Honors English 10

Honors English 10
Monday 7/23/12
1. Warm-Up
 Pick up copy of Management Plan & 1 sticky note
2. Build Quarter 1 Seating Chart
3. Introduce Management Plan
4. Begin “4 Quarters” Icebreaker
-signed Mgmt. Plan due Fri 7/27
-Interview Presentations Fri 7/27
-IRP book & permission slip due in class Mon 7/30 (classic fiction)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 7/24/12
Open House Tonight 6-8pm
1. Warm-Up
 Take out “4 Quarters” Icebreaker sheet
2. Complete “4 Quarters” Icebreaker
3. Review Classroom Procedures
 Restroom / Late Work
4. IRP Instructions
5. Begin “Writing Process” Interviews
-signed Mgmt. Plan due Fri 7/27
-Interview Presentations Fri 7/27
-IRP book & permission slip due in class Mon 7/30 (classic fiction)
Honors English 10
Wednesday 7/25/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in signed Mgmt. Plan
 take out Interview Brainstorming notes
2. Review IRP Instructions
 use web page Helpful Links to search for classic fiction book
3. Continue “Writing Process” Interviews
 draft / edit / revise today
 “mini” essay should contain 3 ¶’s (5-7 sentences per ¶)
 published draft must be MLA formatted and contain a photo
-signed Mgmt. Plan due Fri 7/27
-Interview Presentations Fri 7/27
-IRP book & permission slip due in class Mon 7/30 (classic fiction)
Honors English 10
Thursday 7/26/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in signed Mgmt. Plan / pick up IRP handout
 take out a pen or pencil
 place all bags, books, etc. against front wall
2. 10th Grade Reading/Language Pre-Assessment
3. Interview Essay
 if you finish pre-assessment early, continue drafting / editing / revising
 “mini” essay should contain 3 ¶’s (5-7 sentences per ¶)
 published draft must be MLA formatted and contain a photo
-signed Mgmt. Plan due Fri 7/27
- published Interview Essays due Fri 7/27
-IRP book & permission slip due in class Mon 7/30 (classic fiction)
Honors English 10
Friday 7/27/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in Interview Essay
 turn in signed Mgmt. Plan / pick up IRP Parent Permission form
 take out a pencil & pen (I have plenty!) & 2 sheets of notebook paper (I have
 place all bags, books, etc. against front wall
2. 10th Grade Writing Pre-Assessment
 all steps in the writing process must be visited
 when you finish the writing, complete the reading test (if necessary)
 if you have completed both assessments, you may read or work on another subject
-IRP book & permission slip due in class Tues 7/31 (classic fiction)
(REMEMBER…You must prove your book is considered a classic by
printing the web page where you found the title.)
Honors English 10
Monday 7/30/12
First and foremost, please show my substitute teacher your utmost respect today. I
expect comments from the substitute to be positive. You will be pleased if they are.
Negative comments will be dealt with appropriately. Put forth maximum effort
today when you complete the pre-assessment process. Have a great day!
1. Warm-Up
 take out a pencil & pen
 place all bags, books, etc. against front wall
2. 10th Grade Pre-Assessments
 when you finish the writing, complete the reading test (if necessary)
 if you have completed both assessments, you may read or work on another subject
-IRP book & permission slip due in class TOMORROW! (classic fiction)
(REMEMBER…You must prove your book is considered a classic by
printing the web page where you found the title.)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 7/31/12
1. Warm-Up
 pick up any pre-assessment not completed
 visually locate your essay on the north wall
 take out your IRP book, permission slip, and classic proof printout
 review IRP Project requirements / READ book while I call you up one-by-one to
assess titles
2. 10th Grade Pre-Assessments
 complete if necessary
3. Classmate Introductions
4. Review IRP Project requirements together (if time allows)
-bring ALL Frankenstein materials with you tomorrow
- bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Wednesday 8/1/12
1. Warm-Up
 read IRP book while I call you up one-by-one to continue assessing
2. Reading Pre-Assessment
 grade in class
3. Classmate Introductions (continue)
4. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
 pick up Study Guide…keep in binder
 review and discuss annotation & lexicon assignment
 begin Plot Synopsis group activity
-bring ALL Frankenstein materials with you tomorrow
-Frankenstein annotation & lexicon assignment due Mon 8/6/12
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Thursday 8/2/12
University Day! Go Devils!
