2013-11-04-Web - Village of Cazenovia

CAZENOVIA, NEW YORK .November 4, 2013
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Jim Joseph,
Trustee Fritz Koennecke
ALSO PRESENT: Bill Carr, Mike Hayes, Bob Lucas, Kevin Porter, Rebecca Pfohl, Dominique Lyons, Jeanette
Cudney, Jason Emerson, Lauren Lines, Dennis Gregg, Dana Kiselica, Charles Macaulay, Dave Jahsman, Lauren
Ginocchetti, Abby Novak
Mayor Kurt Wheeler opened the public hearing at 6:55pm to discuss the potential sale of water to an outside user.
Mayor Wheeler stated the existing Village Code stipulates you must be a resident of the Village to purchase Village
water. There is a resident who has part of his property in the Village and part in the Town which has a Town address
who has granted an easement to the South Meadows property for the Village to put in its storm water management,
water and sewer systems. Mayor Wheeler stated by taking advantage of an easement by Mr. Spafford the South
Meadows project will have a better storm water management plan and better routing for both the water and sewer
systems. Mr. Spafford is not asking for any monetary compensation, but would like the ability to receive Village
There were no comments from the Village Board or from the public.
Dennis Gregg expressed support for the request.
Motion made by Trustee Amy Mann and seconded by Trustee Fritz Koennecke to close the public hearing.
Vote taken. All aye. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Katherine A. Burns
Village Clerk
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Jim Joseph,
Trustee Fritz Koennecke
ALSO PRESENT: Bill Carr, Mike Hayes, Bob Lucas, Kevin Porter, Rebecca Pfohl, Dominique Lyons, Jeanette
Cudney, Jason Emerson, Lauren Lines, Dennis Gregg, Dana Kiselica, Charles Macaulay, Dave Jahsman, Lauren
Ginocchetti, Abby Novak
The Board approved the request for a sign on Lakeland Park fence from November 30th – December 7th by the
Cazenovia Garden Club for their annual holiday sale.
The Board approved the request for a sign on Lakeland Park fence for the annual Community Chest Drive. They
would like the sign up from November 11 th through November 25th and again from December 16th through
December 31st.
The Village Board approved the minutes from the October 7, 2013 Public Hearing to authorize the sale of water to
an outside user and the October 7, 2013 Village Board meeting.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Jim Joseph to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION # 41 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of
Trustees, hereby adopts the Local Law filing as presented by the Mayor to create an exception to the water service
restrictions of section 174-2 (C) of the Code of the Village of Cazenovia.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee
Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye
Five in favor. Approved.
Mayor Wheeler gave an update regarding the Village Edge South planning process. The Village Board of Trustees
and the EHH met on October 22nd and heard from Dan Kwasnowski who previously was the senior planner for the
Town of Dryden. Mr. Kwasnowski has recently left that position and started up his own company. The Village
Board agreed to hire Mr. Kwasnowski at the cost of $10,000 to help write design guidelines and zoning for the
Village Edge South zone. The EHH committee has been gathering information by doing a Visual Preference Survey.
Mayor Wheeler’s AP Government classes have been helping publicize the survey along with articles in the
Cazenovia Republican. The survey is also available online. Mayor Wheeler added there will be a fundraising
dinner held by Project Café on Election Night at Dave’s Diner from 5:00 – 8:00 and the surveys will be available
there also.
Mayor Wheeler added the committee and Mr. Kwasnowski will be meeting on November 12th and November 26th at
6:30pm at the Municipal Building and that the meetings are open to the public. These meetings will be work
Motion made by Mayor Kurt Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Jim Joseph to schedule a public hearing on Monday,
December 2, 2013 at 6:55 pm to share with the community what has been done and to share a draft version of the
design guidelines and the zoning revisions.
Vote taken. All aye. Approved.
The Board had a discussion regarding some revisions to the Village Code regarding the use of the parks. The
revisions the Board spoke of are in Trustee Koennecke’s monthly report. (see below)
Motion made by Mayor Kurt Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Fritz Koennecke to schedule a public hearing on
Monday, December 2, 2013 at 7:00 pm or immediately following the first public hearing to review the proposed
revisions to the Village Code regarding the use of parks after being clarified by Attorney for the Village, Mr. Stokes.
