Junior Trojan Cheerleading By-laws

Junior Trojan Cheerleading By-laws
Table of Contents:
Article I – Purpose and Goals
A. Purpose of the Organization
B. Goals of the Organization
C. Goals of the Cheerleader
p. 4
Article II - Running the Organization
A. The Board
1. Elections
2. Responsibilities of Board
3. Responsibilities of Officers
4. Officer resignations
5. Board Meetings
6. Squad Organization (FB, BB, Competition)
7. Selection of Uniforms & Practice Clothes
8. Special Committees
9. By-law Changes
p. 4 - 11
A. Financial Matters
1. Budget
2. Dues of the membership
3. Payment of Association obligations
Article III - Running the Squad
A. Organization of squads
1. Sponsors
2. Identification of squad roles
3. Coordination of Gym
4. Camps
B. Conduct of cheerleaders
1. Duties & Responsibilities
2. Illness and Injury
3. Competitions
p. 11 - 20
4. Uniform
5. Jewelry
6. Extra-curricular Activities
7. Personal Appearance
8. Behavior
9. Alcohol and Drug Use Policy
10. Suspension from School
11. Grade Requirements
12. Discipline Program
13. Understanding Football & Basketball
C. Conduct of Parents
1. Duties and Responsibilities of Parents
2. Financial Responsibilities
3. Conduct and Behavior
Article IV – Tryouts
A. Parent Tryout Meeting
B. Eligibility to Tryout
1. Participation (identify schools)
2. Permission
3. Grades
4. Scholarships
C. Squads
1. Available Squads
2. Size of squads
3. Squad openings
D. Judging
E. Notifying cheerleaders
p. 20-22
Article V – Fundraising Program
A. Fundraising
B. Financial Hardship Scholarship
1. Application Process
2. Administration of Scholarship
p. 22-23
p. 24-42
A. Accepted Processes
B. Sponsor Responsibilities and Agreement Form
C. Cheerleader Responsibilities and Agreement Form
D. Parent Responsibilities and Agreement Form
E. LHS Cheerleader Coaches Responsibilities and Agreement Form
Competition Squad Replacement Cheerleader Statement
Continuing Basketball Squad Cheerleader Agreement
Squad Treasurer Responsibilities
Guidelines for Socials
Conflict Resolution
Project Plans (Banquet, Cheer night, etc)
Article I – Purpose and Goals
A. Purpose of the Organization: To provide an opportunity for middle school
girls to learn and participate in the sport of cheerleading while promoting and
supporting the Jr. Trojan football and basketball programs.
B. Goals of the Organization:
1. To teach middle school girls the sport of cheerleading including tumbling,
stunts, cheers, chants and dances,
2. To encourage and promote support of the Jr. Trojan football and
basketball programs,
3. To promote and encourage friendship, teamwork and good sportsmanship
between and among the middle school cheerleading squads,
4. To prepare the girls for participation in high school cheerleading,
5. To gain experience with competition cheerleading,
6. To provide social opportunities for the members of the Jr. Trojan
C. Goals of the Cheerleader:
1. All 6th grade cheerleaders should try to work on basic tumbling skills,
motions, cheers, chants and the ability to learn a dance routine.
2. All 7th grade cheerleaders should continue to work on the above skills.
Additionally, you are encouraged to work on a standing back hand spring and
a running back hand spring.
3. All 8th grade cheerleaders should continue to perfect the above skills.
Additionally, learn a jump/tumbling sequence and a running tumbling
sequence. Also, working on crowd appeal and voice projection. These skills
will help you continue on at the high school level.
Article II - Running the Organization
A. The Board – The Organization will be run by the Executive Board.
1. Elections – All members of the Executive Board will be elected by the
general membership at the first general membership meeting
a. Board Positions shall include:
i. President (must have 1 yr of experience on the Board)
ii. Vice-President
iii. Secretary
iv. Treasurer
v. Squad Liaison and Training
vi. Squad Representatives - 1 parent from 6th grade; 1 parent from 8th
grade football, 1- 8th grade parent competition squad, and 1 from 7th
football. One from 8th grade basketball and one from 7th grade
b. During the try-out process, all parents will be given the opportunity to
learn about board positions
c. The Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee or act as
the nominating committee for the purpose of submitting to the Executive
Board a slate of proposed officers for the upcoming year. The
Nominating Committee or outgoing board shall review all parent forms
and the volunteer forms received at the parent and squad meetings and
list all candidates for each office.
d. In the event that no one volunteers for a specific position, it shall be up
to the Nominating Committee or board to solicit a volunteer. The
Committee should first contact squad sponsors to gain a nomination,
and then contact parents individually until a nominee is identified.
e. At the first general meeting of the year, the Nominating Committee or
board shall present the nominees for each position, call for a motion
from the floor, request a second from the floor, and then ask for a vote.
f. The Executive Board positions of President, Vice President and
Executive Treasurer can only be held by parents of rising 8th graders.
These positions cannot be slated to parents who have rising 6th or 7th
g. The Nominating Committee will also slate the 7th grade Football and
Basketball Board Reps since they serve a dual role of squad
representatives and banquet chairs.
h. 8th grade Football, Basketball and Competition squad reps are not
eligible to be nominated for these positions if they have rising 6 th or 7th
i. Officers shall be elected annually and serve for a term of one year.
j. One officer serves as an advisor to the next board, as needed, and
usually attends the first few meetings of the new board.
2. Responsibilities of Board
a. The Board shall be responsible for overseeing the operation of the Jr.
Trojan Cheerleading Program.
b. The Board is responsible for making all decisions that affect the
program as a whole but seeks to empower the squads to function
autonomously within the rules of the Organization.
c. The Board is ultimately responsible for resolving disputes and conflicts
if the squad is not able to resolve the problem.
d. Specific board duties include:
i. Overseeing the try-out process,
ii. Coordinating the uniform and practice clothes process,
iii. Organizing the end of year banquet, including purchase of gifts,
iv. Maintaining a calendar to keep the program moving forward,
v. Other duties as the needs arise.
3. Responsibilities of Officers – all officers are responsible for attending
monthly board meetings, participating in the discussion of matters brought
before the board, voting (except the President) to approve (or reject) the
recommended course of action, and appointing members to the
nominating committee. Specific duties of each officer:
a. President
1. Creates the agenda for board and general meetings.
2. Runs the parent try-out meeting in the spring.
3. Votes on Organization matters only in the event of a tie vote.
4. Maintain a relationship with the LHS Varsity Cheer Coach. Ask her
for 6-8 LHS senior or junior cheerleaders to help teach/coach the
Jr. Trojan Cheer program. From that list she matches girls to
squads that best fit the squads needs.
b. Vice-President
1. Serves as the chairperson for the Uniform and Practice Clothes
2. Assumes duties of the president when she is absent or in the event
of resignation by the president.
c. Secretary
1. Records notes during meeting
2. Facilitates meetings to keep board members on topic and
3. Recaps Meeting minutes in writing to Board Members (usually within
a week)
4. Maintains Project Plans by subject
5. Reserves meeting room for all board meetings
6. Sends meeting reminders 1 week prior to board meetings
7. Develops Board Contact List (for board and board distribution)
d. Treasurer - The treasurer shall be responsible for:
2. Obtaining the paperwork from the bank to change the signature card
and the address on the bank statement;
3. Preparing a proposed budget based on the prior year activities and
spending and the proposed current year activities;
4. Presenting the proposed budget to the Board for approval, and once
approved, distributing the budget to the general membership via the
squad representatives;
5. Maintaining the checkbook, making deposits and writing the checks;
6. Documenting all the receipts and deposits;
7. Preparing the monthly financial reports
8. Cash Flow Report (Beg bal in cash + cash receipts – cash payments
= ending balance) (See Treasurer’s procedures) Budget vs Actual
Report by revenue and expense category (see Treasurer’s
9. Reconciling the bank statement on a monthly basis;
10. Ensuring that proposed expenditures fall within the approved
11. Advising the executive board about all financial matters;
12. Ensuring that the Organization has sufficient funds to operate
during the current year and for the start-up of the following year;
13. Working with the squad treasurers to ensure that they operate
within the guidelines established by the Board;
14. Reviewing the bank reconciliations prepared by the squad
treasurers to ensure that they are being completed;
15. Investigating any financial irregularities on the squad reports and
notifying the Board immediately of potential problems;
16. Performing other financial duties as requested by the Board.
e. Squad Liaison and Training –shall be responsible for:
1. Develop Sponsor lists.
2. Meeting with all new Sponsors in order to give them a copy of the
Sponsor’s Guide Book, explain sponsor responsibilities, and
answer questions,
3. Managing the Organization calendar/website information,
4. Acting as the squad contact for questions, problem resolution and
scheduling issues
5. Communicating all organization-wide events to the squads
f. Squad Representatives – shall be responsible for:
1. Attending monthly board meetings
2. Bringing any squad concerns to the board for consideration
3. Distributing monthly board minutes and other board
communications, including the outstanding dues to the squad parents
4. Report monthly to the board on squad activities,
5. 8th Grade board reps co-chair the tryout committee.
