7 Science Contracts for Week 6: Seed Plants (Unit C, Sections 3.3 & 3.4) Choice 1: Describe and diagram plants. Must show: 1. Get outside and find 5 samples of seeds in your area. 2. Collect two of the seeds. 3. One seed we will attempt to grow the other should be cut in half. 4. Classify the plant by its description. 5. Describe the parts of the seed half and compare the seeds. 6. Compare and contrast the plant the seed comes from. Seventh Grade Science Contract Week Six Choice One Rubric 1-Developing 2-Accomplished 3-Exemplary Knowledge Target: Understand how we use processes of classification and organization to help understand the diversity of living things Reasoning Target: Analyze a living organism and identify the four characteristics that make this an organism. Reasoning Target: Evaluate trends (speciation) cross classes of organisms Can list the four characteristics of living things. Describes the four characteristics of plants organisms in general. Analyzes the four characteristics of each individual plant. Classifies by Kingdom or Phylum Can classify by Order or Class Can classify each by traits that set this multicellular organism’s genus or species apart from others. Compares plants and seeds collected. Compares and contrasts plants and seeds collected. Compares and contrasts plants and seeds collected. Analyzes how these adaptations benefit the plant species. Choice 2: Survey of our plant use. Must show: 1. Chronicle all of the things that we use that come from plants. 2. How do we use these things? 3. What types of plants and where do these plants come from? 4. What is the effect of our use of these plants? Seventh Grade Science Contract Week Six Choice Two Rubric 1-Developing 2-Accomplished 3-Exemplary Knowledge Target: Understand how we use processes of classification and organization to help understand the diversity of living things Reasoning Target: Can list the four characteristics of living things. Describes the four characteristics of plants organisms in general. Analyzes the four characteristics of each individual plant. Classifies by Kingdom Can classify by Order or Can classify each by Analyze a living organism and identify the four characteristics that make this an organism. Reasoning Target: Evaluate trends (speciation) cross classes of organisms or Phylum Class traits that set this multicellular organism’s genus or species apart from others. Compares plants. Compares and contrasts plants. Compares and contrasts plants. Analyzes how these adaptations benefit the plant species.