There are many ways a book can be shared

Here are 28 reading response ideas.
After each idea, the specific requirements are bolded. When the specifications say something
like “300 words,” that means AT LEAST 300 words. You don’t have to be right on the nose but
you do have to meet minimum requirements.
Any pictures need to be in color and any written parts need to be typed or in ink.
1. Dramatize an incident from the book.
 You may do this project with a partner (however only one person gets credit for it).
 Dramatization must be at least 3 minutes long.
 A written script must be turned in.
2. Condense the book to 300 words.
 Must be typed or in ink.
3. Write a letter to a friend or relative telling them all about the book.
 Be sure to include the following information in the Body of the letter:
o Name of the book
o The author’s name
o The time and place of the story
o The main characters
o A summary of the story (What the story is about beginning to end).
 Be sure to include the proper parts of a letter including:
o The heading
o The greeting
o The body
o The closing
o Your signature.
 300 words, typed or in ink.
4. Make a map of where the story takes place. Be sure to label important places, landmarks, etc.
 Include a summary (200 words) of the book.
 Map must be in color
5. Create a crossword puzzle, using its setting and plot. Be sure to write the clues. Include a
copy of the completed puzzle.
 Must include 15 clues
 All of the words must be connected to at least one other word
 Include a summary of the book (100 words)
6. Create a crossword puzzle, using its characters. Be sure to write the clues. Include a copy of
the completed puzzle.
 Must include 15 clues
 All of the words must be connected to at least one other word
 Include a summary of the book (100 words)
7. Make a poster about it.
 No larger than 12" by 18", no smaller than 8” by 11”
 Include a summary (200 words) of the book on the back.
8. Describe an incident from the book as though you were an on-the-scene television reporter.
 Typed or in ink 300 words.
9. Create a board game based on the book you read. Make pieces to move around the game
board. Illustrate the board based upon the book.
 Include a 100 word synopsis.
10. Write an additional chapter to the book. Write about what happens next and add more
adventures or follow-up to where the story ended.
 Typed or ink 300 words.
11. Compare the book to a movie or TV version that you've seen. Tell how they are similar, how
they are different, what you would have done had you been the producer of the film.
 Typed or ink 300 words.
12. Make a time line of the major events in the book. Be sure to make the divisions on your time
line show the passage of time in the story.
 At least 5 events
 Include a 100 word summary
 In ink or color
13. Make a new ending for the book. Explain why you prefer your new ending to how the author
ended the story.
 Typed or ink 300 words.
14. Make a video of the story.
 You may do this project with a partner (however only one person gets credit for it)
 Dramatization must be at least 3 minutes long and a written script must be turned
15. Make a shoe box diorama showing one scene from the story.
 100 words summary of the story and scene typed or in ink
16. Compare the book to another book by the same author. Describe common elements, style,
theme, and so forth.
 Typed or ink 300 words
17. Compare the book with a book of a similar theme by a different author.
 Typed or ink 300 words.
18. Prepare a book jacket for the book. Include:
 The title
 Author's name
 Publishing company
 A picture illustrating some aspect of the book (in color)
 On the inside or back of the jacket, write a paragraph telling about the book. (Do
not copy this from the book!) Explain why this book would be an interesting book to
read. 100 words.
19. You are planning a party for the characters in the book. In order to do this you must complete
each item below:
 Design an invitation to the party which would appeal to all of the characters
 Explain what each character would wear to the party
 Tell what food you would serve
 Tell what games or entertainment you will provide
 Tell how one of the characters will act at the party
 Written parts need to be typed or in ink
 Pictures in color
20. Draw a series of five pictures, which help to show five of the major events of the story.
 In color
 Each picture should have a 20-word explanation.
21. Make up a test on the book.
 The test must include 5 true- false questions
 Five multiple-choice questions, and
 Five short essay questions
 After writing your questions fill in the answers for your own questions
22. Complete each of the following phrases with an example from the book:
 Typed or ink 300 words.
This book made me wish that...
This book made me realize that...
This book made me decide that...
This book made me wonder about...
This book made me see that...
This book made me hope that...
23. Make a comic strip of the favorite part of your book. Try to make the comic-strip characters
tell part of the story.
 At least 10 cells with a summary of 100 words.
 In color
24. Use clay to make a scene from the story.
 Include a description of the scene 100 words
25. What problem did the main character have in the story? How was the problem solved? What
lesson did this character learn from solving the problem?
 Typed or ink 300 words.
26. Write a biography of one of the characters.
 Typed or ink 300 words.
27. Make an egghead model of the characters. For each character use one raw egg. First poke a
hold in the bottom and carefully use manicure scissors to cut a small hole in the bottom to
drain the egg. Drain the egg and let it dry overnight. Use cotton, pains, glitter, pipe cleaners,
sequins, etc. to decorate the eggs as the heads (or bodies) of the main characters of the book.
The egghead can be attached to a decorated toilet paper roll for a body or any other
imaginative creation.
 Include a summary 100 words.
28. Be a character in your book. Write 5 entries that your character would write in his or her
diary--be sure they follow the plot of your book: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, and Day 5.
 Typed or ink 300 words.