6. Pool Party – 8th Grade Board reps and squads committee members.
4. Officer resignations –
a. Resignation of the President – the Vice President shall assume the
president’s responsibilities and the Squad Liaison shall be responsible
for communicating the resignation to the squads and soliciting a
volunteer to replace the Vice President
b. Other Officers - the Squad Liaison shall be responsible for
communicating the resignation to the squads and soliciting a volunteer
to replace the outgoing officer.
c. The nominee will need to be elected by a vote of the parents (an email
vote is sufficient – no response will be construed as a vote in favor).
d. If no candidate can be identified to run for the vacated office, the other
board members will need to divide the responsibilities of the vacated
position to ensure the continuity of the organization.
5. Board Meetings
a. The Board shall meet monthly for general business and as needed to
address specific issues/topics.
b. The Board shall abide by Roberts Rules of Order.
6. Squad Organization (FB, BB, Competition) – The board shall, at its
discretion, determine the composition of the squads.
a.In order to meet the Organization’s goal of preparing the girls for the
high school cheerleading program at Lassiter High School, the squads
will be organized in a manner consistent with LHS’s squads:
1. The 6th grade squad shall consist of 1 squad (as selected by the
independent judges) which cheers both football and basketball.
2. The 7th and 8th grade squads shall consist of:
a. One large competition squad as selected by the independent
judges: No 6th graders are eligible to compete.
b. One football squad per grade as selected by the independent
judges, and
c. One basketball squad per grade as selected by the
independent judges.
7. Selection of Uniforms & Practice Clothes
a. Selection of Uniforms and Practice Clothes
i. Uniforms and Practice Clothes shall be selected by a committee
consisting of:
1. The Vice President, and
2. One - two representatives from each squad (a squad being
defined by grade level – 6th, 7th and 8th). If there are 2 reps,
one will be in charge and the other assist as needed.
ii. All decisions about uniforms and practice clothes including
company used, colors, and uniform styles are the responsibility of
the committee. Parents with a strong interest in this area should
consider volunteering for this committee.
iii. Uniforms shall consist of: top, skirt, maroon t-shirt, swish pants,
fleece jacket, white no show socks, shoes, bloomers, maroon
sports bra, pom poms, duffle bag, hair ribbon, water bottle and
clear rain poncho. (Uniforms from the previous year can be reused
as long as new girls can still order the old uniform style and the
parents agree by a majority vote to use them.) Competition
cheerleaders will need a top with sleeves, or liner. All uniform
items are mandatory; each cheerleader must own them or order
iv. Uniforms are selected by grade level. 7th and 8th grade
FB/Basketball/Comp & FB/BB will wear the same uniform.
v. Practice clothes shall consist of one outfit for sidelines and one
outfit for the competition squad. As long as the total cost of the 2
outfits and the spirit shirt remains under $100.00 no squad vote is
needed. If the cost exceeds $100.00 a majority vote to eliminate 1
piece or outfit is required by each squad. The Board will
determine if the total cost should be raised as needed on an
annual basis. Practice clothing is worn to practices or any event
determined by the board.
vi. The Vice President is responsible for ordering a Spirit Shirt for
each squad. Additional items may include: backpack, pj pants.
These items should remain the same year to year so the
cheerleader does not have to reorder them.
vii. The uniform colors should be consistent with the
Lassiter school colors, cardinal red and gold. Junior Trojans has used
maroon, white, and gold in the past, refraining from use of “Lassiter” and
“LHS” on apparel.
The uniform committee shall try to secure pricing prior to the
order or purchase of items. This shall be done to make sure the
costs are reasonable.
ix. The clothing needs to be ordered with the utmost sense of urgency
to secure delivery prior to Camp Lassiter. Also, so the
cheerleaders have clothes to practice in.
x. Previous board is encouraged to set up vendor selections and
dates of fittings prior to the conclusion of their term.
xi. All clothing received needs to be given out immediately. This is
done to have time to fix any problems. Committee members need
to be available to help process the orders and communicate any
b. Financial responsibility
i. The parents are responsible for furnishing all uniforms and
practice clothes. If the order has been placed and cannot be
cancelled, the parent is still financially responsible even if the girl
quits the squad (for any reason.)
ii. Uniforms and practice clothes may require a deposit on the date of
order as determined by the vendor. Each vendor has different
policies. The uniform committee needs to communicate these
policies to the sponsor and squad treasurer so that all parents are
informed. Payment in full at delivery.
iii. Payments are made to the squad treasurer. (See accepted
processes in Appendix A.)
8. Special Committees
a. Uniform
1. Consists of the Vice-President (chair) and 1 - 2 representative from
each grade level;
2. Responsible for selecting, ordering and delivering uniforms and
practice clothing. Communicating any problems and fixing them.
Informing all billing information to the squad treasurer or Board
b. Banquet
1. Consists of the 7th grade representatives (chair) and 2
representatives from each squad 2 from 6th grade squad and 1
each from 7th & 8th grade FB, Comp and BB.
2. Responsible for planning the end of year Banquet (see Banquet
Planning Project Plan)
c. Try-out
1. Consists of the President (chair), the 8th Grade Squad
Representatives (co-chairs) and other volunteers from the 8th grade
parents. Volunteers from the 8th grade squad can only participate
in the try out process if they do not have rising 6th and/or 7th
2. Responsible for running the try-outs (see project plan in the
d. Nominating
1. Consists of the 8th grade squad representatives (chair) and
members appointed by the Executive Board.
a. Purpose - to submit a proposed slate of officers at the first
membership meeting after spring tryouts.
b. No members of the committee shall be on the proposed slate of
c. The committee shall cease to exist after the first membership
2. The committee ceases to exist after presenting the proposed slate
of officers at the first general meeting.
e. Fundraising
1. Consists of the treasurer (chair) and 1 volunteer from each squad.
2. Purpose
a. Implement fundraising opportunities established by the previous
year's board such that revenue is realized within the first two
months of the program.
b. To review proposed program wide fundraising opportunities and
make recommendations to the board to approve or reject the
plan for the following year.
f. Pre-season pool party
1. The eighth grade representatives and the squad social committees
will organize and chaperone the event. The Board will contribute
$500.00 to the event.
9. By-law changes – The Executive Board has the authority to modify these
by-laws as necessary. A majority vote of the Executive Board is
required to approve such changes.
B. Financial Matters
Budget 1. The Executive board shall review and approve the proposed budget
(see Treasurer’s responsibilities under Article II, Section A 3) and shall
abide by the budget when making financial decisions.
2. The approved budget may be amended from time to time in order to
meet the changing needs of the organization but such amendments
require a majority vote of the Executive Board
Dues of the membership
1. The Executive Board has the authority to determine the amount of
annual membership dues (currently $50) and to require members to
pay dues for the operation of the Organization.
2. Failure to pay the membership dues by the 1st squad practice can
result in the removal of the girl from her cheerleading squad.
Payment of Organization obligations
1. Payment of Organization obligations should be made via check by the
2. Officers who make payment of Organization obligations must provide
a receipt for purchases and all purchases must be within the approved
budget in order to be reimbursable. The Officer must complete a
check request, attach a receipt, and get the approval of another officer.