1. Warm-Up
 pick up School Portrait forms
 read IRP book while I call you up one-by-one to continue assessing
2. Classmate Introductions (continue)
3. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
 continue Plot Synopsis group activity
 during class Fri, we will construct comic strip
-bring ALL Frankenstein materials with you tomorrow (including
completed comic strip segments…be creative!)
-Frankenstein annotation & lexicon assignment due Mon 8/6/12
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Friday 8/3/12
1. Warm-Up
 form Frankenstein groups ASAP – put finishing touches on comic strip
2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
 construct Plot Synopsis comic strip
3. 10-Day Self Reflection
-Frankenstein annotation & lexicon assignment due Mon 8/6/12
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Monday 8/6/12
1. Warm-Up
 neatly stack Frankenstein novels on front table (make sure I can find your name)
 turn in Lexicon assignment
 form remaining Frankenstein groups ASAP – prepare to present & take notes
2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
 complete Plot Synopsis comic strip
 “Fill-in-the-Blanks” by reviewing comic strip
 Interactive Analysis Exercise (you may use your phones AND/OR other resource
material in the classroom)
-complete Interactive Analysis Exercise
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 8/7/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in HW (Interactive Analysis Exercise)
 pick up, review, and complete grammar exercise (Appositives)
 pick up text / read P & P pre-reading material (pgs. 770-771)
2. www.classzone.com
 online textbook access
3. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
 assess & discuss Interactive Analysis Exercise
 begin reading Poe’s The Pit and the Pendulum (text pg. 772)
o synthesize elements from novel Frank / short story P & P / poem The Lake
-complete Poe story & poem The Lake…expect quiz next class
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Wednesday 8/8/12 & Thursday 8/9/12 (BLOCK DAY)
1. Warm-Up
 pick up and complete grammar exercise (Infinitives / Infinitive Phrases)
 review short story P & P & poem The Lake (refer to pg. 789 to guide review)
2. www.turnitin.com Set-Up
 instructions posted on teacher web page
3. Edgar Allan Poe’s The Pit and the Pendulum & The Lake
 complete QUIZ / assess & reflect
 draw connections between Shelley and Poe pieces
 narrative writing – emulate Poe or Shelley’s style to tell a frightening story
4. Elements of Literature – Themes, Archetypes, & Gothic Tradition (PPT)
-narrative due on turnitin.com Sun 8/12 by midnight
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Friday 8/10/12
1. Warm-Up
 pick up Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1 handouts / begin immediately
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 review requirements
 draw connections between Shelley and Poe pieces
 emulate Poe and/or Shelley’s style to tell a frightening story
 refer to Archetypes & Gothic Tradition (PPT) to develop ideas
3. Genre Synthesis
 synthesize elements from novel Frankenstein / short story P & P / poem The Lake /
film Edward Scissorhands
-narrative due on turnitin.com Sun 8/12 by midnight
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Monday 8/13/12
1. Warm-Up
 pick up and begin Unit 1 Vocabulary Assignment (Choosing the Right Word /
Vocabulary in Context)
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 3 “Read Alouds” / Assess & Discuss
3. Genre Synthesis
 synthesize elements from novel Frankenstein / short story P & P / poem The Lake /
film Edward Scissorhands
-Unit 1 Vocabulary Choosing the Right Word / Vocabulary in Context
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 8/14/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in Unit 1 Vocabulary Assignment (Choosing the Right Word / Vocabulary in
 pick up Synthesis Chart
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 5 “Read Alouds” / Assess & Discuss
3. Synthesis Chart
 synthesize themes / archetypes from novel Frankenstein & film Edward
-Unit 1 Vocabulary Test Fri 8/17
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Wednesday 8/15/12 & Thursday 8/16
1. Warm-Up
 pick up 9 “Voice” Rubrics (3 sheets – cut them up)
 read IRP book
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 7-10 “Read Alouds” / assess using rubric / discuss
3. Synthesis Chart
 synthesize themes / archetypes from novel Frankenstein & film Edward
-Unit 1 Vocabulary Test Fri 8/17
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Friday 8/17/12
1. Warm-Up
 pick up and complete grammar exercise (Gerunds & Gerund Phrases)
 review Unit 1 Vocabulary