Mayor Wheeler reported the Board had received a letter from a resident of the Village pertaining to the tax
assessment to the senior citizens. The income level to receive the senior tax exemption is $18,500. Mr. Stokes
reported the State allows the Village to go higher. Mayor Wheeler would like to review this. Mayor Wheeler would
like to investigate if the Village were to increase the amount, how many people would it help and how would it
affect the Village. Mayor Wheeler added he would like to allow seniors to remain in their homes rather than them
losing them to taxes. Mayor Wheeler and Mr. Stokes will work with the tax assessor to get the necessary
information and will report back to the Board at the December meeting.
Dana Kiselica reported there were no signs on Burr Street saying there is no all night parking. Ms.Kiselica knew of
someone who received a ticket.
Dave Jahsman asked if it was too late to stripe the cross walk going from South Village to Old Farms now that the
cement has been poured. Public Works Administrator answered that it would be striped in the spring.
Trustee Dave Porter gave his monthly report.
 Two water leaks on Fenner Rd. water piping and one on Sullivan Street. The Sullivan Street one was on
private property.
 The Village will be looking to replace Fenner Rd. line next year; it is an old 2” galvanized line.
 Total water pumped this month is 8,331,000 gal. Dailey average is 268,742
 Positive feedback received from last month’s insert to water bill.
 Smoke testing continues on the sewer lines and should be completed this month.
 Concerns by Mad Cty Sewer District that there might be a cross connection from the storm sewer to the
sanitary sewer as evidenced by record high flow rates recorded at the WWTP during July heavy rain
events. Smoke testing of sewers has been conducted and some cross connections have been found. Smoke
testing continues. After completion, a plan to remediate problem portions of the storm sewer collection
system will be formulated.
 From Jim Cunningham: The plant and sewer system is designed for an average flow of 0.9 MGD with a
max peak hourly flow of 3 MGD. We experienced 5.3 MGD, which is a new record for the MCSD facility!
Fire Dept:
 Continued from last meeting – need to schedule presentation by Mike White on Service Award Program for
Cazenovia Fire Department, including timeline for implementing program.
 Open house at Fire Department on Oct 12th was a success although not well attended
Lake Watershed Council:
 Last meeting Wed, Aug 14th, at Village Hall
 Next Mtng: 7 PM, 20 Nov at Village Hall. Rake toss results and SUNY Oneonta phosphorus study will be
Cazenovia Lake Association: Last mtng Oct 21th at Brae Loch (Fritz attended – see his notes)
Trustee Amy Mann gave her monthly report.
We received $550 from National Grid this month as part of the 10,000 Trees and Growing program, we were
reimbursed $50 for each tree planted under power lines that we did correctly and got credit for all 11. We also
received an unsolicited donation of $1500 from Harlan Electric to recognize the good work by our DPW when they
collaborated on a recent project in the village. Very pleased to receive these donations, which will go toward 2014
plantings and should cover about 10 trees, which is a normal summer for us. Thanks to both.
All plantings for 2013 are now done, we finished with 28 new trees which is a record for us. Thank you Mark
Stinson, Tree Commission, and DPW. Continue to take down hazardous trees, lost two on Fenner last week and one
more is upcoming on Albany and Willow. These last three were all reported by residents and confirmed by arborists
to pose a risk.
Tree Commission will meet soon to begin work on 2014 Educational Seminar and also Arbor Day.
I will begin re-applying for Tree City USA for the new year, materials are due by 12/31.
Mayor Wheeler asked about the trees to be planted on the green. Trustee Mann reported they are on the 2014 list of
Committee met at the barn on Saturday Nov. 2. Ted Bartlett gave a tour of the work on the wall, and Nancy Hook
gave a tour of the garden which is being installed. The wall workers were able to pour the concrete footer and will
complete the section between the barn and the gate opening before stopping for the winter. They want to have one
section completely done if possible so the public can see what is coming. The iron gates are currently being built.
The Garden Club has made a $500 donation toward the new garden which is much appreciated. They aim to have
six shrubs and a center tree installed this fall (shrubs are in) before stopping for the winter. Next summer, Garden
Club members will donate perennials from their gardens to complete the design.