All paperwork should be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
Article III - Running the Squad
A. Squad Organization
1. Sponsors
a. Election
1.Before first parent meeting following tryouts, the outgoing Board shall
identify parents who have volunteered to be a sponsor and prepare a
slate of recommended sponsors for each squad and grade level,
strongly suggest a sponsor from each school.
2.The nominees for the 6th grade FB/BB squad must consist of at least
2 parents. The nominees for the 7th and 8th FB squads must consist
of at least 2 parents form each FB squad. The nominees for the 7th
and 8th BB squads must consist of at least 2 parents from each BB
squad. The competition squad nominees must consist of 1 8th grade
FB parent and 1 7th grade FB parent. Sponsors shall not represent
more than 1 squad. Individual sponsors shall represent only one FB,
BB, or Competition squad in a fiscal year.
3.The President shall introduce the identified nominees at the first
general meeting after tryouts.
4.Board Members shall oversee the election of squad board reps for the
b. Duties of Sponsors
1. The sponsor will work directly with the cheerleaders and their parents
in all areas set forth by the Jr. Trojan Executive Board.
2. Their primary responsibilities will be to ensure the safety and well
being of the girls at all activities, to promote responsibility for self,
proper behavior and respect for others at all times, and to promote
team spirit.
3. Sponsors plan and coordinate the activities of the squad and serve
as role models for the cheerleaders and the parents.
4. Sponsors, or a parent designated by the Sponsor, will remain at any
practice, game or event until all squad members are picked up by the
parent or approved adult. This is for the safety of the girls and must
be followed.
5. All sponsors must sign the Sponsor Responsibilities and Agreement
Form (see Appendix B) stating agreement with the following duties:
a. Facilitate the ordering of uniforms and practice clothes by
working with the uniform committee to schedule fittings
b. Enforce the wearing of the uniform and/or spirit shirt prior to
weekend games.
c. LHS Summer Cheer Camp- coordinates with parents and the
squad treasurer to get the squad signed up (1 application and 1
d. 6th, 7th & 8th grade –verify days and times for weekly gym
practice. .
e. Communicate with and coordinate practices with LHS Varsity
f. Maintain an attendance book for the purpose of tracking
attendance and lateness in accordance with our discipline policy.
g. Coordinate with the Board President the use of LHS
cheerleaders to teach/coach the squad in LHS cheers and
chants on a regular basis throughout the cheer season. Every
attempt must be made to use current lhs cheerleaders in the
manner. If this cannot be coordinated the use of mini camps or
special training days with the LHS cheerleaders may be
arranged with Board approval.
h. Plan parent meetings as necessary throughout the season.
i. Meet with parents to vote on any expenditure in excess of $20
per cheerleader (except coaching). Such expenditures require a
majority vote of the parents (including gifts to coaches). (Parents
must be current with squad and gym payments in order to vote.)
Encourage the use of all practice clothing. The spirit shirt
additionally, which can be worn to school to show support for
football and basketball, or any time the sponsor or board
Communicate weekly with parents through a newsletter/web
page or email (encouraged!). If practice clothing is stated on web
page, make sure it is available to all. Or create a way to achieve
Check your cheerleaders’ report cards at the designated times
for grades and behavior.
1. Report card logs and grades must be maintained and
turned in to the board liaison in order to recognize
scholar athletes and address any academic concerns.
m. Be present at all games, practices, and events (AT LEAST
ONE SPONSOR OR DESIGNEE MUST BE AT ALL EVENTSincluding squad and gym practices). Sponsors should assist
the LHS cheerleaders in keeping order and enforcing behavior,
rules, etc. It is the sponsor’s job to “keep the girls on track.”
The LHS cheerleaders are the coaches; the sponsor is the
i. If neither sponsor can be present at an event, s/he MUST
identify another parent to act on your behalf. All other parents
must be notified about the acting sponsor so they know who is
in charge.
ii. The safety of the girls is of utmost importance and sponsors
must communicate to the designee that s/he is responsible for
the girls and must be aware of their whereabouts at all times.
Additionally, it is her/his job to remain at the event until all girls
have been picked up.
iii. Sponsors must arrange to give the medical bag to the designee
so that all medical information and the first aid kit are available.
(See “o” below.)
m. Establish and maintain a “buddy system” at all times for the girls,
especially at games, but at practices also. No girl should walk
anywhere, especially to the bathroom, alone.
n. Keep a calendar of your practices/games/events and give copies
to each of the girls (or post on the website or send via email
o. Stay in regular communication with the Squad Liaison as s/he is
there to assist you.
Prepare a team bag that will be present at all practices, games
and events that the squad attends. This bag should contain:
i. The medical forms for all the girls
ii. Parent release for treatment forms, and
iii. A first aid kit (including feminine products and sunscreen) to
take care of minor medical problems.
iv. A working CD player, batteries and dance music.
q. Enforce all rules under the “cheerleader behavior” section.
r. The sponsor should encourage and motivate all cheerleaders to
achieve maximum potential to demonstrate squad-wide
s. The competition sponsor should briefly review score sheets from
each competition with the girls and the parents.
t. Organize your parents into committees to help with the many
squad activities. All squad activities should operate within a
budget that has been approved by the majority of the parents.
These committees might include:
i. Community Service
ii. Carpool
iii. Social - organize social events, ensuring appropriate
chaperones, financial approval as required, and parent
approval. 8th Grade Social Moms are responsible for the
coordination (with other squad social moms) of a pool party for
all squads following the last day of Camp Lassiter.
iv. Spirit - responsible for coordinating mailbox decorating during
football and basketball seasons.
v. Sponsor designees - parents who agree to fulfill the sponsor
role when the sponsors cannot attend an event.
vi. Treasurer – (see specific duties in appendix)
1.Responsible for collecting the squad dues, paying the
coaches, acting as the pass-through for paying the
Organization treasurer for practice clothes, for paying LHS
for camp and for paying the gym.
2.Responsible for creating and updating a budget which must
be approved by a majority of the parents.
3.Responsible for providing the Board treasurer with bank
statement copies, bank reconciliations and report of
incomes and expenses on a monthly basis.
vii. Homecoming,
viii. Uniform,
ix. Banquet
x. Pictures/end of year video
c. Failure of any Sponsor to abide by the responsibilities and duties as
outlined in the Sponsor Agreement will result in a review by the
Executive Board. The Board retains the right, by a vote of a majority of
its members, to exercise the following actions:
5. A written warning from the Board to the sponsor to correct the
2. Any subsequent violation can result in actions up to and including
dismissal from the sponsor role.
d. Resignation of sponsor during the season
1. A sponsor who needs to resign during the season, must announce
such resignation to all of the squad parents as well as the Executive
Board in writing (email is acceptable.)
2. Once the resignation is received, the remaining sponsor must call a
parent meeting for the purpose of electing a new sponsor. The
procedure as defined in Election of Sponsors, Article III.A.1 shall be
2. Identification of squad roles
a. Required positions
1.Sponsors – 2 per squad as outlined in the by-laws.
2.Treasurer (see duties in appendix)
3.Squad clothes – One - two parents who will serve on the Board
Uniform and Practice Clothes committee for the selection of clothes.
If there are 2 reps, one will be in charge and the other assist as
4.Banquet – 1-2 parents who will serve on the Board banquet
b. Recommended positions
1.Social – plan and coordinate social events
2.Football – coordinate decorating mailboxes
3.Basketball – coordinate decorating mailboxes
4.Website – manage the squad website (if applicable)
5.Homecoming – plan and coordinate homecoming float for the parade.