2. Unit 1 Vocabulary Assessment
3. Narrative Writing Assignment
 continue “Read Alouds” / assess using rubric / discuss
4. Synthesis Chart
 synthesize themes / archetypes from novel Frankenstein & film Edward
-complete Synthesis Chart for Frankenstein / Scissorhands
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Monday 8/20/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in Synthesis Chart for Frankenstein / Scissorhands
 pick up narrative rubrics
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 continue “Read Alouds” / assess using rubric / discuss
3. Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
 view PPT on teacher webpage / complete short outside research assignment using
Chandler Library database
 article must reveal info. about Marlowe, Faustus, or “Faustian Bargain”
-find Faustus article on library database / bring to next class
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 8/21/12
1. Warm-Up
 pick up 3 narrative rubrics
 graded work distribution
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 continue “Read Alouds” / assess using rubric / discuss
3. Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
 share relevant information discovered in research – each student should have
 complete / discuss anticipation guide questions
 begin response to Final Question
-complete Faustus anticipation guide (including paragraph!)
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Wednesday 8/22/12 & Thursday 8/23/12
1. Warm-Up
 pick up 6 narrative rubrics (2 sheets)
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 COMPLETE “Read Alouds” / assess using rubric / discuss
3. Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
 discuss anticipation guide questions & paragraph
 watch cartoons!!! (The Little Mermaid / The Simpsons)
 preview Prologue & Act 1 using synopsis
 begin reading and listening to stage production
 begin Faustus column of Synthesis Chart
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Friday 8/24/12
1. Warm-Up
 read IRP book
2. Narrative Writing Assignment
 complete (finally!)
3. Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
 review Prologue & Act 1 using synopsis
 continue reading and listening to stage production
 continue Faustus column of Synthesis Chart
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Monday 8/27/12
1. Warm-Up
 pick up and complete grammar exercise (ID Gerund Phrases – Practice 2)
 pick up Unit 2 Vocabulary List & Homework
3. Grammar Review – Quiz Wed/Thurs!!!
 Assess Practice 2 exercise
 use www.grammaruntied.com to review verbals and phrases
3. Marlowe’s Faustus
 review synopsis – make sure you have read through pg. 19 of play
4. IRP Book
 read and annotate for final 15 minutes today
-Unit 2 Vocabulary (Fill-In-The-Blank, Synonyms, Antonyms)
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 8/28/12
1. Warm-Up
 assess Vocabulary HW
2. Grammar Quiz Wed/Thurs!!!
 use www.grammaruntied.com to review verbals and phrases
3. Marlowe’s Faustus
 pick up Synopsis handout / continue reading play
-Unit 2 Vocabulary (Choosing the Right Word / Vocabulary in Context)
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Wednesday 8/29/12 & Thursday 8/30/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in vocabulary HW
 pick up, complete and turn in grammar quiz
 read and annotate IRP novel
2. Vocabulary Unit 2 – assess HW
3. Marlowe’s Faustus
 small group activity
o pick up 4 database articles – read and annotate
o pick up Group Essay instructions - write short essay based on a theme or
archetype presented in the play
o share essay with class
 pick up “Synopsis” handouts / continue reading play
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Friday 8/31/12
1. Warm-Up
 get into Faustus groups IMMEDIATELY / complete group essay
2. Marlowe’s Faustus
 small group activity
o share essay with class
3. Themes and Archetypes
 begin film Jurassic Park / identify common themes, archetypes
o revisit 4-column chart (Frankenstein, Scissorhands, Faustus, Jurassic Park)
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 9/4/12
1. Warm-Up
 get into Faustus groups IMMEDIATELY / prepare for group essay presentation
2. Marlowe’s Faustus
 small group activity
o share essay with class
3. Themes and Archetypes
 continue film Jurassic Park / identify common themes, archetypes
o revisit 4-column chart (Frankenstein, Scissorhands, Faustus, Jurassic Park)
o begin search for 2-3 database articles you will refer to in major writing
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
-SLIDE 1 due MON 9/10…you will log in and share Slide #1 (Novel title,
author, date first published, with an image) with class…should take 30 seconds!
