
Chemistry Dimensional Analysis worksheet 3
Name: __________________
Directions: Use the factor label method with conversion factors, determine the values of
the measurements in the instructed units. Show all work and place the answers with the
appropriate units on a separate piece of paper. See the bottom of the back of this page for
conversion hints. Answers are in parentheses – this means YOU MUST SHOW YOUR
1. How many minutes are in 180.0 days? (259200 minutes)
2. If a person weighs 125 lbs, how many mg does she weigh? (5.68 x107 mg or
56800000 mg)
3. The distance from Santa Maria to Los Alamos is 16.25 miles. What is the
distance in cm? (2615000 cm or 2.615 x 106 cm)
4. Santa Maria has an elevation of 6.30 x 105 mm. How many km is this elevation?
(0.630 km)
5. If a projectile travels 3.00 x 103 feet in one second, how far will it travel in 18
minutes? 3200000 ft or 3.2 x 106 ft)
6. A small herd of cattle consumes fourteen bales of hay in two weeks. How many
bales will this herd consume in a year? (400 bales)
7. During the previous year, San Luis Obispo’s weather station measured 0.8 yards
of rain. Express this amount in cm. (70 cm)
8. If a swimmer swims 85.4 yards in five minutes, how many meters will s/he swim
in 70.0 seconds? (18.2 m)
9. Saffron costs $368.00 per ounce. Determine how many grams can be purchased
for $15.00. (1.157 g)
10. How many grams are equivalent to 1.80 x 10-4 English tons? (184 g)
11. A gas station is charging $1.299 per gallon of gas. (bargain!) What would be the
price for a liter of gas? ($0.344)
12. Determine the number of years in 8.35 x 106 minutes. (15.9 years)
13. A quart of liquid has a mass of 2.70 kg. How many quarts will it take to weigh
100.0 lbs? (16.84 quarts)
14. Sixty two months is equivalent to how many seconds? (1.6 x 108 seconds)
15. A car consumes 25.00 gallons of fuel when driving a distance of 400.0 km. How
many gallons will it consume when driving 250.0 miles? (25.14 gallons)
16. 0.0054 weeks is equivalent to how many minutes? (54 minutes)
17. How many feet per second is a wave going if it travels a distance of one mile in
7.35 seconds? (718 ft/sec)
18. The measured wavelength of a sample of yellow light is 1.60 x 10-8ft. Express
this wavelength in nanometers. (4.88 nm)
19. How many seconds are required for a wave traveling at 600.0 miles in an hour to
go a distance of 700.0 ft? (0.7955 sec)
20. Sound travels at approximately a rate of 1.50 x 10-3 meters per second through
water. Determine this rate in miles per hour. (0.00336 mi/hr or 3.36 x 10-3 mi/hr)
General Hints:
1 mile = 1.609 km
1 lb = 454 g
1 inch = 2.54 cm
16 oz = 1 lb
2200 lb = 1 ton
1.89 L = 0.5 gallons
365 days = 1 year
1 kg = 2.2 lbs
1 mile = 5280 ft
52 weeks = 1 yr
Specific hints:
#5: for this projectile 3.00 x 103 ft = 1 s
#6: for these cattle 14 bales = 2 weeks
#8: for this swimmer 85.4 yards = 5 minutes
#9: for saffron $368 = 1 oz
#11: for this gas station $1.299 = 1 gallon
#13: for this liquid 1 qt = 2.70 kg
#15: for this car 25.00 gallons = 400.0 km
#17: for this wave 1 mile = 7.35 s
#19: for this wave 1 hr = 600.0 miles