French 4 Curriculum Map CONTENT: SEPTEMBER Un été pas comme les autres Read a simple novel, written for non-native speakers. OCTOBER Easy French Reader (Vercingétorix, Clovis, Charlemagne) Read brief biographies of key French historical figures NOVEMBER Easy French Reader (“La Dernière Classe”, “Les Pêches) Read short stories with vocabulary support and some revisions for nonnative speakers. DECEMBER Easy French Reader (“La Parure”, Guillaume le Conquérant) Read short stories with vocabulary support and brief historical biographies. Reading comprehension. Reading comprehension. Reading comprehension. Analysis of literature. Reading comprehension. Analysis of literature (Standard 4.2) Identify similarities and differences between French and American cultures as presented in story. Identify similarities and differences between the histories of France and America. Identify the cultural aspects of literature as represented by selected short stories. Identify the cultural aspects of literature as represented by selected short stories ASSESSMEN T: Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Class discussion of reading. Class discussion of reading. Class discussion of reading. Class discussion of reading. Quiz/test Quiz/test Quiz/test Quiz/test Does the student demonstrate understanding of the reading? (Honors) Prepare a composition analyzing a short story. Does the student demonstrate understanding of the reading? SKILLS: Reading comprehension (Standard 1.2) Letter written from point of view of the main character. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Does the student demonstrate understanding of the reading? Can the student identify some differences between the cultures? Can the student name the important early heroes of France and tell what they did? French 4 Curriculum Map CONTENT: JANUARY “Le Portrait”; “La littérature française au Moyen Age” Read a short story with vocabulary support, but without revision. SKILLS: Reading comprehensio n (Standard 1.2) Read a history of early French lit. Reading comprehension Identify the roots of French literature. (Standard 4.2) FEBRUARY Poetry; “L’enfant noir” Read a short story by an African author. Read a variety of poems representing different styles and different eras of French poetry. Reading comprehension. Contrast the experiences of the African francophone and his European counterparts. MARCH Poetry APRIL Le Petit Prince Read a variety of poems representing different styles and different eras of French poetry. Read a novel with minimal vocabulary support and no revisions. Identify the structure of a poem and its contribution to the poem’s meaning and effectiveness. Reading comprehension. Identify symbolism and irony in Le Petit Prince. Identify the structure of a poem and its contribution to the poem’s meaning and effectiveness. ASSESSME NT: Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Questions on the reading prepared for homework. Class discussion of reading. Class discussion of reading. Class discussion of reading. Class discussion of reading. Quiz/test Quiz/test Quiz/test Quiz/test Analysis of poetry for structure and form and their relationship to content. (Honors) Oral “explication de texte” of a selected poem. (Honors) Oral presentation of one or more chapters to class. Can the student analyze the form of a given poem and relate it to content? contrast the African and European exp.? Can the student analyze the form of a given poem and relate it to content Can the student explain the meaning of the book in more than superficial terms? Does the student demonstrate understanding of the reading? French 4 Curriculum Map CONTENT: SKILLS: Students engage in conversations , provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. (1.1) ASSESSME NT: ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: SEPTEMBER “A la recherche de l’aventure” (prepositions, places, and actions); Reprise (common irregular verbs, idiomatic expressions) OCTOBER “A la recherche de l’aventure”; Reprise NOVEMBER Communicating in French (directions, roads, cities); Reprise DECEMBER Reprise (forms and uses of the past tenses) Describe the spatial relationships among a variety of people and objects. Talk about his/her activities in the past, present, and future. Give directions and identify the destination from directions that he/she hears. Use past tenses correctly in talking about what he/she has done. Talk about cities and transportation. Tell about his/her vacation plans for Christmas. Talk about his/her activities in the past, present, and future. Use idiomatic expressions in the target language correctly. Use idiomatic expressions in the target language correctly. Talk about the history of his/her country and of France, making comparisons between them. Tell about his/her Thanksgiving plans and traditions. Class discussion/ participation Class discussion/ participation Class discussion/ participation Class discussion/ participation Quiz/test Quiz/test Quiz/test Quiz/test Where is object ”x” located with respect to object “y”? Can the student correctly use the target expressions? What are you doing for the holiday? What does your family usually do? What will/did you do this weekend? What differences and similarities do you see between the early history of France and the U.S.? Can you tell me how to go from point A to point B? Listen to my directions and tell me where I am going. What are you doing for the holiday? What does your family usually do? What did you do (expression of past)? French 4 Curriculum Map CONTENT: SKILLS: JANUARY Reprise (negatives) FEBRUARY Reprise (nouns in the plural and feminine form, determiners); Communicating in French (stores, foods, grocery shopping) MARCH Reprise (comparisons and superlatives); “Le temps, l’amour, et la santé” APRIL Reprise (future and conditional); Use negatives in a variety of contexts. Talk about eating and grocery shopping, using the correct vocabulary and determiners. Talk about issues of health and fitness. Talk about what he/she will do in the future. Make comparisons between various people, objects, and/or activities. Talk about what he/she would do in a given situation. Tell which of a group of people, objects, or actions is best or worst. ASSESSME NT: Class discussion/ participation Class discussion/ participation Class discussion/ participation Class discussion/ participation Homework exercises. Homework exercises. Homework exercises. Homework exercises. Tests/quiz Tests/quiz Tests/quiz Tests/quiz Participation in structured conversations, using target structures. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Talk about various professions and what they entail. Can the student correctly express the ideas of never, no one, nothing, etc. in a variety of situations? Can the student complete a “shopping trip” without recourse to English? Composition on future plans Making predictions about another person’s future Can the student compare people, objects, or actions? Can the student talk about health and fitness interests? Can the student tell what he/she is going to do sometime in the future? Can they make predictions about someone else? French 4 Curriculum Map