group leaders, musicians, worship leaders, altar guild and vestry members, the work of training leaders for the church continues to flourish. Weekly programmatic offerings have been streamlined and strengthened. We have cut back on the number of offerings in hopes of increasing the volume of student commitment, especially from individuals new to our community. Offering groups for freshman and seniors respectively has proved to be fruitful attention to these periods of transition. Our Wednesday evening study offered an in depth look at characters in the Advent & Lenten narratives in the Spring, followed by a study of “Deep Water Issues” in the Fall (topics in the Christian life which are often difficult to navigate.) Students assisted in the leading of other topical groups, such as Poetry & Spirituality. We continue to hold the ever-popular Coffee-Office Hours on campus as a way of being present on the south end of campus, and offering an easy entry point for students to introduce classmates to the community. We enjoyed another busy year of active involvement both in our local community and beyond. Students served at Trinity Center on a number of occasions, as well as in the garden of Church of the Resurrection, and the library of Inside Books. Over Spring Break we partnered with A&M’s Canterbury and traveled to New Orleans to continue the clean up efforts following Hurricane Katrina. We had another successful stewardship season, with generous and abundant gifts flowing in from students, parents, and alumni alike. The vestry relishes the opportunity to choose how to direct 10% of their monthly pledges into the local community, an indication of the joy they find in this spiritual discipline of giving. The commitment to the formation that happens in this community on a daily basis is profound. The Student Center Advisory Board continues to provide lofty goals and faithful support to achieve them. We embarked upon planning a celebration to commemorate 115 years of ministry, which will culminate in February of 2015. We have mobilized alumni, parents, and donors as never before. We are thrilled to embark upon the next 115, after such an overwhelming show of enthusiasm and support. The Advisory Board continues to be an asset to the daily life of the community. Opportunities to be in relationship with All Saints’ parishioners continue to be a rich part of our communal life. To those who serve on our Advisory Board, provide liturgical support, provide the much appreciated (and quickly devoured) meals, and greet students on campus with smiling faces – THANK YOU! Your generosity and presence make a lasting impact, and are deeply appreciated. Faithfully, The Reverend Beth Magill Missioner, Episcopal Student Center 32 V. APPENDIX TRANSFERS INTO ALL SAINTS’ FROM AUSTIN PARISHES Joe Powell, from Good Shepherd, Austin Cathy Powell, from Good Shepherd, Austin Laura Heiligenthal, from Good Shepherd, Austin Benjamin Claiborne Hightower, from Church of the Resurrection, Austin Camille Landry Hightower, from Church of the Resurrection, Austin Martha Landry Hightower, from Church of the Resurrection, Austin Walton Rowland Persons, from St. David’s, Austin Kay Hamilton-Hastings, from St. David’s, Austin James Cocke, from Good Shepherd, Austin TRANSFERS INTO ALL SAINTS’ FROM OUT-OF-TOWN Daphny Ainslie, from Sacred Heart, Rockport, TX Ricardo Ainslie, from Sacred Heart, Rockport, TX Christine Havens, from Trinity, Waterloo, IA Susan Weller, from St. Thomas the Apostle, Nassau Bay, TX Henry Justin Sheppard, from St. Francis, Victoria, TX Travis Tiffany, from St. Thomas, Terrance Park, OH Patrica Barry, from St. Peter’s, McKinney, TX Dennis Roberts, from St. Paul’s, Bremerton, WA Nancy Bernhardt, from St. Stephen’s, Wimberly, TX Danice Lock, from Christ Episcopal Church, Cedar Park, TX Paige Noe Welch Watts, from Cathedral Church of the Advent John Henry Houze, from Grace Episcopal Church Ivonne Snavely, from St. Benedict’s, Plantation, FL Marilyn Kay Tipton Halpin, from St. Michael and All Angels, Dallas, TX TRANSFERS FROM ALL SAINTS’ INTO AUSTIN PARISHES Robert Read Russell, to St. Mark’s, Austin Rachel O’Donnell Jackson, to Good Shepherd, Austin Charles Erwin Heard, to Good Shepherd, Austin Helen Heard, to Good Shepherd, Austin Virginia Heard, to Good Shepherd, Austin Mary Thorpe Parker, to St. George’s, Austin TRANSFERS FROM ALL SAINTS’ INTO OUT-OF-TOWN PARISHES Mary Hollers George, to St. Paul’s, San Antonio, TX Ava Isabella Smith, to St. Julian of Norwich, Round Rock, TX Elle Annalise Smith, to St. Julian of Norwich, Round Rock, TX Lynn Francis Ledbetter, to St. Christopher’s, Lubbock, TX Jerry Ray Thompson, to St. Christopher’s, Lubbock, TX Betsy Gerdeman, to Pohick, Lorton, VA James Eric Theodore Sandbert III, to St. Peter’s, Brenham, TX Tarry Baylin O’Dell, to Auburn United Methodist, Auburn, AL 33 CONFIRMED/RECEIVED/REAFFIRMED March 30, 2014 The Rt. Rev. Jeff W, Fisher Confirmed: Megan Elizabeth Berry Bill G. Billingsley Ciaran Tyler Dean-Jones Tyler Bishop Henton Mark Kilpatrick Elizabeth Calhoun Miller Peyton Tate Shaw Dona Karen Stallworth Karon Faye Thomas Rafael Joaquin Vela Received: Jay Brown Taylor Joseph M. Percer Hannah Pommersheim Rebecca Irene Rigby Elizabeth Jean Sammon Doris Fitch-White Scott November 2, 2014 The Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly Confirmed: Laura Kate Iverson Ehren Fowler Iverson Samuel Scott Myers Received: Dane Anderson Jesse Jachee Lee Reaffirmed baptismal vows: Danice Ruth Lock 34