6.Community Service – plan and coordinate community service projects
7.Carpool (can also use calling post, see appendix A. Accepted
8.Other – as determined by the sponsors and parents
2. Coordination of a gym
a. All Squads will hold practices in a cheer gym.
b. The gym of choice will be reviewed and voted on annually by the
3. Camps
a. ALL Jr. Trojan squads are required to attend the LHS camp.
b. The Jr. Trojan organization does not sanction any mandatory out of
town summer camps. If a squad chooses to go to camp, they must
have a majority of parents approve the trip.
c. Squads will attend a 2-3 day choreography camp to learn dances and
half-time routines.
a. Practice will start in May of the new cheer season and will end the last
week of December before the winter break.
b. During the summer months of June and July, a cheerleader cannot
miss more than 2 consecutive weeks of practice. The week of July 4th
is considered a week long holiday. Vacation weeks cannot be
combined to include the holiday week of July 4th. Therefore, a
cheerleader is not allowed to miss the week before July 4th, the holiday
week and the week after July 4th.
c. Mandatory practices start August 1st, or earlier if July starts the week
that includes August 1st.
B Conduct of cheerleaders - Each cheerleader is to exemplify the highest
standards of conduct and good moral character at all times, especially at
school and social functions and games.
1. Duties & Responsibilities
a. Spirit – Cheerleaders will do everything possible to maintain
enthusiasm and school spirit at all athletic events.
b. Attend the LHS Cheer Camp and choreography camp.
c. Attend all practices, games and squad events throughout the year.
d. Cheerleaders will cheer at football games and basketball games,
tournaments and other events as designated by the sponsor and
majority vote of the parents. The Jr. Trojan Cheerleading Program will
be given priority over all other extra-curricular activities – the squad
depends on EVERY girl. Stunt groups require 4-5 girls in order to
practice – 1 missing girl sidelines 3-4 others. PLAN TO BE AT
e. Cheerleaders must attend all practices as planned by the sponsor and
must be dressed in the practice clothes identified by the sponsor.
Cheerleaders must dress out for practice. Extra practices may be
called by the sponsor as needed.
f. Cheerleaders are to be present at the field/gym at least 30 minutes, (or
a time designated by the sponsor), prior to the start of a game and are
not to leave until the game is over. They should also be in the cheer
line at the beginning of the second half.
g. No spectators, fans or visitors are allowed on sidelines other than
cheerleaders and sponsors (photographers only permitted if taking
photos for banquet slideshow.
h.No food is allowed while cheering.
i. Girls are strongly encouraged to participate in any board-sponsored
2. Illness or Injury
a. Cheerleaders who are ill must notify the sponsor as soon as is practical.
b. Cheerleaders who are unable to cheer due to injury must attend the
game in full uniform and sit with the sponsor (not in the crowd with
Competitions – competition squads will cheer mainly at GHSA (Georgia
High School Association) competitions, designated by Sponsors/Coaches
according to the following guidelines:
a. A minimum of 3-5 competitions are allowed per season, but not more
than 7 total.
b. Each squad, prior to the beginning of competition season, should
conduct a written vote of their parents to determine which competitions
to attend.
1. Ballot must include date, location and entry fee per child for each
2. The Squad Liaison, or her designee, shall be on hand to tabulate
the votes.
3. Competitions may be scheduled during football season and
potentially conflict with football games. However, the competition
squad is highly encouraged to also attend the football game if at all
Uniform – All cheerleaders must dress out in full uniform for games,
events, the Friday before weekend games, and other occasions as
designated by the sponsor.
Jewelry – There will be absolutely no necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets,
earrings, or body jewelry worn during coaching, practicing or while on duty
at games. Jewelry must be removed, not taped over or hidden, this
includes newly pierced earrings and cartilage piercings. Cheerleaders will
sit out until all jewelry is removed to the sponsors’ satisfaction.
Extracurricular Activities – Jr. Trojan Cheerleading will be given priority over
other extracurricular activities; including All Star Cheerleading squads.
This includes practices.
Personal Appearance- All cheerleaders are expected to keep a neat
personal appearance at all times. Uniforms, shoes and other cheerleading
attire are to be clean at all times. Hair styles are to be neat and clean
looking (no trendy hairdos, hair colors, no feathers, beads or other
attachments or extensions.) Nails should be neat, clean, trimmed and filed
at the fingertip. Only clear nail polish is permissible.
Behavior – Cheerleaders are expected to behave as part of a team,
respect sponsors and team captains, and respect other members of
the team. Respect includes, but is not limited to, treating each
member of the squad in positive and polite way regardless of your
personal feelings for the individual. Girls should support and
encourage each other and must refrain from making negative or
disparaging comments about other members of the team even if (and
especially if) that person is not present.
9. Alcohol, drug use and improper behavior
a. Smoking, drinking, the use of drugs, or any other inappropriate and
improper behavior will not be tolerated at any time. The Jr Trojan
program follows the Cobb County School District’s policy regarding drug
and alcohol use.
b. The sponsor, with the approval of the executive board, or the board
itself, will have the right to suspend any cheerleader for violation of the
alcohol, drug, and behavior policy according to the Cobb County Policy:
A-M.htm - Student Code of Conduct – Middle School)
10. Suspension from School (in school or out of school) for each day a
cheerleader is suspended from school, she will be suspended an equal
number of games or events. Cheerleaders may not participate in practices
or cheerleading functions on the days that they are assigned ISS or OSS.
Absences due to ISS or OSS are unexcused absences which could lead to
dismissal from the squad if the number violates the practice/game
11. Grade Requirements – A cheerleader receiving 2 F’s on any 9 week
report card is ineligible to cheer for the remaining Jr. Trojan fiscal year.
This complies with the GHSA rules.
a. All girls will be required to bring their report cards, not progress reports
to the first practice following issuance of report cards.
b. The sponsor’s child will need to have her report card verified by the
other sponsor.
c. A cheerleader receiving a “U” in conduct on her report card is ineligible
to cheer.
12. To receive the Academic Award at the banquet, the cheerleader must
have all As or A/B Honor Roll with no C’s. Those cheerleaders that receive
straight A’s for the entire season will receive special designation in the
banquet program.
13. Discipline Program (formerly demerits) – the objective of the discipline
program is to provide immediate consequences for failure to follow rules.
a. Late to Practice or Game (includes parent being late picking up from
games and practices)
a. 1st offense – warning
b. 2nd offense – sit out the 1st quarter of a game (with sponsor)
c. 3rd offense – sit out an entire game (with sponsor)
d. 4th offense – removed for the rest of the season (can come back for
basketball) If removal is near the end of the end of the entire season,
the cheerleader forfeits all privileges for the remainder of the program
year, including banquet participation.
14. Dress code – Cheerleader must sit out for any violations of dress
code, including nails, hair, and jewelry and must correct the violation in order
to participate. While the dress code at a game is mandatory, practices should
not be as extreme. Sponsor should use their discretion here and safety
should be the main concern.
15. Consequences are the same as Late to Game or Practice
16. Cheerleaders may miss one game and one practice during the season if
the sponsor is notified in writing as least 2 weeks in advance. A
cheerleader will have 1 additional excused absence only during playoffs
if the season continues into playoffs. The sponsor must be notified in
writing at least 2 weeks in advance for the additional absence.
17. Unexcused absence – excused absence is illness (with a doctor’s note),
a death in the family, or other excuse if approved by the sponsor in advance.
12. Missing a practice – same as Late to Game or Practice
13. Missing a game – sit out 1st half of the next game (with sponsor)
14. Missing 2 games – removed for the season.
18. Grades –.
A cheerleader receiving 2 F’s on any report card is ineligible to cheer for the
remaining Jr. Trojan fiscal year (April-March). A cheerleader receiving a “U” in
conduct on her report card is ineligible to cheer.
a. Failure to participate in squad activities – discipline is the same as Late
for Practices or Games
b. Sportsmanship/Conduct – Sponsors will follow the Cobb County
guidelines regarding sportsmanship and conduct
c. Parents and cheerleaders are required to sign both the Discipline Plan
and the Cobb County Sportsmanship and Conduct guidelines in order
to participate in the Jr. Trojan program.
d. Any Cheerleader reported “bullying” with proof will result in warning for
the first offense, and removal from squad for the 2nd offense after board
19. Understanding Football & Basketball – All girls are required to work with
the sponsor to understand the basic rules of the sport you are cheering for.