Other barn updates:
Planning Grant - Lauren says we hope to hear something by December
Rowing Club - Plans to be in the barn again this winter. Wondering about storing their trailer in the barn.
Youth Rec - Had another good summer in the park and barn.
DPW - To be complimented on the new balcony railing on the back of the building and also the patio. Next up:
interior painting this winter. Ask Bill if heaters will be installed soon, Jean Egenhofer is coming to do final visit.
Scouts - Working on assembling the hose reel for display.
Last but not least, LL BEAN - Jim met with Greg Schwarz of Bean on Friday November 1. Trustee Joseph reported
Greg Schwarz wants this to be the best LL Bean Discovery School in North America. This winter he will be
moving into snow shoeing. This coming summer he would like to add paddle boarding, fly casting and possibly
archery. He is very pleased with Cazenovia. They want to stay!
Action steps for us as a result of this conversation: explore trail info through CPF, whether parking lot can be
plowed in the winter and if a path can be plowed to barn, possible grant money from Bean and/or Caz Lake
Foundation for kayak launching platform. Also Bean would like to store the kayak trailer in the barn and offered to
pay $500. Trustee Joseph added he had spoken to Bill Carr regarding this and LL BEAN has promised to supply a
large tarp to cover the big green trailer to keep it save from the painting that will be done.
Halloween went smoothly, no reports of problems other than a suggestion to consider either closing some streets
during peak hours in the future, or at least station patrols on these corners to assist with kids crossing.
Lake Association has requested final budget figures for the boat patrol, we will pull these together for them. Boat is
winterized and stored.
Dave Muraco has asked that no village vehicles park right next to his building in the alley after 5:00. Concerned
about effect on police vehicles and their ability to get out quickly. Should we explore parking some at the DPW
Trustee Mann and Chief Hayes asked the Board to recognize two individual awards. Letters of Citation went to
Sergeant Karen Zaleski and Officer Chad Chapman (see Minute Book)
Police Chief Mike Hayes reported the “Exercise Stalker” case is ongoing and they have identified the suspect and
the vehicles. Chief Hayes added the suspect has been reluctant to sit down with police, but that process is ongoing.
Chief Hayes hopes to have a conclusion by the end of next week. Chief Hayes added the police department has a
new Facebook page.
Trustee Jim Joseph gave his monthly report:
New footers for the stone wall at Lakeland Park near Carpenter’s Barn have been completed.
Lakeland and Lakeside Park bathrooms are now closed.
Plows have been installed and are ready to go.
Leaf and brush pickup will end on Thursday, November 7th
Mowing and trimming and leaf pickup continues.
5 burials this month
Historic Cazenovia Business District Highlights
HCBD Upcoming Events:
November 21st – Ladies Night Out
December 6th – Christmas Walk
December 19th – Men’s Night Out
There will be no spring Ladies Night Out event.
Women of the Upstate New York Magazine would like to do an article featuring the women owned businesses in
Cazenovia, perhaps for the January/February issue.
New Parking Map
Amanda Bury presented a draft of a new map to reflect the recent changes in parking downtown. The purpose is to
give a small handout to out of town customers, alerting them to appropriate places to park. Everyone commented on
the draft, and suggestions will be incorporated. It is hoped that the Village might be willing to make copies of the
quarter page handout when it is finished.
CACDA Report
Carpenter’s Barn - We will wrap up the project audit for the Environmental Protection Fund grant this
Wednesday. Final payment request will be submitted once the final audit report is received and a site visit
is completed.
Carpenter’s Barn/Lakeland Park NYS Parks Planning Grant (2013 CFA) was submitted on August 8
($22,000). Result should be announced in December.
Speed feedback signs were purchased in October.
Transportation Enhancements grant for sidewalk extension to Fenner Fields was submitted on August 8
($211,200). Result should be announced in December.
There is an opportunity to apply for a National Endowment for the Arts “Our Town” grant. The deadline is
January 13. A project that includes an arts-based strategy for enhancing community development would be
eligible. This dovetails off the Arts Heritage Alliance that is moving along quite nicely. Mayor Wheeler
would like to schedule a small meeting with Lauren Lines of CACDA to see if the “Our Town” grant is
something the Village would like to pursue and what strategy the Village would like to go after.
