Jacob Shall Be a Fire ❖ A Catholic/Christian Theological Novel of the End of Days Rick Harrison, MSgt, USAF (Ret.) Copyright © Rick Harrison, 2009. Contact the author at… All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Cover Photo Credits Front cover photograph, “Operation Desert Storm” taken by M.Sgt. Fernando Serna, U. S. Air Force photograph, file 071009-F-2911S-013.JPG. Back cover photograph, “Combat Talon” taken by S.M.Sgt. Rose Reynolds, U. S. Air Force photograph, file 021126-O-9999G-020.JPG. Quotes from the two papal encyclicals, Providentissimus Deus, and Summi Pontificatus, and the lecture by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, “Biblical Interpretation in Crisis” used by permission, courtesy Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City. The quoted subtitles to the parts of this book are taken from quotes or paraphrases of the following verses of the Holy Bible: Revelation 20:3 RSV (Part I); Matthew 24:7 NAB (Part II); Zechariah 10:7 NAB (Part III); and Matthew 18:3 NAB (Part IV). (All Bible verse citations in the preface are from the New American Bible.) Unless otherwise indicated, scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms © 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Quotes from the Catechism of the Catholic Church used by permission, courtesy Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City. Dedication To the Lord God Also dedicated to Scott Siefkin, a hero who gave his life in service to his country, and to all the veterans and their family members who directly or indirectly fell victim to Gulf War Illness. http://www.gulfwarvets.com/cristie.htm ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, my thanks to the Lord God, the Holy Family, and the host of heaven who helped me through the difficult period of writing this book under the devil’s oppressive interference. I owe my brother, Mick, a great deal of thanks for helping me financially over the past two decades as I struggled to survive Gulf War Illness and lead a partially productive life. Without his help this book would not have been possible. My thanks also to my son Jonathan for investing significant money towards getting the first edition of this book published, and again to Jonathan and my daughter, Julia, for a continuing vote of confidence, encouragement and moral support that nearly always exceeded my own level of confidence that I would eventually get this book done right. The same goes for my older brothers, sister, and extended family members. My thanks to Dr. William Zambrano, author of the Tribulation Times Catholic newsletter (free on the Internet) and Stephan McCarroll, author of the Middle East Peace Update Report Christian end times newsletter (also free on the Internet), for encouragement and support while this book was in its very rough seminal phases. The same goes for Fr. Felix Just, author of the Catholic Resources web site; Phil Ropp author of the Radio New Jerusalem web site; Dr. and Mrs. Tom Strand who invited me to the Catholic Church; Ron Smith who authors a Catholic questions and answers report available free on the Internet; and all the excellent priests who have served St. Charles Borromeo parish in Bloomington, Indiana over the past eleven years. During those early days of writing, being a novice in the realm of biblical prophecy but feeling called to it, I was fumbling around in the dark and making frequent errors. Without the encouragement of our priests and these good Christian men and women, all with many years more experience in the faith than myself, I would certainly have given up long before the book began to take proper form. My thanks to Garth Nicolson, PhD and Nancy Nicolson, PhD for their cutting edge scientific research and heroic fight to get the truth out about Gulf War Illness and the enormous benefits of long-term antibiotic treatment for veterans affected by the germ form of the illness. Minus their efforts, I wouldn’t be alive today. Thanks to Joyce Riley, former Air Force Nurse, Captain, and Dr. Stanley Monteith of Radio Liberty for getting the word out in the media on Gulf War Illness. Their efforts led me to the Nicolson’s treatment program and a nearly full recovery. My thanks also to another great Christian man, my family doctor, Bruce Records, MD, for having the courage to buck politics and save my life with long-term Doxycycline treatment. Thanks also to Dr. Records’ entire office staff, including his wife, Penny, for their service to the community and their Christian moral support and prayers. Finally, my thanks to the Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic communities of faith in the Bloomington area, as well as their counterparts statewide, nationwide, and worldwide, for their prayerful support, including those who quietly show up in the coffee shops and restaurants as spiritual warfare prayer support groups. Their prayers have gone a long way towards keeping the devil off my back as I do my own prayer and prophecy ministry here in town. Foremost among these, of course, are the priests and pastors, their equivalents in the other faiths, and the vowed religious sisters and brothers. Your prayers and service to God’s Church are much appreciated. To our own beloved priest at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Fr. Thomas Kovatch, his associate priests who also serve St. Charles, and their predecessors a special thank you for being such compassionate shepherds of the flock. Thank you. The same goes for our beloved Pope Francis, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and our own Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin, and Archbishop Emeritus Daniel M. Buechlein in Indianapolis, For all mentioned here and many who aren’t to which I also owe a debt of thanks, I pray that God will forever bless and watch over all of you and yours. CONTENTS ***NOTE: Page numbers are omitted for the electronic version until final editing is complete. Acknowledgments...................................................................................... Preface............................................................................................................ Prologue ......................................................................................................... Part I “Until the Thousand Years Were Ended” Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 “Spooky is Right” …............................................................ The Truth Shall Set You ..................................................... God is Real .......................................................................... Part II “Kingdom Shall Rise Against Kingdom” Chapter 4 Chapter 5 “Guinea Pigs” ...................................................................... Our Father’s (War) Plan ...................................................... Part III “Ephraim Shall Be Valiant Men” Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 “Who’s on First?” ……………………............................... Counterstrike …………....................................................... The Devil’s in the Details .................................................... Part IV “Unless You Become as One of These Little Ones” Chapter 9 Moscow and the Magic Kingdom ..................................... Epilogue & Theological Afterword .............................................................. Appendix 1 Theological Discussions with Fr. Bernie.................................. Appendix 2 Is This Left Behind Theology?............................................. Appendix 3 How to Read Revelation, Antichrist, Signs of the End….... Appendix 4 Does the Magisterium Teach Only One View of Prophecy Endnotes.................................................................................................... From Pope Pius XII, Summi Pontificatus… 23. 24. 25. Venerable Brethren, as We write these lines the terrible news comes to Us that the dread tempest of war is already raging despite all Our efforts to avert it. When We think of the wave of suffering that has come on countless people who but yesterday enjoyed in the environment of their homes some little degree of well-being, We are tempted to lay down Our pen. Our paternal heart is torn by anguish as We look ahead to all that will yet come forth from the baneful seed of violence and of hatred for which the sword today ploughs the blood-drenched furrow. But precisely because of this apocalyptic foresight of disaster, imminent and remote, We feel We have a duty to raise with still greater insistence the eyes and hearts of those in whom there yet remains good will to the One from Whom alone comes the salvation of the world—to One Whose almighty and merciful Hand can alone calm this tempest—to the One Whose truth and Whose love can enlighten the intellects and inflame the hearts of so great a section of mankind plunged in error, selfishness, strife and struggle, so as to give it a new orientation in the spirit of the Kingship of Christ. Perhaps—God grant it—one may hope that this hour of direct need may bring a change of outlook and sentiment to those many who, till now, have walked with blind faith along the path of popular modern errors unconscious of the treacherous and insecure ground on which they trod. Perhaps the many who have not grasped the importance of the educational and pastoral mission of the Church will now understand better her warnings, scouted in the false security of the past. No defense of Christianity could be more effective than the present straits. From the immense vortex of error and anti-Christian movements there has come forth a crop of such poignant disasters as to constitute a condemnation surpassing in its conclusiveness any merely theoretical refutation. 26. Hours of painful disillusionment are often hours of grace—“a passage of the Lord” (cf. Exodus xii. 11), when doors which in other circumstances would have remained shut, open at Our Savior’s words: “Behold, I stand at the gate and knock” (Apocalypse iii. 20) … Given at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome, on the twentieth day of October, in the year of Our Lord, 1939, the first of Our Pontificate. From Pope Pius XII, Summi Pontificatus Encyclical of His Holiness Pope Pius XII, On the Unity of Human Society October 20, 1939. Copyright, Vatican Publishing House, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City, 1939. * (Quoted from Papal Encyclicals Online, http://www.papalencyclicals.net/ Pius12/P12SUMMI.HTM, accessed 3 May 2009) PREFACE Why write another book about the end times? Arnold Schwarzenegger pretty well covered it in the recent blockbuster film End of Days. Left Behind (Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins) has no less than twelve books on the shelves. A Canticle for Liebowitz (Walter M. Miller Jr.) has been a cult classic for decades in this genre, with That Hideous Strength (C. S. Lewis). Now Michael D. O’Brien has written a superlative story on the apocalypse in Father Elijah. Even Ayn Rand, an atheism-inclined agnostic (but a nice one) wrote what may be the greatest novel of all time, Atlas Shrugged, about the collapse of society from its own evil ways, and its subsequent renewal. In 2003, novelist Cormac McCarthy wrote the heart-wrenching Pulitzer Prize-winning apocalypse, The Road, released as a Viggo Mortensen movie. What’s left to do? Even the obtuse questions of theological dispute between Catholics and Left Behind have been well covered now by Dr. Paul Thigpen in his very enjoyable book The Rapture Trap.1 The Rapture Trap, by the way, is a good introduction to the Christian faith. (Also see Appendix 2 to this book, which critiques Left Behind theology.) My primary reason for writing this book is that modern man seems to have no sense of urgency about the end of days. I would like my readers to understand that it is time to act, it is time to “do something” as it says on the Doritos bag. “Sense of urgency” doesn’t mean panic. Sense of urgency is about midway between panic and total complacency. Perhaps “reasonable concern” would be a better choice of words. Clearly, everyone is dismayed at the news headlines, a horror story that has continued now for decades. But what are we doing about it, that is, on an individual basis? Wars, earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, famine . . . everyone knows the hour is late. It is therefore perhaps more correct to say that the message of Jacob is not so much that it is time to act, but that it is possible to act. One point at least that most, if not all, theologies are able to agree upon is that Christians will be present for the crux of Armageddon, the last battle with evil, for we are the instruments of God’s victory in that battle. God’s people, will constitute the bonfires (flames of the Holy Spirit) that singe the evil “chaff” of the harvest (Obadiah 1:18; Zechariah 12:6; Malachi 3:19-21). We will be God’s “stately war horse” (Zechariah 10:3; Malachi 3:20-21; Micah 4:13). Our role in the end of days, the role of all God-fearing people, and how to fulfill that role, is the primary theme of this book. In the Catholic view, the themes of the book of Revelation have been underway in a real sense for two thousand years since Christ’s victory on the cross. The scripture itself says as much, viz. John 12:31, “Now is the time of judgment on this world;” and 1 Peter 4:17, “For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the Gospel of God?” Many of the other primary themes of the end times have been ongoing since Christ as well, including his glorious reign from heaven, the struggle with the Antichrist (1 John 4:3), and the fog of deception imposed by the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians 2. This has all been ongoing. Isaiah 7 tells us that the tribulation was another major eschatological theme ushered in with Christ. The Roman martyrdoms that immediately followed certainly underscored the point, as did Christ’s own words: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace. I have not come to bring peace but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34-36) In Jacob we come to contemplate more fully some of the potential manifestations of the last battle, the plausible meanings of prophetic scripture’s dire forebodings for the future. Following the view suggested by Caritas of Birmingham, AL in the Words of the Harvesters newsletter, vol. #24, Dec. 2005, I, and no doubt many others, now contend that the event of Armageddon is most correctly viewed as having commenced with World War One—almost visibly so, one wants to say. The words of Pope Pius XII at the outbreak of WWII suggest this possibility: “We believe that the present hour is a dread phase of the events foretold by Christ. It seems that darkness is about to fall upon the world. Humanity is in the grip of a supreme crisis.”2 The excerpt of Pius XII’s encyclical Summi Pontificatus reproduced in the front matter of this book echoes a similar feeling. In this book I offer the hypothesis that at the beginning of the first World War Satan was released from the pit per the vision of Pope Leo XIII. For accounts of this vision see Dr. William Zambrano’s Catholic excellent Prophecy Website at http://www.catholicprophecy.info/ and author-theologian Emmett O’Regan’s very interesting Web blog at http://unveilingtheapocalypse.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/prophecy-of-popeleo-xiii-update.html). Since the author of 1 Peter observes that the devil was already out prowling around as of the first century, another plausible view of the recent surge of evil commencing with WWI is that St. Michael the Archangel has stepped aside, removing the restraint from “the deceiver” per 2 Thessalonians 2. This allows an onslaught of evil so dramatically obvious that it has the effect of revealing Satan’s presence in our world. Whatever the underlying theological events to WWI & II may ultimately have been, Dr. Zambrano informs us that one reliable report (more detail on this event is given in Fr. Gabriele Amorth’s book, An Exorcist Tells His Story at the beginning of the appendices) has it that in a vision near the altar Pope Leo saw Christ and Satan in conversation concerning the devil’s final assault on the Church. This vision occurred circa 1885-1886, approximately forty years prior to the outbreak of hostilities to commence WWI. What Pope Leo saw there in that vision, a host of demonic spirits converging on Rome, is consonant with the outpouring of demons from the pit at Revelation 9 or the release of Satan from the pit at Revelation 20 where the “beloved city” is surrounded by Satan’s forces. Fr. Amorth reports that Fr. Domenico Pechenino revealed in a 1995 magazine article that Pope Leo immediately composed a set of prayers beseeching God to send Satan back to hell and instructed the prayers be distributed throughout the Church for regular use. This of course suggests that Satan had in fact been released from the pit on or about the time of Pope Leo’s vision circa 1885. It makes a certain amount of sense. The demons are released; they have several decades to do their foul work; and we are cursed with two massive world wars as a consequence, plus innumerable smaller atrocities. It also makes sense to view the event as a spiritual instance of Armageddon as well as Satan’s final assault upon the Church. Other plausible consequences of the release of the demons from hell are the production of both the great apostasy and one or more major events of tribulation for the Church. We can’t say we weren’t warned beforehand. Pope Leo immediately alerted the Church, instituting a worldwide prayer campaign circa 1886, and St. Mary appeared at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, in the midst of WWI during the birth month of atheistic Communism in Russia (October 1917), where she forewarned of further impending disaster if humanity did not return to an active faith via renewed devotion to prayer. One need merely note the moral decline of society since 1950 and the daily news headlines to give credibility to the theory that the tribulation and the great apostasy are both presently underway. I am hardly the first to note this. Protestant deliverance ministers have been screaming it from rooftops for decades now, and even Catholic scholars like Blessed John Henry Newman (Cardinal) equated Modernism and neo-Modernism with the great apostasy. (See Fr. Vincent P. Miceli’s introduction to Newman’s Antichrist sermons in A Confederacy of Evil: Cardinal Newman on the End Times, page xiv.) To see that the manifestation of evil in the horrors of the two world wars was sufficient to ascribe the term “Armageddon,” after having first prayed for spiritual discernment, one need merely review the video documentaries on WWI and WWII. These include the Jewish holocaust and other unthinkable tragedies among civilian populations, such as the tortuous life in the Russian gulags—not to mention massive military casualties. The spiritual message that rings out over and over again from those films as one views the bodies of mothers and their little children piled in heaps from the Nazi massacres of Jewish families in concentration camps; hundreds of thousands of frozen bodies of young idealistic teenage soldiers of both sides left on the battlefield in Russia and Germany; the young heroic kamikazes of Japan so poignantly summoning the last courage to bravely salute comrades before flying off to certain death; the barely living skeletons in the prisoner of war camps; the unthinkable cruelties Stalin committed against millions of his own people in the gulags during and after the war; families who froze and starved; the brutal rapes of young girls who were really only children; the horror of thousands of families burned to death or asphyxiated when Dresden and Tokyo were fire-bombed into massive infernos; the relentless bombing of London; the children horribly mutilated by the atomic blasts in Japan, where people watched the skin suddenly melt from their own hands and face having no forewarning or idea of what was happening . . . the message that rings out over and over again is, “It couldn’t get worse than this.” What could Armageddon be or do that would be worse? No, there are two messages. First, “This has to be part of Armageddon,” and second “This is evil!” And it is. Things so horrific could only come from Satan. Thus, it is entirely possible and consonant with scripture that we experienced a primary manifestation of the biblical theme of Armageddon in the events of WWI and WWII. Unfortunately that theme has continued into the present. Atrocities no less appalling have been recently documented in the Balkans, the Middle East, Indonesia, Sudan/Darfur, various African and South and Central American nations, and many others. As I write these words genocide is being perpetrated against 2.5 million people in selected tribes that are out of political favor in the Sudan. The total event of Armageddon includes more than world and regional war. It includes a substantial, though invisible, spiritual battle as well, one that can also produce tragedy. The invisible war, too, is well underway: the devil’s final assault on the Church and everyone in it. There have been many key moments in history where mankind has stood at important crossroads, but none more critical than the dread hour we now face. With the advent of Armageddon we must finally face the truth. It is time. We must put on the armor of God and stride forward to victory. We must renounce evil and affirm Christ and all that is good once and for all. No more wavering; no more protecting our pet sins (and becoming vulnerable to Satan’s attacks because of them). They all have to go. We have to start living right again, and being good compassionate, caring people. We must each do what we can in our own small way. It will eventually add up to victory. Forward Christian soldiers! Do not fear them, the evil ones, the demons. Fear God only . . . and love Him . . . with all your heart, mind, and soul. Rick Harrison Bloomington, Indiana, USA 1 January 2009 Recommended Video Documentaries CBS Video series World War I: The Complete Story AIM International Television, Great Souls series, which includes, among other relevant titles, Elie Wiesel, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Pope John Paul II who lived through terrible events of war and oppression typical of the larger series of tribulation/Armageddon related events since WWI. Paramount Home Video, Shoah series, recollections of survivors of the Nazi death camps. A & E Video series (26 episodes), The World at War NBC, Victory at Sea, distributed by Embassy Home Entertainment BBC Video, The Battle of the Atlantic BBC Video, BBC History of World War II Battlefields A & E Biography series, including Joseph Stalin: Red Terror La Mancha Productions/PolyGram video series Battlefield, especially The Battle of Stalingrad PBS Home Video series, Russia’s War: Blood Upon the Snow Questar Video series, Why We Fight (especially Volume 2, The Nazi Strike/ The Battle of Russia) ABC News/MPI Home Video, Hiroshima: Why the Bomb was Dropped, Peter Jennings Reporting, An ABC News Special Questar Video series, Brothers in Arms: WWII and the Korean War (especially Volumes 5 & 6, The Korean War—Our Time in Hell) PBS Home Video series, Korean War Stories, Hosted by Walter Cronkite CBS News Video series, Vietnam War with Walter Cronkite WGBH Boston/Central Independent VLUK/Antenne-2 France/LRE Productions Vietnam: A Television History Human Rights Video Project, Women Make Movies, Calling the Ghosts (Bosnia/Herzegovina) Globalvision, Inc./Chip Taylor Communications, Rights and Wrongs series, Kosovo and Tajikistan PBS Video Frontline series, The Gulf War, Parts I & II Image Bearer Pictures, LLC, As We Forgive, survivors of Rwandan genocide prepare to face those who killed their families, directed by Laura Waters Hinson, narrated by Mia Farrow. Gold Winner, Student Academy Awards, Best Documentary 2008 PROLOGUE In late Spring of the year 2030 an event occurred that was in large part beyond the ken of humanity. In the early hours of morning a number of people awoke from sleep. A startling sound rang out. It rang at regular intervals of a second or two duration, pulsing with enormous intensity. There are no words for the quality of this sound. Shrill, strident, a piercing series of notes, yet notes that came from no physical source on this earth. The odd sounds were intimately accompanied by preternatural light and a (seemingly) holy presence. The event continued for a scarce few moments of “real time”—if divine encounters happen in real time— but the impact was enduring. Great blessings came to those caught up in this experience, Garfield and Father Bernie among them. Most considered the phenomenon an angelic trumpet call, some kind of prelude or manifestation of the Lord’s return. Others were not so sure. They chose to hold their opinion in abeyance pending a period of discernment—there are bad angels as well as good ones. The only persons to correctly identify the odd sound were Garfield and four-year-old Julia Scranton. She told her incredulous mother she had heard God whistling. PART I “Until the Thousand Years Were Ended” 1 Peter 5:8-11 NAB Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your brothers and sisters throughout the world undergo the same sufferings. The God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory through Christ Jesus will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you after you have suffered a little. To him be dominion forever. Amen. *Note to the reader: The main character in this book, Father Bernie happens to be a priest with a good sense of humor. His military buddies have been through some tough years with Fr. Bernie when he was an Army chaplain. They tend to interact informally with Fr. Bernie—and they are not yet Catholic. I would like to make clear that, despite the informality among these men, nothing in this book is meant to detract from the sacerdotal dignity of the priesthood. CHAPTER 1 “Spooky is Right” Spring 2030 Saturday, 7:30 p.m. As the cherry flavored smoke of Father Bernie’s pipe wafts around the cozy old-fashioned rectory he puts down his pen to remove the longstemmed Church Warden from his mouth, pausing over today’s entry in the secret end times journal. “The reference again?” “Zechariah 10 and 12” “You’re sure it was an angel, not a demonic imposter?” “I received a great blessing, Father.” Garfield stretches his enormous frame and peeks through the curtains at waning sunlight. I hope the demons don’t come out again tonight; I need some rest. “Very well, add it to the journal. Let’s see, we now have Zechariah 10 and 12, Obadiah, Micah 4, and Malachi 3, with allusions to a Christian move in the military forces of the West. I think it is time we started taking this seriously.” “I agree, Father; we should contact someone in the Church. How about Opus Dei? They are close to the pope.” “Fine. Let me know the moment you find out something. I’m going to The Beanery to do some recruiting. We will need to build a team for this.” “OK. I’ll step over to the chapel and pray for your success.” Garfield places the journal into Father Bernie’s wall safe and spins the tumblers. “Goodnight, Father.” “Goodnight, Garfield. See you Tuesday. Keep praying; who knows what happens next.” *** Fingering the items in his portfolio, Joe thoughtfully scans the customers in the dimly lit café. Perhaps I’ll sit down at Clayton’s table. No, I can’t do that; he’ll just laugh me to scorn. Clayton spots Joe leaning against the chrome and red patent leather ice cream bar. He wiggles two fingers at the waiter who is just leaving with his order and waves Joe over. “Joe, can I confirm you for Trivial Pursuit Wednesday? Margaret is planning the meal.” “Yes, I think so, Clayton.” After catching up on work and mutual friends, Joe takes the first pause as his opportunity. “The oddest thing happened . . . ” The Italian milkshakes arrive preempting his disclosure. Sampling the fresh Columbian espresso and premium chocolate, the urgency fades. “Thanks Clayton, I owe you one.” “No problem. Really—something odd happened, in West Lafayette? Quick, call the Sentinel!” Clayton reaches for his shake, dipping the spoon into mounds of whipped cream and cinnamon. Not to worry, at 6’7” he can handle it. I’ll work it off in the gym. Three years of power- lifting competitions since retirement have added several inches of muscle to the iron frame chiseled by twenty-years of Air Force pararescue. Clayton nudges the empty stool out a bit, places his feet up and relaxes. “It’s odd; but first, can I trust you?” Leaning the fuzzy brown head that sits atop a very average frame in Clayton’s direction and raising matching eyebrows, Joe emphasizes, “This has to be privileged.” Having spoken, the redundancy strikes him. Clayton is the most trustworthy man in several counties—bodyguard to the rich and famous, and a Medal of Honor winner. “OK, you have my word; it’s privileged.” Leaning back to savor the drink, Clayton scratches his fresh orange military style razor cut, still smelling of barber talc and lime, baffled as to what Joe might be up to. “I heard something,” Joe reveals. Whistle stop gossip, Clayton concludes too hastily. Moving on, he mentally reviews tonight’s TV Guide listing. Science fiction marathon at 8:30! He’ll have to swing by the store and grab some corn curls, a few sodas for the kids. “OK, here’s the odd part, Clayton. I didn’t hear it in the usual way. Telepathy—believe it or not I heard something telepathically.” Joe props himself against the table. Come disparaging comment, abject ridicule or even a straightjacket, I don’t care; I have spoken the truth. “Telepathically!” Joe confirms, still bracing for the worst. “I’ll keep my word. But you are . . . uh” Clayton clears his throat, squinting at Joe as if he might have missed some indication of instability. “I mean . . . you’re feeling OK—right?” “Yes, I’m fine. This actually . . . ” Joe leans over and hisses “happened” at his best friend through clenched teeth, allowing the exaggerated grimace to suggest perhaps the Hulk sitting on a tack or Tolkien’s fighting Urukai in a death embrace. Smiling at the dramatization, Clayton continues his challenge. “How do you know you didn’t just hear yourself thinking?” “It was different. First of all, it wasn’t the kind of thing I think: I am not in the habit of blessing myself. Second, I wasn’t thinking it at the time; and ‘C’ it was simple and clear. Someone spoke to me telepathically. They said ‘Joe, God bless you.’” Clayton begins to suspect this might have actually happened. “Did you recognize the voice?” “I think so—Father Bernie.” “That is odd.” Odd was not entirely unwelcome to Clayton. West Lafayette, Indiana offered little diversion compared to his dramatic career overseas with the military. He was bored and knew it, the notable exceptions being Margaret and the kids. After twenty years of antiterrorist response, hostage rescue missions, and national security deployments, he finally has some time to spend with his family. “That’s not all—and you’re still sworn to secrecy. Today my boss, Steve, came over. Steve’s a great guy, by the way. He served in Special Operations Command too, none of which he can talk about for another ten years.” “So he said. We met at the Habitat for Humanity construction site last week, building affordable homes for hurricane evacuees. Now, there’s a Christian ministry that’s changing the world!” Joe nods agreement. “Anyway, the oddest thing happened.” “More odd than telepathy?” “Maybe. Steve thought I was oppressed by a demon.” Clayton coughs. This is unexpected. Taking a draught of the throatfreezing concoction in front of him, he checks Joe’s rugged Scots-Irish face for signs of a set-up. This could all be a practical joke. Finding no indications of a joke, he dismisses the incident as the product of Joe’s overactive imagination. His gaze wanders to the glass door and large window up front, then to the headlights passing slowly down Main Street. He takes a deep breath, exhaling a whisper: “Senior Master Sergeant Delaney . . . retired.” Technical Sergeant Joe Scranton, retired, smiles at his reverie. “Retired” Clayton repeats, adjusting his position for greater comfort . . . and back home for good. Cool spring air streams through as a family comes in for ice cream. The scent of lilac blossoms comes with them, as strong as perfume. It recalls Clayton’s happy childhood in Monon. Life was simpler then. Armageddon was a page in the Bible, not a page on your desk calendar. “Clayton?” Joe calls Clayton back to the present. Joe reaches into his backpack to retrieve the icebreaker he had prepared. “Here, Steve gave me these; I thought you might be interested.” Taking the items, Clayton reads aloud, “Evolution as a Religion, by Mary Midgley, I’ll take a look. What’s this one?” “Darwin’s Black Box, by Michael Behe. They explain how the bogus myth of accidental evolution has been imposed upon the public mindset minus proper evidence. It’s a vacuous political production of the atheistic side of the scientific culture. Evolution seems real enough, but it certainly wasn’t accidental.3 “Oh, and here’s the Web address for the archaeological research team at BASE Institute that found Noah’s Ark!”4 “Noah’s Ark! How about that! Sorry I ignored you; slipped into a daydream I guess. Where were we? Oh, yes. Whatever gave Steve the idea you were possessed by a demon?” “Oppressed, Clayton; there’s a difference. Oppression is not so severe. Anyway, Steve’s busy, he didn’t really explain. We’re friends, perhaps he felt he didn’t have to. I apparently did or said something out of character. At his level of faith I suppose you begin to trust your instincts.” “I suppose. You did remind him the Exorcist was just a movie?” “I happen to know the Exorcist is based upon a true story of an exorcism performed by the Catholic Church in St. Louis in 1949, and it’s not the only one. Thousands have been done, though mostly in Europe.5 I did hint at the fact that my head wasn’t spinning around, and that I hadn’t levitated—I only do that when my tax refund comes back.6 Clayton laughs. “Elizabeth said I could make a down-payment on a sports car this year. I love that woman,” Joe confesses. “She’s a good one. You might want to keep her. But what did Steve do about the exorcism, chain you to the wall and burn a crucifix into your forehead?” “No, nothing so dramatic. He asked my permission to pray for me, I gave it, and he prayed. He cast the thing out with a prayer—as simple as that. He didn’t command the demon to leave in the name of Jesus Christ as I expected. He didn’t wrestle with it, curse it and punch it with holy water. In fact, he ignored it completely. Sais the foul things aren’t worth our attention. “Steve said that lay Christians should never confront demons directly. It is too dangerous. Current Church policy forbids lay exorcisms. The Church has reserved exorcism to the Bishops and their delegates, the priests. “Laymen can, however, effectively deliver and heal afflicted persons with prayer—and should. Christ’s victory is fully extended to those who affirm it with faith. All Christians can drive out demons with prayer, but they should never confront the demons while doing it. An exorcism is therefore seldom required; prayers of healing, when offered with love of God and the afflicted person, get the job done. “Full demonic possession is rare, the news headlines notwithstanding. Cases that, given sufficient time for prayer, support and friendship to work, do not respond, and the clearly urgent and dramatically obvious cases must be referred to the Church for resolution. Steve has a letter from the priest who is chief exorcist at the diocese of Rome, explaining it.7 Steve is a very devout Catholic.” “I respect devout Christians. I wish my own faith were stronger. You talk as if you think there actually was a demon. You’re starting to spook me out, here.” “I can’t rule it out. I have always tended to dismiss spooky things as imaginary—but demons are in the Bible. I felt much better after the prayer. Prayer has affected me that way since I was a child.” “Well, I will at least admit that you’ve established ‘odd’ at this point. In fact, I’ll go a bit further.” Clayton puts down six dollars. “I’m buying your next one at Kilroy’s—and the sooner the better. Let’s change the subject, shall we; talk of the supernatural gives me the heebie-jeebies. What else is happening of great interest?” “Well, Russia, Iran and Syria are holding secret talks again. They’re moving tanks around—lots of tanks. We’ve gone to DEFCON 3.” “That’s a little too interesting. In England, Prime Minister James was livid. The Brits aren’t going to stand for it. Europe is a military anthill by now. Some of our lesser-known forward military locations are brandishing hardware the public has never seen. “I know it,” Joe confirms. “The spooks in the war plans section out at the base refused to have a beer with me. Not until this is over. They’re afraid they might say something classified. Whatever they are up to, they are very busy doing something. Let’s hope things cool down in a hurry. With seven years to go in the Retired Reserve, if Congress pulls in retirees to fight a major war . . . ” “Right, I think we should check our uniforms—just in case.” “I’m heading over to military clothing first thing Monday to pick-up a field jacket and jump boots.” “Take my advice, Joe; throw in a compass, survival knife, and first aid kit…a few of the excellent Israeli combat wound bandages. You may never need them, but it pays to be prepared.” “You would know, if anyone does. I’ll add them to the list.” By now the adrenalin is flowing in both of them. “What else is new?” “Well, back on the home front, the kids are cracking me up again. They are at that age, four and six, you know—just too cute. We are into reading stories now. I read them the Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl last week. It was fun.” “Big Friendly Giant . . . ? No, I think it’s called The BFG, isn’t it? I read that to my kids a few years back.” “I stand corrected, The BFG.” “Now wait just a minute before you move on . . . there was something odd about that giant. Yes . . . he did levitate! Brrrrp!” Joe has to chuckle at his big musclebound friend. “Yeah. The kids thought that was the funniest thing. The mere mention of a soda made them giggle for days. Children are our most honest literary critics, you know.” “They are our most honest everything. I seem to recall that the lovable self-propelled giant also had difficulties with language. He had to invent his own version of the Queen’s English, being too large to attend primary school. One felt downright sorry for the poor bloke.” “Oh, his version of the language didn’t turn out so bad, really. He would undoubtedly have been one of the West’s great philosophers, had the situation been real.” “No question, just ahead of Nietzsche, Hume, Machiavelli, and now, in modern times, our very own Richard Dawkins—guys so brilliant they can’t find the laws of God written on their own hearts.” “Way ahead of them.” “What else have you read to them?” “Well, Julia likes The Berenstein Bears. We read the one on pollution last night, the one with ‘Professor Actual Factual’ in it. They love stories. They’re just too cute. It’s The Boxcar Children next, and then The Hardy Boys. “The kids already have a fondness for the Bible. We read a few verses each night before bed. I decided that what is wrong with the world today is that we are not teaching our children a real friendship with God.” “Precisely right.” “We should tuck them in at night with a wink and a hug, reminding them that God loves us and will protect us in our sleep. That way, they will meet God in their hearts before the world gets a chance to teach them otherwise. Knowing that God is real, they will be immunized against the incessant materialist propaganda that has been woven into every aspect of this convoluted experience we call modern life.” “Right again.” “Kids can surprise you. As I was tucking Julia in last night a tear came into her eye and she said, ‘God is holy, Daddy!’ And with that magical twinkle that only children can have she whispered ‘God loves us. How much is a secret. But he told me it’s a lot!’ ” “Sometimes, Clayton, I think children are our teachers, not the other way ’round.” “Christ confirmed it: ‘Unless you become as one of these little ones you will not enter heaven.’ You’ll have to protect the little ones; there’s a lot of evil out there,” Clayton reminds. He has seen his share of it. “I hope the evil is not as ambulatory as Steve thinks it is, out walking around in other people’s bodies. You know something Clayton? Life has become surreal. Sometimes I think the whole world, present company excluded, has gone nuts!” Right on cue, Father Bernie, unbeknownst to Joe, slips over from the ice cream bar to stand behind Joe’s chair. “My own observations tend to support your mass insanity hypothesis, ‘Sigmund,’” Clayton remarks. Passing an accusing glance toward Father Bernie, he silently mouths, “If the shoe fits . . . ” Missing his meaning, Joe continues. “The senseless terrorism that’s been going on, the nonsense that passes for intelligent commentary on the news, junk shows all over TV—and, have you noticed how people look on the street? Something is definitely wrong with society. People’s pants fall off them—and their faces. They look awful. The whole thing is unnatural . . . almost—” He’s cut off. “Demonic” comes matter-of-factly from behind. Startled, Joe turns to find a priest standing immediately behind him. “Oh, Father Bernie.” Joe and Clayton exchange a conspiratorial glance. “I didn’t notice you come in. Did you just get here?” “No, Joe, I’ve been standing here since ‘I did or said something out of character.’ In fact, I heard the whole thing from the counter—you’ve been exorcised!” Father puts his hand on Joe’s shoulder, leaning on him with much meaning. “Couldn’t hurt your personality.” “It’s been said.” Father Bernie corrects himself. “Actually, I should have said healed by prayers of deliverance; only Bishops and their delegates can perform the Holy Rite of Exorcism.” “So Steve has been telling me. Good to see you, Father. All well at St. Mary’s?” “Yes, and no.” Father Bernie, an athletic middle-aged black intellectual, handsomely distinguished by graying around the temples, is a military veteran himself. Being closely matched, he and Joe often have real battles on the tennis courts. Father eyes the Italian milkshakes. “Got cinnamon and whipped cream I see.” “Yep.” “Add the double shot of espresso this time?” (Father’s favorite) “Uh-huh,” Joe hums over the oversized straw. “The espresso does make it good!” Father deliberates about one for himself. “If my charity regimen could handle it . . . I’d sit down and join you.” His willpower wins out by the smallest margin over his taste buds. “Charity regimen?” “Yes, I allow myself only one treat a month during Lent. The price of the other two or three I would normally have goes to the poor.” “That’s a great idea. Mind if I borrow it?” “I beg you to borrow it! The poor urgently depend upon us to make our best effort for them, as we would depend upon them should the situation be reversed.” Clayton assumes the demeanor of a police inspector, poking his large finger into Father’s chest. “But if this is your off day for treats, Father, what were you doing at the ice cream bar?” “I only had a cappuccino, if you must know. It’s not a treat. It keeps me awake long enough to put the finishing touches on my book. Writ-ing a book is the most exhausting thing you can ever do. Take my word for it. I could probably justify the espresso shake for the same reason, but I’m not going to press my luck with God. “Listen, why don’t the two of you stop by St. Mary’s when you have some time, and we’ll talk. I could use your help on something.” “Sure Father.” Joe enthusiastically agrees. “Always glad to help. It will probably be Tuesday before I can make it. Maybe we could do lunch?” “Great! See you Tuesday for lunch.” Breathing a sigh of relief, Father turns to go, but calls back over his shoulder: “Keep an eye on the news. I don’t like the way things are shaping up overseas.” “Right, Father. Goodnight.” Turning to Clayton, Joe remembers something. “That reminds me, I heard a good story today.” “Well, it’s against my better judgment—but let’s hear it,” Clayton says with a grin. “OK, I have this from not so reliable sources, but I am convinced that it is an absolutely true story.” “When have I ever questioned your sources?” “Well then . . . It seems that a retired Catholic gentleman, Mr. Smith, had been diligently following the lottery for many years, playing the same numbers each week; had them posted on his refrigerator door, you know—specialized in power ball. He never doubted that he would someday win. Sadly, on the day he did win, he was so ill in bed with a heart condition he was unable to check the numbers. His wife, however, knowing he would eventually ask, did remember to check them. Calling the store to find out how much the lottery was worth that week, she was stunned when the clerk told her 225 million. She was in a quandary as to what to do. The news, although good, could very well kill her husband in his weakened condition. She debated for several days and then finally called her Bishop, who only lived down the street, and had been a family friend for many years. “No problem, I’ll come right over. I’ll break it to him gently—he’ll be fine. See you in fifteen minutes.” True to his word, Bishop Walker was on her doorstep ringing the bell in fifteen minutes. “This way Bishop, but be gentle won’t you.” ‘Not to worry, not to worry, everything will be fine.’ So, the Bishop greeted his old friend, sat down and after a few moments of small talk, worked the conversation around to hobbies. ‘You’ve been playing those same numbers on the lottery for thirty years now, Paul, what would you do if you actually won?’ Paul never hesitated. ‘I know exactly what I’d do, Bishop. I’ve been planning it for years. If I won the lottery, the first thing I’d do is to give you half my old friend.’ The Bishop immediately fainted away, dead of a heart attack. “How’s that for a twist of fate?” “Not bad,” Clayton chuckles. His watch says 8:10. “I have to go. See you for lunch on Tuesday.” “Later.” Stepping into the clear night air and breathing deeply of the invigorating scent of lilac, Clayton relaxes. This will be a great couple of days. Twilight Zone, The Night Stalker, X-Files, a Robert Heinlein special to boot, and both the original and Donald Sutherland versions of The Body Snatchers. I better make that two six packs of soda . . . and a case of popcorn. David and Jeanette always want popcorn with movies—and they are growing so fast calories aren’t yet a problem. Despite his children’s being eleven and fifteen now, they sat glued to the sofa each under one of Dad’s powerful arms for the entire marathon. The three of them remained happily in their childhood until Monday. This, of course, is their way of catching up, Clayton having been so often away with the Air Force. They never told their mother, Margaret, how they missed Dad back then when they were toddlers, so afraid he would never come home again. They believed their secret was safe because Mom had never caught them crying themselves to sleep. But that’s over now: Dad is home. Margaret, just back from the Mall, slipped in and joined them for The Body Snatchers and an enormous bowl of fresh buttered popcorn—she knows. And she also enjoys snuggling up under those powerlifting arms. *** Tuesday, 12:30 P.M. Strolling across the plush lawn of St. Mary’s, Joe felt his mood lighten. “I always feel good around Father Bernie. It’s not just his jokes and dramatic impersonations. According to the stress management experts, some people are just like that—eternal optimists. ‘Zappers’ I think is what they call them. They lighten our load somehow, zapping us with positive energy. Of course, there are the negative types as well, people that will drain the energy right out of you if you give them half a chance. I believe the psychological literature calls them . . . ” “‘Buttockses’” Clayton interjects. “At least, that’s what the Nutty Professor called them last night on the comedy playoff reruns. But even the Nutty Professor knows that priests bless us with the Holy Spirit of God.” “Yes, that’s true, an amazing thing. But ‘Buttocks’ is grammatically correct, as I believe The Professor pointed out. However, ‘sapper’ was the word I was looking for. These people actually sap your strength.” Clayton nods, “I know the term—and the people. It seems like the world is filling up with the negative types: they’re ruining life as we know it.” “Precisely. Well, at least we’ve found an optimist in Father Bernie— and his dramatic impersonations are to die for.” Clayton laughs. “That much is certain. To his friends, he’s a funny guy—outside the Church. But when he puts on those robes he carries the full dignity of God’s presbyters. And while performing the Holy Mass he acts in persona Christi, in the person of God. What an unimaginably magnificent thing!” “He’s a holy man., but also a good friend to those who know him.” They pause to inspect the inscription on a small grave stone set into the lawn: “IN MEMORY OF ALL THOSE CHILDREN WHO WERE NEVER GIVEN THE CHANCE TO RUN AND PLAY.” The main force of it hit them both at the same time. Father Bernie happened out, noticing their bowed heads and emotional expressions. “That’s a blessing! It happens there all the time. That was a blessing from God.” Joe, being nearer, responds for both. “It was powerful. Really a sad thought, though—about the unborn children.” Father crosses himself. “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.” Looking up far beyond the rich blue atmosphere of our earth, he smiles. “God takes good care of the little dickenses when they leave this world. We should do as much while they’re here.” “Well said, Father, well said” Joe offers, planning a donation to children’s charities. “How’s your anti-abortion argument coming Joe? You go to court soon, I understand.” “Almost complete—it’s a strong case. I have a copy in my backpack. Perhaps we can read through it at lunch. You can help me touch it up.” “Great idea; I can’t wait to hear it. I need to step back into the office and grab some things before we go. Why don’t you two come in for a moment? Here, let me just get my briefcase out of the car.” Though not Catholic, they gladly accept Father’s offer. St. Mary’s is a fully imposing architectural marvel, Bedford stone and stained glass. Blessed sacred art, sculptures, and magnificent woodcarvings everywhere populate the large expanse of the cathedral. The sun peacefully basks the interior in soft glowing colors. An ethereal mood dominates, lifting one’s spirit inexorably upward and upward toward the gold trimmed dome until . . . there . . . the cross suspended high overhead. The eyes can go no further. They love being inside the cathedral. Father Bernie knows this. Clayton’s hunger demands his attention. “Father, where are we eating today?” “I don’t know. Where would you like to go?” “There’s the steak house, Billy’s Pizza—how about The Beanery?” “Perfect”—almost simultaneous from the other two. The Beanery did have the good stuff. They enter Father’s office. Many books are strewn and stacked about. A beautiful string of burgundy wood Rosary beads with silver chain and crucifix lies in the center of Father’s desk. Joe, being a lover of books, takes in a few titles at a glance: The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare, by Dr. Ed Murphy; Keeper of the Keys, by Thomas McDermott; Newman: Light in Winter by Meriol Trevor; Bible Concordance; Sign of Contradiction and Crossing the Threshold of Hope both by Pope Saint John Paul II. And there is a beautiful one. What a magnificent jacket! The Way of the Cross, by Benedict XVI. Not all the authors are Catholic, notably Murphy, and Joe notices two excellent books by Anglican theologian N. T. Wright in the ‘IN’ box: Simply Christian, and Evil and the Justice of God. The love of books, philosophy, and theology is something Joe and Father Bernie have in common. Father also has a nice leather bound ledger or journal of some kind lying open on his desk. He quickly snatches it up, depositing it into the wall safe. This is followed by a brisk spin of the tumblers. This rather transparent tactic has failed in its purpose. Instead of protecting the journal from discovery, Father Bernie has directed their attention to it. “Check that out,” Father says with pride, handing Joe a softbound manuscript. This is an extra printer’s proof of his new book, Darwin’s New Clothes: A Critical Examination of the Accidental Theories of Evolution. “That’s my new one. I present a chapter to the University of Evansville Philosophy Colloquium Saturday. You can keep that copy. Here, I’ll autograph it for you.” Father signs it with a flourish. “Great, Father, thanks!” Joe means it. At forty-three he still gets as excited about the exchange of ideas and original thought as he did in his first Intro to Philosophy class in college. Father grabs a shoulder bag from between two stacks, his reading glasses, and a plaid English driving cap. They take a last appreciative glance around the cathedral, and are on their way out again striding across the freshly mown lawn in the sunlight. Joe carefully loads himself into the back of Father’s bright yellow ‘bug.’ This has got to be fun to drive. Joe has admired Volkswagens for years, but never quite got around to buying one. Clayton only just fits into the front. Breathing the cool forced air through the open window, Joe silently counts the waves: nine, twelve, fourteen—fourteen waves from parishioners in passing cars to the door of The Beanery. Not bad, even for a Catholic priest. Father loves his flock, and they enthusiastically reciprocate. Having placed their orders, Joe begins to read from the legal brief: Let’s go back to the start for a moment. Why don’t we consider our unborn children persons whose right to life is protected under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution? The language of the Constitution does not explicitly rule them out. They have an individual human genetic code distinct from their mother’s; and they exhibit signs of life. Most have a 100% prognosis to become fully functioning, independent adult persons. So why aren’t these individually distinct living human beings considered persons in the interim, pending certain and extremely rapid development through a process nature itself requires? They will have a heartbeat as early as 21 days. Logically, as Pope John Paul II has said, what else could they be, Aardvarks?8 A few further pages into it the food arrived and they agreed to study the remainder in the library conference room next evening. As they leaned into their hearty sandwiches, Father Bernie got the charismatic gleam in his eye that was his trademark. Having known Father a long time, they were forewarned that something was coming. They first met Father Bernie in Iraq when he was a chaplain with the United States Army, the others serving in the Air Force. “Joe, are you a Christian?” “What!?” “Are you a Christian?” “My friends at church seem to think I am!” Joe is not truly offended; Father is known to be rarely serious outside the cathedral. The fact of the matter is Joe is paying more attention to his sandwich than to Father anyway. The horseradish mustard here is unique and the flavor of the fresh smoked turkey and bacon club sandwich exceptional. He takes an enormous bite. That Father Bernie is a real corker! Am I a Christian? Joe is willing to play his usual role as straight man to Father’s jokes. It’s a nice day; let’s see what else Father comes up with. Joe wonders if all the priests are so comfortable and safe in God’s hands that their joy just overflows in these odd ways . . . if they seem lighthearted when in fact they are just happy—the way the rest of us could be if we placed ourselves there as well. Father’s facetious track record aside, something in his face signaled today as an exception. He was serious. “I mean, really a Christian, as in serving God, and not Satan. A lot more people talk the talk than walk the walk.” Clayton looks up with a start. His pastrami sandwich falls onto his lap, and then smacks the hardwood floor. Constantly hungry from his extreme weightlifting program, he glances down at the gourmet lunch with true disappointment. He reaches out to recover it, but a snooty old lady across the aisle gives him a disapproving look. Being an avowed cynic of exaggerated social etiquette, Clayton stares her down, his scowl passing the equivalent of a telepathic message: nothing . . . significant . . . has . . . happened! A moment later as she looks away he quickly snags the larger pieces in his massive grip, doing a double take to ensure he wasn’t seen. On Father’s cue, Joe had begun his move toward serious. He was momentarily checked by Clayton’s comedic rescue of the sandwich. He now returns to Father’s challenge. “Wouldn’t that be visibly obvious? Black suit, bloody dagger, etc.?” Joe gives Satanism no credibility. Studies in philosophical analysis have led him to be skeptical—the, ‘if you can’t prove it with science, it doesn’t exist’ approach. God is a notable, and perhaps the only, exception to this rule for Joe. He feels the intelligent design argument is a sufficient proof of God. Father clearly disagrees concerning the visibility of Satanism: “It would not necessarily be obvious, no. The devil’s work is all about deception.” Father Bernie, while respecting the disciplined methods of thought used by philosophers and scientists, knows there are limitations, errors and prejudices in philosophy and science nonetheless. In fact, his new book details quite a few of those errors as well as the generally prevailing academic prejudice against God. Father studied at Oxford, taking a degree in philosophy before Catholic seminary at the University of St. Thomas. A twenty-year stint in the Army followed. Unknown to many, Father minored in drama. He is a gifted though frustrated actor. Constantly on the lookout for dramatic roles in local theatre, the lack of opportunity for artistic expression poses a near Freudian conundrum for Father Bernie. The forced repression of his singular passion for drama has, or so he has led the town to believe, engendered a benign neurosis. The pretend affliction manifests itself in Father Bernie’s regaling his friends with spontaneous dramatic outbursts. For these he has become locally famous. There was no denying that Father Bernie was generally the life of the party, though he always took care to maintain his priestly dignity. Something in Father’s tone today, however, was unexpected: drop-dead serious—even ominous. Joe leans in to study Father Bernie’s response. “Come on, no one actually ‘serves’ Satan, do they Father?” Joe is hoping for a quick and definite ‘no.’ He won’t get it. In the next moment, Joe finds himself staring compulsively at the portraits of famous authors smoking and sipping coffee together on the café wall. Now he blinks twice, checks himself a third time, then has to allow, that, yes, the portraits of Carl Sandberg and Robert Frost have folded their arms. They now appear to be comically holding their smoke, awaiting Father Bernie’s answer. Well, perhaps they have waited a long time to see this truth revealed. Sanity check, Joe thinks. He just manages to master these outré thoughts when . . . there it is again, that surreal feeling! He quickly dismisses the episode as a spike in blood pressure only to have Frost demonstrably wink at him subsequent to Father Bernie’s “Unfortunately, they do.” Now that actually happened! Father’s response resonates accusingly across the room, posing a blatant challenge to Joe’s lifelong conservative assumptions and comfortable worldview. Joe prudently decides to keep the mural observations to himself. “People,” Father pauses for emphasis, “far too many people, do serve the devil in an active way.” Glancing pointedly around the café, Father passes as much meaning now with his eyes as with his words. “Judging from your comments on how society has deteriorated, you must have noticed some indirect evidence of this.” Joe considers for a moment, taken aback by Father’s startling revelation. “Well, the devil himself couldn’t have done more damage than we’ve seen in the United States over the past thirty of forty years—I’ll give you that much. That doesn’t prove an active satanic population: rituals, sacrifices, all that mumbo jumbo.” “Strictly speaking”—Father is forced to pause as a large muscular patron sitting within earshot across the aisle distracts them. He is grinning, nodding and jamming his fist toward the floor in the most comical manner. Intentionally catching Joe’s eye, he nods disdainfully at the “living” mural. “Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice,” he laughs. The patron then breaks from his lunch to silently offer a prayer to Christ to remove the poltergeist from the café wall. Father Bernie pauses for a wave and nod of affirmation to the comic. He knows there’s a maleficent spirit present. Father takes a moment to pray the appropriate prayers of exorcism. Recognizing a holy moment, Joe respectfully keeps silence for the prayers, then inquires at the conclusion. “What were you doing there, Father?” “I was driving an evil spirit from the Café mural over there. The thing’s been making faces at me since we sat down.” “Oh,” is all Joe manages. “Back to your comment. Strictly speaking, you’re right. The evil state of society doesn’t prove a satanic culture; it merely suggests one. Smoke doesn’t prove fire either, but there frequently is a fire. In this case, the fire is harder to see in that the majority of satanic activities are quote unquote underground, generally unseen. But they exist, which brings us to the subject of needing your help. A team is forming and I’d like you and Clayton to be on it.” Joe, seeing no practical implications from their discussion, fails to make the connection between ‘they exist’ and ‘team is forming.’ He thinks the lecture is over and it is time to discuss the real reason for the meeting. “What kind of team are you forming, Father? I’m a little out of shape; but,” he pauses as if considering an onerous burden that he might be persuaded to bear for the sake of the community, “I could pitch if you really need me.” “I’m not forming the team.” “Oh, who is forming it?” “God!” The hammer falls. Clayton slumps into his chair in sudden awareness. His spiritual calling, dormant now for some thirty years, is reawakened. Returning to that awesome day in his youth when the Lord first spoke his name, Clayton sinks into the poignant state of awareness that author Richard Bücke refers to as Cosmic Consciousness, the altered state less reverently referred to in secular circles as an ‘aha experience,’ mysticism, etc. Christians have even gone so far as to describe this as a personal relationship with God! The look Clayton gets from Father Bernie is full confirmation of both God’s presence in this moment and of the unique earmarks of the larger event. Somehow Clayton has always known . . . this would eventually come to be in his lifetime. Something truly exceptional is happening. It’s finally happening! But what is it exactly that’s happening? Joe was slower than Clayton, not quite on the same page; but he got it too. Father Bernie had something to say, and they’d both better hear it. Father was such an expert with patience that one hardly noticed him applying it. “Now, let’s return to my question. Whom do you serve?” Joe winces at the bluntness, but has nothing at all to hide. “Well, I don’t claim to be a very good Christian—never have—but I don’t serve the devil, that much I can tell you.” Then offhandedly, “A little heavy today aren’t we, Father?” “I have my reasons.” Father leans across the corner of the chrome-trimmed glass table and speaks more quietly. “Joe, this is important. Have you accepted Christ as Savior? Formally, I mean. Confessing your sins, repenting, being truly sorry, and asking Our Lord’s forgiveness: full reconciliation?” “I guess . . . not formally—not like that,” Joe responds, hastily adding “I do believe in God, and in Jesus, though. I try to do the right thing and help people when I can.” Father Bernie reassures him. “That’s a great start—but not quite enough. A full reconciliation is needed. A close personal friendship with God is very possible—and certainly you are well on your way—but confession is required to fully get there. Most of us have never been truly bad people, but still there are times when we broke the rules on purpose, when we rebelled against God and committed a mortal sin. We have to be honest with ourselves and with God and admit that, do a lifetime inventory, put the bad things out on the table, then ask God for forgiveness and a chance to start over with a renewed friendship. You’ll be surprised how good you feel when God grants you the chance to start life over again, cleaned of any taint of past mistakes and sins. Life feels fresh and new, and it leads on into eternity in paradise. God’s forgiveness is a wonderful thing.” “I’ll give that some serious thought, Father.” Turning to Clayton to avoid singling Joe out, Father asks, “How about you Clayton?” He knows the answer. Father’s direct question calls Clayton back into focus. “Yes, I have reconciled to God through Christ—a tremendous experience—two really, in my case. It happened to me first as a teenager listening to the Reverend Billy Graham on the radio late one starlit summer night. I still remember the time, 11:00 PM. I was intoxicated with the evening, the infinitude of the stars, youthful idealism—and then he said it: ‘Just get out of your seats and come on down here and we’ll pray together.’ I knelt to pray, and that was it. God forgave my past sins. And I really did feel born again, weightless with the devil now off my back. Life was full of joy again. “God blessed me so powerfully that night! It was weeks before I stopped crying tears of joy and shouting ‘God is real!’ at people I knew. I resolved to be a youth evangelist. The next summer I signed up for the Peace Corps. “The Lord touched me again recently when I was shot pulling Breminger out of that nest of terrorists in northern Yemen. I didn’t think either one of us was going to make it. If you think your life doesn’t flash before you, think again. Nothing like a near-death experience to aid a full confession. Take my word for it . . . I made one.” Gathering his emotions, Clayton defers direction of the conversation back to Father. A shadow passes, blocking the light, and they become aware of someone roughly shaking Father Bernie’s hand—a veritable giant. It’s the comic from across the aisle. He energetically departs with an odd “Got your back, Father.” The snooty old lady opposite Clayton pulls a magnificent gold cross out of her bodice pocket. She puts a hand on Father’s shoulder as she gets up to leave, “And so do I.” Father Bernie smiles, and, with some conviction, returns to both, “Got yours.” This exchange holds no meaning for either Joe or Clayton, who don’t yet know about Father’s end times study and prayer group. “This is spiritual isn’t it, Father?” Joe less than astutely observes. “Say again.” “The stuff that’s going on overseas, the problems with society, Joe’s demonic incident. Now your mysterious comments, the enormous blessing I just received from that nice woman with the cross. It’s all part of a major spiritual event of some kind.” “Precisely. It’s a major event—several events really. It appears that the very Trumpet of God has sounded! The time of judgment was first opened with Christ’s ministry and victory on the cross (John 12:31 NAB). It now draws hastily towards closure.9 Christians on earth are, as they always have been, called to participate in the reign of Christ from heaven, but with greater urgency now. Many having received a glorious outpouring of the Lord’s spirit—an outpouring that continues. “Satan, bound at least in part and for a time by Christ’s ministry and victory on the cross,10 has recently, perhaps just prior to World War I, been released from the pit. He has begun his final assault on the Church! We have, by all indications, been living Armageddon for nearly a century, and, thanks to the deceptive power of the devil, hardly anyone knows it! “In doing it this way, Satan has succeeded in launching a very complex stratagem, one that involves a many-layered system of traps and obstacles. The subtlety of it all has taken society unawares. The daily headlines now show the result: massive moral decay and endless personal, family and international tragedy. We are immersed in nothing less than the great apostasy. “If the Roman martyrdom was the tribulation, what we have here is at least a tribulation, an invisible, spiritually based form of persecution. In any case, modern day persecution of Christians is acutely real, overtly manifested in many countries around the world in martyrdom, imprisonment, physical attack, and legal and financial harassment. “Society’s moral apostasy offers the devil two concurrent tactical advantages: lack of faith and moral compromise. These circumstances greatly facilitate his beginning the final assault in force. There is no question now, the final assault of evil is upon us!” Clayton is stunned. Always a warrior in spirit, he has instinctively felt he was being groomed for the last battle. With his retirement had come the belief that Armageddon would, after all was said and done, pass him by, occurring outside his lifetime. Now he has to come to grips with the fact that he has apparently slept through the larger part of it. His next response comes as a reflex. He is consciously aware of his words only after he speaks. “Count me in, Father.” “Me too.” Joe is dazed as well, and responds on ‘autopilot,’ still deep in contemplation. Autopilot or not, they are both prepared to do the right thing if called. Father takes a moment to consider and pray. He comes to a decision. “OK, that’s it then . . . you’re on the team!” Both of them feel a blessing this time. Overjoyed, they have a thousand questions. Preempting those, Father offers a brief prayer. Noting that they have made a commitment, Father Bernie chooses not to delve further into the details until their next meeting. In many ways, the whole thing is very troubling, though joyous. He doesn’t want to talk them out of it. He’s had difficulty enough finding anyone in the parish to take this event seriously. Not ours, he was forced to conclude about some of his own staff. Outside, Garfield feels it; they have joined the team! There is an immediate thud. All look in the same direction. Garfield falls full force against the café window, smearing it with an enormous grin just above the frothy root beer mug stenciled in the center. The new inward-facing advert of a crazed giant sucking up root beer suds is framed by a pair of muscular arms giving a double thumbs up. The café patrons breathe a sigh of relief that the glass has held. Garfield, at seven feet, weighs 425 lbs. He is well known in the café as an adorable though eccentric personality. Only Father fully understands him. With a chuckle and raised eyebrow, Father Bernie dismisses further inquiry into Garfield’s antics with “It must be the espresso.” Father hastily closes as if all is set and agreed. “Meet me here Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M., on an ongoing basis. You’ll learn more as we go. Let’s do a little reading in preparation for our next meeting.” Despite the fact that both men have formed a list of urgent questions about the end times, their faces reflect the equivalent of I don’t have a lot of time for homework. “Three or four lines of scripture won’t kill you: Matthew chapter 18, verses 19 and 20—that’s all for the present.” Given the implication of a major spiritual event, if Father says it, it is good enough for Clayton. “I’m writing it down.” He turns to lean on Joe with his huge right forearm. “And so are you.” Joe smiles sheepishly, pulling out his pen. “Great!” Father rises. “See you next week. Oh, by the way, the satanic forces will know you’ve joined God’s team. Expect to be attacked.” “You’re kidding!” escapes involuntarily from both. Father, though long adjusted to attacks from the devil, understands their alarm. Only the truth will do, however, especially when dealing with Satan. A simple “no” is all they get. “I hope to see you both in Evansville this weekend for my book reading at the university. Refreshments are served. The Lord’s peace go with you.” Joe and Clayton share a brief moment of dismay. In an instant they have decided that coffee won’t be enough tonight. Without speaking, they know exactly where they will go: Kilroy’s Sports Bar on 9th Street. What they don’t know is what time they will leave. Their commitment to moderation is firm, but it may take a cold beer to fully remove the chill from Father’s warning. Even the best laid plans may go astray, however; they are delayed. Three steps out of The Beanery they find their arms locked in Garfield’s much larger ones. Hustled down the walk and into a nearby alley, for what purpose they dared not think, it occurs to them that Father may have understated the gravity of their situation. Recoiling with some fear and fingering the large caliber pistol he carries as a professional bodyguard, Clayton issues a polite but firm challenge. “Have we met?” “Yes, just now, in the café. I spoke with Father Bernie. Don’t you remember?” “Yes, but have we met?” Clayton emphasizes the ‘we’ more to accuse than to inquire. He opens his blazer far enough to give Garfield a view of the powerful gun. Garfield steps back involuntarily. “No. Not exactly.” Again noting the formidable weapon, Garfield’s confidence waivers, but faith soon returns him to his mission. “Father put you on the team, right?” Garfield’s face oddly changes. He looks exactly like Father Bernie for a moment, and then returns to normal. “Did you see that?” Clayton turns, briskly heading off to Kilroy’s in an exaggeration of Olympic style walking. Peering cautiously back over his shoulder he notices that Joe, who happened to be looking the other way at the time, has not fallen in behind him. Advancing a few yards further, he pivots, instincts and curiosity recalling him. “What’s all this about, really?” Garfield responds with his own question. “When is your team meeting? I’m on your team: Matthew chapter 18, verses 19 and 20?” “Answer my question first.” Garfield loses patience. “The Lord’s hand moves over the face of the earth; that’s what it’s about. God is calling the remnant! He has whistled for them; didn’t you hear it? The entire planet is embroiled in the last battle!” Garfield is now speaking fully in the Spirit. Clayton stares, struck speechless. Garfield notes that his revelation, delivered in the power of the Holy Spirit has stunned Clayton; but he did ask for it, after all. Clayton is far too much a Christian to deny the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, he does not yet respond. He remains minimally concerned with their being in a dark alley with this large, strange person, Father Bernie’s warning still fresh. Faith enhanced by curiosity finally overrides the urge to terminate the encounter and hail the nearest police cruiser. Joe instinctively likes Garfield. He trusts his instincts. Garfield does know Father Bernie. Daring to hope that Garfield is sane, he confirms. “Yes, we are meeting. Tuesday evenings, 7:00 P.M. in the café.” Jim Barnett, a retired school teacher, and another well-known street personality, happens by, pressing between them to get past on his way to an abortion protest rally. “Thanks be to God!” comes back from Jim in angelic voice as he turns the corner and moves out of vision onto Main. In the next moment, he has poked his roughly bearded face back around the corner to pull at his earlobes, still smiling. The warmth of a holy blessing is unmistakable. Both Joe and Clayton clearly hear “God bless you guys” telepathically in Jim’s voice, a phrase he has only mimed without speaking out loud. Jim reaches down into the stairwell behind the Knights of Columbus conference hall, pulling out a wearable billboard that says, “Repent, Christ is coming!” Turning, he reveals the opposite side: “It’s a child, not a choice!” Jim’s face now changes. He looks exactly like St. Padre Pio for a moment. Joe sees it this time. They stare at each other in disbelief as Garfield grins and nods his head up and down. “Jim’s on the team too.” The enormous smiling head continues to bounce as Jim rounds the corner and proceeds down the block. Clayton and Joe just stare after him. After a moment, “Padre Pio, my patron saint, and I will keep you guys in our prayers. You’re probably going to need them,” floats back to them from no visible source whatsoever. Clayton’s threshold for the abnormal has now been crossed. “I think that’ll just about do it for ol’ spooky! I’m seeing things, and haven’t even had a drink. But I’ll guarantee you this, I will be having one.” “Make that two.” Shoving Garfield somewhat rudely aside, they sprint the seven blocks to Kilroy’s for an early start to a long evening. They slide into one of the blonde oak booths of the expansive sports bar and try to catch their breath. The waitress raises her eyebrows by way of confirming the usual order. Clayton nods in return. A moment later she is back. Leaving them frosted mugs, fresh baked giant pretzels, and a pitcher of ice-cold Blue Moon beer with orange slices, the waitress overhears as she turns to go, “Spooky is right!” They shake off the unexplained for the moment to turn their attention to the opening toss of one of the classic NCAA championship games frequently replayed on Kilroy’s flat screen TV. The game lived up to its promise. As the last of suds drains from the pitcher, coach Knight’s Hoosiers are climbing the ladder to claim snips of the championship net as souvenirs. Unfortunately, stress relief is minimized by a news alert issuing from the Middle East. “We interrupt this program for an important announcement . . . ” “Let’s get home before the shooting starts,” Clayton suggests. “Right.” Clayton settles the check as agreed and they head two blocks north, Joe’s modest two-story home being three houses down from the Delaneys’ slightly larger one occupying the corner lot. CHAPTER 2 The Truth Shall Set You Free Wednesday, 1:00 A.M. “Father Bernie speaking.” Father gently replaces the oriental reading lamp to his antique nightstand, having overturned it reaching for the phone. The colorful shade serves to accent the black lacquered mother of pearl furnishings of his room—treasured mementos of Army years in the Pacific. “Father, these attacks are no joke.” Joe struggles to calm himself. “This is real! Something attacked me in my sleep—a creature of some kind! I thought evil was just an abstraction, you know, a concept, like the existential theologians of the ’70s used to say—not a real being that can reach out and strike you.” “Joe, with all due respect to the existential theologians, their PhDs, distinguished beards, expensive pipes and profound expressions, they didn’t have it all right. Demons are real; they can hurt you if you don’t pray for help. “St. Padre Pio, for one example, was attacked by demons for six hours one evening and practically beaten to death.11 St. Anthony, of course, is noted for his having been heavily attacked for days on end out in his isolated desert hermitage. Our own St. Meinrad, for whom the archabbey near Evansville is named, was attacked as well. But God stood with them, as he will with us. “The way I see it, all the demons really accomplish in revealing themselves is to prove the reality of the supernatural, and thereby prove God’s existence. We may suffer a little for the proof, but it is a small price to achieve absolute certainty about God.” “That’s an interesting perspective to take on it, Father, and no small comfort. But my hands are still shaking.” “What’s that noise in the background—pinball?” “Yes, I’m calling from Kilroy’s. Couldn’t sleep. After that demon attack and all this coffee, I probably won’t—perhaps not ever again.” “You’ll get over it. So, what happened exactly?” “I was nearly asleep and this monstrous thing jumped on my back. It tried to paralyze me with fear, tapping into my spine with a reptilian tongue! Such an obscene disgusting feeling! I felt like I was being dissolved, that it was consuming me. It was a spiritual being—horrible—a reptilian, but yet humanoid. Somehow—I can’t explain it—it was just there—a totally disgusting, nauseating thing. Spiritual or not, I could feel its breath and its touch. It . . . licked me? Ugh!” Joe shivers convulsively. “The most disgusting thing I have ever experienced. This was no nightmare. It happened!” “A demonic attack, no question,”12 Father confirms. “Demons have no true form. They represent themselves in various animal forms or monstrous shapes to intimidate people or to give the satanic community some consistent means of identification. I don’t rule out the possibility that God may, on occasion, give us some clue to their character profiles with these representations as well. How did you get it to leave?” “I could barely speak. The thing paralyzed me. I was so angered and repulsed that I said, ‘you’re dead.’ It fell back for a moment, and then I said ‘in Jesus’ name’—which is when it groaned and disappeared.” “The Holy Name of Jesus,” Father reflects. “Alleluia!”13 “I don’t know why I said those exact words, it just happened—an instinct, or reflex, I guess. I wasn’t fully awake, being immersed in some kind of altered state. I had to force the words out through a force field the thing had placed upon me, restraining my thoughts and speech. I was partly in a dream, or hypnotized, perhaps. I don’t know what it did; but this—thing—was real. It was real!” “You could have done worse. Jesus’ name is what you needed. It takes prayer to fully remove the demonic presence, and some fasting. The Holy Name of Jesus constitutes a prayer when spoken with quiet reverence. Sometimes prayer and fasting for several days is required to fully clear a demonic presence, possibly much longer. I was planning to discuss demonic attacks, and what to do about them, on Tuesday. In your case, we shouldn’t wait. I’ll meet you tonight—this morning, rather,” Father says, checking the clock with a frown. “We’ll say a prayer together. That will knock them down for a while. Do your homework?” “Not yet.” “You’re not far from home. Do it now. I’ll meet you at Axton’s all night diner, the one with Atlas carrying the globe on the roof—it’s in the neighborhood: Hoosier and 8th. Walk if there’s a question of safe driving.” ***** Five minutes later, turning to Matthew chapter 18, verses 19-20 in the Holy Bible, Joe reads: “Again [Amen] I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” The door to Axton’s diner flies open. Joe bursts in, scanning for Father. Demons have caused him a near miss at the intersection. Visibly shaken, he finally locates Father Bernie’s booth in the rear, sitting in time for the waitress to place a grand slam special in front of him. “Sausage all right?” the waitress inquires. “Father Bernie ordered for you. “Great, Pam, great.” Sensing the demon’s presence, Father Bernie doesn’t wait to begin. “Our Father in heaven . . . ” “Our Father in heaven . . . ” “Hallowed be thy name . . . ” “Hallowed be thy name . . . ” After the Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer) Father prays The Blessing on the food. Joe contributes “Amen!” “It makes you hungry.” “What?” “Spiritual warfare. Put this book on your spiritual warfare reading list: C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. It depicts demons conspiring with each other concerning how they can best sabotage our lives. Screwtape reveals the subtle ways demons attack us—interfering in our thoughts. You’ve discovered some of the not so subtle ones. Demons are real enough, as you now know—just invisible.” “You’ll never hear another complaint from me about homework, Father.” “Well, in that case, here is some more of it. Read Frank Peretti’s novel, This Present Darkness. It reveals the reality of the spiritual battle from the angelic perspective. L. A. Marzulli’s novel, Nephillim, approaches the same battle from a slightly different point of view, as does Michael D. O’Brien’s Father Elijah, the primary Catholic entrée in this genre.14 “Don’t follow their characters’ examples, however; don’t try to command demons; don’t adjure or exorcise them; that’s a mistake for a layman. Don’t speak to them; don’t even ‘look’ at them in the spirit. Ignore them completely and pray for healing of the afflicted person instead, to include yourself. Prayers of healing are safer and more effective. Prayer keeps our focus off the total negativity of the demon and puts it on Christ’s victory where it belongs. Stay positive, turn on the light of Christian love and faith and the darkness of Satan can’t remain. The presence of God in our lives and the presence of the devil are mutually exclusive. We can’t punch out the devil and expect that to end the matter. He just gets up and comes back harder. If, however, we ask our Father in heaven, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to help us, they come into our lives and the light of divine love comes on, and the darkness goes away— problem solved. “Cardinal Suenens, in his small book, Renewal & the Powers of Darkness, reminds us that the Our Father, the Lord’s Prayer, is the consummate prayer of deliverance. It works every time when offered with love and faith. Love is the key here. That’s where the power comes from; the Spirit of God is love. We must simply trust our God to love and defend us. “The truths of the Spirit are emotional-spiritual truths, not merely intellectual ideas. They are truths that we must live, not merely contemplate, though we can certainly benefit from contemplating them. “Prayers of healing offered from love with compassion for the afflicted person will absolutely deliver those you pray for, releasing them from demonic oppression. This assumes they will themselves affirm Christ, at least in their heart, if not their head. Ultimately, they will have to practice their own faith, of course, or the problem may return. “Christ won this battle against evil; we don’t have to do it all over again ourselves, our personal cross notwithstanding. But he won it for those who will affirm him and his gift on the cross offered for our salvation and deliverance. Satan’s dominance over the earth ended with Christ’s victory on the cross, but we have to affirm his victory in order to participate in it and benefit from it.”15 After another series of prayers and a few moments of contemplative fraternal eating Father Bernie breaks the silence. “Let’s get out of here, Joe, before it’s time to go to work.” “Right.” Father Bernie offers a prayer of thanks for the food, and they step outside into the crisp early morning air. Father pauses at the curb to light his pipe. “I’ll give you a hint about reconciling with Christ. As a young man, when I accepted Jesus and repented my sins, the thing I was most sorry about was not helping the poor. This may seem surprising to you because you know I have always been nearly poor myself. Still, I could have done something. It doesn’t take that much. A very few dollars goes a long way in third world countries. Twenty-four thousand people die from starvation each day! Twenty-four thousand a day! By my not arranging a small regular donation, sponsoring a child, for example, someone . . . died! A young child died for no other reason than that I would not take a few moments to research what I could actually do to help within my own admittedly meager means. “When I repented this, Joe, I didn’t just say I was sorry, I was sorry— to the point of being ill—tears weren’t all of it. Sin is not a technical matter; our guilt is real. We need forgiveness. Fortunately, God is good and he forgives us.” “Thanks be to God!” “You see how important it is that we take all possible steps forward in our faith—people need our help. There aren’t that many of us. Demons attack even children, and the results can be tragic. Pray for guidance. Pray for help in fully reconciling to God—as soon as possible. The assistance will come. “Of all possible prayers, that one is always answered. An honest prayer for reconciliation with God brings reconciliation. The last battle with Satan’s forces of evil is heating up for a final confrontation. ‘All hands on deck,’ as they say. Everyone’s role in support of the Church is important. “As Pope Francis affirmed, even the prayer ministries of the homebound or hospital bound elderly are extremely important. They yield powerful benefits for the Church and the community. We’re depending on you to take up your duty position for this last battle with evil, Joe. Everybody’s got one. Pray about it.” “I’ll work on it, Father. Goodnight—and,” Joe pauses, failing to find the right words, “thanks.” It was a nice try; but thanks won’t be enough. Father gets a hug, tears forming. “See you, Father.” “Goodnight Joe. May God bless and keep you.” Father hurries off to the yellow ‘bug.’ *** Clayton, it seems, was not on the devil’s good list either; he was constantly harassed. For both Joe and Clayton the week passed tortuously, each night becoming a gauntlet of demonic assaults in lieu of sleep. The devil was trying to turn them back from their new commitment to the Church. Even Father Bernie was not spared. Somehow, they got through it. Thursday, driving to work, Clayton spotted Garfield at the gas station on his motorbike, dressed in leathers, doing a passable impersonation of Elvis. Despite getting off on the wrong foot, he has come to like Garfield. Having since been educated by Father, he decided there was more to Garfield than just a 425-pound, attention-seeking drama major who had partied too much in college. Certainly, this event was important enough to warrant giving Garfield another chance. He wasn’t wrong. Garfield was in fact a gentle giant with undeniably redeeming qualities. His merciless sense of humor was legendary in West Lafayette. Children adored him. Inevitably they would ask their parents if Garfield could come over to play. This phenomenon was explicable in part perhaps by the fact that Garfield made absolutely no distinction amongst persons, regardless of age or social strata. He treated everyone exactly the same—with the utmost dignity. Children have a sixth sense about such things. They repaid Garfield’s respect for them with authentic friendship. While taking great care to maintain a charitable Christian attitude towards all, Garfield did permit himself one small rudeness as a luxury. When passing a suspected Satanist on the street he often took the liberty of simultaneously praying for their deliverance (or defeat if they refused deliverance) while ribbing them with a knowing “Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice.” Having a charism for especially powerful prayers of deliverance, Garfield relished the startled reactions and involuntary smiles as their demonic burden was suddenly lightened. Satanists are typically convinced that their secret practice of sorcery is just that, secret. Garfield makes sure to burst that bubble, giving them both pause and fair warning. The devil, of course, has solemnly promised them that their activities would remain forever secret, himself not having read or perhaps not fully believed the Holy Bible at Matthew 10:26. What Garfield knows, that Satanists who avoid the Bible do not, is that the devil was a liar from the beginning. Why anyone would trust the world’s biggest liar, a purely evil entity with a supernatural ability to deceive was beyond Garfield’s ability to comprehend. Regardless of any human weakness that Garfield’s antics may evince, they do serve as a genuine act of prophecy, a stern, albeit kindly, warning to the Satanists. This is a warning they urgently need, considering that an encounter with the righteous anger of the one, true, and almighty God looms ominously in their future. We never know the moment we might be called from this earth in an unexpected death. Who would want to look up at God standing there in that moment of judgment with innocent blood and demonic slime on their hands, and a satanic pentagram scribbled at their feet? Not him, and, in any event, Garfield refuses to participate in the satanic lie. With mankind immersed in full-scale spiritual war with the devil, and our very children at risk, he will not pretend that everything is OK. Doing this could lull both the innocent and the guilty into a false sense of security. Late Friday night, after updating the end times journal at the rectory, Garfield pauses in his nightly prayer to rethink and validate his approach. The Lord’s response is clear, though not audible: No, the evil ones are not going to have it all their own way. Acknowledge the truth in the open light of day. In so doing, one of the devil’s two big guns, deception, will be neutralized. The other gun, temptation, leave in the capable hands of Father Bernie. *** Joe, too, fought the good fight in his own way. The devil’s interference had increased to the point that a demon was palpably looking over his shoulder in the men’s room. These repugnant intrusions were successfully met with fervent renditions of the Lord’s Prayer. It wasn’t long before Joe began adding a few Hail Mary’s, Glory Be’s, and the Apostles’ Creed. He was soon praying all day long. With further instruction from Father Bernie, this routine quickly congealed into a full Rosary. That’s when good things started to happen. The severe headaches, back pain, fatigue, memory blocks, negative emotions, digestive ailments, financial burdens and a host of other demonically generated afflictions were rapidly cleared away once the Rosaries started in force. Clayton’s approach was similarly centered in prayer, though his first move was to ignore the demonic attacks entirely. He felt the devil did not merit his attention. Clayton understood that the devil was vying to distract him from accomplishing the Lord’s agenda in his daily life, to prevent his bringing good things into the lives of his family and community. He regularly prayed for protection, but, as often as not, the demons just fell off him. Clayton loved his God, he loved his wife, he loved his kids, and he was literally strong as an ox. More importantly, there was nothing negative in Clayton’s life. Minus the negative, the demons could not get a handhold. The demons did not like Clayton. The feeling was mutual. Clayton kept the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel ready at all times, and used it liberally. Still he did not confront the demons directly. He held his focus on the divine joy of friendship with God Almighty. He exulted in this friendship, and the privilege of offering a prayer to the captain of God’s heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel. Clayton’s faith soared. He best understood that victory does not accrue in the absence of combat. He passed those days in a state of elation. It’s finally happening! Now we can finish this battle and move past the tragedy of this world and on to the joyous eternal life God meant us to have before the fall. It’s happening! When he wasn’t shaking his head in euphoric ‘disbelief,’ he was burying it in biblical research. God the Father had always favored Clayton, since he was the smallest child. As a result, the Holy Spirit guided Clayton’s reading plan closely. Newly discovered gems of the faith merely produced more head shaking. And so it went on. Finally, having to share his discoveries with someone, he brought over a copy of Bible software to install on Joe’s computer. He is immediately ushered in past a maze of toys scattered over the powder blue and white carpet in the living room and on to the upstairs den. Children are everywhere. “Neighborhood sleepover last night. Jon’s birthday,” Joe informs, rubbing his eyes. “Sleepovers! Yeah, I remember those days. Sleepovers are great.” “Right.” Joe notes yet again just how far Clayton’s physical stamina exceeds that of merely mortal men. He can see that Clayton is distracted, driven by something. “What’s on your mind?” “Joe, you know it’s amazing what you can learn from the Bible if you simply pick it up and read it. For example, the footnotes to the New American Bible seem to be saying that the abomination and the beast are past historical events. I sure hope they’re right. What do you think?” “I would be surprised if there is not more to it than that, though I don’t question the biblical commentator’s pointing to the times of the Roman martyrdoms as a uniquely pernicious period of persecution against Christians. Those glorious martyrdoms are unrivaled in human history. I would not expect the travail of those times or the faith of those early martyrs, among which were Saints Peter and Paul, to ever be surpassed. Certainly the crux of the initial battle to found the Church occurred there. I tend to include the Maccabees in that honored group as well, though their afflictions occurred earlier, before Christ. “I don’t mean to diminish the sacrifice of modern heroes: the world wars, the Cold War, and more recent conflagrations and persecutions. But the glorious miracles performed and the involvement of the original apostles and founding fathers of the Church confirm the central place of the Roman martyrdoms in Christian history. “Father Bernie says the themes of the Bible tend to repeat. Take the demonic attacks we have been experiencing, for example. Beast, Antichrist, abomination, Satan, Abaddon, Beelzebub…to me much of the terminology is strictly academic. As often as we are being attacked, I don’t think it much matters what you call it—it’s a significant event.” “Spoken like a true PhD. Scott Hahn, eat your heart out.” The upstairs phone rings: Father Bernie. He wants to discussing his book reading on Saturday at the University of Evansville, and invites them to Sunday service (Mass). Using his cell phone on the balcony, Joe observes Garfield passing on the sidewalk below, curly black hair disheveled, enthusiastically pushing the thumbs up sign in his direction. Mimicking one of Father Bernie’s dramatic outbursts, he uses stiff and erratic body movements to impersonate Kramer from Seinfeld. The guy is funny. Father continues: “Give Sunday Mass some thought, Joe—Catholics are Christian too you know. And, don’t forget: I’ll see you Tuesday for coffee.” “Coffee—right. I’m looking forward to it.” Joe places the phone in the receiver with the merest hint of a shove. Leaning on it he stares out the window into space. What has Father Bernie gotten us into? Just when retirement was going along so well. Later that evening Joe broke through. He accepted Christ fully. At first, not knowing quite how to do it, he had to ask God for help—several times. Our Father answered. Joe saw the destructive nature of his sins. People suffered when he chose not to share, when he avoided standing up for social justice out of fear of the consequences, when he neglected prayer and church, when he fell to temptation. His sins had offended God and injured the purity of the Church community. He had been hiding from himself an attachment to several sins that, in effect, constituted rebellion against God. Some sins even constitute a form of idolatry, where worldly things are placed at the top of one’s value system in the place where God alone should reside. And there is the personal friendship aspect one should never neglect. He should have spent more time with God, his Father, more time with Christ, his savior, in prayer. There was no denying any of it. He felt terrible. He cried. Then came the joy of forgiveness. He was home. God had forgiven him. Now he could make a fresh start and try again. CHAPTER 3 God is Real 1:00 P.M. Saturday Joe was excited about Father’s reading. An ardent student of philosophy in college; he is still in love with it. He hopes to begin work on a graduate degree when he has saved enough. Father had waited to give him the book until the advance copies went out to the colloquium members. He only had a week to study it, but it looked like dynamite at first reading. They had a pleasant drive down to Evansville, taking the long way along the Ohio River from New Albany for some hasty bird watching. Colorful warblers were just arriving for the spring migration. “Is that a Yellowthroat, Clayton?” “It is. And there is a Chat just right of him, and a Kentucky Warbler is singing up the hill there in the pines.” “Wow! Life has returned. Did you ever notice, Clayton, how the scents and hues seem somehow amplified by the early morning. A little of God’s magic in creation seems to have been retained in the first light of day, the fresh air of morning, and the sparkles of dew on the foliage. It is the best time of the day.” “Agreed.” Joe talked Clayton into stopping at one of the better coffee shops along the way so they could snag a couple egg sandwiches and go in alert and in the proper mood. Joe loves the heady intellectual stuff . . . the search for the truth . . . pressing the frontiers of knowledge . . . the foreign coffee . . . the donuts . . . especially the donuts. As they entered the lecture hall, they spotted Father Bernie near the refreshments table along the right-hand wall. He was speaking with a few other academic types. Father’s green tweed Andre Villard jacket with sculpted “Fox Mulder” tie very nearly disguised his twenty years of Army service, but not quite. His brusque approach to society’s moral problems tended to quickly distinguish him from his strictly collegiate associates in discussion. They just had time to grab some fresh donuts and refill their cups before the Humanities chairperson introduced the speaker. “We think you will enjoy Father Bernie’s challenging approach to today’s topic. Father will be reading from chapter 3 of his new book God & Science. Father Bernie…” Father Bernie shakes Chairperson Gervais’ hand and assumes the podium with a spectacular smile, pausing a brief moment to relish the pleasure of sharing his love of philosophy and theology; he then begins: “In this chapter on the age-old dilemma and historical debate about “proving” God’s existence, I have decided to try something radically different. I’m going to tell the truth. Now, let’s get to it. In many ways, the problem of proving God’s existence is a false dilemma. Historically, we have tried much too hard at it. We should go about it exactly as we do proving the existence of our Uncle Bob, or anyone else: we should go look for him, and see if he’s there . . . but we must look as much with our hearts as our eyes and heads. As the great American philosopher Charles Pierce reminded us, a valid epistemology must admit other means of direct human cognition beyond the five senses. Not everything we know can be verified with a microscope or a telescope. Our sense of artistic beauty in painting and music; our love of philosophy and literature; our sense of right and wrong, good and evil; our love of family, friends and country; our awareness of God in our hearts: these are no less truths of human existence for lack of scientific verification. They are the most important truths we have.” After the paper, Joe and Clayton go forward to congratulate Father Bernie on a job well done. They stayed around another forty-five minutes for the spirited informal discussion that followed. Some of the scientists were not happy with Father Bernie’s cursory treatment of entropy and thermodynamic law, and one of the protestant theologians balked at the concept of directed evolution as a method of creation. The philosophers, on the other hand, didn’t find any logical flaws of substance, and all seemed to enjoy the presentation. Father Bernie always takes care to add a touch of humor every few pages. The day was considered a success. Chairperson Gervais invited them to come back next month for her presentation on Ayer, Carnap & Wittgenstein, which they enthusiastically accepted, knowing her reputation for precise and rigorous analysis— another day to look forward to. The trip home was equally pleasant, with a few moments to view the winding riverfront with binoculars. They spotted an unusual raptor dipping and reeling over the river, a truly gorgeous specimen of God’s art, which they would have to research for their birding lists. Adding this to a perfect red-shouldered hawk at point blank range, plus two rough legs, a Crider’s red tail, a bald eagle and an osprey diving on the river, made it a good trip. As they approached the gravel parking enclave at the last trail a Merlin flew in and landed just above and in front of them to have its breakfast on a bear tree limb. “Amazing!” Joe whispered as he snapped off a dozen photos with his digital camera. “We must be living right, Clayton.” Clayton remarked that while that appeared true, they weren’t necessarily living cheap. It would be an expensive outing, considering that they had to bribe their wives with a trip to the fashion outlets at Edinburgh to get the day to themselves. Joe delivered the anticipated “nolo contendere” with genuine emotion. *** 7:30 A.M. Sunday Rounding Lincoln onto 17th en route to church, Joe noticed someone sitting on a bench waiting for a CityBus, newspaper in hand. “Elvis! Right there, waiting for a bus!” “I saw it.” Clayton leans out the window to take a second look. ‘Elvis’ stands up and shouts “Hail Gluteus!” It was actually Garfield doing an Elvis impersonation. “Hail Maximus!” Clayton responds in an equally Roman accent, reversing his large frame and extending it further out the window. Garfield has begun training with Clayton at the gym. He stands to further improve an already imposing physique, considering Clayton is one of the best power lifters in the region. Joe and Clayton feel an odd weight descend upon them as they approach St. Mary’s—now understood by both to be a spiritual attack. Stiffness of the neck, aching back, pressure at the primary nerve centers, the solar plexus and the base of the spine, the memory blocks again. “I don’t think Satan appreciates us,” Joe offers, rubbing the back of his head. “Huh-uh. Our Father in heaven . . . ” The attack is soon resolved. The cathedral was its awesome self. The morning sun sparkled through the windows’ stained glass biblical scenes creating an indescribable luminescent beauty. They marked several new additions bequeathed by a devout parishioner recently passed away: rough-hewn woodcarvings of the busts of the apostles, a beautifully carved life-sized depiction of the household of Joseph the Carpenter, and four towering ceramic figures of the archangels. Their burden lessened as they passed by the Madonna and Child at the entrance, most tenderly portrayed. They nodded acknowledgment to Pam and her fiancée Hugh, who were sitting in the back row, finding two of the remaining seats up front. Unexpected, Garfield, only a few moments behind, slid in beside them. Team membership notwithstanding, they were not prepared for this particular Mass. Father Bernie surpassed his own inspired self, bringing the congregation to tears—and more than once. In keeping with the Easter season, he (a complete surprise to the two visiting Protestants) brought forth a large cross with Christ figure, as big as he could hold, solemnly inviting the congregation to come forward and “venerate the cross.” As Joe and Clayton were soon to discover, this meant showing some gesture of respect such as kneeling at the foot of the cross, or kissing the hands or feet of Christ, and they simply were not prepared. Choosing a kiss—Jesus granted them a brief visitation. Stunned and overwhelmed, they broke into quiet respectful tears. Neither spoke. They were seated for lunch at the Beanery before Joe, still very much in awe, ventured to break the silence. “That did not happen.” “It happened,” Clayton affirms, shaking his head backward and forward, then sideways. “It happened.” “We have to pray.” “What shall we pray for?” “Everyone’s protection. This tribulation-last battle with evil thing is going to take an awful toll on people if they don’t affirm their faith. We’ll pray that the nations return to devotion to Christ and his Blessed Mother in the Rosary. Fervent prayer is the only thing that can save us now. An incomprehensible disaster looms over the world. I know it.” “Start the prayer, I’ll follow.” “Our Father in heaven . . . ” Caught up in a beatific trance, Joe absently notes a splash of tears on the floor with no awareness that they are his own. “Father’s right, something big is brewing. We’re going to have to stay alert to the will of God,” Clayton warns. “Not to worry on my behalf. As of this moment, God has my full attention.” “Right. Joe, in the visitation back there, at the cross…Christ called me to the Catholic Church! Margaret’s family is Catholic. I’m going to look at making the move: Rome Sweet Home, as Scott Hahn says.” Joe laughs. “I already expressed my intent to join the Church to Father Bernie. Instruction begins in the fall, first week of September. I’ll call the religious education office. Perhaps we can get on the mail list.” “First thing in the morning.” Joe had the molé chicken, golden brown drumsticks in a mild chocolate sauce. Clayton, constantly hungry from the spiritual struggle and heavy weight training, had two full pastrami sandwiches. Both elected double cappuccinos to celebrate and to replenish their strength against the demonic beatings they have endured. Who cares, Joe reflects—it feels good to stand up and do the right thing. “It makes you hungry; I told you,” comes from behind. Father Bernie pulls up a chair, smiling. “Pastrami on sourdough with hot mustard, Italian milkshake,” adding to the waiter over his shoulder, “extra cinnamon!” “Make that two.” Pam sits down. A familiar shadow passes. Garfield pulls out a chair, stepping over it. Shaking his leg and tossing his hair back, he calls to the waiter: “Three—thank you very much, I love you!” Spotting his favorite waitress, Garfield switches to the Elvis spin-off cartoon character, Johnny Bravo, and flexes a newly toned bicep in her direction, along with his best smile. Joe, lost in his own thoughts, remains in awe from the visitation at Mass. The enormity of events is sinking in. A twinge comes from the lump in his throat. Embarrassed by another sudden formation of tears, he next realizes that he has unintentionally spoken his thoughts. “God is holy, Julia.” —End Part I * Dogmatic Disclaimer: This book is not an official publication of the Catholic Church. It does not presume to authoritatively teach Church dogma. I intend for it to conform to Catholic dogma fully, however, and have done my best to maintain fidelity. Any statement or implication that appears to contradict the authoritative teaching of the Church should be disregarded in favor of the Church’s teaching. I will immediately correct any such errors brought to my attention. PART II Kingdom Shall Rise Against Kingdom Obadiah: 17-18 NAB But on Mount Zion there shall be a portion saved; the mountain shall be holy, And the house of Jacob shall take possession of those that dispossessed them. The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame; The house of Esau shall be stubble, and they shall set them ablaze and devour them; Then none shall survive of the house of Esau, for the LORD has spoken. CHAPTER 4 “Guinea Pigs” (Six months later) Tuesday 7:25 P.M. The men are forced to jog in to the Beanery through the storm, after hastily securing Father Bernie’s Volkswagen in the metered parking lot across the street. They bustle through the waiting crowd to the coat rack, shaking rain off as they come. For some reason Tuesday evenings have become inordinately popular. Pam rises to greet them. “Where have you been? We’ve had to start without you to hold a table.” “Top . . . ” Joe turns to look at Father Bernie for help against a sudden demonic push into his thoughts, but Father has begun to say the same thing, himself. “Secret,” Father Bernie finishes against his own will, silently cursing the demons for their confounded intrusions. Satan may have pulled a word out, but that’s as much as he going to get. The disdainful rotation of Clayton’s head tells them they should go no further. As a matter of fact they have just come from a meeting classified Top Secret within the Department of Defense. Against Clayton’s better judgment the three of them volunteered to be guinea pigs in a new research program. It concerns genetic engineering of human beings, and pays a handsome monthly stipend of $14,000 each. Clayton’s athletically honed instincts balked at the idea of experimenting with his own body. He was only finally persuaded by Joe’s “Father has prayed about it.” A handful of other retirees attended the classified briefing. It was not a surprise to see another retired Army chaplain, Father (Lieutenant Colonel) Herman there, a long-time friend of Father Bernie, a prolific writer, theologian, and tireless advocate for the poor. Where there was a dollar to raise for charity, Father Herman would find it. Still, for a military event there seemed to be an exorbitant number of Christians in attendance— rosaries and crosses abounding in the medical lab as the “tough guys” waited for their shots. “You don’t suppose they’re afraid of getting a shot?” Father Bernie ribbed his colleagues, many having combat experience, intentionally allowing himself to be overheard. “I would guess not,” Father Herman replied in response to the (affectionately) grim stares returned by the veterans. Father Herman has not revealed all he knows about the recent mysterious events. Last spring he was blessed with a private revelation concerning some kind of a Christian initiative in the military. He is still trying to discern the full meaning of it. Unsolicited winks and nods combined with the overwhelming display of religious symbols tell Father Herman he did not hallucinate the experience. It is a little troubling to know something big is brewing without knowing precisely what it is, but he will be patient with God as God has been patient with him and his U.S. Army flock over the years. The research participants were flown to a classified meeting in the Pentagon some months earlier. There sworn to secrecy, they received an initial program briefing, followed by more extensive private interviews at a local military base. The terms of participation included a $500,000 life insurance policy, provided for the unlikely event that this DOD program would be the first ever to encounter unexpected results. The nearest clinical research center to West Lafayette, Indiana is in Chicago. Paper signing, six months advance payment, and the initial injections occurred there at the secret Chicago clinic tonight. The procedure took longer than anticipated. However, they are officially in the program—and they each have $75,000 cash in their pockets. They can see Father Herman waving the money over his head in the parking lot. “You know what this is?” he had prompted the trio. “This is satellite TV for the orphans’ home; food for Mother Teresa’s poor in Calcutta; new stations of the cross at St. Charles; this is a good day for the homeless and the poor I meet on the street—that’s what this is!” Father Herman literally danced to his car, a broken down black Thunderbird with dents on both sides and part of a fender missing up front. They wonder if it will occur to him to spend some of the money on himself. With a clenched fist raised theatrically out the window, still clutching the bag of life-saving cash, the T-bird charged off to battle in the war on poverty, but only after a somewhat less heroic, “See you Saturday for brownies.” Father Bernie has invited everyone to view the upcoming eclipse of the moon through his telescope at the rectory Saturday evening; the presence of his famous brownies and ice cream has been assumed. Refocusing on the present, Father deposits his old bomber jacket on the wall hook provided and exhaustedly sits down with Joe and Clayton to join the team, now grown to eleven members. “I apologize for our being late. It couldn’t be helped. The traffic. Where are we?” “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce we have been accepted as an official chapter of Opus Dei, effective first of the month!” Garfield sits back amid the excited chatter and applause, most satisfied with himself. He saved this announcement especially so Father Bernie could enjoy it. No one expected official recognition so soon. “Outstanding! Opus Dei!” Father Bernie jams his fist on the table, inadvertently striking with too much force. His vision blurs and he wavers uncertainly in his chair. Grasping the table, he watches coffee splash from his neighbor’s cup seemingly in slow motion. Coming to himself, he apologizes. “Please forgive my clumsy enthusiasm. My dexterity has actually increased with age. As a young priest I would undoubtedly have upset the entire table.” Father rubs his forehead and struggles to regain focus and clarity. That shot. Oblivious to Father’s difficulty, Garfield continues. He nods to the lady on his left. “Pam.” “Fundraising starts immediately.” She emphasizes the word while holding out her hand. His mind elsewhere, and distracted by an odd sensation of warmth spreading from the inoculation site, Father reaches for his now burgeoning wallet, extracting two thousand dollars in hundred dollar bills, casually tossing it across towards Pam, his vision blurring her into an indistinct red ball with a cream center. This amazes all except his coconspirators. They do approximately the same. It has not occurred to them that the others will notice the amounts do not fit their known family income-expense profiles. Pam takes the bills and begins to fill out receipts from an office supply pad, then notes the amounts. She sits back, staring. “Are you guys sure you want to do this, there is more than six thousand dollars here?” “We’re sure,” Clayton responds. “If Mel Gibson can risk $20 million of his personal money on a controversial film project of Christ’s crucifixion, we can kick in a few hundred to warn the planet about the devil’s final assault on the Church.”16 “That makes sense,” Pam is forced to concede. “A stitch in time saves nine?” “Something like that,” Clayton allows. “If Paul Revere’s horse had died from overexertion, I think we would all call it a good investment. Horses were not cheap back then. Of course one should not be cruel to animals as such. Pressing the horses limits in a life and death emergency such as the pending assault by the British to kick-off the American Revolutionary War would be an understandable tradeoff, though the loss of such compassionate and beautiful creatures is always a tragedy.” This thought prompts the other members to dig out a few more dollars. Noting their second error in revealing increased income may have been camouflaged by Clayton’s allusion to Mel’s Passion, Father hastily changes the subject in an attempt to camouflage the first error, letting slip the phrase “Top Secret.” “Garfield, did you find out about all of the top secret strategies Opus Dei is into, chasing down the Antichrist and all that great stuff?” Father congratulates himself on successfully contriving a pretext for use of the phrase “Top Secret” in a civilian context. He knows Opus Dei does nothing of the kind, but it is a popular misconception and he is sure Garfield will immediately correct it. Establishing the habitual use of “Top Secret” in nonliteral contexts should satisfactorily protect the Defense Department research from further inquiry. “No Father, the regional office said they don’t do anything of the kind,” Garfield replies. “No conspiracies at all, darn it. Opus Dei and the associated JoseMaria Institute are simply trying to bring people to a closer friendship with God in their daily lives . . . which, of course, is all very right and good.” “Jolly-good. Just so.” Father Bernie scratches that concern off his list. During break Father Bernie tugs at Garfield’s sleeve, pulling him aside to whisper in his ear. “What about our journal project?” “Clear to proceed. The regional secretary at Opus Dei said that, although our end times journal does not fall under the auspices of their group, it should do no harm if we keep it within the bounds of common sense and the teachings of the Church. He did request we info the Vatican with a copy of the journal as soon as discernment validates the revelations. He is not sure what they will do with it, but said it should float around the administrative maze of offices until someone finds it a proper home. He said to address an info copy to the Pope’s secretary to ensure it doesn’t get lost completely. The present pope happens to have an interest in prophecy, among other more mainstream subjects.” “Right.” Father pats Garfield’s powerful shoulder. “You’ve done well, Garfield.” “Oh, Father, there is one more thing. The secretary is not the only one I spoke with. There was a Russian Orthodox Bishop there, acting as an interfaith liaison. He invited himself into the discussion, as is, of course, the episcopal prerogative. Bishop Spiridonov is his name. He has been gifted with private revelations too. His revelations, however, came from the Russian primate who had recently been looking over the pope’s shoulder. The Patriarch happened to be present when the pope was preparing an in pectore list of new bishops. It is to be kept secret. He doesn’t know the details of when and where, but your name is on that list! “Whatever is in pectore, Father?” “The bishop must have made a mistake. In pectore appointment is appointment in secret, under cover as it were. This is normally only done for Cardinals, and then rarely. Appointment to the episcopate would be the biggest joy of my life—I couldn’t dare hope for it… “Garfield, I know you are a savant, but you never cease to amaze me—or to amuse me.” “That’s very kind.” They both grin at the other’s friendly jibe. It’s a standoff. No points scored in this round. “In pectore . . . I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. I don’t know that name, Spiridonov.” “He said you would not know his name; his appointment is in pectore. I was instructed not to speak of this beyond informing you of the impending appointment. You are advised not to speak of it as well.” “Very well, the subject is closed.” Father stoutens his posture and lowers his voice to a solid bass, throwing out one of his famous dramatic caricatures: “As they say in the movies, ‘this conversation never took place.’ ” Garfield smiles hugely at Father’s perfect James Earl Jones NSA Chief impersonation.17 Cloak and dagger, secret appointments, end of the world prophecy. . . how much better can this get? Upon reassembly, Father clears his throat to address the group. “Here’s some great news. Recent research into the Shroud of Turin, long thought to be Jesus’ burial cloth, a cloth mysteriously imbued with the form of a wounded man wearing a crown of thorns, shows the earlier carbon dating tests to be incorrect. New information shifts the overall weight of the evidence in favor of the shroud being Christ’s burial cloth. That story is printed in today’s Mirror, a British newspaper available on the Web. “You may have heard that BASE Institute found what appears to be Noah’s Ark near the top of a mountain in Iran. In addition to the escape it provided for Noah’s family, the Ark symbolically represents spiritual safety within the doors of the Church. The Church is our Ark in these last days. This is not so loose an analogy as one might think. The spiritual Church is truly in transit, in motion on her journey to her heavenly home. That journey occurs amidst an invisible torrent of evil persecution and obstruction from the devil’s forces. “With the recent outbreak of both Christian prophecy and demonic attack God is undoubtedly alerting us to get onboard our Ark, the Church, to fall back into the safety of the Church for our protection. It is time to ‘call the chickens home’ as Johnny Cash says in his prophetic album, When the Man Comes Around. “Did you know that Johnny Cash had written a novel about St. Paul? Imagine that. It is called Man in White. Reverend Billy Graham said it is the best book on St. Paul he had seen. Unbeknownst to many, Cash attended seminary in his later years and received a theology degree. Taylor Caldwell, of course, wrote an earlier account of St. Paul in her novel, Great Lion of God, a very compelling read. Father pulls out a handful of flyers and passes them around. They include the Mirror story and BASE Institute’s Web address.18 “Here’s an important update, this one on prophecy. Things are beginning to happen in the heavens it seems.” Clayton glances at his copy and reads aloud for the group: Moon to Turn Blood Red 7 Nov 2022 This Saturday the world will be able to watch the moon change from its normal gleaming white to an eerie blood red. Sky watchers from four continents will be able to watch the celestial event as a full moon passes through the earth’s shadow changing it into a red sphere in the firmament.…This blushing of the moon will be followed by the Leonid meteor shower and a total solar eclipse will be visible in the Southern Hemisphere…19 Clayton stops reading abruptly. “Where did I just read that?” Father recites perfectly from memory: “In Revelation, chapter six: ‘…the sun turned as black as dark sackcloth and the whole moon became like blood. The stars in the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs shaken loose from the tree in a strong wind.”20 “The one thing I thought I’d never see in my lifetime,” comes from Joe as if he is in a dream. He shakes his head, as much to clear the side effects of the experimental shot as to reflect awe of the prophetic announcement. “But, you know, I always envisioned some enormous cosmic catastrophe as the fulfillment of that passage, not just eclipses and meteor showers.” “That’s a common view, and probably the most intuitive reading,” Father agrees. “This passage, however, can also be read as describing not the very final moments of total destruction, but the preliminary signs of the end such as we may now be witnessing. “Considering the numerous biblical precedents, one should not be dismissive of common astronomical events. Remember, the hour of Christ’s crucifixion, the greatest event in all of history, was itself marked by a mere eclipse of the Sun.” “What happens next, Father?” Pam wonders aloud, the tension clear in her voice. “We can safely say that the harvest of souls is well under way, as is the apostasy, and the tribulation, but most gloriously of all, the thousand year reign of Christ. This will probably sound strange to some of our Protestant members, but Christ’s reign, and our participation in it, has been underway since Jesus’ ascent into heaven.” “Thanks be to God,” spontaneously erupts from several members of the group. “The dynamics of Our Lord’s harvest of souls is facilitated by the present intensified opposition of spiritual forces. On the one hand there is Satan’s massive and sophisticated final assault upon the Church and all things good, and on the other God’s greater blessings being concomitantly poured out upon the faithful. “The adversarial dynamic forces a separation of the wheat from the chaff. People now have to choose between good and evil. The middle ground of agnosticism or even simple indecision will be virtually impossible to hold to in so embattled an environment. People are going to have to choose. Satan will likely overrun anyone without the full armor of God conferred by an active faith. That doesn’t mean everyone will make the right choice, however, though they can always change it. “At a glance, the orchard does not look healthy. A lot of folks appear to be wavering precariously on the verge of a full demonic takeover even now. The Church continues to reach out to them, but, as the old saying goes, ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.’ An awful lot of heavy wavering is going on, indecision. There aren’t that many of us consistently holding the straight path.” Father Bernie is careful not to monopolize the floor during the meetings. “Enough doom and gloom; God is much bigger than the devil after all. He’ll know what to do. Let’s hear from the other team members before it gets too late. Who wants to start?” “I have something,” comes from an attractive young woman at the end of the table. “It concerns the fulfillment of Revelation at chapters 16-18: the seas dying and turning to ‘blood.’ NASA has essentially confirmed that such things are already happening in a big way in our oceans: red tides and dead zones. Approximately a third of our oceans are already dead! The United Nations is alarmed about the size, number and increasing frequency of dead zones. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association data suggest that these events are increasing. Here is a list of Web addresses for related studies.21 I’ve made everyone a copy.” “Thank you, Sarah,” Father commends, handing them around. “That should make interesting reading.” Clayton is next to speak. “Father, Joe and I were discussing something and I feel we should share it with the group, although we haven’t completed discernment about it.” “By all means, share it. We can do our own discernment. Practicing careful discernment is a good habit to cultivate. We don’t have to always be correct at the beginning. We have to always be careful at the beginning so we can be correct at the end.” “Very well, then, it concerns Zechariah 12. Joe and I take Zechariah 12 to be addressing the last battle.” Clayton opens his Bible, a new St. Joseph edition in burgundy leather, with gold leaf. “Here it is . . . On that day, the LORD will shield the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the weakling among them shall be like David on that day, and the house of David godlike, like an angel of the LORD before them. “That’s a powerful verse; what do you propose as the meaning of it?” “Joe and I think it means that, as the Lord says in the verses preceding this one, the tents of Judah will be secured first. Judah, we feel, represents those with a faith full enough to be active spiritual warriors. Judah was always the vanguard of the Hebrew army during the exodus. We feel the Lord is extending additional gifts to his modern Church’s spiritual vanguard as the Church prepares to exit this world for the next. “It struck Joe and I that selected Christians from among those actively pursuing the spiritual warfare mission might, as the Lord’s instruments in the last battle, reigning with him as his priestly people, be granted powerful charisms that allow them to extend God’s protection to others in an angelic or even godlike way. In this way those whose faith is not yet full will be protected by those who have a solidly developed faith during the more intense periods of Satan’s final assault until such time as they can be brought into closer communion with God to be able to stand on their own spiritual legs, as it were. “We were reading Cardinal Suenens’ small e-book, Renewal and the Powers of Darkness. Cardinal Suenens makes a distinction between power of all Christians and the authority of the bishops that we feel most Christians, at least on the Protestant side, tend to blur as if they were the same thing. He said that all Christians have Christ within them, and therefore they have the full power to punch out a demon in a moment of frustration, but not the authority to overpower a demon and keep them down. In other words, it’s a very dangerous thing to do. “A spiritual bridge is created between the demon’s home in the netherworld and our higher world here on Earth by our reaching towards the demon. This is reaching down, way down, and allowing negative evil forces to then reach up to gain access to Earth that they would not otherwise have. “As the successors of Christ’s apostles the bishops have the authority to keep the demon in its place while punching it out, banishing it from our world permanently or at least long term. But when lay Christians punch out a demon they are not prevented from punching back and they are given that additional instant of contact with our world that they can leverage to move to infect other people in our vicinity, and infect ourselves, assuming we are not entirely free of all attachment to all sins. We don’t have the authority to exorcise demons, and using the power of Christ within us to punch them out is not a wise move because it gives additional contact with our world they wouldn’t otherwise have. “The Church has currently reserved the authority to exorcise demons to the bishops and their delegates, the priest they appoint as exorcists. Therefore, lay Christians cannot take the offensive against the devil with God’s full authority in terms of exorcism until the Church policy changes. What lay Christians can and should do is offer prayers of deliverance while ignoring the demonic presence completely to minimize its points of contacts with our higher world.” Father interrupts to confirm. “Prayers of deliverance are the correct approach, and they work. The Gospels say that Christians will drive out demons, but prayer is the instrument by which this is done, not direct combat. Prayer brings God into the picture without increasing the demons’ points of contact with our world. Where the light of God shines, the darkness of Satan cannot remain. Go ahead and finish your thoughts. This is good stuff.” “Well, we theorized, however, that, despite the lay Christian’s inability to exorcise demons directly, a defensive charism might be offered to some of the faithful for this special event. We think it possible that Zechariah 12 prophetically announces a gift of this kind. Since the gift of love is the greatest gift and tends to produce similar protective effects anyway, we thought it likely that God-fearing people with the gift of love would be the most likely recipients of this kind of protective charism that could be used to protect the weaker members of the flock during this embattled time as they continue to grow in the faith.” Clayton closes his first amateur attempt at scriptural exposition with a questioning look at Father Bernie. “Not bad—for your first attempt,” Father praises Joe and Clayton in the dramatic personae of Ian McKellen’s movie characterization of Gandalf the Wizard. “I’ll research the Zechariah 12 passage further, but your reading rings true—yes, it rings true. “Hey! All kidding aside, banish your doubts! As far as general concepts are concerned you are right on the money. This is what priests do every day when they bless the members of their parish in the Mass, strengthen them for the spiritual battle. The only question concerns specific charisms for the lay Christian to do something similar as God’s priestly people. It is a perfectly natural thing to occur. The bishops mandate to bring Christ to the flock is carried out in large part by the priests and deacons, but the job is enormous and lay Christians also play a big role. It is a perfectly natural thing to occur, but we can’t presume extraordinary gifts such as charisms, they must be submitted to the Church for official scrutiny. I take it, Clayton, that one or both of you believes you may such a charism?” “No, Father, it is actually Garfield who seems to have the charism, and his gift seems to be largely directed at protecting children. Joe and I were thinking that an organized prayer ministry directed at the same goal, to protect the worldwide Church that is so intensively under attack, would also be a useful way to contribute to solving the same problem of how to help people vulnerable to demonic overrun.” “I see. Garfield and I have discussed his charism, and it seems to be valid. The bishop has someone reviewing it now. How do you plan to implement your prayer ministry in practical terms?” “We have tried to do it by simultaneously praying the Rosary for community members and family who may need additional protection while focusing the love and light of Christ on them in the Spirit. It seems to work in a big way. We were blessed every time we tried it over the past few weeks. “We include the entire world community in our prayers at least once each day, focusing on the particularly tough situations in the news, war, famine, terrorism, extreme poverty, hostages, earthquake and tsunami victims, trapped miners, children scheduled for abortion, the ill and elderly in final perseverance, and the lost sheep living without Christ, fallen dangerously under the devil’s influence. “We are going to work up a chart of the international time zones. Then we will spend a few hours praying for each nation during the time they are most likely to be up and actively involved in making important policy decisions, conducting rescue operations, etc.” “You didn’t happen to be up late last night saying these prayers by any chance?” Garfield inquires. “As a matter of fact we were praying last night, and you were on the top of the list. We were teaching the kids the power of prayer. Since you are one of their favorite persons, we offered a number of prayers in your behalf. It kept them up late, but was worth it. I suspect the entire kindergarten and the high school are well cleared of demonic obstruction by now.” “Well I can tell you it works. A great burden was lifted from me last night—thanks be to God! I slept like a baby afterwards and haven’t had a demonic obstruction all day. I don’t remember such a clear day!” “Thanks be to God!” comes from the team. “Outstanding work!” Father commends. “You are clearly on the right track. As a matter of fact, I felt a blessing last night myself. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers.” “You’ll always be there, Father,” comes from several members at once. Father Bernie bows his head as God blesses him on behalf of those present who love him and appreciate his service to God and the community. By the time the invitation for comments gets halfway around the table, the three guinea pigs begin to feel weak and disoriented. Father has no choice but to excuse himself as not well. He hurriedly leaves for home. Joe is not long behind him. Clayton holds out another hour and a half until the meeting adjourns. Once out the door, however, he wastes no time getting home and into bed—sleeping thirty-six hours. He awakens as his wife, Margaret, is on the phone with the family doctor. Clayton has been known to sleep twelve to fourteen hours after a week of intense workouts—but this? Stretching, flexing and rippling muscles most bodies do not have, Clayton jokes about over training, and having to keep up with Garfield in the gym. “I never had to compete with a giant before.” “At least he’s a lovable giant.” “That he is.” Clayton laughs, remembering Garfield’s endless jokes. Clayton’s pretense of wellness barely succeeds, and only because of his rippling muscles. Margaret’s protective instincts have alerted—upon what she doesn’t know. Clayton has not told her of the classified genetic research project. “False alarm,” she is obliged to inform the doctor. “He says he is fine.” Joe’s striking Korean wife, Elizabeth, has not been told of the genetic engineering study either. She has been out on the West Coast visiting her aging mother for three days. It seems that a suddenly generous husband surprised her with a trip she had long hoped for. *** Friday evening, Joe prepared his video camera to record the “blood moon” astronomical event for the end time study group’s permanent records. Father took his beloved telescope out of the closet and cleaned the lens. He set it up just inside the sliding glass doors to the back porch of the rectory—excited to be witnessing an event of biblical prophecy firsthand. Come Saturday morning the guinea pigs were substantially recovered, though still weak. They would have preferred to remain home in bed but had promised to join Pam and Garfield on an early morning outing. Margaret, Elizabeth and the kids negotiated another trip to the factory outlets to upgrade their fall fashions as fair compensation. Father Bernie and his entourage set out on the road to Bloomington and the I.U. campus quite early, eager to do theological research at the massive Indiana University Herman Wells Library. The genius of their plan is to assault the giant library only after a bolstering breakfast at the pleasant cafés downtown. This scenic portion of Indiana is replete with antique sales and artist colonies. Artists come in this weekend from a dozen states for the annual arts and crafts fair.22 The trip is admittedly recreational, but Father Bernie hopes to find some interesting materials at the library as a bonus. Joe and Pam joined Garfield at his favorite spot: The Village Deli on Kirkwood Avenue, a cozy spot divided between hardwood booths in one room and chrome-trimmed, black-lacquered tables in the other. They elect a booth on the left near the window. “Babe-orama Avenue out there. Just look at it. Beautiful coeds everywhere as far as the eye can see!” Garfield’s remarks are wasted upon his friends, neither of whom has any interest in gorgeous college babes. Joe ordered a huge Southwestern omelet, the biggest he has found anywhere. “There must be five eggs in this thing,” he observed, hefting the plate with both hands. “There must be,” Pam responded, blowing her cheeks out to indicate the way Joe would look soon. “Mind if I borrow a small sample?” Pam warns, already reaching across for the corner with the green onions falling out. “You can borrow fully half of this thing if you want! Here . . . ” Joe cuts off a large chunk, adding several spoons of salsa. The toast, marmalade and coffeecake were all perfect, making it a great start to the day. They aren’t overindulging for its own sake here. Everyone knows the monster library will exhaust them in the end. Garfield had the same as Joe, adding the Village Deli trademark giant blueberry pancake. It overhung his plate by a good half inch. Much to Pam’s credit, her figure reflects her practiced restraint at table. However, having experienced the exhaustion of two previous sorties into Herman Wells, she today permits a minor rules violation, glad of the extra strength Joe’s remnants add to her poached eggs and fruit bowl. When Garfield passes a wedge of pancake, she doesn’t object. They are going to approach Father Bernie’s research assignment as a serious though fascinating task. Father Bernie and Clayton wandered down the opposite side of Kirkwood Avenue to Michael’s Uptown Café. Father refuses to eat anywhere else. As the waitress brings dessert, Father leans back with a rich espresso and takes in the red brick-walled environment. Such a quaint and unassuming little place—the answer to an old Catholic’s prayer. He studies the current local art exhibition certain to adorn the walls of Michael’s. This one features brightly colored Caribbean scenes in fused glass: $300, $400, $550. Six months ago he couldn’t have contemplated purchasing one of these, but now he thought how well the set of eight would brighten his dark rooms at the rectory. Add another multi-bulb array lamp and his working environment could be upgraded from Transylvania to the Bahamas. After all, the artist has to earn a living too. There is no way he could paint something like that in the time it takes to earn several hundred dollars—no way. Father suddenly remembers the giant paint-by-number oil painting set he promised himself years ago (the year he failed to get it for Christmas). Since that tenth birthday, he has repeatedly deferred getting one, instead giving any accrued abundance to charity. Those paint-by-number sets can turn out a landscape good enough to frame. I know, I’ll get a paint-bynumber set, the big one. Then I’ll donate the $3,000 difference from the price of these gems in fused glass to the Little Sisters of Mercy convent. Still, I bet it won’t be as bright as these babies. Well, maybe I can tinker with the numbers a little. “Clayton, don’t let me forget: I need to stop by the Treasure Chest on the way home; there’s something I have to pick up.” “Sure, Father. I’ll make a note of it.” Breathing a sigh of contentment, Clayton savors the moment. He acknowledges that Michael’s is his favorite spot as well. Delicious food, nice people, no one shooting at him. The trademark silhouette of an urbane man sipping a steaming cup of good coffee looks down from the opposite wall. It seems to nod in his direction, welcoming him back. “Father!” Clayton exclaims noticing movement in the image. He fears another poltergeist. “One of ours,” Father assures him with a smile. Michael’s is noted for beautiful waitresses and the special charm of its hostess who leaves her patrons in no doubt that they have entered her own home as a good friend. The gregarious gourmet chef strides through the dining room greeting everyone, consummating the perfect dining experience. Michael’s has brought a lot of class to this small town. Anticipating the blessing Father invariably conveys during his perennial visits to the café, the chef remarks “God bless you too, Father,” en route to the kitchen. Tears form before he can get there. Father carries a bigger gun. “It’s going to be a fun day. I think I’ll go so far as to permit myself the rare drink to celebrate the Lord’s outpouring of his Spirit in these last days.” Father looks through the silhouette window to the vintage leather bar on the other side. They cover the check, slip through the saloon doors, and settle in comfortably. “Johnny Walker . . . Black . . . on the rocks.” Turning to Clayton, Father wants to be sure: “You’re driving, right?” “No, Joe is. They don’t have a bar at the Village Deli. “Samuel Adams, please,” Clayton informs the bartender. “Great. Make that a double,” Father impulsively amends his order. “Congestion, you know.” Placing a hand to his throat Father Bernie is surprised to discover how rapidly that congestion is growing. “Aha!” Pam startles them, peaking through the saloon doors. “Caught in the act!” As Mike, the bartender, places Father’s drink, she taps her finger on the bar with an unmistakable nod. Mike pours her the same. Taking in her pleasant smile and the amiable dispositions of the others, Mike leans over the bar, listening. Father’s clerical collar notwithstanding, he considers the unlikely possibility that he has three real Christians before him. Virtually impossible in these troubled times. Just the same, he’ll stay alert, perhaps probe around a bit for clues. Mike is a veteran spiritual warrior. He has been working with a newly formed charismatic cell of The Legion of Mary. They have expressly opposed themselves in the Spirit to the large klatch of downtown Satanists for which the town is somewhat infamous among the outlying middle class Christian communities. While still hoping to bring the Satanists home to God, the Legion has been compelled to acknowledge the increased tempo of spiritual battle. In response, they have added the defeat of Satan’s forces to their weekly prayer list. Mike loves everyone, yet trusts no one—not until the fruit of the tree becomes clear. Not in this late hour. He offers nonverbal prayer in his heart throughout the day and very strictly gives a full 10% to the Church and the poor. He does this, not from legalism, but from compassion. Mike has traveled enough to know families are suffering out there. He cares. God has generously blessed him because of it, and because of his devotion to Mass, St. Mary and the Rosary. Mike, Miguel Oliva Aravantes Martinez, retired trick rider and minor rodeo star, attends confession regularly and absolutely refuses to end a day without a heartfelt Rosary. Confession alone keeps the demons off him.23 Mike has sins, of course; but he doesn’t want them. More to the point, he doesn’t plan on keeping them. Because of the wholeness of his faith Mike has attained a joyous state of grace and is in full communion with the Church. Pam notices the absence of a ring. She admires Mike’s chiseled Hispanic/Italian features in a chaste way, with an artist’s eye only; there is no other man in her life but Hugh Axton. Mike is a struggling actor now, retired from the rodeo the past three years. His pleasant but austere countenance blends Ché Guevara with the Marlboro Man. He won’t be single long. Pam pegs him at 25 but he is a good twelve years older. Competitive riding is now a thing of the past for Mike. He’ll do the occasional Hollywood stunt, but that’s it. Miguel still rides some. He frequents the local gym to stay in shape. Pam has ostensibly come over in advance of the big eaters to inquire about the research focus, but, truth be told, she just likes hanging out with Father Bernie. Having the opportunity to follow-up theological questions with an expert in real time offers more progress in a weekend outing than months of self-study—no missing pieces, no fruitless rabbit trails, no red herrings. Father Bernie’s expositions of scripture are always on target, and he ties them into the entire book. His interpretations don’t have to be tossed out later when additional cross referencing raises objections. Father Bernie knows the Good Book backwards and forwards. Been there and done that. “What would you like us to dig out of the sixteen million materials at Herman Wells for you today, Father?” “I’m looking for references on interpretive methods and discussions that reveal the full depth of meaning and richness of the scripture,” Father informs her. “Is that all?” “As you may know, the recommended method of interpreting the Bible, the Neo-Patristic method,24 implies a certain depth in acknowledging that there are four senses in which any passage can be understood. John F. McCarthy, in Lesson One of the Roman Theological Forum’s Scripture Study Program, mirrors the catechism’s remarks in describing those four senses as ‘ . . . the literal sense, the allegorical sense, the moral sense, and the eschatological sense (also known as the final sense).’ “If a scriptural passage is skillfully written, and they all are, it can say something literal, symbolic, moral and apocalyptic all at the same time. But the true depth of scripture goes far beyond even these four senses to a profound message that can speak to anyone anytime anywhere, extending further on to a true mystical quality. Ultimately a full understanding of scripture can lead one to the beatific vision of God himself. “One of my favorite quotes is from Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical Providentissimus Deus: ‘For the language of the Bible is employed to express, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, many things which are beyond the power and scope of the reason of man—that is to say, Divine mysteries and all that is related to them. There is sometimes in such passages a fullness and a hidden depth of meaning which the letter hardly expresses and which the laws of grammatical interpretation hardly warrant.’25 “The depth of scripture is further enhanced by recurring typological themes. This can yield interesting insights. Revelation 6:12-13, for example, is well known and often cited because it is so dramatic. We take the signs in the heavens event happening tonight to be one of the intended referents for that passage, as mentioned in the newsletter. However, given the frequent recurrence of themes in scripture, we may be witnessing tonight only one part of the events described in Revelation 6:12-13, one occurrence in a set of similar events that occur through history. There may be much more cataclysmic versions of similar astronomical disruptions that will occur far later when the end actually comes. One constitutes the signs of the end, and the other is the end of the signs!26 Congratulating himself on a nice turn of phrase, Father takes a sip and continues. “Nonetheless, the amount of time involved between the beginning of the true signs of the end, and the later events signaling the final destruction of this world, could still be enormous. It doesn’t have to be enormous—but it could be. The end could come tonight, of course. Only God the Father knows the day and the hour.27 “Make mine Irish,” Clayton decides to permit himself the second drink in celebration of these great events. Given Father’s last remark perhaps it would be wise to squeeze one more in while he still can. He indicates the bottle of Bushmills to the bartender. Father and Pam shake their heads; two is enough. “Time to head to the library,” Joe announces from behind. “Looks like I’m driving.” “It looks like you are,” Garfield remarks coming through the door behind him and casting a shadow as he leans in at the bar. He holds up Clayton’s empty Sam Adams bottle for the bartender. Joe takes advantage of the delay to order an ice-cold non-alcoholic O’Doul’s. “How was breakfast at the Deli?” Father asks, knowing the answer. “Great!” the men respond. “I enjoyed mine too,” Pam puts in, pulling her long red hair back to apply an elastic “scrunchie.” She creates an attractive makeshift ponytail and fluffs it out at the bottom revealing beautiful copper highlights. “It’s shaping up to be a good day—it’s glorious outside.” “Well, let’s not spend it all in here.” Garfield finishes his beer. Father rises, reaching for his jacket but fails to retrieve it. Becoming quickly faint, he, abruptly sits down again, a hand to his forehead. Getting up quickly to check on Father, Clayton finds himself immediately sitting back down with a bout of the same thing. Joe seems to be feeling the better of the three guinea pigs today, but he has had no alcohol. He makes a mental note that, whatever this DOD experiment is, alcohol does not seem to mix with it. Having picked up on Mike’s earlier scrutiny of their conversation, Clayton leans on and then over the bar to shake Mike’s hand. Mike meets him halfway, offering his. “Yes, we’re all Christians, Mike, and God bless you. “Clayton Delaney,” he says extending a large forearm towards Mike. Mike shakes his strong hand with a grip equally firm, smiling. “Mike Martinez.” Pulling back his hand Mike realizes there is a business card in it: Christian End Times Study Group The Beanery, West Lafayette, IN Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. Open to the public God is real! “He’s real!” Mike confirms. “I’ll stop in next trip north. You people take care, and God bless!” Mike prays for them. Knowing he would be unable to properly bless a priest given his understanding of Abraham and Melchizedek’s meeting in Genesis 14 where the spiritually senior person blesses the junior, he asks God to do it for him.28 Squeezing through the saloon doors, Clayton is forced to use Father Bernie’s shoulder as a crutch. The faintness returns. He raises his eyebrows in a nonverbal “Whew!” Father’s nod indicates that he is doing little better. Fortunately, Mike’s prayer is soon answered and they are visibly strengthened. “Mike, must have prayed for us,” Father remarks, stretching his back and refocusing his eyes. “I should say he did,” Pam confirms, dabbing tears. Outside it is indisputably a glorious day, bright and clear, a light cool breeze blowing. “Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. We’re parked OK,” Pam suggests, “Let’s wander around a bit and enjoy the campus. We can follow the winding streams up to the library.” “Why not?” Clayton agrees. “We can make it alright.” Being the physical equivalent of a small bull, he assumes a stroll in the fresh air across the beautiful campus with its winding creeks, old stone architecture, and expansive lawns will refresh him and relieve the malaise of the shot. He also looks forward to intercepting a few of the inevitable footballs passed around by the fraternity guys. Father sees this jaunt as more of a threat of complete exhaustion than refreshment, but he doesn’t want to alarm anyone. His I hope so is unstated. Angling left they arrive at a circular drive and fountain: seven streams shooting twenty feet into the air bathe a reclining mermaid. Bypassing the I.U. Art Museum on their left, they recall that the Western Room on the ground floor has a first class collection of religious artwork. “Not today, I’m afraid,” Father responds to the raised eyebrows and craned necks extending in that direction. Father doesn’t know why, exactly, but gets the feeling this is all occurring on a tight schedule. The Lord works in mysterious ways. The circuitous path of their recreational walk was uphill and turned out somewhat longer than anticipated. Looking up at the looming monolith of Herman Wells their resolve fails them. Garfield reads the tired faces and instinctively provides the excuse they need. “What say we take a moment to review our research plan before tackling the stacks. There’s a nice coffee shop just a block down 10th Street over there. Some of the best fruit smoothies going?” “Read my mind,” Father sighs. “Hey guys, you’re not going to believe this,” Joe begins as they sit down to enjoy their drinks. “I met the Antichrist last night.” Both Pam and Father Bernie spew coffee and make fast recoveries with napkins. Father is first to return to the subject. “You did what?” “I met the Antichrist last night. At least that’s what he claimed under the test of spirits when I prayed for it.” “You can’t believe a word any of those demons say. They will tell you yes and no to the same question if it will keep your attention on them. I thought we discussed how dangerous it is to respond to demons directly. They’re just looking for a point of access into our world, which is provided by giving them your attention. You should pray for help and ignore them completely. It is dangerous to listen to even a single word. Demons don’t speak to communicate. Words are door-openers for them, not language. They just want another opportunity to attack. “And don’t look at them either. Their images are all lies as well as their words. Demons will impersonate God himself. Hearing spiritual voices and seeing spiritual images are dangerous events, almost always demonic. God touches our hearts to give us a message; he doesn’t need to bend our ears or give us a light show.” “I know, I know Father. I made a dangerous mistake there. As you instructed in our last meeting, the test of spirits is not a verbal inquiry of spiritual entities; it’s a discerning evaluation of the nature of someone’s actions to see if they are in line with Christ’s teachings or opposed to them. But, having made the mistake from old habits, there it is, that’s what he claimed to be.” “The question is not what he claimed. ‘He’ is a liar. The question is what did you believe, in your heart, what has your faith and the Spirit led you to discern of the situation.” Noticing from Joe’s body language that he hasn’t budged from this conviction, Father takes a slug of hot coffee, and looks Joe in the eye. “What has the Spirit led you to believe?” “I believe it was the Antichrist,” Joe says bluntly. “Not just any one of the many spirits that deny Christ, and therefore can, in a lesser sense, be called an anti-Christ. They all do that. I believe this is the Antichrist: a powerful spirit with a unique task aimed at deluding mankind and directing them away from the truth about God.” “You met the devil, Joe. Plain and simple,” Father proclaims. “Devil, Antichrist: what’s the difference?” “Not much.” It’s Joe’s turn to look Father in the eye, “There’s something else.” “There always is.” Father says. The shot is still beating him up and the devil has now begun to set on Father Bernie regularly to try to aggravate his medical condition. “Give me a moment to get a refill. A spirit kept me up last night too. I had no interest in getting its name, however.” As an officially appointed exorcist with the Bishop’s authority he waves the thing off on the way to the coffee tap with a brief adjuration and prayer. Father returns to his chair, adjusting his position to give Joe his full attention. “OK, Joe. I’m ready. Let’s have the rest of it.” “I couldn’t get this thing off me with prayer and fasting; it continues to dog me. I can feel the thing pawing at me even now.” “Really?” Father intones, tongue in cheek. He repeats the prayer and adjuration just issued for his own protection again on Joe’s behalf, forming the sign of the cross over Joe and tapping him on the head affectionately with a blessing. “Thanks for that, Father. You’re a life saver.” “No problem.” Unbeknownst to Father or Joe, Clayton and Garfield have had this same experience of encountering the Antichrist. They immediately affirm Joe’s discernment that for some reason the encounter seemed very authentic. Father is now openly alarmed. “Couldn’t get rid of it at all, huh? Not even after prayer and fasting?” Father Bernie looks first to Garfield to confirm this, though the others attach no significance to the deference. They are unaware the two have collaborated on a secret journal project outside the study group concerning Satan’s final assault upon the Church. “Not even after prayer and fasting,” Garfield confirms. “I’ve been trying for weeks, and couldn’t do it. Or, perhaps I did remove it in the sense of removing its tentacles from me personally, but the spirit is clearly still out there haunting our world because it intrudes every time I try to pray. I didn’t mention it because I was afraid someone would make fun of me for believing the Antichrist was here. There is something different about this one.” “If someone makes fun of you Garfield, you tell me and I’ll take care of it,” Pam ribs the 425-pound muscular giant, patting his enormous rocksolid bicep. “I agree with Garfield,” Clayton interjects. “I became so frustrated that in an act of faith I can’t fully explain I struck it with the Sword of Christ per Ephesians chapter six, and not just once. I have a tentative theory about this, but it’s not good news. It concerns 2 Thessalonians, chapter two. This passage was mentioned in a recent newsletter from Stephan McCarroll, your messianic Jewish friend, publisher of the Internet newsletter, Middle East Peace Update Report.” Father looks into his shoulder bag for his Bible. He reaches across to gently smack Clayton in the chest with it. “Here’s another chance to hone your expositional skills. We can practice the neo-Patristic method. It will be a good warm-up for our research.” After a moment to find the passage, Clayton begins to read. “Verse eleven: ‘Therefore God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned.’ And, just above in verse seven it says the following: ‘For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But, the one who restrains is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord (Jesus) will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming . . . ” “That’s bad news alright,” Pam agrees. “That’s not bad news, that’s good news.” One of Father’s patented spontaneous dramatic impersonations erupts: Bud Abbot, of the 1950’s comedy team, Abbot and Costello. “Jesus kills the so-and-so, and he’s History Channel.” “We’re not permitting you to drink any more, Father,” Pam announces to chuckles from the group. Smiling, Father braves another sip of coffee. “Whatever are ‘manifestations’ Father?” Pam asks. “Why doesn’t St. Paul just say ‘after Christ returns, he kills it’?” “I’m not sure,” Father responds, “but I rule out neither the Holy Spirit nor the body of believers who constitute Christ’s mystical body, the Church, ourselves, as good candidates for that manifestation. “The ‘breath of his mouth’ clearly refers to the Holy Spirit, who is already present here, or perhaps it refers to God speaking through a prophet, or both. Psalm 33 says that the host of heaven was made by the ‘breath of his mouth.’ Since the Holy Spirit is the Lord, the Giver of Life, that firmly points to the Holy Spirit as the ‘breath of his mouth.’ From that point of view, the deceiver could be quote unquote ‘killed’ anytime, although exorcised fallen angels never fully pass out of existence; they just pass out of our existence. “The Holy Spirit can be expressed in a variety of ways. Therefore, another possibility is that the destruction of the deceiver could result from worldwide preaching of the Gospel. Psalm 33 closely associates the ‘Lord’s word’ with the Holy Spirit. Christ, himself, is substantially united with the Bible, the word of God, himself being the Word of God, capital ‘W’, the living Word. Perhaps the more that the word of God is manifested, the more the Word of God is manifested, and his Spirit. “We, the faithful, are joined with Christ. Through baptism and by accepting Christ and his gifts in the Eucharist, then actively developing and expressing our faith in the Mass, the Holy Sacraments and in our everyday lives, the body of believers may more and more come to be a substantial manifestation of Christ’s impending return in and of themselves. “Being so closely connected, all of these things are very likely part of that manifestation…or…perhaps Christ simply does return and kill it. More probably, all the above.” “I’m no theologian, but I will say this much, Father,” Joe interjects, “as long as the killing of unborn children is sanctioned by society under guise of law, I’ll wager that the son of a dog isn’t dead.” “Abortion is the devil’s work,” Father admits, solemnly shaking his head. There are moments when even he cannot believe, much less morally countenance, how bad things have become: 50,000,000 innocent children slaughtered. Righteous anger always builds within him when he contemplates this unthinkable tragedy, no doubt another strike at God’s most innocent creations largely contrived by the devil. “By the way,” Father adds, “don’t underestimate the power of the ‘Sword of Christ’ as you called it. Don’t get me wrong. Lay Christians are not authorized to do exorcisms, but the sword of the Spirit is a major component of the armor of God that St. Paul exhorts us to put on in Ephesians chapter six. It is a powerful offensive tool from the Holy Spirit; the demons feel it. Don’t doubt that for a moment. “But it is not intended for routine use as a direct weapon; it symbolizes the entire gamut of positive actions taken by the entire Church that together manifest Christ’s victory over sin, death, and evil. Though one might have a charism to occasionally strike a direct blow against the devil, it would be the rarest of gift, and is always a very dangerous thing to do otherwise. This is not a valid routine expression of the what the scripture calls the ‘Sword of Christ,’ rare charisms notwithstanding. “The Church teaches that the only sure and safe way for a layman to get rid of a demon is to pray for their removal. Confronting a demon directly, even with the Sword of the Spirit, merely compounds the problem of demonic affliction by instigating a spiritual wrestling match. Invitation to personal combat brings the demon closer to our world. A bridge is built in extending the human spirit to the netherworld in order to directly address the demon. Laymen cannot win that supernatural match minus the authority to perform an exorcism, which the Church has not presently extended to them. It is reserved to the bishop. “Demons keep coming back because laymen lack the authority to make the action permanent via exorcism. Demons are presumed to be infinite in number, or nearly so; they don’t need sleep; and they have absolutely nothing else to do. We, on the other hand, do need sleep and have much better things to do than wrestle a gigantic living moral obscenity all day long every day for years. Better just to ignore the demons entirely, pray, and report any persistent problems to your priest. Knowing all of this, if the demons can get an attachment to you through sin or convince some local Satanists to focus a spell or curse in your direction in order to create contact, the demon will intentionally try to provoke a fight with you knowing that you don’t have the bishop’s authority necessary to win that fight. Don’t let them sucker punch you that way. Ignore them and resort to prayer. Ask for the priest’s help if you need it. “Having said that, Malachi chapter 3 says that in the day of the Lord those who fear God will gamble forth like calves from their stall and trod down the wicked. Obadiah, Zechariah 10 and 12 confirm this. Micah 4 and others say much the same, many adding that the stubble of the wicked will be burned up by the fire of the Holy Spirit expressed through God’s people on earth. “More to the point, if Clayton’s reading of Zechariah 12 is correct, then the faithful warriors of God may even become angelic or godlike, empowered to help shield the innocent once God has called the remnant and poured his Spirit out upon them. “In the latter days it is clear that we will be warriors of God, and supernaturally empowered—but this still falls short of authorization to perform the Holy Rite of Exorcism. And, while, these passages do smack of extraordinary charisms, the bulk of this kind of work will still be done, as always, through humble prayer. “If, as it now appears, the genuine precursors of that great and terrible day of the Lord are upon us, some of the laity may have special charismatic gifts not otherwise routinely available to defeat these demons, but those gifts must be submitted to the Church for official validation. “In any case, the instrument almost always used to ground, empower, invoke, and deliver a charism on target is the exact same instrument that makes humble prayer so effective: genuine love and compassion for the people you are trying to help and trust in the Lord to protect his people. This is why Cardinal Suenens insisted that the Our Father, the Lord’s Prayer, is the consummate prayer of deliverance. Prayer can accomplish indirectly anything a charism can do directly, and in the case of ridding ourselves of demonic afflictions prayer is the only safe approach to take. “As far as the charisms that seem to be implied in the prophetic passages you cited, it is far from clear that the demons are being addressed directly. Almost certainly this is not the case. “The charisms of Zechariah 12 and related passages appear to be defensive in nature and are to be invoked only when in the Spirit. God will lead us in the use of these gifts based upon the exigencies of the moment, but the basic principle of the reservation of the authority to perform exorcism to the bishop and his appointed exorcists is not altered in any way by these passages.” “That’s noted,” Joe responds. “The bottom line is that, we, the entire community of believers, priest, deacon, vowed religious, and lay Christian alike, as components of Christ’s mystical body, will all have important roles to play in this final conflict before all is said and done.” “Father, do you really think the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians could be present and active now?” Pam asks. “In one sense, the deceiver has always been active. He is just a major manifestation of Satan, after all. But you mean, could the deceiver be active in the sense of comprising one of the primary historical eruptions of evil such as the Beast and the Antichrist have traditionally been understood to represent as real historical events. I’m not ruling that out. But, if he is, many people who have unwisely chosen to serve him are in a lot of trouble. They may not be able to break out of the heavy deception the Lord has permitted to be visited upon those who have rejected the truth in their hearts.” He gestures to Clayton to return his Bible. “Also, if you notice, this very passage of 2 Thessalonians chapter two provides a perfect example of the multiple meanings concept we are here to research. The footnotes cite three separate options for the interpretation of verse seven.29 The authors stop short of saying these are all intended meanings, but they are clearly implied to be interpretive options. Neither do the footnotes rule out more than one option being true at the same time. “OK, the verse in question is verse seven: ‘ . . . But the one who restrains,’ meaning he who, or that which, restrains the lawlessness that comes from Satan, ‘ . . . is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene.’” “The three interpretive options stated in the footnotes indicate that the restraining force might alternatively be understood as (1) the Roman Empire, a civilized culture holding to the rule of law, which holds back the chaos of the barbarian world at or near the time of the writing of Thessalonians, or similar forces acting even today to maintain law and order; (2) heavenly powers (almost certainly St. Michael the Archangel, captain of the heavenly host) restraining Satanic forces of evil (including the Antichrist/deceiver); or (3) the completion of world-wide preaching of the Gospel, which restrains the final end in the sense that the end cannot come until the Gospel is preached to the entire world in accordance with God’s will. “There is a certain compelling logic inherent in the third option in that evil should not be unleashed upon the innocent until they are given the Gospel with which to defend themselves. Otherwise, it is a forgone conclusion that the innocent would be defeated and overrun by the vastly more powerful fallen angels. “This same logic may also serve to support Clayton’s view of Zechariah 12, providing a means for the faithful to make up the temporary deficit in the faith of others, shielding them through prayer using personal charisms of love and deliverance granted under Zechariah 12. “Never forget, it is love that empowers these actions, not hate and anger. Love empowers all Christian actions, otherwise, they are not Christian. Although righteous anger is often called for in the presence of evil, we should not allow anger to supplant love as the central focus of the Christian spirit. “Back to the subject of 2 Thessalonians. All three interpretive options seem very reasonable on the surface. The first two are reasonably selfevident and the third is, of course, fully compatible with the truth elsewhere expressed in the Bible, at Matthew 24 for example.30 Nothing prevents all these interpretations being true at the same time. “Furthermore, if the deceiver is sent by God, then it is God’s purpose that is being served. The deceiver will be limited to deception of only the selected people that God has allowed to be so affected. Much as when the Lord selectively hardened the heart of Pharaoh in the first fourteen chapters of Exodus and predisposed the Egyptians to plunder themselves, the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians chapter two appears to be just such a selectively targeted, God-directed event. “Beyond that, as the excellent footnotes to the New American Bible tell us at chapter 3 of Hebrews, the first fourteen chapters of Exodus provide the perfect model for the overriding pattern of end times events: a cycle of blessings and punishments that repeats until the wheat is fully separated from the chaff.” Pam breaks in. “But, given the urgent danger for those who don’t know of the threat posed by the deceiver, shouldn’t the Christian community be taking stronger action in an attempt to somehow break through to the scientific, materialist, humanist groups, whatever you want to call them—even the Satanists—who just don’t get it. If the light doesn’t come on before the curtain of deception comes down from the deceiver”—Pam is genuinely concerned that not enough is being done to avoid the imminent catastrophe of people being locked into the deception supernaturally imposed by the deceiver—“these people may be condemned beyond help.” Pam finishes through a veil of tears she had not anticipated. Father reminds her that no one is ever fully beyond the opportunity for conversion. Still fighting the mental fog caused by the shot, he then smacks himself audibly on the head. “I think the light has just come on. I had begun to say that we must hurry to their aid if your concerns are on target . . . ” “But they are not on target, are they Father? That’s not what’s happening here.” Garfield’s amazing speed of cognition has caught him up with Father Bernie. “Huh-uh. ‘It’s not what’s happening’—it’s what has already happened! “Let’s think for a moment. The author of 1 John refers to the Antichrist as already present and working as of the latter half of the first century.31 St. Paul says the mystery of lawlessness is already at work as of his own time. The function of the Antichrist is not so different from that of the deceiver. The Antichrist contradicts the true sign of Christ and leads people away from the truth. It makes sense that the Antichrist and the deceiver would appear shortly after Christ in order to immediately try to discredit our Savior and limit the effect of his victory on the cross, or to delay it as much as possible, thereby proving Simeon’s prophecy and establishing Christ as a sign to be contradicted. “Throughout the 2,000 years of Christian history, then, those who chose to reject Christ have always succumbed to the fog of deception imposed by the deceiver. They are punished for rejecting Christ by permitting them to fall deeper into deception. This event of the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians 2 has been an ongoing punishment since the time of Christ! What we are now seeing, therefore, cannot be the initial coming of the spirit of the Antichrist/deceiver. It is more likely that we are witnessing the revelation of the deceiver described in 2 Thessalonians two that occurs toward the end of his tenure, not his advent. “To return to our specific example, 2 Thessalonians 2:7, it would now appear that the Antichrist and/or deceiver has been restrained by St. Michael the Archangel until the time appointed for it to be revealed. At the time the restraint goes away the evil spirit’s activities will become apparent to all—probably because of its unbridled aggression. When something fully evil is attacking you with supernatural force, you tend to notice.” “Amen!” comes from Joe. Garfield stands up and leans fully across the table. “And . . . ?” “And . . . we may, in fact, be beginning to notice just such an aggression. I’ll give you that,” Father admits. “Certainly we are under intensive attack.” Pam interrupts. “But that would mean that, since the curtain of deception has already been down . . . it is . . . exactly . . . ” “ . . . the reason it is so hard to get through to people in the first place.” Father finishes it for her. “Let’s go to the library! Considering the news overseas, and all this talk of the devil and the end of the world—it’s all starting to get to me.” Pam is going to have to let all this digest for a while. Six hours and many Signs of the Cross later, all except Garfield meet at the tables near the main checkout desk. “I don’t think the devil wants us to complete this study. I had to pray constantly just to remember the library filing system up there. After countless elevator rides and stairwells, and seemingly endless rows of stacks I have only a few remote possibilities on bible interpretation in video,” Pam begins, “—that’s it, nothing definite. I did a computer search and found some possibly good articles in the Catholic theology journals, LOGOS, Letter & Spirit and Concillium. I passed the titles onto Garfield.” “The stuff I found is the same, mediocre at best.” Father nods at the few books under his arm. “Herman Wells is certainly not Catholic focused, and not a premier theology library. It is not intended to be, of course, but it is fully huge, and, as with all libraries, it is a treasure begging to be explored. You never really know what you might find in one of these places. Some of the foreign titles can be real gems if you have the language skills to read them.” Joe steps up, peeking over a wavering stack of seminal tomes barely secured by his chin. “I have a copy of both of The Bible Code books at least—they should be interesting reading, known criticisms of their method notwithstanding—also two books on the Church Fathers, one on the history of the neo-Patristic method; three each from St. Augustine, St. Jerome, John Cardinal Newman and Pope Benedict XVI, including the pope’s Jesus of Nazareth. “Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary shouldn’t hurt us either. They don’t directly teach interpretation, but they do teach by example.” “Outstanding,” Father replies. “At least we aren’t going away empty handed. Let’s get checked out. We can still make it home in time to watch the sky!” “Not so fast, Copernicus. Garfield is still copying the journal articles. He said he would meet us back at the Lilly rare book library,” Pam advises. “OK, Lilly it is then. Let’s get checked out.” Father walks over to the checkout desk and places his books in front of the attendant, who happens to be a heavy Satanist. “Can I help you?” she says in a flagrantly rude tone. Father looks up at the large “Checkout Here” sign just above her head with an air of bemused cynicism. “Checking out,” he says a little too courteously. He casts out her demons silently in prayer. The attendant deflates like a beach ball with the plug open, and smiles involuntarily at his kindness. Receiving his books and computer receipt with a smile, Father blesses her as he turns to go. “God bless you, and have a joyous holiday season!” He means it. If she doesn’t renounce Satanism and practice the Christian faith afterwards, the demons will quickly return—but he did what he could. They take the return walk briskly as exercise, electing to wait for Garfield outside in the open air by the fountain. Pam wonders why she keeps edging so far ahead of the men as they walk—that’s a first. Garfield is not long after them, moving quickly in his enormous stride. As he winds around to a meeting point of many paths he stumbles upon an old friend from his undergraduate days coming the opposite way. “Darren Mitchell! Is that you?” Darren is visibly not well, completely buried under a satanic veneer. Garfield stares down at Darren to see if his old friend is still in there. Demons immediately rush out at him. Darren’s in serious spiritual trouble. Garfield retreats to the kingdom of God in his heart, silently deferring to St. Michael for help. After a moment of struggle, the negative force field dissipates. Unaware that he has roughly grasped his friend’s shoulders and nearly stretched him beyond his natural height ,Garfield verbalizes his concern. “You still in there, Darren? Hel-lo-o-o!” “I’m still here,” Darren says, blinking and shaking off Garfield’s mighty grasp. “Well, don’t forget Jesus, Darren; he hasn’t forgotten you! “Hey, it’s good to see you, roomdog. Merry Christmas, Darren if I don’t see you before!” “An early merry Christmas to you too, Garfield.” Garfield prays for Darren’s deliverance. With Darren being one of Garfield’s oldest dearest friends, Garfield’s charism for prayers of deliverance is strongly invoked. Darren responds to the blessing with a smile, temporarily freed from supernatural parasites. “How long has it been, Garfield, nine or ten years anyway? Pop over for turkey Thanksgiving; the wife would love to see you. We’ll find a second bird somewhere,” Darren gests about Garfield’s appetite, though fully intends to get one. “Very funny,” Garfield replies, already visualizing the English feast. Darren hands Garfield his card after scribbling a local number on the back. “Oxford library. Wow! You went home after all? Well done.” “Aye. Near enough. Do stop by, Garfield. We’ll be at the bed and breakfast at 7th and Grant through New Year’s. There’s a rare book conference.” “Fascinating,” Garfield responds, more interested in the breakfast than the conference. “Count on me being present. I’ll call you tomorrow night. I have to catch up with the group. We’re filming the lunar blushing tonight, Revelation 6:12-13, you know.” Garfield says this with a wink. “What are the pagans calling it, old boy? ‘Devil’s hangover’? No, seriously, really good to see you, Darren. Really good.” Garfield gives his friend a hug and starts off, praying to St. Mary that Darren will find Jesus in time. Remembering the constant hunger of their undergraduate days when cash was scarce, Darren calls after him. “Hey Garfield, I’ll have the wife check round the bakeries for you!” “Thanks!” “and, Garfield. . . I’ll not forget,” comes at the last moment, with a strong twinge of emotion. Darren’s wife has been nudging him bit by bit back towards Church for several years. Might as well just break down and get it done. Garfield is ecstatic that Darren has come home. He completes the journey in no time. Arriving at Lilly breathless, he has an important insight to share. “You know what is most important?” The others have no time to answer. “Finding the real person under the many satanic layers that can hide them. We don’t have to condone or approve bad behavior, or to ignore a demonic presence, but we do need to forgive the person. We have to forgive, allowing the other person a new start, just as Christ has so magnanimously forgiven us. If you look at the satanic veneer the devil overlays people with, you won’t see any potential there at all, just an eternally impenitent demonic obscenity. But as long as there is life there is hope.” “That’s a great insight, Garfield,” Father agrees, “often stated, but seldom practiced. ‘To err is human, but to forgive is divine.’ “Nonetheless, forgiving has become very difficult in today’s coldhearted and hostile environment. Even as we forgive we must remember that, in this last battle, some people remain dangerous; we should assist them and pray for them, but from a safe distance. Prudence and common sense uber alles. “The demonic onslaught is now so intense that even prayer won’t do a bit of good unless it originates in love; not in this late hour. “To accomplish deliverance of our enemies and persecutors we will have to follow Christ’s advice. We will have to become as little children, emotionally—keep it simple. We care for people even if they have mistakenly aligned themselves with the devil for the moment. They are more his victim than his ally, in any case. God certainly did not intend this fate for them, to be deceived and devoured by pure evil. It is God’s will that all be saved, though he allows us freedom of choice in the matter. “The most hardened Satanist can be saved though there be no visible indications of it—all things are possible to God. Nonetheless, prudence and strategy are called for in dealing with them until they come home. As often as not, at least a spiritual safety distance will be required; stay out of reach. In the worst cases, the safety distance may have to be physical as well.” Moving quickly across campus towards their parking spot downtown the guinea pigs suffer another attack. They are forced onto the grass. Pam assumes it’s the flu. Garfield ascribes it to their age. In any case, their secret remains safe. En route home the mood remains light; it has been an enjoyable day. “Any other interesting encounters or discoveries to report?” Pam asks as they casually cruise the pleasant countryside along Highway 52 having passed through Indianapolis and headed northwest towards Lafayette. “Well, y-e-e-s” Joe drawls in the tone of a guilty child. He’s not sure they want to hear this. “Well . . . ?” Father noncommittally prompts after a moment. “I hate to mention it. The Antichrist is not the only major league spirit that’s been surfacing in my prayers.” “Let me guess,” Father jokes, “Frankenstein’s daughter or Dracula? No wait, the mummy or perhaps the invisible man?” [the voice of Bud Abbot again] “No, Father . . . the abomination.” Father’s expression leaves no doubt that he is not well pleased with the social circles Joe has been moving in. “You met the abomination that causes desolation?” [But Abbot] “Well, we weren’t formally introduced, if that’s what you mean. ‘Encountered’ is a better word. ‘Attacked’ is best. “The thing obstructed my prayer! I prayed for the demon’s removal and got relief. When I resumed I was attacked again. This continued a few cycles until I became upset at it profaning a sacred moment. Finally I received a verbal response from this thing, pretending to be God, accompanied by a heavy disgusting feeling. Its tentacles were all over me, pushing and pulling at my chakras, you know, the major nerve centers. All the alarms went off. I challenged it indirectly, praying for the test of spirits. It took all the faith I could summon to resist being completely taken over. I believe in this case my prayer did succeed. “Led on by the Holy Spirit, I prayed the thing be placed under the authority of Christ. I asked God that, if it be His will, the demon’s name be given. I did not confront the demon directly. I never looked at the demon in the spirit; I kept my attention on God. Nonetheless, God permitted that I hear its response. It reluctantly gave up a single audible word in the ugly guttural voice of a demon: ‘abomination.’ “The attacks diminished, but later recurred. I became so frustrated that, as Clayton did, I fell back on St. Paul in Ephesians chapter six and drew the Sword, the Sword of the Spirit or the Sword of Christ. The abomination fell back. I felt the force field around me lessen, but then it returned to its blasphemous interference. This one is apparently not going away until it is fully time within God’s will, when its role in end times events is complete. Hasn’t anyone else been having problems during prayer, or at Mass?” Father responds. “There are so many demons free now with the apostasy and moral decline, and they don’t like us much. An instant exorcism is the exception, you know.” He takes a moment to consider, then adds thoughtfully, “The abomination that causes desolation . . . you know it is possible… “There is little chance of the rule of law going away. Therefore there is no real chance for the lawless one or the abomination to come back into the physical world in a big way, except in the smaller countries and the totalitarian regimes, China, North Korea, the African warlords, South American dictatorships and some of the former Soviet states. These nations suffer under cruel regimes that violently persecute Christians to this day. In some twenty nations around the world thousands of Christian martyrs are being tortured and killed as we speak. If you haven’t signed up for the Voice of the Martyrs newsletter at persecution.com, make a point to do it. The Voice of the Martyrs team is the link the martyrs have to the Church’s awareness and support. VOM staff have been attacked, severely beaten and arrested in the process of getting the word out and rendering aid.32 “The primary modern instance of the abomination must certainly be a spirit, not a man. As a spirit, he can supernaturally coordinate the actions of millions of willing or even unwilling human accomplices to subvert Christ’s agenda while not having to stand up in the middle of church as a human being and give offence openly, and subsequently to suffer an unavoidable and visible defeat at the hands of our modern legal systems. “A man or woman cannot get away with such crimes and blasphemies as are ascribed to the abomination in the modern Church today in the free world—not to a significant extent, and certainly not continuously for an extended time, as Daniel 12 assigns to this event. Remember, the abomination stands in the holy place, not in a position of secular authority. Therefore, it must either be physically or spiritually in the Church, interfering with those attending Mass, or other worship services, or interfering in prayer offered elsewhere. Holiness is wherever God is, or where prayer is being offered to God. This includes the Holy Sacraments. One of those sacraments is marriage. Intensive sabotage by such a powerful spirit certainly fits the high rate of divorce we have seen over the past fifty or sixty years. “The implication of 2 Thessalonians 2 is that the deceiver will be here until it is killed by the manifestations of Christ’s return. If, following John Cardinal Newman’s Advent Sermons on Antichrist, we assume the abomination, the Antichrist, and the deceiver are the same, it becomes clear that none of the earlier human candidates can be the deceiver or the abomination. This is because they have not remained living until the manifestations of Christ’s return could kill them as required by 2 Thessalonians 2. This assumes, of course, that they won’t be resurrected by the devil as a dark miracle. “One or more of the historical persons noted may have embodied the abomination’s spirit for a time, being an instance of the same typological theme, and one of them could be considered the primary embodied instance. However, the final form of this thing is more likely to be a demonic spirit. I’m going to pray about it . . . ” Father Bernie offers a short prayer for discernment of spirits and understanding of scripture. The others affirm. Father deftly flips through his Bible. “Daniel chapter 11—according to the footnotes, the abomination mentioned here has a concrete referent in history: the statue of the Greek god Zeus placed in the Jewish temple by the Seleucid emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes. This occurred two centuries before Christ. 2 Maccabees describes this event. Antiochus himself, who persecuted God’s people in terrible ways, was the primary actor in the event. The statue, however, more technically qualifies as the abomination as it constitutes a false god being worshiped in the house of the true God.33 “On the other hand, in Matthew 24:15, Christ refers to the abomination in clearly a future tense. He warns his disciples and the readers of scripture about what is to come later in the final days. The context of that passage is Christ’s answer to his disciples’ inquiry about how they will know when the end is near, what the signs of Christ’s return will be—his second coming. Antiochus lived and died before Christ, so Christ is clearly referring to something else. Consequently, we are not entitled to dismiss the abomination as merely a past event. “The footnotes at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-434 connect the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians 2 with the abomination references in Daniel 11:36-37.35 The description of the lawless one/deceiver presented at 2 Thessalonians 2 is verbally and conceptually identical to that of the abomination described in Daniel. This establishes that the deceiver and the abomination are one and the same thing, person, or entity. “In this unified view of the three primary spirits, St. Michael restrains the abomination/deceiver until it is time for it to be revealed. Once revealed through the removal of that restraint, it is logical that the pure unrestrained evil would manifest itself in truly abominable ways. Witness the recent spate of senseless violence in the news, school and church shootings, family members killing each other over trivialities, predation on children, even cannibalism; it is clearly demonic. Thus, a similar characteristic is established for identifying the presence of the demon that is both the abomination of Daniel and the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians 2: once unrestrained the spirit is palpably abominable.” “I’d say that was a bit of an understatement,” Joe comments. “The thing is intolerably abominable!” “Here, here!” encourages Garfield. “I’ll concede your correction,” Father agrees, “although I haven’t met the thing myself—thanks be to God! I’ve no desire to, and as an exorcist delegated the bishop’s authority, I guarantee you the meeting wouldn’t last long. “I think we can now see the logic of the scripture’s using three different names to point to the same spirit. Only when it is unrestrained is the deceiver free to act abominably in the holy places, thereby becoming the abomination. “This reveals the terms ‘Antichrist,’ ‘deceiver,’ and ‘abomination’ to be more functional descriptions than formal names. In referencing them by their function, God has not meant to individuate them as separate and distinct beings. The mission of the Antichrist is essentially the same as the deceiver’s after all, and the biblical descriptions of the abomination and deceiver are identical. Much as John Cardinal Newman posited in his famous Advent Sermons on Antichrist, we can confidently consider all three essentially manifestations of the same entity, namely Satan. “I suspect that most of the trouble caused by the Antichrist/abomination will derive from this spiritual entity spreading materialism and antireligious sentiments throughout society. John Cardinal Newman tended to focus on the anticipated manifestation of this evil spirit in the form of a man who would hold some key position of world leadership from which he officially endorses the anti-Christian worldview. But the ongoing dynamics associated with the biblical themes of the Antichrist, deceiver, and abomination, are larger than any one man and any single period of history. “Going back to the theories about Antiochus or his statue of Zeus being the abomination, one should note that the scripture gives two forms of deliverance from the deceiver/abomination. They occur at clearly different points in time. Therefore, we must be dealing with a recurring theme and a spiritual entity, else the evil man must be resurrected. Though theoretically possible, there is no biblical precedent for an evil resurrection. The biblical resurrections were grounded in intense love, not a desire to unleash evil on the world. “In the first instance of deliverance from the abomination cited by scripture, deliverance of the Hebrews from Antiochus’ profanations of the temple, is provided by God afflicting Antiochus with a fatal illness, and by the military defeat of Antiochus. Antiochus’ downfall then made possible the removal of the statue of Zeus and the temple was purified for proper worship of God. “The second deliverance from the abomination cited in scripture is effected by Christ himself in his second coming, or rather the manifestations of it. Those manifestations deliver us from a (presumably spiritual) form of the abomination described in 2 Thessalonians 2 as the deceiver. The implication of a second occurrence of the abomination is clear enough because neither Antiochus, long dead and gone, nor his statue of Zeus, could pose a threat requiring Christ’s intervention via his second coming. This continues the assumption that the three spirits, the Antichrist, the abomination and the deceiver, are one and the same entity. “Thus your assertion of a present appearance of a second instance of the abomination is not obviously contrary to informed biblical interpretation.” “Um-hum,” comes from Joe at the wheel. “It’s as reasonable as hypothesizing an outdoor toilet downwind from twenty yards. And grounded in a similar olfactory experience.” “Wait a minute, wait a minute, all you theological geniuses,” Garfield insists. “Keep your eyes on the road while I sort through my photocopies for a moment.” Garfield alternatively fans, flips, probes, fingers and separates the large stacks of articles on his lap and at his side. He finally settles on an old issue of Biblical Archaeology Review. “Here it is: the missing link. This article connects the spiritual form of the abomination with Antiochus’ statue of Zeus. This is an article from Biblical Archaeology Review, May/June 2006 called ‘Satan’s Throne.’36 “Satan’s Throne? That would be the outdoor toilet again, wouldn’t it?” Clayton jests. “That’s exactly what it is,” Father agrees. Garfield continues. “In this article, the author reports that Saint Justin identified worship of Zeus and the Greek gods with worship of Satan and the demons. Introduction og Greek customs and the statue of Zeus into the Hebrew temple was then tantamount to the introduction of devil worship. It would appear that a primary satanic spirit was involved with the earlier abomination then as well, in addition to the statue and the pagan cultural practices that the Hebrews found so abominable.” “Bravo Garfield! Rest assured there’ll be an extra brownie on your plate for that one. I am planning a new journal article from this research— still shooting for bishop, you know.” Father gives a slight twist of the head towards Garfield to restrain any possible comment on the in pectore list. “You might be interested to know that the term ‘Satan’s Throne’ actually occurs in the Bible at Revelation chapter two in pretty much the same context. It might interest you to know that Revelation 2 also reveals that the notorious prophetess Jezebel was deep into Satanism.” Garfield smiles. Brownies revert him to his childhood. Having spent many hours at the rectory working with Father on the secret journal, he knows that vanilla ice cream is usually stocked as well. That only comes out, however, when things are going especially well. He knows his man. A second trip through these articles couldn’t hurt. Clayton has developed a taste for Father’s brownies too. The experimental shots have oddly increased his appetite and he is already ravenously hungry. He also sees an opportunity for months of intensive biblical research to pay off. “Ahem. I have a scriptural reference that might go well with that article Father, 1 Corinthians 10:19-21. This passage also connects idolatry with the worship of demons, corroborating the assertion of St. Justin that real demonic spirits had insinuated themselves into the practice of worshiping the false Greek gods. It seems that the historical systems of idolatry are likely to have involved more than mere superstitious imagination, golden calves and totem poles. There is a note to John Ryan’s translation of St. Augustine’s Confessions at book 1, chapter 17 that makes the same connection between fallen angels and Greek gods.” “Job well done, Clayton. That snaps right into place.” Father lauds. “But don’t be too surprised at your findings. All the ancient peoples at times and in part at least occasionally fell into demon worship. Moses indicted the Hebrews for doing it in his final speech at Deuteronomy 32. It is a terrible thing, but for the fallen human race predisposed to sin, also a terrible temptation. God will forgive it if we repent, but he is definitely not pleased with it. As one of the gravest of mortal sins, demon worship will send us to hell if we don’t repent it and renounce service to the devil. Sorcery, same basic thing done from a slightly different angle. It is never too late to seek God’s forgiveness, but it is also never too early to repent such grievous sins.” Following so much mental exertion, Father Bernie’s own hunger pangs well at the last moment and it dawns on him that the appetites of those coming to the rectory tonight for the lunar viewing aren’t exactly normal. And that shot is messing with everything. I have never been this hungry in my life. And after that enormous breakfast. “I think I see where this is all going,” Father jokes. “Swing by the grocery on the way into town, Joe. I’ll run in for another box or two of brownie mix, and some vanilla ice cream.” Smiles all around. “Aye, aye, Captain.” Arriving later than intended, they notice the blushing of the moon has begun. Father Herman is waiting on the hood of his T-bird in front of the rectory. “You’re late. I skipped dessert, expecting brownies. Have you no conscience?” Father Bernie laughs. “You’ll get your brownies, Father. Hold on a minute.” The brownies turned out excellent, but the lunar blushing was a bit of an anticlimax. From their vantage point the blood red turned out to be more of a dirty brown. The event, however, was unmistakable. Joe records it on video for Father’s permanent files. Fortunately, Father Herman’s jokes saved the evening, and they all had a great deal of fun. “Did you hear about the Satanist who got lost in the woods?” Father Herman begins. “Is this going to be another joke, Father?” Pam challenges. “Yes, it’s a joke, but did you hear it?” “I have not.” “OK, well, it seems an unfortunate Satanist had wandered far into the woods and lost his way. He has hiked passed a den of bear cubs and an angry mother Grizzly is now chasing him. The Satanist, middle aged and fully out of shape, sees the bear gaining. He desperately appeals to God for help. ‘God, could you please make me a Christian so the bear won’t eat me?’ He was told that to be a Christian he would have to repent his sins, be sorry for the things he’d done wrong, renounce evil and commit to do good. He must ask forgiveness, accepting Christ as savior. He was an evil man, not sorry, but merely crafty. He was trying to trick God into helping him—so, he tried another approach. ‘God, could you just make the bear a Christian?’ A sonorous voice from heaven then replied ‘It is done.’ The bear immediately knelt to pray. Very much relieved, the Satanist overheard the bear praying as he passed: ‘Father, please bless the food I am about to receive.’ ” More jokes followed. They laughed a long time until Father Herman rose to bid everyone “Goodnight!” *** Tuesday morning following Mass, the five of them met again for coffee. All were exhausted, having been beaten up all night by demons. “I hate to mention it . . . ” Joe begins. Father sees the writing on the wall. “Can it wait at least until the coffee arrives? I’m not ready to deal with anything heavy yet this morning.” “I don’t think so, the abomination that causes desolation attended Mass with us Today!” Jim, the waiter, a devout Baptist and their newest team member, has just come over with the coffee. Startled by Joe’s comment, he instinctively turns to Father Bernie. Still half asleep from the hypnotic effect of the experimental shot, Father Bernie is already reaching absently for his cup. The devil sees his chance. It doesn’t take much of a supernatural shove for hand to meet tray with a little jerk at the last moment and…they spill it all! Fortunately, no one is burned. Now that is odd; something grabbed my arm! Father says a short prayer of exorcism. The embarrassed waiter leaves to replace their drinks as the custodian is called over for cleanup. “Now you’ve done it.” Clayton chuckles. “The four of us are persona non grata in here.” “Not likely, with the amount of business Garfield provides this place,” Father muses. “Grrrr . . . ” Garfield fumes affectionately. Jim returns with fresh coffee. Father waits for the coffee to be placed, subconsciously reaching for the cross around his neck, preempting another impulse to his arm that is not his own. Father Bernie assures Jim that nothing really untoward is going on; he will get a full report later tonight at the team meeting. Jim places two heaping trays of complimentary, fresh from the oven bear-claw pastries in the center of the table, relaying the manager’s apologies for the spill. “All my fault,” Father assures. “Don’t give it a second thought, Jim. I’ll speak with Hugh before we leave.” Hardly believing his good fortune, Garfield digs in. “Those smell great!” Pam says, as exhausted as the rest. Father tries one before responding to Joe’s new revelation, dipping it into a steaming hazelnut mocha. “Now, what was that you were saying? The abomination . . . ?’” Father vigorously nods this comment with an incredulous expression. His meaning is clear enough: this time a straitjacket will follow. “Yes…attended Mass,” Joe matter-of-factly affirms. “The Satanists in church were praying to it, if you can believe that—the whole thing was disgusting! You know that chanting sound when everyone is in perfect lockstep while reciting prayer. Some of that is not ours; it’s a satanic chant. Some people are actually praying, if you can call it that, to Satan in church at the same time that prayer is being offered to God. Demons are involved in it! The evil is so close that it can be heard in the sound of their voices.”37 “How can you be sure?” Father challenges only with his lips; his intuition tells him he has heard the same thing. “Spiritual perception—I prayed for the gift of discernment. One of our Christian radio personalities recommended the gift of discernment some time back in an e-mail concerning spiritual warfare. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Father Herman, sitting in the back row, placed the demons under the authority of Christ outright. He revealed the whole thing. He said the monotone intonations we hear are usually just the devil pulling the voices of otherwise good people who are trying not to clash and stay in step with the cadence of the prayer, but in this case, we had some genuine Satanists in Church. He said only the bishop or an exorcist could reliably tell the difference.” “Father Herman refuses to let the devil get away with anything; he’s been fighting this battle for years. Father Herman is a designated exorcist. As an exorcist, he can safely do these things. I’ve been appointed an exorcist too, more recently, in response to the Vatican’s call for exorcists in each diocese.38 I am forced to concede the possibility you address, though one is loath to consider such an abomination. There is scriptural precedent, however, Ezekiel 23:39: ‘On the very day they slew their children for their idols, they entered my sanctuary to desecrate it. Thus they acted within my house.’ “I’ll speak to Father Herman about this. In fact, I’ll invite him over to a team meeting. He can give a presentation on St. Augustine, the Kingdom of Heaven and the City of God, or one of his other books. He’s written quite a few monographs on the saints and end times theology. “I have good discernment too, you know. I’ve prayed for it—many times. I probably have noticed such things. I suppose I’ve dismissed them out of hand as too fantastic, or perhaps, from wanting not to believe it. When you love and serve people so many years you come to expect more from them—eternal optimism I guess. “Couldn’t this be an elaborate ruse, the Antichrist or abomination affecting people to give the impression such things are happening, when in fact they are not?” “It definitely could be a ruse,” Joe allows. “Anything’s possible when it comes to supernatural deception—but that’s not what my gut is telling me. Father Herman agrees. He said it usually is a ruse, but not in this case.” Father may be perfecting some of his other virtues, but honesty is not one he has lacked. He reluctantly concedes. “That’s not what my gut is telling me either . . . . The abomination that causes desolation . . . logically, it does fit. A false god in church; it’s that simple. It’s a perfect spiritual corollary to the previous profanation of the temple in 2 Maccabees 6, the Greek statue of Zeus. Garfield and Clayton, of course, have now raised the possibility that more was involved even there. “Since God’s people are now scattered around the world, one abominable statue in a single temple would not suffice to profane worship. This evil spirit is replicating the previous event theme on a much larger scale. He has had the audacity to profane our church services, bringing pagan Satanists in to revel in their abominations in the midst of Christian prayer. “This hypothesis of yours is not fully implausible, considering I’ve been attacked by demons for eight years now without break. Whatever it is that we’ve got on our hands here, it stands to be a major event on the prophetic timeline. All I’ve got to say about the abomination appearing in Church is it won’t be long now. That is the sign Christ himself gave to indicate that he was close to returning, even standing at the gates.” “Well, that’s an eye opener,” Jim says, leaning in to clear their plates. Garfield rises to go. “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m due at the construction site. By the way, there’s a pinball tournament coming up at Southern Illinois University. Still time to register. Who’s in?” Garfield knows Joe is one of the best players in the area; he won’t pass up a chance to challenge the masters of the game. “Count me in.” Joe says. “What about the rest of you old-timers?” Garfield teases. “It’s easier than tennis.” “No thanks,” Father responds, smiling, “but I may come over to watch. Joe invited me to go on a birding excursion sometime. I picked up a great pair of 8 X 42 binoculars yesterday—fully coated lenses! Maybe we can check out the area on the way home from the tournament. I’ve been studying the new Peterson’s Field Guide to Eastern Birds. I can’t wait to get out in the field! Something I wanted to do since I was a child.” “Honestly, grown men chasing around after a bunch of silly little birds—it’s so ridiculous! When do we start?” Pam loves doing anything with these guys. “I’ll drag the boss along; Hugh and I are engaged now you know.” “Congratulations!” from everybody. “Thanks, guys.” The group’s enthusiasm elicits a blush. “I could use a vacation, myself,” Clayton agrees. “I’ll pack up the wife and kids and we’ll find a nice bed and breakfast in the area, swing by to see how the tournament is progressing, then join the caravan back for birding. The kids enjoy nature as much as I do.” “That sounds like a plan!” Father is in a hurry to get this pinned down so he can put his new field guide to work. “Garfield, here’s my Visa, do me a favor. Check on discount rates for hotels for the tournament visitors and get us all a good discount if you can—good quality, though, nothing cheap. Put Pam and her fiancée’s rooms on my card. It’s an engagement present.” “That’s very kind of you, Father.” Pam knows priests are not wealthy. “You know, Hugh is almost as big a fan of your homilies as I am,” Pam reveals. “Make that adjoining suites, with room service,” Father instructs with a smile. “It’s being done,” Garfield confirms with military form throwing in a Jack Black impersonation from Enemy of the State. The local drama club would be hard pressed without these two guys. He pretends to make a note on his napkin with the tip of his finger. “Put your room on my tab also, Garfield. Merry Christmas!” “Thanks.” Garfield pulls out a real pen. As they rise to leave, Clayton’s wife, Margaret, comes in wearing a startling fall ensemble, an original from Chicago’s best designer. It’s a very limited issue called “Lady Scarlet.” Interestingly, the design is named after the bird, scarlet tanager, not Scarlet O’Hara in Gone with the Wind. Subtle and varied shades of lightly silvered green and yellow closely correspond to the female of the species. They shimmer and blend as Margaret moves towards them, effervescing new and more complex hues and lines with each step. “Wow!” comes from Clayton. “The dress came in!” The Café’s patrons are visibly delighted. Often joining her husband in the gym, Margaret has a physical beauty strong enough to carry the elegant fashion. Her smile increases with each regal stride. Margaret’s long hair is an especially rich shade of chestnut, but does not clash. This is not so odd as Breminger designed the fashion with her in mind. Occasional spears and splashes of faded chestnut appear at the curves, offering a hint of the full fall partnership in nature, a hint that her beautiful hair magnificently fulfills. Clayton is already standing when she says, “Take me somewhere!” “The ballgame?” “No.” He takes her arm, his mouth fully agape. “When did it come in?” “Friday afternoon—I saved it.” Clayton hears a snap of the fingers from behind. “Another suite upgrade.” “It’s being done.” “That dress could have come from only one place. How in the world did she swing an original from Breminger’s?” Pam wonders aloud, staring at the visual magic moving towards the door. “He saved the man’s life on the battlefield; that’s how she swung it. Clayton was also a member of another team that rescued Breminger a year later from a prisoner of war camp. Before all that happened, Breminger did a tour as an Air Force pararescueman in Clayton’s squad.” “His Medal of Honor! That’s the guy he saved, Rudolph Breminger!!!?” “That’s the guy.” “He should have thrown in a tux.” “Oh, he has one,” Father corrects. “I’m holding it. Clayton intends to surprise Margaret when they renew wedding vows next year. “In fact, Joe and I both have a tux from Breminger’s. He told us our money is no good while he breathes on this earth. A friend of Clayton’s is a friend of his. Breminger is a fascinating guy. I’ll introduce you sometime.” “I hate to beg.” Father wraps the remaining pastry in a napkin as everyone stands to leave for home. Jim slips up and hands them all a to go bag with more. Hugh overheard the comment about the suite upgrade. He waves Father Bernie off with a grand smile. Falling behind with Joe as they exit, Father pumps his thumb between his first two fingers near the opposite arm to remind Joe that tomorrow morning is the second injection of the genetic experiment. The second shot was described as giving people the most trouble; those in the group ahead reported some real adverse reactions and side-effects. Father is a bit worried, but Joe pats his wallet as if to say “money in the bank.” They were not given a lot of detail about the goals of the experiment, only that the Army hopes to reduce vulnerability to radiation and chemical weapons. The unofficial scuttlebutt has it that they are really trying to increase the human lifespan. As they all know, sometimes the scuttlebutt is on target, and sometimes it is not. As dusk settles in, Joe and Father Bernie retire early in anticipation of another round of fainting spells. Clayton, however, has forgotten the entire project. After spending the rest of the morning browsing the art galleries and museums with his elegant wife, further enhanced by fine dining in the evening, he is now joyously gliding the most beautiful woman in the world around the dance floor. The fairy tale continues long past midnight. He’ll regret that bottle of expensive wine, tomorrow after the shot, but it was a night to remember. Clayton drops off to sleep wondering the same thing as Joe: how to explain the new sports car certain to appear in the driveway after the next six months payment. He surprised his wife with a Volvo station wagon tonight. Accepting delivery on the maxed-out Toyota Spider will stretch his credibility beyond the breaking point. Their wives still haven’t been told—waiting for the right moment. The events of tomorrow, however, will obviate his concerns. There will be no sports car. CHAPTER 5 Our Father’s (War) Plan Wednesday 2:00 P.M. “Father Bernie speaking.” “It’s Joe, Father. I feel like death warmed over.” “I know, I’m on sick leave again today, myself,” Father replies from the leather recliner next to his phone at home. A series of beeps comes on the line. “Hang on a minute, Joe. I’ve got another call. I’ll get right back to you.” “Father, this is Clayton . . . I . . . uh . . . ” Father hears the phone drop, then something bigger. No further words are forthcoming. He clicks Joe back on. “Joe, call your emergency contact. Tell them Clayton is in trouble. I’m going over there.” Running his Volkswagen through the gears in Grand Prix form, Father cuts off his bishop at the first stoplight but doesn’t stop to apologize. Bishop Karl was called in to cover Mass because of Bernie’s illness. He just catches the Bishop’s enthusiastic wave and—“I hope you feel better! Bishop Shasta” wafting out the car window. Some secret. He gives himself no time to ponder the situation further. Sprinting the eight blocks in record time, Father slides against the curb and exits in one motion, leaving the car door open. Getting no answer at the bell, he knocks loudly, announces himself, and then tries the door. Finding it unlocked, he looks in. There’s Clayton sprawled on the floor near the phone in the dining room! Blood is clearly in evidence. “Clayton!” Running over, Father immediately applies his Army first aid training. A quick examination reveals that Clayton has banged his head on the brass-shrouded foot of a table leg. Strong pulse, steady breathing: that’s comforting. He bandages the head wound expertly, cutting strips and pad from a towel, then pours a little cold water onto Clayton’s face. No reaction—that’s not good. Well, they shouldn’t be long behind him. He’ll get real medical attention soon enough. Father stands and reads Margaret’s note on the refrigerator about being out to the market. I hope they beat her home. If she finds out about this, she’ll kill me. He remembers Clayton’s remark that Margaret did some amateur boxing after college. He can see the headlines now: “Priest KO’d by Enraged Wife.” Fortunate that he has tied up the episcopate. A screeching of tires comes through the open door, then another, and a third. “Please God let it be the DOD.” Joe enters first, followed by an Air Force officer in battle dress uniform. Two enlisted men in hospital whites are next. The officer’s sidearm goes unnoticed for the moment. No sign of Margaret. “If adverse reactions are going to be the norm, we’ll need to get some house keys made,” Joe suggests. “This is not going to be a walk in the park.” “Don’t bother with the keys just yet,” comes from behind. The Air Force officer looks grim. “I’ll explain on the way to the clinic.” Clayton moves a little. “His back’s OK, sir. We’ll have him on a stretcher in a moment.” The medics are all business. “Good, we’ll wait in the car. Follow me,” the officer instructs. They do. Twenty years of service don’t disappear overnight. The ‘car’ turns out to be the sedan of an Air Force flag officer . . . and the flags are flying. It is parked in front of a dark Chevy Suburban . . . no, on closer inspection, two Suburbans, and plenty of occupants, all in camouflage BDUs, short-barreled M-16s at the ready. That was the first surprise. Several miles out of town, they get the second. “This looks more like an airport than a hospital,” Father observes. “It’s an airport,” the driver confirms bluntly. “Oh!” is all Father Bernie can manage. He knows there was no airport here two weeks ago because he was out here looking for field birds at sunrise on his day off. Both Joe and Father Bernie notice the sense of urgency in these troops. Experience tells them there is more to this than an adverse reaction to a shot, even a Top Secret shot. They see hurried activity all over the tarmac: planes taxiing and support equipment scurrying about. It’s almost like . . . a military base—no, scratch that, of course it’s a military base. But it’s more like . . . a forward operating base. The similarity strikes them all at the same time. Noting their alarm, the Air Force colonel reassures them. “We brought in a mobile field hospital in that converted airliner ahead. After Clayton’s debriefing the docs can check him more carefully. The rest of this is…, well, its’ all Air Guard on annual training.” Gabriel’s instructions were to tell them anything to get them on the plane. “Field hospital . . . for one patient?” Father knows that annual training traditionally happens in midsummer. But it can be scheduled at other times by exception. However, that is typically done for individuals. There must be three of four whole units out here. He looks the colonel in the eye and doesn’t like what he sees. This guy is BSing me. There is a security corridor ahead: a ring of armed soldiers at a drive through checkpoint. Off to the right a fleet of bulldozers is leveling ground as if planes were coming in behind them. “Training,” the colonel repeats. The driver flips a wallet badge ID out the window, barely slowing as they pass the security checkpoint. As Father Bernie’s Suburban coasts to the gantry abutting the plane, Clayton rolls past on a stretcher. He mumbles something incoherent and waves his hand at the hectic flightline. Four medical technicians hustle him on board. “What did he say, Father?” Joe exits on the far side as the engines begin warming up loudly. Father shouts above the din, “It sounded like ‘Are you seeing what I’m seeing?’” “I didn’t catch it,” the colonel says. “Let’s go ask him.” “I didn’t think we had an airport on this side of town,” Father remarks as they find what they assume will be a brief seat on board the hospital ship, already jammed with people. “We don’t,” comes from behind. It’s Clayton, being laboriously assisted by a groaning med-tech under each arm. He has bulked up to 260 pounds in the past year for local power-lifting competitions. The medtechs are happy to lower their lumpy burden into a seat opposite Joe and Father. “Mild concussion, he’ll make it,” the senior medical technician reports. Clayton is way ahead of the others in his estimate of the situation. Knowing he can blame it on the concussion, he risks a casual remark to the colonel. Rubbing his head while staring vacantly into space, he calls down the aisle. “I’ll take that drink now stewardess.” This colonel, however, cannot be taken off guard. He’s heard it all. Colonel Johnson smiles, surprising them in turn with, “I’ll see what I can do.” Johnson fumbles through the storage compartments up front, returning with a bottle of Jack Daniels from his personal gear. The inflight attendant provides plastic glasses all around. “I told you it was a field hospital.” The colonel pours one for Clayton, leaving him the bottle. “We are off duty for at least another twelve hours. I’m in command of this nonexistent unit. Consider this a prescription for everyone, moral and religious convictions permitting.” “Alcohol is not good for a concussion.” Joe checks the colonel’s uniform insignia. “That’s a missile badge. You’re not a doctor.” “No, I’m not, but my prescription is on the house. I’ll be up front for a moment.” “Game face” Clayton mutters weakly, taking a long sip despite Joe’s contrary advice. “What?” “Game face . . . it’s what I was trying to tell you back there. These guys have their game face on. They’ve been called to war. They are executing an OpPlan, and in a hurry, and doing it pretty much in the dark. They don’t know any more about what’s happening than we do.” “What’s happening? What do you mean what’s happening? Is something happening?” “No, duh!” “You mean they’re implementing a contingency response for adverse medical reactions to these secret inoculations, right?” Father naively suggests. “No, Father, I mean an OpPlan. This is the real deal.” Joe has an additional concern. “Did he say ‘we’ are off duty?” “I think he did,” Father confirms. A washed out expression displaces his natural confidence. The plane moves without warning. They fall in behind a line of F-16 fighters taxiing to the main runway. “Oh sh . . . !” Joe exclaims, catching himself too late. He starts to get it. Looking out across the airfield, Joe sees a number of inbound planes quickly traverse the recently installed temporary runway. There, another just touching down. Man, he’s clearing in an awful hurry. Joe turns to Father. “Adverse reactions my hind buttocks! We’re going to war!” Joe reaches a plastic cup across the aisle to Clayton, who fills it. Father takes that cup numbly, handing Joe an empty one in return. The Air Force colonel returns to address their unspoken questions. “Yours is not the only call we’ve received today.” Looking out the window at the ever-increasing planes and helicopters lining up, Joe leans over to whisper “This guy is a shoe-in for general.” Clayton’s combat experience tells him the colonel is just warming up. “What can you tell us?” “The vaccines are contaminated—seriously.” “That much I guessed,” Clayton confirms pointing to his bandaged head. “Sabotage?” Father speculates. “We don’t know.” “And . . . ” Joe prompts. “And . . . there are more people in the program than you were led to believe,” the colonel confesses. Planes continue to arrive. Still at the window, Joe, notes with increasing alarm an A-10 Warthog tank killer, F-117 Stealth Fighter, B-1 bomber, a C-130P rescue craft, Joint Strike Fighter, V-22 Osprey, F-15, F-16, and a C-17 transport. As an ancient B-52 lumbers in a security corridor springs up around it. Joe reports his findings to the others. “Now I get it. We are flying patients to the hospital in tank killers, in case of road rage. That makes perfect sense—for the Army.” He elbows Father Bernie. Father does not take up the gauntlet and insult the Air Force as custom would normally dictate. He is far too alarmed by all this. The colonel corrects Joe’s error. “Actually, we are dispersing our inventory.” Colonel Johnson is not insulted by what might otherwise pass for disrespect in more routine matters. These men are all retired—civilians for all intents and purposes. He respects Clayton’s combat experience, having reviewed his military service record and decorations. He is required under law to salute Clayton as a Medal of Honor recipient. Being a devout Christian, he very much respects the priest. He’ll roll with their punches until the shock wears off. The event being less than thirty-six hours old, he is still wrestling to clear his own head. Flipping back his eye lids, Clayton lisps “dispersing . . . our . . . inventory” over a thick tongue with a comedic wide-eyed nod at all the activity. He is trying not too successfully to impersonate the harried Mel Gibson character, Jerry, from the movie Conspiracy Theory. “Gravy for the brain” he laughs, tipping the glass. He’s on his third cup, but no one’s counting at this point. None of these men drink beyond moderation, but they are struggling to fight the shock of being officially kidnapped into an ominous event of terrible portent for which they have not the slightest explanation. It doesn’t take a prophet to see that things are going to get worse before they get better. Father is the only one who doesn’t crack a smile at Clayton’s antics. He sees tragedy written all over this. After lifting its nose to climb, the plane tilts to port revealing a line of vehicles approaching the flightline below. This congeals into an interminable snake as they watch, absorbing an increasing number of buses and cargo trucks. An AWACS pulls alongside to starboard. Father is the first to comment. “This looks like a full activation: Guard, Reserve…everything.” Clayton goes further: “It looks like an evacuation to me.” The colonel is silent. “This might be a good time for a prayer,” Joe suggests. Colonel Johnson surprises them by kneeling in the aisle to begin: “Our Father in heaven . . . ” Rising with the “Amen,” he heads forward. “I must confer with the pilot.” Joe is the first to speak the obvious. “Well Geraldo,” referring to Clayton, “in your masterful interview of Colonel Johnson might there be anything you forgot to ask?” “Like what?” Clayton asks, numbly. “Like where we are going?” Joe looks wistfully out the window at his hometown fading away in the distance. “And why?” Father adds. It’s Clayton’s turn to gaze wistfully out the window. “Looks like our wives are going dancing alone tonight.” “Elizabeth should be getting her package just . . . about . . . ” Joe checks his watch, and smiles “ . . . now!” Since the payments began for the test program, Joe has made an exact science of studying both the United Parcel Service and FedEx delivery routes in his neighborhood. The gifts, arriving several times each week, are not extravagant. To his credit, the larger portion of his extra income has gone to charity. But Joe allows his family some reward for the risk he is taking with his health—and he wants them to know they are well loved . . . just in case. “What’s in it?” Father pretends to inquire. He knows full well that Joe is baiting Clayton. “Oh, something nice to wear . . . from Chicago.” Joe places the bait, and then sits back, waiting. Clayton isn’t long in taking it. “Chicago!” “Yep.” Joe flashes an unmistakable Cheshire cat grin. “That Breminger is the best!” “You didn’t! I’m telling Father on you. Father, he’s a copy cat!” Clayton pretends to be angry, waving his fists around like Fred Sanford. Joe extends an arm to ward off a possible punch. “It’s not the same color, shades of peach, orange pastels and light yellows. It’ll be gorgeous. Just a hint of the oriental in the cut. Margaret gave me permission. It’s called Summer Tanager. Now they can wow the town together.” “No question but they will.” Clayton’s facetious tantrum subsides. “I can’t wait to see it, copycatting notwithstanding.” “I hope we do see it,” Father worries aloud, as a fighter escort pulls up off each wing. As Colonel Johnson strides past to brief his troops in the rear, Father Bernie takes the opportunity to probe for clues without pressing. “Are the AWACS and the fighter escort coming with us?” “They are, Father. I’ll keep you informed as the situation develops.” “Thank you, Colonel.” *** “Special delivery Mom . . . from Chicago,” four-year-old Julia Scranton informs her mother. “Thank you, sweetheart,” Elizabeth says, hurrying to the door with the cell phone for security. “There’s fresh cheesecake in the freezer when your coloring’s done. And, Julia, let Mom answer the door next time, will you, it’s not safe until you are bigger, OK?” “OK, Mom. Thanks!” Julia gives her Mom a sideways hug on the way past. At age four, she’s already a startling brunette soon to drive the boys crazy at school. For now, though, she is content to snuggle comfortably under the arm of her best friend and confidant—her mother, not in the slightest hurry for adulthood. Elizabeth turns to the delivery driver. “Breminger’s!” “Are you Elizabeth?” “Yes!” “Sign here, please. Thank you.” He quickly hands her the box. “Did you see the news?” “I saw it.” She prefers not to think about it. Her family has been through enough war. She struggles to grasp the wide package with her left hand without dropping it. “This is awfully big.” As the box slips, she looks back to the driver for assistance, but he’s already gone. “Thank you, and may God bless,” she calls after him. “God bless you too ma’am,” comes back. She immediately removes the outer wrap, then the string around the carefully cushioned box inside. The FedEx driver is in his truck before the scream comes. A smaller one follows as Julia comes in and sees the magnificent dress. Mom gets another hug. Elizabeth carries the dress upstairs to the full-length bedroom mirror. Dialing with her left hand, she holds the wildly effervescing fashion up to the sunlight, which has a fantastic effect. “Joe Scranton, please.” She holds . . . “He left work early?” “Yes Ma’am” “Is he coming back?” “I don’t know, Ma’am. Just a moment, here’s the boss. Mr. Garger!” “Steve, how are you? We missed you for Trivial Pursuit Friday night.” “Better. A stomach bug of some kind,” Steve lies. “I’ll make the next one. To what do I owe the honor of this call?” “I’m looking for Joe. He’s in a lot of trouble,” she says, her voice laughing. “I see. Well, at the moment I’m looking for him too.” Steve doesn’t say all he knows. He just had a phone call from his DOD contact. Steve’s in the research program too, unbeknownst to the others. “Joe left in a hurry about 2:30 and didn’t say where he was going. I need him rather urgently myself. My computer died. He’s the only miracle worker I can afford.” “I can’t afford him! But I’m not complaining. Well, anyway, God bless you and your computer. Ask him to call me the minute he comes in.” “You know I will, Elizabeth. Take care. Nice to talk to you.” She twirls and glides down the hall, then back, then down the hall again . . . . The dinner will be special tonight, she’ll see to that. Clayton and Margaret will join them. Their children will baby-sit ours, then dancing. Elizabeth quickly touches up the dress and hangs it with the greatest care. She hurries downstairs to see to dinner. Noting her enthusiasm, Julia decides to help . . . and they create a masterpiece. Unfortunately, Dad will not get to eat it. Two hours later, Margaret shows up with the kids, but without Clayton. Then the news: DEFCON 2, followed by a Defense Emergency. Later in the evening, an Air Defense Emergency is declared. Jargon and acronyms! Why doesn’t someone just say what happened! They had no idea what to do, or who to call—but this was no coincidence. Their husbands were caught up in it somehow. They talked the kids into avoiding the news with some difficulty, putting on Disney movies instead. All stations were being preempted by Pentagon briefings. Then Steve called. Then Steve came over. Elizabeth was immediately in front of him, blocking his path. “Where’s my husband, Steve? I don’t know how, but after twenty years in the Air Force, I know you know something. Where’s my husband?” Sitting down, she begins to cry. Margaret consoles her, while barely managing herself. Steve can’t stand to see women or children cry. “Elizabeth . . . I . . . uh” He almost made a slip of the tongue. Saved by the doorbell! It’s Garfield. Steve’s relief is short-lived. Garfield’s four hundred twenty-five pounds immediately backs him into the corner. “OK, Chief Master Sergeant Steve, where are they? All the military retirees have disappeared—except you!” “I can’t tell you much. There’s a war on. Retirees have been summoned back by an emergency act of Congress.” Boy, this is getting tough in a hurry. “Oh re . . . al . . . ly?” Garfield leans down into Steve’s face, indicating that the obvious and known won’t be nearly enough. “Will they be here for dinner?” Elizabeth asks, knowing the answer. “No,” is all she gets. Elizabeth has been through deployments before, but not the very dangerous ones Margaret has had to wait out. She decides. She’ll remain optimistic and calmly wait it out, like before. “Let’s go in to eat. You two too.” Elizabeth indicates Steve and Garfield. “Steve, you can explain over dessert.” She turns to shout up the stairs for the little ones. “Kids! Come down for dinner.” “Yippee!” comes back in a small feminine voice. A moment later two of the cutest miniature people God ever made carefully make their way down the stairs smiling, closely shepherded by Clayton’s older ones: Jeanette and David. “This better be good,” the little boy says to his sister. They were just about to save the zoo animals that had escaped on the Disney computer game. “It will be. I helped to make it. Just wait ’til dessert!” Julia whispers in her brother’s ear. “Where’s Dad?” she says, looking around. Mom doesn’t hide anything from them. It’s better than their hearing from another child, bluntly and out of context. “Dad ’s gone on business again.” David gives her a poignant look. Joe’s six-year-old son, Jonathan, surprises them with his confidence. “He’ll be back. He always comes back.” “Mom?” Julia asks, her danger instincts alerted, but only at a subconscious level. She doesn’t know what it all means. “Yes, dear?” “They’re fighting aren’t they? It came on TV.” “Yes sweetheart, but it’ll be over soon. Let’s see how dinner turned out, shall we?” “Yippee!” Elizabeth set a beautiful table, candles included, and the several courses of gourmet creations were indeed perfect. Nonetheless, it was a long time to dessert for the adults waiting for news, and also for Jonathan who thought the ginger marinade on the salmon was a terrible mistake— he is used to butter and lemon. Steve braces to make the announcement. The adults visibly hold their breath. Faces reveal the preparations they have made. Lips tighten, eyes become moist, yet hopeful. “Well, how’d you like it?” little Julia blurts to everyone’s delight, preempting the awful tension. She is a precious little girl. “The best meal I’ve eaten in my life!” Garfield effuses with complete honesty. Their masterpiece has not gone unappreciated. He dips the serving spoon into the persimmon pudding by way of corroboration. “This pudding came out perfect!” “Hurray!” Julia gives Mom a high five across the corner of the table, smiling broadly at everyone. “You kids run along upstairs and play, we have to do the dishes.” “OK, Mom,” Jonathan agrees. His mind is already back in the game room trying to figure out where a giraffe could possibly hide in the City Park. “Mom, can you bring some more pudding to us up there?” Now sister knows it was good; Jon doesn’t fake anything regarding food. Mom gives him a nod and a heart-warming smile. “No, problem, dear, you run along and play.” Garfield volunteers to deliver it. “It’ll be there before you find the giraffe.” He knows what the kids have been up to. David nudges the kids along. “Come on. Let’s help Goofy save the zoo animals!” At sixteen, David already has some fatherly instincts. He’ll make a good one. The younger children like David because he treats them as equals. He isn’t rude like the other big kids. Eleven-year-old Jeanette runs ahead to prepare the computer. Jonathan jogs after her but little Julia slows and becomes serious as she passes Garfield, who is one of her very favorite people. “I can count,” she announces. “Let’s see,” Garfield tests, holding out two enormous fingers. “I can do more than that.” Julia responds, gathering her thoughts to be sure—she’s been practicing. “Two fingers are for little kids.” He puts out two more. “One, two . . . three . . . four! See.” She has no doubt that she is right. “Absolutely right!” Garfield says with surprise. “Great job!” He pats her head softly, the gentlest of giants. “Father Bernie is teaching me—mostly about God. He said God gave me a wonderful gift, and I should learn to use it.” “I’m sure he is right, Julia. Keep praying, and God will teach you.” They hear music from the introduction to the Disney game coming down the stairs. “I think brother is starting without you.” “Will you play it with us sometime, Garfield?” The kids have accepted Garfield as one of themselves. “Very next visit,” Garfield promises. “I like Disney too. Goofy is my favorite.” Again, he is completely honest. “Hurray!” She runs off to brother. “Absolutely the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” Garfield confirms everyone’s thoughts. Elizabeth beams with pride. Margaret is proud too. They’ve come through a lot. The kids have turned out well, but she worries about invisible scars from Dad’s recurring absence during the early years. She finds little evidence of it these days and has come to believe the Lord has healed them and made them happy again. Every prayer answered. The news broadcast from the Pentagon blurt into her consciousness from the other room. Her hands go to her face. “Steve, I hate to put you on the spot. But we have to know something. The news has everyone scared to death,” Elizabeth begins. “We’re scared too, Elizabeth,” Steve surprisingly confesses. “This situation is not normal. We don’t know what to expect.” “Oh, God!” Margaret puts her hands to her face again, looking up in prayer. All wait, giving her a moment, silently affirming. “Steve . . . ” she takes another moment to recover, struggling to get the next words out through the enemy’s unseen spiritual barriers. “I’ve been praying a lot lately. God’s hand is in this.” “It is,” Steve just manages. He is a tough guy, but he cries when God blesses him. He reaches for his handkerchief. “I can’t tell you details, and I honestly don’t know where they are. I haven’t been told. I’m still here because of my prior personnel experience. I run the processing unit. Our job is to get everyone else out.” “Get everyone else out!” The language strikes Margaret as incongruous. “Deploy them. You know the routine, Margaret: arrange their vaccinations and equipment, and send them to the right plane.” “Steve, you said ‘get everyone else out,’ not ‘deploy.’ ” Margaret reaffirms her challenge. She’s been through enough military crises to know the language. “Did I?” Steve holds her gaze, his eyes twinkling enough to pass his message, but not so much as would justify a court martial for revealing military secrets. Last night’s security briefing does not permit him to say what is happening in so many words. After Drambuie and a Cuban cigar on the porch for the men, Elizabeth escorts Steve to the door. “Steve, keep us informed, will you?” She averts her face, not wanting to reveal the pleading that must be there. Steve doesn’t have to see it, he knows. “Absolutely everything I’m allowed to say. Just as soon as I know.” “Thanks, Steve.” “Oh, Elizabeth, will you do me a favor? Can I stash my gear in your closet? I am afraid to let Susan see it. The news broadcasts have frightened her. It’s not a deception, really, because my unit has no intention of deploying me, but we are required to make these preparations. If she sees the deployment bags, she’ll assume the worst, and nothing I say will change her mind. It’s truly for the best, for her sake. Trust me.” “If you think so, Steve. I’ll make some room.” “Oh, great! I’ll be right back.” Steve jogs to his car, retrieving two enormous canvas satchels from the trunk. Despite the fact that he trains with Clayton at the gym, he labors to get them to the door, where he is obliged to rest for a moment. “Getting old, Steve?” Elizabeth chides. “Yes” is all she gets. Steve groans as he picks up the bags. “Where do you want them?” “Here, in the foyer closet.” She strides across the white tiled squares, gleaming beneath vaulted ceiling and brass candelabra, to swing the door back. Steve stacks them neatly to the rear with a sigh of relief. They might need these, the little ‘dickenses.’ He dotes over Joe’s kids as if they were his own. If worst comes to worst now, they’ll have what they need. Steve ordered two Israeli children’s gas masks from the Internet and added them to the water supplies, Nuke Protect radiation pills, freeze dried food, and military issue adult gas masks stored in the bags. There is a letter with instructions to the nearest, still secret, fallout shelter. He’ll have to trust God to lead them to the bags. He truly wants to tell them to be prepared now but he can’t say any more; he swore an oath. With any luck, they’ll get a civil defense announcement in time. “I’ll give you a daily update, Elizabeth. Not to worry, your Air Force is awake.” Steve pecks her cheek and hurries off. He has a twelve-hour shift to pull at the processing center tonight. Steve risks another significant look back over his shoulder in the twilight. Elizabeth gets the message: things are bad. Elizabeth returns to the others. Garfield is just coming down with empty pudding bowls. I can’t believe it. I actually found the giraffe! The giraffe was the last. All are now safely recovered. Mickey and Goofy are fully ecstatic over their success, as are the kids, who are all cheering Garfield loudly. This is not only for saving the zoo animals but because he has promised to bring up sodas and negotiate with Elizabeth and Margaret for popcorn and an extra hour or two of extended play time. “Permission granted, Garfield. Go for it!” he is informed by the women. The ladies collapse into chairs and stare blankly at each other, ignoring the by now ubiquitous maps of the Middle East on the TV. Elizabeth clicks it off. Margaret extracts one of the Cuban cigars normally reserved for the men from the ornate silver humidor Elizabeth has offered, a gift from Rudolph Breminger. Elizabeth leans over to light it, warning Margaret to beware ashes falling on the priceless fashion she is wearing. The blunted oversized stogie is a fashion accouterment even Breminger had not anticipated. Retrieving one for herself, she puffs expertly after cracking the windows open, enjoying the soothing effect, then replenishes the liqueur. “Are you smoking, Mom?” Jeanette accuses loudly from upstairs. “Just this once, Jeanie. This war thing is hard to deal with. It won’t happen again.” “It better not!” “Your daughter looks after your health I see,” Elizabeth says smiling. “She thinks I’m old already. Hah!” Emotional torpor is momentarily assuaged by the expensive stimulants. But they soon fall back into the chairs and resume staring blankly around the room, stunned beyond any avoidance. “Just too much, too fast” Margaret sighs, collapsing further into the comfort of Joe’s favorite brown leather recliner. After a moment, Elizabeth makes an effort to reclaim her focus. “We should stay informed.” She punches the remote to bring back the news. “I’ll get coffee and start the kids’ popcorn. It’ll take four bags for that crew in there, or I’m no military spouse. Turn up the volume, Maggie. I’ll listen from the kitchen.” The first announcement has her leaning over the counter that divides the kitchen from the living area on one side and the formal dining room on the other. “Not since the ’73 Arab-Israeli war and the Cuban missile crisis have the nation’s strategic forces reached this level of alert . . . ” “If that was our last meal, Elizabeth, I want you to know it was a darn good one,” Margaret calls into the kitchen. “I’ll take that as a compliment. “Julia wants to be a chef, now. She doesn’t know it is a male dominated niche. Isn’t that the oddest thing to have happened, men dominating cooking?” “Very strange.” “Well, they don’t dominate it here. Although, in all fairness, Joe’s charcoal-grilled burgers are to die for. More pudding?” “Please.” *** At the White House, the President calls his aide into the Oval Office, meeting him at the door. “Number one: battle dress uniforms, medium starch, enough for three weeks, followed by pizza, lots of nice lovely pizza. Keep it all coming until told otherwise. We’ve got a situation here. Sodas, coffee, Sobe Tsunamis if you can find them…brain food, brownies, nut bread, whatever. “Orange cream and coconut Tsunamis,” the Chief of Staff leans around the President from behind. The President pushes him back and continues. “Add a dozen aides to White House staff on a ninety-day order; four more computer clerks; a field grade war planner from each service; logistics technicians; and some sane operations planners from the intelligence agencies. Let them pull double duty if necessary, but I want six hours of their time seven days a week until this is over. “Also, round up the guys I used to work with in the Pentagon. Check my duty history for the unit and the dates. Ask Headquarters USAF to run a query. Give those names to Chairman Wiles. He’ll reassign them to me. I’m building an operations planning and evaluation team right here in the Whitehouse for my end of Gabriel. See to it.” “Gabriel, sir? That’s a new one. What do I need to know about it?” “Just the name, Bob. Just the name. I can’t smell the pizza . . . ” “Out the door, Mr. President.” Bob turns to the Secretary’s desk, but she is way ahead of him, already on the phone to the kitchen. “Lots of nice lovely pizza . . . ” he hears. “Bob,” she calls after him, “you had better call downtown too. We won’t want to fall short on this. The boss is talking about putting a major operations center in there, 24-7.” “OK, Betty. I’ll take care of it right away.” The President then turns to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the military services. “General Wiles?” “Yes, Mr. President?” “Get somebody from your black operations team at the Pentagon in here to brief me on Project Gabriel. Roscoco, if he’s available.” The President looks out across the Potomac. ‘Be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves’ . . . I never dreamed that acts of faith could . . . “When do you want him here, Mr. President?” the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs asks. “Yesterday.” The general nods to his aide who steps down to the secure communications facility in the basement. He’s back in fifteen minutes. “Roscoco will be here within twenty minutes. Here’s a classified disk with the briefing notes.” “Let me have it.” Feeling a blessing, the President smiles returning to his desk. This whole Gabriel thing seems to be in the hands of God—literally! “You’ll need a special machine for that, sir,” the aide reminds him. “I’ll use yours, Chairman, if you don’t mind.” President Lewis takes off his jacket and roles up his sleeves. If I ever get anything right, it has to be this. . . .focus! “Yes sir, Mr. President.” General Wiles places his Project Gabriel laptop on the President’s desk, and opens the classified software. “Just double click the file named ‘Messenger’ on the desktop. It’s ready to go.” “Thank you, Ken.” And whose side are you on? How can you be sure of anyone in this demonic surge? He begins to review the briefing notes. Fully automated combat decision support system—It’ll take God to make this work! After a few moments “Major Roscoco’s here, sir,” comes over the intercom. “I’ll come out to get him,” the President advises. He is up and across the room in an instant. “Good afternoon, Mr. President!” the major says formally, greeting his old friend with a supported handshake that quickly turns into a hug. “Hello, Gene,” the President says, releasing his hand and putting his left arm around Gene’s shoulders as they pivot toward the desk to address the daunting task at hand. “Skip the formalities, Gene. Assume a fieldworking environment until this idiocy is over. Let’s get this done. Our school children think we are competent enough to keep them safe.” “Right, Monty.” They march through the Oval Office quick time in military cadence. “Gene and Walt Books are the only two guys I allow to call me Monty,” the President informs the room. “They know exactly where the skeletons are buried, where I’ve been and what I’ve done . . . well, not all of it.” The Chief of Staff smiles. Always laugh at the boss’s jokes: rule number one. It is true that the President’s background in Air Force war plans and CIA operations matches Gene’s nearly to the assignment. “You’re on my staff, Gene, until this is over—effective immediately.” He nods to the general. “Make it happen.” “Yes sir, Mr. President.” General Wiles nods to his aide, who picks up a secure cell phone. “Walt, Captain Deter. I’m at the White House. TDA Major Roscoco to the President’s staff—effective immediately. Mark the order Top Secret. Mask key information with false data. Understood?” “False data is what we do best, here, sir,” Sgt. Books says smiling. “My typewriter seems especially designed for it.” Answering the phone at his relatively new and fully unknown office in the Pentagon, Technical Sergeant Walter Books speaks through the smile his staff has come to believe has been surgically implanted. Walt, of course, was alluding to his poor typing ability, not to a cryptography machine. No clerk-typists have arrived to support his office because of the extraordinary background checks required to work Project Gabriel. Walt is a good man to have in a tight spot, fully reliable; but secretary of the month he is not. His rapid hunt and peck style has produced an error rate already legendary in the Pentagon. The incessant smile returns. Walt has been this way since the night of the angelic trumpet call three years ago, the night he received a prophetic revelation of his own death. An urgent call like this from the President’s staff is enough to remind him of what project Gabriel is really about. Though the black operations staff at the Pentagon has been in disarray since the unexpected crisis developed—they are still scrambling to catch up—Walt’s faith has held him up well. He actually seems happy about all of this. Slaphappy, the staff suspects. They are exhausted to the point of failure by the extra workload and extended hours. A normal office would have laid on temporary help by now to alleviate the strain, but temp personnel would not know how to use the new machine and they would not have the extraordinary security clearance required to access its data. “I’ll fax the order to you in five minutes, Captain,” Walt guarantees. Walt turns to his trusted senior assistant, Sgt. Donald Strickland, another good man lacking basic typing skills. “Put Roscoco on a temporary duty assignment to the White House, Don—do it now. Make something up for the code word and have him report to the national security advisor. I’ll sign it, and fax it right back to them. Don’t waste time on the bureaucratic details. Nobody cares. Fill in the entire order with asterisks if you have to, fictionalize the key stuff. Do it your own way, but I want that order in my hands in five minutes— understood?” “Consider it done, Walt.” Don has already turned to his keyboard. “When it’s done go down to the lounge and get some rest and a shower. We’ll worry about ‘adminisitrivia’ later.” Walt twists his mouth in disgust, glaring at stacks upon stacks of nonessential paperwork piled up on their desks. “Come back when you’re rested, Don, but no later than midnight. Then I’ll do the same. We’ll make a proper shift schedule tomorrow and be human again.” “That’ll be nice, Walt.” Don nods his affirmation as he types. Don knows about the revelation. It has placed a heavy burden on the two of them. For this reason, and out of great personal respect, Technical Sgt. Books has ignored protocol, putting Sgt. Strickland on a first name basis. The President’s aide, Bob, has returned to speak with Betty at the front desk of the Oval office after placing the call to HQ about the President’s team-building requirements. “Twelve OpCenter folks inbound overnight, Betty. They can each bring two aides. Make spaces for forty and warn the kitchen.” Betty picks up the phone as Bob runs off smartly for the President’s uniforms. Bob may be the youngest, but he is not the fastest one in the hallway. The National Security Adviser, an athletic young lady with two PhDs, who got caught by the emergency jogging around the White House grounds, sprints past him headed the opposite way. Joshua Jackson, now the oldest Vice President in history, is trailing her with an “I was never that young” look on his face. “Send it all to the airborne command post!” Jackson gasps towards Betty. He barks further orders into the collar microphone of his beltmounted radio. Secret Service has the President’s door open before they get there. They all burst in unannounced, the Vice President leaning in to give the news. “On the plane, Mr. President. An element from the Pentagon’s OpCenter is already onboard. Bring the ‘football.’ CIA, CENTAF and Space Command will brief you en route.” Secret Service are everywhere, some in suits, some in combat fatigues, and still others in jeans and t-shirts. Uzis, Berettas, shotguns, and Sig Sauer 223 pistols dominate the scene as one would imagine they might at a Pierre Cardin fashion premier at a drug cartel. “We’re recommending DEFCON 1.” “Gene goes with us,” the President orders. “He’s the only one who can make these darn computers work.” The President winks at Roscoco. Gene performs a sign of the cross in return. “Let’s go Gene, follow me and stay close.” They sprint to the front of the group. “For delivery,” the President smiles back at his forlorn secretary. She is frantically waving as if they were her own sons shipping out to Europe for WWII. Her tears will have to stand in for those of their families for now. Arriving at Andrews Air Force Base by helicopter fifteen minutes later, an impressive parade of pizza warmers follows them to the gantry of the new prototype airborne command post they have opted to use in lieu of the older Air Force One. Much of this pizza is gourmet commercial, but even the stuff from the White House kitchen is delectably aromatic. It seems that Bob wants to be Chief of Staff someday. He pulled rank, using the President’s name to divert pizzas coming out of the ovens downtown. In the spirit of patriotism, the D.C. shops agreed to make their customers wait until the next round. The gate at Andrews was notified to have a pickup standing by to transfer it all to the flightline. “Write the drivers a blank check and let’s get out of here,” the President’s security chief orders. “Twenty dollar tips plus reimbursement for the insulated pouches. Let them do the math. Sign the checks and leave the book. Let’s go!” As the executive command post lifts off for a yet to be determined location, the civilians onboard realize they have passed a point of decision from which there is no returning. A solid wall of stress confronts them. The Vice President sees it; he’s been there a few times. He’ll have to lighten the mood. The staff and crew will be looking to the executives to set the tone. Decades of service as a pastor have honed Jackson’s supportive instincts, which inevitably surface when things get especially tough. He peeks inside a pizza warmer. “Hey! It’s Dominos! Not bad! Double pepperoni on this one. Come and get it!” Jackson holds up steaming boxes for the military in-flight attendants as a reminder that all is not lost. Having been through hell and back a few times in the civil rights wars, he has no trouble telling the difference between a merely tense moment and a bonafide tragedy. He decides that it is going to take one of his patented Democrat-Republican jokes to properly break the tension. “Lighten up people. Just consider yourself lucky you are not flying with a conventional administration, Republican or Democrat. They will never admit a mistake, you know. I knew a party chairman with a PhD once; I won’t say which party. He went into a tack and harness shop to get some shoes for his horse. They happened to have a reenactment of a traditional blacksmith shop in this one, one that actually functioned. The smithy had just pulled a couple newly hammered shoes out of the fire and placed them on a steel shelf to cool. “Seeing a Monty Lewis Christian-Catholic Independent Party banner on the wall, the ‘doctor’ immediately began to criticize the smithy’s work and the quality of the leather tack and gear displayed for sale on the most trivial of points. So engrossed had he become in proving his superiority over the fledgling Christian party that he momentarily forgot his purpose. “Embarrassed by drawing a blank to the clerk’s challenge of why he had come into the store, a recollection of his purpose finally returned. He arrogantly snatched up the freshly tempered horseshoes from the shelf, intending to place them at the checkout desk. He immediately, of course, threw them down onto the floor instead. “ ‘Burn yourself?’ the clerk asked with a wry smile. ‘No, I did not burn myself,’ the arrogant politician insisted, his eyes already tearing from the pain. ‘It just doesn’t take me long to look at a horseshoe!’ ” Many of the President’s staff are slaphappy enough to smile past the nervousness even at such a lame attempt at humor; they’ve been putting in more hours than the Pentagon. All onboard, military and civilian, have something in common with the rest of the nation: they love the distinguished VP like their own father. And they know from experience that, as in most homes, if they don’t laugh at “Dad’s” first joke, additional puns will follow. So they laugh. After the mandatory situation report, and a quick slice of pizza, they all have half a further moment to relax. More extensive briefings will follow when the still breaking information is better organized. Some look out the window. Each staff member is reaching to the limits of his or her own favorite stress management techniques. The civilians are all having the same success with these techniques: none. The military fare somewhat better. They assume that if no one is shooting at you, it is a good day—a simple but effective approach. “Bill?” The President indicates his Chief of Staff, William Katz. “Yes, Mr. President?” Bill mumbles this, relishing his first warm bite. He got caught setting up the second round of briefings when the pizza was passed out. As a result, he was left with veggie lovers. It has flavor enough, but no staying power. Bill signals the sergeant to leave the box. If he can’t trade Jackson out of some double pepperoni later, he’ll turn in his Toastmasters card. He knows the VP. He will have squirreled a few pieces away for later in the evening. He’ll simply remind Josh that his doctor-supervised regimen has firm dietary restrictions, cholesterol limits, and that vitamin C, like in these veggies for example, regulates cholesterol naturally. Next he’ll make a forceful play to Josh’s family obligations, commitments to the nation, and so on. Prudence after all, is a Christian virtue. That pepperoni will ultimately be his. “What are those two large planes to starboard slightly leading us, Bill? They weren’t in the game plan we practiced for the emergency egress op plan,” President Lewis challenges. Bill squints out the window. He’s near-sighted and has put away his glasses to eat. “Special Ops I’d say, Mr. President. C-130 gunship class . . . possibly tactical command and control birds, or maybe rescue. I don’t actually know. This is something ad hoc they just threw in at the last moment. They must coincidentally be going where we’re going on the inventory dispersement.” Bill glances over at General Wiles who looks to his defensive systems technician, then nods confirmation to the President. “Not a threat, Bill,” the General confirms. “I see, and that small one over there, climbing towards us from astern?” “Astern!” General Wiles again turns to the defensive systems operator, this time with alarm, already knowing there are to be no planes climbing on the President’s command post from astern. Alarms sound. “Missile alert, Mr. President. We’re under fire!” This comes from the defensive systems technician. The nearest gunship banks sharply, coming quickly between the President’s plane and the threat. It deploys an amazing spread of decoys, providing the missiles several false targets. Two bright streaks zoom past in the next moment, followed by booms and flashes. The President’s plane dives to avoid debris. General Wiles flips a toggle switch and nods. The defensive technician speaks through the PA system. “They missed us, Mr. President. Two exploded behind and two others pulled off course. Two got past the C130s’ decoys but had lost track on us by then. They’re out there flying wild. We’ve turned away from them, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” “Thanks be to God!” the President begins to say, but his Chief of Staff has already shouted it so loud it bleeds into the PA system, evoking mixed reactions of giggles or sympathetic relief. Boom! The makeshift enemy fighter that had been hugging the ground under radar disintegrates as the President’s fighter escort places fully four air-to-air missiles into it at nearly the same moment. The President quickly renders an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. Jackson is at the President’s side before his head comes back up with the “Amen,” a hand on his shoulder. “If it starts like this, Monty, how will it end?” The President looks across at the open briefcase on the Vice President’s seat, noting the presence of the Bible, always prominent among its contents. “Intel doesn’t have a clear line on this thing yet, Josh. We’re still in God’s hands. You know the Almighty’s play book as well as I do, Reverend.” “I think I’ll just go double check it to be sure.” “You do that, Josh . . . and . . . if the Coach should send in a change . . . tackle me if you have to, but make sure we stay in touch with God on this.” “Be careful what you ask for Monty, you’re forgetting, I played pretty well in college.” “I’d forgotten that; but I’d rather be tackled by you than by Him.” President Lewis looks affectionately up to heaven. “Do we have a secure line to the pope?” “Not yet. The Vatican wouldn’t opt in on Gabriel because it is a combat support system, and would violate neutrality. The discussion of alternatives has now been overcome by events.” “Understood. Let’s get one, just the same. Tell Gene to work something out.” “I’ll see to it immediately.” *** Colonel Johnson comes back from the cockpit with some small printouts in his hand. “You’re activation orders are in.” He hands Joe, Clayton, and Father Bernie each a slip of paper. “You are recalled to active duty, effective three days ago. You’ll find the first installment of your back pay there in the cupboard next to the glasses. Seriously, though, you should sit down at the terminal up front and use the Defense Accounting System Internet portal to assign your automatic deposit. Then your families won’t be left without means. Do that while you can. Something could occur to disrupt electronic data flow. “Oh, congratulations, Father Bernie, you’re promoted to full colonel. Army Reserve Personnel Center gave you credit for additional professional experience since retirement. You’re assigned as installation Chaplain, Detachment 7, Pentagon.” “Detachment 7. Where is that?” “Classified. Top-Secret. Current location unknown. They are moving on the dispersement logarithm, as are we. Your orders are stamped ‘Top Secret,’ by the way, and that’s what it means. Not to worry, when the dust settles and they report in we’ll get you there.” “Understood, Colonel. Where are they going?” Father Bernie nods to Joe and Clayton. “Their assignments are still pending. They could come through anytime. Both have combat or combat support skills. Let’s see . . . pararescue, and . . . munitions.” Turning to Joe, the colonel says, “I commanded an ammo squadron once, Okinawa Japan. Very interesting people, Ammo. Their propensity for hard drinking aside, you can depend on Ammo to be there when you need them. Their esprit de corps rivals that of the Marines.” “Right again.” “How long will we be in the air, Colonel?” Father asks. “Last report we were headed across the big pond. I’d guess another ten to thirteen hours. But that could change. I’m not sure they have decided where to set us down. They put key assets into the air quickly to get them off the ground where they were vulnerable to attack. Resources of secondary importance have been hastily dispersed to random locations on the ground. If Russia launches a full spread of missiles . . . ” “Why would she!?” comes from the retirees involuntarily. They haven’t heard. “Apparently, Israeli intelligence came up with satellite confirmation of a nuclear strike in the offing, launch preparations in both Iran and Syria. Russian-made mobile strategic missile launchers newly placed at key air bases within the past six months confirmed in both countries. Those particular launchers only shoot nukes. “To make matters worse, Russian armor showed up on satellite as a dark wave moving steadily south along both sides of the Caspian Sea through Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan: 5,000 frontline battle tanks, another 15,000 older models, double that in infantry support and logistic vehicles. All the former Soviet republics and several Arab states have pitched in everything they’ve got. It’s like flood waters draining off the desert. The separate streams are converging now into a flood aimed directly at Israel. “The Russian Foreign Minister incredibly described it as a massive arms deal done in conjunction with a regional military exercise. CIA says, no way—the Russian drivers are staying with those vehicles when they arrive. Incredibly, another roughly equivalent force seems to be massing inside Russia to form a second wave. “Russian military air traffic into Iran and Syria has been ‘maxed out’ for ninety days. Both countries are rapidly expanding airport capacity. Russia has spent an enormous amount on these force movements, more than she can plausibly afford for training. “There is no regional provocation out there to justify such an effort. Well-placed human intelligence sources say Russia intends to quickly roll over the very northern edge of the new democracy in Iraq, flaunting the Turkish border. She plans to duck across the border either way should Turkey or Iraq move separately against her forces, claiming immunity. She is counting on political maneuvers to initially preclude both nations acting in concert against her. Our State Department is working towards the contrary result as we speak. “Russia then plans to move her force west to the northern border of Israel, having obtained free passage through Syria. The United States has mutual defense agreements with both Turkey and Iraq, but Russia is depending upon an indecisive Congress slowing down the President until it is too late and Israel has been overrun. “As it turns out, Monty Lewis isn’t waiting for Congress or anyone else. U.S. forces are already moving in response. You are part of that response. “One really cannot blame Israel for this. Combined with the placement of the nuclear missile launchers, the massive armored incursion adds up to a first strike. Foreign intelligence reports concur. In the grand tradition of the six-day war of 1967, Israel was forced to act for her own preservation, and she did. Three tactical nuclear detonations are confirmed: two in Iran, one in Syria. Key air bases. The launcher threat is gone, but we are now at DEFCON 1 awaiting Russia’s response. The wave of armor has been stalled: rugged terrain, mechanical breakdowns, and a few giant demolition bombs the Israelis were good enough to place along the convoy route.” “What are our allies doing?” “Britain, Australia, Mexico, and Canada all came down with both feet on the side of President Lewis and the good old USA: firm. They have done themselves proud. They already have substantial forces moving to the defense of Israel.” “And the others?” “The usual. Most of them talking out of both sides of their mouth, afraid to commit. But they are talking noticeably faster than normal. Their heads are spinning. They don’t know what to think. They can’t afford to let the entire oil reserves of the Middle East fall into hostile hands; but neither do they wish to lock in by preemptive strike so massive a conflict that has yet to be confirmed as a certain hostile action. President Lewis flat out told them ‘Make a high level decision or get out of the Executive Washroom.’” “What do you think will happen next?” “Unofficially?” “Unofficially.” “I don’t think Israel is through violating ‘neutral zone treaty,’ as Spock’s brother says in Star Trek V.” “Meaning?” “Meaning, they are outnumbered; they always have been. They have to do something to offset that disadvantage. Historically, they have done this with bold and decisive action, preemptive strikes that go to the heart of the threat. This means that tactically, once their enemies are deemed to be moving against them, they must do the same things we do. They’ll take out the missile and the air threats first and then destroy the enemy command and control capability. The enemy, although many times their numbers, will then be disorganized, incapable of coordinated action, and vulnerable to attack from the air. “Once Israel gains control of the regional skies it will be the six-day war all over again, writ large—that is until Russia puts the full weight of her airpower into the battle. Until that happens, aggressor forces will be weakened or eliminated via Israeli air strikes before they reach the primary battlefield, that is, before they cross into Israel.” “So you anticipate Israel launching a second strike against regional command and control centers?” “It is the logical thing to do.” “And if you are Russia in this situation, what do you do now, Israel having called your bluff?” “The smart play would be to disavow the evidence and plead innocent: not follow through with further aggression. Turn the tanks around and loudly proclaim that the training maneuvers were a complete success. Then accuse Israel of heinous war crimes and paranoia. But, personally, and I am taking a biblical perspective at this point, I don’t think Russian leadership is fully in control of the event. Major spiritual forces may be at work, moving Moscow in irrational directions.” “Armageddon?”39 Father asks bluntly. “That’s my unofficial opinion as a Christian, Father. What’s yours?” “I think the larger part of Armageddon will be a spiritual battle, not one in the physical world. The fire from heaven that resolves Armageddon is spiritual fire, the tongues of flame from the Holy Spirit as at Pentecost. “If you look at Malachi 3, Obadiah, Micah 4, Zechariah 10 and 12 you see that there will be a direct conflict between God’s people and the devil’s people, a conflict decided by the flames of the Holy Spirit. The consuming fire of the Holy Spirit will be expressed through God’s people on earth: ‘The house of Jacob shall be a fire.’ On the other hand, I expect there will be substantial military confrontations that spring from the spiritual battle. “As I have come to view it through private revelation and scriptural study, the primary worldly manifestations of the final assault, if you will, began with WWI. These manifestations continued through WWII and the smaller though no less tragic conflicts around the globe on into modern times. In addition to these horrendous tragedies, the final assault has brought with it the great apostasy, the moral decay we see in society. “Since our Blessed Holy Mother’s appearance at Fatima in Portugal in 1917 (and it makes sense that God would give us a dramatic last warning prior to the last battle), there has remained the chance that Russia would be converted to Christ. Although we did not see that conversion through WWII and the Cold War, I suspect it has since occurred in large part. I suspect that our friends in the Russian leadership are just that: good guys. “What has happened here is anomalous. It’s a major demonic incursion of some kind. The good guys have been overrun. If I am correct, we should be able to see irrationality in the lack of military logic underlying Russian tactical and strategic actions. But that’s basically the same thing you were saying: Russia leaders aren’t fully in control here.” “I think we can already see irrationality, Father. Mother Russia has left herself wide open to ground assault from many directions while focusing her best resources on one massive strike at tiny Israel. It makes no sense. Her sheer size and the forbidding terrain are all that remain to defend her against a major offensive on the ground.” “Let’s pray they recover their autonomy.” “Already on my prayer list, Father. But go ahead, I’ll follow.” “Our Father in heaven . . . .” Father concludes and rises. “Keep us as informed as you can, Colonel Johnson, we have people back there on the ground, wives and children. These guys here are worried sick.” He nods to Joe and Clayton, both deep in prayer for the safety of their families. Father Bernie acknowledges to himself that he has adopted both families as his own. He’s as worried as they are. “It’ll be done.” “Thanks.” Father shakes his hand. “Since we are both senior officers now, how about that first name?” “Gary . . . Gary Johnson. A pleasure to meet you, Father.” “Same here. Are you a Catholic, Gary?” “Just—confirmed at Easter! The scuttlebutt has it that a lot of the military are moving that way, and in a hurry.” “Scuttlebutt?” “That’s all I can say for now, Father. I’d better check in up front. I’m on a fifteen-minute protocol for variations in itinerary. We are masking the movement of our key assets to Russian satellites as best we can for as long as we can until we figure what exactly is happening and how best to respond to it. “While the logistics of managing so many combat airplanes gets a bit complicated, our general strategy is quite simple. It’s that of a shootout in a western movie. We are maneuvering to achieve a clear visible advantage, one ultimately to be made known to our enemies. If you have the drop on your opponent, as they say in the Westerns, your gun is in his face and his gun is still in the holster, he gives up. Nobody shoots; no one gets hurt. However, if you both draw at the same time, everyone shoots until the other guy is no longer capable of shooting. People get hurt. There is far too much at stake in a strategic nuclear scenario to permit the second option to take place. The message has to be clear: ‘There is no point in launching.’ “Israel has already let the regional cat out of the bag, but we are hoping to contain the much greater specter of worldwide strategic nuclear war with Russia. “I’ll check in with you later, Father. Get some rest. We don’t know what comes next.” “I shouldn’t think a handful of old retirees would be considered key assets, Colonel.” Joe observes. “I worked in deployment planning a few years. I never saw an over the hill gang team in the system.” Colonel Johnson smiles. “The great electronic brain that coordinates Project Gabriel thinks you are key assets. Computers are never wrong, you know.” Colonel Johnson chuckles to himself waiting. This remark never fails to get a response in the military. “You mean they never admit that they’re wrong.” “That’s what I mean.” Everyone laughs. “That’s our code word, then, for this operation, ‘Project Gabriel’?” Father asks. “Yes. It’s on your orders.” “And computers are calling the shots?” Joe challenges. “That’s the gist of it,” Colonel Johnson admits. “Angels and ministers of grace defend us!” Joe’s not sure if he’s quoting Shakespeare, scripture, or Star Trek, but, as an experienced computer systems analyst, he is sure that they need God’s help. Father has picked up on something from the colonel’s comments. Johnson’s remarks vaguely parallel some of the information he and Garfield have gathered in their journal project over the past years, unconfirmed private revelations with recurring hints of coordinated Christian military maneuvers, divine assistance from “Gabriel,” meteors, nuclear explosions, a bishops ring and many other powerful symbols— unfortunately symbols vague enough to mean just about anything. Garfield has the diary. Ambiguities notwithstanding, Father Bernie clearly recalls references to “Project Gabriel.” If it turns out to be this operation, the diary will have to be properly secured. The U.S. military could not take it seriously, not on an official basis, but the demonically infested Russian leadership would love to know all about it. It should be resting in a safe in the Vatican. Father Bernie received a few of the messages himself, but Garfield trusted them more. Seven years and yet they were never called to take any action. Ye of little faith, Father chides himself. “Whose checking the computer for electronic brain farts?” Joe asks, having experienced his share of same as a computer analyst. “A select team of computer specialists and war planners. The team chief is Air Force Major Eugene Roscoco—been in black operations planning for years. His six years as enlisted slowed down his promotions a bit, but he’ll get there. He hangs out in one of those nonexistent offices at the Pentagon. He’s a born again Christian to die for. A man after your own heart, Father, soon to be Catholic I’m told. I first met him at the Desert Storm III out-brief at Andrews. The President loves his briefings. He’s never at a loss for an answer.” “How do you know all that?” Father asks. “I’ve attended all the briefings. I’m his boss—one of them. As the project officer for Project Gabriel during the test and evaluation phases Roscoco reported to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the systems development and acquisition folks at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Now that the project has been moved to implementation, it falls under Joint Task Force Gabriel, which is my baby. “Air Force Special Operations Command has the lead now because we are small enough to give it an immediate operational test and evaluation, and because of the nature of the project itself. We have a more frequent need for a fast, real-time, combat decision support system. No one denies Space Command’s need to support strategic operations, but, if Space Command has to use it in strategic nuclear war, there will be no civilization left to implement any lessons learned. You can’t plan an operational field test around a doomsday event everyone hopes and prays never occurs. Space Command will implement the system, but only after we’re through testing it here at AFSOC.” —End Part II PART III Ephraim Shall Be Valiant Men 1 Cor 7:25-31 NAB I tell you, brothers, the time is running out. From now on, let those having wives act as not having them, those weeping as not weeping, those rejoicing as not rejoicing, those buying as not owning, those using the world as not using it fully. For the world in its present form is passing away. CHAPTER 6 “Who’s on First?” Most of the passengers on the President’s command post have joined the President in a nap with the exception of the night shift aircrew and defensive systems console operators. One other is awake: the President’s Chief of Staff, William Katz. He finds it hard to sleep sitting up. This all feels so wrong to him. It’s not what he was given to expect from the political science curriculum at Princeton. He risks a groggy inquiry of his boss, who doesn’t hear the first three attempts. He’ll have to risk more volume: “Mr. President!” “Yes, Bill?” The President stirs uneasily on Bill’s last insistent whisper. “We’ve been in the air an awfully long time. I don’t feel safe up here anymore.” “I know, Bill. Go back to sleep.” “We could have been anywhere in the world and back by now. When are we going to set down?” “When Gene tells me, Bill.” “When is Gene going to tell you, Mr. President?” “When his computer tells him. Now, let’s just get some rest.” “That’s it, our lives are in the hands of that fourth generation laptop?” The President concludes that Bill’s complaint isn’t going to go away. He’ll have to deal with it. “That’s it, Bill. You can go back to sleep now. I’ll look into it.” “Thank you, Mr. President.” Bill nods off to sleep in hopes of waking up safe on the ground— preferably in his own bed at home. The President looks around to see who is working night shift as shift supervisor. “Gene! Stop punching those keys a moment and come over here.” “Yes, Mr. President.” “How is Gabriel feeling today? When is he going to put us back on Mother Earth again?” “I don’t know, Mr. President, I don’t think even the programmers can provide a detailed prediction of the system output.” “Isn’t there someone you can call? We are well past a sanity check on this thing.” “Sergeant Books might know what to do. He supervised the field trials.” “Good. Put us on the same line. I worked with Walt twenty years ago in Europe.” “Very well, Mr. President. I suggest we step away from the others and keep this between ourselves.” “Gabriel is your baby, Gene; I just hope it grows out of diapers soon.” “It passed the field tests with flying colors, Mr. President.” “I know, Gene, but we’ve been in the air three days, minus the quick maintenance stops and refueling. The safety factor with our aircrew is off the chart; even the alternates are exhausted. The tankers are out of fuel, and we are out of pizza.” The President leans in close to offer the ultimate challenge. “We can’t make big decisions without pizza, Gene. My stress counselor confirms it.” “It would be a break with precedent.” “Let’s make that call.” The two make their way back to the only private compartment left empty on the President’s airborne command post. They place a call to the Pentagon via secure satellite phone. Technical Sergeant Walter Books picks up the line on the other end. “Yes sir, . . . Mr. . . . President!” Walt doubts what he is reading on the caller ID screen. “You’re phone’s working, Walt, it’s me. We need your advice on something.” “Anything I can do, Mr. President. You know that. Lay it out for me.” Major Roscoco breaks in. “Here’s the problem Walt: the Gabriel program should have set us down hours ago, but we’re still in the air. What do you suggest? Can the programmers run a check of the computer code?” “Under normal peacetime test program conditions they could. But we are not in peacetime, are we Major?” “Not hardly, Walt. If we shut the system down to check it we can’t use it. If a major attack breaks loose in the meantime, and there is every indication of it, we lose the advantage Gabriel gives to us. We can revalidate the backup copies but that won’t tell us what’s going on with the primary version we’re running. Those checks are pretty much useless anyway. The backup versions haven’t been used since they were last validated. We know they will pass. What else have you got up your sleeve?” “Well . . . ” Walt considers the situation. A solution comes to him, though not from computer programming logic. He recalls the prophetic revelation instead. “This is going to seem extreme to you two intelligence pros, but I’m proposing a strategy that goes way out on a limb.” “What’s the strategy, Walt? We’re already on the limb,” the President prompts. Tired from fourteen hours of bending over his desk, Walt stands to stretch his stocky six foot frame. He plays out the phone cord walking to the door, and peaks out and down the long empty corridor. He’s looking for Don. In addition to being fully exhausted, Walt is suddenly very edgy about something. I wonder what’s holding things up. Walt is looking forward to being relieved and getting a couple hours rest. He contemplatively combs back his slightly too long blond locks, then dumps the punch line on the boss. “Common sense. That’s the only strategy noncommissioned officers use. We’re not properly educated, you know . . . and, well, it’s the only strategy that works!” Walt takes a second look, catching Don just entering from the stairwell sixty or seventy yards down on the right. Ah! Relief at last. “Translate it for us, Walt. You know commissioned officers are required to turn in their brains for a hand receipt to be returned to them only upon retirement,” the President jokes—“it’s a safety measure.” “And all these years I thought that was just a bad joke,” Walt dishonestly replies. “That’s what I thought, Walt, until I became President.” Major Roscoco coughs. “Go ahead with your suggestion, Walt.” “Well, Major, it goes like this. We all know who the architect of the project Gabriel program is, and it sure isn’t those pencil-necked geeks from Communications Command that hang around my office. Their names are on record as the authors, but the Holy Spirit designed this program. You know it and I know it. The programmers coordinated the design under His guidance to offset the supernatural advantage our enemy has held in doing their strategic plans under demonic influence. Even so, only a handful of us have the courage to admit this in the real world.” Walt pauses for a moment for the light to come on with his superiors on the other end. “And?” “And . . . if the Holy Spirit can influence those guys, he can influence the rest of us just as easily. Do you feel it is time to set the plane down?” The President answers, beginning to see his logic: “Yes, I feel it is time. Any objections, Major?” “None, Mr. President.” “That’s my advice then: follow your heart. That’s how God talks to us.” TSgt Books is one of the earliest team members of project Gabriel, from the U.S. military’s perspective and from God’s. A few days after the trumpet call he received a prophetic message that predicted his own death following close upon the implementation of Project Gabriel. “Thanks, Walt, as always you’re a veritable storehouse of wisdom,” the President commends. “Thank you, Mr. President. With your permission, I’ll be getting back to work now.” Walt repeats the old joke he used to pull on the President when his boss interrupted him with priority intelligence alerts in Germany. The two of them worked several delicate issues together in the old days regarding metal scavengers in the former soviet republics trying to sell leftover radioactive materials to terrorists.40 This was back before Monty Lewis became a political phenomenon; he was then only an unknown major, and frequently an unseen one. A knock comes at the compartment door. “Gabriel has alarmed, Gene. She’s setting us down at a nearby airbase.” It’s the co-pilot, Lt. Col. Robert Lance. “Thank God!” They both breathe a sigh of relief. TSgt Books is smiling again as Sgt. Strickland comes into the office. As Walt holds up his hand to ask for silence while the President’s call is pending a holy blessing washes over the two of them. Walt immediately intuits the meaning. He passes Don a disconcerting look, casting an affectionate though troubled glance at heaven. Don knows this can mean only one thing. In addition to concern, there is a jubilance in Walt’s smile fully out of sync with the humdrum day the two have yet again experienced in the tiny little office. He kneels to pray. “But there is something else you should know,” Col. Lance adds. “Hold a moment, Walt. What do we need to know, Colonel?” “It’s not our base.” “Did you hear that, Walt?” The President still thinks three heads are better than two. “Gabriel is setting us down at an . . . ” he nods to Col. Lance to fill in the blank. “Israeli, sir.” “ . . . at an Israeli air base. Can that be right? What do you think?” “All are agreed that it is time to set down, including the computer. If that’s where you’re at, go with the program.” And you had better do it quickly, he doesn’t add. “If this works out, Walt, I’m promoting you,” the President threatens. “Thank you, Mr. President. But if this works out, I’m retiring.” “Great idea, Walt. We’ll go sturgeon fishing, like we used to plan in Germany all those years.” “Thanks Boss! That could actually happen. Don knows a great spot,” Walt lies, knowing now that it won’t. “I look forward to it. Keep your head down for the meantime, Walt. We’ll be in touch.” “Godspeed, Mr. President.” Walt kneels to offer what he believes could be his last prayer on earth. In the President’s airborne command post the call is not properly terminated. Although the line goes dead, Walt has not closed out his end. This is because the blast and searing flash from a nuclear explosion has just moved through the center of Washington D.C., obliterating the Pentagon, and the Whitehouse. A series of similar impacts have destroyed generally everything else from Patuxtent River Maryland to McClean Virginia. Gabriel immediately flags users that critical information is processing. It looks to data verification checkpoints to confirm what it “suspects” before announcing the tragedy. Most of those checkpoints no longer exist. The programmers have centralized data control too heavily in and around the Pentagon. Fortunately, the Gabriel program is smart enough to compensate, going to other points on the system to ask for related data. Heaven is faster responding to the tragedy than earth. The three men on the plane feel it at the same time, falling to their knees with reverence. Tears are unavoidable. St. Mary! A divinely gentle presence and the softest touch, then “Godspeed, gentlemen,” and she is gone. They do not rise. Major Roscoco immediately leads them in prayer. Afterward a respectful period of silence, Lt. Col. Lance is the first to speak. “Wow!” Offering a sign of the cross, he returns to the work at hand. “What about the Chairman, your Chief of Staff and the other personnel on board. Shall I brief them on our landing site?” The President, still smiling, is dazed with joy; he continues looking up through the roof of the plane. “Wow, is right! Oh…yes, Bob. See to it.” “Yes, sir.” The co-pilot hurries off to advise the others of the President’s decision to land. President Lewis resumes smiling at the ceiling. Then after a moment returns to the task at hand. “Plug it into the system immediately, Gene, we’re landing here. Tell Bill to get me the Israeli Prime Minister. Call your Israeli military contact and confirm what they’ll be seeing on their computer screens and runway in twenty minutes.” “Yes sir, Mr. President.” Major Roscoco jogs up to the Chief of Staff. He’s back in less than a minute. “Bill couldn’t get through, sir. Something’s going on with the phones. Here’s the latest from our side: Gabriel is setting them all down, except the stealth units we launched late last night. They’ve been assigned targets. Our combined intelligence assets have made critical inputs in the last six hours. The system now anticipates a strategic nuclear launch against Israel. Not all the equipment rolling into the Middle East is armor. More launchers have arrived. Gabriel gives Israel a five percent survival rate unless that launch is preempted.” “Monty!” It’s the Chief of Staff. “I’ve got the Director of Israeli Mossad. It’s the best I could do. He’s senior in their OpCenter at the moment. And some bad news. Their Prime Minister was just killed in a terrorist attack. He insisted on staying out among the people to boost morale. “Some of his generals are doing likewise. The larger part of them, it seems, are out in the field at the tip of a massive Israeli armored column advancing on Syria as a preemptive strike—a huge force movement Gabriel appears to know nothing about. The Director mumbled something about ‘David and Goliath.’ Apparently, the Israeli leaders have all suited up and gone into combat. They’re out there leading the charge: leadership by example.” “Bill, that’s the only kind of leadership there is. Give me the phone. “Director, this is President Lewis. Listen closely. We are in the air over one of your thought to be secret air bases. We’ll be landing in—he pauses to check the overhead digital—eighteen minutes.” He gives the Israelis their Global Positioning System coordinates and receives those of the landing zone. “Thought to be secret? Why Mr. President, I’m sure you don’t mean to suggest that Israel would ever withhold the details of our absolutely essential most secret defense information from the American President, and thereby withhold it from his Congress, and thereby withhold it from his public, and thereby withhold it from the entire rest of the world?” “Of course not. It was a mere slip of the tongue . . . . We hope the reception will be friendly,” the President add with a chuckle. “I’ll see to it.” The Director points out a location on the wall map to his aide, who immediately issues a flurry of commands to several assistants. Radio’s relay instructions to the Israeli Base Commander, who orders his personnel to prepare for distinguished visitors. Five aircraft parking spots are made ready. Confirmation is then returned to the Israeli OpCenter. “And one more thing.” “Yes, Mr. President.” “We think we can be of great help to you, if our planning information is current and complete. Tell your entire staff that if they are holding back any force deployment or targeting information to dump it into the Gabriel system in the next five minutes or they can bend over and kiss their butt goodbye. A nuclear strike on your country is imminent. We will respond, but we don’t want to take out friendly forces in the process, or overlook a known threat. Is that clear enough?” “It is clear, sir. I’ll see that it’s done. Berths for your five planes have been made ready.” “We only have three planes,” the President corrects. “That’s not what Gabriel says. It says five; there’s an American Special Ops hospital bird and an AWACS just ahead of you, escorted by four of your thought to be secret third generation high tech stealth fighters, armed to the teeth. I take it your prototype fighters are not landing with you.” “That’s correct . . . and touché. Go with the program, Director, concerning the additional planes. You have my sincerest condolences on the death of your Prime Minister. Please pass them to your nation with those of my wife.” “They will be passed, Mr. President. Tell Anna Ben-Manashe that Israel sends its love to her. We have two first ladies while she lives.” “Thank you, General Avraham. Godspeed.” “Godspeed, Mr. President.” *** Colonel Johnson returns from the cockpit on the run. “Heads up! We’re making a quick landing! Then get ready for a fast exit!” “Where are we?” Father Bernie groggily inquires, just waking from a brief nap. “Israel,” Johnson responds without stopping. He barks instructions to the security team in the rear of the plane. They break out short-barreled assault rifles, grenade launchers, handguns and ammunition. Gabriel has alerted them to the danger of insurgents in the landing zone. Joe and Clayton are equipped with a rifle each, while Father Bernie gets a 9 mm pistol. They are too high to see anything distinctly on the ground, but Father looks out the window anyway, hoping for an angel, a cross . . . anything! Butterflies multiply in his stomach. A plane pulls up alongside them. “Look, the President’s airborne command post!” “There’s you’re assignment, Father: Detachment 7, Pentagon. Just follow that plane,” Colonel Johnson jests, as the pilot comes on the intercom. “Gabriel is advising us to hurry our descent, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. Hold onto your hats!” Their plane banks and rolls right diving steeply. The President’s plane banks more sharply and cuts ahead of them, plummeting, though not as steep as a dive-bomber. Johnson falls into a seat and hurriedly buckles up. Inertia pulls them heavily against their seat belts. Many instinctively raise their arms to defend impacting the roof. The pilot comes back on the intercom. “Gabriel informs us we have hostile aircraft approaching. They may be carrying unconventional bombs, even tactical nuclear warheads. Twenty-four minutes out and closing. I’ll be off the intercom until we land. Brace for a hard landing. Immediately exit the plane. Good luck.” Colonel Johnson amends his previous instructions. “Forget the insurgents and perimeter defense. There will be no time for standard air base defense tactics. The moment we touch down get off this plane and run. Lay down covering fire for the rest of us on the run as needed, but carefully, we have a total of five friendly planes in ingress, and who knows what the Israeli security forces will be doing on the ground— carefully!. “Go where the Israelis point you. We’ll form up again after the danger of that tactical nuke strike is over. Understood?” “Yes, sir!” comes back from his security team leader. “The same goes for you and your friends, Father. We’re guests of the Israelis until further notice; follow their instructions.” “Gabriel has alarmed, sir!” One of the sergeants calls out. “This requires your immediate attention.” Colonel Johnson reviews the computer notice quickly, and then instructs his medical team. “Pull the orange kits from the equipment locker up front—now! “OK, everybody—med techs keep working, but listen—we have three minutes to do this. This is a pre-exposure booster shot that protects against chemicals, germs and radiation. It’s good for twelve hours, but needs fifteen minutes to take effect. Roll up your sleeves!” Colonel Johnson falls into a seat and rolls up his sleeve. The med techs struggle through the aisle, progressively moving toward the rear, roughly jabbing people in the arm as they go. It’s not painless, but it is quick. “We’ll be lucky if we can run after these shots,” Clayton remarks. He ignores the “Oh, my” his bicep elicits from the female med tech. “God’s will be done,” followed by “Ouch!” comes from Joe. He expects to pass out where he sits. If the basic shot can knock Clayton down, he’s not likely to do well with this pre-combat booster. The war planners almost certainly will be willing to take more risks with this one. That is to say, they will be willing that the soldier take more risks, while they remain safe in the Pentagon. There is a certain validity to trading the long-term health of the soldier for short-term productivity on the battlefield during decisive moments, but it is not comfortable logic to live with on the business end. Father is not oblivious to this possibility either. He is already praying and doesn’t look up as the needle pricks his arm. Having now seen to the passengers, the medical team forms a double line. They each administer a shot to the “man” facing them, who inoculates them at the same time, completing six shots in the time required for one. They fall into their seats and buckle up, earning a “Job well done, guys” from the colonel. The plane slows, lessens its angle of descent, and seemingly floats in behind the President’s plane on approach to the spot they believe to hold a landing strip. *** “Ouch!” comes from the President. “Ouch!” from Major Roscoco. The flight crew is inoculated next and most of the airborne command post crew. Not all have joined the test program. “Stay buckled up, everyone, we’re in a steep descent. Run for cover the moment we hit the ground and get the doors open!” the pilot advises. “The Israelis have made an update to Gabriel, Mr. President. Gabriel now advises an immediate strike on the new strategic missile launchers in Iran and Syria. The gigantic armored column in Iran and the large armored cav, mechanized infantry, and logistics units now forming up inside the Russian border are for some reason not on the hit list. “A new Israeli war plan, David and Goliath, has appeared in the system. A huge head-on armored confrontation is looming at the IsraelSyria border. We also have a ‘critical information processing’ flag in Gabriel; it might take some time to resolve—top priority designator. Clearly something major has happened. The same flag is appearing on practically everything on the U.S. East Coast, plus several major metropolitan areas.” This update comes from Major Roscoco. “What do the Joint Chiefs advise, General Wiles?” the President commands. “As you know, sir, the others have been dispersed to different locations for survivability. It could be twenty minutes before their input is consolidated. We can’t get through to the Pentagon at all. I concur with the strike plan.” “The Pentagon is not answering, sir. None of their numbers respond, not even housekeeping,” the general’s aide advises. “Keep trying!” Major Roscoco presses the President for a decision. “We don’t have twenty minutes, Mr. President. We’ll be landing in seventeen. We might not survive the tactical nuclear strike that could follow. Our fighters won’t intercept the hostile pursuit for another eleven minutes. They may or may not take it out. Gabriel gives us one minute and forty-five seconds to give the strike order to successfully preempt enemy launch against Israel. Our planes are in position. Shall I confirm?” The President places his hand to his forehead, rubbing his temples. “It’s confirmed Gene. Take ’em out. But don’t strike within the Russian border. I want to give our friends there a chance to pull out of this fiasco. It may not be all their doing. Repeat my order.” “Understood, Mr. President. Take out the nuke launchers in Iran and Syria; no strikes within the Russian border.” “Affirmative. You are authorized to proceed.” Major Roscoco sends the strike order through Gabriel. General Wiles radios confirmation to the stealth fighter and bomber squadrons. The strike force approaches its targets. Given the efficiency of the new and much larger fuel-air bombs the stealth planes have loaded specially for this mission, there is little chance a launcher will survive to threaten Israel. Israel has allocated six advanced prototype experimental fighterbombers of their own to destroy the same launchers. They are now seen swooping down just behind the stealth teams, raising fiery plumes at practically identical points. The new satellite-based integrated targeting and guidance systems the Israeli’s have mounted in these Top Secret jets even processes data input from Gabriel in real time. They won’t miss. To be sure, U.S. Special Operations teams will follow up by helicopter, land in the strike zones and manually destroy any surviving equipment. Those teams won’t find any pieces large enough to cause concern. The U.S. fighter jocks and Israeli test pilots do their job. *** “Another alarm from Gabriel, sir. You’d better see this. Impacts, big ones. . . in . . . ” Major Roscoco leans over the sergeant who is speaking from the console, staring in disbelief—stunned, despite long years of experience. “Go ahead Gene, we have precious few minutes to landing,” the President orders. “Some of our major cities have been knocked out, sir: Washington D.C., Dayton, Denver, San Francisco . . . hold on, multiple impacts in the D.C. area. Strategic response against Russia not, repeat not recommended. These are not ICBMs, Mr. President; something smaller. Relatively large radiation yield, but small blast area, acute radiation perimeter significant but still well below that expected from an ICBM. However, there is more radiation exposure occurring immediately at ground level. It’s a killing zone down there.” “Satan’s not going to make it easy for us, is he Gene?” “No, Mr. President!” “ ‘Authentication complete’ shows on all computer and strategic radio system readouts, General Wiles. The emergency command channel is successfully patched into strategic alert forces worldwide. They will all now be standing buy for your instructions.” This comes from an Air Force major in charge of the “football,” the portable nuclear weapons command and control computer console assigned to the President. “Mr. President. What are your orders?” “General Wiles, are we sure our satellites show no strategic missile launches?” “Yes, sir.” “Are we confident our satellite hardware, software or signal transmissions have not been tampered with?” “No, sir. Some of our satellite signal processing and evaluation software units have clearly been tampered with; they are saying we have ICBMs where we know we have nothing but ground-activated dirty bombs based upon multiple independent visuals, radiation checks, and spectrographic tests. The field teams we dispersed around the globe last year from the CIA and National Security Agency were unanimous at the time: no compromises to satellite function or data security. But we clearly have some kind of a problem now. Someone has been horsing around with a couple of our satellite ground stations since then, causing them to generate these false readings. Someone is trying to start a ***!!!### war, here, sir—pardon my language.” “Don’t worry about the language, Ken; it’s a tough situation.” The President clears his throat and takes a breath. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs looks the President in the eye as a question. The President nods. His decision is made. General Wiles turns the selector knob on his radio with a grimace. This hails all nuclear-capable alert aircrews to standby on the emergency channel. He presses the transmit button further down into the lock mode, which keeps the line open. There are only two radios that do this, his and the President’s. This is done so that the President’s command will have been heard directly in the event the President’s plane goes down before standard procedures can be carried out. Authentication codes must be verified and triple checked in any case, both manually and electronically. The assumption in allowing complicated verification that slows down the response is that an accidental nuclear strike will always remain more probable than an unprovoked attack due to the deterrent value inherent in any use of nuclear weapons. The aggressor will have to struggle through the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust the same as the defender. With global warming now established, and the total planetary burden of pesticide and toxic chemicals beyond critical thresholds, it is an accepted fact that the ecosystem of the earth would ultimately collapse over time following any major nuclear exchange. Barring insanity, accidental release of nuclear weapons remains the larger concern. The attack on the U.S. wasn’t accidental, but it’s source is unknown. General Wiles clears his throat and begins: “All personnel standby for instructions…” The next few moments of executive deliberation pass as an eternity to the waiting strategic forces. Then finally the decision comes. “No strategic response, General; repeat, no . . . nuclear . . . response. Alert crews may stand down. Advise the Kremlin of our take on this so they may do the same. Tell them not to worry about an overreaction from the U.S.” Wiles releases the key and nuclear force alert units worldwide simultaneously exhale relief as if they were one man. The emergency channel is closed and authenticated. “Listen up,” the President orders. “Analyze the blast, fallout, and satellite image data further to confirm Gabriel’s conclusion that there was no ICBM strike. Preliminary reports from all service branches and intel in eighteen hours. Understood?” “Yes, sir! Can I have a moment, Mr. President, to get things moving?” “It’s your planet, Ken. Let’s see what you can do with it.” The President pauses to allow General Wiles to call his aides into a huddle. An aide pushes a spill-proof insulated cup of coffee in his direction, which he takes and motions for another for General Wiles. Wiles finishes the initial briefing of his troops and they disperse. With some help from his top aides, he soon completes the necessary calls, electronic data transmissions, and radio messages. The basic military and intelligence diagnostic effort to find out what just happened is now in motion. He double times back to his Commander-in-Chief, accepting the coffee gratefully as he arrives. The President motions for them both to sit down in facing chairs, and begins. “OK, Ken, let me give you some quick thoughts to get you started before I get buried in calls to our allies and other heads of state. You’ll need notes for this.” General Wiles motions for his aide and grabs his clipboard, waving him immediately away again. “Number one, roll everything we’ve got in the States to the relief of those poor stricken people: medicine, food, water, tents, field hospitals, sanitation, evacuation convoys, decon teams—you name it. Recall every Reserve doctor that’s still breathing,” the President commands. Wiles scratches a few things down in his own informal shorthand. “Yes, sir. Go ahead, sir.” “Two: put our military hurricane response units in charge; they know best how to handle a large disaster. With Washington out of the lineup, FEMA won’t have a clue how to respond, if they ever did. Give them something minor to do; keep them out of the way. There is no time for red tape on this. No paperwork and no waiting lines. Is that understood?” The resolve in the President’s face and voice make clear that instant dismissal hangs in the balance for any deviation. The staff have never seen Monty like this, but there is no doubt about that he means it. The volume of Monty’s voice begins steadily rising as a natural result of the pressure he feels to respond compassionately to a tragedy of such immense proportions. “We will not make excuses; we will not give explanations of what went wrong. We are simply going to do this right. Is . . . that . . . understood?” “Yes, sir!” reflexively comes from everyone present, though they were not addressed. The President ignores them, his focus locked on General Wiles. “Very good, sir. Message received loud and clear.” The President stands up and paces, sending staff scurrying ahead of him and leaning over seats to make room. Tension builds in his face. His body moves rigidly, like a robot. Mental and emotional pressure is translating to muscle tension. No one wants to be there when he crosses the redline and the steam release valve blows. “Three: press the civilian medical corps into service: nurses, aides, the whole thing, but don’t make them military per se. “Four: limited martial law is in effect for a hundred mile radius of all impact areas, no more. Let’s not give the racist good ’ol boy network or the military industrial complex/mafia weenies any opportunities to step in and suspend constitutional rights here. We are not fascists.” “Got it, Mr. President. Limited martial law, 100 mile radius. Go ahead.” “Five: create local emergency medical districts for ease of administration. Get everyone evacuated and cordon off incoming traffic. “Six: set up refugee centers along the northern border at the air bases up there. Do the same thing in Florida and along the Gulf Coast. Their plan seems to be to hit us along the midline. Don’t stop the relief convoys until they say they have enough.” The Chief of Staff, Bill Katz, breaks in. The shock has worn off and he is starting to think politics and bureaucracy again. “Until who says they have enough, Mr. President? Local government does not exist in those areas; they’ve been wiped out. It’s chaos,” Bill reminds him. “The people, Bill, the people. They run this country, remember?” Bill and Monty shared a couple political philosophy classes at Princeton, Monty being Bill’s senior by two years. The President gives Bill a sharp look that says it all: he’s in the middle of an emergency and it’s not the time for politics and bureaucracy. “Yes, sir!” Bill has not been through military basic training, but he now understands it. He turns back to fiddle with his laptop and briefcase. “Do this right, General Wiles. You are the absolute best man I’ve got, hands down, and we are fortunate to have you…but, if the supply lines stop one moment too soon, if there is one old man complaining he didn’t get a coffee ration, let alone that his crippled wife didn’t get a seat on the evacuation convoy, I’m going to have your job, your retirement check, and your backside—understood? Don’t get in my way on this, Ken. I love you as a dear friend, but there will be no more Katrinas!” “Understood, sir. Understood. I fully agree with you. Katrina turned my stomach. You may recall that I was the guy who called the press and the Whitehouse at the time. I told them that the 82nd and 101st Airborne were ready; our guys were itching to go in there and help. I nearly got fired for that. The United States government failed those people, Monty . . . we failed those people . . . I hated it . . . God, I hated it!” Ken’s outburst is genuine. Many of the staff present who have been unavoidably eavesdropping on this exchange felt the same empathy with Katrina victims at the time; some are moved to tears. “I know it, Ken, I know it . . . . Ken, go do your job. I’ll back you up . . . and I’ll stay out of your way. Just give our people the best we have to give them. Dismissed.” General Wiles turns to his radio and immediately begins chewing out his trusted deputy, Colonel Frank O’Connor. O’Connor is in the air somewhere over the United States. “We’ve got people dying out there, Frank! Let them know they haven’t been forgotten. What do you think they pay 17% of their income in tax for, our personal retirement fund? No. It’s for times like this when they truly need help. Stop and personally change diapers if you have to. We are going to put the lessons learned from Katrina to work here on a grand scale. No supply shortages, no delays—take care of them. Give the same instructions to all commands. Put my name on it. Follow that with the President’s seal. Monty is absolutely adamant. We have to get this right, or else. Do you understand me, Colonel?” “Understood, General. The President is right, of course.” “Very good, Frank. Go do it now. Time is crucial for those suffering families. Put people in charge who have some ***###!!! common sense and give them full authority to get the job done. “Remember, only limited martial law. Ever since the Kennedy-King assassinations, McVeigh-Nichols at Oklahoma City, and the Gulf War Illness cover-up, we have known that not everyone in government or in uniform is on our side. Most are, but not all. Let’s not give the racist defense complex mafias anything to work with here. They will use this opportunity to oppress the minorities if we let them. We are defending the Constitution here, not just the border. “Also, make a memo for Congress. Send runners to track down the legislators who were not in Washington to fulfill notification requirements. We need legislation to authorize pressing civilian medical types into temporary national service on an emergency basis. “Evacuate contaminated zones. Give the survivors our best medical care. Many won’t survive the long term, but set them up comfortably regardless of prognosis where resources permit. Keep families together. This is not just about physical survival; the spiritual counts here too, the humane. Let’s not exacerbate this tragedy with an inept response. “I heard the President tell the Attorney General he was sending out the FBI with presidential warrants. They will arrest anyone from the governor on down who drags their feet in emergency response. They are actually going to do it! The uniformed services are not exempt. “Hurray for the good guys!” “Right on, Frank. Remember, high capacity refugee camps all along the northern tier at the airbases, the same on the Gulf Coast and Florida. Are you gone yet?” “Out the door, general.” Frank begins a brisk military pivot but turns back to the phone. “Oh . . . sir . . . General Wiles?” “Yes, Frank.” “What about the new draft disaster response Op Plan, the one the President’s Chief of Staff was so fond of? You know, the one FEMA was pushing? I think the President jokingly referred to it as ‘the talk and wait concept.’ Do you want to implement it?” General Wiles turns to the President. “What about the new draft emergency response Op Plan FEMA’s pushing—talk and wait?” Monty’s face changes to a deep shade of red. A staff member approaching the President with some reports does an about face and mouths “Uh-Oh!” to the other staff facing in his direction. He slinks back into a seat further down the aisle. Bill Katz, sitting next to the President buries his head deeper into his laptop and shuffles a few papers as if he hasn’t heard. The President breaks in. “Frank, this is the President. I reviewed that Op Plan, as you know. It’s three inches thick. It has committees in it, Frank: committees. Crimeny! You cannot respond to a life and death emergency with committees and red tape! I’ll tell you what to do with that Op Plan: nothing. No, wait, here’s a better idea. Pull it out of the safe. Sometime next week take a quick look at it to see if it suggests anything of a common sense nature for this crisis, then rip the Top Secret cover page off of it, put it in the men’s room in the event that we develop a shortage of bath tissue. People will get the idea that bureaucratic procedures don’t apply to life and death emergencies.” Frank laughs. “I take your point, Mr. President. I’ll give it a quick look sometime next week, have a couple of our guys recovering in physical rehab mark over the sensitive parts, then drop in off at the latrine. Given the extreme circumstances, may I speak freely, Mr. President—a quick comment on a personal basis?” “Absolutely.” “Your still the best, Monty. It’s an honor to serve with you.” “Thanks for that, Frank. I feel the same about you guys; you know that. Now, go help those people! And . . . hey, Frank . . . God speed. Be careful out there. Keep yourself and your people well.” “Already gone, Mr. President. Thank you for your concern. God bless the Commander-in-Chief.” General Wiles chuckles, shortage of tissue. He and Frank both know how fortunate the nation is to have a real leader at the helm in this crisis. He would expect to see five or six resignations from FEMA within the week once the word is passed that the President insulted their cherished Op Plan. But that is impossible now that the President has signed an emergency stop-loss measure. It locks all government employees in place until rescinded, civilians included. Frank relays General Wiles’ instructions to all Major Commands: “All non-combat assigned military personnel and resources will be immediately used to assist fully with relief efforts.” As a result, several hundred rescue and relief helicopters immediately rise into the air. Within twenty-four hours, five thousand trucks are rolling east, augmented by giant transport aircraft and interminable lines of trains. No one has bothered with red tape, paperwork, detailed inventories, requisitions or anything else, not since the President’s executive order came in on the FAX. It authorizes any deviation from procedure to save time as well as reimbursement of civilian businesses rendering emergency assistance, plus a commission, no questions asked, obvious fraud being the only exception. It authorizes and commands that supplies of use be moved in minimum time, anything that could save or maintain a life. Ambulances and sheriff’s helicopters around the nation have been given blanket authority to go in and do the best they can, using their own judgment. No talk, no wait, no paperwork, no nothing. Keep air traffic control informed, but otherwise don’t wait for anything: read the situation, get the equipment you need, show your badge, and save a life. The new disaster response cargo helicopters, preloaded, and standing on alert since the fiasco with Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans will arrive at the disaster scenes with life-saving aid within the first three hours. Emergency medical, temporary shelter and security teams are included in these helicopter delivered advance teams, along with bare bones cadres of the unavoidable sanitation and mortuary units. On-scene commanders are given complete authority to requisition what they need and tailor the response to the local situation. General Wiles told them to overstate their requirements by at least 20% in anticipation of the unexpected. No offer of help from any quarter is to be refused. As a result of this common sense approach, a massive surge of volunteers and donations begins moving east. Meeting columns of injured and dying refugees straggling out of the radiation perimeter, incoming vehicles from civilian charities dumped their supplies on the side of the road to be picked up as needed in an impromptu self-service supply system. Having freed vehicle space, the drivers then rushed the injured to field hospitals. Supplies delivered in this manner didn’t take long to distribute themselves, a most welcome relief to untold thousands of still mobile refugees. For many these supplies will be the difference between life and death. With water and food contaminated within the perimeter they by and large evacuated with only the water supply in their own bodies to sustain them for up to a three days march. Some marched into worse radiation than they were fleeing from and perished. Those fortunate enough to reach a clean sector arrived fully exhausted and dehydrated. A ten-foot high pile of donated materials, foodstuffs, vehicles and equipment, 200 yards wide, visible for miles from the air, soon materialized into a ring around the exterior of the radiation perimeter Virginia to Maryland. Volunteers continued to replenish it in real time. Smaller supply rings appeared at Dayton, Denver and San Francisco. Private citizens, small companies, literally anyone with a truck or a car brought something to help. Bicycles were left, small vehicles, drums of gas, tents, food, water, medicine and blankets. People who have never lived far from the poverty line themselves borrowed gas money to drive their only means of transportation to the disaster perimeter to be left there for use by the refugees—tanks full of gas, trunks full of infant formula, baby food and diapers. They simply left the keys in the ignition, got out and walked away. Some walked forty miles between bus connections to get home, then walked or hitched to work for months after until they could accumulate a down payment on another car. Not one of them ever regretted what they did. Volunteers did become ill from radiation, of course. Not all made it back, but relatively few fatalities were reported. Though they hadn’t expected it, FEMA ultimately reimbursed those who delivered aid, and for the loss of their vehicles—another of Monty’s executive orders, though more than two years went by before most saw the money. Fraudulent claims were minimal. And they did get a bonus of sorts, a commission based upon a calculation of the approximate number of victims they had assisted. They didn’t get rich, but they did get economic justice. And they made a difference. The refugees were getting out. They were alive. Thousands escaped the massive death trap that would otherwise not have survived without aid. Many family units were still intact, infants still smiling. All because of the size and speed of the private response combined with full use of resources from all levels of government. On-scene reports and interviews with survivors were enough to solidify team spirit in the American public—permanently. The majority of Americans did initially interpret the event as Armageddon. If this is going to be it, then, with God’s grace we will live and die like Americans . . . and Christians: working together and sharing what we have. Placards on donated cars and crates of supplies all read the same: “We stand together.” Some added “One Nation Under God.” At the point when the military cordon turned civilian aid vehicles back, the civilians were assured that the supplies they had brought would reach the refugees. Military drivers did their best to make sure they did, and FBI inspectors made sure of that. Radiation sickness took its toll among both of the latter groups, but they got the job done. *** In the cockpit of the President’s plane the poor light of dusk compounds an unexpected problem. “Colonel Lance, where’s the landing strip?” the pilot inquires. “I don’t see it yet, sir. The Israelis must be good at camouflage.” “They’re good alright, but you can’t line up with what you can’t see. We may have to make a second pass.” An alarm sounds in the cockpit, initiating an orange light. “Jim! We’ve got a missile locked on us now!” “Where’d that come from?” “Radar says thirty thousand at two o’clock, but we can’t climb up there and fight him in this winged test tube. I’m releasing everything we’ve got for defensive countermeasures now.” “Ask our fighter escort to send them our best regards.” “I’ll do that, Jim.” Lance punches the radio key. “Echo Sierra leader, this is Gandalf. Echo Sierra leader, this is Gandalf, acknowledge, over. “Echo Sierra leader. Go ahead Gandalf.” “Request immediate destruction of enemy air-to-air missile threat at two o’clock. Repeat, immediately destroy missile threat at two o’clock, high. Acknowledge Echo Sierra leader. Gandalf out.” “Gandalf, this is Echo Sierra leader. Target confirmed as hostile and acquired. Standby . . . two missiles away.” “Two missiles away” comes from Echo Sierra’s wingman. “Four Sparrows en route to target. Standby Gandalf. Over.” “Roger, Echo Sierra.” Time stops for the ensuing interval. Sins are repented. “Gandalf, this is Echo Sierra leader. Target destroyed. Repeat, target destroyed!” “Good shooting, Echo!” “The news is not all good, Gandalf. Time to duck! One hostile heat seeker in close chasing your countermeasures. Contact in four. One thousand one . . . ” Col. James Ostler dives the president’s plane left to avoid missile debris, then comes the boom! “Thanks be to God! Echo, we’re still in the air! Job well done. Who’s driving that thing? I’ve got your tab at the officer’s mess at Andrews when we get home.” “Richard Clarke, Captain, United States Air Force. They pulled me off flight test at Edwards for this duty.” “Dick, your money will be no good for a week when we get home. Call your cousins in from out of state. Steak, shrimp, and champagne, the whole nine yards! Just give your call sign at the bar. My card will be there.” “Roger, Gandalf. Two birds returning to base to rearm and refuel. Be advised, Navy sending F-18s as replacement. Best regards to Commander-in-Chief U.S. Forces.” The defensive console operator has handed President Lewis a headset in the meantime. “Regards confirmed, Echo,” comes into the fighter group in the President’s voice. “Dick, this is the President. Sorry for the career interruption. When you need a recommendation for Air War College, give me a call.” “Roger that, Mr. President.” “Your money’s no good either, Jim,” the president remarks to his own pilot. “I’m sending my Gold Card number down there. My limit is not as high as Bill Katz’ account, of course, but it should cover two aircrews and families. Bring your wingman with you Dick. Team effort. The club manager at Andrews knows I’m good for it.” Cheering and laughter comes back from the fighter group. The President continues to bolster his troops. “Godspeed, Echo. Job well done! God bless and keep you all until we get home.” The President closes with a double click. “I’ll be back,” comes over the radio, then “Echo Sierra out” as the lead fighter and his wingman dip and fall away gracefully. President Lewis returns the headset to his defensive systems technician. Passing a hand back over his hair, his thoughts come out in an audible sigh, addressed to know one in particular. “That was close, we barely had time to think. Here today, gone tomorrow.” The technician nods without taking his eyes off the radar screen. Like all else on board, VP Jackson is shaken, but Reverend Jackson reaches down deeper, drawing on the Lord’s hidden reserves. Assuming he is not the only one who needs additional strength, Jackson stands up. He walks the length of the plane whispering the Lord’s Prayer, stopping to invite staff and troops to touch the “Good Book.” A few take the Bible into their hands and kiss it, President Lewis being the last of these. Jackson returns to his seat and just rests his head in his hands. “We’re lucky to be here, Gene. I think we got a little help from upstairs on this one,” the President remarks to Major Roscoco. “Undoubtedly, Mr. President, undoubtedly.” With that thought Major Roscoco reverses course to pound on the cockpit door. “Outstanding job, Jim! A fine piece of work. Don’t think you’re not appreciated.” “Thanks Gene. We love you too,” comes over the intercom. Everyone takes a deep breath. The missile threat is passed, but the tactical nuke strike on the Israeli Air Base below looms minutes away. Brows shine with gathering sweat. They struggle to focus on the task at hand: emergency egress and rapid attainment of the hardened Israeli shelter. Colonel Ostler informs his copilot there is more bad news. “The rear stabilizer is moving erratically, Bob; we must have taken a shrapnel hit. Other systems may be compromised. The loss of one link in the transfer of forces chain can generate a whole cascade of additional failures, given the right maneuvers—stress limits the engineers couldn’t have foreseen. Trying to land on an invisible air strip while under attack is likely to produce all those maneuvers. I’m going to land this thing right now before the plane decides to do it for me.” “Concur.” Colonel Lance strains out a joke while carefully working through his emergency checklist “When . . . given . . . a choice . . . of falling out of the sky . . . or landing . . . always choose landing—Aviation 101.” “Right again, Bob. I’m told even the Army cadets get that one right. Put some light on the ground down there for me.” Colonel Lance flips every switch on the console for ground illumination flare deployment. With a sweep of his hand the entire area lights up like the Fourth of July. “Well, the insurgents definitely know we’re coming now.” “Can’t be helped.” “Over there, Jim, on your left. But it seems to dead end at the mountain. Can that be it?” “Do you see another one?” “No, sir. But since that booster shot I’m not seeing anything clearly. I’m surprised they permitted those shots while we are in the air.” “That’s all I need to know. I’m setting her down now while we still can.” Ostler puts the nose down and the command post begins to undulate toward the ground like a sea snake. As the plane’s aberrant motion becomes unmistakable to its passengers, the President presses the intercom. “I concur with your decision to land early, Jim.” “Roger that, Mr. President.” “Amen!” comes from Jackson still clutching the scriptures across the aisle. A moment later Gabriel confirms that they are cleared to land early and on proper approach. There is movement ahead near the base of the mountain. Colonel Ostler sets the President’s plane down roughly, hitting the ground with as much speed as he dares. He prays the landing gear holds. The landing strip turns out to be paved after all. It’s been painted with a brown substance to make it appear as desert soil. He continues to speed toward the mountain. Gabriel tells him the AWACS and three special ops ships are stacked fifteen seconds apart just behind him. He prefers not to deliver them to the Israelis piggyback. “You can ease off the throttle, Jim, the last ship is on the ground now, minus Puff the Magic Dragon. She will remain aloft to cover the President’s ingress. The hospital ship is carrying an AFSOC team with enough fire power to do the same thing on the ground, Colonel Gary Johnson commanding—a former missile troop according to his profile on Gabriel.” Col. Lance reads this from his heads-up display. “We’ve met.” “Desert Storm?” “No, this summer at Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio. Johnson spoke at the Defending the Faith Conference. The man’s a regular theologian—a fascinating speaker.” “I look forward to meeting him.” “Get unstrapped, Bob. Head back there and hit the exit with the ground troops. I’ll park ol’ Nell alright.” Colonel Ostler wrestles the stick as he speaks and the violently vibrating plane finally slows. “Yes, sir,” Lance affirms. He unbuckles his harness and starts toward the rear, pausing to see if the plane will actually stop before the vibration disassembles it and the pieces fall separately to the ground. “I’ll hold the door for you, Jim,” Lance says, cocking his 9 mm Beretta pistol with firm resolve. He raises it to the safe & ready position pointed at the roof. With the index and middle finger of the opposite hand he signals ‘two’ to the in-flight steward who is handing out Uzis and Colt AR-15 assault rifles from the Secret Service equipment locker. The insurgents may have seen a dove grey converted airliner coming, but they won’t be expecting the President’s private army. Lance glances down the aisle at tripods being unfolded. Several light machine guns, large caliber recoilless rifles and grenade launchers seemingly materialize from thin air. The Service looks grim. This is where they stop playing, when you shoot at their president. The plane’s specially designed side windows are fitted with a removable slotted panel. When trouble arises, the plane’s Crew Chief installs an explosive cartridge on the forward end of the panel. When ignited it propels the panel towards the rear where it eventually falls out leaving the open slot in the plane’s side for use as a small arms firing port. At the first hostile shot the entire side of the President’s plane will become an orange wall of fire, the Alamo with wings, if you will, as the newly created USSS combat defense squad returns fire. God help the terrorists if the Secret Service finds an opportunity here to vent their frustration. In addition to the loss of the nation’s Capital, this tragic event claimed the lives of their own wives and children. “Just follow your orders, Colonel. Do what I’m going to do: run—you won’t stop a tactical nuke with that thing.” “Roger that. I’ll see you inside the hanger, sir, if there is one.” “Gabriel says there is. Now get out of here, Bob . . . . No, hold on a minute. There it is . . . land ho!” As a hole opens up in the side of the mountain, a fleet of speeding Israeli jeeps rushes out at them. It seems they won’t have to run after all. Fully two dozen heavily armed Israeli Air Force jeeps descend upon them forming up on front, side and rear as escort. Others fan out into the desert scrub along the runway, blasting fifty caliber volleys here and there against sporadic small arms fire from insurgents well concealed in the scrub brush and desert ravines. Orange lights flash rearward from each jeep, shielded top and sides by blackout visors. Combat-seasoned Israeli’s lead their distinguished visitors to safety as fast as the jeeps will go, drivers seemingly oblivious to the zing and whiz of AK-47 rounds that have for the moment replaced the annoying desert insects in the air around them. Two Israeli machine gunners are hit and bounce from their vehicles, both retrieved by trailing jeeps like cowboys rescuing rodeo clowns from the bull. Terrorist rounds begin to penetrate the shell of Johnson’s plane. It is not armored as the President’s new plane is. Seatbelts fly off and bodies begin to stack up in the aisles—bodies, not corpses, for they are as yet unharmed. Passengers are variously seeking to make themselves smaller targets by lying on the floor, or they are trying to protect someone beneath them. The female med tech, Charlotte Smith, moves forward to assist a casualty. She is immediately downed with two substantial flesh wounds, shrapnel wounds in the left side and right thigh—not deep but messy. A bullet has also grazed a kidney. The resultant pain convinces her that the wounds are mortal. In her defense, she has no way of knowing otherwise. Blood is everywhere and she is already faint from the loss of it. Assuming she will soon be gone, Sgt. Smith continues to tie off bandages on the wounded airman in front of her. His blood loss is even worse, and can’t wait. In the next instant she has collapsed backwards into the arms of Colonel Johnson and Father Bernie who have rushed to her aid. “I love you, Colonel,” Charlotte confesses, reaching to touch Johnson on the cheek. She figures her last words may as well mean something. To her everlasting embarrassment (that is, until the two are married three years later) she does not die. They are fortunate to have a first-rate flight surgeon onboard. Charlotte’s paramedic colleagues very competently assist him. The flight doc finally manages to stop her bleeding sufficient to give her a fair shot at survival. The med-techs painfully but professionally clean and close the wounds as the plane bumps along, finally applying secure bandages and a tight protective outer wrap. Charlotte is given morphine for pain and assured that she will live. She senses the diagnosis is honest, but knows they would tell her the same thing to increase her morale even if the chances were slim. Colonel Johnson suggests a double shot of bourbon for good measure. No point in leaving morale to chance. Charlotte drinks it gratefully (it’s not her first encounter with Jack Daniels). “Thanks boss. I needed that.” “Job well done, Sergeant! Air Force Cross, at a minimum. Maybe a Silver Star.” He looks over at the young man Charlotte saved, now receiving plasma. “Tony’s alive because of you. You’re the best man I’ve got, woman. You stay with us Charlotte; we are almost home free.” Looking into her eyes, Johnson’s own cloud with emotions he cannot stop to sort out. The professional response will have to do for now. “We can’t afford to lose you.” He crouches to make a dash for the cockpit to see if anyone is left alive to drive the plane. The folks on the floor aren’t going to like this. “Oh!” “Oh!” comes from the troops he has stepped on, then twenty holes appear in rapid succession, slanting down through the skin of the plane in front of him. Fortunately the burst is well high, except for one accursed round. Johnson is knocked over, an ugly gaping hole torn through the back of his shoulder. “Bottle!” “You mean, ‘Medic’ don’t you sir?” the lead med tech inquires. He tends to be a regular occupant of the same bars Johnson frequents. They have fun without going to excess. He quickly presses his fingers into the wound against the artery to stem the awful blood loss, and then waves the flight doc back to work. “Yes, I’ll take a medic; but I meant ‘bottle.’” Charlotte smiles, “Pass the bourbon, the Commander has proposed a toast. To your health, sir.” Charlotte only wets her lips as the surgeon has now forbidden her to drink anything but water. “And to yours, Charlotte. May God bless all here!” Johnson assures the doc that it will only be a symbolic lift of the bottle, but all notice that the contents ebb substantially. Charlotte smiles. If you have to go to war with someone, this is the guy, right here. Colonel Johnson notices the full beauty of her smile for the first time. Having missed the meaning of her earlier remark, and not sure in his own estimate that either she or he will live to see the inside of the Israeli bunker, let alone ever come out of it, Johnson leans over to kiss her forehead. He holds a genuine fatherly affection for each of his troops. “I love you too, Charlotte.” A breach of military protocol, sure, but if a politician has infiltrated my special operations unit despite every effort at hand picking a team of real people . . . well, then, they will just have to kiss my . . . “Lie down, Colonel,” the flight surgeon. Col. Grace, orders with a shove of his hand. “…ass. I mean, Ow! That hurt Doc.” “Sorry Colonel, but this is not the emergency room at Johns Hopkins, though I’ve been called names there too. My wife, you know—she was delivering our first child at the time.” The flight doc smiles through a professional grimace, continuing to work with great intensity. “Serves you right,” Charlotte admonishes. A brilliant smile flashes as the surgeon finishes tying things off. “Another job well done.” He nods to the med techs to clean and dress the wound. The flight surgeon crouches, preparing to go forward, but Charlotte’s hand is on his arm. “We are very lucky to have you, Doc.” “Thank you for that.” Grace is one of the very top men in his field. A National Guard colonel only by choice—his family is quite wealthy—he volunteered for a special tour of active duty with Project Gabriel. He darts towards the cockpit to check on the pilot. “Oh!” “Ow!” “Oh!” “Ow!” “Ouch!” “Oh!” “Ouch!” “Oh!” Puff, the trailing gunship is last to be escorted into the cavernous mountain fortress. They were instructed to stay up and hold their fire until they had mapped the enemy positions as signified by muzzle flashes. This they accomplished with the usual aplomb and efficiency for which gunship crews have become famous. Once the dreaded Gatling gun roared, insurgent fire soon halted. Few terrorists survived Puff’s first pass. The others elected not to risk a second, withdrawing into the failing twilight. They were surprised, however, to find the escape vehicles they had stashed over the rise knocked out by Puff’s bigger gun, the 40 mm cannon. It will now be a long walk to the Syrian border. “This place is huge,” Ostler gasps, looking around, amazed at the enormous expanse inside. “This has to be the biggest hanger in the world.” “According to Gabriel it’s more than a hanger, population 5,500.” Behind them, several large helicopters float in and unload Israeli women and children, who are assisted into open-air electric trolleys. The giant choppers are away again in an instant. “It looks like they are seeing to the survival of their race,” Col. Lance observes. “It looks like they are.” All except the pilots disembark rapidly. The AWACS pulls in smartly as directed by Israeli ground crews. It snuggles up behind the President’s command post, then Johnson’s hospital bird is securely parked, and the two gunships. Ceiling fans are working hard to ventilate the hanger and remove the aircraft fuel fumes to the outside air. The section is sealed from the inhabited areas by a series of over pressured air lock doors, access to which is gained from the second story portion of the aircraft parking superstructure. Clayton carries the wounded sergeant off. Charlotte accepted only a partial dose of painkiller with the intent to provide small arms support to the team. She unsnaps her holstered Beretta. Leaning back against Clayton’s rock solid frame, another “Oh, my!” escapes her lips before her strength fades. “I’m going to pass out, Chief.” Clayton has been promoted en route, as rescue trained personnel are now considered to be at a premium. “Leave me for the medics and get yourself to safety.” She can just make out three fuzzy shapes moving towards them. “Friend!” the Israeli doctor emphasizes, noting shock in her glazed expression and her white-fingered grip on the raised pistol. He gently restrains her shooting hand. “You are among friends.” Danger passed, her last wisp of adrenalin dissipates. Consciousness goes with it. Charlotte is rolled away on a hospital gurney, the clickclick-click of the wheels steady and brisk, but her spirit moves faster. She is already standing at the altar of her hometown church, radiant in a superbly crafted backless white wedding gown, smiling, smiling . . . But who is the tall man beside me, grasping my hand? She can just make out a silver eagle on the near shoulder when he turns to say, “I do.” She will remark for many years thereafter, that is, after the wedding comes about in just that way: “It was so real.” The defibrillator issues its first POP! Charlotte’s pulse resumes with the second. A brief moment after the huge blast doors clang closed and all outside air vents are sealed, an enormous shudder runs through the mountain. The President and several others who stood back to make way for the wounded to be carried out first are thrown into midair while sprinting up the gantry that leads to the bunker’s second story access door. The shockwave detached the gantry cleanly at the top. A single large bolt holding the base structure to the concrete foundation remains, causing the gantry to rotate wildly from side to side as the ground continues to shake. Planes are left on their bellies, landing gear snapped. Fortunately, little fuel remains to pose a fire hazard. Israeli emergency crews, alerted to expect the worst, were safely strapped into heavy fire trucks when the tremor struck. They quickly drown the area in water and foam. Monty, awakened by a mist from the fire hose, rises from the concrete below with an anguished cry of pain and a grimace terrible to see. Thinking he should make a brave show of things, he manages to hobble a few steps, but, with a severe skull fracture, a dislocated shoulder, broken femur, and internal injuries soon collapses, out cold. Most of the others lay still, either by choice or necessity. *** “Kids! KIDS!!” Elizabeth collapses in tears, having just resolved not to show panic to the children. The doorbell! Thank God! It’s Margaret, with David and Jeanette. “What’s wrong Mom?” Julia asks. “Nothing dear, but we have to leave.” Margaret whispers the latest update in Elizabeth’s ear: “The grapevine tells Steve that terrorists may attack Indianapolis at any time. We have to move out now, go somewhere safe, anywhere away from the cities.” Elizabeth instructs her daughter. “Run upstairs, Julia. Get your favorite clothes, teddy and a toothbrush, and then jump into the car. We’re going to drive all the way to . . . uh . . . Disneyland! We’ll play name the bird on the way, and you can get a rainbow pop from Cracker Barrel. It’ll be fun. Maybe Dad will meet us there.” “Hurray!” Elizabeth doesn’t know why she said that; her rule is to always tell them the truth—but it’s working. Perhaps it’s because they may only have one shot to get out in time before the next bomb goes off and a little fib is of small concern if it helps to avoid being at ground zero. She has already packed the children’s clothes for a long stay, but elects not to raise any alarms while teaching them some self-reliance. Jonathan has remained behind to ask a question. “Mom?” “Yes, son?” “Can we take Dad’s gun? He might need it to shoot the terrorists. And, Steve’s too, looks like he has a whole bag of them in the closet!” “They’re not guns dear—at least I don’t think they are—but we’ll find Dad’s just in case. Run and get your stuff too. Disneyland is waiting for us!” Jonathan is off like a shot, and back to wait on the sofa long before sister who can’t decide which of the Lion King T-shirts she likes the best. Elizabeth and Margaret come back from the bedroom with an enormous revolver. “That’s it Mom! Did you get the bullets?” “Yes, Jon. We’re not afraid of no stinking terrorists are we?” She places a Cuban cigar in her mouth and the large pistol under the belt of her Levi’s, then briskly salutes her son. Jon returns it smartly. “No, sir!” “Load your stuff in the back of the car, Captain, we have to get started.” “Can I Mom?” Jon’s eyes open wide with the unexpected good news. “Can you what, dear?” “Can I be a captain?” “Yes, you can be a captain. I’ll be right back.” She jogs off to the wardrobe to take something from one of Joe’s uniforms. It’s a sparkling silver munitions specialist badge: an eagle in flight carrying a bomb. “I award you this wartime promotion to captain, specializing in terrorists!” She makes a big deal out of it, pinning the badge on his shirt and shaking his hand vigorously. Jonathan snaps to attention, salutes, and runs out to the car with his bag. That was great. He attended Dad’s last promotion ceremony. Now, I’ll just have to start digging into the nuts and bolts of the job. “At that rate, he’ll be a general soon,” Margaret observes. “He’s a good son, Elizabeth, you should be very proud of him.” “That I am. I don’t think I’ll have to promote him to general, however; he’ll probably be a real one. Elizabeth looks down at the huge gun she is holding, raising an eyebrow. She cracks an uneven smile of uncertainty. “Margaret, can you shoot? I don’t know how to use this thing?” Elizabeth hands the intimidating weapon towards her friend. Margaret raises her hand to refuse. “Huh-uh” “Give me that,” David, says, “before you hurt yourself.” He removes the gunlock and expertly checks the gun, confirming it is loaded. “Smith & Wesson .50 caliber magnum. This will stop a truck. Does Joe have any more guns? They’ll be valuable items to trade if money fails for a while, according to Ralph down at the store.” “I don’t know. Let’s go look, but we’ll have to hurry. Come on.” Assisted by Margaret , David, and Jeanette, Elizabeth rummages through the drawers and closets. They find only a small Beretta Bobcat .22 caliber pistol that looks like a toy. “I remember now, Joe bought this for me a few years back, but I was afraid of it.” “Is it real?” Margaret asks, passing the tiny gun to David in the palm of her hand. “Eight shots real,” David confirms. He knows guns. “We’ll buy some cartridges on the way out.” “That’s it then, let’s get moving.” “You’ll have to teach us to shoot, David, when we have time,” Elizabeth requests. “Roger that,” his mother agrees. “No problem.” The phone rings. “Hello Steve. Yes, we’re leaving now.” “Take the bags in the closet, Elizabeth. They’re for you; that’s why I put them there. Sorry I had to lie to you. Radiation pills, water, food and gas masks. Strap the mask carrier pouch on under your arm and keep them ready. If the air looks or smells funny, or if people are acting odd or have symptoms, get the mask on as fast as you can. It could save your life. Adjust the straps evenly until you get an airtight seal.” “Do the masks help with radiation?” “No, not really, they are made for chemicals, poison gas. Take the Nuke-Protect iodine and seaweed tablets for radiation. They make a difference. Buy several bottles on the way out of town at the health food stores. They should still be in stock. Not everyone knows the stores carry it. Keep taking the tablets until you are in clean air (if there is any left) and you start to feel better. Head for the northern tier air bases: Montana and the Dakotas. They should have refugee camps set up soon. Move into the mountains of Canada if, God forbid, the situation worsens. We fear more truck bombs across the middle of the country.” “Thank you, Steve, for the bags and advice. Any word on the men?” “I can’t be specific, but I think they have found shelter. Just keep yourself and the little ones safe until they get back.” “We’ll do our best. What about Susan?” “Do you have room for her?” He holds his breath. According to his sources, there’s a fifty-fifty chance this area will be glowing within the week. “We’re taking two cars, Steve: one wagon, one van. We have room. Shall we drive over and pick her up? We’re leaving now. You know she’s welcome. I can’t win Trivial Pursuit without my city librarian partner!” “God bless you, Elizabeth! That’s what I was hoping you would say. Yes, please, and the sooner you start the better the chance of finding enough gasoline to get you there. The whole state is under an evacuation order. I’ll tell her to get ready. Oh, take the county roads; they’re less likely to be jammed than the highways. It’s a mess out there already.” “OK Steve, we’re leaving. You take care.” “Goodbye, Elizabeth. Tell the kids I said to have fun.” And goodbye Jon and Julia, he says silently. He’ll probably never see the little tykes again this side of heaven. Never give up! He remembers reading that on a Gulf War Illness Web page back in the ’90s. Never give up! He prays that this can all somehow miraculously work out. If God can show me the way out of Gulf War Illness, he can manage this too. David and Jeanette load Steve’s heavy bags into the back of the van and they start off across town. Halfway there, Pam and Hugh pull up alongside them at the stoplight. Garfield is behind them on a motorcycle. “Garfield!” The kids shout, banging on the window glass. “We’re going to Disneyland! We’re going to Disneyland!” “Can I come too?” Garfield asks with a glance to Elizabeth, posing two questions, one, in fun, to the kids, and one to Elizabeth for real. “My bike is on its last leg. It gets me around town, but can’t handle road trips.” “Why not,” Elizabeth says. “You have always been part of the family. I would think twice if I were a terrorist before attacking a group with you in it.” Garfield does a Hulk-flex of his arms, chest and shoulders. “Grrrr.” “Hurray!” comes from the children in the back seat. There is a sporting goods store at the corner and Elizabeth pulls off to park. Garfield follows. David runs in for ammunition. “Garfield, there’s a place for you right back there between the kids. Get in.” Garfield parks his bike and retrieves the heavy saddlebags he has packed full of camp stove fuel and dehydrated food. This will be more comfortable than biking wintry roads up north—or more likely hitchhiking after the old bike fails. He also has a dozen Israeli gas masks, purchased from the Internet. Garfield was forewarned by private revelations that something was coming. He’s been packed for months. The old van sighs audibly as he climbs aboard. Pam is talking to Jeannette about something. Apparently Hugh’s car is not running well. It seems unwise to take the time to repair it, with the mass exodus underway. They decide to park it and join Margaret and the teenagers in the new Volvo wagon. Glancing out at the steadily building traffic flow as she hurriedly buckles in, Pam notices a beautiful green Hummer pull in smartly beside the parked motorcycle. “Wanna buy a bike, cheap?” Garfield offers out the van window to the unseen H2 driver. “No, thanks,” comes the reply. “Can you tell me where The Beanery is? I’m looking for a guy named Clayton Delaney.” He extends his head out the window, proffering the ACTS business card Clayton had given him in Bloomington. “Mike!” Pam recognizes their bartender through the windshield. “Hi Pam! Need a drink?” “Yes, I think we all do. We’re evacuating the state. What are you doing?” “The same thing. I was heading north, so I thought I would swing by and check on the Christian team. I’m driving to Canada. It’s my best guess for a safe spot.” Mike is towing a horse trailer and has a U-Haul luggage case full of cold weather gear strapped on top. The inside of his H2 is packed with food, water, guns and ammunition. “A quick stop by the nearest army surplus store for a gas mask and I’m out of here. Where are the others?” “Recalled to active duty. They’re deployed, location unknown. Check with Garfield about a gas mask, he has some extra ones.” “Who has extra gas masks?” It’s Ralph, the storeowner. He is David’s baseball coach and has stepped out to see him off. David works part-time at the store as a stocker. “I do,” Garfield says stepping out of the van to retrieve one from the back for Mike. “The question is, what have you got?” Ralph watches as Garfield stretches, slowly straightening to his full height. “Caught in a growth spurt as a kid, huh?” “Don’t start, Grandpa,” Garfield admonishes staring down at Ralph as if from an immense height. “OK, OK. Only kidding. I have guns, fishing poles, sleeping bags, tents . . . . Am I getting warm? I could sure use a couple medium masks for the wife and I.” “We have handguns,” Garfield remarks. “How about this. I’ll give you four masks. In these troubled times the extra two should be of enough value to get back more than we’re asking, if you trade them smartly. You give us three large tents, two fly rods, some trot lines, ten zero degree sleeping bags, two sharp axes, and a sniper, I mean hunting, rifle with scope and ammo. Take it or leave it.” “I don’t know. That’s a lot of merchandise.” Ralph looks out at the dense traffic evacuating the city with a mischievous gleam in his eye. “ . . . Well, OK, I’ll . . . I’ll take it,” he concedes reluctantly. “Go get what you want from the store. But let’s have those masks first.” “Done.” David says, “I can take care of it faster, Garfield. I have the shelves memorized.” He runs into the store to get the items requested. He knows sporting goods. He makes five trips, finally returning with a Winchester .270 cal. rifle with red dot scope and a small net bag holding several boxes of ammo. “If you miss with this, you can’t shoot,” David says, handing it to Garfield. He’s spent a lot of time in the field hunting with Dad. His own rifle is the same. I sighted the scope in myself. It is illegal to hunt with a high powered rifle in Indiana, but some folks keep them for survival or take varmints that have been causing problems on their farms. People get nervous for their livestock, pets, and kids way out of town there, though large predators are almost never seen in the state. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen next week, though. Wolves and mountain lions are starting to come back, expanding east again. Garfield nods. “I read that on the Web recently. Hey, David, I don’t even go out of town. I stick to civilization, though we have our own kind of predators here. He places the rifle securely in the van alongside the other two, David’s identical Winchester .270 and Clayton’s custom Ruger SR-762 .308. “I can shoot though. Runs in the family. That Ruger SR is an awfully nice piece.” “Yep,” David agrees, followed by Ralph’s, “It sure is. One of the best. Hated to see that one go, but gave Clayton a good deal because of his service. Just a little heavy for me, but Clayton wouldn’t notice more than a toothpick. I shoot the new DPMS second generation RECON in .308. Only weighs seven pounds and a quarter. Got a beautiful scope for it and attached a bipod. Handle just about any threat short of a fighter jet or Panzer.” Garfield playfully grips Ralph by the shoulder and trapezoid. “Not just your ordinary rickety old retired grandpa are you Ralph? More there than meets the eye.” “So I like to believe, big guy. What I want to know is what a guy your size needs with a gun in the first place?” “Well you just never know these days, do you Ralph? Look at what’s going on out there for instance—evacuating the entire state. Who expected that to happen?” “Good point. Good point.” Ralph shakes his head, then turns to see a new Ford 350 pickup pull in towing a beautiful camper. The elderly driver is Ralph’s wife Ethel. Ethel climbs down from the wheel and Ralph takes her place. Ralph winks at David who runs back into the store and returns with two large duffle bags and his pockets stuffed full of something. He dumps the contents into the van, and returns for yet more supplies. “Put the sign up, dear,” Ralph requests with another wink. “I’ll do a final check on the engine and tires before we start out.” Ethel steps inside the store and hangs a large white sign in the window that reads “Help yourself, everything’s free! We’re out of here!” David has been told to go in and remove any remaining guns. Ralph and Ethel drive off, leaving the door to the store open. “Go get what you want,” David tells the others. “Whatever’s left is free for the taking.” The women run in to grab some insulated hunting clothes, thermal underwear, gloves, a camp stove, cold weather face shields, and two miniature snowmobile suits for the kids. Garfield is still shaking his head and mumbling about the everything’s free sign when they come back. “Out maneuvered by an old grandpa…” “Mike, come over here for a minute,” Margaret says, which he does. She extends her hand. “I’m Clayton’s wife, Margaret.” Elizabeth walks up to join the powwow. “Canada is our backup plan,” Margaret continues. “The northern tier air bases, Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas are our first stop. They should have refugee camps set up by the time we get there. It could be a lot more comfortable than roughing it in the Canadian mountains in winter. At the first sign of a threat, we can move further north. How about it, Mike? Want to tag along? There’s safety in numbers?” “Your logic is good . . . and it feels right. Clayton would probably want me to tag along to look after camp security. If you folks hit trouble down the road I would be pretty uncomfortable trying to explain to your husbands how I had a chance to pitch in and didn’t do it. Lead the way.” “Thanks for helping Mike. Liz and I aren’t exactly shrinking violets, but the world’s gotten awfully dangerous all of a sudden. Having some outdoor male types along will makes us feel a whole lot safer. Try to stay behind us as we pull out. We have to pick up a friend six blocks north, first, and stop by the health food store for some Nuke-Protect tablets. Then we’ll get underway.” “You can skip the Nuke-Protect, I have two cases in the car.” “Great! Let’s get going.” Garfield comes running out of the store with hunting knives, compasses, hand warmers, rain ponchos, more thermal underwear, propane tanks, canteens and a lantern. He’s now wearing a top of the line Camelback backpack stuffed with walkie-talkies and bags of trail mix. “That old guy tricked me. I can’t believe it. I could’ve traded those masks for a small fortune.” “You did trade them for a small fortune. Get in.” Elizabeth pulls smartly out into traffic, heading north to Steve’s house. Margaret looks back over her shoulder with a sigh as she begins to back out, already feeling homesick. She notices her son is not there. “Where’s David?” Jeanette points out the window, rolling her eyes. “He wants to be Rambo.” “Hold on Mom!” David shouts, lumbering out of the store. He has the biggest gun that she has ever seen in one hand and an expensive short wave radio set in the other. “Isn’t it a beauty? A World War II vintage .45 caliber Thompson with drum magazine and tripod—fully automatic. A classic collector’s piece. Ralph gave it to me, Mom. It’s must be worth a fortune! Can you believe it?” And the thing works, he doesn’t say. “Put it in the back with the rest. You can go bear hunting later. Did he give you any bullets for it?” She glances casually back over the seats having given no thought to ‘fully automatic.’ “Yeah, a few” he says, patting two overstuffed duffle bags resting just out of his mother’s line of sight. They are away in the next moment, hurrying to catch up with Elizabeth. Mike falls in behind, having seen to his horses during the delay. CHAPTER 7 Counterstrike “Frank, stay with me. If my voice fades it may not be a weak connection: I’m recovering from a concussion. Someone was kind enough to drop a tactical nuke on our doorstep after we landed,” General Wiles informs his Chief of Staff. “Ouch!” “By all rights I should be dead, but the Israelis have come up with an impressive new shelter concept. Thanks be to God the darn thing works! Where are you?” “In the Midwest checking our force structure and trying to regroup.” “Good. Listen to me, Frank. We’re reviewing the strike reports from the stealth missions. We think we’ve taken out all the nuke launchers meant to play in this game. On the other hand, if another launcher turns up in Syria or Iran, they probably won’t get a third chance: look for bright flashes on the horizon. This is for your ears only: the President may not make it. We lost a couple of pilots and our planes are out of commission for now. Still, it could have been worse. “Frank, it looks like you are going to have to run the Ponderosa until we get back. Think you can handle Commander, HQ CONUS?” “I will handle any job that you drop in my lap, General. That’s what the taxpayers and the children expect their uniformed soldiers to do.” “Good. That’s what I hoped you would say. We have more senior officers scattered around the country, but the President prefers to leave existing leadership in place in the field, at base and command level, and for the joint task forces. Those guys and gals may end up having to act independently solely upon their own initiative. If that happens, they will need the accrued field level expertise, technical competence, unit mission familiarity, and seniority to pose a capable defense and counterstrike effort from where they sit. Now is not the time to play musical chairs and set everyone down in a new job that they don’t know a thing about. In short, headquarters units are going to have to manage with headquarters weenies; that is basically what the President said.” “I’ll do my best, sir. I had a good teacher.” “I hope he wasn’t too hard on you.” “Just hard enough to make the lesson stick, General.” “You always were a good kid, Frank—the son I never had. What are you, forty something now I guess?” “Something like that. I don’t feel more than twenty-five.” “You will when the adrenalin wears off, trust me. What’s the radiation level there in the Midwest?” “Just livable for a short visit. Extended exposure is extremely dangerous—it’s getting worse as we speak.” “Let’s not do that to our people, Frank. Attach the deployment centers’ personnel across the Midwest to your headquarters and get them out of there. The radiation monitoring and decon teams will be moving in soon. The civilian population is already moving out. There’s nothing there to manage except refugee traffic.” “Consider it done. I can use the extra staff to organize new regional operation centers, once we find a safe location. I was able to raise NorthCom in Colorado on a satellite phone, and we have some personal cell phones still working. We’re setting up communications protocols to coordinate actions and maintain an ongoing liaison. Most of their field troops, of course, have deployed to render assistance to the disaster areas. They have enough fire power left at home, however, to form quite a few strike teams if needed.” “Great. Looks like you’re getting on top of the situation. It’s a great comfort having someone with your capabilities there to handle things while the CINC and I are stuck here out of battery. “Oh, hey, one more thing. Our new chaplain here advises me that you have a Chief Master Sergeant Steven Garger in West Lafayette, Indiana running the regional deployment center. Garger and our chaplain are old friends. Whatever you do, don’t tell the chief that Father Bernie and his friends from West Lafayette are all safely bunkered at a friendly base in the Middle East. Why, he might tell the whole parish that they are OK, and they would stop worrying. Who knows what terrible repercussions to national security might ensue if that got out. You do understand me, don’t you Frank?” “Loud and clear, General Wiles, loud and clear. And . . . General . . . I’m sorry . . . for your loss. Katherine was a lovely woman, and a good friend.” “Thanks for that, Frank. You’re doing a great job. We’re counting on you to hold things together until we get back to CONUS. Check in every twelve hours. You’re promoted to two-star effective immediately. Now go kick some butt!” “Thank you, General! I’ll call you in twelve.” “Don’t be too surprised. At the rate things are moving, I might have your third star for you soon. Battlefield promotions occur as needed and Monty is a take care of business kind of President. Keep the faith. Wiles Out.” “Out.” “Thanks General, I owe you one,” Father Bernie says. “You’re welcome, Father. When are we meeting again, for coffee?” “Tomorrow, 7 pm, in the cafeteria. Quite a few of the Israelis are coming.” “I hoped they would.” “They’ve been blessed with private revelations; there is even a few bonafide charisms in that group. They’re fired up. They believe God is firmly guiding events and they fully intend to get this right. The number of messianic Jews here is climbing each day, by the way,” Father Bernie reveals. “Thanks be to God! You know, Father, they have been talking about making a suicidal charge out of here to the relief of their soon to be heavily embattled forces in the North, something like King Theoden charging out of Helm’s Deep in The Lord of the Rings.” “They’re a romantic bunch; heroism must run in their blood. I see why the Lord loved them so much.” “I see it too. Let’s check on the President. You said he surfaced momentarily and asked for Viaticum, the final Eucharistic sacrament?” “Yes, I’m on my way there now. Let’s talk as we walk. Time may be short for our President.” They head off toward the infirmary at a brisk pace. The general’s head swims a little; he is forced to slow down. “Just a moment, Father, I need to regain visual focus. I should never have let that quack Johnson prescribe Jack Daniels for a concussion. Whew!” “He’s got a long track record of malpractice.” “We played a few hands of poker last night in the infirmary in between the surges in emergency message traffic. He took me for $65! That ammo crowd who work out at the base bomb dumps, they’re all card sharks you know, especially the missile guys. You have to watch your wallet.” “I’ll jot that down for future reference,” Father Bernie chuckles. “You’re a good man, Father Bernie. I’m putting in a word with the Lord on your behalf.” “It couldn’t hurt—he use to listen to George Patton.” “Speaking of military geniuses, Colonel Yosef has been toying with some hare-brained scheme he has dreamed up. He wants to discuss it with us in private. Yosef’s trademark throughout his career with Mossad and the IDF has been wild ideas and risky plans. Inconceivably, so far they have all managed to work out.” “I’ve heard that too,” Father Bernie affirms. “Sometimes the resolve and commitment of the people implementing a plan are as important as the genius of those who designed it. Josef is one of those hard-charging guys who just makes things work. He doesn’t quit. Christ had a crazy notion once. It seemed hare-brained to the authorities and experts of his time. He called it eternal salvation. Despite all the foolish mistakes of the people down here he’s been trying to help, he still hasn’t given up on his plan.” “Right.” “Tell the Base Commander I look forward to meeting him at his earliest convenience.” “Will do, Father.” “While we’re on the subject of God hearing our prayers, General, how’s your faith doing through all of this?” “I’ll tell you in Confession, Father, when I’ve completed the instruction program and joined the Catholic Church!” General Wiles announces this triumphantly as something he is very proud of. He then leans over and whispers more quietly, “The thought of that first confession scares me to death.” While cognizant of the humor inherent in the nation’s senior combat leader being scared silly of the confessional, General Wiles is being genuinely candid. Fear of confessing is a universal, though rationally unfounded fear. Father Bernie is used to dealing with it. “Don’t worry too much about it, General. Keep it simple. Do take an honest look at your life, however. Check the important stuff, the Ten Commandments. Read the catechism’s discussions of sin. Mortal sins should always be addressed in confession. The Vatican encourages us to bring even the smaller sins to confession as well, to be thorough, but some of the parishes in the United States tend not to encourage that as much, reminding us that our venial sins are forgiven in the Mass and that we should not be psychologically compulsive about guilt. We should, rather, trust fully in God’s mercy. “Perhaps the wise middle ground there is to bring the stubbornly recurring venial sins to Confession. Those are the ones that threaten to become a vice, producing troublesome, long term attachments. Those are the ones we need the most help with, and God strengthens us every time we meet him in the Holy Sacrament of Confession, now called Reconciliation. “Both approaches are valid provided you select the method for its strength and not its weakness, and provided, of course, that one succeeds in identifying important sins so that healing can occur. I personally tend to follow the late Pope John Paul II’s example and go to confession every week, erring on the side of caution. “Priests have sins!!!? I didn’t know that.” “Priests are human too, so, of course they have sins. They are fighting the same battle against Satan and the human tendency to sin as everyone else. What moves the priest to more frequent Confession perhaps, though, is not that they have more sins, which wouldn’t make much sense, but that they are such experts on sin and so sensitive to offending the Lord that they notice things the rest of us miss. God, of course, sets a higher standard for them. “What is a small matter for lay persons who are distracted with the demands of daily life, who don’t know the rules nearly as well, and who haven’t been given the transformational gifts of a holy character that the Holy Spirit indelibly imprints upon every priest, is a larger concern for the priest. He should know better and he is expected to set a high example for others. “One objective of Confession, often overlooked, is that its purpose is not so much to bring in a “grocery list” of sins committed at specific places and times, but to identify the deeper attitudes and tendencies we have within us that spawn repeated occurrences of sins. Until we address the permissive attitude or the tendency within ourselves to condone sin, we are not being fully honest with God, or even with ourselves. Healing and reconciliation are therefore not fully accomplished. “The objective in Confession is to make steady progress towards expiating our sins once and for all. Overall, forward progress in a Christian’s personal growth is possible and expected, despite the fact that we will sometimes slip back into sin. We are not condemned if our sins recur while we are honestly struggling against them, but when we stop struggling to expiate our sins permanently, when we begin to tolerate their presence as OK, taking on a permissive attitude that treats sin as a trivial formality that gets rubber stamped in Confession then we are in big trouble. Confession is not a rubber stamp procedure. It is an extraordinary grace of forgiveness and healing extended by a loving God who is fully good to his human children, children who have seriously rebelled against him in doing something selfish, evil, hateful, or immoral. “Rebellion against God is not trivial. Doing evil and immoral things or selfishly hurting others is not trivial. Forgiveness of our sins is not something we merit based upon our own goodness; it is a freely given, unmerited gift that God offers us out of unconditional love. When we have committed a mortal sin we go into Confession literally with a death sentence. Our behavior justly deserves that sentence. But, through the pure grace and goodness of God we come out of Confession with a reprieve, with eternal life restored to us and with our sick soul substantially healed. “Being reprieved from a justly imposed death sentence and simultaneously having our hearts and souls healed and converted back to good from evil is not a trivial rubber stamp event! It’s a magnificent event worthy of great celebration! “In this holy event, the Sacrament of Confession, or Reconciliation, as it is now called, we are called to acknowledge that we, yes we, are in fact sick and criminal. We should enter Confession with the recognition that we urgently need forgiveness and healing deep in our souls. The term ‘mortal sin’ means a sin worthy of a death sentence, an eternal banishment to hell where we will be separated from the light and love of God, which is life itself. “Of course, priests and pastors, the leaders of our churches, the pope, the cardinals and the bishops are simply going to catch things that busy working folks will frequently miss, such as lack of charity in a brief personal interchange with someone, a moment where one might have been more kind and supportive, for example. Often, and incorrectly, many busy working men and women wouldn’t give these things a moment’s thought; they only take time to look at major events and significant interpersonal exchanges. These oversights aren’t usually of acts that constitute mortal sins, but of negative attitudes or sinful thoughts. Attitudes and thoughts, however, can constitute sins in the spirit. “Only an honest examination of one’s moral conscience will reveal whether the sin was serious or minor, mortal or venial. The Catechism of the Catholic Church has an excellent little section on dealing with sin. I’ve got an extra copy in my room, I’ll mark it for you and drop it on your desk. “Thanks, Father. That’s very kind,” General Wiles responds, struggling to digest all of this in real time.. “No problem, General. I know I have burdened you with a lot to think about, but most new Catholics looking at that first Confession would rather have more info than less. It can be a bit of a daunting experience. “Yes, it really is, and I do prefer the info.” “Here’s a short cut that simplifies the whole thing: love. Stay centered in the love of Christ and you will see clearly how to deal with sin. If, as Christ so eloquently said, loving God with all our heart and our neighbor as much as ourselves are the two greatest commandments, commandments, commandments which sum up the entire law and the prophets, then failure to love God and to love the people around us each day is not only a sin, but the sin, the most basic and important one. On the other hand, if we genuinely love God and others at the deepest level of our souls, we will never permit ourselves to commit the sins of the Ten Commandments. “When the pope or a bishop catches himself slipping out of a lovecentered, generous, friendly, and charitable spirit in an exchange with another of God’s children he may feel it to be grounds for Confession although he hasn’t visibly done much of anything at all, only exchanged a few words and barely moved an inch. Sin, mortal sin at least, has more to do with what is inside us in our hearts and spirits than what we do with our hands and legs—and mouths. Mortal sin concerns what we intended to do of our own free choice after deliberating, not what we have done unknowingly or inadvertently. We should take precautions against accidentally doing something wrong, yes, but it is the times when we had a chance to rationally deliberate beforehand, and chose to go ahead and do a bad thing, knowing it was wrong, that mortal sin is incurred. “Being willing to commit a sin in our hearts and minds is a sin even if we never get an opportunity to do the sinful act. Therefore, in doing the examination of our conscience required to prepare for Confession, and in doing the similar examination that we should perform daily to determine if we need to go to Confession, we must spend at least as much time looking inside ourselves at our emotional and spiritual condition as we do making an inventory of our outward behaviors and actions. “Thanks Father, that helps a lot. In essence, you are saying that the presence of love has a healing effect that defeats sin. That suggests to me that love can be a real shortcut to ridding ourselves of bad habits.” “Exactly right. To rid oneself of a bad habit, something good has to take its place, and love is the best thing we have available. The truths of the faith are emotional truths after all. It is the heart, not the head that must grasp them. “Wherever the light of love doesn’t shine, the darkness of evil and sin is free to remain. So, simply trying to avoid sin is not enough to win the battle. It is like running from one dark room to the next because you know darkness is wrong without ever stopping to turn on the light. Christian faith is a proactive thing more than an avoidance thing; we have to turn on the light of Christian love. When we do that, obeying the Ten Commandments comes naturally. ” “Do these things and you will live,” comes from Wiles—one of his favorite verses. Father lowers his head, feeling the power of the citation. “You are a quick study, General. You will do well in the Church. “The thing to remember is that Confession is a joyous healing experience that renews our friendship with God and restores eternal life! But it will also deliver us from demonic attacks by restoring the light and love of Christ as the center of our lives.” “Thanks be to God!” “As far as the details of the form of the Confession procedures, now called the Holy Sacrament of Reconciliation, what you have to do and say, I have one of the Church’s booklets that explains it all in my room. It is Catholic Update CU 0176, I think. I’ll drop it in your mailbox. Confession is easy and simple, not much to it in terms of complexity, but as a Holy Sacrament we must take the time to learn how to perform it in a respectful manner.” “Thank you, Father, you have been a great help.” They stop at the door of the President’s private room. “I’ll leave you to administer the final sacrament. I’m going to walk down to the temporary chapel and light a candle for the boss.” Father Bernie is again moved by the Spirit. He is looking at a man of faith. He performs the sign of the cross over General Wiles in blessing, and then quietly turns to enter the President’s room. A young Israeli nurse gently restrains his wrist as he approaches Monty’s bed. “The President’s coma is not so deep, Father, but his condition is not strong. If he should wake, do not task him. These instructions come from far above our Base Commander. Monty’s doctor concurs. We have just lost our leader; we do not want to lose yours. A neurologist will fly in tomorrow. Until then, the less the President is disturbed, the better.” “I understand. May God bless you for your concern. You’re a good nurse,” Father says through welling tears for his president. Father Bernie has always been a patriot. His arm automatically reaches out to form the salvific cross over this young angel of mercy who has been so tenderly watching over his Commander-in-Chief. Compassionate, though agnostic, she is poignantly touched by the blessing. Looking up in the wondrous joy of first realization of God, she begins to scurry off to the chapel as a six-year-old might rush through the gate of Disneyland, flailing her arms in joyous celebration. She pauses, looking back over her shoulder with a teary smile, simultaneously asking and affirming, “God is real?” “God is real” “He loves us?” “Yes. He loves us very much.” Welling emotions break out into a flood of tears. For lack of anywhere else to go, the nurse falls into Father Bernie’s arms as if he were her natural parent. Father shares her tears for a moment. The joy of first conversion is powerfully contagious. What a precious child! She steps back a moment to look Father frankly in the eye. The cloud of emotion has been replaced by a crystal clarity that only those free of all guile and malice can ever attain. In her innocence the President’s kindhearted nurse has immediately intuited a truth that degreed theologians often take decades to learn. “But this is too wonderful. All problems are solved!” “Yes. All solved.” She dissolves back into his arms again, then, remembering her charge, the U.S. President, bounces away. “Oh, I’m sorry, you have to…” She points to Monty. “Thank you. I’m going to pray. Thank you.” *** A tall man with sandy hair approaches Steve’s desk through the open door to the hallway. OMG! Three stars! “Chief Garger?” “Yes sir.” “Lieutenant General Frank O’Connor, Commander, HQ CONUS. I represent the Chief of Staff, General Wiles, who is out of the country.” “Yes, sir . . . but . . . ” “You can say it.” “Weren’t you a colonel three weeks ago?” “I was. After the destruction of the Pentagon, what’s left of Congress passed emergency measures granting field promotion authority for flag officers to the President and the Joint Chiefs, removing all time in grade requirements and permitting the service to delegate that authority further down to field level as situations dictate. Until the war ends, Congress will review our senior officer promotions, but they aren’t authorized to overturn them short of an impeachable offense.” “So…we got hurt.” “We got hurt. Listen, Chief, to make a long story short, we’re heading north to regroup and reorganize, ‘strategically advancing to the rear,’ as they say—and you’re coming with us. Your people will remain under your supervision, but I’m putting you in charge of my CONUS redeployment operation. You’ll be in-briefed in two hours and we’ll be on the road to Minot North Dakota in three. Understood?” “Understood, sir. We have all been pre-packed for days, just in case.” “Right. Be at the HQ van parked outside in two hours. Oh, by the way, there’s something I’m not supposed to tell you.” “Oh?” “Father Bernie and his two friends are safely bunkered in the Middle East for the moment—but you didn’t hear it from me, understood?” “Understood, General. This conversation never took place.” “It did not. See you in two hours, Steve. Jot down any thoughts you have on managing CONUS personnel in this mess in the meantime.” “Will do, General. Many thanks.” A priest passes the general on the way out, offering a crisp salute despite being long since retired. He steps into Steve’s plainly furnished office and scans the room blankly for a moment, his mouth open, breathing heavily. The priest grabs the arm of a padded chair for support then turning and bending at the waist plants his other hand in the seat to stabilize himself after a near faint. “Father Herman! You’re not well. Have a seat. Here, I’ll get you some water.” “Thanks Steve, how are you fixed for Nuke Protect?” Father Herman’s head lags in his chair. He is rapidly fading from radiation exposure. “Over there on the south wall. Take a few cases with you when you go. Father, don’t get up; take two from my vitamin box for now. That’ll get you started. How’s the evacuation coming?” “Excellent! It should finish itself up. Whew! Give me just a second.” He drinks some water and Steve hands him a foam cup with coffee. He guzzles it straight down. “There, that’s better. Yes, we are in good shape. We set up a pyramid style team to canvas the neighborhoods and alert everyone to leave. Each team member finds at least two others to team build, and so on. They each launch two new teams, spend the maximum exposure time alerting others, and then exit the contaminated zones. Residents who already have maximum exposure are asked only to notify those they would naturally pass as they are leaving, usually nobody as they won’t be rolling down the windows of their vehicle. But, it’s working. We’ve got a hundred people going door-to-door here in town, and another hundred going from town to town, starting new pyramids. The entire state should be canvassed within days. I’m out of here first light tomorrow. Heading to Canada in my new jeep.” Smiling, Father Herman pumps his thumb between the index and middle finger near the opposite bicep to simulate a shot. “I reach my thirty year service date the seventeenth of next month. By the time the Pentagon gets that far down the activation list, I won’t be on it! I always wanted to fish the Upper Peninsula. I ordered a stock of fish lures that can’t miss: Rapalas, silver, gold, short, long, divers, skimmers, the whole set. Bought an old fixer upper cabin just over the Michigan line on the west shore. It needs a roof and a porch but the chimney and cellar are intact, bed, table and cupboard built-in. No more than twenty yards to the lake. A small boat came with it. “Can you hear the reels singing, Steve? Smell the fresh bass on the grill? There’s a fresh water stream feeding into the lake just over the rise. I have a case of vegetable seeds and some tools for the garden. It’ll be like Henry David Thoreau on his best day!” “My money is still in the bank,” Steve responds, grinning. “Won’t do you any good there.” Steve offers Father Herman two more Nuke Protect tablets. “Seaweed won’t hurt you.” “You’re OK for an Air Force puke, Steve.” Captain Powell, General O’Connor’s aide, pokes his head through the door. “The briefing has been moved up an hour. Be at the van in forty-five minutes.” “Consider it done, Captain,” Steve responds. “Oh, Captain Powell, meet Father (Lt. Colonel) Herman Stone, United States Army, Retired. He’s one of our local priests. Father Herman, Captain Powell.” “A pleasure, Captain.” General O’Connor has stepped back in behind Captain Powell in the meantime. “Guys, hey, let’s get out of here . . . while we still can. The weather is changing and the security threat analysis for Indianapolis just went through the roof. Everyone in the van, please! The briefing will have to take place en route. A storm front from the west is coming in faster than expected, bringing fallout from Denver with it, and Dayton’s radiation perimeter is oozing the other way across the state line towards us from the east. Counter-terrorism intel says Indy is about to light up. Let’s go!” Capt. Powell overheard Father Herman’s the bit about the cabin, which makes this a tough question to ask. “Father, have you checked in with DOD for activation instructions?” “Um, no, Captain I’ve been too busy getting the ‘sheep’ ready for evacuation.” “Very good, Colonel; I’ll plug you into our system here. The general will determine your assignment.” “I wouldn’t bother, Captain. I’m so far down the service date list that the Pentagon will never select me before my term expires.” “I’m sorry to say it, Colonel, but there is no Pentagon, and therefore, no list. We are simply playing it by ear, managing the best we can. Full stop loss is in effect across the board in any case.” This is the first Steve and Father Herman have heard of specific damages. The public was only informed of a handful of terrorist bomb detonations, and that the response was basically “the problem is well in hand.” General O’Connor confirms. “I am afraid he is right, Father Herman. Consider yourself recalled to active duty. You can have one of my old uniforms. You’ll be promoted to full colonel, in a week anyway—I guarantee it. I’m the promoting authority. “Add Father Herman to the system Captain . . . and open his promotion file while you’re there.” “Yes, sir.” “Put that Nuke Protect out in the street for the civilians, Chief; we’ve got plenty. We’ll be in clean air before they will. Let’s go!” “Yes, sir,” Steve responds. Father Herman bows to the will of God. What the heck, a full bird makes more than a priest anyway. He’ll dump his military paycheck into the relief funds near the perimeter of the blast areas. No telling where this headquarters team will go; he could wind up deep sea fishing in Monterey Bay, San Diego, or even Hawaii—if he lives that long. Steve looks at Father Herman with so much disappointment one would think they were his Rapalas rusting on the shelf. “Oh well, Steve, the fish will still be there when we get back. Duty calls.” “If the northwest winds prevail, they’ll be there. That’s keeps the fallout from the east away. It is not yet clear how far north is going to be far enough to miss the stuff coming from the West.” “No wonder I got that place cheap. When we get back, I’ll fly in from the north with a Geiger counter, just to be on the safe side.” “Probably wise, Father, probably wise. We’d better get moving. O’Connor is a bit of an unknown entity, a bird colonel only weeks ago.” “Oh, he’s OK. I know a good man when I see one. Give me a hand up, Steve. No big deal; once I get moving I’ll be fine.” Lifting Father to his feet with one hand, Steve waves the other at his work detail: six high school graduates, fresh from the recruiter’s office. “Put that stuff in the street with a “FREE!” placard on it, then grab a spot in one of the vehicles in the convoy outside. We’ll regroup at our destination. Take your orders from the ranking member in your truck until we arrive. Understood?” “Understood, Sergeant Steve,” comes back from one of them. “I’ll make the placard,” another offers. They are done in an instant. Military training instructors don’t usually have it that easy, Steve thinks. He is visibly proud of his young warriors. Hoosiers, you know: always there when it counts. The convoy moves out. O’Connor invites everyone to grab some coffee before taking a seat in his olive drab forty-foot van for the briefing. *** Susan may be a little neurotic, but she’s not stupid. She was out on the curb, bags in hand, a good fifteen minutes before Margaret pulled up in the new Volvo. They waited another two minutes, counting the seconds, before Elizabeth and the kids arrived, followed closely by Mike’s H2. They did not stop to chat. Margaret gave the “wagons ho!” sign, waving her arm forward with a forceful gesture and they were off, making for the nearest county road at best possible speed. They hoped to escape what was certain to be urban gridlock any moment, despite the fact that West Lafayette only has two major streets. Nonetheless, the traffic on the county roads was bumper to bumper. They elected to go to night driving exclusively to avoid creeping day traffic, and to save gas. Averaging twelve hours on the road per day, they stopped only for gas, seeing the “all out” signs go up behind them more than once. Giving the highways a wide berth turned out to be a good strategy. Twenty miles per hour wasn’t much, but at least they were moving. As the days advanced, they played leapfrog with the large pickup with new camper that tended to stay just ahead of them. Nearing La Crosse Wisconsin at the break of another overcast dawn on the fourth day out they decided to pull in at Sackmann’s Wayside Inn to wait out the sun. It seems like the explosions even have the weather all riled up. It was an easy decision to make. Ralph and Ethel came out of the inn on the run, frantically waving to them to stop. Seeing them about to pass by, Ralph took an awful chance and stepped into traffic to force them aside. “That’s my coach, Mom! Pull over,” David pleads. As everyone was fully exhausted from a long night of driving, there was no argument. As a bonus, a “Food still available” sign flashed on top of the inn. “Looks like as good a place as any to spend the day,” Margaret sighs, staring at the exit sign for La Crosse. She suddenly remembers. It was La Crosse. Ralph is pacing the window of the van before they have fully stopped. “Have I got a deal for you,” he promises, leaning in with a smile. “Grrrr” comes from Garfield in the back seat. “This guy, John, here, who runs the place, has three, count ’em, three fifty gallon drums of gasoline out back, which he is willing to part with for the right price! Who’s in?” “Grrrr” Garfield is a little gun shy from their last deal, but his 170 IQ has already worked out what the extra gas means for their survival quotient. “What’s he want for them?” Garfield concedes. “Not much, considering. He’s on his way out: going further north.” Ralph checks the note he scribbled about the deal. “He wants a horse, a rifle, an axe, pup tent and sleeping bag, a survival knife, water purification tablets and a rain parka. Let’s see,” flipping the note over he reads, “folding pocket saw, canteen, salt, spices, and some dried fruit and trail mix. That’s it. He’s getting venison and beef jerky from a guy up the street and has his own bath tissue. I can cover all but the horse from what I have extra in the camper, and so can you because I know you emptied my store after we left.” Ralph abruptly leans in with comic exaggeration to stare accusingly at Garfield. Garfield is taken by surprise and, with no other response prepared, nods guiltily. Despite the free sign, he would have trouble in court if the party is separated and Ralph changes his mind, what with no receipt and all. He sheepishly holds up the overstuffed backpack. Oh, the shame of it all. Ralph leaves Garfield to squirm for a moment. He thinks a little comic relief doesn’t hurt in the middle of a thermonuclear war. Then, noting Garfield’s genuine embarrassment, he wonders if he didn’t overdo it. “I’ll write you a receipt for that stuff next break, Garfield, in case we get separated and you are stopped on an anti-looting inspection.” Garfield begins to warm to the old coot despite himself. But two can play this game. “Gas! Gas!” Garfield yells at the top of his voice, pulling on his mask and pointing frantically out the window at nothing whatsoever. He whispered to the kids that he is going to play a game with Ralph, that they should not be scared. Ralph and Mike are the only ones savvy enough to know to reach for the gas masks strapped under their arms immediately upon the cry of “Gas!” No time to verify things in a chemical attack—just get the mask on. Mike happens to be inside the trailer tending his horses and does not hear. Thus, Ralph is left to be the sole butt of Garfield’s joke. After letting Ralph jump around in his mask for a few moments trying in vain to get the others to heed the false alarm, Garfield reaches over and stretches the back strap to raise the side pouch from Ralph’s ear. “All clear, Ralphie. You’re still alive, so I guess it wasn’t such a bad deal after all.” He gives the elastic an extra bit of tension before letting it go. Ralph jumps at the sting on his neck. “Very funny, big guy, very funny. But I did get the mask on in record time.” “You’re pretty good with it Ralph, I have to admit. The kid here says you can also shoot the ‘P’ out of Pepsi at 75 yards.” “David’s right, and so can he. And it’s the twelve ounce can, not the two liter bottle.” Ethel comes over to administer her daily admonishment to her husband. She firmly believes that if she regularly corrects her seventy-two year old husband he will someday finally emerge from adolescence. “If you two boys are through playing now, we’ll get back to the necessary business at hand. We have to talk Mike out of one of his beautiful horses. That may not be so easy.” “Consider it done,” Mike says, leaning in, an arm across Ralph and Ethel’s shoulders. “It’s for the best. Minus that extra fuel, at the rate my Hummer burns gas I will soon have to leave both horses behind and my vehicle. Let’s go talk to John and see what we can work out. “We’ll need to securely rig those barrels into the trailer and camouflage them; then we can get some rest. Let’s split it up between the adults as usual, six hours on watch and six hours of sleep.” “Fine.” “How’s the food inside?” “Surprisingly good, Mike; but it is not Michael’s Uptown Cafe. They have a good source of local beef, the same guy John knows down the street who makes the venison jerky. We should swing by there on the way out. His surplus won’t last long in this mass exodus. “As far as the deal goes, I’ve got a presentation Bowie knife that should get his attention, for starters. Just look at that baby!” Ralph offers the beautiful gold inlaid Texas Ranger presentation case around for inspection. “Let’s make him the best deal we can. Those gas drums may be the difference between getting these kids here to safety or not.” “No doubt you’re right, coach, there . . . that’s my last medium.” Garfield hands over an Israeli gas mask with storage pouch and straps. “That’s to clinch the deal—if needed. We’ll give it to him in any case; he may need one. But don’t offer it until we’re sure we are getting the gas. It might serve to convince him.” “He doesn’t have to be convinced. He offered the deal to me; said he has prayed about it.” “May the divine assistance remain always with us,” Margaret says, closing her eyes. That’s it, it has to be; it’s the gas. She had intentionally steered for La Cross, having heard the words by spiritual voice two days earlier accompanied by a blessing. Minus the Holy Spirit touching her heart she would have ignored the words as almost certainly coming from Satan. Mike takes off at a run toward the inn, calling back over his shoulder. “I’m shaking his hand on the deal before someone else does.” “Right behind you,” Ralph says, erupting into a hearty jog, which, at a spry seventy-two equates to his top speed. “You guys bring the rest of the stuff in.” Garfield takes the opportunity to bolster the spirits of the young people. “John will step out to check the horse, then we’ll be 150 gallons of gas richer. We can refill the drums again further down the road. Then we’ll make it all the way to Disneyland. I bet we’ll even get to meet Goofy in person!” “Hurray!” All disembark for lunch, except Garfield who remains behind to make an entry in his journal. He had a vision the night before the bombs went off. Prayers for discernment have yielded mixed results. He considers this revelation more suspect than the others—it is undeniably outré—but he stops short of invalidating it. He touches the tip of the pen to his tongue and writes, “Assault on the Magic Kingdom.” Curiouser and curiouser—I wish Father were here. ---------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 8 The Devil’s in the Details “Ladies and gentlemen, the Commander.” All rise in a single thunderous motion as Colonel Dan Yosef, the Israeli Base Commander, strides into the auditorium from the rear, General Wiles, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs, accompanying him on his right. The body language of the war-hardened colonel is more than athletic; it is combative. For Clayton, looking on from the third row with his American friends, Yosef’s demeanor says it all: this is where everything changes. “Fight for your future or lose it!” Yosef steps to the back wall and presses a button. A wall map is illuminated with sharp precision. Colorful magnetic symbols represent the position of military units. The largest groups are positioned at or near Israel’s northern border with Syria in contrasting colors. The first thing the Americans notice is that the red group on top by far outnumbers the tiny blue collection snuggled just inside the Israeli border below. The red force stretches all the way back past the Caspian Sea far into Russia. The Israeli’s take no notice of the imbalance; they are tapping their fingers. “Your country is going to war . . . here!” The colonel’s pointer comes down with controlled violence on the red symbols, scattering many to the floor. “And you’re all invited,” Yosef adds with a devastating smile that bodes nothing but disaster for his opponents. He pauses as his troops cheer their renowned leader. This Israeli team at the just completed state-of-the-art survival bunker, mostly handpicked, are patriots first, and military technicians second. You will not find cold, calculating, self-serving political analysts or careerminded specialists here. These guys are simply going to run over you with an exultant war cry and keep going to the next objective. “We have two thousand combat ready troops here in the bunker, a fleet of twenty transport helicopters, and, courtesy of our American visitors, two awesome gunships, two state of the art airborne command posts (one tactical, one strategic), and a hospital bird that we will transfer to the main strike force for casualty overflow evacuation to Europe. These planes have been repaired and we’re going to use them.” At this point, he has everyone’s attention. “We will interdict the red armored columns and their supply lines here, here, and here . . . ” Red symbols fall to the floor as he strikes ten locations in quick succession. “every 50 miles, beginning at the front lines near our north border with Syria working back incrementally toward Russia. “We will break them up into immobilized segments, still too large to be fully digestible chunks, but we will stop them and we will hurt them— then…we will increase pressure until we simply break them, break them down into one enormous salvage yard of scrap metal.” Cheering erupts and moves into a one-word chant of “tshuah,” the Hebrew word for victory and deliverance from enemies: Tesh-oo-aw!, Tesh-oo-aw!, Tesh-oo-aw!