Honors English 10
Wednesday 9/5/12 & Thursday 9/6/12
1. Warm-Up
 take out 4-column Synthesis Chart
2. Themes and Archetypes
 complete film Jurassic Park / identify common themes, archetypes
o revisit 4-column chart (Frankenstein, Scissorhands, Faustus, Jurassic Park)
o begin search for 2-3 database articles you will refer to in major writing
3. Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus
 continue reading / analysis of play
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
-SLIDE 1 due MON 9/10…you will log in and share Slide #1 (Novel title,
author, date first published, with an image) with class…should take 30 seconds!
Honors English 10
Friday 9/7/12
1. Warm-Up
 Grammar: Participles and Participle Phrases
-using notes, complete exercises
 read and annotate IRP novel
2. Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus
 review synopsis through end of Act Four
3. Research-Based Argumentative Essay
 write RD of Works Cited page for 9 possible sources (5 fiction / 4 non-fiction)
o use smart phone to access Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab
o Google “MLA Format” / Purdue site will be 1st hit
-complete RD of Works Cited
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
***SLIDE 1 due MON 9/10…you will log in and share Slide #1 (Novel title,
author, date first published, with an image) with class…should take 30 seconds!
Honors English 10
Monday 9/10/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in Works Cited RD
 pick up essay handout
2. Prezi Presentation
 log on to Prezi account / share Slide # 1
3. Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus
 read / analyze Act V
-Argumentative Essay due 9/16 by midnight on www.turnitin.com
-Unit 2 Vocabulary Assessment Fri 9/14
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
***SLIDE 2 due MON 9/17…you will log in and share Slides 1 & 2 with
class…should take 30 seconds!
Honors English 10
Tuesday 9/11/12 GONE,
1. Warm-Up
 take out Faustus synopsis / pick up copy of book
2. Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus
 read / analyze Act V
3. Argumentative Essay – Writer’s Workshop
 complete prewriting graphic organizer
 review Purdue Owl Writing Lab
o How can this website help me?
 begin drafting essay
-FD of Argumentative Essay due 9/16 by midnight on www.turnitin.com
-graphic organizer due next class (use www.classzone.com)
-bring printed database articles next class (at least 2)
-Unit 2 Vocabulary Assessment Fri 9/14
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
***SLIDE 2 due MON 9/17…you will log in and share Slides 1 & 2 with
class…should take 30 seconds!
Honors English 10
Wednesday 9/12/12 & Thursday 9/13/12
1. Warm-Up
 Grammar: Participles and Participle Phrases – Practice 2
-using notes, complete exercises
2. Argumentative Essay – Writer’s Workshop
 Group Activity - brainstorm together / share ideas with class
o complete personal prewriting graphic organizer
 review Purdue Owl Writing Lab – You may use smart phones/tablets today!
o How can this website help me?
 begin drafting essay
o use at least 5 current vocabulary words (highlight when you type FD)
-completed Graphic Organizer & printed articles due Fri 9/14
-FD of Argumentative Essay due 9/16 by midnight on www.turnitin.com
(remember…you will also turn in a handwritten RD Mon 9/17)
-Unit 2 Vocabulary Assessment Fri 9/14
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
***SLIDE 2 due MON 9/17…you will log in and share Slides 1 & 2 with
class…should take 30 seconds!