We received a $7600 grant from the Gifford Foundation that is contingent on raising an additional $2600
from the community. CACDA board members have contributed more than half of this amount. An
additional $1200 must still be raised. Trustee Joseph added he was sure the amount needed at this time was
less than $200.
Trustee Joseph reported he is continuing to watch the number of parking tickets written in hopes the number will be
declining due to the new parking lot.
Trustee Fritz Koennecke gave his monthly report:
Joint Youth Recreation 2014 Budget information was distributed to the towns of Cazenovia, Nelson, and
Fenner. Budgets are similar to last year’s except for the Town of Cazenovia which had a spike in the
number of participants. Discussed the issues with Bill Zupan and he understands the reasons for the
increase in the Town of Cazenovia share. Based on the budget factors briefed last month, current
municipal shares are:
Children (from 2013)
Village of Cazenovia
Town of Cazenovia
Town of Fenner
Town of Nelson
Village code changes for parks: The following text has been sent to Jim Stokes to start the process of
changing the village code per our previous discussions:
o 119-2 Remove last sentence “Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the use of said parks is
hereby limited to residents of the Cazenovia Central School District and their guests.”
o 119-3 C(1) Remove entire section “Use of the boat launch facilities at Lakeside Park shall not be
subject to the provision set forth in § 119-2 of this chapter, limiting use of the parks of the Village
of Cazenovia to residents of the Cazenovia Central School District. Use of the boat launch
facilities at Lakeside Park shall be limited to persons who have a valid permit issued by the
Village of Cazenovia for use of the boat launch facilities.” [Amended 2-21-2008 by L.L. No. 12008]
o 119-3 A(10) reword to include additional sentence giving priority to residents of the Cazenovia
school district. Applications shall be granted on a first-come-first-served basis. Permits shall be
valid for no more than 12 consecutive months, but may be renewed annually. Non-residents of the
Cazenovia Central School District may request permits to reserve facilities up to 30 days prior to
the requested date.
Boat Launch:
 26 October was the last day to pull boats out- Launch is now closed for the season.
 Jim Everard from NYS DEC did an Electrofishing Walleye Survey on 9 October.
 SUNY Oneonta students will be using the launch every other week for the phosphorus studies. They have
Bill Carr’s and Police numbers to gain access.
 Sold 173 non-resident permits vs 171 last year, 396 resident permits vs 398. None sold in October.
 1452 inspections vs 1733 last year- ~300 lower than last year, but it was quite rainy in the early season and
the launch was closed for 2 days.
 Will brief actual costs next month.
 Plan to review data and post it on the website this month.
Lake Association and Lake Watershed Council
 Lake Association met on 21 October, Trustee Koennecke attended.
 Bill Zupan mentioned that the town plans $137K for watershed protection. This includes $3K for Patrols,
$10K for Stewards, $100K for weed control and $25K for studies and other protective measures. No
changes for village related budgets.
 There was a lot of discussion about weed control costs and methods. The Lake Association plans to
support chemical treatment as the preferred method.
 The Lake Association requested a report on the lake patrols to include expenditures.
 Next Watershed meeting: 7pm, 20 November at Village Hall. Rake toss results and SUNY Oneonta
phosphorus study will be discussed.
Village Health Insurance:
 Met on 1 November with Charlie Sovik to review new insurance plans for current village employees. 2014
plans incorporate ACA changes and are reasonably priced enough that we plan to eliminate “plan B” and
only offer one plan for simplicity. Coverage is better and costs will be well within our current budget
 Retirees have all been enrolled in their new plan as of 1 October.
Village Court:
 October 2013 court revenues were Judge Moore- $11,020 and Judge O’Sullivan- $345
 Kerry Bishal is looking for an experienced CPA to conduct this year’s audit. This is normally done by a
board member, but occasionally we need to have an external person review the records. The last external
review was in 2010 and next year is a good opportunity to budget for the service.
 Wireless is up and running in the village court.
 Began discussions about getting the town court to use the village courtroom facility.