20. In the event the cheerleader decides to discontinue her participation on
any team she must provide a written resignation to her sponsor within three
days. This letter must be signed by the cheerleader and her parent. By
quitting, the cheerleader forfeits the right to try out the following year. She
may however, petition the Jr. Trojan Cheerleading Board for an exemption
based on a valid reason.
15. A cheerleader is expected to maintain or better all skills (tumbling) that
she did at tryouts.
C. Conduct of Parents
1. Duties and Responsibilities of Parents
a. Provide transportation for your child to and from all functions
b. Arrive on time for drop offs and pick ups
c. Ensure your child’s attendance at all practices (squad or gym), games
and functions. Special arrangements should be communicated to the
sponsor in the event a special family or religious obligation causes your
daughter to miss an event.
d. Provide your child with the opportunity to improve her skills outside of
squad practices, via group or private lessons for tumbling, stunting or
whatever skills are required for her squad.
2. Financial Responsibilities
a. Payment of all fees, including but not limited to,
1. Annual membership fee
2. Uniforms
3. Practice Clothes and shoes
4. Fee for LHS annual camp
5. Monthly squad dues
6. Monthly gym fees
7. Banquet cost
8. Competition fees (7th and 8th grade squads)
9. Other costs as voted on by a majority of the parents.
b. Parents must be current on all payments and fees in order to vote on
squad matters.
c. Squad dues and gym fees are due the 1st of the month. A grace
period of five days applies to these charges. Clothing (uniforms,
practice and/or optional items) payment may require a deposit at the
time of order. The balance of these payments is due at the time of
delivery of the clothing.
d. If squad, board or gym fees are more than 5 days delinquent, the
cheerleader cannot participate in squad events, but must attend and sit
with the sponsor.
e. All monies must be paid in full prior to RSVP for the banquet. If not paid
in full neither the child nor the parent may attend the banquet. Anyone
with a balance on their account will not be allowed to tryout for the
following year’s squad.
2. Conduct and Behavior – It is our job as parents and involved adults to
teach the girls tolerance, respect, empathy for others and proper behavior
toward others whether we like or dislike them, agree or disagree with
a. Parents must always behave in a positive way (words and deeds)
regarding the Jr. Trojan organization, the schools, the teams and the
girls. We don’t expect parents to always agree with the decisions or
rules of this organization but we do require you to support them or
handle your conflict in accordance with a grievance process
b. Sponsors have authority to set and uphold rules during cheerleading
activities. Unless a girl’s safety is in jeopardy, parents should not
intercede or override a sponsors’ decision.
c. Parents must NEVER confront a sponsor, girl or another parent at an
event where anyone can see or hear you.
d. Any problems or concerns should be directed to the Sponsor, Board rep,
or the Squad Liaison.
e. Any personal information distributed from the squad or Board cannot be
used for soliciting purposes.
f. Regarding e-mails, only respond to the individual sender of the e-mail. If
asked for a group response or REPLY ALL, comply with those
Article IV – Tryouts
During the spring, cheerleaders will be selected from the 5th, 6th and 7th
grades to serve as cheerleaders for the Jr Trojan Cheerleading program for the
next year’s 6th, 7th and 8th grade programs respectively.
A. Tryout Parent Meeting – an information meeting will be held 2-3 weeks prior
to the tryout date in order to provide information to the parents regarding the
cheerleading program.
B. Eligibility to Tryout
1. Participation
a. Candidates will be chosen from:
1. Feeder schools to Lassiter (currently Davis Elem., Rocky Mount
Mountain View Elem., Shallowford Falls, and
Garrison Mill Elem.)
2. Only those students who are zoned to attend Lassiter.
b. In the case of a special request by parents for placement in Lassiter,
the student may only try-out if they have NOT already tried out for a
different cheerleading program.
2. Permission – In order to try out, a girl must have:
a. written permission from a parent or guardian
b. a written statement from the parent to abide by all try out rules and to
abide by the decision of the judges and the executive committee, and
c. a written statement from the parent to accept all financial and
transportation responsibilities if the child is chosen for a squad.
3. Grades – all participants must be passing all academic subjects.
“Passing” must be verified by:
a.The most recent school report card (must be brought to the try out
b.Verified through written confirmation by current teacher’s and/or
counselors in the event of extenuating circumstances such as a
prolonged illness or recent move into the community.
c.The cheerleader must maintain appropriate behavior in class.
Unsatisfactory conduct grades disqualify the cheerleader from trying
C. Squads
1. Available squads – 6th grade Football/Basketball.
7th Grade: Football, Basketball and/or Competition
8th Grade: Football, Basketball and/or Competition
2. Sizes of the squads will be up to 24 on 6th Grade FB/BB
7th Grade and 8th Grade Football will be up to 24 girls.
7th and 8th Grade Basketball will be determined by try-out
scores and numbers trying out. There will be a maximum of 16
The competition squad will be made up of 7th and 8th graders
with a maximum number of 24 cheerleaders.
3. Squad openings a. If a cheerleader quits the competition squad prior to the end
of the competition season, a cheerleader will be asked to join the squad. The
decision will be made by the board and the sponsors with consideration
being given to the position of the resigning cheerleader. The vacancy will be
filled from the 7th and 8th grade sideline cheerleaders.
b. If a competition squad position becomes available during the time up to
choreography camp, the position will be offered by order of try-out scores.
The parents will assume financial responsibility related to that squad
including gym and competition fees as well as any additional uniform
c. If a cheerleader resigns from a competition squad prior to the end of the comp
Season, her position on the sideline squad may or may not be held. The
Board will decide if the cheerleader can continue to cheer on the sidelines.
d. If the cheerleader chosen will serve as a permanent member of the
competition squad and was previously a member of the basketball squad, she
may relinquish her position on the basketball squad and the parent will be
relieved of responsibility for any financial obligations related solely to the
basketball squad.
e. If a position on the competition squad becomes temporarily available due to
illness, injury or other reason, a replacement cheerleader will be chosen in the
same manner as outlined above for the period of time deemed necessary. The
replacement cheerleader shall then return to the football or basketball squad.
When a competition cheerleader returns to the squad from an injury they must
have a medical release from their doctor and attend at least one practice before
the next competition, at which time it will be up to the discretion of the coach
whether the cheerleader is ready to compete along with the consent of the
child’s parent.
f. If a competition squad member wants to cheer on the basketball squad after
competition season is over; the cheerleader must participate fully in the
squad’s activities including all practices and games.
D. Judging
a. The board hires independent judges for tryouts.
b. The decision of the judges and the tryout committee is final.
E. Notifying cheerleaders – cheerleaders will be listed by name for each squad.
The lists will be posted at the tryout location as well as on the website by 4:30
the day following tryouts or as announced at tryouts.
Article V – Fundraising Program
A. Fundraising - To fulfill the goal of making cheerleading accessible to all girls
regardless of ability to pay, the Organization should strive to raise money. The
fundraiser should be an organization-wide responsibility whereby the
Cheerleaders work to provide funds to offset the individual financial
1 - The treasurer shall be the chairperson for the fundraising committee.
B. In the event that a cheerleading family experiences a financial crisis in the
middle of the season which would necessitate withdrawing a cheerleader from
the program, the family may apply for a Financial Hardship Scholarship.
1. Application process
a The family in need would fill out the Financial Hardship Scholarship
Form (see Appendix)
b The treasurer will recommend to the board to approve or reject the
application and the board will vote on the recommendation.
c Decisions of the board are final and will depend upon the availability of
funds as well as the perceived need and the impact on the squad.
2. Administration of the hardship
a. The treasurer shall be responsible for disbursing all hardship funds in
accordance with the terms of the hardship
b. The treasurer shall be responsible for tracking all hardship funds by
hardship recipient.
c. The parent shall be responsible for submitting check requests for the
disbursement of the hardship.
d. All check requests should be received at least one week prior to the due
date of any required payments.