Honors English 10
Friday 9/14/12
1. Warm-Up
 Quick Review – Unit 2 Vocabulary
2. Unit 2 Vocabulary Assessment (when finished, see # 3)
3. Argumentative Essay – Writer’s Workshop
 review MLA formatting instructions (web page)
 take out graphic organizer, printed nonfiction articles, and a sheet of notebook
paper to begin drafting
 begin drafting essay
o use at least 5 current vocabulary words (highlight when you type FD)
o follow all MLA rules
o refer to instructions / rubric to write a clear, concise essay
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
***SLIDE 2 due MON 9/17…you will log in and share Slides 1 & 2 with
class…should take 30 seconds!
-FD of Argumentative Essay due Tuesday 9/18 by midnight on
www.turnitin.com (remember…you will also turn in a handwritten RD)
Honors English 10
Monday 9/17/12
1. Warm-Up
 take out completed essay materials / question & answer period
 if you need quotes or page #’s from Frankenstein or Faustus, today is the last
chance! The books are going bye-bye!
2. Prezi Update
 log in to your account / share information from Slides 1 & 2
3. Argumentative Essay
 whole class reading of sample MLA essay
-FD of Argumentative Essay due Tuesday 9/18 by midnight on
www.turnitin.com (remember…you will also turn in a graphic organizer and
handwritten RD Wed 9/19 or Thurs 9/20)
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Tuesday 9/18/12
1. Warm-Up
 Vote!
 pick up Unit 3 Vocabulary List / complete handout Completing the Sentence,
Synonyms, Antonyms
2. 4-Year Research Project
 review and discuss proposal written during freshman year
 introduce Annotated Bibliography
o refer to PPT Presentation
-FD of Argumentative Essay due TONIGHT by midnight on
www.turnitin.com (remember…you will also turn in a graphic
organizer and handwritten RD Wed 9/19 or Thurs 9/20)
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Wednesday 9/19/12 & Thursday 9/20/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in graphic organizer & RD of Argumentative Essay
 pick up and complete Grammar Exercise: Gerund or Participle Phrase Practice
2. Argumentative Essay – Peer Assessment
 each student will read an essay aloud – each student will complete a peer
assessment chart
3. 4-Year Research Project
 review requirements for research to be completed during final week of
quarter (Parent Permission Form)
-Research form due Mon 9/24
-bring IRP book DAILY (Prezi due Mon 9/24/12)
Honors English 10
Friday 9/21/12
1. Warm-Up
 take out Peer Assessment Chart
2. Argumentative Essay – Peer Assessment
 each student will read an essay aloud – each student will complete a peer
assessment chart
-completed research form due Mon 9/24
-Prezi due Mon 9/24/12
Honors English 10
Monday 9/24/12
1. Warm-Up
 turn in research forms
 take out Peer Assessment Chart
2. Argumentative Essay – Peer Assessment
 2 students will read an essay aloud – ALL students will complete a peer
assessment chart
3. Prezi Presentations
 3 presentations today – volunteers go first
4. Research in Computer Lab – 2nd ½ of period today
-Essay & Prezi Presentations all week
-Unit 3 Vocabulary Assessment Fri 9/28
Honors English 10
Tuesday 9/25/12
1. Warm-Up
 take seat quickly / quietly
2. Prezi Presentations
 3 presentations today – volunteers go first
3. Research in Computer Lab – 2nd ½ of period today
 show me 6 annotated DATABASE articles by the end of the period
-Essay & Prezi Presentations all week
-Unit 3 Vocabulary Assessment Fri 9/28
Honors English 10
Wednesday 9/26/12 & Thursday 9/27/12
1. Warm-Up
 take seat quickly / quietly
2. Prezi Presentations
 3 presentations in class today – volunteers go first
 more presentations will be assessed in computer lab
3. Research in Computer Lab
 before departing, DO YOU KNOW YOUR PASSWORD?
 show me 9 annotated DATABASE articles by the end of the period
-Essay & Prezi Presentations all week
-Unit 3 Vocabulary Assessment Fri 9/28