1 Math 316 Spring 04 set V Solutions 3.4 p.192 (1*,10*,14*,16*,23*) 7.1 p.444(5*,21*,25*,28*,35*) 3.4.1 (192) Determine the period and frequency of the simple harmonic motion of a 4-kg mass on the end of a spring with spring constant 16 N/m. Solution: We have k 16 N / m m * kg / sec^ 2 0 4 2 sec 1 m 8kg m * kg 2 T 3.14 sec and 0 3.4. 10 (192) Consider a floating cylindrical buoy with radius r , height h and uniform density 0.5 (recall that the density of water is w 1g / cm 3 ). The buoy is initially suspended at rest with its bottom at the top surface of the water and is released at time t 0 . Thereafter it is acted on by two forces: a downward gravitational force equal to its weight mg r 2 hg and an upward force of buoyancy equal to the weight r 2 xg w of water displaced, where x x (t ) is the depth of the bottom of the buoy beneath the surface at time t (Fig. 1). Conclude that the buoy undergoes simple harmonic motion around its equilibrium position xe h with period p 2 h / g . Compute p and the amplitude of the motion if 0.5 g / cm 3 , h 200cm and g 980cm / s 2 . Solution: Balance of forces gives r h xgr 2 x mg hgr 2 Figure 1 2 x d 2x d 2x 2 2 F m 2 mg xgr w gr h x 2 g 1 w h dt dt d 2 x w g xg h dt 2 The particular solution is xe h / w as can be easily verified by looking for the which is simplified to the ODE equilibrium solution: set d 2 x / dt 2 0 to get w gx / h g xe h / w . Then we look for the solution in the form x xh xe so that the homogeneous solution x h satisfies d 2 xh w g xh 0 h dt 2 so that xh C1 cos 0 t C 2 sin 0 t with 0 g w / h . The general solution is then x C1 cos 0 t C 2 sin 0 t h / w . Satisfying IC: xt C1 cos 0 t C 2 sin 0 t h / w x0 C1 h 0 C1 h / w x' t 0 C1 sin 0 t C 2 cos 0 t x' 0 0 C 2 0 C 2 0 h 1 cos 0 t . xt Finally: w The amplitude is h / 2 w 0.5 * 200 g / cm 2 / 2 *1g / cm 3 50cm and the period h 100cm p 2 / 0 2 2 * 3.14 * 3.0106s w g 980cm / s 2 . where we have included w in all formulas to get the units right (of course, since it is equal to 1, one could carry out all manipulations without units and get the right answer, since all work is done in the CGS system of units. 3.4. 10 (193) Suppose that the mass in a mass-spring-dashpot system with m 25 , c 10 , and k 226 is set in motion with x0 20 and x' 0 41 . (a) Find the position function xt and graph it. (b) Find the pseudoperiod of the oscillations and the equations of the ‘envelope curves’. d 2x dx c kx 0 with solution 2 dt dt pt cost Ce sin t where p c / 2m 10 / 50 0.2 and Solution: The equation of motion is xt C e pt 02 p 2 k / m2 p 2 m 226 / 252 0.04 9.0378 . Satisfying the IC we have xt C1e pt cost C2 e pt sin t x0 C1 20 x' t C1e pt p cost sin t C 2 e pt pin t cost x' 0 C1 p C 2 41 C 2 v0 x0 p / 4.9791 In order to graph this function and its envelope, we reduce first to the combined form 3 A C12 C 22 2.5 , tan 1 C2 / C1 .6435 xt Ae pt cost We graph this with the matlab script » msd_system1(25,10,226,0,20,20,41) pseudoperiod T = 2.094e+000 Amplitude = 2.500e+001 delta = 6.435e-001 25 20 15 10 x(t) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 time t %script for graphing the solution to a mass-spring-dashpot % system and its envelope function msd_system1(m,c,k,t0,t1,x0,v0) %m mass; %k springconstant; c damping; t0/t1 start/end time % x0 initial displacement; v0 initial velocity t = linspace(t0,t1,100); p = c/(2*m); omega0 = (k/m)^.5; omega = ((k/m)-p^2)^.5; T = 2*pi/omega; C1 = x0; C2 = (v0+C1*p)/omega; A=(C1^2+C2^2)^.5; delta = atan(C2/C1); disp(sprintf('pseudoperiod T = %5.3e Amplitude = %5.3e delta = %5.3e ',... T,A,delta)) y1 = A*exp(-p*t); y2 = -A*exp(-p*t); x =y1.*(cos(omega*t-delta)); plot(t,x,t,y1,'.',t,y2,'.') xlabel(' time t') ylabel('x(t)') 4 3.4. 16 (194) Suppose that the mass in a mass-spring-dashpot system with m 3 , c 30 , and k 63 is set in motion with x0 x0 2 and x' 0 v0 2 . Find the position function xt and determine whether the motion is overdamped, critically damped or underdamped. If it is underdamped write the solution in amplitude-phase form. Also find the undamped position function that would result if all was the same but the damping constant is set to zero. Graph the two solutions and compare. Solution: For the original system, we have: p c / 2m 5 , 0 k / m 21 so that p 0 and the system is overdamped. Then, we can write the solution as xt C1e p1t C2 e p2t with p1 p and p 2 p p 2 02 3 p 2 02 7 . To determine the constants: xt C1e p1t C 2 e p2t x0 C1 C 2 x0 x' t p1C1e p1t p 2 C 2 e p2t x' 0 p1C1 p 2 C 2 v0 so that x0 1 C1 C2 v0 p2 1 p1 1 p2 1 p1 x0 v0 1 p1 1 p2 x0 p 2 v0 x0 p 2 v0 4.0 p 2 p1 2 p 2 02 v0 x0 p1 v0 x0 p1 2.0 . p 2 p1 2 p 2 02 For this type of problem, the following script is helpful (it can handle all cases, so it can be used to work all problems in this subsection) » msd_system2(3,30,63,0,1,2,2) omega0 = 4.583e+000 p = 5.000e+000 system is overdamped p1 = -3.000e+000 p2 = -7.000e+000 C1 = 4.000e+000 C2 = -2.000e+000 % Problems 15-21 %script for graphing the solution to a mass-spring-dashpot % system and its envelope; this version treats all cases function msd_system2(m,c,k,t0,t1,x0,v0) %m mass; %k springconstant; c damping; t0/t1 start/end time %x0 initial displacement; v0 initial velocity t = linspace(t0,t1,100); p = c/(2*m); omega0 = (k/m)^.5; disp(sprintf(' omega0 = %5.3e p = %5.3e ',omega0,p)) 5 % undamped analog U1 = x0; U2 = v0/omega0; AU = (U1^2+U2^2)^.5; deltau = atan(U2/U1); xu = AU*cos(omega0*t-deltau); if omega0 >= p % decide if it is underdamped omega = ((k/m)-p^2)^.5; disp(sprintf(' omega = %5.3e ',omega)) if omega0 == p then % this means it is critically damped disp('system is critically damped') % solution is x(t) = exp(-p*t)*(C1 + C2*t) C1 = x0; C2 = v0+p*x0; x = exp(-p*t).*(C1 + C2*t); plot(t,x,t,xu,'k') xlabel(' time t') ylabel('x(t)') else disp('system is underdamped') % Now x(t) = exp(-pt)*(C1*cos(omega*t)+C2*sin(omega*t)) T = 2*pi/omega; C1 = x0; C2 = (v0+C1*p)/omega; A=(C1^2+C2^2)^.5; delta = atan(C2/C1); disp(sprintf('pseudoperiod T = %5.3e Amplitude = %5.3e delta = %5.3e ',... T,A,delta)) y1 = A*exp(-p*t); y2 = -A*exp(-p*t); x =y1.