A. Accepted Processes
B. Sponsor Responsibilities and Agreement Form
C. Cheerleader Responsibilities and Agreement Form
D. Parent Responsibilities and Agreement Form
E. LHS Cheerleader Coaches Responsibilities and Agreement Form
F. Competition Squad Replacement Cheerleader Statement
G. Basketball Continuation for Competition Cheerleader Statement
H. Squad Treasurer Responsibilities
I. Guidelines for Socials
J. Conflict Resolution
K. Project Plans (Banquet, Cheer night, etc)
Appendix A – Accepted Processes
1.Uniforms are paid for on a squad by squad basis through the squad treasurer.
2.Practice clothes are paid for by the board treasurer. Each squad treasurer
collects money from the parents and sends a report of all clothes ordered
along with full payment for her squad. The Board treasurer reconciles the
squad orders with the invoices and pays for the organization as a whole.
3.Parents pay board dues at the first general meeting of the year or before the
first squad practice. The board treasurer will notify the squad sponsors if
parents have not paid dues. Girls may not begin practice until dues are paid.
4.Board minutes are typically distributed via email.
5.Board meetings are closed unless a parent specifically requests to address the
board. (This is done to facilitate the completion of the board business in an
efficient manner – it becomes cumbersome to have too many people
discussing issues.)
6.The outgoing board presides over the 1st general meeting of the new year to
facilitate the voting in of the new board, collection of dues and the transition.)
Appendix B – Sponsor Responsibilities and Agreement Form
Jr. Trojan Sponsors will work directly with the cheerleaders and their parents in
all areas set forth by the Jr Trojan Executive Board and in accordance with the
by-laws. Their primary responsibilities will be to ensure the safety of the
girls, to promote team spirit, responsibility for self, proper behavior and
respect for others. Sponsors always must look out for the best interests of the
girls as individuals and as a squad. They must try to make the girls experience
as a cheerleader fun while helping them to feel a sense of pride and
accomplishment in themselves and their squad.
Sponsors plan and coordinate the activities of the squad according to the
guidelines established by the Jr. Trojan By-laws. Some of their most important
duties include:
1.Facilitate the ordering of uniforms and practice clothes by working with the
uniform committee to schedule fittings
2.Coordinate the LHS Summer Cheer Camp (June) with parents and the squad
treasurer to get the squad signed up (1 application and 1 check).
3.6 , 7th & 8th grade - secure a gym for weekly gym practice. Gym selection is
accomplished by a majority vote of the Board.
4.Secure a location for weekly squad practice with an LHS Varsity cheerleader at
the gym selected yearly by the Board.
5.Maintain an attendance book for the purpose of tracking attendance and
lateness in accordance with our discipline policy (See sponsor book for an
6.Coordinate with the Board President the use of LHS cheerleaders to
teach/coach the squad in LHS cheers and chants on a regular basis
throughout the cheer season. Every attempt must be made to use current lhs
cheerleaders in the manner. If this cannot be coordinated the use of mini
camps or special training days with the LHS cheerleaders may be arranged
with Board approval.
7.Plan parent meetings as necessary throughout the season.
8.Meet with parents to vote on any expenditure in excess of $20 per cheerleader
(except coaching). Such expenditures require a majority vote of the parents
(including gifts to coaches). Parents must be current with financial obligations
in order to vote.
9.Communicate weekly with parents through a newsletter/web page or email
10.Check your cheerleaders’ progress and official report card at the designated
times for grades and behavior. The quarter ending report card must be given
to the Board Liaison prior to the next scheduled FB and/or BB game. If the
report card has not been received, the cheerleader will not be allowed to
participate in the game and/or event.
11.Be present at all games, practices, and events (AT LEAST ONE
and gym practices). Sponsors should assist the LHS cheerleaders in
keeping order and enforcing behavior, rules, etc. It is the sponsor’s job to
“keep the girls on track.” The LHS cheerleaders are the coaches; the
sponsor is the disciplinarian.
a.If neither sponsor can be present at an event, s/he MUST identify
another parent to act on your behalf. All other parents must be notified
about the acting sponsor so they know who is in charge.
b.The safety of the girls is of utmost importance and sponsors must
communicate to the designee that s/he is responsible for the girls and
must be aware of their whereabouts at all times. Additionally, it is
her/his job to remain at the event until all girls have been picked up.
c.Sponsors must arrange to give the medical bag to the designee so that
all medical information and the first aid kit are available. (See “o”
12.Establish and maintain a “buddy system” at all times for the girls, especially at
games, but at practices also. No girl should walk anywhere, especially to
the bathroom, alone.
13.Keep a calendar of your practices/games/events and give copies to each of
the girls (or post on the website or send via email attachment)
14.Stay in regular communication with the Squad Liaison as s/he is there to
assist you.
15.Prepare a team bag that will be present at all practices, games and events
that the squad attends. This bag should contain:
a.The medical forms for all the girls,
b.Parent release for treatment forms,
c.A first aid kit to take care of minor medical problems (including feminine
products, sunscreen, bee sting stick and Benadryl).
d.A working CD player, batteries and dance music.
16.Enforce all rules under the “cheerleader behavior” section.
17.The sponsor should encourage and motivate all cheerleaders to achieve
maximum potential to demonstrate squad-wide skills.
18.The competition sponsor should briefly review score sheets from each
competition with the girls and the parents.
19.Organize your parents into committees to help with the many squad activities.
All squad activities should operate within a budget that has been approved by
the majority of the parents. These committees might include:
a.Social - organize social events, ensuring appropriate chaperones,
financial approval as required, and parent approval.
b.Spirit - responsible for coordinating mailbox decorating during football
and basketball seasons.
c.Sponsor designees - parents who agree to fulfill the sponsor role when
the sponsors cannot attend an event.
d.Treasurer – (see specific duties in treasurer book)
Responsible for collecting the squad dues, paying the coaches,
acting as the pass-through for paying the Organization treasurer
for practice clothes, for paying LHS for camp and for paying the
ii. Responsible for creating and updating a budget which must be
approved by a majority of the parents.
iii. Responsible for providing the Board treasurer with bank
statement copies, bank reconciliations and report of incomes
and expenses on a monthly basis.
e.Website updates,
h.Pictures/end of year video,
Always remember that you serve as a role model for not only your cheerleaders
but also for the parents. You must always be sure your appearance, behavior,
attitude and habits are what we would expect of our Jr. Trojan Cheerleaders.
I, ___________________________, agree to abide by the Jr Trojan
Cheerleading By-Laws and to do my best to cooperate with the Jr. Trojan
Cheerleading Board, my fellow sponsor, the cheerleaders on my squad and the
parents of those girls. I understand that should I be found in repeated violation of
this agreement I will expect to be removed from my sponsor role.
I further agree that should I have the need to resign my position as sponsor, I will
announce such resignation to all of the squad parents as well as the Executive
Board in writing (email is acceptable) as soon as possible, and that I will address
the girls as a group as soon as possible to inform them of my resignation.
___________________________________________ __________
Sponsor Signature
Appendix C - Cheerleader Responsibilities and Agreement Form
Congratulations on becoming a Junior Trojan Cheerleader! It is an honor, a
privilege, and a responsibility to be a cheerleader. Each cheerleader is to
exemplify the highest standards of conduct and good moral character at all time,
especially at school, social functions and games.
1. Duties and Responsibilities
a. Spirit - Cheerleaders will do everything possible to maintain
enthusiasm and school spirit at all athletic events.
b. The cheerleader is responsible to know the cheers and chants. At the
discretion of the sponsors, disciplinary action may include sitting out a
game or event until the cheers and chants are learned.
c. A cheerleader is expected to maintain or better all skills (tumbling)that
she did at tryouts.
d. Attend the LHS Cheer Camp and Choreography Camp.
e. Cheerleaders will cheer at football games and basketball games,
tournaments and other events as designated by the sponsor and
majority vote of the parents.
f. Cheerleaders must attend all practices as planned by the sponsor
and must be dressed in the practice clothes identified by the sponsor.
