Appendix 2 Derbyshire County Council Equality Impact Assessment Record Form 2010 Department CAYA Service Area Responsible Education Improvement Service Chair of Assessment Group Chris Tilley Title of Policy/ Service/ Function Advisory Service re-alignment Stage 1. Prioritising what to impact assess 1.1 Why has this policy, service or function been chosen? The Advisory Service will re-align its service provision to improve outcomes for children and young people in line with the new multiagency teams. The new teams and structures will be in place from April 2011. 1.2 Why does the policy, service or function exist/ what is its purpose? Who should benefit? The re-alignment will support improved outcomes through: * the development of a teaching, learning and assessment team to provide expert advice and guidance to schools; * the alignment of Service leadership with that of the co-located multiagency teams; * the review of the course and conference training programme for schools. The changes will enable schools to provide better support to children who are underachieving or at risk of underachievement Stage 2. Pulling an assessment team together Name Mark Emly Gerry Richardson Saranjit Shetra Chris Tilley Area of expertise/ role Senior Adviser – SIP lead Deputy AD – Consultant CPD lead Deputy AD – QDD lead Deputy AD –Integrated services lead -1- Stage 3. Scoping of the assessment / identifying likely issues Service CPD It is anticipated that a differentiated programme of support and training will be required to enable existing ‘subject’ consultants to successful fulfil the role of TLA consultants. Linkage of the Senior Adviser role to that of the co-located multiagency teams It is anticipated that communication arrangements will need to be established to support effective partnership working of senior advisers and locality leaders. Review of the course and conference training programme for schools It is anticipated that the review of the CPD programme for schools will need to consider the potential impact of changes on the expertise and ability of schools to provide effective support to vulnerable groups including children know to be eligible for free school meals, children in care and ‘new arrivals’ from Eastern Europe.. Stage 4. Pulling together all the information Name of source Analysis of CAYA locality working proposals Annual QDD survey, subscription rates and consultation with staff Advisory Service Course and Conference programme Annual Standards and Quality reports Education Improvement Service Annual Plan Reason for using To ensure the effective linkages between the proposals To ensure that Service provision is informed by views of schools and staff To gain understanding of current CPD provision for schools To identify the performance of schools in Derbyshire compared with schools in similar areas and nationally and improvement priorities To identify the improvement priorities of the Advisory Service -2- Stage 5. 5.1 Assessing the impact or effects What does customer feedback, complaints, and discussions with stakeholder groups tell you about your service, policy and function, including which aspects are seen as negative, inaccessible, unhelpful, difficult to use etc? Analysis of annual QDD survey indicates that schools have a high level of satisfaction with the programme provided by the Advisory Service. The very high rate of subscription to the Advisory Service also indicates a strong level of satisfaction with the current provision. Initial discussions with staff indicate a good level of support for the proposed re-alignment. Whilst the proposed changes to the role of consultants have been positively received, it is recognised that this change brings additional training needs for staff. Reports on the performance of Derbyshire schools indicate that overall outcomes compare favourably with those from similar LAs and national outcomes. Improvement priorities include the need to improve outcomes for underperforming children from vulnerable groups including children known to be eligible for free schools meals, children in care and ‘new arrivals’ from Eastern Europe. Reports advocate the improvement to linkages between the Advisory Service and local partners as a strategy to strengthen outcomes for vulnerable groups. The strategic planning of the Advisory Service indicates a number of clear priorities for improving children’s outcomes that would be supported by improving linkages to local multi-agency partnerships. 