*(cos(omega*t-delta)); plot(t,x,t,y1,'.',t,y2,'.',t,xu,'k') xlabel(' time t') ylabel('x(t)') end else disp('system is overdamped') % x(t) = C1*exp(p1*t) + C2*exp(p2*t) pp = (p^2-omega0^2)^.5; p1 = -p + pp; p2 = -p-pp; det = -2*pp; C1 = (x0*p2-v0)/det; C2 = (v0-x0*p1)/det; disp(sprintf('p1 = %5.3e p2 = %5.3e C1 = %5.3e C2 = %5.3e',p1,p2,C1,C2)) x = C1*exp(p1*t)+C2*exp(p2*t); plot(t,x,t,xu,'k') xlabel(' time t') ylabel('x(t)') title('overdamped case') end 6 overdamped case 2.5 2 1.5 1 x(t) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 time t 2.5 3 3.5 4 3.4. 23 (194) This problem deals with a highly simplified model of a car of weight 3200lb (mass = 0.375 slugs in fps units). Assume that the suspension system acts like a single spring and its shock absorbers like a single dashpot, so that its vertical vibrations satisfy mx"cx'kx 0 with appropriate values of the coefficients. (a) Find the stiffness coefficient k of the spring if the car undergoes free vibrations at 80 cycles per minute when it shock absorbers are disconnected. (b) With the shock absorbers connected the car is set into vibration by driving it over a bump, and the resulting damped vibrations have a frequency of 78 cycles/min. After how long will the time-varying amplitude be 1% of its initial value? Solution: This problem is about using the values of the natural frequency 0 k / m and damped frequency 02 p 2 k / m2 c / 2m2 which are easily measured to determine the spring stiffness k and damping factor p. We have 3200lb 80 * 2 * 2 * 80cycles / min 100 * 7018.4lb / ft 2 32 ft / s 60s 2 0 k / m k m02 2 80 2 78 2 1.8615 / s 60s so that the time varying amplitude is given by A(t ) A(0)e pt .01A0 t ln(. 01) / p 2.47s Also, p c / 2m 02 2 7 7.1. 5 (444) Apply the definition to compute the Laplace transform of f t sinh t . Solution: First we derive the answer with Matlab (for fun!) » F=laplace(sinh(t)) F = 1/(s^2-1) Now we do it honestly: 1 1 ( s 1)t 1 s 1t st t t st F s sinh te dt e e e dt e dt e dt 20 20 20 0 F s 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 s 1 2 s 1 s 1 7.1. 21 (444) Find the Laplace transform using the table for f t t cos 2t . Solution: Matlab answer: » F=laplace(t*cos(2*t)) We have cos2t F = -1/(s^2+4)+2*s^2/(s^2+4)^2 1 i 2t e e i 2t ; we will use the shift formula 2 1 L f t e at F s a which, for f t t , F s 2 and for a 2i gives: s 1 1 L te 2it F s 2i , L te 2it F s 2i , so that, combining 2 s 2i s 2i 2 1 1 1 1 1 s 2i s 2i s2 4 t i 2t i 2 t L e e 2 2 s 2i 2 2 s 2i 2 2 s 2i 2 s 2i 2 2 2 s 4 2 2 7.1. 25 (444) Find the inverse transform for F s 1 2 5/ 2 s s Solution: Matlab answer: » f=ilaplace(1/s-2/s^(5/2)) f =1-8/3*t^(3/2)/pi^(1/2) 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 / 2 L1 5 / 2 L1 2 L1 5 / 2 1 L1 5 / 2 1 t 3/ 2 s s 5 / 2 5 / 2 s s s 5 3 3 3 1 1 3 But so that finally 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 3/ 2 1 L1 5 / 2 1 t 3 s s 8 7.1. 28 (444) Find the inverse transform for F s 3s 1 s2 4 Solution: Matlab answer: » f=ilaplace((3*s+1)/(s^2+4)) f = 3*cos(2*t)+1/2*sin(2*t) 1 3s 1 s 1 1 2 3L1 2 L 2 3 cos2t sin 2t We have L1 2 2 s 4 s 4 2 s 4 7.1. 35 (444) Use the tabulated integral e ax ax e cosbxdx a 2 b 2 a cosbx b sin bx C to obtain Lcoskt directly from the definition. Solution: e st s coskt k sin kt Lcoskt coskt e dt 2 2 k s 0 0 1 s cos0 k sin 0 2 s 2 Lcoskt 2 2 k s k s st