Cheerleaders must dress out for practice. Extra practices can be called
by the sponsor as needed.
g. Cheerleaders are to be present at the field/gym at least 30 minutes
(or a time designated by the sponsor), prior to the start of a game and
are not to leave until the game is over. They should also be in the
cheer line at the beginning of the second half.
h. No food is allowed while cheering.
i. Girls are strongly encouraged to participate in any board-sponsored
2. Illness or Injury
a. Cheerleaders who are ill must notify the sponsor as soon as is
b. Cheerleaders who are unable to cheer due to injury must attend the
game in full uniform and sit with the sponsor (not in the crowd with
3. Competitions - Cheerleaders will cheer at mainly GSHA competitions.
4. Uniform - All cheerleaders must dress out in full uniform for games, events
and other occasions as designated by the sponsor.
5. Jewelry - There will be absolutely no necklaces, rings, watches, bracelets,
fashion band, earrings, or body jewelry worn during coaching, practicing or
while on duty at games. This is a safety issue. All jewelry must be removed,
not taped over or hidden, this includes newly pierced earrings and cartilage
piercings. Cheerleaders will sit out until all jewelry is removed.
6. Extracurricular Activities - Jr. Trojan Cheerleading will be given priority over
other extracurricular activities. This includes practices.
7. Personal Appearance - All cheerleaders are expected to keep a neat
personal appearance at all times. Uniforms, shoes and other cheerleading
attire are to be clean at all times. Hair styles are to be neat and clean looking no trendy hairdos, hair colors, no feathers, beads or other attachments or
extensions. Nails should be neat, clean, trimmed and filed at the fingertips.
No nail polish is permissible.
8. Behavior - Cheerleaders are expected to behave as part of a team,
respect sponsors and team captains, and respect other members of the
team. Any “bullying” from a cheerleader will result in a warning for the
first offense and removal from the squad for the 2nd offense.
9. Alcohol, drug use and improper behavior - Smoking, drinking, the use of
drugs, or any other inappropriate and improper behavior will not be tolerated at
any time. The Jr. Trojan program follows the Cobb County School District’s
policy regarding drug and alcohol use.
Suspension from School (in school or out of school) for each day a
cheerleader is suspended from school, she will be suspended an equal
number of games or events.
Grade Requirements - a cheerleader receiving 2 F’s on any 9 week
report card is ineligible to cheer for the remaining Jr. Trojan fiscal year. This
complies with the GHSA rules.
To receive the Academic Award at the banquet, the cheerleader must
have all As or A/B Honor Roll with no C’s. Those cheerleaders that receive
straight A’s for the entire season will receive special designation in the banquet
Understanding Football and Basketball - All girls are required to work
with the sponsor to understand the basic rules of the sport you are cheering
Have FUN and support your team!
I, ________________________________________, agree to abide by these
rules. I understand that if I violate the rules, I will be disciplined based on the
discipline program in the by-laws.
Cheerleader’s Signature
Date ______________
Discipline Program (formerly demerits)
The objective of the discipline program is to provide immediate consequences for
failure to follow rules.
a. Late to Practice or Game (includes parent being late picking up from games
and practices)
1. 1st offense – written warning.
2. 2nd offense – sit out the 1st quarter of a game (with sponsor)
3. 3rd offense – sit out an entire game (with sponsor)
4. 4th offense – removed for the rest of the season (can come back for
competition or basketball)
b. Dress code –
1. Cheerleader must sit out for any violations of dress code, including nails,
hair, and jewelry and must correct the violation in order to participate.
2. Consequences are the same as Late to Game or Practice
c. Cheerleaders may miss one game and one practice during the season if the
sponsor is notified in writing as least 2 weeks in advance
d. Unexcused absence – excused absence is illness (with a doctor’s note), a
death in the family, or other excuse if approved by the sponsor in advance.
1. Missing a practice – same as Late to Game or Practice
2. Missing a game – sit out 1st half of the next game (with sponsor)
3. Missing 2 games – removed for the season.
e. Grades –
1. Dismissed from cheerleading responsibilities until the sponsor receives
written notification from the teacher that the grade has been brought up to a
C or better.
2. A cheerleader receiving 2 F’s on any card is ineligible to cheer for an entire
fiscal year.
f. Failure to participate in squad activities – discipline is the same as Late for
Practices or Games
g. Sportsmanship/Conduct – Sponsors will follow the Cobb County guidelines
regarding sportsmanship and conduct
h. Cheerleaders may not participate in practices or cheerleading functions on the
days that they are assigned ISS or OSS. Absences due to ISS or OSS are
unexcused absences which could lead to dismissal from the squad if the
number violates the practice/game requirements.
Appendix D – Parent Responsibilities and Agreement Form
Duties and Responsibilities of Parents
1. Provide transportation for your child to and from all functions
2. Arrive on time for drop offs and pick ups
3. Ensure your child’s attendance at all practices (squad or gym), games and
functions. Special arrangements should be communicated to the sponsor
in the event a special family or religious obligation causes your daughter
to miss an event.
4. Provide your child with the opportunity to improve her skills outside of
squad practices, via group or private lessons for tumbling, stunting or
whatever skills are required for her squad.
5. Financial Responsibilities - Payment of all fees, including but not limited
1. Annual membership fee
2. Uniforms
3. Practice Clothes and shoes
4. Fee for LHS annual camp and Choreography Camp(s)
5. Monthly squad dues
6. Monthly gym fees
7. Banquet cost
8. Competition fees (7th and 8th grade squads)
9. Other costs as voted on by a majority of the parents.
b. Parents must be current on all payments and fees in order to vote on
squad matters.
c. Squad dues and gym fees are due the 1st of the month. A grace period
of five days applies to these charges. Clothing (uniforms, practice
and/or optional items) payment may require a deposit at the time of
order. The balance of these payment in full is due upon delivery of
d. If squad, board or gym fees are more than 5 days delinquent, the
cheerleader cannot participate in squad events, but must attend and sit
with the sponsor.
e. All monies must be paid in full prior to RSVP for the banquet. If not paid
in full neither the child nor the parent may attend the banquet. Anyone
with a balance on their account will not be allowed to tryout for the
following year’s squad
6. Conduct and Behavior – It is our job as parents and involved adults to
teach the girls tolerance, respect, empathy for others and proper behavior
toward others whether we like or dislike them, agree or disagree with
a.Parents must always behave in a positive way (words and deeds)
regarding the Jr. Trojan organization, the schools, the teams and the
girls. We don’t expect parents to always agree with the decisions or
rules of this organization but we do require you to support them or
handle your conflict in accordance with a grievance process
b.Sponsors have authority to set and uphold rules during cheerleading
activities. Unless a girl’s safety is in jeopardy, parents should not
intercede or override a sponsors’ decision.
c.Parents must NEVER confront a sponsor, girl or another parent at an
event where anyone can see or hear you.
I, _________________________________, agree to abide by the guidelines for
parent conduct as outlined in the Jr. Trojan By-Laws. I agree to assume the
financial responsibilities and to support the Jr. Trojan cheerleading program. I
have reviewed the duties and responsibilities for the cheerleaders and agree to
assist my daughter in abiding by these rules and the discipline policy.
Signed __________________________________ Dated
________________Appendix E – LHS Cheerleader Coaches Responsibilities
LHS Cheerleader Coaches Responsibilities
The Lassiter High School Cheerleaders who serve as Jr. Trojan Cheer
Coaches have the following responsibilities:
Show up on time and be prepared for all practices.
Coordinate and run practice.
Maintain a positive attitude about all the girls and the team.
Coach in a positive and uplifting manner remembering that these are still
girls who need to be encouraged and motivated.
5. Teach Cheers
6. Teach Chants
7. Teach Dances for half-time routines
8. Teach basic stunting (if agreed to by parents for 6th grade)
9. Spot basic tumbling (Backhandspring/Tuck) standing only.
10. Notify the sponsor as soon as possible if she is not able to show up at
practice due to illness or other extenuating circumstances.
The coaches should always try to gain the girls’ cooperation and maintain their
focus; however, the sponsor is responsible for maintaining discipline and for
managing any behavior issues at practice.
I agree to the above responsibilities and also agree to maintain a positive attitude
toward individual girls, the squad, the sponsors and the Jr Trojan cheerleading
organization. Coaches will be paid $____________ per _______________.
