Paper Bag Speech - Juan Diego Academy

Paper Bag Speech
Over the next few days, we are going to present “paper bag speeches.” You should be
prepared to present your speech in class as of Wednesday, September 3, 2014. It will
take several days to get through all speeches, but your bags and speeches are due in class
on Wednesday. To prepare your speech, you will need a typical, brown grocery bag.
You will then fill the bag with one item to represent each of the categories below – the
object must be small enough to fit inside the paper bag. Try to find items that are
interesting and unique. Come to class Thursday with your full bag ready to tell us about
yourself! Don’t forget to CLEARLY label your bag!
The four categories for the outside of the bag are:
Things or people who inspire you (historical people or events, family members,
movie heroes, kind acts, etc.)
Words that describe you
Hobbies, things you enjoy or are good at
Places you love to go or wish you could visit (vacation spots, a tree fort…)
II. THE BAG – Inside:
Inside the bag place 3 objects that symbolize you. Each object must have a tag or label
attached to it explaining how it represents your background, personality, values, hopes
and dreams, and/or goals. Please try to use objects that are interesting and unique.
Examples of objects:
If I value time spent in nature I might include a rock or a flower and I would
explain that when I am in nature I find peace and feel freed from daily stressors.
If the support of family is an important value I might have a family photo in my
bag. I would explain how my family has shaped me in to the person I am today.
1. Introduce yourself.
ß Name
ß How many siblings (brothers and sisters)
ß Places you’ve lived or where you were born
2. Share one side from the outside of your bag.
3. Share the inside of your bag by pulling the first object out of the
bag and telling what it is and how it represents your goal. Do the
same for the 2nd symbol.
4. Close with a statement about your goal(s) for the year
Grade: You will be graded in several different areas for this speech. You will need to
submit a TYPED copy of your speech on Thursday. You will receive points for doing so.
Your speech is expected to last 4 – 6 minutes. I highly advise you practice before
actually delivering in front of the class. This way you can get the timing right, and it will
help to settle your nerves a bit.