… The general motions with his hand, indicating the need to continue. The chanting subsides. “Tshuah—yes! Though we are again finding ourselves David fighting Goliath, we have every hope of winning. The Israeli main body of 500 high-tech fifth generation battle tanks are using technology that will be unveiled to the world for the first time. They will rapidly maneuver to envelop and destroy the enemy spearhead. They will then do likewise with each succeeding segment. We will bring ten guns to bear on each one of theirs—at a minimum. If the Red forces respond by hiding in the narrow mountain passes where we cannot flank them, fine. That’s where we want them to stay. It blocks their reinforcements, and it buys us time for international help to arrive. “By employing overwhelming firepower, albeit only on a localized segment of the much larger enemy force, we greatly reduce their numbers while incurring few losses to our own tanks. They can’t fight us with tanks that have not arrived. Fighting a war on paper is always a fatal mistake. The advance elements of the enemy armored column now threatening your children will be decimated like a burning matchstick. Their straggling line of reinforcements, massive though it is, will simply feed the fire at the tip.”41 Colonel Yosef checks his watch, and then looks at his air assault commander, Major Hirsch, with kindness. “Three hours and fifteen minutes. Would you like leave to prepare, Major?” “So requested, sir. May I be dismissed?” “Granted. Take your CONOPS folder when you go.” The Commander nods to one of his aides. Hirsch is given an order of operations folder containing the plan of battle. “The details of your flight ops are all in there. Implement Tab C now. Send three helicopters to scour our supply points. Pick up demolition charges and shoulder launched antitank missiles, all you can safely lift. Take them directly to the battlefield. Distribute them to the others who will be engaged with the enemy when you arrive. Understood?” “Understood, sir.” “Get the overview of our larger war plan from “David and Goliath” in the command post safe before you go. Dismissed!” Hirsch salutes smartly and strides out of the room, breaking into a respectful jog near the back exit. He has a wife and two children in the compound. “I’m glad they’re on our side,” Clayton remarks to nodding affirmations. Colonel Yosef turns his attention back to the auditorium. “We are up against a numerically superior force, and, therefore, we may not win. But, with courage and good strategy, yet we may. With God’s favor, we will certainly win!” Wild cheers erupt from the Israelis. “Here is what we plan to do. With your permission, General Wiles, we will employ the awesome rapid firing 25mm Gatling gun and 40mm cannon onboard the C-130 gunships to fly deep into the red supply route. There we will take out fuel and munitions trucks. If we succeed, many enemy tanks will ultimately run out of gas. Others will have fewer shells to fire when they arrive. That’s our first objective: reduce the number of guns they can make available to the firing line at a given moment. “Step two: demolition explosives placed in narrow mountain passes will cause rock slides to block the roads, thus causing an initial delay of the primary armored columns. This earns us time to prepare, plus affords us a few free shots at stragglers pulling away from the roadblocks. “Step three: our infantry, using shoulder fired antitank missiles, will selectively target vehicles up front in awkward spots in the terrain to further slow the enemy advance. “We can transport a limited number of rounds. With luck, we’ll take out two, maybe three hundred tanks. The obstructions and delays will tend to break the convoy into isolated segments, however, slowing the enemy advance. The massive enemy force in the rear will have trouble moving forward to the aid of the engaged segment up front. “Beyond that, we can only trust to God that it will be enough to stop them. We may at least delay the enemy until further help arrives from friendly nations. This is where the airborne command posts come in. The AWACS will lift off and stay close to the battle lines to facilitate close-in radio communications between Israeli combat team components. Charlie One, as the AWACS will be called, will give us a useful ‘eye in the sky,’ reporting enemy force movements. “The President’s command post, code named Blue Spirit, will fly out to a clear spot for long distance strategic communications. Blue Spirit will coordinate the first waves of incoming friendly forces. If everyone here does his or her job, we may buy enough time for their arrival.” General Wiles stands up. “What about Russian fighter cover, assault helicopters? They could easily take out our gunships and command posts. Our snipers will have real trouble with heavily armed Russian choppers.” “Every plan has a weak spot, or two, General. The Israeli Air Force is making a major sweep towards Russia as we speak in an effort to destroy some Soviet planes on the ground. They will come back, we trust, to patrol the areas of engagement; but we don’t have the numbers we need. We are fortunate the Russians haven’t already done the same thing to us. “Apparently the Russians have been waiting to commit their massive air forces until the tank columns were in striking distance of Israel’s military and cultural centers so as not to blow the transparent cover story of arms sales and training maneuvers—trying to get in close through deception to reduce our reaction time. They don’t need air cover until the shooting starts, in any case, but failure to suppress our Air Force with a preemptive first strike will cost them, as will allowing time for reinforcing coalition aircraft to arrive. “Russia has badly miscalculated Israel’s resolve to respond preemptively in the early hours of a threat. Our tiny nation cannot afford the risk of deception inherent in such large armored maneuvers, if anyone truly can. We must give ourselves the benefit of any doubt to preserve necessary reaction time. This we have done both in striking Iran and Syria preemptively with tactical nuclear weapons at nuclear launch sites, and in advancing to meet Russian armor in Syria instead of waiting for them to cross into Israel. “Even having done something so blatant, we retain a brief window of opportunity vis-à-vis Russian control of the air. The situation now poses only an ambiguous threat to Russia, notwithstanding that it is a clear aggression against Iran and Syria. We have struck two of Russia’s allies, but only in a limited fashion and for known and specific reasons. Does this mean that we will necessarily strike Russia? No. All the historical precedents say, no. In the past Israel has been disciplined, controlled, and circumspect, even surgical in her preemptive responses. “Furthermore, had we intended full-scale war with Russia, we could have already neutralized their tank columns with tactical nuclear strikes. This would cripple the invasion force to an extent that must be presumed decisive. “By attempting to move in close minus a declaration of war, Russia has tried to gain unfair advantage. They are hiding under a smokescreen of ambiguity. We have now countered that advantage by doing precisely the same thing. Let them eat ambiguity, to misquote Marie Antoinette. “Our window of opportunity ends when the ambiguity ends, however. Within hours of our direct attacks on their convoys and homeland airbases the Soviets can be expected to commit the full range of their massive and sophisticated airpower to the battlefield. As you say, General Wiles, once that happens, we can consider our gunships and helicopters as of no use, at least until a massive contest for control of the skies is fought and won over the process of several weeks using substantial add-on fighter groups supplied by allied nations. “The cornerstone of our current strategy is the fact that the window of opportunity is in fact now open, not that it will remain so for long. In accordance with long-established land, air, and sea power doctrine, Russia and its allies should have established air superiority over the battlefield first. They have the resources to plausibly accomplish it, although the Israeli Air Force, so highly trained and technologically more advanced, will generally outperform the red force plane for plane. “We are not going to wait for the Russians to realize their mistake. “We may have picked up an additional day of breathing space, maybe two, by the nuclear strikes in the U.S. I don’t think Russian planners were expecting that, not at all; they are probably dumbfounded, and wondering if we will hold our fire long enough to see what actually happened. “The option to play innocent and turn the tanks around claiming arm sales and training maneuvers has pretty much dissolved now with the devastation of the entire East Coast of the United States. Before the nuclear card was played in D.C., Russia and Iran had, in their own minds at least, a chance for a free lunch. If no one called their bluff before they reached Israel’s northern border with such a massive and unstoppable force, they had a real shot at convincing Western coalition political leaders to tolerate an occupied Israel. This is so because there would be no effective way to prevent an overrun of Israel at that point. The invasion force could conceivably be defeated over time, yes, but not until it had rolled over the larger part of Israel. Any battle to eject the invaders would devastate the physical infrastructure and the population of Israel. The political choice would then be between owning a nation on paper consisting of rubble and corpses now, or saving lives and infrastructure in the hope of negotiating the reattainment of a viable nation after some years of occupation. “In the sense that this Russian strategy is more political than it is military, it is a foolish ploy to throw at Israel. Israel must think in exclusively military, not political, terms. From the first instant that a concrete battlefield threat materializes Israel must play for a comparatively short-term victory—there is no time for politics. This is because we have insufficient depth in landmass, natural resources and population to play the standard political game of wait and see. “Russia’s smartest play is different. Known to have massive resources, military bulk, and resilience even to Blitzkrieg, Russia stands to profit more from a strategy of intimidation. Russia can benefit from first throwing its political weight around, issuing implied or even overt threats without striking at all. Hitler did this to great effect in the early days of WWII. In doing so, he picked up significant additional resources for free. These resources substantially strengthened his hand for the later time when he would strike. “Now, however, because of the ambiguous impacts in the U.S., no merit remains in the free lunch strategy. Russia can’t use ‘free lunch’ now because as far as they know the whole world thinks it is already at war— though it is not yet clear whom they are at war with. “How long will it take Russian leadership to clear their heads and rethink the entire fouled up scenario? The stakes have grown exorbitantly high in the meantime and their initial planning assumptions are now unsalvageably compromised. It is anybody’s guess. “Israel has further preempted Russia’s use of nuclear intimidation in having first introduced tactical nuclear weapons to the battlefield. This single weapon system is so fully capable of halting the Russian advance in its tracks that Russian strategists are sent back to square one of the chessboard; all previously anticipated second round moves now stand in check. Russia, Iran and Syria are reeling from the shock of Israel’s preemptive strike on the nuclear capable airfields, sure. But Russia is a grizzly reeling from the sting of a hornet. “What should we expect from Moscow? Mass resignations, a spate of executions, and then what . . . ? Who knows? Successful strategies are partially predictable because there are only so many ways to win. Once winning has been definitively ruled out, predictability fails because one can foul up a situation in a practically unlimited number of ways. “Our one dread fear will always be that Israeli planners have underestimated the alternatives of the great Russian bear. The fact that she has ignored the checkmate of her armored thrust that is inherent in Israel’s introduction of tactical nuclear weapons should give us pause. It means one of three things: one, she is fully bluffing in an expectation of winning politically by backing down the coalition; two, she has found a viable military strategy option we have yet to perceive; or three, Russia is being shoved forward irrationally by supernatural forces in the devil’s last hurrah, a vicious and spiteful lashing out at God’s people. “The last option of course will remain forever oblivious to good military logic, involving as it does the supernatural. It is for that very reason the most frightening alternative, being intractable to rational analysis. “What would I do in their place? If I were calling the shots in the Kremlin now I would pick up the hotline and freeze everything, offer aid to the U.S. and begin recalling the tanks in a very visible manner. Only Iran and Syria are fully implicated in the nuclear launch threat so far. The impact profile of the bombs detonated in the U.S. superficially clears Russia of involvement. Unfortunately, they don’t yet know it. “Once we get that information firmly across, Russia could try to distance herself from the worst of it in the eyes of the world, separating the three primary events as unrelated to each other, with Russia being guilty of only a massive armored force deployment. Such a movement is dangerously provocative, but it is not a major crime against humanity. “That’s what I would do, deny and pull back. Russia may elect something entirely different, however, something we have not anticipated. But the fact remains that, for whatever reason, Russia has yet to commit her enormous airpower to the area of operations. As a result we have an indefinite though admittedly brief window of time to preclude the enemy’s overrunning our homes, families and the seat of our government. It is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss. “The moment we strike Russian air bases, supply lines and tank columns, however, the situation irrevocably changes in the minds of Russian strategists. To avoid an unthinkable decimation of her inventory of first-class armored cavalry, Russia must either respond with planes and helicopters to their defense, or stop the convoys cold, put out the white flag, and call for an immediate cease fire. “Once Russia commits to fight, the wild card becomes U.S. coalition air power: how soon and how many. If we don’t receive additional fighters in eighteen to thirty-six hours of Russia’s committing her Air Force, we expect the massive Soviet advantage in numbers to ultimately prevail in the air.” General Wiles stands. “I think that’s my cue, Colonel Yosef. Let me make as many calls as I can get to go through now, and we’ll be that much ahead. I’ll get planes moving your way. I’ll ask Vice President Jackson to try to talk sense into the Soviet President, if he will speak with us at all. We can’t afford to let a critical decision point pass by without making every effort to avoid spiraling escalation. We may never get a second chance to recall it.” “Thank you, General Wiles. We are most grateful for your help. How’s the President?” “Still fading in and out, I’m afraid. He remains in grave danger. I’ll keep you informed of his progress.” Wiles steps off the stage through a back exit to make the calls they urgently require for air support. His next stop is Jackson’s quarters at the far end of the corridor. An urgent call will be placed to the Kremlin. They will be much surprised at what they hear. A single Israeli captain stands up in the auditorium and begins to rhythmically clap his hands and chant, “Monty, Monty,” inviting the assembly to acknowledge the President’s courage. It is well known that Monty Lewis had completed an impressive career of service to the nation before being drafted into politics. He now lies fighting for his life in the center of what portends to be WWIII, his body broken, mysteriously refusing to heal. He should have been sailing Lake Arrowhead, fishing the Colorado River, or snuggled with his beloved Israel-born wife, Anna BenManashe, by a roaring fire in the snow-spackled resorts of Aspen or Big Bear. Colonel Yosef steps over to join his captain in applauding the President. He casts a piercing gaze towards the infirmary. This is a nice touch, my captain has added. In expressing his love for the President, Yosef for the moment sets aside his own unique nationality, and his regional leadership role. Dan Yosef is simply going to join his young captain, humbly, as one world citizen joining another, to offer a gesture of international amity to a respected colleague. Monty is a great leader and has given his best when called. This is more than an Israeli battle, after all. Yosef quietly contemplates the larger spiritual context as well as the international import of the world-shaking events. The big colonel does nothing to compel his men to follow suit. Nonetheless, the full assembly picks up his captain’s gesture with emotional force. They do not do this because Dan Yosef is their commander; they do this because he is their leader, and because Monty is the husband of their beloved Anna. Yosef has an iron constitution, tireless in action. His applause stretches on. He loses track of time, entering a mystical state to which only true warriors receive an invitation. As he stares with awed respect toward the President, his captain steps back from his side just far enough to focus a similar gaze at him, projecting the affection and pride Yosef’s men hold for their colonel. When the applause threatens to fade, Yosef bids them all take their seats. Then he makes a remark that strikes many as incongruous. “Who remembers the Elton John concert in Birmingham, UK in 2004?” This strikes everyone as out of sync with the gravity of the situation, but Colonel Yosef asks this sincerely. What could be his purpose in quizzing trivia at such a desperate time? “I was at the British war college in those days. I had the rare weekend pass and was fortunate to get tickets from a friend. Did anyone else happen to see that show? I’m serious.” Father Bernie is the only respondent. “It looks like I’m it, Colonel.” “Wasn’t that a kick-butt concert? Absolutely unbelievable!” “Yes, it truly was.” Father Bernie simply tells the truth, and then waits noncommittally to see where the eccentric Israeli Commander is going with this. “And what happened at the end; do you remember, Father?” “Well, let’s see. That was a long time ago. After two tremendous encores, the crowd clapped and stamped for five minutes solid until Elton felt compelled to return to the stage yet a third time. He reappeared in a tracksuit and announced that they had no further material prepared. The crowd insisted, however, and Elton ultimately deferred to his adoring fans, improvising ‘Saturday Night’s All Right for Fighting.’ He blew the roof off. It was tremendous.”42 “Exactly. Now . . . let’s do the same thing for the President. Let’s simply call him back for an encore, and not take no for an answer. It can be done; even Christ had to tell Mary Magdalene to stop holding onto him after his death so he could ascend to the Father. Monty can go to heaven later. As a duly elected official he has an obligation to us first, the world needs him here right now. He is the one man we have left who can pull the whole planet together behind him, the Tony Blair we never thought to see on the other side of the Atlantic. “Father, if you will offer an appropriate prayer, I think my men and I can do the rest.” Well, then . . . Father Bernie thinks to himself . . . this man is not crazy, he’s inspired. If this leather-skinned gladiator who has cheated death a full half dozen times just to be able to stand here alive and without crutches is going to laud the virtues of my beloved President, and go on to call on the Lord God Almighty for a healing, well then . . . he’s just going to get my best effort! There is something more to consider here. These are all good men and women. They love God. They are facing death for the sake of their nation. Their wives and children are facing death alongside them here in this bunker. They respect and honor our President who has been drawn precariously close to leaving this world because of his loyalty to Israel. Many of those present have only discovered Christ within the past week. Father Bernie has been a priest long enough to read these signs; God is going to do something for these people. Moved strongly by the Spirit, Father Bernie stands up. He traces a Sign of the Cross over the assembled troops as a blessing. He then renders an impassioned Hail Holy Queen, after which he merely sits down and waits. All present become immediately vigilant. Father’s instincts are still good. Our thrice-holy God, compassionate and merciful, has elected to act once again in the person of his humble priest, Father Bernard J. Shasta, directing the salvific cross of our Lord Jesus Christ to leave Father Bernie’s outstretched arm as an instrument of extraordinary grace. A priest’s cross is often a palpable blessing, but this one . . . it simply hangs there, chiseled into the open air. Eyes remain fixed upon it. Once again, the new converts seem hyper-sensitized to the Spirit, leaning forward in their seats. There is a preternatural pause. Expectations are further heightened. Then flames of the Holy Spirit joyously pass over those present. An invisible hand comes to rest upon the shoulder of each warrior presently contemplating a near term death in service to his or her God and nation, the affectionate, reassuring hand of God their Father, the great eternal “I AM.” Strong Israeli soldiers, women and men, all cry the same at that touch, immediately oblivious to the presence of all else. They know their Father, a special touch learned as children in prayer. Nothing else exists or is necessary when He is present. Father. Next, time is forever lost, irretrievable by any act of human will. It resumes only with God’s departure. How much the world has changed in the interim can only be guessed. For “with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.”43 Those present instinctively offer a favorite childhood tradition of some kind, a prayer or meditation, something they have come to associate most closely with the loving presence of their God. Yosef is sure now: God is with him. When it is clear that sound will not be irreverent, he begins again but louder. “Mon—ty!, Mon—ty!” As his troops bring the stamping and shouting to a crescendo, Colonel Yosef recalls TV coverage of the precedent-shattering primary election that put forth America’s first major Christian/Catholic candidate, and how gloriously his cousin Anna, Monty’s spectacular wife, had represented the Israeli people. Flexing the sinewy cables that pass for his arms, he raises them powerfully overhead in a personal appeal to heaven. Repeating this gesture again and again, Yosef invites his men to do the same. His powerful silhouette grows larger. Arms of affectionate children reach out to their Father, return to pray, and reach again. Yosef is blessed. He receives a charism of healing. He falls to his knees. “Please, God . . . ” Bending forward he simply cries, praying in his heart for President Lewis to recover. The committed defenders of Israel respond to their beloved and eccentric leader, as always, and without reserve. The auditorium trembles. “Monty, Monty…” Then something happens…beyond hope. The Holy Spirit descends upon the Israeli bunker in discernible tongues of flame. It is unmistakable this time. All kneel. The converts try to immerse themselves more and more fully in the joyous presence, hoping God will never leave them. Called to alertness by the Spirit, the President feels vibrations. He hears his name. Is he at the Christian Party convention awaiting nomination? After a moment the fog clears and he remembers. What a magnificent expression of Israeli friendship! Esprit de corps like this comes from a select few places on earth, the United States Marines, Navy Seals, Army Rangers, Special Forces, Israel’s IDF, the ROK forces of South Korea, Britain’s MI6, SAS and SBS, Germany’s GSG 9, France’s GIGN, Pakistan’s Special Service Group, the Japanese Defense Forces, Moscow’s Spetsnaz, Poland’s GROM, the U.S. 82nd and 101st Airborne, British Brigade of Gurkhas, Israel’s Mossad and Shayetet 13, and a handful of other similarly inspired organizations around the globe. Lewis spent a year on an exchange program with the Mossad as a young captain. The task then was to break a comparatively feeble attempt by the U.S. and European Mafias to compromise the Mossad organization the way they later compromised the CIA. “Mon—ty! Mon—ty!” I love you guys too. His thoughts go back to Anna and the kids. Happier times . . . his beloved Anna Ben-Manashe, a ripe plum picked from the heart of the Negev, then cousin to another young captain, Danny Yosef. The same Dan Yosef who ran the strike team Mossad assembled to provide multilayered physical security for their internal investigators. We all slept well with Big Dan watching over us. The Mafia hasn’t been back. Back to Anna. While her dual citizenship almost cost him the election, it almost certainly also won it for him. What a magnificent first lady! Dark, mysterious, playful, wise, elegant . . . and always gloriously beautiful. Anna, Joseph and Ariel . . . may God protect you. Consciousness oddly clarifies into tongues of flame. The President is immersed in a joyous blessing of healing. This miracle of the Lord’s is followed in the next moment by another of his masterpieces, a beautiful young nurse. Is she real? “Ouch!” Yes, she is real enough to inject him with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. “The drug is meant to counteract the cause of your slow healing.” “Thank you.” Monty’s first words since falling off the gantry, where his last one was “Viaticum.” “What is it, the drug?” “Ciprofloxacin, Cipro for short. Standard procedure since the first Gulf War. When a patient does not respond normally in the absence of a known cause, Cipro and Doxycycline have been producing great results. If PCR is positive for Mycoplasma fermentans incognitas infection, or if you respond favorably to empiric trial of the medication, you will be switched to Doxycycline for extended treatment. Cipro hits the germ harder and faster, but Doxy is better tolerated for long-term use.” “Gulf War Illness? Is that what you’re telling me?” “In a sense, yes. It is the same germ. We are finding it even in the civilian population, and more often than you might think. Mycoplasma fermentans incognitas is also the more lethal half of the AIDS complex, killing more patients than the viral component. Half of arthritis patients test positive for MFI, now that we are finally starting to look. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue test about the same. Your military vaccines appear to be contaminated with it.” He can feel his strength coming back already. “Thank you” will be his last words for today as well. A wild chorus of applause, cheers, and prayer trails out through the hallways, as the doors of the auditorium are thrown open in anticipation of the pending dismissal. Clerks, nurses, administrators, mechanics. Everyone joins in hailing the Holy Spirit. A Hebrew cleric assembles some of the devout to march past the infirmary singing traditional Israeli hymns. Their nation would want them to do this, to offer hospitality and blessings to the American President. He has gone to war for their nation. They have seen the news. They know: the U.S. has been badly hurt and Armageddon is massing on their northern border. Israeli wives and children in the dormitories cry unashamedly in joyous affirmation of God’s personal invitation to prayer. They too share their commander’s love of the American president. They do not take for granted staunch and vocal allies of their tiny and beleaguered nation. And they will always hold a special place in their heart for the husband of their beloved Anna. A med-tech rushes down to the auditorium with great news. Colonel Yosef raises his hand for silence. Turning to address the assembly, he makes no attempt to hide tears, nor does anyone notice them, or their own. Tears are like breathing when God is close, natural and necessary, yet unnoticed. “The President is now alert. Thanks be to God!” “Thanks be to God!” echoes from the troops. Colonel Yosef turns to his mission. “The briefing is over. Do not leave until your name is called. You will now receive instructions from your team chief. Group leaders, call your teams; then go say goodbye to your families. Increments of equipment and supplies have been identified and assembled. They are now being loaded. Report back here in two hours. You will receive a pre-departure meal, prayers and further instructions.” Colonel Yosef assumes the position of attention and instructs in command voice: “Team leaders, call your teams. Dismissed!” *** General O’Connor drags his coffee cup to the raised platform at the front of the van. It must be made of lead. It is refreshing, however. After mounting the stage, taking a good long drink is the first thing he does. He exhales, expecting the usual refreshment that coffee and mild exercise produces in a healthy person, but, as has been the case since the radiation exposure, it doesn’t come. Looking around the room vacantly as if trying to find the lost physical resources needed to do this briefing, O’Connor leans on the podium at nearly forty-five degrees to emphasize radiation-induced fatigue as his first point of concern. He sees Father Herman sitting up front, demonstrably unwell. Oh well, they will just have to acknowledge their limitations and go on. “Folks, our first stop is Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. We’ll rest a full night and put Father Herman on a plane for somewhere that has clean air and proper medical staff. At first light we’ll move north, angle through Wisconsin. We’ll dodge around stalled civilian refugee traffic as fast as the terrain permits. “We should find clean air and a temporary home further north and west at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Our job, once we get there, is to rebuild DOD headquarters functions provisionally and then to manage the entire CONUS military force structure from there. I’d like you all to begin thinking about exactly how we are going to do that.” O’Connor takes a few deep breathes to produce a little energy. He wonders if his heart isn’t the problem, but it is just the radiation. A shadow passes over the HQ van. It oddly penetrates the walls, dimming the lights and spirits of those inside and sapping their strength. The general returns to his coffee for strength, but is unpleasantly surprised. All the coffee drinkers spew the suddenly putrid elixir onto the floor—it is rancid! “What the ###***!!!”, General O’Connor exclaims. “My coffee’s rancid!” comes from the young lieutenant at the back by way of explanation, fully embarrassed at his unthinkable violation of protocol in having just heaved his lunch into the corner waste can. “Sorry, general, I . . . ” I’ll never make captain now, he finishes to himself. The lieutenant begins an apology but O’Connor waives him off, himself afraid to swallow. Sprinting to the van’s side door he spits the awful mud outside, holding the door for the next in line. “Uhll, ull…###***!!!” “Somebody get a Geiger counter in here to check for radioactive contamination!” the General commands. A half dozen officers and NCOs rush to the equipment locker. “No need.” With a visible effort, Father Herman stands up, using an improvised walking stick for support. “You’ll be wasting your time.” He moves to the front. “This coffee thing is not radiation; it’s supernatural. Trust me. Certainly we should test everything to be sure, but radiation is not the cause of this foul coffee, I assure you.” One of the unbelieving staff, a captain, laughs outright. “The devil did it? Come on Father, why would Satan, the great fallen angel, ruler of legions of the dark forces, lower himself to do something so trivial?” “Your question is reasonable on the surface, Captain, but you are fully wrong in your assumptions. Your question fairly answers itself. First of all, the devil does so-called ‘trivial’ things every day all day long. Satan will make his initial overtures by any means at hand, nibbling at the smallest morsels to gain entrée in hopes they might ultimately combine into something larger. “Furthermore, to say that the devil would not lower himself to do something is a contradiction in terms; the devil is at the dark bottom of every repugnant scale of measure. He is the very source of low things for crying out loud! “But let’s consider for a moment just how trivial this attack on our coffee really is in more practical terms. “Number one: Being partially debilitated by radiation exposure we must now lean on this coffee for strength to stay alert enough to do our jobs to even minimal standards for even half a day, in this, what may well be the last battle for both democracy and the Church. After such a deepreaching nausea I suspect most of you will give up coffee for weeks, if not for life. As a result when you need mental clarity or are called to make an extra effort you will not have the assistance coffee provides. You may fall out of your duty position. “Two: Coffee is a mood changer, and one of the few treats available on the battlefield. A reward for making an effort. Now, when we turn to our coffee break we will think only of the repugnant. Here the devil gains both physical and psychological ground over us at the time we most need refreshment. “Three: in this ‘trivial’ incident Satan has visibly demonstrated his reach. He has shown us that he can intrude into our very headquarters, that he can strike us at will, any time and any place. This serves to intimidate and to lower our confidence. It serves as a standing threat, a form of extortion. Under that pressure, some folks may fold, and cross over to do Satan’s bidding to avoid being struck again. Still think the incident trivial, Captain?” “No sir, Colonel.” “Very well. Skepticism is a healthy thing, Captain. You were not wrong to question my explanation. One should hold onto skepticism; it is healthy, but only in moderation. To be so skeptical as to be unable to recognize the truth when it appears is self-destructive. “We must remain on guard, even in apparently small matters, in order to release the devil’s first attempts to grip our souls. A chain of negativities no matter how small, if allowed to progress unhindered, can lead to much bigger problems. We must discipline ourselves to maintain a positive attitude under the most severe circumstances. ‘Don’t worry, be happy’: this is not a daft expression of naïve and gullible idiots, far from it. It is the master strategy of spiritual warfare. ‘Keep on the sunny side’ as the old song goes. These enduring aphorisms of popular culture are not inanities; they have endured for a reason. Turn the light on and you dispel the darkness. “As many of you may have discerned by now, we are living in the great and terrible “Day of the Lord,” the time of judgment. Satan, he who deigned to be so ungracious as to despoil your coffee, has been released from his bonds and is free now to pose his final assault upon the Church. His dark hand has no doubt deeply influenced the tragic events we are now witnessing. The conflict we are immersed in is no longer merely a physical battle of world powers. By implication, St. James at chapter five, verse sixteen tells us that a single heartfelt prayer can make as much difference as a flight of jets or a battalion of tanks. For that reason I solicit your prayers that good and right prevail. For the sake of our children, I implore you: pray as often as you can.” Two sergeants with Geiger counters offer their report. “No significant contamination” is the finding. “Thank you. Dismissed. Anything else, Father, before we get back to work.” “Yes, just another moment, please. “God permits such signals as the devil’s intrusion today to remind us that it is time to move into the kingdom of God in the spirit, to detach ourselves from the material concerns of this world. The middle ground of ‘natural man,’ a creature purely of this physical world, partly good, partly evil, a life option many have always taken for granted, is rapidly going away. So is the opportunity for agnosticism and spiritual indecision. The eternal harvest of souls is so fully under way at this point that we will simply have to decide for Christ or the devil. “A public poke through by the devil in real physical terms such as we have just seen indicates not only that he is loose but that we may have stepped far enough away from the purely good on some moral issue as to permit he who is purely evil to exercise some claim upon us by default. “The relentless spiritual dynamic of the harvest dictates that we are either fully with God, or we are partially with the devil, Mr. Nausea. We can no longer afford to err on moral questions. Leave God on some important matter and we will immediately be in the devil’s hands to the extent entailed by the gravity or our sin. “In this instance, God may simply be sending us a preemptory warning in order to keep us out of the devil’s hands. This present crisis obviously leaves little room for error. Let’s hope that’s what it is. But we should try to discern where we have strayed from the good and make any necessary corrections.” The van has stopped and several officers and servicemen and women have stepped into the grass to further wretch their guts out. “I know what it is, Father.” It’s the young lieutenant. “But it is not an error of commission, it is an error of omission. We are sitting in here playing God with millions of lives. We should at least be praying for guidance at the beginning of each shift, and meaning it.” “Well said, Lieutenant.” Father, reaches over and shakes the young officer by his shoulder. “Well said.” “Would you like to lead us in prayer, Father? I think one introduction to Mr. Nausea is all I’ll require,” General O’Connor admits. “Any of you folks in the ACLU can file a law suit later for infringing your right to be free of religion. No one is obligated to participate in this prayer, but anyone who wishes may darn well participate. Father…” “Thank you, General, but I think I’ll defer to the young lieutenant here, if you don’t mind. Go ahead Bruce, we’ll follow along.” “Our Father in heaven . . . ” A burden is lifted from those who did pray as the prayer concludes. “There, that’s better, eh Bruce?” “Way better, Father. Thanks be to God!” “Thanks be to God. One more thing, and I’m done,” Father Herman concludes. “In this late hour, we have to seek God’s protection or be physically overrun, potentially even possessed by the devil. This is what I fear has happened to our friends in Russia. What has happened is out of character for them, at least for the new Russia. It therefore indicates supernatural intrusion. We’ll need to fervently pray for their release from demonic influence. “That’s all I have. Your coffee should be fine, if you can get your stomach to trust it. I advise a prayer first. The devil will try to hold the ground he has gained. Minus prayer, you may never eat or drink again.” “Thank you, Father,” O’Connor says. “Steve you’re up. For those of you who don’t know Chief Garger, he is the best force management analyst in the business. Chief…” General O’Connor collapses into a folding chair next to the map. Steve wearily takes up an opposite position and begins. “I’ve been discussing the situation with my tri-service counterparts in the South, West and North. With the exception of Maine, the east is just a group of casualties heading south. With a view to both defensive and offensive options, our forces in Maine will integrate with the Canadian armed forces under the banner of Joint Task Force Joshua. JTF Joshua itself is currently under hasty revision to integrate project Gabriel. The President, the Chairman, and Colonel Gary Johnson are leading Gabriel from an undisclosed location. “Scratch Maine and the Atlantic seaboard off the resource list. Pennsylvania and New York are caught between the dirty bomb impacts in Ohio and D.C.; their support units are heading south by southwest, trying to thread the needle. They’ll help with refugee centers on the Gulf Coast. “Combat units in the East will be forward deployed to Europe and the Israeli theater of operations by way of a decontamination stop in Greenland. “There’s an awful lot of radiation damage. Direct explosive impacts, fragmentation damage, and secondary explosions didn’t effect much beyond a couple miles of ground zero, but we lost an awful lot of good people in those small circles around ground zero. “We took a pretty good punch, but it takes a lot more than that to knock down the United States of America. We’re up off the mat now and coming back strong. Our nation-wide force management plan is tentative, but here is what we propose to do. “Combat aircraft from our southern bases are moving forward to Europe to fill Project Gabriel requirements, predominantly assuming a defensive posture for Europe. Gabriel’s computer brain feels that Europe is somehow at great risk, though our flesh and blood war planners do not presently concur. We are going with Gabriel, with a few rare exceptions. “Half our transport aircraft and helicopters will remain here to be used for medevac, relief convoy, and rescue operations. We were fortunate to get our east coast aircraft into the air before the blasts hit. Gabriel alerted us to get planes up and distribute them randomly. “Yes, Major?” “How did we know to do that?” “We aren’t cleared for all the intelligence data that the decision was based upon. It’s a classified system; that’s all I can say. “To continue with our response plan, three armored divisions are moving from Europe by rail towards Israel, making all possible speed. Two infantry divisions and the 82nd Airborne will get there first. “Space Command reports no substantial damage to the strategic missile fleet, and no land or sea based invasion threat to CONUS has been detected, nor is any anticipated. Our satellites are still up there looking down. Analysis of satellite data is proceeding in relatively normal fashion. “So far so good. Our strong right arm, our offensive strategic capability, is undamaged. We have taken a good shot to the gut, but we’ll be getting our wind back soon. “We have broken up the U.S. into four independent theatres of operation for survivability: SOUTHCOM, NORTHCOM, WESTCOM and ALASCOM. Canada has promised to fall in fully with ALASCOM as needed. Aircraft, vehicles, equipment and electronics will be juggled to cover critical shortages and balance out the capabilities of the four commands to the extent that we have the time and resources to move them. With quadruple redundancy, even if we lose another region, we’ll still be in the ball game with a fully capable force. “Denver and a chunk of Northern California are out of commission. We were fortunate that our transport aircraft at Travis and McClellan made it into the air before the bombs went off. We have Gabriel to thank for that. The only thing we lost up there from the operational point of view is use of the airfields. We did lose some army and DOD support units in the Denver area—may God rest their souls—but nothing we can’t function without. “Army units in Missouri are trekking north to secure the refugee centers along the northern border. Oklahoma units and those of the Southwest are falling in around key Army and Air Force bases in the western half of the country to protect stockpiled high explosive or unconventional weapons assets. We don’t expect a major land assault. However, we are stacking concentric circles of security around key bases, anything having nuclear/biological/chemical or high explosive assets, resources terrorists might try to hijack to cause further large scale damage. We may not have been able to stop what they’ve done so far, but we don’t have to help our enemies do more by giving them our own weapons. Intel suggests we have at least two groups of foreign terrorists, heavily armed, one group possibly in possession of a dirty bomb, both moving West looking for a target—looking for the optimum place and time to stab us in the back again. “Since Kentucky is expected to have to evacuate soon anyway we are placing the 101st Airborne on highway patrol duty to set up random road check points and watch for anything suspicious from the air. Their task is to find that bomb. They will function as a rapid deployment super-SWAT team and be augmented by assault helicopters and law enforcement units from around the country. “Through-the-wall viewing devices, Geiger counters, biowarfare lab kits, gas chromatographs and chemical spectroscopy sets, aided by satellite detection, in addition to directional sound microphones and electronic data analysis will be massively deployed to spot suspicious cargo. The larger part of our helicopters and light police aircraft are already over the highways. Checkpoints should be going up anytime now. Their locations will be completely randomized with the exception of following Gabriel’s advice. We expect to be interrogating our first suspects within the week. “It goes without saying that these remaining terrorists would love to find us, for we would make one of the best possible targets. The intel guys we asked to plot their best expectation for the terrorist track across the country put them more or less right on top of us. Stay alert. Keep your rifles loaded and strapped. “We aren’t going to let them distract us from our primary task, however, the rebuilding effort. You all have key positions in the Gabrielbased CONUS force re-structuring effort. The laptop computers you see in front of you are linked with the minicomputer behind the partition to my right and the worldwide Gabriel network. The flashing green units on the first map are currently unassigned. Your job is to manage those as effectively as you can for immediate emergency response and relief efforts. Over the longer term, we will weave the entire mess back together one piece at a time into some semblance of the force structure capability shown on the second map. That’s the structure we started with before the lights went out. Gabriel is going to help us do this in no small part, so pay attention to the alerts that come on screen.” “I’ve got an alert now, chief! It’s priority one,” an Air Force colonel exclaims, having just lifted the top of his new computer. “Right.” General O’Connor is up and moving. “You have ground attack resources, right?” The chief and the general look over the colonel’s shoulder at the rapidly flashing screen alarm. “Yes, ground attack: A-10s, F-22s, F-15 strike eagles, and also attack choppers,” the colonel confirms. “Right.” A message is displayed. “General Wiles signed this message,” the colonel reports. “The President’s seal follows.” TOP SECRET FROM: CHAIRMAN, US JOINT CHIEFS SUBJECT: ODG AIRCRAFT REQUIREMENTS TO: COMMANDER DOD CONUS HQ, PROVISIONAL; ALL JTF; ALL MAJCOM 1. Israeli situation urgent. President’s position threatened. Enemy overrun imminent. 2. IMMEDIATELY assign sixty (60) A-10 and two hundred (200) air superiority fighters in support of Israeli Operation David and Goliath (ODG), Priority Designator 1. Redirect rapid response and standby aircraft to this requirement and backfill source units as additional resources come online. Cannibalize priority 2 resources as needed—any shortfall creation is authorized for higher priority fill of ODG requirements. 3. Immediately assign one hundred and eighty (180) attack helicopters for deployment to ODG. 4. Flight commanders will coordinate with U.S. AWACS, code name Blue Spirit, at Israel-Syria border. Israeli OpCenter will generate daily mission planning. Assume air superiority and tank killing as the initial planning concept. Daily surplus resources default to support Col. Dan Yosef and the Blue Spirit joint Israeli/US auxiliary combat support team mission. 6. Surge all additional aircraft to ODG as they become available until this order canceled. 7. Naval air resources to be assigned by separate message. 8. Authority to balance competing requirements of worldwide taskings is delegated to DOD HQ Provisional/CC (LG Frank O’Connor). AUTHENTICATION General Leon Kenneth Wiles Chairman, US Joint Chiefs President Monty Lewis CINC, US Forces TOP SECRET Captain Powell interrupts. “General O’Connor, General Wiles is on the secure line. He is calling to confirm the aircraft assignment request in Gabriel. The authentication numbers match.” “Tell him it’s being done. We’ll confirm through Gabriel.” “Yes, sir.” General O’Connor leans in close to the screen. “Select every tank killing resource that’s free, drag it into the message action field and click comply. I’ll confirm by secure satellite phone. More is better. Don’t fail to meet the minimum requested. Confirm everything redundantly, satellite phone, cell phone, land line, secure phone, pony express, love letter, whatever. Make sure we get this right. All you folks here that: redundant confirmation!” “Yes, sir!” “Who’s got air superiority fighters, heavy bombers?” “Right here, sir” “Here, sir” a colonel, and a captain report. “Send him everything you can find. Do it now. Let’s give this our full attention. Briefing adjourned for three hours. Get to work.” Two and a half hours later they are finalizing aircraft assignment orders. The headquarters van crosses the Indiana border into Illinois, bouncing through a cornfield. Refugee streams are stalled on the highway. All terrain tracks are lowered and locked into place at the rear of the van to ensure traction in the mud. It is one sloppy mess. The general leans out the door to make sure they can pull through. A very angry eight-man team of Air Assault troops from Fort Campbell has three foreign looking men on the ground by the road, hightech submachine guns pressed closely in their frightened faces. The Air Assault team leader orders the men handcuffed and taken away. Radiation placards are placed on the moving van the terrorists were driving. An Army sergeant pulls it into the middle of the field to await airlift to a nuclear weapons storage area. “There’s one that won’t go off!” General O’Connor remarks, leaning out the open door of the van. “Atta way to go, guys! Thatta way to be!” The Air Assault team leader sees three stars just in time to get off a quick salute. O’Connor doesn’t return it; he has caught the eye of the terrorist leader and is giving him what for with a gang-banger taunt, dancing around, grapping his privates, pointing and jeering. “Don’t mess with the USA, pal.” An additional 75 ground attack aircraft and 140 Black Hawk helicopters are diverted to the Middle East, with many squadrons of air superiority fighters, and many heavy bombers. In-flight refueling capability will not be available for the remaining several hundred aircraft allocated to ODG for another twelve hours. It looks to be a long night. Gabriel warns them that six of the F-15/F-16 squadrons should be reserved for air defense augmentation of Europe, but they choose to act contrary to the system based upon the urgency of General Wiles’ message. “Steve, why don’t you tie up the technical procedure side of the briefing while we have a break for…sodas,” O’Connor instructs. “We’ll get a few hours’ sleep and come back to match the new tankers to the rest of the Middle East package later.” “Yes, sir.” *** When the Israeli assault force personnel have reassembled in the auditorium, the room is called to attention once more as Colonel Yosef enters. He immediately puts them at ease. Buffet tables ring the huge room with cold meats, bread and salads enough for two forces that size. Little will be left, however. How well they know the additional nutrition will inevitably be called for. Father Bernie and the base commander hold an informal talk over the PA system as the seasoned troops eat voraciously. Colonel Yosef opens the discussion. “This first part of our departure briefing is an optional religious event. Father Bernie feels there are certain uniquely spiritual aspects to this battle that may affect the success of our mission. Nonbelievers are excused from listening, those of faith are encouraged to follow along. As most of you know by now, I am a man of faith. How can this be so, Father? Even as a believer I must admit it is rare that the supernatural can be of practical relevance to a military mission, beyond the power of prayer itself, of course, which is never to be dismissed” “I’ll be brief. The devil is presumed to be assisting our opposition. Expect to see some pretty strange things, unlikely coincidences—not to our advantage—maybe even dark miracles, something truly fantastic. There is no way to anticipate what might happen. On the other hand, we trust that God will be assisting us. Expect to see far greater things from him. But prayer is what is necessary on our part, just as the Commander here has cogently observed.” Cheers break out from the young Israeli believers, believers who quickly return to their meal not knowing when they can expect another one not provided by bag or can.. “That’s really all I have General Yosef. Remember the PA system, prayer and action, pray before you act. And, as your late Prime Minister loved to say, never forget, and never give up!” Father Bernie has been tipped off regarding Yosef’s promotion from Colonel to General, he slides his chair back from the buffet table to make room for one of Yosef’s aides. “General Yosef is right, Father!” An administrative aide and a captain from the intelligence corps burst into the auditorium and hand Colonel Yosef his promotion orders to one star general along with a tactical update message from the Israeli OpCenter respectively. Colonel Yosef ignores the applause and the stars in the aide’s hand for a moment while he reads the operational status message. “It will soon begin. Our advanced forces are set to engage the enemy’s leading units sixty miles inside the Syrian border. Full scale war is breaking loose at any moment. We are requested to make best possible speed to their assistance. This we shall do. Finish your meal. After Major Weizman’s intelligence briefing we go to war.” Colonel Yosef turns to his aide who hands him the general’s stars and a new uniform shirt with stars affixed. The general strips off his shirt revealing a rugged frame worthy of an amateur boxing or bodybuilding crown. This body however is tempered by years of field maneuvers in the desert sun and seasoned by combat. Two large abdominal scars remove any doubts about the latter. No one argues with Big Dan. The auditorium again breaks into raucous applause. “Ask the gate if Major Weizman has arrived,” the general commands an aide standing at the intercom near the stage exit. “He’s at the gate, sir, but they have refused him access. It seems he is not on the Army or the Air Force rolls. They think his ID is a forgery.” The intelligence unit captain steps up to the intercom. “This is Captain Fogleman. It is a forgery; it’s my forgery. He’s Mossad. I did that card myself.” “Not bad, Captain,” comes over the speaker, “but not good enough! Do you authorize his entry?” “I authorize it. Drive him to the auditorium immediately. Remember, there’s a war on. We need less guards and more paratroops!” “Yes, sir!” “He’s coming, General—ten minutes.” “Very well. Finish your meals.” The general sits down to finish his. He’s going too. Transport pilot is his secondary rating. He will be flying one of the American gunships as copilot. Several of the American pilots were injured in the blast following their arrival. As a young major, Yosef once participated in an exchange program with the U.S. Twenty pilots from each nation cross-trained in the other’s aircraft. He doesn’t have many hours in the C-130, just enough to get it off the ground. He’ll worry about landing later, in the unlikely event that the plane comes back at all. Major Weizman arrives. The general motions him to the meal first, for which he is grateful. He has had a long flight from an undisclosed location. He makes it a strong snack instead of a full meal, abbreviating for the sake of the mission. Ten minutes later he assumes the podium and begins the intelligence briefing. “My name is Major Moshe Weizman. I work for the Mossad: senior analyst, field agent, and control officer. I am also a tenured professor of history at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, and visiting Professor of Military History at Hebrew University in New York. My briefing goes not only to the technical aspects of the comparative status of conventional forces, but also to the spiritual underpinnings of the current conflict, extending back into the history of war from World War II. This last part is more a review of military blunders than a proper history—but I have my reasons. If the situations weren’t so tragic, it would be funny. I could call the briefing ‘Greatest Military Bloopers of All Time.’ But, of course it is tragic. Mistakes in war invariably are. “But first the technical stats on the Russian T-55, T-70, and T-90 main battle tanks, a massive fleet having unsurpassed speed and heavy firepower, but very poor electronics. The weak spot in the design is the ammunition storage magazine built into the turret. Russian crews do not survive direct hits . . .” After twenty minutes of further design specifications, Weizman introduces his closing segment on military bloopers. “First, this portion is an optional religious event. Participation is voluntary. I should mention my personal faith: I am a messianic Jew; I believe in Jesus Christ. “I will give you only a representative sample of odd military blunders and supernaturally imbued events to make my point, but history is replete with many others. Practically every major campaign in history is strewn with tragic blunders and inexplicable omissions.”44 Weizman picks up a long wooden rod with a red tip and points to his briefing outline, projected onto the wall by computer. “Number one: Russia gutting its own military in 1937: 40,000 experienced officers murdered and imprisoned. Included among the dead was half the entire command staff of the army and navy! This was done with full knowledge that Hitler’s Germany had begun a massive military buildup, and that Hitler had announced he was considering a large chunk of Russian territory his own. To make matters worse, the Russians then trained the German panzer tank divisions and permitted development of military tactics and equipment on Russian territory. Military development was forbidden on German territory by the treaty of Versailles. Hitler’s aggressions, which were ultimately to be trained back upon Russia herself, would have been seriously impaired without this help. This grievous error soon spawned horrendous tragedy for mother Russia when Hitler turned on his kind host and invaded with a massive attack. “Two: Shorting the United States Pacific theater forces in WWII of needed planes and equipment only to have thousands of available bombers destroyed undefended by fighter escort over Germany in the early phase of the air war. “Three: Germany’s opening the Russian front in WWII, pulling its forces and attention to the east thereby delivering England from imminent defeat at the very moment England was near capitulation from relentless Nazi bombing raids. Good for the allies, but a terrible mistake for Hitler at his moment of greatest advantage. “Four: The unwise diversion of Nazi U-boat raiders from enormously successful destruction of allied shipping in the Atlantic. Ditto the previous: good for the allies, but a huge blunder for Hitler. “The list goes on and on. We’ll skip the numbering from here. “Russia tragically faking out the Polish resistance in Warsaw in WWII is one of the saddest chapters in human history. Russia sent Polish resistance a message calling them to action against their Nazi occupiers as a massive Russian army stood ready on the outskirts of Warsaw. Russia clearly implied that it was prepared to invade and free the city of German occupation. The understanding was that they would coordinate their attack against the occupying Germans with Polish resistance forces. The Russians, however, waited. After calling the Poles to action, they did not concurrently invade. Polish resistance, acting alone, heroically, and perhaps surprisingly actually succeeded in temporarily freeing most of Warsaw. Unfortunately, without Russia’s promised assistance, they could not hold on indefinitely against German reinforcements. Still the Russians stood by and watched. They did nothing as the Polish resistance, 100,000 brave men and women, was methodically decimated by a continuing stream of fresh German reinforcements. Only then, when the brave Polish resistance was no more, did Russian troops enter Warsaw and deliver it from German occupation. This, of course, served Stalin’s political purposes well. It removed any threat of Polish independence being asserted following Russian occupation. But it was such a monumental tragedy and moral violation that it crossed the threshold of a ruthless political tactic into being something truly evil. “Next, Joseph Stalin used hundreds of thousands of troops and thousands of vehicles to kill and imprison millions of his own people for minor or completely contrived offenses in the midst of World War II when these forces were sorely needed at the front to support critical offensives against Hitler’s invading armies. “Then came the Korean war. Macarthur was not permitted to advance beyond the 38th parallel in Korea when the opportunity was present for full victory. Then there was the better-late-than-never approach to beefing up U.S. forces in Korea. They were reinforced only after they had been overrun by the Chinese in each of several offensives. The initial cadre of U.S. Forces in Korea was told to stop the tanks, which were overrunning the South Korean forces at will. What they were given as an antitank weapon to do it with, however, was a model that had already been established as ineffective during WWII. Consequently they also were overrun with heavy losses. “Cuba. The Joint Chiefs and CIA recommending the disastrous clandestine Bay of Pigs invasion in conjunction with a Mafia-mediated assassination attempt on Fidel Castro. Patriotic young Cuban expatriates, 1500 of them, were induced to risk their lives in an invasion attempt by the U.S. military and intelligence planners. When they ran into stiff Cuban resistance, Castro having been tipped off, the United States then totally disavowed the operation and withdrew all support leaving the young heroes stranded on the beaches. As a result, 150 of those young men never left those beaches, and the rest suffered incarceration in Castro’s jails. Secrecy was breached; Castro saw the whole thing coming and imprisoned 22,000 Cuban citizens who might have assisted the U.S.sponsored coup attempt before the invasion force ever arrived. Hopes for a free Cuba were shattered by the operation, and the newly elected young Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, was faced with a choice of evils he had been assured by his military experts would never arise: abandon our promise to the honorable young warriors on the beach or conduct an open, known to be U.S. supported, full-scale war with Cuba. “Ensuing events were equally tragic and unbelievable. President Kennedy was permitted to ride unprotected in a convertible through the streets of Dallas so closely upon the heels of our own assassination attempt on Castro. Kennedy had just backed down Russia, seriously embarrassing Nikita Khrushchev in the nuclear missile standoff, and had recently cowed by brute force the violent racists in the South, enforcing the civil rights of blacks to the point of using United States Army units, guns drawn. The Russians were angry, Castro was angry, the white supremacists were angry . . . and the Mafia was angry. “The president’s brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, with the president’s full support, was close to completing investigations and indictments of most of the top Mob bosses at the time. “The horrendous blunder concerning Kennedy’s Bay of Pigs Cuba invasion was that, at the very moment Kennedy was about to put the Mob bosses away for good, the CIA invited some of the same mobsters or their lieutenants into the Bay of Pigs operation. The mob was shown an intricate plan of how to assassinate a head of state and introduced to military assassination teams with the technical savvy to do the job. This gave the Mob a means to both sabotage the small scale expatriate invasion of Cuba by warning Castro in advance so that they could court his favor for ownership rights of gambling operations in Cuba, and simultaneously delivered into their hands a perfect cover story for their own assassination of the man who was about to put them all behind bars. “With fully unbelievable ineptitude, the CIA put into the hands of the Mob the perfect tool for the murder of their own president, a team of professional military assassins who could fire with deadly accuracy from a distance, who could plan, coordinate and execute an assassination under the noses of the world’s best security and law enforcement agencies, at the very time the Mob sought nothing more urgently than to be rid of President John Kennedy and his Attorney General brother, Bobby. “Kennedy’s assassination bore not only the unmistakable earmarks of a professional intelligence operation and cover-up, but appeared to be the exact political reverse of the intended assassination scheme developed by the CIA against Castro. Lee Harvey Oswald, the primary suspect in custody, was himself assassinated two days after his capture before he could reveal what he knew. New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation revealed tie-ins to both intelligence agencies and the Mafia, much of which has since been redundantly confirmed. Although a precedent was set in the reconstruction of WWII Italy for military and intelligence cooperation with the Mafia to get important things done, it was just dumb to invite them into the heart of CIA operations while Kennedy was trying to put them all into jail or have them deported. “No one who lived through the triple assassination sequence that took the lives of the three predominant moral crusaders of the era, President John F. Kennedy, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Senator Robert Kennedy, believes such a thing could be fully a coincidence. Three lone assassins acting for purely personal reasons take out the three greatest moral crusaders with the most powerful social and political impact? No. This was no accident of circumstance; it was a major power play by powerful political and supernatural forces. “These three crusaders for justice had together made enemies of just about every political and social element on this earth willing to employ violence to accomplish its goals, and the crazies just so happened to get to all three of them first? It is too much to believe. They had also earned the animosity of the notorious director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, who was alleged to have been a racist and blackmailer with Mob ties. Hoover may ultimately be innocent of these charges, but the entire subject of Kennedy’s assassination has been shrouded in a dark heavy spirit of evil until this very day. “The subsequent Warren Commission Report on the President’s assassination pooh-poohed away District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation, overlooking the fact that Kennedy was known to have made powerful enemies and that the event sequence closely fit the profile of a professional hit.45 “Dr. King’s assassination is directly relevant to the event before us because the demonic spirit of racism is closely akin to demonic influence that caused the irrational hatred of the Jews in WWII, and now this flareup of a centuries old irrational hatred of the nation of Israel in the Middle East. How and why has Russia been so suddenly and virulently caught up in this? Hatred of Israel has never been Russia’s thing. I propose that the emergence of a major demonic influence in Russian leadership is the most plausible answer. Valid national security logic does not support Russia doing such a thing. The entire thing stinks, and it’s a paranormal bouquet. But back to the march of military history. “A few years after the triple assassinations came the tragic and fruitless Vietnam War. One of the indefensible occurrences in that war was the employment of irrational rules of engagement that hamstrung American pilots and cost many of them their lives. The rules precluded them from taking out the enemy’s air defense missile systems until after they were shot at.46 “Then came Operation Desert Storm and the first Gulf War. There Saddam inexplicably sacrificed to unstoppable and relentless coalition aerial bombing nearly half a million Iraqi infantrymen dug in at the front. His frontline troops, locked in place as they were, also had no hope of stopping the massive highly mobile U.S. armored invasion force. It simply drove around them. Their lives were forfeited for nothing. Why? Another avoidable tragedy having the earmarks of something truly evil. “After the war, although thousands of veterans fell ill and complained that the war had caused their illness, the U.S. refused to acknowledge the proven threat of the Mycoplasma fermentans incognitas (MFI) germ, this despite the fact that the U.S. Army held the patent on the germ the entire time! A Florida lab sent medical use stocks of the germ to Iraq prior to the war. MFI has since been shown to be the cause of about half of the Gulf War Illness that hit U.S. forces. French forces in the Gulf were not affected by MFI/GWI; they mysteriously took corresponding antibiotics in advance of entering the battlefield. “The U.S. Department of Defense refused blood tests and Doxycycline treatment to Gulf War veterans and their families after the cause and treatment was identified by a Nobel Prize-nominated microbiologist who informed both the Congress and the President’s Commission on Gulf War Illness of his peer-reviewed research findings in sworn testimony. Yet another mystery, tragic blunder, and indefensible cover-up. “Moving closer to the present time, why did the U.S. prevent its active duty rapid response forces from rescuing the victims of Hurricane Katrina? They could have easily been there the first day after the winds abated—yet another unexplainable faux pas that resulted in fully preventable tragedy. “In the same event, Katrina, FEMA failed to integrate U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service personnel into the rescue operation after USFWS offered assistance. Receiving no response to their offer, USFWS personnel ultimately went in on their own initiative. Being trained and experienced with boats, they rescued some 4,500 people at risk of drowning or perishing from exposure and dehydration. How could expert disaster response personnel in FEMA have made a decision from competence and good intentions that would fly so flagrantly in the face of common sense and, but for the persistence of USFWS, preclude 4,500 individual rescues? There’s something really fishy about all of that. “More recently, DOD provided inadequate vehicle and body armor for U.S. troops in the bomb-ridden environment of Iraq. Could something so obvious be an honest mistake for the very people who have the best technical information available and are the most knowledgeable on military operations? “Likewise, why the failure to provide heavily armed escorts for Iraqi police recruits after massacre upon massacre of Iraq’s new cadets? “Let’s stop and take a breath for a moment.” Major Weizmann does just that, grabbing a sip of water, then returns to the topic. “Now comes the question. What do all of these tragic and irrational events have in common?” The room is silent—stunned by the cumulative tragedy of the endless stream of avoidable fiascos that has plagued human history—though the same thought has occurred to everyone there. Father Bernie, a bit of a military historian himself, risks saying aloud what everyone else is thinking: “Stupidity?” “Yes! Stupidity!” the major confirms. “Certainly stupidity. But why stupidity from experts in military strategy and emergency response at critical times when so much was at stake in terms of human death and suffering? Stupidity from subject matter experts acting within their area of expertise? It doesn’t happen.” Father tries again: “I see your point. In that case we are left with either hidden human political agendas, supernatural evil, or possibly divine intervention to enact mercy or punishment, possibly human political agendas augmented by the supernatural, such as with the Nazi slaughter of the Jews, and the Communist’s persecution of the Church.” “Yes, Father, yes, that is right. We are left with politics or the supernatural because sound problem solving logic is visibly missing in all of these events, and both factors can come into play in the same event. “Stalin did have a visible self-serving political logic, but what he did to the hundred thousand patriotic Poles at Warsaw and then to millions of his own people at home was so undeniably evil as to suggest the demonic regardless of his hardline view of how to build a strong nation. “All of these actions either made no sense or they were flagrantly inhumane. They accomplished only one thing: the extension of the horror, suffering, sorrow and tragedy of war and disaster. The devil’s agenda was the only thing being served, his hatred of the human race and his intent to destroy it. “Conversely, where God’s intervention was involved, such as in propitiating key blunders of Nazi Germany and the against-all-odds victory of the U.S. Navy in demolishing the Japanese fleet at the Battle of Midway, the result was a reduction in tragedy. God’s intervention shortened the time to allied victory and prevented the evil of fascism from dominating the world. “Supernatural influence upon events and upon the decision makers, either satanic or divine: that is my thesis. This is a reality of war that we must now be prepared to deal with. This assault on Israel makes no sense, not from the point of view of Russia’s long-term interest. It will only produce terrible suffering on both sides. Even with the terrorist bombs in the U.S. having debilitated civilian life in approximately a quarter of the nation, the U.S. military remains far superior to the threat. There will only be mass suffering in the meantime pending the delivery of the full U.S. response. “Our opponent is the devil in this crisis as certainly as it is those nations who oppose us. I speculate that Satan began gearing up his final assault upon God’s Church and the human race sometime before World War I and that all of the major and most of the minor wars that followed are, at least in part, his doing. They are instruments of that assault. Certainly the horrendous atrocities that accompanied these wars, genocide, torture, rape, poverty, plague and homelessness have Satan’s fingerprints all over them. He hates us because we are made in the image of God, against whom he has irrevocably rebelled with supernatural malice. “In a sense, all of these wars are parts of the same prolonged conflict, what the Bible calls the battle of Armageddon. The most direct corollary to the Bible’s description of Armageddon was the six-day war of 1967, where Israel, surrounded by vastly larger armies, nonetheless achieved a stunning victory. This was due in no small part to “fire from the sky.” In that case the fire came from air superiority fighters and modern artillery. But, Armageddon is a larger event that includes all nations, as Christians have now been added to God’s people, limbs grafted onto the Jewish tree by Christ the Messiah’s extending salvation to all who will accept his gift. “During that six-day war Egypt committed several major blunders in the grand tradition of those we have been discussing here. She threw out viable war plans at the last minute in favor of playing directly into Israel’s strengths. Then, upon being defeated by Israel, Egypt foolishly gave bogus intelligence to her own allies, Jordan and Syria, who had yet to engage the Israeli forces, falsely asserting that Israel’s air force had been largely decimated in battles with the Egyptians. This was done to allow Egypt to temporarily save face among the Arab peoples. However, that lie also produced a false confidence in Syria and Jordan that resulted in both Syria and Jordan subsequently losing their air forces in engagements with the vastly superior and, in fact, undiminished, Israeli Air Force. “This is a perfect match to the pattern we see in the Old Testament where God routs the enemies of his people by inducing panic and selfdefeating behaviors. Minus supernatural influence, most of these historical blunders are fully inexplicable. “The twenty-five year term of Pope Leo XIII extended up to and through the end of the nineteenth century into the early years of the twentieth. Pope Leo said that St. Michael, aided by the prayers and active faith of Christians on earth, would render Satan a humiliating defeat. Pope Leo speculated that Satan might again be confined in the bottomless pit, thus implying that the devil was loose at the time. Some people of faith, with whom I have had the privilege to consult in high places during my travels, have suggested to me that, if humanity expresses its faith in God and prays for help, this could be the result of the present conflict, the confinement of Satan back into the pit.” “Alleluia!” comes from Joe up front and several others. “Be this as it may, we have both historical precedent and a known spiritual theme on our side to offset the numerical disadvantage we now face. God has historically required his people to send only a comparatively much smaller force against their enemies. This is done so that the resultant victory will accrue to God’s credit and there will be no doubt that God defends his people. “Because of the supernatural element that the hypothesis of an extended Armageddon introduces, we must now beware sudden manifestations of supernatural power that could erupt on the battlefield in unpredictable ways. These might range from fully subtle unseen influences to events shockingly dramatic. “The important thing to remember, the one and only thing predictable according to scripture, is the biblical rule of faith itself: keep praying and victory will be ours. The ‘PA system’: it’s easy to remember: prayer before action. The Israelites were always victorious as long as Moses followed God’s instructions. When he kept his hand outstretched exerting the Lord’s spiritual force over the battlefield—a continuous expression of faith—Israel routed her enemies. So pray always in your heart for God’s favor, words are not essential to prayer. This should not be done selfishly, but in the true Christian spirit that values the welfare of all, even our enemies. We seek a good outcome for all, not just for ourselves. “True, there are potentially other biblical themes to consider. The possibility of God using Russia as he once used Assyria, Babylon and other militant nations to punish his own people, viz. Zephaniah’s doomsday prophecy, cannot be ruled out. To the extent that God intends the destruction of Israel as a punishment, it will happen, of course. It wouldn’t be the first time. “But we have not been guided by the Spirit to stand down our defenses, and the consensus view of prophetic scripture says otherwise. One cannot fully anticipate God’s will, of course. Israel was once fully destroyed in a chastisement from God, its people exiled, and clearly the United States has already been severely chastised. The Churches there are God’s people too. “What will ultimately happen in the chain reaction of events that follow the initial military showdown we are about to embark upon today, is known only to God. “The good news that I see in the history of supernatural intervention in military conflict is that whereas the devil tried unsuccessfully to block the progress of U.S. and allied forces and others representing freedom and moral rectitude, causing unnecessary casualties and the extension of the tragedy of war, God’s intervention in WWII and throughout the history of Israel has always been decisive. It brought about an allied victory, and with it improved prospects for freedom and justice for all of humanity. It preserved Israel’s very existence time and time again against constantly overwhelming odds. There was a high price paid, but the heroes and victims of war have eternal reward and divine healing waiting in heaven.” The general nods. “Anything else, Major, we have 20,000 tanks expecting us for tea? One hates to disappoint.” “Just this: the contamination of the experimental vaccines has been identified. It is a new variant of Mycoplasma fermentans incognitas. We can’t track it to a biowarfare laboratory as we did the first one, so it is apparently an accidental byproduct of research that has somehow gotten past quality control. Accidental from the perspective of demonstrable human intentions, but almost certainly an event made to happen by supernatural intervention. “Affected combat forces are being placed on long-term Doxycycline treatment to keep the infection at bay. It is almost impossible to eradicate this germ from the body. It hides inside cells where the immune system can’t find it. MFI has no cell wall, which further complicates matters because the immune cells can’t identify it when it is found. “The good news is that Doxycycline will resolve any serious symptoms and is also a great cancer fighter. We will need all the help we can get in the chemical and radioactive environments we expect to encounter. “No critical harm is expected from completing the series of experimental shots. They do work for their intended purpose. The Doxycycline will take care of the risk of further contamination. “Your medicine will be issued before you leave. Double up on it for a while, 500 milligrams per day, then bring it down to a maintenance dose of 300 to 200 milligrams to manage the long term infection. The temporarily higher dose will also protect you against many other biowarfare germs the enemy may throw at us. “Remember, this treatment is what saved the French from getting Gulf War Illness in the first war: take the pills. You can expect some digestive problems at the higher dose; antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the gut that are necessary to digest food, but the protection is worth it. Those bacteria can be replaced. Take large doses of probiotic tablets or capsules with your meals for this purpose, and minimize sun exposure. Use heavy sunscreen. You will be issued high potency probiotic capsules to keep your digestion normal, and 45-70 factor sunscreen. “That’s all I have. Remember, we have two enemies. One you can see; one you cannot. Prayer is the weapon of choice for the invisible one. “That concludes my briefing, General.” “Thank you, Major. By the way, I’ve been told you speak several Arab language dialects and that your Farsi is also excellent.” General Yosef looks over to his executive officer for confirmation of Weizmann’s language skills, and gets a nod in the affirmative. “How would you like to accompany. . . Major Weizman? Where’s the major?” The assembled troops who were focused on Major Weizman during the briefing stand aghast. One moment he was there, in the next he wasn’t. “What happened?” General Yosef asks his aide. “I’m not sure, sir. I was looking at the major and then . . . ” “And then what?” “And then I wasn’t looking at him . . . he disappeared into thin air!” “Well if you happen to find him, and I suggest the latrine, as a heavy 500 milligram dose of antibiotics can send you there on short notice, give him his orders. He’s coming with us as translator. The rest of us are going to war, starting right now.” “Yes, General.” “Fallout and form your teams gentlemen. The helicopters are warming up. I’ll see you all in Syria. Dismissed!” —End Part III PART IV Unless You Become as One of These Little Ones You Will Not Enter Heaven Luke 18:16-17 NAB Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it. CHAPTER 9 Moscow and the Magic Kingdom General Yosef has telephoned the acting Israeli Prime Minister from a forward battlefield position just beyond the Syrian border. He listens to his nation’s boss, having explained newly arisen doubts about Operation David and Goliath. “Our information originates at the highest levels, Danny. You must know this,” the Prime Minister assures him. “I know who you are talking about, Ari, that asshole Boriskiev. I am still on Mossad’s briefing list. In fact, they asked me to run the military intel shop. They want an ally over there that won’t stab them in the back at staff meetings. But I’m shooting for your job.” “It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, Danny—best of luck. But, hear me out, we have never had a source that high in the Kremlin.” “High, yes. Reliable, no. If Boriskiev gave me directions to the Men’s Room after twenty hours on a plane, I would walk six blocks to ask someone else. I’m giving my troops orders to hold their fire pending further instructions. I recommend you issue the same orders to the primary battle group. We cannot attack without confirmation—too many conflicting signals. The Americans’ Combat Decision Support System, Gabriel, has been screaming corrupted data warnings for the past thirtysix hours now. For once, I am forced to agree with a computer. It isn’t possible that the Russian armored brigades have multiplied so fast. It would take huge underground factories thirty years! It can’t be done, Ari; our intel is better than that. We would have caught them at it. Therefore it can’t be real. Our previous Russian force estimates are reliable. The Russians would be lucky to field 15,000 tanks in working order at any one moment. Their having two forces of 20,000 is unthinkable. “On top of the impossible math, I trust my instincts. I have been at this game too long. The Russians here in front of me have no sense of urgency; it is like they are on holiday.” Lying prone, Yosef peers through binoculars, inching his head up over the crest of the hill that he and his bodyguard have climbed to view the approaching Russians. “I am looking at them right now, Ari. The tank commanders are sitting out in the sun drinking Starka and eating tins of caviar as we speak. I know this unit. It is led by battle hardened senior officers who have been there and done that. They don’t play around in the middle of a war. No way are these people going to war. They probably have their bathing suits packed. Joking, laughing, smoking, no sense of urgency, no tension. It’s wrong Ari, very, very, wrong. “Our current intelligence reports must be awry. This stands to be the biggest foul-up in the history of military intelligence! If not for Gabriel’s warnings our strike force would have taken the Russians’ heads off by now, and you know what that means: tit for tat. They are going to come right back at us, and we’ll know it when they do. When all is said and done, Ari, I cannot guarantee you that there is a genuine Russian attack in progress!” “OK, big Dan, I get it, already. So, what is the source of the corruption and how do we fix it?” “That’s just it. We don’t know. Everyone is at a loss. The Russians deny having fielded any such force. Gabriel has deduced faulty satellite transmissions, but the technicians on scene can’t find anything wrong. Our own people in Russia say to flip a coin. They have two stories, both equally reliable, both from high level sources, yet both cannot be true at the same time. “The American colonel, Bishop Shasta, has the most plausible explanation: supernatural tomfoolery. I concur. If this were a normal military intelligence knot we would have untied it by now. Unfortunately, merely identifying the source as supernatural does not show us the problem or the solution.” “Of course it shows us the solution: prayer is the solution!” Where do you think your family name, Yosef, comes from, popular novels; no, it comes from the Pentateuch, the Torah, from the Word of God.” “Our secular leaders would laugh that off, Ari, but I am not one of them. I serve the Lord God. I will pray. But right now I need you to cancel the attack order until we can force some sanity onto this situation and ferret out the missing pieces.” “And I, for my part, will not overrule my most experienced combat commander in time of war. The main battle group will not attack. If it’s supernatural, we will first go to someone who understands such things, our Jewish clerics, the pope, the Greek and Russian Patriarchs.” “I suggest starting with the pope to save time, Ari. He is also a head of state and has his own budget and investigative resources.” The Prime Minister agrees. “Shalom, Danny. I will speak with the pope.” After doing this, the Israeli Prime Minister sends the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church an encrypted message via the Israeli intelligence network in Russia. His coded cable requests that some way be found to validate the hypothesized monster attack as genuine. The Russian primate then separately confers with the pope. The pope informs him that he has a man closely embedded in the situation, Bishop Shasta. Shasta however has been called to a related mission, confirming the intentions of the advance elements of the Red armored columns in Syria. The Patriarch will have to select one of his own to go to the Russian buildup site south of the Crimea. *** His Holiness the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church sits down to think in his office in Moscow. Ah, yes. Spiridonov. The exorcist. So this is why he has come from his beloved flock in St. Petersburg. Somehow this man always manages to stay a step ahead of me . . . but I love him, and he loves field trips. He will go. If this is the devil’s handiwork, Spiridonov will make short work of it. *** President Anton Nekrutenko has arrived via chauffeured limo for a visit to the port city of Novorossiysk where CIA satellite photos show an enormous Russian military buildup in progress. A massive armored force and associated logistical stockpiling has been reported to fill a 100-mile area south of a line from Rostov to Georgia. Nekrutenko has authorized no such force. The reported numbers exceed his military capability reports. With him is newly appointed Archbishop Nikolay Spiridonov of the Russian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg. They are childhood cohorts, Anton and Nikolay—tough kids, but good ones, and ferocious allies. A friendly word over dinner was sufficient to arrange Spiridonov’s cooperation. “It is not a problem. His Holiness the Russian Patriarch has already ask me to go down there,” Spiridonov informs his President, “and delegated complete Church authority.” So they go, these two friends, riding down together in the Presidential limo. Nothing is observed, however, that is, until the Archbishop issues prayers of exorcism. This reveals a demonic shape of hideous countenance and enormous proportions. The monster is visible only to those supernaturally affected by the demon’s own powers (such as Boriskiev) or blessed with the temporary grace of spiritual discernment conveyed through the Archbishop’s prayers and blessings issued in connection to the exorcism. “Look! A regional demonic power in all his putrid glory!” “Augh!” The Chairman opens the door of his limo to vomit. Coming to himself he quickly swallows some vodka from the sealed gift stock he always keeps on hand. The law permits no open containers in vehicles, however. He will dispose of this one before traveling home. The chauffeur will not drink. “What kind of trick is this?” The President presses his eyes closed and looks again, stunned by the horrible presence. “Can such a thing be real?” “Fallen angels are all too real, Comrade Chairman. Though not authentically physical, angels can take physical form. In the book of Tobit the archangel Raphael, a good angel, assumed a form indistinguishable from the physical. Demons are real enough, though normally invisible.” “I . . . I am seeing a vision, a mirage . . . what is this? There are photographs, an enormous army.” “The army is yours, Comrade Chairman, at least CIA thinks it is yours, thanks to the shenanigans of this evil creature.” “Can it do such things?” “The power of an angel is vast indeed, Comrade Chairman. Give me a moment to find out more. We may not yet know the worst. I will place this supernatural dog under the authority of Christ. Demons can do dark miracles, break the rules of nature outright if God does not forbid them. Has God given them some standing permission, a certain degree of tolerance, a limited freedom of action or a special dispensation perhaps for his own purposes in the end of days struggle? I do not know. I can only say that it is possible.” The Archbishop makes the sign of the cross, splashes holy water and begins the exorcism. “I adjure you, dog from hell, by the Power of Christ and the authority of His Holy Church . . . ” For some minutes of holy prayers and powerful adjurations the battle ebbs and flows between the surges of the demon and the faith of the Archbishop. With a last desperate splash of holy water the Archbishop summons all of his faith. The demon collapses and begins to babble in an unknown tongue. “Aha! My President, the damage may not be beyond repair. This mirage/vision that you saw, or something like it, is what the American satellite is transmitting. I have extracted that much with the initial prayers. Millions have seen the ‘photographs,’ yet it is not real. The purpose is to provoke an American first strike into Russian territory, to guarantee a worldwide holocaust.” “Dear God!” “You believe in God, Comrade Chairman?” President Nekrutenko assumed the additional title and position of Chairman of the Government (Premier) in the aftermath of a recent power struggle. Some radical conservatives have been talking of a new Union, greater than before. The same group orchestrated a recent coup attempt against President Nekrutenko and his allies in government. This revolt, led by the previous hardline premier, was defeated by the timely intervention of Chairman Nekrutenko’s security chief and with the active support of the armed forces. “Not officially. I told only our beloved leader, Comrade Putin, before he left to lead the UN. He always went to church, Comrade Putin—a good man. Putin had enough time in the KGB to be devoid of fear of Party backlash; I have enough time in the KGB to fear it. The longer you stay the more enemies you make. No one knows of my faith, but I will soon announce it.” “How did it happen? The state did not teach you this.” “The Billy Graham Crusade in Moscow.” Nekrutenko renders a few bars in booming bass: “Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder… “Only Billy could come to Russia, and of course Reverend Schuler of the Crystal Cathedral, and the pope. Even atheistic Communists respond to genuine charisms; they just didn’t understand where they come from.” “Some of them found out. I was not alone in my conversion at that glorious meeting. Thousands came trickling down from the top of Moscow Olympic Stadium. ‘Just get up out of your seat and start walking,’ Graham said. ‘No matter how long it takes to get down here, we’ll wait. We’ll say a quiet prayer together.’ “And that is exactly what Reverend Graham did. He said a prayer with group after group after group. Those last to be blessed left for home many hours after the presentation had ended. That prayer took a great burden off of my life, Comrade Archbishop. Joy has not ceased from that day. But I digress . . .continue with your holy rite, Archbishop. We must gather the facts needed to render a proper response.” Spiridonov prays and issues commands in the authority of Christ’s Church. He splashes holy water copiously in the direction of the horrendous animalistic chimera gloating from the valley opposite. It has partially regained its strength during his pause. Now it’s wrath flares, sensing the crucial moment. It rises to an enormous height, towering over the state limo. All is stench and nausea; they hold their breath. The Archbishop leans out the window and spits. “Thpuewt. Take that to hell when you go! In the name of Christ, his beloved Church and all that is holy . . . ” Splash! The demon is down again, on its haunches groveling. It concedes the battle to Christ’s greater power and authority, spitting out the needed data against its own will in a variety of strange tongues. The meaning of these ancient languages is discernible only to the Archbishop who has the gift of interpretation of tongues. The air clears; the horrible entity lies still, and its form begins to fade. Finally it fully dissipates amidst tongues of cleansing holy fire. The Chairman grins. “Job well done, Comrade Archbishop. What have you learned?” He permits himself another drink in celebration. “Comrade Chairman, American forces are well and strong, but CIA is wounded. . . perhaps beyond repair. The Langley OpCenter is destroyed. A mere three specialists in Australia are reading this demonically generated signal and advising DOD remotely. They ‘see’ many more tanks in the advance columns than are actually there as well as a huge reserve force in this area, which simply does not exist. CIA analysts are in the habit of claiming surety on less corroborated information than this. Unequivocal satellite images evoke a full confidence rating. Why would they question it? It comes from high technology. “Two middle-aged desk jockeys and a twenty-year-old electronics technician fall to demonic affliction and the world is destroyed! All because of the ludicrous assumption that the intelligence bureaucracy could not possibly be wrong. It is unthinkable!” “You know much for a mere priest, Comrade Archbishop, too much, I am thinking. Are you also an American spy? They threaten a voting majority in the Duma!” “Nyet, my beloved Chairman. Loyal Russian. But the Vatican knows things . . . and we . . . talk.” “Very well, Comrade Archbishop. It is a matter for the Church. I did not hear it mentioned because you did not say it. “My beloved Comrade Archbishop, bring some of your best men down here and post them permanently until we can clear all of this up. Instruct them to continue to exorcise any of these supernatural parasites back to hell if the problem recurs. The demonic stench fouls our beautiful countryside . . . tourism may decline.” “It shall be done as you instruct, Comrade Chairman. This one is dead.” “Dead? Fallen angels can be killed?” “No, not literally, in the sense of going completely out of existence. But dead in the sense of gone from this world. St. Paul, of course stated that we shall be the judge of angels, and Christ gave power over the demons to his apostles who passed it on their successors. Being in that line of succession, modern bishops hold that power and delegate it to their priests who are exorcists. In any case, as far as we are concerned the putrid thing is no more. With world war impending, I thought it best to terminate it immediately before more harm is done. Boriskiev will be crushed to learn of the demon’s departure. This one was a major regional power: Boriskiev’s ticket to control, fame and glory, or so he must have thought.” “Boriskiev is behind this? I will launch him into space (no suit)!” “He will be little less obtrusive here on earth now that his supernatural powerbase is gone. But know this, my friend and President, these horrid things are possibly infinite in number. Another may take the place of this one. The task could exhaust my priests, though I will continue to send them on your instructions. Fortunately, the good angels outnumber the bad two to one. Heaven will defend us. But if hell has been fully opened for just punishment, only the merciful grace of God will turn it aside. The Church will continue to pray for that grace and mercy. “As for the immediate problem, the photos do show tanks, Comrade Chairman. I have no doubt of it. But computers, once mechanically impaired or overwhelmed with too much data, can vomit upon themselves as drunken men. “Consider this too; a natural explanation of so-called dark miracles must always be possible until God himself decides to directly reveal the presence of the devil per 2 Thessalonians chapter two. Once a demon has struck a blow to our world and fled they will wish to maintain plausible deniability. The devil does not wish to himself prove the reality of God to the entire materialistic world. It is counterproductive to Satan’s goals and methods to be discovered. By supernaturally blundering about here for an extended time, Satan could inadvertently be caught out if events are otherwise inexplicable via natural means. “There must, therefore, be a physical malfunction or humanly orchestrated compromise in the satellite data processing system, perhaps a manufacturing flaw built in via supernatural coordination when the equipment was made. It has been sitting there waiting for just the right twitch of damage to set it off. Something of this kind. Who knows what it will turn out to be, exactly?” “What!!!? You do not know what is wrong, specifically?” Nekrutenko is crushed by this apparent failure. “I thought the dog-faced boy told all; he was under the authority of Christ!” “He told me all he knew. Demons are not omniscient. A number of demons were involved. They compromised both satellites and data processing technicians, tried to lay the groundwork for several options. The demon chose not to track which option was employed—only the humans know it. Humans have free will under God’s plan; an exorcist can’t force them to tell what they know. You do the same thing with foreign travelers, do you not, Comrade Chairman? Restrict their access to state secrets? If they are waylaid during travel and interrogated by the enemy they have nothing to tell. Those who know things don’t travel. Simple logic. Standard security practice is it not, my Chairman?” “It is so, though such a policy is impossible to fully comply with.” “I discovered this much. A closer analysis of the photos will show replicated serial numbers and other unique characteristics, vehicle flaws, physical damage, etc. It will reveal the same images cut, copied and pasted hundreds of times over. These false duplicates will be found overlaid upon what should be the image of a peaceful countryside—that is, if anyone takes the trouble to look. “Right, but why should they take the trouble? With the destruction of the U.S. Capital, no one doubts the overriding assumption of impending world war; many perhaps now simply wish it. “The fictitious data replications could be arranged by something so simple as the secret installation of a data reprocessor at the satellite ground processing station. Conceivably this could have been added inside the satellites themselves, though it would be difficult to get past security inspections that precede launch. Artificially constructed canned images could be substituted for a seemingly live feed, current and stored data could be electronically blended, and so on. The U.S. presumably has less photographic data on our forces than we have, my President. Your KGB, or as I think you now call it, the SVR, would therefore be most likely suspect in this latter case, Comrade Chairman, the military analysts, or someone higher.” “They teach electronic surveillance at Bible seminary now!!!?” “No, Comrade Chairman. I learned these things from the school of Tom Clancy, and as I said, I talk with the Church leaders abroad . . . and . . . their staff. The demon himself told me as much. But there remain pieces of the puzzle he didn’t know.” “I understand, my friend. Satan will want to keep us from thwarting his plans by restricting data access to need to know. It shall be checked and checked again. You say Boriskiev knows . . . then I know . . . or I will know, if I have to drag him into the boxing ring at Olympic stadium. I too have lost personal friends in this. It shall not stand. The problem will be found. I have long smelled a rat. But he was too close to home to track, ever at my right hand. “It starts to make sense. Before the blasts, when U.S. reconnaissance flights started to show up following this mysterious building of tensions, they were turned back. Somehow we were always tipped off. We knew the U.S. flight schedules, the altitudes, the itineraries—some of the best intelligence we have ever had. Too good, I am now thinking. In the past two months, we turned back six manned flights in sequence before they could penetrate 100 miles into Russian air space. Four high tech U.S. drones were destroyed, the same ones that are nearly impossible to find. “When they come this time, we will not interfere. We want the U.S. to know we are not in attack mode. What are the U.S. surveillance platforms likely to see, Comrade Archbishop, now that the supernatural interference is gone?” “Flaws in satellite performance should begin coming to the surface. A change in the natural is always tied to the supernatural. The U.S will be forced to check and revalidate its data. Satellite performance will be questioned. Manned and unmanned overflights will be dispatched in an effort to show the true picture. They will now get it. Unfortunately, you do have 2,000 real tanks en route to Iran and Syria per an equipment purchase agreement.” “True, my Archbishop, some small risk of misinterpretation remains, but doubt will also remain. With so much at stake, neither the U.S. nor Israel will strike within our borders on the basis of conflicting reports. “You have done well, Comrade Archbishop. The children of Russia congratulate you!” “You honor me, my Chairman. For God and country!” “God and country!” They share a stout pull on their respective silver vodka flasks. Nekrutenko has presented his Archbishop with one as provision for extended duty in the countryside. “Not overly cold here in the South, Comrade Archbishop. The locals tell of fearsome vipers, however. This will keep you well if you are struck. Offer none to the likes of him, should any return,” the Chairman instructs, glaring at the spot left vacant by the hideous shape revealed by Spiridonov’s exorcism. He shakes his head. “May God help us all.” “I will take precautions, Comrade Chairman. And I will station priests in the area. We will continuously issue the Holy Rite of Exorcism to preclude a recurrence of demonic infestation until the threat of war has passed.” “I am in your debt, Comrade Archbishop. Dahs veedahnyeh, my friend! I leave you to implore the blessed Lord God to defend us. I must now call my other friend, the American buckaroo, Monty Lewis. Perhaps God will smile on me and he will be absent. I can then speak to his gloriously beautiful wife, Anna. She wears the pants in the family you know.” “Things will undoubtedly be done faster this way, my Chairman. May God smile on all you do.” “Until we meet again . . . my Archbishop. I am a Baptist now, right?” the Chairman chuckles, intending to become Russian Orthodox in the upcoming weeks. “We will talk, Comrade Chairman. For now, I must find a residence here and get to work pending the arrival of our priests.” They exchange a laugh, a straight look into the eyes, and a Russian bear hug followed by much shoulder slapping. The Chairman is not a fool, of course, only a comedian. Nor does he hold disdain for the Protestant churches. He truly considers himself also a member of the church of his beloved Billy Graham though he is not fully sure which church that is. There is only one God and one larger Church. He merely gests. Laughter is the best medicine, after all. His doctor has advised him that his liver is failing. The prognosis is not good. Anton has always lived with gusto; but now . . . well, now he will cherish each remaining moment. Fortunately, he believes in an afterlife and has every hope of obtaining it in Christ. He will no longer take this life too seriously, if he ever did. The Russian President lets his life-long friend out of the limousine with an affectionate wave. “A long way from the schoolyard, Nikolay!” “Yes, my Chairman.” Spiridonov watches his President depart. He flips open a cell phone to call additional priests to the scene. Three experienced priests, all prelates of the Patriarch’s staff in Moscow, hastily pack kits for exorcism. They are en route to the airport within minutes. The regional exorcism will proceed continuously in two-man shifts, twelve hours each, until completed. The Archbishop takes a hearty slug of Vodka. He prefers strong red wine, a good Shiraz or Merlot, of course, but this will have to do. He advances aggressively upon the countryside, extending a large ornate cross ahead and then to the sides. “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . . . ” The scripture, a text of the Holy Rite of Exorcism, and additional vials of holy water are snapped into pouches along his belt. His backpack has some rudimentary food and water. Determining that the field is temporarily clear, he kneels to begin a Rosary for the safety of his priests. If Moshe were here they would be well fortified indeed . . . . Only the pope, the Russian Patriarch and he know about Moshe. “God is Great!” he exclaims loudly to the empty landscape. “God is great!” is unexpectedly returned by an old peasant farmer plodding up behind with a horse cart. He coughs harshly. “Are you well my father?” the Archbishop inquires with genuine concern. The old man does not sound good at all. “As can be expected. Fuel is scarce. My wife is now gone. The lord keeps us well, just the same.” He doesn’t say that he can’t afford medicine for a treatable form of tuberculosis. An unexpected attack bends him over in a violent paroxysm. The archbishop winces. “Which farm is yours?” “The yellow one, there on the hillside just to the west. It’s not much. A few goats, three bulls, some chickens, plots of vegetables. I worked thirty years for a horse breeder.” He pauses to cough. “I became very expert, but my master’s stables were auctioned when he died. He left me enough to buy this little place— a great kindness. “I know horses, but I cannot afford them. My son, an army sergeant, used to send me a calf to raise twice a year before he was killed . . . Afghanistan. When the three bulls that are left have been sold . . . ? Perhaps a collective apartment; I am not fond of the idea.” “I’m so sorry to hear of the death of your son. I will pray for him. The yellow house, you say?” “Yes.” “I am a priest in God’s Church. I have work in this area. May I have your permission to visit your house?” “You are most welcome, but I can provide little for your comfort.” “Give it no thought. I will bring a few things to the purpose. Here, Comrade, in honor of your brave son. A personal gift from our glorious Chairman!” “The old man takes the silver flask, noting its obvious value. Three rubies underlie a gold inlaid state insignia, the double headed eagle.” “Drink, drink, my father. You may keep the flask. I will send for a doctor. You will incur no cost. Now, go, get some rest. I will visit soon. We will pray for your son, yes? Mother Russia is in your debt.” Spiridonov washes down two of the antibiotic tablets he always carries when working in the countryside among those with tuberculosis. He traces the sign of the cross over the old man. “You have no daughter to cook for you?” “My Katerina. She visits twice a month from state university. She graduates soon. It has taken all I have for her expenses. She hopes to find government work, but . . . so many hoping and so few positions. How will we live till then? I do not know. I have borrowed to give her one day at a time, one more day . . . I have prayed. When the bulls are gone . . . ” “Give me her name and college unit number. Your family name is?” “Petrov.” The Archbishop extends a pen and notepad. “I will speak to His Holiness in Moscow. Katerina will work for the Church. I buy your farm to raise horses with my inheritance—my father did well in arms sales, I cannot deny it. You will share the profits, of course, and I will need your advice and instruction at times. Then you can join your Katerina in a nice apartment near the hospital and drive down for fresh air and exercise on the doctor’s schedule. You will advise on the health, care and purchasing of the horses. Consider it a gift from your nation in honor of your beloved son who died for us all. Our God is a God of justice. This is done in His name to honor your son. Do you agree to this arrangement, Comrade Petrov?” “I have no objections. It is very generous. I need a doctor it is true, but…” he does not say, “cannot afford one.” “Good. It is done. We will speak of it no further. The doctor who comes will be paid from an advance of your wages as stablemaster. My card.” “Archbishop of St. Petersburg!” The old man kneels to kiss the bishop’s ring. “I must be here for two months, father Petrov. As it happens I am granted an unusually generous expense account for this assignment, funded by three nations. I have both the authority and the inclination to use it. No one will ask. The matter is too delicate. Yet, I have no place to stay. I am commanded by our Holy Father, by our Chairman, and by my own conscience to stay near this place where our enemy has been working. Will you rent me a room? It is a matter of no small importance.” “Near this place? Oh . . . I see, the foul dog from hell, you mean? He frightens my goats. I tell them to kick him when he is not looking. The bulls would do worse if our God would let them. Do not turn your back on them if you come.” The old man looks out over the sloping snow-spackled landscape as if listening. He breathes a deep breath, as if feeling the beginnings of relief from the liquor and antibiotics, but then realizes the burden that is lifting is largely spiritual. “Aaah, so . . . you have done something here, Archbishop. It is gone.” “You know these things?” “I know. I can see spirits. A man from heaven came through here last spring. He was always smiling. He gave me a charism, discernment of spirits. He said to hold on a little while and it would be gone. He said . . . he said God had noted Dmitri’s sacrifice, and that he would send someone to help my Katerina. I never doubted him, or God. Do you know who he was? A man right out of the scriptures!” “The prophet, Elijah?” So there are four who know. “Yes, yes, Elijah! But he used another name. He called himself Moshe Weizmann. He spoke like a Jewish priest, but wore an Israeli military uniform. Wherever he went, families were healed and the earth itself was purified of this putrid demonic presence.” The old man waves his hand over the fields. “There was a friend in the old sense of the word ‘friend.’ A real ‘mensch’ with a heart of gold. He slapped my back and my tuberculosis left for three weeks. It is only now coming back. Do you know what I mean, a ‘friend in the old sense’ Archbishop?” “Alas, even I am too young, father Petrov. The darkness descended before I was born. But I know that you know. In that sense you are my teacher.” “And in little else, Archbishop, little else. The room is simple, but adequate. My son’s room—as he left it.” “It will be fine. I will bring a late supper. My priests should soon arrive. If they are delayed, it will have to be breakfast. “See to your animals, father Petrov; they will be missing you by now. Buy a case of strong red wine for us please, no . . . two cases, and coffee, cheese, anything you need—get the good stuff. You must eat well until the doctor comes, keep your strength. It is essential. “Here,” Spiridonov doles out a thick stack of currency, “here is enough for two months provisions. Ask the woman of the house nearest to run to the market, and share a tenth with them for their trouble.” A generous amount! Two months? I could live two years on this. “If you can find some ground nearby for our horses to run, arrange a purchase. You know what we need. Offer a fair price. If the family is in need, offer them more. It will be our secret. Make them a deposit, and I will draft a check immediately.” The archbishop counts out another thick wad of bills, pressing it into Petrov’s hand. Petrov clips it and secures it deep inside his heavy coat, looking up at the Archbishop for further instructions. “And put on some extra coal . . . please father Petrov . . . a little extra warmth. I am no farmer.” The old man chuckles. He will throw some smoked salmon, sausage, potatoes, peppers and cabbage in the basket as well, and plenty of eggs, caviar, vodka. An archbishop of God will not starve in my house. He kneels again, pressing his lips to the ring, then takes his leave. Halfway up the slope the flask is raised high into the air: “To our beloved Chairman!” floats back down the hillside. Taking a deep drink of Vodka Petrov is eased in body and spirit. My Katerina will be so pleased. A doctor . . . hope unlooked for. God is great! Now Katerina will give her beautiful smile again. When a prophet speaks….Words from God’s mouth never return to him without accomplishing their purpose. I owe God a prayer of thanks. Petrov looks around to find a concealed spot not yet soggy from the melting snow. He steps off the path and kneels, arching his neck up to speak to the sky. “Thank you Almighty God. You have done so much. I know you like to see it too, Father, my Katerina’s smile. You are a good Father, our Lord and God . . . a good Father to us. Thank you for allowing my son Dmitri to intercede on our behalf, on behalf of Katerina and I.” The old man slowly and respectfully rises. He ambles off breaking into a dance as he climbs happily up the rise, holding forth with an old Russian folk song, then pauses for another medicinal draft of vodka. “God is great!” *** VP Jackson: “Now just a minute, Mr. Chairman. Don’t you feel we are far past the point of transparent deceptions?” “Agreed, Reverend Mr. Vice President.” “Then will you turn those masses of tanks around and disperse the additional massive buildup south of the Crimea?” “I have en route 2,000 tanks only, to be peacefully dispersed to our Arab allies: sub-optimized T-90s. For this I will make a cool 215 million U.S. dollar personal bonus—on the side, you know. That is all. My cousin is buying a Holiday Inn in San Diego. The most agreeable weather in the world. I will visit your church, no? There is no buildup in the South.” “Mr. Chairman!!!” “Do you have a priest there, a bishop?” “Are you well, Mr. Chairman?” “No, my liver. I retire soon.” “Retire? That’s outrageous! The planet stands on the brink of disaster!” Turning to Ken the Vice President pleads for help. “General Wiles, you know the man; see if you can make sense of the Chairman’s thoughts. “Mr. Chairman, will you speak to the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs?” “Ken Wiles? Of course, he is my friend, an honor!” the Chairman booms within hearing of staff members and others mysteriously passing outside. Nekrutenko whispers the next softly. “But I would like one of your audio sermons on tape, please Reverend . . . and Billy Graham. Can you do this? Money is not a problem. Your embassy chief could bring them over, or perhaps the beautiful blonde spy who works in the basement? She is still single, no? My nephew needs a good wife; he is getting old. The next Air Force supply flight to Moscow? Is this too soon? I will leave at embassy in your name a glorious fur coat and stole for Mrs. Jackson? Business is good. Your new law, passed last winter, allows occasional gifts between governments at top levels if officially documented. Some common sense for a change. It will naturally increase friendship and cooperation between nations.” “If the processed is not abused, I agree. There is a lifetime limit: $30,000 value accepted from a given nation. I will see to it, Mr. Chairman. But can you please tell General Wiles how we can work this crisis out without . . . invoking . . .WWIII?” “It can be done, Mr. Vice President. Relax and be happy. God is good! You have served Him well many years, Reverend. You must be in great peace.” “Thank you, Chairman Nekrutenko. Yes, you are right; to serve God is a great blessing. So you do think we can work this out?” “For our children’s future, we will work it out. The sermons, please, Reverend. I have your word?” “It is a small thing, Mr. Chairman. I promise you, a complete set. Billy Graham crusade videos on the next flight out. I have Al Sharpton too.” “The set! Reverend Al! May God be praised! Have Mrs. Jackson see Maurice across the street at the Hay Adams for measurements. He is a friend of a friend. “She will be pleased with the coat. You are always welcome here, Reverend Mr. Vice President. I have your football games on tape. Your grandson plays well, I understand. A ship off the old dock.” “That he is Mr. Chairman. If you do this Mr. Chairman, if you restore peace, I will be on the next flight to Moscow to deliver those sermons in person! We’ll play touch football and dance on the lawn! If you don’t let me win, I’ll deliver a live sermon!” “That’s funny, but I don’t doubt you will win. It is good to dance. Enough pleasantries, Joshua. I will speak now to your hero, Ken Wiles. He is an honest man. We know this. Your President is not well I am just told. Don’t ask me how; we know this too. Our prayers are with him. Please tell Anna . . . our prayers are with him.” “She is in country. She will be told, Mr. Chairman. Dahs veedahnyeh.” “Dahs veedahnyeh. . . .” “Ken, the Chairman.” “Ken? Anton. God be praised!” “May God be praised, Mr. Chairman!” “Ken, my Misca sends her best, and her condolences. We have been crying in Moscow.…” Ken pauses to collect his feelings. “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Katherine and I much enjoyed our visit for the technological arms conference. You were a good host in 2015 as the military intelligence chief. We were looking forward . . . to coming back . . . for the riverboat tour. “I am still a good host, Ken. You will come. It is a wonderful tour. Katherine will be there in spirit. You will come. . . A moment of silence follows while both collect their separate thoughts for different reasons. “I have him, Ken. I have him.” “You have who, Mr. Chairman?” “The dog that ordered the bombs in the East Coast of U.S. The man who murdered so many of your citizens . . . and . . . ,” the Chairman pauses to collect his feelings, “my Misca’s friend . . . Katherine. “This is our secret for now. Your analysts are wrong. He is not a Muslim. He is a German anarchist. He believes in nothing, a servant of the devil. This dog purchased from Russian Mafia information about the tank movements so that they could be made to coincide with the inane Iranian missile launcher bluff—it is my deputy’s brainchild, for which he will answer. The anarchists saw a chance to bring down the world in this ludicrous scare tactic; they took it. One should not play with life. This dog is going nowhere until you come to claim him, Ken—I have him. “We are crying in Moscow, Ken . . . for Katherine and the others. My Misca left a card . . . flowers . . . at the embassy. She is still glorious, my Misca. More beautiful even than your blonde spy in the embassy basement. She has weak ankles.” “True, Mr. Chairman, but she sings gloriously after a few beers . . . and tells risqué jokes. A tall bleach blonde Amy Winehouse; a woman with character. Rachel served as aide to the National Security Advisor for three years. The two of them used to run the executive bars in DC. Secret Service never had so much fun trying to keep up with them.” “Drinks and sings? Ankles are not everything in a woman, Ken.” They laugh. Ken knows the Chairman is faithful to his beloved Misca. Nor is he a male chauvinist; he just loves people, and life. After the frozen Blitzkrieg, the gulags, the famines, he feels justified in helping his people celebrate moments of goodness. “Your analysts are wrong about something else, Ken. There is no Russian armored ground assault in progress. It seems my deputy disseminated a false confirmation to Israeli agents. I did not approve this. The Iranians and Syrians were foolish to erect launchers while our tanks were in transit; that was not to be per our trade agreement. “In any event, there is no ground assault. Satellite and aerial reconnaissance data is corrupted. I can prove it. You must trust me, for our children’s sake. Put it to the test. “Please pray about this, Ken, but trust me now. There is no more time. The Israelis wait for no one when the balloon is up. We cannot give the warmongers in Russia an excuse to wield the power they crave. If they get that chance, strategic nuclear war will propagate itself until . . . until life itself must depart its earthly home. It will be a dead planet, Ken . . . a dead planet. “This is what must be done to avert tragedy. First, and immediately, stop the Israeli planes overhead before they strike. Do this now. Then, come back to the phone. Then you will listen. I can trust you. Will you trust me?” General Wiles leaves the phone open, speaking over it to his VP. “Vice President Jackson! I need your help. Alert the Israelis to stand down all air strikes as of this moment. Immediately. No ifs, ands, or buts, just return to base. The rest can be worked out. Time is critical. Tell them they have my word on it, and the Chairman’s.” “Stand down all Israeli air strikes, immediately?” “You got it, Mr. Vice President! Please hurry!” “OK, Ken. OK.” Despite his age Jackson does a record 100 to the Israeli OpCenter. Then comes the waiting. Finally the Israeli Air Commander’s response comes back, “Mission safely aborted. But it was close. Our pilots got a few waves from Russian MIG pilots on the way out. Fortunately, they were smiling.” Wild cheering greets his voice in the OpCenter. General Wiles hears it. He can relax now—a little. Ken gives his ear back to the Chairman. “I did my part, Mr. Chairman. The Israeli planes are returning home.” “Just a moment, Ken…Ok, it’s confirmed. Now, listen to me Ken. It can be tested. Our tanks have no live rounds . . . training warheads only— colored smoke and concrete. Also my Archbishop, Spiridonov, says you will need a Bishop of the Church to clear supernatural deception. He is a good man, Spiridonov, but alas, I fear he drinks too much.” “Spiridonov drinks too much! Mr. Chairman! He is a bishop of God’s church.” “OK, Ken, I confess. The Archbishop only takes a little red wine with his meal. But he can be induced to laugh and sing, with some encouragement. It is I, Ken, who drink too much, as you full well know. My doctor told you as much at the banquet. I remember. How do you say, he ‘chilled the beans.’ It cannot be taken back.” The Chairman chuckles. “I seem to remember you having a few drinks yourself, while you were here, Ken.” It’s Ken’s turn to chuckle. “Well, now that you mention it, perhaps I did.” “We had fun, you and I, Ken. We miss you here, Misca and I. We are crying for Katherine . . . “You must now listen Ken Wiles, if our children are going to live.” “I will listen, Mr. Chairman.” “Anton, Ken, we are friends. It is Anton.” “I will listen, Anton.” And so he does. He gets the full story. Boriskiev, the launcher bluff, demonically facilitated deception, false data transmissions. As the Chairman closes, Ken overhears Nekrutenko instruct his office Chief of Staff. “Bring that coward, Boriskiev, to my office. Pick him up in an FSB field car . . . scare him a little. Say yours is in shop. His mood will change. Boriskiev is no hero. “He wants to make Israel sweat? Israel? The man is a fool. Israel does not sweat . . . not mentally. Israel acts, with resolve and determination. That is how she sweats, on the battlefield. Hard work, blood and courage. Israel does not respond to intimidation with conciliation but by removing the threat. The man is a fool. Look at the mess Boriskiev has made, taking Iranian money to construct this bluff! Pure insanity. “We will pull the tanks out completely and deliver them again in six months—increments of thirty. I promote you to colonel, Anatoly, effective immediately. You will have Boriskiev’s seat in Politburo in three years. He is retiring soon. Don’t fail to mention it to him. I give you and your delightful family two weeks on the beach when Boriskiev is sitting here in front of me.” Nekrutenko places a pistol on his desktop for emphasis. “This is clear, Comrade Colonel?” “Clear! Comrade Chairman!” “Go now. You will do nothing more important.” The Chairman smiles. Now he can relax—a little. He pours vodka, and then instructs his young secretary. “Type it up; withdrawal of tanks is to be Boriskiev’s idea. Perhaps then he will keep his job, for now.” Next Nekrutenko waves his security chief into the office. “Sergei, here are your instructions. Boriskiev may sit in my office until the tank recall becomes his idea. Arrest his bodyguards, then return here and post guard on this door. You will see that this is done for your Chairman?” “It is being done, my Chairman. How else may I serve our country?” The Chairman pulls back the slide on the pistol, loudly inserting a bullet in the firing chamber. He gently places the gun in front of him. “Full security alert. House arrest for Boriskiev’s loyal supporters in the Council and Duma—only temporary—Asian flu, the newspapers will say. Do the same with his men in the Army, FSB, and SVR. Understood, my beloved nephew?” “Understood, Comrade Chairman!” “Your children like to play on the beach, Sergei. It is no secret; they tell their Uncle Anton. Let them play. I give you three weeks in my personal dacha, first son of my little brother. See to these things now, then we will talk about your future. How does Deputy Director, SVR sound?” “It sounds like more money, my favorite uncle?” Sergei says smiling. “It is, and you deserve it. But for the moment, time is short. Take my car. I want a full security alert. Lock everything down. Have our crack airborne units parade out front this week. Visitors may speak with their commander about our schedule. It is so tight this time of year. Give the airborne units special rations for their families and triple their combat pay until this is over. Sergei . . . you will do this for your Uncle Anton?” “Right away, Comrade Chairman!” Sergei pivots and is gone. “Ken . . .” “Yes, Mr. Chairman.” “You are no fool. Nor am I. Israel may later decide to strike these tanks once in place in Iran and Syria, but that is not my concern. You sell arms; we sell arms. Business is business. Their differences do not have to be ours. Israeli preemption is redundant in any case. The new Syrian and Iranian acquisitions will be no match for the fifth generation Israeli smart tank. They will never be able to field more than 200 in any single synchronized effort. This poses no substantial threat to Israel whose commanders can orchestrate 500 tanks now as if they were fingers on the same hand, integrating satellite data in real time with automated target acquisition software and tactical battlefield decision support systems. Save your denials, we know this.” “Understood, Mr. Chairman.” “Goodbye General Ken Wiles. You have work. God is good!” “God is good. It is right to give him thanks and praise.” “Ken, let your people know that Mother Russia is crying for its friends in the U.S.” “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. They will know. Dahs veedahnyeh.” “Goodbye, my friend.” *** In the meantime, VP Jackson has procured permission from the pope to install a secure line to the Vatican. Major Roscoco comes in to confirm that an Israeli phone unit has been successfully adapted for this purpose. Father Bernie, now confirmed to be Bishop, has been designated by the pope to investigate the possibility of a supernatural element being connected to the fraudulent intelligence data concerning the massive Russian armored force buildup. A smaller, related task, will be to keep the supernatural interference out of a mission to inspect the leading Russian tanks in an effort to confirm that the data is in fact fraudulent. The West must know if they are carrying live ammunition and are outfitted for combat, or merely carrying practice rounds. These are jobs he has been assigned by his Church. They are all unofficial as far as the U.S. Air Force is concerned, for whom he is merely performing the routine duties of organizational Chaplain, and Bishop of the military diocese pending the appointment of a new archbishop to replace the man who was killed in the nuclear explosions. Bishop Shasta has been inside his tent praying for the last two hours awaiting the signal to go. Outside in the bright Syrian midday sun an expert in airborne rescue is instructing a slow student. “Can you rappel?” Clayton demands. “I don’t know; is it hard?” Joe answers. “Not really, it just takes a package check,” Clayton says, indicating his lower groin as football players and rappers do, “a little courage.” Joe performs the check, squatting and groping around as if he can’t find anything of relevance. After a few grunts and disappointed expressions, he finally gives a smile of discovery. “Ah, yes. There we are. We’re O . . . K!” Joe proudly reports. “Package confirmed. Besides, as you know, I have as little courage as anybody. What the heck, let’s give it a try.” “That’s the spirit.” Clayton expertly prepares and then manipulates the rappelling rope. “OK, wrap the rope around your thigh and ankle like this. Then wrap your left arm above. Release the tension to lower yourself, tighten to stop. Like so.” Clayton demonstrates, lowering himself smoothly down from a short length of rope anchored to the top of the doorframe of the helicopter. “Nothing to it.” “It can’t be that easy.” “Takes a little practice, that’s all. Try it a few times, carefully. Short bursts until you really feel comfortable.” Joe starts slow, then goes a little further with each drop. “Yeah. I can do this. It’s fun.” “It’s fun . . . until the shooting starts.” “Did I need to know that?” “Probably not. The latest intel says the Russians aren’t supposed to be at war.” Clayton smiles. “That’s what we have to confirm, to avert an unnecessary shooting war. You’re the guy who knows the difference between a high-explosive cannon shell and a target-marking smoke charge for marksmanship practice. These shells, however, are differentiated only by Russian language markings. You can do this, right?” “I don’t speak Russian, but EOD training covers basic enemy ordinance identification well enough. Yosef’s man gave me a Russian-to- Hebrew pamphlet on the shell casing designs, ammunition nomenclature and markings. He scribbled in the English. That’s all the reference data I should need for this simple job. Mentally facing the task ahead, adrenalin starts building. Joe gets the pregame jitters. “Let’s go before the shooting does start.” “Good idea. Bishop Bernie’s ostensibly coming along as Chaplain, but he’s there to sort out the supernatural buggers.” “There’s another good idea. Load the colonel in here. Let’s hit the beaches while the mood lasts. I’m startin’ to get butterflies already.” “If you even have a mood to tolerate combat, consider yourself blessed. The beaches should be quiet, though. No combat is anticipated. Good luck convincing the butterflies—they always assume the worst. “Bishop Bernie? Time to go!” “Right again,” the bishop enthuses while sprinting out like Jack LaLanne for early morning calisthenics on the deck of a cruise ship. “God and country, gentlemen.” “God and country!” Bishop Shasta has been performing the Holy Rite of Exorcism or something akin to it regarding their mission to validate Russian intentions. He has cleared the event of demonic interference as is possible to do in advance. Having discovered a demon interfering, the bishop employed the Rite of Exorcism to quickly banish it, but remains troubled by something. Its last words before departing for the outer darkness were, “They will do it anyway.” He apparently did not ask the right question before electing to cast out the monster. Now he is stuck with a cryptic warning and no time to interpret it. They load up and are immediately in the air. It takes their flight commander a few moments to locate the Red convoy using GPS coordinates provided by satellite. “There you go guys, a nice endless line of Russian battle tanks. What fun! Life is good! Way rocky down there, though. Not enough space between tanks to land, at least not without an official invitation from the Russians. I have been called brave, but I’m not stupid. Hovering for a rappel drop is the best I can do.” Joe steps up to the task a little too eagerly, nervously wishing it to be over, covering fear with bravado. “Been there and done that, partners. Trained by the very best. Just say when,” he yells out in an exaggerated cowboy drawl, giving an energetic thumbs up. The chopper pilot positions his craft at the front of the Russian line just off to the side by 200 yards so as not to mentally crowd them or pepper them with sand and rocks. Best keep this friendly. Joe decides to try to show off a bit. He’ll just add a little speed and style. Despite looking good and having fun on the way down, he sprains an ankle on the drop. Not too bad. At least he can still walk. Limping over to the lead Russian tank, a T-90 in tiger stripes, Joe removes a small white flag from his backpack and waves it vigorously at the lead tank crew. This T-90 is a monster upgrade from the infamous T-72. It wields an intimidating presence on the battlefield, awesome firepower, but technologically inferior to the fifth generation Israeli model. Nekrutenko ordered a sub-optimized electronics package for these tanks in the Syrian trade deal, not wishing to face his own best tanks in the event Jihad overruns Syria, captures the tanks, and suddenly turns its attention north. The convoy commander immediately exits the second tank from the lead, resplendent in a dress uniform covered with huge multicolored ribbons and medals. He seems somewhat bemused. Finishing a martini he had with lunch, he casts the plastic glass aside. “I accept your surrender; but who are you fighting?” “Not at war?” Joe offers in very broken Russian upon the Israeli translator’s prompting over the radio headset. “No war. This is equipment delivery mission. Arms sale to Syria,” comes back in Russian. The translator says, “No war,” into Joe’s headset. Joe decides to hand the radio headset to the commander so the translator can form the question in proper Russian. It won’t be necessary. The tank commander speaks perfect English, in addition to Farsi, Polish, and Arabic. The Russian tank group commander is a genius, two PhDs. He can do anything he chooses with his life because of inherited wealth. Yet he has chosen to drive tanks. This is not just because he is a patriot; he likes it. Besides, he should make general on the next review and move up to strategic plans section. Then he can add the chess element of strategy to the fun of driving the heavy equipment. Better than counting money and managing his family’s uranium mines. Colonel Igor Stanislov enjoys his tanker job, and, yes, he pulled a few strings to get it, but he is fully qualified, actually the best the Russians have in terms of brains and raw talent, though not yet their most experienced. A Rommel or a Patton would be hard pressed against this man. He is only with this convoy at his own request. His romantic interest is a Jordanian princess. He will drive a rented limo down from Damascus. Then they will cruise the Mediterranean. He might even pop the question. “Keep the headset. My English is OK.” “I see. Would you mind if I inspect your armaments to confirm lack of hostile intent. It could save your column being blown off the mountain by mistake. It seems there has been some small misunderstanding about your intentions among the Western nations.” “Blown off the mountain! By all means, inspect, quickly, inspect!” Not a good time to die, Igor reflects. No engagement, no honeymoon! Not much chance of hostilities. Nekrutenko himself sent a note saying not to worry, there should not be war. A veteran of several real wars this is to Igor merely a pleasant diversion. After instructing his gunner to comply with the inspector’s requests, Igor taps out a Marlboro red, a gift from friends at the U.S. Consulate, and lights up. Ammo for the tank’s main gun is quickly verified: training munitions only, concrete with smoke charge inserted in the nose. So it is for the next ten tanks in line. These tanks are not going to war. The machine guns up top are live, but they would have to be to defend against Jihadist militias now active in the region. Joe grabs his radio and calls it in. “Peaceful mission. Arms sale only. No hostile intent.” As the flight commander is relaying Joe’s findings to HQ CENTAF a terrorist band of light trucks with machine guns mounted appears north of them speeding over a ridge—coming their way. Unbeknownst to the Russians, ISIL has a training camp nearby. Anonymous without uniforms, ISIL is not afraid of permanently offending the Russians. This region of Syria is not yet part of ISIL territory. Their vehicles are from captured Syrian military. With so many militant groups in Syria, no one will have a clue who they are. They won’t shoot at the Russians in any case. Machine guns are not all the ISIL troops are carrying. Before the Russian tank commander can say “Who the ###***!!! is that?” two shoulder-launched stinger missiles disable the Israeli helicopter hovering overhead. The Israelis have made an unauthorized incursion across the Syrian border. However, these terrorists are not Syrians protecting national sovereignty. The Russian tank group commander doesn’t yet know that. He is on the radio asking instructions from Moscow. He instructs his men to return fire only if fired upon. In such a case, he instructs, don’t play around, obliterate them. His tankers immediately deploy men on the turrets with shoulder-fired antitank missiles. These are capable of making very short work of the ISIL pickup trucks. The terrorist commander uses a bullhorn to shout “Death to Israeli invaders” in Arabic, then, in English, “Do not fire, our Russian friends. President Assad sends greetings.” You lying ###***!!!, the Russian commander thinks. One word from Moscow and I will wipe that ###***!!! smile right off your face. He keeps the radio pressed tightly to his ear and waves confirmation to the terrorist leader, giving him his best fake smile, then a thumbs up. Minus rudder control, the stricken Israeli chopper is forced to not-toogently limp to a crash landing several miles away. The pilot rides it down like a rodeo bronc, never really driving it after the missile strike. He makes a superb effort, but they hit hard. Following impact with the ground, Clayton first confirms that he and the crew are alive. Everyone evacuates or is carried free of the smoldering wreckage—no fire yet. Bishop Bernie has a grievous injury to one leg, bleeding so bad it requires an immediate tourniquet. This slows the blood loss, but it won’t save the leg. Knee completely crushed, calf nearly severed. The Bishop was mercifully knocked out. Otherwise the shock of such pain and trauma might have killed him. Clayton asks the Israeli medic to double up the morphine so Bishop Bernie doesn’t have to wake up before surgeons have a chance to mitigate the damage. Whoosh! Fire flashes over the crash site. There goes the fuel tank. The chopper pilot quickly radios for fire team support, medical staff and a backup chopper, all of which is standing by on the flightline warmed up and ready to go. “Don’t attack the Russians, however,” he is careful to clarify. “They are on a peaceful mission, international arms sale equipment delivery. We have been fired upon by an unidentified Jihadist militia, probably ISIL.” He hands his radio to a sergeant, allowing the medic to bandage his broken arm. As the Russian tank commander awaits orders over his radio he keeps his Kalashnikov trained upon the terrorists but does not fire. Twenty of his men are similarly staring down the terrorists over the sights of antitank weapons. Fifteen tanks in range have light machine guns positioned, cocked and loaded. Another thirty individuals assigned to the group’s security force are close enough to sight in assault rifles and military shotguns. If the order comes from Moscow there will be one less terrorist unit in Syria. However, the Chairman is in conference and can’t be reached. Standing orders to return fire only if directly attacked are confirmed. The twelve man terrorist squad makes haste to quickly fade over the rise through the scrubby brown desert terrain, finally disappearing from view. There will be no tracking them once they climb further into the morass of mountain trails ahead. They are gone, and Joe goes with them, now a hostage. A jeep full of ISIL forces in Syrian uniforms drove over during the chaos following the downing of the helicopter and “officially” arrested him. “Those guys are not Syrian,” Stanislov warns his troops on the radio, still smiling and waving at the terrorists. “Standby for orders to fire.” The Russian tank group’s intelligence officer has arranged radio contact with the fake Syrian commander and is happily chatting him up in Arabic, trying to keep them in range in case clearance to fire comes in from Moscow. He can’t offer vodka to a strict Muslim, but they do have food and water, binoculars, and first aid packs that would be of use. The Russian Chairman is finally reached. Permission to engage the terrorists comes back to the Russian tank commander, but by then the ISIL forces are well out of range. It would be pointless to endanger the American hostage with self-defense no longer an issue. “Give me that radio, Colonel Stanislov instructs his intelligence officer. “You lucky ISIL ###**!!! I was just about to send you to paradise riding an antitank missile. We have been cleared to engage. Don’t come back.” Colonel Igor Stanislov is no fan of insurgents, having lost a brother and a nephew in Afghanistan and Chechnya. He would have stopped them. The escaping terrorist radioman listens as, a flood of profanity pours into his ear. He is shocked and angered by Igor’s free-flowing invective, but keeps the worst of the insults to himself. If he tells his commander he will return and attack and they will all be killed. Pointless. “Why are you taking my American friend? the Russian asks,” the ISIL radioman says to his group commander’s inquiring look. “By the way, the Russians have received permission to fire on us. They know we are ISIL.” “Watch them closely. See if they will pursue us,” he is instructed. He turns to survey the Russian column with field glasses just in time to see Colonel Stanislov deliver a chop to his right elbow popping his fist up in insult, followed by a one-finger salute. The terrorist interpreter, a strict and proper Muslim, is shocked. Who raised this child, anyway? “Nothing,” he informs his leader. *** The north wind cuts across the open spaces of Wyoming to rustle the canvas as Garfield enters the tent. The gusts aren’t always this easy. None of the tents have become airborne, yet. The kids are just waking up from a nap. This is not going to be easy, but I must try. “Hi kids! Wanna play something?” “Hurray!” “What do you want to play, Garfield?” Julia brightens, and then fades as she remembers. “Goofy doesn’t work—we don’t have electricity.” “That’s OK. How about a game of hide and seek? Afterwards maybe Mike will let us ride Nina around the camp. But we’ll have to stay in the safe area between the ropes so we won’t get lost.” “Yeah, That’ll be fun!” Jonathan agrees. He begins planning the perfect spot to hide. “OK, but before we start I need your help to do something really, really important. This is to help your Dad. You are the only ones who can do this.” “Is it that important?” Jonathan challenges. This captain stuff gets going pretty fast! “Nothing is more important than this. Joe, your Dad, is in danger. The terrorists may hurt him. God told me through St. Mary. Because you love your Dad so much, your prayers can protect him the best.” Julia’s eyes water and she makes little fists no less determined and heroic than General Yosef’s. Her tender face looks up at Garfield with so much pain in it that his own tears escape before he can impose control. “Get over here, right now!” Jonathan instructs his sister. “I know what to do. Father Bernie showed me. Hurry . . . before Dad gets hurt! Take my hand, Julia. Kneel down to be respectful.” Julia does as she is told. She loves her dad, and is not about to mess this up. Garfield kneels between them taking a small hand right and left. “Everyone ready? The Lord’s Prayer,” Jon suggests. “It can fix anything. Father Bernie guaranteed it. God is a good friend of mine too, you know,” Jon reveals. “If we ask for help, he won’t let anything happen to Dad. I know it.” “I know it too; God is a good Father to all of us,” Julia asserts. Jon’s eyes fill with tears as he takes Garfield’s hand to complete the circle. “Dad says . . . never give up.” With his heart now in his throat Jonathan is forced to defer. “You lead us Garfield.” “Ok, let’s begin by telling God what we are asking.” “God, please save Dad from the terrorists, please. You say it too Julia.” “Oh please . . . God, Dad is in trouble!” Garfield pushes forward while he can, his voice shaking despite himself. “Our Father in heaven…” “Say ‘amen,’ Julia—that makes it official. Then Dad will be OK.” “Amen!” The three begin to rise, then stand transfixed by the first wave of a blessing of confirmation. An angel has reached down to touch them, letting them know their prayer was heard. It’s a blessed moment. Julia looks up with so much personal gratitude to God that one would think he was standing immediately in front of her. As divine compassion again washes over them all fold their hands, looking up in an angelic study. Margaret pokes her head into the tent just then, but quickly pulls up. The kids look so beatified—even Garfield. She gestures to Elizabeth to bring the camera. A quick snap is all they have time for as Ethyl has hurried up to inform them she has become troubled about their destination. She has seen a vision: frightening violence ahead. “I’ll see that everyone is warned at dinner,” Margaret assures her. “You should teach us all to fistfight Margaret, then we’ll be prepared,” the old lady muses. “You used to be so good in the ring.” “You get yourself ready tomorrow after lunch, Ethyl, and I’ll teach you. We’re not afraid of no stinking terrorists, are we Jon?” “No, sir!” “I have a feeling Mike might have a trick or two to teach us as well,” Margaret relays. “I noticed him practicing some martial art or another out behind the tents this morning. He looks pretty good.” “I may be seventy, but I want to learn it all,” Ethyl insists. She does a Hulk flex that doesn’t change much but her facial expression. “Ouch! I think I pulled something.” Her husband, Ralph slips up beside her. “With that little gift I gave you in your bag, Ethyl, I don’t think you will need a black belt.” He winks. “Just the same. You teach us Maggie.” “No problem. Let’s give the kids an hour to play while we repack, then we should get back on the road.” Before the day is out reports from travelers heading east from Montana confirm that terrorist attacks have caused havoc near the refugee camp along the access roads leading west: automatic weapons and grenade attacks. Not the blood bath it might have been, but bad enough. Looks like the final leg west isn’t going to be a free ride. The men are not afraid of a fight, but the terrorists will look like everyone else . . . until it is too late—and they have the kids to consider. It is an easy choice to divert south. Mike suggests his ex-wife’s place in Paris, California: a forty-acre urban ranch, a few horses, five-bedroom home and a bunkhouse. Both the horse barn and bunkhouse have heat. Civilization is just around the corner. They should be able to make do. Mike is divorced from Claire under state law to simplify finances, but they remain married under the Church, living separate by agreement. Claire is an actress. She has done reasonably well. Seven years older than Mike, she is now semi-retired at the ranch, making occasional theatre appearances in Los Angeles, including being a regular in shows at Disneyland. She also appears with a Hollywood equestrian unit in the Rose Parade. Claire and Mike used to perform a romantic horse ballet routine at Disneyland that people thronged to see. The Magic Kingdom is only ten minutes west of Claire’s place and gate passes are a certainty. “Hurray!” comes from Jonathan, Julia, and Garfield when they are told of the change in plans. *** I’m losing strength on this putrid grain/veggie ball and murky water. I’ll have to make a move while I have the strength to do it. His hands are securely tied, so Joe steels himself for a two-handed swipe at the chin of his guard. Two weeks of enteric distress have left him weak. This stands practically no chance of success. Hearing a faint but familiar drone overhead, he forces himself to think through the possibilities, then elects to wait, quickly sitting down and stretching out as if to sleep. Joe doesn’t want his captors to know he places any importance on the plane. The truth is far different, however. The sound of a transport class ship in rapid descent in a hostile outlying area with no runway for supply deliveries can mean only one thing: gunship! He tenses, ready to rise. The sound grows louder…very close… very low... The possibility of an impending crash in their vicinity is suggested. Joe can’t avoid being a little alarmed, though hopeful at the same time. His guards step outside the tent to investigate. Bingo! The deadly fire of a 25 mm Gatling gun rakes through the terrorist camp. A C-130 gunship deftly swings past. It flips to a near 90degree wing-stand so fast one might think God had pinched the tail and twisted it over. This gunship has stumbled upon the ISIL camp only through an error in navigation. However, its crew isn’t going to miss the opportunity now that they have found it. A hostage was taken in the vicinity. HQ informs the antiterrorist agent onboard that satellite data analysis confirms the location as hostile. It’s a recent satellite find. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpp! Joe’s guards fall to the ground mortally wounded. Had he remained standing he would be lying there with them. Joe is instantly up and out the door. Forgetting his sore ankle, he charges headlong into the deep desert scrub brush, jogging abruptly right, up fifteen yards, then back left twice the distance, then left at forty-five degrees vertical. All this maneuvering is done to break a direct visual line of sight for anyone trying to visually track him with the intent of firing down his anticipated path. A few more steps, then straight up the hillside, back right again, straight up. He prays to reach the top where he can be seen by the gunship. No shots in his direction yet. ISIL must be preoccupied with running in confused circles dodging bullets, praying, or dealing with injuries. Or perhaps the murky water combined with the excitement has sent them all to the latrine again, where I would like to be right now. Shoot me, hang me, spear me with a bayonet, but please God don’t let me die of dysentery. The gunship swings around for a more telling pass on the trucks and armored vehicles with its large bore Vulcan cannon, revealing the pilot’s personal logo painted in gold and black letters on the side “Knights of Columbus.” A Catholic fraternal group--well, that’s a good sign, but I’ll want to be out of frag distance for this one. Joe surges faster up the slope, slipping and stumbling as he goes. Two trucks and a jeep erupt in flames below sending the terrorists scrambling again into nearby rocks. Another flip and a turn and Puff flashes and roars through the valley once again. A few more secondary explosions and vehicle fires flare up. Glancing back Joe sees that an armored personnel carrier and a SAM missile transport have survived. They’ll make another pass for those. I’m going to be a friendly fire casualty yet. I have to go higher and increase distance. Climb. Push. Climb. Lungs already burning? Too early for a side stitch. It’s heck to be old. I’ll just have to ignore it. One second too slow and the kids will have to grow up without Dad. Joe exhales forcefully, pushing harder with each step, mentally willing himself to be twenty years younger just a few minutes longer. Those who survive emergencies know it is possible to willfully create physical strength from pure emotion—so long as intense focus can be maintained. One let down, however, and the miracle is over. Joe is running on pure adrenalin, that is, running on empty. His heart and mind are demanding what his body technically cannot do. If I stop surging, I’ll just stop. He forms a mental picture of Jon, Julia, and Elizabeth at the top. He surges faster. Having his hands tied is not helping matters. Balance is precarious. Careful, everything is loose here, scattered rocks, rootless dry scrub. I don’t think my ankle can . . . Ow! His feet slide out on loose soil and he hits hard, incurring a nasty gash across the side of his face. He holds his hands to the wound checking the blood flow for a moment, then feels around the neck to ensure nothing critical has been punctured. He takes the offending bottle shard along to sever his bonds and stumbles on much slower now, out of gas and breathing hard. Well, the surge is over, but I’m almost there. In the next moment, Joe is seemingly knocked to the ground again by sheer noise, but it was a low duck followed by a reflex dive for cover. No injuries this time. He finishes cutting through the rope on his wrists before rising. Now he can pump his arms for speed and keep decent balance. Puff’s cannon once again roars through the valley . . . and hell follows with it. For once Joe hopes the gunship missed its target. He has been too slow ascending the hill. He needs one more pass, just one more. But they did not miss. All the vehicles below are burning. Glancing up, Joe sees the plane turn to go. As hope fades he senses the presence of St. Padre Pio, and hears the voice of Jim Barnett faintly in his head, “Never give up.” Then the terrorists do precisely the wrong thing from the point of view of their own personal safety. They rush out to shout and fire at the plane on egress, trying to rewrite the event as at least a spiritual victory. Puff decides to turn and make an additional pass to suppress the ground fire, not comfortable leaving enemy combatants intact in a potential search and rescue overflight area. Cannon and mini-gun alternatively rake the rocks around the campsite. Puff’s flight commander commits to remain on station until the ground fire is halted. The crew chief even puts his M-16 into the fight. In a moment enemy fire goes silent, and Puff is turning for final inspection. “Enemy camp out of operation,” the gunner reports. All are agreed. The co-pilot is the first to scan the hilltop. “There’s a man over there! On the hill to starboard. Is that a gun emplacement?” Joe has taken up position next to a fallen tree trunk. From the diagonal it first strikes the co-pilot as a possible artillery battery. “Let’s check it out.” The pilot wheels the C-130 in a tight circle. “If it is, it won’t be there long.” He instructs his gunner to confirm all targets before firing. Ammo is low, and they were briefed of the possibility of friendly hostages in the area. They approach from the low end of the tree trunk in the event the possible howitzer decides to commence firing. Noting their approach, Joe bursts into the open. He has scraped a large “U… S…A” into the loose soil, bordering it with stones. Shouting and kicking up dust in the area behind it is all he can think to do. A feeble effort, the lighting and angle of approach will have to be just right or they’ll never see it. Somewhere in northern Wyoming two young Christians and a gentle giant are just finishing prayer as the afternoon sun peaks fortuitously out from behind a cloud in Syria, spotlighting the hilltops with dazzling brilliance. The stark contrast between the illuminated ground and the shadowed troughs Joe has constructed now paint an unmistakable message. Joe doesn’t know that, however. He is blinded by the sunburst. The gunship disappears in the glare. There is no way to calculate the plane’s current visual perspective to the ground. God please don’t let them shoot me. I have to go home . . . and they will never forgive themselves. The gunner’s eyes moisten with a blessing. He pauses to think, and takes another look. “Bring the ship in closer,” the gunner requests over the headset, “this might be a friendly.” The crew chief rips out his binoculars, focusing on the movement. “USA! It says ‘USA’ down there on the hill. That’s one of ours or I’m a Ferengi!” They had just been discussing the longevity of Star Trek following a round of movie trivia questions. “A hostage or downed aircrew…” “Or a trap,” the co-pilot cogently observes. “Good point, but they don’t have much left to spring a trap with, do they?” the pilot counters. “Knight takes queen.” After a further moment of deliberation . . . “I’m risking it.” Joe has moved to stand beside the message. Sensing the change in the plane’s approach pattern might be a good sign he frantically jumps and waves. Anyone in the vicinity would have thought it an odd way to pray the “Glory Be.” He trusts God is not one of them. Never give up. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit . . . Joe does a demonstrative sign of the cross, exaggerating the size for the plane’s benefit. Puff has now turned to a dead-on frontal approach. The news is now going to be either very good or very bad. The crew chief is squinting into his 16-power binoculars. “Sign of the cross. It’s one of ours!” he shouts into his headset. “We’re going to need a rescue chopper!” “It’s being done,” the pilot confirms. He radios the airborne command post to dispatch a rescue team, well-armed. *** Only after emergency surgery at an Israeli hospital does Colonel Shasta put two and two together. “They will do it anyway” referred to the terrorists taking hostages for their own human purposes despite his having removed the demonic influence. Lying in great pain in the intensive care unit of a mobile hospital, waving off General Yosef’s gestures of concern, Bishop Bernie hears the hostage recovery in progress call come in on the general’s radio. He immediately knows it is Joe. He begins to pray the Rosary. Two decades into the devotion the morphine is mercifully increased and he becomes oblivious to everything around him for the next hour and a half. During this time the surgeons finish up a very skilled piece of work. “He should do well with a prosthesis. No complications in the nerves and muscles above the knee and in the thigh.” Finally coming to consciousness again, Bishop Bernie begins again with the Rosary. Somewhere in the middle of those extended prayers a middle-aged American power lifter with close-cropped red hair dangles in midair, then reaches out to greet a very old friend. Joe has been lying prostrate in the dirt forty-five minutes praying that any surviving terrorists don’t come looking for him. They haven’t. They may have concluded the open high ground was not the best place for them right now, with Puff circling the area. Seeing no further resistance, Puff now dips its wings and turns to go home. Clayton’s enormous right arm swings out to lift Joe onto the rope ladder. An iron grip tightens to steel. Joe isn’t going anywhere. “Thank God you came,” Joe exclaims. “Oh ye of little faith” is the last thing Joe remembers as pair of surviving terrorists’ AK47’s erupt again from the ground. Bullets rake the chopper front to stern, stretching towards the door, inching closer; then…searing pain radiates through Joe’s shoulder and legs as he finds the top rung. Yosef veers sharply hoping to shield Joe and Clayton from increasingly accurate ground fire. Puff is called back. Joe’s head bangs roughly against the chopper door with the turn. “You’re losing your gentle touch, old boy,” Joe chides Clayton, refusing to acknowledge his wounds until he has to. His head was hurt, but for a moment the pain from his back and legs stopped. Now everything blurs. Realizing these may be his last words he adds, “May God bless and save us all.” “Get in there.” Clayton tosses Joe inside with a mighty swing. “You can complain to General Yosef. He has a gentle touch.” In the last moment of vulnerability, as he raises his torso up and reaches to close the chopper door two bullets penetrate his chest. He falls in agony, gasping for air—a collapsed lung, broken ribs, disruption of spinal function from the bullet induced hydro-shock. Fortunately, given his enormous physical condition, the long range of the shots, and lateral distance of the points of impact from the spine, he is not killed outright. “Most merciful God, our Father in heaven, Jesus, Mary and Joseph . . . Most merciful God, our Father in heaven, Jesus, Mary and Joseph . . . Most merciful God, our Father in heaven . . . ” The pain is excruciating. He has little breath, but continues to whisper the prayer. With his last breath he informs the medic that his lung has collapsed, and his chest cavity is breached. He can’t breathe. It doesn’t take long to see that he is right. The crew chief rushes over to assist the medic. They tape a specially designed plastic film bandage onto Clayton’s chest, made for air-sucking chest wounds. His good lung begins to function again. I can breathe! But it hurts. Hearing no air passing, they apply a standard Israeli battle pack bandage to the other wound, then look at Clayton for feedback. He gives them a thumbs up, the points to Joe. The medic expertly examines Joe, quickly cutting away the uniform around his wounds with medical shears. “Three broken bones, no major arteries. Very lucky.” He checks Joe’s pupils and gently presses the damaged area of his head: “Concussion, possible skull fracture. Not so lucky.” General Yosef, piloting the chopper, waves two fingers at Clayton, indicating his second major medal award can be expected, in this case, the Israeli Cross. In their last meeting the Knesset authorized the Israeli Cross for foreign assistance to David and Goliath. They are not giving it away, however. The usual conditions apply, heroism under fire, risk to life and limb; life-threatening wounds. It’s not political. Joe, Bishop Bernie and the President will ultimately earn one as well. This chopper is Yosef’s primary qualification. He can land this one—if it continues to fly with so many holes in it. After sticking a finger at his own chest, two more fingers are offered with the general’s brilliant smile as Clayton painfully struggles to breathe. “Two collapsed lungs over the years.” Remembering those awful scars, Clayton doesn’t doubt it. He nods to the general from respect, but his grimace tells all, he is failing in his battle to wrestle the pain. “It won’t be fun for a while, Chief, but you’ll make it home, that is, if I can keep this rock in the air. My troops know what they are doing. They’ll take care of you. Morphine!” Yosef instructs the med tech. “Next thing on my medical checklist, General.” “Everyone not treating the wounded grab a fire bottle and wait,” General Yosef commands his crew. His ominous meaning is clear enough. Too many hits. Fuel will leak. It will blow back onto the searing heat of the engine manifold. And then . . . and then it is just a matter of time. Praying silently, Yosef pauses before pushing the throttle to full, then waits for the inevitable fires that may doom his ship. Another moment passes. All stand ready. There. Smoke rolls from the top cowling towards the back. Flames are soon licking at the roof and windows. In an instant the crew chief and gunner have climbed out, extending oversized extinguisher nozzles toward the engine cowlings. They press forward to the edge of the fire. To extinguish the fire they hit the source at the base of the flames. The distance to the fuel line breach and the blowback from the forward airspeed are working against them. They must inch even closer. This means temporarily entering the perimeter of the fire. With the intense oxygen provided the fire by the airspeed it will be like reaching a hand into a blow torch. Both emit kamikaze like screams. A terrible act of will is required to continue for an additional two seconds as flames sear the flesh of their arms. Both incur third and fourth degree burns. They collapse back inside, and are replaced by other crew members, who expend another round of extinguishers. The fire is momentarily out, but it is a terrible scene in the cargo bay, filled with the stench of burned flesh and screaming soldiers. General Yosef increases airspeed to maximum hoping the increased vacuum on the fuel lines will minimize leaks. As they move for home, Puff empties her remaining store of ammo into the hillside below, then falls in behind and above to see that the crippled rescue chopper gets safely home. Despite the anguished cries of his crew, the general has to know if his chopper will continue to fly. “Report,” he instructs firmly into the headset. “We are alive back here—I think” the crew chief says between curses. For the first time he notices the right half of his jumpsuit is soaked with his own blood, then he sees the seared and open flesh wounds from the wrist to the shoulder. “We will stay in the air, my General! . . . #!!***!!” “That’s good to know,” the general says, “the first part. . . . Medic!” The crews ugly wounds are covered with antiseptic/anesthetic jell from the first aid kits, though few bandages are left to wrap them. They make do. The pain is eased a bit, but heavy doses of morphine will be required. These are quickly administered. Yosef winces, glancing back at his flame-ravaged men, and considers what just happened—a superhuman act of courage and pain endurance. “Guess what? I know enough about helicopters to understand what you just did. You men just saved my life. I personally will never forget it. Each man here will get the Israeli Cross or they will have my resignation. Here me?! Each man here.” He shakes his head in disbelief of what he just witnessed. “We go home now.” Which they do. Puff dips her wings in salute as they land to a greeting of ambulances, and circles until the runway is again cleared then comes down for a much needed break. The American wounded spend a weak in intensive care recovery with the Israelis and then are evacuated to Europe for follow-on treatment and restorative surgeries. *** In the meantime, the Hoosier evacuees who turned and moved towards California have arrived, albeit exhausted, two days ago. They recovered well, however, under Claire’s Western hospitality, and are at the moment entering the gates of Disneyland for some much needed stress management and therapeutic fun for the children. That’s the good news. Unfortunately, German anarchists have themselves migrated south intending to deploy a demoralizing attack on Disneyland with small arms and light explosives. After convincing the decadent Americans that life can no longer go on as usual after their masterstroke of vengeance against perceived to be tyrannical world government systems, they plan to ultimately escape through Mexico for their own R & R to celebrate a major battle well executed.. They encounter more than they have anticipated in the way of resistance at Disneyland, however. The well-armed Christian travelers from Indiana have coincidentally arrived in very near proximity of time to the terrorists. At the moment the shooting and hostage taking begins, the party of Hoosiers has split into two. Ralph, Mike and the ladies are en route back toward the parking area to enjoy a luxurious picnic lunch prepared by Claire that includes chilled fresh fruit, champagne, and a huge shrimp cocktail platter on ice. “She’s still got class, I have to give her that,” Mike allows, popping open the champagne and filling plastic tumblers. “After we eat, I’ll ride Nina over to the Disneyland stables and sign her in. Some of the show horses have been quarantined offsite due to an anthrax threat, probably a hoax, but who knows? Nina rents out pretty high at her level of training. It will help me reimburse Claire for expenses.” “We’ll all pitch in on expenses, won’t we guys?” Ralph assures Mike. With the exception of David, the people Ralph is addressing are all gals, not guys, but they affirm. “No problem Mike. We’ll carry our share of costs,” Margaret confirms. They all unfold canvas fishing chairs and breathe a sigh of relief amidst the reassuring bright Southern California sun. “We should consider ourselves pretty fortunate to be able to take a vacation in the middle of a national disaster,” Elizabeth reminds, popping a giant cold shrimp covered with red sauce into her mouth. Their group has barely missed being captured in the first group of hostages, but they don’t yet know it. “Darn right we’re fortunate,” Margaret agrees, pulling out a Cuban cigar and lighting up to frowns of disapproval from her daughter. “Ahhh! Whew!” she says, simultaneously blowing smoke and reading a text message scrolling across her phone. “You know I wasn’t real sure things would resolve so well for us in this nightmare, though, of course for all too many families they haven’t resolved well at all. We should keep them in our prayers. Margaret continues working through her phone messages. “Hey! Listen to this. Steve just texted that Joe and Clayton were wounded in Syria but will be OK. They are headed for a hospital in Germany. We should be able to visit them!” “Excellent! I mean, the alive and visiting part is excellent, not the wounded part,” David exclaims. “Call Garfield so he can tell Jon and Julia. They’ll be overjoyed!” Garfield and the kids, supplied with a bag of cinnamon pastries in lieu of real food, have gotten back in line for a fourth trip on the new miniViper, a safer roller coaster for toddlers and kids under 8. A larger seat for adult chaperone is provided in each car. Water splash at the end and everything! . . . Julia reflects. Disneyland! It’s real. Garfield throws his hands up with a scream as they come crashing down—a little harder with him onboard. They don’t notice the conflagration going on less than a hundred yards away. Fortunately, they exit on the side opposite the trouble. A stampede is building over there. The kids can’t believe it, Disneyland. “Goofy is right over there, Julia. Look!” Jonathan instructs. They stare across the oval track out into the busy causeway, and there he is, seven foot tall if he is an inch: Goofy! “They even have cowboys here,” Garfield adds, wanting them to be thinking horses so they won’t miss Nina when she comes out as a show horse later. “The stables for the horses are over there somewhere,” he says pointing off to the left. This is where they think the shooting has come from, a cowboy act. Given the troubled state of things around the world, Garfield does a routine check of the area to be sure. Isn’t that Ralph sprinting towards out of the parking lot? With a rifle?! ##***!!! There goes David and Hugh with the old Thompson submachine gun. Something is very very wrong here. The anarchists have a team moving closer in toward Garfield and the children. A security guard a few paces ahead of Garfield moves to challenge them, and they take him out. Garfield looks over the crowd and appraises the situation accurately this time. What’s the disturbance there. Dear God, the man’s been shot. Too good to be true. Too good to be true. ###***!!! I’ve gotta move these kids in a hurry. “Come on kids, I’ll race you to Mickey’s Castle. Everyone is right behind us! Let’s try to beat them. Can we do it?” “Hurray!” “Let’s go!” Garfield grabs a little hand on each side and they’re off like a shot. He doesn’t look back until he sees a likely spot for cover, then gets Mike on the outdoor walkie-talkie set they have brought just for fun. The cell phones are still working, but in panic mode Garfield moves instinctively to the field gear.. “Mike, what happened!!!?” He doesn’t say, we were having a great time. “Hostage situation. Many guns. Foreign men. What do you think it is?” “Terrorism, no doubt. The kids and I are at the Castle; what do you suggest we do.” “Stay put. We don’t know what we are up against here yet, so we are going to deploy the guns we have around the kids. They come first. We’ll defend their position until SWAT comes in and sweeps the floor with these guys. I suggest a triangle. I’ll perform as roving sentry patrolling with a radio. David and Hugh will take the Thompson to high ground to cover as much turf as possible. The hillside there on your left contains a stream bridge with a wall that offers a protected position. David will throw a tarp over the gun tripod to conceal it until it’s needed. It will be made to appear as a camera out of order. Hugh can take out his Polaroid and sell photographs as needed. “Ralph is our best shot. He’ll take the scoped .308 to the roof of the admin office opposite your position at the Castle. The ladies will be secured inside somewhere. “To conceal the purpose of my patrol, I’ll pretend to join the entertainment staff with Nina, and then report on any terrorist activities I see so you will know what to expect from which direction. I’ll do what I can to cover you once firing commences. Got it?” “Ralph on the roof, heavy weapon on the bridge, horse patrol surveillance. Play the rest by ear. Right?” “Right.” “Make sure everyone has a radio. Who knows, they might have other teams that takes down the cell towers.” “Right. I’ll bring you a weapon in five, Garfield. Meet me at the door. I’ll be on horseback. God help the terrorist that tries to stop me. Pretend to buy a photograph, and Nina will do some tricks for you.” “At the door in five.” “Garfield . . . ” “No need to say it Mike, I’ll defend them—with my life.” “Good man. Keep the kids out of sight. There could be more bad guys; they could come from anywhere. Our first task is to be invisible and gather information.” “Understood.” “Mike out.” “Garfield out.” Having delivered Joe’s massive .50 caliber scoped revolver to Garfield with two quick reload cylinders, Mike gallops Nina across the trouble area for a quick orientation look, On the way across Mike stops to “borrow” a staff jacket at gunpoint from a passing janitor, along with his facility keys. Mike hands him a fifty and a hard look for his trouble, flipping out an old CIA credential that used to be real to reassure the staff member he is doing the right thing. He folds it back again before the man can move close enough to check the expiration date. Mike canters Nina back to the H2 to change, putting on his rodeo Stetson and buckskins for better cover. He returns to ride the perimeter of the trouble area, He keeps Garfield informed by walkie-talkie, and the ladies by cell phone. Margaret faked panic and a staff member locked them into a ticket booth, where they have ducked down out of sight. They can get out but no one can get in without breaking the door. There is no reason for terrorists to break into a visibly empty ticket booth. Mike prances along doing first class show stunts as camouflage, occasionally getting glimpses of terrorists trying to manage their hostages. It appears they are trying to round people up like cattle to be slaughtered. If that is their goal, they will want to do it fast and then try to escape—to Mexico no doubt. Things are going to start developing here really fast, Mike concludes. He alerts everyone to stand by and prepare for an exchange f gunfire. Nina is pining heavily today for Boss, Mike’s stallion, wondering where he could have gone. Still, she responds perfectly to Mike’s commands as she ever did. One of the terrorists is wandering the perimeter too, incognito, or so he thinks. Mike has spotted him. He has a radio in his hand and a bulge in the back of his jacket. Riding in with his most gaudy show smile as if oblivious to events, Mike tracks the man closely. Gotta keep looking for an opening, get information that SWAT can use when they arrive. Gotta keep trying. There might be a way to rescue those people. Doing a Roy Rogers/Lone Ranger stand on the haunches, Mike prances his professionally groomed golden-blond mare forward to much applause. People in this section are still oblivious to the attack. Nina is the perfect cover. The terrorist even comes over to get an autograph. Mike pulls a Hollywood stage photo from his saddlebag stock. “Five bucks, pal.” Mike takes the cash, ostentatiously adding it to his own bankroll for cover. Showing so much money turned out to be a mistake. Oh, his act succeeded, alright. The terrorist doesn’t suspect a thing; but now he wants that bankroll. Waving a signal for backup at his German comrades across the way as they move to collect more hostages, he intends to pivot and draw his Glock on Mike, but Mike sees it coming. The Palomino kicks him hard on Mike’s cue. Both the Glock and the man go flying. Observing this with 10-32X 50 mm binoculars atop the admin building, Ralph breaks out in hysteric laughter. But he doesn’t laugh long. This exchange with Mike will break things loose. The shooting will start soon now for real. He will need to stay alert, but he has used the time to positively identify his targets. There will be no mistake. Mike looks around to be sure the terrorists within view have turned to other matters. Not that lucky, He notices two sprinting his way to back up their comrade. He leans over the man to block the view of the approaching terrorists and adds a quick left hook to the chin of his wouldbe assailant to be sure he remains out of action. Nina kneels on request and Mike heaves the man off a shoulder onto the horse with a cry of “Medic! Medic!” This is done to make transport of the man appear legitimate in the event his friends are tempted to shoot from behind. If their friend really needs a doctor they will hesitate to kill his ambulance driver. Mike gallops away before either real medics or the terrorists can arrive. Another of the terrorists, returning from a parked van, confronts Mike on the way out. As the horse passes he recognizes his friend thrown over Nina’s rump. “Oops!” Mike exclaims under his breath, immediately reversing Nina to face his opponent. “What the . . . ” The terrorist’s surprise rapidly clarifies into understanding. Wheeling and drawing his gun expertly in one motion does him no good as Mike has a pearl-handled Colt .45 in his face before he can sight his weapon. “Don’t…move.” Mike observes that the keen grey eyes in the handsome blonde face are those of a professional soldier. He is thinking, calculating, evaluating. Those eyes search the cylinder of Mike’s gun carefully, discovering with disappointment dull grey heavy lead staring back from the chambers instead of showplace glitter. “Let me guess, it’s a real gun?” “Um-huh. Long Colt. Twice the punch of your 9mm. One of these is all it ever takes.” The terrorist puts his gun away. Mike slams the hard steel barrel of his Colt revolver down on the terrorist’s head with such violence that the man collapses to the ground with a moan. He soon recovers, but not before Mike has bound and gagged him in the nearby women’s restroom, securing the stall door and slipping under. One in storage and one to go. “Giddyup. Hah!” Nina bursts into a sprint without losing either her courtly bearing or her sleeping passenger—still a prime show horse. Nina can’t speak, but that is about all she hasn’t learned. Like all sentient creatures, she thinks and feels in her own way. What she is thinking today is that she misses the black stallion. Wherever is Boss? I bet that nice man John is riding him. He’ll get a good ride. I hope Boss gets his chopped apples and carrots, or he’ll be cranky when he comes home. But Claire will fix it. She’s awfully nice. Mike knows they are an item, Boss and Nina. After years of partnering he can practically read Nina’s mind. “Boss is OK, Sis,” he reassures, using his private pet name for Nina. We’ll bring him home soon. He’ll come home.” He rubs her neck firmly. Nina knows the word “home.” It is the best one, after “carrot” and “apple”—and “Boss.” Boss home. Mike’s first prisoner, his would-be captor, is tied and squirreled away in the engine room of the ski lift. Heat from the powered machinery makes it exceptionally warm in the windowless cubicle. Mike takes off his leather shirt, revealing a hard, sinewy strength salted with scars. He wakes up his prisoner with a splash from his water bottle, pouring the rest on his own head. “Afghanistan,” Mike lies, seeing his captive inventorying the damage. They are rodeo falls mostly. Once, badly gored by a bull, he barely lived. His beloved Nina pulled him away at the last moment with Mike desperately gripping a stirrup. Her flank was grazed also, but not deeply. Two hooves in the chops put the bull off his form for the necessary moment. The clowns did the rest. Thank God for Bozo. Thank God for Nina. “I got away,” Mike says pointing to the big gash in his abdomen. “You won’t.” Mike pulls a razor edged Marine Corps combat knife. Flashing his old credential, he identifies himself, falsely, as a CIA antiterrorist agent with executive authority to assassinate. Whatever it takes to get information. Mike takes a long slug out of the .45 and holds it in the man’s face. “Ever see one of these, partner? Specially loaded by a friend. Superhot, heavy lead. Stop a mountain lion.” “Now, talk to me. How many of you? Armament? Purpose?” He repeats this in German, then clicks the hammer back on his gun and rests the blade of the knife gently between the man’s toes after removing his boots. He checks his watch. I am not going to wait for someone to die here. You have 10 seconds!” Mike makes a grim face as he reaches down to rotate the blade sideways. It is enough. As a Catholic he won’t torture the man but the terrorist needn’t know that. Mike may have to confess using the threat of torture to his priest, the threat being psychological torture in itself, and pray forgiveness, but his judgment is that it is the lesser of evils in the circumstances. The man was only frightened for a moment, in any case. He removes the knife and lowers the hammer to a safe position. “Ok, you’re in no danger now; you can relax.” “Twenty-two total, including this one,” Mike reports separately to all stations, beginning with Ralph. “Limited ammo; two clips apiece and what’s left in their guns. They were forced to leave equipment bags at the last roadblock—barely escaped with their lives it seems. According to this guy, they lost three men and the last remaining nuke in a quick exchange with a crack air assault team from Fort Campbell. These guys broke contact and ran . . . unanimously agreed to leave by a different route than that by which they came. These guys aren’t soldiers.” He kicks the man in his rump. “Ow! ###***!!!!” Comes muffled through the gag. “Of the twenty-one that remain in operation, one of those has combat training and experience. He is presently trying to untie himself in the ladies’ bathroom. One other is a recreational marksman with trophies. The rest barely qualified on the range, nothing special. “The marksman wears a black watch cap and the combat veteran is covered as a German tourist, green cloth driving cap and expensive wire rimmed spectacles. Handsome, blond, thirty-eight to forty-fiveish. Heavy gash on his temple from my long Colt. He’ll focus poorly for a few days. Mark those two, the “pros,” as primary targets if the shooting starts. Again that’s the black watch cap and green driving cap with spectacles. We have them outgunned, but not outnumbered. Hold your positions and play defense. We hold the high ground, and access from the rear is limited. SWAT should be here soon. Mike out.” A good plan, but, unfortunately the peace does not last. A cluster of terrorists fire on Mike on a later reconnaissance pass, having learned that management would not allow any medical transport via horseback. The Thompson erupts instinctively in David’s hands from the bridge in Mike’s defense. This brings Ralph’s .308 sniper rifle to bear to cover his young clerk from the store. Given the track record of these terrorists, nuclear terrorism, the U.S. capital, millions dead, Ralph forgoes the standard benefit of the doubt. His targets have been identified. He starts dropping them the moment they commit to the fight . . . right to left. Several terrorists are quickly downed by Ralph’s superior marksmanship. The first to go is the black watch cap. Ralph fires sporadically, ducking between shots, and randomly varying delay. Because of this system, the bad guys have yet to identify Ralph’s exact position. But they’ll get lucky soon. Ralph doesn’t kid himself about that. David quickly gets their respect with the tripod setup of the .45 caliber Thompson submachinegun. He is a natural shot, and a cool one. After the first overwhelming full auto fusillade to clear Mike’s escape, he is not using full automatic as default, but taking his time for accuracy and conservation of ammo. This seems most prudent for the moment. Seeing the drum magazine and tripod through their binoculars tells the terrorists not to expect that to continue under all conditions. Having encountered no paramilitary security with automatic weapons at the gate or inside the park the Germans had relaxed their guard, seeing no need to scatter their forces. That was a mistake. Before they do scatter, they make another one. They kill a woman hostage in retribution. David receives a call from Ralph recommending he take the opportunity to reduce their numbers. It can only reduce the total number of innocent victims to come out of this fiasco in the end. David flips the switch. He just as soon not have to see another mother’s head blown off in front of her children. An extended burst goes to the center of the group. He holds the trigger and paints the area side to side until his ammo drum is empty. What was twenty-one becomes ten. Those ten are momentarily in a panic. Killing hostages is no longer considered a wise move. Round one goes to the good guys. The terrorists scatter, find separate cover, and begin to individually return fire to the bridge. They don’t yet know where Ralph is located. Hostages are left to fend for themselves. Nearly all of them flee to safety. The handful wounded by friendly fire are quickly shuttled to a staff-operated emergency medical station. All will survive Hugh ducks behind the three-foot stone wall of the bridge, but not before incurring a stinging wound to his shoulder. He grimaces, handing David a full ammo drum and receiving the empty for loading. David takes a moment to apply a military battle pack bandage. This came from the first aid kits Mike delivered to all stations from his emergency stocks in the Hummer. Hugh starts chewing aspirins and guzzling water, having no idea if it will help this kind of pain or not. He is too high on adrenalin to care for the moment. He just keep plugging cartridges into the drum, then, there it is, the last round they have available. “Another half drum David, and that’s it. I’m alerting Mike and Ralph that we may need backup.” “Good idea. Please do that.” Hugh gets on the radio and learns from Mike that several cars of police have arrived, but they are methodically working their way through the park, clearing each section and evacuating the occupants. They have created a command post, and are marking off areas of the park map as they can arrange to secure them. They know the Hoosier’s location but estimate another thirty minutes to get there, possibly more. Three SWAT teams are en route from as many counties. Three of the terrorists have reestablished a hostage location, Most of the arriving police are stalled there, carefully stepping through hostage response protocols. It’s eating up time. Mike’s original goal has been largely achieved, to find a way to rescue those people, though not without some loss, and a major reduction in David’s ammo stock. The terrorists are forced to regroup, rethink, and seek new hostages. Unfortunately, for the larger group of terrorists still operating here, those closest to hand are children. Goofy bravely steps forward to shield a group of preschoolers from capture. He risks being shot point blank for his trouble. Instead, he finds himself taken in their place. Observing this with disdain, Mike decides to make a rescue sortie with his award winning horse. This time he’ll have to go in guns blazing if he is to have a chance to rescue “the Goof.” It is admittedly not a very strategic move, but there’s a principle involved. Two principles. First, you don’t mess with Goofy in front of children. Second, the man has just risked his life to save the little ones. He deserves a reciprocal gesture, and Mike has nothing better planned for the day. As good a shot as Mike is, he knows he is merely dreaming of pulling this off single-handed, but he has to try. Help comes from an unexpected quarter, however: another long burst from the Thompson. Being a longer shot against now very gun shy targets, this produces no losses, but it suffices to scatter the opposition who have clustered around the Goof—a big clumsy guy inside a bigger clumsier costume—in an attempt to maneuver their known to be valuable hostage inside away from sniper fire. Another good move for David. He is thinking for himself up there. Given their prior experience, the terrorists heads will stay down for a very long moment, making the whole thing child’s play for the rodeo star and his veteran performing horse. It has become a simple matter of a galloping pickup, which Mike initiates immediately. Unfortunately, at six foot three, even with Mike’s skill and Nina’s momentum, Goof doesn’t quite clear the saddle, landing half on and half off. Mike doesn’t pause for an adjustment, however, he keeps moving. “Auugh!” comes from behind. “Sorry about that rough landing Goof!” Temporarily unable to speak through the pain, Goofy affectionately pats Mike on the back to indicate that, although he will be limping and using ice packs for a week or two, he is very grateful to be alive. Plus, he knows children are still watching. He waves back to the crowd…Yes, children who are no longer hostages! Mike notices that Nina is limping too. Once they are safely away, he leans back and to the right, discovering a 9 mm hole in his horse’s rump. He quickly finds a place of cover, dismisses Goofy to find a first aid station, and pulls his veterinary kit from the saddlebag. “Missed the bone, Sis. Here…” Nina gets a second hastily-chopped apple with tranquilizer added. “Eat this while I get the needle ready.” Mike leans over his kit for a moment, then turns back to Nina squirting anesthetic from the tip of the syringe after tapping it to free up bubbles. “Poor girl, Mike will make it OK. You’ll get medicine first. It’ll be OK, Sis. Boy, you did good today, old girl,” Mike praises, patting her with pride. Nina smiles to herself. ‘Did good’ she understands. Mike is proud of her. ‘Medicine’ is usually a pretty good word, not always. ‘OK’ is definitely good. But ‘needle’? ‘Needle’? She just feels the initial stirrings of panic as it starts to come back to her, then, Ouch! She pulls at her secured reins, and stamps, anxious from the pain after all the excitement. “It’ll be OK, Sis. Everything’s OK. Mike is here.” Mike rubs her neck. If I can just talk her down long enough for the anesthetic to kick in, we’re home free. I’ll trust Mike. Maybe the pain will stop. Oh, that’s right. It does stop after the needle. That time with the bull horn. She holds on. In a few moments it does. Mike wouldn’t normally have done this, but considering that they are in the middle of a combat zone and her career is probably now over, he felt it prudent to give her another twenty percent to speed things along. Fortunate it was a relatively shallow penetration that passed through, Mike thinks. But her muscle and tendons were nicked. They won’t be the same. She can live with it, but won’t be a competitive performer again. He hastily cleans the wound, does some stitching, and applies antiseptic gel and a strong adhesive bandage. “Congratulations Sis, you’re officially retired from show biz! Believe me, you earned it. Take a break for the rest of your life. Job well done.” Mike gives her some sugar cubes and a big kiss, falling against her in a proud hug. Tears slip down his cheek. Well, that’s about as good as it gets. ‘Congratulations’ was always the best word. I love Boss, but I bet he isn’t doing as well as I am today. Mike ties her off out of sight loosely enough that she can pull free to lie down if she has to. If she wanders he’ll just have to post a reward for lost pet add for a wounded Palomino. Still got a situation here. He’ll try to get back before the anesthetic wears off. Retrieving a box of cartridges from the saddlebag, he grimly returns to the fray. “I’ll be back, Sis. No worries.” Garfield had not anticipated any of this Goofy rescue business. When Goofy rode off to safety, Joe’s kids cheered loudly from atop the castle. Garfield had ascended to the top, assuming it the best vantage point to see trouble coming and defensible position good enough to buy time for SWAT to arrive. The area around the castle is now empty, except for combatants. Given the absence of the crowds and the kids cheering their loudest for both Mike and Goofy, the terrorists’ gaze was naturally pulled in their direction. No harm would have come from the discovery of two children on a rooftop, but Ralph had just been discovered executing his pop up and shoot routine. It was not hard for the combat veteran to detect the bright muzzle flash and sound of Garfield’s monster handgun as Garfield used Joe’s .50 caliber magnum to down a terrorist maneuvering for a shot at Ralph from one of the roofs opposite. A long shot, but Ralph has installed a 4X scope in transit and has the pistol sighted in perfectly. Ralph has been saved by his own expertise, but Garfield has not been saved by it. They are both discovered, but Ralph can move quickly to a new spot, while Garfield is tied to the children. Nodding and waving towards Garfield, the terrorist group commander, having been released by an unsuspecting security guard from the Ladies Room, gives a single finger to indicate a lone shooter. He assigns a fourman team to eliminate Garfield, electing to avoid chasing down the trick shooting cowboy and prizefighting horse until later. He will execute a logical sequence of steps. The first step is to first remove the triangulation Mike has set up. We are sitting ducks in this cross fire. That machinegun, it never misses. The Munich airport doesn’t have this kind of security! I’ll wait until the odds change in our favor. Then I’ll deal with Roy and Trigger. When triangulation is gone, they can safely outmaneuver the machinegun, flanking it from all sides. Once cover fire from the machinegun is no longer available, they can set a trap for the cowboy. Ralph is on the hit list to accomplish the first step, but, Ralph is three stories up. Garfield is eight. Ralph would be gone before they got there, but Garfield has two or more children to slow him down. Garfield is, therefore, job one. His vulnerability, properly pressed, may cause Ralph to make a mistake or take a risk that will give them further opportunities. Garfield must now stand alone against a rush by four armed terrorists. This he does. Seeing their cautious approach from the roof, Garfield rushes down the stairs with a tremendous roar. He knocks out the first in line and pushes the rest back to the street, locking the door behind them. “Dear God,” one of the terrorists laments. “First Roy Rogers shooting live ammo and now Jack and the Beanstalk is against us. We’ve been cursed. This is a children’s place. We should not have come here.” “Foolish superstitions. Recover your strength. We’re going in.” As the terrorists form up to discuss their plan and begin pointing around, Ralph sees the writing on the wall. They have resolved to negate the crossfire. He must change his position before he is trapped by a similar rush. He’ll have to forget his age until this is over, just as he traditionally does on the annual deer hunt. This approach to his hunts has all been contrary to the promise he made his wife to take things easy now, but, best to stay in shape…you never know he always thought. Something to be said for instinct. Rapidly descending the stairs, Ralph becomes mobile on the quad below, ducking, and surfacing, in and out, in and out, fire and move. The he ceases fire altogether and doubles back against the directional pattern he has established. Ralph wants to keep them thinking. He knows they want that machinegun out of action above all else, but the triangulation must go first to give them a clear approach to it. He loves David like his own son, Bob. Bob was lost in Iraq this past year to a roadside bomb while on routine patrol. As long as he can pose a viable threat to their rear and flank, they won’t lightly risk a move forward to surround David. He has found a spot to cover David from close in. He calls Mike to request he rush over to backup Garfield. After blasting the lock at the Castle, one terrorist is foolish enough to charge directly up the stairs and out onto the roof. Exiting the door to the roof intending to move to a low-profile crouch, he finds himself airborne in the next instant. Garfield sidestepped him, gabbed an arm and executed a powerful Aikido toss in the same direction the man was traveling. He continued to travel in that direction . . . right off the roof and into thin air. Flailing his arms didn’t help much; he impacted the ground hard. The others dragged him back out of sight against the wall. He is alive and safely hidden, but he won’t play again, not in this game. Garfield takes advantage of the delay to place the children into hiding. He is then forced into a tactical exchange of shots and maneuvers with the others. Wielding Joe’s .50 caliber hand “cannon” at a strategic location near the top of the stairs with plenteous light and sound, Garfield mounts a formidable defense. He has taken the time to remove the scope mount with a quarter to allow faster shots a close range. One terrorist is downed with a through the wall shot. Plaster and slats go flying; they aren’t going to stop this baby. The two who remain execute an alternate charge and cover fire routine that pushes Garfield back onto the roof. Once onto the roof, they split right and left, causing Garfield a defensive dilemma. There are only so many places of cover up here—and thin cover it is, all sheet metal, stucco and slats. This cannon can rip the edge off of anything up here. Unfortunately, the chances are their 9mms will also penetrate. I can’t wait for them to out-think and out-maneuver me with a two-to-one advantage. I have to force a one-on-one, win that, which leaves one-onone where I have an equal chance, and then wait for the last one to approach, using the advantage of defense over offense. Perhaps he will panic and make a mistake or perhaps SWAT will get here first. Well, time is money, here goes nothin’. He elects to take a combat target stance, and then advances stealthily in the open upon one of his concealed opponents. He can hear whispers. Probably making plans on radio or cell phone. His plan is to reap a split second advantage from his better visibility and the element of surprise, employing a snapshot to the edge of his opponent’s cover at the first indication of movement. The goal is to take his opponent just before the terrorist can reach around the corner and sight his gun. He will fire three of four inches in from the corner of the vent turbine shaft. The shot could be deflected, but will probably penetrate. Better odds than having them simultaneously charge him from right and left. I need just a flicker of movement or a sound to confirm the target and . . . Blam! . . . Blam! The first terrorist is killed outright, but the second does the unexpected, hurrying out into the open to trade shots with Garfield. Garfield offers a fair trade, expending his last round in simultaneous hits. Crying out in anguish, Garfield falls, seriously wounded. But his adversary is very, very dead. The kids involuntarily peek out from hiding, knowing something is dreadfully wrong . . . “Garfield!” Inadvertently falling upon Jonathan, who has rushed to his aid, Garfield catches himself up just enough to shield the boy from being crushed. They hearing the approach of the group leader, conversing with the first battered terrorist who has recovered just enough from his fall to carefully walk, They expect everyone is dead or dying, but are going to proceed with caution in clearing the building. Garfield orders Jonathan to remain silent, then painfully attempts to rise. They manage to move back inside to a more concealed position. Garfield has lost use of the giant revolver but slips out the small 8-shot .22 caliber Berretta backup pistol from his belt that Mike handed over on Jonathan’s request. Jon gives him a knowing wink. Hearing voices approach the utility closet in the stairwell where he has retreated with the kids, Garfield lies quietly in wait, too grievously injured to rise again without further rest. He is still suppressing involuntary gasps from his wound. He whispers to the children to play dead, and then smears blood on their faces. “They’ll never guess,” he assures. “Just pretend and they’ll leave. The police are here to arrest them. We’ll just have to wait a moment then go join your Mom and the others.” He lies down to wait, close to passing out, motioning for them to do the same. The three of them initially pass muster, for Garfield is now genuinely unconscious, and the children fully into the game. The problem occurs when the terrorists loiter for a cigarette. One of them flicks an ash onto the children and Julia flinches. This is not seen, but she is caught peeking in an attempt to find out if her flinch has given them away. The terrorists decide to take her hostage. Why not. They have too few men left to fight their way out given the approach of so many sirens. They don’t bother checking Jonathan again. One child hostage has the same value as two and much easier to handle. Fearing Garfield has died or fallen asleep, Jonathan reaches over to pinch him, inadvertently touching the painful wound.. While rolling over to sight his pistol, Garfield scares his now desperate opponents badly with a roaring “He . . . rrrrr . . . re’s Johnny!” before putting two shots into the head of the nearest terrorist. He receives a violent kick to the chin from the blonde leader, which puts him out again. The backup gun is tossed aside, though not far, hidden in the dark beneath a steam radiator. Jon lies still, having noted the gun’s position. Take Julia hostage . . . No! Not gonna happen. Dad says if you pray first, then think, you can solve any problem. “Come on kid, you’re my ticket out of here,” the terrorist leader says, twisting Julia’s wrist. He’s planning to move into the woman’s clothier arcade next door, use Julia to standoff the police long enough to shave and done a female disguise, then add a staff member’s ID badge he picked up outside and slip through the crowds unnoticed. The German is too anxious and distracted to be gentle. Julia cries out in pain. Garfield’s eyes open, but still dazed, he has no idea where his gun landed. The terrorist jerks Julia forward further aggravating the sprain in her wrist. She cries again in agony. Hatred and unqualified resolve flash in Jonathan’s face. That’s it. He springs up, darting across for the gun. Carefully, he reaches it over to Garfield, handling it with respect and caution as he has been taught. The would be kidnapper, now mentally and visually focused forward, remains unaware until he is shot fully six times without pause before he can turn with his weapon. He staggers forward, stunned, trying to will his body to turn and face the threat from behind. He finally manages to turn. The small caliber rounds hurt him critically, but without bringing him down. He blinks rapidly trying to keep his mind and body from fading out. What was it he wanted to do? He looks down at the gun in his hand. Garfield makes the mistake of trying to get up, but can’t. What he gets is the terrorist leader’s attention. Julia takes advantage of the distraction to break free and run to her brother. As the German leader waivers and stares from shock, Jonathan accurately evaluates the problem. It’s the same one he just solved. Same problem, same solution. He urgently scans the room, arms wide, mouth open in a question. An extended “Ahhhhhhh” comes out of his mouth as he methodically rotates his position, looking for the dead terrorist’s gun, expecting to say “hah!” at the end, but, not seeing a gun, lets it trail off. Julia understands her brother’s nonverbals. He’s looking for the gun. She points, up and over, whispering. She saw the gun lying there on the far side of a cleaning supply box as she was being dragged away. “It’s behind the box.” Signaling Julia to wait with an upraised finger, he slips around behind the German, puts a cloth over the gun to conceal it, then carries the dead terrorist’s large gun over to Garfield. Garfield immediately rips off three rapid shots. The German finally falls, reflexively firing into the floor. In the meantime Mike has been trading shots with the terrorist remnant outside, trying to fight his way in. When Garfield’s magnum fell silent he became concerned, then, hearing the eight smaller shots of the backup gun expire, alarmed. Time is now critical. He sprints the remaining ten yards to the Castle, dodging bullets, but getting through thanks to police arriving on the terrorists’ flank. Surging up the stairs, Mike finds the gentle giant grievously wounded, and the kids covered in blood. He winces, but quickly discovers all is not lost when Jon winks and Julia shouts “Hurray!” He competently applies bandages to Garfield’s wounds and uses his cell phone to identify the need for yet another ambulance. The walkie-talkie has a bullet in it. Mike reassures the children that everything is OK now. Police are pouring in from all sides. Help is on the way. The six women who thought they were safely tucked away in a ticket booth “too small to interest terrorists,” were about to head out toward the multiplying police sirens, when they were surprised to discover two fleeing terrorists caught between police in front and police in back, had a similar thought about the booth. They weren’t defenseless, as Pam and Susan had conspired to return to the Volvo to smuggle in Hugh’s hunting rifle and 10 rounds of elk cartridges as solace. They all felt better having the rifle there, but now hearing someone trying the door, Jeanette felt compelled to remind them that hunting rifle bullets would easily penetrate a human being and continue to travel, potentially killing an innocent person in the vicinity as far as a mile away. “That’s why Indiana law forbids hunting with highpowered rifles: the state has too many people too close to the hunting areas.” Pam, who was making ready to shoot lets out a sigh and relaxes over the gun. “What do we do?” she whispers. Margaret stands up close beside the door, the heat of anger plainly visible in her complexion. “Let’s play it by ear,” Ethyl whispers back. “Just stay calm and alert. We’ll think of something.” Margaret nods agreement, balling her fists up tightly, tensing and assuming a boxer’s ready position. The terrorists have begun to pry open the door with a bayonet. The tip pokes through a bit, and then further. Ethyl’s hand goes into her bag and comes out again holding a snub-nosed .38 caliber revolver—Ralph’s birthday present. The door lock yields to further pressure and a frantic young man steps in with the large knife. “What!? It’s full of women. We’re at the ladies bath!” He doesn’t see Margaret. The knife looks like a problem to her under the circumstances, so she delivers a powerful left cross that puts him out cold. As he slumps to the floor his more experienced partner points a pistol in, but Ethyl quickly takes him down with two shots to the center of the body. Margaret jumps back from the noise and fright of sensing bullets fly past her face within inches. She has powder burns on her arms that she hasn’t felt yet because of the adrenalin rush. “###**!!! Ethyl. Next time tell somebody before you do that! ###**!!! Good work, Ethyl, good work, but ###**!!!” “Really good work!” Pam praises. “These jokers have been killing hostages.” Jeanette is giggling at their excitement, but she is shaking from adrenalin too. “Right,” Margaret says. “Keep your gun ready, Ethyl. Everyone calm down. Listen to the sirens. The police seem to be all over the place. Let’s take a careful peak outside. Unload the hunting rifle and leave it here. Come on, girls, let’s venture out. Ethyl, stay close behind me with your gun hand hidden in the bag, ready to shoot. You ladies form up a few steps behind Ethyl and look as harmless as possible. Pam picks up the large knife on the floor. “Right.” “Which direction do we go, Maggie?” Elizabeth asks. “I don’t know,” Margaret admits. “Give me a minute to think.” She lowers her head in concentration and takes some deep breaths. “Ok. How about this. Let’s stay close to the walls here for protection against stray bullets. We’ll watch and listen until we see either a good guy or a bad buy, the we’ll either move towards or away from them.” “Brilliant, Mom. That’s exactly what we need to do. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Now give me a cigar, quick. I can’t stop shaking…or talking.” “Here you go, girl” Margaret says, after clipping the end of one and lighting it. “You may want to pass it around. I see a lot of shaking in this group.” “Amen!” Ethyl exclaims. “It’s been thirty years since I’ve had a smoke, but I think the time has come.” Margaret lights another for herself, and begins to reclaim her focus. *** “Pretty cool head for a barkeep,” Garfield observes, noting the precise bandages, remembering the immediate force placement analysis, reconnoitering skills, and military communications protocols. “Where did you get all that battlefield savvy?” “I served six years. Instructed at Ranger school. I missed the rodeo, so I didn’t stay. Did a little contract work for the government off and on afterwards,” is all Mike offers. “Um-hhm.” Nice guy classroom instructor, my butt . . . David and Hugh have walked over to check on the kids. Mike tightens up the bandage David applied to Hugh’s shoulder earlier. There you go Hugh. The medics are here. They’ll fix you up proper. It’ll be fine for the honeymoon, four or five months to heal. Hugh was effective as David’s ammo drum loader, providing small arms coverage as best he could. He made some noise, but didn’t hit anything. They knew he was there, however. He was forced to concede their presence as well, as the bandage around his arm attests. “Come on guys, let’s check on Ralph he went down over there somewhere a few minutes ago wrestling a terrorist,” David pleads. Near the last moment of firing, while Hugh was kneeling to reload for David, Ralph’s ammo ran out. He was forced to intercept a charging terrorist football style, hitting him at the knees. In doing so he saved David from a knife in the back. An intensive wrestling match ensued, which Ralph decisively ended with his Bowie knife. When the David’s Thompson machinegun went silent for reloading, the bad guys assumed their man had put it out of commission. Unfortunately for them, he did not. Hugh quickly snapped in a new drum as the last of the opposition mounted a desperate charge. Thanks to David’s deft use of his weapon, the terrorists’ heads were down when Ralph made the game saving tackle. As the terrorists charged the bridge with loud bravado David paints the group with one final well-aimed burst until all are down, and the ammo drum empty. He turns to survey the area. All quiet. Scanning the campus as they walk, the bloodied group of Hoosiers find the coach lying beneath a dead terrorist. They can just hear Ralph fervently whispering the Our Father. Hugh reaches down with his good arm and disdainfully flips Ralph’s opponent to the side. He does check him for a pulse. Not much hope there. “Huh uh.” He then turns his attention to Ralph, still intently whispering a prayer. Hugh is relieved not to find the feared gunshot or knife wound, but he senses that something is wrong. Ralph does not rise. “Ralph seems OK. But look at his color. He’s purple!” “It’s my heart, son . . . my heart.” Ralph has resigned himself now to the inevitable. “David . . . promise to visit and check on my Ethyl, will you, son? She has no other family living.” David looks at Hugh to make sure there is no mistake. Hugh’s eyebrows go up in despair. “It’s a promise Coach. I’ll be there . . . twice a week . . . run to the store as needed. I’ll be there for her, you know that.” Sirens scream sharply as multiple ambulance vans and countless police cruisers stream in. “Thank you.” “You hold on though, coach. The ambulance is here. You can argue with Garfield about who gets the bed near the window at the hospital. He took a 9 mm slug center mass, but is holding on. Ralph is a little encouraged. He’ll hold onto hope. “Dear God in heaven,” comes from Ralph. “That man could wrestle a moose. I saw one of them march out of the tower backwards. I thought Mike’s mare kicked him. The next one flew off of it!” The group gets Ralph to his feet, Mike and David each under an arm. Then Ralph is carried to the exit near the ticket booth where they encounter the ladies, still lurking alertly in the shadows. Ralph is put down gently. David instinctively leans over to hug his coach. Ralph smiles, but then goes limp. At that proximity David can tell. Ralph is going. “Dear God, please . . . ” David applies the mouth to mouth CPR from his high school training, motioning for Mike to give chest compressions. An ambulance crew sprints up, immediately taking over CPR. A defibrillator pops, and pops again. Med techs confirm fears with a shake of the head. The ladies all gasp from behind. Jeanette places a hand over her mouth, turning away in tears. “Oh Dear God, Ralph, no!” Ethyl collapses to the ground next to her husband. Discerning the relationship, the med techs make it official. “I’m afraid Ralph has gone to a better place, Ma’am. His heart has failed. We’ll take him on to the hospital, do everything possible. Sometimes they revive. We’ll keep trying. God may do what we cannot.” Ethyl manages an “Amen!” despite her grief, climbing to her feet, she follows them. Garfield, holding his side and bleeding profusely through the fingers despite Mike’s knowledgeable first care bandage, limps forward to meet the med techs rushing at him. He moves on past them, however, and on to Ralph. They turn to pursue him, assuming he is in shock, which he is. Garfield turns to Ethyl, “He took out seven, himself, Ethyl, seven. You should have seen him . . . trading shots with those guys. Turkeys stood a better chance with Alvin York. They chased Ralph out of his points of cover, but he always found a better one. Buying us all time, that’s what he was doing. He went hand-to-hand on the last one. A big sun-of-a-buck, too. I saw it from the door over there. Ralph tackled him. Boom! Textbook Rose Bowl at the knees. The guy never saw it coming. Hit the ground like a ton of bricks.” Garfield is so pumped with adrenalin he has forgotten a wound that would be mortal to most men. He chatters quickly on, still in shock… “He was on top of Ralph for a moment, a bigger man and stronger, but the Bowie flashed. Ralph cut the tendons deep under his armpit, then at the elbow. After releasing his grip on Ralph’s throat with the now useless arm, the terrorist made the mistake of reflexively dropping his own knife to grasp the wound. Amateur mistake, that’s what that was. Ralph caught his breath enough to strike again. “Mental discipline determined the result of that contest. The brute reached for his knife again in a rage, but it was too late. Ralph’s combat training had kicked in by then. He didn’t play with him, Ethyl. Straight up under the ribs. That was all. Game over.” “Ralph was always a tough customer. In the war, you know.” With a flash of realization, Ethyl gives in to a moment of panic and collapses on the ground into a cross-legged position. “What’ll I do without my Ralph?” The paramedics roll Ralph away from Ethyl’s still reaching fingers. “You come stay with us, Ethyl,” Susan insists. “Well, that is, once the radiation clears. We’ve just added on. Father will be back soon to look in on you, and young David here. “You’ve been there on that corner, at the store, since we were kids. Sarah and I walked to the store for treats before we were old enough for school,” Susan recalls, referring to her twin sister. “Ralph always kidded us and threw in something extra. ‘The knot heads’ he called us because of our high English foreheads and prominent temples. We kids felt as safe in Ralph’s store as on the sofa at home. Mom and Dad spoke of him the same as our aunts and uncles. Ralph was a godfather to every kid in the neighborhood. You and Ralph are family to us, Ethyl. You always have a place to go.” “Yes, I will come—if I have to. I’ll just go check. Sometimes they can do something.” Rapidly succumbing to shock, though she doesn’t know it, Ethyl stumbles the few steps back to the ambulance, not fully herself. Hugh and David jog up close by either side to catch her should she fall. A stable hand walks over leading Mike’s patched-up mount. “Lose something? Figure she must be yours, what with the buckskins and all.” Sis is chewing her third apple for the day. She feels a little better after Mike’s stitching and the veterinary painkiller. Mike keeps his license current but doesn’t practice commercially. She has, however, after that second shot, decided to move “needle” to the bad list. She doesn’t know this man’s name, but he’s got potential. Knows how to handle a horse, and keeps apples around. “Hi! Sis! “Thank you my friend. Here, and I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” Mike slips him two folded hundred dollar bills. “When the dust settles, I’ll be back to buy you a drink. Claire will want to fix you a steak out at the Paris ranch when she hears what you did for Nina.” “Our Claire? The equestrian actress?” “Your Claire.” “Look forward to it. Better get back to the horses. Too much excitement for them.” “ ’Till then.” Mike moves to tie Nina to a railing and notices a body behind the ticket booth. “Hey! There’s another bad guy lying back there.” “Ethyl got that one,” Pam shouts across from the ambulance. “A snub nose .38 in her bag.” Inside the ambulance, chest compressions have continued on Ralph. Ethyl now prays aloud. After a heart injection, Ralph surfaces for a moment, immediately looking straight up. “How I wish Father Bernie were here with the Final Sacrament,” Ralph says to God and himself. Resting his head to the side he discovers his wife. She gently takes his hand. “I’ve prayed for you, Ralph, dear.” “Good. They don’t last forever, you know, Ethyl.” Ralph points to his ticker. “I know dear, I know. Garfield says you are a hero, Ralph. I always knew it.” “We showed ’em a thing or two.” “Yes, dear, we did.” Ethyl pats the Smith & Wesson Chief Special in her bag. “That’s my girl.” Ralph lauds. “You thought that was the queerest Christmas gift.” “Not any more Ralph, dear. You have taught me something. Life is sometimes harder than we want to believe. You were always protecting me, weren’t you Ralphie?” “God will protect you now, gumdrop.” Ralph’s smile brightens, and then fades. “Goodbye dear,” he offers with infinite tenderness. “Goodbye Ralphie. I won’t be long. . . . Robert will be so glad to see you.” She cries. “Who’s Robert?” Pam whispers to Susan. They are standing by to help Ethyl out of the ambulance. “Their son. Army captain. Killed in Iraq.” “I have to go now, Ethyl. The angels are here . . . and that devil. . . . Why that stupid SOB is still clawing at me. Pointless, his coming here. I’m holding onto Christ.” Ralph’s eyes clear, his smile seemingly reflecting the brighter world he is looking into. His wife, joined in the spirit with her husband by God in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage, smiles with him. Ethyl touches her fingers to his cheek, and then he’s gone. “Job well done, dear. Job well done.” She releases his hand only to begin patting it gently. Something unseen claws at her arm, but she ignores it. Ethyl could care less about the devil. Jesus saw to him a long time ago. Garfield is rolled up to the next van, his condition serious, but not critical. He has some strength left, though he will have needed every workout, every steak and every salad before he finally pulls through. Ethyl pokes her head out intending to climb down. She shakes her head to the questioning glances. The kids are held back. They know who “Uncle Ralph” is. He’s the candy expert down at the store. “Goodbye Ralph my friend.” Garfield shakes his head, turning to Ethyl. “I think I can appreciate veterans a little more now.” “We always went to the ‘Wall’ in D.C. for Veteran’s Day, Ralph and I. He lost friends there you know: Vietnam. “Then of course, Robert was killed in the Gulf. “Ralph served two tours in the infantry, himself. Sixteen of nineteen killed in one fight. He was a sergeant of some kind, just under his lieutenant. A platoon leader? Is that right? They were ordered to take two machineguns from the top of a hill. They did. Nineteen went up, three came down, Ralph, his lieutenant, and their medic. That’s all Ralph would ever say about any of it. He didn’t like to talk about it at all.” Ethyl momentarily loses her train of thought, fighting shock. “You should marry, Garfield; have children. The little ones are a blessing to us, you know, not a burden,” Ethyl chides. “Kids are pretty cool,” Garfield admits. “Jon saved his sister back there. That little guy has stones,” he says pointing at Jonathan, forgetting he is talking to a real old-fashioned lady. “Garfield! . . . .” Having issued the necessary admonishment, and feeling sympathy for Garfield’s injuries, Ethyl continues. “Yes, they are pretty cool, those little dickenses,” she says leaning down to pat little Julia on the head. She moistens her handkerchief from a water bottle. “Children are God’s way of blessing us old fuddy-duddies who forget to celebrate and have fun,” she says, dabbing blood from Julia’s face. “I’ll bet you’re just as brave as your brother over there, aren’t you Julia?” “Noooh!” Julia corrects, looking up with wide eyes, shaking her head innocently. But Jonathan corrects his sister. “Yes, she is brave as me, too.” “You’ve got a pretty good brother over there, don’t you Julia?” Ethyl allows. Julia nods a little in the affirmative, holding still for the cleaning. “There. The men can do their own faces, can’t they, dear.” Another quiet nod. Ethyl pulls out a candy bag and passes it over to Julia. “For you and your brother. Thanks for helping so much. It’s from Ralph. Share with Jon.” Julia runs it over and they peer down into the bag poking around with little fingers, ultimately coming up with a sugar sprinkled gum drop and a cinnamon ball. “There’s chocolate in the silver ones, Julia. We’ll find another bag and split it up. Don’t lose it.” Julia tightens her grip, then they walk over to hand one to Garfield as the medics gather to lift him in. “That’s for saving us,” Jon says. “Oooh! Cinnamon ball. Excellent!” Garfield exclaims, popping it in his mouth and smiling. “I’ll pray for you Garfield,” Ethyl affirms. “You hold on now, you hear? You’re still a young man. And . . . thank you, Garfield . . . for your part. It couldn’t have been easy. I’ll visit you . . when . . . well, when I’ve rested a little.” Ethyl turns away, moving the few steps to the other van, partly stumbling, partly falling, to fawn over Ralph. Tears become a torrent now that it is official. She knows Ralph is okay with God, but it’s right to cry. Garfield may look like a brute on the surface, but as a literature and humanities major he has his share of artistic and emotional sensitivities. “Ralph was a wise man, Ethyl. A guardian of the community . . . and . . . ,” Garfield tears up himself, “he married well. He loved you dearly, Ethyl. I saw it in the way he looked at you.” “God bless you for that. God bless you.” The med techs are ready to lift Garfield in. “You’ll have to be quiet now, big guy. Conserve your strength.” “Right.” Garfield reaches his hand over to Julia who intuits his meaning and plops in a cinnamon ball for the road. “Get well soon,” she says, figuring two of Ralph’s cinnamon balls should definitely do it. As they lift the gurney, Jon comes to attention and salutes. The others follow suit. Next comes a close interview by police officers, and an exhausted straggle to the parking lot. Trailing along behind Mike, Nina notices how tired everyone is and thinks, “Well, I guess we all had a big day.” *** Back in Moscow things are also moving to resolution. Nekrutenko confronts Boriskiev in his plush inner office. Black leather executive chairs surround a heavy oak conference table. Sofas line the walls behind, the Chairman’s own enormous desk dominating all. Vladimir Boriskiev slumps into the limp cushion of a small wicker chair Nekrutenko has purposively placed beside his massive desk. The President’s desk and chair sit upon a base raised several inches above the floor. President Nekrutenko peers down ominously at his traitorous college. A small brown gun lies near the desk’s center, the Makarov .380 auto. It is the Russian version of James Bond’s German-made Walther PPK/S. Boriskiev glances quickly in that direction, then away to study the walls. The smile he tries to form keeps collapsing, so he just tries to look as dignified and unfrightened as possible. Anton looks down authoritatively at the fidgeting worm of a man he has mistakenly held as friend for so many years, letting an additional moment or two pass before he speaks. The awful tension is visible through the open double doors to staff passing outside. “What did the supernatural dog promise you Comrade? My chair, this desk?” Nekrutenko’s hand moves to the gun. “Only the truth now, Comrade.” Boriskiev sees that the President will waste no time on this, so he is direct. “Yes, Comrade Chairman. I was to have . . . your job.” Progress, Nekrutenko thinks, the confession. Out of the way so soon? That is good. He decides to reward Boriskiev for that progress by making the mood more casual. Returning the gun to its drawer, the President waves his hand around the office dismissively, and exhales a long breath, signaling that Boriskiev’s surrender is accepted. “You would hate it before a year was out, Vlad. It is a personal curse. Still, it is a blessing to serve our people. But you would hate it. One cannot serve himself here in this chair. . . . A little more pressure, now, let’s not relax too much. “Tell me the rest of it, Vlad. The dog from hell, the demon, what was he planning?” After a few seconds silence, Anton retrieves the gun. He studies it, holding it aloft and turning it around. “They give these away now in America, $170. Walther and Smith & Wesson cost $800. Yet it has always served us well Vladimir, the Makarov, has it not?” Boriskiev nods without speaking, his head sinking lower in defeat with each movement. The door opens. Sergei, the security chief, leans in. “Is all well, Comrade Chairman?” “Yes, Comrade nephew. All is well.” Sergei begins a smile, but notes that his Chairman has had to resort to the Makarov. The smile turns to a frown. After a hard look at Boriskiev, he closes the door a little too firmly. A moment later, he thinks better of it, stepping back to crack it open imperceptibly. Imperceptibly, that is, to the President, who is deep in thought, but not to Vladimir, who begins to sweat, seeing the steely eyes of the security chief fixed upon him. Better a pit bull were watching. Nekrutenko returns from the reverie and decides to get to the point. Corrective action must be taken immediately. “What was the dog planning Vlad? I will waste little time on this. Make no mistake: your life depends upon a full answer.” Sergei’s attention to the crack in the door has evoked the concern of another staff officer who has been waiting in the lobby with a foreign guest. A red beret now pokes through the door. Beneath it is the iron face of the Russian Airborne Forces Commander, General Alexandrov. He is a man only to be loved or feared. Boriskiev does not love him. “Is all well, My Chairman?” “All is well, Comrade. We will make fire on the beach, fish at night, the women will sing for us, no?” Alexandrov appears crushed. “No jokes, Comrade Chairman? No vodka?” “There will be jokes, and vodka, my sister’s son. And we will feast on ‘river wolf.’ Misca’s new recipe is finished—a top state secret. But not jokes and vodka alone. There will be singing. The women must sing from their hearts or the stars will not come out to smile upon our campsite.” “You are correct, as always, my Chairman.” “My love to your children, Alex.” “And mine to my favorite aunt Misca. Comrade Chairman, I apologize for interruption. You have a female visitor from the American Embassy, Ms. Taylor.” He coughs meaningfully. “She brings tapes and videos from Vice President Jackson at your request?” “Yes, Alex, that is so. Ask her to kindly step in, please.” Ms. Taylor passes Alexandrov with her normal and unaffected but nonetheless quite dramatic style of walking. She’s a knockout, but as the song says “she can’t help it.” The general’s beret goes to his heart in an exaggerated gesture behind her back. The Chairman’s hand goes to his. Taylor dismisses the excess attention with a disdainful smirk. “Your tapes, Comrade Chairman. VP Jackson sends his best.” “Thank you, Ms. Taylor. We are camping on the beach this weekend at Lake Baikal over the Urals in Siberia . . . Irkutsk. You must know of it. Best fishing in the world, bar none. Larger volume of water than all the U.S. Great Lakes combined. “Lake Baikal holds twenty percent of the world’s fresh water, truly self-purifying. Pollution has not ruined the purity of Lake Baikal. Would you like to attend? Taylor’s eye brows go up in thought. Nothing negative in her expression, so Nekrutenko moves to clench the deal. “All arrangements will be made for your travel. Rest before hand, however—a long flight. We will sing to the stars, feast around the fire, and fish at night. Perhaps the smallest drink to warm our souls . . . just a little one if you happen to meet my doctor in the hall . . . and a few jokes. All very informal. A handful of the Council will come. Their wives are nice; you would like them. The eyebrows shift, one now higher than the other. The lips purse in thought. Nothing serious on for this weekend. She’s almost there. “General Alexandrov here who commands the forces parading outside will also be present. He intones the most glorious bass after a few rounds of . . .” “Cocoa, Mr. Chairman?” “Quite . . . as I think Prime Minister Blair used to say, or tea. The herbal tea is good here in Mother Russia.” “It is good, President Nekrutenko.” The President stands to lean over his desk. He whispers an aside into Ms. Taylor’s ear, nodding to Alex, “Unmarried, you know. And his sister has had to cancel. Her seat is available just behind me near the pilot’s cabin. Two Olympic medals in wrestling…loves the opera.” Then to all, “General Alexandrov could escort you officially, Ms. Taylor. He is first rank hero of Russia.” The general snaps to attention, and then bows formally to Ms. Taylor. Nekrutenko insists. “Will you promise, Miss Taylor? We celebrate life and the goodness of God. We are not here forever, my daughter. It will be fun. Things have been a bit tense lately. It would do us good to relax.” “Under the circumstances, Mr. Chairman, I think recent events underscore your point. I am very pleased to accept your gracious invitation.” “Ms. Taylor! You make me a happy man. My secretary will send the details. General Alexandrov will be punctual.” Two snaps. She loves this old guy, despite their sometimes-opposing duties. And she knows his health status . . . and . . . as for Alex . . . I don’t know why I am risking this. We will be too close, too long. I’m an idiot. I’ve always suspected; now it’s official: I’m an idiot. “I will await General Alexandrov’s call. Goodbye, Mr. Chairman. A pleasure to see you, again, as always.” “And you, my daughter . . . “Oh, Ms. Taylor….Behold your well-placed source who confirmed Soviet intentions to attack Israel.” Nekrutenko nods to Boriskiev sitting passively to the side. “We have no such intentions, of course. It is OK to spy on this one, this Boriskiev. He is out of favor, and not to be trusted. You will watch him closely if I let him go?” “Very closely, Mr. Chairman, if you wish it.” “Let it be so. Vohlk vah-vyech-yay shkoor-yeh! How do you say it? He golfs in cheap clothing?” “Vohlk vah-vyech-yay shkoor-yeh?” “Dah!” “A wolf in sheep’s clothing, Comrade Chairman.” “Dah! A bad guy. Collaborated with the Iranians to bluff Israel with nuclear missile launchers, and knew of the dirty bomb attack in advance, collaborated with the anarchists who attacked your country. Told no one. If I send him to U.S. on economic junket, you will see the Israelis do not get him? They can be cruel when provoked.” “That is harder, Mr. Chairman. The Israelis are not happy about all of this, and well, the intelligence network of the Mossad extends everywhere. We can only do our best. If a priority reassignment occurs, an assassin might get through. Small chance, though.” “It is enough. Until the stars come out, Ms. Taylor.” “Until then Mr. Chairman. The VP says you owe him one for those tapes. A small matter of recalling 2,000 battle tanks, or something like that.” “A small thing indeed. My assistant, Boriskiev here, was just proposing the very thing when you brightened our day. He is, how do you say, a bright and shining star of strategic analysis. He has discerned an error in the satellite transmission, it seems. It will be worked out with a minimum of difficulty, I assure you.” Taylor notes first the well-worn pistol lying upon the Chairman’s desk and then the two tough guys standing ready to hand at the door. “I see. Dahs veedahnyeh, Chairman Nekrutenko.” “Stay well, my daughter.” Taylor gives Alexandrov a curt acknowledgment in passing, accompanied by an undeniably flirtatious glance. “General.” He nods respectfully. That is a man . . . and his State Department dossier makes him out to be an honorable one. Russian Orthodox Church, some honest business investments, devoted to his niece and nephew, and of course his beloved Chairman and Aunt Misca. Likes classical music and good wine . . . All I ever meet are Deadheads and McDonalds junkies. Blah! “Mr. Chairman! Did you see? I think she . . . ” Alexandrov leans forty-five degrees, stretching over to peak around the door. He ostentatiously follows Taylor out with his gaze, quickly retreating behind the door when she turns to smile back. “To your duties, General!” The Chairman chuckles at his nephew’s antics. Waiving him out with fatherly affection. “Dismissed!” A proud father in this case. Alex is the cream of the Russian military command staff, clearly being groomed for higher things. He steps out. In the next instant the door has opened again and the mischievous boyish grin of Alexandrov reappears. “Thank you, Comrade Chairman!” “Dismissed.” Nekrutenko laughs. Alex is merely entertaining his uncle, but . . . there really is something about Ms. Taylor. No, it is more than that, Alex admits to himself. It is not just something about her; it is something about us. One should be honest about matters of the heart. Given the state of international affairs it could never be, but there it is. Nekrutenko now turns to his less welcome office guest, Boriskiev. “You were just telling me the plans of that evil supernatural dog in the fullness of their detail, I think, weren’t you Vlad? Or was it a pig? I couldn’t quite tell. The archbishop used words for it that even I will not repeat.” “Yes, My Chairman.” Progress. “I must have the details.” Boriskiev grimaces with the thought of that full confession, fearing both the devil’s backlash and the Chairman’s wrath. If the Chairman judges my statement incomplete, well . . . whom do I fear most, Satan or the Chairman? Nekrutenko notes his struggle and pulls the gun a little closer. Carrot and the stick. “Have a drink, Vlad. It is over. God is good.” “I am a Communist!” “A Communist who, having made a deal with the devil, knows the supernatural is real. And you object to the mention of God?” The Chairman waives dismissively. “An objection not worthy of discussion.” “We can do this the hard way, or the easy way, Vlad—your call.” The Chairman pours Vlad a half ounce of vodka and a mineral water in separate glasses, then does the same for himself. The vodka is quickly downed in the traditional way, a single gulp followed by mineral water. All glasses are then replenished. “In two years your heroic work for the state will be finished, Vlad. You will be congratulated and quietly retire—at half pension, of course. Your personal gift to Mother Russia. If looks could kill. “I’m trying to save your life here, Vlad. Don’t screw it up. “Here is your decision to withdraw the tanks, for which you will be loudly acclaimed in the news. It needs only your signature. Take your time to consider.” The Chairman’s hand moves to the Makarov. “I will wait.” Nekrutenko pushes the decanters over for Vlad’s use. It is their decision-making ritual. Vlad will brood and study for twenty minutes, pour two vodkas and then push the decanters back towards Nekrutenko. He will repeat the procedure. It serves the same function as tobacco for Sherlock Holmes. Many cycles of this silent ritual will ensue, as each man intellectually jockeys to discern which of the two possesses the political advantage. The political chess match is interrupted briefly by a cold lunch brought in. *** Directed by temporary CIA headquarters in Miami, Rachel has found a way to call the Israeli command post on a secure line. “Yes, Mr. Vice President, the tanks are being recalled. The traitor is in hand, and the problem identified: a compromised satellite feed.” “I’ll tell the President. He’ll be ecstatic. Monty! . . . “Still there Rachel? The President says to buy the Chairman something, anything. Put Monty’s name on it. You know him as well as anyone. Something nice. Tell him I’ll be over as soon as I can, less than a week. We need a handshake and an eye to eye to close this out.” “Yes sir, Mr. Vice President. You’ll have an encrypted report from the station chief in your email in ten minutes, signed copy in dispatch for tonight’s flight out.” “Job well done, Rachel. I’ll see you in a few. May God bless and keep you.” The Vice President hangs up. In Moscow, Rachel Taylor does the same, and pauses a moment to think about the Chairman’s gift. Where can I find something in Russia that the President cannot get for himself? *** One hour (many vodkas) and twenty minutes later Boriskiev is still silently doing an inventory of his allies: Federation Council, State Duma, Army, KGB . . . it would be close. He must delay in any case until the heat is off. A surprise move, however . . . The intercom buzzes—from the outer office the young receptionist’s crisply articulated voice follows. “Ms. Taylor has sent over a gift for you, Mr. Chairman. Compliments of the U.S. Ambassador, and the President!” The Chairman smiles broadly. “It is too much. Open it please,” he instructs. “I am a child about such things.” “Oh, Mr. Chairman. It is beautiful! But . . . it’s a gun!” The security chief has come back into the outer office. He examines the gift and enthusiastically reports over the intercom. “A scandium frame Smith & Wesson ultra-light snub-nosed revolver, the new caliber: .327 magnum. There is a walnut presentation case and a choice of belt clip or shoulder holster. Both in nice soft leather. It smells so new! This must have arrived on the last plane. Very nice, Comrade Chairman! Two boxes of cartridges are included. Taylor knows you like to practice, as we know that she does.” The receptionist adds, “The note reads, ‘The President hopes you are pleased.’ ” “Full of surprises, Ms. Taylor, and very generous. This was probably intended as replacement for her service weapon. Prepare a formal thank you letter to President Lewis for my signature. “Sergei, take a moment to read from her file, please.” The security chief steps around the corner, slides open a drawer, retrieves a file, then returns on the jog. He lays the folder open on the receptionist’s desk and speaks into the intercom. “Born to an honorable military family of no special distinction. Princeton undergraduate: political science/criminal justice. Joined the FBI. Quickly moved to the Secret Service upon request of the President after defending him in a firefight at a campaign rally in Houston. Took out two Mafia pros with as many bullets . . . a dead shot. Finished her Master’s Degree in International Studies at the University of Maryland. Tapped for intern/assistant to the National Security Advisor—three-year tour. Then moved to the State Department. Turkey, Iraq, back to Washington, and now Moscow. Assumed to be a field service officer with occasional clandestine foreign intelligence gathering duties, though she hasn’t been caught at it…yet. Nothing derogatory. Comments from our foreign relations officers say she’s as much a friend to Russia as one in her position can be and remain fully loyal to her own country. “That’s it?” “Yes, Comrade Chairman. She did say on the phone that the President almost died in Israel because of this fiasco. The Secret Service is not pleased—an event not easily forgotten. They are wondering who is responsible.” This last is emphasized for the benefit of Boriskiev. “Quite a lady, and a most beautiful gift.” “Please bring it in.” The Chairman takes a moment to thoughtfully load the revolver. It is enough. Boriskiev signs. I have pissed off the entire world. “My considered position has changed, Comrade Chairman. We should withdraw the tanks. Too easily misunderstood in the current situation.” “You are a wise shepherd of the people, Vlad. Cigar?” “Thank you, My Chairman!” Vlad exchanges the signed document for the smoke with a docile smile. All is proceeding according to plan. The Chairman decides to risk a small bluff. It may save time and . . . well, trouble. “Tell me the rest, Vlad. We know of the reprocessor at U.S. satellite station in Australia. Other stations are being checked. But what of the larger strategy . . . the primary aim and purpose?” This is merely a guess, of course. But obtaining Boriskiev’s confirmation now will expedite his report to U.S. intelligence. They are anxious to dispel any further fears in the American public. “You will find a second reprocessor in Greenland.” Ah-hah. The Chairman gives no outward sign, allowing Boriskiev to continue uninterrupted. “The other stations were not to be tasked for these pictures. There were collaborators on both sides. It was all worked out. The aim was the total destruction of military defenses in Europe and Israel, after which both would be assimilated, along with the entire Middle East into a new Soviet Union. The Soviet Union would be restored, but much greater than before. Iran, a willing ally, would later become a satellite, and so with Syria—while remaining fully independent Muslim theocracies in all but name. “The Russian Air Force Commander was to be overrun by a demonic attack, as were you, Alexandrov, and others. Your faith prevented it, however. We began to notice that many of the key pieces were not falling into place as the demon had promised. None of this was expected. The demon had assured us the Air Force Commander would direct his planes to lie in wait for the Israelis. When their preemptive strike on Russia came, he would annihilate them with a 20 to 1 advantage—a massive trap. The fictitious tanks would intimidate the now crippled IDF into surrender. Israel would be ours. With the world’s fourth most powerful military out of action, the region would soon quail under further threat, and we would dominate the world’s oil supply. From there we would simply grow stronger. “Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia would be intimidated into cooperation by what they believed to be an unstoppable armored force. In due time they would be taken over from the inside. Our victory only presupposed that the courage and faith of Israel, U.S., and allied leadership, and later that of your own staff, would fail. It did not. “After the Israeli dogfight, our planes were to refuel, then standby to launch an all-out air offensive against Europe with no warning. We would first watch for U.S. aircraft reinforcements to be committed to Israel. Once they had arrived, out of fuel, our planes would over-fly them at high altitude and proceed directly to Europe whence they could not immediately follow. All Western Air Force bases in Europe would be destroyed. NATO ground forces would then be systematically obliterated from the air. Against this there would be no NATO air defense remaining. “With the U.S. having committed every plane they could spare from the defense of the United States to Israel, we would have them flatfooted. They could make no further move. Their deployable planes would be forced to land in an Israel or Turkey that would soon surrender. They could neither refuel nor rearm. Their forward bases would no longer be available.” “That’s what the supernatural dog told you.” “Yes, Comrade Chairman.” Vlad takes a large gulp of vodka. “I was not posing a question, Comrade retiree. I was making a statement. I mean that, while that was what the dog told you, what he told the Archbishop under compulsion of the power and authority of Christ was far different. He said you were all patsies. It was all a ruse to cause the destruction of the planet, to destroy families, to torture children, and abolish the Church. “Israeli planes were presumed to be successful in their first strike, not massacred at all. Americans were expected to follow with further successful strikes into the heartland of Russia. And then you, who were under the evil influence and therefore defenseless against demonic possession, were to push for a massive nuclear retaliation that would ensure worldwide holocaust. There was never to be a new and glorious Soviet Union with Boriskiev at the helm, Comrade, only planet-wide destruction. As the Americans say, you were being taken for a glide.” “Dear God.” “I will now deliver your order of tank withdrawal to the Army Chief of Staff, and alert the CIA to the satellite deception.” The scandium snubnose is in Nekrutenko’s hand now. He cocks it. “As a reward for service to the state . . . ”—Anton has to stop to consider for a moment what possible use this man can now be—“you are given sabbatical to write a book on the history of our glorious republic.” The Chairman sights down the barrel, picking out a spot on the ceiling. He then slowly brings the gun around, passing directly above Vladimir’s head. “This will be done at home and you will be quite busy with it. Understood?” “Understood, Comrade Chairman! I will make it first-rate exposition.” “Dismissed.” *** “It is a gorgeous bonfire, General. Buckets of beer on ice, fresh Salmon on the grill. I could be home in Minnesota. It is fish, isn’t it, Alex? I wouldn’t eat a real wolf,” Rachel laughs. Alex laughs with her. “The Taimen salmon is called the ‘river wolf.’ This is because it consumes meat at about the same rate as Canis lupus. It takes ducks whole from the surface of the lake. As big as a man is this one we are eating,” he pauses to convert from kilograms, “over 150 pounds. “I’m glad you are having fun, Ms. Taylor. May I bring you a shish kabob? The Chairman’s chef will not forgive us if we do not try it. He is deservedly famous for this. Each time it is different. Tonight the famous Japanese beef: Kobe steak. Flown in especially for the Chairman. Marinated in red wine and teriyaki sauce, sautéed on a sizzling grill with red and green peppers, small red potatoes, fresh onions. The aroma alone is dazzling.” “Please.” She watches the airborne commander make his way up the beach to the main tent, his athletic profile accented by the larger bonfire there. This will never work . . . our security access. I can’t bring my secrets here and he can’t take his secrets there. But for the moment we are . . . friends. I have another year on station here and . . . this is nice. She smiles. Perhaps I’m not an idiot after all. Alexandrov comes running back, long sticks of gourmet cuisine in each hand. “Here you are, Ms. Taylor.” “Rachel, please. The Chairman was explicit: all is to be very informal.” She takes the shish kabob, and then Alex’s arm with such grace that he cannot object. She immediately ignores the fact that she has done it. “Oh, this smells wonderful.” Her emotions begin to well but she presses them down again with a ferocious act of will. And, then again, perhaps I am an idiot. “Rachel . . . ” He pauses a moment to enjoy the sound of her name, and the pressure of her grasp on his arm. “Enjoy your food, but please, accompany me back: special guests. You will want to see them.” After a few moments of companionable eating, they walk barefoot in the sand along the point back to the main tent. They don’t have long to wait. A moment of suspense, and then President/Chairman Nekrutenko appears to much applause. He is casually fashioned in khakis, sweater, windbreaker and boat shoes. Nekrutenko’s left hand comes up. He has an announcement. “It has been a perfect day, and my joy at this moment is complete. We have surprise guests, just arrived from Israel. May I present to you . . . the President of the United States, Monty Lewis, his beautiful and charming wife, Anna, and the new Prime Minister-elect of Israel, Danny Yosef. “Welcome to the beach party, Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, Madam First Lady!” “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. You are a gracious host, and a good friend.” President Lewis responds. The U.S. First Lady, snuggled comfortably in several layers of rich fall tweeds, does a charming bow-curtsey. Yosef leans his powerful frame over in brown leather bomber jacket and white woolen scarf to vigorously shake the Chairman’s hand. Monty puts one arm around Nekrutenko, who returns the gesture. The other goes around his wife. She likewise embraces her cousin, now the Prime Minister of Israel, but to her, and to him, still the young friend of her childhood. For them, neither time nor high society will have any effect on family and friendship. Nekrutenko’s Misca snuggles under his arm as well. All wave to the assembled guests, a typically informal beginning to one of Nekrutenko’s luaus. The dignitaries then disentangle to address the assembled guests. Anton nods to Monty to speak first. “There will be no speech tonight, no formalities, just a cordial visit with our friends in Moscow. Everyone is exhausted. The planet is exhausted. Please . . . relax and continue your wonderful meal. Mr. Prime Minister?” “May God bless all here,” Yosef exclaims. “Do not let us intrude upon your fun. Please . . . return to your meals. I look forward to meeting you all.” This is not rhetorical flattery; Yosef still has the energy to make the rounds. Big Dan does not view people as crowds, electorates, voting blocks, etc., but as individuals worthy of his respect and personal friendship. This is why he was elected. Israelis forgot their internal political divisions and simply voted for their friend. The President takes a shish kabob from Nekrutenko after one is first offered to Anna. “Thank you, Comrade Chairman.” Famished to the point of weakness after the flight and a long day of meetings, Monty finds the tantalizing aroma of Kobe steak in wine sauce overwhelming. His appetite and strength are fast returning with the success of antibiotic therapy. Gulf War Illness was confirmed, but the Doxycycline is doing its job. He has discovered that a strong diet, meats, eggs, cheese and salad, have a noticeable effect on this accursed infection. The brazed onions, peppers, beef and potatoes rotate in the air for a moment as Monty circles the stick near his nose—then quickly disappear. Anton immediately presses him with a second. At this rate I’ll be back to full strength in eighteen months. Thank you Professor Garth Nicolson for finding the cause of Gulf War Illness! We should have listened.47 Archbishop Spiridonov hikes over quietly to introduce himself, but President Nekrutenko sees him coming. “My archbishop approaches, Victor Spiridonov. I’m going to be Russian Orthodox soon, you know.” The Chairman smiles broadly. “Mr. President, the Archbishop of St. Petersburg, Victor Spiridonov. Archbishop, meet President Monty Lewis.” “Your Eminence. A pleasure to meet you.” “I am most pleased to meet you, Mr. President. How is your health?” “Improving. I picked up the Gulf War Illness germ somewhere along the road, I’m afraid. Antibiotics are working well, however. I will be OK soon.” “Along the road! If you knew it was a germ, why did you pick it up! This is terrible,” Nekrutenko exclaims. “A figure of speech, Mr. Chairman. I apparently got the germ from a contaminated medical vaccine.” “Contaminated vaccines, yes. This I understand. We have same thing here. It has only just been discovered. Mycoplasma something or other. A new germ, probably made in laboratory.” “Yes, Mr. Chairman. Mycoplasma fermentans incognitas. The whole thing begins to look like a cover-up. We are going to investigate all over again. Why did the government give no credibility to Professor Nicolson when he informed the Congress and the President’s Commission of this germ following the Gulf War in 1991? Nicolson is a top-ranked microbiologist. At the time he made his findings and presented them to the government he held a prestigious cancer research chair at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and had already been nominated for a Nobel Prize. He swore by his research, and it filled all the scientific squares. Veterans were recovering under his treatment protocol, and no one else’s. Yet no one listened.” “The way the U.S. experimented upon human beings and treated its Vietnam and Gulf War veterans is a scandal, Mr. President. But I know you do not do this,” Nekrutenko offers as a fatherly lecture. “Professor Nicolson and his wife put the entire story in their novel, Project Day Lily. Day Lily revealed the whole thing: compromised biowarfare defense researchers and politically-cowed VA and military medical officers. The truth that the veterans were suffering from an infection by a new biowarfare germ was covered up. KGB has ten of the first copies sold. And now you have this accursed plague yourself!” “I do not do such things, you are right, Mr. Chairman. Granted I missed the boat when Project Day Lilly came out. I was in the CIA at the time. I just believed the company line—nothing too it. I personally dismissed Day Lily because it was fiction. It never occurred to me that a novel was the perfect way to get the information out without putting peoples’ lives in danger by naming names, and useful to avoid law suits. “I doubt no more, however. I am instructing the VA and all military hospitals to make Doxycycline treatment available on a trial basis for any veteran who presents a symptom profile similar to Gulf War Illness. Twoyear trials. If they improve, they stay on the treatment just like anyone else who tries empiric antibiotic treatment for ailments in the civilian sector. If it works, it works. “It is too late to fix the problem fully. Much of the damage is done; but I’ll do what I can. The whole thing was a travesty. Our Army held a patent on the germ the entire time and when Nicolson raised his concerns DOD pretended they had never heard of it.” “Your Vietnam veterans were similarly dishonored, Mr. President,” the Chairman reminds, holding up a stern index finger. “They too were denied treatment: Agent Orange poisoning. Once again your medical community asked the suffering veterans to prove their own illness, accusing them of psychological problems. “Shame and dishonor to your government for insulting your heroes . . . shame and dishonor. I would assign such doctors to infantry. They would never again leave the front lines. All their ailments would be documented as psychological. Cold, flu, broken leg . . . psychological. They would have one eternal choice: rifle and foxhole, or Prozac and straightjacket. This would be justice! “We here in Russia, we knew what was causing the Agent Orange health problems. Dioxin and other toxics from herbicides, especially after burning by napalm bombing. Burning a herbicide or pesticide makes it more deadly. By following herbicide treatment with napalm burning they created the rough equivalent of a chemical warfare nerve agent in place on the battlefield. This is same as a binary weapon that becomes deadly only when the ingredients are mixed. We follow such things. We assume it was unintentional, but who knows. Public domain research would not reveal the effects of burning on these chemicals for another 25 years, but . . . there was a war on, and classified military research does tend to stay somewhat ahead of the public domain. “Then there were the 400 black sharecroppers in Alabama that the United States Public Health Service used as human guinea pigs for syphilis research without their knowledge. Shame and dishonor to your government to treat these honorable men so. They were denied treatment for known illnesses and allowed to slowly die while being tested periodically along the way to accumulate data on the course of the disease. It is sad. “Historically, Russian hands are not clean, of course. Stalin did worse in the gulags, as did Hitler. We must grow beyond such things, Mr. President. The dignity and honor of the individual person must be preserved, without that, nothing we do has meaning.” “We must, and we will. Let’s drink to it: to a better world.” President Lewis scans the area. “Do you have a cold beer around here someplace, Anton?” The President continues looking. Such a glorious feast, but incomplete without an ice cold Bud to wash it down. “Perhaps, Monty, perhaps. American beer is hard to find in Russia. Nonetheless, for you, I will try.” “Make that two,” Anna says politely, gesturing with her fingers. “Four” her thirsty muscle-bound cousin adds with what seems to be mistaken addition. Nekrutenko does his math in similar fashion. He’ll bring four . . . if he can find them, plus a few spares. He enjoys a cold American beer now and then, himself, though he doesn’t drink them in public from a sense of patriotism. “Ms. Taylor!” the Chairman shouts at a passing couple. “Where have they put the beer. Your President is thirsty?” “Just beyond the point to the right, Mr. Chairman. It’s a beautiful stroll in the sand. I can show you.” “Such a lovely evening; let’s all go,” the Chairman encourages. “Then some of us will have strong coffee and fish until morning. Fishing is optional, but all are invited. We will be children again. It renews the soul.” As they walk Anna’s womanly instincts alarm on something. She intuitively takes Rachel’s arm, then the Chairman’s, whispering into his fatherly lean in her direction. “Sign me up for fishing, Anton. But first, Rachel and I have some catching up to do.” Then loudly “And she’s going to tell me all about that gorgeous man clinging to her arm.” And so she does. The men and women are now compelled to separate by the universally recognized protocols of feminine gossip. There would be more humor if the men stayed, but the ladies wouldn’t make nearly so much progress. The three most beautiful women in the world, Alexandrov reflects. Anna Ben-Manashe Lewis, Aunt Misca, as everyone calls her, affectionately contracting Misteria Katerina, and . . . Rachel. What an evening. With a double snap and a respectful nod he acknowledges Anna’s compliment, “Madam, First Lady.” “Here,” Nekrutenko presses more shish kabobs into the men’s hands as they pass the buffet table. He knows that healthy males can consume such delicacies at great length without harm—meat and vegetables, no sugar. For himself, he takes the same, adding a thermos of coffee. The Chairman points to rows of twin thermoses near the end. “Monty and Big Dan, you better take one of these if you are going to fish.” They do. The Chairman calls his friends close to the fire with a wave as the evening chill descends upon the rugged wooden benches surrounding the bonfire. Nekrutenko has not overdeveloped the area, preferring the power and beauty of nature to the comforts of civilization. The elemental force of a brisk evening on the giant and pristine—one is tempted to say prehistoric—Lake Baikal is unmatched anywhere in the world, except perhaps in undeveloped Alaska. “Monty, you don’t know how good it is to see that you are well.” “Thank you, Anton. The doctors say it was close for a moment or two. This man here, the big general from Israel, saved my life . . . with a prayer.” “This one I know, from battle summaries and intelligence reports: Big Dan Yosef. And of course . . . prayer always saves lives.” The Chairman comically mimes intensively flipping through a sheaf of paperwork. “Yosef . . . Yosef . . . Yosef . . . and Yosef. All bad news for militant Arabs, these pages. I do not feel a stranger to him. His only flaw is having been born in the wrong country.” Everyone laughs as Anton reaches across to shake Yosef’s strong hand in honest friendship and gratitude for helping Monty to survive. “Thank you for healing our President. And remember, Danny Yosef, the Arabs are Russia’s friends and allies, yes. But you are not our enemy, Prime Minister. I was telling Ken Wiles. Your differences with the Arabs are not ours. “Understood, Mr. Chairman. Someday we will all come to see that we serve the same God, and that world peace serves all our children’s future the same.” “Let us pray for that,” Anton says. “Where two or more are gathered. Is that right, my Archbishop?” “Perfectly right, My Chairman!” “Will you lead us, Victor?” “Our Father, who art in heaven . . . ” All follow along, and, with the Chairman. pause with heads bowed for a moment of respect after completing the prayer. “I would like to propose a toast,” the Archbishop quietly announces. “A toast!” Alexandrov echoes more loudly to get full participation. He raises his cup, a cup that began as honest coffee but was soon adulterated with a healthy splash of bourbon from a flask President Lewis brought along for the chill. “Ken Wiles sends his regards, General Alexandrov. And I offer mine. Thanks for looking after our Chairman here, for keeping him safe during the tough moments over the past few years.” “You do me great honor, President Lewis. But it is no burden to serve a real leader like our beloved Chairman,” Alexandrov responds, getting an extra firm handshake from Monty and a slap on the shoulder. Alex has never been happier in his life. The President’s bourbon is delicious, though fully unneeded. Alexandrov has gotten well ahead of the chill trying to keep up with Ms. Taylor, known to be a ‘party animal’ in the more dignified official sense of the term. Alex can handle it. He still runs the obstacle course, combat competitions with small arms, equestrian—even a little playful wrestling with the Olympic team. Alex tends to show up in Monty’s briefings much as Yosef appears in Nekrutenko’s. What alcohol his 210 pounds of solid muscle will not quickly burn through physical activity his active mind will quickly consume. The Chairman stands and raises his cup next to his Archbishop’s. Anton’s cup has received a similar splash from President Lewis, “just for good measure.” Following protocol, all present stand with their host. Arms extend as high as they can reach following Spiridonov’s dramatic gesture towards heaven. Gazes are directed skyward. “To the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!” Spiridonov booms. “To the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!” echoes from the crowd. The Chairman motions to be seated. “What an evening!” the President remarks, examining a magnificent starry Irkutsk sky. The late evening Lake Baikal euphoria is beginning to spread. Nekrutenko nods agreement. “It is glorious here. I would not go back to Moscow if I had a choice. “Can you believe it, Monty? One day the world is coming to an end, and the next we are sitting around the bonfire on a perfect evening right out of Eden itself in absolute peace. Humanity has lost its mind.” The Chairman reports this to the stars and no one in particular. He shakes his head. Then he tells them the story revealed by Boriskiev. “The work of the devil,” Yosef remarks after a full hearing. “So my archbishop has been telling me, Mr. Prime Minister. “Victor, how did it go down there, with the exorcism of that foul dog from hell?” “It is gone, Anton. Let us speak of the darkness no further, but remain in the light of Christ. It is gone. One came back, only one. You can easily guess which. But for now, the battle is over . . . for now. And for now I am exhausted; my priests are exhausted. But God is good. “I do not have your silver flask, I’m afraid, Anton. It was expended in the line of duty. An old sickly grandfather needed strength. He was an excellent host while I fought the evil one. His son gave his life for us in Afghanistan, my Chairman. If you will tell me the flask’s value I will soon replace it.” “Give it no thought, Nikolay, friend of my youth, no thought. I have several,” the President/Chairman assures. “For what you have done, Nikolay, I will give you a replacement, and a medal. “Alex, check to make sure the old man’s son gets a patriotic marker of first quality.” “Consider it done, my Chairman.” “God is indeed good,” the Archbishop exclaims. “It is right to give him thanks and praise,” Anton intones. “Look! We thank God and he immediately gives us a wonderful gift. The beautiful ladies are returning to brighten our night!” The men adjust their positions to make room. Anna whispers not very quietly into Monty’s ear, “I think Rachel is going to request an extension of her tour in Moscow. She has an insoluble problem, it seems: love at first sight. A marriage that can never be—security restrictions.” “Alexandrov?” “Ye-e-es! Isn’t he the most wonderful . . . I mean Ye-e-es!” “I see. I’ll put in a word for Rachel at the State Department to request another tour. It may take a few more decades, but the U.S. and Russia are moving steadily towards full ally status. The world may take a while to adjust, but so be it.” The President speaks this in normal tones, perhaps due to the chill in the air, the bourbon, or perhaps the GWI has caused him a slip—or perhaps he has chosen to do the wrong thing for the right reason. We will never know. Whatever the motive, Nekrutenko takes it as a non-private discussion. “You are extending, Rachel! This is wonderful!” In Russia a word by the President equals a command. Anton assumes it’s a done deal. Alexandrov beams with delight. President Lewis! Is he not the most wonderful man? All are smiling. Then it happens. The Chairman chills the beans: “But why can’t you be married? Not under law, I mean. That is impossible. I would have to put you both in jail. But married secretly under the authority of the Church?” “Victor? How about it? No records. No nothing. You take a walk. The lovebirds take a walk. One witness (who can be trusted to keep his mouth shut) takes a walk. So . . . a handful of good people all happen to meet at the dock. So what. One says ‘How about a boat ride?’ another ‘It would be fun,’ and then ‘Let’s all go,’ ‘There’s plenty of room,’ and so on— perfectly natural. The boat goes out. The priest mumbles a few words. A kiss is not a crime, even here in Russia—not anymore.” Misca underscores his point by leaning over to kiss her husband floridly on the cheek. He takes a moment to dramatically recover, then continues his suggestion. “No one hears, no one knows. They come back. Everyone is smiling. The priest has another drink with his Chairman and the entire episode is happily forgotten. It slips from living memory before anyone can think to fill out the appropriate marriage forms. There is no record of it. In Russia, if there is no record, it never happened. “What has changed? The couple occasionally shows up in a hotel together. So, what? God knows they are married; they know they are married. He tells KGB she is a potential intelligence source; she tells U.S. State Department the same about him. Career bureaucrats on both sides congratulate each other on the intelligence coup of the century. Promotions occur all around, yet absolutely nothing has changed. This is normal in spy business, is it not, Monty? Big Dan?” “The phenomenon is not unknown in my experience,” Monty replies. “Have you guys read Robert Littell’s novel, The Defection of A. J. Lewinter?” Big Dan, bent over with uncontrollable mirth by the Chairman’s humor, just laughs and nods, waving off further comment. “Ah, but Monty, in Lewinter’s case something did change. He brought over real U.S. nuclear missile trajectories, though precisely the same thing would have occurred had those trajectories been false. All the players in the novel, Diamond, Lewinter, Pogodin, Avksentiev, etc., acted based upon what would get them promoted, not truth or patriotism. Had the trajectories been false, exactly the same thing would have been done for the same reason, promotion, but the reverse effect would have been achieved in U.S. and Soviet defense postures. “Robert Littell is one of my favorite authors: The Company, Walking Back the Cat, and so on. The former British spy chief, Stella Rimington is also good; Len Deighton, Charles McCarry…. The Chairman, an avid reader, waives his hands around to indicated the large world of literature waiting to be explored. “One can learn from fiction as well as nonfiction.” As usual, the Chairman has his audience in the palm of his hand. He enjoys the moment, but there is something important that needs to be done. “Well, listen to me, a senile old man. What have I been saying! Having a romantic daydream in the middle of the night. It might work, a secret marriage, but only in Walt Disney movie. It would all be terribly illegal, of course. For any of us to know of such a thing and not report it, well, we must dismiss the thought. How do you Americans say? I was merely having a brain tart?” “Terribly illegal,” Yosef agrees. “Besides, it’s commonly known that the Israelis are the only ones who can keep their mouths shut.” Big Dan leans back smugly congratulating himself on not having missed an opportunity to rib his colleagues. “Seriously, though, it is a beautiful thought, Mr. Chairman,” Yosef continues, “in theory, mind, in theory. If you can believe it, I myself was once accused of breaking the rules for the right reason. Now it’s Nekrutenko’s turn to chuckle. Yosef continues. “The ultimate purpose of rules, of course, is to facilitate the achievement of what is good, not to prevent it. Locke, Hobbes, Marx, Rousseau—all the great political thinkers agree on this. It is the foundation of law and government itself.” Yosef stands to stretch his limbs. The Russian President grins as he watches Big Dan rise, Yosef’s brute strength making it seem as though he has lifted aside a tree laid across his back. “Alas, my old wounds begin to ache in the evening chill, Mr. Chairman. Not as young as I once was, I’m afraid. I think I’ll stroll around your beautiful beach, if you will permit me. I must loosen up the joints a bit. “Lake Baikal! What a glorious night for a stroll.” “Mind if I tag along?” the archbishop inquires. “My joints are certifiably as old as yours.” “Not at all. Men of the cloth are always welcome.” As they pass the lovebirds the archbishop moves his hand close to his body, turns his back to the crowd, and emphatically motions toward the dock. After a suitable moment, Alexandrov gets up and stretches. Rachel takes his arm. “Let’s stroll along the beach before the fishing starts, shall we?” the Russian special forces officer requests gallantly with the usual formal bow. “We shall.” Anton immediately checks his watch. “The fish are biting now, Alex. Why don’t you take Ms. Taylor out to the prime spot near the cove. But promise to leave a few for the rest of us. I will go out again tomorrow with my lovely wife, Misca, here. If she catches nothing, the staff meetings will not be pleasant.” Misca laughs out loud, falling against her husband, head nuzzled against his neck. Alexandrov snaps twice. “A small catch, my Chairman.” The Chairman laughs too, relishing these moments with his favorite nephew and good friends. He pulls Misca close. Their arms having been entwined from the moment she sat down. He whispers something and she stands to leave. “Enjoy your stroll, my friends.” Nekrutenko stands to address the larger group. “If you good people will excuse us, Monty and I have a few items of business to go over.” He waves the bodyguards back a few yards. Lewis does the same. They lean in close for a private exchange on selected international issues. The others wander off toward the shore. Anna takes Mrs. Nekrutenko’s arm. They stroll over to check for cocoa and pastries. Anton’s wife, Misca, is a strong beauty in her own right, descended from Polish royalty, and still in prime health. She will nonetheless soon return to the nearest village by limo for the comforts of home. Misca likes regularity, maintaining a strict schedule and health regimen. Her perfect figure and skin show the results. At forty-three she easily passes for late twenties. Anton of course is much older. Nonetheless, he will fish all night with the men, philosophize over a few drinks, and enjoy snacks and steaming coffee. Night fishing is a far different experience than lolling along the bank in the midday sun. A powerful nighttime strike evokes excitement anywhere, but the size of the game fish here. . .well, they could not attempt such a thing in safety minus the aid of an array of floodlights, and a well-trained captain and crew. The evening’s catch will not be wasted. When “Aunt Misca” returns tomorrow, her secret sauce, the herbs, the spices, the white wine sauce, the hickory fire will all blend to produce an aroma to die for. Accompanied by scrambled eggs and croissants it will be the perfect outdoor brunch. Then the men will nap until evening, get up and do the whole thing over before returning to pressing duties for their respective governments. Misca’s attendants will accomplish most of the work, unavoidable for such a big gathering. But Misca, herself a most excellent chef, likes to add a personal touch. She will closely supervise. There will be no hint of a 20year-old beauty queen if her instructions are not followed. Friends are still family to the Russian people, as they once were in Western society. She will give them her best as hostess, demanding strict compliance from staff. An hour later, the conference adjourns and it is time to fish. At the dock the heads of state blissfully leave their high positions aside. Those will keep well enough on the bank here until they return. “Prepare to board!” Anton instructs. Thermoses and snack baskets are handed over, then the men step across to the deck of a small tug-like lake cruiser. They notice a motor launch gliding in through the light fog. “Look my chairman! Breakfast!” The archbishop holds up a large lake trout, a lenok, similar to the American brown. Yosef has an even bigger one—real prizes—both pushing forty inches. “Gifts for Mrs. Nekrutenko, whose recipes are known and relished around the world,” the Israeli PM reports. “Thank you, my friends. And you Comrade General? Ms. Taylor?” “We didn’t fish, my Chairman. We just enjoyed the ride.” The crew transfers the fish into a set of large live box holding containers built into the dock. They lower a ladder for the men, who come aboard. Rachel steps ashore and waves excitedly to the ladies. Misca barely beats the American First Lady in a race to the shoreline. The ladies will fish together from the dock for a bit, but first there is much to discuss. The priority now is to hug the new bride. After many tears of congratulation, Rachel recovers sufficiently to thank the Chairman without being specific. Shouting across to the boat, she raises her volume to reach above the engines. “Thank you, Chairman Nekrutenko, for such a lovely evening, and…for everything. An evening I will never forget! “And such a peaceful lake. I would like to come back sometime!” “You are welcome, my daughter.” Nekrutenko shouts back. “Of course you will come back. Return as often as you wish. This area is restricted, completely private. The general has an Aeroflot pass. Call him when you wish to enjoy the lake. I order him to comply. When the general’s duties bring him to Irkutsk, he will call at the embassy. “The new beach house will be up soon. Right Alex?” “Beach house? Comrade Chairman?” Anton leans over to whisper, “I haven’t built it yet—your wedding gift. Congratulations, my nephew. Just play along.” “Yes, Comrade Chairman. Quite soon. It will be . . . ” He whispers a quick aside to his uncle “Is it nice?” “Dah!” “It will be nice!” Alex shouts to his new bride. “Very nice,” Anton adds, cherishing the opportunity to do something for two of his favorite people, and under such glorious circumstances as holy matrimony. “It will be very nice.” Anna places a hand on Rachel’s arm. “They have done their part. Now see that you and Alex do yours. Mum’s the word.” “I’m so very grateful . . . I . . . .” Rachel buries her head in the First Lady’s shoulder. “Sometimes the good prevails, Rachel, even in this world.” Anna strokes her hair, giving Rachel a vigorous hug and peck on the cheek before releasing her. “Don’t forget to report any ‘foreign contacts,’ ” Anna jokes, bobbing an eyebrow up and down in risqué suggestion. Rachel laughs, blushing. “You are a good man, Anton. I don’t care what they say about you in the press,” President Lewis remarks, placing a hand on the Chairman’s burly shoulder as they turn to get the fishing underway. Anton steps up to the wheelhouse to rev the engines a few times himself. He likes to listen to the powerful motors. He then transfers control to his fishing skipper. After a further moment to warm the motors and check the gauges, the mate casts off. They begin a gentle troll towards the cove. The best fishing lies two miles ahead on the right. The jutting point corresponds to the bay opposite. A single beacon marks its furthest extension into the water. Fishing lines are soon out, trolling rigs set for deep water. Lewis takes a breath and relaxes. To be at peace with God and nature—just once. “If Thoreau had built here, he would never have gone back to town.” “Dah! When I retire, I may not go back to town either, or even to shore. I have a houseboat in preparation.” “Excellent!” resounds across the deck in a broken chorus from a half dozen men. Anton locks his pole into a rail mount and steps over, clipping and lighting up his favorite Churchill cigar. He offers the cigar case down the deck to his other guests. Alex grabs enough for all the men, distributes and graciously lights them, then returns to monitor his line. ““There are truly magnificent sturgeon here, Monty. A bony prehistoric relic, a brute, yes, but it fights like no other fish alive. You know of it of course. They supply our best caviar. “The fishing is very good here, Monty, very good. Taimen salmon here go over 150 pounds! Delicious grilled, as you saw tonight. The sturgeon, though . . . extraordinary! A class unto themselves. All the world records now come from the rivers and lakes of Siberia. Lake Baikal’s sturgeon may exceed 3,000 pounds! A ton and a half, Monty! Super heavy tackle . . . tomorrow . . . you will see. After Lake Baikal, nothing in Texas will look big to you again.” “Amazing,” the U.S. President responds, then wanders the railing splashing bourbon in everyone’s coffee. When he comes back, Nekrutenko gathers him under an arm. “A private word, please, President Lewis. Something personal. “Monty, listen to me. I must tell you something. Do not be alarmed. I had a dream, a vision. God is good. It’s about your friend, Walt . . . lost in the tragedy in Washington. Walt is well with God. In the dream Walt said he will be with us in spirit, here at the lake.” “Probably a demonic imposter, Anton. The Church teaches that it is very rare to know of someone’s status after death. It has occasionally occurred, as with St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, but contacting the dead is more the province of the sorcerers of the dark side. Christians must beware of such things.” “Yes, my Archbishop explained this. But Monty, the man is a saint. He has healed people in his local church. The Archbishop checked in Rome. It is being investigated. His cause has been officially opened. Another miracle from heaven and it will be Saint Walt.” “Saint Walt.” Monty leans over the rail staring into the calm waters. “I always knew it. You will never meet a nicer man. God is good, Anton.” “It is right to give him thanks and praise.” Monty makes the rounds again, splashing bourbon. He returns with a question. “What did he say? No message?” “Just a sentimental one, Monty. Nothing prophetic. He said that you two had been planning an excursion to fish for sturgeon for thirty years; he wasn’t about to miss it.” President Lewis laughs, raising his cup. “To absent friends” “ABSENT FRIENDS!” is robustly returned from guests and crew. Next, and fully unexpected, Saint Walt blesses them with a visitation. Monty smiles. He bows his head and pinches the bridge of his nose to stifle the tears, as the others offer prayer. Walt leaves them with the understanding that they are to give thanks to God for the gift of life and for renewed peace on the earth. He also asks them a favor, to work tirelessly to fight global warming. After a suitable moment the Chairman breaks the silence. “What a blessing! Thanks be to God!” Nekrutenko exclaims. “Thanks be to God,” the U.S. President echoes. “Monty, giving due honor to our guest from heaven, we will not risk a battle with the record breaking sturgeon in the dark, I am an old fool, but not suicidal. At first light tomorrow, however, we shall have him. “By the way, Monty I know all about your Walt Books. I looked him up in KGB files. Your partner in Germany, yes? The uranium threat.” “Exactly. So, you kept tabs on Walt too? Walt was truly a good man, Anton. A lot of this, the happy ending, we owe to his work and his prayers. “We lost so many good people in the D.C. blast….” “Yes, I know. A tragedy. And Mrs. Wiles among them. All so very sad. “Sergei says Walt dropped off our screen for a time when he left Germany. He was later seen at Wright-Pat, and then at the Pentagon. That probably puts him in new technology. We figured he got out of intel, like you did. Merely chose to do something else. Here in Russia it is not so easy. “I’m sorry you lost a friend. Victor, here, says you never really lose them. God doesn’t allow it. We all meet again.” Nekrutenko looks over at the Israeli PM who nods his concurrence. “When you’re right you’re right, as we just found out in amazing fashion,” Lewis says. “I think it best that I not mention your knowledge of Walt’s activities to our troops at home, Anton. They would just crank up the usual spy-counter-spy apparatus and try to pin down who your operatives were in the area at the time.” “It is wise, though we do not kill agents outside of court these days, Monty. Nonetheless, I have given orders to pull anyone involved with Walt’s files back to Moscow and give them a desk—just in case you two talk in your sleep. He nods at Yosef. “But we have arrived! Here is the cove!” The Chairman waves to the left. “There is deep channel; prime spot for lenok. Watch your reels closely now. “By the way, since we have a moment or two before the action starts, when does Vice President Jackson arrive? He promised a sermon when peace was restored.” “Soon. He was delayed. His family is well, but there are many state funerals, Mr. Chairman, and I am only just beginning to rebuild my strength.” “Yes, of course.” “Josh apologized for the delay, noting that you did your part. “To make up for it, he is bringing a surprise over when he comes. Ken Wiles is tagging along. They want to try the riverboat tour, St. Petersburg to Moscow.” “May heaven be praised!” “Ken said you had a closely guarded secret to tell me, Anton?” At that moment fishing reels begin singing loudly. Even in the 21st Century the thrill of a nighttime strike has to be experienced to be appreciated. “Pick it up Monty! A good one—set the hook!” The Chairman sets his own hook and the battles begin. What fun. Minutes later Yosef hooks a record lenok, then Alex. Much excitement ensues before the night’s catch is safely aboard. For a blessed few hours no trace of stately behavior is detected in anyone, just friends helping friends land trophies—very edible trophies. But they will be preserved on film by the Chairman’s staff photographer, also onboard for the event. All are flushed with fun and exercise, ironically, the most at peace amidst the most intense activity. Had a psychologist hypnotized them at that moment and, speaking directly to their subconscious asked, “Quick give your age in two seconds without thinking!” they would all have said, “Eight,” “Ten,” “Fourteen.” After the first round and change of location, five more beautiful lenoks follow. Breakfast is assured. Given such good fortune, they elect to close early and catch a few hours’ sleep. All are exhausted. But now it is time for the snacks. This recipe isn’t Misca’s; it’s Anton’s. His special Kielbasa and horseradish sandwiches. The skipper wheels the boat around, and they head back to camp. Everyone has fallen into deck chairs near the bow, exhausted, and are gazing at starlight reflecting magically in the peaceful lake. Having given everyone a chance to wash down sausage and bread with hot coffee or champagne, the Chairman thinks it time to return to Monty’s unanswered question. He waves Yosef over to make a trio. “I bit my tongue earlier, Prime Minister Yosef, when you joked about keeping secrets. All in good fun, of course, but Russia can also keep a secret. “President Lewis, Ken Wiles will be taking a surprise back when he returns home: the director and chief planner of the dirty bomb strikes on America. He has told us much already. He stayed safely at home in Munich while the others went to war—a real hero.” “How in creation did you manage that!?” Yosef exclaims. “I caught him—just like these fish. A simple matter of using the right bait. I first let it be known that Russia was interested in providing funds and safe haven for those who humiliated our quote unquote main enemy. That would be you, Monty, if you recall the old Cold War jargon. He bit. I reeled him in. “My nephew, Sergei here, Chief of Security, was key to the operation.” Sergei comes over at the Chairman’s bidding to receive a congratulatory handshake from President Lewis and Big Dan Yosef. He returns to the station next to Alex beaming with pride. Alexandrov smiles broadly and slaps his back. The Chairman continues with his revelation. “When we learned of the tragedy in Washington, of the loss of Katherine and so many others, there was no shortage of volunteers to help. Sergei was the best trained of them all, however, and so I accepted his kind offer. He went undercover, taking plenty of muscle and some brains. The details of that part even you will not know. “They passed out a lot of money and, how do you put it, spoke the droppings from a horse. They played along; they waited. When they were sure they had all the names, when they were certain that no unknowns were left in the system that might later strike them from behind, they simply collected them from their beds one at a time all in the same night. “The anarchists were careless. They should have stayed together in camps, remained on a military footing, like the jihadists do. Then they could at least put up a fight at home, cover each other’s back. But, no, these anarchists too much like the comforts of modern life, the foreign travel, the luxury hotels, fine dining, independent lifestyle, etc. Ironically, these are all benefits unique to the capitalist world they were themselves vowed to destroy. These anarchists won’t try again . . . and they have seen their last luxury hotel for a long, long time. He gave us the entire membership list; they’re all going down, Monty. These lunatics would have been content to sit back and watch our nations completely destroy each other. For that, they will feel the full ire of the Russian bear before we are through with them.” Monty and Big Dan wince with the suggestion that the full hardness of the Russian military/intel apparatus will be poured out on the terrorists, but they did ask for it. “Oh, I didn’t hurt him, much. When Sergei explained our true position, that they would not be dealing with their friend Boriskiev, but with the people they had tried to destroy, he panicked. A tour of Stalin’s graveyard in the basement of old KGB headquarters was sufficient to loosen his tongue. He talked. “Among other revelations, he explained that a Shiite splinter cell, fully unbeknownst to the Iranian President, surreptitiously constructed the tactical nuclear weapon that was dropped in your vicinity in Israel. Two rogue pilots agreed to deliver it. It is the same group that assembled the small, garage-built, makeshift fighter that took a shot at the executive command post near Andrews. Oh, yes, he knew about that too. “The Iranians somehow contrived to hang missile racks on a light plane, reinforced the wings, boosted its power plant, and then gave it to the anarchists. They took pains not to identify themselves by national origin. Sergei, however, presented the anarchist commander with a book of photographs taken of our friends in Iran who do the kind of work you guys used to do. He found two of them easily enough. Definitely Iranian, but acting without official sanction—extremists who merely happened to be close to the government. “Why they chose such an out of the way location to drop a one of a kind resource, no one knows. Cold feet? They must have had second thoughts about lighting up the planet with nuclear war, children and families at home, something. He doesn’t believe anyone knew the President was in the bunker at the time, nor the details of the facility. They saw some sporadic Israeli activity, dumped the weapon so they could say that they rendered pay back, and, as you say in your western movies, got the heck out of Dodge. “Delivering it upon a major city would have obligated an Israeli response. As it is, it is merely tit for tat for Israel taking out the launchers in Iran and Syria, nations, which, after all never fired a shot. “Still, my archbishop here suspects supernatural foul play. It is too much of a coincidence, the President being nearby.” The chairman takes a contemplative moment. He looks out across the bow at his line slowly cutting the water. Everyone else has pulled in for the night but he indulges the addiction in these rare opportunities. He turns to Archbishop Spiridonov. “Will it come back, Victor, the evil?” “I don’t know, my friend and my Chairman. I only know that it won’t win.” EPILOGUE At Wiesbaden Medical Center, Germany, General Yosef and Colonel Shasta (Bishop Bernie) meet the visitors in the lobby in full dress uniform. The general sports a spectacular display of medals. Bishop Bernie has a few of his own, now including the Purple Heart. Spotting the kids they share a knowing look. Yosef reaches into his coat pocket and retrieves two solid gold medals, small-scale versions of the Israeli cross. He places them on the information counter. The visitor group from the United States begins filing in. Bishop Bernie nods to two of the ladies to come over to the counter, which they do. “These are for the little heroes,” Yosef says, holding out the gold medals. “Looks like you are being promoted again, son—but this time it’s to general!” “Hurray!” comes from Julia. Julia always thought of her older brother as a hero. But she is a little disappointed. She did her best too. “You’re being promoted too, pumpkin,” Mom says to Julia. “You are both heroes.” Julia’s mouth falls open in wonderment at the beautiful medal. “Stand up straight and still for a moment.” General Yosef gently places the presentation ribbons around the children’s necks as Bishop Bernie snaps to attention as best he can with the prosthesis. It bears his weight well enough but he hasn’t learned to trust it fully on side-to-side movements. This is great, Jonathan thinks again. Man! General, and a medal to prove it! He can’t wait to play army with his friends when they get home. The two officers pump the little hands back and forth, then everyone in the lobby slaps their backs. Julia smiles, copying her brother’s behavior, and then, embarrassed, runs to her proud mother. Mom picks her up and the group starts down the corridor to find Joe and Clayton’s hospital room. As sunbeams burst through the skylight, the hospital lobby is showered in a glorious cascade of sparkles from the evanescent Breminger evening gowns. Busy doctors and nurses stop to follow the two ephemeral works of art down the hall, one glowing soft yellows and greens, the other orange and yellow pastels. The two elegant creations, both ably worn, glide effortlessly out of sight. “Wow!” the attending nurse, Juma, remarks to the emergency room physician, whose father happens to be a wealthy industrialist. Juma is a darkly beautiful first generation Iraqi immigrant. “Those dresses are from Breminger or I’ll kiss your anesthetic.” “Magnificent! After your outstanding work in there patching up those guys, maybe, just maybe, I’ll talk Dad into rewarding you with one. He and Breminger are just like that, you know,” he says, twisting his fingers behind his back and stretching the truth. It won’t hurt to ask. Breminger’s a vet; maybe he appreciates military doctors and nurses enough to bump us up the waiting list. “Oh?” she says, looking up at the surgeon with both fondness and skepticism while playfully taking his arm. They have been dating long enough, three years now. It has been a few months since she decided to nudge Dr. Roberts in a more serious direction. She doesn’t know it, but he immediately went shopping after her first hint. His courage did not keep pace with his intuition, however. Roberts has been “looking for just the right moment.” But now, with nuclear terrorism going on, our world could come to an end any day . . . to heck with waiting. This has to be done! He looks down into Juma’s eyes. His own have lost all trace of tentativeness. “Maybe Breminger will bump us up the list if he know it’s an engagement present!” “Oh!” Reaching deep into the pocket of his lab coat, he flashes a magnificent diamond and ruby engagement ring. “Ooooh!” She collapses against him, looking up with gentle expectation. “Juma, will you marry me?” comes out a bit loud in his nervous struggle to overcome his fear of both a lifetime commitment and possible rejection. “Yes!” Roberts gets a lip-locker kiss and a pinched cheek. “I love you, doctor.” “And I love you.” A small crowd of co-workers and visitors in the lobby who overheard and noticed the gorgeous ring break out in spontaneous applause. *** “Dad!” Jon and Julia have run slightly ahead after being told the room number. Seeing all the medical equipment, Jon stands back respectfully waiting for instructions, but Julia walks straight over to the hospital bed to hug the cast on Joe’s right leg. She wiggles the big toe, the only thing visible. “Dad,” she repeats to herself, collapsing against the bed in complete serenity. She glances across to share her joy with brother and he points a finger suggestively at his medal. Then she remembers. Proud, but too shy to say anything, Julia coyly holds the radiant (and quite valuable) half- scale Israeli Cross up for Joe to see. “That is so beautiful! May I see it,” he asks, moving his head a little in her direction. “You must have done something really important to earn this.” “She did,” The bishop confirms, easing through the door. “St. Mary told me. St. Mary is her patron because of her middle name, Marie.” He makes the sign of the cross over Julia. “Her prayers and those of her brother were especially important to saving her Dad, and, according to Garfield and the ladies here she had to wrestle a terrorist too! “Jonathan saved her, then her struggle at the last minute saved Garfield from being killed.” “Exactly right,” comes from a large shape in the doorway. Garfield had to pay his own way across the ocean, but it was worth it. He has a hefty advance payment from his publisher for the book he has begun writing, an ‘I was there’ motif giving a true account of the terrorist strike on Disneyland. After travel costs, he has enough left for a small sightseeing vacation in Europe. Father Bernie’s tagging along, and they’ll do a little bird watching as they go. Having just managed to walk through the door, he eases down into the wheelchair that has accompanied him. His enormous strength will come back soon. For now he must approach rehab with patience. No complaints. By rights he should be dead, and he knows it. God is good. “Exactly right. She came through in a tough spot. Fought like a little lioness.” Julia’s patron saint smiles upon her. She glows in the warmth of the blessing. Julia is very proud of St. Mary’s patronage. She is also excited to be recognized as part of the team of good guys along with all the big people. Another beautiful girl arrives, this one to visit Clayton: tall with flowing chestnut hair, all awash in color and sparkles. Then a shorter beauty with auburn hair steps in, accompanied by her brother David. “Hi Jeanette. Look at my medal!” Julia and Jeanette are so close that Julia forgets to be shy with her. “Isn’t that beautiful! This is real gold, Julia. It is worth a lot of money.” Jeanette continues to marvel at the Israeli Cross until she notices Doctor Roberts peaking in to check on his patients. “She smokes cigars, doctor” Jeanette points to her mother, her voice dripping with accusation. Still in a playful mood, celebrating his engagement, Dr. Roberts scrapes one index finger across the other towards Margaret. “Shame on you.” “Only on special occasions . . . and this certainly is one.” Adorably mimicking little Julia, Margaret hurries over to hug the cast in the next bed. She bows her head momentarily towards the floor to gather sufficient courage to survey the damage to her husband. Then the gentle and demure face of the young girl Clayton first fell in love with in 7th grade slowly raises her eyes to risk a painful look. The preparations do little good. “Oh, Clay!” Margaret weeps quietly, burying her head into the pit of Clayton’s arm and trying to stop her body’s shaking with the sobs. “I would’ve thought you’d done enough.” “Call of duty, Maggie.” Clayton’s strong hand tousles Margaret’s hair and strokes her cheek. He gives her time to release the emotions that have been building and held back since the crisis began. David and Jeanette ostentatiously admire the children’s medals, giving Mom and Dad a moment of intimacy. Jonathan and Julia aren’t the only ones receiving medals. David and the others have been notified; they will be receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom for their heroism in the battle at Disneyland. Jonathan stands proudly, displaying the solid gold Israeli Cross, smiling abstractly, not quite believing it has all been real. He’s not alone in his failure to comprehend. Elizabeth rubs his shoulders. “Too much happening too fast, wasn’t it Jon.” “It was,” Jonathan agrees. “but, Garfield, we did it!” “Yes, Jon, we did. Well, actually God did the big stuff, and St. Mary, stopping World War III—but we did our part to stop the terrorists.” “We did our part,” the new general repeats, nodding. Jonathan strides over to carefully shake his dad’s outstretched hand, both arms still confined by slings. “Job well done, son,” Joe says. “I am very proud of you both—very proud.” Dad shakes Julia’s hand as best he can. “Job well done, my daughter. “I’m proud of you too Garfield. Bishop Bernie filled me in on the phone. I guess I owe you a big debt of thanks. Thanks for watching over them, and at no small cost to yourself.” “That’s OK, Joe. Glad to do it. You have a couple of great kids there.” “Yeah.” Joe can’t take his eyes off his cherished children, recalling the doubtful future he had to contemplate in the terrorist tent. A few tears slip out. “Does it hurt a lot Dad?” Jonathan asks, mistaking Joe’s tears of joy for pain. Julia, who has been picked up by her mother, quickly turns for the answer—the same question her heart has been secretly aching to ask since they arrived. “Not one little bit. Not anymore.” “Good!” comes back from everyone, Dr. Roberts included. “How about you, Dad?” David asks Clayton. “Yes, the first couple of days it hurt—a lot, the first week really. But it is just a matter of healing now,” he says, not quite telling the truth. “Give Dad a kiss, pumpkin, to make him feel better,” Mom suggests, leaning her down close to Joe. Instead, Julia reaches over to gently touch one of her dad’s tears with her little finger. “Tears of joy, the joy of coming home. It’s OK to cry about the really good important stuff.” Julia nods agreement, then gives Joe a little peck on the forehead. Jonathan and Julia stare back at their Dad, now with tears of their own—tears of happy disbelief. He’s really OK! Brother and sister shake their heads at each other and smile. They have shared a secret painful beyond an adult’s range of experience. Julia lets another tear slip, but Jon prefers to be a tough guy in the daytime, especially when Dad is around. After a few moments, Jon thinks better of it and decides that’s long enough to be a tough guy for today. “I knew you’d come back!” he says throwing his arms up to hug his father and crying openly. He snuggles his still downy head under Joe’s chin. Julia struggles to be let down, reaching out, and is let down to snuggle in at Joe’s opposite side. Margaret stands, motioning to David and Jeanette. They come over to visit Clayton. Bending down, they gently hug dad, each resting a hand on one of his shoulders as they talk. “Home at last!” Joe smiles over his children. Thank God for these precious gifts. Elizabeth allows herself an honest moment of release and gratitude. She cries. She doesn’t want to teach the children to be ashamed of their feelings, but to rejoice in them. Bishop Bernie and General Yosef offer a quiet standing prayer. “God is good.” “It is right to give him thanks and praise.” *** [Two years later] “Come on kids, it’s time for us to go home,” Joe instructs. “Two years at Disneyland is enough. I need a vacation. The air and water are clear again in Indiana. Bishop Bernie says we can all go fishing at Father Herman’s cabin in Michigan. He may never come back from Lake Baikal. He’s doing R & R with medical rehab at some private hospital. They let him go out for boat tours and a little fishing. He claims its doing him a world of good.” “Hurray for Father Herman!” comes from Pam, Hugh at her side with their suitcases. “Just one more try with the apple, please Dad?” Jonathan pleads. “Boss is just starting to make friends with us.” “OK, son, but hurry over to the car when you’re done. There goes Clayton now; he is already starting down the driveway.” “Here Boss . . . here Boss . . . a nice fresh chopped apple and two lumps of sugar,” Jonathan, now a tall ten, says, directing his words at a magnificent black Arabian stallion gently nuzzling the golden Palomino mare across the corral. Boss has been home a week now. Mike’s search for John up in Wisconsin turned up nothing. John had liked Canada so much he decided to stay. Last week he finally called Claire’s phone number in California, as Mike had asked him to do when everything was settled down. Considering that Boss was starting to get old and that their deal to collaborate earlier to manage the emergency was a fair one, John let him go at a reasonable price. Boss has not yet made friends with the kids. He is still getting reacquainted with Nina. Now giving in to the children’s prodding and the smell of fresh apples in the air, both horses turn and trot over together. Nina is glad to introduce them to Boss, but she expects fair wages. Boss can be a little selfish at times, which he immediately proves, quickly gobbling the apple. Good kid, Boss thinks. Nina knows Boss has first rights as the dominant male in the corral, but she is still a little disappointed. “Another apple, Mike,” Jonathan requests. He splits the sugar between the two horses, letting Nina take a cube while she waits. ‘Apple,’ Sis notes. Mike delivers some apple pieces to Julia who has wandered further down the railing. “Here, Sis! Apple.” Nina trots down to Julia for her apple while Jon holds out another sugar cube he has retrieved from his pocket to distract the stallion. The kids have noticed a big change in Nina. “Nina is happy now that Boss is home,” Julia observes. “I think so too,” Jon agrees rubbing the stallion’s nose. “Aren’t you Sis?” he calls down the fence line to Nina. “Boss is home,” Julia whispers into Nina’s ear. They nuzzle to celebrate this intimate secret among close friends. There has been a big change in Julia too. She is now a strong and beautiful young lady of eight. Boss. Home. Nina leans in close and gives Julia one of those doe-eyed looks that make humans question whether they are in fact the most sentient creatures on the planet. She loves Julia. They just have a natural affinity for each other. Julia nuzzles Nina’s cheek and rubs her neck. Then boss has a thought to gallop off to the pasture gate, hoping Mike will open it, which he does. Nina turns to follow. “Goodbye Nina,” Julia says with a tear. “Goodbye Boss.” “Let’s go home Julia and find our friends,” Jon insists. “Mike and Claire said we are welcome to come back anytime. They will always have passes to Disneyland.” “Hurray!” is loudly returned, not from Julia, however, but from Bishop Bernie and Garfield. They have enjoyed Southern California as much as the children. As they turn from the corral toward the drive Garfield leans over to whisper in Bishop Bernie’s ear. “I don’t feel any demonic burden today, Bishop.” “I don’t either, Garfield. We must be in a denouement of some kind. The problem has been steadily fading since the Russian archbishop’s confrontation with the demonic manifestation in Russia two years ago at the peak of the international crisis. Father Herman is consulting with Bishop Spiridonov about what to expect next.” “My vote goes for nothing to happen next. I think that was all quite enough.” “Right. Well, let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth. Let’s get out and enjoy the freedom while it lasts, do something fun—some serious birding. I am officially retired. I have the flexibility to travel and with my research program stipend, and your disability health insurance, we could manage a big year to challenge the North American record.” The bishop pulls out some new binoculars. “Shall we go kick some bird butt, Garfield? Run up Highway 1 on the coast, and then bird San Francisco. We can check several wildlife refuges, including the little Audubon sanctuary in Sacramento as we turn back east for Indiana? I’ve got your expenses covered. Just chip in a bit on the food where you can.” “Let’s!” Joe honks the horn and shouts up the lane. “Come on kids; let’s go home!” Boss and Nina trot down the pasture fence line, neighing loudly. “Goodbye Boss, goodbye Nina,” comes out of the van window with waving hands. Jonathan, Boss thinks. Good kid. Nina looks thoughtfully down the lane at the car pulling away. Julia, she thinks. Julia is one of the good words. Mike and Claire have come out to feed the horses. The smell of good oats comes down the pasture on the wind. Mike and Claire have decided to make another go of it. Boss and Nina gallop up towards the feed troughs. Mike and Claire are good words, and oats. *** [Three centuries later. Cardinal Bernie, having received an odd mutation from the experimental vaccines has gone on living, and living, and living, as have a handful of others, including Joe and Clayton.] An odd light enters through the cathedral doors. The old Cardinal stumbles in, tears streaming down his face. He is immersed in an altered state of spiritual joy. Someone cries out loudly to those few routinely assembling for Mass as if everything were normal: “Have you not heard the trumpet?” Garfield has received the same odd mutation; he’s alive too. He received his from a blood transfusion following a nasty motorcycle crash. Cardinal Bernie, who has the same blood type, was the first to donate blood. Garfield, Joe, and Clayton now sit reverently in the back row, never more alert at any time in their long eventful lives. They acknowledge Cardinal Bernie’s entrance with a nod, then immediately fall back into prayer. “They’ll be there,” Clayton assures the others about their departed friends and family. “God is good.” Falling prostrate Cardinal Bernie presses his face against the floor as the faithful have traditionally done through the ages in the presence of God (Ezekiel 43:3; Sirach 50:17-21 NABRE). He remains lying at the entrance by the fount of Holy water, demonstrably pressing his palms and forehead to the floor . . . just humility, nothing else. He is drowning in reverence and awe of the divine. He is a little ahead of the group, but now the Holy Spirit powerfully washes over all those present. Signs of the Cross pass like a wave through the congregation, followed by what appears to be a military salute, but is really a shielding of the eyes. The faithful have instinctively raised their arms to shield their eyes against the close proximity of God. This occurs not as an avoidance of intense light, but from an intense awareness of the guilt of past sins. This guilt awareness will pass with the glorification of final judgment and the resurrection. Then those in heaven will be pure enough to see the face of God. Old couples rush out into the aisles to prostrate themselves. They move as far back as possible and quickly press themselves to the floor. In a moment all have followed their example. Now . . . now: no one moves, nor does time. In this moment of nontime two columns will form, one in the streets outside, the other far above in the heavens. Families have been called to Church . . . as families. They first assume this a call of the Holy Spirit restricted to selected individuals, perhaps a few more charisms for these troubled times. As the lines approach from all directions, however, estimates are revised upwards. The lines merge and grow larger. It soon becomes clear that something quite extraordinary has occurred. Then a gasp goes up from the crowd: “The sky!” The sky fills with a spectacular three-dimensional epiphany. A moving recapitulation of the history of God’s people is displayed in the air above. All fall to their knees while holding an upward gaze. Inside the cathedral the epiphany is as clear as outside. The Holy Spirit directly imparts understanding of each scene. All below becomes crying and singing. No one will enter Church today without knowing with a certainty that God loves his people Israel. A column of glorious marchers from heaven converge on the church. As humble sinners of Earth enter by the cathedral door, angels and saints press through the rear walls and approach the alter through the vestry. Their presence is felt inside. A young saint, a girl sitting in the back, moves into the aisle as Cardinal Bernie rises from prayer. I must move further back. An invitation would be required to go forward. The intense reverence of her gaze captures and freezes all in its path. That intensity has long been reserved to pose this single question. “Your Eminence?” Awe and compassion fill the Cardinal’s face, causing her to fall to her knees. She kisses the ring. “Did you see? The glorious epiphany? Can it be true? Is Christ coming to save us?” She remains kneeling, focused on the ring. The odd light inside the cathedral continues to increase though the doors have closed. It is a good light. It adds clarity. That clarity seems to penetrate and dissolve the walls of the Church. Cardinal Bernie reaches to lift her up. “If it is so, my child . . . if Our Lord has passed the Gates, we will know soon enough. As the lightning flashes from east to west . . . ” Again, and again the Spirit washes over them. All collapse to the floor, crying, crying for the last time. An old Hebrew quietly enters the Church from the rear, bows to the tabernacle with the consecrated Host, and takes the last seat in the last pew. Cardinal Bernie comes over to sit next to him—it is his old friend, Major Weizman. He has continued to live too, though no one knows why. In the next moment Moshe has slumped to the side, quite dead of old age. Then it happens: Love descends. Babes grasp their mother’s necks in the fullness of joy. All has been made right. All is right. Small fists rise into the air in triumph. God! Friendship! Family! The little hands wave (there are no strangers now) . . . and everyone waves back. Inside the Church time is lost forever. The doors open. Glory and angels enter. A troop of holy angels marches through . . . a flood of hymns . . . the processional moves to the altar to begin the Mass. But if angels are leading the procession, who follows!? Yes, heaven and earth have magnificently met on this day—but yet predictably, for haven’t they ever done so on Sunday. (CCC 1137-1139, 1153) No man knows the day or the hour . . . but the place? Hasn’t the place always been known? After all, we were told that God meets us at the altar as far back as Exodus 29. And now, finally, it has happened. heaven and earth are full of His Glory! The blessed holiness of God’s High Mass, ever sought by his devout children on earth, descends. God Most High, descends upon his Church, descends to embrace his little ones forever. Nothing will be the same . . . . And now all are lifted, and in an instant transformed. A blaze of purifying fire . . . a burst of joyous light . . . and . . . Our Father! Cardinal Bernie waits for permission to look up. Where are the walls? But this is not St. Mary’s in Lafayette! This is the One Church. All God’s children and all his churches are present, all assembled to pay tribute to Christ. Oh! Happy Day! Glancing over at Moshe, Cardinal Bernie sees, instead, a radiant glorified figure, the resurrected prophet Elijah deep in prayer, raised to new life in Christ. Extending his gaze around the “Church,” the Cardinal sees that all are similarly radiant. Each glorified person has some interesting and beautiful aspect unique to themselves. The vista of a glorified Israel in the Promised Land flows out in all directions. Little hands continue to wave. They knew it! This is what life should be! The Guardian Angels smile at the innocence of the children. Welcome home little ones. All will share that innocence again now. Families are rejoined with departed loved ones. The assembly is complete. The apostles of Christ approach the heavenly alter where Jesus has now taken his central place. The elders bowed down before the throne, and the angels and assembled host cried “Amen!” —The End * NOTE: Additional Christian writings by this author can be found at Rick’s home page located at http://matthew1026.com. THEOLOGICAL AFTERWORD The basic premise of this novel is grounded in scripture. The details are obviously fictional. In accordance with common sense and Catholic teachings I assume that, although prophetic scripture is in large part mysterious, once the events of prophecy actually come to pass, we who are living them will gain substantial clarity concerning their meaning. I refer the reader to the “Theological Commentary” by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) in The Message of Fatima, a Vatican document published in June 2000.48 This commentary clarifies a great deal concerning prophecy and its interpretation. Father Gabrielle Amorth (author of An Exorcist Tells His Story) and Cardinal Leon Joseph Suenens (author of Renewal and the Powers of Darkness) have given us the most direct guidance the Church has provided on the subject of spiritual warfare by the laity. They are in complete agreement that laypersons at no time should ever attempt to command, to bind or to otherwise confront a demon. As far as the lay man or lay woman is concerned, other than their praying to get rid of the demonic spirits and to heal afflicted persons, demons should be ignored completely. Demons reside in a dark kingdom we wish to establish no connection with whatsoever. Despite the previous distribution of what has been called the Leo XIII exorcism procedure to charismatic groups where it was occasionally used improperly by the laity, exorcisms are currently reserved by Church policy to the bishop and his delegates, priests specifically designated to be exorcists. Lay members of the Church are not authorized to do exorcisms. The Leo XIII exorcism, once one has the document in his or her hands, is an easy document to misunderstand. Although it was intended for use by priest-exorcists exclusively when recited as an exorcism, and it contains prayers that lay persons may use as prayers—big difference. Lay persons may not perform an exorcism by use of any instrument including the Leo XIII exorcism procedure. Having said that, the prayers that were intended for the use of lay persons are beautiful and powerful. The tricky part is that those prayers are more or less seamlessly mixed in with the formal exorcism commands and adjurations that only priest-exorcists and bishops may execute. The only safe thing to do is to carefully edit the Leo XIII exorcism prayers to remove any adjurations and commands to demons. When approached in that way, the prayers themselves. once removed from the exorcism procedure as such, are excellent for use by lay persons for delivering themselves, their family, friends, and communities from evil demonic influences. The Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer) of course will accomplish the same thing, but the prayers from the Leo XIII exorcism, are powerful and already composed for the specific purpose of deliverance by a pope who was clearly intended to play a central role in these great events. When using these prayers be careful to check each word so that any command type wording directed to demons is reworded as a request to God to remove the demonic spirits. Never give the demons your attention or address them in any way. Our focus in prayer groups and healing ministries should remain exclusively on the person to be healed or delivered, and more importantly, on God. Prayers of healing will be successful when offered with love and faith. The Gospels tell us Christians will drive out demons, but as Farther Amorth instructed me in a note he was kind enough to send from Rome, this is done by love-centered prayers for deliverance, not by exorcism. There is a great need at the moment for these prayers, so I urge everyone to offer prayers of deliverance regularly for those they know, and for the larger worldwide Church as well as the community presently outside the Church. Those outside the Church may need help even more urgently. They are intended by God to be joined to the Church at the earliest time in any case, so we should also pray they find a path home to the God’s Church. We have to face it. It is time. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee, or perhaps the charcoal fire and fresh fish broiling on the shore by the Sea of Galilee. As Malachi 3, Micah 4, Obadiah and, especially Zechariah 10 and 12 indicate, God will be acting powerfully through his people to defeat evil in these last days. It is time to step up and be counted. One may be moved by the Holy Spirit to do truly great things. What are the limits of such gifts? None, in the sense that they are limited by the grace of God and the extent of one’s personal faith alone. We know there have been valid charisms, but we don’t know their theoretical limits, or what form God may elect for them to take at special times in salvation history. While we should not deny God’s gifts, the devil does impersonate them. For that reason, spiritual charisms must be validated by the official authorities of the Church. We must therefore present apparent charisms and dramatic spiritual gifts to the Church for evaluation. The devil is supernaturally powerful. Without the bishop’s intervention to protect us, Satan can always fool us. Caution is called for, but we can be certain of this much, however. We must answer the call of the Remnant! All hands on deck! The standard approach to answering that call is via humble prayer ministry centered in love and strengthened by regular receipt of the Sacraments and attendance at Mass, not by use of dramatic charisms. Such charisms are possible, but very rare. What my characters on occasion do in the novel, that is strike the demons with the sword of Christ, or sword of the Spirit, is not advised. This is not a routine option available to Christians. It is to be viewed as either a theological error on their part (Father Bernie corrects them, telling them never to address a demon in any way) or as a charismatic action taken “in the Spirit” under Zechariah 12, employed only when called by the Spirit or for the briefest instant for those times when the devil simply won’t take no for an answer. In the novel they were overcome by events and didn’t have a chance to ask the Church to validate those kinds of spiritual acts as a genuine charism, but, given Fr. Bernie’s admonitions, the characters were obligated to consider those actions invalid until the Church judged them otherwise. It could merely have been a case of the devil trying to sucker them into a supernatural fistfight they had no chance to win. Don’t fall for that bully’s trick yourself, put the bullys in the hands of God via prayer--ignore the demons completely. In other words, it basically makes a good story, but don’t try this at home, as the old joke goes. Prayer is our primary weapon against demonic forces, and centering ourselves in the power and presence of Christ within us for our defense. This is done by staying centered in love, which is the Spirit of God. Christ resides within all Christians, and more so to the extent that we are Christian love-centered people. As Fr. Thomas recently reminded me when I mentioned the devil was beating me up regularly, affirm Christ and the demons can’t hurt you. We do have the power of Christ within us, but it is important to distinguish between power and authority. We don’t have the authority of Christ. That resides only with the bishops and those they delegate the authority to, such as the priest-exorcists they appoint. A simple rule of thumb is to never give the devil or a demon your attention for any reason. It is exceedingly dangerous. They don’t deserve it in any case. I encourage the reader to suggest to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops or the equivalent body in other nations that they provide more detailed guidance on deliverance ministry and more exorcists! A solid move in this direction was taken circa 2004 when the Vatican directed all dioceses to appoint an exorcist. (See Matt Baglio’s new book, The Rite.) Perhaps the remaining task now is for the entire Church, especially the laity, to get the word out that the exorcists are available. Of course, practicing our faith on a daily basis, especially receipt of the Holy Sacraments of Reconciliation (confession) and the Eucharist, is necessary before even an exorcism will be effective for long. Once we are properly invested in the Sacraments, prayer and fasting will also bring deliverance even without an exorcism (for those with the patience and faith to trust in God while that deliverance progresses incrementally). An instant exorcism is a rare exception in any case, in fact there may be no such thing. Usually months of prayer and fasting are required (sometimes longer). However, having the “big gun” of the exorcist present during the process can be most reassuring. If the afflicted person is dramatically or dangerously affected, however, one should contact a priest immediately and follow their guidance. APPENDIX 1 Theological Discussions with Fr. Bernie Note: the following sections of dialogue were edited out of the novel to speed up the pace of the story but are presented here for the value their theological content may have for those who would like to prefer such subjects in greater depth. The reader should note that some of these discussions involve purely speculative concepts, for example, about the Satanic community holding demonically facilitated gatherings in the spiritual dimension. While it may be true that Satanists actually do this, it is not an official teaching of the Church, despite the fact that the fictional character affirming the concept of spiritual gatherings is a priest. But he is not a real priest. This appendix is a continuation of the novel, which is a work of fiction. The theology represented by the characters has not been officially reviewed and approved by the Catholic Church. I have tried to keep the core theology as close to the official teachings of the Church as my limited knowledge allowed, but readers who require certainty on particular points of theology should consult a priest, bishop, or degreed Catholic theologian. My goal is to bring to the public’s attention the larger concepts of the spiritual battle that are broached in this book; it is not to do precise academic theology. Where a teaching of the Catholic Church contradicts something I have said in this book, I bow to the teaching authority of the Church, and will immediately make corrections where such conflicts are brought to my attention. The non-fiction appendices of this book that follow this one are theologically safer than the fiction component, as I have tried hard to research the topics discussed in Church-approved sources. However, even there, my discussion should not be taken as official or authoritative. If certitude is required, consult a priest, the bishop, or a Catholic theologian. ----------- Father pauses for a moment to think. “C. S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy is not a bad intro to spiritual battle, put that on your list: Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength are the titles. It is called the Ransom trilogy in the index to Christian literature. Professor Ransom, the central character, leads the forces of good in an epic struggle against an evil takeover of world government. A genuine page-turner. Stock up on snacks. You won’t want to leave the sofa for a few days. “Lewis, as you probably know, is the author of Chronicles of Narnia. You may remember the movie with the lovable Christ-like lion. Lewis is one of the premier Protestant theologians. He has written countless uplifting books of the faith. The Ransom trilogy is fiction, but it reveals the underlying spiritual war we are currently embroiled in, and how government can be ludicrously affected.” “I remember reading the Ransom trilogy in high school, Joe recalls. I just considered it science fiction at the time.” “You are technically correct. It is in the science fiction genre, but Lewis is one of the premier theologians of all time. The implications for our current struggle are there, trust me. Pray for discernment—you’ll get it. “Let’s take a real-world example, the absurdly slow response to the evacuees at the New Orleans Convention Center during hurricane Katrina in 2005. Remember the nursing home residents who drowned waiting for rescue after they had phoned for help for four days? All the while, sheriff’s department rescue helicopters from several states stood by, waiting for permission to go in. Their offer was turned away, presumably by FEMA or the governor of Louisiana, who knows, but they were never cleared to go in. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service personnel, familiar with boats and watery environments, asked FEMA and/or the Dept. of the Interior for permission to go in and help. They received no response. USFWS finally went in on their own initiative and rescued some 4,500 people who presumably would have otherwise died or suffered serious harm.49 “The U.S. Coast Guard, thanks be to God, did its normal superlative job rescuing people, but they could not be everywhere at once. The Coast Guard’s performance bordered on the miraculous, and USFWS did a great job. But they did that despite the bureaucratic obstructionism. The bureaucratic decision makers got in the way of an optimized application of the resources available. People died because of it. “That was a classic example of a government infected with demonic intrusion. Inhumane idiocy of this kind has all the earmarks of the demonic. Lewis’s trilogy takes the situation a step further to reveal its fully insane potential. “Take my word for it. The devil planned and assembled the Katrina tragedy one piece at a time, as if he were laying out a jigsaw puzzle. He then supernaturally blocked and delayed proper response until it was too late for some. “Rapid response military units should have been placed on standby the moment Katrina entered the Gulf with Category 4/5 winds. They should have been sent in immediately once the winds cleared. A big problem requires a big solution. It’s common sense. “However, neither the obvious nor the possible were done in this case. Nonetheless, the bureaucracy will give you twenty years of congressional investigations at the taxpayers’ expense and a hundred reams of complex reports, all of which serve to do nothing more than mask or attempt to excuse an inexcusable failure. We have Northcom now to perform the rapid response function, but it could have been there decades earlier.50 “As John Cougar Mellencamp aptly satirizes concerning the similarly inexplicable Florida election fiasco of 2004 in his recent album Trouble No More, ‘They all looked pretty guilty, but no one took the blame.’51 “Contrived or exacerbated tragedy is one of the many forms spiritual warfare takes. Natural disaster unfortunately provides the perfect medium for the devil to work in. Burying effective response under layers of complex bureaucracy and then excusing it under the guise of legal technicality is one of Satan’s favorite tactics. “Killing our unborn children through abortion is another prime example of demonic intrusion via socio-political sabotage. The lives of 6,000 innocent children per day are legally being taken, often under horrible circumstances. This atrocity was made ‘legal’ by the complex but ultimately unfounded analysis in the 1973 United States Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. Fifty million (50,000,000) children have since been killed under legalized abortion. Although Roe’s logic does not hold up under scrutiny, most citizens will never invest the hours of research needed to find that out. In the meantime, millions of innocent children have been killed because we were unable to dig through the complex smoke screens laid by the devil. “Most citizens of the United States are probably unaware that the horror of partial-birth abortion was ever practiced in this country, though for many years it was up until a recent change in the law. Many of them would not have stood for it if they had known—that is, if they had known what partial-birth abortion really is. In partial-birth abortion a fully formed and frequently viable child, five to seven months old, and sometimes older, is delivered feet first until only the head remains in the womb. The baby is given nothing for pain relief. The skull is punctured with a sharp instrument and a vacuum tube inserted into the skull. The brain of the child is sucked out while the child is alive, potentially awake and aware! This is done so that the child’s head can be collapsed, making its delivery painless for the mother. It is also done to avoid giving the “unborn” child the full legal protection offered to born children under the Constitution as interpreted by Roe v. Wade itself. “Although the grey matter of the brain is insensitive to pain in the sense of responding to a direct pin prick as does the skin, it is the seat of consciousness. Deep panic, phantom pains, intense fears and powerful psychological traumas can be expected to be induced by disconnecting a living brain from a living body minus the use of an anesthetic, ripping and tearing it, and forcefully compressing it through a vacuum tube! “The defenders of partial-birth abortion will make ludicrous claims, such as that there is no scientific evidence to support concerns for the suffering of the child who undergoes this procedure. But what evidence do they consider to have been possible to acquire? The only witness who would know is dead. The seat of consciousness for the aborted child now resides in a trash container! There is no possible means to survey the aborted child’s experience! One need merely imagine undergoing the same procedure oneself to realize the potential for trauma. “After all is said and done, partial-birth abortion is the exact equivalent of barbaric capital punishment; it is the equivalent of a beheading, and one sanctioned without benefit of trial. It is even worse because of the compression of the brain tissue in a violent manner. At least the convict’s brain is left in peace. “Beyond depriving the unborn child of due process of law prior to capital punishment, to vacuum the still functioning and aware seat of individual consciousness from a living human being into a machine to simply be disposed of as garbage is an unthinkable horror and the ultimate insult to human dignity. Beyond that, it is simply evil. “Partial-birth abortion was a heinous crime against the most innocent among us. It was an obvious attempt to artificially circumvent our own laws, which state that a born child is a citizen with the right to life by starting the delivery then stopping it artificially just prior to completion. Obviously the child is born; the substantially completed delivery cannot be reversed. “Partial-birth abortion was a horror unmatched in the history of civilization; it is practically a throwback to the abominable child sacrifice cults of Moloch in biblical times.52 It is a tragic blind spot in a very sick society, a blind spot supernaturally perpetuated by the devil. “Another, perhaps more subtle, example of a demonically induced blind spot is the current situation in our science classrooms. Accidental or atheistic evolution (the neo-Darwinian form) is being taught in our schools and colleges, but the public has been led to believe that only basic evolution, descent with modification (a form that does not rule out God and is compatible with the teachings of the Church) is being taught. The federal courts have inanely refused to distinguish between the two versions. They have permitted the philosophies of materialism and atheism to be taught in science classrooms as if they were science. “The war between good and evil rages on in the most unlikely spots. Christians all too often underestimate their opponent. I’ll wager the devil had his hand in the chemical explosion in Bhopal, India, in the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, and in most other major disasters, if only to exacerbate the suffering after the fact. “In the Ransom trilogy, C. S. Lewis tried to wake people up to this problem by prophetically showing us how far satanically induced insanity can go in government. Ironically, although Ayn Rand was an atheist leaning agnostic, her classic novel, Atlas Shrugged, gives a startling depiction of a government and academia overcome by evil influences, the supernatural source of which Rand apparently did not discern. Nonetheless, she described the resultant satanic idiocy to absolute perfection in what is perhaps the most engrossing novel ever written. “Father Gabriele Amorth’s books on exorcism go more directly to the nuts and bolts of spiritual war. Dr. Ed Murphy’s Handbook for Spiritual Warfare is a good one too, although he is not Catholic. Let me write those down for you. If you can’t find them downtown, I’ll loan you a copy from the rectory.” After completing the note, Father produces a leaflet explaining how to pray the Rosary. “Start learning it. The Rosary is a series of short familiar prayers, said in a certain order, while meditating upon the mysteries of Christ’s life. The Rosary is a very powerful way to pray. In addition to being a devotion to Christ our Lord, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, the Rosary is a devotion to blessed St. Mary. St. Mary is not reverenced on the same level as God, of course, but rather honored as the Lord’s human mother. ‘Honor thy father and thy mother.’ It is only right that the Lord keeps the ten commandments. “St. Mary’s intercession on our behalf is quite naturally powerful and efficacious. She will protect you if you call upon her for help. “We’ll put you in RCIA, that’s our adult instruction program, in the fall, and you can join the Church next Easter—assuming you’re interested?” “Oh, I’m interested,” Joe confirms, holding out a trembling cup for more coffee. Pam steadies his wrist as she pours. “You take care of him, Father,” Pam pleads. She has known Joe since first grade. She also knows the harried look of heavy demonic attack. Three weeks ago, she was herself sitting in the same booth across from Father Bernie receiving the same instruction. “You know I will, Pam. Do you have any day-old Danish back there by chance?” “I know, don’t tell me . . . it makes you hungry. Just let me go and check.” Pam smiles mischievously and disappears into the kitchen to check for Father’s pastries. “Pick up a Catechism of the Catholic Church, you’ll need that too— nine bucks. It answers many important questions. Most bookstores have it, or can order one for you. The best nine bucks you’ll ever spend; or simply read it at the library or reference the electronic copy on the Internet.” The pancakes disappear, the eggs, then the meat. “God Bless you, Father—for being there,” comes from Joe. “It’s what I do, but you’re welcome.” They step outside to admire the pleasant garden setting and Spanish décor of Axton’s second story veranda. Father walks over to the edge of the balcony, contemplating the clear night sky. “There’s a war on out there, Joe, and you can’t even see it. Our children are overrun by demons in their sleep, and all the adults have time to do is hurry along after another dollar. They drop their little sons and daughters at kindergarten without so much as ‘Did you sleep well last night?’ “Children do have significant protection from their guardian angels, but the little tikes can be scared to death from the devil’s intrusions into their sleep and dreams. They will remain scared until their parents either affirm faith in Christ on their behalf or they can achieve an age sufficient to learn faith in God for their protection. Not knowing of God’s love and protection, children may feel they have no choice but to make an alliance of some kind with the devil—just to survive. It’s a horror story, .in truth, an enormous, invisible, heartbreaking nightmare! “This is the final battle, Joe. We have to stand up and do something! “Consider this. Sometime around the turn of the previous century, Pope Leo XIII had a vision. He saw Christ and the devil in conversation. This was just prior to World War I, an episode described at the Catholic Prophecy web site, http://www.catholicprophecy.info/. Offering an arrogant challenge, the devil had the audacity to ask Christ himself for additional power over those who would consent to serve evil, and additional time, in order to pose a powerful assault on the Lord’s own Church. Satan bragged that, with only this much assistance, he could destroy God’s Church. Accepting the challenge, Christ granted him the additional power and time. Garfield and I have been studying this possibility in connection with recent and historical events. We feel that the day of that final assault has arrived! The devil has begun calling in his people, just like in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, End of Days. “The evil ones, the Satanists, have done the equivalent of writing the devil a blank check, signing up to serve him in general terms. Christ has apparently agreed to permit the devil to call in those checks for the purpose of the final assault. Like a parent teaching a wayward child not to smoke, in effect, God is doing the same thing: he is making the Satanists smoke the full cigar, no getting away with a few quick puffs of rebellion. They can get to know pure evil up close and personal so they will understand the full implications of what they have done. “Satanists can regain their autonomy in the ordinary way, by appealing to Christ to save them53—assuming they repent in their heart and renounce evil. Until they do, those who previously agreed to serve the devil in return for some evil gain, perhaps not knowing what it entailed, are now learning what is involved the hard way. Many have become partially or fully possessed—a puppet-master scenario right off the big screen. When the devil needs something from a Satanist in a given situation now, he simply steps in and takes it. “Unchecked by prayer or the intervention of God, even subtle behaviors, when coordinated among thousands of people acting in concert, can be a devastating weapon against the innocent. Good people can be set up for sabotage in practically an infinite variety of ways, yet no one can be held legally accountable. “The heart of the satanic campaign is a nibbling away at a person’s positive self-image, optimism and faith. Like a swarm of mosquitoes, the undetected satanic masses inject bits of negativity here and there and everywhere around us all day every day, waiting for just the right moment when our faith and optimism falters. At the moment when the contrived stress is at its peak, demons swarm in to gain control or to cause a direct injury to person they have targeted. Satanists inevitably hit us at a weak moment—cheap shots. There is no honor to be found among the entire lot of them. “Whole wars have been started using satanic coordination. Practically any situation you can imagine can be orchestrated through the combined effect of the supernatural ability of demons and the demonically coerced or voluntary complicity of millions upon millions of people who either actively serve the devil or have insufficient faith in God to insulate them from powerful supernatural influences. The devil can even use Christians as chessmen in this evil game, if we don’t’ guard against it.” “Millions of people are playing into the devil’s hands? It can’t be that bad.” “I fear so. There aren’t that many of us, people of faith who are sufficiently awake and aware of the threat and committed to fight back. How many remain in the undecided middle is unclear. “We are not defenseless, or course. Pope Leo XIII said God has promised greater gifts to us so that we can counteract the evil threat. This is done primarily by leading good Christian lives in the old-fashioned sense, receiving the Holy Sacraments, and praying for deliverance. If we do that, the Holy Spirit will imbue us powerfully as God pours out his Spirit on his people in these last days per Joel chapter four. Intransigent evil around us will simply be burned up in tongues of holy fire. ‘Jacob shall be a fire’ as the scripture says. “The full and ugly truth of the matter is that many of the Satanists attend invisible gatherings in the spiritual dimension made possible by connections with demons. Very few of them participate in black masses held openly in the physical world; it’s all done invisibly in the spiritual dimension. Having a heavy demonic connection (affliction really) is like putting on a virtual reality headset. Much as the saints have been taken to heaven, hell, and purgatory and reported on their visits,54 Satanists actually gather and hold rituals in the spiritual dimension. There is a sort of virtual reality community the Satanists participate in, but the impression that it has genuine reality and consistency is an illusion. They are simply being deceived at a level of complexity human beings cannot see past without divine assistance. The other persons they believe are present are frequently not even there; they spiritual presence is artificially created by the demons and there is no way for humans to get past the deception. “This corresponds to Revelation chapters sixteen and seventeen, a virtual reality international ‘city,’ ‘Babylon,’ the great ‘harlot’ that sits on many waters. In the dark spiritual dimension, which is actually just an extension of the demons’ foul selves, the devil and his fallen angels offer lurid fantasies and experiences a person might not otherwise expect to obtain in this world, complete with acute, though hallucinatory, visual, auditory and tactile sensations. Like in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, Total Recall, many people are willing to pay to escape dull everyday life, having no patience to wait for the Lord’s perfect world that is coming, and not long now. “Perhaps I should say they think they are attending invisible gatherings in the spirit. Satanic VR is ripe with dangerous deceptions—who knows how much is true and how much a deception. Inexplicably, many have chosen to live in this false reality. Certainly, being so closely connected to demons for extended periods of time poisons the soul, mind, and body. The risk of total insanity is heavy, if not inevitable. Yet people appear to be heavily addicted to it, some possibly even from childhood. “The bottom line is that there is an entire well-established, although secret, satanic culture out there. Tragically, it is a very sick, evil, addicted, and dangerous culture. Beyond the millions who are fully satanic, many more are occasionally pulled into the experience and will trade things to the devil for the privilege, or they trade him evil deeds in exchange for some dishonest gain in this world. “Your own legal brief against abortion shows this. Did you ever wonder how such a psycho logic as underlies the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision could become blessed at the highest levels of law? How people could ever come to consider it morally right to kill their own children? This was made possible because we the people allowed the devil to orchestrate it, primarily in permitting our Constitution to remain silent on the question of the unborn child’s right to life. “This is not a personal indictment of Justice Blackmun and his court, though neither is it absolution. The important point is that the citizens and the Congress gave the Supreme Court an option it should never have had by not correcting the deficiency in our Constitution. The law must be clear to be of use, and, of all things, the law must be clear about the right to life itself. The court’s job is merely to interpret the law, not to make it. Given no reference to the unborn child in the Constitution, the Supreme Court was, in effect, forced to make the law. They called it interpretation, of course, having no other choice under the separation of powers. “The Supreme Court could have saved the unborn child in Roe v. Wade, but they were not legally obligated to do it. They opted for death instead. This is a flagrant instance of the devil’s influence. “The same goes for the President or FEMA’s decision to use or not to use our large rapid response military units in the first days after Katrina. Regardless of whether the President or any other decision maker was unfairly obstructed by unstoppable supernatural forces, and they apparently were, we the citizens must demand political accountability. “More importantly, we must fulfill our own obligations to make the law unambiguous. We must redefine the law so that it removes the option for such legally sanctioned tragedies. We need a constitutional amendment to protect the right to life of unborn children! Nothing less is going to work. “And, here is yet another orchestrated trap of the devil’s that I’ll bet you would never guess: the two-party political system. Genuine corrective action can often be impossible without additional political choices. We have to work to create more voting options: Catholic-Christian candidates, like our president, Monty Lewis. As it stood after Katrina, we had a choice between killing unborn children with the Democrats or repealing all of the environmental protection laws and leaving victims stranded in a natural disaster with the Republicans. Thank God for the ChristianCatholic Independent Party. “The list of the devil’s traps goes on. Occasionally Satanists are caught at sabotage, but not often. That could soon change, however. With the Lord’s help, the next few decades or centuries could reveal the satanic activities in full. It is, even now, becoming difficult for them to hide. “This kind of thing has probably gone on since time began, but I don’t think it has been publicly made known within the larger Christian community until recently. The novels of C. S. Lewis, L. A. Marzulli, Michael D. O’Brien, and Frank Peretti have recently broken the ice on the spiritual warfare theme in conjunction with the nonfiction efforts of Father Gabriele Amorth, Ed Murphy, and Neil Anderson. Certainly, though, some of the charismatic saints would have known of this secret war in general terms, having at times been engaged in open warfare with evil spirits and struggling to out-maneuver the evil persons who cooperated with them. “At this point in time the pace of that secret war seems to have picked up. We may have entered the beginning of the period referred to in Matthew 10:26 or 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 where all will be revealed. The previously secret activity of the satanic community will eventually be coming out in the open in one form or the other. It should be interesting to see—but by no means pleasant.” Joe shakes his head. “Huh-uh.” Father Bernie leans back admiring the stars, astronomy being one of his hobbies. “You can see that this event is not just about the charism of spiritual, angelic, or prophetic voice—a gift some may mistake for natural telepathy. Certainly I treasure the gift of angelic-prophetic voice; with it the Lord at times permits others to hear my prayers or scripture readings in the Spirit. “But far greater things are happening. As far as spiritual gifts go, the most important primary gifts are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These all complete and perfect our virtues. “Love, of course, is the greatest gift of all, without which the other gifts have little meaning, as St. Paul instructs us at 1 Corinthians 13. Additionally, visitations from one of the saints, an angel, or even the Lord Himself are becoming more frequent. Now that’s something!” “Are visitations possible for real people, like me—” Joe pauses, trying to camouflage the doubts he had not meant to reveal “or just popes, saints, and evangelists?” “They are absolutely possible for ‘real people’—always have been. As for as God is concerned that is the only kind of person there is. The more real you are the more God loves you; pretension does not move us closer to God—honesty and humility do. “Church records document many visitations to laymen, and reliable unofficial accounts confirm thousands more. They happen all the time, and are, of course, the most wonderful blessing when they do. “Saints have come from all walks of life, most of them fully reluctant to be pulled into the limelight, and openly acknowledging the fact that they too are sinners going humbly about the Lord’s work. The saints have, as often as not, been as fully surprised and amazed at the Lord’s outpouring of his Spirit around them as those who laud their virtues! “Saints are mere mortals like the rest of us. They come from the poor, the rich, and the in-between. They are otherwise normal people who happen to have a personal love of God and their fellowman; generally, they are just very compassionate and caring souls, people who God decides to reward for having love in their hearts. We are all supposed to try to be saints, though we are never supposed to presume to have succeeded. We should remain humble. We are still sinners who need God’s forgiveness, no matter how much good we may be doing otherwise.” Father Bernie finishes his coffee, says a brief prayer, and then performs the sign of the cross. Seeing Joe’s cup quivering in his hand, he gives him one with a little extra flourish. Joe bows his head as the blessing washes over him, cleansing away the demonic contamination and leaving him refreshed and renewed. “Thank you for that, Father. “Father, how bad can this all get?” Joe wants to know, still reeling from the direct attack of the demon that occurred earlier in his sleep. “Although Satan was substantially displaced as de facto ruler of the earth by Christ’s victory on the cross, the two world wars nonetheless give some indication of the devil’s capacity to wreak havoc. We may soon find out more. “What is the full range of a fallen angel’s power? We don’t know. The supernatural remains largely mysterious to us. We have no true standard, no inkling, really, of what Satan’s full capacity for harm is, that is, the capacity he would have if he were not under the Lord’s restraint in some measure. Had we known this, we would certainly have been on our knees every day praying, thanking God for saving us from total horror. We know angels, good and evil, have immense power; we just don’t know the particulars. “Now that Satan has temporary freedom, we can only pray for God’s protection and hope St. Augustine is right, that God will grant his people sufficient graces during the latter days to enable them to stand firm against the devil’s final assault. “Certainly we have every hope of success. Matthew 16:18 tells us the gates of hell will never prevail against the Lord’s Church. “Of course that won’t do much good for those who aren’t practicing their faith sufficiently to be considered in communion with the Church. But for those who are practicing their faith, the Bible affirms that much help will be available. Ephesians 6 tells us the armor of God is available to those who practice the faith. Malachi 3, the single chapter that comprises Obadiah, along with Micah 4, and Zechariah 10 and 12 all make clear that God’s people will trod down the wicked in the last battle, functioning as God’s stately war horse. “It is a funny kind of war, though, as love is still the primary tool we use to attain victory. The good guys win; we know that. What we don’t know is how dark it will become before the light returns, how intensively we will have to struggle and suffer until final victory is gained. “Even while acting as one of God’s instrument of the harvest, we must continue to pray for our enemies, offering the love and mercy of Christ until the very last moment, hoping against hope that all will finally seek God’s mercy in repentance, if only on their deathbed. We will have to oppose and struggle against people attempting to do evil things, but we will not be their judges. Eternal judgment resides in the hands of Christ alone. Nonetheless, God will burn up the ‘stubble’ of the recalcitrant and unrepentant wicked via the presence of the Holy Spirit in his people during the spiritual battles of the final days: ‘Jacob shall be a fire.’ “As the last age now rushes to a close, God will bring the evil ones in close to us, close to the fire of the Holy Spirit. They will get a good look at what genuine faith in God can do. Even while being attacked we must continue to express God’s unconditional love towards them. This is what the Bible teaches: overcome evil with good. In taking that approach the Holy Spirit will reside with us. “Lacking repentance, and intent only upon doing more evil, the evil ones who reject God’s love and forgiveness will, tragically, be consumed by the Spirit as the chaff of the eternal harvest. In effect, they will be judging themselves by their own insistence on doing evil. “This doesn’t have to happen to them, and in theory everyone could make it, but it is possible for humans to enter a state of final impenitence where they deny the forgiving spirit of God itself, and in so doing cause their own destruction. “The devil’s servants believe superior numbers will allow them to overwhelm us, but the ‘chaff’ will not overcome the fire of the Holy Spirit. As punishment for recalcitrant evil intentions, their human soul will be scorched by the fiery wrath of God and subsequently wither and fade. They may still seek and obtain salvation until their last breath, but their risk of slipping into final impenitence grows greater the deeper they fall under the devil’s influence. We should never give up on them; the larger risk in these cases is that they may give up on themselves. “At some point in the advanced progression of these end times dynamics, God’s punishments and rewards will begin to incrementally and inexorably advance in cycles. It will be the first fourteen chapters of Exodus lived over. Deliverance of the righteous is guaranteed, but the process will proceed methodically in steps: cycles of blessing and punishments. The evil ones will have every chance to do the right thing, to repent, within God’s will and grace. If God decides to harden their hearts, however, as he did with Pharaoh, grace may be withheld. Those who finally resolve to rebel against God’s will, after forsaking repeated opportunities to save themselves in repentance, will be consumed in the angry flames of God’s wrath no less than the Egyptian chariots were overwhelmed by the Red Sea. “Here, take a moment to check these tabbed passages from the prophetic books.” Obadiah 1:17-18 But on Mount Zion there shall be a portion saved; the mountain shall be holy, And the house of Jacob shall take possession of those that dispossessed them. The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame; The house of Esau shall be stubble, and they shall set them ablaze and devour them; Then none shall survive of the house of Esau, for the LORD has spoken. Zechariah 10:3-9 My wrath is kindled against the shepherds, and I will punish the leaders; For the LORD of hosts will visit his flock, the house of Judah, and make them his stately war horse. From him shall come leader and chief, from him warrior’s bow and every officer. They shall all be warriors, trampling the mire of the streets in battle; They shall wage war because the LORD is with them, and shall put the horsemen to rout. I will strengthen the house of Judah, the house of Joseph I will save; I will bring them back, because I have mercy on them, they shall be as though I had never cast them off, for I am the LORD, their God, and I will hear them. Then Ephraim shall be valiant men, and their hearts shall be cheered as by wine. Their children shall see it and be glad, their hearts shall rejoice in the LORD. I will whistle for them to come together, and when I redeem them they will be as numerous as before. I sowed them among the nations, yet in distant lands they remember me; they shall rear their children and return. Zechariah 12:1-10 An oracle: the word of the LORD concerning Israel. Thus says the LORD, who spreads out the heavens, lays the foundations of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him: See, I will make Jerusalem a bowl to stupefy all peoples round about. (Judah will be besieged, even Jerusalem.) On that day I will make Jerusalem a weighty stone for all peoples. All who attempt to lift it shall injure themselves badly, and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered against her. On that day, says the LORD, I will strike every horse with fright, and its rider with madness. I will strike blind all the horses of the peoples, but upon the house of Judah I will open my eyes, and the princes of Judah shall say to themselves, “The inhabitants of Jerusalem have their strength in the LORD of hosts, their God.” On that day I will make the princes of Judah like a brazier of fire in the woodland, and like a burning torch among sheaves, and they shall devour right and left all the surrounding peoples; but Jerusalem shall still abide on its own site. The LORD shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not be exalted over Judah. On that day, the LORD will shield the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the weakling among them shall be like David on that day, and the house of David godlike, like an angel of the LORD before them. On that day I will seek the destruction of all nations that come against Jerusalem. I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and petition; and they shall look on him whom they have thrust through, and they shall mourn for him as one mourns for an only son, and they shall grieve over him as one grieves over a first-born. Micah 4:11-13 How many nations are gathered against you! They say, “Let her be profaned, let our eyes see Zion’s downfall!” But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, nor understand his counsel, When he has gathered them like sheaves on the threshing floor. Arise and thresh, O daughter Zion; your horn I will make iron And your hoofs bronze, that you may crush many peoples; You shall devote their spoils to the LORD, and their riches to the Lord of the whole earth. ***** “Zion, Jerusalem, Joseph, Jacob, Israel, Ephraim, Judah, and the house of David are all used as symbols of God’s people. The house of Esau, on the other hand, represents the evil ones who have rebelled against God. This holy war, along with the other primary event themes of the end of days including judgment, has been going on since Christ (John 12:31 NAB). “This is one reason you are being attacked: you are, or are intended to be the Lord’s stately warhorse in the last battle! That makes you a concrete threat to the devil and his community. Another reason is that the devil simply hates us because we are reborn of the Spirit and remade anew in the image of God. Satan doesn’t need the first reason to hate us, but we must be sure to give it to him. We must go to war for Christ. We must protect the innocent with prayer, with service to the community, with personal friendship, with devotion to the Church and its Holy Sacraments and with uncompromised acts of faith. We have to stop compromising the unlimited power, glory and majesty of God!” Father Bernie smiles wryly, looking Joe squarely in the eye. “Turn up the flame of the Holy Spirit in your life every chance you get: go to Church, pray, do miracles if you are permitted. But always remember that the Church is our center, the source of our protection and empowerment. “The enemy wants desperately to douse the flame of the Spirit in our lives. Satan is all too happy to see his own people consumed in the fires of judgment, true, for that is his goal for all of us after all. But he knows the flames of the Holy Spirit are first and foremost salvific. God isn’t giving up on anyone until their last breath. The optimism, joy, unconditional love and friendship generated by the Spirit of God inevitably breaks people free from Satan’s grasp. “To keep his grip on people, the devil, and, most unfortunately, those people who serve him or otherwise fall under his temporary influence, will try anything and everything to put those around them into a negative frame of mind—anything negative whatsoever works to their advantage— but especially sin. Conversely, the Spirit of God is increased in our lives through a conscious choice to express goodness, love, friendship, joy, and celebration of Christ—especially in the sacraments of the Church. It’s a real and real-time struggle between the forces of good and evil, positive and negative. “This is why people around us appear to be doing an endless stream of inane things, things that seem to have no other purpose than to ruin a positive mood—for that is precisely the purpose. We must remain on guard against the negative. ‘Don’t worry, be happy,’ must be our war cry, following St. Padre Pio. Otherwise the devil will use us as an instrument to promote negativity in the community around us. “It is not such a bitter pill to take, that our master strategy for this spiritual war is to trust God so fully that we are miserably happy—but there it is. That’s how much God loves us. Our defense against the devil’s final attack is to center ourselves in love, joy, faith and happiness! It’s a funny kind of war, a war Christ has already won for us. Who would have thought the last battle would be so simple! The requisite affirmation of Christ is done, surprisingly enough, by simply practicing old time religion, by living a humble Christian life and putting all the hard stuff into God’s hands. Therein lies full victory! “Of course, we do carry our own cross, each person in his or her our own way. Life will have its tough moments. But Christ heals all wounds! And he has overcome death itself on our behalf. “Don’t give up on anyone, but do exercise prudence. Keep a safe distance from anyone who shows signs of being truly physically or spiritually dangerous. If contact can’t be avoided, affirm Christ with confidence. Evil cannot stop you when you affirm Christ; the demonic spirits must cower before the Lord. Evil shrivels and melts away in the presence of the holy fire. “In God’s wisdom, however, at times Christians are required to give up their lives. We may become victims of violent persecution or other more routine threats. Should martyrdom be required to glorify God, so be it. Martyrdom is not a defeat. It is the greatest gift and victory the Lord offers his children here on earth. It ensures an eternal place of honor in heaven. “And let’s face it; we are all mortals. Though our souls are eternal, our bodies are going to die of something. It may as well be doing the right thing in God’s service earning an everlasting reward. “That’s not to say that it will always be easy. There will be suffering, trials, tests and tribulations of no small magnitude—even martyrdom. But both victory and eternal reward are certain if we hold on to Jesus.” Father is exhausted. He moves to close. “The direct spiritual warfare our team is designed to do is an important part of the last battle, but our primary focus as Christians remains what it always has been: love God and help your neighbor. It’s still just a matter of old time religion. “To get to where we need to be, we must first cultivate greater holiness and closer friendship with God in our own lives. Having first established a solid spiritual base to work from, we should look for ways to help those around us on a personal basis, and if our situation allows, be socially and politically active—try to improve the world we live in. We should spread the Gospel in our own unique personal way among the people we meet, not pushing our faith on others, but joyfully sharing with those who show an interest. “We must continue to give relief to the poor even if we can only afford a few dollars per week; it adds up. We have to pitch in on the large tasks, such as establishing and maintaining good government. And perhaps most important of all, we have to teach our own children the faith. “Our individual contributions in these areas may seem small, even negligible, but with roughly 4 billion God-fearing people of the different faiths on planet Earth working for God, it adds up pretty quick—and God promises matching funds. God can afford a pretty big match! Occasionally he honors our small efforts in very dramatic ways. As our parents always taught us, it’s the thought that counts. St Theresa of Calcutta said, “The smallest act of kindness is never wasted.” Pam finally returns with pastries, fresh ones. She pretends they are day old. Pam knows Father Bernie puts an equivalent donation into the local food bank for the poor when he can finagle a freebee at a bakery or a restaurant. It is too late to quibble over details in any case. “These Danish are awfully warm and moist for day-old, Pam.” “Oh really? Well, I just warmed them up a bit for my favorite homilist. Priests work very hard for their community; they deserve a little help in return.” She begins putting up the chairs for the night. Seeing no reason to admonish Pam for having good taste in homilists, Father invites Joe to help himself. In a moment, they have devoured six of the delicious cinnamon rolls. Father says the concluding Grace. “Oh, one last thing. Three of our other top priorities are saving the environment from global warming and toxic pollution, saving the unborn children by working to end abortion, and, a problem less well known, rescuing the martyrs. Christians are being attacked, imprisoned, tortured and killed for their faith in some twenty countries around the world even today. This is no less a horror story than when the Romans threw the Christians to the lions or boiled them in oil during the first four centuries. A good place to start on that problem is to support the Voice of the Martyrs organization at http://www.persecution.com/. Their free weekly newsletter is a good guide to prayer for the persecuted Church in other nations, and any small donation you can make can do wonderful things to rescue those who have lost their homes, jobs, and health due to unjust religious persecution.” “Count me in, Father. I’m fully on board. I’ll start looking for ways to help.” “Great! Hey, let’s get out of here, Joe; it’s practically time to go to work.” ***** Smiling, Clayton tugs at his ear lobes. “Spiritual voice is real. I heard Mr. Alvarez telepathically today, and understood him. He doesn’t speak a word of English! He didn’t say much, only ‘God bless you’ but it was enough. Unfortunately, spiritual voice is a gift the devil loves to impersonate. He has been jabbering BS in my ear most of the day trying to make me doubt the truth of the original occurrence. I’m ignoring him, as Fr. Bernie instructed.” Clayton hands over a Bible with a handful of colored page tabs. “There’s something you should see here. The last chapter of Mark, chapter two of Acts, and a few related passages.” “OK,” Joe begins flipping the pages, “Matthew, Mark, here we go.” His finger runs down the pages of Mark, and he begins to scan silently: When the Sabbath was over . . . Jesus rose early . . . These signs will accompany those who believe . . . In my name they will drive out demons, and then speaking out loud as it hits him, “They will speak in new tongues.” He notices a second tab at 1 Corinthians, chapter thirteen. “If I speak in human and angelic tongues . . . ” Full understanding of a holy event might be beyond man’s grasp, but you could get this far—you could confirm that it was happening. It’s happening! Joe bows his head. Reaching again for the Bible he finds Acts chapter 2: When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, “‘Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his own native language? We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God.” They were all astounded and bewildered, and said to one another, “What does this mean?” But others said, scoffing, “They have had too much new wine.” Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed to them, “You who are Jews, indeed all of you staying in Jerusalem. Let this be known to you, and listen to my words. These people are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning. No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: ‘It will come to pass in the last days,’ God says, ‘that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. Indeed, upon my servants and my handmaids I will pour out a portion of my spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy. And I will work wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below: blood, fire, and a cloud of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and splendid day of the Lord, and it shall be that everyone shall be saved who calls on the name of the Lord.’55 “There’s something else. Look at James 3. He says the human tongue is influenced by the forces of hell and cannot be tamed. Now look at what St. Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:19-21, that prophecy can make no errors at all: it is wholly reliable. Therefore, the human tongue cannot be used for direct real-time prophecy; a flawless vehicle of some kind must be available. Otherwise prophecy must be subjected to the discernment process over time and the real-time prophetic events of scripture in the Old Testament become impossible without some exceptional gift from God for the prophets to use in order to overcome demonic interference and the tendency to human error.” “Angelic voice, a gift of the Holy Spirit!” “Perhaps. There is an alternative. God could simply boot out the devil and control our tongues temporarily with perfect effect. On the other hand, it is possible that when the apostles were speaking to the crowds at Pentecost they used the prophetic gift of angelic voice so that they could be understood by all and maintain the inerrancy prophecy requires. “This would still allow that, when speaking to individuals they may have used the more ‘down to earth’ gift of languages, or tongues, and actually spoke the other man’s language using physical voice. Also, as the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost, the rapture of such a close communion with God may well have, in addition, evoked the lesser gift of unintelligible utterances, a form of tongues that is understandable only by God, and perhaps the angels. This last form is what is more commonly referred to as speaking in tongues.” “Alleluia! I never thought I would encounter a genuine spiritual charism, to hear someone speak with the voice of an angel! This whole end times thing is amazing!” ***** “In theory, biblical references to a darkening of the sun could signify a complete burnout, the end of the solar system—and there are plenty of cataclysms indicated in prophecy—but solar burnout is scientifically predictable. Taking this view would contradict the biblical maxim that no man will know the day or the hour of the Lord’s return. “That predictability assumes certain things, of course. One, that we are not moved to another solar system prior to the destruction of this one, and, two, that God doesn’t miraculously cause burnout prior to the close of the sun’s natural term. “Then there is Murphy’s Law. At some point in the future man, himself, might have the technology to destroy the sun with an advanced missile of some kind as in Star Trek Generations. A lunatic might decide to launch one in an insane nihilistic frenzy. “The sun danced at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. It (or its shadow) went backwards in Isaiah 38, and it stayed in place 24 hours for Joshua to finalize his battle.56 We must allow that God could terminate the sun early through miraculous intervention. Of course, the only biblical precedent needed to ground the possibility of miraculous intervention of any kind is the simple verse, ‘All things are possible to God.’ “Also, recall Christ’s comments that he could return at a time when we least expect it. Jesus tells us to go so far in anticipation of his early return as to sleep with our clothes on. This is a figure of speech, of course, not literal. It refers to maintaining our dignity through purification from sin. This way we are not embarrassed by sin when Christ returns. Despite this deeper meaning, the implication remains that our Lord could return at any time. “Christ may also be teaching us the truth of individual judgment here. Our death could come at any moment by accident, crime, war, or illness with little or no warning. As they say in the movies . . . ” Father takes a moment to gather his dramatic personae. Pretending to pull out a machinegun, he mimes its shape, announcing loudly in the voice of Jimmy Cagney, “‘Prepare to meet your God! I’m gonna give it to you like you gave it to my brother.’” Leaning backward against the imagined recoil of the formidable weapon, Father sways from side to side spraying the group with imaginary bullets. “Plllllllup . . . Plllllllup . . . Plllllllup . . . ” “Encore, encore!” Feigning a psychological boost from the applause, Father drags out his moment of glory a bit to entertain the group, then sits down to continue the exposition of Revelation. “So much for fun and games. Let’s return to biblical exposition. Using common astronomical signs as a primary referent for Revelation 6:12-13 is not an absolute certainty. Eclipses are not uncommon; two to five solar eclipses occur each year. The lunar eclipses are somewhat less frequent. The Leonid meteor shower normally occurs only once per year. This month the Leonid occurs twice, which is unusual. Having a double meteor shower in the same month as both a lunar and solar eclipse is even more improbable, something like one chance in fifteen hundred. “Taken separately, none of these events serve as unique time markers. However, an improbable convergence of all of them in conjunction with a spiritual event corresponding to the passage’s symbolic meaning, in this case a major demonic incursion, would seem to surpass standard probability expectations sufficiently to constitute a valid sign. “While these events are admittedly not as cataclysmic as most people traditionally expect the signs of Revelation 6 to be, it is possible that God is phasing in the severity of the signs to give those of us with spiritual eyes and ears who can read the signs with spiritual discernment advanced warning as a reward for our faith. Nonbelievers will not pay attention in any case until things become catastrophic. “Revelation 6 also uses the astronomical events non-literally as symbols. At Revelation chapter nine the footnotes reveal falling stars to be common symbols for fallen angels, or demons. What is on the surface a reference to astronomical events is also announcing a major demonic incursion through the use of symbolism. “Both the literal and the symbolic import of Revelation six have now seemingly been satisfied at least at an initial level of intensity. Given the possibility that God’s message of the impending close of this world will occur in cycles as they did in the first twelve chapters of Exodus the current astronomical signs could be a genuine fulfillment of Revelation 6 without precluding the occurrence of more severe versions of similar signs in the future. “Reason, common sense, informed exposition and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit must be capable of resolving the meaning of a biblical passage at the point in history when God actually brings forth the sign, else the sign is useless. Jesus rebuked the Hebrew religious leaders for not being able to read the signs, so we know the signs are not there for nonbelievers, but for the faithful. “The purpose of using cycles of events with a recurring theme is not to redundantly reiterate the obvious that the earth is to be destroyed by cataclysmic events. Prior astronomical signs and the science of astronomy have already told us the same thing. The purpose is give advance warning to the faithful who have spiritual discernment so they may prepare themselves in the spirit for the traumatic events ahead and for the full purity and goodness of heaven and the next world. From that perspective it makes more sense to give the signs early in a less severe form. This gives us a chance to start working on our spiritual growth within conditions that have some semblance of normalcy. Kind of hard to focus on contemplative prayer and religious mediations while the stars are literally falling around you. Spiritual growth takes time, and humans have a long way to grow to approach the pure goodness of God. “The Church does not do astrology, of course; the devil’s people work with astrology. God does, however, use astronomical signs to guide us at special times. There is a notable precedent: the Lord’s birth, ‘a star in the east’? Also, as I mentioned, Joshua made the sun stand still for an entire day, and, in Isaiah, God caused the shadow of the sun to go backwards and retrace its steps. “For Joshua, that sign represented victory. The sign for King Hezekiah in Isaiah 38 signaled protection against enemies, personal healing, and deliverance from death. Christ’s return represents the absolute fulfillment of all of these kinds of gifts: victory, healing, and deliverance from evil and death. Therefore, God would be consistent with biblical precedent in using astronomical signs as harbingers of his return. “Two questions remain to be clarified whenever signs are given: is there involvement of the miraculous, and is the revelation public or private? “The star in the east might have moved in an unnatural course in order to guide the wise men, perhaps even descending, or it may have done nothing miraculous. It could have merely marked the spot from a normal and stable position. The wise men might have been moved by the Spirit in such a way as to maintain a corresponding course attitude that periodically placed Bethlehem under the star from their perspective. There is actually such a thing known to science as a wandering star. Along with everything else these are described on the Internet. “On the other hand, what was taken to be a star may simply have been an angel whose radiance caused it to be mistaken for a star. The angel that appeared to the magi to announce Christ’s birth may have intentionally assumed the appearance of a star for the purpose of guiding them to baby Jesus. Or it may have been an angel straight out. If traditional symbolism can depict fallen angels as falling stars, then good angels might be represented by unfallen stars. “On the surface of things, the sun appears to have behaved miraculously for Joshua. Joshua’s army had twenty-four hours of sunlight in which to prosecute battle. Alternatively, it is possible that God gave Joshua’s troops the ability to see in the dark until their foes were vanquished, thus accomplishing the same result with a collection of individual gifts in lieu of stopping the earth’s rotation around the sun. The biblical language, in this latter case, may have employed symbolism as a means to express the exalted status of God’s magnificent gifts, or it may be a simple description of how Joshua’s men experienced the event in the best way they knew to describe it. It is even possible that they were supernaturally provided with an internal image of the sun to avoid their being distracted from the frenzy of battle until the enemy was destroyed. “However, as both the sun and the moon are described as holding their relative positions for an entire day, a real public miracle seems the most likely interpretation of Joshua 10. In either case, the event in Joshua 10 was fully anomalous and simultaneously known to many. It therefore appears to involve the miraculous whether the orbits of heavenly bodies were stayed or hundreds of people were simultaneously given the ability to see in the dark. “Interestingly, giant hail stones fell upon Joshua’s enemies, killing more of them than his warriors slew in battle, another anomalous astronomical-meteorological sign. “The event of King Hezekiah’s observing the shadow of the sun go backwards is more ambiguous than Joshua 10; it is as likely a private revelation as a public one. However, in Sirach 48:23 the author says Isaiah ‘turned back the sun and prolonged the life of the king.’ This need not be literal, however, as it might be another instance of magnifying the status of the event as a means to find some expression that approaches the exalted state of miraculous divine gifts originating with Almighty God himself. “Even at Fatima, Portugal, with St. Mary’s appearance to the three shepherd children there in 1917, the sun was quote unquote seen to do odd things. At Fatima, however, not everyone in that part of the world observed the same irregularities at the same time.” “Due to the absence of the publicly miraculous in this month’s astronomical signs, the intuitive tendency is to look for something more dramatic and cataclysmic in the future to fulfill Revelation six. But there is a scriptural argument against cataclysmic events as signs of the end. The scripture says that most people will remain oblivious to the warning signs of the end, as in the days of Noah. They will continue their normal lives, eating and drinking, marrying and carrying on daily business as if nothing unusual is happening right up to the last moment. That tells us that, whatever the signs of the end will be, they will not be unequivocal; they will remain plausibly deniable to the rational intellect minus the aid of inspired interpretation. “The people of Noah’s day apparently did not get extensive dramatic astronomical-meteorological signs as premonitions of the flood. What they got was Noah and his prophecy. If the days of Noah are to be used as a template for the issuance of warnings during the last days, then subtle astronomical signs being interpreted by a prophet would be a closer match than outright catastrophe that anyone could understand. “That would seem to definitively rule out employing the death of the sun by any means, natural or supernatural as merely a sign. Business as usual would be a bit difficult without it. Such a sign would not be deniable; it wouldn’t require the interpretation of a prophet. And once the sun has completely burned out, the warning period will be so brief as to be of little use. Even with a gradual phase-out of the sun life would not survive the first substantial change; our ecosystem is too sensitive. “Only in pure and wildly speculative theory can science conceivably construct an artificial substitute for the sun. This has not been shown to be feasible. The passing of the sun must be assumed to be irremediable, alarming everyone. But the scripture says such universal alarm will not occur; most people will miss the signs of the end. “This suggests that the primary import of Revelation 6:12-13 is symbolic, representing a spiritual darkness, not a physical event at all, and that more subtle astronomical signs may be given that require prophetic interpretation. With the advent of the spiritual darkness, the demonic surge, God is warning that His light will be withdrawn from an evil world if it doesn’t repent and turn back to its God and Creator. “This spiritual catastrophe teaches us how critical the light, love and warmth of God’s presence in our lives is to our survival and wellbeing, a presence we too often take for granted without giving God thanks and praise. This kind of sign is immediately perceivable to good people with spiritual discernment; they will be painfully aware of the Lord’s absence. The evil ones, on the other hand, being oblivious to God’s actions in their lives, will not notice the change, or, if they do, they won’t consider it sufficiently dramatic to satisfy their conception of what the signs of the end will be. It won’t be a big change to them because they are already living in a self-imposed darkness. “The Lord has told us that this is precisely his reason for using subtlety in the scriptures when he explained the parables to his apostles. If the signs were unmistakable, the evil ones would repent, but not due to conversion of heart. They would repent merely to try to preserve their lives. “These signs are being given as the signs of impending judgment. They would defeat their very purpose if by their nature they made the separation of good from evil impossible. Although subtle, by putting our eternal salvation at risk in the removal of God’s light from our world, the event is even more cataclysmic than if mere physical survival were threatened. One’s instinct to look for truly cataclysmic events in Revelation 6:12-13 is therefore justified and fulfilled by this kind of symbolic reading, though we are not in the habit of thinking is such terms. After all, eternal damnation is the most cataclysmic event a human being can experience. “The imposition of a spiritual darkness may seem to contradict the Lord’s promise in Joel 4 and Acts 2 to pour out his spirit on his children in the last days, but that outpouring is directed not at the world as a whole but only those living the faith. Thus, the message St. Mary has repeatedly emphasized in recent apparitions: return to an affectionate friendship with God through renewed devotion to prayer. This fits the end times prophecy of Revelation 6:12-13 because St. Mary has posed this alternative of renewed faith and devotion as the only way to avoid being overcome by the surge of darkness symbolized in Revelation 6, the only way to stand against the demonic assault. “We will receive the promised outpouring of the Lord’s spirit in the process of affirming Christ in our life each day, especially by devotion to the Holy Rosary. St. Mary is our doorway to Christ.” “Revelation 6 illustrates the important rule that to accurately interpret a biblical passage it must be set within the context of the entire scripture.57 Prophecy especially requires this technique. Prophetic passages are so mysterious that they could mean practically anything without further clarification from context.” “What do you think will happen next, Father?” Pam asks. “More dramatic signs, actually a continuation of signs we have already seen: earthquakes, tidal waves.58 hurricanes,59 degradation of culture in the great apostasy, the tribulation, a spiritual form of tribulation deriving from Satan’s final assault. Jesus’ comment at Luke 21 gives an additional sign: ‘kingdom shall rise against kingdom.’ In addition to the obvious allusion to nations at war, this refers to the kingdom of God confronting the kingdom of darkness in the final spiritual battle. This is a palpable fight where good people stand up alongside the host of heaven to wage war against evil. Christ’s reference to the kingdoms colliding is not merely a poetic allusion to theoretical differences between moral and immoral cultures; it is a real fight. “I should note that the Church teaches that the thousand year reign of Christ, at least in one important sense, is indisputably underway. This is the Augustinian view that Christ has been reigning from heaven since his victory on the cross, and that Christians are permitted to participate in that reign by affirming Christ’s victory in their lives—see Revelation 5:9-10. Granted, this is somewhat mysterious, but the Church teaches that we are joined in Christ’s mystical body and participate in his resurrection even now. “Not only do Christians on earth have an immediate share in Christ’s victory over death, but in a hidden and partially mysterious way we participate in Christ’s heavenly life even now and share that experience with the rest of the Church through the communion of saints.60 “While having stridently affirmed that Christians on earth are genuinely resurrected with Christ in this mysterious and participative Augustinian sense of the word, the Catholic Church has, nonetheless, never made the question of a literal first bodily resurrection a primary topic in theology. While Church dogma is silent on the topic, the unstated assumption seems to be that there is no reason of substance to believe the first resurrection is a literal bodily resurrection, but rather the resurrection in the spirit of rebirth through Christ—dead to sin and reborn in the Spirit in Baptism. “Some Protestants have traditionally assumed a literal bodily first resurrection as an unquestioned truth. Protestants potentially differ among themselves on the specifics of how, when or even why and for whom or how many the first resurrection occurs. Despite the lack of emphasis on the topic of a literal first resurrection in Catholic theological tradition, and despite the fact that a prima facie case can be made for a literal first resurrection within the scripture, the Marian dogma of the assumption and glorification of St. Mary indicates that her glorification is and will be unique among men until final judgment. Pope Pius XII proclaimed this infallibly in his apostolic constitution, Munificentissimus Deus. Thus any resurrection occurring prior to final judgment would have to be of normal physical bodies, not the glorified angelic form we are to assume after final judgment. “Let me see your Bible, Pam. Now, here is a passage strongly suggestive of a literal first bodily resurrection. (Matthew 27:45-53) From noon onward, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. And about three o’clock Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” Some of the bystanders who heard it said, “This one is calling for Elijah.” Immediately one of them ran to get a sponge; he soaked it in wine, and putting it on a reed, gave it to him to drink. But the rest said, “Wait, let us see if Elijah comes to save him.” But Jesus cried out again in a loud voice, and gave up his spirit. And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked, rocks were split, tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. And coming forth from their tombs after his resurrection, they entered the holy city and appeared to many. “This passage is quite powerful. It remains mysterious to some extent but the symbolic meaning is clear enough: we will be resurrected to eternal life through Christ’s victory over death and sin on the cross. The most likely reading of this event is that it was a dramatic small-scale physical resurrection used to illustrate the spiritual resurrection we share in Christ through Baptism and to symbolize the final resurrection to come. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a literal first bodily resurrection, it only means that there doesn’t need to be a first bodily resurrection for this incident to make theological sense. Pam has another question. “Father, that passage reminds me of yet another tough theology question—something that has always bothered me. Why would Jesus think God his Father had abandoned him, even at the moment of death? All of his teachings tell us to place our values in the eternal goods of the next world and not to value the things of this world, even to hate this life. Was it simply the overwhelming intensity of the pain that made him say that—I mean he was fully a human being as well as the divine son of God, and he might understandably have been speaking from delirium after so much torture, pain, and injury?” “The fact that the Holy Spirit allowed that statement to make it into the permanent version of the scripture created by the Church councils argues against it being an unconscious act of delirium. Not that some purely anecdotal details of storyline haven’t survived in biblical tales, but there aren’t many that don’t serve some purpose toward supporting the meaning of the passage. In this case, the statement “Why hast thou forsaken me?” is not suitable as a meaning-neutral detail of the storyline because on the surface it portends a lot of meaning. “It must therefore be read as a consciously intended statement made by Jesus for the purpose of communicating something to us. Given the pain and effort involved to make that statement with essentially his last breath, it is a rational assumption that the message was important. So, what was the message. Obviously, he did not mean full abandonment in a literal sense because it would, as you said, contradict his own teachings about the goodness of God, his Father. Certainly, God the Father, being all good, a perfect loving father, would never abandon his son, and Jesus understood that better than anyone else. “So, what did he mean? Christ’s statement is a quote from the Psalms: Psalm 22. Jesus was praying the Psalm, not criticizing his God, and not merely crying out in pain, though certainly he had every justification for doing that.61 His very last words, “Into your hands I commend my spirit,” were also an act of praying the Psalms—in this case Psalm 31:6. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) tells us at CCC 1093, praying the Psalms is a part of the liturgy of worship originating in the days of the Old Covenant that is still practiced today. “It seems odd to have to say the obvious, that Jesus, who was God, was actively practicing, that is, living his faith unto the very last breath. How could God made man do anything else? He is the liturgy personified! But a statement like “Why hast thou forsaken me?” legitimately calls for clarification because, on the surface, it would seem to suggest a moment of doubt. But the doubt was not his; it belonged to the originator of the Psalm that Jesus was praying, King David. “Even there we have good reason to believe that David, being a very devout man who had lived through the many ups and downs of the Hebrew people’s struggle, and had God’s prophets explain the reason for the punishments that they at times incurred, knew that times of crisis arise not because God has deserted us, but because we have deserted him. The many other psalms of David are replete with thanksgiving for God having delivered David from threat after threat and with affirmations that God always does deliver his people. “Even David would have been wise enough to use the expression as a non-literal figure of speech meaning essentially “What have I (or we) done wrong this time?” not “Why is God fickle to his beloved children at times when they need him the most?” David knew that doesn’t happen, and Jesus knew it more. “Another thing to note in support of Christ not having lost faith in God his Father in that final moment is that Christ was always teaching us his entire life, and with his entire life. Psalm 22 is titled ‘The Prayer of an Innocent Man.’ Christ used this vehicle, the 22nd Psalm, in conjunction with the universally acknowledged veracity of a dying man’s last words, to affirm his innocence, a condition critical to the efficaciousness of his sacrifice for our sins: a lamb without spot or blemish. Jesus was offering The Prayer of an Innocent Man to affirm that he was innocent, and that he was so fully innocent that he qualified to serve as the paschal lamb that atones for the sin of the entire human race, the long awaited Messiah. “The 22nd Psalm epitomizes the suffering of the human condition. Christ was also using it to validate his true humanity, to confirm that, although divine, he chose to live and suffer authentically as a human being. All the better to prepare him to be our advocate to God the Father. So, Jesus was still teaching us on the cross, even unto his last breath. Psalm 22 was the most apt instrument for the purpose, and properly understood, perhaps a perfect instrument. “In addition to the reasons just cited, we should remember that Christ is the fulfillment of God’s promise to David that his line would never fail. So, in a sense, with Jesus’ passion on the cross being an eternal timeless event, he might be considered as directly answering any doubts David might have been expressing personally in Psalm 22 about God’s loyalty to Israel by consummating the event that places an heir of David’s on the throne of Israel forever. “The symbolic sense of the scripture at Psalm 22 wherein the doubt expressed may be taken to be an expression of all of our moments of doubt also has a resolution. The Catechism of the Catholic Church at number 603 says that what Christ was doing with his last words was taking up that symbolic sense and speaking not for himself but for the entire human race, asking why God had abandoned us to slavery to sin without rescue. In the very next instant, of course, he is gone, and sin and death go with him. They are defeated for us all and for all time if we only affirm Christ and repent our sins. Three days later, Christ’s victory over death and sin is demonstrated with his resurrection. He ascends into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, glorified and immortal. “In submitting himself to death, Christ rescued all of us from it, taking our death sentence for sin upon himself. Question—answer! Problem solved! Christ reflects our questions and doubts about why we have been abandoned to sin with his last breath, and in his next action he provides the eternal solution in his own resurrected person! “That situation is quite the reverse of a Father who didn’t care enough to rescue Christ his own son from the cross. You talk about a caring Father? Jesus had no sooner posed the request for our deliverance from sin than it was carried out with the fullness of divine efficacy. Christ says the equivalent of, ‘Father please rescue my brothers and sisters, your human children. I am willing to take their punishment for them to give them another chance,’ and God the Father answers with the equivalent of ‘Done! Next question.’ “God the Father answered Jesus so generously at that moment because Jesus himself was, in the very moment of his death, proving that he was willing to put his “money,” in this case, his total human existence and immense pain and anguish, where his mouth was; he was willing to back up his request to save us by investing everything he had in the effort. “Under those circumstances of full commitment, what is God the Father’s answer: ‘Done. Next question. Matching funds—you make an honest effort and I will back you up 100%’ When we invest our own resources and effort in solving a problem for the suffering and afflicted of this world God is going to hear our prayers as well. “Christ also here reminds us that he is the fulfillment of the messianic prophecy. Psalm 22 is the Psalm that prefigures the Lord’s crucifixion. “There may also be one additional lesson in Christ’s words from the Psalm. As Christians we will be carrying our own cross. The devil will no doubt suggest to us that we should consider ourselves abandoned by God because he has permitted suffering. However, Jesus’ life proves this to be a false alarm because he was gloriously resurrected on Easter morning, passed into a much better world, and accomplished great things through his suffering! “Jesus is telling us, you may have doubts when moments of suffering arise, but look what happens if you hold on to your faith! “A magnificent reward awaits those humans whose souls are purified through suffering. We are not being abandoned when we suffer, but rather tempered and purified as preparation for a much greater gift: the paradise of heaven and the perfect world to follow final judgment. We have to invest some suffering to get those magnificent matching funds, but it will be more than worth the investment. “God needs to know we are committed to goodness and love before admitting us into a divine paradise with only goodness in it. Holding on to our commitment to Christ through suffering, Christ who represents goodness and love, proves we mean it, proves we are committed, if not yet perfect. Suffering forms our soul, preparing it to receive the divine grace that will change us eternally into a purely good and glorified person at final judgment. The willingness to give up all we have in this world to hold to that commitment to Christ, to die for our faith if necessary, similarly forms our souls and prepares them for God’s grace and the glorification of our body and soul at the resurrection following final judgment. “In praying Psalm 22 Jesus was also teaching us that scripture is the greatest comfort we have in difficult moments, while simultaneously drawing his own solace in time of need from the divine word.” “He was teaching us all that at the final moment of his greatest pain and with his last breath? He must certainly love us a lot to make such an effort!” “Yes—he had reached the point of pain surpassing human endurance; he was at the brink of death; and he expended his final effort to teach us— and look how much he was teaching us! No wonder God the Father qualified him for matching funds; Jesus invested everything he had in the project right down to his last breath. He loved us a lot, is right: infinite, unconditional, never-ending, divine love.” “Wow!” “Jesus wasn’t praying the 22nd Psalm to express doubt; he was praying it so there would be no doubt, no doubt that God keeps all his promises, in this case the promise that the Davidic line of kings would never fail, and no doubt that we have been saved from sin and death by the divine sacrifice of the Messiah.” “Thanks be to God!” ***** “St. Mary has reportedly warned in recent apparitions in clear and definite terms that the devil is threatening a takeover of anyone unprotected by faith. She exhorts us to return to the Rosary to acquire sufficient protection. Many of these apparitions remain to be investigated and approved but the message makes perfect sense whether the apparition turns out to be officially authenticated or not. At this late and critical hour, the only alternative to demonic possession or a stifling oppression is a renewed devotion to prayer and church, especially the Holy Mass and confession. “Given the intensity that the last phase of this spiritual battle will inevitably manifest, those who do choose Christ and successfully hold on to an active faith may find themselves at times surrounded by evil. This may take the form of either demons or people, or both. It could include even one’s own family and friends62 who have, for the moment at least, chosen wrongly and fallen under the devil’s influence. Demonic oppression has reached epidemic proportions—and the threat of mass possession looms ominously over battlefield earth. “Not to despair, however. The close proximity of the enemy is not a sign that God’s forces are losing, quite to the contrary. It represents an advanced point in the progression of God’s plan for the harvest of souls. God is intentionally bringing the evil ones in close to attack the faithful so that the Holy Spirit within us will burn up the evil like chaff raked into the fire at harvest, assuming they don’t respond to the Christian love and forgiveness aimed in their direction in a positive way and accept God’s grace and conversion. Those humans signed up to serve in the devil’s army can still convert to Christ, and the Church continues to hope against hope that they will. We will not be judging the evil ones, as only Christ has that authority, but the harvest event will be spontaneously enacted around us as we express our Christian faith in our daily lives. “This magnificent spiritual event, as enormous as it is, nonetheless remains fully discernible only to those the Lord has blessed with the gift of discernment of spirits. An exception, of course, is the senseless horrible violence in the news, which should serve as a sign of the demonic to anyone capable of rational thought. Unfortunately, with Satan being free, we can expect more of this kind of insanity. “The ‘mark of the beast’ scenario is playing out in hidden fashion in our modern world. It poses only a limited and invisible menace in countries where freedom of religion is protected by rule of law and constitutional government. Nonetheless, even in free societies, Christians are being forcefully persecuted, albeit in subtle and hidden ways, excluded wherever possible from influential jobs and positions of achievement or social status through invisible machinations, sabotaged at every turn via supernaturally coordinated prejudice, and even physical obstruction and direct attack by supernatural forces. “This is done in a thousand ways that, generally, only prayer can defeat, but will defeat. The satanic community may (or may not) at times invisibly predominate in various sectors of society, and the Satanists are each willing to a greater or lesser extent to cooperate with the devil in sabotaging our lives. Others, who have been overrun by the demons, are manipulated to facilitate the devil’s plans. They are not consciously intending to do evil, but they unknowingly get pulled into behaviors that facilitate the devil’s agenda.” ***** “Symbolism is another tool that adds richness to scripture. The symbolism of the sun being darkened represents the change to our life experience that will result from the heavy demonic incursion. Father Gabriele Amorth, a noted author on the subject of spiritual warfare and one of the most distinguished exorcists in the history of the Catholic Church, remarked twenty years ago that the smoke of Satan had entered everywhere. “Amorth makes an ominous comment in his second book, An Exorcist: More Stories, one that corresponds very closely with our view of the current demonic incursion. ‘When I am asked how many demons there are, I answer with the words that the demon himself spoke through a demoniac: “We are so many that, if we were visible, we would darken the sun.” ’63 “This has an eerie similarity to events in Revelation, including the locusts being released from the pit, locusts with a scorpion’s tail that torment those without God’s seal. Chapter nine of Revelation says the locusts that come out of the abyss are led by the angel of death or destruction, Abaddon, possibly another name for Satan. So, in both Revelation chapters six and nine we have multiple symbols representing a major demonic assault in the latter days. “During that assault, the darkness of Satan’s oppression will encroach upon all aspects of life, dampening our optimism and joy until we re-stoke the fires of our faith. We will be living in a virtual darkness, a darkness of the spirit. The moon’s turning to blood, in addition to any correlation to physical astronomical signs, also symbolizes the incessant evil attacks and tragedies spawned by the devil’s armies “Our children are going to need extra nighttime prayers during this tribulation, gestures of friendship, affection, and reassurance to defend against demonic incursions into their sleep. Spiritual darkness has come upon us unawares due to our collective sins and the moral decay of society. Our children are not fully immune to it. “It is like the story of the frog placed in a pot of water on the stove. If the heat is turned up gradually, the frog is not alerted to danger until he is paralyzed. The frog’s ‘goose’ is cooked, as it were, before he notices the threat. When he does notice it, paralysis prevents his jumping out. “Satan’s goal with phase one of his assault on the Church over the past century has been much the same concept: produce a moral degradation in society so gradual that no one is alarmed, and so pervasive that we ultimately lose our sense of good and evil, and of sin itself. “There’s no question. Modern society is suffering from boiled-frog syndrome. We have become inured to the horrors occurring around us. Since we take no corrective action, the devil remains free to further sabotage our world, and with it our children’s future. Everywhere you turn the devil and his supporters parade moral obscenities in plain view unimpeded by a society so sick as to be incapable of moral outrage or compassion. The unfortunate trend is that we have allowed the devil to steal our faith in God, our self-confidence, our compassion, and our belief in ourselves. “Although Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. may well be a saint, the world tends to view his charismatic passion and fervor as a gift unique to himself. The man was certainly unique, and thank God for him, but spiritual gifts are available to anyone willing to apply them to the Lord’s work. We are all capable, and we are all called to express that same passion, the passion of Christ. Certainly Doctor King, himself, made inspired and eloquent pleas to us to do exactly that. In my own experience, outside of any personal sins Reverend King may have had, no one so closely mirrored Christ’s own persona as did Doctor King. “Scriptural truth reveals the situation to be quite different from our current self-deprecating assumptions. ‘Jacob shall be a fire!’ We are Jacob, God’s people. We are intended to be God’s stately warhorse in the last battle! “To our shame, we have permitted the devil to convince us that our personal spiritual artillery, meant by God to be definitive in this final confrontation with evil, only shoots blanks. This error must be corrected. We must raise our heads and march forward. We must stop compromising Christ’s victory. We must stop compromising the power and glory of God and shine the brilliant light of Christ in our lives. This is absolutely needed to offset the massive encroachment of darkness signified in Revelation 6:12-13. Of course it’s a funny kind of war. It’s not about guns and aggression, but love and forgiveness. As they say in the macho movies, ‘Lock and load!’ Center yourself in the love of Christ and get out there and start zapping people with it.” ***** “Father,” Pam inquires, “why don’t we know the prophetic timeline with certainty, why didn’t God just give the exact dates for these important events? If we knew Christ was returning in ten years, we could have that point of hope to help us through these most difficult times.” “That’s a fair question,” Pam, “very fair, actually, but I think you will be surprised at the answer. “First of all, our hope should remain certain, whether we know the date or not. By pure logic we know God is going to do the absolute best thing at the best time. On the other hand, your point is well taken in relation to human psychology. Having a certain end in view does help us hold on through a grueling experience, to tough it out knowing the hardship won’t last forever. “Of course, God’s wisdom is greater than our own, and therefore somewhat mysterious to us. Ironically, the strength of a situation can also be a weakness. In this case, knowing the dates and duration of important events like the tribulation, Armageddon, or our final deliverance by Christ’s return would not only enable us to hold out, it would tempt us to hold out. We would be tempted to do just enough to get by. “God is trying to teach us to do more than that. He wants us to make a full and permanent choice for good. Doing just enough for a few years to get past judgment doesn’t produce that eternal resolve, and it doesn’t accomplish the purification of our souls. “There is another obstacle to God’s telling us the specific dates: it defeats his purpose. This has to do with the fact that prophetic events are not just independent event goals that God has deemed to be good in their own right, events that would be just as good regardless of the time and place that they occur. The major events of prophecy are primarily rewards or punishments, and they are tools God uses to produce a specific result, instruments of the harvest and purification. “God has seen the future. He knows what we will do. But it simply does not work to tell us that our reward or punishment is set for a specific date when we have yet to do the things for which the reward or punishment is issued. We are radically free persons and if we were told of a certain reward being locked-in twenty years down the road there is nothing preventing us from sitting down and resting twenty years, doing nothing, or worse, doing evil. The nature of rewards and punishments precludes announcing them in advance. If they are, the honest heartfelt effort they are intended to reward may never take place, or a true propensity for evil may never be disclosed out of fear of the consequences. The purposes of both the harvest and eternal purification are thwarted. “Let’s imagine for a moment that God does tells us these things in advance. He computes what is needed, tells us what he has decided, but by telling us he causes a reaction on our part. Our reaction then introduces a new element into the equation of what is needed. God must then recompute what is best considering our reactions. This process could go on indefinitely. One surprising reason why biblical prophecy is not specific in terms of event prediction is because a behavioral axiom akin to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle applies: announcing rewards and punishments in advance alters the situations they are intended to match, causing an endless series of recomputations. “The Catholic view of prophecy is that, with some rare exceptions such as 1 Samuel chapter 2 verses 27-36 and the first five verses of 1 Kings chapter 13, it does not involve predicting the future. It involves warnings and encouragements issued as types of positive or negative event descriptions that loom on the horizon. These events are not usually set in stone; they can typically be altered by humanity’s good or bad behavior. When a prophecy is issued it is definitely time to pay attention, however, and the appropriate response is always the same: we should repent our sins with humility and return to a reverent friendship with God.” ***** “In prosecuting this last battle it is important to remember not to judge our human opponents even as we struggle vigorously against them. As Saint Paul says, our struggle is not with flesh and blood. We must continue to pray for their conversion to Christ, while keeping a safe distance as needed. God continues to hold out the grace of forgiveness even to those who do battle with the Church. St. Paul, himself, once discovered this, to his great joy. He persecuted the Church, of course, from ignorance of the truth and with the good intention of preserving what he erroneously believed to be the true and complete faith. We must never forget that, with confession, repentance, and acceptance of Christ, all manner of sin will be forgiven (Catechism of the Catholic Church 982, 1864). ‘If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing.’ (1 John 1:9 NAB) We must not fall prey to the temptation to judge others, no matter how bad things get. We may judge their actions (as they may judge ours), but not their souls. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it (CCC.1861), ‘although we can judge that an act is in itself a grave offense, we must entrust judgment of persons to the justice and mercy of God.’ “ “The one so called unforgivable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, is defined as the refusal to repent and accept the mercy of God through Christ unto one’s dying breath (CCC 1864), that is, it is defined as final impenitence. Thus the only unforgivable sin occurs not because God has marked some point in time action of ours as unforgivable—God is willing to forgive any of our sins if we repent—but because the sinner has freely chosen to deny that God’s Spirit is the essence of forgiveness itself, to deny that God wishes to forgive, he or she essentially condemns his or herself by refusing to repent when forgiveness is in fact available. “To deny that God is forgiving is to deny Christ. Given the horrendous suffering Christ endured on the cross so that we might be forgiven our sins, to deny that God is a forgiving God is the most heinous affront to the compassion and mercy of God. It is the most serious blasphemy or untruth about God that one can be guilty of asserting. “Anyone who will come to repentance can be saved regardless of their past sins.* This includes even those who have once denied God’s forgiving Spirit if they will revise their position, repent their sins, return to the Church, and acknowledge God’s mercy. “We may be forced by prudence to pray for our human opponents at a safe distance, but we should never condemn them in our hearts. We do not know the invisible demonic and emotional burdens they bear or the fairness of the conditions of their childhoods and later path in life, etc. We needn’t be naïve, reckless or imprudent, however; we don’t have to treat a Satanist like a saint. Nonetheless, only God can judge. “Just as we should never judge anyone else, we should also not judge ourselves. One should never give up on his or herself. There is no action, no statement, no emotion, no thought, no belief, no sin, that may occur at any single point in time that is unforgivable, only an irresolvable impenitence at the moment of death. Even the most hardened sinner who sins throughout their entire life, even if they repent only at the last moment of their life can be saved. (CCC 979) “Our worst human enemy in this last battle, therefore, can still be saved. The demons, of course, cannot. Their choice to rebel, made in the divine realm outside of time, was made once and for all; it is irrevocable. “And, of course, in another sense, our worst human enemy will always remain, as has ever been the case, ourselves, our own propensity to sin. As St. Paul comically and, simultaneously, almost tragically observed: that which I choose not to do I do, and that which I choose to do, I do not. ***** “We need not fear Armageddon, but neither should we ignore it. Armageddon poses a genuine threat to our individual souls via many routes. It constitutes a real threat to the viability of the Church and the continuance of a free and moral society. As such, it must be aggressively countered. This is done with prayer, worship, the Holy Sacraments, increased devotion to God, and active service to the Church, with the prosecution of just wars that oppose unjust military aggression, and with aggressive social reform and charity. I will not attempt to define what is or what is not a justifiable war, situations can be very complex. One must consult God in prayer, consult his/her priests, and consult one’s own conscience to answer that question in a given circumstance. The Catholic Catechism offers good guidance on how to approach resolving the question of which conflicts should be considered just wars and which should not. ***** “The current demonic surge, perhaps the last battle, may make it appear that the dark days have returned, but not so. Christ’s victory is both total and irrevocable, although it is still growing into its full manifestation. We need merely affirm Christ’s victory in prayer, Church, and our daily lives in order to participate in it. We absolutely do not have to wrestle these demons, as psychologically satisfying as that might be at times—considering the tragedy they have caused. They are simply too big. They have a thousand unseen tentacles that will inevitably cause harm to those around us if we are foolish enough to engage them directly and react to their sucker’s bet invitation to a fist fight with entities thousands of time more powerful than ourselves. We ignore them completely, no matter how much that grab at us, and stay focused on the light and love of Christ. It is a matter of light versus darkness, positive versus negative. We win that struggle with love, which is the Spirit of God. “Don’t get me wrong; we should never fear them or permit ourselves to be intimidated; God is on our side. By ignoring them we are not running away; we are fighting smart. Prayer is simply a smarter way to deal with demons than fisticuffs. Our attention provides the demon a ticket into this world from the lower realms. Don’t give them that. Once they get entry into us, they strike out at the people nearby through us. They can infect the objects we touch, the material we write or paint, the photographs and other media we produce; they can infest anything in this world they get sufficient contact with. “To prevent that, it is important to stay focused on positive aspects of life, while not denying the genuine tragedies of this world. Better yet, focus on the purely good aspects of heaven where there will be no tragedy, suffering, or evil. That turns on the light of the Holy Spirit and causes the demons to fall away back into the dark pit of hell they crawled out of to take a swipe at us. They’ll claw at us a bit trying to hold on, but we need only ignore them, turn to God in our hearts, and let them fall. “Even people who are not actually possessed but merely oppressed heavily by demons can be a sort of pariah to those around them, almost a curse. But when someone is truly possessed the real trouble starts: encounters with the dramatically supernatural, not just a hint of paranormal bouquet. “The senseless acts of family violence that are all over the news, the campus shootings, homicidal road rage, apparently normal people ‘going postal,’ etc. That’s where you look for demonic possession. “Over fifty children die of abuse in their own home every year right here in the little state of Indiana. The perpetrators of such horrible crimes don’t necessarily need an exorcism to heal—prayer and fasting can do it—but such extreme situations are more likely candidates for true possession than someone who has merely joined a charismatic prayer group and seeks help for serious but otherwise common emotional concerns. “Another indication of true possession is when previously faithful people inexplicably begin to blaspheme God and exhibit an overpowering aversion to the Church and the scripture. In such cases there is reason to fear genuine possession. “However, there is much we don’t know about the demonic activities. The supernatural remains predominantly veiled and mysterious to human perception. The devil may elect to employ very complex and subtle tactics or he may use obvious direct attack. It may serve his purpose to conceal his presence for a time in some cases. Visible indications aren’t always going to be present twenty four hours of every day in all situations when someone is demonically possessed. The only way to know for sure if someone is possessed is for the bishop or priest to place the demon under Christ’s authority in the Holy Rite of Exorcism. Only when the priest wrings the truth out of the demon by the sheer power and authority of God can the diagnosis be confirmed.” “On the other hand, just because a person is not possessed does not mean they might not benefit tremendously from properly performed deliverance ministry. Nearly everyone these days is afflicted by demons in one way or the other. Confronting demons directly within such ministries, or otherwise, however, can produce a possession where none previously existed! They have to be done right—prayer only. Otherwise, even the prayer minister may become possessed. “The demons need points of access to our world. But it is not a tunnel from hell we are talking about, but a spiritual connection of some kind with someone on earth. Confronting them, giving them our attention in any way, builds a bridge in the spiritual dimension. Once that bridge is built, only the authority of the bishop can restrain the criminal intent of the purely evil and immensely powerful demonic forces that come across it. “Ironically, this same error is common to both sorcerers/witches and deliverance ministers: thinking that the demons can be controlled by humans outside the priesthood once contact is made. This is not true. Control of a demon is not possible outside the bishop’s authority, and that bishop must be within the direct line of apostolic succession from the original apostles of Christ. Just assuming the title of bishop, even within an otherwise legitimate church, is not enough. “I wouldn’t go so far as to presume that Christ would not grant those bishops charisms to do the same things, but the only known method to receive Christ’s gift of authority over demons is to be in the line of succession of the apostles, having the gift passed on via the laying on of hands during ordination as bishop. “An argument might be made, that, since Christians are given the charismata appropriate to their position in the Church, all bishops would have the same authority and power over the demons. That might be true, but, since we don’t know that it is true, personally, to be sure, if I needed or was recommending an exorcism I would consult the Catholic Church. Some of the other churches also have bishops in the line of succession of the apostles, but one would have to make a close study of things to be certain. The safe bet is to avoid confrontational procedures unless a Catholic priest-exorcist is in charge to whom the bishop has delegated his authority over demons. And in those cases only the exorcist will be doing the confrontation. Fortunately there is a backup option that works in lieu of an exorcism performed under the bishop’s authority: prayer and fasting with receipt of the Holy Sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist. These practices effect deliverance without an exorcism, and without any special outside deliverance ministry. Deliverance can be done effectively in a doit-yourself approach, but we must remember that it is Christ acting through the answer to prayer and through the Holy Sacraments that is delivering us. He has the power and authority; we are just asking for help and trusting in his goodness and love. “Why redundantly belabor the point about withholding our attention from the demons? Essentially, giving direct contact to a demon equates to turning lions loose in the kindergarten. It is extremely dangerous and can produce potentially tragic effects. From the point of their release into our world through contact with a human being the demons do whatever they choose. And, despite what some people believe, they cannot be controlled by spells and incantations, though they can certainly be drummed up from hell and brought into our world that way. Only the bishop and his priestexorcists can control a demon. “It is therefore foolish and dangerous to participate in a deliverance ministry that involves a confrontational approach to demons. A purely prayer-centered therapy is the only safe approach. It is more foolish to practice the dark arts of the occult, Black Magic, Voodoo, Satanism, etc. Demons only want to destroy human beings, but they will pretend to be good spirit guides and even God himself to get us to open the door to this world for them. Don’t fall for it. Don’t interact with any spiritual being, and pray to God for protection anytime one tries to interact with you. God touches our hearts; he doesn’t have to talk our ear off. Demons may pretend to be good spirits, say good things, and promise good things, but they are not good; they are just good liars. “It is even possible that our enemy, the devil, may arrange a deliverance ministry situation with the express purpose of giving the demons an opportunity to attack a good person, including the deliverance minister(s), who is there trying to help deliver someone else. Satanists can pretend to be Christians, and the spiritual war between the kingdoms does rage around us even now, sometimes in subtle and deceptive ways. Better to stick with prayer, and ignore the demons entirely. Confrontational exorcism is always dangerous to all parties, but it could also be a trap. If you or someone you know urgently needs exorcism, contact a priest immediately. “Certainly, we can refer difficult cases to the Church for exorcism as required, but we are primarily called to pray the Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer) and the Rosary to heal people of demonic affliction and to defeat demonic attacks upon ourselves, our families and our communities. The late Leon-Joseph Cardinal Suenens taught us the unstoppable power of the Our Father, in his book Renewal and the Powers of Darkness. Fr. Gabriele Amorth, Chief Exorcist of Rome, taught us in his books, An Exorcist Tells His Story and An Exorcist: More Stories that exorcism will at times be required, but only the bishops or priests that they delegate must do them. Fr. Amorth rightly asserts that we need many more exorcists to refurbish the depleted ministry of exorcism in this troubled time. “There is a lot of deliverance work to be done, but it must be done right. We must now begin that work in earnest or risk our world succumbing to a demonic overrun. Lay men and women can be of great help in the deliverance of the people of their community by simply praying for them. The institutional Church must advance its ministry of exorcism on a more militant footing. As the scripture has always taught, we must pray unceasingly. As long as Moses held his hand out over the battlefield as an ongoing act of faith in God’s instructions, God’s people were victorious (Exodus 17:8-16). We can do the same thing today with prayer. Pray always.” ------------------- AUTHOR’S NOTE: The symbolism resident in the events of Jacob Shall Be a Fire portrays two obvious messages of prophetic warning, but Jacob does not presume to predict the future as such. The first message is that we can be profoundly deceived about what is really going on in our world and must pray for the spiritual gift of discernment to be able to see the truth. The second message is that God has been using terrorism to punish Western societies for Satanism, immorality, materialism, and the slaughter of 50 million children in abortion. He may use it yet again, if we don’t correct these errors and turn back to God. I say this, not as a radical terrorist threatening retaliation for abortion, but as a moderate law-abiding Catholic who is merely commenting on the state of our world and reading the prophetic signs. While I am not a terrorist there seems to be no shortage of people who are, and there is ample biblical precedent for God using other groups or nations to punish his people when they have done egregious evil and refuse to repent. Homeland security seems to be doing a great job, but it won’t be enough; we, the citizens, of the Western nations have to return to Church and friendship with God and make a major effort to “clean up our act,” as they say. *NOTE: As Pope Francis recently commented to a gathering of priests and bishops at the Apostolic Penitentiary (12 March 2015): “Let us never forget, whether as penitents or as confessors: there is no sin that God cannot forgive; not one.” This quote is taken from the Vatican Radio story, "Pope Francis to Confessors: Be Authentically Merciful," 12 March 2015. The pope’s full remarks are posted to the Internet at http://www.news.va/en/news/pope-francis-to-confessors-be-authentically- mercif. Other recent remarks of Pope Francis, in this case made in the chapel of the Santa Marta residence in the Vatican following the readings at Mass, are relevant here as well: “God always forgives, always – but He asks me to forgive [others]. If I do not forgive, in a sense, I close the door to God’s forgiveness.” This quote is taken from the Vatican Radio story, "Pope Francis, to Receive Pardon, We Must Give Pardon," 10 March 2015. http://www.news.va/en/news/pope-francis-to-receive-pardon-wemust-give-pardon. The point here is that, although there are no specific sins that cannot be forgiven, there are ways to close the door to forgiveness. What has been somewhat confusingly termed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit closes the door to forgiveness by the refusal to allow that there is a loving God waiting to forgive us when we repent our sins. Refusing to admit that we have sinned is another way to close the door to forgiveness. And a third way to close the door to forgiveness is to refuse to forgive others. The refusal to forgive and the refusal to admit that God wants to forgive are both sins that can be forgiven as such—IF they are repented with a contrite heart prior to progressing to a state of final impenitence. This is why Christ says "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" will not be forgiven. It is not because it is a sin that God can't forgive, it is because it is a state of mind that precludes a penitent spirit, which is itself a prerequisite for forgiveness. A person that can obtain a penitent spirit can be forgiven any sin at all, for God's mercy is infinite. Repentance, as the pope reminds us, is more than just saying "excuse me." Having seriously sinned, we cannot just say "excuse me" as if we had bumped into someone on the bus. We have to throw ourselves upon God's mercy as the perpetrator of a crime for which there is no excuse available, only mercy and forgiveness. To obtain God’s forgiveness for serious sins we must humble ourselves like a child who has done something very bad and knows it. “Unless you become as one of these little ones…” The wording of typical translations of this biblical passage could be improved as they do seem to suggest that there is a sin that God will never forgive a person, even should they properly repent. That is not true: proper repentance, that is, a person asking forgiveness with a penitent spirit, always brings God’s forgiveness. The passage would be less misunderstood if it were expanded to say "Those who deny that the Spirit of God is love and forgiveness itself, who deny that their God is a forgiving God, commit a sin that implies the existence of a state of the mind and soul that can produce an impenitence that precludes forgiveness. Such persons do not have forgiveness and mercy in themselves or they would understand that God is merciful and forgiving. This sin will not be forgiven either in this world or the next if that impenitence reaches such severity that it becomes final." The Catechism of the Catholic Church basically has already said as much, but non-Catholics would benefit from a clarifying edit to the text of the Bible itself. So much meaning was condensed into the few words of the original Hebrew that a simple direct act of linguistic translation would not be able to justify reaching to the fullness of the depth of meaning that was intended by the divinely inspired author. The clarification might therefore have to be done in the catechisms of the other churches instead of in the text of the Bible, done by way of exposition as opposed to translation, placing the passage in the full context of Christ’s entire message. There are multiple passages occurring throughout the Bible that explicitly state that God will forgive all sins. Placed into the larger context of the complete Bible, the wording of this “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” passage should then be understood as we have discussed, not as an exception to the rule that all sins can be forgiven, given repentance. The passage is identifying a situation where repentance is precluded by a recalcitrant refusal to acknowledge that the Spirit of God is love and forgiveness itself. I have belabored this point, but it is a very important distinction to make because some people are laboring under the misconception that they or others they know have committed a special category of sin that cannot be forgiven. They believe they are therefore doomed to hell regardless of whether they seek God's forgiveness or not. This a tortuous and terrible false burden for someone to have to carry through life, feeling they are doomed to hell and nothing can be done to save them. It is incumbent upon all Christians therefore to do what they can to dispel this false belief wherever they find it. Theologies that teach that people can be condemned for certain sins beyond hope of God’s forgiveness while they still live on earth are seriously wrong and need to be corrected. All sins will be forgiven, if we ask God with a penitent spirit, aware that we have done something wrong. A penitent spirit means that we are genuinely sorry to have offended God and injured the community by sin, and resolve to do our best to avoid sin in the future. It does not require us to be confident in our personal ability to avoid sin in the future, nearly everyone stumbles and has a recurrence now and then. It only requires us to be willing to try to avoid sin and to ask for God’s help to make us stronger so that we improve as time goes on, ultimately reaching a point where we have become strong enough that serious sin doesn’t recur. Most if not all people will continue to have minor sins, but God forgives those minor sins in our nightly prayers and in the Catholic Mass and the worship services of the other faiths. Full absolution for serious sins requires direct confession, contrition, penance, and often a follow-on period of expiation (breaking the psychological, physical, and emotional attachment to the sinful practice). It is not easy to break a long held habit, but God gives us additional strength and help when we pray for it. These battles against long-term sin can be won if we turn to God for help, and will be won by those who do turn to God for help. It does take patience, however, and there may be many slips where sins recur along the way, but God continues to forgive and is committed to help us as long as we are willing to try again. God loves us with the unconditional, infinite, divine love of a perfect father. He always forgives if we are genuinely sorry and mean to do better. “Unless you become as one of these little ones…” To beat sin we have to realize that we have a divine Father in heaven who is perfectly good. To him, although we may be distinguished adults here on earth, we are still children in the growing process. For humans to reach perfect and permanent goodness a long patient journey of personal growth is necessary, just as it is for human children trying to grow up into good adults. In this journey too, we need our Father’s help at many points along the way. We should therefore not be reticent to ask for that help; it always comes when we do ask. We must approach God as a child approaches his or her parent and assume the humility of an imperfect child who knows they are imperfect and wants to do better. APPENDIX 2 Is This Left Behind Theology? No. Jacob Shall Be a Fire is based upon Catholic theology. Many readers will already know that the Catholic view of the end times differs substantially from the theology that underlies the Left Behind series of novels. While the Left Behind series of Christian novels has captured the imagination of millions, undoubtedly brought many people to Christ, and helped us in the materialist Western societies refocus on spiritual values, Left Behind theology, unfortunately, contains several major errors. I should make clear up front, for those who skim and don’t read carefully, that the Catholic view of the end times eliminates neither the Parousia event of 1 Thessalonians 4 (called “the Rapture” in Left Behind) or the thousand-year reign of Christ; it simply sees the first occurring at the very moment of Christ’s return for final judgment, and views the second as a glorious event that has been ongoing since Christ’s victory on the cross, with Christ reigning from heaven, not on Earth. The Catholic view omits none of the key events of eschatological scripture. In the rapture concept of Left Behind, Christ is said to return to pull Christians out of the tribulation and then, when it is over, establish a thousand year reign on earth. In direct opposition to this is the Catholic teaching, which asserts that it is our strength of faith that will save us from the tribulation (Ephesians 6:11-16 NAB; Luke 21:35-36 NAB), not a removal event, and that carrying our own cross and sharing in Christ’s suffering is such a core concept of our faith that suffering through the tribulation makes more sense for Christians than being pulled out of it. In addition, in Catholic theology Christ’s thousand-year reign is conducted ou from heaven (see the Catechism of the Catholic Church at 1029), and of course from the new creation that follows final judgment, not from this earth. Finally, Left Behind involves a total of three appearances of Christ in human history, as opposed to the traditional two of Catholic theology. Protestants may want to ask, “But does the Catholic view make biblical sense?” I am a former Methodist, myself. I grew up assuming a Left Behind-like theology that I just absorbed from local popular theology: it wasn’t taught by the Methodist Church, and I am not actually sure what the Methodist Church does teach on the subject. I have been a Catholic now for ten thrilling years, and having made an effort to look into what the Bible teaches on the question of a rapture that delivers Christians from the tribulation and of a thousand year reign of Christ on earth. I began with several mistaken assumptions of my own, and early versions of this book had some of those mistakes included. I think the Catholic end times theology does make biblical sense. What the Catholic view doesn’t do is give as many neat and clean, simple and easy answers to some of our questions about what we can expect to happen in the latter days based upon biblical prophecy. The Catholic answers make more sense, but they are, at first glance, more complex answers. However, as we are about to see, if one tries to make the concepts of a Rapture and a thousand year reign of Christ on earth compatible with other related passages in the Bible, the thought process gets even more complex in a hurry, and it turns out the Bible, all things considered, does not support either concept. Here are my personal thoughts on the subject of end times theology, and more specifically, the problems I see with Left Behind theology. The reader is encouraged to compare my discussion to the works of competent theologians such as Dr. Paul Thigpen’s Rapture Trap & Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s Eschatology. First off, I would like to ask the reader to consider a biblical passage that seems to me, at least, to straightforwardly say that there will be only two appearances of Christ in human history: But now once for all he has appeared at the end of the ages to take away sin by his sacrifice. Just as it is appointed that human beings die once, and after this the judgment, so also Christ, offered once to take away the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to take away sin but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him. (Hebrews 9:26-28) This passage is straightforward, so I will leave it stand on its own merits without further comment. Next we must consider the glaring problem of anyone’s being “left behind” at all. This would seem to contradict the very essence of Christianity. Christ suffered and died on the cross for the express purpose to ensure that no one be left behind. Jesus’ description of his mission in his own words reveals that he came to save sinners, to include them, not to exclude them. St. Paul reflects this: “This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:3-4) Christ suffered a most tortuous death to prove his point. He is, therefore, not going to leave anyone behind until the ultimately unavoidable act of judgment. Scripture affirms that Jesus will not let any of His Father’s children go. He, therefore, is “not leaving any of them behind!” (Ezekiel 39:28) We are destined not for wrath but salvation. (1 Thessalonians 5:9). Pope Benedict XVI’s discussion of the importance of Deuteronomy 33:18-23 (RSV) to the understanding of the person of Christ, given in the first chapter of his book, Jesus of Nazareth,64 reveals, by logical implication, that such a rapture as Left Behind posits could not take place as an intermediate event preceding judgment without extraordinary dispensations made by the Lord for our purification. How so? Put simply: we are not worthy of it, or, less harshly put, not yet ready. Our God is a God of mercy and forgiveness. At the same time he is pure and holy and we cannot approach him minus his invitation and minus special preparations for temporary or permanent purification. “When I summon him, he shall approach me; how else should one take the deadly ou risk of approaching me?” (Jeremiah 30:21) Leviticus 10:1-3 tells of Aaron’s own sons being consumed by holy fire for approaching God in an unholy manner. The footnote to this passage in the New American Bible says that “the presence of God is so sacred that it strikes dead those who approach him without the proper holiness.” The New Testament confirms this at 1 Timothy 6:16: “ the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, and whom no human being has seen or can see.” In Deuteronomy 33 it is made clear that sinful man cannot see the face of God. Even Moses was refused this privilege. Are we of the latter days and the great apostasy to take precedence over Moses? Probably not. Given this purification problem, neither a thousand-year reign can take place involving Christ’s immediate presence on earth nor a rapturous meeting with God in the sky, if either event involves humanity standing in the direct presence of God (seeing His face, as it were) prior to some form of divine purification event. The only known event of that type that affects masses of people that is documented in the Bible is the event of final judgment. One might call this limitation the Moses dilemma, as even Moses was not allowed to see the face of God. Psalm 68 at verse 19 restates the problem from a slightly different angle: “No rebels can live in the presence of God.” We are all sinners, even Moses, and therefore rebels in regard to our refusing to live as God has proscribed. While Baptism washed away our guilt from original sin, we still have a propensity to sin, we are still sinners or rebels by nature as it were, and that propensity to sin won’t be removed until we are remade in glorified form at the final judgment. Other passages support the validity of the Moses dilemma as we have called it, such as the transformation of Christ on Mt. Tabor (Mark 9:2-8; CCC 2583) where Elijah and Moses appeared and spoke with Jesus. When Christ’s disciples initially “saw” Elijah and Moses conversing with Jesus after his transformation they were terrified. Then a cloud cast a shadow over them. From the cloud came the voice of God the Father telling them to listen to Jesus, and then they did not see anyone but Jesus with them (apparently back in his earthly human form). Due to the high esteem in which they were held by God as Christ’s disciples, they were permitted to remain at the threshold of God’s Glorious Presence without fully entering God’s presence. They were permitted to be as close to God as they could be without causing their destruction. Perhaps this is why they became terrified, and perhaps why God the Father then mercifully cloaked them in the cloud and ended the encounter. “Too close for comfort,” as the saying goes. We sinners could stand in the presence of the human Jesus, yes, but the time of Jesus on earth in truly human form is over. When he returns it will be in the glorified form. The primary reference Left Behind proponents cite for the Parousia, 1 Thessalonians 4, has the Lord shouting his words of command with the voice of an archangel. This is not the quiet, humble, subservient sacrificial lamb, Jesus, of the first century passion victory on the cross, but the risen and glorified Christ, the second divine person of the Holy Trinity that is the one, true, and almighty God! Who will stand in his presence except as permitted for the purpose of final judgment itself? That poses the first leg of the two-legged dilemma faced by Left Behind theology: the final purification of judgment must occur first or sinful man will perish in the presence of God. Left Behind theology can potentially avoid this first leg of the dilemma by assuming that the event of a literal first resurrection is integral to the rapture (as they define the rapture as an intermediate appearance of Christ on earth prior to final judgment). Given that assumption, raptured individuals who have partaken in the first resurrection in theory might then be considered individually judged and purified sufficient for God’s purposes of a thousand year reign on earth. Fundamentalist Christians of the Left Behind camp, however, usually deny that there is an individual judgment that occurs when we die. They only affirm the larger event of final judgment after the full resurrection. The Catholic teaching is that the so-called “rapture” event found at 1 ou Thessalonians 4 is the beginning of the event of final judgment itself, not an intermediate appearance of Christ for a thousand year reign on this earth that precedes final judgment. (CCC 1001) This can confuse casual students of prophetic theology who read both Catholic and non-Catholic literature because believers in Left Behind theology will call their hypothesized intermediate appearance of Christ for the “rapture” the same thing that Catholics call Christ’s return for final judgment: “the Parousia.” Indeed, we tell you this, on the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will surely not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the lord himself, with a word of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Thus we shall always be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) Note that Christians are caught up in the air with Christ and will always be with him. Nothing is said about coming back down to earth. The Catholic view of 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, then, is that it is final judgment, not an intermediate rapture followed by a thousand year reign of Christ on earth. There is a category mistake involved in assuming that an infinite heaven or an infinite being from heaven could descend to a corrupted and finite earthly realm. Heaven, being by far the greater dimension, infinite in all positive aspects including holiness, goodness and purity, and spiritual in essence cannot descend to the physical, limited and morally impure earth. Earth cannot contain the Glory of God. Such an event invokes both an ontological and a moral incompatibility. His realm can contain us, once we are purified, but our realm cannot contain him. Again notice that in the above passage, we are caught up in the air, God does not descend to earth to institute an earthly kingdom. The finite cannot contain the infinite. To paraphrase what God himself says in the scripture, what kind of house will you build for me that could contain me, the heavens are my throne and the earth is my footstool (Isaiah 66:1). Thus God as God in his full glory cannot descend to this earth for a thousand year reign; he can only do that after the new glorified creation has come following final judgment. That creation will be of a spiritual essence and we will be purified and glorified sufficiently that we are permitted to stand in the presence of God. We will have entered into close communion with God in the Spirit and the new creation while still a creation, won’t be a separate, or perhaps “separated” is a better word, creation at all, it will be integral with the larger Spirit of God. The new creation won’t contain God, God will contain it. Christ’s attitude towards this world was never complimentary in regard to its current state, although the creation is acknowledged to have been created good initially and the creatures are wholesome. “My kingdom is not of this world” “Do not place your treasures on earth.” These kinds of comments and many others reveal a consistent disparaging of all things earthly relative to the incorruptible and infinite perfection of heaven, “Those who hate their (earthly) life will gain it (in heaven and the new world),” and so on. [My parenthetical clarifications] This world carries an enormous burden of sin and abominable behavior. It is contaminated from centuries of sin and the putrid overtures and contrivances of Satan. Leviticus 18 makes graphically clear that the land has become defiled with man’s sins and requires purification. Given the amount of access our sins and occult practices have given them, demons have infested physical objects on a mass scale all around the globe. This earth has to be burned, purified in holy fire; the scripture affirms this. Ultimately we have to face the fact that Christ’s own stated intention is not to renew this earth when he returns, but to burn it and transform it into a new one: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing.” (Luke 12:49) One might interpret this comment about setting the earth on fire as referring to the arrival of the Holy Spirit, the ou majestic event that began at Pentecost when God poured out abundant blessings on St. Mary and the apostles. And so it probably does mean, and certainly there is a renewal associated with the spread of the Holy Spirit, but it is not a renewal that makes this earth into paradise; it is a renewal that helps reform people to make them ready for heaven and the new world that will be paradise. Another thing that fire of the Holy Spirit does is purify evil from the souls of Christian people, commencing the purification process integral to the larger events of the harvest and judgment that end with the total destruction of the physical earth in an allconsuming fire. “The present heavens and earth have been reserved by the same word for fire, kept for the day of judgment and of destruction of the godless.” (2 Peter 3:7) This seems to leave little room for an enormous renewal of this creation. While Christians are renewed by the Holy Spirit, the entirety of physical creation is not renewed in full, a residual burden of demonic infestation produced by man’s accumulated sin remains. We acknowledge in the Church’s liturgy that the Lord “renews the face of the earth,” but that is less than the full purification required to cleanse the earth from the effects of millenniums of heinous sins. The scripture affirms that nothing negative, no sins, no sorrows, no sufferings, no imperfections, no bad memories, no failures, no embarrassing moments, no negatives of any kind will follow us to heaven or the new creation. Faith, hope and love are all that we take with us. All sins and negatives will be forgotten and forgiven. (Isaiah 65:17-18) But if negatives can’t go to the pure goodness of heaven, how is it that heaven is going to come down to the negatives? Should raptured individuals return to earth, they would, presumably, encounter people who would remember the negatives of the former lives of those raptured and those people would themselves be manifesting negatives. But those raptured have already left all such things behind. They would have to be purified to meet God “in the air.” They have entered the divine immortal realm where such things are not only forgiven, but forgotten, eternally taken away, divinely erased, washed from the record by the blood of Christ. To solve this dilemma for rapture theology, Christ could, perhaps, segregate some people from others. New Jerusalem could be segregated from the rest of the sinful world. But, if Christ and his followers are to be fully segregated from the rest of the earth, why bring them down here at all? It is a step down for them. They are already in a higher realm, and they could not interact with anything here because of the impurity. Beyond that everything on this earth and in this physical universe is corruptible in its very nature (and too often, corrupted). Consequently, Christ’s glorified and perfect 1,000-year kingdom could not be instantiated here on the physical earth without fully purifying the earth and fully transforming it. But in Revelation 20-22 we see that final judgment occurs before the recreation of the new world, and St. Peter tells us that the purifying fire of judgment won’t leave this earth intact; it will dissolve the very elements themselves. (2 Peter 3:10) The full context of the Bible tells us that the purification required for this earth is so grave that it does not allow for the earth’s continued existence in its present physical form. Proponents of Left Behind theology may counter that in their view final judgment does occur first, but it happens in two parts: the dead in Christ will rise first for the first resurrection and the thousand year reign on earth will then take place. After the thousand year reign, those who were not saved will rise to complete the resurrection but go off to eternal damnation. That would solve the purification problem and the chronological sequence of events problem but it doesn’t solve the incompatibility problems. God cannot descend to reign on this earth. Those saved must rise to enter a new pure spiritual kingdom “not of this earth,” to use one of Jesus own phrases for his kingdom. If we say the earth has in fact been recreated in purified spiritual form at that point the thousand year reign just becomes a redundant event. It is not really a separate reign on this earth, it is merely the beginning of Christ’s eternal reign after judgment on the new earth, a new earth which ou is a creation of spiritual essence contained within the Spirit of God. The only thing that Left Behind theology would be saying in that case, beyond the fact that Christians are raptured out of the tribulation event, is that final judgment occurs in two parts: the dead in Christ rise first and then, following the creation of the new world and a thousand years of Christ reigning in it, the damned are raised to be condemned to hell. That difference would hardly seem to be worth all the trouble of the debates over Left Behind theology vs. Catholic and other theologies. To resolve the moral and ontological incompatibilities, or if you prefer simpler language, to solve the purity/impurity and infinite/finite problems, Left Behind theology must be gutted to the extent that it isn’t saying enough to warrant being labeled a separate theology at all. The intermediate appearance of Christ disappears when the Rapture event becomes final judgment, and the eschatological model only requires two appearances of Christ in human history the same as the Catholic model. At this point we can see why the Catholic view makes sense. It solves the ontological and moral incompatibility problems, the pure/impure, finite/infinite problems. Hebrews 11:13-16 tells us that the final homeland that God has prepared for his people, a Promised Land far greater than the one God promised the patriarchs and martyrs, is heaven. The footnote to Hebrews 3:7-4:13 (NAB) indicates that the promise given Abraham, Moses, and the patriarchs of the Promised Land foreshadows the Christian promise of arriving at the greater divine peace of heaven. In other words, we don’t need a thousand year reign of Christ on earth to satisfy the symbolic and eschatological senses of the biblical term “Promised Land.” Heaven does that, as does the new creation following final judgment. There are additional scriptural references to support the Catholic view. In Matthew 24:40-41, for example (“ . . . one will be taken and one will be left”), which may seem to suggest a rapture, the preceding verses, specifically 24:3, 6, and 14, explicitly cite “the end” as the event being described, in other words, final judgment. Another convincing argument against an intermediate appearance of Christ in human history for a rapture event is the simple fact that when Christ’s disciples, some of whom at least possessed substantial gifts of prophecy, asked him what the signs of his return would be, they intuitively connected the Lord’s return with the end of the world. Nor did Christ correct them and brighten their thoughts with a promise of an earlier appearance for a joyous thousand years of paradise on earth. He would certainly have done this had it been possible, for he had such an intense and intimate bond of friendship with his twelve disciples that the thought of their impending separation caused them all real anguish. Perhaps even more definitive is Matthew 24:3-14, where Christ lists a number of events in sequence, none of which are the Lord’s return for an intermediate rapture, then says “then shall the end come.” Here Christ, himself, has left no room for his second coming except at the end. The author of 2 Peter at chapter 3 rebuffs scoffers who are asking “Where is the Lord of the Christian faith?” He does this by saying that it is a known fact that the world must be destroyed by fire upon Christ’s return and that Christ delays in order to facilitate our repentance beforehand. The scoffers could have been rebutted by a reference to the Lord’s earlier return for a 1,000 year reign on earth, but no such intermediate appearance is mentioned. This reveals that the author of 2 Peter 3 is not aware of there being another event of Christ’s appearance prior to final judgment and the creation of the new world. Here final judgment and total purification by fire is tied to the Lord’s next appearance, the appearance that will soonest prove the scoffers mistaken. St. Paul does very much the same thing at 1 Corinthians 15:22-24, seemingly leaving no room for the intermediate appearance of Christ for the rapture of Left Behind theology. Here we see Christ reigning from heaven from the moment of his resurrection. He is shown battling his enemies, the sovereignties, authorities, and (demonic) powers until they are finally all placed under his feet whereupon he returns for judgment. The event scenario portrayed here leaves no room for Christ returning to earth to reign over 1,000 years of paradise here. ou And to me at least there is an argument to be made from the fact that the “day of the Lord,” that is, any day of the Lord’s appearance on earth, is simply an event worth mentioning! Yet there is only one “day of the Lord” in the Bible that involves the direct presence of God. That is the eschatological sense that is tied to final judgment. One might want to say that 1 Thessalonians 4 is an exception, but it does not mention anyone coming back down after being caught up in the air with Christ during the Rapture, and therefore seems to be final judgment. This reading suggests that when Christ returns for final judgment he will not be walking the streets again in human form, but only making a “near approach” in the spiritual dimension (and in glorified form), most likely due to the fact that our world is so heavily contaminated by sin. There is another sense of the phrase “day of the Lord” in the Old Testament, for example at Isaiah 13:6-8 NABRE where it represents the day of God’s victory or justice against Israel’s enemies. But this does not involve the direct presence of God. Consider again 2 Peter 3:10-12. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a mighty roar, and the elements will be dissolved by fire, and the earth and everything done on it will be found out. Since everything is to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought [you] to be, conducting yourselves in holiness and devotion, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire. Note here that no mention is made of preparing ourselves for an earlier appearance of the Lord for a thousand year reign on Earth. But we would certainly have to do that, and we would certainly want to do it; so why wouldn’t scripture warn us to do it? One would think if only the faithful participate in the thousand year reign, the harvest is over, the wheat and chaff have been separated, and so any opportunity we have to prepare for the Lord’s return would occur before the Rapture posited by Left Behind theology, yet that Rapture is not mentioned as the milestone driving our preparations. This passage therefore strongly suggests there is no Rapture involving an intermediate appearance of Christ. In this same passage, 2 Peter 3:10-12, we are being told to prepare for the next return of Christ, but that next return involves the total destruction of our world. This leaves no opportunity for a thousand year reign to occur on Earth. There is a further point to consider. Christ said that people would ignore the signs of the end right up to the moment he returned for final judgment, that the signs of the end would either be so subtle as to be ignored, such as Noah building the Ark, or that the evil ones would obstinately ignore even the dramatic signs. This precept alone rules out a magnificent earthly reign of Christ for a thousand years, for such an event could hardly go unnoticed. If Christ in his glorified form is reigning over the earth for one’s entire lifetime, that sign won’t be missed. Left Behind defenders can only say here, well, the evil ones will already be gone. They will have been destroyed in the final phase of the tribulation that Christians were lifted out of, or they will be physically segregated. However, in the case of physical segregation, if the risen and glorified Christ were to be present among the evil ones in his full glory (prior to judgment) for a thousand-year reign, the effect would be startling, not subtle. If the evil ones are already gone, final judgment has occurred for all intents and purposes, so what is the purpose of Christ holding a thousand year reign here on a world he said he can’t wait to set in flames and St. Peter said would be destroyed by fire. If the world is good enough to host the Lord God for a thousand years, why would it have to be destroyed? There is, then, no purpose in bringing heaven down to earth for a 1,000 year reign—not under any scenario one might imagine. Any evil ou ones who might remain here aren’t permitted to have heaven on earth. If we assume a Rapture scenario, the good who have been raptured are with Christ in heaven and already have heaven there “in the air.” And in a scenario where there are good people remaining on Earth, they must finish carrying their cross in an imperfect world of trials and tribulations in order to achieve the purification requisite to going to heaven. Although God’s people on earth merit salvation, we do so only through Christ. This entails sharing his suffering. We must follow him, carry our own cross, and be purified in suffering. That purification process, which is the defining essence of the Christian faith, the willingness to carry one’s own cross, would be preempted by a 1,000 years of paradise on earth because the entire lifetimes of many generations would be free of any suffering whatsoever. That wouldn’t be a Christian world. Births and deaths would have to be put on hold for the 1,000 years. Yes, God could do it; but what is gained from doing it? If the human experience of birth and death is over, why not just get on with the final judgment and move to the eternal world? More and more readers are probably beginning to see how the Catholic view makes sense now that we have progressed a bit further, because it makes short work of all of these complications. In the Catholic view the 1,000 year reign symbolizes the eternal reign of Christ, beginning from the moment of his ascension into heaven through the creation and eternal duration of the new world created after final judgment. A thousand years in biblical terminology symbolizes any very long period of time, including an infinite period of time. The Catholic view makes even more sense when we consider how central the experience of suffering is to the Christian faith, the experience of carrying our own cross for Christ, who carried his for us. To be lifted out of the tribulation instead of bearing up under our cross and suffering through it, contradicts the central concept of Christianity. 1 Peter 4:12-13: “Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly.” If we are to be purified by “trial by fire,” and if we have more cause to rejoice the more we share in Christ’s sufferings, why does it make sense to pull Christians out of the tribulation when Christ himself was tortured to death? St. Peter (by traditional belief) likewise suffered unto death, crucified upside down, and countless others of the faithful have been tortured and slaughtered for their faith in God, including St. Paul and others of the apostles? Are we living here in decadent modern times or Christians of the future better or more deserving than those early Christian martyrs? Are we less in need of purification than they? No. Not a chance. We will not be spared our own cross. And when it is all over, we would not want to have been spared. We will have the satisfaction of knowing we shared in Christ’s suffering, and we will have a substantially greater reward in heaven accrued from having shared his suffering. We should also note the obvious: the descent of New Jerusalem at Revelation 20-22 does not show the holy city resting on the old earth. Rather its descent is immediately preceded by the purifying fires of judgment, followed by the appearance of a new earth. The old corrupt creation flees from the advancing presence of the thrice-holy God and perishes in eternal purifying fire. The holy city comes to rest only upon the new creation. God’s announcement at Revelation 21:3 is also relevant to the rapture and thousand year reign questions. The statement there, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people,” seems clearly to indicate that no previous dwelling of God with men on earth has taken place. Else, why the “Behold!”? What’s the big surprise? It has already been going on for a thousand years. This verse alone would seem to rule out a thousand-year reign of Christ on earth prior to final judgment. Nothing of the primary Christian beliefs is lost in the Catholic view. The first resurrection is real enough for Catholics in the mysterious Augustinian sense. In that sense Christians have died to this world and are ou resurrected as spiritually reborn persons through Christ. We participate in his resurrection and in his reign even now as long as we stay in communion with the Church. This is done by avoiding sin, and by going to Confession when we don’t manage to avoid sin. Those who have been in communion with the Church have participated in Christ’s glorious thousand-year reign since his resurrection and ascension. (Colossians 2:12-13; Romans 6:3-11; Ephesians 2:5-6) Different people have different gifts, but in our own unique ways we at times are permitted to share in Christ’s heavenly life. These are rare but very blessed moments. (Galatians 2:5-6; Ephesians 2:5-6) In an appeal to common sense, one can also say that the Catholic view incorporates the reason that kings have thrones. It is, after all, to raise them to a higher point above their subjects. Thrones symbolize the fact that good kings reign from the higher spiritual ground of full moral authority. The most perfect and purest realization of the concept of kingship is, of course, Christ himself, and the highest and purest moral/spiritual ground is in heaven, by definition. Christ, therefore, reigns from heaven, not from earth. (Psalm 103:19 NAB) Another less than direct, but still suggestive, proof of the Catholic view can be found in Revelation 5. Here the seven spirits are sent out into the world, and God’s people, made a kingdom of priests through Christ blood on the cross, are reigning on earth. God, himself, however remains on his throne in heaven. Still other scriptural passages argue the Catholic view. Plausible interpretations compatible with other views can be given for some of these passages, but, as with all of scripture, they are worthy of additional study and consideration. For example, the Left Behind version of the rapture event removes Christians from the tribulation in contravention of the fact that the scripture makes clear that we will be here for it. St. Paul says in Ephesians 6 that we will need the armor of God to stand in the “evil day.” We will, therefore, be here for the “evil day,” not absent via an intermediate rapture. And what would that evil day be if not the tribulation? Armageddon, perhaps? Perhaps. But St. John’s words to the church in Smyrna at Revelation 2:9-10 reveal that the church there was already undergoing tribulation in the first century. Matthew 24:20-22 also explicitly places the elect in the tribulation, not out of it: “for at that time there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect they will be shortened.” Why shorten the days of the tribulation for the sake of the elect if the elect will be pulled out before it gets too bad? Furthermore, as Dr. Paul Thigpen points out (citing Matthew 24:13) the tribulation is an element essential to completing the functions of the harvest and therefore unavoidable. Those who endure until the end, those who persevere through the trial of persecution will be saved, not those who are miraculously removed via a rapture.65 Those who skip class don’t learn the lesson and don’t pass the course. The Catholic Church teaches that the meaning of prophecy becomes clear to those living at the time of the enactment of the prophesied event. Exposition of prophecy is best done concerning the present, not the future. Jeremiah 30:24: “When the time comes, you will fully understand.” Pope Benedict XVI (writing as Cardinal Ratzinger) in the “Theological Commentary” in The Message of Fatima, affirms this.66 Gaining understanding of the meaning of a prophetic event at the time it occurs, requires, of course, that one’s theological framework is properly informed by study, and that prayer and careful discernment are employed. The novel, Jacob Shall Be a Fire, basically poses an argument from the gift of spiritual discernment. It says, “Hey, get up and take a close look at the world outside, and take prayer and spiritual discernment with you. You may be surprised by what you see once the Lord gives you eyes that see and ears that hear.” Regardless of what interpretation of present events turns out to be most correct, things have clearly become intense enough that we should be praying for the gift of discernment of spirits. I honestly believe that that gift will inevitably lead people to the Catholic theology over time. ou Jesus himself, at Luke 21:35-36, gives what is perhaps the most definitive statement that Christians will have to endure the tribulation without supernatural escape: “For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” (My emphasis) The escape that is offered here is not supernatural removal from earth by a rapture event, but, rather, strength of faith: it is the armor of God that St. Paul recommends in Ephesians 6:11-16. Adopting the theological misconceptions of Left Behind can limit our full psychological participation in the ongoing reign of Christ, as we wait passively, or perhaps pensively, for an hypothesized intermediate appearance of Christ on earth to remove us from the tribulation, an appearance that will not be occurring. It can only enhance our participation in the thousand year reign of Christ, the Tribulation, and Armageddon to know that they are underway. That way we begin building our spiritual and physical strength to prepare for impending hardships, instead of crossing our fingers and sitting on our duffs hoping we won’t have to because Christ will appear first to pull us out of it. The devil can use Left Behind to talk us into sitting out the game on the sidelines, skipping the devil’s final assault on the Church, or at least not giving our full effort. Of course, no Christian will ever sit out the battle in full. I certainly do not accuse Protestants (or any other faith) of sitting out the battle. Most Protestants do not affirm Left Behind theology in any case. All the Protestant people I know are actively engaged in battle. Protestants, in fact, are the people who taught me the larger part of my personal faith in Christ. I was born and raised Methodist and have attended a variety of other good churches. Though I am now Catholic, I still at times attend a Methodist service (after the Catholic Mass). Protestants are included in the universal Catholic Church, as are all God-fearing faiths. All these are visibly and admirably involved, fighting the good fight, and working for God/Christ. Ironically, and to the credit of Christian fundamentalists who do hold to Left Behind theology, the fundamentalists are as actively fighting the battle as anyone. While that is visibly the case, it remains true that their theology could still serve to tempt some of us with less resolve and commitment to sitting out the last battle in an armchair holding up a Bible as if it were a bus ticket waiting to be picked up in the Rapture. Otherwise, some sense of urgency and the fullest psychological and spiritual sense of engagement in the last battle may conceivably be lost through lack of awareness that the event is already in progress. The dignity of God’s warriors is another of my concerns. That dignity is, perhaps, diminished somewhat by one’s not knowing that the last battle is in fact the event they are presently experiencing. Knowing the Church was presently engaged in the final battle with evil might spur some Christians to even greater heroic levels of effort, although most are already doing all that is physically possible to do. However, different situations require different approaches. For that reason some people would like to know this is the thousand year reign of Christ and the last battle, Armageddon and Satan’s final assault on the Church, so they can tailor their approach to the situation. Putting myself in their place, I would just want to know—period. I believe this is one reason God called me to the Catholic Church at the age of fifty, so that I not miss this event—and to issue a wake-up call so others don’t miss it. Once again, in contradicting the Left Behind series theology, the Catholic intent is not to deny the magnificent events of the end times (or to deny that the Left Behind series inspired and alerted a lot of people, and no doubt brought many home to Christ). Rather, it is to fully affirm the end times events in their full glory, but with a more rigorous technical fidelity to scripture. As Pope Benedict XVI has emphasized, we must consider the context of the whole Bible as a unified message in order to properly discern the meaning of any one scriptural passage. In the Catholic view, judgment and the harvest have been underway in a real sense for two thousand years since Christ’s victory on the cross. John 12:31: “Now is the time of ou judgment on this world.” 1 Peter 4:17: “For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the Gospel of God?” Many of the other primary themes of the end times have been ongoing since Christ as well, including the struggle with the Antichrist (1 John 4:3) and the fog of deception imposed by the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians 2; this has all been ongoing, as has the thousand year reign! It turns out that the tribulation, an event many of us traditionally assumed would only occur at the very end of things, is integral to the harvest dynamic and has been going on since Christ as well. The Christian martyrdoms under the Roman emperors suggest that both Armageddon and the tribulation had already begun in the strongest terms. Most of the Catholic biblical commentators I have read view the Roman martyrdoms as the quintessential and primary instance of the tribulation. Given the tortuous deaths of the martyrs, it is a hard thesis to oppose. The Catholic Church views the tribulation as a broader event than just the Roman martyrdoms, extending from the first century up to and including the present time. In this novel I reflect the mainstream Catholic view that the themes of Revelation have been ongoing since Christ. But I go a bit further when I suggest that a case can be made that Satan has been loosed upon our world as of WWI. This doesn’t contradict Catholic theology, but it hasn’t achieved the position of a mainstream belief either. However one prefers to read biblical prophecy, it is clear enough that the spiritual battle is presently intense. Horrendous persecution and martyrdom of Christians continues in nations like China, India, North Korea, Indonesia, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, and Laos even today (and many others). Certainly many thousands of people have been martyred for their Christian faith in modern times.67 It is a simple historical fact that these Christians were not bodily removed from their tribulation in a rapture. And St. Paul’s audience for the Left Behind theologians’ favorite passage, 1 Thessalonians 4, weren’t rescued from their tribulation either. I don’t doubt that many of them found, as did the Roman martyrs on record clearly did, miraculous divine protection in a powerful spiritual communion with God that insulated their hearts and souls from the pain of their tortures. That is not the rapture of Left Behind, however, which, involves a physical rescue. On the other hand, such a close communion with God in the Spirit can arguably be considered an even greater gift— and the eternal reward in heaven that followed, greater still. -------------- ou ou APPENDIX 3 How to Read Revelation, Prophetic Scripture, Antichrist, Signs of the End…etc. Many end times commentators, theologians, even Fathers of the Church have insisted that “the Antichrist” will be a future human being. In this book I pose what might appear to be an opposing view, that the Antichrist concept can also be fulfilled by a demonic spirit as well as by past godless tyrants such as the Roman emperor Nero. These views need not conflict. One can be the fulfillment of the literal sense of a verse and the other the fulfillment of the allegorical or symbolic sense. One can be the meaning of Revelation while the other corresponds to the meaning of 1 John, 2 Thessalonians, or Ephesians, etc. My thesis of the present demonic threat, while allowing for a human Antichrist to come, reminds us as St. Paul did in Ephesians 6 that at the foundation of things our real battle is with the devil and his demonic spirits, the fallen angels. Prophecy scholars like Desmond Birch (author of Trial, Tribulation & Triumph) and saintly theologians like John Cardinal Newman (in his “Advent Sermons on Antichrist”) may seem to have authoritatively resolved this question in favor of the Antichrist only being a human being. I respectfully disagree. While there may certainly be a human Antichrist to come, there is quite a bit more involved. Cardinal Newman, himself, in A Confederacy of Evil (p. 76), allowed both that his view could be mistaken and that the Antichrist could fake us out by doing something subtle and tricky: This is what I have to say about the last persecution and its signs. And surely it is profitable to think about it, though we be quite mistaken in the detail. For instance, after all perhaps it may not be a persecution of blood and death, but of craft and subtlety only…Satan may adopt the more alarming weapons of deceit—he may hide himself—he may attempt to seduce us in little things, and so to move the Christians, not all at once, but by little and little from their true position. As Dr. Paul Thigpen tells us in his excellent book, The Rapture Trap, what many people perhaps do not know is that the Church has yet to issue an authoritative interpretation for the mysterious symbols of Revelation; she is awaiting further guidance from the Holy Spirit. Yes, several basic truths about the end times are authoritatively affirmed in concept, such as Christ returning for judgment, the struggle of the tribulation, the last battle of Armageddon, the appearance of Antichrist and the Beast, etc. However, the details of how even these primary concepts are to be fulfilled in future events remain unknown. Even Cardinal Newman acknowledged that eschatology remains largely mysterious to the Church: “But all these things are in God’s hand and God’s knowledge, and there let us leave them.” My feeling about Newman is that he, issuing his Antichrist sermons as he did just as the two world wars were impending, was as much doing prophecy as he was clarifying and expositing it. Hitler and Stalin were just around the corner. Human manifestations of evil would, for a time at least, need to be humanity’s primary focus. Newman made clear that the Church does affirm that there will be a human Antichrist, but in the course of this novel, and in its extension in the first appendix, I give, through the person of Father Bernie, arguments why I believe the human Antichrist, though a real problem, and someone the Church firmly asserts will appear toward the very end of things, should not be the Church’s sole concern. The components of my argument are exclusively scripture and logic. Even Fathers of the Church (used by Birch to emphasize the human Antichrist) may not dispense with those. From the point of view of our total experience of the faith and the larger themes of the Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles of the New Testament, it is obvious that our primary struggle is, always has been, and always will be with Satan and his demons, not human politicians ou (although we struggle with those too). It is his, Satan’s, final assault on the Church after all. He’s the mastermind and the driving force behind it. I do not mean to suggest that we should eschew the invaluable guidance of the Church Fathers who firmly point at a human Antichrist— quite to the contrary. But a reference to the Fathers only becomes necessary to expositing the base propositional content of scripture where the sufficiency of scripture text and logic falls short, that is, where the scripture is silent, incomplete, vague, symbolic, or mysterious. Of course, Revelation is precisely all of those things and then some. But Revelation is not all there is to the Bible. While referring to the Fathers is always edifying, it is not always necessary—and when it is necessary it is not always enough. Sometimes the Church is just waiting further guidance from the Holy Spirit, and this is the case with much of Revelation. Certainly insights gleaned from the Fathers can never contradict what is already authoritatively affirmed to be in the Bible. And when Revelation seems to conflict with other parts of the New Testament the smart money is on the New Testament read as an integrated whole. Outside of Revelation it is usually easier to obtain clarity and precision about definite meaning. Revelation is not just mysterious, it is extraordinarily mysterious—the gospels and epistles are much less so. Even if we allowed that the consensus of the Church Fathers plus John Cardinal Newman definitely placed the view of a future human Antichrist under the authoritative teaching umbrella of the Church, we have to remember that it was a human being in their future, not necessarily our future. We have had Hitler, Stalin and Mao since then, and they certainly appear to be legitimate candidates for the Antichrist. It made no perceivable difference to their millions of victims that they did not rule the rest of the planet in addition to their already massive holdings. In the authentic experience of these victims they did live under the Antichrist. Reading Revelation the way I do following Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, that is, allowing for symbolic meaning as well as multiple prophetic fulfillments of the same passage, does not mean that we will not have a powerful manifestation of evil in the form of a future world leader; it means that we are likely to see more than one such abominable leader. Indeed, history shows this to have already been the case. Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Nero, Diocletian, Domitian, Hitler, Stalin, Mao—the list goes on. Those names are from major world/regional powers only; smaller nations have had at least their share of the same, such as the Ugandan king Mwanga in late nineteenth century Africa. Anyone who doubts that communist leaders of cold war Soviet Russia qualified as an instance of Antichrist need merely read Tortured for Christ, written by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand. A Romanian pastor, Wurmbrand suffered imprisonment for many years for spreading the Gospel of Christ. Some of the episodes of the brutal torture of Christians in Soviet prisons were too horrible for him to recount, and the ones he did report are too gruesome for me to comfortably repeat here. Fr. Gabriele Amorth, Chief Exorcist of Rome, stated in a Daily Mail interview with Nick Pisa that he believes both Stalin and Hitler were possessed by the devil. He also noted that recently released Vatican documents indicated that Pope Pius XII attempted a long-distance exorcism on Hitler but without effect. (Nick Pisa, “Hitler and Stalin Were Possessed by the Devil, Says Vatican Exorcist,” Daily Mail, 28 August 2006). Pius XII (then Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli) had spent several years in Germany as the Vatican representative there. He no doubt felt a closeness to the German Church and German people. This may explain his trying a long distance exorcism, that, according to Fr. Amorth, seldom succeeds; most exorcisms won’t work unless they are performed face to face (and supported by months of prayer, fasting, regular Mass, and the Holy Sacraments—some go on for years). Amorth also noted that the possessed person must consent to the exorcism for it to succeed. Researching ungodly despots through human history reveals that things could hardly have been worse for Christians of the past in more than a few instances. Having read such alarming historical accounts as those of Church historian Eusebius, it is not difficult to understand why ou many Catholic theologians have taken the position that the period of the Roman martyrdoms satisfactorily, if not exclusively, fulfills the Antichrist, abomination, Beast, and similar prophecies, at least to the point of being the paradigmatic or type-defining instance. Eusebius’ account of the Roman martyrdoms in chapter 1 of book 5 of his Church History is available in the Catholic Encyclopedia. It is offered free at http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/250105.htm by the New Advent Website. In fact, a close reading of the history of the first three centuries after Christ reveals an unthinkable horror story. A more modern Antichrist could hardly surpass those persecutions short of total extermination of the Christian community. The only thing a future Antichrist could add is to be technically ruler of the entire modern world; he could add scope but not intensity. When Christians are tortured to death for their faith, then, on the individual level obviously it could not be more intense. Though Nero and the bad Roman emperors ruled over the entire civilized world of their time, and could thus qualify under the Antichrist prophecy, it was admittedly a much smaller world than ours is today. One can say, well the future Antichrist will simply do more harm, more often, more aggressively, to more people. I concede that such is possible, as horrific as it is to contemplate, but also note that Hitler, Stalin, Mao and company have already done this; they have far exceeded the number of victims of Nero and the anti-Christian Roman emperors (see the preface to Frederick Forsyth’s The Odessa File, 2012 New American Library edition). The fact remains as St. John tells us in 1 John and 2 John, that the Antichrist has long been at work. His prior manifestations are more than substantial enough to qualify as genuine instances of the scriptural type and theme of Antichrist, Beast, etc. Our own Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, writing then as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, says the same in chapter 6 of his book Eschatology (Johann Auer’s Dogmatic Theology series, #9). As far as the antichrist is concerned, we have seen that in the New Testament he always assumes the lineaments of contemporary history. He cannot be restricted to any single individual. One and the same he wears many masks in each generation. While there may be some value in picking out one manifestation of the Antichrist above and beyond the others to appease one’s personal curiosity of how best to piece together a linear end times chronology of major events, a prophetic timeline, on either a practical or theological level this is much less true. All such calamities constitute significant crises with which the Church and the public must come to grips, and each generation tends to have their own large or small battles of this type. The Wikipedia article on Christian persecution estimates that over 70 million Christians have been killed for their faith since the first century, 65.5% of them in the twentieth century. In addition to proving beyond doubt that we would be foolish to wait further to raise the alarm about Antichrist, this statistic demolishes the logic of Left Behind theology. Why would God deliver future Christians from violent persecution at some point in the future in a rapture event when he has already left 70 million to be brutally tortured, burned alive, torn apart, eaten by wild beasts, boiled in oil, fried on a metal grate, crucified, starved, and left to freeze in the middle of winter? The single-Antichrist-in-our-future view has always been an overly simplistic read of the Bible. Jacob invites the reader to consider, as the late and much beloved radio announcer Paul Harvey was famous for saying, “the rest of the story.” In this case, the whole Bible and the entire rest of human history since Christ is the rest of the story. Christ himself ushered in the last age that is the subject of Revelation, and every bit of the past 2,000+ years of our history since Christ is part of that last age. As such, any historical event since Christ can qualify as satisfying the events predicted by Revelation. Documented within that history is the fact that we have already suffered monumental struggles with Antichrist and periods of intense apostasy and tribulation. But at the same time it is also evident that Antichrist has been making a strong move on society today. In an audio ou broadcast in 1965 Paul Harvey explained, in very few but powerful words, how the Antichrist is presently going about subverting modern society. The accuracy of his 1965 prediction is startling viewed from our current situation today. His homily was titled “If I Were the Devil” and can easily be found by searching the Internet, at YouTube, for example. It is well worth a listen. Harvey was right, of course. The Antichrist is pressing his end game on society right now, and it is the very same strategy Harvey described. Conclusion? We should not be sleeping just because we don’t yet see the Antichrist leading a one world government. Some of the key moves we will need to make in our chess game with the devil are on the table before us even now. Revelation may seem to be telling us the dark knight takes the white queen sometime in the future, but that may be a warning of an outcome that can be avoided more than a prediction that is set in stone. Key moves in the defense of that queen (the Church) are available for us to play today. We can count on Jesus to make the final move to Checkmate, removing the dark King from the board permanently when he returns for final judgment, but our part comes earlier. In interpreting the Bible we are not constrained by any valid expositional principle that I know of to restrict defining references for the Antichrist to just Revelation. The term “Antichrist” doesn’t even occur in the book of Revelation. Although the book of Revelation may, to those commentators who tend to literal interpretations at least, seem to be predominantly concerned with the quintessential human manifestation of the spirit of “Antichrist,” the “deceiver” of 2 Thessalonians 2 clearly embodies an Antichrist-like theme as well. The work of the deceiver has gone on since Christ brought the truth to earth. The deceiver has characteristics more appropriate to a demonic spirit than a human being. The abomination is another concept closely related to Antichrist. The abomination makes an appearance as early as the second century before Christ with the profanation of the Jewish temple by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Something similar occurred later during the French Revolution when a living statue, alleged by some to be a naked prostitute and by others the wife of the event producer in a transparent gown, was placed upon the alter of Notre Dame cathedral. This was followed by worse travesties in other churches replete with genuine obscenities and onsite orgies. (See the comments at the FishEaters Catholic Forum blog, http://catholicforum.fisheaters.com/index.php?topic=3442252.0;wap2. Taking the Bible’s complete set of references to Antichrist figures entire gives us multiple appearances of Antichrist at different times. The letter of 1 John, chapter 4 indicates the Antichrist was active as of the time of the apostles shortly after Christ’s death on the cross. The book of Revelation, if we are to take the Beast of Revelation as the Antichrist, places Antichrist at the very end of the world. One human being obviously cannot span the entire past 2,000 years of opposition to the Church. The common sense read of scripture on this is that the theme repeats and there are multiple fulfillments; it is that simple. Demonic forces are the common thread in all these appearances, and they are major players, albeit acting behind the scenes. So, after traipsing through centuries of Catholic prophecies with Desmond Birch and Yves DuPont (and admittedly being totally fascinated, a bit frightened, and learning a great deal in the process), I propose that we all slow our scholarly minds down here just long enough to consider the obvious along with the traditionally presumed, the academically obtuse, and the fascinatingly esoteric. I propose that we dare to add a touch of common sense. Let us integrate into our analysis the words of St. Paul, whose stature is certainly above that of even the Fathers of the Church, as his words comprise a goodly portion of the word of God itself, the Holy Bible. St. Paul’s words in Ephesians 6:12 NAB alone are sufficient to prompt us to extend the scope of the concept of Antichrist: “For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.” The principalities and powers are fallen angels, demons; they ou are not human beings. Let’s begin a simple argument with that as premise one. Here is premise two. With whom does the Church on earth, the Church Militant, struggle more paradigmatically than with the Antichrist himself? No one, obviously. This is true practically by definition of words. From here a simple logical axiom is all that is required to complete the deduction that the Antichrist is in essence a demonic spirit. If our struggle is not with flesh and blood as St. Paul says, and our struggle is with the Antichrist, then the Antichrist is not flesh and blood. Simple logic. In Ephesians St. Paul has answered the question of whom we are struggling with in the last battle in the larger sense, while not addressing the Antichrist prophecies of the book of Revelation per se. St. Paul and the author of 1 & 2 John address, instead, what I call the whole-scripture sense of Antichrist. This does not mean that the “Antichrist” (Beast) prophecy of Revelation does not point to a man; it means that our larger universal struggle is not predominantly with that man, but with the evil spirit that will engender, empower, and motivate him. It is this same evil force that has produced the present demonic surge first identified by famous exorcist of the diocese of Rome, Father Gabriele Amorth, as well as several noted Protestant deliverance ministry authors such as Dr. Neil T. Anderson and Dr. Ed Murphy (and let’s not forget the loveable radio announcer, Paul Harvey). In my novel, Jacob Shall Be a Fire, I echo the concerns of Fr. Amorth, arguing that the Church must finally take this event into cognizance and implement a focused plan of action to ameliorate the damage. (Significant action was in fact recently taken when Pope Benedict XVI instructed that exorcists be appointed in each diocese.) Another of the primary themes of Jacob is that discernment reveals that we have a spiritual instance of the abomination that causes desolation in our Churches right now in the form of invisible demonic spirits and perhaps even followers of Satan brash enough to intentionally bring such things into Church. The larger Church should be made aware of this putrid contamination of the Catholic Mass and Protestant worship services. The abomination is also present in the Church today in another form: the priest sex abuse scandal. In such evil manifestations we see biblical themes repeated and expressed in a variety of ways through history. In saying this, I don’t dispute any scholar such as Birch, Yves DuPont, or anyone else who feels that the quintessential referent for the Beast in Revelation must involve a massive worldwide paganization or humanization of the Church and society consequent to the rise to power of the human Antichrist. This could well be so in regards to the literal sense of those passages—though the Church will never succumb to complete defeat by any form that evil may take. The true Church of the Spirit will remain, even if the institutional churches and open worship are outlawed. In Reverend Wurmbrand’s book, Tortured for Christ, we see that the Church went largely underground in the former Soviet Union, but it survived and remained the Church. When the Communists compromised the dogma of the Church in Romania with Marxist beliefs, there remained an underground church true to Christ. The result of that monumental struggle in the former Soviet Union and its satellites is that the true Church is again thriving there and Marxism is not. The Church lost some battles, but won the war. And no matter how bad it gets, the last struggle with Antichrist will be permanently resolved in favor of the Church by Christ himself in his awesome display of power and glory as he returns for final judgment. So, yes, there does seem to be a human Antichrist to come at the very end who gains great power and influence, perhaps even world domination, but prophetic concepts, events, and symbols can have multiple instances of fulfillment even in the literal sense. Scripture has potentially four senses imputable to any given verse: the literal sense, allegorical sense (symbolism of a key concept of the faith, teaching principle, or an historically recurring theme), moral sense, and eschatological sense (final events of the end times). ou Significantly different applications of the same or similar terms by different authors can also occur in different places in the Bible. For example, traditional commentators such as John Cardinal Newman have connected the Beast of Revelation with the future human Antichrist. If this is so, the Antichrist of 1 John, said to be active at the time, cannot be the future Beast of Revelation; the time periods of their appearance do not coincide within the range of a human lifespan. If we allow that the first century Roman emperor Nero is the Beast/Antichrist of Revelation, as many commentators have held, then 1 John and Revelation can be synchronized on this concept in the literal sense. This requires only that we recognize that the end times covered by the prophecies of Revelation actually began with the arrival of Jesus Christ. To be more specific, the Church teaches in the Catechism at CCC 732 that the arrival of the Holy Spirit sent by Christ after his ascension inaugurates the “last days” as of Pentecost morning (described in Acts 2). However, Cardinal Newman along with much of Christian/Catholic tradition argues that the eschatological sense of the Beast of Revelation suggests a still future human dictator, Nero’s otherwise “superb” qualifications notwithstanding. (Note: Newman wasn’t Catholic, he was Anglican at the time.) Thus, the terms “Beast” and “Antichrist,” often equated with each other, are seen to be used in at least two different ways in the Bible: as the future Beast of Revelation as read by Cardinal Newman in the eschatological sense, and as any one of many similarly behaved prior historical persons (especially Nero, Diocletian, etc.) by the author of 1 John and 2 John as well as the author of Revelation in the literal sense, and also by the authors of the footnote commentaries in the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE), which is the latest Catholic Bible as of this writing in 2013. I make a strong case below that Roman Emperor Nero is our best candidate for the literal sense of the Beast of Revelation (along with several other emperors who horribly persecuted Christians of the first three centuries after Christ). As Fr. Vincent Miceli tells us in the intro to a collection of Cardinal Newman’s Antichrist sermons (published as A Confederacy of Evil), Nero and many of the Roman emperors, as well as the prior Seleucid emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes (who introduced the “Abomination that causes desolation” into the ancient Hebrew church at the time of the Maccabees), called themselves gods and set themselves up in seats of worship as if they were God. Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer in his commentary on Revelation (The Book of Destiny) tells us that emperor worship reached its most intense phase towards the end of emperor Domitian’s reign. Thus, the Roman emperors, the bad ones, would eminently qualify as the Antichrist. For Catholics who balk at the Nero hypothesis I should point out that the latest best effort in terms of Catholic Bibles, the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE, released March 2011) cites Roman emperor Nero as the Beast and Domitian as the second Beast, Satan being the dragon that commissioned them to persecute the Church (http://www.usccb.org/bible/rev/13:4). That reading makes perfect historical sense. Nero began the persecution of Christians and emperor worship culminated with Domitian. While non-Catholics may balk at this interpretation, they usually do so in deference to Newman’s Antichrist sermons and his emphasis on a future human Antichrist. Newman, of course, became a Catholic, rising to the rank of cardinal, and himself allowed that his view of the Antichrist could be wrong in the details. Our sense that Nero couldn’t be the Antichrist because the end of the world should come more quickly after the Beast/Antichrist might be explained simply as a case of thinking too small—Job’s mistake. This is a common error humans encounter while trying to fathom the will of God. After all, for God, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. God reminds us in the Bible, “My ways are not your ways….” Time is irrelevant to God as such, and his scope of cognition and depth of planning are going to dwarf ours. Another reason modern commentators may slip into emphasizing a future Antichrist over Nero & Co. is egocentric thinking. We have a tendency to think Revelation was written specifically for us and our times ou because we are naturally concerned about our future. It is an historical fact that Revelation was written to reassure Christians of the first three centuries that Christ would give them ultimate victory over the horrible persecutions of their age. In the introduction to The Book of Destiny, Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer says the purpose of the Apocalypse was to console the early Christian congregations trying to practice a virtuous life amid violent persecution and to reassure them of a speedy judgment upon the enemies of Christ and the ultimate triumph of the kingdom of God. However, Kramer also said that purpose extended to consoling Christians of all centuries. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI recently said basically the same thing in responding to increasing public interest in end times theology. Christian communities have continued to suffer persecution and extreme hardship in many regions around the globe over the past two thousand years. For those Christians, that reassurance of ultimate deliverance is no less essential than it was for Christians suffering during the first three centuries. We in modern times also get guidance from Revelation, but to make it possible to give useful guidance to each succeeding generation, Revelation has had to take on the form of a template of themes and general concepts that can be flexibly applied to different generations where current events manifest the themes in variable ways. For this reason, trying to force a very specific interpretation on Revelation that ties it down to only one century or one generation and one instance of each named actor and event is doomed to fail. Yes, the events and actors in Revelation may each have one best referent for the literal sense, but the symbolic, moral, and eschatological senses all have to span the entirety of history from Christ forward. Thus, the language of Revelation must be flexible enough to admit of multiple instances that manifest the same them as the Church’s continuing struggle against evil goes forward. The book of Revelation is meant to speak to all of us in our own times. It basically gives us conceptual models of event types that say when something of this kind occurs here is what to expect and here is what to do—and don’t worry the evil won’t last forever; Christ will ultimately return and vanquish it permanently. Yes, we are obviously in the end times, but what is often overlooked is the fact that so were they in the end times during the first three centuries after Christ. And Rome did rule the entire civilized world of the time. They, the Christians of the first three centuries after Christ, did have a “world-wide” evil dictator as stipulated in the Beast/Antichrist prophecies, whereas we don’t seem likely to ever have one. One can always say, well anything can happen in the distant future, but given the strength of Western democracies, the United Nations, NATO, recognition of international law and human rights, international bodies that review war crimes and crimes against humanity, and gross human rights violations, etc., the probabilities are in fact small. It would therefore take a nuclear holocaust or the equivalent (from a comet strike, for example) to set civilization back so far as to negate all the modern deterrents, and then there wouldn’t be sufficient technology available to support a world-wide society—an Antichrist of those days would have no greater geographical reach than Nero had. One can say, well what if the pagan philosophy takes hold and they work their way back to high technology? Yes, then they could have a truly global Antichrist. While that is possible, I don’t give it a high probability because when catastrophe strikes the human tendency is to turn back to God for help. I don’t see a pagan surge coming out of a holocaust so much as a Christian revival. In Old Testament times the Hebrews at times were pretty obstinate, turning away from God even after stern warnings, but they did tend to return to God when things got really bad and they needed deliverance. This is human nature, of course, though it is not a virtuous part of it. Humanity should do the same when things get really bad in future times, and more so because the Hebrews didn’t have Christ to convert their hearts and the Holy Sacraments of Baptism, Confession, and Confirmation to solidify conversion and give them increasing supportive gifts of the Spirit along the way. ou That, of course, is all hypothetical. In pure theory, anything could happen. A more concrete key to my case for Nero being our best candidate for Antichrist is the resolution of the interpretive question of who the two witnesses of Revelation are. I propose that Sts. Peter and Paul are obviously our very best candidates for the two witnesses of Revelation because they were the two most notable pillars of the Church—and they were martyred under Nero. Nero’s name, Nero Caesar, transliterated from Greek into Hebrew does form the number 666. It was a Hebrew author, after all, who wrote Revelation for Hebrews, so we need not look to other languages to find the number of the Antichrist. Nero therefore becomes the obvious, and the only known fully qualifying candidate for the Beast in the literal sense of that scriptural passage. Other aspects of the two witnesses passages from Revelation best fit the times of Nero and his successors, such as the display and mocking of the bodies of the dead martyrs who were not permitted burial. Combine the independently strong cases for Nero being Antichrist and Sts. Peter and Paul being the two witnesses, and the fact that the cases crosscorroborate each other, and you have a strong case that the literal referent of the Beast and two witnesses passage of Revelation is the period of Nero and Sts. Peter and Paul. Combining these arguments with the horrible martyrdoms of the first three centuries under the anti-Christian Roman emperors yields a strong case that the literal sense of the tribulation is satisfied during the same period, the first three centuries after Christ during the Roman persecutions of the Church. You may want to ask, “If that case is so good, why didn’t John Cardinal Newman arrive at the same opinion, and echo St. Paul’s emphasis on our struggle with the demonic spirits as well?” I think the reason is that when Cardinal Newman issued his sermons on Antichrist he was himself functioning as a prophet (and a Protestant prophet). Given the timeframe of his sermons, the late 19th century, his preoccupation with a human Antichrist can be seen as a prophetic mission inspired by the Holy Spirit, and for every good reason. WWI, WWII (with its Antichrist figures of Hitler and Stalin), and the Cold War with atheistic Communism were just around the historical corner. They understandably produced more victims and martyrs than the first three centuries, given modern weapons systems, grater overall population, and the availability of modern transportation, communication, and construction methods to assist totalitarian systems to oppress the people. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom: two world wars, the epic Cold War with atheistic Communism, the assassinations of so many Christian and moral crusaders (Kennedy, King, Kennedy, Sadat, Lenin, Benazir Bhutto…), the shootings of Pope John Paul II and President Reagan, the massive decline of basic human morality (legalized killing of our own children in abortion, same sex marriage, epidemics of pornography and gross indecency in the mass media, a culture of violence and drugs, open worship of Satan, etc.). Certainly there was plenty of cause for prophecy in Newman’s time. His generation was sitting on an historical powder keg from which was about to explode two world wars, the great apostasy (at least one of them), and major thrusts of Satan’s final assault upon the Church (which we continue to endure today in various forms). Nero may be the literal referent for the Beast of Revelation, but Hitler and Stalin were the two most quintessential Antichrists of modern history. They may not have conquered the entire world of their time, but they intended to, and they victimized more people than Nero did. While Church historian Eusebius shows us that the Roman martyrdoms very strongly match the Antichrist/Beast passages of Revelation, the number of martyrs produced during the Cold War in the Soviet Union was greater than the number of Roman martyrs, as was the number of God’s people, the Jews slaughtered by the Nazis in WWII. That should give us pause. If many learned theologians of the modern Church have agreed on the exposition of Revelation as referring to the Roman martyrdoms, and those martyrdoms were in fact as gruesome and horrible as Eusebius describes, and if the two witnesses were so clearly Sts. Peter and Paul, why would Newman deviate from such a strong and ou well-supported exposition to focus on a future Antichrist instead? Simple: things were going to get even worse. We know that Newman was following a consensus among the majority of Church Fathers’ expositions of Revelation that the Antichrist would be a future world leader occurring closer to the final end of things. But I think Newman was also prophetically focused on the future for the reasons cited, impending calamity. He was himself acting as a prophet. The Holy Spirit was telling him through the spirit of prophecy that there was soon going to be one or more human antichrists, who, in terms of numbers of victims, would constitute something worse than the Roman martyrdoms. Moved by the Holy Spirit, Cardinal Newman, exercising his own gift of prophecy as a leading shepherd of the flock, emphasized the threat of a future human Antichrist because the purpose of Revelation is to guide all of God’s people through the traumatic times of the end, not just those living in the first few centuries after Christ. The purpose of the original Nero & Co. prophecy was served; its time was past, and there remained the job of continuing to shepherd the flock through extraordinarily difficult times. Although the literal sense of Revelation was written for the early Christians of the first three or four centuries, the symbolic sense is there to guide us all. As Newman delivered his Antichrist sermons, God’s human flock was poised on the verge of grappling with two seriously catastrophic manifestations of the very thing Revelation is there to warn us about. It was more important to guide the present flock through those catastrophes than it was to be academically correct about the best candidate for the literal sense of the Beast of Revelation. Newman wisely opted to give the role of prophet preference over that of academic or popular theologian. In emphasizing the symbolic sense of Revelation over the literal sense, he served his own and succeeding generations by providing a urgently needed heads-up. True, Newman used language that seemed to indicate that he believed the future Antichrist fulfilled the literal sense as well as the symbolic sense of the “Beast” of Revelation. He may have chosen that language knowing that it wasn’t the best interpretation but entered into the “error” for the reason just mentioned. Sensing that the popular religious mentality in England at the time was focused towards one literal referent for the prophecies of Revelation, he played to that mentality for the purpose of successfully alerting them to make preparations to oppose impending totalitarian regimes. The Holy Spirit may have guided him to do this either by giving him conscious knowledge that there was an impending future threat, or by inspiring him to do prophecy without giving the gift of interpreting that prophecy. The language Newman employed unavoidably leads one to believe that he held the literal sense of the “Beast” of Revelation to be a future Antichrist. If so, I believe in that technical point of interpretation he was simply in error. But it is an excusable one, for there is no authoritative teaching that directs a given reading of Revelation be preferred over the other alternatives otherwise compatible with the infallible core teachings of the Church on faith and morals. Ultimately, I think Cardinal Newman, at least when he was in the process of delivering a sermon, was simply a pastor first and a theologian second. The Holy Spirit inspired his sermons to embed the prophetic warnings the people of his times and near-term future needed to hear, and that was that. We find ourselves pretty much in the same situation as Cardinal Newman today. Yes, the literal sense was Nero, but whoop de do! The symbolic moral, and eschatological senses are the ones we of modern times need to be concerned with. The additional, and perhaps even more powerful and wide-ranging, evil regimes that could arise in our times are an immediate and potentially deadly threat to us. So, if changing the academic labels around concerning which referent best qualifies in the literal sense serves to motivate us to effective preventative action, it is a justifiable distortion of academic theology. Better to stop evil and make an academic mistake than to let evil run the world over and be academically correct. It remains possible that Cardinal Newman in his own thinking simply made that academic “mistake.” It wasn’t a hard mistake in any case as ou there was and is no official dogma that requires any one specific reading of the Antichrist/Beast references of the Bible in the literal sense. And, in a sense, it wasn’t actually a mistake imputable to Newman. The mistake is imputable to the public, the listeners to whom his Antichrist sermons were addressed. They were the ones who held the mistaken reading of Revelation that ascribed the literal sense of “the Beast” to a future Antichrist. Newman was intellectually, academically, and theologically adept enough to make the not terribly subtle distinctions required to get it right. But if Newman’s warnings were to be effective, what he was saying had to in synch with his listeners, otherwise they would have brushed it off. Off course, being human, they have brushed it off in any case, but to give the prophecy a chance to succeed it had to be tailored to match the expectations of the popular religion of the time held by the masses that Newman was trying to warn. The Spirit may have moved Newman to make this “mistake” when he was otherwise capable of forming a different reading, or Newman may have chosen to alter the reading himself for the sake of his audience, while actually holding an academically more complex view that he felt the masses weren’t ready to take in. Perhaps the most defensible view is that Newman’s opinion was precisely what he said. Newman didn’t convert to Catholic from Anglican until October 1845, roughly ten years after delivering the Antichrist sermons. Protestants have a much stronger tendency to focus on the literal sense of scripture than Catholics. This is especially true concerning prophecy, where the Catholic Church holds that we are awaiting additional guidance from the Holy Spirit necessary to pinning down the meaning of many of the prophetic segments in Revelation. Coming from a Protestant background it may actually have been Newman’s opinion that the best candidate for Antichrist was a future human being, not Nero and the other anti-Christian Roman emperors. So, in this view, although Newman wasn’t consciously trying to match the expectations of his audience in order to get the prophetic warning across, perhaps God was by selecting a representative who was still in tune with the Protestant approach. Perhaps God was using Newman and his (at the time) Protestant conception of the book of Revelation to warn the largely Protestant audience to begin preparing a stronger culture of faith that would be more resistant to the impending Nazi menace of WWII, a menace to be closely followed by the atheistic Communist threat and the Cold War. WWI, of course, was a closer threat, but it didn’t pose an ideological menace opposed to the Church as such. Despite the fact that Newman’s read of Revelation is incomplete at best in the context of all the additional things we will consider here, it remains true that the Holy Spirit placed the right man in the right job. This “mistaken” reading was the only one the public (who were largely Protestant in England) would respond to, and affirming the theological significance of the Roman martyrdoms of the past, while academically correct, does nothing to prepare future generations from 1835 forward for the powerful modern threats looming in their future. So, God chose Newman, who would compose the Antichrist sermons in a straightforward literal sense in place of a more correct but too sophisticated theology (like the one I present here , though I am only a writer, not a theologian), to which complex counter-intuitive readings the public would have turned a deaf ear within the Protestant-formed social milieu of 1835 England. So why didn’t Newman correct his view of the Antichrist in a popular lecture after he became Catholic? The short answer is “for every good reason.” The Catholic Church has no authoritative position on how to read those prophetic passages of scripture, and Newman’s school of thought remains as strong as any other. Plus, the sermons, as all sermons, were inspired by the Holy Spirit, and since they were not dogmatically in error, prudence would dictate leaving them alone. So would common sense. They were issued to guide future generations of the public, not to inform academics about the best read of the past. His original interpretation best served that purpose. To be understood universally among the public a message must be ou simple and clear. This is even more important for prophetic messages whose purpose is either to warn of dire consequences or encourage the faithful to hold up under most difficult conditions. In electing not to alter his Antichrist Sermons after he became Catholic, Cardinal Newman may have been guided by the common sense understanding that nobody except academic theologians has any interest in heavily academic theology— especially where life and death guidance is involved. He remained a pastor first, and an academic theologian second. Of course, the explanation may be so simple as that as with all priests, bishops and cardinals, the Church, the flock, the devil, and world events kept him so busy that he never found an opportunity to revisit the question. The Catholic Church has traditionally spent near zero time on prophetic questions. As a Catholic, Newman would be caught up in this prioritization scheme that minimalizes concern with prophetic interpretation. The Catholic Church is a very busy organization, doing many important things for the faithful as well as for the poor and suffering around the world. It would have taken a clear mandate from God to bring the Church back around to the subject. The fact that such a mandate didn’t arise suggests that Newman’s approach was correct for God’s purposes at the time he delivered his famous Antichrist sermons. But let’s remember what that time was: 1835. Since that time we have had two enormously powerful manifestations of Antichrist that threatened to overrun the entire planet: Hitler’s Nazis and the Communist empire of the former Soviet Union and its satellites. There were also some strong national and regional tyrants that cut good Antichrist figures as well. So, while it served God’s purposes in 1835 to focus the public’s concern on a future Antichrist, it may be much less of a concern today to fear future Antichrists as much as a resurgence of past Antichrists: the Nazis and the Communists. And we should keep in mind that Church leaders are not infallible in interpreting prophetic scripture. They are only infallible in teaching items of faith and morals. It is an item of faith that there is an Antichrist and a Beast corresponding to biblical references, and that there will be one fulfilling a major role prior to Christ’s return, but it is not an item of faith that related biblical passages must be interpreted so specifically as to tag those references to only one man and only one point in time once all four senses of scripture are taken into consideration (literal sense, eschatological or end times sense, symbolic or analogical sense, and moral sense). St. John, in fact, says in the Bible at 1 John 2:18 (NABRE) that many antichrists had already come as of the first century after Christ. At verse 22 he tells us to make allowances for the possibility of many more antichrists. 18 Children, it is the last hour;* and just as you heard that the antichrist was coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. Thus we know this is the last hour….22 Who is the liar? Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Whoever denies the Father and the Son, this is the antichrist. Despite this clear statement about multiple antichrists in 1 John, we need to understand that Cardinal Newman was addressing the book of Revelation specifically. Such an expositional “mistake” in reading Revelation could much more understandably happen. Newman was properly giving a great deal of weight to many centuries of popular tradition, which focused on a future Antichrist as being the primary referent of the Beast of Revelation. In formulating its dogma the Church always gives a great deal of weight to popular tradition, such as when Pope Pius XII affirmed the Marian dogma of St. Mary’s assumption into heaven. St. Mary’s assumption was a traditional belief dating back to at least the fourth century, and probably further to the second century. Popular tradition is not permitted to contradict or replace the Church’s existing authoritative teachings, but it is allowed a role in proposing and developing future additions to Church teachings. The problem is that interpreting prophetic symbolism is a different kind of task than documenting an historical event. With St. Mary’s assumption there were only two options, either she was assumed bodily ou into heaven or she wasn’t. Tradition was clear that she was. With the question of the Beast/Antichrist prophecies of Revelation there is both the literal sense and the symbolic, moral, and eschatological senses that must be dealt with. The public masses of Christian believers living during the fourth century forward were understandably more concerned with the Antichrist appearing in their future than with historical events of the past. Not being theologians themselves, the public easily slipped into the error of confusing the literal and eschatological senses of Revelation concerning the Beast/Antichrist. When reading Revelation the Spirit was guiding them to be cognizant of future threats for their own sake and the sake of generations to come. Perhaps Newman was guided by the Spirit in the same direction for the same reason. The Church Fathers by and large made the same “mistake,” so perhaps the Holy Spirit was guiding them in a similar way to see to the wellbeing of the future flock as the priority concern, giving that task precedence over academic considerations about what to best term the literal referent of the Beast of Revelation. While looking to the Fathers and longstanding tradition is definitely the correct thing to do on issues of faith and morals because God guides the entire Church on core issues of faith, prophecy is different; it provides unique opportunities for error. End times (eschatological) prophecy provides many more opportunities for error due to the flexible thematic template used to guide many centuries using one prophetic text. Prophecy is God’s own tool; he knows best how to use it in a given time and place. As in the case of Daniel and his gift for interpreting visions, the task of interpreting prophetic revelations is best left in the hands of those God has given specific gifts for that purpose. The purpose of prophecy is to guide the flock, so the shepherds of the flock, the priests, bishops, archbishops, and cardinals are the most likely recipients of the gift of interpreting prophecy, though not the only recipients. As a shepherd of the flock appointed by the Church, Cardinal Newman deserves our deference. His view must be given the most weight in terms of guiding our actions and behavior. Academically, however, we may still allow that calling Nero the best literal referent of ‘the Beast’ term in Revelation is technically correct. Cardinal Newman’s purpose of guiding and strongly motivating the flock, a massive Catholic/Protestant population spanning many nations, on how best to mentally, physically, spiritually, and politically prepare to do battle in an impending calamitous world struggle against supernatural evil and totalitarian political regimes is a far different and vastly more important kind of task than a theology professor doing a linguistic analysis and historical study to find likely referents of the term ‘the Beast’ in Revelation. Both are correct for their intended purposes. When we step into the library for some contemplative study and research, it is perfectly correct to acknowledge the academic argument for Nero being the literal referent of ‘Beast’ and ‘Antichrist,’ though we probably should extend the coverage of those terms to include the entire set of anti-Christian emperors. When we step out of the library onto the mean streets of the real world and face looming political and spiritual threats in our turbulent world, however, Cardinal Newman should be our guide: beware and prepare. Giving deference, respect, and homage to the early Christian martyrs, which included St. Peter and many of Christ’s apostles, and probably included St. Paul, serves a legitimate function of the faith. It rightfully affords a special place of honor to the founders of our Church and the time of Christ of himself. Those martyrs suffered terribly to allow the Church to survive to bring salvation to us. Many of their deaths in and out of the Roman amphitheater were brutal and horrific. And in some ways it was harder for those early martyrs to face death than it would be for us today, since we have had centuries of confirmation, miracles, cross-corroboration, and mass affirmation to bolster our faith. What they did they did on the basis of a few inspired personal testimonies and a conversion experience in baptism. Many of them evinced miracles in the event of their death. It is correct to mark those times as the quintessential tribulation and era of “the Beast” on both technical expositional grounds and proper ou honorific grounds. When we move to address future threats, however, and the remaining practical uses of prophecy, Cardinal Newman’s focus on the future Antichrist again rightfully assumes its central place as our guiding theme. In academic terms, to take an ambiguous written symbol like “Beast with seven horns” and know which of hundreds of historical political leaders it refers to takes both an in-depth knowledge of history, technical expertise in scriptural exposition, and Daniel’s spiritual gift of interpreting prophecy. The general public is especially unqualified to perform this task, and thus it is no surprise that the popular tradition got it wrong-academically. In the prophetic arena, however, which is not concerned with the dead past so much as guiding the living flock, the general public and their noteworthy shepherd John Cardinal Newman were not nearly so wrong. St. Paul tells us that even those with the gift of issuing prophecy don’t necessarily have the gift of interpreting prophecy. I suggest that either Newman had the gift of prophecy but not the gift of interpreting it, or he consciously or unconsciously (driven by the Holy Spirit) elected to place his emphasis on issuing prophecy for the sake of assisting people through the dire events that looming in the immediate future. Newman himself of course very much confused the issue by explicitly couching what he was doing in terms of interpreting prophecy, when in fact he was more truly issuing prophecy than interpreting it. Still, given the dire events ahead, he did very much the right thing because it motivated people for the upcoming struggle and infused into the popular mindset the need to be vigilant and guard against the rise of the Antichrist. The prophetic emphasis on the future human Antichrist at the time of Newman was precisely as it should be given the context, the ominous events impending at the time. To underscore this point, St. Mary came along at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, three years into WWI, and put the same warning, as it were, up in neon lights. Why didn’t St. Mary appear before WWI began? Apparently because wars between Christian and god-fearing nations did not pose a new, greater level of threat to the Church and free Christian society. The advent of atheistic Communism, however, just occurring in the October Revolution in Russia in 1917 and immediately around the corner in the formation of the Communist Party in China in 1921, would pose a threat to Christian society worldwide, as well as untold deaths and endless suffering within the Communist nations in addition to deprivation of the right to worship. In the event of Newman’s Antichrist sermons, urgent prophecy supplanted the task of academic exposition of scripture (which, technically, favors Nero as the Beast of Revelation). There was a most pressing need to shepherd the flock with prophecy, and Newman stepped up and filled it. The purpose of prophecy, to guide the flock through difficult times, here rightfully took precedence over a concern to create technically unimpeachable academic journal articles. Thus we can easily forgive Newman’s technical mistake about the literal sense of the Antichrist, if mistake it was. Why belabor so much this one point that it can be simultaneously true that Nero is the best referent for the Beast of Revelation in the literal sense and that more modern eras should still be concerned with the Antichrists of their own day, as well as future Antichrists to come (the symbolic sense). The integrity and credibility of the Church, and the integrity and credibility of those scholars who are imminently qualified and yet arrive at seemingly incompatible positions—that’s the reason I take so much trouble to sort this out. Otherwise, readers, especially nonbelievers are going to look at these controversies and apparent contradictions and say, well, even the leaders of the Church at the highest levels can’t produce anything but contradictions from the Bible. Overly simplistic readings of the Bible can do a lot of harm by destroying the credibility of the Church among nonbelievers. One example of such a case is Matthew 16:28 (NABRE): “Amen, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.” Critics of the Church who assume a literal simplistic reading is the only option available may say the Bible has ou been proved false here because if some of Christ’s original apostles had continued living until the present it would be such a sensation that we would unavoidably know about it. This assumption isn’t true, of course, because those apostles would be savvy enough to know to conceal their identity at this point because enemies of the Church, such as Communism, would want to hunt them down and kill them to remove such a visible proof that God was real (a bogus proof in their minds) by showing the apostles weren’t immortal after all. The Communists would be misunderstanding that the gift wasn’t physical immortality but just extended life, but the threat to the apostle’s lives would be no less real because of this mistake. Those apostles Christ chose to give such a gift could be alive without our knowing it, but the more important point is that literal simplistic readings don’t always exhaust the valid interpretive possibilities. That same passage could be legitimately read several different nonliteral ways. For example, the verse could be employing figurative language indicating the coming sainthood of the apostles, the fact that they would not be falling asleep in death but experiencing the continued conscious self-awareness of a living soul united with God in heaven, from where they would see Christ’s return when it occurred. Another possibility is that the verse refers to a magnificent spiritual gift Christ intends to give to his apostles prior to their martyrdom, someone like St. Peter perhaps. Within that vision the apostle about to be martyred could indeed see the event of the return of Christ, perhaps, in a sense, even be present at the event since the event will be occurring in the eternal and timeless realm of the divine. This last reading makes a certain amount of sense in the context of the prior verse where Christ is talking about rewards. He says that people should hold onto their eternal soul even at the cost of their mortal physical life on Earth because God will repay them in full for their suffering when he returns. So the meaning of verse 28 that immediately follows may be that God will give magnificent rewards of the spirit to some even before they die, including the gift of miraculously being present at the Lord’s return by way of a vision that allows the martyr to momentarily enter the timeless divine realm while still living in the body here on Earth. This reading makes sense as a gift fitting the situation. What fear or trepidation could the otherwise horrible execution event cause in someone who had just entered the divine realm and seen firsthand that death itself had been overcome and experienced the divine joy and healing available in heaven? Such examples illustrate that insisting on literal simplistic readings introduces unnecessary and false concerns about the credibility of the Bible. Other fully legitimate readings are available that don’t produce grounds for serious criticisms. Back to the point about Antichrist, many traditional commentators and Church Fathers also emphasized the human Antichrist at the very end of times. So it was true that Newman was, and he so stated, expositing a consensus interpretive view from tradition (as well as prophesying for the near term). However, modern expert Catholic theologians tend to mark Nero as the proper referent for the literal sense of ‘the Beast’ of Revelation. This seems to produce a contradiction between the views of top Church experts. I take pains to attempt to sort out the apparent conflict here to save the Church’s reputation of intellectual competence in the eyes of some members of the public who wouldn’t have time to pursue such a complex analysis on their own initiative minus a book that walks them through it. Of course, fans of seers, clairvoyants, precognizant inventions, predictive prophecy, including end times prophecy, Nostradamus, Leonardo da Vinci, St. Malachi, and all of that, are fascinated most by the prophecies that go into more detail about the future than even Newman could go into. Biblical prophecy itself doesn’t yield details about the future, but occasionally individual prophets have offered some details, usually for the moderate to short-term future only. I refer those readers who love to read such detailed prophecies to Yves DuPont’s book, Catholic Prophecy, for a survey of a plethora of interesting prophecies and their proposed interpretations, some of which, go into detail as to future events. ou As far as what degree of prophetic speculation I am willing to venture on myself, I am not able to enter into detailed prophecies of the future. However, one of the most eye-opening possibilities to consider that has occurred to me is that both Newman’s interpretation that the human Antichrist would appear at the very end of things and the prophetic warning of the impending appearance of Hitler and Stalin, were concerned with the very same thing: the final manifestations of Antichrist! In other words, although the events inaugurated by WWII and the Cold War struggle against Communism may only be a first phase of a string of related events to occur later, they could still be a noteworthy introduction of the very final phase of Armageddon that leads us right up to the end. It remains possible that Hitler and Stalin were the last major Antichrists, or the introduction of the last phase that may include others that will be, and possible that the demonic surge we are presently enduring may be the release of Satan from the pit depicted in Revelation 20, the event that occurs subsequent to the final Antichrist and lays the social-political foundations for his appearance! Even the horrible events of demonic overrun that we see daily in the news headlines may not seem cataclysmic enough to fulfil the Antichrist prophecies for some readers, but for the prophetic intent and purpose of guiding the individuals of the different periods of history who lived under the cruel despots of their time and faced horrific persecutions, it is true, or true enough, to say that from the perspectives of the people involved in those times the Antichrist had come to world power. Certainly from the perspective of Christians coated with tar and burned alive as garden lamps in Nero’s garden to amuse his pagan guests, the Antichrist had come to power. For the Jewish men, women, and children burned in the furnaces of Nazi concentration camps, the Antichrist had come to power. For the millions who died of cruel conditions or torture in Soviet prisons, gulags, or work projects, condemned perhaps for nothing more than worshiping God, it was no less true that the Antichrist had come to power. My speculative contribution to the prophetic discussions is that present events might be part of a direct progression to the final end from the appearance of the last major Antichrist(s), who within this hypothesis would be Hitler and Stalin et seq. That is only a possibility, of course, but one worthy of consideration. I don’t propose this as a cause for panic. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to fall into the neurosis of “End Times Fever,” but it is certainly food for thought. The last phase of this world must occur sometime, and although our focus should remain on heaven and the next world, the end of this world is hardly to be considered a negligible event. The release of Satan would present us with an even more powerful, tricky, and purely evil opponent to grapple with than a human Antichrist. Given the undeniable indicators of moral decline and the fact that the great apostasy would logically be produced by the intense temptations and supernatural effects of Satan’s release from the pit, viewing Hitler and Stalin as the final Antichrists or the precursors thereof is a very reasonable interpretation given the events presently occurring in our own time. As the prophet Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 30: “When the time comes you will understand.” Just because we might see additional Antichrists doesn’t mean that we will, of course. The article of faith that affirms an Antichrist at the final phase of events is not contradicted in this view. If we stop and remember 2 Peter 3:8, to paraphrase, to the Lord a thousand years is like one day. Just because we seem to have had a partial denouement since the Cold War doesn’t mean we have to have yet another Antichrist. That denouement may not be significant enough in the eyes of God to list separately in Revelation. The WWII struggle with Hitler and the Cold War struggle with Stalin and Communism may have been the last hurrah in the sense of being the two biggest individual events of that type. Or perhaps there is no reason to announce a denouement because there is no denouement: the struggle with Nazis and Marxists continues to this day. Although they have lost most of their national sponsorship and large military strength, they are still here. And we have had many smaller struggles with Antichrist since WWII. ou Some are ongoing even now in some twenty or thirty nations around the world that still violently persecute Christians. Radical Islamic Jihad, though an outcropping from a legitimate religion, in that it attacks Christians can be considered a manifestation of Antichrist. Thus, Christ’s return need not be held up (as far as we humans can know) pending the arrival of yet another Antichrist. We have had enough Antichrists already, and (as Popeye the Sailor used to say), “enough is too much!” Probably the overall best view of Revelation and eschatological prophecy is that it is driven more by God’s personal love and concern for each one of us than it is by a wish to satisfy human curiosity about future events of world history. We are curious to see a detailed roadmap to the future or even a more general philosophical exposition of the dynamics of end times events in a model concrete enough to aid a visualization of future events so that we can say “OK, this is this in Revelation, and that is that in Daniel, and so on.” It is a natural instinct both to seek concreteness in prophecy and a knowledge of the future to enhance security. However we won’t necessarily be getting either to any great extent. In this case we make the error of thinking too big, instead of thinking too small. We, individual Christians, don’t have to navigate the entirety of human history, but only the seventy or eighty years of our individual life up to our physical death and individual judgment. The purpose of prophecy is to help us navigate difficult events, yes, but God is concerned for us personally as individuals more than as a culture or society. Nations don’t achieve eternal salvation, individual people do. God wants to see us personally achieve salvation within those seventy years, and so the prophecies of Revelation and all the other books refer to recurring themes that affect all of us within a typical lifespan. Revelation is a template for personal guidance in all generations, not a rigid roadmap of future events. So what is the import of this personalized view of prophecy on the Antichrist question? Was Nero the Antichrist? Yes! Was Stalin the Antichrist? Yes! For the people of their time, they were. And Nero is the best candidate for the literal sense, whereas Stalin qualifies in the symbolic, analogical sense, as do many others. The ultimate fulfillment of the eschatological sense is really the only open question. Might there be others? Yes, but it is not necessary. Hitler and Stalin may turn out to be the last and therefore the despotic leaders who qualify as the Antichrist in the eschatological sense as well. So much for sorting through the human referents for ‘Beast’ and ‘Antichrist.’ Let’s return now to the demonic side of this threat to round out our understanding. Even if we grant the assumption of one or more evil human beings still to come as the future Beast of Revelation, we can still ask the question, “Is a human Antichrist the quintessential fulfillment of all the Antichristlike figures in the Bible such as the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians 2 or does a major demonic spirit do the job better?” This remains an entirely legitimate question, despite Cardinal Newman’s having somewhat unhelpfully thrown the terms “Antichrist,” “deceiver,” “Abomination,” “Beast,” and false prophet all into the same referential hat before pronouncing that they would be the same human being appearing very late in human history. To begin our approach to the subject of the supernatural side of the prophetic threat, we should note that Revelation is not all there is to the prophetic sections of the Bible. I will make the case here that the best integrated interpretation of all ‘the Beast’ and ‘Antichrist’ prophecies, once relevant passages from all the books of the Bible are considered, is that the Antichrist and Beast references, as least in the analogical or symbolic sense, point to a demonic spirit (probably Satan). Nero, Hitler, and Stalin are gone, but that doesn’t mean it is time to go back to sleep. We must remain on guard. The battle with evil still rages in human political terms, but we also have the continuing battle with evil spirits to manage. So, moving on to the supernatural theme of the novel, while Hitler and Stalin produced human tragedies even greater than Nero, there is an evil operating in human history greater yet than Hitler and Stalin, and it is not human. As St. Paul instructed us, our enemy is not flesh and blood. ou Although Antichrist-like terms occurring outside of Revelation may have as one of their multiple instances of theme/type fulfillment all the human Antichrists of the past, present, and future, they also have broader analogical (symbolic) extensions that clearly point to our larger battle with demonic spirits. Consider the following quote from my character Fr. Bernie in Jacob. “The footnotes to the NAB at 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 connect the deceiver of 2 Thessalonians 2 with the abomination references in Daniel 11:36-37. The description of the lawless one/deceiver presented at 2 Thessalonians 2 is verbally and conceptually identical to that of the abomination described in Daniel.” Taking this as sufficient to establish the two entities, the abomination and the deceiver, as being the same, we are then stuck with the fact that it takes manifestations of Christ’s return to kill the deceiver/abomination as stated in 2 Thessalonians 2. But nothing so radical as the return of God to earth has ever been required to depose a human political tyrant. You may recall from the Old Testament that God arranged an illness and military defeat for Antiochus Epiphanes, who, with his statute of Zeus was an abomination to the faithful Hebrews. Scriptural sons have killed royal fathers and biblical kings have been struck down with madness, etc. This is all small stuff compared to the return of Christ. It just doesn’t take God’s presence on earth to kill a human being. However, if the deceiver/abomination is a major demonic spirit immune by the will of God to anything but divine action until its purpose for the harvest of souls has been served, then and only then does it make sense that the manifestations of Christ’s return would be required to “kill it.” [Note: My understanding is that demons aren’t actually killed in the sense of going out of existence entirely; however, they can be rendered “dead” to this world, permanently removed.] Jacob, proposes that a demonic force, our main enemy, has now appeared in powerful spiritual form and is actively obstructing our daily lives, even deigning to interfere in the Holy Sacraments. This latter manifestation in Church would seem to qualify as an instance of the “abomination standing in the holy place.” While such interferences are not new—the Bible is replete with incidents of demonic possession—they seem to be taking a more organized and focused form, and perhaps a more massive one. The theme of Jacob is that the devil is presently orchestrating a vast plethora of demonic attacks of various kinds. His aim is to totally subvert society, dominate it, and put the world explicitly under his control and direction. The Antichrist is making a bid to come to power. The method the Antichrist uses to dominate society, however, doesn’t have to involve evil political leaders. It can simply be powerful cultural trends towards evil, sin, and negativity. Leaders don’t always direct the course of the people; sometimes it works the other way round. This is especially true in democratic societies. I propose that our world is under massive assault from a demonic surge that attempts to manifest evil in every aspect of our lives, from the most personal up through small group behavior into international relations. Should this assault fully succeed, even our best leaders will be powerless to keep government unaffected in the long term. The effects of these demonic intrusions into our lives extend over a wide range. Within the domain of the very personal, demons try to convert love to lust, because love is the Spirit of God and demons cannot harm us while love is present. To initially break through those defenses, demons seek to gain access into our bodies by sexually attacking us in our sleep (not all erotic dreams are innocent natural events). Their purpose is to get the physical sexual chemistry flowing so they can create lifelong sexual addictions. Supernaturally manipulating our bodies from the inside, they intensify the sensory experience of small everyday expressions of our natural sexuality, minor flirtations, artistic admiration of a beautiful body, etc., producing a constant stream of artificially intense sexual chemistry that goes well beyond the natural range of sexual reaction to that kind of experience. These artificially exaggerated body chemistry effects, for all intents and purposes, differ little from a super drug high. Unfortunately the media, TV, movies, and magazines, have gotten on this “ubersexual” ou bandwagon to sell their products. Now everything we see all day long has sexual cues in it. The whole thing has become a vicious cycle that feeds on itself producing greater and greater levels of addiction. Combining all these sexual cues with demonically intensified responses basically drowns us in addictive sexual chemistry. Yes, it feels good, to start, that is, until the demonic presence builds up and poisons us, eventually adding a dark evil slant to the entire sexual experience, making us very sick people. The transition from pleasure to psychological illness is orchestrated by the demon to be so gradual that people don’t see it happening. It’s boiled frog syndrome again. Turn up the heat gradually and the frog doesn’t think to jump out of the pot until he has been paralyzed by the heat. Once the demons get access to our systems via this sexual trickery, they inject a supernatural venom, very gradually at first. The poison builds up to a point where we are immobilized by it, and demonic possession is the result. Months of church attendance, prayer and abstinence from sinful behaviors, along with the Holy Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist are the only things that can save us at that point. Of course, we should be doing those things regularly, in any case, but in modern society not everyone does. Given only natural stimulants, the levels of sexual chemistry that many modern people now experience all through the day nearly every day should only be occurring well into the love-making process, and within a love-centered marriage. In that context, the sexual experience remains positive and healthy. Addiction, psychological illness, and demonic influence don’t occur from love-centered sex within a Christian marriage. The sexual expression of Christian love within the Holy Sacrament of marriage produces a pleasure and joy that is even more intense because the demons are not there to foul it up with their putrid evil presence. Sex within the marriage is a gift from God to enhance the marital experience of love between man and wife. Christian love allows the union of man and wife, whereas the demons’ goal is to separate us all from each other, from all truth and reality, and from the Spirit of God. Their intent is to fully isolate us, and then destroy us. They hate the entire human race that has been made in the image of God. The demon’s intent in producing sexual addiction is to get us to throw away personal lifelong commitments in marriage, to make sex a recreational game instead of an expression of love. When the addiction reaches an overwhelming strength in our lives, the demons want us to throw away everything that has meaning, especially love, and focus exclusively on physical pleasure seeking: kill our children in abortion because they slow down our addictive lifestyle; abandon our wives, husbands and children in the home for the same reason; and go out in search of a new, more exciting sexual experience. The demon’s goal is to thwart the Holy Sacrament of Marriage and destroy the traditional family structure. The family structure, in combination with the Church, forms the only solid foundation a society can have. When the family falls, a society falls with it. In short the demons want us to throw away love, family, and church for lust and physical pleasure. But, as with everything Satan does, in this case even that physical pleasure is a lie; it is a demonically created physiological fiction. The physiological effects are real, but the source is a demonically generated false erotic stimulant. Yes, the sexual experience based on love and occurring in marriage involves intense physical pleasure, but the physical experience of sex in marriage is different in that it comes from a different source: natural physiology and supernatural love—love is the Spirit of God, the good form of the supernatural. The intense physical “pleasure” of demonically created sexual addiction comes from an evil source that reaches into our bodies to artificially produce a heightened pseudo-sexual chemistry that is unnatural. It isn’t real pleasure and it isn’t real sex; it is a poison that we have failed to recognize as such, a poison with a physical chemistry so close to the real thing that we are deceived until it paralyzes us. To make a long story short: we’ve been had! We’ve been conned, ripped off at the most personal level of our experience. This whole ou Western phenomena of sexually addictive culture is a huge embarrassment to the human race because the entire thing is a lie. The experience is not real! And it’s not natural. The sexually addicted person is a victim of sexual abuse, and the abuser is a demonic spirit. One has to pray for discernment to detect the demon at work, but detect it you will if those prayers are offered. If you find yourself thinking about sex all the time or have been drawn into the hypersexual lifestyle, pray about it. Don’t be the victim of supernatural sexual abuse. The demonically engendered sexual experience per se has nothing of love in it, and little of natural physiology. It is the equivalent of a purely evil supernatural monster giving a person a drug injection to produce the artificial chemical high. The content of that injection is the putrid evil spirit of the demon. That evil spirit infects our human systems, producing a fully addictive, but fully destructive experience of life. Artificial sexual addiction is one of the devil’s big guns, but not the only one. In other cases, the demonic infection produces a greedy drive to be a millionaire, and in others the drive for personal power. When large groups are infected, international dominance or racial superiority movements may be the result. In other cases the demons drive us to seek egotistical self-aggrandizement, produce an inordinate craving for social status, obsessions with physical pleasure, etc. Similar to the artificially exaggerated sexual experience phenomenon, in these cases too the passion that drives the person towards the experience and the pleasure derived from it is artificially intensified. Rational consideration of more balanced and healthy approaches to pursuing those goals is blocked by demonic interference and the affected person becomes obsessed with pursuing a single-minded lifestyle. The focus of that lifestyle might be power, status, money, sex, obsession with hobbies, career advancement, rabid philosophies of nationalism or race hatred, or a myriad of other things. Hatred is a very strong emotion in physical terms. It produces an intense body chemistry that is very addictive, similar to the chemistry of sex, exercise, or laughter. Perhaps hatred is even more addictive than the others because the affected person experiences a sense of power and a feeling of being in control, in addition to pleasurable addictive chemistry from the powerful emotion and a peace of mind derived from the overpowering emotion having temporarily erased all memory of and concern with the worries and burdens of everyday life. The other addictive lifestyles, careerism, personal power- and statusseeking, obsession with wealth or impressive objects, intense pursuit of hobbies, etc., in addition to the classic addictions to drugs and alcohol, produce this derivative peace of mind effect as well by fully distracting the person from concerns and burdens of life, while in some cases adding some insulation against those concerns by increasing wealth or power. When these pursuits become our highest concern in life they equate to idolatry, supplanting God as our highest value and diminishing love and concern for our fellow man. This sin opens the door to demonic spirits during our conscious activities in addition to sleep access via the subconscious. Demons then push the experience further and further along until it assumes a negative dynamic and becomes very destructive to the affected person and those around them. In addition to minimizing the importance of other people and their concerns, these obsessive greed- and power-oriented mental states also tend to generate a disregard for the long-term health of our natural lifesustaining environment in favor of a short-term gratification of the obsession. The effect of millions of people practicing such demonically induced neuroses while employing modern industrial age technology has been devastating. Earth has accumulated a toxic chemical burden that is in the process of producing a mass extinction and die off of animal species that could plausibly include the human race. Global warming effects are now undeniable. Weather changes alone threaten the planet’s ability to support human life. Huge socio-political power dynamics can also be altered by demonic intrusions. Racial hatred and conflict comes largely from demonic instigation. Through history the cumulative effect of demonic ou interferences have ruined international relations, at times even driving us from peace to war. The theme of this novel, though spiced with humor and levity to entertain, is a very serious theme. It is that those types of demonic attacks and destructive influences are busily at work in our world today. Left unaddressed by the Church, things could get worse in a hurry—as if they weren’t bad enough already. Thus, although I am very interested in a rigorous academic exposition of the book of Revelation, and interested that someday we finally learn to do it right, for my present purpose in this novel, I could care less if someone wants to argue that this is or is not the great apostasy, the Antichrist, the tribulation, or the final battle. While those themes do play out in each generation, the present situation is so bad that the Church cannot afford to lose any further ground to it. These conflicts, being supernaturally powerful, affect us little human beings so strongly in each of their iterations that we will always be tempted to call them the final battle. And in a sense we will always be correct when we do because that larger battle encompasses all the smaller ones; it has been raging since Christ’s victory on the cross, some 2000 years ago. So, you can call it whatever you like and place it where you prefer on the prophetic timeline following your favorite authors and prophets. but the fact remains that we are going to have to deal with this. It is happening. And, because we risk catastrophic consequences if we ignore it, simple attention to academic precision and caution in historical scholarship is not going to be quite enough. We are going to have to do something, as it says on the Doritos bag. Each of us must fight his or her own part of this battle in real time. We have to fight first for our own personal freedom from demonic dominance, moral responsibility, and regain psychological balance in our lives. This requires moving away from all the negativity, away from a preoccupation with racism, greed, power, pleasure, social status, material possessions, and sexual lust to a focus on friendship, love, family, and social justice. Stabilizing and reorienting our own life, getting free from demonic domination, is the first step. So, how is that done. It’s not complicated, but it can be difficult. It requires patient effort over many months to several years—self-discipline and persistence. Sounds a bit intimidating, but the alternative, of course, is that things just get worse. We have no choice but to try—and God will support us if we ask for his help. With God on our side, success is assured in the long run. Here is what you do. First, make a firm decision to reject everything the devil temps you with and turn to God for help. You (we) may (and will) slip at times, but keep asking God’s forgiveness and coming back to your decision to do better. Go to Church regularly; that is where God delivers the most powerful gifts of strength and healing—in Church. That’s where the real help is found. You are going to need every bit of it. Stay centered in love and friendship, positive emotions. This breaks the devil’s grip and empowers prayer. This gets you 99% free of the devil’s influence, but not totally free of his grasp. There will come moments of supreme struggle when you will have to resolve to break free of the devil using every ounce of willpower you have. Exorcists tell us that it takes absolutely all the strength of will and resolve a human can muster to break free of the devil when he poses his last desperate move to hold onto us as we begin to break free. Ultimately it comes down to making our decision for God and freedom with 100% commitment. We must be fully resolved to break free of sin once and for all. We will still slip now and then because we are imperfect humans and the devil is supernaturally powerful, but we have to be fully resolved to keep fighting when we do slip. While it is mostly a matter of good old fashioned will power and a final, permanent resolve to do the right thing, being aware of the devil’s tricks can make the process a whole lot easier. As we all know by now, ou the devil is an inveterate liar and consummate con man. We have to learn his tricks to get past his deceptions. One of the devil’s tricks that can be particularly devastating to good people trying to break free of his evil grasp is to poke thoughts into our heads through the subconscious mind. We do not have to consider ourselves failed in our rejection of sin when one of these thoughts pops up; they are not from us; they are from him, the devil. We need only reject the thought and replace it with something positive. There may be a struggle involved, but as long as we do not affirm the thought and are working to replace it we have not committed a sin. The thought the devil likes to push on us the most is that we have failed in our struggle against sin entirely—permanently—and that we should now simply give up the struggle against sin forever, resign ourselves to being condemned by God and going to hell. Don’t go there girlfriends. It’s a lie. Jesus died on the cross so everyone who wants to win the struggle against sin is guaranteed of winning it. It is just a lifelong struggle, that’s all. But we will all win if we keep trying until we pass this earth. God forgives our failures as long as we are trying. So, don’t give up on yourself and condemn yourself as a failure when the devil plants this thought in your mind. It’s just a trick that plays off the structure of the human mind, the division between the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind. You are not a terrible sinner if the devil gives you dreams of sinful things while you are asleep, though we should suggest to ourselves positive thoughts as we retire for the evening and pray for protection in our sleep. If you go to sleep seeking these kinds of sinful fantasies in your dreams that’s different; that is a sin. However, if you do not want the dreams and they occur anyway, it is not a sin; it’s just the devil poking into your subconscious mind hoping you will choose to retain some of it after you wake up. This kind of mental intrusion can get really tricky when it occurs during that grey area, the twilight mental state midway between sleep and fully waking conscious awareness. The devil is a back-stabbing cheap- shot artist. So, yes he will attack us there in the intermediate state when we are not fully awake and not fully asleep. He will strongly suggest our favorite sins and then try to convince us that it is our conscious decision to accept and act out these sins. However, that can’t be true because we are not yet fully conscious. Mortal sin requires free choice after rational deliberation. Rational deliberation can only occur when we are fully awake. Don’t fall for it. Develop the mental habit to expect these deceptive maneuvers in and immediately following sleep. Roll out of bed prepared to shake off all thoughts except those required to get moving and begin the day’s activities until you are fully awake. Don’t tolerate the continuation of sinful fantasy dreams as you move from sleep to waking. You will end up hypnotized, sleep walking through the day under the devil’s influence. The results won’t be good. Is the “average” person vulnerable to this kind of half-waking satanic hypnosis? Maybe. Modern life has become complicated. For most young healthy people “fully awake” occurs when they have been up and moving around for twenty to thirty minutes. They aren’t vulnerable for long, unless they are exhausted from work or getting too little sleep. For older folks and people with health issues that cause fatigue or change body chemistry, it may take an hour, possibly more. Diabetes, cardiovascular illness, brain and nervous system infections, alcohol and drug abuse, prior traumatic brain injuries from wartime explosions or blows to the head, concussions from sports, chemical injuries to the brain from toxic chemicals, long-term occupational exposure to fuels or industrial solvents and adhesives, etc., can all weaken the system and change brain and body function and chemistry. The result can be a slower waking process or an outright aberrant mental state that allows the devil to manipulate our thinking and behavior by poking through the subconscious because our brain has been injured in a way that impedes our attaining a fully conscious clarity of mind. We have to learn our own systems and take care to guard against such vulnerable moments.. ou After attainment of a fully alert, conscious, waking state of mind we should come back to the choice about the particular sins the devil was suggested we should admit failure about. (We should also avoid pursuing that sin consequent to the devil’s pushing until we reexamine our attitude toward sin in the full light of day.) Ask yourself the same question at noon in the bright sunlight. Only then will you know if you have fully given up. Don’t let the devil convince you that you have failed by poking his preferences into you sleepy mind. God only holds us accountable for what we do with our conscious mind, not what bubbles up in the subconscious. There is no point in giving up in any case. God doesn’t expect us to be perfect in our battle against sin; he only expects us to choose to struggle against it and to honestly prefer to live without it. Occasional events of slipping back into sin don’t mean we haven’t chosen against sin; they mean we had a strong habit and aren’t presently strong enough to break it without some slips and more help from God. It means we are human. If you have given up the fight against sin, the solution is simple. Change your mind and try again. God will support you in that struggle. God allows us time to improve and gradually win these struggles. He forgives our slips and allows us to get up and try again. Don’t let the devil trick you into giving up on yourself with these cheating tricks that aim to produce hybrid states of partly conscious partly subconscious mental activity. These states can occur in the middle of sleep as well as in the early moments of waking in the morning. We are not fully accountable for such mental activity because it doesn’t involve fully consciousness and free rational deliberation. We are responsible for our physical behavior, but even there, if the devil is attacking us with supernatural force trying to coerce a sinful behavior before we are completely awake, there is substantial mitigation from the degree of coercion and the lack of fully conscious rational deliberation. There is no full excuse for sinful behavior, but the sin can be moved from the mortal category to the venial by such mitigating circumstances. Venial sins won’t send us to hell; mortal sins will if we don’t repent them and work to avoid recurrence. On the other hand, embarking upon sleep while hoping to get a favorite lurid sinful fantasy dream is a sin; it shows a tolerance for the sin, an attachment to it, even a relishing of the sin. Jesus reminds us that committing a sin in spirit is the same as acting it out. We aren’t allowed to protect our pet sins while deceiving ourselves that we are really struggling against them. Tolerating an indefinite repetition of the same sins because we accept or prefer keeping the attachment to those sins involves a vice, and does not qualify as honest effort. Tolerating a vice is a mortal sin that must go to Confession and be future repetitions, while forgivable, must be opposed with all our strength and will. Coming back the other way, the final complication in all of this sleeping-waking business is that when the demons actually physically attack us with supernatural force, altering our physical and mental states in powerful ways, then any sins we are induced to commit are largely mitigated due to the severe coercion involved. They are still sins, but they are not mortal sins. We are obligated to resist, but minus God’s supernatural help, we will never out-wrestle a fallen angel. Prayer, the Sacraments, and the Holy Mass will protect us in large part, but only in the measure of our faith. Even a direct use of the Holy Rite of Exorcism can take months to remove a demonic presence once established. It takes an extended effort, patience and endurance, to win this struggle against the forces of evil. If there is a secret to success it is to stay centered in love and trust fully in God’s goodness; put the situation in his hands. So, don’t give up on yourself when a heavy demonic attack engenders sin. But do confess and ask forgiveness for the part of the sin that came from your own attachment to that sin or from your moral weakness in not holding out further in the struggle to avoid committing the sin. Getting supernaturally bullied like this doesn’t necessarily mean you are presently choosing sin over faith. It means either you previously picked up an attachment to one or more sins and the associated demons are leveraging the opportunity, or someone in your circle of acquaintances is practicing sorcery (witchcraft, voodoo, etc.) of one kind or another and has targeted you specifically. If the attack is heavy, it probably means ou both are involved. Requesting an exorcism from the Catholic Church is a good idea in such a case, but the attachment to the sin must be addressed to preclude recurrence. The attachment to the sin must be broken and the sin expiated. This is normally accomplished by months of prayer and fasting and reception of the Holy Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist. Fasting by the way, doesn’t mean you avoid food entirely (that can harm your digestive system). It means you eat less, usually one meal with fish instead of a heavy meat, and one light to moderate snack. Eating less assists in achieving a mental state where we can remove our focus from things physical and enter a lightness of spirit that assists fruitful meditation on the Word of God. This is primarily done by lowering blood sugar to slow the pace of mental activity and to remove the heavy distraction of ongoing digestion, but there may be other complementary factors involved. By releasing our attention from earthly concerns, such a state facilitates a closer communion with the Church in Heaven. When we are just mildly weakened by a light diet we are not tempted to get out and do active physical things, so we are more likely to remain quiet and stationary long enough to accomplish some fruitful religious prayer and meditation. In modern life, we need all the help we can get to escape from the incessant distractions and spending any real quality time with God. As God says in the Bible, “be still and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:11 NABRE) Once you start getting some real religious meditation going, the devil won’t hang around long. The meditative state of mind is the goal of fasting; it is not a hunger strike. Everyone’s digestive system is a little different, so be careful not to overdo the food reduction and injure yourself. As far as dealing with individuals practicing sorcery in the neighborhood goes, about all you can do is pray and take care to remove any objects that may have found their way into your possessions, burning them where possible. Consult Father Gabriele Amorth’s books for further guidance: An Exorcist Tells His Story, and An Exorcist: More Stories. Suffering supernatural attacks that coerce the commission of sins typically means that through the habitual commission of prior sins we have given the devil an open door and a roadmap to our souls. He will follow those directions forever after, hitting us in weak moments when we are not sufficiently protected by practicing our faith. Once the devil learns the way to our door, even though we choose to do the sin no more, as long as a subconscious attachment to the sin remains, he can beat the door down and coerce a repetition of the sin by entering through the subconscious. At least this is the way I have come to understand the situation from personal experience and study. Heavily coerced sins aren’t mortal; they are venial, but they are sins. The risk is that they will be tolerated over the long term and become a vice. The longer a sin is tolerated the deeper the attachment becomes. Once again, tolerating a vice is a mortal sin. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) has a good discussion of sin beginning at CCC 1846. We humans are sinners, a fallen race. Fortunately we are not a condemned race. We can be saved by the grace of God, but the tendency for sin to recur will always be present throughout our lives. Fortunately, God forgives us and does not want us to ever give up on ourselves. It’s a lifelong struggle. Most fortunately, it is a struggle that Christ has already won on our behalf. Jesus gift of atonement for our sins on the cross assured us all of eventual victory over sin—if we try, try, and try again. It’s a free gift—a magnificent one. But to receive that gift of victory over sin when we die, we must fight the good fight while we are here, though we will never fully win that struggle based upon our own merits alone. Once we regain control of ourselves and get back to church and a regular practice of our faith to maintain that control, there is much work waiting to be done in many areas: direct support to the Church, missionary work, evangelistic outreach, deliverance prayer ministry, charitable work, work for social justice and better government, and the fight to save the planet from global warming. ou The global warming problem is a relatively new awareness for the Church, but the problem is already urgently in need of attention. We have to pitch in to fight this battle, reduce energy consumption, move our personal behaviors and national policies away from fossil fuel burning to solar power, wind and water power, and safe environmentally shepherded forms of nuclear energy production. Each person must make a contribution to this particular battle, though their primary personal focus may be in one of the other areas. Our individual contributions will add up to an amazing success because God will provide generous matching funds once he sees we are doing our part. The good news is that being a good loveable Christian person is contagious. It starts a fire of the Holy Spirit in the people one meets, potentially creating an avalanche of positive healing, a forest fire of spiritual renewal in the community. So light up! Pray for healing and deliverance, and get back to the love of the Christian community at church. Be the flaming brazier in the forest that the prophetic books celebrate that gets the renewal started in your neighborhood! Many Christians have been quietly doing this all along, of course, but the time has come to be not quite so quiet. We must hold on to humility and avoid egotistic approaches, but raising the alarm at this point is key to raising recruitment and increasing individual effort. The nitpicky approach of academic theology is not the answer to the present crisis, though the firm conclusions the academics have achieved (if endorsed by the Church) do help to inform it to some extent. Academia cannot, for fully legitimate reasons, move in real time. Therefore, the quest for academic consensus is misapplied when offered as a limiting factor to the initiation of a real-time battle-focused ministry. How we go to battle has to be informed by Church teachings, but we can’t wait for the university scholars to all come to agreement before we pitch in and begin the fight to save a dying planet, an injured Church, and our own demonically afflicted souls. Deliverance ministry cannot contradict Church dogma, but it does not have to await a blessing from a quorum of theological experts in academia to assume the field of battle, It must avoid incorrectly putting lay ministers into the role of the Bishop’s formally appointed exorcists, however. This is dangerous because it is a role laymen and laywomen are not authorized or equipped to perform safely or with proper effect. Jacob urges readers to respond now to the demonic assault that is currently underway by increasing their faith and actions for the Church in all the typical ways lay persons normally contribute, except with more vigor, and with an addition of constant and compassionate prayer for healing and deliverance. Love, forgiveness, real personal concern, and holiness are the key factors that will drive the success rate of the healing and deliverance efforts. The same virtues form the basis for success in efforts to clear away supernatural barriers to successful environmental and social justice actions. The “PA System” works. Issuing prayer before taking action removes supernatural barriers that would otherwise defeat human effort. So, let’s answer the call of Pope Francis, use the PA System, and dig in to our own little part of the world—get something done. Given that we can easily discern that the battle is well underway today, including major happenings in the spiritual dimension, we would be fools to sit around on our hands waiting until the equivalent of Emperor Nero appears to lead a one-world government before we form an active opposition. One of the dangers of confusing the larger scriptural sense of “Antichrist” with the narrower references to “the Beast” in Revelation is that we will attempt to pose no resistance to present efforts to get the Antichrist’s social foundation and organizational support structure up and running. Once that foundational structure is fully built it will be too late to prevent the human Antichrist from simply stepping in and taking possession of society. As radio commentator Paul Harvey made clear enough, the construction of the launching pad for the future Antichrist has long been under way. Waiting to begin work until the historical event of the appearance of the human Antichrist as world leader is tantamount to waiting until the ou battle is largely over in any case—lost! One doesn’t wait for defeat to start the war. To remain always waiting for yet another, yet another, and yet another, evil human to appear (after all those evil leaders we have already had) prior to joining battle is simply to waste valuable resources, effectively rendering the Church impotent, incapable of response—and to eschew common sense. This gives away far too much ground to our enemy. This approach to prophecy of always postponing the call to battle may in fact even be sponsored by Antichrist. Certainly he must favor it. If a human Antichrist does appear later, he/she/it will simply be in a much stronger position for our having failed to take action today. Let’s not do that to our Church, family and friends of the future. Let’s make the full investment, our best effort, in the Church today. If we fail to respond to the spiritual form of the Antichrist and abomination now, the human Antichrist will be a shoe-in later, further empowered by our lack of resistance and lack of contributions to strengthening the Church. A future more malevolent human Antichrist may or may not be predestined and unavoidable. Birch says it is predestined, and, if the Church agrees with him, so be it. I take no specific exception here to his view, but we don’t have to obligingly cooperate by burying our heads in the sand while Satan scurries about in our backyard today laying the foundations for the disintegration of all that is good and holy in society. I therefore ask you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join the battle against Antichrist today. Please pray about it. Yes, all the prophecies of the Bible are fascinating to contemplate, but in contemplating them we should realize that their purpose is to call the reader to constructive action in his or her own lifetime, not merely entertain us with dramatic and mysterious apocalyptic stories. We may not be able to prevent the events of Revelation, but what we can do is substantially minimize their tragic effects. We do this by investing our effort in the Church’s side of the Christ vs. Antichrist struggle today. That struggle permeates the lives of all generations and extends through all the centuries since Christ’s birth. Considering the battle of the god-fearing Maccabees against the abomination of Antiochus IV Epiphanes one can properly say that that battle began even before Christ’s birth. He who has seen the Son has seen the Father, and in a sense he who has defended the Father has defended the Son. Are we experiencing the defining instance of Revelation 9, Abaddon leading a horde of demons out of the abyss to torment the earth? Is it a case of the devil being released from the pit for a little while as in Revelations 20? Are these two passages referring to the same event? Maybe, maybe not, but clearly we are under assault and experiencing a heavy demonic incursion. Father Gabriele Amorth, Chief Exorcist at the Diocese of Rome, has been warning of this for years in his books, and the news headlines have been screaming the same thing to anyone with an ounce of discernment. Am I trying to ratchet everyone up into a fevered state of panic (“End Times Fever”), causing folks to run around like chickens with their heads off, risking social disorder and chaos? No. No chaos, no headless chickens. I am only asking people to plug themselves into a safe form of deliverance prayer ministry, to support the environmental crusades, to work at the social justice efforts, and to take political action to save the unborn child from abortion. Nothing really new there. But what is new is that I am recommending we do these things with an increased sense of urgency. In addition to the demonic surge, global warming is seriously increasing stressors on society. Given the decline of the traditional family, which, with the Church and our schools forms the primary cohesive fabric that holds society together into a functional system, we are going to individually have to make increased efforts to compensate. We have to rebuild faster than the destructive forces tear down. Otherwise, our system fails. Then chaos erupts and barbaric forms of pagan power-oriented social dynamics return: the bad old days. At this point we are going to have to work intensively to hold onto a God-fearing, equality-based and environmentally sensitive civilization— or we’re going to lose it. It took centuries of heroic struggle, with millions ou of lives lost in wars for freedom and struggles for equal rights, to build our modern god-fearing, rule-of-law societies. We have to work to preserve what those good people of the past gave their blood, sweat, and tears to create, whether they were Christian, Moslem, Buddhist, or just good-hearted caring secular folks with a concern to preserve rule of law and human rights.. The “fight” we are engaged in against forces of evil is not won by means of a violent Jihad, though it is a holy war. Rather, this fight is won by actively building and rebuilding the positive elements of society faster than the forces of negativity can tear them down. For that to happen, everybody must plug themselves into some kind of effort. Prayer ministry at home and on the streets makes as big a contribution as anything else. Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do outside worship at church and receipt of the Holy Sacraments. Without prayer and worship to garner God’s support, none of our efforts will succeed in the long run: Satan will merely overwhelm them with supernatural force. Left Behind tells us we won’t have to fight the worst of the last battle because we will be pulled up off the earth in a rapture event when things get too bad. This, while well-intended, is theologically wrong. For some, it may take away too much motivation and sense of urgency. What we need to do today is step up to our part in the last battle with evil, not step out on the porch to be picked up by angels so we can skip it. This is not strictly a fundamentalist Protestant vs. Catholic issue. Other scholars and theologians, even Catholic ones, seem to be telling us that because what they consider to be the prerequisites for the final physical battle with the human antichrist have not been satisfied, we should, to be academically correct, and to avoid the noxious sin of “End Times Fever,” not presently announce the last battle at all. This although the world is visibly, as Father Amorth indicates, already being overrun by a demonic surge. There are situations where a concern to avoid panic is appropriate, but when the day of battle arrives and all hands are needed on deck at battle stations one cannot refuse to announce the battle even if the academics are uncertain which battle it is. Should Paul Revere not have rode through the countryside announcing “the British are coming” for fear of inducing panic? If your boat is taking on water, holding off the instruction to start bailing for fear of panic is not going to help. You have to bail water to stay afloat. That is where we are today. We can’t bury our heads in the sand any longer. It is time to go to work and start bailing. Otherwise, society is going to sink. The current crisis deserves a response, and there is an underlying supernatural element that must be addressed to achieve a full solution. That’s really all this book is saying. That, and that the response must include not only work at the individual level, but also aggressive action by the institutional Church. While evil will not completely prevail against the Church, it may do tragic damage otherwise preventable by a full official mobilization of Church resources. In my opinion, although I will never criticize priests and bishops, catechists and the others who serve the Church because I am painfully aware that they are doing much more than I ever have to make things better, I will offer this much criticism of the official Church as an institution. While the individual efforts of everyone in the Church have been exceptional, selfless, and heroic, I think the Church as an institution has missed the boat, as it were. on two important issues. For several decades now the socially and politically active laity have needed but been deprived of the Church’s full resources to do two very important things: 1) mount an effective campaign to amend the U.S. Constitution to outlaw abortion from the moment of conception; and 2) create new political parties that, while not governed by or organizationally intertwined with or otherwise beholden to the Church, offer a platform of positions on the issues that match all the Church’s major concerns. Both of these tasks involve counteracting enormous opposing social forces. Without the facilities of the Church to hold meetings, without the bulletins and newspapers of the Church to get the word out, without a strong call to action from the bishops, day-to-day encouragement from parish priests for social activist organization members, and multi-million ou dollar donations from the Church to the nonprofit organizations that take these tasks on, change in these areas just isn’t going to happen. The opposed social organizations and political parties have this magnitude of resources and they have learned to use them effectively. We need the Church to fully commit its organizational, financial, communications, and administrative support to these tasks. Some work has been done along these lines, but it is a small fraction of what is necessary to offset the massive opposed socio-political forces. Pope Francis’ call to crusade to save the environment has brought into even sharper contrast the dilemma Catholics face in the voting booths: throw away the environment with the Republicans or throw away children with the Democrats. Catholics don’t have acceptable choices at the polls—period. Merely telling lay people they should be more politically active is not enough to correct this problem. The problem of creating new Catholiccompatible political party platforms can only be solved by the investment of tens of millions of dollars (probably hundreds of millions) and making the full use of Church facilities, publications, and staff support available to those trying to do these enormous jobs. Otherwise, we will always be outgunned; our efforts against abortion and for the environment, human rights, immigration reform, and economic and social justice will continue to fall short. To me it is fully incongruous for the bishops to (correctly) remind us that our immortal soul is at risk if we don’t vote for life and against the intrinsic evil of abortion at the polls, and the pope to (correctly) remind us that we need an urgent crusade to save the planet, and then not to offer the level of resources required to put the proper choices on the ballot. The Church is the only source available to obtain that magnitude of resources. Most other holders of large resource pools are already committed to either the democratic or republican agenda, or to a fundamentalist Christian approach that is not compatible with Catholic views. Lay Catholics themselves are donated-out, as it were, after all the special collections and Red Cross drives to support untold millions of victims of seemingly unending tragedies around the world. A special collection could be taken for these purposes but the Church will end up paying for it anyway because lay donors are already donating the maximum their situations permit. What they give for a drive for an antiabortion amendment to the Constitution and the construction of new political parties will have to be taken from what they are already giving to other Church causes and secular charities. Even the most casual student of military history knows that enormous advance logistical preparation is required to win a major war. If the Church did invest heavily in these two tasks, a constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion and the creation of new political parties, private donors with good judgment who tend to invest in either Democratic or Republican causes, could feel it was a safer risk to invest further in these efforts as well, seeing for the first time some real practical chance to succeed. Citizens have been trying, but they need far greater resources to succeed. The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, NCHLA, reports that “since 1973 more than 330 Human Life Amendment proposals have been introduced in Congress.” Several congressional hearings have been held on abortion and related right to life issues, and, in 1983 the U.S. Senate held a vote on a right to life amendment but it garnered an insufficient number of votes to pass. Without the Church throwing the full weight of its financial, administrative, and logistical resources behind this effort we are not going to get the needed amendment to the U.S Constitution granting the unborn child the right to life. Enough said on the practical side of things. The Doritos bag is right; it is time to do something, and that includes the Church as an institution holding enormous resources as well as its individual members. Now let’s return to end times theology and try to tie up a few loose ends. ---------- ou Could Christ’s Return Really Be Imminent? In my understanding, the answer to that question is “Yes.” While the Bible does establish some prerequisites to Christs return, this is done in a general conceptual way without specifying the details. The analysis I present in this section suggests that there are no remaining hard and fast prerequisites to the Lord’s return known to us, though there may be some further prerequisites known to God that remain to be satisfied. Further, as I understand the teaching of the Church, Christ’s return has always been held to be imminent. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 673). Christ himself exhorted us to be watchful for he would come at an unexpected hour. On the surface of things, of course, a biblical case might be made for some remaining prerequisites to Christ’s return. Mark 13, perhaps more than any other reference, seems to lay out hard and fast prerequisites for the Lord’s return. However, Jesus did not clarify in concrete and detailed terms how these prerequisites would be fulfilled. We do not know his specific intentions. Only he, and/or God the Father, knows the concrete details of how these conceptual prerequisites must be fulfilled to satisfy God’s will in the matter. Only God the Father knows the day/hour of Christ’s return, and there are no interpretive tricks that can get us around a divine “media blackout.” God is not telling us the time of Christ’s return, and he is not allowing us to indirectly deduce it either. God has a purpose in doing it this way. By creating a genuine expectation that Christ could return for judgment at any time, God defeats the human tendency to procrastinate and lie to ourselves that we will do the hard stuff tomorrow (certainly by next month). Naturally, putting off leading an authentic Christian life until the signs begin to look more ominous/joyous is just going to land us in Purgatory, or worse. This is one reason we won’t know the time of Christ’s return: we are the reason. More specifically our lack of selfdiscipline is the reason. This is kind of a tricky concept: there are prerequisites to Christ’s return, but we don’t have the concrete details of them, only God does. But this is not as strange as it may sound. Prerequisites can still be definite even though they are only broadly defined in abstract conceptual terms. Times, places, and faces need not be given for a prerequisite to be genuine. Just because a broad abstract definition of a prerequisite doesn’t satisfy our insatiable curiosity about the future doesn’t mean it can’t serve God’s very different purposes. God may not want to tell us that much about the future in concrete terms. Knowing the future takes our focus off living a good Christian life today and, for some who possess less selfdiscipline than they need, puts it on developing a strategy to optimize what we can get from selfish pursuits before we have to knuckle down and follow the rules again. Thus, we can have the situation where Christ himself (or one of his primary apostles such as St. Paul at 2 Thessalonians 2) seems to lay out firm conceptual prerequisites to Christ’s return for final judgment, and it still be correct for us to say that as far as any Christian has known since the time of St. Paul it has always been correct to say that Christ could have returned on any day of their lives. Because closely similar themes in salvation history visibly, and sometimes dramatically, recur, a review of Church history since the first century provides copious alternatives that might satisfy the conceptual prerequisites for Christ’s return as far as we know. God, of course, may know differently. It could be, for example, that the extensive travels of St. Paul and the other apostles in the first three centuries satisfied Christ’s intentions that a witness be given to all nations (that is, all nations of the time), or that the extensive evangelism and missionary work that has occurred since has satisfied the Lord’s intentions. In any case, it is clear that in the same chapter, Mark 13, Christ both admitted that he did not know the day or the hour of his return (only God the Father knows that day) and that he exhorted his disciples in the strongest terms to be watchful for his return, without specifying time or event prerequisites. Thus, Christ himself was teaching that, as far as it was possible for humans to know, Christ could return at any time after the ou Apostle’s initial heroic and monumental effort at evangelizing the known civilized world of the time. While the modern Church is certainly tasked to continue evangelizing the planet as long as it remains, the only portion of that ongoing task that can legitimately be considered a prerequisite to the Lord’s return is the part Christ himself assigned to his apostles. That part was demonstrably and heroically satisfied by the apostles, signed in their own blood in many cases. In the most excellent treatment of end times questions referenced earlier, Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life (in Johann Auer’s Dogmatic Theology series, #9), Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) tells us that it is both true that the requirement that the Gospel be preached to all the world seems to have been satisfied as of the times of the apostles, and that the sign will never be fully satisfied so long as there are humans on earth. This means that, unless Christ is to return to judge a dead planet (contrary to 1 Cor 15:51-52), the most extreme and literal sense of this particular sign cannot be used as a hard prerequisite to Christ’s return. It was possible for the “witness to all nations” to have been satisfied (as far as we know) within the lifetime of Jesus’ original apostles and disciples (including St. Paul), and certainly within a century or two after Christ’s Ascension. It is an accepted fact of theology that many of Christ’s disciples expected him to return in their lifetime. Are we to expect that when his disciples earnestly beseeched their master for the signs announcing his return the most just and compassionate man and most loyal friend who ever walked the earth chose to fake out his closest friends and supporters, many fated to crucifixion themselves, while reserving the truth about his return for modern scholars? I don’t think so. Similar considerations apply to St. Paul laying out the events of the great apostasy and the revelation of the deceiver as prerequisites to Christ’s return at 2 Thessalonians 2. An event satisfying the conceptual requirements of these prerequisites must occur, but must it involve a human Antichrist in our future with “worldwide” political dominion that literally spans the physical globe of Earth? No. The descriptions given of these events by St. Paul are too general—all the concrete details are missing. The phrase “entire world” in Jesus day typically referred to the Roman empire, the charted “civilized” world reachable by ship or caravan, not the physical planet. It might so happened that this sign is to be fulfilled that way (with a truly global antichrist); tradition may strongly expect it to be fulfilled that way; God may have both foreseen and revealed to some via private gifts in the Spirit that it will be fulfilled that way, but the raw logical-conceptual-linguistic content of the text of the Bible does not require it. So far as I have been able to determine, the teaching magisterium of the Church does not at present require it either. Nero, and the antiChristian Roman emperors, along with Hitler and Stalin and several other regional tyrants might have satisfied 2 Thessalonians 2 in terms of the appearance of Antichrist, and the great apostasy prerequisite might have been satisfied by the emperor-worshipping Romans or the atheistic Communists. The two events of Antichrist and the great apostasy needn’t fully overlap. God’s view of an event timeline is unavoidably going to be much broader than our own. A strong argument can be made that St. Paul’s statements in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 signify a demonic spirit as opposed to a human being. Whatever the “lawless one”/deceiver is, it was already present and working as of the writing of Thessalonians. It is the revelation of the deceiver, not his advent, that is the yet to be fulfilled prerequisite to Christ’s return. Further corroboration for the demonic hypothesis is to be found in the fact that the deceiver is a “power,” which is a common biblical term for a fallen angel, a demonic spirit. Also, the deceiver/“lawless one” is “doomed to perdition.” No human being is doomed to perdition prior to his or her death because of our radical freedom to accept the salvation of Christ. My understanding of Church teaching is that no one knows the final disposition of anyone’s soul except God. So it would seem inappropriate for God to be telling us the disposition of the human Antichrist’s soul in advance. Fallen angels, however, are known to be doomed. It therefore makes more theological sense that the “Antichrist,” ou “deceiver,” “abomination,” and “lawless one…doomed to perdition” passages refer to Satan or other fallen angels, demonic spirits. A future human Antichrist still qualifies as exemplifying the same theme but he is not the primary example and most fully qualifying example of that theme. Another line of argument that the deceiver/“lawless one” is not a human being is that because it requires a powerful act of the Holy Spirit integral to the manifestation of Christ’s return to kill it, the deceiver is not human. God can easily arrange for other humans to kill a human antichrist, and angels could do it more easily yet. One angel killed many tens of thousands of Assyrian soldiers in a single night. It doesn’t take a major act of the Holy Spirit and the very manifestation of Christ’s return to kill a human being. Thus, my interpretation in Jacob closely comports with what St. Paul has told us at 2 Thessalonians 2 and Ephesians 6: the deceiver is a demonic power. It has been here all along. Its mysterious and largely hidden workings closely match up to my thesis of a satanic subpopulation that secretly collaborates with demons behind the scenes. That evil community “cheats” by calling upon supernatural intervention from the devil to invisibly steer the course of events in favor of their selfish personal interests. Satanists are in turn manipulated by the devil, the demonic form of Antichrist. Their collective behavior is orchestrated by Satan to morally degrade society and produce mass apostasy. Satan’s goal in all of this is to defeat the Church, but Christ’s victory on the cross is irrevocable, albeit manifested more in the spiritual dimension of Christ’s kingdom than in the physical world. The forces of darkness will never overcome the spiritual Church, no matter how much apostasy and moral decay takes hold in the rest of society. So what is our conclusion concerning Antichrist? Despite the fact that Nero seems our best candidate for the literal sense of the Beast prophecy in Revelation, and despite the fact that Hitler and Stalin did more damage still, might there be another human Antichrist after all the ones we have already had? Yes, of course. He or she might even come to world domination. But the point I am trying to make about interpretation of scripture is that we are not required to read-in “human” every time the “deceiver/lawless one,” “Beast,” “abomination,” or “Antichrist” is mentioned. The symbolic sense of those scripture passages allows for a demonic spirit. In some cases the scripture requires a demonic entity as Antichrist/deceiver where that entity is seen to have been acting over time spans far exceeding the life of a human being, or is impervious to being “killed” except by a special act of God that closes out the deceiver’s role in the harvest of souls event dynamic of the latter days. “End Times Fever?” If (as the Catechism teaches) Christ’s return has always been imminent, and if (as Pope Benedict XVI wrote as Cardinal Ratzinger in the “Theological Commentary” section of The Message of Fatima) it is a valid prophetic office to interpret the meaning of the present time, how can it be wrong to announce the last battle if one has arrived at that discernment merely by reading the signs of the present? One is free to disagree, and to make an opposing case, but, in my view, this is neither heresy, anathema, noxious sin, nor “End Times Fever.” It is simply an honest acknowledgment that the hour is late and that major events of Revelation are in progress, including a demonic surge. Of course, nonverbals count, that is, the manner in which the announcement is delivered can make all the difference to the effect it produces. If one is running around in a panic screaming bloody murder, then, of course, it is End Times Fever. But if one is closely examining the Bible, calmly but seriously evaluating present signs, and concluding that it is time to get back to Church or face further catastrophic decline as a society, it is a fully legitimate prophetic insight. Merely to ascribe some degree of urgency to this warning does not constitute End Times Fever. Things can occasionally get that way in spiritual battle; they can become urgent. The Antichrist has been at work here for over 2,000 years already. He has mercilessly tortured and killed many of the best of the best the Church has had to offer, including Sts. Peter and Paul. The ou Catechism itself announces the final assault of evil as an inevitable event, and explains that our battle with evil is comprised of recurrent and ongoing typological manifestations of Antichrist (CCC 675-677 & 680). Presumably the ebb and flow of battle will produce moments of greater or lesser intensity. Are we to ignore the intense phases completely as if nothing whatsoever was wrong? Revelation was written for the express purpose of reassuring the faithful of their participation in Christ’s ultimate victory despite such traumatic events. It would seem appropriate to echo the themes of the Apocalypse in modern prophecy when events do become intense. What after all do we expect the last battle to be, a cake walk with door prizes!!!??? It is not always going to be that easy. However much emphasis the present signs are held to deserve, the time to act in faith with a rationally governed but still genuine sense of urgency has always been now. Today, now is the only time things get done, as we all know from experience. Procrastination becomes less and less a tolerable defect as the urgency of the task mounts. I therefore urge the reader to pray for the gift of discernment of spirits. If you do I am confident that God will bless you with the ability to perceive that demonic powers are presently interfering with our Church, obstructing the Holy Sacraments of Confession, Baptism, Marriage, and Confirmation—even Holy Orders. They are interfering with prayer, and with a whole lot more—that’s before we even get to the horrors of war and criminal violence in the news headlines. Demonic powers cannot thwart the divine efficacy of the Holy Sacraments—true, but they are blocking people from “getting there” to receive them, contaminating the experience of receiving the Sacraments, obstructing the physical implementation of the Sacraments, and heavily distracting participants at Mass. I read this as being one form of the manifestation of the abomination that causes desolation. Here and now, then, for those gifted to discern it, is the abomination standing in the holy place, albeit in a spiritual demonic form. There were prior instances (Antiochus IV, Caligula, desecration of Cathedrals during the French Revolution, etc.) and there may be future instances of the abomination, but I contend that here and now we have an instance of the abomination that is also genuine. It is having substantial negative impacts on the Church. Does this current evil surge then satisfy Christ’s own criterion for our knowing that he is truly near, even at the gates, or must that await the worldly manifestations subsequent to the human form of the Antichrist? I don’t think we will ever know the answer to that question (until Christ does return). Christ’s purpose in making such statements was to reassure, not to ground specific predictions. He was saying the equivalent of “I won’t be tolerating this very long!” or “Don’t worry, it won’t last forever; I’ll be coming back soon to fix it.” I will leave you to argue the finer points of how much specificity can be extracted from various prophecies with Desmond Birch and Yves DuPont, who, in my opinion, tend to expect too much specificity from prophecy. But, coming back the other way, in his impeccably documented book, Angels, Billy Graham says the current demonic activity might be a sign of Christ’s imminent return. Who is going to step up and accuse Reverend Billy Graham of End Times Fever? Not me; and my personal view is that I have seen all the demonic signs I ever care to see! Still, one doesn’t want to miss the signs either. They are there for a reason. It makes sense that the signs of the return of a heavenly kingdom not of this world would be manifested in large part in the spiritual dimension. “My kingdom is not of this world….” Birch, DuPont and other traditionalists remain tightly focused upon expositing the physical events that comprise what they take to be a linear historical timeline of the book of Revelation. Their concern is largely with worldly manifestations of each prophecy—they tend to ignore the spiritual dimension—and they seem concerned to identify only the one most quintessential instance for each event type in a given prophecy. Their approach ignores the fact that each of the main events of prophecy defines a theme that extends back to Christ’s birth in Bethlehem (and even earlier), a theme that continues forward to the last moments of this world at Christ’s return for final judgment. ou While formulating a linear chronological timeline with only the most dramatic examples of each biblical theme on it does comport with most “traditional” and most popular approaches to reading Revelation, it does not serve God’s full purpose in giving us Revelation. The purpose of Revelation is to guide each generation through similar events. The oversimplified “traditionalist” approach, while strongly grounded in human traditions does not serve God; it only serves human curiosity about knowing the future, and it is egocentric, tending to shift emphasis from the prior to the present generation as time goes on. There is a contradiction built into this approach. The major events of Revelation can’t simultaneously be in the near future of people living two thousand years ago, in our near future, and in the near future of people living two thousand years from now. Yes, there is a Church tradition that moves along these lines, citing the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and John Cardinal Newman, but we have to remember that what was in their future could be in our past (or present). Once we allow that this could be true, what is left of the traditional argument for an Antichrist at the very end is merely a feeling that the end times as referenced in prophecy should be the very end where things will take a uniformly downhill slide into a terrible apostasy resolved only by Christ’s return for final judgment. However, the most literal sense of this kind of reading where the very end is defined as the last 100-200 years and no qualifying events that constitute manifestations of Antichrist occur prior to those last two centuries is just a personal feel for the language and concepts of Revelation by those predisposed to a literalist approach to Bible interpretation; it is not a Catholic Church tradition where “Tradition” has a capital ‘T’ and is held to be inviolate. Church tradition says the end times began with Christ’s birth. While Church tradition says the Antichrist will appear at the end in conformation with the book of Revelation it does not specify the precise time frame and does not rule out other manifestations of the antichrist theme, including demonic spirits being the primary actors behind the scenes. When we consider that for God one day is like a thousand years and vice versa, we see that the final phase of the latter days could be a very long time. Within that period of time a lot of variation could take place and many examples of the recurring themes of prophecy could occur, many or all of which might warrant our notice and a well-considered energetic response. It is well-established that the book of Revelation was written primarily for the Christians of the first three or four centuries, yet the “traditionalist”/popular view is that it is largely about our future, no matter which century we happen to be living in. That is egocentric. In doing it that way we ignore both the place of honor given to the first three or four centuries of Christian history for which the book was primarily intended as well as all the other centuries between those centuries and our own where millions of Christians were martyred and suffered under despotic and atheistic regimes whose societies certainly manifested the themes of antichrist and apostasy. Yes, Revelation is about “the End” but “the End” began 2,000 years ago with the birth of Jesus Christ. Events on God’s timeline can be very big, and God is concerned to give guidance to every generation not just to ours and those that come after us. The popular religion, fundamentalist, and Catholic “traditionalist” approaches get hung up on the phrase “whole world” or “entire world” or similar phrases that seem to imply a one-world globespanning government headed by a human Antichrist. We have to remember that the phrase “whole world” in the times when the authors of the Bible lived meant either the Roman Empire or the equivalent in regional civilized society of the time reachable by maritime or land travel. When we consider that God has a personal concern for each of us and our generation and that the themes of the Bible repeat we are forced to allow that the prophecies were templates meant to apply to many regions and times so as to help the people of those times live through oppressive, even horrible, persecution and despotic ungodly regimes. Although there may be a globe-spanning Antichrist at the very end, it is also true to say that Antiochus IV Epiphanes was Antichrist from the ou point of view of those he afflicted. The same holds for Nero, Diocletian, Caligula, Hitler, Stalin, and so on. For the people living in those eras it is true to say that the despotic leaders they suffered and died under obviously manifested antichrist more than a tyrant with a large geographic span of control who may come long after they have departed this life. In Jacob, therefore, I try to allow for this larger perspective by invoking the whole-scripture sense of Antichrist and allowing for multiple instances of the fulfillment of a given prophecy. Each of the four senses of scripture given in the Patristic Method of Bible interpretation can apply to a given prophecy, and multiple historical events can fulfil each of those senses within a given culture. Each new generation within the world’s various cultures can, in turn, have their own series of events that qualify as legitimate manifestations of the biblical prophecies. There can be globe-spanning events that also qualify, and Revelation does seem to specify a round of such events at the very end, but the smaller manifestations of the same themes are valid instances of the prophecies as well—and some of them are not small at all. I also allow