 Propose a resolution to approve Judge Moore’s application for office supplies/funding from the New York
State Office of Court Administration 2013 Justice Court Assistance Program. Total needs are $3495 for a
new scanner and software, a new monitor, bench update and security cameras.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Koennecke to pass the following resolution:
DATED: November 4, 2013
RESOLVED, the Cazenovia Village Board hereby authorizes Village Justice Hon. Timothy A. Moore to
file an application for office supplies/funding from the New York State Office of Court Administration 2013 Justice
Court Assistance Program.
Offered by: Kurt Wheeler
Second by: Fritz Koennecke
by unanimous vote (5-0)
I hereby certify that the aforementioned is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Village
of Cazenovia on November 4, 2013.
Dated: November 4, 2013
Katherine A. Burns
Village Clerk
Mayor Wheeler reminded all there was an Election Night Dinner at Dave’s Dinner from 5:00 – 8:00 sponsored by
Project Café and the Visual Preference Survey would be available for anyone who has not yet filled one out.
Mayor Wheeler and Planning Board member Jen Gavilondo attended the Madison County 2013 Planning
Appreciation Dinner. One of the highlights was hearing from three communities selected for the 2013 Madison
County Smart Growth Awards. The Mayor was asked to present an award for Smart Growth in the Village of
Cazenovia to Allure Dance Studio who has done an excellent job restoring an old building in a Historic Village.
Patty and Mark Burritt were unable to attend but were very appreciative.
Mayor Wheeler had an Eagle Scout from the Perryville Troop come to him today as he is interested in doing an
Eagle Scout project. Mayor Wheeler asked the Board to keep this in mind and let him know if there were any ideas
or suggestions.
Mayor Wheeler reported a number of people will be updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan for the County. Bill Carr
has checked with the County but hadn’t heard back as of yet. Mr. Carr pointed out the recommendations that were
asked of the Village last time have been taken.
Public Works Administrator Bill Carr stated the leaf pick up would be extended weather permitting.
Attorney for the Village Jim Stokes stated the Village had received a letter from Susan Light essentially
withdrawing her request for a zone change at 8 Farnham St. from R-6 to B-1. Technically the Village is the sponsor
of this action so the Village Board controls the destiny of the application which includes a zone change for 6
Farnham St. which is Village property. This application has gone to the Madison County Planning Agency and the
required public hearings have been held so the Village Board could proceed and act on the rezoning of 6 Farnham
St. which will be used for supplementary fire department parking. If the Board would like to continue, Mr. Stokes
will prepare a Local Law for next month’s meeting.
Mayor Wheeler felt comfortable moving forward with rezoning 6 Farnham St. Mayor Wheeler had hoped the 8
Farnham St. property would serve as a buffer between the commercial uses and residential area by having a low
impact commercial use. This will be an agenda item at the December meeting.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #43 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of
Trustees, hereby authorizes the budget transfers as shown below:
To: A-3120.2
(Police – Equipment & Capital)
From: A-3120.1
(Police – Personal Services)
$ 2,384.45
To: A-960
$ 33,348.80
$ 2,384.45
To: A-7140.429
(Parks – Park Wall)
From: A-511
(Appropriated Reserves)
$ 33,348.80
$ 33,348.80
Budget amendments being done to move funds from Capital Reserves to Appropriations so expenditures are
properly reflected in the budgets.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee
Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to pass the following resolution:
RESOLUTION #44 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of
Trustees, hereby authorizes the Village Clerk Treasurer to pay Expert Building Services $33,348.80 for Payment
Applications #1, #2 and #3 which have been approved by Crawford & Stearns on November 8, 2013.
By vote of the Board – Mayor Kurt Wheeler – aye, Trustee Amy Mann – aye, Trustee Dave Porter – aye, Trustee
Jim Joseph – aye, Trustee Fritz Koennecke – aye.
Five in favor. Approved.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to approve the Village bills for the month (see
attached list).
Vote taken. All aye. Approved.
Trustee Porter agreed to follow up with Tim Carpenter regarding the inside work to be done for the GIGP Storm
Water grant.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to move into executive session at 8:32 p.m. for
attorney client privilege.
The Village Board moved out of executive session at 8:40. There were no motions, proposals, or decisions made in
executive session.
Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. All aye.
Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Katherine A. Burns
Village Clerk