Revised March 17, 2014 Contract Budget Instructions Contract negotiation will take place between the appropriate DCFS staff member and contractor. The parties will negotiate issues such as cost, timeframe, and whether there are any special considerations to take into account. Once negotiations are completed and agreed upon, the Contractor’s Negotiation Packet should be completed and signed by all parties present. A. PERSONNEL/SALARY-- Any employee of the contractor whose work is tied to the grant. Each position that will be allocated to this contract must be shown on budget. Only position title, number of positions, annual allocated salary, and total budget amount for all similar positions should appear on the contract budget document. If someone in the same position will be paid at a different rate this should be listed separately on the contract negotiation documents. If the budget is for one (1) year and raises will occur during that period, you should include the position at both rates for the respective time periods. Details captured under Personnel Services from Contractor’s Negotiation Packet should be copied and listed under the Personnel Category on Contract Budget document e.g. for Contractor’s Negotiation Packet 4 Program Managers @ 56,000.00=$224,000.00 2 Program Managers @ 60,000.00=$120,000.00 1 Administrative Assistant @ 6 months @ 15,000.00 + 6 months @ 18,000=$33,000.00 e.g. for Contract Budget Document 6 Program Managers = $364,000.00 1 Administrative Assistant=$33,000.00 Total: Personnel Cost= $377,000.00 List this number on last line under Total Personnel Cost on Contractor Budget B. FRINGE BENEFITS--Fringe benefits may include contributions for social security, employee insurance, pension plans, etc. Only those benefits not included in an organization's budgeted indirect cost line item (Contractor must provide a copy of indirect cost plan/rate document), if applicable, may be shown as direct costs. The total allocated amount captured under Fringe on the Contractor’s Negotiation Packet should be copied and listed under the Fringe Category on Contract Budget document e.g. for Contractor’s Negotiation Packet FICA=6% Medicare=2% Insurance=10.5% Retirement=7.5% Unemployment=1.4% Total: 27.4% x 377,000.00=103,298.00 e.g. for Contract Budget Document Fringe Benefits= $103,298.00 List this number in last column under Total Fringe Benefits on Contract Budget document Revised March 17, 2014 C. TRAVEL- Expenditures for training and travel for contract related purposes as authorized in the contract and in accordance with State of Louisiana Travel Policies and Procedures (PPM 49) unless otherwise stated in the contract such as registration fees, mileage, meals, lodging, etc. When a project will involve the travel of a number of people to a conference, institute, etc., these costs may be summarized on one line and include the total cost for the trips. All trips must be listed individually with a total for each trip and must provide the name of the work related conference. e.g. for Contractor Negotiation Packet document 6 attending 3 day NASA conference Houston, Texas @ 750.00=4,500.00 3 attending 2 day JAYCE conference New Orleans, LA @ 450.00=1,350.00 2 attending 3 day JAXSTON conference Las Vegas, Nevada @ 1,500=3,000.00 Routine job-related travel is reimbursed at the annual mileage rate in accordance with PPM 49 and approved by the Division of Administration. Reimbursements will be allowed per the PPPM State Travel Regulations cents per mile, not to exceed a maximum of 99 miles per round trip and/or day. e.g. Travel for Program Manager= 3,500.00 D. OPERATING EXPENSES—Non-salary related expenditures for the day to day operations of the contractor. Details captured under Operating Expenses on the Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document should be copied and listed under the Operating Expenses Category on Contract Budget document. e.g. for Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document a) Rent – Indicate formula used to arrive at DCFS portion (e.g.: Lease cost per sq ft x total sq ft assigned to program) b) Utilities – Indicate formula used to arrive at DCFS portion (e.g.: % of program x total monthly utilities costs c) Telephone – Indicate formula used to arrive at DCFS portion (e.g.: % of program x total monthly phone costs d) Other-List details and justification as to how expenditure relates to day to day operations of the contractor. Remember to place etc after last listed item here Total: Add line items a-d under the Operating Expenses category for total cost. e.g. for Contract Budget document Rent—$2,450.00 Utilities--$500.00 Telephone--$500.00 Total: 3,450.00 Revised March 17, 2014 E. SUPPLIES-- Expenditures for articles and commodities which are consumed, to be consumed, or materially altered when used in the operations of business. List items by name and a total for entire purchase on Contractor’s Negotiation Packet. e.g. for Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document paper 700.00 pens 600.00 envelopes 300.00 postage 500.00 telephones 600.00 calculators 750.00 Total: Add items under the Supplies category for total cost. e.g. for Contract Budget document paper, pens, envelopes, postage, telephones, calculators, etc. Total: 3,450.00 F. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES– Expenditures for services provided in specialized or highly technical fields by sources outside of the contractor. Professional services include accounting and auditing, management consulting, engineering and architectural, legal, medical, and dental. e.g. for Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document Speaker/Trainers $15,000.00 e.g. for Contract Budget document Speakers/Trainers, etc. Total: $15,000.00 G. OTHER CHARGES – Expenditures peculiar to a contractor and not otherwise chargeable to another expenditure category. Expenditures for other charges must be identified and approved in the contract and budget documents e.g. for Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document Printing $600.00 e.g. for Contract Budget document printing services, flyers, etc. Total: $600.00 Revised March 17, 2014 H. EQUIPMENT/ACQUISITION—Tangible assets purchased for use in the operations of an office such as office machines and furniture. Cost would include purchase price, delivery charges, taxes, and other purchase related costs. Equipment is defined as any item of value and/or has a useful life of more than one (1) year. The value of equipment is defined by the user agency and funding source. It is important to consider whether or not the purchase of permanent equipment will be less expensive than rental. List items by name and specify a total for entire purchase. Details captured under Equipment/Acquisition on the Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document should be copied and listed under the Equipment/Acquisition Category on Contract Budget document. The Contractor is required to obtain prior approval by DCFS before making purchase. e.g. for Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document Computers 5,500.00 Printers 6,500.00 Office Furniture 8,500.00 e.g. for Contract Budget document computers, printers, office furniture, etc. Total: 20,500.00 I. INDIRECT COSTS, IF APPLICABLE-- Indirect costs are defined as administrative or other expenses that are not directly allocable to a particular activity or project; rather they are related to overall general operations and are shared among projects and/or functions. Expense categories that may be used to determine indirect costs may include the salaries of executive officers, the costs of operating and maintaining facilities, local telephone service, office supplies, and accounting and legal services for administrative/executive staff. Indirect costs are computed by applying an indirect cost rate from an approved plan to a distribution base defined in that plan (usually the direct costs of the project). Use of this line item must be supported by a copy of the contractor’s approved indirect rate plan. Details captured under Indirect Costs on the Contractor’s Negotiation Packet document should be copied and listed under the Indirect Costs Category on Contract Budget document. BUDGET REVISION VS CONTRACT AMENDMENT BUDGET REVISION: An internal budget revision can be processed to move funds between categories that were approved by OCR in the original contract and will not affect the maximum contract amount. Documentation of the revision should be forwarded to DCFS Administrative Services to be kept with the original contract file. CONTRACT AMENDMENT: A contract amendment must be processed to increase the number of positions or staff not approved in the original budget, to add a budget category not approved in the original budget, to deobligate contracted funding by decreasing or reducing the maximum contract value, to change the scope of work, or to change any other of the original terms of the contract. This procedure must be followed with all contracts (OCR or DCFS approved).