5.2 What does your information tell you about the effects of the policy, service or function on the lives of different groups or communities? Is any of this negative or unwanted? Groups Disadvantaged communities Effects identified from data/ information The achievement of children who are known to be eligible for free school meals and children in care is significantly lower that that for all children in Derbyshire. BME Whilst the achievement of children from BME groups is generally good, the gap between the overall outcomes for ‘new arrivals’ from Eastern Europe and all children has widened. -3- Stage 6. Ways of reducing or removing unwanted effects What small steps could be taken to achieve improvements? Please outline the main things that need to be altered to reduce any illegal, negative and unwanted impact. The re-focusing of capacity on priority schools and schools causing concern will prioritise the deployment of advisory support from TLA consultants, school improvement advisers and resources to schools with underperforming and vulnerable groups. The Advisory Service has previously provided schools with information regarding support for ‘new arrivals’. It is planned to issue updated guidance to schools in December 2010. The Advisory Service will support the LA Fostering team in encouraging headteachers in raising the profile of fostering amongst staff and parents as a strategy to improve lives of children in care. Stage 7. Finding out whether your assessment has identified what people think needs changing. The Core Management Team of the Advisory Service will meet with headteachers during November 2010 to gain feedback of the proposed changes to multi-agency working. This information will further inform the proposed AIS re-alignment. The CMT will continue to meet with ASPECT (TU) reps and staff to ensure that changes are effective. The Advisory Service will continue to undertake an annual survey with schools to support its analysis of QDD and CPD. The Advisory Service will continue to undertake regular performance assessments and ensure that the outcomes of the assessments inform Service Planning. The Advisory Service will continue to work in partnership with multiagency teams to support the evaluation of the impact of the proposed changes and the planning and communication of further improvements. -4- Stages 8 and 9 Action planning, target setting and monitoring TARGETS / SUCCESS CRITERIA : Advisory Service to effectively re-align its service provision to improve outcomes for children and young people in line with the new multi-agency teams. The new teams and structures to be in place from April 2011. ACTION Scrutinise CAYA locality working proposals to ensure that the AIS proposals are effectively linked LEAD RESP JHi PARTNER INPUT CAYA SMT RESOURCES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/ MILESTONES QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 hour Scrutiny to have taken place by August 2010 Outcomes of scrutiny to inform AIS re-alignment proposals Outcomes of scrutiny to be reported to JHi Scrutinise findings of annual QDD survey and analysis of subscription rates CTi SSh, KRi 2 hours Scrutiny to have taken place by August 2010 Analyse Advisory Service CPD programme for schools and associated reports to identify scope and changes to provision RBi AJo 3 hours Analysis to have taken place by August 2010 Outcomes of scrutiny to be reported to CTi Discuss proposals with ASPECT (TU) reps to ensure that they are informed by outcomes. JHi ASPECT reps 2 hours Meeting to take place by September 2010 Scrutiny of notes of meeting Discuss proposals with staff to ensure that they are informed by outcomes. JHi staff 2 hours Meetings to take place by September 2010 Scrutiny of notes of meeting -5- LEAD RESP ACTION PARTNER INPUT RESOURCES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS/ MILESTONES QUALITY ASSURANCE Brief headteachers regarding the locality working proposals to gain feedback on the proposed changes JHi CMT headteacher s 9 x 30 minutes Meetings to take place during November 2010 Attendance at meetings Develop and implement a plan to support the CPD needs of the Service, particularly ‘subject’ consultants GRi EMT consultants 2 hours develop plan 7 x 0.5 days seminars Plan to be agreed by end November 2010 Seminars to take place during spring and summer 2011 Scrutiny of consultant CPD programme Scrutiny of evaluations Develop and implement a plan to support the development of appropriate arrangements to secure effective linkages between Senior Advisers and locality leaders CTi SMT Locality team leaders Senior Advisers 3 hours develop plan Implementation to be identified in plan Plan to be agreed by end January 2011 Arrangements to be in place by March 2011 Scrutiny of plan Scrutiny of feedback from locality managers and Senior Advisers RBi, AJo EMT 2 days Plan to be in place by April 2011 Scrutiny of plan Develop and implement a plan to enable the CTi Advisory Service to provide access to effective CPD to improve outcomes for vulnerable schools and pupils. Key JHi CTi SSh KRi Jim Hickman Chris Tilley Saranjit Shetra Kate Richards AD Deputy AD Deputy AD Finance Officer AJo RBi GRi -6- Amanda Johnson Roger Bilton Gerry Richardson Senior Adviser School Improvement Adviser Deputy AD Step 11. Publishing your assessment Please indicate below:Your assessment has been signed off for publishing by Jim Hickman Your assessment was published on Medium/ location DCC email to staff Date November 2010 Signed Date Added to DCC website February 2011. -7-