Cheerleader _________________________________ Date ________________
Sponsor __________________________________ Date _________________
Appendix F- Competition Squad Replacement Cheerleader Statement
Competition Squad Replacement Cheerleader Statement
I, ________________________, agree to the following terms for the ____ grade
level Jr. Trojan Cheerleading football/competition squad for the _______
cheerleading season.
____ I understand that I am a full member of the football/competition
squad for the remainder of the season. I will attend all practices and assume
responsibility for all related expenses. If applicable, I understand that I am
relinquishing my position on the football/basketball squad. I understand that my
season will end at the conclusion of the football season and competitive events.
____ I understand that I am a member of the football/competition squad
as a temporary replacement for another cheerleader due to special
circumstances for an unspecified period of time. I will attend all practices and
assume financial responsibility for all related expenses as determined by the
sponsor and squad treasurer. I understand that I will remain a member of the
football/basketball squad and must fulfill all obligations to the basketball squad
including, but not limited to, all practices and games which do not directly conflict
with the schedule of the competition squad.
Signed ___________________
Date ___________________
As the parent of the above cheerleader, I agree to support her decision and fully
understand its time and financial implications.
Signed ___________________
Date ___________________
Appendix G
Continuing Basketball Squad Cheerleader Agreement
I,____________________________________, agree to the following terms for
the ___ grade level Junior Trojan Cheerleading basketball squad for the
________ cheerleading season.
_____ I understand that I am a full member of the basketball squad for the
remainder of the season. I will attend all practices and assume responsibility for
all related expenses. I also understand that if I do not abide by my decision, I will
forfeit all privileges for the Junior Trojan Cheerleading Season, including
participation in the banquet.
Cheerleader’s signature_____________________________________________
As the parent/guardian of the above cheerleader, I agree to support her decision
and fully understand its time and financial implications.
Parent/Guardian signature___________________________________________
Appendix H – Squad Treasurer and Monthly Report Format
Duties of the Squad Treasurer
The treasurer is the authorized custodian in charge of the funds of the squad.
The treasurer has a fiduciary duty to properly handle and account for the money
entrusted to them by the parents on the squad. The following provides a list of
duties and responsibilities to be carried out by each squad treasurer.
Submit a proposed budget to the sponsor at the start of the season. The
budget must be approved by the majority of the parents. Budget should
be updated and approved as changes in finances warrant.
Keep an accurate and detailed account of all monies received and paid
Keep an accurate account for each cheerleader of the expenses incurred
and the monies received each month. Provide to the parents monthly.
Submit a report each month to the Board and Squad parents detailing the
monthly financial activity, including the balance on hand at the beginning
and end of the month and the amounts received and dispersed for that
month. The treasurer should be prepared to answer all questions
promptly and to have records available for review.
Receive all monies for the account. Receipts should be issued for
amounts of cash received.
Deposit all monies in the bank on a timely basis. Monies should never be
kept at the treasurer’s home for an extended period of time.
Squad funds should not be deposited in the personal account of the
Occasionally it may be necessary for other squad parents to handle
money. Two people should always count the money and both should sign
the receipt to verify the amount. All monies collected should be turned
over to the treasurer without delay.
Pay all bills as authorized. All bills must be paid by check – never by
Never sign a blank check.
Preserve all check requests, receipts, bank statements and canceled
checks and be ready to provide these records to the Board upon request.
The treasurer should be someone other than a sponsor and should be
chosen for the position after careful consideration.
The treasurer should be diligent in making sure all cheerleaders are up to
date on their payments and should inform the sponsors of any concerns
Treasurer must prepare ending financial reports and refund any remaining
money to the parents by April 30th.
The squad uniform rep and treasurer must work together to give a
detailed bill to each parent regarding all the items ordered. This must be
done with the utmost sense of urgency. The parents should be given a
payment due date.
Squad Treasurer Monthly Reporting
Jr. Trojans Xth Grade Cheerleading
200x – 200x Income Statement
Year to Date as of Month, 200x
Example format
Beginning Balance as of mm/dd/yy
Income: (Examples)
Coaching fee deposits
Uniform deposits
Start up money from board
Car Wash/Fundraising
Competition Accrual
(include any other deposits in this section)
Total Income (Beg balance plus deposits)
Expenses: (Examples)
Ck # 1 Cheerleader Coach wages
Ck # 2 Uniform payment
Ck# 3 Supplies for banners
Ck #4 Pizza Party
Ck #5 Bank service charges
(include any other expenses in this section)
Total Expenses
Current Balance (Total Income less Total Expenses)
(This should agree with the balance shown in your
check register )
Footnotes: (explains income and expense items; informs of future expenses)
1. Cheerleader coach wages are $20 per cheerleader for each practice.
2. Bank service charges were incurred for returned checks in the month of Aug.
3. The current bank balance does not reflect a payment of $XXX.xx for our
squad's participation in a competition in January (include any other relevant
explanations of current or future income and expenses in this section)
Date of request:
Make check payable to:
Amount of check:
Note: If item has already been purchased, please attach a receipt to this
form. Otherwise, provide receipt as soon after purchase as possible.
For Treasurer’s Use Only
Date Issued: __________________ Check Number: ______________________
Charge to Budget Item:
Signature of Treasurer:
Reason for Request________________________________
Dollar Amt
Date Due
These funds are to be used only for Cheerleading related expenses.
The Jr. Trojan Cheerleading Board must approve the above
payments. Once approved, the payments will be made by the Board
Treasurer to the designated Payee by the due date.
Date Approved_____________
Board President____________________________
For Treasurer’s Use Only
Date Paid
Check No
Appendix I
Guidelines for Socials
When planning socials or agreeing to participate in socials planned by the boys’
football or basketball teams, keep in mind:
1. How many adults will be in attendance? Boy/girl socials need to be well
chaperoned to avoid problems.
2. Will the coaches and sponsors be attending? If the sponsors are not, another
adult must be designated as the acting sponsor. If the coaches are not
attending, are there sufficient parents from the football/basketball team to
keep everyone in line?
3. What are the hours for the social?
4. Is the cost within the approved budget?
5. Is the area well-lit so that the adults can easily keep track of the kids?
6. Are there sufficient structured activities to keep the event from becoming a
7. Is it clear to the parents what their responsibilities are for staying with their
kids? (ie: is the after-game pizza party a “drop off the girls” event or a “let’s
all go have pizza together” event?)
In the past, the Board has found that pep rallies are difficult at this level because
there are no student “fans” to lead in cheering. It becomes the girls performing
for the boys who may make some parents and girls uncomfortable. In planning
something like this, make sure that the logistics are planned and communicated
to the parents.
The key to a successful social event is to clearly communicate to all the parents
what the expectations are for their involvement and to plan properly to ensure
that enough chaperones are available to ensure the safety of all the kids and to
keep the kids’ behavior in check.
Appendix J
Conflict Resolution
In the event that a parent feels strongly about a rule, situation or other area of
disagreement, the parent should follow the Jr. Trojan grievance process:
a. Approach the sponsor or other parent at a time and place where other
people, especially any of the cheerleaders cannot hear you.
b. Utilize the Jr. Trojans’ By-Laws for guidance about handling the matter.
c. State your objections and your recommended change in a calm and
rational manner.
d. Try to understand the other person’s perspective as well as communicate
your own.
e. Approach the discussion with the attitude of what is best for the girls.
f. If the matter cannot be resolved, contact the squad liaison person and get
her/his opinion.
g. The squad liaison will work with the parties and the Board, if necessary, to
resolve the dispute.
h. If the matter is still not able to be resolved, the party lodging the complaint
shall put the issues in writing and submit it to the President of the Board.
The president will convene a Board meeting where the parties can meet to
present their issues. The majority vote of the Board shall decide the
i. In the event that the issue involves a Board member, s/he will not be
allowed to vote in the decision.
j. The Board decision is final.
k. Failure of parents to abide by the conduct policy could result in one or
more of the following:
1. Suspension from squad activities for the cheerleader
2. Barring the parent from practices, games competitions and other
official events.
3. Actual dismissal of the cheerleader from the squad.
Appendix K – Project plans
(See excel file Jr. Trojan project plans.xls)